Abano, Petrus of 57 Abeille, Mireille 245 Abelson, Joshua 110, 116–119

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Abano, Petrus of 57 Abeille, Mireille 245 Abelson, Joshua 110, 116–119 Index Abano, Petrus of 57 Baader, Franz von 124 Abeille, Mireille 245 Babylon 216–218, 221–223, 226–232, 235 Abelson, Joshua 110, 116–119, 121 Bachofen, Johann Jakob 246 Abhinavagupta 147 Baier, Karl 136 Abraham von Worms 19 Bailey, Alice 124 Académie des Sciences Morales et Balfour, Arthur James 67 Politiques 110 Balfour, Gerald 70 Academy of the Natural Sciences Bandyopādhyāy, Surendranāth 146 Leopoldina 10, 82f., 85f., 89f., 94f. Bannatyne Club 63 Accart, Xavier 196f. Barbault, André 193 Adyar 251, 259, 265 Basnage, Jacques 105 Adyar Library 19, 259, 265 Bastian, Adolf 40, 51 Agnon, Samuel Yosef 119 Batinism 240 Agrippa von Nettesheim, Heinrich Beckh, Eugen B. 241 Cornelius 19, 50, 57 Beckh, Hermann 241 Ahmadi 245 Beckh, Marie (née Seiler) 241 Akbar, Moghul emperor 47 Bektashism 240 al-Bīrūnī. See Bīrūnī, al- Bennoit, Lucie 259 al-Hallaj, Mansur. See Hallaj, al- Benson, Edward White 70 Alcyone. See Krishnamurti Benson, Mary (née Sidgwick) 70 Alpert, Richard (Ram Dass) 183 Benson, Robert Hugh 70 Alt, Peter-André 25, 32 Bensusan, Samuel Levi 116 Amis de la Pensée indienne, les 199 Bergman, Hugo 119f. Andrae, Walter 11, 216–236 Bergson, Henri-Louis 150, 188f. Anglo-Jewish Lodge of Theosophists 116 Bergunder, Michael 19, 21, 26 Animism 58, 167f. Bernard, Léo 3 Anquetil-Duperron, Abraham Hyacinthe 137 Berneuchener Bewegung 257 Anthropological Society (London) 63 Berthelot, Marcellin 211 Anthroposophical Society 119, 241 Besant, Annie 70, 141, 143, 165, 251, Anthroposophy 19, 118–120, 216–219, 240 255, 265 Aquinas, Thomas 154 Bhagavadgītā 249, 251f. Arbeiterverbrüderung 83 Bharati, Agehananda 132, 153 Archive for Animal Magnetism 87–89 Bhāratī, Hariharānanda 147 Ārya Samāj 137, 139–141 Biot, Jean Baptiste 211 aš-Šahrastānī. See Šahrastānī,aš- Bisson, David 194 Ashur 216–218, 223 Bīrūnī, al- 46 Assmann, Jan 32 Blake, William 126 Association of Hebrew Theosophists 118 Blau, Joseph 121, 123 Athenaeum Club 62 Blavatsky, Helena Petrovna 2, 5, 9, 58f., Aurobindo 149, 197, 203f., 210 66–74, 76, 107, 122f., 125, 164, 166, Avalon, Arthur. See Woodroffe, John 168, 172, 177, 249, 253, 265 Avalon, Ellen 141 Bodendörfer, Judith 11f. Ayni, Mehmet Ali 239f. Bodmershof, Elfriede 245 Open Access. © 2021 Yves Mühlematter and Helmut Zander, published by De Gruyter. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110664270-025 276 Index Boehme, Jacob 124, 126 Colquhoun, Ithell 115 Bogdan, Henrik 192 Comparative studies 60–62, 162, 171, 176, Bohley, Johanna 91 200–203, 257 Boirac, Émile 150 – and Evans-Wentz 183–185 Brāhma Samāj 137, 139, 147 – France 208–210 Bréhier, Émile 188 – Massson-Oursel 188–191 British National Spiritualist Alliance 68f. – Tantra 153–157 Britten, Emma Hardinge 59 Comte, Auguste 190 Brod, Max 245 Conrady, August 261 Brucker, Johann Jakob 20 Constant, Alphonse Louis 15, 107–109, Brunton, Paul (Raphael Hurst) 166 122, 141 Buber, Martin 3, 11, 106, 120, 253 Coomaraswamy, Ananda Kentish Muthu Buddha, Gautama 166, 169, 176–178, 154, 243 182, 241 Cooper, Laura Mary 253 Buddhism 58, 208, 241, 243, 261–264; Cooper-Oakley, Isabel 76 see Tibet; Zen Corbin, Henri 124, 201, 208, 247–249 Buddhistischer Missionsverein fur̈ Corneille, Pierre 199 Deutschland 261 Corson, Hiram 125 Budge, Ernest Alfred Thompson Wallis 76 Cousin, Victor 110, 112 Bulwer-Lytton, Edward George Earl 57 Cox, George William 47 Burne, Charlotte S. 74 Crispo, Giovanni Battista 20 Burnouf, Eugène 204 Crookes, William Sir 67–69 Burton, Richard Francis Sir 63 Crowley, Aleister 107–109 Buxtorf, Johannes 105 Curie, Marie 9 Cusanus, Nicolaus 46 Caithness, Marie Countess of (Duchess de Cyranka, Daniel 7, 10 Pomár) 58f. Campbell, Joseph John 183 Dacca Literary Society 148 Cantor, Georg 9 Darwin, Charles 45, 49, 55, 65 Carus, Carl Gustav 86, 90 Dasgupta, Shashibhusan 183 Carus, Paul 261, 263 David-Néel, Alexandra 166 Catholicism 22f., 61, 151f., 190, 247, 255, Davis, Andrew Jackson 83, 85f., 88, 91, 257, 261f. 93–98 Cellini, Benvenuto 57 Dayānanda Saraswatī,Swāmī 137f. Celts 168–171, 180 de Giorgio, Guido Lupo Maria 195f. Centre Védantique Ramakrishna 199 De Smedt, Marc 200 Certeau, Michel de 247 Della Porta, Giambattista 57 Chaldean Oracles 111f. Demarquette, Jacques 193 Champollion, Jean-François 204 Deussen, Paul 249, 259 Chatterji, Bankim Candra 146 Deutschkatholiken 82–91, 95, 99 Chavannes, Émmanuel-Édouard 189 Dharmapala, Anagarika 261 Christian Community, The 232–234, 241 Diogenes Laërtius 190 Claudel, Paul 204 Divination 86–89, 99 Clodd, Edward 45, 54f., 57, 64 Donner, Uno 8 Clouston, William Alexander 64 Dorson, Richard 64 Colberg, Ehregott Daniel 20, 24f. Downie, R. Angus 48 Colebrooke, Henry Thomas 204 du Potet de Sennevoy, Jules Denis 140 Index 277 Dupuis, Charles François 46f. Folklore (studies) 44–75, 113, 165, 168–171; Durand, Gilbert 247 see Celts Durkheim, David Émile 6, 189f. Folklore Society 44, 54, 63f., 74 Duval, Valentine 145 Foucher, Alfred Charles Auguste 189, 195, 205, 210 Eckartshausen, Karl von 247 Fourier, Charles 96 Eckhart von Hochheim (Meister Eckhart) Fox sisters (Leah, Margaretta, 154 Catherine) 84f. École Pratique des Hautes Études, Paris 187, Franck, Adolphe 106, 110, 111f., 114, 117, 121, 195, 199 123, 239 Edison, Thomas Alva 9 Frazer, James George 6, 44–46, 48, 50–55, Ehrenfels, Baron Christian von 245 57, 61–65, 68, 75, 168 Ehrenfels, Baron Omar (Umar) Rolf von Freemasonry 138, 247, 257 245 Freireligiöse 99 Ehrenfels, Emma (née André) 245 Frenschkowski, Marco 2 Einstein, Albert 9 Fröbe-Kapteyn, Olga 124 Eisler, Robert 124, 253 Eliade, Mircea 124, 132, 153f., 174, 183, Gandhi, Mohandas Karamchand 142, 197 193f., 210, 243 Gaster, Moses 110, 113–116, 121, 124 Éliphas Lévi. See Constant, Alphonse Louis Gaster, Theodor 116 Emden, Jacob 105 German Catholics Movement. See Emerson, Ralph Waldo 164 Deutschkatholiken Emmrich, Martin 86 Gernet, Nina 251 Encausse, Gérard Anaclet Vincent Gestapo (Geheime Staatspolizei) 200 (Papus) 107–109, 112, 122, 194 Gewurtz, Elias 122 Epictetus 199 Ghoṣ,Aṭal Bihāri 133 Eranos Circle 124, 153, 201, 208, 247, Gifford lectures 65, 67, 71 253, 257 Ginsburg, Christian 125 Eschenmayer, Carl August von 89 Globalisation 27–33; see Buddhism; Esoteric School (Theosophy) 241, 253 Hinduism; Islam; Theosophy Esotericism (concept) 1–8, 14–39, 104f., 108, Goetz, Walter 261 121–127, 135, 138f., 141–152, 192–194, Goldberg, Oskar 108, 122 239f., 247f. Golden Dawn. See Hermetic Order of the Ethnological Society of London 63 Golden Dawn Etudes Juives 110 Gomme, George Lawrence Sir 64 European Society for the Study of Western Goudriaan, Teun 134 Esotericism (ESSWE) 19, 26 Govinda, Anagarika (Ernst Lothar Evans-Wentz, Walter Yeeling 3, 11, 76, 132, Hoffmann) 166, 172 153f., 161–185 Graetz, Heinrich 106, 114, 117 Evola, Julius (Giulio Cesare Andrea) 132, 150, Grail 257 153, 187 Grand Loge Nationale Française 247 Grant, Kenneth 153 Fabre d’Olive, Antoine 122 Grimm, brothers 51, 57 Faivre, Antoine 3, 16–18, 26, 31, 35, 38, 247 Grimm, Georg 261 Feld, Ellen 245 Groupe d’Etudes des Techniques Mystiques Ficino, Marsilio 16 et du Yoga 197 Filliozat, Jean 203 Gruppo di Ur 187, 192 278 Index Guaita, Stanislas de 122 Iamblichus 57 Guénon, René (Jean Marie Joseph) 33, 126, Ibn Arabi 239 194–197, 204, 207, 209f., 243 Idel, Moshe 110 Günther, Johann Christian 86 Ignatian exercises 257 Gupta, Sanjukta 134 Inge, Ralph 127 Gurney, Edmund 68f. Institut de Civilisation indienne 198f., Gutierrez, Alejandro 199, 210 204–206 Guy, David 164 Institute de France 110 International Lodge (Tokyo) 263 Hacker, Paul 198 Islam 28–31, 35, 179, 200f., 239f., 245f.; Haddon, Alfred Cort 64 see Batinism; Sufi Halbfass, Wilhelm 198 Hallaj, al- 37 Jacobs, Joseph 64 Hammer, Olav 192 James, William 46, 48, 57, 69, 126, 150, 165, Hanegraaff, Wouter Jacobus 20–22, 26, 168, 170 50, 53, 97, 106–108, 112, 247 Janet, Pierre Marie Félix 189 Happich, Carl 257 Jellinek, Adolf 106 Hargrove Branch 249 Jesus (Christ) 176, 182, 200, 253 Harināth, Kāngāl 146 Jewish Historical Society 64 Harnack, Adolf von 61 Johnston, Charles 249f. Harrison, Jane Ellen 46, 75 Johnston, Vera (née de Zhelihovsky) 249 Hartland, Edwin Sidney 46, 48, 52, Jordan, Louis Henry 66 63f. Judge, William Quan 165, 249 Hartmann, Franz 68 Jung, Carl Gustav 124, 132, 153–155, 164, Hauer, Jakob Wilhelm 132, 154 172, 183 Havell, Ernest Binfield 154 Heiman, Samuel I. 116 Kabbalah/Jewish Mysticism 104–128, Helmboldt, Cecilia 251 104–111, 116–128, 190; see Zohar Herbert, Jean 200–204, 207f., 210 Kalidasa 241 Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn 53, 74f., Kamensky, Anna 251 107, 123 Kamensky, Margarita Alexeyevna 251 Hermeticism 19–25, 58, 76, 255 Kardec, Allan 85, 93 Herodotus 46 Kasar Devi, Almora (India) 167 Heruka, Tsangnyön 178f. Keightley, Archibald 69 Herzl, Theodor 118 Kemper, Hans-Georg 23, 25 Hibbert Lectures 65 Kerner, Justinus 85 High Court of Calcutta 133 Keyserling, Hermann 257 Hinduism 58, 196–207, 211 Kielhorn, Franz 261 Hodgson, Richard 67f., 70 Kieser, Georg 86, 89f. Hoens, Dirk Jan 134 Kilcher, Andreas 120 Horodezky, Samuel Abba 106 Kingsford, Anna 58, 69 Hunt, James 63 Kingsland, William 69 Huss, Boaz 3, 30 Kipling, Rudyard 73 Huxley, Aldous Leonard 182f. Kirchberger, Niklaus Anton 247 Huxley, Thomas Henry 45, 49, 55, 63, 150 Kircher, Athanasius 23 Hydesville 85 Knorr von Rosenroth, Christian 107, 123 Index 279 Kōsen, Imakita 263 Magical school of Salamanca 51 Kripal, Jeffrey John 3, 38, 153 Magnetism 84–90, 94, 182 Krishna 166, 200 Mahābhārata 252 Krishna Prem, Sri (Ronald Henry Nixon) 166 Mahabodhi-Gesellschaft 261 Krishna Sastri, Ganapati 259 Mahatma letters 67 Krishnamurti, Jiddu 70, 166, 187, 265 Mahayana Lodge (Kyoto) 263 Kuhn, Adalbert 47 Maimonides, Moses 123 Maitland, Edward 58 Lacombe, Olivier 210 Majumdār, Baradā Kānta 136, 138–144, 151 Lallement, Maude 205 Majumdār, Jñānendralāl 136 Lalon, Fakir 145 Malinowski, Bronisław 6 Landauer, Meyer Heinrich Hirsch 106 Mandala 246 Lane, Beatrice 263 Manen, Mari Albert Johan van 259, 265 Lang, Andrew 44, 46, 48f., 54–57, 64, 68, Manen, Maria Albertina Johanna 265 75, 168 Manen, Reinier Otto van 265 Langsdorff, Georg von 86 Martinez de Pasqually, Jacques de Livron Lardinois, Roland 187, 204f.
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