Strengthen Unions to Fight Bosses' Attacks
AUSTRALIA $1.50 · CANADA $1.50 · FRANCE 2.00 EUROS · ICELAND KR100 · NEW ZEALAND $2.00 · SWEDEN KR10 · UK £.50 · U.S. $1.00 INSIDE French premier on Turkey: Stop 'river of Islam' into Europe — PAGE 3 A SOCIALIST NEWSWEEKLY PUBLISHED IN THE INTERESTS OF WORKING PEOPLE VOL. 68/NO. 37 OCTOBER 12, 2004 SWP candidate for president Róger Calero Strengthen unions to fight bosses’ attacks Socialist speaks at California campaign rally BY FRANK FORRESTAL ers produce through our labor power that SAN FRANCISCO—“At plant gates, the bosses take from us. They go after our mine portals, and in working-class districts, wages, benefi ts, and job and living condi- we often run into workers who say: ‘We tions to shore up their declining profi t rates. need a union. How do we organize one?’” That’s the source of all differentiation in the said Róger Calero, Socialist Workers Party working class, of all divisions between em- candidate for U.S. president, at a September ployed and unemployed, old and young, men 25 campaign rally here. “We fi nd increasing and women, immigrants and native-born,” interest in the central demand of our plat- the socialist presidential candidate stated. form, which is to support workers’ right to “Working people are reacting to these organize unions to defend themselves from conditions. They are reacting to forced the bosses’ assaults and to strengthen the overtime, the extension of the workday, Militant/John Brink labor movement to resist the continuing of- the work week, the work year, and their working life,” Calero said.
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