General Report
GENERAL REPORT OF THE EIGHTEENTH ANNIVERSARY OF THE THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY, A t the H ead-Q uarters, A dyar, Madras, D ecember 27TH, 28th, 29TH and 30TH, 1893. WITH OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS. HE President-Founder called the meeting to order at noon, on the T 27th December, according to custom. The attendance was excep tionally large. Delegates or members were present from the American and European Sections, and from the following countries : England, Ceylon, Sweden, America, and various parts of India. They represented the following religions : Hindu (Advaita, Dvaita, Yis'ishthadvaita); Bud dhist, including two priests of the Ramanya Nikaya; Zoroastrian; Christian ; Islam. The Indian Delegates came from the Presidencies of Madras, Bom bay, Bengal, North-western Provinces and Panjab. The most conspicu ous figure among those assembled was, of course, Mrs. Annie Besant (now lovingly re-named “ Annabai” by the Hindus), and the course of daily morning lectures which she gave, was the most interesting feature of the Convention. Congratulatory telegrams were read from the General Secretaries of the American and European Sections, from Shanghae (Dharmapala), and from the Bombay and Bareilly Branches. T he P resident’s A ddress. I bid you welcome once more, my brothers, friends and colleagues, to the annual home-coming of the members of our scattered Theoso- phical family; glad to have been spared to do it, gladdest of all that I am able to greet you with a joy in my heart to which it has long been a stranger. The night’s blackness is rolling away, the dawn of a happier day is breaking.
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