Official Journals
THE CITY RECORD. OFFICIAL JOURNALS. VOL. XXIII. NEW YORK, THURSDAY, AUGUST 29, 1895- NUMBER 6, 786. BOARD OF ALDERMEN. Resolved, That permission be and the same is hereby given to Margaret Smith to lay a con- STATED MEETING. crete or cement sidewalk from house to curb in front of her premises No. 708 Tremont avenue TUESDAY, August 27, 1895, 1 o'clock P. M. (which are twenty feet front), material to be furnished and work done at her own expense and The Board met in room No. 16, City Hall. under the direction of the Commissioner of Street Improvements of the Twenty-third and Twenty- PRESENT: fourth Wards. Johneroloman, President, Aldermen John P. Windolph, Vice-President, Nicholas T. Brown, Which was laid over. William E. Burke, Thomas M. Campbell, William Clancy, Thomas Dwyer, Christian Goetz, The President laid before the Board the following message from his Honor the Mayor Elias Goodman, Frank J. Goodwin, Joseph T. Hackett, Benjamin E. Hall, Jeremiah Kennefick, CITY OF NEW YORK-OFFICE OF THE MAYOR, August 20, 1895. Francis J. Lantry, Frederick L. Marshall, Robert Muh, John J. Murphy, Andrew A. Noonan, To the Honorable the Board of Aldermen: John T. Oakley, John J. O'Brien, William M. K. Olcott, Charles A. Parker, Rufus R. Randall, GENTLEMEN-I return herewith, without approval, resolution of your Honorable Body to lay Andrew Robinson, Joseph Schilling, Henry L. School, William Tait, Charles Wines, Collin H. mater-mains in One Hundred and Sixty-fourth street, from Railroad avenue, West, to Morris ave- Woodward, Jacob C. Wund. nue, on the ground that a similar resolution was approved by me on March 21, 1895, and bids for The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
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