Cretaceous Red Beds from Southern Neuquén Basin (Argentina): Age, Distribution and Stratigraphic Discontinuities
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Asociación Paleontológica Argentina. Publicación Especial 7 ISSN 0328-347X VII International Symposium on Mesozoic Terrestrial Ecosystems: 117-122.Buenos Aires, 30-6-2001 Cretaceous red beds fROM southern Neuquén Basin (Argentina): age, distribution and Stratigraphic discontinuitieS Héctor A. LEANZN and Carlos A. HUG02 Abstract. The Cretaceous System in western central Argentina overlies and is followed by marine rocks as the Jurassic/Cretaceous and Cretaceous/Tertiary boundaries are recognized in the Vaca Muerta/Picún Leufú Formations (Mendoza Group) and Jagüel Formation (Malargüe Group) respectively. Excellent out- crops of an almost entirely continental Cretaceous in red bed facies are exposed in southern Neuquén basin. The oldest red bed unit is the Bajada Colorada Formation which is separated by the Catanlilican un- conformity (Intravalanginian) from the marine Agrio Formation. The Initial Miranican unconformity is 10- cated between the transition zone (gypsum evaporites and clays) of the Agrio Formation and the fluvial conglomerates of the La Amarga Formation. The Lohan Cura Formation follows next, overlying the La Amarga, Bajada Colorada and Agrio Formations by means of the Middle Miranican unconformity (lntraptian). Separated from the underlying strata by the Main Miranican unconformity, a series of whol- Iy continental red beds, namely the Neuquén Croup, was laid down during the Cenomanian to early Campanian. This comprises conglomerates, sandstones and claystones corresponding to fluvial, alluvial and playa lake environments. They are arranged in recurrent fining upwards sequences composed of the Candeleros, Huincul and Cerro Lisandro formations (Río Limay Subgroup), Portezuelo and Plottier for- mations (Río Neuquén Subgroup) and Bajo de la Carpa and Anacleto formations (Río Colorado Subgroup). The unconformity located in the Cerro Lotena area at the base of these red beds, is locally ac- centuated by inversion tectonics along the Huincul Fault. Such continental sedimentary conditions, to- gether with a large supply of coarse clastics from the west, point to the final isolation of the basin from the Pacific Ocean. The Huantraiquican unconformity (Intracampanian), separates the Neuquén Group from the Malargüe Croup, the latter developing at its base fluvial and lacustrine facies (Allen Formation) plen- ty of plant and terrestrial tetrapod remains, which are overlain by rocks corresponding to a Maastrichtian marine flooding episode (Iagüel Formation) that connected for the first time the Atlantic with the Pacific Ocean. Key words. Argentina. Neuquén. Cretaceous. Stratigraphy. Red beds. Dinosaurs. IntrodUctiON Cretaceous red beds and to understand their tec- tosedimentary evolution. Therefore, the aim of this Recent geological mapping performed by the paper is to summarize the continental red bed units Geological Survey of Argentina in southern from southern Neuquén basin, pointing out their dis- Neuquén basin (Neuquén and Río Negro provinces) tributions and ages, as well as their mutual strati- between 39 o to 40 o S and 69 o to 660 30 W, established graphical relationships. The terrestrial tetrapod con- the regional distribution of several Cretaceous red tent from each unit is also briefly commented. The bed units at the formation level for the first time. The Cretaceous System stratigraphic chart of southern conclusions of this paper are therefore based on field Neuquén basin is shown in table 1. observations over a nearly 45,000 km2 area. Fossil findings, namely terrestrial reptiles, can thereafter be assigned to their true provenance horizons more pre- Cretaceous red beds from southeRN Neuquén cisely. The recognition of a number of stratigraphical basin (tabLe 1) discontinuities of regional significance was the key Bajada Colorada Formation to solve previous problems to correlate these This unit was established by Roll (1941) and its 'Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; type locality is located on the left bank of the Limay Servkio Ceo16gko Minero Argentino. Av. Julio A. Roca 651,1~22 river on national route 237, half way between the Buenos Aires. Argentina.E-mail: [email protected] 'Servicio Geológico Minero Argentino. Av. Julio A. Roca 651, 1322 Picún Leufú and Piedra del Aguila towns. For a long Buenos Aires. Argentina. E-mail: [email protected] time it was considered as part of the Rayoso ©Asociación Paleontológica Argentina 0328-347X/01$00.00+50 118 H.A. Leanza and CA. Hugo Table 1. Upper Jurassic and Cretaceous stratiBraphic chart of La Amarga Formation southem Neuquén Basin This continental unit was established by JagOelFm. MAASTRICHTIAN MALARGUE Musacchio (1970).Its type locality is located around en GROUP (pars) Allen Fm. the La Amarga creek and in the nearby of the north- ::J CAMPANIAN ern slope of the China Muerta hill. It unconformably O _ Huanlraíauícan unconfarmítv IIliIHU¡:!l11 w overlies the transition zone of the marine Agrio O Río Colorado Anacleto Fm. SANTONIAN Formation and is overlain by the continental Lohan ~ Subgroup 1- CL B. de la Carpa Fm. :::l Cura Formation. Based on basin analysis, strati- w O a:: graphical relationships and tectosedimentary as- o::: CONIACIAN Río NeuQuen Plottier Fm. O (!) pects, it can be regarded as latest Hauterivian to z Subgroup w Portezuelo Fm. o::: :::l Barremian and likely early Aptian in age. The total w TURONIAN a o. :::l thickness of La Amarga Formation attains 159.2me- w Cerro Lisandro Fm. o. z Rio Limay terso It is divided into three subunits which from ::J Huíncul Fm. CENOMANIAN Subgroup base to top are: the Puesto Antigual, the Bañados de Candeleros Fm. Caichigüe and the Piedra Parada members (Leanza ALBIAN Maín Míranícan unconformity 'illlllllllilllll and Hugo, 1995). The Puesto Antigual Member Lohan Cura Fm. Cullfn Grande Mb. (28.9 m) is composed of fluvial channel sands of (f) Puesto CfuTrogú;¡6. braided rivers with well-developed paleosol tops. A ::J APTIAN O w ! DI] remarkable fossil discovery in this unit is the di- O Píedra Parada Mb. craeosaurid sauropod Amargasaurus cazaui Salgado ~ BARREMIAN La Amarga Fm. 1- ~.:~:~~!(;~!Q\j~.·~fand~, Bonaparte (1991),which is characterized by no- W Puesto b. o::: InitiaJ Miranican uncon table expansions on its cervical and dorsal verte- HAUTERIVIAN O Agrio Fm. brae. Together with this sauropod, mammal re- o::: 11Ilill a en tucen uncomotmnv : lI!lH ¡i[ mains of Vincelestes were also reported from this w VALANGINIAN el. :;¡ Member (Bonaparte, 1998). The Bañados de ?: e Bajada Colorada Fm. O..J o Caichigüe Member (20.9m) is composed of white to BERRIASIAN o'"N yellowish lacustrine limestones alternating with 'O Limay Fm. e Picún Leufú Fm. t5 Q) ~ ---------- black shales and greenish siltstones, from which O::!.? ::E '03 OrtfzFm. rich ostracod and palynomorph associations were TITHONIAN Vaca Muerta Fm. g z 1------- reported (Musacchio, 1970; Volkheimer, 1978). The ~~ Oda. del Sapo Fm. u.: KIMMERIDGIAN Pichi P. Leufú Fm. Piedra Parada Member (109,4m) follows next, and it consists of a thick succession of light brown and Formation, overlying the La Amarga Formation. reddish, fine to medium grained sandstones in al- However, seismological and surface geological stud- ternation with pink, reddish and brown-greenish ies (Foucault et al., 1987,Leanza and Hugo, 1997)in- siltstones. The paleoenvironment belongs to fluvial dicated that they belong to the Mendoza Group and systems with well-developed channels and flood hence is of Lower Cretaceous (Valanginian) age. The plain deposits, some swamp lenses and paleosol Bajada Colorada Formation is considered a continen- tops. tal red bed unit that conformably overlies the marine Picún Leufú Formation and is unconformably over- Lohan Cura Formation lain by the marine Agrio Formation. It is assumed that this unconformity was the result of the This unit was established by Leanza and Hugo Catanlilican phase which took place during intra - (1995)in order to designate the continental deposits Valanginian times. The thickness of the Bajada which unconformably overly the La Amarga Colorada Formation reaches 350 m and is composed Formation and are overlain by the Candeleros of red and greenish brown, fine to medium grained Formation. This unit is well exposed in the southern sandstones with well developed bands of light portion of the Neuquén basin, extending from the brown siltstones and reddish claystones. The pale- China Muerta hill (route 40) along the China Muerta oenvironment is mostly dominated by a fluvial creek up to the nearby of the Limay river. Apart from regime. The Bajada Colorada Formation is a time La Amarga Formation, its lower terms cover also the equivalent of the marine Mulichinco Formation. Bajada Colorada and Agrio Formations by means of Paleosols are present. Scarce vertebrate remains, the Middle Miranican unconformity. Based on tec- namely fragmentary terrestrial reptile bones from tosedimentary aspects and field relationships, the this unit were reported (Leanza and Hugo, 1997)but Lohan Cura Formation can be ascribed to the late none of them has yet been identified. Aptian and Albian. Leanza and Hugo (1995)divided A.P.A. Publicación Especial 7, 2001 Cretaceous red beds frorn southern Neuquén basin (Argentina) 119 the Lohan Cura Formation (177 m) into two sub- and Cerro Lisandro formations, and has a minimum units: the Puesto Quiroga and the Cullín Grande thickness of 350 m. On the basis of basin analysis its Members. The Puesto Quiroga Member (85 m) be- age range can be regarded as Cenomanian to early gins with