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IN DIE HOOGGEREGSHOF VAR SUID-AFRIKA .. (APPeL AFDEL I NG) In die saak tussen - NCIMBITHI JO HNSON LUBISI Eerste Appellant PETRUS TSEPO MASHIGO Tweede Appella n t NAPHTALI MANANA Derde Appellant en DIE STAAT Respondent , • A P PEL TEEN DIE SKULDIGBEVINDINGS EN VONNISSE VAN SY EDELE REGTER J.P.O. DE VILLIERS GELEWER IN DIE HOOGGEREGSHOF VAN SUID- AFRIKA (TRANSVAALSE PROVINSIALE AFDELING) OP 17 NOVEMBER 1980. -, ' . t' / NAMENS APPELLANTE: NAMENS RESPONDENT: PRISCILLA JANA & ASSOCIATES, DIE PROKUREUR-GENERAAL, 2de Vloer Abbey Huis, PRETORIA. • Commissionerstraat 51, JOHANNESBURG. WEBBER & NEWDIG~TE, DIE PROKUREUR-GENERAAL, Mait1andstraat 136, BLOEMFONTEIN. BLOEMFONTEIN. --~----------~-------- . VOLUME.2S· (bl.2J4-1 _ J2J6) I N D E K S " VOLUME 25 B1adsy BEWYSSTUKKE (vervo1g): B - Bunde1 Sechaba dokumente,dokurnente, vervo1g ---------- 2141 -2197 B1-Bl- ANC Konstitusie ---------------------------- 2198 -2216 • III •• .. EXHIBIT B 107. - 2141 - FOURTH QUARTER 1977: SECHABA VOL. 11 -( • • • • ----..-.......-._ . --,""""'1'---- ~;,.;.--::;; . \'--:;~;' ,~>:-' "" ~ .. -:, • ".:, .;:.~ •• i:'.. ~~ t .. :r: l..... .. I" ..J -,_ • ~ • . !'.. Mi. Paulina Mamgotla Mohol(t cI~nc".s h~ fist in '0 Bladr Powel 'solut. ~ .. - ....... ~-. , - arrj,'es at the Pretoria Old Srn0909ue to face charges under th..Terrorism . ," ' .' • ' . 7 . ·~-': :. 7 · :-:"":'~ ":"-:~_ ; _9: -:--.~ : :'::.~-:'.. :-.: . :'-_=-_:_,. .:. __' .1~ 27-,., ?)~ , t . l. - ', '0 - · ,: , ... ., 1, . """\. ' <f" " .,I ... -" ... .. .. - - 2142 - EXHIBIT B I O'r>. SE CHAB A VOL . 11 FOURTH QUARTER 1977 (cont . ) ..., ' .., • ImPA un E · (j At the beginning of these events it had Edited extrncts from a statement to all seemed as though the tried and tested • South Africans, on the occasion of the flfSt revolutionary vanguard of our struggle, anniversary of the Soweto uprising. by the African National Congress, had for Alfred Nzo, Secretary General of the ANC. once in its glorious history let the oppressed masses of our country down. Voices were heard proclaiming the On June 16, it will be one year since the: African National Congress dt"Ud and current uprising of our people began in irrelevant to the situation. ~oweto, and during which the cries of However, as events were developing .~'Amandla Ngawethu, Matla Ke A Rona, and with the passage of time, it became Power To The People" and other power- impossible to remain deaf and blind to the ful slogans expressing the aroused deter truth of the po .... erful impact of the under· mination of our people were heard ground African National Congress. Cer throughout our country. tainly, the regime could no longer afford . Much has been said and written of this to lull the wbite minority section of the glorious chapter of the revolutionary population to a comfortable sleep by struggle of our people. It has now become minimising the challenge posed by the evident to all honest assessors and obser· African National Congress and her vers of the political situation in our coun· revolutionary allies. Further evidence of try that the eventual solution of the deep the ANC's role in Soweto and elsewhere is crisis facing South Africa needs a new and provided by powerful interviews by • radical approach in the interests of 'the student leaders, Tebello Motapanyana, entire people and not just those of the Secretary General of the SA Students privileged white minority section of our Movement, Nkosazana Dlamini, Vice population. Honest and upright represen President of the SA Students Organisa tatives of this section of the South African tion, and Sikosi Mji a leading member of population boldly admit this fact. It has SASO, which were published in the pre· now become totally unrealistic to expect vious issue of SECHABA our official that any solution can be imposed on the quarterly organ. 'ppressed pop'ulation through naked With consistency, especially towards \;"l'\. rute force or via the grand illusion of the end of last year, James Kruger, the Bantustan "independence". Minister of Police, made banner head- Indeed South Africa can never be the lines in the South African press when he same again after the event,s of June 16. placed the responsibility for every effec- The only true course open before our tive counter action against the regime's country is one which leads irrevoca'bly to brutality at the doorstep of the African the ultimate victory of our revolutionary National Congress and its allies. This struggle for the seizure of power. includes the reports on the discovery of I) 2143 - EXHIBIT B 10'/ ' SECHABA VOL. 11 FOURTH QUARTER 1977 (cont . ) ,. murdered in the streets of our black ghettoes in many parts of th e country . since the beginning of the current upril ing . On the other hand. international imperialism, worried over the rising innu ence and prestige of our organisation have intensified their search for a viable alter native to the African National Congress. They are doing this because they are con vinced that the fascist regime cannot pos sibly withstand the onslaught of our people indefinitely, despite their continu- ing support. Having faded to project the Bantustan • traitors as the only acceptable and true leaders of the oppressed African major ity, attention is now focussed on sections of the Black Consciousness Movement to provide new allies for imperialism. This has intensi fied after the Soweto events of June 1976. Some of those who only yesterday were hailed as the new revolu, tionary upsurge inside our country ar~ tlilred Nto. Secretory General 01 the ANC now important allies of imperialism against the African National Congress . certain quantities of explosives and other They have totally lost sight of the real materials with which the people were pre enemy. paring to defend themselves and advance It should ·also be pointed out that our struggle. This discovery has force attempts to knock together a viable fully emphasised the new stage of pre "united front" - bringing together the parations reached by the underground confused mess of reactionary pOlitical ANC to go on an all-out armed offensive groupings who call themselves "libera against the brutal regime in our country. tion movements" - has intensified. At Faced with this desperate threat to its the centre of this attempt is found the existence, the fascist regime in our coun counter-revolutionary "gang of 8" who • I try has responded in characteristic only yesterday when they were still within fashioll. HlIndreds of our people are our org3lli,ation, werl.: vO'31 then, in des presently detained under new "security" cribing some of their new friends as laws and some of these like Lindiwe cou nter-revolutionary, pro-imperialist Sisulu, daughter of our former Secretary saboteurs of the revolutionary struggle of General, Walter Sisulu, now serving life our people. Powerful circles in the imperi on South Africa's notorious Robben alist camp have combined with certain Island, have spent over a year in continu international organisations in this crusad( ous detention; scores of our revolutionary against the African National Congress~ compatriots have already perished in using allthe skill and experience they have Yorster's jails, murdered in cold blood by accumulated in subverting progressiv~ the thugs of the fascist regime. These movements of the people. include revolutionary leaders of long The National Executive Committee and standing such as Lawrence Ndzanga. its Working Committee have, during all Joseph Mdluli, Elmon Malele and many sessions held after the outbreak of the I , others. A countless number have been current upsurge of our people, laid - 2144 - EXHIBIT B \\0 . SECHABA VOL . 11 FOURTH QUARTER 1977 (cont . ) emphasis on the urgency of im plementing heid regim e, is ha ndling affairs in South our plans for the armed confron ta ti on of Africa. They ar'! be ginning to feel that if ~,e enemy of our people. th e present trend of even ts continue they . To this end appropriate directives have ru n th e ris k of losi ng their gri p on the been issued to the Re vo lutionary Council su per-pro fits th ey have been reaping so of our organisation to subordinate every far. th ing to this central task. Events of the The progressive movement in our coun past few months - as reported even in th e try must give all th e necessary as sistance enemy press - hav e borne out th e to its labour wing , the South African advanced level of our preparations. At the Congress of Trade Unio ns (SACTU) in its same ti me it is evident that the te mpo of efforts to strengtl'len the trade union mass po litical ac tions ca n still be re movement. galvanised to hig h levels, especially if we The African National Congress pays tak e cognisance of the recent massive constant attention to the strengthening de monstration in Soweto marking the and consolidation of the international culmination of activities planned for the solidarity movement with the struggle of • week of the anniversary of March 21st. our people. The National Executive Committee One of the urgent tasks the inter welcomes the magnificent actions of prac national solidarity movement should tical solidarity displayed by all sections of undertake is the building of a powerful the black community (African, Coloureds campaign for the release of political and Indians) during the mass uprisings in prisoners and to intensify the campaign to 1976. These were joined by the white stu- isolate racist South Africa in every sphere; -.~lents in certain parts of the country who economic, cultural and sporting.