“Expanding the Human Economy through Off-Planet Resouces” & T Published monthly except January and July., by the Lunar [Opinions expressed herein, including editorials, Reclamation Society (NSS-Milwaukee) for its members, are those of individual writers and not presented as members of participating National Space Society positions or policies of the National Space Society, chapters, members of the Moon Society, and for of the Lunar Reclamation Society, or of the The Moon individuals worldwide. EDITOR: Peter Kokh, c/o LRS, Society, whose members freely hold diverse views. PO Box 2102, Milwaukee WI 53201. Ph: (414) 342-0705. COPYRIGHTs remain with the individual writers; Submission address: “MMM”, 1630 N. 32nd Street, except reproduction rights, with credit, are granted Milwaukee, WI 53208-2040; E-Mail:
[email protected] to NSS & TMS chapter newsletters.] In Focus Euro M.A.R.S. Hab Exhibit in Chicago Misses Golden Opportunity The Chicago area Mars Society chapters have more planning, more lead time, and more expense. justly earned our admiration and respect for their But the station shell should have been outfitted with successful efforts in erecting the new (3rd!) Mars a mockup of what it will look like when it enters Analog Research Station structure, destined for a service in Iceland next spring; a preview, as well, of permanent home in Iceland (story, pp. 16-7) on the what the first manned station on Mars itself could be grounds of Adler Planetarium on Chicago’s lake- like some 10-20 years from now. That’s what we front, and for hustling up the many volunteers to hoped to see, why we came down from Milwaukee.