Desk Log INTERNATIONAL POLICE ASSOCIATION R57 - SOUTHERN ILLINOIS A Quarterly Newsletter Volume 17, Issue 4 Oct/Nov/Dec 2015

Region 57 Counties Alexander, Bond, Clay, Clinton, Crawford, Edwards, Effingham, Fayette, Franklin, Gallatin, Hamilton, Hardin, Jackson, Jasper, Jefferson, Johnson, Lawrence, Madison, Marion, Massac, Monroe, Perry, Pope, Pulaski, Randolph, Richland, St. Clair, Saline, Union, Wabash, Washington, Wayne, White and Williamson.

COUNTRIES OF THE IPA REGION 57 REGION 57 OFFICERS , Argentina, Armenia, Where the Mother Road Rt. 66 the President/Editor Australia, , , Bosnia & National Road Rt 40 , Kevin Gordon Herzegovina, Botswana, Brazil, the Loneliest Road Rt 50 [email protected] , Canada, , Cyprus, and the Great River Road cross. , , , 1st Vice-President , , , , OFFICIAL ADDRESS Kevin McGinnis , Hong Kong, , Iceland, Ireland, Israel, , Japan, Kazakhstan, PO Box 7 Mascoutah, IL 62258 [email protected] Kenya, , Lesotho, , , Macedonia, , [email protected] 2nd Vice-President Mauritius, , Molova, , Roger McLean , Mozambique, Desk Log is published 4x a year. [email protected] , New Zealand, , 1st Quarter Jan-Feb-Mar Pakistan, Peru, , , Secretary/Treasurer Submission by Dec. 15 Romania, Russia, San Marino, , Patti McDaniel , , South , , 2nd Quarter Apr -May-June [email protected] Sri Lanka, Surinam, Swaziland, Submission by March 15 , , , Ukraine, , United States. 3rd Quarter Jul-Aug-Sep Submission by June 15

US Section Officers 4th Quarter Oct-Nov-Dec Submission by Sep 15 Region offices are for 3 years. President Kevin Gordon, IL Next Region elections Oct 2016, Sec General Richard Nevarez, CA National web taking office in 01/17 1st Vice Pres Calvin Chow, CA 2nd Vice Pres Cory Freadling, OH International Web 3rd Vice Pres Joe Johnson, WI Treasurer Vi Powrie, NY In Memory

REGION LIFE MEMBERS Welcome New Members Kevin Gordon Adam Severit Kevin McGinnis SIU - E

Norm Venable John Stover Young Police Officer SWIC PD Jeff Goodrich Seminar Roger McLean Region 57 member Kimberly Singer was chosen by the US Richard Pyles to attend the Young Police Officer Seminar held in Poland. Dale Sauget

Mark Schilli

Steven Kerley

Kim with May-Britt Rinaldo, President of the IPA Sweden

!2 Desk Log I P A R E G I O N 5 7 President’s Report Region See America Trip Both the International World Congress and the National Delegate This year’s Region 57 See Meeting are coming up this fall. The World America Trip was very successful. It Congress is being held in Cyprus in mid was a great trip at a great price and October. International Elections are this bought members together from year along with a considerable amount of around the world and country. We procedure and bylaw proposals. worked with an IL based company for this trip and were able to negotiate a The US is already confirmed to host Commission. After the costs were the International Youth Group in Los deducted we realized about $10,000 Angeles, July of next year. We have for our scholarship fund. submitted a proposal to host the 4th Young Police Officer Seminar in June of 2017. These trips were held every 2 That proposal will be voted on at the years but we may try one each year meeting. with 2 being planned now for 2016 and 2017. The national meeting is in San Antonio in November and national board elections are also in progress. I have decided to run for a second term and as no one has filed to run against me, looks like I’m elected for another 3 year term.

Our travel raffle was held with mail outs to our members and regions. Usually we mail to every US member but the cost has increased too much so we tried notification by email this year. Unfortunately the result has not been well and we will be lucky to break even. This is our primary fundraiser for our scholarships but we will have to look hard at whether to discontinue it next year.

—Kevin Gordon Region 57 Trip makes cover of If you locate typos in this issue, I apologize but I time was short to put this one together! IPA National Magazine.

3 Desk Log I P A R E G I O N 5 7 Reprint from national magazine ARTICLE : R-57 Sees America Region 57s SEE AMERICA Biennial Trip

Region 57 held its third See America Trip in July. The Region started these trips as an opportunity to show our foreign members as well as US members, some of the beauty of the US in areas they normally wouldn’t get to. The frst trip was a Route 66 from Chicago to Santa Monica. Second was a Mississippi River steamboat trip from Memphis to New Orleans. This year our trip took us by train from Chicago to Salt Lake City, then by coach to three National Parks: Yellowstone, Grand Teton and Glacier. Finishing the trip by train back to Chicago from Glacier.

This was the frst combined Coach/Train we have tried. The trip had a rocky start thanks to Amtrak, with the Amtrak California Zephyr from Chicago to Salt Lake City running 12 hours late with 9 of them on the train, adding to the scheduled 36 hours trip. But once we arrived in Salt Lake the trip progressed to be everything we had hoped for and more.

Our group consisted of 36 visitors and R57, host Region, President Kevin Gordon. Ten of our visitors were representatives of Italy, Belgium, Austra- lia, UK, Ireland and Germany. US members were from across the country with a large group from Region 43 Miami and Region 34 Cincinnati area.

!4 Desk Log I P A R E G I O N 5 7 Reprint from national magazine

ARTICLE : R-57 Sees America

The night before leaving Chicago, R4 President O’Conner joined by fellow Region 4 ofcers and members hosted us at a very event at a local establishment. Each visitor was provided a gift pack from Region 4 of patch, pin, police whistle and other goodies. A very enjoyable time and our guests appreciated the welcome.

At Salt Lake City Region 32 President Jones, Sec/Trea Smith and member Cole Darbro met us. The region provided all members their choice of a region sweatshirt, t-shirt or mug. A lot of our Miami travelers, hearing the low temperatures where we were headed, opted for the sweatshirts!

The Grand Tetons and Yellowstone brought us elk, deer and moose but the bears were noticeably absent. All agreed the Tetons were beautiful and Yellowstone, America’s frst national park, was an incredible experience with all the geysers, mud pots and geothermal activity. The Yellowstone stay ended with a visit to Old Faithful.

Glacier, even with the forest fre on the other side of the Park, was as expected, beautiful and breathtaking. For our fnal dinner, we were we joined by local (3 hours away) members Pete and Karen Elmer and we all made new friends. Pete serves as the Associate Secretary to Denmark for the US section. Glacier was incredibly beautiful and all agreed the capstone of the trip was the drive on the Going to the Sun Road by way of the Glacier Red Bus Jammers.

It was a wonderful trip and we are already planning the next Region 57 See America Adventure for 2017!

5! Desk Log I P A R E G I O N 5 7 2016 and 2016 Trips being planned

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Dan Voegele Joshua Bayer Bradley Clossen

Christopher McGinnis Mike Boyne Jason Cooper

Philip Pritchett Chuck Ford Gene Isbell

Joshua Donovan Matthew Mason Jeffery Johnson

Kurt Schmulbach Steven Meister Douglas Keys

Chaplain Mark Reyling Scott Penny

Ray Waggaman Norm Thompson

Norm Venable

Jeremy Zimmer

Note: If your birthday isn’t listed on your birth month, it is because you do not have it in your profile at our web.

!7 Desk Log I P A R E G I O N 5 7

PATCH BOARD Each month we will present a patch of a Region 57 department along with any historical information or officer down information that is available.


The city of Centralia is a unique city in that it is located in four different counties, Marion, Clinton, Jefferson, and Washington Counties. The population is approximately 13,000. Centralia is one of only three Illinois cities with portions in four counties, the According to the ODMP, Centralia others being Barrington Hills and Aurora. has lost one officer in the line of duty. Unfortunately no picture of The city was named for the Illinois the officer has been located. Central Railroad built in 1853. According to online sources, the city was founded at the Patrolman William Vaughn location where the two original branches of Centralia PD the railroad converged. End of Watch: July 15, 1946

Centralia is located approximately Patrolman William Vaughn was shot 60 miles east of St. Louis, Missouri. and killed as he and another officer Most of the city, including its arrested a man involved in an downtown, is in southwestern Marion altercation with a woman. County, but the city extends west into Clinton County and south 5 miles into The officers were walking the man Washington and Jefferson counties. out of a hotel when the man pulled out a .22-caliber pistol and shot each Centralia sponsors a very popular officer once, killing Patrolman Hot Air Balloon festival. It is located Vaughn. The suspect was then shot on the famous Amtrak “City of New and killed by the wounded officer. Orleans” line which runs from Chicago to New Orleans. Patrolman Vaughn had served with the Centralia PD for three years. Doug Krutsinger has been the Chief of Police since 2014.

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