THE CITY RECORD. OFFICIAL JOUR NA L. VOL. XXIII. NEW YORK, THURSD 4Y, OCTOBER to, 1895. NUMBER 6,821. BOARD OF ALDERMEN. tion of the Commissioner of Public Works ; such permission to continue only during the pleasure of STATED MEETING. the Common Council. TUESDAY, October 8, 1895, I o'clock P. M. FREDERICK A. WARE, BENJAMIN E. HALL, JACOB C. WUND, RUFUS R. The Board met in Room t6, City Hall. RANDALL, Committee on Law Department. PRESENT: The President put the question' whether the Board would agree to accept said report. Which Hon. John Jeroloman, President. was decided in the affirmative. Aldermen John P. Windolph, Vice-President, William E. Burke, William Clancy, Thomas Alderman Burke raised the point of order that the reports of the Committee on Lamps and Dwyer, Christian Goetz, Elias Goodman, Frank J. Goodwin, Joseph T. Hackett, Benjamin E. Gas, which had been adopted on roll-call, must lay over for five clays. Hall, Jeremiah Kennefick, Francis Lantry, Frederick L. Marshall, Robert Muh, Andrew A. And the President ruled that the point of order was well taken. J. Alderman Goodman appealed from the decision of the Chair. Noonan, John T. Oakley, John J. O'Brien, William M. K. Olcott, Charles A. Parker, Rufus R. Randall, Andrew Robinson, Joseph Schilling, Henry L. School, William Tait, Frederick A. Ware, The President put the question, "Shall the decision of the Chair stand as the decision of this Charles Wines, Collin H. Woodward, Jacob C. Wund. Board?" Which was decided in the negative by the following vote : The minutes of the last two meetings were read and approved. Affirmative—Aldermen Burke, Clancy, Dwyer, Goodwin, Kennefick, Lantry, Muh, Noonan, O'Brien, Tait, and Wund—I t. REPORTS. Negative—The Vice-President, Aldermen Goetz, Goodman, Hackett, Ifall, Marshall, Olcott, The Committee on Lamps and Gas, to whom was referred he annexed resolution in favor Parker, Randall, Robinson, Schilling, School, Ware, Wines, and Woodward-15. of erecting three lamp-posts and street-lamps in front of Grace M. E. Church, respectfully Excused—The President—i. REPORT: The Committee on Finance, to whom was referred the annexed petition of the Webster Free That, having examined the subject, they believe the proposed improvement to be necessary. Library, and of citizens of New York interested in it, respectfully They therefore recommend that the said resolution and ordinance be adopted. REPORT: Resolved, That three lamp-posts be erected and street-lamps placed thereon and lighted in That, having examined the subject, they recommend the adoption of the following reso- front of Grace M. E. Church, on the north side of West One Hundred and Fourth street, lution : between Columbus and Amsterdam avenues, under the direction of . the Commissioner of Public Resolved, That the Board of Estimate and Apportionment be and they are hereby respectfully Works. requested to appropriate to the Webster Free Library the sum of two thousand dollars for the JOSEPH SCHILLING, JOSEPH T. HACKETT, ELIAS GOODMAN, ANDREW A. support of said library and purchase of books for same. NOONAN, Committee on Lamps and Gas. WILLIAM M. K. OLCOTT, FREDERICK L. MARSHALL, JOHN P. WINDOLPH, The President put the question whether the Board would agree to accept said report and adopt ROBERT MU 1, FRANK J. GOODWIN, Committee on Finance. said resolution. Which was decided in the affirmative by the following vote : The President put the question whether the Board would agree to accept said report and adopt Affirmative—The President, the Vice-President, Aldermen Burke, Dwyer, Goetz, Goodman, said resolution. Which was decided in the affirmative. Goodwin, Hackett, Hall, Kennefick, Lantry, Marshall, Muh, Noonan, Parker, Randall, Robin- son, Schilling, School, Tait, Ware, Wines, Woodward, and Wund-24. At the last meeting of this Board your Law Committee was directed to communicate with the Board of Police Commissioners in relation to the ordinances referring to sidewalk legislation, The Committee on Lamps and Gas, !o whom was referred the annexed resolution in favor of and your Committee beg leave to erecting two lamps in front of Vermyle Chapel, Nos. 416 to 418 West Fifty-fourth street, REPORT respectfully as follows : REPORT: On Thursday, October 4, 1895, your Committee conferred with the Board of Police Commis- That, having examined the subject, they believe the proposed improvement to be necessary. sioners at Police Headquarters, and after a lengthy and thorough presentation of the subject the They therefore recommend that the said resolution and ordinance be adopted. Board of Police Commissioners, at the request of your Committee, agreed upon the following instruc- Resolved, That two lamp-posts he erected and street-lamps placed thereon and lighted in front tions to the Chief of the Police Department : of Vermyle Chapel, Nos. 416 and 418 West Fifty-fourth street, under the direction of the Commis- After the 15th of October all stands for the sale offruit, soda-water, newspapers and periodicals sioner of Public Works. must be of the regulation size and must have licenses from the Board of Aldermen, save that we JOSEPH SCHILLING, JOSEPH T. HACKETT, ELIAS GOODMAN, ANDREW will accept until November 15, in lieu of a license, an official card showing that an application for A. NOONAN, Committee on Lamps and Gas. a license has been filed with the Clerk of the Board of Aldermen. After the r5th of November only The President put the question whether the Board would agree to accept said report and a natural permit will be received. adopt said resolution. Which was decided in the affirmative by the following vote : As regards show-cases and all emblematic signs and stands of bootblacks under the staircases Affirmative—The President, the Vice-President, Aldermen Burke, Clancy, Dwyer, Goetz, of the elevated railroads and within the stoop-line, concerning which the Board of Aldermen has Goodman, Goodwin, Hackett, Hall, Kennefick, Lantry, Marshall, Muh, Noonan, Oakley, Parker, assumed that it has power, which power there seems to be reason for doubting, will not be inter- Randall, Robinson, Schilling, School, Tait, Ware, Wines, Woodward, and \tiund-26. fered with until January, so that the Legislature shall have an opportunity to declare by law The Committee on Lamps and Gas, to whom was referred the annexed resolution in favor of whether or not the Aldermen have the power they claim. The Law Committee of the Board of erecting four additional lamp-posts and street-lamps in front of the Free Church of St. Mary the Aldermen claim that they have the power now. The Corporation Counsel, however, does not so Virgin, respectfully advise the Mayor, and it is in view of this condition of affairs and of the fact that many persons REPORT: have invested all of their little savings in these stands, under the belief that they had the right to That, having examined the subject, they believe the proposed improvement to be necessary. conduct the business as they are now conducting it, that the Board of Police takes this action. They therefore recommend that the said resolution and ordinance be adopted. Newspaper stands under the elevated stairs are included in this provision. Resolved, That (4) four additional lamp-pests be erected, street-lamps placed thereon and The provisions of the present ordinance as to these show-cases, etc., notably the provision lighted in front of the Free Church of St. Mary the Virgin, two to be placed in front of the entrance limiting them to within three feet of the house-line, shall, of course, be rigidly enforced. on Forty-sixth street and two in front of the entrance on Forty-seventh street, under the direction This provision shall apply to coal-bins and shipping-booths. of the Commissioner of Public Works. This stipulates, however, that the above simply indicates the lines upon which the Board of JOSEPH SCHILLING, JOSEPH T. HACKETT, ANDREW A. NOONAN, ELIAS Police Commissioners will act, and any attempt of any kind to fraudulently take advantage of the GOODMAN, Committee on Lamps and Gas. same will be punished with severity. The President put the question whether the Board would agree to accept said report and adopt said resolution. Which was decided in the affirmative by the following vote : The Committee on Law Department desire to acknowledge the extremely courteous manner Affirmative—The President, the Vice-President, Aldermen Burke, Dwyer, Goetz, Goodman, in which they were received, and ask that the thanks of this Board be tendered to the Board of Goodwin, Hackett, Hall, Kennelick, Lantry, Marshall, Muh, Noonan, Oakley, O'Brien, Parker, Police Commissioners for their consideration and liberality in granting all of the requests of the Randall, Rot,inson, Schilling, School, Tait, Ware, Wines, Woodward, and Wund-26. Board of Aldermen. FREDERICK A. WARE, BENJAMIN E. HALL, JACOB C. WUND, JOHN T. OAKLEY, (G. 0. 497 ) RUFUS R. RANDALL, Committee on Law Dep.trtment. The Committc- on Street Pavements, to whom was referred the annexed resolution relative to Alderman Noonan moved to amend by striking out the following words, "and ask that the making a test of the merits of Australian wood pavement, respectfully thanks of this Board be tendered to the Board of Police Commissioners for their consideration and REPORT: liberality in granting all of the requests of the Board of Aldermen." That, having examined the subject and considered the communication hereto annexed, they The President put the question whether the Board would agree with said amendment. believe a trial of said pavement might have beneficial results. They therefore recommend that the Which was decided in the negative by the following vote : said resolution be adopted. Affirmative—Aldermen Burke, Clancy, Goodwin, Kennefick, Lantry, Noonan, O'Brien, Olcott, Whereas, Mr. Alfred Marks, representing a syndicate, is willing to pave, free of expense, a School, and Tait—to.
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