BOARD OF ALDERMEN. tion of the Commissioner of Public Works ; such permission to continue only during the pleasure of STATED MEETING. the Common Council. TUESDAY, October 8, 1895, I o'clock P. M. FREDERICK A. WARE, BENJAMIN E. HALL, JACOB C. WUND, RUFUS R. The Board met in Room t6, City Hall. RANDALL, Committee on Law Department. PRESENT: The President put the question' whether the Board would agree to accept said report. Which Hon. John Jeroloman, President. was decided in the affirmative. Aldermen John P. Windolph, Vice-President, William E. Burke, William Clancy, Thomas Alderman Burke raised the point of order that the reports of the Committee on Lamps and Dwyer, Christian Goetz, Elias Goodman, Frank J. Goodwin, Joseph T. Hackett, Benjamin E. Gas, which had been adopted on roll-call, must lay over for five clays. Hall, Jeremiah Kennefick, Francis Lantry, Frederick L. Marshall, Robert Muh, Andrew A. And the President ruled that the point of order was well taken. J. Alderman Goodman appealed from the decision of the Chair. Noonan, John T. Oakley, John J. O'Brien, William M. K. Olcott, Charles A. Parker, Rufus R. Randall, Andrew Robinson, Joseph Schilling, Henry L. School, William Tait, Frederick A. Ware, The President put the question, "Shall the decision of the Chair stand as the decision of this Charles Wines, Collin H. Woodward, Jacob C. Wund. Board?" Which was decided in the negative by the following vote : The minutes of the last two meetings were read and approved. Affirmative—Aldermen Burke, Clancy, Dwyer, Goodwin, Kennefick, Lantry, Muh, Noonan, O'Brien, Tait, and Wund—I t. REPORTS. Negative—The Vice-President, Aldermen Goetz, Goodman, Hackett, Ifall, Marshall, Olcott, The Committee on Lamps and Gas, to whom was referred he annexed resolution in favor Parker, Randall, Robinson, Schilling, School, Ware, Wines, and Woodward-15. of erecting three lamp-posts and street-lamps in front of Grace M. E. Church, respectfully Excused—The President—i. REPORT: The Committee on Finance, to whom was referred the annexed petition of the Webster Free That, having examined the subject, they believe the proposed improvement to be necessary. Library, and of citizens of New York interested in it, respectfully They therefore recommend that the said resolution and ordinance be adopted. REPORT: Resolved, That three lamp-posts be erected and street-lamps placed thereon and lighted in That, having examined the subject, they recommend the adoption of the following reso- front of Grace M. E. Church, on the north side of West One Hundred and Fourth street, lution : between Columbus and Amsterdam avenues, under the direction of . the Commissioner of Public Resolved, That the Board of Estimate and Apportionment be and they are hereby respectfully Works. requested to appropriate to the Webster Free Library the sum of two thousand dollars for the JOSEPH SCHILLING, JOSEPH T. HACKETT, ELIAS GOODMAN, ANDREW A. support of said library and purchase of books for same. NOONAN, Committee on Lamps and Gas. WILLIAM M. K. OLCOTT, FREDERICK L. MARSHALL, JOHN P. WINDOLPH, The President put the question whether the Board would agree to accept said report and adopt ROBERT MU 1, FRANK J. GOODWIN, Committee on Finance. said resolution. Which was decided in the affirmative by the following vote : The President put the question whether the Board would agree to accept said report and adopt Affirmative—The President, the Vice-President, Aldermen Burke, Dwyer, Goetz, Goodman, said resolution. Which was decided in the affirmative. Goodwin, Hackett, Hall, Kennefick, Lantry, Marshall, Muh, Noonan, Parker, Randall, Robin- son, Schilling, School, Tait, Ware, Wines, Woodward, and Wund-24. At the last meeting of this Board your Law Committee was directed to communicate with the Board of Police Commissioners in relation to the ordinances referring to sidewalk legislation, The Committee on Lamps and Gas, !o whom was referred the annexed resolution in favor of and your Committee beg leave to erecting two lamps in front of Vermyle Chapel, Nos. 416 to 418 West Fifty-fourth street, REPORT respectfully as follows : REPORT: On Thursday, October 4, 1895, your Committee conferred with the Board of Police Commis- That, having examined the subject, they believe the proposed improvement to be necessary. sioners at Police Headquarters, and after a lengthy and thorough presentation of the subject the They therefore recommend that the said resolution and ordinance be adopted. Board of Police Commissioners, at the request of your Committee, agreed upon the following instruc- Resolved, That two lamp-posts he erected and street-lamps placed thereon and lighted in front tions to the Chief of the Police Department : of Vermyle Chapel, Nos. 416 and 418 West Fifty-fourth street, under the direction of the Commis- After the 15th of October all stands for the sale offruit, soda-water, newspapers and periodicals sioner of Public Works. must be of the regulation size and must have licenses from the Board of Aldermen, save that we JOSEPH SCHILLING, JOSEPH T. HACKETT, ELIAS GOODMAN, ANDREW will accept until November 15, in lieu of a license, an official card showing that an application for A. NOONAN, Committee on Lamps and Gas. a license has been filed with the Clerk of the Board of Aldermen. After the r5th of November only The President put the question whether the Board would agree to accept said report and a natural permit will be received. adopt said resolution. Which was decided in the affirmative by the following vote : As regards show-cases and all emblematic signs and stands of bootblacks under the staircases Affirmative—The President, the Vice-President, Aldermen Burke, Clancy, Dwyer, Goetz, of the elevated railroads and within the stoop-line, concerning which the Board of Aldermen has Goodman, Goodwin, Hackett, Hall, Kennefick, Lantry, Marshall, Muh, Noonan, Oakley, Parker, assumed that it has power, which power there seems to be reason for doubting, will not be inter- Randall, Robinson, Schilling, School, Tait, Ware, Wines, Woodward, and \tiund-26. fered with until January, so that the Legislature shall have an opportunity to declare by law The Committee on Lamps and Gas, to whom was referred the annexed resolution in favor of whether or not the Aldermen have the power they claim. The Law Committee of the Board of erecting four additional lamp-posts and street-lamps in front of the Free Church of St. Mary the Aldermen claim that they have the power now. The Corporation Counsel, however, does not so Virgin, respectfully advise the Mayor, and it is in view of this condition of affairs and of the fact that many persons REPORT: have invested all of their little savings in these stands, under the belief that they had the right to That, having examined the subject, they believe the proposed improvement to be necessary. conduct the business as they are now conducting it, that the Board of Police takes this action. They therefore recommend that the said resolution and ordinance be adopted. Newspaper stands under the elevated stairs are included in this provision. Resolved, That (4) four additional lamp-pests be erected, street-lamps placed thereon and The provisions of the present ordinance as to these show-cases, etc., notably the provision lighted in front of the Free Church of St. Mary the Virgin, two to be placed in front of the entrance limiting them to within three feet of the house-line, shall, of course, be rigidly enforced. on Forty-sixth street and two in front of the entrance on Forty-seventh street, under the direction This provision shall apply to coal-bins and shipping-booths. of the Commissioner of Public Works. This stipulates, however, that the above simply indicates the lines upon which the Board of JOSEPH SCHILLING, JOSEPH T. HACKETT, ANDREW A. NOONAN, ELIAS Police Commissioners will act, and any attempt of any kind to fraudulently take advantage of the GOODMAN, Committee on Lamps and Gas. same will be punished with severity. The President put the question whether the Board would agree to accept said report and adopt said resolution. Which was decided in the affirmative by the following vote : The Committee on Law Department desire to acknowledge the extremely courteous manner Affirmative—The President, the Vice-President, Aldermen Burke, Dwyer, Goetz, Goodman, in which they were received, and ask that the thanks of this Board be tendered to the Board of Goodwin, Hackett, Hall, Kennelick, Lantry, Marshall, Muh, Noonan, Oakley, O'Brien, Parker, Police Commissioners for their consideration and liberality in granting all of the requests of the Randall, Rot,inson, Schilling, School, Tait, Ware, Wines, Woodward, and Wund-26. Board of Aldermen. FREDERICK A. WARE, BENJAMIN E. HALL, JACOB C. WUND, JOHN T. OAKLEY, (G. 0. 497 ) RUFUS R. RANDALL, Committee on Law Dep.trtment. The Committc- on Street Pavements, to whom was referred the annexed resolution relative to Alderman Noonan moved to amend by striking out the following words, "and ask that the making a test of the merits of Australian wood pavement, respectfully thanks of this Board be tendered to the Board of Police Commissioners for their consideration and REPORT: liberality in granting all of the requests of the Board of Aldermen." That, having examined the subject and considered the communication hereto annexed, they The President put the question whether the Board would agree with said amendment. believe a trial of said pavement might have beneficial results. They therefore recommend that the Which was decided in the negative by the following vote : said resolution be adopted. Affirmative—Aldermen Burke, Clancy, Goodwin, Kennefick, Lantry, Noonan, O'Brien, Olcott, Whereas, Mr. Alfred Marks, representing a syndicate, is willing to pave, free of expense, a School, and Tait—to. portion of any street in this city with West Australian blocks, made of wood known as °° Karri" Negative—The President, the Vice-President, Aldermen Dwyer, Goetz, Goodman, Hackett, and Hall, Marshall, Muh, Oakley, Parker, Randall, Robinson, Schilling, Ware, Wines, Woodward, Whereas, The Commissioner of Public \Yorks, on recommendation of the Water Purveyor, and Wund— 18. Mr. Edward P. North, is in favor of a test which will demonstrate the utility and practicability of The President then put the question whether the Board would agree to accept said report said West Australian wood pavement ; therefore and adopt said resolution. Which was decided in the affirmative by the following vote : Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby requested and author- Affirmative —The President, Aldermen Clancy, Dwyer, Goodman, Hackett, Hall, Kennefick, ized to permit Mr. Alfred Marks to pave a portion of a street with Australian wood pavement, the Lantry. Muh, Oakley, O'Brien, Olcott, Parker, Randall, Robinson, Schilling, School, Tait,. street to be designated by the Commissioner of Public Works, and the work to be under the super- Ware, Wines, Woodward, and Wund-22. vision and direction of said Commissioner, it being understood and agreed that the foundation for Negative—Aldermen Burke, Goodwin, and Noonan-3. said pavement being prepared by the City, the expense of paving thereon be borne entirely by Mr. Alderman Goodman moved that the Clerk be directed to send marked copies of the CITY Alfred Marks or the parties he represents. RECORD containing this report to all organized bodies interested therein. JOSEPH 'I'. HACKETT, CHARLES WINES, THOMAS M. CAMPBELL, CHRISTIAN The President put the question whether the Board would agree with said motion. Which GOETZ, JOSEPH SCHILLING, COLLIN H. WOODWARD, Committee on Street Pave- was decided in the affirmative by the following vote : ments. Affirmative—The President, Aldermen Clancy, Dwyer, Goodman, Hackett, Hall, Kennefick, The President put the question whether the Board would agree to accept said report and Lantry, Muh, Noonan, Oakley, Olcott, Parker, Randall, Robinson, Schilling, School, Tait, adopt said resolution. Which was decided in the affirmative by the following vote : Ware, Wines, Woodward, and Wunci-22. Affirmative — The President, the Vice-President, Aldermen Dwyer, Goetz, Goodman, Alderman Olcott moved that the courtesies of the floor be extended to the Hon. Abraham Goodwin, Hackett, Hall, Kennefick, Marshall, Muh, Randall, Robinson, Schilling, School, Ware, Gruber. Wines, Woodward, and Wund—ig. The President put the question whether the Board would agree with said motion. Which Negative—Aldermen Burke, Clancy, Lantry, Noonan, Oakley, O'Brien, Parker, and Tait-8. was decided in the affirmative. Subsequently Alderman Lantry moved that the vote by which the report of the Committee COMMUNICATIONS. on Street Pavements was adopted be reconsidered, inasmuch as it required a three-fourths vote to The President laid before the Board the following communication from the United Bootblacks'' authorize an expenditure of money. Protective League : The President put the question whether the Board would agree with said motion. Which To the Honorable President and Board of Aldermen of the City of New York.- was decided in the affirmative. The United Bootblacks' Protective League, in mass-meeting assembled on Monday, the 7th day The report was then laid over. of October, 1895, at No. 64 South Washington Square, unanimously adopted the following resolu- The Committee on Law Department, to whom was referred the annexed resolution in favor tion : of granting permits for the erection of booths, etc., respectfully " Resolved, That we extend our sincere thanks to the Board of Aldermen for their thoughtful REPORT: sympathy and assistance to us in our efforts to conduct our business with the full protection of the That, having examined the subject, they find that the Board has no power in the premises to grant law, and our grateful appreciation of their kindly interest." permits, but that, by resolution of the Board of Police Commissioners, said booths will not be inter- GAETANO P. CAGGIANO, President, No. 26 Cedar street. fered with if already erected until the Legislature has had an opportunity to frame a law to legalize Which was ordered on file. REPORTS RESUMED. such matters. Resolved, That permission be and the same is hereby given to Charles A. McGee to place and The Committee on County Affairs, to whom was referred the various communications, petitions keep a booth for shipping purposes on the sidewalk within the stoop-line in front of the premises and resolutions relating to the occupancy of Room 13 (now occupied by the City Library), would Nos. 75 and 77 Crosby street, the owner thereof having consented thereto, provided said booth respectfully shall not exceed the dimensions prescribed by law, six feet in length, four feet in width and ten REPORT: feet high, the work to be done at his own expense, under the direction of the Commissioner of Pub- That they have held public hearings regarding the matters in issue, and carefully considered lic Works; such permission to continue only during the pleasure of the Common Council.- same, and find the following facts, viz. : Resolved, That permission be and the same is hereby given to William Gallagher to place and That Room r t has for some years been occupied as Chambers and Special Term room by keep a news stand within the stoop-line in front of the Tombs building on Centre street, about fifty the Judges of the City Court. feet south of Franklin street, the work to be done at his own expense, under the direction of the That said room is wholly inadequate in size for the accommodation of those obliged to transact Commissioner of Public Works; such permission to continue only during the pleasure of the Com- court business therein ; that it cannot be properly ventilated, and for that reason has been a serious mon Council. menace to the health of the judges and the public using the same. That for the foregoing reason Resolved, That permission be and the same is hereby given to Frank C. Nugent to place and the use of said Room ii for Special Term and Chambers has been abandoned, and the room for- keep a sign within the stoop-line in front of his premises, No. 134 Water street, said sign not to merly used as Trial Term, Part Three. This causes great delay to the litigants and leaves one of exceed four feet long by three feet wide, the work to be done at his own expenese, under the direc- the judges without quarters in which to hold court. 2966 T H F CITY RECORD. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1o, 1895.

Your Committee also find that the books in the City Library can be transported to the rooms forever, upon condition that the terms and stipulations in said resolution contained are forever here. to the east and west of the main Governor's room and can be placed therein without interference after fully complied with by said parties of the second part." with the present use of such rooms for the display of works of art and historical relics, your Com- 3. That your petitioner desires to sell the said plot of land in ord,:r to pay for the erection and mittee believes that such removal of the library would tend to its great benefit and simultaneously completion of new hospital buildings upon the property which it has bought between Mornmgside relieve the pressing needs of the City Court, which renders very valuable public service. avenue, Amsterdam avenue, One Hundred and Thirteenth street and One Hundred and Fourteenth In view of the foregoing findings your Committee recommend the adoption of the following street, in the City of New York, and that it has entered into contracts for the sale of certain parcels of resolution, to wit the said plot of land, but that some question has arisen as to its right to convey the Same forother than Resolved, That the room now occupied by the City Library be and the same is hereby as,igned hospital uses on the ground that the deed last above mentioned, although it contains words of release, to the use of the City Court for the holding of Special Term and Chambers, and the Commissioner does not specifically release the plot in question from the conditions and covenants imposed by the first of Public \Works is hereby requested to prepare the room for such use. deed by the Corporation to the Rector, Church Wardens and Ve~trymeu of the Anglo-American Resolved, That the rooms immediately east and west of the main Governor's room be and Free Church of St. George the Martyr, in the Diocese of New York. Your petitioner is advised they are hereby assigned to the use of the City Library and the books and documents contained that this objection is not well taken ; that the deed from the City to your petitioner operated as therein, and the Commiss'.oner of Public Works is hereby requested to prepare such rooms for such a release of the said conditions and covenants and that the title of your petitioner to the property occupancy in such a way as not to interfere with their present uses, and to transfer the books and in question is made perfect by adverse possession. Your petitioner, however, is desirousof avoiding documents contained in said City Library to said rooms. the expense and delay of a law suit to determine these questions. BENJAMiN E. HALL, FRANCIS J. LANTRY, JOHN T. OAKLEY, JOHN P. 4. The removal of your petitioner from its present site will be of great advantage to the City WINI'OLPH, WILLIAM M. K. LLCOT I', Committee on County Affairs. for the following reasons : Alderman Hall moved that the report of the Committee on County Affairs be placed on the (a) Your petitioner's present hospital is antiquated and inadequate for its needs and your calendar of Special Orders, petitioner finds it impossible to carry on its great and beneficent work without much greater facili- The President put the question whether the Board would agree with said motion. Which was ties, which it will be unable to acquire unless it can sell its present site, the price of which is decided in the affirmative. necessary to meet the heavy disbursements incidental to removal and the completion of suitable The Committee on Street Cleaning, to whom was referred the annexed resolution in favor of buildings at Morningside, which are now in course of erection. requesting the Commissioner of Street Cleaning to test the Gordon Street Sweeping Machine (b) As long as it remains the property of your petitioner the plot in question is exempt from respectfully taxation. Its sale, therefore, will increase the taxable valuation of the real estate of the City by REPORT: upwards of two million dollars. This will be an absolute gain to the City, for the property at That, having examined the subject, they believe such a test might have beneficial results. Morningside, having been purchased by your petitioner in 1892, is already exempt from taxation They therefore recommend that the said resolution be adopted. by virtue of the provisions of subdivision 8 of section 824 of chapter 410 of the Laws of 1882, coin_ Resolved, That the Commissioner of Street Cleaning be and he is hereby requested to accept monly called the Consolidation Act. from the Gordon Str et Sweeping Company one of their street sweeping machines, for the purpose It is further submitted that your petitioner, on account of its many free beds and great charita- of making a thorough test of its utility and efficiency ; provided the said machine is furnished with- ble work, is deserving of the assistance of the Corporation. Moreover, although the land in ques_ out any cost whatever to the City, and can be used for the purpose indicated for a period of one tion cease to be actually used for hospital purposes, the proceeds thereof will be devoted to such month at least. uses, and the sale of the Fifty-fourth street site and purchase of the Morningside site is to all intents CHRISTIAN GOETZ, CHARLES WINES, ELIAS GOODMAN, ROBERT MUH, Com- and purposes not so much a disposal of the plot in question as its removal from a part of the city mittee on Street (:leaning, which is becoming so crowded and where land is in so great demand that it would be impossible The President put the question whether the Board would agree to accept said report and for your petitioner to obtain the room necessary for its increased needs to a part of the *city much adopt said resolution. Which was decided in the affirmative by the following vote : better adapted to its work, and where it has already acquired a site which is eminently suitable. Affirmative-The President, the Vice-President, Aldermen Goodman, Hackett, Hall, Kenne- Wherefore, Your petitioner prays that the Common Council pass a resolution directing the City fick, Marshall, Muh, Olcott, Parker, Randall, Robinson, School, Ware, Wines, and Woodward authorities to execute to your petitioner a release and quit-claim of the plot in question, in a -t6. form to be approved by the Counsel to t'~e Corporation, releasing the said plot front the condi- Negative-Aldermen Burke, Clancy, Dwyer, Goodwin, Lantry, Noonan, Oakley, Tait, and tions and covenants imposed by the first deed thereof to the Rector, Church Wardens and Vestrymen \Vund-g. of the Anglo-American Free Church of St. George the Martyr, in the Diocese of New York, and PETITION'S. referred to and renewed in the second deed to the same parties. By Alderman Olcott- Dated NEW YORK, October 8, 1895. 2' the Honorable Me Common Council of the City of New York. S.F. LUKE'S HOSPITAL, by GEO. MACCULLOCH NIILLER, President. The petition of St. Luke's Hospital respectfully showeth : J. P. MORGAN, JR., Secretary. I. That your petitioner is a benevolent corporation of the State of New York, incorporated Whereas, A certain piece and parcel of land situated on , between Fifty-fourth under the Act of 1848, entitled " An Act for the incorporation of benevolent, charitable, scientific and Fifty-fifth streets, being part of the block known and distinguished as Block Number Seventy- and missionary societies," and the acts amendatory thereof and supplementary thereto, and that it three (73) of the Common Lauds, was heretofore granted by the ltlayor, Aldermen and Commonalty is the owner in fee of certain real estate in the City of New York, bounded on the east by Fifth of the City of New York, by deed dated May io, IS48, and recorded in the Register's office May avenue, on the north by Fifty-fifth street, on the west by a line distant three hundred feet westerly 12, 1848, Liber 507 of Conveyances, page i, wherein and whereby the said property was conveyed from Fifth avenue and drawn parallel thereto and on the south by Fifty-fourth street. to the Rector, Church Wardens and Vestrymen of the Anglo-American Free Church of St. George 2. That your petitioner's title to the said premises is derived from the Mayor, Aldermen and the Martyr, in the Diocese of New York, upon certain conditions therein set forth, and subsequently Commonalty of the City of New York, as follows : thereto a further deed was executed by the City, dated and proved March t6, 1852, and recorded By deed dated May to, 1848, and recorded in the Register'sOffce, May t2, 1848, in Liber 5o7 in the Register's office March 8, 1853, in Liber 631 of Conveyances, at page 56, correcting a mis- of Conveyances, page t, the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York description in the former deed, and again conveying the said part of Lot Number Seventy-three of conveyed the plot in question to the Rector, Church Wardens and Vestrymen of the Anglo- the Common Lands to the Rector, Church Wardens and Vestrymen. of the Anglo-American Free American Free Church of St. George the Martyr, in the Diocese of New York. This deed recites Church of St. George the Martyr, by a correct description, upon the same conditions ; and that the parties of the first part have heretofore consented to convey to the parties of the second Whereas, Thereafter on the petition of said Church of St. George the Martyr, and pursuant to part the premises granted for the purposes and upon the conditions after mentioned ; that the a resolution of the Common Council, a further deed of conveyance was made by the Mayor, Alder- Rector, Church Wardens and Vestrymen of Trinity Church, in the City of New York, in considera- men and Commonalty to St. Luke's Hospital, conveying the said plot of land to said Hospital on tion of the said grant, have by their indenture of even date, released and quit-claimed to the parties condition that said St. Luke's Hospital should procure the consent thereto, in writing, of the Rector, of the first part all their right, title and interest in law and equity, in and to the block of land Church Wardens and Vestrymen of Trinity Church, in the City of New York, under their seal, bounded by 1Vashington, West, Duane and Reade streets, in the City of New York, and thereupon and should deposit the same with the Comptroller of the City of New York, and should execute tc in consideration of the premises and of one dollar gives, grants, aliens, releases and confirms the the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York an instrument covenanting that said parcel of land, describing it as part of the block known and distinguished as Block No. 73 of said building shall be erected and completed within two years from the passage of the resolutions the common lands, and as being bounded 11 easterly by the Fifth avenue, southwardly by Fftty- by the Common Council, and should constitute and appoint the Mayor and the Presidents of the third street, northwardly by Fifty-fourth street and westwardly by a line drawn three hundred feet two Boards of the Common Council ex-officio members of the Board of Trustees and Managers of west of Fifth avenue and parallel thereto." The habendum in fee " for the uses and purposes the said hospital ; and hereinafter provided, to wit : provided always and these presents are upon this express condition, Whereas, Said last named conditions have been fully complied with, but it is claimed that the that the said parties of the second part, their successors and assigns, shall and do, within three years conditions contained in the deeds from the City to the Angio-American Free Church of St. George from the date hereof, erect upon the said ground so conveyed to them a suitable building or build- the Martyr are still binding upon St. Luke's Hospital ; a.,d ings for a hospitable and chapel for the accommodation of British emigrants ; the plan of said Whereas, Said St. Luke's Hospital desires to sell the said plot of land in order to pay for the buildings to be approved by the Mayor of the said city ; and that the said parties of the second part, erection and completion of new hospital buildings upon certain block of land it has bought theirsuccessors and assigns, shall and do foreverhereaftet use and apply the premiseshereby granted between Mdrningside avenue, Amsterdam avenue, One Hundred and Thirteenth street and One for the purpose of the hospital and chapel. Iu default or failure of which conditions, or either Hundred and Fourteenth streets, in the City of New York ; and of them, or in case the land hereby granted shall cease to be used as and for the purposes of Whereas, It is deemed advisable, in the interests of the City, to release the plot in question from the said hospital and chapel for the accommodation of British emigrants,fthis Ppresent convey- the conditions and covenants imposed by the said deeds from the City to the Rector, Church ance and every matter and clause herein contained shall be null and void ; and the said parties Wardens and Vestrymen of the Anglo-American Free Church of St. George the Martyr, in the of the first part and their successors or assigns may re-enter into the said land hereby granted Diocese of New York. and every part thereof, and hold and enjoy the same as of their former estate therein, anything Resolved, That the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York hereby release herein contained to the contrary in anywise notwithstanding." to said St. Luke's Hospital, and its successors and aasigns, the conditions and covenants contained in The description in this deed incorrectly describes part of the block No. 73 of the common the deed front the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York to the Rector, lands thereby conveyed as bounded southwardly by Fifty-third street instead of Fifty-fourth Church Wardens and Vestrymen of the Anglo-American Free Church of St. George the Martyr, in street, and northwardly by Fifty-fourth street instead of Fifty-fifth street. By resolution of the the Diocese of New York, dated May io, 1848, and recorded in the Register's office May 12, 1848, Board of Aldermen passed May 12, 1851, concurred in by the Board'of Assistant Aldermen May in Liber 507 of Conveyances, at page I, and in the deed from the Mayor, Aldermen and Common- 19, i85 r, and approved by the Mayor May 20, t85 r, the Corporation Counsel was directed to prepare alty of the City of New York to the Rector, Church Wardens and Vestrymen of the Anglo-Amer- the necessary papers to correct these errors, and a deed was executed by the City, dated and ican Free Church of St. George the Martyr, in time Diocese of New York, dated and proved March proved March t6, 1852, and recorded in the Register's Office March 8, 1853, in Ltber 631 of t6, 1852, and recorded in the Register's office March 8, 1853, in Liber 631 of Conveyances, at page Conveyances, page 56, and also recorded in the Comptroller's Office in Book A of Deeds, 56 ; and page 369, again conveying the said part of lot No. 73 of the common lands to the Rector, Resolved, That a deed of quit-claim and release be executed from the Mayor, Aldermen and Church Wardens and Vestrymen of the Anglo-American Free Church of Saint George Commonalty of the City of New York to St. Luke's Hospital of the property on Fifth avenue, the Martyr by a correct description, upon all the '1 provisoes, conditions, acts, performance and between Fifty-fourth and Fifty-fifth streets, now belonging to said St. Luke's Hospital, and stipulations on their part," contained to the former deed. By the same resolution, approved May described in the deed from the City to said St. Luke's Hospital, dated November 20, 1852, proved 20, 1851, the time fixed by the Common Council to enable the Anglo-American Free Church of St. January 3, 1853, and recorded in the Register's office March 8, 1853, in Liber 631 of Conveyances, George the Martyr to build its hospital and chapel was extended for two additional years, from at page 59 ; said deed to be executed under the seal and in the name of the City by the Mayor and May it 1851. Aldermen of the City and County of New York. In or about the month of August, 1851, the said Church of St. George the Martyr presented to Alderman Olcott moved that the further reading of the petition be dispensed with, and that the Common Council of the City of New York a petition dated August I, 1851, stating that the the same be published in full in the CITY RECORD. incorporation of St. Luke's Hospital, your said petitioner, had made proposals to the said church The President put the question whether the Board would agree with said motion. Which by which its object would be to a great extent secured. That the said church was desirous of was decided in the affirmative. having the said parcel of land transferred to your petitioner, and that the corporation of Trinity By Alderman Goetz- Church consented to and approved of such transfer and praying that the parcel of land "so agreed To the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalfy of the City of New York, Greeting: to be transferred " to it might be "conveyed and granted to " your petitioner. This application The undersigned petitioners of the City of New York respectfully represent- was referred to the Committee on the Law Department of the Board of Aldermen, which reported First-That they are compelled by law to pay for a license to the City for the privilege of that, as St. Luke's Hospital was to be open to the indigent poor of all nations, the prayer of the carrying on business as venders and push-cart peddlers. petition should be granted, and that " it should to some extent be under the supervision of the City Second-That the ordinance under which this license is granted does not permit them "to authorit;es, which may be done by making the Mayor and the Presidents of the two Boards of the stop, rest or encumber any street, avenue or highway for a longer period than ten minutes, and Common Council ex officio members of the Board of Trustees or Managers of said Hospital, and then only while engaged in making sales." that said buildings should be erected within a certain specific period." The action of the Board Third-That said regulation is unjust, oppressive and impossible of complete and equal of Aldermen was concurred in by the Board of Assistants, and the application resulted in the pass- enforcement, inconsistent with the regular course of business and impossible to comply with. age by the Common Council of the following resolutions : Fourth-That, in consequence of said regulation, they are constantly subjected to arrest and "Resolved, That the piece, parcel or plot of ground situated on the Fifth avenue, between fines which they cannot afford to pay, and to persecution by the police, to which, as law-abiding Fifty-fourth and Fifty-fifth streets, and heretofore agreed to be granted to the Rector, Wardens and citizens, engaged in legitimate business, they should not be subjected. Vestrymen of the Church of St. George the Martyr, be transferred to the incorporation of St. Luke's Wherefore, The undersigned request your Honorable Body to so amend said ordinance as will Hospital, on their procuring the assent thereto in writing of the Rector, Church Wardens and permit them to stand upon the street with their carts while engaged in vending wares and Vestrymen of Trinity Church, in the City of New York, under their seal, and depositing the same merchandise, without limit of time or other restriction than that they shall not inconvenience the with the Comptroller of the City of New York, and executing to the Mayor, Aldermen and Com- public traffic, nor remain located in front of stores, houses or other buildings on being notified by monalty of the City of New York an instrument covenanting that such building shall be erected owners or tenants thereof of their objection or disapproval. and completed within two years from the passage of these resolutions, in default of which said Respectfully submitted, lands shall revert to the City, and will constitute and appoint the Mayor and the Presidents of the two Frank Bros., 66 . Spire & Co., 70 East . Boards of the Common Council ex officio, for the time being, members of the Board of Trustees Gomprecht & Lehman, 43 Mercer street. Osman & Lockwood, 64 East Broadway. and Managers of the said Hospital. Antonino Pipitone, 183 James Slip. N. Cohen & Co., 62 East Broadway. "Resolved, That the Comptroller be charged with carrying into effect these resolutions." Leon Wilder & Son, 86 East Broadway. M. M. Bloomgarden, 6o East Broadway. These resolutions were passed by the Board of Assistant Aldermen on November 17 and by Samuel Wilder, 66 East io4th street. M. Chapkousky & Sons, 36 East Broadway. the Board of Aldermen November IS, and were approved by the Mayor November 2o, 1851. Aaron Abrams, 39-. Rogge Eisenstein, 43 East Broadway. Thereupon the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty made a deed to your petitioner, reciting the L. Kommel, 82 East Broadway. Harris Elias & Sons, 65 East Broadway. said resolution, that the terms and conditions mentioned therein had~been fully complied with, and Sydney & Rosenthal, 76 East Broadway. Muenthal & Rudmore, 8t East Broadway. in consideration of the premises and of one dollar, granting, bargaining, selling, aliening remising, L. Fineman, 94 East Broadway. Kosren & Fine, 13o East Broadway. releasing, conveying and confirming the said plot of land, properly describing it, "to stave and to Saul Bros., t 12 East Broadway. D. Bloom. 75 . hold all and singular the above-mentioned and described premises, together with the appurten- M. Weisman & Sons, gq East Broadway. Goldberg & Zuckerman, I21 Canal street. attces, unto the said parties of the second part" (your petitioner) "their successors and assigns L. Stacy, 91 East Broadway. Frank Lewis, 128 Canal street. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1895. THE CITY RECORD, 2967

S. Cooper, 36 . George Allison & Co., 298 Washington street. Meyer Billowkofsky, 37,144 . Edgar C. Gedney, 228-230 . Shapiro Co., Rapoport, 158 . Ellis & Murray, 57 Little West 12th street. H. Finkelstein, 9 East Broadway. Frank Briggolarer, 289 Washington street. Max Opolinsky, 45 Allen street. Geo. N. Wade, 836 Washington street. Brower & Seccerly, 25 . N. Cunee, io6 Warren street. S. Levison, 68 Hester street. L. Werthrnacher & Co., 39 Barclay street. Michael Doran, 19 City Hall place. N. R. Doe, 211 Franklin street. Harris Schwartz, 92 Hester street. A. Moneis, 53 . Frank Harkins, 77 Monroe street. O. H. Jadwin, 63 Cortlandt street. A. Benone, 42 Allen street. Sam. Zimmerman, 26 Lewis street. John Connors, 68 Oliver street. D. M. Day, 63 Cortlandt street. A. Antonino, 21 Catharine street. A.J. Romansky, 127 Madison street. Frank F. Weis, 35 . Chas. Angell, 48 West 73d street. Norbert Rosenbaum, 177 Division street. Sam. Luer, 16 . Geo. Finch, 3o New Bowery. Caragnaro & Bosso, 92 Murray street. Joseph H. Quintz, 16 Market street. Lue Goldberg, 15 Ludlow street. Thos. Doran, 7 Batavia street. C. Cardella & Co., 94 Murray street. Sam. Allonson, 927 Clinton street. Sam. Cimancus, IS Madison street. John A. McDonald, 89 West End avenue. E. Casahiansa, 260 Washington street. Adpa W. Cororiunge, 150 Clinton street. Chaem Polsky, 58 Orchard street. Richard J. Fallon, 24 Madison street. M. Polizzi, 264 Washington street. Jacob Gordon, Ig Forsyth street. J. Podolsky, 150 Clinton street. John Branagan, 73 Roosevelt street. L. S. Sardella, 258 Washington street. Samuel Levy, t8 Orchard street. L. Lascaropulo, 25 Roosevelt street. J. L. I latow, 99 Canal street. S. Spadara, 287 Washington street. Ph. Rabinowich, 53 Canal street. Hyman Marantz, t6 Allen street. J. Wolf, 227 Clinton street. Antonio Saverese, 8o Park place. Sam Rogowky, 95 Madison street. Georges Qiles, no Mulberry street. Chas. Topper, 145 Orchard street. A. Fuartz, 174 . Moses Bodoesky, 152 . Peter Papadopulos, 181 Greenwich street. Morr Spreme. too Henry street. Morris Gottlieb, 178 Stanton street. T. Modowsky, 73 Hester street. Costey Vetis, 48 Madison street. H. Spugeland Krebs, 64 Canal street. A. Barber, 71 Centre street. S. Gordon, 29 Ludlow street. Agebes A. Potsobakes, 70 Oliver street. Edw. Currie, 62 . Felix Miserocehi, 71 Centre street. Branne Cohn, 5 . Peter Gravos, 15 Oliver street. Wm. F. Roth, 37 Bowery. L. Omedies, 71 Centre street. G. Goobemon, 27 Pike street. Ciriakes Corkey, t6 Roosevelt street. Frank Welch, 85 Bowery. S. Levinsky & Son, 6i Canal street. S. Sacher, 12 Orchard street. George Minacakes, 514 East 15th street. Henry Tanner, 36 Bowery. L. Minsky, by A. Syrro, 55-59 Canal street. B. Laseroreitz, 4o Forsyth street. Gostandinos Olimbcos, 22 Albany street. John Mock, 55 Rose street. Isaac Ginsburg, 47 Canal street. Saml. Fisher, 14 Orchard street. Vazurlus J. Gramaeopoley, 6 Roosevelt street. Geo. Jas. Fox, 53 Bowery. Levy & Levy, 94 Carrel street. K. Cohn, 5 Ludlow street. Christy Canelaky, rto Madison street. Wm. J. Sullivan, 79 Marion street. H. Fenerthin, 198 Stanton street. Isaac Marks, 45 Orchard street. Alfredulos Meleipney, 6 Roosevelt street. J. Cromwell, 23o Fulton street. Max Kert, 138 Ridge street. J. Bermon, 56 Henry street. Nickolas Nalembris, t6 Roosevelt street. Aspinwall Fruit Co. (Lim'd), 232 Fulton street. Shapiro Repoport, 158 Rivington street. J. Mandelbaum, t6 Orchard street. George Jianibas, 351 Water street. F. Savaren, 248 Washington street. Weiss & Klan Bros., 203 Canal street. Leo. Gootmam, 24 Orchard street. Atistidos Jianibas, 35! Water street. In connection herewith Alderman Goetz offered the following : — Maskawitz, 36 Orchard street. Charles Katekis, 479 . Resolved, That chapter 8, article 5, as amended by resolution approved December 30, 1882, S. Scadron, 30 Orchard street. Mihail Plagianos, 351 Water street. February I, 1883, and April 9, 1883, and June 14, 1883, is hereby amended so as to read as Benj. Horurtz, 17 Pike street. George Venizeano,, 351 Water street. follows : Max Mattlin, 221 . Nicolaos Liacacos, 35 t Water street. Section 54. The Mayor of the City of New York may, subject to the restrictions hereinafter Harris Silechrun, 14 Orchard street. Ilras Jacomacos, 94 Cherry street. mentioned, grant licenses to any peddler, hawker, vender or huckster of any kind of merchandise ; T. Schaff, 126 Monroe street. Dimitnous Caraha, 3 Hamilton street. every such peddler, hawker, vender or huckster using a horse and wagon, hand-cart or other Morwtz Rosenfeld, 14 Ludlow street. Nicolaos Greavas, 48 Market street. vehicle shall, at the time such license is granted, pay to the said Mayor, for the use of the city, the Marx Palter, 79 Suffolk street. Win. Flanagan, 26 Bowery. sum of five dollars for every vehicle owned and used by him or her as such licensed vender, and S. Gordon, 55 . Alex. Strashun, 21g Broome street. every owner, driver or person in charge of said vehicle shall pay a license of two dollars, and I. Simoncek, 15 Eldridge street. Aug. F. Brabaut, 54 Warren street. every other description of peddler, hawker, vender and huckster shall pay for such license the sum Jacob Finkelstein, 29 Bayard street. Joseph Redegeld, 221 . of one dollar, which shall not include the cost of the badge as hereinafter provided for. Every Solomdh Bercamici, 242 Division street. Julius Meyers, 133 Park Row. applicant for such a license, before such license is granted, shall produce to the Mayor satisfactory S. Schwarzhaupt, 248 East t . Jacob Meyer, 1641 . evidence of his or her good moral character, and such applicant must be a citizen of the United States, Siskind Levin, 78 Bayard street. John J. Riordan, 91 Roosevelt street. and have been a resident of the City and State of New York f )r at least six months previous to his or A. Feinberg, 36 Essex street. Martin D. Levy & Co., 411 Broadway. her application for said license ; and such person shall, upon receiving a license as aforesaid, report Metropolitan Candy Co., 13 Essex street. Stfindburg & Co., 484 Broadway. his or her residence to the Mayor, and upon changing his or her residence, shall in like manner T. Afoskovitz, 267 Second street. Chas. A. Albright, 99 . report his or her new residence, and the Mayor shall have full power and authority to revoke any L. Gottlieb, 269 Second street. A. Latto, 277 East loth street. of such licenses. The Mayor, or the person duly appointed by him for such . purpose, must Aaron Gottlieb, 269 Second street. H. Hart, 22 . examine all persons applying for such license, under oath, in relation to the matters embraced in Emil Gottlieb, 269 Second street. M. Wagner, 177 Madison street. this section, and all licenses to persons other than those qualified as herein provided shall be void. D. Wallace, 339 East . H. Harris, 22 Anti street. Such license shall be in force one year from the time the same is granted. No peddler, hawker, Hyman Levy's Sons, 98 East Broadway. George I-I. Grieshabe•, 22 Ann street. vender, or huckster of any kind of merchandise shall conduct or carry on in the City of New R. Rothstein, 46 East Broadway. Frank Bros., 66 Grand street. York any business as such peddler, hawker, vender, or huckster, until he or she shall have first Cooper & Elievich, 57 Eldridge street. Ch. Kreiser, 501 Broadway. obtained a license in compliance with the provision of this section. Any person violating the pro. Poggi & Co., 297 Washington street. W. E. Hart, 113 Hopkins street. visions of this section shall be punished, upon conviction, by a fine of not more than twenty-five G. Croce, 297 Washington street. Leonard W. Roth, 43 . dollars, or in default of payment of such fine, by imprisonment of not less than five or more than Galizia & Pidoriano, 285 Washington street. Strauss Bros. ten days. J Aratio & Co., 273 Washington street. G. Garafolo, 262 Washington street. Sec. 56. Every person who shall be licensed according to the provision of this article, shall A. Grasso, 271 Washington street. M. Wingenfeld, 51 . wear conspicuously on his or her left breast a badge, of a size sufficient to admit the number of his S. Alexander & Co., 268 Washington street. Palmer H. Jadwin, 63 Cortlandt street. or her license engraved thereon, in figures three-quarters of an inch in length ; such badge shall G. Durante & Co., 234 Washington street. J. Hamilton Platt, 63 Cortlandt street. be in the form which will distinguish the grade of license, and be approved by the Mayor, and A. Campagmi, 4 Roosevelt street. C. Heim, 425 East . every such peddler, hawker, vender, or huckster as shall he authorized by any such license to drive, F. ButtaravoIz, 9 Roosevelt street. V. Trainor, 103 Barclay street. or use, or who shall drive or use a cart, wagon, or any other vehicle in his or her business, shall, D. Leone, IS Roosevelt street. S. Sabarhera, 66 James street. in addition to wearing such badge asaforesaid, have his or her name and place of residence, together Peter Mirabeila, 36/ Oak street. F. Day, 67 James street. with the number of his or her license, painted upon each side of said vehicle in a conspicuous place, Antonio Yorio, 121 Mulberry street. P. Manescaho, 6o James street. and the letters and figures composing such name and number shall not be less than two inches in Stepano Dangelo, 118 Mulberry street. V. Campaguey, 48 James street. length and shalt at all times be kept legible and in public view ; all carts, wagons and other Domenico Labbate, 125 Mulberry street. F. Campaguay, 22 Oliver street. vehicles licensed under this provision must be constructed with boxes sufficiently tight to prevent Pasquale Cresafulli, 193 Hester street. Joseph Frand, 45 Orchard street. leakage upon the public street, and kept clean and well painted and in good repair. Any violation Pasquale Capasso, 175 Hester street. Morris Friedman, 14 Ludlow street. of this section shall be punished, upon conviction, by a fine of not more than twenty-hve dollars, Guiseppe Loretti, 128 . Davis Folk, 47 Ludlow street. or, in default thereof, by imprisonment of qot less than five or more than ten days. Robt. J. Stewart, 277 Greenwich street. Pinkos Horchhorne, 5o Ludlow street. Sec. 57. No peddler, vender, hawker or huckster of any kind of merchandise shall stand upon Sam Sorgaleff, to Rutgers place. J. Resswin, 140 Orchard street. or nearer than ten feet to a public crossing, nor inconvenience public traffic, nor remain located in M. Bergman, 174 Eldridge street. H. Weingart, 39 Hester street. front of stores, houses, other buildings, on being notified by owners or tenants thereof of their object A. Jacobsen, 154 Madison street. K. Lober, 39 Hester street. tions or disapproval, nor shall erect any booth or establishment, nor fix any stand on any crosswalk, Julius Levy, 10 Rutgers place. S. Rothblit. sidewalk, intersection of streets or public ground in the City of New York for the purpose of exposing Sam Cohen, to Rutger place. Haman Beziwick. for sale, or vending, or selling, or offering to vend or sell any merchandise whatsoever, or shall blow Solomon Smukler, 169 Madison street. Samuel Gold, 21 Hester street. upon or use, or suffer or permit to be blown upon or used, any horn, bell or other instrument Luigi Poti, 84 Mulberry street. S. German, 212 Eldridge street. for the purpose of giving notice of the approach of any cart, wagon or other vehicle, in order to Angello Gutseppe, 82 Mulberry street. Abraham Kalmen, 21g Broome street. sell thereout any article of merchandise. And no peddler, hawker, vender or huckster shall cry Angello Luigi, to6 Mulberry street. Bensaisen Chasen, 46 Essex street. his or her wares or merchandise after eleven o'clock P. M., and no peddler, vender, hawker or huck- Salvatore Rizzo, 45 Spring street. Wendel Edelman, 943 Essex street. ster shall expose for sale from any hand-cart or other vehicle, fish or meat after ten o'clock A. Ni., Antonio Defilippo, 45 Spnng street. Michael Seger, 57 Hester street. except on Thursday between four and nine o'clock P. M. Any person violating any of the provi. Pasquale Rizzo, 43 Spring street. Untcie Bromberg, 125 Forsyth street. sions of this section shall, upon conviction, be punished by a fine of not more than ten dollars, or, Harris Ilurwitz, Io5 Division street. Heiman Spielman, 32 Essex street. in default thereof, by imprisonment for not more than five days. Nothing in this ordinance shall Mones & Co., 85 Front street. David Sychsstein, 8 Ludlow street. be construed so as to prevent any peddler, hawker, huckster or vender owning, using or letting a Antonio Lodohe, 143 Mulberry street. Marx Mittelberg, 17 Ludlow street. vehicle, from procuring a license for each vehicle owned by him or her, and employing a person Sietro Chirico, 143 Mulberry street. Abr. Goldstein, t6 St. Mark's place. who shall be licensed, to drive or propel each vehicle, or a person who has been licensed from G.DeGrigon, 24 State street. Wm. Wtelcoth, 71 Essex street. renting and using a vehicle that has been licensed, subject, nevertheless, to the provisions herein G. Longo, 292 Washington street. B. Finn, 33 Hester street. contained. Provided, nevertheless, that no peddler, hawker, huckster or vender of any kind of Geo. Dumois, 4! . L. Bloch, 22 Ludlow street. merchandise shall be allowed to cry his wares within two hundred and fifty feet of a school-house between the hours of eight and four o'clock P. M. on school days, and shall not stop on Nassau G. Cenbuegranee, 63 James street. Frank Rubinstein, I ii Ridge street. P. Zippetelli, 70 James street. Jacob Rosen, 21 Forsyth street. street or Broadway between Exchange place and Chambers street between eight o'clock A. M. and G. Carelli, 27 Roosevelt street. Simon Miller, r6 Ludlow street. six o'clock P. M., under the penalty of tenOdollars for each offense or five clays' imprisonment, or Rosario Fertitta, 50 James street. Jacob Meth, 127 Suffold street. both. Giampstane Salvatore, 5 Roosevelt street. Isdore Goldin, 50 Chrystie street. Which were referred to the Committee on Law Department. C. Michelle, 7 Roosevelt street. Arion Sumansky, 221 Madison street. By Alderman Olcott- Zaranto Nicola, ii Roosevelt street. Zeliek Pemkin, 33 Forsyth street. To the Honorable Common Council of the City of New York Antonio Mnselello, t6 Roosevelt street. Sam Koehann, 146 Pitt street. The undersigned, being the owners of more than fifty per cent. of the land on West Ninety- Antonio Recarro, 17% Roosevelt street. Solomon Berkowitz, 242 Division street. fifth street, between Amsterdam and Columbus avenues, in the City of New York, hereby respect- J. Roberts, to8 Front street. M. Shaera, 96 Orchard street. fully petition for the laying of asphalt upon the pavement now in the middle of said street. Hutcheson & Bethel, t69 Front street. Niklos Montsatsos, 70 Oliver street. Dated NH:w YORK, October 2, 1895. C. Bruno, 52 James street. John Giranakis, 4o Hamilton street. Frederick V. Osthoff, 501 and I03 West 95th st. Lucia D. Haubner, 174 West . Carmelo Monzella, 114 Mulberry street. George Cosmas, 48 Market street. E. L. Pinkney, loo and 102 West 95th street. David Christie, 173, 175 and 177 West 95th St. Luigi Mariano, 112 Mulberry street. Nicolaos Greegos, 70 Oliver street. Mrs. D. E. Culver, 124 West 95th street. Robert E. Walsh, 172 West 95th street. Domenick Belfiot•e & Son, 243 Washington street. Christos Arstulos, 110 Madison street. J. H. McDowell, III West . Clara A. Nolton, by J. C. K. Eastman, attorney, A. Duyhe, 99 Barclay street. George Haramer, 48 Market street. Floyd W. Crandall, 113 West 95th street. 127 West 95th street. H. F. McLaughlin, toi Barclay street. John Perpermitterbopo, 48 Market street. E. R. Moloney, 115 West 95th street. William H. Harris, 138 West 95th street. S. Tubbiolo, 97 Barclay street. Vasilis S. Tsacalaftisbos, 6 Roosevelt street. Geo. C. Edgar, 126 West 95th street. Edward C. Underhill, 166 West 95th street. Vito Mieckj, 88 Park place. Theodor Pappabhis, 6 Roosevelt street. C. A. Warner, 136, 158, s60, 162 and 123 West M. S. Kelly, 170 West 95th street. John E. Ken & Co., 41 Beaver street. Anbro Polieroma, t6 Roosevelt street. 95th street. Edward L. Newman, 128 and 148 West 95th st. Cavanari & Benedetto, 254 Washington street. Jerry Anagnastaka, 17 Roosevelt street. Robert J . Hare Powel, trustee, 1t7 West 95th st. Chas. S. Hirsch, 159, 161 and 163 West 95th st. Geo. W. Barnett, 178 Reade street. Parpales Aproetos, 102 Cherry street. M. H. Clark, 133 West 95th street. Mrs. Frederica Bucki, 155, 157 and 165 West C. R. Moncireff, 206 Duane street. Antonio Corebafus, 102 Cherry street. A. R. Jeannot, 130, 134 and 150 West 95th st. 95th street. Heist & Haney, 114 Warren street. Louis Polykranas, 479 Pearl street. M. F. Beers, 132 West 95th street. Arms Gruber, 152 West 95th street. C. Augliera, 218 Washington street. J. King, 8 Roosevelt street. Fred. K. Jay, too West g5th street. Wm. Schrader, 137 West 95th street. M. J. Killroy, 321 Washington street. J. Pappapas, t6 Roosevelt street. Josephine I. Harrington, 135 West 95th street. E. M. Eastmann, 571 West 95th street. Patrick F. Heery, Io8 Warren street. G. Parks, 31 Columbia street. Thomas W. Walsh, 141 West 95th street. James F. Hinde, 145 West 95th street. Wm. L. Gardner, 179 Reade street. Louis Choumokore, 44 Oliver street. Edward C. Leseur, 144 West 95th street. Le Grand L. Clark, 147 West 95th street. G. Vecorcero, 865 Washington street. Apostoles Condermanos, 44 Oliver street. M.J. Verdery, 151 West 95th street. Geo. D. Bangs, 154 West 95th street. Calia & Fittorino, 86t Washington street. George Michinies, 44 Oliver street. James Kempster, 153 West 95th street. G. Cuneo, ro6 Warren street. Evsip F. Kardpy, 6 Crosby street. Which was referred to the Commissioner of Public Works. H. E. Saufer, 14 Litttle West 12th street. Thomas Pappos, 294 Grand street. COMMUNICATIONS RESUMED. S. Bushay, 22 Little West I2th street. George Padelager, 351 Goerck street. The President laid before the Board the following communication from F. R. Kaldenberg : Sam. Winkler, sot Sheriff street. Leon Chrisomales, 514 East 15th street. NEW YORIt, October 3, 1895. Herman Friedman, 315 East Houston street. Andrea Drivas, 95 Sheriff street. Hon. W. L. STRONG, Mayor of the City of New York H. Brown, 323 East Houston street. Singer Brothers, Canal comer Forsyth street. • DEAR SIR—I have a very fine oil painting richly framed, half length, life-size portrait of Mrs. S. Herskovito, 64 Sheriff street. J. Breen, 24 Ann street. Governor Hunt by Elliott, the same artist who painted the portrait of Governor Hunt, now hang. S. Galgono, 12 Union Market. Nathan Sanders, 22 Ann street. ing on the walls of the Governor's Room in the City Hall. Luigi Rizzo, 6o Spring street. Wm. H. Davis, 266 William street. I will present the picture above described to the City of New York if you will agree to hang it on McCormick, Hubbs &Co., 250 Washington street. Thomas F. Connery, 452 Pearl street. the walls of the Governor's Room opposite or near to that of the husband of Mrs. Governor Hunt. The Wessels Company, 244 Washington street. J. D. Goldstein & Co:, 96 Canal street. Very truly yours, etc., F. R. KALDENBERG. A. Bennett & Co., 156 West street. H. Hesenvitz, 4o Allen street. Which was referred to the Committee on County Affairs.


COMMUNICATIONS FROM DEPARTMENTS AND CORPORATION OFFICERS. DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS, No. 220 FOURTH AVENUE, S. W. CORNER EIGHTEENTH The President laid before the Board the following communication from the Department of STREET, NEW YORK, October 2, 1895. Public Works: The Honorable Board of Bsttnrate and Apportionment, New York City : DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS—COMMISSIONER'S OFFICE, No. 31 CHAMBERS STREET, GENTLEMEN--Accompanying you will find Estimate for the operating of this Department for NEW YORK, September 30, 1895• the year 1896. Asking pardon for the delay in forwarding same, I would say that delay was caused Hon. JOHN JEROLOMAN : by the extreme importance of having it correct, having found that every detail of this Department, MY DEAR SIR—I desire to call your attention to the large number of resolutions recommended with but few exceptions, needed immediate revision and attention, as carelessness, incompetency by this Department for the paving of streets, which you will find upon your list of "Unfinished and neglect in every branch are here in full record for your examination, and as this Department, Business." Unless these ordinances ate passed at once, the cold weather will be upon us and the in charge of the construction and safety of the buildings of every description in this city and the work will have to go over until next year. guardian of thousands of lives, stands, by reason of its never having received the proper attention Mr. North, our Water Purveyor, and Mr. Towle, the Consulting Engineer, will both be in or investigation or having employed efficient and competent employees, unable to guarantee the attendance on your Body to-morrow, and give any information necessary in regard to the resolutions. citizens of this city the safety and permanence of construction and freedom from accident and loss I beg that you will give the matter such personal attention as will insure their passage. of life and limb which the law positively vests in it. I am very truly yours, CHARLES H. T. COLLIS, Deputy Commissioner. It is therefore my duty, as Superintendent of Buildings in charge of this Department, after P. S.—Some of these old pavements are in a dangerous condition and their repair cannot be six months of careful work and examination, to report the above facts. A thorough and complete postponed for another season. investigation by your Honorable Board of the statements above set forth, and such as the gravity Which was ordered on file. of the case demands, you will find ample reason for immediately placing this Department in The President laid before the Board the following communication from the State Comptroller a position to do its full and proper duty, and will thus prevent many accidents and loss of life in STATE OF NEW YORK—COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE, ALBANY, September 30, 1895. the future. 7 o the Clerk of the Board of Aldermen of the County of New York, New York City, N.Y.: REASONS IN DETAIL. SIR—I have forwarded to-day under separate cover a form of statement of the valuation of 1st. The work of the Department has absolutely increased too per cent, over that of any pre- real and personal estate required to be made by you, pursuant to chapter 686 of the Laws of 1892, vious year, as the following statistics will show : and forwarded to this office previous to the second Monday in December in each year, under a OPERATIONS OF THE DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS. penalty of fifty dollars I have also forwarded forms of return of bonded indebtedness and incor- Comparative Statement—March 26 to September 26—Six Months. porated companies liable to taxation. It is indispensable that these reports be furnished by the time prescribed. The Board of Equalization of Taxes, in pursuance of chapter 312 of the Laws of 1859, have ud v v . fixed the aggregate valuation of property in your County at the sum of $1,975,928,987, upon which p' u ESTIMATED COST ESTIMATED amount a State tax of $6,402,009.92 must be levied for the fiscal year commencing October 1, N o OF BUILDINGS COST OP YEAR. 'v G 1895, as provided in said act, and amendments thereto by chapter 351, Laws of 1874, being 3i$a~I ttl 3 p, TO nE BUILDINGS mills on the dollar, for the following purposes, viz. : -O a ,Q (,y ERECTED. TO nE WU O. u ~"O-'r ALTERED. For Schools ...... as mill, per chapter SoS, Laws of 1895 ...... $1,857,373 25 For State Care of Insane... I mill, per chapter 693, Laws of 1895 ...... • . 1,975,928 99 a ] > :` Z j U For General Purposes...... 188 mill, per chapter 8o8, Laws of 1895 ...... t 2,568,707 68 For Canals ...... ina mill, per chapter 282 and 8o8, Laws of 1895.. 1893...... . x,gs9 719 1,512 I,227 2,689 4.631 ! r,65r $4r,o86,000 0o $5,008,4ro 00 1894...... 1,870 625 2•=63 1,369 2,699 6,173 2,0o2 29.397,762 co 3,076,666 co Total...... 3106 mills ...... ... S6,402,009 92 1895...... 2,591 1,219 2,943 1,085 I 3,430 6,515 2.676 48,138,283 00 4,674,133 00 The non-resident taxes credited to your County for 1894 amount to $ * Inspection of hotels, theatres, police stations, etc., now in progress. :our obedient servant, W.M. J. MORGAN, Deputy and Acting Comptroller. Increase in Favor of 1895 for Six Months ending September P. S.—Kindly acknowledge at once the receipt of this circular and of the blank forms. 26, 1895. STATE OF NEW YORK—OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER, ALBANY, September 30, 1895. INCREA;.E OVER INCREASE OVER To the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors: 1893. 1894• DEAR SIR—I desire to submit to you the following instructions for making returns on the blank forms sent this Department Plans filed for new buildings and alterations. ...... ~. 662 732 REPORT. OF VALUATIONS, TAXES, ETC. Unsafe buildings reported ...... 503 594 Column I. Acres of land—This column should contain the number of acres of land in each Violations reported ...... r,83r 780 Complaints received ...... I town or ward assessed as acres. 741 731 Notices issued ...... I 1,884 342 Column 2. Assessed value of real estate, including village property and real estate of corpora- Cases prosecuted ...... I I,025 614 tions—This column should contain the total valuation of-real estate for each town or ward in the Estimated cost of new buildings ...... 87,051,283 0 $-8,740,521 00 county as returned to the Board of Supervisors by the local assessors. Estimated cost of alterations to buildings ...... ...... D 4 1,597.467 Column 3. Equalized value of real estate, including village property and real estate of corpora- tions—This column should contain the total valuation of real estate for each town or ward in the county as corrected or equalized by the Board of Supervisors ; but the sum total of the equalized Cases Acted on for Six Months ending September 26. valuation of real estate for the county must not be changed from the sum total of the assessed value 1893 ...... 12,731 cases. of real estate for the county. If the Board of Supervisors should equalize by accepting the 1894 ..... ...... ...... 15,532 valuations of the local assessors for each town or ward, the same figures must appear in column 3 1895...... ...... ...... 19,374 as in column z. Column 4. Total assessed value of personal property—This column should contain the total 2d. The Annexed District from Westchester County, 20,000 acres, requires 8 additional assessed value of all personal property in each town or ward in the county. Inspectors outside and 3 inside employees, also additional records and conveyances for travel. Column 5. Assessed value of personal property not taxable locally for State purposes—This 3d. InadequaL, and incompetent force to handle the work of the Department. The law column should contain the total valuation of personal property for each town or ward in the county requires certain conditions which are to insure the safety of construction and prevent accident. exempt by law from paying their proportion of State tax to the County Treasurer or other local 4th. The impossibilty of securing intelligent, experienced and capable help required to perform officer, but required to pay a corporation tax direct to the ComFtroller of the State. the Irecessary services, in consequence of the low wages allowed this Department, especially for Column 6. Assessed value of personal property subject to local taxation for all purposes—This Examiners, Inspectors and Clerks with technical knowledge. An ordinary foreman employed bya column should contain the remainder after deducting the amounts for each town or ward in column contractor on one piece of work gets from $1,400 to $2,000, while the Department pays $t,roo to 5 from those in column 4, observing that the sum total of column 5, when deducted from the sum $1,200 to an inspector in charge of from fifty to two hundred pieces of work. total of column 4, is equal to the sum total of column 6. 5th. The dockets, applications, plans and records of this Department are in a discreditable Column 7. Equalized aggregate valuation, real and personal—This column should contain the condition, many not having been written up for over two years. Many plans and papers are sum of the equalized valuation of real estate for each to%%n and ward as per column 3, and the missing, and there is no system for filing and care of records, etc. I have had them stored in assessed value of personal property for each town and ward as per column 6, and the sum total of boxes and placed in two empty offices here. I have also refused any responsibility prior to 1895. these columns (Nos. 3 and 6), when added, should agree with the sum total of this column. All old plans, applications, etc., should be rearranged, properly filed, and record of same made. Column 8. Amount of town taxes—This column should contain the amount of local audit for These above-mentioned dockets, plans, etc., are of great value to t'he public and are the each town and ward. original records. Column 9. Amount of county taxes—This column should contain the proportionate amount of 6th. The large increase of unsafe buildings, caused by the taking down and altering of old county audit for each town and ward. buildings to give place to new and modern buildings, and thereby making unsafe and dangerous Column to. Amount of State tax for schools—This column should contain the proportionate adjoining properties. Again, by careless construction, which has increased in the last few years amount of tax for each town or ward to be raised for school purposes and paid to the State by the rapid growth of the city, the great competition and careless and incomplete supervision Treasurer, observing that the sum total of the column agrees with the amount levied for school of work, and also the large number of buildings built on speculation, and the great number of old purposes, as per notice of this Department. buildings the materials of which have by natural decay outlived their time, have added to the Column ii. Amount of State tax, exclusive of school tax –This column should contain the number of unsafe buildings. proportionate amount of tax for each town and ward, to be paid to the State Treasurer, for general 7th. I find by careful examination and experience that it is absolutely essential to have a corps expenses (including the stenographers and shore inspectors' tax, if any). The several amounts in of special examiners and inspectors to examine plans and supervise the work of the regular this column, when added, should agree with the amount to be levied for general and canal pur- inspectors to prevent any likelihood of neglect or carelessness on the part of such inspectors. poses as per notice from this department, plus the stenographers and shore inspectors' tax (if any). Again, it is necessary, on account of the great changes in the construction of modern buildings, Column 12. Amount of State tax for State care of Insane—This column should contain the that the Department should have competent special iron-men and engineers. proportionate amount of tax for each town and ward to be raised for the State care of Insane and 8th. It is necessary that the Attorney's Department have the proper library, as now a large paid to the State Treasurer, observing that the sum total of the column agrees with the amount portion of the Attorney's time must be spent in obtaining data outside of the office which any fairly levied for the State care of insane as per notice from this department. equipped attorney's office would have. Column 13. Aggregate taxation—This column should contain the total of the taxes for each 9th. For the safe keeping of the original records and papers on file here, it is necessary for town and ward as found in columns 8, 9, to, ii, I2, and the sum total of the columns 8, 9, Io, ii, their safety and preservation that proper storage vaults and safes be provided. Numbers of papers 12, when added, should agree with the sum total of columns 13. are now useless from exposure and lack of care. Many of these records will be required in litiga- Column 14. Rate of tax on $t valuation—This column should contain the rate of tax on tions in which the City and the estates of citizens are interested, and the loss of which would result $I valuation for each town and ward, except by reason of a second rate being established in any in great injury. town or ward, on account of personal property not taxable locally for State purposes, in which case Loth. My experience proves that it is essential, from the great number of unsafe building walls both rates should appear. and other structures, resultant from the causes above mentioned, and from fires, storms, etc., that REPORT OF INCORPORATED COMPANIES. the emergency demands immediate organization of an emergency corps, properly equipped, as is Great care should be taken in the preparation of the list of incorporated companies on the blank the case in the Fire, Police and other Departments of the City. The law places this responsibility forms sent from this department. The list must be complete, all the computations correct, and all and duty upon this Department. the columns tooted. Iltli. There are now over three hundred unlicensed plumbers working and taking contracts REPORT OF INDEBTEDNESS. in the city, doing bad work, and thereby producing very unsanitary and dangerous conditions in This report is required under section 52 of the County Law, being chapter 686, Laws of 1892, the plumbing work of buildings, contrary to the laws vested in this Department. as amended by chapter 31o, Laws of 1895, and reports to you are required to be made on or before 12th. The theatres, concert and music halls and other places of assemblage require, according the first day of November in each year, by the officer or officers having charge of the issue or pay- to law, to be examined before licensing every year, but have not been so examined for three years, ment of the indebtedness under the following laws : and those I have had a competent force enough to examine have been found in many cases to be in Bonds of municipal corporations, by section 9, chapter 685, Laws of 1892, as amended by a very dangerous condition. chapter 350, Laws of 1895. The hotels, lodging-houses, hospitals, schools and other public buildings have not been Bonds of union free school districts, by section to, article 2, title 8, chapter 556, Laws of 1894, examined according to law for three years, and 1 find, upon such examination as I have been able as amended by chapter 273, Laws of 1895. to make, that many of said buildings are without proper fire-escapes or means of egress in case of Bonds of school districts, by section 18, article 2, title 7, chapter 556, Laws of 1894, as fire or panic, and should receive immediate attention. amended by chapter 274, Laws of 1895. Now, the above reasons are the result of very careful and mature consideration, and from six You are to insert in the first column of this report the name of the county, and of each city, months' daily experience in the handling and the requirements of this Department. The amount town and village therein, even though there be no debt. Where a debt exists you are to obtain all asked for is the lowest possible amount, in my judgment, that will enable the Department to insure the information necessary to make your report complete. to the citizens of New York that protection to their lives and property which the Department was Your special attention is directed to the necessity of accurately reporting the debt of the several organized to protect and for which it is legally responsible. school districts, which are liable to escape your notice ; if no such debt exists, it is not necessary to Therefore, unless this Department is furnished with sufficient means and the proper competent enumerate the districts in the report. help, it will be impossible for it to accomplish the results which the law requires of it, and I can- If the above instructions are carried out carefully, a great amount of correspondence will be not be held responsible for the proper administration of the said Department ; the responsibility avoided which has been necessary in previous years by reason of incorrect reports being sent by the must rest upon your Honorable Board. Yours, very respectfully, Boards of Supervisors to this Department. Yours respectfully, STEVENSON CONSTABLE, Superintendent of Buildings. JAMES A. ROBERTS, Comptroller. Which was referred to the Committee on Finance. Which was ordered on file. The President laid before the Board the following communication from the Police Department: The President laid before the Board the following communication from the Department of POLICE DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK, No. 300 MULBERRY STREET, NEW Buildings: YORK, September 23, 1895. DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS, No. 220 FOURTH AVENUE, S. W. CORNER EIGHTEENTH Honorable Board of Aldermen STREET, NEW YORK, October 2, 1895. GENTLEMEN—At a meeting of the Board of Police held this day it was The Honorable Board of Aldermen of the City of New York: Resolved, That, in pursuance of the provisions of chapter.567 of the Laws of 1895, the quota of GENTLEMEN—Inclosed please find a copy of my letter addressed to the Honorabic. Beard of Patrolmen of the Police force be and is hereby increased twenty-five (25). Estimate and Apportionment, giving detailed reasons for my estimate for the year 18)6, and Resolved, That, in accordance therewith, the Departmental estimate of the Police Department forwarded to them with said estimate, copy of which was yesterday delivered to your Honorable for the year i8g6 be amended by increasing the quota of Patrolmen by twenty respec y -five additional men. Board. Yours, very tfull , Very respectfully, WM. H. KIPP, Chief Clerk. STEVENSON CONSTABLE, Superintendent of Buildings. Which was referred to the Committee on Finance.


I'O t'A L I TOTAL The President laid before the Board the following communication from the State Comptroller: NAME OF DECEASED. AMOUNT NAME OF DECEASED. r AMOUNT STATE OF NEW YORK-COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE, ALBANY, September 30, 1895. RECEIVED. RecetvBD. To the President of the Board of Aldermen of the County of New York, New York City, N.Y.: Unknown man, from foot ofWestOne Hun l Cornelius Glynn. . ...... f8 os SIR-The Board of Equalization of Taxes, in pursuance of chapter 312 of the Laws of 18 dyed and Fifty-ninth street...... 640 CO William Brown...... '76 40 59, Maggie Feenan ...... r 96 William Bevers ...... : r5 85 have fixed the aggregate valuation of property in your County at the sum of $1,975,928,987, upon .... II 02 Jacob Heinrich...... r6a ao George Oton ...... which amount a State tax of $6,402,009.92 must be levied for the fiscal year commencing October Martha Ferris ...... to 96 ames A.A.Goater ...... z5 14 l 8 90 1,1895, as provided in said act, and amendments thereto by chapter 351, Laws of 1894, being Edward Togher ...... 8 27 -Martin Bode ...... 3 A mills on the dollar, for the following purposes, viz. : Michael I. Clark ...... 75 oo John F. Schmidt ..... ...... 8a 53 V mill, per chapter 8o8, Laws of 1895 ...... $ Maggie heenan ...... t8 30 Cash received from Commissioners of For Schools ...... ia 1,857,373 25 Mary Mullan ...... .. 77 TO Charities and Correction: John Water For State Care of Insane.... I mill, per chapter 693, Laws of 1895...... 1,975,928 99 Emma E. Austin ...... 57 24 and others, as per list attached...... 48 t8 mill, per chapter 808, Laws of 1895. , ..... Sophie Geiglc ...... 17 30 Interest received from banks on average For General Purposes ..... 2,568,707 68 For Canals ...... iQa mill, per chapters 282 and 8o8, Laws of 1895. Edward Togher ...... 46 amount c dedo ...... 579 t7 Edgar Weaver ...... I 305 30 D. W. McCoshin.. 84 Total ...... 31s6a mills ...... .... $6,402,009 92 John Anderson ...... ••••••• .I 7t 14 Total ...... j $+4,419 a2

Your obedient servant, Cash received from Commissioners of Charities and Correction, May 26, 1895. WM. J. MORGAN, Deputy and Acting Comptroller. Which was referred to the Committee on Finance. Jahn Water ...... .I 85 38 I l; orge Ro5e, s ...... 115 CO William Richard ...... 5 37 William Westlake ...... ...... 6 20 The President laid before the Board the following communication from the Public ISlirlioclCasey ...... j goo _- Administrator Annie Corwin ...... 6 22 tt48 18 Theresa Schuster...... 5 03 I Less coin mission, 5 per cent...... 2 40 BURF.A17 OF THE PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR, NP. 119 NASSAU STREET, ROOM 1025, NEW Alexander ogers.,...... +o no II ---- YORK, October 3, 1895. $4578 To the Honorable the Board of Aldermen: GENTLEMEN-I herewith submit an estimate of the expenses of my bureau for the year 1896, \Vhich was ordered on file. viz. : The President laid before the Board the following communication from the Department of Buildings: SALARIES. E!GHTEENTl1 W. M. Hoes, Public Administrator ...... $4,000 ao DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS, No. 220 FOURTH .VENUE. S. W. CORNER F. W. Arnold, Assistant Public Administrator ...... 2,400 00 STREET, NEW YORK, September 25, 1895. • R. I). Bronson, Chief Clerk ...... 2,200 03 The Honorable the Board of Aldermen: GENTLEMEN-I herewith transmit an estimate, in writing, of the amount of expenditure J. F. Buck, Second Clerk ...... 1,800 co I E. G. Sheldon, Agent.. ...... 1,000 00 necessary in conducting the public business of the Department of Buildings for the year 1896. C. C. Halpine, Law Assistant ...... I,000 00 likewise, as required, transmit a list of the present officers and subordinates and a tabular statement. 600 00 showing the appropriations for 1895 and the estimates for 1896. Respectfully, M. E. Finn, Sten3grapher ...... STEVENSON CONSTABLE, Superintendent of Buildings. $13,000 00 Departmental Estimate for 1896. Last year's appropriation ...... 12,400 00 (Chapter 295, Laws of 1892.) SALARIES. Increase ...... ...... $600 00 The Superintendent ...... $5,000 00 20 Regular Building Inspectors, at CONTINGENCIES. First Deputy Superintendent..... 3,500 00 $1,500 ...... $30,000 00 Extra help, telephone, etc ...... $890 00 Second Deputy Superintendent... 3,000 00 1 Chief Plumbing and Ventilation Last year's appropriation ...... 450 00 I Chief Clerk...... z o0 00 Inspector ...... 2,500 00 I ...... 5 00 5 Special Plumbing and Ventila- Increase ...... ~ $440 00 I Plan Cln Clerk ...... 2,800 00 tion Inspectors, at $2,000.... 10,000 00 I Fire-escape Clerk...... I,800 00 2 Assistant Plumbing and Ven- During the year the Civil Service Board created in my bureau, upon my application, the I Unsafe Building Clerk...... i,800 00 tilation Inspectors, at $1,950. 3,500 00 office of Law Assistant. I regard a salary to him of $I,000 reasonable, in view of the services he I Complaint Clerk...... I,Soo 00 ; IoAssistantPlumbingand Ventila- is called upon to perform. I Plumbing, Drainage, Light and I tion Inspectors, at $1,500.... 15,000 00 1 request that the salary of my Second Clerk be increased to $1,800. He is a valuable man, Ventilation Clerk...... .. . 1,800 Oct to Assistant Plumbing and Ventila- and I doubt whether he will continue with me during the coming year at his present salary. 5 Clerks, at $1,500 ...... '7 500 00 ' tion Inspectors, at $1,400. • • • 14,E 00 6 Clerks, at $1,400 ...... 8,400 00 ID Assistant Plumbing and Ventila- The amount asked for contingencies is increased over the appropriation of last year by the sum 5 Clerks, at $1,200 ...... 6,000 00 tion Inspectors, at $1,250.... 12,500 00 of $440. A telephone in the office has become a necessity, and I estimate the expense of one at I Confidential Examiner...... 2,500 00 r Chief Iron Inspector...... 2,000 00 $240. The additional $200 is for additional extra help, which has been heretofore provided for by 2 Confidential Examiners, at to Assistant Iron Inspectors, at an appropriation of $200 for a Subpoena Server, but which has been transferred yearly to the con- $2,000. ...... 4,000 00 $1,800 ...... ... ...... 18,000 00 tingencies. Yours, respectfully, 2 Confidential Examiners, at I Chief Elevator Inspector..... , i,65o 00 WILLIAM M. HOES, Public Administrator. $1,200 ...... 2,400 00 6 Assistant Elevator Inspectors, \Vhich was referred to the Committee on Finance. ...... I Stenographer and Typewriter at $1,500 ...... 9,000 00 The President laid before the Board the following communication from the Finance De- (male). ... ... ... 1,500 00 1 Attorney .. ...... 5,000 00 partment : I Stenographer and Typewriter.. 1,200 00 1 Assistant Attorney...... 3,000 00 CITY OF NEW YORK-FINANCE DEPARTMENT, COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE, September 28, I Stenographer and Typewriter.. 1,000 00 3 Assistant Attorneys, at $2,500. 7,500 00 18. 3 Office Boys, at $500...... 1,500 00 2 Assistant Attorneys, at $2,000, 4,000 00 To the Honorable Board of Aldermen: I Chief Messenger ...... 1,500 00 2 Clerks to Attorney, at $5,500.. 3,000 00 Weekly statement, showing the appropriations made under the authority contained in section 5 Messengers, at $1,200...... 6,000 00 ---- 189, New -York City Consolidation Act of 1882, for carrying on the Common Council from January 5 Messengers, at $l,cco...... 5,000 00 Salaries (as per detail)...... $305,750 Co I to December 31, 1895, both days inclusive, and of the payments made up to and including the I Driver.... ...... 1,200 00 Rents ...... 8,500 00 date hereof, for and on account of each appropriation, and the amount of unexpended balances : 2 Cleaners, at $400 ...... 800 00 Fees in Serving Summonses.... . 1,200 00 2 Chief Inspectors, at $2,300.... 4,600 00 Board of Examiners' Fees...... 5,200 00 AMOUNT OF AMOUNT OF Jo Special Inspectors, at $2,000 .. 20,000 00 Contingencies and Emergencies... Io,000 00 TITLES OF APPROPRIATIONS. NS. PAYMENTS, UNEXPENDED APPROPRIATIO BALANCES. 5 Special Inspectors, at $i,800 . . 9,000 00 ---- City Contingencies.. .... .. ... $1,400 00 $726 8o $693 2C I Chief Building Inspector...... 2,000 00 Total ...... $33o,650 00 Contingencies-Clerk of the Common Council..... 300 00 I 203 83 I .96 17 30 Regular Building Inspectors, at 5elaries-Common Council ...... 86,3oo 00 I 7,504 no 28,708 Ie )1,800 . ...... 54,000 00 RICHARD A. STORRS, Deputy Comptroller. Comparative Stateruerrt. Which was ordered on file. 2895 .896, The President laid before the Board the following communication from the Public Adminis- Ai'PEoiSmATiON. ESTIMATE. trator. BUREAU OF THE PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR, NEW YORK, September 30, 1895. Salaries ...... I $185,800 no 0305,750 00 Rents ...... 8,500 00 8,500 00 To the Honorable the Board of Aldermen: Board of Examiners' Fes ...... '. 5,200 00 5,200 00 Pursuant to chapter 4, article III., section 24 of the Ordinances of the Mayor, Aldermen and Fees in Serving Summonses...... I ...... , 1,200 00 1,200 00 Commonalty of the City of New York, of January I, 1881, the undersigned hereby reports a Emergencies and Contingencies ...... I 4,000 00 10,000 on transcript of such of his accounts as have been closed or finally settled, and of those on which any Totals ...... $204,700 00 0,650 00 money has been received by him as part of the proceeds of any estate on which he has administered $33 since the date of his last report. Respectfully, WILLIAM M. HOES, Public Administrator. LIST OF OFFICERS AND SUBORDINATES. SEPTEMBER. 18oc. A transcript of such of his accounts as have been closed or finally settled since the date of his Salary per Annum. Salary per Annum. last report. Stevenson Constable, Superintend- Mary Tully, Cleaner ...... $400 00 ent . $5,000 oo Anna Gaffney, " ...... 300 00 Iotal Amount Amount Enoch Vreeland, First Deputy Fred. E. Wilcox, Inspector...... 1,700 00 paid for Funeral Commis- Amount paid into Superintendent ...... 00 00 August Schweizer, " Date of Total Expenses, lions aid to City 3,5 . , , . , . 5,500 00 NAME OF DECEASED. Final Amount Expenses of paid into legatees Treasury Sundrxs. L. F. J. Weiher, Jr., Second Deputy Charles J. Reilly, 11 ,,.,.. 1,500 00 Decree. Received. Administration, the City or next for Superintendent ...... 2,500 00 William J. Ryan, " ,,,,,, 1,500 00 and Claims of Treasury. of Kin. Unknown John J. Tindale, Plan Clerk . , , .. 1,200 00 August Birnsteil, t ` , , , , , , 1,500 00 Creditors. William H. Class, Fire-escape and G4ty B. Waite, ...... 1,500 Co George Oton...... Aug. 13, r895 $423 43 $2O 36 $at 17 $181 go Violation Clerk ...... 1,800 00 John O'Connor, t` ...... 1,500 00 William Revers...... " r3, ' 369 63 13 6o it 48 317 55 Thomas H. Flanagan, Clerk...... i,600 00 Martin J. Hackett, " ...... 1,500 00 James A. A. Goiter.... Sept. Ii, 978 70 14t 25 48 98 788 47 \4rilliam H. James, t` ...... 1,500 00 B.McGeraghty, " ...... 1,300 00 Martin Bode...... " it 447 03 140 84 ,2 35 283 84 Franklin P. Duffey, " , , , , , , I,5oo 00 Michael P. Burns, " 1,300 00 John F. Schur dt...... ma, 4,198 93 239 34 168 84 3,790 75 ...... Maggie Feenn- y (admin. James J. Carroll, " ...... 5,400 00 John J. Reilly, " ...... 1,300 00 istrator appointed).. ... .. .. 213 96 170 .. . Thomas J. McCabe, `t ..... , 1,400 00 John M. Slattery, ...... 1,300 00 Henry Oemeich...... Sept. 17, +895 1,73, 5, 30" 89 86 68 1.338 99 Thomas M. Hart, " ...... 1,200 00 James M. B. Robinson, Inspector. 1,300 00 Mary O'Connell...... 6, 253 98 119 c9 12 70 122 19 Catharine Horan...... Dec. t8, 1893 1,649 74 171 17 82 80 1,395 77 D.J. O'Dair, " ...... 1,200 00 Francis M. Rutherfurd, 1,200 00 James Grimes, " ...... 1,200 00 Edward Dowling, `t 1,2 000 Totals...... I ...... I fIO,307 96 I $1,354 (4 I 6462 o 168,239 46 I ...... I "`$257 26 James Dunn, " ...... 1,200 00 C. J. Black, t` 1,200 03 D.E. Buckley, 't 1,201 00 a Paid to Michael Feeney, administrator. Phillip J. McKinley, " ...... 1,200 00 John W. McGuire, " . , .. , . 1,000 00 R. J. Cunningham], t' 1,203 00 A statement o/ the title of any estate on which any money has been received since the date of the Henry W. Seabold, " ...... 1,000 00 M. L. Holmes, " 1,200 00 last report. Washington Parker, " . , . , , . I,000 00 J. MCArdle, " 1,20000 Charles H.StrombergI I. ...... I,000 00 John f . Lewis, " 1,200 00 1.o'rAL TOTAL John H. Bergen, " ...... 1,000 00 Cornelius O'Connor, `t NAME OF DECEASED. AMOUNT NAME OF DECEASED. AhiOUNT 1,200 00 RECEIVED. RECEIVED. Richard Dawson, " . 1,000 00 Daniel J. O'Toole, `t 1,200 00 James J. O'Mahoney ...... $tzo 74 Maria Hodney ...... Jlo z8 Elmer E. Roy, Confidential Ex- Patrick Ryan, " 1,200 00 1,200 00 Margaret Price...... , ,o 0o Jacob Heinrich...... 95 atniner ...... .. .... .. Charles F. Danforth, 1,200 00 Henry Gebhard ...... 857 78 John Anderson ...... 4 55 Rose I. O'Brien, Confidental Ex- Henry H. Swinburne, 1,200 00 Louisa 'Thiel ...... 6 43 Toner Garpested ...... 5 5s3 aminer .. ..... ...,, 1,000 00 Thomas Keller, t` I,2oo co Leonard W. Jerome ...... 56 Joseph Chenteli...... 470 no Florence H. Dangerfield, Stenog- James J. Gaynor, '1 1,100 00 '1amesJ. O'Mahoney ...... ro 0o James McCar by ...... 146 71 Samuel Rothschi!d ...... r9 co Wit iam Blum ...... rr4 17 rapher and Typewriter . , ... .. 1,200 00 William Delany, " 1,I00 00 Maggie Feenan ...... 51 ao Thomas Wren...... 6t 66 Mary E. Dickson, Stenographer William Evans, 1' 1,100 00 Nicholas Muller ...... 189 6o Samuel Rothschild...... r on 800 00 William Cooper, 4 85 Rose Murphy ...... and Typewriter ...... `t 1,100 00 Robert Bruckner ...... rt 79 George Morgan, Messenger....., 1,000 00 Thomas T. Petersen, I,ICo 00 Harriet Jackson ...... 8 90 Unknown man, or Will. am Rogers...... 03 it Henry Scharz ...... 8(, 70 Mary Green ...... 66o 34 James Salmon, ' ...... I,000 00 Hugh Dolan, 1,100 00 Henry Gebhard ...... 3,060 00 Marie T. Schimpff...... r,66n 95 M.J. Flynn, t` ...... 9Co 00 Joseph C. Cocker, " 1,100 00 Peter Haines ...... ...... .. 107 50 Anton M. Mcrk ...... 87 31 John Forshay, " ...... goo 00 James G. Crowe, t` 1, too 00 Nicholas Muller ...... ..... 16 75 Louse Champ on...... 387 4r. it Franz Twirschick ...... a4 00 William C. C. Lange...... 435 56 E. W. Kennedy, °f goo 00 James B. Dolen, 1,100 00 Christine Wettner ...... 38 4o Anton Staud,nger ...... ass 3a ohn P. Boyle, `t 9Co Oct H. H. Donnelly, 't 1,100 00 Samuel Rothschild ...... zoo 0o Heinrich L. Muller ...... 370 46 Philip J. Powers, " , , . , , , goo 00 J. Montgomery, 1,100 00 Henry Gebhard ...... ...... 5o Matyana Wolez,'nski...... r,t36 4{ Edward A. Begen, James F,Quigley ...... 184 5o J-seph Chentel'...... 125 66 't goo 00 Jon P. Reilly, `• 1,100 00 Catharine'McGlynn ...... 7 2z Maria Hodney ...... to9 92 J ames F. Donohue, " goo 00 Thomas Sanderson, " 1,100 00 William Brown ...... ...... 170 00 Marlin Q irk...... 318 36 Joseph Burke, t` goo 00 Joseph R. Williams, " 1,100 00 Mary Cle,ry ...... 8 03 Maria I.. Mors.. ...... 227 09 T. J. Lane, ...... goo 00 Fred.Clague, 1,10000


Salary per Annum. To pave , from Fifty-seventh to Fifty-ninth street, etc. Edward J. O'Connor, Inspector $1,100$1,100 00 William J Carey, Inspector.... $1,200 00 To pave One Hundred and Third street, from Fourth to Fifth avenue. Robert Auld, Jr., " 1,100 00 E. J. Carroll, II , , , . 1,200 00 To pave One Hundred and First street, from Madison to Fifth avenue. William H. Muldoon, 1,100 00 M. F. Donohue, " .... I,2oo 00 To pave Ninety-fifth street, from Madison to Fifth avenue. Peter A. Murphy, I, too 00 John A. Lee, , , , , i,2oo 00 To pave One Hundred and Sixty-fifth street, from Edgecombe to Amsterdam avenue. C.J. Walsh, 1,10000 William H. Pearlbrook, Inspector. 1,200 00 It is important that these improvements shall be made at the earliest possible moment, and I John Dempsey, 1,100 ao William F. Sheehan, 1 I,2oo 00 have the honor to request your good offices to secure prompt action by the Board. Denis O'Brien, " 1,100 00 Jere J Flood, " 1,200 00 Very respectfully, O. C. Flynn, 1,100 00 Bernard J. Gorman, 11 I,2oo 00 CHARLES H. T. COLLIS, Deputy Commissioner of Public Works. Thomas Heasley, 1,100 00 John Boyle, " r,2oo 00 Resolved, That the roadway of One Hundred and Third street, from Fourth to Fifth avenue, David B. Emerson, 1,10000 Andrew F. O'Toole, 1,200 00 be paved with asphalt pavement on concrete foundation, under the direction of the Commissioner Thomas H. McElroy, " [,IOO oO W. A. Helms, 1: r,2oo Co of Public Works ; and that the accompanying ordinance therefor be adopted. ]fferrit Smith, " 1,100 00 Peter McGinnis, 11 1,200 00 Which was laid over. James J. Culliton, " 1,100 00 Edwerd Reilley, 1` 1,200 00 The President laid before the Board the following communications from the Department of Edward 'I'. Burke, 1,100 00 James F. Lalor, 11 1,200 00 John J. Hearn, i,I00 00 Public Works " Bernard O'Neill, Jr., '' 1,100 00 (G. 0. 499.) Thomas Heatley, Jr., " 1,100 00 E. J. Carroll, Clerk .. .. .... .I, 200 00 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS-COMMISSIONER'S OFFICE, No. 31 CHAMBERS STREET, Frederick W. Vowles, " I,100 00 George A. Daly, Office Boy, . , ... 400 00 Thomas Miller, 1,100 00 Thomas Ewing, Attorney ...... 5,000 Co NEW YORK, September 28, 1895. Francis T. McDonough, 1,100 00 John V. Dahlgren, First Assistant To the Honorable the Board of Aldermen William J. O'Gorman, 1,100 00 Attorney GENTLEMEN-In accordance with the provisions of section 321 of the New York City Consoli- " ...... ...... 2,500 00 dation Act of 1882, as amended by chapter 569 of the Laws of 1887, I hereby certify and report to Charles A. Wiley, 11 1,100 00 John D.Quincy, Assistant Attorney 2,500 00 John D. Gelston, 1,100 00 your Honorable Board that the safety, health and convenience of the public require that the Samuel J. Parmenter, " 2,000 00 carriageway of Avenue A, from the north side of Fifty-seventh to the north side of Fifty-ninth street, wrenceLa Brickley, " 1,100 00 Frank Pisek, 2,000 00 William H. Cochran, " 1,100 00 John H. Hanan, Clerk...... 1,400 00 be repaved with asphalt pavement on the present macadam pavement, and that crosswalks be laid Michael Tully, goo 00 John R. Sever, and curb-stones set along the line of said street where required. " ...... 1,200 00 Very respectfully, CHARLES H. T. COLLIS, Deputy Commissioner of Public Works. John Crosson, Machinist to Super- S. B. M. Stokes, " ..... goo 00 vise 1,200 00 Resolved, That, in pursuance of section 321 of the New York City Consolidation Act of 1882, Elevators ...... Harry Brownlee, Office Boy and as amended by chapter 569 of the Laws of 1887, the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is Thomas Murphy, Machinist to Messenger ...... ...... . 600 00 Supervise Elevators...... 1,200 00 Vacancies Caused by Dismissals, hereby authorized and directed to repave the carriageway of Avenue A, from the north side of Matthew Gaughan, Machinist to Deaths, Resignations, etc.-.-- Fifty-seventh street to the north side of Fifty-ninth street, with asphalt pavement on the present macadam pavement, and that crosswalks be laid and curb-stones set along the line of the said street Supervise Elevators ...... 1,200 00 I Chief Clerk ...... 2,500 00 where required. Edward Lyon, Machinist to Super- IClerk ...... 1,500 00 vise Elevators ...... 1,200 00 I Messenger ...... 1,200 00 (G. 0.500. ) John T. Corcoran, Inspector .... 1,500 00 I " ..... ... . goo 00 Resolved, That the roadway of Ninety_filth street, from Madison to Fifth avenue, he paved Warren H. Titus, with asphalt pavement on concrete foundation, under the direction of the Coininissioner of Public I,500 00 I Chief Inspector Plumbing, Works ; and that the accompanying ordinance therefor be adopted. Henri 1). Dickinson, 11500 00 etc...... ...... 2,750 00 John Lewis, " .. 1,260 00 (G. 0.501.) Sidney G.11olborow, 1,200 00 Total ...... $185,910 00 Resolved, That the roadway of One Hundred and Sixty. fifth street, from Edgecombe to Amsterdam avenue, be paved with asphalt pavement on concrete foundation, under the direction of Which was referred to the Committee on Finance. the Commissioner of Public Works ; and that the accompanying ordinance therefor be adopted. The President laid before the Boaid the following communication from the office of the (G. 0.502.) Mayor : Resolved, ']'hat the roadway of One Hundred and First street, from Madison to Fifth avenue, CITY OF NEW YORK-OFFICE OF THE MAYOR, October I, 1895. be paved with asphalt pavement on concrete foundation, under the direction of the Commissioner of Tn the Ilonorable the Board of Aldermen : Public Works ; and that the accompanying ordinance therefore be adopted. GENTLEMEN-By direction of the Mayor, I transmit herewith an account of the expenditures Which were severally laid over. and receipts of the Mayor's office for the quarter ending September 30, 1895, together with a slate- •l'he President laid before the Board the following communication from the Finance Depart. ment in detail of the amounts paid for salaries to clerks in said office and the general nature of went: their duties. Respectfully, CITY OF NEW YORK-FINANCE DEPARTMENT, COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE, October 5, 1895. JOB E. HEDGES, Secretary. To the honorable the Board of Aldermen: Statement of the receipts of the Mayor's Office for licenses granted to places of amusement and Weekly statement, sh wing the appropriations made under the authority contained in section paid to Hon. Ashbel P. Fitch, Comptroller of the City of New York, for the quarter ending 189, New York City Consolidation Act of 1882, for carrying on the Common Council from January September 30, 1895 : I to December 31, 1895, both days inclusive, and of the payments made up to and including the Total amount received ...... $4,420 8o date hereof, for and on account of each appropriation, and the amount of unexpended balances

Statement of receipts of the Mayor's Marshal's Office for licenses granted during the quarter AsloesT OF A'IOVNT OF ending September 30, 1895 : T11 LES OF APPROPRIATIONS. PAYMENTS. APPROPRIATIONS. UNEXPENDED Total number of licenses granted, 4,723. BALANCES. Paid to City Treasury ...... $8,362 50 City Contingencies ...... ...... ...... $1,400 CO $726 8o $673 20 Paid to Sinking Fund ...... 10,077 00 Contingencies-Clerk of the Common Council..... 300 00 203 83 96 17 Salaties-Common Council ...... 86,300 00 64,696 34 21,603 66 Total...... f5439 50 RICHARD A. STORKS, Deputy Comptroller. Statement in detail of the amount paid for salaries in the Mayor's Office and Bureau of Licenses Which was ordered on file. for the quarter ending September 30, 1895 : COMMUNICATIONS AGAIN RESUMED. Job E. Hedges. Secretary ...... .. ...... $1,249 97 The President laid before the Board tile following communication from Joe Hooker Post No. Bion L. Burrows, Confidential and Chief Clerk ...... 749 99 128, G. A. R.: Henry H. Alexander, Warrant and Bond Clerk ...... 624 99 NOTICE TO CITY OR TOWN CLERKS, OR SUPERINTENDENTS OF THE POOR, OF TAKING William H. Corsa, Assistant Warrant and Bond Clerk ...... 375 00 CHARGE OF RELIEF. William J. Harvey, Stenographer ...... 300 00 To Board of Aldermen of New York: Edmund .H. Cole, " ...... .. 300 00 Please to take notice that Joe Hooker Post No. 128, of the Grand Army of the Republic, at Edward Hetherton, Messenger .. ...... 349 98 New York, in the State of New York, will undertake the relief of indigent veterans and their Edward U. Healy, First Marshal ...... 699 99 families, pur-uant to chapter 706 of the Laws of 1887 of the State of New York, as amended by John J. Brennan, Second Marshal ...... 600 co chapter 261 of the Laws of 18SS of said State. George W. Brown, Jr., Chief Clerk ...... 412 50 The headquarters of the Post are at Essex Market Building, corner Grand and Ludlow streets. William H. Hayden, Itrspector ...... 337 50 The names of the members of the Relief Committee of said Post are as follows : George \V. Stripling, ...... 337 50 9liclil. 11. Whistler, No. 340 Broadway ; Geo. Boeckcll, No. 224 East Seventy-sixth street ; H. John Schmidling, " ...... 33[ 00 D. Beam, No. 510 East Twelfth street ; Robert Kennedy, No. 403 East Twenty-second street Julius Pollock, Jr., " ...... 300 00 George A. Fates, No. 46 Rivington street. Robert B. Johnson, Confidential Messenger ...... 62 50 The names of the officers of the Post are as follows Commander, Harro Schacht, No. 423 East Fourteenth street. Total...... $7,03[ 36 Senior Vice-Conmlander, M. H. Whistler, No.34o Broadway. Junior Vice-Commander, G. 1). Bassler, No. 713 Sixth street. Which was ordered on file. Quartermaster, Louis Fricke, Essex Market Building. The President laid before the Board the following communication from the County Clerk Adjutant, William J. Barry, No. 32 Goerck street. COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE, NEW COUNTY COURT-HOUSE, NEW YORK, October 3, 1895• Chaplain, H. D. Beam, No. 5i0 East Twelfth street. fNon. JOHN JEROLOMAN, ]'resident, Board of Aldermen : Officer of the Day, G. A. Fates, No. 46 Rivington street. DEAR SIR-Inclosed please find list of names of Commissioners of Deeds whose terms of By order of the Post. Respectfully yours, office will expire during the present month. HARRO SCHACHT, Commander. Respectfully, HENRY D. PURROY, County Clerk. Dated October I, 1895• Term expires. Term expires. Which was ordered on file. Auld, Thomas, Jr...... October 6, 1895. Hargrove, P. H...... October 17, 1895. UNFINISHED BUSINESS. Bauer, Jacob .... ...... " 8, " Flyer, Martin C...... 17, Alderman Goodwin, by unanimous consent, moved that the report of the Committee on Law Blessing, Thomas J...... " 17, " Flatting, P. A ...... 11 17, Department, permitting the erection of stands within the City of New York, which was laid on the Breunich ...... " 17, " Horenberger, Herrman ..... " 17, table October I, 1895 (and which was formerly known as G. 0.426), be taken from the table. Borgen, William 3...... '' 17, '' Irvine, Allatt A...... 17, (For transcript of said report see proceedings of Board of Aldermen in CITY RECORD of Blake, William...... 17, " Jackson, Henry H...... 17, September 19, 1895-) Barnett, Henry ...... " 17, '' Keese, William R ...... 8, The President put the question whether the Board would agree with said motion. Which was Carroll, Tames J...... 6, " Ketcham, Frank L...... " 17, decided in the affirmative. Cooper, Morris ...... 6, " Kearns, John J...... 17, Alderman Goodwin then moved that so much of the above-mentioned report as is embraced in Curley, Michael. 3...... " 6, " Kerrin, Patrick ...... [7, the following resolutions be adopted Cristalli, Joseph M...... " 17, Landow, Samuel J...... 8, Michael Scupary, 64 and 68 Centre street. Antonio Guiseppe Carozzo, 164 Clinton street. Carpenter, William C ...... 17, David Andreo,i, 153 Grand street. Gea J Meyer, 37z Seventh avenue. Lenehan, John J...... 8, John Gildersleeve, Fulton Ferry House. Jacob Frank, n West zzd street. Cheesman, F. W...... " 17, " Lutz, Charles A...... " 8, Nlcolo Taranto, I1 Roosevelt street. Samuel Makrans, 400 West 30th street. Cohn, Eugene ...... " 17, Lieberman, Ernest ...... " 17, Mrs. Francis Brien, zoo . Vincenzo Chafralo, northeast corner 4ad street and Lex- Cohen, Sol.. ...... " 17, Montgourery, James T...... " 17, " Frank Robusto, 78 Mulberry street. ington avenue, Duffield, John J...... Samuel H. Gensler, 49 . Abraham Greenburg, 1838 Third avenue. " 6, " Nolan, Thomas...... " 17, Thomas F. M.,her, 49 . Donnelly, John ...... " 17, " O'Sullivan, Charles ...... " 17, The President put the question whether the Board would agree with said motion. Which Donellan, J. Powe; ...... " 17, " O'Brien, Thomas F...... " 17, was decided in the affirmative. Engelhard, Peter J...... " 17, " Pensel, Emil... ...... " 17, On motion of Alderman Goodwin, so much of the report as had not keen disposed of was again Eckstein, Samuel , ...... " 17, " Platt, Benjamin H...... 17, Farley, Charles A...... " laid on the table. 8, " Peterson, C. E.. 17, " Alderman Ware, by unanimous consent, called up G. O.390, being a resolution, as follows: Fowler, Rufus H...... 8, " Swann, Edward . ...... 6, Fulton, Harry C...... " Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby requested to cause the 17, " Sheehy, Edward C...... 8, gas-lamps in front of the Church and College of St. Francis Xavier, in Sixteenth street, east of Guiterman, Milton S ...... 8, " Sheridan Thomas B...... 17, " Gordon, James L ...... " , to be relighted. 17, " Smith, Sidney ...... " 17, The President put the question whether the Board would agree with said resolution. Which Greenhali, Charles L...... " 17, " Seibert, Albert E...... " 17, Gitterman, John M , ..... , .. was decided in the affirmative by the following vote ; 17, " Simpson, Daniel M...... 17, Affirmative-The President, the Vice-Presirleut, Aldermen Burke, Clancy, Dwyer, Goodman, Gavi~an, John ....:...... " 17, " Trube, Adolph, Jr...... 6, Gabriel, Charles V, , , , , .. , , . Goodwin, Hackett, Hall, Kennefick, Marshall, Noonan, Oakley, O'Brien, Olcott, Parker, Randall, 17, " Van Brunt, James K...... " Iy, Robinson, Schilling, School, Tait, Ware, Wines, Wo.,dward, and Wund-25. IIerwig, Frank ...... 8, " Winslow, Francis A..... , .. Hassey, Emil A ...... " 17, " Alderman Woodward, by unanimous consent, called tip G. O. 373, being a resolution, as fol- Wagner, Andrew ..-...... 17, lows : Which was referred to the Committee on Salaries and Offices. Resolved, That water-mains be laid in One Hundred and Thirtieth street, between Amsterdam G. O. and Convent avenues, as provided by section 356 of the New York City Consolidation Act of 1882. The President laid before the Board the following communication from the Department of Alderman School moved that all General Orders relating to water-mains be included in the Public Works: call. D1 ARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS-COMMISSIONER'S OFFICEi'NO. 31 CHAMBERS STREET, The President put the question whether the Board would agree with said motion. Which W19W YORK, October i, 1895. was decided in the affirmative. T Hen. JOHN JEROLOMAN, P' fl&ht, Board of Ald9tmen : The resolutions referred to are as follows: D#At SIR- inclose herewith, for presentation to the Board of Aldermen, drafts of resolu- 0.0.374, being a resoltitiOU, as follows: tibMa ATM ordinances as follows: keaolved, Thet water mains be laid in , between Twenty-first and ry.eighth THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1895. THE CITY RECORD . 2971

streets, and in Twenty-ninth street, between Ninth and Tenth avenues, as provided by section 356 city, be and they are hereby authorized and empowered, under the supervision of the Clark of the of the New York City Consolidation Act of 1882. Board of Aldermen, to make translations of and print such of the records contained in the City G. 0. 376, being a resolution, as follows : Library, located in room number twelve in the City Hall, as they may desire ; and the Clerk of the Resolved, That water-mains be laid in Teller avenue, between One Hundred and Sixty-second Board is hereby authorized to loan to said Committee such records or books as shall be necessary and One Hundred and Sixty-fourth streets, as provided by section 356 of the New York City Con- to carry on this work, and shall take proper receipt therefor. solidation Act of 1882. The President put the question whether the Board would agree with said resolution. Which G. 0. 391, being a resolution, as follows : was decided in the affirmative. Resolved, That water-mains be laid in West One Hundred and Twelfth street, from Lenox By Alderman Olcott- to Seventh avenue, as provided for in section 356 of the New York City Consolidation Act of Resolved, That permission be and the same is hereby given to the Colonial Committee of the 1882. New York State Commission to the Cotton States and International Exposition at Atlanta, Georgia, G. 0. 438, being a resolution, as follows : 1895, to temporarily take, use and exhibit at said Cotton States and International Exposition the Resolved, That water-mains be laid in West Ninety-fourth street, between West End avenue three following portraits now hanging upon the walls of the Mayor's Office in the City ofNew York: and Riverside Drive, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Works, as provided by Portrait of Governor Stuyvesant, portrait of Mayor Livingston, portrait of Mayor Clinton ; provided section 356 of the New York City Consolidation Act of 1882. the said Committee stipulate with the Mayor of the City of New York to properly box, ship, insure G. V. 456, being a resolution, as follows : and carefully guard said portraits while on exhibition in Atlanta, Ga., and to return the same to Resolved, That water-mains be laid in One Hundred and Nineteenth street, between Madison said Mayor's Office in the same condition they are at present ; the work to be done at Committee's and Park avenues, as provided by section 356 of the New York City Consolidation Act of 1882. own expense, under the direction of the Mayor of said City of New York ; such permission to G. 0.458, being a resolution, as follows : continue only until January 31, 1896. Resolved, That water-mains be laid in One Hundred and Ninth street, between the Boulevard The President put the question whether the Board would agree with said resolution. Which and Riverside Drive, as provided by section 356 of the New York City Consolidation Act of 1882. was decided in the affirmative. G. 0. 459, being a resolution, as follows : By the same- Resolved, That water-mains be laid in One Hundred and Seventy-third street, between Resolved, That permission be and the same is hereby given to Henry G. Marquand, President Amsterdam avenue and Kingsbridge road, as provided by section 356 of the New York City of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, to temporarily take, use and exhibit at the first exhibition of Consolidation Act of 1882. Early American Art at said Metropolitan Museum, the following portraits now hanging upon the G. 0. 460, being a resolution, as follows : walls of the Governor's Room in the City Hall, New York City : Full length portrait of Gen. Resolved, That water-mains be laid in One Hundred and Fifty-eighth street, between Clinton, by Col. John Trumbull ; full length portrait of Com. Decatur, by Thomas Sully ; provided Eleventh avenue and Hudson river, as provided by section 356 of the New York City Consolidation said Henry G. Ma.quand will stipulate with Mayor of the City of New York to box, ship and Act of 1882. insure said portraits and guard the same carefully while in transit and on exhibition, and to return G. 0. 496, being a resolution, as follows : the same in their present condition, the work to be done at his own expense, under the direction of Resolved, That water-mains be laid in One Hundred and Eighty-third street, from Amsterdam the Commissioner of Public Works ; such permission to continue only until April 15, 1896. avenue to the Boulevard, in accordance with the provisions of section 356 of the Consolidation Act The President put the question whether the Board would agree with said resolution. Which of 1882. was decided in the affirmative. The President pttt the question whether the Board would agree with said resolutions. Which (G. 0. 504.) was decided in the negative by the following vote : By the same- Affirtnative-The President, the Vice-President, Aldermen Dwyer, Goodman, Hackett, Hall, Resolved, That the carriageway of One Hundred and Eleventh street, from Amsterdam to Kennefick, Marshall, Olcott, Parker, Randall, Schilling, School, Ware, Wines, Woodward, and Riverside avenue, be regulated and graded, under the direction of the Commissioner of Street Wund -17. Improvements, Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Wards ; • and that the accompanying ordinance Negative-Aldermen Burke, Clancy, Goodwin, Oakley, O'Brien, and Tait-6. therefor be adopted. Alderman Woodward moved that the vote by which the General Orders were lost be recon- Which was laid over. sidered. By Alderman Parker- The President put the question whether the Board would agree with said motion. W hch Resolved, That gas-mains be laid, lamp-posts erected and street-lamps placed thereon and was decided in the affirmative. lighted on the east side of , from Ninety-seventh to Ninety-ninth street, under the Aldermen Woodward then moved that the several resolutions be restored to the list of General direction of the Commissioner of Public Works. Orders. Which was referred to the Committee on Lamps and Gas. The President put the question whether the Board would agree with said motion. Which (G. 0.505•) was decided in the affirmative. By the same-- MOTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS, Resolved. That the carriageway of Park avenue lying east of the railroad cut, from Ninety- By the Vice-President- Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby respectfully requested seventh to Ninety-ninth street, be paved with granite-block pavement on concrete foundation, and that crosswalks be laid at each intersecting and terminating street or avenue where not already to repave the following streets : Thirtieth, Thirty-first, Thirty-second and Th,rty-third streets, Seventh to , with asphalt pavement, on the present stone-block pavement. done, tinder the direction of the Commissioner of Public Works ; and that the accompanying - Which was referred to the Committee on Streets. ordinance therefor be adopted. Which was laid over. By Alderman Brown- Resolved, That permission be and the same is hereby given to Frank C. Nugent to place (G. O. 5o6.) and keep a show-case in front of premises No. 134 Water street, provided same does not exceed the By the same- Resolved, That the sidewalks on the east side of Fifth avenue, from Ninety-first street to One dimensions prescribed by law, the work to be done at his own expense, under the direction of the Hundred and Ninth street, be flagged full width where not already done, and that all the flagging Commissioner of Public Works ; such permission to continue only during the pleasure of the Com- and the curb now on the sidewalks be relaid and reset where necessary, and that new flagging and mon Council. curb be furnished where the present flagging and curb are defective, as providel by section 321 of The President put the question whether the Board would agree with said resolution. Which chapter 569, Laws of 1887, under the directio-t of the Commissioner of Public Works ; and that the was decided in the affirmative. accompanying ordinance therefor be adopted. By the same-- Which was laid over. Resolved, That permission be and the same is hereby given to S. Sleszzynski to place and keep By Alderman Randall-- an Indian figure within the stoop-line in front of his premises, No. 13 Market street, provided, how- Resolved, That gas-mains be laid, lamp-posts erected and street-lamps placed thereon and ever, that the provisions of the ordinance relating to show figures, adopted March 30, 1886, are lighted in Giles place, between Boston and Sedgwick avenues, under the direction of the Continis- complied with, the work to be done at his own expense, under the uirection of the Commissioner sioner of Public Works. of Public Works ; such permission to continue only during the pleasure of the Common Council. Which was referred to the Committee on Lamps and Gas. The President put the question whether the Board would agree with said resolution. Which was decided in the affirmative. (G. O. 507.) By the same- By the same- Resolved, That permission be and the same is hereby given to Charles Cohen to place and Resolved, That water-mains be laid in Giles place, from Boston avenue to Sedgwick avenue, keep two (2) show-cases in front of premises No. I 17 Park Row, provided same do not exceed the as provided by section 356 of the New York City Consolidation Act of 1882. dimensions prescribed by law, the work to be done at his own expense, under the direction of the Which was laid over. Commissioner of Public Works ; such permission to continue only during the pleasure of the By the same-- Common Council. Resolved, That gas-mains be laid, lamp-posts erected, street-lamps placed thereon and lighted The President put the question whether the Board would agree with said resolution. Which in Fulton avenue, from Pelham avenue to a point about two hundred and fifty feet north of said was decided in the affirmative. (Pelham) avenue, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Works. By Alderman Campbell- Which was referred to the Committee on L:,mps and Gas. Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby respectfully requested By the same- to repave East Sixty-second street, between Second and Madison avenues, with asphalt pavement. Resolved, That gas-mains be laid, lamp-posts erected, street-lamps placed thereon and lighted The President put the question whether the Board would agree with said resolution. Which in St. John's avenue, from Pelham avenue to Crescent avenue, under the direction of the Commis. was decided in the affirmative. sioner of Public Works. By Alderman Dwyer- Which was referred to the Committee on Lamps and Gas. Resolved, That permission be and the same is hereby given to West & Linch to keep their trucks on the sidewalk in front of their premises, Nos. 618 and 622 Washington street, between the (G. O 508.) the same- hours of 6 and 8 o'clock A. M. and from 4 to to o'clock P. ai., the work to be done at their own expense, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Works ; such permission to continue Resolved, That the carriageway of Wendover avenue, from Third avenue to Webster avenue, only during the pleasure of the Common Council. be regulated and paved with granite-block pavement, and that crosswalks be laid at each intersect. mg and terminating street or avenue, where not already laid, under the direction of the Commis- The President put the question whether the Board would agree with said resolution. Which sioner of Street Improvements of the Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Wards ; and that the was decided in the attirmatfve. accompanying ordinance therefor be adopted. By the same- Resolved, That permission be and the same is hereby given tolthe Director of the Germania Which was laid over. Theatre to parade a yoke of oxen with cart and proper attendance through the several streets and (G. 0. 509.) avenues lying north of Grand street and east of the Bowery and Fourth avenue, also the streets and By the same- avenues lying north of Houston street and west of Sixth and Columbus avenues, the work to be Resolved, That a crosswalk, consisting of two courses of bridge-stone, be laid across Sedgwick done at their own expense ; such permission to continue only for sixty days from date of approval. avenue at the southerly side of Burnside avenue, under the direction of the Commissioner of Street The President put the question whether the Board would agree with said resolution. Which Improvements of the Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Wards ; and that the accompanying ordi- decided therefor in the affirmative. be adopted.nance Which was laid over. By Alderman Goodman- (G. 0. 5to.) y Resolved, 'That permission be and the same is hereby given to M. C. Spencer & Company to By the same- place and keep a storm-door in front of their premises, Nos. 144 and 146 One Hundred and "Twenty- Resolved, That Decatur avenue, from Kingsbridge road to Brookline street, be regulated and fifth street, West, similar to the one attached to the adjoining premises of H. C. F. Koch & Com- graded, cttrb-stones set, the sidewalks flagged a space four feet in width, and crosswalks be laid at patty, the work to be done at their own expense, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public each intersecting and terminating street or avenue, where not already done, under the direction of Works ; such permission to continue only during the pleasure of the Common Council. the Commissioner of Street Improvements of the Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Wards ; and that The President put the question whether the Board would agree with said resolution. Which the accompanying ordinance therefor be adopted. was decided in the affirmative. Which was laid over. (G.O.5o3.) (G. O. iii.) By the same- By Alderman School- Resolved, That Croton water-mains be laid in One Hundred and Nineteenth street, between Resolved, That the carriageway of One Hundred and Thirty-fourth street, from the Southern Park avenue and , as provided for in section 356 of the New York City Consolida- Boulevard to a line two hundred and seventy feet east of Locust avenue, also the triangular space at tion Act of 1882. the intersection of Southern Boulevard, Trinity avenue and One Hundred and Thirty-fourth street, Which was laid over. be regulated and paved with granite-block pavement, and crosswalks be laid at each intersecting By the same- and terminating street or avenue, where not already done, under the direction of the Commissioner Resolved, That permission be and the same is hereby given to M. C. Spencer & Company to of Street Improvements of the Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Wards ; and that the accompany- place and keep a canopy of iron and glass in front of their premises, Nos. 153 and 155 West One Hun- fog ordinance therefor be adopted. dred and Twenty-fourth street, as shown upon the accompanying diagram, said canopy to extend Which was laid over. from the house-line to the curb, the work to be done at their own expense, under the direction of (G. O.512.) the Commissioner of Public Works ; such permission to continue only during the pleasure of the By the same- Common Council. Resolved, That the carriageway of One Hundred and Seventieth street, from N. Y. and H. The President put the question whether the Board would agree with said resolution. Which R. R. to Webster avenue, be regulated and paved with granite-block pavement, and crosswalks was decided in the affirmative. laid at each intersecting and terminating street or avenue, where not already laid, under the By Alderman Kennefick- direction of the Commissioner of Street Improvements of the Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Resolved, That permission be and the same is hereby given to R. Sheridan to place and keep Wards ; and that the accompanying ordinance therefor be adopted. a show-case within the stoop-line in front of his premises, No. 47 Broadway, provided the same Which was laid over, shall not exceed the dimensions prescribed by law, the work to be done at his own expense, under (G. 0. 513•) the direction of the Commissioner of Public Works ; such permission to continue only during the By the same- pleasure of the Common Council. Resolved, That the carriageway of Locust avenue, from One Hundred and Thirty-second The ' President put the question whether the Board would agree with said resolution, street to (inc Hundred and Thirty-eighth street, be regulated and paved with granite-block pave- Which was decided in the affirmative. ment and crosswalks laid at each intersecting and terminating street or avenue where not alreaai~ By Alderman Hall- laid, under the direction of the Commissioner of Street Improvements of the Twenty-third sad Resolved, That General James Grant Wilson, Charles Burr Todd, Willis L. Stone, Isaac Twenty-fourth Wards ; and that the accompanying ordinance therefor be adopted. Townsend Smith and Edward F. De Lancey, a committee appointed by his Honor the Mayor of this Which was laid over. 2972 THE CITY RECORD. THURSDAY, OCTOBER l o, 1895

By the same— By the same— Resolved, That the carriageway of One Hundred and Sixty-eighth street, from Webster ave- Resolved, That permission be and the same is hereby given to the German Lutheran Church nue to Franklin avenue, be regulated and paved with granite-block pavement and crosswalks laid to}place and keep transparencies on the following lamp-posts : Northwest corner of One Hundred at each intersecting and terminating street or avenue where not already laid, under the direction of and Forty-first street and Eighth avenue, southeast corner of One Hundred and Forty-second street the Commissioner of Street Improvements, Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Wards ; and that the and Eighth avenue, southwest corner of One Hundred and Forty-fifth street and Eighth avenue; accompanying ordinance therefor be adopted. the work to he done and material supplied at their own expense, under the direction of the Com- Which was referred to the Committee on Public Works. missioner of Public Works ; such permission to continue only from October 23 to November 6, 1895. By the same— The President put the question whether the Board would agree with said resolution. Which Resolved, That permission be and the same is hereby given to the Crawford Building Company was decided in the affirmative. to place, keep and erect a bay-window on the second and third floors of the building on the south- By the same— east corner of One Hundred and Fifty-sixth street and Prospect avenue, as shown upon the accom- Resolved, That permission be and the same is hereby given to Henry Conrad to erect a storm- panying diagra:.n, the work to be done at their own expense, under the direction of and to the door in front of the premises No. 51 Manhattan street, provided same shall not exceed the satisfaction of the Superintendent of Buildings ; such pet mission to continue only during the pleasure dimensions prescribed by law, viz., ten feet high, two feet wider than the doorway, and not to of the Common Council. extend more than six feet from the house-line, the work to be done and material supplied at his The President put the question whether the Board would agree with said resolution.. Which own expense, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Works ; such permission to was decided in the affirmative. continue only during the pleasure of the Common Council. By the same— The President put the question whether the Board would agree with said resolution. Which Resolved, That the carriageway of One Hundred and Sixty-ninth street, from the New York was decided in the affirmative. and Railroad to Webster avenue, be regulated and paved with granite-block pavement, REPORTS RESUMED. and that crosswalks be laid at each intersecting and terminating street or avenue, where not already OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN, No. 8 CITY HALL, NEW YORK, October 8, 1895• done, under the direction of the Commissioner of Street Improvements of the Twenty-third and The Committee on Excise, to whom was referred the resolution relating to the excise question, Twenty-fourth Wards ; and that the accompanying ordinance therefor be adopted. beg leave to present the following preliminary Which was referred to the Committee on Public Works. REPORT: P. O. 514.) We have arranged a series of public hearings, and in order to give all parties interested an By the same— opportunity to be heard have issued a circular letter (a copy of which is hereto annexed) to public Resolved, That Hall place, from East One Hundred and Sixty-Afth street to Intervale avenue, men, organizations favoring liberal laws, societies and individuals opposed to any change of existing he regulated and graded, the curb-stones set, the sidewalks flagged a space four feet in width and statute, etc. crosswalks laid at each intersecting and terminating street or avenue, where not already done, under The first public hearing will be held on Thursday, the Loth instant, and to it we invite the the direction of the Commissioner of Street Improvements of the Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth attendance of all who have any views to express. Wards ; and that the accompanying ordinance therefor be adopted. We offer the following: Which was laid over. Resolved, That an invitation be and is hereby extended to all citizens, organizations, etc., to (G.O.515.) attend the public hearings of the Excise Committee or to send communications relating to the excise ltv the same— laws, which may in any way enable said Committee to obtain views that can in any manner aid Resolved, That the carriageway of Trinity avenue, from One Hundred and Sixty-first street to towards a proper solution of the complex question relating to excise regulation for this city. t hie Hundred and Sixty-third street, be regulated and paved with granite-block pavement and cross- COLLIN H. WOODWARD, FREDERICK A. WARE, CHARLES WINES, JOSEPH walks laid at each intersecting and terminating street or avenue, where not already laid, under the SCHILLING, ANDREW ROBINSON, WILLIAM E. BURKE, Committee on Excise. direction of the Commissioner of the Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Wards ; and that the accom- OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN, No. 8 CITY HALL, NEW YORK, October 7, 1895. lianying ordinance therefor be adopted. DEAR SIR—At a meeting of the Board of Aldermen, held August 6, 1895, the following Which was laid over. resolution was unanimously adopted lh}' Alderman Narc- 11 Resolved, That the Excise Committee be and they are hereby instructed to examine and Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Worksbe and lie is hereby respectfully requested to consider the provisions of the present excise law, to hold public hearings and hear argument for and !cpave the following streets : Twenty-ninth street, from Sixth to Seventh avenue ; Sixteenth street, against a more liberal statute, and to receive suggestions of means and methods by which the people l ism Third to Fourth avenue, with asphalt pavement, upon the present stone-block pavement. of this city may be enabled, through legislative action, to either govern themselves in the line of The President put the question whether the Board would agree with said resolution. Which wa> home rule, by local option or by such other enactments as will conform to the expressed views of decided in the affirmative. this Board as noted in the minutes of March 26 and May 14, 1895, on pages 363 and 288 of the I,y- the same— Journal of our proceedings. Resolved, That permission be and the same is hereby given to the Young Men's Christian " Resolved, That the said Excise Committee are further instructed to confer with the Committee Association, of No. 52 East Twenty-third street, to place transparencies on the following lamp- on Law Department, and prepare a bill, subject to approval by this Board, for piesentatton to the posts : The southeast corner of Twenty-third street and Fourth avenue, southeast corner of Twenty- Legislature early in its session ; such an act as will meet the necessities of this city, and comply third street and Sixth avenue, southeast corner of Fourteenth street and Third avenue, northeast with the apparent will of its citizens. " corner of Eighteenth street and Sixth avenue, the work to be done at their own expense, under the In compliance with the above resolution the Committee on Excise will hold public hearings direction of the Commissioner of Public Works ; such permission to continue only two weeks from on Thursday of each week, beginning October to, 1895, at 1.30 o'clock P. M., in the Alkermanic ( t ctober 6, 1895. Chamber, City Hall. The President put the question whether the Board would agree with said resolution. Which You are hereby invited to give us the benefit of your views ou this subject, either by appearing x as decided in the affirmative. before us at the public hearings or by letter. Please advise us as soon as possible what day would By the same— be most convenient for you to be heard, and oblige, Resolved, That permission be and the same is hereby given to Samuel S. Childs to place and COLLIN H. WOODWARD, Chairman ; FREDERICK A. WARE, CHARLES WINES, keep two ornamental lamp-posts and lamps in front of his premises, No. I2 East Twenty-third street, ANDREW ROBINSON, JOSEPH SCHILLING, JOHN J. MURPHY, WILLIAM E. BURKE, provided the lamps be kept lighted during the same hours as the public lamps ; that the posts shall Committee on Excise. not exceed the dimensions prescribed by law (eighteen inches square at the base), the lamps not to The President put the question whether the Board would agree to accept said report and adopt exceed two feet in diameter, as shown on the accompanying diagram, and not to be used for adver- said resolution. Which was decided in the affirmative. tising purposes, the work to be done and gas supplied at his own expense, under the direction of the MOTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS RESUMED. commissioner of Public Works ; such permission to continue only (luring the pleasure of the Com- By the President— mon Council. Resolved, That Nathan J. \Valdman, of No. 415 East Eighty-first street, and Abraham H. The President put the question whether the Board would agree with said resolution. Which Kafienburgh, of No. 207 East Seventeenth street, be and they are hereby appointed Commissioners was decided in the affirmative. of Deeds in and for the City and County of New York. By the same— Which was referred to the Committee on Salaries and Offices. Resolved, That permission be and the same is hereby given to L. Plarano to place and keep By the Vice-President-- an ornamental lamp-post and lamp in front of his premhes, No. 38 West Twenty-ninth street, pro- Resolved, That James L. McGuire, of No. 366 \Vest 'Thirty-sixth street, and Charles A. vided the lamp be kept lighten during the same hours as the public lamps ; that the post shall not Rosenthal, of No. 203 East Forty-sixth street, be and they are hereby appointed Commissioners of exceed the dimensions prescribed by law (eighteen inches square at the base), the lamp not to Deeds in and for the City and County of New York. exceed two feet m diameter and not to be used for advertising purposes, the work to be done and Which was referred to the Committee on Salaries and Offices. gas supplied at his own expense, under the direction of the ccr.rmmssioner of Public Works ; such By Alderman Burke— permission to continue only during the pleasure of the Common Council. Resolved, That E. A. Lewald, of No. 246 , be and lie is hereby appointed a The President put the question whether the Board would agree with said resolution. Which City Surveyor in and for the City and County of New York. was decided in the affirmative. Which was referred to the Committee on Salaries and Offices. By the same — By the same— Resolved, That permission be and the same is hereby given to the National Horse Show Asso- Resolved, That Albert E. Seibert, of No. 429 West Fifty-seventh street, be and he is hereby ciation of America to occupy the south side of Twenty-seventh street, between Fourth and Madison reappointed a Commissioner of Deeds in and for the City and County of New York. avenues, and adjoining Madison Square Garden, to erect a temporary structure, as shown on the Which was referred to the Committee on Salaries and Offices. accompanying diagram, the same to be removed immediately after the Horse Show to be held in By the same— Madison Square Garden, the work to be done at their own expense, under the direction of the Resolved, That H. McLaughlin, of No. 41 \Vest Sixtieth street, be and he is hereby appointed Commissioner of Public Works ; such permission to continue only for thirty days from November i, a Commissioner of Deeds in and for the City and County of New York. 1895. Which was referred to the Committee on Salaries and Offices. The President put the question whether the Board would agree with said resolution. Which By Alderman Clancy— was decided in the affirmative. Resolved, That Marcus Moses, of No. 16 Columbia street, be and he is hereby appointed By Alderman Wines— a Commissioner of Deeds in and for the City and County of New York. Resolved, That permission be and the same is hereby given to Heine & Gates to place and Which was referred to the Committee on Salaries and Offices. keep six show-cases within the stoop-line in front of their premises, Nos. 2052 and 2054 Third avenue, By the same— provided that said show-cases shall not exceed the dimensions prescribed by the ordinance of 1886, Resolved, That Simon J. Kopelman, of No. 236 Broome street, be and he is hereby appointed viz.: five feet high, three feet long and two feet wide, and not to extend beyond three feet from the a Commissioner of Deeds in and for the City and County of New York. house-line, the work to be done at their own expense, under the direction of the Commissioner of Whir-.h was referred to the Committee on Salaries and Offices. Public Works ; such permission to continue only during the pleasure of the Common Council. By Alderman Goodwin— The President put the question whether the Board would agree with said resolution. Which Resolved, That Thomas Carroll, of No. 361 West Twenty-second street, be and he is hereby was decided in the affirmative. appointed a Commissioner of Deeds in and for the City and County of New York. By the same-- Which was referred to the Committee on Salaries and Offices. Resolved, That permission be and the same is hereby given to Misses E. & B. Amend to By the same— place and keep two show-cases within the stoop-line, in front of their premises, No. 2006 Third Resolved, That Daniel M. Simpson, of No. 355 West Twenty-first street, be and he is avenue, provided that said show-cases shall not exceed the dimensions prescribed by the ordinance hereby reappointed a Commissioner of Deeds in and for the City and County of New York. of 1886, viz.: five feet high, three feet long and two feet wide, and not to extend beyond three Which was referred to the Committee on Salaries and Offices. feet from the house-line, the work to be done at their own expense, under the direction of the Com- By Alderman Hall— missioner of Public Works; such permission to continue only during the pleasure of the Common Resolved, 1 hat David B. Simpson, of No. 99 Nassau street, he and he is hereby reappointed Council. a Commissioner of Deeds in and for the City and County of New York. The President put the question whether the Board would agree with said resolution. Which Which was referred to the Committee on Salaries and Offices. was decided in the affirmative. By the same— Alderman Hall moved that the communication from F. R. Kaldenberg, which was referred to the Resolved, That John M. Gitlerman, of No. 140 Nassau street, be and he is hereby reappointed Committee on County Affairs, be referred to said Committee with power. a Commissioner of Deeds in and for the City and County of New York. The President put the question whether the Board would agree with said motion. Which Which was referred to the Committee on Salaries and Offices. was decided in the atfirntative. By Alderman Kennefick- By Alderman Wines— Resolved, That William R. Keese, of No. 229 Broadway, be and he is hereby reappointed Resolved, That permission be and the same is hereby given to Frederick Dreher to place and a Commissioner of Deeds in and for the City and County of New York. keep a storm-door in front of his premises, No. 1399 Fifth avenue, provided the dimensions shall not Which was referred to the Committee on Salaries and Offices. exceed those prescribed by law, viz.: ten feet high, two feet wider than the doorway, and not to By Alderman Lantry- extend more than six feet from the house-line, the work to be done at his own expense, under the Resolved, That Radolph Hollaender, of No. 952 Second avenue, be and he is hereby appointed direction of the Commissioner of Public Works ; such permission to continue only during the a Commissioner of Deeds in and for the City and County of New York. pleasure of the Common Council. Which was referred to the Committee on Salaries and Offices. The President put the question whether the Board would agree with said resolution. Which By Alderman Oakley— was decided in the affirmative. Resolved, That Martin C. Hyer, of No. to Hubert street, be and he is hereby reappointed a (0.0.516.) Commissioner of Deeds in and for the City and County of New York. By the same— Which was referred to the Committee on Salaries and Offices. Resolved, That two additional lamp-posts be erected and street-lamps placed thereon and By Alderman Olcott- lighted in front of St. Celia Church Parish School, Nos. 218 to 224 East One Hundred and Sixth Resolved, That Samuel Davis, of No. 238 West One Hundred and Tenth street, be and lie is street, in accordance with the provisions of section J56 of the New York City Consolidation Act of hereby appointed a Commissioner of Deeds in and for the City and County of New York. ISS2. Which was referred to the Committee on Salaries and Offices. Which was laid over. By the same— (0.0. 517.) Resolved, That John P. East, of No. 209 West One Hundred and Fourth street, be and he is By Alderman Woodward-- hereby appointed a Commissioner of Deeds in and for the City and County of New York. Resolved, That the vacant lots on the north side of One Hundred and Forty-third street, from Which was referred to the Committee on Salaries and Otices. Seventh to Eighth avenue, be fenced in with a tight board fence where not already done, under By Alderman Parker— the direction of the Commissioner of Public Works ; and that the accompanying ordinance therefor Resolved, That George H. Thompson, of No. II51 Park avenue, be and he is hereby be adopted. appointed a Commissioner of Deeds in and for the City and County of New York. it Which was laid over. Which was referred to the Committee on Salaries and Offices. TIIURSDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1895. THE CITY RECORD. 2973

By Alderman Randall- Clerk of the City and County of New York. The Commissioners named in said order have Resolved, That James K. Van Brunt, of No. 1797 Sedgwick avenue, be and he is hereby duly qualified and their oaths were fled in the office of the Clerk of the City and County of New reappointed a Commissioner of Deeds in and for the City and County of New York. York on the 6th day of September, 1895. Which was referred to the Committee on Salaries and Offices. As there are buildings on the land to be taken for the opening of said avenue, a resolution By Alderman Schilling- should now be adopted by your Board directing that the title to each and every piece or parcel of Resolved, That Eugene Cohn, of No. 446 East Eighty-fourth street, be and be is hereby land lying within the lines of Webs er avenue, from the northerly side of Mosholu Parkway to the reappointed a Commissioner of Deeds in and for the City and County of New York. Bronx River road, shall vest in the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of New Y .rk, upon a date Which was referred to the Committee on Salaries and Offices. to be fixed by your Board, not less than six months from the 6th day of September, 1895, the date By the same- of the filing of the said oaths. Re..pectfully yours, Kesulved, That B. L. Isaacs, of No. 52o East Eighty-nint'i street, be and he is hereby appointed FRANCIS M. SCOTT, Counsel to the Corporation. a Commissioner of Deed., in and for the City and County of New York. Whereupon the Commissioner of Street Improvements of the Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Which was referred to the Committee on Salaries and Offices. Wards offered the following preamble and resolution : By Alderman School- Whereas, 'I he hoard of Street Opening and Improvement, on the 7th day of December, r894, Res ilved, That Emile A. Hassey, of No. 638 East One Hundred and Fifty-seventh street, adopted a resolution directing that upon a date to be thereafter more fully specified, not less than be and he is hereby reappointed a Commissioner of Deeds in and for the City and County of New six months after the filit.g of the oaths of the Commissioners of Estimate and Assessment who York. might be appointed by the Supreme Court in proceedings for the acquisition of title to Webster • Which was referred to the Committee on Salaries and Offices. avenue, from the northerly side of Mosholu Parkway to the Bronx River road, the title to any piece By Alderman Ware - or parcel of land lying within the lines of such Webster avenue, from the northerly side of Musholu Resolved, That Samuel Thomas Walker, of No. 72 Washington place, this city, be and he is l'arltway to the Bronx River road, so required, should be vested in the Mayor, Aldermen and hereby appointed a Commissioner of Deeds in and for the City and County of New York. Commonalty of the City of New York ; and Which was referred to the Committee on Salaries and OItices. Whereas, The said Board has received written notice from the Counsel to the Corporation By Alderman School- that Commissioners of Estimate and Assessment have been appointed by the Supreme Court in Resolved, That P. A. Hatting, of No. 5 and 7 Beckman street, be and he is hereby reappointed proceedings to acquire the to said Webster avenue, from the northerly side of Mosholu Park- a Commissioner of Deeds in and for the City and County of Ncw York. way to the Bronx ,.iver road, and that the oaths of said Commissioners of Estimate and Asesss- Which was referred to the Committee on Salaries and Offices. ment were duly filed, as required by law, on the 6th day of September, 1895 ; therefore be it By Alderman Woodward- Resolved, "that the Board of Street Opening and Improvement directs that upon the 16th Resolved, That Allan A. Irvine, of No. 317 West O. a Hundred and Twenty-first street, be day of March, 1896, the title to each and every piece or parcel of land 'lying within the lines and he is hereby reappointed a Commissioner of Deeds in and for the City and County of New of said Webster avenue, from the northerly side of Mosholu Parkway to the Bronx River road, York. so required, viz. : Which was referred to the Committee on Salaries and Offices. Beginning at a point in the northern line of Mosholu Parkway distant 344.64 feet north. Alderman S..hool moved that the Board do now adjourn, inasmuch as there were not enough westerly from the intersection of the northern line of Musholu Parkway with the western line members present to pass General Orders. of the tin nx Park Whereupon the President ordered the Clerk to call the roll. 1st. 'Thence northwesterly along the northern line of Mosholu Parkway for 108.77 feet. The call resulted as follows; zd. Thence northeasterly deflecting 66 degrees 50 minutes 16 seconds to the right for The President, the Vice-President, Aldermen Burke, Dwyer, Goodman, Goodwin, Hackett, 896.16 feet. Hall, Kennefick, Marshall, Oakiey, O'Brien, Olcott, Parker, Randall, Robinson, Schilling, School, 3d. Thence northeasterly deflecting 9 degrees 43 minutes 54 seconds to the left for 81.17 Tait, Ware, Wines, Woodward, and Wund-23. feet. Alderman Robinson moved that the Board do now adjourn. 4th. Thence northeasterly deflecting 7 degrees 20 minutes 39 seconds to the left for 975.68 Alderman Burke in wed as an amendment that when the Board adjourns it do adjourn to feet. meet on the second Tuesday in November. 5th. Thence northeasterly deflecting 6 degrees 33 minutes 2 seconds to the left for 713.39 feet. Alderman Goodman raised the point of order that a motion to adjourn cannot be amended. 6th. Thence northeasterly deflecting 4 degrees 35 minutes 28 seconds to the left for 7,810.3 And the President ruled that the point of order was well taken. feet. The President then put the question whether the Board would agree with the motion of 7th. Thence westerly deflecting io2 degrees 47 minutes 50 seconds to the left for 52.46 feet. Alderman Robinson. Which was decided in the affirmative. 8th. Thence ncrtlierly deflecting go degrees to the right for 550.89 feet. And the President declared that the Board stood adjourned until Tuesday, October 15, 1895, 9th. Thence northerly defle:ting o degrees 50 minutes lS seconds to the right for 100 8o feet. at I o'clock P. M. Io.h. Thence northerly deflecting 3 degrees 36 minutes 37 seconds to the right for I,263.62 WILLIAM H. TEN EYCK, Clerk. feet. I ith. Thence northeasterly curving to the right on the arc of a circle tangent to the preceding course whose radios is I,131.c2 feet for 283.04 feet. BOARD OF STREET OPENING AND IMPROVEMENT. 1211. Thence northeasterly on a line tangent to the preceding course for 221.72 feet. The Board of Street Opening and Improvement met at the Mayor's office on Friday, October 13th. Thence northeasterly curving to the left on the arc of a circle tangent to the preceding 4, 1895, at II o'clock A. M., pur-uant to notice. course whose radius is 720 feet for 180.50 feet. The roll was called, and the following members were present and answered to their names 14th. Thence northerly on a line tangent to the preceding course for 6oq.ol feet. The Mayor, the Comptroller, the Deputy Commissioner of Public Works, the President of the 15th. Thence northerly curving to the left on the arc of a circle tangent to the preceding course Department of Public Parks and the Commissionerot Street Improvements of the Twenty-third and whose radius is 720 feet for Fg.o9 feet. Twenty-fourth Wards-5. 16th. 'Thence northerly on a line tangent to the preceding course fur 789.13 feet. Absent-The President of the Board of Aldermen-r. 17th. Thence northeasterly curving to the right on the are of a circle tangent to the preceding The minutes of the meting of September 6, 1895, were read and approved. course whose rauius is t,o5o feet f, r 75.30 feet. The following communication from the Counsel to the Corporation, advising the Board of the 18th. Thence northeasterly on a line tangent to the preceding course for 318.85 feet. appointment of Commissioners for opening Edgewater road, was presented: Igth. Thence northeasterly curving to the right on the are of a circle tangent to the preceding LAW DEPARTMENT, OFFICE OF THE COUNSEL TO THE CORPORA-I ION, NEW YORK, September course whose radius is i,o5o feet for 180.S3 feet. 26, 1895. V. B. LIVINGSTON, Esq., Secretary, Board of Street Opening and Improvement : SIR - 20th. 'Thence northeasterly on a line tangent to the preceding course for 187.19 feet. In pursuance of a resolution adopted by your Board on the 14th day of September, 1894, 21st. Thence northeasterly curving to the left on the arc of a circle tangent to the preceding I have to inform you that I have caused an application to be made to the Supreme Court of this course whose radiu,, is 050 feet for 51.01 feet. State for the appointment of Commissioners of Estimate and Assessment in the matter of opening 22d. Thence northeasterly on a line tangent to the preceding course for 659.26 feet. Edgewater roa I, from Westchester avenue to West Farms road, in the Twenty-third Ward of the 23d. Thence northeasterly curving to the right on the arc of a circle tangent to the preceding City of New York. On the 28th day of August, 1895, the order appointing Commissioners of course whose radius is i,o5o feet for 60.35 feet. Estimate and A,sessment in said proceeding was duly entered in the office of the Clerk of the City 24h. Thence northeasterly on a lin-, tangent to the preceding course for 653.59 feet. and County of New York. The Commissioners named in said order have duly qualified and their 25th. Thence northerly deflecting 2I degrees 9 minutes 9 seconds to the left for 309.85 feet. oaths were filed in the office of the Clerk of the City and County of New York on the 6th day of 26th. Thence northwesterly curving to the left on the arc of a circle tangent to the preceding Septemt er, 1895. course whose radius is 6o feet for 81.32 feet. As there are buildings on the land to be taken for the opening of said avenue, a resolution 27th. Thence northerly on the prolongation of the radial line through the western extremity o should now be adopted by your Board directing that the title to each and every piece or parcel of the preceding course for 8o feet. land lying within the lines of Edgewater road, from Westche•ter avenue to West Farms road, 28th. Thence easterly deflecting go degrees to the right for 39.71 feet to the Bronx River road. shall vest in the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of New York, upon a date to be fixed by your 29th. Thence southerly deflecting q8 degrees 48 minutes 20 seconds to the right for 20.24 feet Board, not less than six months from the 6th day of September, 1895, the date of the filing of the along the western line of Bronx River road. said oaths. 30th. Thence easterly deflecting g8 degrees 48 minutes 20 seconds to the left for 80.95 feet Respectfully yours, FRANCIS M. SCOTT, Counsel to the Corporation. along the southern line of Bronx River road. Whereupon the Commissioner of Street Improvements of the 'Twenty-third and Twenty- 31st. Thence northerly deflecting 81 degrees ii minutes 4o seconds to the left for 9.25 feet• fourth Wards offered the following preamble and resolution : along Bronx River road. Whereas, The Board of Street Opening and Improvement, on the 14th day of September, 32d. Thence easterly deflecting 86 degrees 25 minutes 54 seconds to the right for 35.07 feet. 1894, adopted a resolution duetting that upon a date to be thereafter more fully specified, not less 33d. Thence southerly deflecting 93 degrees 34 minutes 6 seconds to the right for 6.oe feet than six months after the filing of the oaths of the Commissioners of Estimate and Assessment along Bronx River road. who might be appointed by the Supreme Court in proceedings for the acquisition of title to 34th. Thence easterly deflecting 98 degrees 48 minutes 20 seconds to the left for 65.77 feet Edgewater road, from Westchester avenue to West Farms road, the title to any piece or parcel of along the southern line of Bronx River road. land lying within the lines of such Edgewater road, from Westchester avenue to West Farms road, 35th. Thence southeasterly deflecting 98 degrees 50 minutes t6 seconds to the right for 80. t6 so required, should be vested in the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York; feet. and 36th. Thence southeasterly deflecting o degrees I minute 4o seconds to the left for 5.89 feet. Whereas, The said Board has received written notice from the Counsel to the Corporation that 37ih. Thence westerly deflecting 78 degrees 24 minutes o second to the right for 16.33 feet. Commissioners of Estimate and Assessment have been appointed by the Supreme Court in proceed- 38th. Thence southwesterly deflecting 78 degrees 24 minutes o second to the left for 144.56 ings to acquire title to said Edgewater road, from Westchester avenue to West Farms road, and feet. that the oaths of said Commissioners of Estimate and Assessment were duly filed, as required by 39th. Thence southerly deflecting 21 degrees 9 minutes 9 seconds to the left for 182.90 feet. law, on the 6th day of September, 1895 ; therefore be it 4oth. Thence southwesterly deflecting 21 degrees 9 minutes 9 seconds to the right for 668.53 Resolved, That the board of Street Opening and Improvement directs that upon the 16th Feet. day of March, 1896, the title to each and every piece or parcel of land lying within the lines of said 41st. Thence southwesterly curving to the left on the arc of a circle tangent to the preceding road, from Westchester avenue to West Farms road, so required, viz. : course whose radius is 970 feet for 55.75 feet. Beginning at a point in the northern line of Westchester avenue distant 788.63 feet northeast- 42d. Thence southwesterly on a line tangent to the preceding course for 659.26 feet. erly from the inters_ctton of the northern line of Westchester avenue with the northern line of East 43d. Thence southwesterly curving to the right on the arc of a circle tangent to the preceding One Hundred and Sixty-seventh street. course whose radius is 1,030 feet for 55.31 feet. 1st. Thence northeasterly along the northern line of Westchester avenue for 114.79 feet. 44th. Thence southwesterly on a line tangent to the preceding course for 687.19 feet. 2d. Thence northerly deflecting 26 degrees 47 minutes 13 seconds to the right from thero- 45th. Thence southwesterly curving to the left on the arc of a circle tangent to the preceding longation of the radius of the preceding cour.,e, drawn through its eastern extremity, for 140.95 feet. course whose radius is 970 feet for 166.77 feet. 3d. Thence northerly deflecting 4 degrees 14 minutes 35 seconds to the right for 167.44 feet. 46th. Thence southwesterly on a line tangent to the preceding course for 313.85 feet. 4th. Thence northerly deflecting 14 degrees 33 minutes 4o seconds to the left for 624.o9 feet. 47th. Thence southwesterly curving to the left on the arc of a circle tangent to the preceding 5th. Thence southwesterly deflecting 154 degrees 38 minutes 35 seconds to the left for 150.24 course whose radius is 970 feet for 69.57 feet. feet. 48th. Thence southerly on a line tangent to the preceding course for 789.13 feet. . 6th. Thence southwesterly deflecting 33 degrees 56 minutes 33 seconds to the right for 106.05 49th. Thence southerly curving to the right on the arc of a circle tangent to the preceding feet. course whose radius is 800 feet for 76.77 feet. 7th. Thence southeasterly curving to the right on the arc of a circle, tangent to the preceding 50th. Thence southerly on a line tangent to the preceding course for 6o9.os feet. course, whose radius is 50 feet for 105.33 feet. 51st. Thence southwesterly curving to the right on the arc of a circle tangent to the preceding 8th. Thence southerly on a line tangent to the preceding course for 380.97 feet. :ourse whose radius is Boo feet for 200.55 feet. 9th. Thence southerly for 3b8.15 feet to the point of beginning. 52d. Thence southwesterly on a line tangent to the preceding course for 221.72 feet. Edgewater road, from Westchester avenue to West Farms road, is designated as a street of the 53d. Thence southwesterly curving to the left on the arc of a circle tangent to the preceding first class and is eighty feet wide, and is shown on section to of the Final Maps and Profiles of the :ourse whose radius is 1,051.02 feet, for 263.02 feet. Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Wards, filed in the office of the Commissioner of Street Improve- 54th. Thence southerly on a line tangent to the preceding course for 1,183.57 feet. ments of the Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Wards June Io, 1895, in the office of the Register of 55th. Thence southerly deflecting 9 degrees 2 minutes 9 seconds to the left for 502.32 feet. the City and County of New York June 14, 1895, and in the office of the Secretary of State of the 56th. Thence easterly deflecting 8o degrees 59 minutes 41 seconds to the left for 25 feet. State of New York June 15, 1895. 57th. Thence southerly deflecting go degrees to the right for 387.48 feet. -shall be vested in the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York. 58th. Thence westerly defl_ctiug go degrees to the right for 25 feet. Which was adopted by the following vote : Affirmative--The 1dayor, the Comptroller, the 59th. Thence southwesterly deflecting 81 degrees 37 minutes 15 seconds to the left for 363.52 Deputy Commissioner of Public Works, the President of the Department of Public Parks and the I eet. Commissioner of Street Improvements of the Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Wards-5. both. Thence southwesterly deflecting 4 degrees 35 minutes 28 secon's to the right for 896.49 The following communication from the Counsel to the Corporation, advising the Board of the I eet. appointment of Ccummiss~oners for opening Webster avenue, was presented : 61st. Thence southwesterly deflecting 6 degrees 33 minutes 2 seconds to the right for 836.80 LAW DEPARTMENT-OFFICE OF THE COUNSEL TO THE CORPORATION. NEW YORK, Septem- refs berz6, 1895. V. B. LIVINGSTON, 1•sq., Secretary, Board Street Opening and Inprovern nt. :MR- 62d. Thence southwesterly deflecting i o degrees 34 minutes 45 seconds to the right for 80.52 In pursuance of a resolution adopted by your Board on the 7th day of December, 1894, 1 have eet. to inform you that I have caused an application to be made to the Supreme Court of this State for 63d. Thence southwesterly for 938.94 feet to the point of beginning the appointment of Commissioners of Estimate and Assessment in the matter of opening Webster Webster avenue, from the northerly side of Mosholu Parkway to Bronx River road, is desig- avenue, from the northerly side of Mosholu Parkway to the Bronx River road, in the Twenty-tourth sated as a street of the first class and of varying widths. Ward of the City of New York. On the 28th day of August, 1895, the order appointing Commis- Webster avenue, from the northerly side of Mosholu Parkway to the Bronx River road, is sioners of Estimate and Assessment in said proceeding was duly entered in the office of the Ibown on a map or plan entitled "Map or plan of Webster avenue, from East Two Hundred and 2974, THE CITY RECORDD . THURSDAY, OCTOBER Io 1895.

First street, formerly Suburban street, to East Two Hundred and Thirty-third street, in the Twenty- The following communication from the Counsel to the Corporation, advising the Board of the foutth Ward of the City of New York, eta., filed in the office of the Commissioner of Street Im- appointment of Commissioners for opening Ful,on avenue, was presented : provements of the Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Wards July 29, 1895, in the office of the LAW D;CPARTMENT OFFICE OF THE COUNSEL TO THE CORPORATION, NEW YORK, Septem- Register of the City and County of New York July 30, 1895, and in the office of the Secretary of ber 26, 1895 V. B. LIVINGSTON, E q., Secretary, Board Street Opening and Intprompnent. SIR— State of the State of New York August 6, 1895. In pursuance of a resolution ad.>p:ed by your Board on the 15th day of Juue, 1894, I have to —shat be vested in the Mayor. Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York. inform you that I have caused an application to be made to the supreme Court of this State for the Which was adopted by the fotlowing vote : Atlirm itive—The Mayor, the Comptroller, the appointment of Commiss oners of Estinta,e and Assessment in the maiter of opening Fulton avenue, Deputy Commi,sioner of Public Works, the President of the Department of Public Parks and from Spring place to the Twenty-third Ward bouud.iry line, ;n the Twenty-third Ward of the City the Commissioner of Street Improvemenis of the Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Wards--5. of New York. Oil the 27th d.iy of August, 1895, the order appointing Commissioners of Estimate The following communication from the Counsel to the Corporation, advising the Board of the and A:ses:ment in said proceeding was duly entered ut the office of the Clerk of the City and appointment of Commissioners for opeme Lafayette avenue, was presented County of New York. The Commissioners named in said order have duly qualified, and their LAW DI..PARTMENT, OFFICE OFTIIE COUNSEL TO THE Ci)RPORATION. NEW Y,,R'<. September oaths were filed to tike office of the Clerk of the City and County of New York on the 6th day of 26, 1895. V. If. LIVINGSTON, Esq., Secretary, Boara .Street Opening and Improvement . SIR— September, 1895. In pursuance of a resolution adol.ted by your Board on the 7t11 day of Julie, In95, I have to As there are buildings on the land to be taken for the opening of said avenue, a resolution inform nu that I have caused an application to be made to the Supreme Court of this State for the should now be adopted by your Board directing that the title to each and every piece or parcel of appointment of Commissioners of Estimate and Asse'sment in the matter of opening and extending land lying within the lines of Fulton avenue, from Spring place to the Tw,niy-third Ward Lafayette avenge, from Longwood avenue to the Bronx river, in the Twenty-third Ward of the boundary line. shall vest in the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of New York, upon a date to City of New York. On the 27th day of August, 1895, the orJer appointing Commis,ione;s of Esti- he fixed by your Board, not less titan six months from the 6th day of September, 1896, the date of mate and As,,ess i ent in said proceeding %%as duly entered in the office of the Clerk of the City and the filing of the said oaths. Respectfully yours, County of New York. '1'lie Commissioners named in said order have duly qualified and their FRANCIS M. SCOTT, Counsel to the Corporation. oaths were fit, d in the office of the l.leik of the City and County of New York on the 6th day of Whereupon the Commissioner of Street Improvements of the Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth September, 1895. Wards offered the following preamble aid resolution : As there are buildinl:s on the land to be taken for the opening of said avenue. a resolution Whereas, The Board of Street Of.enin4 and Improvement, on the 15th day of June, 1894, should now be adopted by your Board directing that the title to each and every piece or parcel of adop ed a resolution directing that upon a date to be the eafter more fully specified, not less than land lying wiihin the lines of Lafayette avenue, from Longwood avenue to the Bronx river, shall six months after the filing of the oaths of the Commissioners of Estimate and Assessment who vest In the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of New York, upon a date to be fixed by your might be appointed by the Supreme Court in proceedings for the acquisition of title to Fulton Board. not less than six. months from the 6th day of September, 1895, the date of the filing of the avenue, from Spring place to the Twenty-third'Ward boundary line, tile title to any piece or parcel said oaths. Respectfully yours, of land lying within the lines of such Fulton avenue, from Spring place to the Twenty-third Ward FRANCIS M. SCOTT, Counsel to the Corporation. boundary line, so required, should be vested in the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City Whereupon the Commissioner of Street Improvements of the Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth of New York ; and Wards offered the following preamble and resolution : Whereas, The said Board has received written notice from the Counsel to the Corporation that Whereas, The Bomd of Street Opening and Iniproven,ent, on the 7th day of June, 1895, adopted Commissioners of Estimate and Assessment have been appointed by the Supreme Cour, in proceed a resolution directing that upon a da.e to be thereafter more fully specified, not less than six mon.hs ings to acquire title to said 1 ulton avenue, from Spring place to the 'twenty-third Ward boundary after the fiiing of the oaths of the Commissioners of Estimate and Asses'ment who might be line, and that the oaths of said Commissioners of Estimate and Assessment were duly filed, as appointed by the Supreme Cl ,urt in proceedings for the acquisition of title to Lafayette avenue, required by law, on the 6th clay of September, 1895 ; theiefore be it from Longwood avenue to the Bronx river, the title to any p,ece or parcel of land lying within Resolved, That the Board of Street Opening and Improvement directs that upon the 16th day the hues of such Lafayette avenue, from Longwood avenue to the Bronx river, so required, should of March, 1896, the title to each aid every piece or parcel of land lying within the lines of said be vested in the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York ; and Fulton avenue, from Spring place to the Twenty-third Ward boundary line, so required, viz. Whereas, 'I lie said Board has received written notice fiom the Counsel to the Corporation PARCEL "A." that Commissioners of Estimate and Assessment have been appointed by the Supreme Court in Beginning at a point in the southern line of East One Hundred and Sixty-seventh street proceedings to acquire title to said Lala}ette avenue, from Longwood avenue to the Bronx riser, distant 240.03 feet easterly from the intersection of the southern line of East One Hundred and and that the oaths of said Commissioners of Estimate and Assessment were duly filed, as required Sixiy-seventh street with the eastern line of Third avenue. by law, on the 6th clay of September, 1895 ; therefore be it ist. Thence easterly along the southern line of East One Hundred and Sixty-seventh street Resolved, That the Board of Street Upenmg and Luprovement directs that upon the 16th day for feet. of March, 1896, the title to each and every piece or parcel of land lying within the lines of said 2d. "Thence southerly deflecting 93 degrees t3 minutes 20 seconds to the right for 243.38 feet. Lalayette avenue, from Longwood avenue to the Bronx river, so required, viz. : 3d. Thei,cc southwcserly deflecting 14 degrees 2 minutes 20 seconds to the light for 96.19 feet Beginning at a point in the northern line of Longwood avenue distant 90.35 feet southeasterly to the northern line of Spring place. from the iuterscction of the northerly line of Cingwood avenue with the easterly line of the 4th. Thence westerly along the northern line of Spring place for 65.94 feet. Southern Boulevard. 5th. Thence northeasterly deflecting 1 14 degrees 3o minutes to seconds to the right for 116.15 I.t. '1 hence southeasterly along the northern line of Longwood avenue for 169.65 feet. feet. 2d. 1 hence northeasterly deflecting 90 degrees to the left for 25.05 feet. 6th. Thence northerly for 232.62 feet to the point of beginning. p1. Thence easterly deflecting 45 degrees 95 minutes 40 seconds to the right for 1,966.21 feet. PARCEL "B." 41 Ii. Thence easterly i eflectine 2 degrees 46 minutes 36 seconds to the left for 114.77 feet. Beginning at a point in the northern line of East One Hundred and Sixty-seventh street distant nth. Thence easterly deflecting z degrees 32 minutes 14 seconds to tile left for 1,659.25 feet. 248.99 feet easterly from the intersection of the northern line of East One Hundred and Sixty- bolt. Thence northeasterly deflecting 28 degrees 21 mfuutes 9 seconds to the lelt for Io0.43 feet. seventh street with the eastern line of Third avenue. 7th. Thence northeasterly deflecting 5 degrees 18 minute., 27 seconds to the left for 150 feet, 1st. Thence easterly along the northern line of East One Hundred and Sixty-seventh street for Sth. Thence northwesterly deflecting go degrees to the left for too feet. 60.09 feet. 9th. Thence southwesterly deflecting go degrees to the left for t50 feet. 2d. Thence northerly deflecting 86 degrees 46 minutes 40 seconds to the left for 557.40 feet to loth. Ther,ce southwesterly deflecting ib degrees 24 minutes 5 seconds to the right for 104.24 the southern ]t>Ze of East One Hundred and Sixty-eighth street. feet. 3d. lhence westerly along the southern fine of East One Hundred and Sixty-eighth street for I i th. Thence westerly deflecting 17 degrees 15 minutes 31 seconds to the right for 1.626.85 feet. 60.14 feet. I zth. Thence westerly deflecting 4 degrees 14 minutes 28 seconds to the right fur 104.85 feet. 4th. Thence southerly for 556.60 feet to the point of beginning. 1-3th. Thence westerly for 2,072.02 feet a the point of beginning. PARCEL •` C." Lafayette avenue, from Longwood avenue to the Bronx river, is designated as a. street of the Beginning at a point in the northern line of East One Hundred and Sixty-eighth street distant lir.,t-class, and is one hundred feet wide. Said Lafayette avenue, from Longwood avenue to 337.05 feet easterly from the intersection of the northern line of East One Hundred and Sixty-eighth Mohawk avenue, is shown on section 3 of the Final Maps and Profiles of the 'Twenty third and street with the eastern line of Third avenue. "1-wenty-fourth Wards, filed in the office of the Commissioner of Sweet Improvements of the 1st. Thence easterly along the northern line of East One Hundred and Sixty-eighth street for Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Wards of the City of New York January t8, 1894, in the office 60.14 feet. of the Register of the City and County of New York January tg. 1894, and in the office of the ad. "1 hence northerly deflecting 86 degrees I minute 4o seconds to the left for 587.06 feet to Secretary of State of the State of New York January 20, 1894 ; from Mohawk avenue to the Bronx the southern line of East One Hundred and Sixty-ninth street. river said Lafayette avenue is shown on section 4 of the Final Maus and Profiles of the 1 wenty. 3d. Thence westerly along the southern line of East One Hundred and Sixty-ninth street for third and Twenty-fourth %\'arils, filed in said office of the Commissioner of Street Improvements 60.17 feet. July 8, 1893. in the Register's office July t2, 1893, and in the office of said Secretary of State 4th. 'Thence southerly for 586.73 feet to the point of beginning. July 18, 1893. PARCEL "D." —shall be vested in the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New V.rk. Beginning at a point in the northern line of East One Hundred and Sixty-ninth street distant Which was adopted by the following vote : Affirmative—The Mayor, the Comptroller, the 412.10 feet easteily from the intersection of the northetu line of East One Hundred and Sixty-ninth Deputy Commissioner of Public Works. the President of the (Department of Public Parks and the street with the eastern line of Third avenue. Commissioner of Street Improvements of the Twenty-third and 'Twenty-fourth Wards-5. 1st. Thence easterly along the northern line of East One Hundred and Sixty-ninth street for . Thefullowing communication from the Counsel to the Corporation, advising the Board of the 60.17 feet. appointment of Commissioners for opening Barry street, was presented 2d. Thence northerly deflecting 85 degrees 43 mtnutea to seconds to the left for 930.17 feet to LAW DEPARTMENT-( ,FFICE OF THE COUNSEL TO THE CORPORATION, NEW YORK, Septem- the southern line of East One Hundred and Seventieth street. her z6, 1895. V. B. LivINGSToN, Esq., Secretary, Board Street Openingand Improvement ; SIR— 3d. Thence westerly along the southern line of East One Hundred and Seventieth street for In pursuance of a resolution adopted by your Board on the 7th day of June, t8o5, I have to 6o.68 feet. inform you that I have caused an application to be made to the Supreme•Court of this State for the 4th. Thence southerly for 925.62 feet to the point of beginning. appointment of Commissioners of Estimate and Assessment in the matter of opening Barry street, PARCEL "K." from Longwoo h avenue to Lafayette avenue, in the 1 wenty-third Ward of the City of New Yo k. Beginning at a point in the northern line of East One Hundred and Seventieth street distant On the 271h day of August, 1895, the order appointing Commissioners of Estimate and Assessment 380.64 feet easterly from the intersection of the northern line of East One Hundred and Seventieth in said pioceeding was duly entered in the office of the Clerk of the City and County of New York. street with the eastern hue of Third avenue. The Commissioners named in said order have duly qualified and their oaths were filed in the office 1st. Thence easterly along the northern line of East One Hundred and Seventieth street for of the Clerk of the City and County of New York on the 6th clay of aeptember, 1895. 101.13 feet. As there arc buildings on the land to be tak, n for the opening of sefd avenue, a resolution should 2d. 'I hence northerly deflecting 8t degrees 26 minutes to the left for 340.54 feet to the northern now be adopted by your Board directing that the title to each and every piece or parcel of land lying boundary of the I wenty-thi d Ward. within the lines of Barry street, from Longwood avenue to Lafayette avenue, shall vest in the Mayor, 3c1. Thence westerly deflecting 8t degrees 7 minutes 34 seconds to the left along the northern Aldermen and Commonalty of New York, upon a date to be fixed by your Board, not less than six boundary line of the Twenty-third 'Ward for tot.21 feet. months from the 6th day of September, 1895, the date of the filing of the said oaths. 4th. 'thence southerly for 339.99 feet to the point of beginning. Respectfully )ours, FRANCIS Al. SCOTT, Counsel to the Corporation. Fulton avenue, frotu Spring place to the 'Twenty-third Ward boundary line, is designated as a Whereupon the Commissioner of Street Improvements of the Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth street of the first-class, and is sixty feet wde between Spring place and East One Hundred and Wards offered the following preamble and resolution : Seventieth street, and one hundred feet wide between East One Hundred and Sevenheth street and Whereas, The Board of Street Opening and Improvement, on the 7t11 day of June, 1895, adopted the .1 wenty-third Ward boundary line. Said Fulton avenue, from Spring place to East One a resolution directing that upon a date to be thereafter more fully specified, not less than six Hundred and Sixty-etihtll street, is shown on a map entitled "Map or plan showing Location, months after the hlg of the oaths of the Commissioners of Estimate and Assessment tsho mi;ht width, etc., of streets, avenues and roads within the area bounded by Third avenue, East One be appointed by the Supreme Court in proceedins for the acquisition of title to Barry street, from Hundred and Seventieth street, Crotoua Park, Prospect avenue and Boston road, e,c.," filed in Longwood avenue to Lafayette avenue, the title to any piece of parcel of land lying within the the office of the Commissioner of Street Luprovements of the Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth lines of such Barry street, from Longwood avenue to Lafayette avenue, so required, should he N ards of the City of New York May g, t894, in the office of the Register of the City and County vested in the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York ; and of New York May It, 1894, and in the office of the Secretary of State of the State of New York Whereas, The said Board has received written notice from the Counsel to the Corporation May t6, 1S94 ; from East One Hundied and Sixty-eighths street to the Twenty-third Ward that Commissioners of Estimate and Assessment have been appointed by the Supreme Court in boundary line said Fulton avenue is shown on section to of the Final Maps and Profiles of the proceedings to acquire title to said Barry street, from Longwood avenue to Lafayette avenue, and Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Wards, filed in said office of the Commissioner of Street Improve- that the oaths of said Commissioners of Estimate and Assessment were duly filed, as required by ments June 10, tz95, in said Register's office June 14, 1895, and in the office of said Secretary of law, on the 6th day of September, 1895 ; therefore be it State June 15, 1895• Resolved, That the Board of Street Opening and Improvement directs that upon the 16th day —shall be vested in the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York. of March, rSg6, the title to each and every piece or parcel of land lying within the lines of said Which was adopted by the following vote : Athrma~ive—'the Mayor, the Comptroller, the Barry street, from Longwood avenue to Lafayette avenue, so required, viz. : Deputy Commissioner of Public Works, the President of the Department of Public Parks and the Beginning at a point in the northern line of Longwood avenue distant I,024.37 feet southeast- Comnti,siuner of Street Improvements of the Twenty-third and Twenty-fourthWards-5. erly from the intersection of the northern line of Longwood avenue with the eastern line of the The following commuuiea-ioil from the Counsel to the Corporation, advising the Board of the Southern Boulevard. appointment of Cowmissioners for opening Home street, was presented : 1st. 1 hence southeasterly along the northern line of Longwood avenue for 60.11 feet. LAW DEPARTMENT-OFFICE OF'I'HE COUNSEL TO THE CORPORATION, NEW YORK, Septem- 2d. Thence northeasterly deflecting 93 degrees 27 minutes to seconds to the left for 779.23 ber 26, 1895. V. B. I.IVINGSroN, Esq., S'ccretary, Board Street Opening and Iaprovenent : S1R- feet. In putsuance of a resolution adopted by your Board on the 14th day of September, 1894, I 3d. Thence westerly deflecting 130 degrees 37 minutes to seconds to the left for 92.95 feet. have to inform you that I have caused an application to be made to the Supreme Court of this State 4th. Thence southerly deflecting 95 degrees 18 minutes 5o seconds to the left for 14.69 feet. fur the appointment of Commissioners of Estimate and Assessment in the matter of opening Home 5th. Thence southwesterly for 704.88 feet to the point of, beginning. street, from Westchester avenue to Intervale avenue, and the widening of the junction of Home Barry street, from Longwood avenue to Lafayette avenue, is designated as a street of the street at Intervale avenue and East One Hundred and Sixty-ninth stre_t and Tiffany street, in the first class and is sixty feet wide, and is shown On section 4 of the Final Maps and Pn flies of the Twenty-third Ward of the City of New York. On the 27th day of August, 1895, the order appoint- Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Wards of the City of New York, filed in the office of the Com- ing Commissioners of Estimate and Assessment in said proceeding was duly entered in the office of missioner of Street Improvements of the Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Wards of said city July the Clerk of the City and County of New York. The Commissioners named in said order have 8, IZ93, in the office of the Register of the City and County of New York July 12, 1893, and in duly qualified and their oaths were filed in the office of the Clerk of the City and County of New the office of the Secretary of State of the State of New York July i8, 1893. York on the 6th day of September, 1895. —shall be vested in the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York. As there are buildings on the land to be taken for the opening of said avenue, a resolution should Which was adopted by the following vote : Affirmative—The Mayor, the Comptroller, the now bs adopted by your Board directing that the title to each and every piece or parcel of land Deputy Commissioner of Public Works, the President of the Department of Public Parks and the lying within the lines of Home street, from Westchester avenue to Intervale avenue, and the Commissioner of Street Improvements of the Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Wards—g. widening of the junction of Home street at Intervale avenue and East One Hundred and Sixty- THURSDAY, OCTOBER JO, 1895. THE CITY RECORD. 2975 ninth street and Tiffany street, shall vest in the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of New York, 3d. Thence northerly along the eastern line of Third avenue for joo.68 feet. upon a date to be fixed by your Board, not less than six months from the 6th day of September, 4th. Thence easterly for 497.25 feet to the point of beginning. 1895, the date of the filing of the said oaths. PARCEL "B." Respectfully yours, FRANCIS M. SCOTT, Counsel to the Corporation. Beginning at a point in the eastern line of Cauldwell avenue distant 150 feet southerly from Whereupon the Commissioner of Street I.npruvements of the "Twenty-third and twenty-fourth the intersection of the eastern line of Cauldwell avenue with the southern line of Teasdale place. Wards offered the following preamble and resolution : list. thence southerly along the eastern line of Caulawell avenue for Ito feet. Whereas, The Board of Street Opening and Iinprovetnent, on the 14th day of September, 2d. Thence easterly deflecting go degrees to the left for b75 feet to the western line of Forest 1894, adopted a resolution directing that upon a date to be tlureafter more fully specihea, not avenue. less than six months after the tili.~g of the oaths of the Commissioners of Estimate and Assessment 3d. Thence northerly along the western line of Forest avenue for too feet. who might be appointed by the Supreme Court in proceedings for the acquisition of title to Home 4tlt. Thence westerly for 675 feet to the point of beginning. street, from Westchester avenue to Intervale avenue, and the widening of the ,Junction of Home PARCEL "C." street at Iutervale avenue and East One Hundred and Sixty-ninth street, the title to any piece or Beginning at a point in the eastern line of F,re,t avenue distant 670 feet southerly from the parcel of land lying within the lines of such Home street, from Westchester avenue to Intervale intersection of the eastern line of Forest avenue with the southern line of East one Hundred and avenue, and the widening of the function of Home street at Intervale avenue and East One Hun- Sixty-fifth street. dred and Stxty-nin.h street, so required, should be vested in the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty 1st. I hence southerly along the eastern line of Forest avenue for too feet. of the City of New York ; and 2d. Thence easterly deflecting go degrees to the left for 270 feet to the western line of Tinton Whereas, The said Board has received written notice from the Counsel to the Corporation avenue. that Commissioners of Esti,:~ate and Assessment have been appointed by the Supreme Court in 3d. Thence northerly along the western line of Tinton avenue for too feet. proceedings to acquire title to said Home street, Irom Westchester avenue to Intervale avenue and the 4th. Thence westerly for 270 feet to the point of beginning. widening of the )unction of Home street at Intervale avenue and East One Hundred and Sixty- PARCEL "D." ninth street, and that the oaths of said Commissioners of Estimate and Assessment were duly filed, Beginning at a point in the eastern line of Tinton avenue distant 670 feet southerly from the as requited by law, on the 6th day of September, 1895 ; therefore be it intersection of the eastern line of'1'inton avenue with the southern line of East One Hundred and Resolved, That the Board of Street Opening and Improvement directs that upon the 16th Sixty-fifth street. day of March, 1896, the title to each and every piece or parcel of land lying within the lines of 1st. Thence southerly along the eastern line of Tinton avenue for too feet. said Home street, from Westchester avenue to Intervale avenue and the widening of the junction at 2d. Thence eas,erly deflecting go degrees to the left for 264.3 feet to the western line of Union Home street at Intervale avenue and East One Hundred and Sixty-ninth street, so required, viz. avenue. PARCEL " A." 3d. Thence northerly along the western line of Union avenue for Ico feet. Beginning at a point in the eastern line of the Southern Boulevard distant 574.34 feet northerly 41h. Thence westerly for 264.32 feet to the point of beginning. from the intersection of the eastern line of the Southern Boulevard with the northern lute of Last PARCEL "E.1° One Hundred and Sixty-seventh street. Beginning at a point in the eastern line of Union avenue distant 665 feet southerly front the Ist. Thence northerly along the eastern line of Southern Boulevard for 60.39 feet. intersection of the eastern line of Union avenue with the southern line of East One Hundred and 2d. Thence easterly deflecting 83 degrees 27 initiates 47 seconds to the right for 948.31 feet. Sixty-fifth street. 3d. Thence southeasterly deflecting 4o degrees 6 minutes 22 seconds to the right fir 117.44 1st. Thence southerly along the eastern line of Union avenue for too feet. feet. 2d. Thence easterly defl.ctmg 90 degrees to the left for 762.09 feet. 4th. Thence southeasterly deflecting 9 degrees 15 minutes 35 seconds to the right for 576.41 3d. Thence -southeasterly curving to the right on the arc of a circle tangent to the preceding feet to the northern line of Westchester avenue. course whose rad,us is 5o feet for 64.18 feet. 5th. Thence southwesterly along the northern line of Westchester avenue for 61.46 feet. 4th. Thence southerly on a line tangent to the preceding course for 161.29 feet to the northern 6th. Thence northwesterly deflecting 77 degrees 28 minutes to the right for 503.23 feet. line of Westchester avenue. 7t11. Thence northwesterly deflecting o degrees 22 minutes 50 seconds to the left for 87.35 5th. Thence northeasterly along the northern line of Westchester avenue for 48.97 feet. feet. 6th. 'l'hence northerly deflecting 54 degrees 45 minutes 51 seconds to the left for 262.86 feet. 8th. Thence northwesterly deflecting 24 degrees 35 minutes 3 seconds to the left for 82.87 7th. '1 hence westerly for 811.63 feet to the point of beginning. feet. East One Hundred and Sixty-third street, fiv a Third avenue to Westchester avenue, is desig. 9th. Thence westerly for 905.65 feet to the point of beginning. nated as a street of the first-class and is too feet wide, and is shown on the map or plan of East One PARCEL " B." Hundred and Forty-ninth street, from Harlem river to Third avenue, and of East One Hundred Beginning at a point in the western line of Southern B:)alevard distant 562.88 feet northerly and Sixty-third street, from Third avenue to Prospect avenue, etc., filed in this Department April from the intersection of the western line of Southern Boulevard with the northern line of East One 2, 1895, in the Re;ister's office April 3, 1895, and in the office of the Secretary of State April 4, Hundred ant[ Sixty-seventh street. 1895 ; from Prospect avenue to Westchester avenue is shown on section 3 of the Final Maps and 1st. Thence northerly along the western line of Southern Boulevard for 6o.39 feet. Profiles, tiled in this Department January 18, 1894, in the Register's office January 19, 1894, and 2d. Thence westerly deflecting 96 degrees 32 minutes 13 seconds to the left for 767.63 feet to in the Office of the Secretary of State January 20, 1894. the eastern line of Inteivale avenue. -shall be vested in the Maior, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New Yolk. 3d. Thence southwesterly along the eastern line of Intervale avenue for 80.87 feet. Which was adopted by the following vote : Affirmative-The Mayor, the Comptroller, the 4th. Thence easterly for 814.98 feet to the point of beginning. Deputy Commissioner of Public Work, the President of the Department of Public Parks and the PARCEL "C." Commissioner of Street Improvements of ttte Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Wards-5. Beginning at the intersection of the eastern line of Intervale avenue with the northern line of The following communication from the Counsel to the Corporation, advising the Board of East One Hundred and Sixty-ninth street. the appointment of Commissioners for opening East One Hundred and Eighty-third street, was 1st. Thence northeasterly along the eastern line of Intervale avenue for 27.27 feet. pteseuted. 2d. 'Thence easterly deflecting 47 degrees 53 minutes 35 seconds to the right for 35 59 feet. LAW DEPARTMENT-OFFICE OF THE COUNSEL TO THE CORPORATION, NEW YORK. Septem- 3d. Thence southerly deflecting 90 degrees to the right for 69.49 feet to the northern line of ber 26, 1895. V. B. LIVINGSTON, Esq., Secretary, Board of Street Opening and Inrprovenrcnt East One Hundred and Sixty-ninth street. SIR- 4th. Thence northwesterly for 73 feet to the point of beginning. In pursuance of a resolution adopted by your Board on the 16th day ofNovember, 1894, I have PARCEL "D." to inform you that I have caused an application to be niade to the Supreme Court of this State for Beginning at a point in the eastern line of Intervale avenue distant 38.67 feet southwesterly the appointment of Commissioners of Estimate and Assessment in the matter of opening East One from the intersection of the eastern line of Intervale avenue wi,h the southern line of East One Huts. Hundred and Eighty-third street, from Webster avenue to Third avenue, in the Twenty-fourth dyed and Sixty-ninth street. Ward of the City of New York. On the 28th day of August, 1895, the order appointing Com- 1st. Thence southwesterly along the eastern line of Intervale avenue for 14.63 feet. missioners of Estimate and Assessment in said proceeding was duly entered in the office of the 2d. Thence southeasterly deflecting go degrees to the left for 14.70 feet. Clerk of the City and County of New York. The Commissioners named in said order have 3d. Thence northerly for 20.94 feet to the point of beginning. duly qualified and their oaths were filed in the office of the Clerk of the City and County of New PARCEL "E." York on the 6th day of September, 1895- Beginning at the intersection of the western line of Intervale avenue with the southern line of As there are buildings on the land to he taken for the opening of said avenue, a resolution East One Hundred and Sixty-ninth street. should now he adopted by yottr Hoard directing that the title to each and every piece or parcel of 1st. 'Thence southwesterly along the western line of Intervale avenue for 53.88 feet. land lying within the lines of East One Hundred and Eighty third street, from Webster avenue to 2d. Thence northwesterly deflecting go degrees to the right for 62.09 feet to the southern line Third avenue, shall vest in the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of New York, upon a date to be of Home street. fixed by your Board, not less than six months from the 6th day of September, 1895, the date of 3d. Thence easterly along the southern line of Home street for 74.98 feet to the southern line the filing of the said oaths. Respectfully yours, of East One Hundred and Sixty-ninth street. FRANCIS Al. SCOTT, Counsel to the Corporation. 4th. Thence southeasterly for to feet to the point of beginning. Whereupon the Commissioner of Street Improvements of the Twenty-third and 7 wenty-fourth Home street, from Westchester avenue to Intervale avenue, is designated as a street of the Wards offered the following preamble and resolution : first-class, and is s.xty feet wide. Said Home street within the above-described limits and the Whereas, The Board of Street Opening and Improvement, on the 16th day of November, 1894, widening of the junction of Home street, Intervale avenue, East One Hundred and S,xty-t,fnth adopted a resolution directing that upon a date to be thereafter more fully specified, not less than street and Tiffany street are shown on section 11 of the Final Maps and Profiles of the Tweuiy-third six months after the filing of the oaths of the Commissioners of Estimate and Assessment who and Twenty-fourth Wards of the City of New York, filed in the office of the Commissioner of Street might be appointed by the Supreme Court in proceedings for the acquisition of title to East One Improvements of the Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Wards of said city June 13, t894, i.. the Hundred and Etghty-third street, from Webster avenue to Third avenue, the title to any piece or office of the Register of the City ano County of New York June 15, 1894, and in the office of the parcel of land lying within the lines of such East One Hundred and Eighty-third street, from Secretary of Sta,e of the State of New York June 15, 1894. Webster avenue to Third avenue, so required, should be vested in the Mayor, Aldermen and Com- -shall be vested in the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York. moualty of the City of New York ; and Which was adopted by the following vote : Affirmative-The Mayor, the Comptroller, the ' Whereas, The said Board has received written notice from the Counsel to the Corporation Deputy Commissioner of Public Works, the President of the Department of Public Parks and the that Cmn.uissioners of Estimate and Assessment have been appointed by the Supreme Court in Commissioner of Street Improvements of the Twenty-third and 'Twenty-fourth Wards-5. proceedings to acquire title to said East One hundred and Eighty-third street, from Webster avenue The tollowing cgmmtnicatt-In from the Counsel to the Corporation, advi-ing the Board of the to Third avenue, and that the oaths of said Commissioners of Estimate and Assessment were duly appointment of t ounnisstoners for opening East One Hundred and Sixty-third street, was presented. filed, as required by law, on the 6th day of September, 1 95 ; therefore be it LAW DEPARTaIEN t'-OFFICE OF THE COUNSEL TO THE CORPORATION, NEW YORK, September Resolved, That the Board of Street Opening and Improvement directs that upon the 16th day 26, I895. V. B. LIVINGS'I'ON, Esq., Secretary', Board St eel Opening and Je'q rovenrent : SIR- of March, 1896, the ti.le to each and every piece or parcel of land lying within the lines of said East in pursuance of a resolution adopted by your Board on the 14th day of Septemher, 1894, I One Hundred and Eighty-third street, from Webster avenue to Third avenue, so required, viz. : have to inform you that 1 have caused an application to be made to the Supreme Court of this State Beginning at a point in the eastern line of Webster avenue distant 137.61 feet southerly from for 'he appointment of Commissioners of Estimate and Assessment in the matter of opening East the intersection of the eastern line of Webster avenue with the southern line of East One Hundred One Ilu0dred and Sixty-third street, front Third avenue to Westchester avenue, in the Twenty-third and Eighty-f urth street. Ward of the City of New York. On the 28.11 day of August, 1895, the order appointing Cotn- Int. Thence southerly along the eastern line of Webster avenue for 60.08 feet. mi-sioners of Estimate and Assessment in said proceeding was duly entered in the offi e of the Clerk 2d. Thence easterly deflecting 87 degrees 8 minutes 4 seconds to the left for 885.80 feet. of the City and County of New York. I he Commissioners named in said order have duly quali- 3d. Thence easterly deflecting o degrees 47 minutes o seconds to the right for 60. t4 feet. fied and their oaths were filed its the office of the LIerk of the City and County of New York oil 4th. Thence easterly deflecting 5 degrees 40 minutes 38 seconds to the right for 472.34 feet to the 6th day of September, 1895• the wes~ern line of Third avenue. As there are buildings on the land to be taken for the opening of said avenue, a resolution 5th. Thence northerly along the western line of Third avenue for 6o feet. should now be adopted by your Board directing that the title to each and every piece or parcel of 6th. Thence westerly deflecting go degrees to the left for 474.18 feet. land lying wi:htn the lines of East One Hundred and Sixty-third street, front Third avenue to 7th. Thence westerly deflecting 5 degrees 30 minutes 40 seconds to the left for 60.13 feet. Westchester avenue, shall vest in the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of New York, ups n a date 8th. Thence westerly for 893.74 feet to the point of beginning. to be fixed by your Board, not less than six months from the 6th day of September, 1895, the date East One Hundred and Esghty.thud street, from Webster avenue to Third avenue, is desig. of the filing of the said oaths. Respectfully yours, stated as a street of the first class and is sixty feet wide, and is shown on a map entitled '' Map or FRA \CIS M. SCOTT, Counsel to the Corporation. plan of Fordham road, from Jerome avenue to East One Hundred and Eihly-ninth street ; East Whereupon the Commissioner of Street Improvements of the Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth One Hundred and Eighty-ninth street, from Fordham road to Webster avenue, etc., etc. ; and East Wards offeted the following preamble and resolution : One Hundred and Eighty-third street. between , West, and Third avenue, filed Whereas, The Board of Street Opening and Improvement, on the 14th day of September, 1894, in the office of the Commissioner of Street Improvements of the Twenty-thud and 'Twenty-fourth adopted,a resolution directing that upon a (late to be thereafter more fully specified, not less than six Wards June 8, 1895, in the office of the Register of the City of New York June it, 1895, and in- months aster the Kling of the oaths of the Commissioners of Estimate and Assessment who might be the office of the Secretary of State of the State of New York June 11, 1895• appointed by the Supreme Court in proceedings for the acquisition of title to East One Hundred and -shall be vested in the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York. Sixty-third street, from Third avenue to Westchester avenue, the title to any piece or parcel of land Which was adopted by the following vote : Affirmative--The Mayor, the Comptroller, the lying within the lines of such East One Hundred and Sixty-third street, from Third avenue to Deputy Commissioner of Public Works, the President of the Department of Pu~lic Parks and the Westchester avenue, so required, should be vested in the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the Commissioner of Street Improvements of the Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Wards-5. City of New York; and The following communication from the Counsel to the Corporation, advising the Board of Whereas, The said Board has received written notice from the Counsel to the Corporation that the appointment of Commissioners for opening East One Hundred and Seventy-fourth street, was Commissioners of Estimate and Assessment have been appointed by the Supreme Court, in presented : proceedings to acquire title to said East One Hundred and Sixty-third street, from Third avenue to LAW DEPARTMENT, OFFICE OF THE COUNSEL TO THE CORPORATION, NEW YORK, Sep- Wes;.chester avenue, and that the oaths of said Commissioners of Estimate and Assessment were tember 26, 1895. V. B. LIVINGSTON, Esq., Secretary, Board Street Opening and Improvement duly tiled, as required by law, on the 6th day of September, 1895 ; the.efote be it SIR- Resolved, That the Board of Street Opening and Improvcuteut directs that upon the 16th day In pursuance of a resolution adopted by your Board on the 21st day of November, of March, 1896, the title to each and every piece ur parcel of land lying within the lines of said East 1894, I have to inform you that I have caused an application to be made to the Supreme One Hundred and Sixty-third street, from Third avenue to Westchester avenue, so required, viz. Court of this State for the appointment of Commissioners of Estimate and Assessment rn the PARCEL " A." matter of opening East One Hundred and Seventy-fourth street. from the Southern Boulevard Beginning at a point in the western line of Cauldwell avenue distant 150 feet southerly from the and Boston road to the Bronx river, in the Twenty-fourth Ward of the City of New York. On intersection of the western line of Cauldwell avenue with the southern line of 'I'easdale place. the 28th day of August, 1895, the order appointing Commissioners of Estimate and Assessment in list. Thence southerly along the western line of Cauldwell avenue for ico feet. said proceeding was duly entered in the office of the Clerk of the City and County of New York. 2d. Thence westerly deflecting go degrees to the right for 508.93 feet to the eastern line of Third The Commissioners named in said order have duly qualified and their oaths were filed in the office avenue. of the Clerk of the City and County of New York on the 6th day of September, 1895. 2976 THE CITY RECORD . THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10 1895.

As there are buildings on the land to be taken for the opening of said avenue, a resolution your Board, not less than six months from the 6th day of September, 1895, the date of the filing should now be adopted by your Board directing that the title to each and every piece or parcel of of the said oaths. Respectfully yours, land lying within the lines of East One Hundred and Seventy-fourth street, from the Southern FRANCIS M. SCOTT, Counsel to the Corporation. Boulevard and Boston road to Bronx river, shall vest in the Mayor, Aldermen an.i Commonalty of Whereupon the Commissioner of Street Improvements of the Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth New York, upon a date to be fixed by your Board, not less than six months from the 6th day of Sep. Wards offered the following preamble and resolution: tember, 1895, the date of the filing of the said oaths. Whereas, The Board of Street Opening and Improvement, on the 14th day of September, 1894, Respectfully yours, FRANCIS M. SCOTT, Counsel to the Corporation. adopted a resolution directing that upon a date to be thereafter more fully specified, not less than Whereupon the Commissi ruer of S net Impn,vemets of the Twenty-thud and 1 wenty-fourth six months after the filing of the oath, of the Commissioners of Estimate and Assessment who Wards offered the followinc preamble anal resolution might be appointed by the Supreme Court in proceedings for the acquisition of title to Whitlock Whereas, The Board of S reef Opening and Improvement, on the 21st day of November, 1894, avenue, from the Hunt's Point road to Westchester avenue, the title to any pieca or parcel of land adopted a resolution directing that upon a date to be thereafter more fully specified, not less than six lying within the lines of such Whitlock avenue. from the Hut's Point road to Westchester avenue, 0 mouti s after the tiling of the oaths of the Commissioners of Estimate and Assessment who migt~t be required, should be vested in the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York appointed by he Supr. me Court in proceedings for the acquisition of title to East One Hundred ansod and Seventy-fourth street, from the bourhern Boulevard to Westchester avenue, the title to any Whereas, The said Board has received written notice from the Counsel to the Corporation piece or parcel of land lying within the lines of such East One Hundred and Seventy-fourth street, that Commissioners of Estimate and Assessment have been appointed by the Supreme Court in from the Southern Boulevard to Westchester avenue, so required, should be vested in the Mayor, proceedings to acquire title to said Whitlock avenue, from the Hunt's Point road to Westchester Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York ; and avenue, and that the oaths of said Commissioners of Estimate and Assessment were duly filed, as 1h hereas, The said hoardl has received written notice from the Counsel to the Corporation that required by law, on the 6th day of September, 1895 ; therefore be it Commissioners of Estimate and Assessment have been appointed by the Supreme Court in proceed- Resolved, That the Board of Street Opening and Improvement directs that upon the 16th day ings to acquire title to said East One Hundred and Seventy-fourth street, tram the Soathern Boule- of March, 1896, the title to each and every piece or parcel of land lying within the lines of said vard to liOestchester avenue, and that the oaths of said Commissioners of Estimate and Assessment Whitlock avenue, from the Hunt's Point road to Westchester avenue, so required, viz. : were duly hied, as requited by law, on the 6th day of September, [895 ; therefore be it Beginning at a point in the southern line of Westchester avenue distant 1,822.31 feet from Resolved, That the Board of Street Opening and Improvement directs that upon the 16th the intersection of the southern line of Westchester avenue with the eastern line of the Southern day of March, 1896, the title to each and every piece or parcel of land lying within the lines of Boulevard. said East One hundred and Seventy-fourth street, from the Southern Boulevard to Westchester 1st. Thence easterly along the southern line of Westchester avenue for 151.61 feet. avenue, so required, viz.; 2d. Thence southwesterly curving to the left on the arc of a circle tangent to the preceding Beginning at the intersection of the eastern line of the Southern Boulevard with the southern course, whose radius is Ioo feet, for 85.40 feet. line of ho- ton roan . 3d. Thence southerly on a line tangent to the preceding course for 1,192.72 feet. 1st. Thence southerly along the eastern line of Southern Boulevard for 26.93 feet. 4th. Thence southwesterly curving to the right on the arc of a circle tangent to the preceding 2d. '1 hen e easterly deflecting go degrees to the left for 1,903 feet. course whose radius is 1,250 feet for 928.30 feet. 3d. Thence northerly deflecting do degrees 515 minutes 25 seconds to the left for 64.26 feet. 5th. Thence southwesterly on a line tangent to the preceding course for 922.75 feet. 4th. 'thence westerly deflecting e9 degrees I minute 35 seconds to the lett for 1,862.7 feet to the 6th. Thence northwesterly deflecting 87 degrees 3b minutes 20 seconds to the right for 80.07 southern line of Boston road. feet. 5th. Thence southv. esterly for 37.32 feet to the point of beginning. 7th. Thence northeasterly deflecting 92 degrees 23 minutes 40 seconds to the right for 926.10 East One Hundred and Seventy-fourth street, front the Southern Boulevard and Boston road to feet. the Bronx river, is designated as a street of the first-cl.rss, a .d is sixty feet wide, and is shown on 8th. Thence northeasterly curving to the left on the arc of a circle tangent to the preceding secti-n I I of the Final Maps and Profiles of the Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Wards filed in the course whose radius is I, I7o feet for 868.89 feet. office of the Commissioner of Street l,- provements, Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Wards, June 9th. Thence westerly for 1,168.51 feet to the point of beginning. 13, 1894, in the office of the Register of the City and County of New York June 15, 1894, and in Whitlock avenue, from Hunt's Point road to Westchester avenue, is designated as a street of the otttce of the Secretary of State of the State of New York June 15, 1894. the first-class and is eighty feet wide, and is shown on section ri of the Final Maps and Profiles of —shall be vested to the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York. the Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Wards of the City of New York, flied in the office of the Which was adopted by the following vote ; Affirmative-1'he Mayor, the Comptroller, the Commissioner of Street Improvements of the Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Wards June 13, Deputy Commissioner of Public Works, the President of the Department of Public Parks and the 1894, in the office of the Register of the City and County of New York June 15, 1894, and in Commissioner of Street Improvements of the Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Wards-5. the office of the Secretary of State of the State of New York June 15, 1894. '1 he following communication from the Counsel to the Corporation, advising the Board of the —shall be vested in the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York. appcintmenr of commissi mess for opening Loring place, was presented : Which was adopted by the following vote: Affirmative—The Mayor, the Comptroller, LAW DEPARTMENT—OFFICE OF 'I HE COUNSEL TO THE CORPORATION, NEW YORK, Septem. the Deputy Commissioner of Public Works, the President of the Department of Public Parks and ber 26, 1895 V. B. LiVINCSroN, Esq., Secretary, Board Street Opening and Improvement: SIR— the Commissioner of Street Improvements of the Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Wards—g. In pursuance of a resolution adopted by your Board on the 15th day of March, 1895, I have The following communication from the Counsel to the Corporation, advising the Board of the to inform you that I have caused an application to be made to the Supreme Court of this State for appointment of Commissioners for opening Farragut street, was presented : the appointment of Commissioners of Estimate and Assessment in the matter of opening of Loring LAW DEPARTMENT—OFFICE OF THE COUNSEL TO 'I HE CORPORATION, NEV YORK, Septem- place, from University avenue to Hampden street, in the hwenty-lourth Ward of the City of New ber 26, 1895. V. B. LIVINGSTON, Esq., Secretary, Board Street Opening and Improvement. SIR— York. On the 28th day of August, 1895, the order appointing Commissioners of Estimate and Assess- In pursuance of a resolution adopted by your Board on the 14th day of September, 1894, I ment in said proceeding was duly entered in the office of the Clerk of the City and CZ)uaty of New have to inform you that I have caused an applicatian to be made to the Supreme Court of this State York. The Commissioners named in said order have duly qualified and their oaths were filed in for the appointment of Commissioners of Estimate and Assessment to the matter of opening Farra. the office of the Clerk of the City and County of New York on the 6th day of September, 1895. gut street, from the East river to the Hunt's Point road, in the Twenty-third Ward of the City of As thete are buildings on the land to be taken for the opening of said avenue, a resolution New York. On the 16th day of September, 1895, the order appointing Commissioners of Estimate should now be adopted by your Board directing that the title to each and every piece or parcel of and Assessment in said proceeding was duly entered in the office of the Clerk of the City and land lying within the lines of Loring place, from University avenue to Hampden street, shall vest County of New York. The Commissioners named in said order have duly qualified and their in the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of New York, upon a date to be fixed by your Board, oaths were filed in the office of the Clerk of the City and County of New York on the i9th day of not less thansix months from the 6th day of SeptembLr, 1895, the date of the filing of the said oaths. September, 1895. Respectfully yours, FRANCIS M. SCOTT, Counsel to the Corporation. As there are buildings on the land to be taken for the opening of said avenue, a resolution Whereupon the Commissioner of Street Improvements of the Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth should now to adopted by your Board directing that the title to each and every piece or rarcel of Wards offered the following preamble and re,otution : land lying within the lines of Farragut street, from the East river to the Hunt's Point road, shall Whereas, The Board of Street Opening and Improvement, on the 15th day of March, 1895, vest in the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of New York, upon a date to be fixed by your adopted a resolution directing that upon a date to be thereafter more fully specified, not less than Board, not less than six months from the 19th day of September, 1895, the date of the filing of the six months after the Kling of the oaths of the Commissioners of Estimate and Assessment who said oaths. Respectfully yours, might be appointed by the Supreme Court in proceedings for the acquisition of title to Loring FRANCIS M. SCOTT, Counsel to the Corporation. place, from University avenue to Hampden street, the title to any piece or parcel of land lying Whereupon the Commissioner of Street Improvements of the Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth within the lines of such Loring place, from University avenue to Hampden street, so required, 'Wards offered the following preamble and resolution: should be vested in the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York ; and Whereas, the Board of Street Opening and Improvement, on the 14th day of September, 1894, Whereas, The said Board has received written notice from the Counsel to the Corporation adopted a resolution directing that upon a date to be thereafter more fully specified, not Teas than that Commissioners of Estimate and Assessment have been appointed by the Supreme Court in six months after the filing of the oaths of the Commissioners of Estimate and Assessment who might proceedings to acquire title to said Loring place, from University avenue to Hampden street, and be appointed by the Supreme Court in proceedings for the acquisition of title to Farragut street, that the Oaths of said Commissioners of Estimate and Assessment were duly filed, as required by from the East river to the Hunt's Point road, the title to any piece or parcel of land lying within the law, on the 6th day of September, 1895 ; therefore to it lines of such Farragut street, from the East river to the Hunt's Point road, so required, should he Resolved, That the board of Street Upenmg and Improvement directs that, upon the 16th day vested in the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York ; and of March, 1896, the title to each and every piece or parcel of land lying within the lines of said Whereas, The said Board has received written notice from the Counsel to the Corporation that Loring place, from University avenue to Hampden street, so required, viz. : Commissioners of Estimate and Assessment have been appointed by the Supreme Court in proceed- Beginning at a point in the southerly line of Hampden street distant 317.36 feet south- ings to acquire title to said Farragut street, from the East Liver to the Hunt's Point road, and that easterly from the intersection of the southern line of Hampden street with the eastern line of the oaths of said Commissioners of Estimate and Assessment were duly filed, as required by law, on Sedgwick avenue. the Igth day of September, 1895 ; therefore be it 1st. Thence easterly along the southern line of Hampden street on the arc of a circle whose Resolved, That the Board of Street Opening and Improvement directs that upon the 26th day radius is 158.78 feet for 139.14 feet to a point of reverse curve. of March, 1896, the title to each and every piece or parcel of land lying within the lines of said 2d. thence southwesterly on the arc of a circle whose radius is 435 feet for 17.32 feet to a Farrago[ street, from the East river to the Hunt's Point road, so required, viz. point of compound curve. Beginning at a point situated 2I,2I1.94 feet easterly to the eastern line of Tenth avenue, measured 3d. Thence southwesterly on the arc of a circle whose radius is i6o.o feet for 72.62 feet to a at right angles to the same from a point 383.34 feet northerly of the southern line of West One Hun- point of reverse curve. dred and Fifty-fifth street. 4th. Thence southwesterly on the arc of a circle whose radius is i,65o feet for go.67 feet to the 1st. Thence southeasterly on a line forming an angle of I 12 degrees 50 minutes to the right point of compound curve. with a line drawn northerly from the point of beginning and parallel to Tenth avenue for 221.39 5th. Thence southwesterly on the arc of a circle whose radius is 1,074.46 feet for 174.46 feet. feet. 6th. 't hence southwesterly on a line tangent to the preceding course for 217.33 feet. 2d. Thence southerly deflecting 26 degrees 51 minutes so seconds to the right for 342.27 feet. 7th. Thence northwesterly curving to the left on the arc of a circle whose radius drawn 3d. Thence southerly deflecting o degrees 22 minutes 55 seconds to the right for Io6.3o feet. southerly from the southern extremity of the preceding course deflects o degree 4o minutes 49 4th. Thence northerly deflecting 19 degrees 49 minutes 45 seconds to the right for 509.99 feet seconds to the right from the prolongation of the preceding course and is 66o feet for 60.05 feet. to the United States bulkhead-line. 8th. Thence northeasterly on a line deflecting 4 degrees 32 minutes co seconds to the right 5th. Thence westerly deflecting go degrees to the right for ion feet. from the prolongation of the radius of the previous course, drawn through its western extremity, for 6th. Thence northerly deflecting go degrees to the right for 490.75 feet. 219.35 feet. 7th. Thence northerly for 630.93 feet to the point of beginning. 9th. Thence northeasterly curving to the left on the are of a circle tangent to the preceding Farragut street, from East river to Hunt's Point road, is designated as a street of the first class and course whose radius is 1,014.46 feet for 164.72 feet to a point of compound curve. is one hundred feet wide, and is shown on section 5 of Final Maps and Prohles of the Twenty-third loth. Thence northeasterly on the arc of a circle whose radius is 1,590 feet for 72.82 feet to a and Twenty-fourth Wards of the City of New York, filed in the office of the Commissioner of Street point of compound curve. • Improvements of the Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Wards July 8, 1893, in the office of the I nth. Thence northerly on the arc of a circle whose radius is 20 feet for 35.61 feet to the point Register of the City and County of New York July 52, 1893, and in the office of the Secretary of of beginning. • State of the State of New York July 18, 1893. Luring place, from University avenue to Hampden street, is designated as a street of the first- —shall be vested in the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York. class and is sixty feet wide, and is shown on a map entitled "Map or plan showing the street Which was adopted by the following vote : Afirrntative—The Mayor, the Comptroller, the system of the lands occupied by the University of the City of New York, at Fordham Heights, etc.," Deputy Commissioner of Public Works, the President of the Department of Public Parks and the filed in the office of the Commissioner of Street Improvements of the City of New York May 31, Commissioner of Street Improvements of the Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Wards-5. 1895, and the office of the Register of the City and County of New York June 4, 1895, and in the The following communication from the Counsel to the Corporation, advising the B ,ard of the office ot the Secretary of State of the State of New York June 5, 1895• appointment of Commissioners for opening last One Hundred and Forty ninth street, was pre- —shall be vested in the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York. sented. Which was adopted by the following vote : Affirmative—The Mayor, the Comptroller, the LAW DEPARTMENT—OFFICE OF THE COUNSEL TO THE CORPORATION. NEW YORK, Feptem- Deputy Commissioner of Public Works, the President of the Department of Public Parks and the her 26, 1895. V. B. LIVINGSTON, Esq., Secretary, Board Street Upening and Ienpr. vement. SIR— Commissioner of Street Improvements of the Twenty-third and 'l wenty-fourth Wards-5. In pursuance of a resolution adopted by your Board on the 7th day of Dece nb=r, 1894, I have The following communication from the Counsel to the Corporation, advising the Board of the to inform you that I have caused an application to be made to the Supreme Court of this State for appointment of Commissioners for the opening of Whitlock avenue, was presented : the appointmeit of Commissioners of Estimate and Assessment in the matter of opening East One LAW DEPARTMENT—OFFICE OF THE COUNSEL TO THE CORPORATION, NEW YORK, September Hundred and Forty-ninth street. from the Southern Boulevard to the easterly bulkhead line of the 26, 1895. V. B. LIv1s GSTON, Esq., Secretary, Board Street Opening and Improvement : SIR— Harlem river, in the Twenty-third Ward of the City of New York. On the tgth day of Septem- In pursuance of a resolution adopted by your Board on the 14th day of September, 1894, I ber, 1895, the order appointing Commissioners of Estimate and Assessment in said proceeding have to inform you that 1 have caused an application to be made to the Supreme Court of this State was duly entered in the office of the Clerk of the City and County of New York. The , ommis- for the appointment of Con missioners of Estimate and Assessment in the matter ot opening Whitlock sioHers named in said order have duly qualified and their oaths were filed in the office of the avenue, from Hunt's Pont road to Westchester avenue, in the Twenty-third Ward of the City of New Clerk of the City and County of New York on the 23d day of September, 1895. York. On the 28th day of Augu•t, 1895, the order appointing Commissioners of Estimate and As there are bu ]dings on the land to be taken for the opening of said avenue, a resolution Assessment in said proceeding was duly entered in the office of the Clerk of the City and County should now be adopted by your Board directing that the title to each and every piece or parcel of of New York. The Commissioners named in said order have duly qualified and their oaths were land lying within the lines of East One Hundred and Forty-ninth street, from the Southern Boule. filed in the office of the Clerk of the t-ity and County of New York on the 6th day of September, yard to the easterly bulkhead line of the Harlem river, shall vest in the Mayor, Aldermen and Com- monalty of New York, upon a date to be fixed by your Board, not less than six months from the I89SAs throe are buildings on the land to be taken for the opening of said avenue, a resolution 23d day of September, 11695, the date of the filing of the said oaths. should now be adopted by your Board directing that the title to each and every piece or parcel, of Respectfully yours, FRANCIS M. SC( 1TT, Counsel to the Corporation. land lying within the lines of %%hi.luck avenue, from Hunt's Point road to Westchester avenge, Whereupon the Commissioner of Street Improvements of the Twenty-third and Twenty- shall vest in the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of New York, upon a date to be fixed by fourth Wards offered the following preamble and resolution : THURSDAY, THE CITY RECORD. 2 977 OCTOBER 10, 1895. • Whereas, The Board of Street Opening and Improvement, on the 7th clay of December, 1894, 1st. Thence westerly along the southern line of said East One Hundred and Forty-ninth street adopted a resolution directing that upon a date to be thereafter more fully specified, not less for 204.18 feet to the eastern line of Third avenue. than six months after the filing of the oaths of the Commissioners of Estimate and Assessment 2d. Thence southwesterly along the eastern line of Third avenue for 16.49 feet. who might be appointed by the Supreme Court in proceedings for the acquisition of title to East 3d. Thence easterly parallel to said East One Hundred and Forty-ninth street for 204.30 feet One Hundred and Forty-ninth street, from the Southern Boulevard to the easterly bulkhead-line to the western line of Bergen avenue. of the Harlem river, the title to any piece or parcel of land lying within the lines of such East 4th. Thence northeasterly for 16.44 feet to the point of beginning. One Hundred and Forty-ninth street, from the Southern Boulevard to the easterly bulkhead-line PARCEL " N. of the Harlem river, so required, should be vested in the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of Beginning at the intersection of the northern line of East One Hundred and Forty-ninth the City of New York ; and I street (legally opened November t6, 188o) with the western line of Melrose avenue. Whereas, The said Board has received written notice from the Counsel to the Corporation/ 1st. Thence westerly along the northern line of said East One Hundred and Forty-ninth that Commissioners of Estimate and Assessment have been appointed by the Supreme Court in street for 450 feet to the eastern line of Courtlanit avenue. proceedings to acquire title to said East One Hundred and Forty-ninth street, from the Southern 2d. Thence northerly along the eastern line of Courtlandt avenue for 20 feet. Boulevard to the easterly bulkhead-line of the Harlem river, and that the oaths of said Commis- 3d. Thence easterly parallel to said East One Hundred and Forty-ninth street for 450 feet to missioners of Estimate and Assessment were duly filed, as required by law, on the 23d day of I the western line of Melrose avenue. September, 1895 ; therefore be it 4th. Thence southerly for 20 feet to the point of beginning. Resolved, That the Board of Street Opening and Improvement directs that upon the 30th day I PARCEL. "O." of March, 1896, the title to each and every piece or parcel of land lying within the lines of said Beginning at the intersection of the southern line of East One Hundred and Forty-ninth street East One Hundred and Forty-ninth street, from the Southern Boulevard to the easterly (legally opened November t6, I88o) with the western line of Melrose avenue. bulkhead-line of the Harlem river, so required, viz.: I 1st. Thence westerly along the southern line of said East One Hundred and Forty-ninth street PARCEL "A." for 450 feet to the eastern line of Courtlandt avenue. Beginning at the intersection of the eastern line of Prospect avenue with the western line of 2d. Thence southerly along the eastern line of Courtlandt avenue for 20 feet. the Southern Boulevard. 3d. Thence easterly parallel to said East One Hundred and Fortystreet-ninth for 441.58 feet Ist. Thence northeasterly along the western line of the Southern Boulevard for 35.78 feet. to the western line of Third avenue. 2d. Thence westerly deflecting 144 degrees 25 minutes 56 seconds to the left for 6o.og feet to 4th. Thence northerly along the western lines of 'Third avenue and Melrose avenue for 22.69 the eastern line of Prospect avenue. feet to the point of beginning. " PARCEL P." 3d. Thence southeasterly for 37.32 feet to the point of beginning. PARCEL ' B. Beginning at the intersection of the northern line of East One Hundred and Forty-ninth street Beginning at the intersection of the northern line of East One Hundred and Forty-ninth street (legally opened November t6, 188o) with the western line of Courtlandt avenue. (legally opened November t6, t88o) with the western line of Prospect avenue. tat. Thence westerly along the northern line of said East One Hundred and Forty-ninth street 1st. Thence westerly along the northern line of said East One Hundred and Forty-ninth street for 870.2, feet to the eastern line of Morris avenue. for 190 feet to the eastern line of Union avenue. 2c1. (hence northerly along the eastern line of Morris avenue for 20 feet. 2d. Thence northerly along the eastern line of Union avenue for 25 feet. 3d. Thence easterly parallel to said East One Hundred and Forty-ninth street for 870.25 feet 3d. Thence easterly parallel to said East One Hundred and Forty-ninth street for 190 feet to to western li~ie of Courtlandt avenue. the western line of Prospect avenue. 4th. Thence southerly for 20 feet to the point of beginning. 4th. 'thence southerly for 25 feet to the point of beginning. PARCEL " Q." PARCEL " C." Beginning at the intersection of the southern line of East One I-Iundred and Forty-ninth street Beginning at the intersection of the northern line of East One Hundred and Forty-ninth street (legally opened November 16, tSSo) with the westein line of Courtlandt avenue. (legally opened November 16, i88o) with the western line of Union avenue. 1st. Thence westerly along the southern line of said East One Hundred and Forty-ninth street 1st. '!'hence westerly along the northern line of said East One Hundred and Forty-ninth street for 870.25 feet to the eastern line of Morris avenue. for zoo feet to the eastern line of Beach avenue. 2d. Thence southerly along the eastern line of Morris avenue for 20 feet. 2d. Thence northerly.along the eastern line of Beach avenue for 25 feet. I 3d• Thence easterly parallel to.~aid East One Hundred and Forty-ninth street for 870.25 feet 3d. Thence easterly parallel to said East One Hundred and Forty-ninth street for 2C0 feet to to the western line of Courtlandt avenue. 4th. Thence northerly for zo feet to the point of beginning. the western line of Union avenue. I 4th. Thence southerly for 25 feet to the point of beginning. PARCEL '' R." PARCEL "n." Beginning at the intersection of the northern line of East One Hundred and Forty-ninth Beginning at the intersection of the northern line of East One Hundred and Forty-ninth street steeet (legally opened November c6, ISSo) with the western line of Morris avenue. (legally opened November 16, iS8o) with the western line of Beach avenue. 1st. Thence westerly along the northern line of said East One Hundred and Forty-ninth 1st. Thence westerly along the northern line of said East One Hundred and Forty-ninth street street for 637.27 feet to the eastern line of Railroad avenue, East. for 200 feet to the eastern line of Wales avenue. 2(1. Thence northerly along the eastern line of Railroad avenue, East, for 20.7 feet. 2d. Thence northerly along the eastern line of Wales avenue for 25 feet. 3d. Thence easterly parallel to said East One Hundred and Forty-ninth street for 632.o6 feet 3d. Thence easterly parallel to said East One Hundred and Forty-ninth street for 200 feet to to the western line of Morris avenue. the western line of Beach avenue. 4th. Thence southerly for 20 feet to the point of beginning. 4th. Thence southerly for 25 feet to the point of beginning. PARCEL " S." PARCEL "E." Beginning at the intersection of the southern line of East One Hundred and Forty-ninth Beginning at the intersection of the northern line of East One Hundred and Forty-ninth street street (legally opened November t6, iSSo) with the western line of Morris avenue. (legally opened November 16, tg8o) with the western line of Wales avenue. ist. Thence westerly along the southern line of said East One Hundred and Forty-ninth 1st. Thence westerly along the northern line of said East One Hundred and Forty-ninth street street for 649.96 feet to the eastern line of Railroad avenue, East. for 460 feet to the eastern line of Robbins avenue. 2d. Thence southerly along the eastern line of Railroad avenue, East, for 20.45 feet. 2d. Thence northerly along the eastern line of Robbins avenue for 25 feet. 3d. Thence easterly parallel to said East One Hundred and Forty-ninth street for 654.08 feet, 3d. Thence easterly parallel to said East One Flundred and Forty-ninth street for 460 feet to to the western line of Morris avenue. the western line of Wales avenue. 4th. Thence northerly for 20 feet to the point of beginning. 4th. Thence southerly for 25 feet to the point of beginning. PARCEL " PARCEL "F." Beginning at the intersection of the northern line of East One Hundred and Forty-ninth Beginning at the intersection of the northern line of East One I-lundred and Forty-ninth street street (legally opened November t6, 188o) with the western line of Railroad avenue, East. (legally opened November i6, i48o) with the western line of Robbins avenue. ist. Thence westerly along the northern line of said East One Hundred and Forty-ninth 1st. Thence westerly along the northern line of said East One Hundred and Forty-ninth street street for 1, I29.o3 feet to the eastern line of Gerard avenue. 2d. Thence northerly along the eastern line of Gerard avenue for 20.02 feet. for 547.55 feet to an angle point. 2d. fhence still westerly along the northern line of said East One Hundred and Forty-ninth 3d. Thence easterly parallel to said East One Hundred and Forty-ninth street for street for 190.15 feet to the eastern line of Eagle avenue. feet to the western line of Railroad avenue, East. 3d. Thence northerly along the eastern line of Eagle avenue for 25.28 feet. 4th. Thence southerly for 20.70 feet to the point of beginning. 4th. '!'hence easterly parallel to said East One Hundred and Forty-ninth street for 192.07 feet. PARCEL "U." 5th. Thence easterly and parallel to said East One Hundred and Forty-ninth street for 545.71 Beginning at the intersection of the southern line of East One Hundred and Forty-ninth street feet to the western line of Robbins avenue. (legally opened November t6, 188o) with the western line of Railroad avenue, East. 6th. Thence southerly for 25 feet to the point of beginning. Ist. (hence westerly along the southern line of said East One Hundred and Forty-ninth t'ARCEL "G." street for I,t 14.13 feet to the eastern line of Gerard avenue. Beginning at the intersection of the northern line of East One Hundred and Forty-ninth street 2d. Thence southerly along the eastern line of Gerard avenue for 20.02 feet. (legally opened November 16, t88o) with the western line of St. Ann's avenue. I 3d. Thence easterly parallel to said East One Hundred and Forty-ninth street for [,100.07 i. Thence westerly along the northern line of said East One Hundred and Forty-ninth street ~ feet to the western line of Railroad avenue, East. for 277.20 feet to the eastern line of St. Ann's avenue. I 4th. Thence northerly for 20.45 feet to the point of beginning. 2d. Thence northerly along the eastern line of St. Ann's avenue for 25 feet. PARCEL " V." 3d. Thence easterly parallel to said East One Hundred and Forty-ninth street for 273.44 feet Beginning at the intersection of the northern line of East One Hundred and Forty-ninth street to the western line of Eagle avenue. (legally opened November t6, 1880) with the western line of Gerard avenue. 4th. Thence southerly for 25.28 feet to the point of beginning. 1st. Thence westerly along the northern line of said East One Hundred and Forty-ninth street PARCEL " H." for 36.30 feet to an angle point. Beginning at the intersection of the northern line of East One Hundred and Forty-ninth street 2d. Thence still westerly along the northern line of said East One Hundred and Forty-ninth (legally opened November t6, tS8o) with the western line of St. Ann's avenue, street for 828.64 feet to the bulkhead-line of the Harlem river. 1st. Thence westerly along the northern line of said East One Hundred and Forty-ninth street 3d. Thence northerly along the bulkhead-line of the Harlem river for 40.48• feet. for 524.50 feet to the eastern line of Brook avenue. 4th. Thence easterly parallel to said East One Hundred and Forty-ninth street for 741.57 2d. Thence northerly along the eastern line of Brook avenue for 25 feet. feet. 3d. Thence easterly parallel to said East One Hundred and Forty-ninth street for 524.50 feet 5th. Thence easterly parallel to said East One Hundred and Forty-ninth street for t35 feet to to the western line of St. Ann's avenue. the western line of Gerard avenue. 4th. '!'hence southerly for 25 feet to the point of beginning. 6th. Thence southerly for 20.02 feet to the point of beginning. PARCEL "I." PARCEL " W." Beginning at the intersection of the southern line of East One Hundred and Forty-ninth street Beginning at the intersection of the southern line of East One I-Iundred and Forty-ninth street (legally opened November t6, 188o) with the western line of St. Ann's avenue. (legally opened November t6, i88o) with the western line of Gerard avenue. 1st. Thence westerly along the southerly line of said East One Hundred and Forty-ninth street 1st. Thence westerly along the southern line of said East One Hundred and Forty-ninth street for 524.50 feet to the eastern line of Brook avenue. for 32.55 feet to an angle point. 2d. Thence southerly along the eastern line of Brook avenue for 15 feet. 2(1. Thence westerly along the western line of said East One Hundred and Forty-ninth street 3d. Thence easterly parallel to said East One Hundred and Forty-ninth street for 524.5 feet for 97.45 feet. to the western line of St. Anti's avenue. 3d. Thence easterly parallel to the first course for 128.74 feet to the western line of Gerard 4th. Thence northerly for 15 feet to the point of beginning. avenue. PARCEL "J. 4th. Thence northerly for 20.02 feet to the point of beginning. Beginning at the intersection of the northern line of East One Hundred and Forty-ninth street East One Hundred and Forty-ninth street, from the Southern Boulevard to the easterly (legally o ened November 16, t88o) with the western line of Brook avenue. bulkhead-line of the Harlem river, is designated as a street of the first class and is too feet wide, 1st. (hence westerly along the northern line of said East One Hundred and Forty-ninth street and is shown on section 3 of the Final Maps and Profiles, filed in this Department January t8, for 493.85 feet to the eastern line of Bergen avenue. 1894, in the Register's office January 19, t894, and in the office of the Secretary of State January 2d. rhence northeasterly along the eastern line of Bergen avenue for 27.40 feet. 20, 1894 ; from Robbin's avenue to St. Ann's avenue is shown on section 2 of the Filial Maps and 3d. Thence easterly parallel to said East One Hundred and Forty-ninth street for 480.14 feet Profiles, tiled in this Department June 13, 1894, in the Re,gister's office June 14, 1894, and in the to the western line of Brook avenue. office of the Secretary of State June 15, 1894 ; from St. Anti's avenue to Third avenue is shown on 4th. Thence southerly for 25.t2 feet to the point of beginning. section i of the Final Maps and Profiles, filed in this Department March 2t, 1894, in the Register's PARCEL " K." office March 23, 1894, and in the office of the Secretary of State March 23, 1894 ; and from Third Beginning at the intersection of the southern line of East One Hundred and Forty-ninth street avenue to the Harlem river is shown on map or plan of East One Hundred and Forty-ninth street, (legally opened November i6, i88o) with the western line of Brook avenue. from Harlem river to Third avenue, etc., filed in this Department April 2, 1895, in the Register's 1st. Thence westerly along the southern line of said East One Hundred and Forty-ninth street office April 3, 1895, and in the office of the Secretary of State April 4, 1895. for 526.76 feet to the eastern line of Bergen avenue. -shall be vested in the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York. 2d. Thence southwesterly along the eastern line of Bergen avenue for 16.44 feet. Which was adopted by the following vote : Affirmative-The Mayor, the Comptroller, the 3d. Thence easterly parallel to said East One Hundred and Forty-ninth street for 534.99 feet Deputy Commissioner of Public Works, the President of the Department of Public Parks and the to the westerly line of Brook avenue. Commissioner of Street Improvements of the Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Wards-5. 4th. Thence northerly for 15.07 feet to the point of begituting. The following communication from the Counsel to the Corporation, relating to rescinding PARCEL " L." former action of the Board, in the matter of opening streets, was presented and read : Beginning at the intersection of the northern line of East One Hundred and Forty-ninth street LAW DEPARTMENT-OFFICE OF THE COUNSEL TO THE CORPORATION, NEW YORK, Sep- (legally opened November t6, 1880) with the western line of Bergen avenue. tember 20, 1895. V. B. LIVINGS'roN, Esq., Secretary of the Board of Street Opening and Ist. Thence westerly along the northern line of said East One Hundred and Forty-ninth street Int roventent: SIR- for 203.70 feet to the eastern line of Third avenue. After proceedings have been started, pursuant to resolutions passed by the Board of Street 2d. Thence northeasterly along the eastern line of Third avenue for 27.49 feet. Opening and Improvement, it often causes serious embarrassment to have those resolutions 3d. Thence easterly parallel to said East One Hundred and Forty-ninth street for 203.5 feet rescinded. to the western line of Bergen avenue. I would suggest that before the Board rescinds resolutions hereafter it would be advisable to 4th. Thence southwesterly for 27,40 feet to the point of beginning. give special notice of their intended action to the Bureau of Street Openings. PARCEL " M." Respectfully yours, FRANCIS M. SCOTT, Counsel to the Corporation. Beginning at the intersectton of the southern line of East One Hundred and Forty-ninth street Whereupon the Comptroller offered the following resolution : (legally opened November t6, 1880) with the western line of Bergen avenue. Resolved, That all resolutions offered to rescind any former action of the Board in relation to kt 2978 THE CITY RECORD. THURSDAY, OCTOBER io, 1895

the opening of streets must be accompanied by a written statement that due notice of such intended there are buildings upon the lands that shall or may be required for the purpose of opening and action has been given to the Bureau of Strebt Opening by the Secretary of this Board. extending said Andrews avenue, from Aqueduct avenue to Fordham road. Which was adopted by the following vote : Affirmative—The Mayor, the Comptroller, the Resolved, That this Board directs that upon a date to be hereafter more fully specified, not Deputy Commissioner of Public Works, the President of the Department of Public Parks and the less than six months after the filing of the oaths of the Commissioners of Estimate and Assessment Commissioner of Street Improvements of the Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Wards-5. who may be appointed by the Supreme Court in proceedings for the acquisition of title to such The following report relating to the approach to the Grant Monument was presented and read street, that the title to any piece or parcel of land lying within the hues of such Andrews avenue, DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS, COMMISSIONER'S OFFICE, NEW YORK, September 30, 1895. from Aqueduct avenue to Fordham road, so required, shall be vested in the Mayor, Aldermen and To his Honor the Mayor, Chairman of the Board of Street Opening and Improvement : SIR— Commonalty of the City of New York. The resolution of the meeting of the Board of Street Opening and Improvement, held on Resolved, That the Board of Street Opening and Improvement, deeming it for the public September 6, 1895, referring the plans, etc., of the approach to the °' Grant Monument " in River- interest so to do, hereby requests the Counsel to the Corporation to take the necessary proceedings, side Park to your Committee, for report, etc. in the name of the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York, to acquire title, We have examined the proposed plan of an approach to the Grant Monument by way of One wherever the same has not been heretofore acquired, for the use of the public, to the lands, tene- Hundred and Twenty-third street, etc. The said street, from Amsterdam avenue to the Boule- ments and hereditaments that shall or may be required for the purpose of opening and extending vard, is now legally opened at a width of 6o feet, and the title to the same is vested in the City of Andrews avenue, from Aqueduct avenue to Fordham road. New York. It is recommended that an additional width of 20 feet be taken from the property on Resolved, That the entire cost and expense of said proceedings shall be assessed upon the the southerly side of the street, to make an avenue of 8o feet in width, and a public place through property deemed to be benefited thereby. the block between the Boulevard and of 125 feet wide, for a terrace and bridge Which were adopted by the following vote : Affirmative—The Mayor, the Comptroller, the over Claremont avenue. Deputy Commissioner of Public Works, the President of the Department of Public Parks and the It is also recommc.,ded that the plot of ground Zoo by 370 feet, bounded by Claremont Commissioner of Street Improvements of the Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Wards-5. avenue, Claremont place, One Hundred and Twenty-second street and Riverside Park, be acquired To OPEN LORING PLACE. by the City, to form a plaza directly in front of the monument, said plot being of nearly the same Resolved, That the Board of Street Opening and Improvement deems it for the public interest elevation as the park. that the title to the lands and premises required for the opening and extending of Loring place, It is also recommended that the proposed additions to the Riverside Park and its approach from Hampden street to Fordham road, should be acquired by the Mayor, Aldermen and Com- being a public improvement, the cost and expense be borne by the city at large. monalty of the City of New York at a fixed or specified time. D. H. KING, JR., President, Department of Public Parks ; CHARLES H. T. COLLIS, Resolved, That it appears to this Board, from the surveys made and information furnished to Acting Commissioner of Public Works. it by the Commissioner of Street Improvements of the Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Wards, that After some discussion, the matter, on motion, was referred back to the Commissioner of Public there are buildings upon the lands that shall or may be required for the purpose of opening and Works and the President of the Department of Public Parks for their reconsideration and report to extending said Loring place, from Hampden street to Fordham road. the Board. Resolved, That this Board directs that upon a date to be hereafter more fully specified, not The following resolution, received from the Board of Aldermen, relating to the laying-out of less than six months after the filing of the oaths of the Commissioners of Estimate and Assess- a small park at Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth streets, Ninth and Tenth avenues, was presented ment who may be appointed by the Supreme Court in proceedings for the acquisition of title to and read : such street, that the title to any piece or parcel of laud lying within the lines of such Loring IN COMMON COUNCIL. place, from Hampden street to Fordham road, so required, shall be vested in the Mayor, Aldermen Whereas, Chapter giI of the Laws of 1895 authorizes the Board of Street Opening and and Commonalty of the City of New York. Improvement of the City of New York to select, locate and lay out a public park in the City of Resolved, That the Board of Street Opening and Improvement, deeming it for the public New York, not less than one block in area, between Twentieth and Thirtieth streets, and west of interest so to do, hereby requests the Counsel to the Corporation to take the necessary proceedings, Ninth avenue, in said city, under the provisions of chapter 320 of the Laws of 1887 ; therefore in the name of the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York, to acquire title, be it wherever the same has not been heretofore acquired, for the use of the public, to the lands, tene- Resolved, That the Board of Street Opening and Improvement be and it is hereby respect- nients and hereditaments that shall or may be required for the purpose of opening and extending fully requested to set aside, select and locate as a site for said small park the block bounded by Loring place, from Hampden street to Fordham road. Twenty-third street, Twenty-fourth street, Ninth avenue and Tenth avenue, in the City of New- Resolved, That the entire cost and expense of said proceedings shall be assessed upon the York, and that it is the opinion of this Common Council that such site would be the most appro. property deemed to be benefited thereby. priate area for said such small park. Which were adopted by the following vote : Affirmative—The Mayor, the Comptroller, the Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, October 1, 1895, :fmajority of all the members elected Deputy Commissioner of Public Works, the President of the Department of Public Parks and the voting in favor thereof. Commissioner of Street lmpr cots of the Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth \'yards-5. \VILLIAB4 H. TEN EYCK, Clerk of the Common Council. The resolution to open East One Hundred and Eighty-seventh street was laid over to the next On motion, the matter was referred to the Comptroller and the President of the Department meeting of the Board. of Public Parks for their report thereon. The following report from the Commissioner of Public Works, relating to the opening of a The matter of the luau for a new approach to the Grand Boulevard and Concourse, submitted new street between Kingsbridge road and Eleventh avenue, near Fort George, was presented and at the last meeting of the board, was taken up, and, on motion, was made a special order for the read : next meeting of the Board. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS—COMMISSIONER'S OFFICE, NEW YORK, October, 3, 1895• The following report from the Commissioner of Street Improvements of the Twenty-third and The Honorable WILLIADt L. STRONG, Mayor, and Chairman, Board of Street Opening and Twenty-fourth Wards, submitting resolution for opening Last One Hundred and Sixty-sixth street, Improvement: DEAR SIR— was presented and read: The inclosed petition of Mr. Robert \V. Taller, an agreement signed by him as trustee, and a COMMISSIONER OF STREET IMPROVEMENTS, TWENTY-THIRD AND TWENTY-FOURTH WARDS, diagram in relation to the establishment of a new street between Kingsbridge road and Eleventh NEW YORK, August 29, 1895• Board of Street Opening and Improvement : GENTLEMtEN- avenue, near Fort George, were transmitted to this office for report by letter of September io from I submit herewith form of resolution for the opening and extending of East One Hundred and the Secretary of your Board. Sixty-sixth street, from Lind avenue to Jerome avenue. On careful examination of the location of the proposed street and the topography of the Respectfully, LOUIS F. I-IAFFEN, Commissioner. ground, it is found that the street, as shown on the diagram, represents the best practicable route Whereupon the Commissioner offered the following resolutions : for a thoroughfare between King bridge road and Eleventh avenue for the improvement of a very Resolved, That the Board of Street Opening and ltnprovement'deems it for the public interest large tract of property, especially in respect to grades, which will be far easier than any which that the title to the lands and premises required for the opening and extending of Ea,t One could be obtained by the rectangular system of streets or by selecting another route. Hundred and Sixty-sixth street, front Lind avenue to Jerome avenue, should be acquired by the I therefore respectfully recommend that the street be established as shown on the diagram, Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York at a fixed or specified time. and that the agreement for its acquisition by the City as one of the public streets be accepted. Resolved, That it appears to this Board, from the surveys made and information furnished to Very respectfully, CHARLES H. T. COLLIS, Deputy Commissi oner of Public Works. it by the Commissioner of Street Improvements of the Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Wards, On motion, the matter was referred to the Comptroller for his investigation and report thereon. that there are buildings upon the lands that shall or may be required for the purpose of opening The following petition, relating to the grades oil Kingsbridge road-and High Bridge road, was and extending said East One Hundred and Sixty-sixth street, from Lind avenue to Jerome avenue. presented, and, on motion, was referred to the Commissioner of Street Improvements of the Resolved, That this Board directs that upon a date to be hereafter more fully specified, not Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Wards for report thereon : less than six (6) months after the tiling of the oaths of the Commissioners of Estimate and Assess- NEW YORK, July 23, 1895. To the Board of Street Opening and Improvement, Hon. ment who may be appointed by the Supreme Court in proceedings for the acquisition of title to \VH.LIAM L. STRONG, Mayor, C/rairi.'zan, etc. : SIR— such street, that the title to any piece or parcel of land lying within the lines of such East One The undersigned, owners of property on Kingsbridge road and High Bridge road, respectfully Hundred and Sixty-sixth street, from Lind avenue to Jerome avenue, so required, shall be vested petition that the grades on the above streets, as shown upon the annexed diagram, be made to in the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York. correspond to the grades adopted by the Department of Public Parks, which streets were laid out, Resolved, That the Board of Street Opening and Irnprovement, deeming it for the public mmMmmiemtted and established by said Department, and upon which houses have been built and interest so to do, hereuy requests the Counsel to the Corporation to take the necessary proceedings, other improvements made, as best suited to the requirements of the abutting property. in the name of the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York, to acquire title, The owners of property have in good faith laid out and built upon these grades, and find at wherever the same has not been heretofore acquired, for the use of the public, to the lauds, tene- this late date that it is proposed to alter and discontinue them, thereby causing great damage and lnents and hereditaments that shall or may be required for the purpose of opening and extending expense, and in many cases making it impossible to make the abutting property available. The East One Hundred and Sixty-sixth street, from Lind avenue to Jerome avenue. owners petition that the old grades be retained as shown upon the annexed diagram, as being the Resolved, That the entire cost and expense of said proceeding shall be assessed upon the only ones suitable for this locality. property deemed to be benefited thereby. Respectfully, Which were adopted by the following vote : Affirmative—The Mayor, the Comptroller, the P. J. Keary. Chas. W. Freeland, corner Tiehout avenue and Deputy Commissioner of Public Works, the President of the Department of Public Parks and the Wm. H. Morris, Kingsbridge road. High Bridge road. Commissioner of Street Improvements of the Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Wards-5. Win. H. Valentine, 595 Kingsbridge road, N. Y. Clara M. Webster, High Bridge and Kingsbridge The following report from the Commissioner of Street Improvements of the Twenty-third and City. roads. Twenty-fourth Wards, submitting resolutions for opening Aqueduct avenue, Andrews avenue, Mrs. J. Weiser, 599 Kingsbridge road. Wm. S. Buchanan, High Bridge road. Loring place and East One Hundred and Eighty-seventh street, was presented and read : Mrs. J. B. Smith, I Coles lane, City. Eva A. Salter, High Bridge road. COMMISSIONER OF STREET IMPROVEMENTS, TWENTY-TIURD AND TWENTY-FOURTH WARDS, Mrs. E. Hallock, Kingsbridge road. A. Oldrin Salter, High Bridge road. NEW YORK, October 3, 1895. Board of Street Opening and Improvement: GEN'T'LEMEN— Thomas M. Mahon, Kingsbridge road. Charles Burden, Kingsbridge road. I submit herewith forms of resolutions for the opening of the following-mentioned avenues, Irving S. Balcom, 587 High Bridge road. Charles H. McNamara, High Bridge road. etc., for your concurrence and approval, viz. : G. S. Shepperd, High Bridge road. Edward T. Schoonmaker, Kingsbridge road. Aqueduct avenue, from Featherbed lane to Kingsbridge road. On motion, the Board then adjourned. V. B. LIVINGSTON, Secretary. Andrews avenue, from Aqueduct avenue to Fordham road. Loring place, from Hampden street to Fordham road. East One Hundred and Eighty-seventh street, from Third avenue to the Southern Boulevard. BOARD OF ESTIMATE AND APPORTIONMENT. Respectfully, LOUIS F. HAFFEN, Commissioner. BOARD OF ESTIMATE AND APPORTIONMENT, CITY OF NEW YORK, MAYOR'S OFFICE, CITY Whereupon the Commissioner offered the following resolutions HALL, 1'RIDAY, October 4, 1895, 12 o'clock M. To OPEN AQUEDUCT AVENUE. The Board met in pursuance of the following call OFFICE OF THE MAYORALTY, EXECUTIVE DEFARI'MENT, CITY HALL, New YORK, October 2, 1895. Resolved, That the Board of Street Opening and Improvement deems it for the public interest In pursuance of the authority contained in the 138th section of the New York City Consolidation Act of x882. that the title to the lands and premises required for the opening and extending of Aqueduct and chapter ,o5 of the Ltws of 1803, a meetivg is hereby called of the Mayor, Comptroller, the President of the avenue, from Featherbed lane to Kingsbridge road, should be acquired by the Mayor, Aldermen Board of Aldermen, President of the Department of Taxes and Assessments, and Counsel to the Corporation, consti. tuting a Board of Estimate and Appor~ionment, to be held at the office of the Mayor on Friday, October 4, 1895, and Commonalty of the City of New York at a fixed or specified time. at t2 o'clock Nt,, for the purpose of tra tsacting such business as may be brought before the Board. Resolved, That it appears to this Board, from the surveys made and information furnished to W. L. STRONG, Mayor. it by the Commissioner of Street Improvements of the Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Wards, INDORSED. Admission of a copy of the within as served upon us this ad day of October, 1895. that there are buildings upon the lands that shall or may be required for the purpose of opening W. L. STRONG, Mayor: ASHEEL P. FITCH, Comptroller; JOHN JF:ROLOMAN, President of the Board of and extending said Aqueduct avenue, from Featherbed lane to Kingsbridge road. Aldermen ; E. P. BARKER, President of the Department of Taxes and Assessments ; FRANCIS M. SCOTT, Counsel Resolved, That this Board directs that upon a date to be hereafter more fully specified, not to the Corporation. less than six months after the filing of the oaths of the Commissioners of Estimate and Assessment Present—William L. Strong, the Mayor ; Ashbzl P. Fitch, the Comptroller ; Edward P. who may be appointed by the Supreme Court in proceedings for the acquisition of title to such Barker, the President of the Department of Taxes and Assessments ; Francis M. Scott, the Counsel street, that the title to any piece or parcel of land lying within time lines of Aqueduct avenue, to the Corporation. from Featherbed lane to Kingsbridge road, so required, shall be vested in the Mayor, Aldermen Absent—John Jeroloman, the President of the Board of Aldermen. and Commonalty of the City of New York. Resolved, That the Board of Street Opening and Improvement, deeming it for the public On motion, the reading of the minutes of the meeting held September 26, 1895, was dispensed interest so to do, hereby requests the Counsel to the Corporation to take the necessary proceedings, with. in the name of the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York, to acquire title, The Comptroller presented the following: wherever the same has not been heretofore acquired, for the use of the public, to the lands, tene- CITY OF NEW YORK, DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC PARKS, COMMISSIONERS' OFFICE, THE ments and hereditaments that shall or may be required for the purpose of.opening and extending ARSENAL, , October 3, 1895. To-the Hon. Board of Estimate and Apportion- Aqueduct avenue, from Featherbed lane to Kingsbridge road. ment Resolved, That the entire cost and expense of said proceedings shall be assessed upon the GENTLEMEN—At a meeting of the Board of Parks held on the 3oth ultimo the following property deemed to be benefited thereby. resolution was adopted : Which were adopted by the following vote : Affirmative—The Mayor, the Comptroller, the Resolved, '1 hat the proposals received on the 18th instant for performing the work of removal Deputy Commissioner of Public Works, the President of the Department of Public Parks and the of the old stone pivot pier of the lornser Macomb's Dam Bridge, be transmitted to the Board of Commissioner of Street Improvements of the Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Wards-5. Estimate and Apportionment, with the request that funds be pro"ided to enable this Department To OPEN ANDREWS AVENUE. to award the contra( to the lowest bidder, by transferring the following sum from appropriations Resolved, That the Board of Street Opening and Improvement deems it for the public interest for the current year, they being in excess of the amounts required therefor, viz. : Salaries, $2,0O; that the title to the lands and premises required for the opening and extending of Andrews avenue, Telephone Service, $goo—in all, $3,800—to the appropriation for '° Harlem River Bridges' for from Aqueduct avenue to Fordham road, should be acquired by the Mayor, Aldermen and Com- the current year, with authority to expend that amount for this purpose. monalty of the City of New York, at a fixed or specified time. I beg to transmit herewith the proposals referred to in the foregoing resolution, and state for Resolved, That it appears to this Board, from the surveys made and information furnished to the information of your Honorable Board, that in the construction of the new Macomb's Dam it by the Commissioner of Street Improvements of the Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Wards, that Bridge, as well as in the erection of the temporaryst~.nictu e, no provision was made for the rampoi'ltl


of the old stone pier, with its foundations of the former bridge, and there is at present no available $544.40, which is required to enable the Board of Health to pay to the Board of Police for the ser- fund to defray the expenses. vices of five (5) Patrolmen, from September 3 to September 30, 1895, detailed to the service of the In order to determine the cost, bids were invited for doing the work, the lowest of which is Board of Health pursuant to the provisions of section 5, chapter 309, Laws of 1880 ; section 296, that of James Flanagan, amounting to $3,800, the amount asked for in the foregoing resolution. chapter 41o, Laws of 1882, as amended by chapter 84, Laws of 1887, and section I, chapter 567, Yours respectfully, CHARLES DE F. BURNS, Secretary, D. P. P. Laws of 1895 ; said requisition to be audited and paid pursuant to the provisions of chapter 535, And offered the following: Laws of 1893, and as per resolution of the Board of Estimate and Apportionment dated June 28, Resolved, That, in order to enable the Department of Public Parks to perform the work of 1895, and chargeable to the Health Department under said act. removing the old stone pivot pier of the former Macomb's Dam Bridge, the sum of three thousand A true copy. EMMONS CLARK, Secretary. eight hundred dollars ($3,800) be and the same is hereby transferred from the following a~Ipropria- And offered the following : tions made to the Department of Public Parks for 1895, and as follows : Salaries, $2,900 ; 'Ielephone Resolved, That, pursuant to the provisions of chapter 535 of the Laws of 1893, and section t of Service, $900-$3,800-the same being in excess of the amounts required for the purposes and chapter 567 of the Laws of 1895, amending section 299 of the New York City Consolidation Act of objects thereof, to the appropriation made to said Department for 18-)5, entitled '1 Harlem River 1882, the pay-roll of the Health Department, for the salaries of Patrolmen detailed to the Board of Bridges," the amount of said appropriation being insufficient. Health from September 3 to September 30, 1895, amounting to five hundred and forty-four Which was adopted by the following vote : Affirmative-The Mayor, Comptroller, and Counsel dollars and forty cents ($544.40), be and the same is hereby approved, and the Comptroller is to the Corporation. authorized to pay the amounts thereon approved and certified to be due to the Board of Health, and The Comptroller presented the following: to issue Revenue Bonds of the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York to the CITY OF NEW YORK-DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC PARKS, COMMISSIONERS' OFFICE, THE amount of five hundred and forty-four dollars and forty cents ($54440), for the payment thereof, on ARSENAL, CENTRAL PARK, October 3d, 1895. To the Honorable Boardof Estimate and Appar- account of the appropriation made by this Board June 28, 1895 ; said bonds to bear interest at a tionment : rate not exceeding three per cent. per annum, and the amount required for the redemption thereof GENTLEMEN-I am directed to inform you of the adoption of the following resolution at a to be included in the final Estimate for 1896. meeting of the Board of Parks held on September 30: Which was adopted by the following vote : Affirmative-The Mayor, Comptroller, and Resolved, That the Board of Estimate and Apportionment be respectfully requested to Counsel to the Corporation-3. transfer the following-named sums from appropriations for the current year, which are in excess of The Comptroller presented the following the amounts required, viz. : Salaries, $500 ; Music, $27 ; Surveys, Maps and Plans, $673-in DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS-CO>DIISSIONER'S OFFICE, No. 31 CHAj1BER5 STREE'P, all, $1,200-to the appropriation for '' Police Supplies " for the current year, which is insufficient. NEW YORK, October 2, 1895. 7'ke Hon. ASHBEL P. FITCH, Comptroller . In explanation of the request contained in the above resolution I am directed to say that it has DEAR SIR-For your information 1 inclose herewith an additional list of streets which I have become necessary to purchase several horses to replace others worn out in the service. asked the Board of Estimate and Apportionment to authorize to be repaved with asphalt from the Very respectfully, CHARLES DE F. BURNS, Secretary, D. P. P. balance of the $1,000,000 appropriation. Very respectfully, And offered the following: CHARLES H. T. COLLIS Deputy Commissioner of Public Works. Resolved, 'I'hat the sum n of one thousand two hundred dollars ($5,200) be and the same is CITY OF NEW YORK-FINANCE DEPARTMENT, COMPrROLLER'S OFFICE, October 3, 1895. hereby transferred to the appropriation made to the Park Department for 1895, entitled " Police- Han. ASHBEL P. FirCH, Comptroller: For Supplies and Repairs," the amount of said appropriation being insufficient, from the following SIR-I have examined the streets below enure erated, which the Commissioner of Public appropriations made to the said Department, and as follows : Salaries, $5oo ; Music, $27 ; Surveys, Works, by the Deputy, informs the Comptroller in letter of October 2, 1895, lie has asked the Maps and Plans, $673-$I,2oo-the same being in excess of the amounts required for the purposes Board of Estimate and Apportionment to authorize to be repaved with asphalt, from the balance and objects thereof. of the $t,000,000 appropriation, viz. : Which was adopted by the following vote : Affirmative-The Mayor, Comptroller, and Counsel ist. Sixty-eighth street, Columbus avenue to Boulevard-This street needs repair, and I think to the Corporation-3. the repaving with asphalt judicious. The Comptroller presented the following 2d. Sixteenth street, Third to Fourth avenue, and Broadway to Fifth avenue-Partly trap- CITY OF NEW YORK, DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC PARKS, ARSENAL, CENTRAL PARK. block and partly Belgian pavement ; all in need of repair. I think the asphalt pavement judicious. September 30, 1895. To the Honorable Board of Estimate and Apportionment. 3d. Thirty-second street, First to Madison avenue-Belgian pavement. The laying of asphalt GENTLEMEN-I have the honor to inform you of the adoption of the following resolution at a pavement on this street, which is in need of repairs, will be a good improvement. The only meeting of the Board of Parks held September 18 : objection I can urge is the grade front Fourth to , which is about 3 5-10 per cent., '1 Resolved, That the Board of Estimate and Apportionment be respectfully requested to and the grade between First and Second avenues, which appears to be nearly 3 per cent. I have authorise the application of so much of the amount appropriated under chapter t 1, Laws of 1894, heretofore objected to such grades, but have been overruled by the action of the Board. for repaving Fifth avenue, from Ninetieth street to One Hundred and Tenth street plaza, as may 4th. Thirty-fifth street, Fourth to Lexington avenue-Belgian pavement in need of repair. not be required for that purpole, to other work of laying asphalt pavement required to be done in The only objection I can urge is the grade, which is about 3 per cent. and about the Central Park and in the City parks below Fifty:uinth street.'' 5th. 'Thirty-ninth street, Madison to Fifth avenue-Needs repair. There is no objection to In explanation of the above request I have to say that the amount appropriated for repaving be urged. Fifth avenue, from Ninetieth street to One Hundred and Tenth street, is $8o,000, but that it was 6th. Forty-third street, Fifth avenue to tracks-These tracks belong to the Sixth avenue found, upon opening proposals, that the work can be clone for $48,641.50, or, adding inspection, depot. Belgian pavement needing repair. There is no objection to urge. contingencies, etc., say $50,000, leaving $30,000 available for other work. In addition to that 7th. Forty-fourth street, Madison to Fifth avenue-Belgian pavement needing repair. There already authorized (estimated at $3,500) it is proposed to do the following : is no objection to urge. I. Completing the sidewalk on Eighth avenue, from Fifty-ninth to One Hundred and 8th. Seventy-second street, Second avenue to Avenue A-Macadam pavement in bad order. 'tenth street, where required, estimated cost ...... .. ...... $9,000 00 There is no objection to urge. 2. Resurfacing with asphalt the sidewalk on Fifth avenue, from Sixtieth to Seventy- 9th. Twentieth street, Avenue A to Third avenue-Belgian pavement needing repair. There second street, where regcired, estimated cost...... 2,000 00 is no objection to urge. 3. Resurfacing with asphalt the sidewalk on One Hundred and Tenth street, from loth. Seventy-first street, Central Park, \Vest, to Boulevard-Belgian pavement needing Fifth to Seventh avenue, estimated cost ...... ...... 3,500 00 repair. There is no objection to urge. 4. Resurfacing walks in parks south of Fifty-ninth street, viz.: Tompkins, IIth. Avenue A, Fifty-seventh to Fifty-ninth street--Macadam pavement much in need of Stuyvesant, Washington, etc., to extent of balance of appropriation...... 12,000 00 repair. There is no objection to urge. In view of the fact that the above work should be prosecuted as soon as possible, I have to 12th. West Fourth street, Macdougal street to Broadway-Granite-block pavement in need of request early action upon this application. Yours respectfully, repair. There is no objection to urge. DAVID 1-I. KING, JR., President, D. P. P. 13th. Waverley place, Fifth avenue to Broadway-Granite-block pavement needing repair. And offered the following : There is no objection to urge. Whereas, The Board of Estimate and Apportionment, by a resolution adopted September 4, t4th. Mercer street, West Fourth to Eighth street-Granite-block pavement needing repair. 1895, authorized the Department of Public Parks to expend upon the repaving with asphalt of Fifth There is no objection to urge. avenue, between Ninetieth street and One hundred and Tenth street plaza, the sum of eighty 15th. Univec.ity place, Waverley place to West Fourth street-Granite-block pavement much thousand dollars ($8o,00o), pursuant to the provisions of chapter it of the Laws of 1894 ; and in need of repair. There is no objection to urge. Whereas, By a resolution adopted September 26, 1895, the Board of Estimate and Apportion- 16th. Washington place, Broadway to University place-Belgian pavement in bad condition. ment authorized the Department of Public Parks, after providing for the completion of the afore- There is no objection to urge. said work, to expend, out of any unexpended balance that might remain of the appropriation made Generally, I would say that the selection of the streets for this class of pavement is judicious. therefor, an amount sufficient to pave with asphalt the block on Fifth avenue, between Fifty-ninth Respectfully, EUGENE McLEAN, Engineer. and Sixtieth streets, and the Fifty-ninth street crosswalk running from the Plaza Hotel to the And offered the following : Hotel Savoy ; and Resolved, That in pursuance of chapter 475 of the Laws of 1895, the Board of Estimate and . Whereas, From a communication this clay received from the President of the Park Depart- Apportionment hereby authorizes and determines that the following-named streets be repaverl with ment, dated September 30, 1895, it appears that, after providing for the completion of the afore- asphalt on the present stone-block paeement, with crosswalks of North river blue-stone at the said works, there will remain an unexpended balance of said appropriation of eighty thousand intersecting and abutting streets, where deemed necessary, except where the intersecting and dollars ($80,000) amounting to twenty-six thousand five hundred dollars ($25,000) ; therefore be it abutting streets are also paved with asphalt : Resolved, That such unexpended balance of twenty-six thousand five hundred dollars List of Streets to be Paved. ($26,500) be and the same is hereby made applicable to the following works : SQUARE I. Completing the sidewalk on Eighth avenue, from Fifty-ninth to One Hundred COST.osT. and 'tenth1 street, where required, estimated cost r ...... $9,000 00 a. Resurfacing with asphalt the sidewalk on Fifth avenue, from Sixtieth to Seventy- Sixty-eighth street, Columbus to Amsterdam avenue ...... 2,335 $9,340 oo second street, where required, estimated cost ...... 2,000 00 Sixteenth street, Third to Fourth avenue, and Broadway to Fifth avenue ...... 4,80o 19,200 00 3. Resurfacing with asphalt the sidewalk on One Hundred and Tenth street, from Thirty-second street, First to Madison avenue ...... 8,8co 35,200 00 Eighty-seventh street, First to Second avenue ...... 2,270 9,080 00 Fifth avenue to Seventh avenue, estimated cost ...... 3,500 00 Thirty-ninth street, Madison to Fifth avenue ...... x,500 6,omm oo 4. Resurfacing walks in parks south of Fifty-ninth street, viz.: Tompkins, Stuyvesant, F.~rty.third street, Fifth avenue to tracks ...... 1,900 7,600 co Washington, etc., to extent of balance of appropriation ...... I2,000 Co Forty-fourth street, M.tdison to Fifth avenue ...... 1,500 6,000 no Which were adopted by the following vote : Affirmative-The Mayor, Comptroller, and Seventy-second street, Second avenue to Avenue A...... 5,goo 23,600 on Twentieth street, First to Third avenue ...... 4,400 r7•too no Counsel to the Corporation-3. -- Seventy-first street, Central Park, West, to llovievard ...... 5,zoo so,800 no The Comptroller presented the following : Avenue A, Fifty-seventh to Fifty-ninth street ...... 3,550 x4,200 no LAW OFFICES OF E. B. HINSDALE, No. 192 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, October 2, 1895, West Fourth street, Macdougal street to Broadway ...... 6,400 25,600 no Waverley place, Fifth avenue to Broadway ...... 4,250 17,000 on To the Board of Estimate and Apportionment . Mercer street, West Fourth to Eighth street ...... a,6co 10,400 oo GENTLEMEN-As Presiding Justice of the Court of Special Sessions, I presented to your Univervty place, Wave, ley place to West Fourth street ...... 1,550 6,200 no Honorable Board, on or about the 9th day of September, 1895, an estimate for an additional Washington place, Broadway to University place ...... 2,550 ro,eoo no appropriation required for that Court from September I, 1895, to December 31, 1895. f238,020 00 .I beg leave to amend such statement by changing the words "Subpoena Servers" to 59,505 "Subpoena Clerks." This amendment is made to conform to the statutory designation of such Which was adopted by the following vote : Affirmative-The Mayor, Comptroller, and employees. I also wish to amend such statement by increasing the Contingent Cash Fund from I Counsel to the Corporation-3. the sum of $500 to the sum of $700. This increase of $too is made necessary for the reason that The Comptroller offered the following it has come to my knowledge that during the months of July and August, when the clerical force Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Works be respectfully requested to include West was short, and before the Court increased the same by additional appointments, that a son of the Seventy-first street, between Central Park, West, and Columbus avenue, and Madison avenue, Clerk, Mr. Macdonald, was employed two months without pay. I have investigated the matter from One Hundred and Twenty-fifth street, North, to the bridge over the Harlem river, in the carefully and I find that he rendered most efficient and valuable service, and that he was constant streets and avenues to be repaved with asphalt. in his attendance upon the duties to which he was assigned. It does not seen, right that honest Which was adopted. service should be rendered to the City without a reasonable compensation, and the Justices, if the I The President of the Department of Taxes and Assessments appeared and took his seat in the Contingent Fund shall be increased as proposed, have determined that a fair compensation to him I Board. would be $IOO per month, or a total of two hundred dollars for the two months' services. The Comptroller presented for the consideration of the Board the pay-rolls of Drivers, etc., of We respectfully urge prompt and immediate action upon the whole increased appropriation the Department of Street Cleaning from 20th of September to 26th of September, 1895, inclusive. for the following reasons : we have appointed the Additional Clerks and Messenger, and they have Whereupon the Counsel to the Corporation offered the following : performed their duties for one month and are now entitled to their pay and are justly asking that Resolved, That, pursuant to the provisions of chapter 535 of the Laws of 1893, the following such payment be made promptly. pay-roll for the expenses incurred by the Health Department for Cart-drivers, etc., be and hereby All of which is respectfully submitted. is approved, viz., September 20 to September 26, 1895, inclusive, $11,320.83 ; and JUSTICES OF THE COURT OF SPECIAL SESSIONS. Resolved, That the Comptroller be and is hereby authorized to pay the amounts thus approved By E. B. HINSDALE, Presiding Justice. and thereon certified to be due to the persons entitled thereto, and to issue Revenue Bonds of the And offered the following: Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York to the amount of eleven thousand Whereas, At a meeting of the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, held September 9, three hundred and twenty dollars and eighty-three cents ($I1,320.83) for the payment thereof, on 1895, a communication was received from the Justices of the Court of Special Sessions, requesting account Of the appropriation made by this Board August 30, 1895, said bonds to bear interest at a an additional appropriation for said Court from September I, 1895, until December 31, 1895 ; and rate not exceeding three per cent. per annum, and the amount required for the redemption thereof Whereas, It is the judgment of this Board that the action taken by it on June 28, 1895, in to be included in the Final Estimate for 1896. r,gand to the appropriation for the Court of Special Sessions for the balance of the year 1895, Which was adopted by the following vote : Affirmative-The Mayor, the President of the exhausted its powers conferred under section 24 of chapter 6ot of the Laws of 1895. Department of Taxes and Assessments, and Counsel to the Corporation-3. Resolved, That the Board of Estimate and Apportionment respectfully declines to make the The Comptroller declined to vote. -- additional appropriation so requested. The Comptroller presented the following: Which was adopted. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS-COMMISSIONER'S OFFICE, NEW YORK, September 4, 1gg$. The Comptroller presented the following: The Honorable WILLIAM L. STRONG, Mayor and Chairman Board of Estimate and AQporhonmertt. HEALTH DEPARTMENT, NEW YORK, October 4, 1895. Han. ASHBEL P. Frrctl, Comp- DEAR SIR-After careful study and consideration I find that the expenditures for the maim_ milky, New York City: tenance, repair and sprinkling of the macadam roadways and unpaved streets would exceed the StR-At a meeting of the Board of Health of the Health Department, held September 24, amount appropriated for this year by $2o,000 if continued at the rate which has been found abso- 1895, the -following resolution was adopted: lutely necessary to preserve them in even a fair condition. Resolved, That requisition be and is hereby made upon the Comptroller for the sum o There are over twenty miles of macadamized roadways to be kept in repair, and nearly


seventy miles of unpaved streets and roads to be maintained in good condition from that appro. the award, costs, charges and expenses therefor, confirmed by the Court under the provisions of priation. A very large- amount of labor and expense is required to keep the macadamized boule- chapter 191 of the Laws of x888, as amended by chapter 35 of the Laws of 1890, amounting to vards and the unpaved streets and roads free from defects. It is only by constant and unremitting forty-four thousand and sixty-six dollars and sixty cents, the same to be paid by said Comptroller, care and prompt attention that the work can be properly done. If not repaired in time minor requisition for which first-named sum of seventeen thousand and sixty-six dollars and sixty cents defects enlarge rapidly whereby the expense is largely increased for repairs. being hereby made. The boulevards are used to a great extent for pleasure driving. By keeping them in good A true copy of report and resolutions adopted by the Board of Education on October 2, 1895• condition the general community is benefited as well as the residents of the suburban sections of ARTHUR McMULLIN, Clerk. the city. Referred to the Comptroller. The Bureau of Streets and Roads also sprinkles all the macadam roadways and unpaved The Comptroller presented the following streets. This is a most important work, and more sprinkling has been done this year than in any RESOLUTION, ADOPTED AT A MEETING OF THE COMAl1S5tusERS OF THE NEW EAST RIVER preceding year. BRIDGE JULY t0, 1895. In 1892 there was appropriated for " Boulevards, Roads, etc.—General Account," the sum of Whereas, The sum of fifty thousand dollars is now required for the purposes of the New East $90,000 ; for " Resurfacing Sixth Avenue" the sum of $4o,000, and for " Roads, Streets and River Bridge. Avenues—Unpaved" $30,000, making an aggregate of $t6o,000. In December of that year a Resolved, That the Commissioners of said bridge do hereby request the proper officials of the transfer was made from the appropriation for " Boulevards, Roads, etc,—General Account," and Cities of Brooklyn and New York to issue twenty-five thousand dollars of bonds of their respective " Resurfacing Sixth Avenue " of $4,83o,22, and from the appropriation of " Roads, Streets and cities, lispose of same and place the proceeds of such bonds with the proper official of such cities, Avenues—Unpaved" a transfer of $28.89—aggregating $4,859.11—leaving a total expenditure for to be drawn out therefrom upon itemized vouchers duly certified by the President and Treasurer of that year by this Bureau of $155,140.89. this Board of Commissioners in accordance with the act authorizing same. In 1893 the appropriation for 11 Boulevards, Roads, etc.—General Account" was $go,000, The above is hereby approved. W. L. STRONG, Mayor, from which a transfer was made in December of that year of $12.80 ; the appropriation fox RESOLUTION ADOPTED AT A MEETING OF '1'11E CO3,15IISSIONERS OF TI{E NEw EAST RIvER BRIDGE " Roads, Streets and Avenues—Unpaved" was $30,000, from which there was a transfer in JULY IO, 1895. December of $23.72, making a total expenditure by this Bureau during that year of $119,963.48. Whereas, The sum of fifty thousand dollars is now requited for the purposes of the New East In 1894 the appropriation for "Boulevards, Roads, etc,—General Account" was $90,000, River Bridge. and for " Roads, Streets and Avenues—Unpaved" $30,000, making a total of $120,000, from Resolved, That the Commissioners of said bridge do hereby request the proper officials of the which there was no transfer. Cities of Brooklyn and New York to issue twenty-five thousand dollars of loads of their respective The appropriation for the present year is : For "Boulevards, Roads, etc.—General Account," cities, dispose of same, and place the proceeds of such bonds with the proper officials of.,uch cities, $90,000, and for " Roads, Streets and Avenues—Unpaved" $30,000, a total of $120,000. to be drawn out therefrom upon itemized vouchers duly certified by the President and Treasurer of Up to the 1st of August, in 1892, there had been expended by the Bureau in its operations this Board of Commissioners in accordance wish the act authorizing same. during that year $56,306 ; up to the 1st of August, in 1893, the Bureau has expended $58,628 ; The above is hereby approved. CHARLES A. SCHIEREN, Mayor. up to the 1st of August, 1894, the Bureau had expended $71,784, and up to the 1st of August of Ordered entered at length upon the minutes. the present year the Bureau has expended $72,214. After a very thorough examination I find that the amount of work done during the first two The Mayor announced the following dates upon which the Provisional Estimates of Depart. quarters of the present year is largely in excess of that of any of the three preceding years, while ments, Boards, Courts, etc., for the year 1896, would be considered by the Board of Estimate and the force employed has not teen greatly increased. Apportionment. That the sessions will commence at ii o'clock .A. at., each clay named, as I have conic to the conclusion that the present efficient force of the Bureau of Streets and follows Roads ought not to be curtailed, and positively cannot be reduced without detriment to the inter- Wednesday, October 16—Department of Public Works, Department of Public Parks, Mayoralty, ests of the city. The work done by the Bureau this year is so much in excess of that performed Board of Aldermen, Mayor's Marshal. in other years as to justify the transfer of -$20,000 to the appropriation for 11 Boulevards, Roads Thursday, October 17—Department of Police, Bureau of Elections, Fire Department, Building and Avenues, Maintenance of," fur 1895, from the appropriation for °' Repairs and Renewals of Department, Law Department. Pavements and Regrading," for 1895, from which the said amount can be spared, and I respect- Friday, October 18—Department of Charities and Correction, Board of Education, Colleges. fully ask that a transfer be made accordingly. Very respectfully, Tuesday, October 22—Department of Health, Department of Street Cleaning, Department of (Signed) WILLIAM BROOKFIELD, Commissioner of Public Works. Street Improvements, Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Wards, Civil Service. P.S.—I append hereto tabular statements, showing the quantities of work done in the main- Wednesday, October 23—Department of Pinance, Department of Taxes, Public Libraries, tenance and repair of the roads and streets for the six months-ending June 30, 1895, as compared County Clerk. with the corresponding six months of 1892, 1893 and 1894, Thursday, October 24—District Attorney, Surrogates, Sheriff, Register, Coroners, Commis- And offered the following : sioner of Jurors, Commissioners of Accounts. Resolved, That the sum of twenty thousand dollars ($20,000) be and the same is hereby All others to be considered at convenience of Board. transferred from the appropriation made to the Department of Public Works for 1895, entitled The Mayor offered the following: "Repairs and Renewals of Pavements and Regrading," the same being in excess of the amount Resolved, That the Secretary be directed to notify the head of each Department, Board, etc., required for the purposes and objects thereof, to the appropriation made to said Department for that they will be expected to appear before this Board on the dates as this day designated, and be 1895, entitled "Boulevards, Roads and Avenues, Maintenance of," the amount of said appropria- heard in explanation of their estimate, and in case of failure to so appear, the estimate of said tion being insufficient. Department, Board, etc., will not in any respect be increased beyond the estimate as fixed for \Which was adopted by the following vote : Affirmative—The Mayor, Comptroller, the I'resi- the year 1895• dent of the Department of 'Faxes and Assessments, and Counsel to the Corporation,-4. Which was adopted. The Comptroller presented the following The following communication was received BOARD OF EDUCATION, NEW YORK, October 3, 1895. (/ai. AsIIIOEL P. FITCu, Comptroller: SHERIFF'S OFFICE, NEw YORK, October 3, 1895. 7}t the lIon,s able the hoard of Estimate SIR—I transmit herewith two reports and resolutions adopted by this Board at the meeting and Apportionment held yesterday, viz. : GENTI EAIEN—The undersigned, Sheriff of New York County, respectfully asks that an appro I. Appropriating $44,066.60 bonds for site on St. Ann's avenue, One Hundred and Forty- priation be made for the employment of two Cleaners at Ludlow Street Jail at a salary of $goo each seventh and One Hundred and Forty-eighth streets. per annum, and an immediate appropriation of the necessary sum to secure the employment of the- 2, Appropriating $286 bonds for borings at sites on St. Ann's avenue, One Hundred and Forty- said Cleaners for the remainder of the current year be made. seventh and One Hundred and Forty-eighth streets, and Anthony avenue and Mount Ilope. The propriety and necessity of this appropriation will he seen from the fact that the Federal Yours respectfully, ARTHUR McMULLIN, Clerk. Grand Jury in this district have lately established rules for the government of the Federal prisoners, lloARRD OF EDUCATION, Niw YORK, October 3, 1895. which in effect forbids their efnployment in any capacity within the Jail. Prior to the adoption of Commissioner Van Arsdale presented a report from the Committee on Buildings, stating such rules, several of such prisoners, sometimes as many as six, \vcre detailed for such services. that the Superintendent of School Buildings incurred two billsfor examinations and borings, made That class of prisoners is the only class who could at any time be lawfully detailed to such services. by Theodore Cooper, upon foundations for a school-house, to be erected on each of the following As these rules have stopped such detail, there remains only one Cleaner, who is paid by the City, school sites : and the [cork of cleaning and keeping clean the several halls and corridors of the jail is altogether Theodore Cooper, March 28, 1895, on west side of St. Ann's avenue, between One I lundred too touch for one person and can not be properly and competently done without at least two more and Forty-seventh and One Hundred and Forty-eighth streets, $103.50 ; same person, on prop- Cleaners, Respectfully submitted, erty on Anthony avenue, September 16, 1895, $182.50—total, $286. EDVI'ARD J. H. TAMSEN, Sheriff'. These examinations, etc., were made to enable the Superintendent to prepare the plans for the Referred to the Comptroller. new school buildings to be erected on the several sites named. The charges are reasonable, and On motion the Board adjourned. E. P. BARKER, Secretary. it is recommended that the bills be paid. The following resolution is recommended for adoption Resolved, That the sum of two hundred and eighty-six dollars ($286) he and the same is ALDERMANIC COMMITTEES. De6arturent n/Docks—Battery, Pier A, North river, Excise. 9 A Si to 4 V. rat. hereby appropriated from the proceeds of bonds to be issued I,y the Comptroller of the City of Deparitaeut of Taxes and Assesswenis—Stewart New York, with the approval of the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, pursuant to the pro- EXCISE—The Committee on Excise will I Building, g A. xi. to 4 P. M. ; Saturdays, .2 rat. \isions of chapter 88 of the Laws of 1895, application for the issue of which is hereby made ; hold a public hearing on Thursday, October so, BoardnfElretric,rl Control—No. 1262 Broadway. at r.3o o'clock P. Tt., in De/artnrcnt o/' Street Cleaning—No, 32 Chambers said sum to be applied in payment of the following-named hills for examinations and borings made, Room 13, City Hall, street, 9 A. M. to 4 P. Iii.. to enable the Superintendent of School Buildings to prepare his building plans for erection of school ° 1 to consider Excise question." I Civ115etvice Board—Criminal Court Building, 9 A. M. buildings on sites named WM. H. TEN EYCK, I to 4 P. Af. Board of Estltnate and Apportionment—Stewart Theodore Cooper, March 28, 1895, property on west side of St. Ann's avenue, between One Clerk Common Council. Building. I kindred and Forty-seventh and One Hundred and Forty-eighth streets, $103.50 ; Theodore Board of Assessors—Office, 27 Chambers street, 9 property on Anthony avenue, between Tremont avenue and Mount A•n1. of E Cooper, September t6, 1895, OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. Hope place, $182.50—total, $286 ; requisition for which sum is hereby made upon the Comp- Board of Excise—Criminal Court Building, 9 A. M. to 4 r, Af. troller. Asayor's Ofce—No. 6 City Hall, 9 A. Af. to 5 P. At, Sher.1t's Oce—Nos, 6 and 7 New County Court- W. J. VAN ARSDALE, EDWD. H. PEASLEE, WM. H. HURLBUT, CHARLES C. Saturdays, 9 A. At. to r2 M. t house. y A.s,. to 4 P. At. WEHRUM, Committee on Buildings. Mayor's Marshal's O~Fce—No. r City Hall, 9 A. Si. to Register's Office—East side City Hall Park, g A. Ar, to A true copy of report and resolution adopted by Board of Education October 2, 1895, I P A ARTHUR McMULLIN, Clerk. 4 Commissioners o/Accouns—Stewartt Building, M. g, 9A. o.r t o 4r .of jurors—Room 127, Stewart Build- to 4PA'. la . C 4 P M. OFFICE OF TIIE BOARD OF EDUCATION, NEW YORK, October 3, 1895. To the Board of Aqueduct Commissioners—Stewart Building, 5th I County Clerk's Office—Nos, 7 and 8 New County floor, 9 a. Si. to 4 P, M. Court-house, 9 A. Si. to 4 r. At. Education. Board of Armory Couenrissiouers—Stewart Building, District Attorney's OBlce— New Criminal Court The Committee on Sites and New Schools, to which was referred the following communica- 9 A. At. to 4 P. Ar, ; Saturdays, 9 A. M. to r2 rat. Building, 9 A. Al. to 4 P. 11. tion, viz. : Clerk of Cournrou Couoscil—No. S City Hall, g A. Al. to The Csty Record Office—No. 2 City Hall, 9 A. At. to 5 LAW DEPARTMENT, OFFICE OF THE COUNSEL. TO THE CORPORATION, NEW YORK, September 4,P. M. P. M., except Saturdays, 9 A. M. to in M. Rol3ER'r MACLAY, President, Board Education. Ocftartansut of Public 1l orks—No. 31 Chambers Governo•'s Room—City Hall, open from no A. M. to 4 16, 1895. Hon. ,'j stre t, 9 A. Al. to 4 P. M. I P. Si. ; Saturdays, ro to x2 A. Si, SIR—I have transmitted to the Comptroller a certified copy of the report of the Commissioners De/ tend of Street lurftr vemenrs, Twentytkird Coroners' Office—New Criminal Court Building, 8 of Estimate in the matter of acquiring title to certain lands on 5t. Ann's avenue, One Hundred and Twenty-fourtk 1t arils—No. 2622 Third avenue, A. M. to 5 P. Si. ; Sundays and holidays, 8 A. M. to 22.30 and Forty-seventh and One Hundred and Forty-eighth streets, in the Twenty-third Ward, as a 9 A. Si. to 4 r. M.; Saiurdays. rs Si, P. Si. Edward F. Reynolds, Clerk. . Deparimene of Bur(tiegs—No. zzo Fourth avenue, I Surrogate's Court—New County Court-house. 10,30 site for school purposes, together with a certified cupy of an order of the Supreme Court, gearing 9 A. Ar, tO 4 P. M. A. At. to 4 P. At. date the 9th day of September, 1895, and filed and entered on the 12th day of September, 1895, Cotr.p1ro1!er'sOfjFce—No 15 Stewart Building, g A, At. Supreure Court—Second floor, Nesv County Court- confirming said report. to 4 P. At. 9.50hour,•, A, M. to 4 P. Al. General Term, Room No. g. The aggregate amount of the awards is $40,717.50, and the costs, charges and expenses of the Audirtsg Bureau—Nos. tg, 2r and 23 Stewart Build- Special 'Perm, Part I., Room No. ro. Special Term, ing, u A. %I. to 4 r. II?. I Part II , Room No. 18. Chambers, Room No ii. Cir- proceeding were taxed at $3,349.50. Respectfully yours, Gureau/or the Co11cctian ofAssessuirl,tseadArrears I suit, Part I., Room No. r2. Circuit, Part II., Room No. FRANCIS M. SCOTT, Counsel to the Corporation. of Talcs a)dAsssstnel,Isand of 11'ater RenIs—Nos. I 14• Circuit, Part 111., Room No. 13. Circuit, Part IV., —respectfully report that it appears from the report and order made in said proceedings that the 3', 33, 35. 37 and Stewart Building, 9 A. Al. to 4 P. Al. I Room No. r5. amount of the award and of the costs, charges and expenses, as confirmed by the Court, are as No n one) received after 2 P. M. I Superm, Court,—Third floor, New County Court. Bureau for the CL1lectiou of City Revenue and o/ I house, rt A. At. to 4 P. At. General Term , Room No. 3S follows : .Markets—Nos., and 3 Stewart Building, g A. Af. to Special'1'erm, Room No. 33. Equity Term, Room No. Lands on St. Ann's avenue, One Hundred and Forty-seventh and One I-Iundred and Forty- 4 P. rat. No money received after 2 P. Si. I 6. Chambers, Room No. 33. Part I., Room No, 34. eighth streets, Twenty-third Ward : Awards, $40,717,50 ; costs, charges and expenses, $3,349. IC— Bureau for the Collection of—Stewart Build. fart I I., Room No, Part III., Room No. 36. Nat- tng, 9 A. rat. to 4 P. M. No money received after z P. At, I uralization Bureau, Room NO 3r, Clerk's Office, Room total, $44,o6&.60. City Ci:an.lerta:n—Nos. 25 and 2 vtewart Building, I No. ;l, g A. M, to 4 P. Si. Your Committee therefore recommend for adoption the following lesolutions 9 A. Si. to 4 P. Si. I Court of Common Pleas.—Third floor, New County Resolved, That the sum of twenty-seven thousand dollars ($27,cco), proceeds of bonds issued City ftryvuoster—Stewarr etuilding, 9 A. M. to 4 F. At. I Court-house, g A. Si, to 4 r. M• Assignment Bureau, by the Comptroller, pursuant to chapter 264 of the Laws of 1891, as per resolution adopted by the C'oueset to the Cor/oration—Staats-Zeitung Building, Room No. 23, 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. Clerks Office, Room Board of Estimate and Apportionment July 6, 1892, for the purpose of purchasing the site, No. 154 I A. Al.lO 5 P. M. ; Saturo:,ys, 9 A. At. to 12 rat. I No. 21, 9 A. Si. to 4 P. At. General Term, Rcom No. 24, Pubic Adueirristrnlar—No. rig Nassau street, 9 A. 51. II A. Si. to adjournment. Special Term, Room No. 22, First avenue, and no longer required for the object for which said bonds were set aside and issued, to 4 P. M, II A. M.M to adjournment. Chambers, Room No. 22, be and the same is hereby appropriated, subject to the approval of a majority of the Board of C' r535 ration Attorney—No. rig Nassau street, 9 A. M. I ro.30 A. Si. to adjournment. Part I., Room No. 26, tI Estimate and Apportionment, and applied in part payment of the expenditures necessary for the :0 4 P. M. I A. N. to adjournment. Part II., Room No. 24, r1 A. M. Attorney for Collection o/ Arrears of reranal I to adiournment. Equity Term, Room NO, 25, II A. M. acquisition of the lands on St. Ann's avenue, One Hundred and Forty-seventh and One Hundred To xes—:tewurt Building, 9 A. At. to 4 r. rat. I to adjournment. Naturalization Bureau, Room No. 23, and Forty-eighth streets, in the Twenty-third Ward, as a site for school purposes, under the pn.vis. Bureau of .Street Openings—Stoat.-Zeitung Building. I g A. Si. to 4 P. Si. ions of chapter 191 of the Laws of 1888, as amended by chapter 35 oc the Laws of 18go, as per I t'ot cc Dcpartinen.—Central Office, No. 300 Mulberry I Court of General Sessions—New Criminal Court awards, costs, charges and expenses confirmed by the Court in the proceedings therefor, amounting reset, 9 A. M. to 4 P. Si. I Building, Centre street. Court opens at is o'clock A.M. ; Board of Educaiion—No. 146 Grand street. I adiourns 4 P. Al. Clerk's Office, to A. At. till 4 P M. in the aggregate to the sum of forty-four thousand and sixty-six dollars and sixty cents, the same to be fsftaruyessl o/ C/rarities ana Correction—Central I City Court—City Hall. General Term, Room No. 2o. paid by said Comptroller, requisition for which first-mentioned sum of twenty-seven thousand )Mice, No. 66 Third avenue. g A. M. to 4 P. Si. I Crial Term, Part I., Room No. 20 ; Part II., Room dollars be hereby made ; and be it further Fire Department— Headquarters, Nos. 157 to 159 East No. zr; Part III., Room No. r5; Part ~IV., Room Resolved, That, in pursuance of chapter 88 of the Laws of 1895, the Comptroller of the City iixty-seventh street, 9 A. rat. to 4 P. At, ; Saturdays, to At. I Special Term Chambers will be held in Room No. c9, ventral Office open at all hours. I to A. M. to 4 P. M. Clerk's Office, Room No. ro, City of New York be and he is hereby requested to issue bonds, with the approval of a majority of the Hea th D~artrueut—New Criminal Court Building, I Hall, 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. Board of Estimate and Apportionment, for the sum of seventeen thousand and sixty-six and sixty ,'entre Street. 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. I Oyer and Terminer Court—New Criminal Court one hundredths dollars ($17,066.60), for the purpose of completing the amount necessary to meet /leper rtnrext 0/ Public Parks—Arsenal, Central Park Building, Centre street. Court opens at lo% o'clock A. M. the expenditures for the acquisition of lands as described in the foregoing resolution, the total of 3ixly-tourth street and Filth avenue, ro A. Si. to 41', M. Court o/Special Sessions—New Criminal Court Build. Saturdays. r2 M. I Ing, 10.30 A. M., excepting Saturday. THURSDAY, OCTOBER IO, 1895. THE CITY RECORD. 2981

.0jotrict Civil Courts.—First District—Southwest List 5040, No. 7. Sewer in One Hundred and Twenty- of One Hundred and Seventy-ninth street, from Am- The Engineer's estimate of the quantities of material corner of Centre and Chambers streets. Clerk's office first street, between Amsterdam avenue and Morning- sterdam to , and from Eleventh to necessary to be dredged is as follows : open from 9 .. st. to 4 P. M- Second District—Corner of side avenue, West. Wadsworth avenue. Mud dredging, about ...... roo,oco cubic yards. Grand and Centre streets. Clerk's Office open from List 5045, No. 8. Fencing the vacant lots west side of No. 2. Both sides of Columbus avenue, from Seventy- N. B,—Bidders are required to submit thetrestima[es 9 A. M, to 4 P. at. Third District—Southwest corner Lexington avenue, from Ninety-seventh to Ninety- third to Seventy-fifth street ; both sides of Seventy- upon the following express conditions, which shall apply Sixth avenue and West Tenth street. Court open daily eighth street ; north side of Ninety-seventh street,run- fourth street, from Central Park, West, to Columbus to and become a part of every estimate received : (Sundays and legal holidays excepted) from 9 A.M. to ning west ro5 feet, and south side of Ninety-eighth avenue, and west side of Central Park. West, from a (I) Bidders must satisfy themselves by personal 4 P. M. Fourth District—No, 3e•, First street. Court street, running west, from Lexington avenue, about toy point distant too feet south of Seventy-fourth street, to examination of the location of the proposed dredging, opens 9 A. nt. daily. Fifth District—No. 154 Clinton feet. Seventy-fifth street. and by such other means as they may prefer, as to street. Sixth District—Northwest corner Twenty- The limits embraced by such assessments include all No. 3. Eaet side of Crimmins avenue, from One the accuracy of the foregoing Engineer's estimate, third street and Second avenue. Court ovens 9 A. M the several houses and lots of ground, vacant lots, pieces Hundred and Forty-first street to a point distant too and shall not, at any time after the submission of an daily. Seventh District—No. rsz East Fifty-seventh and parcels of land situated on— feet north of Oak terrace, and north side of One Hun- estimate, dispute or complain of the above state- street. Court opens o o'clock (except Sundays and No. t. South side of Ninety-second street, between dred and Forty-first street, from Beekman to Crimmins ment of quantities, nor assert that there was any legal holidays). Eighth District—Northwest corner of Madisor. anI Fifth avenues, on Block 1503, Lots Nos. 53 avenue. misunderstanding in regard to the nature or amount of Twenty-third street and Eighth avenue. Court opens and 59. No. 4. North side of Ninety-ninth street, between the work to be done. 9 A. M. 'l rial days: Wednesdays, Fridays and Satur- No. 2. West side of Seventh avenue, between One Columbus and Amsterdam avenues, on Block ,m6, (2) Bidders will be required to complete the entire days. Return days : Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur- Hundred and Forty-first and One Hundred and Forty- Ward Nos, 5, 6, IS, 53, 135f and ig to a8 inclusive, work to the satisfaction of the Department of Docks days. Ninth District—No. t7o East One Hundred and third streets, on Block 842, Ward Nos. 3r to 33, in- No. 5. Northeast corner of One Hundred and Twen- and in substantial accordance with the specifications of Twenty-first street. Court opens every morning at elusive, and Block 843, Ward Nos. aq to 36, inclusive. tieth street and Manhattan avenue, on Block 932, Ward the contract. No extra compensation, beyond the o'clock (except Sundays and legal holidays). Tenth No. 3. South side of Ninety eighth street, extending Nos. x8, tg and ao. amount payable for the work before mentioned, which District—Corner of Third avenue and One Hundred westerly from the Boulevard about 225 feet. No. 6. South side of Ninety-ninth street, between shall be actually performed, at the price therefor, per and Fifty-eighth street, 9 A. M. to 4 P. Si. Elsventh No. 4. North side of One Hundred and Thirtieth Columbus and Amsterdam avenues, on Block 1025, Ward cubic yard, to be specified by the lowest bidder, shall District—No. gig Eighth avenue. Court open daily street, extending about 134 feet 6 inches east of Lenox Nos. 19 to 46 inclusive. be due or payable for the entire work. (Sundays and legal holidays excepted) from 9 A. et. to avenue. No. 7. Ea,t side of Western Boulevard, from Seventy- The work to be done under this contract is to be com- 4 P. M. No. 5. Northwest corner of Greenwich and Perry sixth to Seventy-seventh street. menced within five days after receiving a notifica- City Afagish at


at the office of said Department, on Pier " A," foot of member of the Common Council, head of a depart- Feet, B. M.. rity required for the faithful performance of the Battery place, North river, in the City of New York. ment, chief of a bureau, deputy thereof, or clerk measured in contract. Such check or money must not be inclosed until Ia o'clock M. of therein, or other officer of the Corporation, is directly the work. in the sealed envelope containing the estimate, but must THURSDAY, OCTOBER to, I8o5, or indirectly interested therein, or in the supplies or be handed tc the officer or clerk of the Department at which time and place the estimates will be publicly 4. Creosoted Yellow Pine Timber, 1211 x rz'1, work to which it relates, or in any portion of the profits about ...... 28. 20 who has charge of the estimate-box, and no esti- opened by the head of said Department. The award thereof, which estimate must be verified by the oath, Creosoted Yellow Pine Timber, 411 x 1o", about 30,333 mate can be deposited in said box until such check or of the contract, if awarded, will be made as soon as in writing, of the party making the estimate, that the money has been examined by said officer or clerk and practicable after the opening of the bids. several matters stated therein are in all respects true. Total, about ...... 68,253 found to be correct. All such deposits, except that of Any person making an estimate for the work shall lVhere more than one Oerson is interested, it is requi- the successful bidder, will be returned to the persons furnish the same in a sealed envelope to said Board, at site that the verificatiau be made and subscribed to by making the same within three days after the contract said office, on or before the day and hour above named, all the ha rties interested. Feet, B. M., is awarded. If the successful bidder shall refuse which envelope shall be indorsed with the name or names Each estimate shall be accompanied by the consent, in measured in or neglect, within five days after notice that of the person or persons presenting the same, the date writing, of two householders or freeholders in the City .-. the work, 5. White Oak Timber, Srl x rail...... the contract has been awarded to him, to execute the of its presentation, and a statement of the work to of New York, with their respective places aJ business or same, the amount of the deposit made by him shall be which it relates. residence, to the effect that if the contract be awarded forfeited to and retained by the City of New York as The bidder to whom the award is made shall give to the person or persons making the estimate, they will, NOTE.-The above ouantitiesof timbet in items 2, 3, 4 liquidated damages for such neglect or refusal ; but it security for the faithful performance of the contract, in upon its being so awarded, become bound as his or and 5 are inclusive of extra lengths required for scarfs, he shall execute the contract within the time aforesaid the manner prescribed and required by ordinance, in their sureties for its faithful performance ; and that if laps, etc., but are exclusive of waste. the amount ofhis deposit will be returned to him. the sum of Four Thousand Dollars. said person or persons shall omit or refuse to execute 6. White Pine, Yellow Pine, Norway Pine orCy- Bidders are informed that no deviation from the The Engineer's estimate of the nature, quantities and the contract, they will pay to the Corporation ofthe City press Piles, about ...... .. ... ..... I,051 specifications will be allowed, unless under the written extent of the work is as follows of New York any difference between the sum to which NOTE,-It is expected that these piles will have to instructions of the Engineer-in-Chief. No estimate x. Labor of removing about 34,668 square feet of said person or persons would be entitled upon its corn be from about 6o to go feet in length, to meet the will be accepted from, or contract awarded to, any person Sheathing, the section of Iron and Asphalt Pavement pletion, and that which said Corporation may be obliged requirements of the specifications for driving, who is in arrears to the Corporation, upon aebt or now in place on the deck of the pier, certain broken or to pay to the person to whom the contract may be 7. A FIX2Bn, 78r1 x22'r, 3l x2211, %'Ix 2lr 3AII II, fir contract, or who is a defaulter, as surety or otherwise, decayed Backing-logs, Decking, Rangers, Cross-caps,, awarded at any subsequent letting ; the amount, in each 161', ji'Ix12tl, 4"x, IC upon any obligation to the Corporation. Horizontal and Vertical Fender-chocks, Vertical case, to be calculated upon the estimated amount x 6rt square, and II a 84N round, THE RIGHT TO DECLINE ALL THE ESTI- Fenders, Mooring-post Chocks, and replacing the same of the work to be done by which the bids are Wrought-iron Spike - pointed Dock- MATES IS RESERVED IF DFEAIED FOR THE with new material, as follows : tested. The consent above mentioned shall be accom- spikes and 4od. Nails, about...... 30,350 pounds. INTEREST OF THE CORPORATION OF THE To be Farnised by the Derartnrcnt of Docks. panied by the oath or affirmation, in writing, of each of 8. r%It, ,!l, I%ail and III Wrought- CITY OF NEW YORK. Feet, B. M., the persons signing the same, that he is a householder iron Screw-bolts and Nuts, about...... 13,912 Bidders are requested, in making their bids or esti- measured in or freeholder in the City of New Y-ork,and is worth the 9. Wrought-iron Washers for tilt mates, to use the blank prepared for that purpose by the the work. amount of the security required for the completion of the Screw-bolts, about...... 450 a' Department, a copy of which, together with the form of 2. Yellow Pine Timber, %21I 51211, about...... 11,568 contract over and above all his debts of every nature, to. Cast-iron Washers for rxtt, r%aft the agreement, including specifications, and showing the 6n x so'', '• ...... 8,682 and over and above his liabilities as bail, surety and and r11 Screw-bolts, about ...... 6,6o manner of payment for the work, can be obtained ,. ,. 411 5 r2't as ... 1,176 otherwise; and that he has offered himself as a surety it. Cast-iron Mooring-posts, about..... 2:,000 " ,a upon application therefor at the office of the Depart- .. 8rl x 8rt~ -...... 2,59'1 in good faith and with the intention to execute the 2. Materials for Painting, Oiling and'Farring. ment. bond required by law. The adequacy and sufficiency 3. Labor of every description for rebuilding, about EDWARD C. O'BRIEN, EDWIN EINSI'EIN, Total, about ...... 54,rr8 of the security offered will be subject to approval by the 29,000 square feet of pier. JOHN MONKS, Commissioners of the Department Comptroller of the City of New York after the award is N. B,-As the above-mentioned quantities, though of Docks. Nore.-All of the yellow pine timber in item 2 is to be made and prior to the signing of the contract. stated with as muchaccuracy as is possible, in advance, Dated New YORK, September 5, 1895. furnished by the Department of Docks to the contractor No estimate will be received or considered unless ac- are approximate only, bidders are required to submit free of charge, in the water or on a pier or bulkhead at companied by either a certified check upon one of the their estimates upon the following express conditions, 1 Work of Construction under New Plan.) one or more points on the North river water-front State or National banks of the City of N ew York, drawn which shall apply to and become a part of every esti- south of West Seventy-fifth street, as hereinafter speci- to the order of the Comptroller, or money to the amount mate received : TO CONTRACTORS. No. 517- fied, and the contractor is to raft it, care for it and of weber centunt of the amount of the security re- Ist. Bidders must satisfy themselves, by personal ex- PROPOSALS FOR ESTIMATES FOR FURNISH- transport it to the site of the pier at his own expense quired for the faithful performance of the contract. amination of the location of the proposed work, and ING SAWED YELLOW PINE TIMBER. and risk. Such check or money must not be inclosed in the sealed by such other means as they may prefer, as to the STIMA'I'ES FOR FURNISHING SAWED YEL- 3-%4'x26H %ttx22', % lI x221r, drrx envelope containing the estimate, but most be handed to accuracy of the foregoing Engineer's estimate, and E low Pine Timber will be received by the Board of 1611 and jtslt x 1211 Wrought-iron Spike- the officer or clerk of the Department who has charge of shall not at any time after the submission of an estimate Commissioners at the head of the Department of pointed Dock-spikes, about ...... 9,23; pounds. the estimate-box, and no estimate can be deposited in dispute or complain of the above statement of quantities, Docks, at the office of said Department, on Pier "A," NOTE.-All of the above duck-spikes are to be fur- said box until such check or money has been examined nor assert that there was any misunderstanding in re- foot of Battery place, North river, in the City of New nished by the Department of Docks to the contractor by said officer or clerk and found to be correct. All such gard to the nature or amount of the work to be done. York, until t2 o'clock M. of free of charge, in the West Fifty-seventh Street Yard of deposits, except that of the successful bidder, will Le ad. Bidders will be required to complete the entire THURSDAY, OCTOBER no, :895, the Department, as hereinafter specified, and the con- returned to the persons making the same within three work to the satisfaction of the Department of Docks, at which time and place the estimates will be publicly tractor is to load it, care for it and transport it to the days after the contract is awarded. If the successful and in substantial accordance with the specifications of opened by the head of said Department. The award of site of the pier at his own expense and risk. bidder shall refuge or neglect, within five days after the contract and the plans therein referred to. No extra the contract, if awarded, will be made as soon as practi- It is the intention of the Department of Docks to notice that the contract has been awarded to him, to compensation beyond the amount payable for the work cable after the opening of the bids. furnish all the yellow pine timber of the above dimen- execute the same, the amount of the deposit made by before mentioned, which shall be actually performed Any person making an estimate for the work shall sions and all the dock- spites of the above sizes required him shall be forfeited to and retained by the City of at the price therefor, to be specified by the lowest bid- furnish the same in a sealed envelope to said Board, at to do the work under this contract. Nesv York as liquidated damages for such neglect or dcr, shall be due or payable for the entire work. said office, on or before the day and hour above r,amed, Ti, be hnrnished by the Contractor. refusal ; but if lie shall execute the contract within the The work to be done tinder the contract is to be which envelope shall be indorsed with the name or Feet, B. 81., time aforesaid, the amount of his deposit will be returned commenced within five days from the receipt of a notifi- names of the person or persons presenting the same, the measured in to him. cation from the Engineer-in-Chief of the Department of date of its presentation, and a statement of the work to the work. Bidders are informed that no deviation from the speci- Decks that the work, or any part of it, is ready to be which it relates. 4. Yellow Pine Timber, tot' x ta't, about...... 6,650 fications will be allowed, unless under the written in- begun, and all the work to be done under the con- The bidder to whom the award is made shall give .. ,. 8n x ra", .. ...... 12 structions of the Engineer-in-Chief. tract is to be completed on or before the 31st day of security for the faithful performance of the contract, in as as 9,9 en x .a', ...... 6,384 No estimate will be accepted from, or contract December, 0895, or witnin as many days thereafter as the manner prescribed and required by ordinance, in the sa x I2", ...... 638 awarded to, any person who is in arrears to the Cor- may have elapsed between the date of execution of the sum of Six Thousand Eight Hundred Dollars. a, x roH ...... 75,987 poration, upon debt or contract, or who is a defaulter, contract and the receipt of a notice from the Engineer- The Engineer's estimate of the quantities is as fol- u as 4r1x 5/1 'a ...... Io- as surety or otherwise, upon any obligation to the in-Chief that the work, or any part of it, may be pro. lows : .. 0 2n x Orr, a. ...... 3,252 Corporation. cecded with, or within as many days thereafter as the SAWED YELLOW PINE TIMBER. THE RIGHT TO DECLINE ALL •I'HE ESTI. site, or such portion of the site of pier en which the con. Feet, B. hf., Total, about ...... x02,923 MATES IS RESERVED IF DEEMED FOR THE tractor may receive notice to resume work, may have measured in INTEREST' OF THE CORPORATION OF THE been occupied by the Department of Docks in dredging, the work. CITY OF NEW YORK. it being understood that the Departm.nt of Docks will I. Yellow Pine Timber, rz't x 121t about...... t08,000 NOTE.-The contractor will be required to furnish all Bidders are requested, in making their bids or esti- 2. .a ,a 81xt,z „ the yellow pine timber of any dimensions other than dredge over the site of the pier to be rebuilt in the il 8,oco mates, to use the blank prepared for that purpose by interval between the removal o the portion of' the pier 3 ,a ,a 8rt x 811 " ...... 25,107 those specified in item 2 required for work tinder this 4 a, the Department, a copy of which, together with the and shed to be removed and the rebuilding of the pier; „ 6" x 12'1 " ...... [4,700 contract. form of the agreement, including specifications, and Feet, B. 151., and the damages to be paid by the contractor for each 5 a' a` 5N x loll '' ...... sc,000 showing the manner of payment for the work, can be day that the contract may be unfulfilled after the time 6. ,. „ 411 x td' as ...... 277,792 measured in obtained upon application therefor at the office of the 7, a, „ the work. fixed for the fulfillment thereof has expired are, by a 3" x toll " ...... 293,750 411 Department. clause in the contract, determined, fixed and liquidated 5. Spruce Timber, x lo", about...... r47,6o0 EDWARD C. O'BRIEN, EDWIN EINSTEIN, White Oak 'Timber, 8'1 x xi", about...... 2,240 at Fifty Dollars per day. Total, about ...... 747,409 6. JOHN MONKS, Commissioners of the Department Bidders will state in their estimates a price for the of Docks. whole of the work to be done, in conformity with the ap- The following table gives the required lengths and (VOTE.-The above quantities of timber in items 2, j, 5 Dated New Tonic, September 5, x895. proved form of agreement and the specifications therein and 6 are exclusive of waste the approximate number of pieces of each length in i set forth, by which price the bids will be tested. This each dimension or size, to be delivered under this con- 7. X,r x 2o't. .IIx 12'x, Y8'r x 1211, %f, x TO CON'TRAC'TORS. (No, 518.) price is to cover all expenses of every kind involved in tell, T?011 x 71' ant: f' x 811 square or incidental to the fulfillment of the contract, including tract, to cover the above specified approximate number Wrought-iron Spike - pointed Dock- PROPOSALS rOR ESTIMATES FOR REMOVING any claim that may arise through delay from any cause of feet, board measure, in each dimension; spikes and It Cut-spikes and 4cd. A PORTION OF PIER, NEW 42, NE.AR 'I HE FOOT OF BARROW STREE"I', NORTH RIVER, in the performing of the work thereunder. The award SAWED YELLOW PINE, Nails, about ...... 9,064 pounds. of the contract, it awarded, will be made to the bidder 8. r%II and t'1 Wrought-iron Screw- THE SHED AND OTHER SFRUCFURES THEREON ; AND FOR PREPARING FOR who is the lowest for doing the whole of the work, and N N bolts and Nuts. about ...... .. 3,016 whose estimate is regular in all respects. Cast-iron Washer., for t%tl and I'1 AND REBUILDING THE PIER, WITH ITS 9. APPURTENANCES. All the old material taken from the structures to be C Screw- bolts, about ...... ... .. 1,341 removed under the contract will become the property of O O+ ro E .C, to. Galvanized Wrought-iron Staples, 7'IMATES FOR REMOVING A PORTION OF LENGTHS. w O o as Pier, new 43, North river, the shed and other the cortractor, and bidders must estimate the value of %'1 x 6N, about ...... so E such material when considering the prices for which Iry ill Galvanized-iron Wire Rope, structures thereon, and forprepanng forand rebuilding n A a the pier, with its appurtenances, will be received by the they will do the work under the contract. w m m a 'a M about ...... .. ...... z6 feet. bidders will distinctly write out, both in words and t2. Labor of Framing and Carpentry, includin all Board of Comneissioners at the head of the Department of Docks, at the office of saidDepartment, Pier in figures, the amount of their estimates for doing the to feet o in.... 300 moving of Timber, Jointing. Blanking, L'oiting, Spiking, work 2,oco Painting, Oiling orTarring, and furnishing the materials " A," foot of Battery place, North river, in the City of t5 feet o in ...... ...... r,5oo Where the City of New York owns the wharf, pier or r4 feet oin...... 200 for Painting, Oiling or 'fairing, and labor of every New York, until in o'clock nt. of bulkhead at which materials under this contract are 40 ...... , description. 'THURSDAY, OCTOBER it,, 1895, a3 feet o in...... 4co , ... at which time and place the estimates will be publicly to be delivered, no charge will be made to the contractor it feet o n...... 70 .. 13. Labor of removing from the premises all the old for wharfage upon vessels conveying said materials...... material taken from the Pier. opened by the head of said Department. The award of mu feet o in...... 50 ...... the contract, if awarded, will be made as soon as prac- The person or persons to whom the contract may be r9 feet 6 in.... ,...... 725 .... N. B.-As the above-mentioned quantities, though ticable alter the opening of the bids. awarded will be required to attend at this office with the t8 feet 6 in...... 175 ...... ,, stated with as much accuracy as is possible, in advance, Any person making an estimate for the work shall sureties offered by him or them, and execute the con- are approximate only, bidders are required to submit tract within five days from the date of the service of a furnish the same in a sealed envelope to said Board, at Total...-. 300 50 245 90 200 3,125 r,5oc their estimates upon the following express conditions, said office, on or before the day and hour above named, notice to that effect ; and in case of failure or neglect so which shall apply to and become a part of every esti- to do, he or they will be considered as having aban. which envelope shall be indorsed with the name or 3 BV Io INCH PLANK. mate received : names of the person or persons presenting the same, doned it, and as in default to the Corporation ; and the 1st. Bidders must satisfy themselves by personal ex- contract will be readvertised and relet, and so on until Ii feet to 30 feet, to average 18 feet or amination of the location of the proposed work, and the date of its presentation, and a statement of the work it be accepted and executed. more ...... about 29o,o00 feet, B. M. to which it relates. N. B.-Bidders are required to submit their estimates by such other means as they may prefer, as to the The bidder to whom the award is made shall give Bidders are required to state in their estimates their accuracy of the foregoing Engineer's estimate, and shall names and places of residence, the names of all persons upon the following express conditions, which shall not at any time after the submission of an estimate, security for the faithful performance of the contract in interested with them therein, and if no other person be apply to and become a part of every estimate received : the manner prescribed and required by ordinance, in 1st. Bidders must satisfy themselves, by personal dispute or complain of the above statement of quanti- the sum of Fourteen'1'housand Dollars. so interested, the estimate shall distinctly state the fact; ties, nor assert that there was any misunderstanding also, that the estimate is made without any connection examination of the locations of the proposed deliveries The Engineer's estimate of the nature, quantities and of the material, and by such other means as they may in regard to the nature or amount of the work to be extent of the work is as follows : with any other person making an estimate f or the same done. work, and that it is in all respects fair, and without prefer, as to the accuracy of the foregoing Engineer s ad. Bidders will be required to complete the entire REMOVAL OF PIER AND SHED. collusion or fraud ; and also that no member of the Com- estimate, and shall not at any time after the submission work to the satisfaction of the Department of Docks, r. Labor, implements, tools, etc., for removing the inner mon Council, head of a department, chief of a bureau, of an estimate dispute or complain of the above state- about 583 feet of Pier, new 43, North river, and also the deputy thereof, or clerk therein, or other officer of ment of quantities, nor assert that there was any and in substantial accordance with the specifications of shed and o.lter structures thereon. the contract. No extra compensation, beyond the the Corporation, is directly or indirectly misunderstanding in regard to the nature or amount of REBUILDING PIER. interested the work to be done. amount payable for the work before mentioned, which To be Furnished by the Department of Docks. therein, or in the supplies or work to which it relates, shall be actually performed, at the price therefor to Feet, B. M., or in any portion of the profits thereof ; which estimate 2d. Bidders will be required to complete the entire be specified by the lowest bidder, shall be due or pay- measured in must be verified by the oath, in writing, of the party work to the satisfaction of the Department of Docks able for the entire work. making the estimate, that the several matters stated and in substantial accordance with the specifications of the work, the contract. No extra compensation, beyond the The work to done under the contract is to be com- 2. Yellow Fine Timber, 1211 x rail, about..... 2 20 therein are in all respects true. IVhe•re more than one menced within five days after the date of the execution as .. as 49,5 person is interested, it is requisite that the veriseation amount payable for the work before mentioned, which 6" x r2tf, ..... 9,576 shall be actually performed at the price therefor, to be of the contract, and all the work to be done under this 'I Ii SN x tzr1, " ..... 250 be made and subscribed to by all the barties interested, contract is to be fully completed on or before the 1st a, a. 5 .. Each estimate shall be accompanied by the consent, specified by the lowest bidder, shall be due or payable tr x roll, ..... 24,034 for the entire work. day of January, 1896, and the damages to be paid by „ .. It is col', ., ..... 60 in writing, of two householders or freeholders in the the contractor for each day that the contract may be ,487 City of New York, with their resflectivefifaces01 busi- At least one hundred thousand feet, board measure, of „ •• 311 x to'r, " ..... 88,000 the timber is to be delivered within forty-five days (Sun- unfulfilled after the time fixed for the fulfillment thereof . .a 8I 811, " ,.... 9,840 ness or residence, to the effect that if the contract be has expired, are, by a clause in the contract, fixed awarded to the person or persons making the estimate, days and holidays excepted; from the date of the contract, they will, upon its being so awarded, become bound as and all the timber to be delivered under this contract and liquidated at Fifty Dollars per day. Total, about ...... 341,707 Bidders will state in their estimates a price for the his or their sureties for i is faithful performance ; and that is to be delivered on or before January t, t896, and whole of the w,rk to be done, in conformity with the if said person or persons shall omit or refuse to execute the damages to be paid by the contractor for each day approved form of contract and the specifications NOTE.--It is the intention of the Department of the contract, they will pay to the Corporation of the City that the contract may be unfulfilled after the time therein set forth, by which price the bids will be tested. Docks to furnish all the yellow pine timber of the above of New York any difference between the sum to which fixed for the fulfillment thereof has expired, are, by a This price is to cover all expenses of every kind in- limensions, excepting the creosoted yellow pine of these said person or persons would be entitled upon its cause in the contract, determined, fixed and liquidated volved in or incidental to the fulfillment of the contract, limensions, required to do the work under these speci- completion, and that which said Corporation may at Fifty Dollars per day. including any claim that may arise through delay, from ications. be obliged to pay to the person to whom the contract Bidders will state in their estimates a price per any cause, in the performing of the work thereunder. NoTE.-All of the yellow pine timber in item a is to may be awarded at any subsequent letting ; the amount thousand feet, board measure, for yellow pine timber to Bidders will distinctly write out, both in words and le furnished by the Department of Docks to the con- in each case to be calculated upon the estimated amount be delivered in conformity with the approved form of in figures, the amount of their estimates for doing this :ractor free of charge, in the water or on a pier or of the work to be done, in each class, by which the bids agreement and the specifications therein set forth, by work. lulkhead at one or more points on the North river water- are tested. The consent above mentioned shall be ac- which price the bids will be tested. This price is to The person or persons to whom the contract may be 'ront south of West Seventy-fifth street, as hereinafter companied by the oath or affirmation, in writing, of each cover all expenses of every kind involved in or ihci. awarded will be required to attend at this office with the specified, and the contractor is to raft it, care for it and of the persons signing the same, that he is a house- dental to the fulfillment of the contract, including any sureties offered by him or them, and execute the con- transport it to the site of the pier at his own expense holder or freeholder in the City of New York, and is worth claim that may arise through delay, from any cause tract within five days from the date of the service of a and risk, the amount of the security required for the completion in the receiving of the material by the Department of notice to that effect; and in case of failure or neglect so To be Furnished by the Contractor, ofthe contract, over and above all his debts of every Docks. to do, he or they will be considered as having aban- Feet, B. M., nature, and over a nd above his liabilities as bail, surety Bidders will distinctly write out, both in words and in doned it, and as in default to the Corporation; and the measured in and otherwise; and that he has offered hilhself as a figures, the amount of their estimates for furnishing contract will be readvertised and relet, and so on until the work. surety in good faith, and with the intention to execute it be accepted and executed. I. Yellow Pine Timber, 8"x no', about...... r,s6o this material. .. .. I11 411, the bond required by law. The adequacy and suffi. The person or persons to whom the contract maybe Bidders are required to state in their estimates their ...... 4,522 ciency of the security offered will be subject to approval awarded will be required to attend at this office with the names and places of residence, the names of all per- by the Comptroller of the City of New York after the sureties offered by him or them, and execute the con- sons interested with them therein, and if no other Total, about ...... 5,782 award Is made and prior to the signing of the contract, person be so interested, the estimate shall distinctly tract within five days from the date of the serviye of a No estimate will be received or considered unless notice to that effect; and in case of failure orneglect so to state the fact; also, that the estimate is made without No'rx.-The contractor will be required to furnish all accompanied by either a certified check upon one of do, he or they will beconsidered as having abandoned it, any conpection with any other person making an the yellow pine timber of the above dimensions. that the State or National banks of the City of New York, es1nrate for the same work, and that it is in all respects and as in default to the Corporation, and the contract may be required to do the work under these specifics- drawn to the order of the Comptroller, or money to will be readvertised and relet, and so on until it be fair and without collusion or fraud; and also that, no lions. the. amount of five per ceo,ium of the amount of secu- accepted and executed, THURSDAY, OCTOBER to, 1895. THE CITY RECORD. 2983

Bidders are required to state in their estimates their except that made by the person or persons whose No,4, FOR SEWER IN BOULEVARD LAFAY southerly, from the southerly side thereof; excepting names and places of residence ; the names of all persons bid has been so accepted; and that if the person ETTE, between One Hundred and Fifty-eighth stree from said area all streets, avenues, roads or portions interested with them therein ; and if no other person be or persons whose bid has been so accepted shall and summit north. thereof heretofore legally opened or laid out, as such so interested, the estimate shall distinctly state the refuse or neglect, within five days after due notice has No. 5. FOR SEWERS IN CONVENT AVENUE area is shown on our benefit maps deposited as aforesaid. tact ; also that the estimate is made without any con. been given that the contract is ready for execution, to between One Hundred and Thirty-fifth and One Hun Fourth—That our report herein will be presented to nection with any other person making an estimate for execute the same, the amount of the deposit or of the dred and Forty-first streets, with curves in One Hun the Supreme Court of the State of New York. at a the same work, and that it is in all respects fair and check or certificate of deposit made by him or them shall dred and Thirty-filth, One Hundred and Thirty-sixth Special Term thereof, to be held at the Chambers without collusion or fraud ; and also that no member of be, forfeited to and retained by this Board, not as a One Hundred and 'Thirty-seventh, One Hundred ant thereof, in the County('ourt-house, in the City of New the Common Council, head of a department, chief of a penalty, but as liquidated damages for such neglect or Thirty-eighth and One Hundred and Thirty-nintl York, on the rrth day of December, x895, at the opening bureau, deputy thereof, or clerk therein, or other officer refusal, and shall be paid into the City Treasury to the streets, and branch in One Hundred and Fortiett of the Court on that day, and that then and there, or as of the Corporation, is directly or indirectly interested credit of the Sinking Fund of the City of New York; street, between Convent and Amsterdam avenues. soon thereafter as counsel can be heard thereon, a therein, or in the supplies or work to which it relates, or but it the said person or persons whose bid has been so No. 6. FOR ALTERATION AND IMPROVE motion will be made that the said report be confirmed. in any portion of the profits thereof ; which estimate accepted shall execute the contract within the time MENT 1'O SEWER IN FIFTEENTH STREET, Dated NEW YORK, October 3, 1895. must be verified by the oath, in writing, of the party aforesaid, the amount of his or their deposit of check between First and Second avenues. ANDREW S. HAMER-,LEY JR., Chairman, making the estimate, that the several matters stated or certificate of deposit shall be returned to him or No. 7. FOR SEWERS IN NAEGLE ANC EDWARD L. PARRIS, JAMES A. DONEGAN, therein are in all respects true. Where more than one them. ELEVENTH AVENUES, between Academy and One Commissioners. person is interested, it is requisite that the verif:catiox Hundred and Ninetieth streets, with curves for con JOHN P. DUNN, Clerk. be made and subscribed to by all the parties Interested. netting sewers. Each estimate shall be accompanied by the consent, FINANCE DEPARTMENT. Each estimate must contain the name and place of In the matter of the application of The Mayor, Aldermen in writing, of two householders or freeholders in residence of the person making the same, the names of all and Commonalty of the City of New York, relative the City of New York, with tl2eir respective places of FINANCE DEPARTMENT, BUREAU FOR THE COLLECTION persons interested with him therein, and if no other per. to acquiring title, wherever the same has not been business or residence, to the effect that if the con- OF TAXES, NO, 57 CHAMBERS STREET (STEWART BUILD- son be so interested it shall distinctly state that fact, heretofore acquired, to the lands, tenements and tract be awarded to the person or persons ING), NEW YORE, October,, 1895. That it is made without any connection with any other hereditaments required for the purpose of opening making the estimate, they will, on its being so NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS. person making an estimate for the same work, and is in and extending EAST ONE HUNDRED AND awarded, become bound as has or their sureties for its NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE all respects fair and without collusion or fraud. That nc FORTY-NIN rH STREET (although not yet named faithful performance; and that if said person or persons Assessment Rolls of Real Estate, Personal Prop- member of the Common Council, head of a department, by proper authority), from the Southern Boulevard to shall omit or refuse to execute the contract, erty and Bank Stock in the City and County of New chief of a bureau, deputy thereof, or clerk therein, or the easterly bulkhead-line of the Harlem river, as the they will pay to the Corporation of the City of New York York, for the year 1895, and the warrants for the collec- other officer of the Corporation, is directly or indirectly same has been heretofore laid out and designated as ary difference between the sum to which said person tion of taxes, have been delivered to the undersigned, and interested in the estimate or in the work to which it a first-class street or road, in the Twenty-third Ward or persons would be entitled upon its completion and that that all the taxes on said assessment rolls are now due relates or in the profits thereof. of the City of New York, which said Corporation may be obliged to pay to the and payable at this office. Each estimate must be verified by theonth, in writing, OTICE IS HERi BY GIVEN THAT WE, THE person to whom the contract may be awarded In case of payment on or before the ist day of of the party making the same, that the several matters at any subsequent letting ; the amount in each case to November next, the person so paying shall be entitled to N undersigned, were appointed by an order of the therein stated are true, and must be accompanied by the Supreme Court bearing date the 16th day of August, be calculated upon the estimated amount of the work the benefits mentioned in section 842 of the New York consent, in writing, of two householders or freeholders to be done, in each class, by which the bids are City Consolidation Act of 198x, viz. : a reduction of inter- 0845, Commissioners of Estimate and Assessment for est at the rate of 6 per cent, per annum between the in the City of New York, to the effect that if the con. the purpose of making a just and equitable estimate and tested. The consent above mentioned shall be accom. tract is awarded to the person making the estimate, they assessment of the loss and damage, if any, or of the panted by the oath or affirmation, in writing, of each day of such payment and the tst day of December next. will, upon its being so awarded, become bound as his of the persons signing the same, that he is a householder DAVID E. AUSTEN, Receiver of Taxes. benefit and advantage, if any, as the case may be, to sureties fonts faithful performance; and that if he shall the respective owners, lessees, parties and persons or freeholder in the City of New York, and is worth the refuse or neglect to execute the same, they will pay to respectively entitled Onto or interested in the lands, amount of the security required for the completion of INTEREST ON CITY BONDS AND the Corporation any difference between the sum to tenements, hereditaments and premises required for the the contract, over and above all his debts of every STOCKS. which he would be entitled upon its completion and that nature, and over and above his liab~lfties as bail, surety purpose by and in consequence of opening the above- HE INTEREST DUE NOVEMBER I, t8Q5, ON which the Corporation may be obliged to pay to the mentioned street or avenue, the same being particularly and otherwise; and that he has offered him- the Registered Y.ojtis and Stocks of the City and person to whom the contract shall be awarded at any self as surety in good faith and with the intention T set forth and described in the petition of The Mayor, County of New York will be paid on that day by the subsequent letting ; the amount to be calculated upon Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York, to execute the bond required by late. The adequacy Comptroller at the office of the City Chamberlain, the estimated amount of the work by which the bids are and sufficiency of the security offered will be subject and also in the notice of the application for the said Room 27, Stewart Building, corner of Broadway and tested. order thereto attached, filed herein in the office of the to approval by the Comptroller of the City of New York Chambers street. This consent last above mentioned must be accom. Clerk of the City and County of New York on the x9th after the award is made and prior to the signing of the The Transfer Books will be closed from September ponied by the oath or affirmation, in writing, of each of contract. day of September,1895, and ajust and equitable estimate 3o to November 1, 1895. the persons signing the same, that he is a'householder and assessment of the value of the benefit and advan- No estimate will be received or considered unless The interest due November I, x895, on the Coupon er freeholder in the City of New York, and is worth the tage of said street or avenue so to be opened or laid accompanied by either a certified check upon one of the Bonds and Stocks of the City of New York will be amount of the security required forthe completion of the out and formed, to the respective owners, lessees, State or N ational banks of the City of New York, drawn to paid on that day by the State -'Trust Company, No. 36 contract, over and above all his debts of every nature, parties and persons respectively entitled to or inter- the order of the Comptroller, or money to the amount of Wall street. and over and above his liabilities as bail, surety, or ested in the said respective lands, tenements, here- five per centum of the amount of security required for ASHBEL P. FITCH, Comptroller. otherwise, and that he has offered himself as surety in ditaments and premises not required for the purpose the faithful performance of the contract. Such check or CITY OF NEW VORS—FINANCE DEPARTMENT, COAIP- good faith. with the intention to execute the bond re. of opening, laying out and forming the same, but money must not be inclosed in the sealed envelope TROLLER'S OFFICE, September 23, t8g5. quired by law. benefited thereby, and of ascertaining and defining containing the estimate, but must be handed to the No estimate will be considered unless accom. the extent and boundaries of the respective tracts or officer or clerk of the Department Who has charge of the NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT FOR OPENING panied by either a certified check upon one of the parcels of land to be taken or to be assessed therefor, and estimate-box, and no estimate can be deposited in said State or National banks of the City of New York, of performing the trusts and ditties required of us by box until such check or money has been examined by STREETS ANI) AVENUES. drawn to the order of the Comptroller, or money to the chapter t6, title s, of the act entitled " An act to con- said officer or clerk and found to be correct, All such N PURSUANCE OF SECTION 916 OF THE amount of five per centum of the amount of the security soiidate into one act and to declare the special and local deposits, except that of the successful bidder, will be I "New York (.ity Consolidation Act of t88z," as required for the faithful perlormance of the contract. laws affecting public interests in the City of New York," returned to the persons making the same within three amended, the Comptroller of the City of New York Such check or money must NOT be inclosed in a sealed passed Tuiy r, 1882, and the acts or parts of acts in days after the contract is awarded. If the successful hereby gives public notice of the confirmation by the envelope containing the estimate, but must be handed to addition thereto or amendatory thereof. bidder shall refuse or neglect, within five days after Supreme Court of the assessment for opening and the officer or clerk of the Department who has charge of All parties and persons interested in the real estate notice that the contract has been awarded to him, to acquiring title to the following street in the the estimate-box. and no estimate can be deposited in taken or to be taken for the purpose of opening the said execute the same, the amount of the deposit made by TWENTY-'THIRD WARD said box until such check or money has been examined street or avenue, or affected thereby, and having any him shall be forfeited to and retained by the City of EAST ONE HUNDRED AND THI RTY-FOURTH by said officer or clerk and found to be correct. All such claim or demand an account thereof, are hereby required New York as liquidated damages for such neglect or STREET, FROM THIRD AVENUE '1'O BROOK deposits, except that of the successful bidder, will be to present the same, duly verified, to its, the undersigned refusal; but it he shall execute the contract within the AVENUE; confirmed August 16, 1895; entered Sep- returned to the persons making the same, within three Commissioners of Estimate and Assessment, at our time aforesaid, the amount of his deposit will be returned tember 25, 5895. Area of assessment : Both sides of days after the contract is awarded. if the successful office, Room No. t (second floor), No. 5r Chambers street, to him. One Hundred and Tuirty-fourth street, from Third ave. bidder shall refuse or neglect, within five days after in the City of New York, with such affidavits or other Bidders are informed that no deviation from the nue to Brook avenue, and to the extent of half the notice that the contract has been awarded to him, tc proofs as the said owners or claimants may desire, specifications will be allowed, unless under the written block on the intersecting and terminating avenues. execute the same, the amount of the deposit made by within twenty days after the date of this notice, t-fstructions of the Engineer-in-Chief. The above entitled assessment was entered on the him shall be forfeited to and retained by the City of And we, the said Commissioners, will be in attendance date heretnabove given in the Record of Titles of Assess- No estimate will be accepted from, or contract New York as liquidated damages for such neglect or at our said office on the 23d day of October, 1895, at awarded to, any person who is in arrears to the Cor- ments Confirmed kept in the " Bureau for the Collection refusal; but if he shall execute the contract within the o'clock in the afternoon of that day, to hear the said poration, upon debt or contract, or who is a defaulter, as of Assessments and Arrears of Taxes and Assessments time aforesaid, the amount of the deposit will be re- parties and persons in relation thereto. And at such and of Water Rents." Unless the amount assessed surety or otherwise, upon any obligation to the Corpora. turned to him. time and place, and at such further or other time and for benefit on any erson or property shall be paid tion. p THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS place as we may appoint, we will hear such owners in THE RIGHT TO DECLINE ALL THE FSTI- within sixty days after the date of said entry of the RESERVES''1'HE RIGHT TO RETECTALL BIDS relation thereto and examine the proofs of such claimant asses.,ment, interest will be collected thereon as pro- RECEIVED FOR ANY PARTICULAR WORK IF or claimants, or such additional proofs and alleg.,tions MA'rES IS RESERVED, IF DEEMED FOR THE vided in section 917 of said " New York City Con- INTERESTS OF THE CORPORATION OF THE HE DEEMS IT FOR THE BEST INTERESTS OF as may then be offered by such owner or on behalf of CITY OF NEW YORK. solidation Act of ,882." THE CITY. The Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of Bidders are requested, in making their bids or esti- Section 917 of the said act provides that, " If any such Blank forms of •bid or estimate, the proper envelopes New York. mates, to use the blank prepared for that purpose by assessment shall remain unpaid for the period of sixty in which to inclose the same, the specifications and Dated New YORK, September 30, 1895. the Department, a copy of which, together with the days after the date of entry thereof in the said Record agreements, and any further information desired, can CHARLES V. GABRIEL, EDWARD McCUE, form of the agreement, including specifications, and of Titles of Assessments, it shall be the duty of the be obtained at Rooms Nos. r, 5 and 9, No. 31 Chambers PArRICK A. M;MAN US, Commissioners. showing the manner of payment for the material, can be officer authorized to collect and receive the amount of street. HENRY OF FOREST B;lEDWltC, Clerk. obtained upon application therefor at the office of the such assessment to charge, collect and receive interest WILLIAM BROOKFIELD, Commissioner of Public Department. thereon at the rate of seven per centum per annum, to Works. In the matter of the application of the Board of Street EDWARD C. O'BRIEN, EDWIN EINSTEIN, be calculated from the date of such entry to the date of Open ng and Improvement ofthe City of New York, for JOHN MONKS, Commissioners of the Department of payment." and on behalf of The Mayor, Aldermen and Common- Docks. The above assessment is payable to the Collector of SUPREME COURT. alty ofthe City of New York, relative to acquiring title, wherever the same has not been heretofore acquired, Dated New YORK, July 25, 1895. Assessments and Clerk of Arrears, at the " Bureau for In the matter of the application of the Board of Street the Collection of Assessments and Arrears of Taxes to ONE HUNDREI) AND THIRTY-:NINTH and Assessments and of Water Rents," Room 31 Ste,v- Opening and Improvement of the City of New York, STREET, between Eighth ave•me and bulkhead-line for and on behalf of 1'he Mayor, Aldermen and Com- art Building, between the hours of A. M. and a P. M. and Harlem river, in the'I'wzlfth Ward of the City of New STREET CLEANINC DEPT. monalty of the City of New York, relative to CRVJI- all payments made thereon on or before November 24, York. WELL AVENUE lalthough not yet named by proper 1895, will be exempt from interest as above provided, NOTICE. authority), from Jerome avenue to Inwood avenue, in E, THE UNDERSIGNED COMMISSIONERS and that date will be chat ged interest at the rate of of Estimate and Assessment in the above- ERSONS HAVING 13ULKHEADS TO FILL, IN seven per cent, per annum from the above date of entry the Twenty-chid Ward of the City of New York. VV the vicinity of New York Bay, can procure material OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 'THAT' THE entitled matter hereby give notice to all persons in- P of the assessment in the Record of Titles of Assess- terested in this proceeding, and to the owner or owners, p additional bill of costs, charges and expenses in- for that pur ose—ashes, street sweepings, etc., s::.h as ments in said Bureau to the date of payment. N occupant or occupants, of all houses and lots and im- is collected by the Department of Street Cleaning—free curred by reason of the proceedings in the above- ASHBEL P. FITCH, Comptroller. entitled matter, will be presented for taxation to one of proved and unimproved lands affected thereby, and to of charge, by applying to the COafmiss[Ooer cf Street COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE, September 27, 1895. Cleaning, in the Criminal Court Building. the Justices of the Supreme Court, at the Chambers all others whom it may concern, to wit: GEORGE E. WAKING, JR. thereof, in the County Court-house, in the City of New First—That we have completed our estimate and as- Commissioner of Street Cleaning. CITY CIVIL SERVICE BOARDS. York, on the list day of October, :895, at to 30 o'clock sessment, and that all persons interested in this proceed- in the forenoon of that day, or as soon thereafter as ing, or in any ofthe lands affected thereby, and having NEW CRIMINAL COURT BUILDING, NEW YORK, October counsel can be heard thereon ; and that the said bill of objections thereto, do present their said objections in BOARD. OF EDUCATION. 8g costs, charges and expenses has been deposited in the writing, duly verified, to us, at our office, No. z '1'ryon UBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT office of the Clerk of the City and County of New York, Row, Room r (fourth floor), in said city, on or before the list day of October, ,895, and that we, the said EALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED BY Pt open competitive examinations for the positions there to remain for and during the space of ten days. S the Board of School Trustees for the Twenty- below mentioned will be held on the dates specified Dated NEW Vote, October y, t8g5, Commissioners, will hear parties so objecting within the third Ward, at the Hall of the Board of Education, No. October rt. CLERK, Building Department. RIGNAL D. WOODWARD, JESSE S. NELSON, ten week-days next after the said zest day of October, 146 Grand street, until 4 o'clock P. M., on 'Tuesday, October 04. A U DITOR, Fire Dr-partment. JOSEPH A.CARBERRY, Commissioners. x855, and for that purpose will he in attendance at our October r5, r895, for Work, Materials, Fixtures, etc., October 14. DEPUTY FIRE MARSHAL, Fire De- JOHN P. DIJON, Clerk. said office on each of said ten days at 2 o'clock P. nt. for fitting-up the new manual training rooms at Gram- partment. Second—That the abstract of our said estimate and mar School No, 85. LEE PHILLIPS, Secretary and Executive Officer. In the matter of the application of the Board of Street assessment, together with our damage and benefit JAMES A. FERGUSON, Chairman,J.C. JULIUS Opening and Improvement of the City of New York, maps, and also all the affidavits, estimates and other LANGBEIN, Secretary, Board of School Trustees, for and on behalf of The Mayor, Aldermen and Com- documents used by us in making our report, have been Twenty-third Ward, DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS monalty of the City of New York, relative to acquir- deposited with the Commissioner of Public Works of Dated NEW 1 oRK, October 2, 1895. ing title, wherever the same has not been heretofore the City of New York, at its office, No. 30 Chambers Sealed proposals will also be received at the same DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORxs, No. 31 CHAMBERS street, in the said city, there to remain until the stst STREET, New YORK, October 4, 1895. acquired, to WOLF PLACE (although not yet n.Imed lace by the School Trustees of the Twenty-second by proper authority), extending from Jerome avenue day of October, 1895. Ward. until 4 o'clock P. M., on Friday, October at, [895, NOTICE OF SALE AT PUBLIC AUCTION. to Inwood avenue, in the Twenty-fourth Ward of the Third—That the limits ofour assessment for benefit for supplying the Furniture required for the new school N THURSDAY, OCTOBER r7, A'r tr City of New York, as the same has been heretofore include all those lots, pieces or parcels of land situate, building, corner of Eighty-second street and West End O o'clock A. M., the Department of Public Works will laid out and designated as a first-class street or road lying and being in the City of New York, which taken avenue. sell at public auction, under the direction of the Water by the Department of Public Parks. together are bounded and described as follows, viz. JACQUES H. HERTS, Chairman, R. S. TREACY, Purveyor, by L. J. Phillips & Co., Auctioneers, the one. E, THE UNDERSIGNED COMMISSIONERS On the north by the centre line of the blocks between Secretary, Board of School Trustees, Twenty-second story Frame House on the southwest corner of One W of Estimate and Assessment in the above-enti- One Hundred and Thirty-ninth and One Hundred and Ward. Hundred and Eighty-sixth street and Amsterdam tled matter, hereby give notice to all persons interested Fortieth streets; on the south by the centre line of the Dated New YORK, September z8, 1895. avenue, said house being 241 eft X 531 411• in this proceeding, and to the owner or owners, occu- clocks between One Hundred and Thir,y-eighth and Plans and specifications may be seen, and blank 'TERMS OF SALE : pant or occupants, of all houses and lot; and improved The Hundred and Thirty-ninth streets ; on the east by proposals obtained, at the office of the Superintendent Cash payment in bankable funds at the time and place and unimproved lands affected thereby, and to all he United States bulkhead-line, and on the west by the of School Buildings, No. 146 Grand street, third floor. of sale, and the removal of the house by the purchaser others whom it may concern, to wit : ;aster)y side of Edgecombe avenue ; excepting from said The 'Trustees reserve the right to reject any or all within ten days from the date of sale, otherwise the pur- First—That we have completed our estimate and urea all streets, avenues, roads or portions thereof here- of the proposals submitted. chaser will forfeit ownership of the house, together assessment, and that all persons interested in this ofore legally opened or laid out as such area is shown The party submitting a proposal, and the parties with all moneys paid therefor, and the Department Proceed1ng, or in any of the lands affected thereby, and to our benefit maps deposited as aforesaid. proposing to become sureties, must each write his name will resell the house. having objections thereto, do present their said objec- Fourth—That our report herein will be presented to and place of residence on said proposal. (Signedl CHARLES H. T. COLLIS, Deputy Com- tions in writing, duly verified, to us, at our office, No. he Supreme Court of the State of New York, at a Two responsible and approved sureties, residents of missioner of Public Works. 51 Chambers street (second floor), in said city, on or ipecial Term thereof, to be held at the Chambers this city, are required in all cases. before the 9th day of November, 1895, and that we, the hereof, in the County ('ourt-house, in the City of New No proposal will be considered from persons whose COMMISSIONER'S OFFICE, NEW YORK, October 3,1895. said Commissioners, will hear parties so objecting (ork. on the 11th day of November, 1895, at the opening character and antecedent dealings with the Board of I'O CONTRACTORS. within the ten week-days next after the said 5th day of if the Court on that day, and that then and there, or as Education render their responsibility doubtful. IDS OR ESTIMATES, INCLOSED IN A November, i8g~, and for that purpose will be in attend- oon thereafter as counsel can be heard thereon, a The party submitting a proposal must include in his B sealed envelope, with the title oft/Ie work and the ance at our said office on each of said ten days at II notion will be made that the said report be confirmed. proposal the names of all sub-contractors, and no change name of the bidder indorsed thereon, also the number of o'clock M. Dated NEw YORK, September 6, x8ps. will be permitted to be made in the sub-contractors the work as in the advertisement, will be received at Second—That the abstract of our said estimate and WILLIAM B. ELLISON, Chairman, WM. H. named without the consent of the School Trustees and this office until is o'clock M. on Wednesday, October assessment, together with our damage and benefit maps, CLINKER, Commissioners. Superintendent of School Buildings. x6, 1895, at which place and hour they will be publicly and also all the affidavits, estimates and other docu- JOHN P. DUNN, Clerk. It is required as a condition precedent to the reception opened oy the head of the Department: ments used by us in making our report, have been or consideration of any proposals, that a certified check No. I. FOR REGULATING AND PAVING WITH deposited in the Bureau of Street Openings in the Law n the matter of the application of The Mayor, Aldermen upon, or a certificate of deposit of, one of the State or ASPHALT PAVEMENT, ON THE PRESENT Department of the City of New York, No. gt Cham- and Commonalty of the City of New York, relative National banks or Trust Companies of the City of New STONE-BLOCK PAVEMENT, THE CARRIAGE- bers street, in said city, there to remain until the rrth to acquiring title, wherever the same has not been York, drawn to the order of the President of this WAY OF EIGHTY-SEVENTH STREET, between day of November, 1855. heretofore acquired. to the lands, tenements and Board, shall accompany the proposal to an amount of First avenue and Avenue A. Third—That the limits of our assessment for benefit hereditaments required for the purpose of opening not less than three per cent, of such proposal, when No. a. FOR REGULATING AND PAVING WITH include all those lots, pieces or parcels of land situate, WEBSrER AVENUE (although not yet named by said proposal is for or exceeds ten thousand dollars, ASPHALT PAVEMENT, ON THE PRE,,ENT TEL- lying and being in the City of New York, which taken proper authority l, from Moshotu Parkway to Bronx and to an amount not less than five per cent, of such FORD FOUNDATION, THE CARRIAGEWAY OF together are bounded and described as follows, viz,: River road, as the same has been heretofore laid out proposal when said proposal is for an amount under ten THE BOULEVARD, from One Hundred and Sixth to On the north by the southerly line of Featherbed lane; and designated as a first-class street or road, in the t1yousand dollars; that on demand, within one day One Hundred and Nineteenth street (east side). on the east by a line drawn parallel to Jerome avenue Twenty-fourth Ward of the City of New York. after the awarding of the contract by the proper Board No. g FOR FURNISHING A 5sD BUILDING and distant coo feet easterly from the easterly side OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT WE, THE of. Trustees the President of the Board will GU 2iRD-RAIL ON BOULEVARD LAFAYETTE, thereof ; on the west by the easterly line of Macomb's N undersigned, were appointed by an order of the return all the deposits of checks and certifichtes from One Hundred and Fifty-sixth street to Dyckman Dam road and Featherbed lane ; on the south by a line Supreme Court, bearing date the a6th day of August, of -deposit made, to the persons making the same, street. drawn parallel to Wolf place and distant 566.60 feet 1895, Commissioners of Estimate and Assessment for 2984 THE CITY RECORDD. THURSDAV, OCTRBER 10, I NO5.

the purpose of making ajust and eq uitable estimate and visions of said chapter 191 of the Laws of x888, as assessment of the Jo's' and damage,if any, or of the benefit In the matter of the application of The Mayor, Alder- provisions of said chap'er rgt of the Laws of x888, as amended by said chapter 35 of the Laws of [ago, being men and Commonalty of the City of New York, amended by said chapter 35 of the Laws of gispo, being and advantage, if any, as the case maybe, to the respective the following described lots, pieces or parcels of land, owners, lessees, parties and persons respectively entitled relative to acquiring title, wherever the same has not the following described lots, pieces or parcels of land, namely: been heretofore acquired, to the lands. tenements and namely : lt{„ !' unto or interested in the lands, tenements, heredita- All those certain lots, pieces or parcels of land situate, ments and premises required for the purpose by and in hereditaments required for the purpose of opening All those certain lots, pieces or parcels of land situate, lying and being in the Thirteenth Ward of the City of FULTON AVENUE (although not yet named by lying and being in the Nineteenth Ward of the City of consequence of opening the above-mentioned street or New York, which taken together are hounded and y proper authority), from Spring place to the Twenty- New York, which taken together are bounded and avenue, the same being particularl set forth and de- described as follows: Beginning at a point formed by third Ward boundary-line, as the same has been described as follows: Becimmng at a point on the scribed in the petition of The Mayor, Aldermen and the intersection of the northerly side of Broome street heretofore laid out and designated as a first-class southerly line of Forty-seventh street distant easterly Commonalty of the City of New York, and also in the- with the westerly side of Sheriff street ; running thence notice of the apclication for the said order thereto at- street or road, in the Twenty-third Ward of the City xgt feet 6 inches from the intersection of the south- ' westerly and along the northerly side of Broome street of New York. erly line of Forty-seventh street with the easterly line tached, filed herein in the office of the Clerk of the City 46 feet; thence northerly and parallel with Sheriff street of Third avenue ; running thence easterly along the and County of New York on the z8th day of August, I8g5, 6z feet 5 inches; thence westerly and parallel with OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT WE, THE southerly line of Forty-seventh street 43 feet 6 and a just and equitable estimate and assessment of the Broome street q feet 3 inches ; thence northerly N undersigned, were appointed by an order of the inches ; thence southerly and parallel with the easterly value of the benefit and advantage of said street or avenue and nearly parallel with the westerly side of Sheriff Supreme Court bearing date the a;d day of August, x895, line of Third avenue iou feet s inches ta the centre so to be opened or laid out and formed, to the respective street z5 feet r inch ; thence easterly and parallel with Commissioners of Estimate and Assessment for the line ofthe block between Forty-sixth and Forty-seventh owners, lessees, parties at d persons respectively en- Broome street so feet r'4 inches to the westerly side of purpose of making a just and equitable estimate and streets, which is also the northerly line of the present titled to or interested in the said respective lands, tene- Sheriff street ; thence southerly and along the westerly assessment of the loss and damage, if any, or of the site of Grammar School No- 73 ; thence wesesrly along ments, hereditament% and premises not required for the side of Sheriff street 87 feet 6 inches to the point or benefit and advantage, tf any, as the case may be, to the said centre line of the block and along the present site purpose of opening, laying out and forming the same, place of beginning. respective owners, lessees, parties and persons respect. of Grammar School No, 73, 6q feet 5 inches; thence but benefited thereby, and of ascertaining and defining Dated NEW YORK, September no, 5895. ively entitled unto or interested in the lands, tenements, northeasterly 103 feet 8% inches to the point or place of j ^ the extent and boundaries of the respective tracts or FRANCIS M. SCOTT, Counsel to the Corporation, hereditaments and premises required for the purpose beginning . by and in consequence of opening the above-mentioned parcels of land to be taken or to be assessed therefor, No, z Tryon Row, New York City. Dated New YORK, September zo, 1895. and of performing the trusts and duties required of street or avenue, the same being particularly set forth FRANCIS H. SCO FT, Counsel to the Corporation, us by chapter i6, title 5, of the act entitled "An In the matter of the application of the Board of Street and described in the petition of The Mayor, Aldermen No. a Tryon Row, New York City. act to consolidate into one act and to declare the Opening and Improvement ofthe City of New York, for and Commonalty of the City of New York, and also special and local laws affecting public interests in the and on behalf of The !1 ayor, Aldermen and Common- in the notice of the application for the said order In the matter of the application of The Mayor, City of New York," passed July x, i88,, and the acts alty of the City of New York, relative toacquiring title, thereto attached, filed herein in the office of the Clerk Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York, or parts of acts in addition thereto or amendatory wherever the same has not been heretofore acquired, of the City and County of New York on the z7th day of relative to acquiring title, wherever the same has not thereof. to DECATUR AVENUE (although not yet named August, 189 5. and a just and equitable estimate and as- been heretofore acquired, to the lands, tenements All parties and persons interested in the real estate by proper authority), extending from Kingsbridge sessment of the value of the benefit and advantage of and hereditaments required for the purpose of open- taken or to be taken for the purpose of opening the said road to Brookline street, in the 'Twenty-fourth Ward said street or avenue so to be opened or laid out and ing FARRAGUr STREET (although not yet named street or avenue, or affected thereby, and having any of the City of New York, as the same has been here- formed, to the respective owners, lessees, parties and by proper authority), from the East river to the Hunts claim or demand on account thereof, are hereby required tofore laid out and designated as a first class street persons respectively entitled to or interested in the Point Road, as the same has been heretofore laid out i to present the same, duly verified, to us, the under- or road. said respective lands, tenements, hereditaments and and designated as a first-class street or road in the signed Commissioners of Estimate and Assessment, at E, THE UNDERSIGNED COMMISSIONERS premises not required for the purpose of opening, lay- Twenty-third Ward of the City of New York. our office, second floor, No. 5! Chambers street, in ingout and forming the same, but benefited thereby. and M W of Estimate and Assessment in the above- OTICE IS HEREHY GIVEN THAT WE, THE the City of New York, with such affidavits or other of ascertaining and defining the extent and boundaries undersigned, were appointed by an order of the entitled matter. hereby give notice to all persons inter- of the respective tracts or parcels of land to be taken or N proofs as the said owners or claimants may desire, ested in this proceeding, and to the owner or owners, Supreme Court, bearing date the 16th day of August, within twenty days after the date of this notice. occupant or occupants of all houses and lots and im- to be assessed therefor, and of performing the trusts s8g5, Commissioners of Estimate and Assessment for And we, the said Commissioners, will be inattendance and duties required of us by chapter i6, title 5, of the the purpose of making a just and equitable estimate and proved and unimproved lands affected thereby, and to act entitled " An act to conso'idate into one act and at our said office on the nth day of October, 1895, all others whom it may concern, to wit : assessment of the loss and damage, if any, or of the at is o'clock noon of that day, to hear the said to declare the special and local laws affecting public benefit and advantage, if any, as the case maybe, to the First-That the have completed our estimate and in- crests in theCity of New York," passed July i, parties and persons in relation thereto ; and at such assessment, and that all persons interested in this pro- respective owners, lessees, parties and persons respect- time and place, and at suchs furthertrt hc r or oother t time and r88z, and the acts or parts of acts in addition thereto ively entitled unto or interested in the lands, tenements, ceeding, or in any of the lands affected thereby, and or amendatory thereof. 1 place as we may appoint, we will hear such owners in having objections thereto, do present their said objec- hereditaments and premises required for the purpose by relation thereto and examine the proofs of such claimant tions, it writing, duly verified, to us, at our office, No. a All parties and persons interested in the real estate and in consequence of opening the above-mentioned or claimants, or such additional proofs and allegations Tryon Row, Room i (fourth floor), in said city, on or taken or to be taken for the purpose of opening the said street or avenue, the same being particularly set forth and as may then be offered by such owner or on behalf of before this s8th day of October, 5895, and that we, the street or avenue, or affected thereby, and having any described in the petition of The Mayor, Aldermen and The Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of said Commissioners, will hear pares so objecting claim or demand on account thereof, are hereby required Commonalty of the City of New York, and also in the New York, within the ten week-days next after the said 28th day toP cr s e nt the same,, duly uY verified to us, the undersigned notice of the applicationpp for the said order thereto Dated Nnw Yoex, October z, teo5. of October, i895, and for that purpose will be in Cimmissioners of Estimate and Assessment, a;~our attached, filed herein in the office of the Clerk of the JOHN DE WITF WARNER, WILLIAM H. office, second floor, No. 5r Chambers street. in the City City and County of New York on the x6th day of McCARTHY, ROliER1' KELLY PRI•NT'[CE, Com- attendance at our said office on each of said ten days at z o'clock r. Ni. of New York, with such affidavits or other proofs as September, x895, and a lust and equitable estimate I missiopers. Second-That the abstract of our said estimate and the said owners or claimants may desire, within twenty and assessment of the value ofthe benefit and advantage I HENRY DE FOREST BALDWIN, Clerk, assessment, together with our damage and benefit maps, days after the date of this notice. of said street or avenue so to be opened or laid and also all the affidavits, estimates and other docu And we, the said Commissioners, will be in attend- out and formed, to the respective owners, lessees, In the matter of the application of the Board of Educa- mcnts used by us in making our report, have been de- ance at our said office on the 1st day of November, parties and persons respectively entitled to or interested tion, by the Counsel to the Corporation of the City of posited in the Bureau of Street Openings, in the Law [895, at is o'clock noon of that day, to hear the in the said respective lands, tenements, hereditaments New York, relative to acquiring, title by The Mayor, Department of the City of New York, at the office, No. said parties and persons in relation thereto ; and and premixes n t required for the purpose of opening, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York. I Tryon Row, in the said city, there to remain until at such time and place, and at such further or other laying out an t forming the same, but benefited thereby, to certain lands on the northerly side of MADISON the x8th day of October, 1895. time and place as we may appoint, we will hear such and of ascertaining and defining the extent and bound- STREET and the southerly side of HENRY 'Third-That tie limits of our assessment for benefit owners in relation- thereto and examine the proofs of aries of the respective tracts or parcels of land to be STREET, between Pike and Rutgers streets, in include all those lots, pieces or Parcel; of land situate, such claimant or claimants, or such additional proofs taken or to be assessed therefor, and of performing the the Seventh Ward of said city, duly selected and lying and being in the City of New York, which taken and allegations as may then be offered by such owner trust and duties required of chapter x6, title 5 approved by said Board as a site for school pur- together are bounded and described as follows, viz.: or on behalf of The Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the act entitled " An act to consolidate into one act poses- under' and in pursuance of the provisions of the City of New York. and to declare the special and local laws affecting public of chapter rge of the Laws of x884, as amended by On the north by the southerly line of Mo-holu Park- way ; on the south by a line drawn parallel to Kings- Dated NEW YORK, October 9, tSg5• interests in the City of New York," passed July t, chapter 35 of the Laws of 1890. bridge road and distant zoo feet southerly from the JAMES W. HAWES, DANIEL O'CONNELL, t88z, and the acts or parts of acts in addition thereto URSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF southerly .side thereof; on the east by a line drawn HUGH R. GARDEN, Commissioners, or amendatory thereof. P chapter 19' of the Laws of rb88, as amended by parallel to. Webster avenue and distant too feet easterly JOHN P. DUNN, Clerk. All parties and persons interested in the real estate chapter 35 of the Laws of t8;o, notice is hereby given from the eas,erly side thereof from Kingsbridg' road taken or to be taken for the purpose of opening the said that an application will be made to the Supreme Court to Brookline street, and thence by the westerly line of street or avenue, or affected thereby, and having any of the State of New York, at a Special Term of said In the matter of the application of the Board of Educa- claim or demand on account thereof, are hereby required Webster avenue, from Brookline street midway to Cole tion, by the Counsel to the Corporati--n of the City Court, to be held at Chambers thereof, at the County street, and thence by the middle of the block between to present the same, duly verified, to us, the undersigned Court-house, in the City of New York, on the [5th day of New York, relative to acquiring title by The Mayor, Commissioners of Estimate and Assessment, at our Decatur avenue and Webster avenue ; and on the west Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York, of October, 18q=, at the opening of the Court on that by the easterly side of Marion avenue, from Kings- office, second floor, No. 51 Chambers street, in the City day, or as soon thereafter as counsel call be heard to certain lands on ORCHARD, HES'I'ER and of New York, with such affidavits or other proofs as the bridge r, ad to the middle of the block between Brook- I.ULLOW STREE'T'S, in the Tenth Ward of said thereon, for the appointment of Commissioners of line street and Cole street, and thence by the middle said owners or claimants may desire, [within twenty Estimate in the above-entitled matter. city, duly selected and approved by said Board as a days after the date of this notice. of the block between Lecatur avenue and Marion site for school purposes, under and in pursuance of The nature and extent of the improvement hereby avenue ; excepting from said area all streets, avenues, And we, the said Commissioners, will be in attendance roads, or portions thereof, heretofore legally opened or the provision, of chapter t of the Laws of x888, as at our said office on the 3oth day of October, 1895, at intended is the acquisition of title by 'She Itfayor, Alder- amended by chapter 3g of the Laws of i8go. men and Commonalty of the City of New York, to laid out, as such area is shown on our benefit maps II o'clock in the forenoon of that day, to hear the said certain lands and premises, with the buildings thereon deposited as aforesaid. URSUANT'10 THE PROVISIONS OF CHAP- parties and persons in relation 'thereto ; and at such and the appurtenances thereto belonging, on the h'ourth-That our report herein will be presented to P ter i9I of the Laws of [883, as amended by chapter time and place, and at such further or other time and northerly side of Madison street and the southerly side the Supreme Court of the State of New York, at a 35 of the Laws of r8go, notice is hereby given that an place as we may appoint, we will hear such owners in of Henry street, between Pike and Rutgers streets, in Special Term thereof, to be held at the L hambers application will be made to the Supreme Court of the relation thereto and examine the proofs of such claimant the Seventh Ward of said city, in fee simple absolute, thereof, in the County Court-house, in the City of New State of New York, at a Special Term of said Court, to or claimants, or such additional proofs and allegations the same to be converted, appropriated and used to and York, on the zgth day of November, r895, at the opening be held at Chambers thereof, at the County Court-house, as may then be offered by such owner or on behalf of for the purposes specified in said chapter rgt of the of the Court on that day, and that then and there, m in the City of New York, on the x5th day of October, The Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of Laws of 1888, as amended by said chapter 35 of the as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard thereon,a t895, at the opening of the Court on that day, or as New York. Laws of 1590, said property having been duly selected motion will be made that the said report be confirmed. soon thereafter as counsel can be heard thereon, for the Dated New YORK, October q, 1895. and approved by the Board of Education as a site for Dated New VooK, September t6, 1895. appointment of Commissioners of Estimate in the above- DAVID MITCHELL, Chairman ; EDWARD FER- school purposes, under and in pursuance of the pro- WILLIS HOLLY, Chairman, JOHN T. FARLEY, entnled matter. RERO, SAMUEL H. ORD WAY, Commissioners, Commissioners. HENRY DE FOREST BALDWIN, Clerk. visions of said chapter tql of the Laws of 1888, as The nature and extent of the improvement hereby amended by said chapter 35 of the Laws of 58go, being HENRY UE FOREST BALDWIN, Clerk. intended is the acquisition of title by'I'he Mayor, Alder- In the matter of the application of the Board of Street the following described lots, pieces or parcels of land, men and Commonalty of the City of New York to namely In the matter of the application of The Mayor, Aldermen Opening and Improvemeat of the City of New York, and Commonalty of the City of New York, relative to certain lands and premises, with the buildings thereon for and on behalf of '1'he Mayor, Aldermen and Com- All those certain lots, pieces or parcels o1 land situate, and the ai purtenances thereto belonging, on Orchard, lying and b-ing in the Seventh Ward of the City of acquiring title, wherever the same has not been here- monalty of the City of New York, relative to acquiring New York, hounded and described as follows ; First-- tofore acquired, to the lands, tenements and heredita- Hester and Ludlow streets, in the Tenth Ward of said title (wherever the same has not been heretofore Beginning at a point in the northerly line of Madison ments required for the purpose of opening EDGE- city, in fee simple absolute, the same to be converted, acquired) to ONE HUNDRED AND FORTIEI'H street distant easterly 114 feet 7 inches from the inter- WATER ROAD ,although not yet named by proper appropriated and used to and for the purposes specified STREET', between Seventh avenue and the bulkhead- section of the northerly line of Madison street with the authority , from Westchester avenue to West Farms in said chapter xgz of the Laws of x888, as amended by line, Harlem river, in the Twelfth Ward of the City of easterly line of Pike street ; running thence northerly road, as the same has been heretofore laid out and said chapter 35 of the Laws of ,89o, said property New York. and parallel, er nearly so, with Pike street too feet designated as a first-class street or toad, in the having been duly selected and approved by the Board E THE UNDERSIGNED COMMISSIONERS Twenty-third Ward of the City of New York. of Education as a site for school purposes, under and thence easterly and parallel with the northerly line of in pursuance of the provisions of said chapter x9x of W of Estimate and Assessment in the above-en. Madison street and part of the way along the present titled matter, hereby give notice to all persons interested OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT WE, THE the Laws of x888, as amended by said chapter 35 of the site of Grammar School No. z, 7 5 feet 4 inches; thence undersigned, ware appointed by an order of the in this proceeding, and to the owner or owners, occupant southerly and parallel, or nearly ,o, with the easterly N Laws of 58go, being the following described lots, pieces or occupants, of all houses and lots and improved and Supreme Court bearing date the :6th day of August, x895, or parcels of land, namely : line of Pike street too feet to the northerly line of Commissioner, of Estimate and Assessment for the pur- unimproved lands affected thereby, and to all others Madison street ; thence westerly along said northerly All those certain lots, pieces or parcels of land situate, whom it may concern, to wit : pose of making a just and equitable estimate and acsq,s- lying and being in the I enth Ward of the City of New line of Madison street 75 feet Ill inches to the point ment of the loss and damage, if any, or of the benefit and First-That we have completed our estimate and as- or place of beginning. Second-Beginning at a point in York, which taken together are bounded and described sessment, and that all persons interested in this pro- advantage, if any, as the case may be, to the respective as follows : Beginning at the corner formed by the the southerly line of Henry street distant easterly 261 owners, lessees, parties and persons respectively entitled ceeding, or in any of the lands affected thereby, and hav- feet 5 inches from the interscctfon of the southerly line intersection of the northerly line of Hester street with unto or interested in the lands, tenements, hereduament, the westerly line of Ludlow street ; running thence ing objections thereto, do present their said objections of Henry street with the easterly line of Pike strict, and premises required for the purpose by and in conse- in writing, duly verified, to us at our office, No. z Tryon which point is also the intersec' ion of the southerly line westerly along the said northerly line of Hester street qvence of opening the above-mentioned street or avenue, 175 feet to the easterly line of Orchard street ; thence Row, Room x (fourth floor), in said city, on or before of Henry street with the easterly line of the present site the same being particularly set forth and described in the the 21st day of October, x895, and that we, the said of Grammar School No. z ; running thence southerly northerly along said easterly line of Orchard street 125 petition of The Mayor, Aldermen nd Commonalty of feet i inch : thence easterly and parallel, or nearly Commissioner,, will hear parties so objecting within along said easterly site of Grammar School No. 2 and the City of New York, and also in the notice of the appli- the ten week days next after the said ztst day of Octo- parallel, or nearly so, with the easterly line of Pike so, with the northerly line of Hester street 175 feet to a cation for the said order thereto attached, filed herein in point in the westerly line of Ludlow street distant ber, 1895, and for that purpose will be in attendance at street ico feet; thence easterly and parallel with Henry the office of the Clerk of the City and County of New York northerly 125 feet 5 inches from the northetly line our said office on each of said ten days at so o'clock A. M. street -g feet ; thence northerly and parallel, or nearly on the 28th day of August, e895, and ajust and equitable Second-That the abstract of our said estimate aid so, with Pike street xoo feet to the southerly line of of Hester street ; thence southerly along said westerly estimate and assessment or the value of the benefit and line of Ludlow street rzs feet 5 inches to the point or assessment, together with our damage and benefit maps, Henry street; thence westerly along said southerly line advantage of said street or avenue so to be opened or place of beginning. and also all the aflt lavits, estimates and other documents of Henry street s5 feet to the point or place of beginning. laid out and formed, to the respective owners, lessees-, used by us in making our report, have been deposited Dated NEW YORK, September 20, 1895. Dated New YORK. Septemberzo, 0895. with the Commissioner of Public Works of the City of parties and persons respectively entitled to or interested FRANCIS M, SCOTT, Counsel to the Corporation, FRANCIS M. SCOTT, Counsel to the Corporation, in the said respective lands, tenements, hereditaments No. z Tryon Row, New York City. York, at his office, No. 3r Chambers street, in the said No. 2 Tryon Row, New York City. and premises not required for the purpose of opening, city. there to remain until the z,st day of October, x8199- laying out and forming the same, but benefited thereby, Third-That the limits of our assessment for benefit In the matter of the application of the Board of Educa- and of ascertaining and defining the extent and bound- In the matter of the application of the Board of Educa- include all those lots, pieces or parcels of land, situate, tion, by the Counsel to the Corporation of the City of aries of the respective tracts or parcels of land to be tion, by the Counsel to the Corporation of the City lying and being in the City of New York, which taken New York, relative to acquiring title by The Mayor, taken or to be assessed therefor, and of performing the of New York, relative to acquiring title by The Mayor, together are bounded and described as follows, viz. : Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York, trusts and duties required of us by chapter x6, title 5, Aldermea and Commonalty of the City of New York, On the north by the centre line of the blocks between to certain lands at the northwesterly corner of of the act entitled " An act to consolidate into to certain lands on the southerly side of FORTY- One Hundred and Fortieth and One Hundred and SHERIFF and BROOME STREETS, in the 'Thir- one act and to declare the special and local laws SEVENTH STREET, between Second and Third Forty-first streets ; on the south by the centre teenth Ward of said city, duly selected and approved alfectin public interests in the City of New Yorkt" avenues, in the Nineteenth Ward of said city, duly line of the blocks between One Hundred and by said Board as a site for school purposes, under and passed July t, x882, and the acts or parts of acts to selected and approved by said Board as a site for Thirty-ninth and One Hundred and Fortieth in pursuance of the provisions of chapter rqx of the addition thereto or amendatory thereof. school purposes, under and in pursuance of the pro- streets, on the east by the United States bulkhead-line Laws of x888, as amended by chapter 35 of the Laws All parties and persons interested in the real es- visions of chapter rgt of the I.awsof x888, as amended and on the west by the easterly side of Edgecombe of r8go, tate taken or to be taken for the purpose of open- by chapter 35 of the Laws of r8go. avenue, excepting from said area all streets, avenues, URSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF ing the said street or avenue, or affected thereby, and roads or portions thereof heretofore legally opened or URSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF CHAP- laid out as such area, is shown upon our benefit maps P chapter tgt of the Laws of x888, as amended by having any claim or demand on account thereof, are P ter rqc of the Laws of r888, as amended by chap- chapter 35 of the Laws of i8go, notice is hereby given hereby required to present the same, duly verified, ter 35 of the Laws of e8g0, notice is hereby given that deposited as aforesaid. that an application will be made to the Supreme Court to us, the undersigned Commissioners of Estimate an application will be made to the Supreme Court of the rourth-That our report herein will be presented to of the State of New York, at a Special Term of said and Assessment, at our office (first floor), No. $t Cham- State of New York, at a Special Term of said Court, the Supreme Court of the State of New York, at a Court, to be held at Chambers thereof, at the County bers street, in the City of New York, with such Special Term thereof, to be held atthe Chambers to be held at Chambers thereof, at the County Court- thereof, in the County Court-house, in the City of Court-house, in the City of New York, on the rsth day affidavits or other proofs as the said owners or house, in the City of New York, on the =5th day of of October, x895, at the opening of the Court on that claimants may desire, within twenty days after the New York, on the rtth day of November, x895, October, 1895, at the opening of the Court on that day, at the opening of the Court on that day, and that then day, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard date of this notice. or as soon thereafter as Counsel can be heard thereon, thereon, for the appointment of Commissioners of And we, the said Commissioners, will be in attend- and there, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard for the appointment of Commissioners of Estimate in thereon, a motion will be made that the said report be Estimate in the above-entitled matter. ance at our said office on the 17th day of October, 1895, the above-entitled matter. The nature and extent of the improvement hereby at :o o'clock in the forenoon of that day, to hear the confirmed. The nature and extent of the improvement hereby Dated, Naw YORK, September 7. r8q5, intended is the acquisition of title by The Mayor Alder. said parties and persons in relation thereto; and intended is the acquisition of title by The Mayor, Alder- men and Commonalty of the City of New )fork, to at such time and place, and at such further or other G. M. SPIER, Chairman, JAMES F. C. BLACK. men and Commonalty of the City of New York to cer- HURST, PAUL C. GRENING, Commissioners, certain lands and premises, with the buildings thereon time and place as we may appoint, we will hear such tain lands and premises, with the buildings thereon and and the appurtenances thereto belonging, at the north- owners in relation thereto, and examine the proofs of JOHN P. DUNN, Clerk. westerly corner of Sheriff and Broome streets, in the the appurtenances thereto belonging, on the southerly such claimant or claimants, or such additional proofs side of Forty-seventh street, between Second and Third Thirteenth Ward of said city, in fee simple absolute. and alleg ations as may then be offered by such owner avenuesin the Nineteenth Ward of said city, in fee the same to be converted, appropriated and used to and or on behalf of The Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty THE CITY RECORD. for the purposes specified in said chap;er rgr of the of the City of New York. simple absolute, the same to be converted, appropriated and used to and for the purposes specified in said chap- Laws of x888, as amended by said chapter 35 of the Dated New Voatt, September ait, 1805. HE CITY RECORD IS PUBLISHED DAILY, ter x x of the Laws of 1888, as amended by said chapter Sundays and legal holidays excepted, at No. a Laws of 5890 said property having been duly selected J. C. O'CONOR, FkEDERICIC FOLZ, F.M. LORD, of T and approved by the Board of Education as a site for Commissioners, 35 theLaws of t8go, said pro having been duly City Hall, New York City. Annual subscription, $p.5o. school purposes, under and in pursuance of the pro- HENRY DR FORzsT BALDWIN, Clerk. selected and approved by the 1~ of Education as a . JOHN A. SLEICHER, site for school purposes, under and in pursuance of the Supervisor.