Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 115 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION
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E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 115 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 163 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 19, 2017 No. 122 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was the wages, well-being, and livelihood of Church on Damen, we are going to get called to order by the Speaker pro tem- native-born American workers. together and organize ourselves to pore (Mr. WESTERMAN). For all intents and purposes, they are fight back. Yes, there will be legisla- documented workers in the U.S., and f tion from Democrats and even Repub- many have been here for more than licans to fight back. There will be DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO two decades. Nevertheless, the more court cases to fight back, even if the TEMPORE than 400,000 with temporary protected Attorney General does nothing, which The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- status, or TPS, and 800,000 with De- we fully expect him to do. But fighting fore the House the following commu- ferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or for DACA and fighting to keep millions nication from the Speaker: DACA, could be made undocumented in of people in this country who have put the coming weeks and in the month of down roots and built lives here is going WASHINGTON, DC, July 19, 2017. September. to be a people’s fight, and the effort to I hereby appoint the Honorable BRUCE Then, once they are categorized as find ways to protect families and to WESTERMAN to act as Speaker pro tempore undocumented, President Trump will cope with more than a million people on this day. unleash ICE and Homeland Security to being pushed into the black market re- PAUL D. RYAN, go after them so they can be deported. quires us to organize in every commu- Speaker of the House of Representatives. There are 800,000 young people who nity across the Nation. f went through a thorough background It is up to us to teach each other how check and have been complying with we will resist this latest insult in our MORNING-HOUR DEBATE the rules of the DACA program for al- congregations, churches, universities, The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- most 5 years. They were brought here cities, and neighborhoods throughout ant to the order of the House of Janu- as children and grew up in the United the Nation. Immigrants or people who ary 3, 2017, the Chair will now recog- States, went to our schools, played have DACA or TPS cannot do this on nize Members from lists submitted by sports with our kids, and they speak their own, but they need to be part of the majority and minority leaders for English probably as well as you and I. a coalition that fights back. morning-hour debate. They came forward, as they were told Teachers who work with kids every The Chair will alternate recognition to, and we actually reduced the popu- day and bear witness to the fears stu- between the parties. All time shall be lation of undocumented immigrants, dents face every day about their par- equally allocated between the parties, got people on the books, and were able ents and families can’t do this alone. and in no event shall debate continue to redeploy our resources elsewhere. They need to be part of a coalition that beyond 11:50 a.m. Each Member, other Now it appears that the leaders in comes together to resist. Employers will face a choice: wheth- than the majority and minority leaders the Republican Party who do not like the idea of so many immigrants having er they are just going to roll over while and the minority whip, shall be limited legal status are giving the President an employees are ruled ineligible and to 5 minutes. ultimatum: deport the DREAMers, or work documents are terminated, or to f we will sue. stand with us and stand with their FIGHTING FOR IMMIGRATION The Governor of Texas, who is lead- workers and fight for them. POLICIES ing the charge, has a very sympathetic So, if you marched with your pink judge, and it is up to Jeff Sessions to hat at the Women’s March, I am asking The SPEAKER pro tempore. The put up a fight, when he himself has you now, on behalf of immigrants and Chair recognizes the gentleman from been trying to kill legal status for im- the very future of immigration, to Illinois (Mr. GUTIE´ RREZ) for 5 minutes. migrants for years. stand with us. If you marched for Mr. GUTIE´ RREZ. Mr. Speaker, it So, practically speaking, between science or the environment, if you have looks almost certain that the Trump ending DACA and ending TPS, we are joined us in protesting bathroom laws administration is going to take about going to dump about 1.2 million people and discrimination in all its forms, 1.2 million immigrants who currently into the pool of 10 million to 11 million your brothers and sisters need you have documents issued by the U.S. people who are living and working here now. Government and turn them into un- under the radar, outside of legal pro- At airports across the country, you documented immigrants. They have tections, and without any way to be- stood up for refugees and said no to work permits and pay their full share come legal. Trump’s Muslim ban. We need you. of taxes. They are covered by U.S. So this Saturday, in Chicago, at 2 Black Lives Matter, we need you, and, labor laws and are not undercutting p.m., at Lincoln United Methodist frankly, we need each other. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H5981 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:06 Jul 20, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A19JY7.000 H19JYPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H5982 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 19, 2017 People are going to peacefully stand which produces high-quality fiberboard ‘‘Made in America Week.’’ Congratula- up and fight for justice, common sense, used to manufacture products such as tions, and keep up the great work. and what is right. We need everyone to laminate flooring, furniture, fixtures, f be there with us, helping us, walking cabinetry, and moldings; and Clarion REPUBLICAN BUDGET with us. In Chicago, it starts this Sat- Laminates, the only ‘‘Made in the urday at 2 at Lincoln United Methodist USA’’ flooring manufacturer of its The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Church in Pilsen. kind. Chair recognizes the gentleman from The road ahead is not going to be Emporium Powdered Metal, Inc., in Oregon (Mr. DEFAZIO) for 5 minutes. very easy, but we have fought hard to Cameron County, is a powdered metal Mr. DEFAZIO. Mr. Speaker, one of win victories for our country, and for manufacturer staffed with more than my colleagues came to the floor this the DREAMers, who are the leading 120 years of combined experience. morning and said: It kind of smells like edge of our movement to make immi- Welch’s, in Erie County, is particu- bacon in here. I said: That is because gration legal again in this country. larly known for its grape juices, jams, the Republicans are cooking their Now is the time. We need your help and jellies made from dark Concord budget just off the floor. That is what to protect families and communities grapes and its white Niagara grape they are doing. They are cooking up a budget with cooked books. and to do what is right. We cannot do juice. Here we are with a national debt of it alone. Clearfield Machine Company has nearly $20 trillion and the highest pri- f been producing custom machining ority on the Republican side of the RECOGNIZING MADE IN since 1868 in Clearfield County. aisle—reflected both in their so-called PENNSYLVANIA COMPANIES Since 1830, the Woolrich name has healthcare bill, which was actually tax stood for the best in sportswear for cuts only for people who earned over The SPEAKER pro tempore. The men and women, and it continues to Chair recognizes the gentleman from $250,000 a year—is tax cuts for people make outerwear that combines comfort who earn over $250,000 a year, particu- Pennsylvania (Mr. THOMPSON) for 5 and function in Woolrich, Pennsyl- minutes. larly targeted toward those in the top vania. Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. one-tenth of 1 percent—those who earn GE Transportation is an American Mr. Speaker, I rise today to speak millions of dollars a year. manufacturing giant. The organization about American craftsmanship as the They say that is the cure for all of manufactures equipment for the rail- White House celebrates ‘‘Made in America’s ills: just cut their taxes, and road, marine, mining, drilling, and en- America Week.’’ the benefits will trickle down onto all American entrepreneurs, workers, ergy generation industries in Erie the rest of us. I think a lot of people farmers, and innovators have built this County. don’t much like to be trickled on in country and drive our country. They Major leaguers have been swinging that manner. are the heart of this Nation, and they our fine Pennsylvania hardwoods, What are the priorities, other than ensure that the ‘‘Made in the USA’’ thanks to Jefferson County company tax cuts, in their budget? A massive in- label means quality and value, which is BWP Bats.