Telephone Strikers Mobilize for a Contract
---------- . AUSTRALIA $2.50 . BELGIUM BF60 . CANADA $2.50 · FRANCE FF1 0 · ICELAND KR200 · NEW ZEALAND $2.50 · SWEDEN KR15 · UK £1.00 · U.S. $1.50 INSIDE Socialist candidates follow trail of labor struggles TH£ -PAGES A SOCIALIST NEWSWEEKLY PUBLISHED IN THE INTERESTS OF WORKING PEOPLE VOL. 64/NO. 33 AUGUST 28, 2000 Ultrarightist Telephone strikers Buchanan mobilize for a contract captures 86,000 workers fight for union rights, ·decent job conditions Reform Party BY MAURICE WILLIAMS BY JACOB PERASSO In his August 12 acceptance speech for NEW YORK-"C-W-A, C-W-A, C-W the Reform Party presidential nomination, A," chanted a sea of 8,000 red-shirted strik ultrarightist politician Patrick Buchanan ers bearing banners and signs in a militant declared, "What are we fighting for? To save and spirited mobilization here outside the our country from being sold down the river national headquarters of Verizon Commu into some godless New World Order.... nications August 10. That's what this Gideon's Army is fighting "It was beautiful. We saw that whole sea for." of red, then the banners. When I saw those Buchanan consolidated his grip over the banners come down the street, that was party leading up to the Long Beach, Cali when I knew how strong this union was," fornia, national convention. There, he said Tyrone Noyte, a field technician on named Ezola Foster, an African American strike. woman who is a member of the ultraright The show of force in New York has been John Birch Society, as his vice-presidential backed up by hundreds of picket lines at running mate.
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