ISSUE 18 SEPTEMBER 2015 Pro-Active in Bringing Commitment to Our Key Objectives in This Regard
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ISSUE 18 SEPTEMBER 2015 pro-active in bringing commitment to our key objectives in this regard. Further, Foreword the ongoing support and effective partnership working with Newcastle A philosophy of being City Council is a truly complementary 5 progressive, albeit in strength and to be very much a traditional way, is commended. 20 without any shadow Contents of doubt serving to Our multi-factorial engagement and sustain a public trust UHVSRQVLELOLWLHVDUHUHÁHFWHGXSRQ 4 Spring Clean Up 14 Town Moor DQGFRQÀGHQFHLQDOO in this edition of the Magazine. As that we do. ever contributions also welcomed for Superintendents Report & Drainage Works inclusion in future editions. The Newcastle Town Guild Meetings 16 ITV Drama Moors are nationally acknowledged as 5 a most distinctive environmental asset Sir Leonard Fenwick CBE and I would wish to express a big thank &KDLUPDQ6WHZDUGV&RPPLWWHH 6 Family Tree you to the many Freemen who are 8 St Mary Magdalene & Holy Jesus Bungalows 10 Grandstand Road Editorial Tree Planting 17 BBC Documentary They say time passes quickly when you are busy and this has Guildhall Plaque Tree Maintenance 16 been true for the Freemen, it has been yet another busy 11 Hoppings 2015 18 Trade Guilds History year for us and here we are already in the late summer of 2015 with issue 18 of our 19 Town Moor Aerial PDJD]LQH7KLVLVVXHLVWKHÀUVW Photography which has been guided by our new ‘Editorial Team’ who are 20 Lord Mayors Parade shown in this photo; We hope that you enjoy the insight into some of our activities presented in this issue as well as the other articles of interest. 21 TMMC Coach Trip There continues to be a great demand for use of our Town Moor for a wide variety RIHYHQWVIURP6SRUW&KDULW\5XQVDQG)DLUVWR793URJUDPPHÀOPLQJ7KH6WHZDUGV Committee continues to work to enable as much appropriate public use of the Moors whilst balancing with the need to protect the land, the environment and the facility of air and exercise in peaceful and beautiful surroundings. 11 As always, we are happy to receive contributions from yourselves for potential inclusion in future issues. In particular items relating to current activities from your The Coat of Arms of the own Company would be welcomed. City of Newcastle upon Tyne Front cover photograph: Kevin Batey Guild swearing in photographs taken by Freemen of Newcastle upon Tyne Edited by Freemen of Newcastle Upon Tyne Editorial Team 2IÀFLDO3KRWRJUDSKHU6WHYH%URFN3KRWRJUDSK\ The Newcastle Upon Tyne Freemen Magazine, Moor Bank Lodge, Copies available from Tel 01912863430 &ODUHPRQW5RDG1HZFDVWOH8SRQ7\QH1(1/ FreemenMagazine 3 Devil’s Burn - Drainage works - Guild Meetings Easter Guild took place on 13th April 2015 in the Guildhall, with the Closed Guild Nuns Moor spring 2015 commencing at 10.30am. Close Guild was opened with Prayers by Reverend Kevin During February and March of Hunt, this was Kevin’s last attendance at Guild as he has accepted a new post in this year we began our drainage Canada; in appreciation of his service to the Freemen over many years Kevin was North - Clear up. improvements programme on the presented with a gift by Guild. In late April of this year The Stewards main Town Moor. This programme Committee of the Freemen engaged was one of the largest we have 7KHDVVHPEOHG6WHZDUGVRIWKHYDULRXV $WWKH&ORVHG*XLOGRQO\&RPSDQ\6WHZDUGV with WKH6NLOO0LOODORFDOQRWIRUSURÀW tackled in recent years. Guilds discussed a varied and lengthy set are eligible to attend, however all Freemen Social Enterprise organisation, which of matters relating to the full spectrum of are eligible to attend the Open Guild; it provides employment opportunities activities and items relevant to Freemen. was good to see that there was a large 7KHIRUPHU3RQGZKLFKKDGEHHQVLWXDWHGDWWKH attendance of Freemen at both Guilds. for young people between 16 and 18 foot of the Cow Hills has been removed and Open Guild commenced at 12 noon )ROORZLQJSURFHHGLQJV6LU/HRQDUGWKHQ reinstated as grazing pasture. This area and the years of age. and was attended by the Lord Mayor of XQYHLOHGD+HULWDJH3ODTXHZKLFKZDVWR ÀHOGGUDLQV\VWHPVWKDWHLWKHUIHGWKHODNHRUSDVVHG through it were heavily infested with tree roots 1HZFDVWOH&RXQFLOORU*HRUJH3DWWLVRQ be mounted outside of the Guildhall to Each cohort receives 6 months paid because the western end northern boundaries DQGWKH¶$FWLQJ7RZQ&OHUN·0U-RKQ6RIWO\ show the association of the building with the employment, giving them invaluable practical of the pond were heavily planted with water Following the Easter Guild the Chairman of Freemen. The swearing in ceremony then experience. Upon completion, students obtain loving trees such as willow and alder along with WKH)UHHPHQ6LU/HRQDUG)HQZLFNPDGHD took place with 22 proud new Freemen. D&LW\DQG*XLOGV/HYHOFHUWLÀFDWLRQ7KHZRUN a few poplars. As a result of all drains being either presentation to the Lord Mayor as this was ZDVWRFOHDUDOO´Á\WLSSHGDQGZLQGEORZQµ blocked, collapsed or infested with roots the water the last Guild he would attend during his All attendees enjoyed an excellent buffet rubbish from Devil’s Burn so that the stream was forced to the surface which created a huge WHUPRIRIÀFH lunch in the Merchants Hall. could then be cleared of silt and dug down wet bog. This mean that around 6 acres of grazing back to its natural bed by our contractor. pasture had been submerged and was of no use to The group consisted of up to 5 youths and 1 the grazing animal or the local wild life populous. 6XSHUYLVRUZKRWRRNGD\VWRFOHDUWKHVWUHDP 7RZQ0RRU6WDII%LOO\+DUODQGDQG'DYH+ROODQG The team recovered 130 bags of rubbish, 2 push commenced the works bikes, 10 vacuum cleaners along with several SULRURRXUFRQWUDFWRU6HDQ PDWWUHVVHVFDUSHWVDQGRWKHUÁ\WLSSHGLWHPV 5RJHUVRQIURP0DUWLQ%HOO/WG Below are photographs taken before and arriving on site. The stock-proof after the work which indicate the extent of the fence around the pond was improvements. removed and 50 trees were cut down to ease 0U5RJHUVRQ·VDFFHVVZLWK his plant. Once all of the tree stumps and tree roots had been removed, work on the drainage system commenced. All drains entering the site were picked up and connected into two new main drains, which were Before installed to take the water around both sides of the former pond. These were then connected into a 2000 litre drainage ring, which was installed at the southern end of the pond site (see pictures). Installing a ring of this size enables us to retain water and allow it to drain away at a slower speed, thus improving the impact on the eastern end Penny Marron, Coopers: Alison Barbara Lishman, Coopers: Rachel Elizabeth Colvine, Cordwainers: Niall Andrew Hunter, Cord- RIWKH7RZQ0RRUDQG([KLELWLRQ3DUN7KHZRUNV wainers: Lee Sample, House Carpenters: Paul Sample, House Carpenters: Karen Wilkinson, House Carpenters: Mark Anthony were completed before the cattle returned to Kenny, Joiners: Kathleen Margaret Blackhouse, Joiners: John Anthony Hogg, Masters & Mariners: Finlay Macpherson Brown, graze although the area has been fenced off 3OXPEHUVHector Macpherson Brown, 3OXPEHUVMatthew Brown, 3OXPEHUVBen Inglis, 6KLSZULJKW(mma Lawson, 6KLSZULJKW and re-seeded. It is anticipated that the site will be Graham Lawson, 6KLSZULJKWShani Marie Bishop,6NLQQHUV *ORYHUVMatthew Youll, 6PLWKVKaren Patricia Tunstall, Tanners: Sophie Victoria Patterson, Taylors: Georgia Amy Foggin, Taylors: John Michael Foggin, Taylors: reopened in time for next year’s grazing season. 4 FreemenMagazine After FreemenMagazine 5 parents and grandparents i.e. it is rare that someone isn’t northern cities. My family name, approximate date of on the census. The most the Hiscocks came from Your Family Tree: how to get started birth, where they lived and common reason you can’t 'RUVHWOLYLQJLQ3RROHLQ where they were born. Talk ÀQGWKHPLVDWUDQVFULSWLRQ but at Dents Hole Byker in It has been possible to explore your family history for many years but the internet to older family members and error so search for similar 7KHUHWKH\EHFDPH has made it so much easier. This article attempts to help you get started. get as much information as names or use wild card shipwrights. you can. searches. Or they may be <RX·OOÀQGH[DPSOHVRIDEMHFW living somewhere you’re not You need information about poverty: huge families in expecting even in prison or someone born before 1911. one dwelling, children aged on a ship. Birthdates are often Enter their details into the ten working in mills and pits, which is wrong; either by design or VHDUFKÀHOGRQ$QFHVWU\/LNH twelve year olds sent from the Mormon Church’s site. ignorance. 6XEVFULSWLRQWR$QFHVWU\ any search engine you will home to work as servants and FRVWV SHUPRQWKRU be given the most probable First names were passed labourers, old people dying in per annum, however it can PDWFKHVÀUVW&HQVXVHVDUH down through families, so the workhouse. the most illuminating as you look for patterns. This can generally be accessed free 6RFLDOPRELOLW\PRQH\ PD\ÀQG\RXUJUDQGIDWKHUDV be a curse because you at libraries. made and money lost. You a child living with his family ZLOOÀQGFRXVLQVZLWKWKH PD\ÀQGQRELOLW\RU5R\DOW\ 7KH6FRWWLVKUHFRUGV thus giving you details of his same name born in the although I certainly haven’t. held on Ancestry aren’t parents and siblings. same town around the comprehensive but more VDPHWLPH6FRWWLVKQDPHV Matching the Freemen’s Online records of births and can be accessed via are particularly prone to records to your family tree deaths give you register 6FRWODQG·V3HRSOHWKH duplication. will help you identify Freeman numbers so you can apply for ZHEVLWHRIWKH6FRWWLVK relatives and shed light on DFHUWLÀFDWHVKRXOG\RXZLVK But with persistence it’s National Archives. To view how your family lived. Marriage records give details generally possible to trace a their records you have to ,ÀQGLWIDVFLQDWLQJ'RJLYHLW of the spouse’s surname. line back to the mid to late register and purchase credits. a go and good luck. 6RPH6FRWWLVKUHFRUGV 3DULVKUHFRUGVRIELUWKVJLYH 18th century. both parents’ names. are more comprehensive It’s very important to record than English ones e.g. Ancestry provides links to the information that you Firstly, what is available? The give occupation and place PDUULDJHFHUWLÀFDWHVJLYH online family trees researched have accumulated.