Singapore Avifauna Volume
SSIINNGGAAPPOORREE AAVVIIFFAAUUNNAA A monthly bulletin of the Nature Society (Singapore) Bird Group Volume 24 Published by Nature Society (Singapore) Bird Group, 510 Geylang Road, #02-05, The Sunflower, Singapore 389466. Number 4 Tel : 67412036, Fax : 67410871, Email : , Website : MICA(P) 239/11/2005 CONTENTS NSS Bird Group 1 Bird Report: April-June 2010 Compiled by Lim Kim Seng Chairman 39 Singapore Raptor Report: April-May 2010 Compiled by Tan Gim Cheong Alan OwYong 41 Where Have All The House Swifts Gone? By Lim Kim Seng ( ) 46 Letter: Birding in Singapore By Lim Kim Seng Vice-Chairman Ho Hua Chew ( ) SINAV Secretary Editorial Committee Willie Foo Lim Kim Chuah, Lim Kim Seng, Yong Ding Li, Andrew Chow, Albert Low ( ) Mangrove Blue Flycatcher Cyornis rufigastra at Pulau Ubin on 25 May 2010 By Lee Tiah Kee Nature Society (Singapore) is the national partner of Singapore Avifauna Volume 24 No 4 _____________________________________________________________________________ Bird Report Quarter 3 – April to June 2010 Compiled by Lim Kim Seng SINGAPORE HIGHLIGHTS April marked the last month of stay for many migrant birds in Singapore. In April 2010, 36 migrant species were still present though this was expected to reduce sharply in the following month. Amongst the more interesting ones included two different Chestnut- winged Cuckoo , the last Black Baza , a kettle of 30 Japanese Sparrowhawks , at Tuas, Javan Pond Heron , Watercock , ten shorebird species, Blue-winged Pitta , Asian Paradise Flycatcher and four species of warblers. Resident species were active as well and notable species included six cuckoo species, Spotted Wood Owl , inclusive of a new site for this species, Grey-headed Fish Eagle , Crested Serpent Eagle , Changeable Hawk Eagle , Mangrove Pitta , Mangrove Whistler and Straw-headed Bulbul .
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