I. SITUATION: A. Assumptions: 1. A new Communications Division is established in the City Manager’s Office. 2. The personnel and operations budget of the Communications Division will not fall below FY2018 levels. 3. The City will hire a Communications Analyst. 4. Development and growth opportunities will continue to challenge the leadership of the City.

B. Areas of Interest: 1. The City of Bowie and its contiguous borders 2. Prince George’s County as related to the City of Bowie 3. Greater Washington and Metropolitan Areas

C. Prevailing Bowie Issues: 1. Bowie is a very attractive place for development. To that end, the effects or potential effects of development and redevelopment within the City have angered residents. Many complained they were misinformed or uninformed regarding development at the critical times. 2. City Council expressed a need to strengthen and reinforce current City communications procedures. 3. Citizens complained about lack of transparency.

II. MISSION: The City of Bowie utilizes all available methods of communications to inform residents of essential information; including, but not limited to print media, broadcast media, electronic, social media, flyers, and community bulletin boards.

III. EXECUTION/IMPLEMENTATION: A. System of Communication: The City manages and executes this plan utilizing the personnel and material assets of the Communications Division (CD) and other City departments.

B. Media Availability 1. Print Media a. Bowie Blade-News b. Prince George’s Sentinel c. Prince George’s Post d. Washington Examiner e. Washington Post f. Washington Times g. Baltimore Sun h. Afro-American

2. Broadcast Media a. Televsion: FOX 5, NBC4, WJLA 7 (ABC)/ News Channel 8, WUSA 9 (CBS), Prince George’s Community TV (Comcast 76/Verizon 42)


b. Radio: WTOP 103.5 FM, WNAV 1430 AM, WBAL 1090 AM c. Bowie Government Channel (Verizon 10/Comcast 71) d. PEG Channel community postings (Verizon 11/Comcast 77)

3. Electronic Media a. Bowie Blade-News website b. Bowie Patch c. Alert Bowie d. My BowieMD Service Request System

4. Social Media a. Facebook b. Twitter c. Instagram (future) d. YouTube

5. Newsletters a. Bowie Spotlight (published monthly in the Bowie Blade-News) b. Around the Center (Senior Newsletter) c. Musings (Museum Newsletter) d. Green Bowie Newsletter e. Bowie News Flash (electronic) f. Bowie Dispatch (Police Newsletter)

6. Other communications channels a. Marquee message boards and Police Department moveable boards b. Community bulletin boards (libraries, community centers, etc.) c. Flyers, brochures, other print materials d. NextDoor application e. Video on website

The next sections of this document address various assignments and responsibilities. The following abbreviations are used:

CD – Communications Division CLERK – City Clerk CMO – City Manager’s Office CS – Community Services Department DEPT – Relevant City department(s) EM – Emergency Management FIN – Finance Department IT – Information Technology Department PD – Police Department PL – Planning & Economic Development Department PW – Public Works Department LIAISONS – Staff liaisons to City Committees


C. Specific Departmental Assignments 1. Planning and Economic Development Department Director PL is responsible for notifying the Communications Division in advance of any relevant planning, zoning, transportation, development, or annexation event.

2. The Chief of Police is responsible for notifying the PD Communications Division in advance of any planned Police activity, event or policy affecting the public.

3. For planned events, the Chief of Police will ensure that PD information is shared with the public via the Police Department’s communications channels, including: a. Social Media b. Website c. Flyers d. Police message boards e. Articles & press releases f. Bowie Dispatch

4. For serious crimes in progress, emergencies, and other PD major incidents where there is need to share information with the public, the Chief of Police will notify the Communications Division as soon as possible to coordinate media relations, announcements on City social media sites and the website, and the sending of alerts.

5. Community Services Director is responsible for notifying CS the Communications Division in advance of any relevant community events such as Bowiefest and the Memorial Day Parade. Additionally, the department is responsible for: a. Preparing and distributing announcements for public information, including postings on the website, articles, press releases, flyers, message board announcements, and more. b. Coordinating and implementing paid advertisements.

6. The Emergency Manager is responsible for notifying the EM Communications Division in advance (when practicable) of emergency management activities, incidents, events or public discussions.

7. The Emergency Manager shall also collaborate with the EM Communications Division regarding emergency


preparedness messages and instructions/updates during emergencies. PW 8. The Public Works Director will notify the Communications Division of major projects affecting residents such as leaf collection, hydrant flushing, and planned/unplanned service interruptions.

D. Coordinating Instructions (assignments to all departments or stand-alone divisions/offices) 1. City departments, divisions and offices are responsible for notifying the Communications Division (CD) of events or activities that may be of interest to the residents of Bowie. At a minimum, any such notification shall answer the following questions: who, what, when, where, why and how.

2. City departments and independent offices shall identify newsworthy events and activities in advance and coordinate with CD on how best to publicize them.

3. City departments shall designate an individual employee as a Stringer. A Stringer is a liaison to CD who has an assignment and special focus on communicating with our residents.

4. City departments are responsible for updating of City website, writing routine news items for News Flash and Spotlight, submitting message board announcements, and writing standard press releases. The CD will distribute press releases and handle posts to the City’s general social media accounts and to the government channel. The CD will coordinate with departments to assist with publicizing large events, projects, major issues, and in emergency situations.

5. The Communications Manager is the primary spokesperson for the City of Bowie government. The City Manager, Assistant City Manager, Police Chief, and Deputy Chief will often speak directly to, or be interviewed by, members of the press. Other Department Directors, Assistant Directors, Facility Managers, and Program Managers may also respond directly to press inquiries and requests for interviews, but should inform the Communications Manager of the contact. Other staff members may respond to press inquiries or be interviewed, but these interactions should be coordinated through the Communications Division.


E. Contingencies: 1. Official Council Meetings:

Standard Outreach for all City Council Meetings a. Website - post annual meeting schedule CLERK b. Website - upload agenda & staff reports CLERK c. Upload agenda to Granicus (video application) CLERK d. News Flash & Spotlight announcement CLERK e. Paid advertisement in Bowie Blade-News CMO f. Social media - meeting announcement CD g. Government channel - post meeting agenda & CD tentative agenda h. Bowie Blade & Patch online calendar CD

Additional Extended Outreach for City Council Meetings (When issues of major interest/impact to residents are on Council Meeting agenda) a. Notify Communications Division as soon as DEPT possible b. News Flash & Spotlight article DEPT c. Flyers for City facilities DEPT d. Website - work w/Communications Division to DEPT/CD create page on issue e. Consult w/Communications on need for the DEPT following & if necessary do: 1) Press release DEPT 2) Mailings DEPT 3) Marquee message board announcements DEPT 4) Flyers at libraries, community centers, CD community bulletin boards & senior apartments 5) Alert Bowie reminder CD 6) Social media - multiple posts CD 7) NextDoor CD

2. Development Related Stakeholder’s Meeting or Hearings and Bowie Advisory Planning Board Meetings and Hearings Use Standard & Extended Outreach Methods listed above, PL plus: a. Signs at subject property (development issues only) b. Notify homeowners associations c. Mailing to nearby property owners w/copy to Communications (at a minimum to those within 500 feet of subject property). For variances, a certified letter is sent to adjacent property owners only.


3. Annexation Related Meetings/Hearings a. Notify Communications Division as soon as PL possible b. Notify all Department leadership PL c. Perform Standard Outreach tasks for City Council CLERK/CD meetings d. News Flash & Spotlight announcement PL e. Website PL f. Mailings PL g. Social media CD h. Alert Bowie reminder CD i. Government channel CD j. Consult w/Communications on need for additional PL notifications for each annexation meeting. If necessary do: 1) Press release PL 2) Mailings PL 3) Marquee message board announcements PL 4) Flyers at libraries, community centers, PL bulletin boards & senior apts. k. For notice of proposed annexation and public CLERK hearing: advertise at least 4 times at a minimum of weekly intervals in paper of general circulation or 2 times for annexations of 25 acres or less l. For referendum notice: advertise at least 2 times at CLERK not less than weekly intervals in a newspaper of general circulation m. Completed annexation notifications 1) Clerk of the Court for Prince George's CLERK County 2) Department of Legislative Services CLERK 3) M-NCPPC CLERK 4) Make annexation resolution available for CLERK public inspection 5) Notify utilities (BGE, WGL, Verizon & CLERK Comcast 6) Notify Department of CLERK Assessment & Taxation 7) Mailing to annexed property owners CMO 8) Consult w/Communications on need for PL additional publicity and if necessary, do: i. Web page ii. News Flash & Spotlight article iii. Press release


4. Charter Related Meetings In addition to standard meeting notifications/tasks assigned above: a. Post copy of adopted amendment publicly for 40 CLERK days after passage b. Advertise summary of proposed amendment CLERK weekly for at least 4 weeks in paper of general circulation c. Standard & extended meeting notification tasks VARIOUS assigned above (See E.1)

5. Committee Meetings a. Email reminder and agenda to committee members LIAISONS b. Website calendar (must include agenda) LIAISONS

6. Budget and Constant Yield Meetings and Hearing a. Provide meeting schedule to Departments FIN b. Press release before Budget Introduction FIN c. Paid advertisement in paper of general circulation FIN 7-21 days before hearing(required for Constant Tax Yield Public Hearing- see MD Tax Property Code subsection 6-308) d. Paid advertisement in paper of general circulation CLERK for Budget Public Hearings e. Website FIN f. News Flash & Spotlight article FIN g. Blade-News & Bowie Patch online calendars CD h. Government channel CD i. Social media - multiple posts CD j. Alert Bowie reminder CD k. Website - upload budget documents and index IT

7. Other Meetings Related to Development, Transportation, & Major CIP Projects: Use Standard & Extended Outreach methods listed above, PL (or PW plus: in the case a. Signs at subject property (development issues only) of major b. Notify homeowners associations CIP c. Mailing to nearby property owners w/copy to projects) Communications

8. Government Closings/Delays CD (a - j) a. Notify Call Center of closures or delays b. Notify Department leadership & registered employees via internal Alert Bowie c. All Users email d. Website e. Alert Bowie September 2017 Page 8 CITY OF BOWIE COMMUNICATIONS PLAN

f. Social media g. Government channel h. NextDoor i. Update tv/radio emergency closing sites j. Update recorded message on phone system

9. Accidents, traffic signal outages, road construction CD (a - d) affecting travel in Bowie. After notification by PD: a. Alert Bowie b. All Users email c. Website d. Social media

10. Emergency Communications Prior to forecasted or potential emergencies a. Distribute preparedness messages to public & staff via : i. Website EM ii. Press releases EM iii. Marquee message boards EM iv. Spotlight & News Flash articles if time EM permits EM v. All Users email EM vi. Alert Bowie CD vii. Government channel CD viii. NextDoor CD

During Emergencies a. Participate in regional conference calls EM/CD b. Monitor and respond to social media posts CD c. Manage emergency information recorded message CD d. Monitor & respond to media reports CD e. Coordinate w/County Joint Information Center as CD needed f. Arrange briefings for City Council as needed CD g. Monitor types/volume of Call Center and front desk CD calls to identify issues, trends, need for further communications

h. Provide updates or instructions to public via: CD (i. – ix.) i. Website ii. Alert Bowie iii. Social Media iv. Government channel v. Press releases vi. Marquee message boards


vii. Recorded telephone messages in emergency mailbox viii. Radio/tv posting sites ix. NextDoor

11. EOC Activations a. Notify EOC Management Team, Executive Staff, PD Call Council, Department Heads, Utilities/ Center Infrastructure, Facilities, Police via Alert Bowie

12. Critical Incidents For each type of incident listed below, use Alert Bowie to PD Call notify groups specified in Critical Information Internal Center/CD Notification Triggers Policy (included in the Annex to this document): a. Active Shooter b. Major Crime Event c. Fire/Rescue major incident d. Emergency Declaration e. Evacuations or Shelter in Place Orders f. Hospital or Extended Care Facility Power Outage g. Major Transportation Issues w/significant impact or closures h. Utility outages or disruptions (communications, electrical, gas, water) i. Dam Event j. Work Related injuries or Property Damage k. Work Place Violence l. Severe Weather

Work with lead agency to determine what information to CD (a – f) share and distribute to the public: a. Alert Bowie b. Social media c. Government channel d. Media e. Website f. City telephone line recording


13. Standard Outreach for small to medium events, reminders, announcements (Examples: Events, workshops, grant offerings, green programs, Code Compliance reminders, City holidays, camps, classes, shredding events, etc.) a. Website DEPT b. News Flash & Spotlight announcement DEPT c. Press release (as needed) DEPT d. News Flash and Spotlight article (as needed) DEPT e. Government channel CD f. Marquee message board announcements CD g. Social media CD h. Bowie Blade-News & Bowie Patch online CD calendars (for events only)

14. Extended outreach for major special events, new programs or fees, changes in operations, special services (Examples: Bowiefest, International Festival, Leaf Collection, Launch of Non-Emergency Call Center)

In addition to Standard Outreach tasks above, also: a. Notify Communications Division as soon as DEPT possible b. Update website or create new page on topic CD/DEPT c. Consult w/Communications on need for the following and if necessary do: i. Mailings DEPT ii. Paid ads in publications and bus shelters DEPT iii. Door hangers DEPT iv. Flyers (at City facilities) DEPT v. Flyers on community bulletin boards DEPT vi. Developing marketing campaign CD/DEPT vii. Update to service request knowledge CD/DEPT database CD/DEPT viii. Social Media CD ix. Alert Bowie CD x. Next Door discussion CD xi. Promotional videos CD xii. FAQ CD

Annexes to this Plan:

1. Critical Information Internal Alert Notification Policy & Critical Information Notification Triggers 2. Publicity Checklist

September 2017 Page 11

Critical Information Internal Alert Notification Policy


This policy addresses the alert notification process for key officials, department heads, Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Incident Management Team and other city employees who have assigned roles and responsibilities as identified in the City of Bowie Emergency Operations Plan (EOP). The policy will serve as guidance for exchanging critical information with appropriate stakeholders, to ensure the greatest level of situational awareness, timely decision making and coordination of emergency actions.


1. Outlines incident/event type triggers which would require notification to a specific user group or groups. 2. Provides those with responsibility for making notification procedural guidance. 3. Provide key decision makers with timely information. 4. Reduce impact time of incident/event support and coordination.


1. Some events/incidents occur with little or no warning. 2. Initial notification of an event/incident may be to the Prince George’s County Public Safety Communications Center (911) or could come from a key official such as the City/County Police Chief, City/County Fire Chief, or City/County Emergency Manager etc. 3. Some information may be considered sensitive and therefore require deviation from this policy. 4. Notifications may be multifaceted such as text, email and phone call. 5. The City of Bowie Police Communications Center will be the primary point for internal alert notifications.


1. DEVELOPING CRITICAL INFORMATION REQUIREMENTS (CIRs) – While there will be some generic CIRs which transcend all user groups i.e. weather alerts, each user group, as listed below under item #3, will have unique requirements as well. Those specific CIRs must be clearly defined and include “trigger” thresholds. It is up to each user group to clearly define the specific CIRs for their group. See Attachment A (City of Bowie Critical Information Notification Triggers).

1 | Page July 2017

2. COLLECTION OF CRITICAL INFORMATION Initial notification of an event/incident is likely to come from various sources. This includes but is not limited to:

 City of Bowie Police – criminal activity, road closures, accidents  Bowie VFD – fires, displacement of residents, mass casualty events  Public Works – major disruption to roads, utilities and infrastructure  Emergency Manager – weather, emergent threats, regional events  Community Services – facility concerns, special event incidents  Prince George’s County Public Safety Communications  Prince George’s County Office of Emergency Management


The City of Bowie Emergency Operations Plan identifies several groups who have varying levels of lead or support roles in emergency management and will therefore need early notification of actual or anticipated events. These groups include:

 Executive Staff o City Manager o Assistant City Manager o Emergency Manager o Police Chief o Deputy Police Chief o Communications Manager o Director of Public Works o Director of Community Services o Risk Manager

 Elected Officials o Mayor o At Large Council o At Large Council o District 1 o District 2 o District 3 o District 4 o City Clerk

 Department Leadership o Director of Information Technology o Asst. Director of Information Technology o Director of Finance o Assistant Director of Finance o Director of Planning & Economic Development 2 | Page July 2017

o Director of Economic Development o Director of Community Services o Assistant Director of Community Services o Director of Public Works o Assistant Director of Public Works

 Utilities/Infrastructure/Forester o Parks & Grounds Superintendent o Supervisor Stormwater Management o Community Forester o Director of Public Works o Assistant Director of Public Works o Engineering Superintendent o Street Light Specialist o Street Maintenance Superintendent o Asst. Street Maintenance Superintendent o Traffic Sign Technician o Chief Street/Storm Drain Inspector o Utilities Superintendent o Water Plant Superintendent o Wastewater Plant Superintendent o Solid Waste Superintendent o Asst. Solid Waste Superintendent

 Facility Operators o Parks Operations Manager o Public Buildings Maintenance Superintendent o Historic Property Manager o Gymnasium Manager o Senior Center Manager o Ice Arena Manager o Chief Vehicle Maintenance Technician

 City of Bowie Police o To Be Determined by Police Department

 EOC Incident Management Team o To Be Determined by the Emergency Manager

4. NOTIFICATION PROCEDURE  Critical Information will be sent/given to the City of Bowie Police Communications Center.  The Communications Center will determine the type of notification and alert all appropriate groups by way of the mass notification system.  If the mass notification system is not operating, the Communications Center shall manually notify each contact within all appropriate groups.

3 | Page July 2017

City of Bowie Critical Information Notification Triggers

Type of Notification Description Notification Group(s)

Severe Thunderstorm Warning/Watch EOC Management Team Flood Watch/Warning Executive Staff Tornado Watch/Warning Elected Officials Severe Weather Tropical Storm Watch/Warning Department Leadership Hurricance Watch/Warning Utilities/Infrastructure Winter Weather Watch/Warning Facilities Extreme Temperature Watch/Warning Police Department

Executive Staff Threat or Confirmed Incident Reported by Law Active Shooter Police Department Enforcement within or close proximity of the City. EOC Management Team Shootings Police Department Fatalities resulting from a crime Major Crime Events Executive Staff Armed robbery EOC Management Team Abduction Two Alarm or greater fire Any fire with a fatality Any fire with life threatening injury Any structural collapse Executive Staff Any incident involving entrapment Fire Rescue Incidents Police Department Any fire in City owned facility, infrastructure or property EOC Management Team Any firefighter injury Motor vehicle collisions with entrapment Any motor vehicle collision with 5 or more injuries Release of a Hazadous Substance

Updated April 2017 City of Bowie Critical Information Notification Triggers

Type of Notification Description Notification Group(s) EOC Management Team Executive Staff Elected Officials Any activation of the City of Bowie EOC EOC Activation Department Leadership Any activation of the Prince George's County EOC Utilities/Infrastructure Facilities Police Department Any Emergency Declaration in the National Capital Region EOC Management Team Emergency Declaration or in the State of Maryland Executive Staff EOC Management Team Executive Staff Any incident in the City where an order is issued for Elected Officials Evacuations or Shelter in Place Voluntary Evacuation, Mandatory Evacuation or a Shelter in Department Leadership Orders Place order Utilities/Infrastructure Facilities Police Department EOC Management Team Hospital or Extended Care Facility Any hospital, nursing home, assisted living facility or senior Executive Staff Power Outage housing with power outage Police Department

Updated April 2017 City of Bowie Critical Information Notification Triggers

Type of Notification Description Notification Group(s)

Closures, restrictions, or any impact to County or City transportation infrastructure lasting longer than 2 hours or EOC Management Team Transportation Issues would have significant impact to the City Police Department Executive Staff Any incident involving or affecting rail or air transportation

Communications: Incidents creating the loss of phone service to any part of the City or City facility

Electrical: Power outages impacting more than 100 EOC Management Team customers or any City facility or critical infrastructure Executive Staff Utility Outages Department Leadership Dam Event Water: Any loss of water/sewer service to 100 or more Utilities/Infrastructure customers or any City facility, any water/sewer main break Facilities or the issuance of a water boil directive Police Department

Dam Event: Any threat to the operation or structural integrity of any dam in the City.

Updated April 2017 City of Bowie Critical Information Notification Triggers

Type of Notification Description Notification Group(s)

Any injury to an employee that requires medical attention

Work Related Injuries or Property Any incident involving damage to City property Executive Staff Damage Any incident where damage to private property occurred involving City employees

Any act or threat of physical violence, harassment, intimidation, or other threatening disruptive behavior that Executive Staff Work Place Violence occurs at the work site involving employees, clients, Police Department customers or visitors. Executive Staff Elected Officials EOC Management Team Any City Office Closure including delayed openings, early City Government Office Closures Department Leadership closures and total closures. Utilities/Infrastructure Facilities Police Department

Updated April 2017 Communications Plan Annex #2 PUBLICITY CHECKLIST (Use this checklist to make sure you have considered all appropriate means of publicity.)

Method Who Notes Website Department staff Use the sections of the website that are appropriate for your message. Not News Flash Module all will apply in every circumstance. Make sure forms are updated and properly linked to Forms page on website. Request URL shortcuts from Calendar Module Una Cooper. (Ex. use rather than the full url - Forms and documents Web page – update Bowie Spotlight article Department staff Submit to [email protected]. Monthly News Flash item Department staff If you submit for the Spotlight, the item is automatically included in the monthly News Flash. Submit additional items to [email protected]. Media – share info w/press via: Department staff Decide if the news has local or regional appeal. Contact reporter by phone or email to pitch a story. Send press release to local or regional reporters Phone call, short email or list as appropriate. Paste text of press release or notice directly into email Press release/media advisory rather than attaching word documents. Use descriptive subject lines. Communications Division can advise on best method for your topic & provide contacts. Copy [email protected] on emails. Facebook: Department staff & If it’s in the monthly News Flash, we’ll automatically schedule it on social Twitter: @CityofBowie Communications media. Send photos, graphics or specific language to use in social media Division posts to [email protected]. Bowie Government Channel 10/71 Department staff & Done automatically for all items in the monthly News Flash. For additional Communications items, send requests to [email protected]. Division Message Boards Department staff & Communications will manage what is posted based on items in the Communications Monthly News Flash. For additional or special requests, email Division [email protected]. Alert Bowie Communications Coordinate with Una. Specific neighborhoods can be targeted if needed. Division & Department staff All Users Email Communications Division

Rev. 4/2018 Communications Plan Annex #2

Flyers for City facilities, community Department staff Create and distribute. Communications Division can help with centers, libraries, etc. editing/review of materials. Brochures Department staff “ Mailings Department staff “ Paid advertisements Department staff “ Bus shelter signs Department staff “ Community bulletin boards Department staff Post on various community bulletin boards throughout city (i.e. Starbucks, Panera). Communications Division maintains list. City Council mailing lists Communications Communications Manager will determine if Council should be asked to Division share information with constituents via their email lists. This happens automatically with the monthly News Flash. Organize Informational Meetings Department staff Consider publicizing by above methods.

Rev. 4/2018