Horizons of Holistic Education p ISSN : 2349-8811 July-September-2020, 7 (3), 166-178 eISSN : 2349-9133 A Comparative Analysis of Educational Philosophy Of Sri Aurobindo And J. Krishnamurty & Its Implications Dr. Rucha Desai Assistant Professor – Naranlala Institute of Teacher Education, Navsari, Gujarat.
[email protected] Received: 27-06-2020 Accepted: 01-08-2020 ABSTRACT Philosophy and Education both are incomplete without each other. Education is the practical side of philosophy or conversely philosophy is the theory of education. A philosophy of education is a set of beliefs about education as to what should be done in education and what the outcome of education should be. Anyone who wishes to make educational decisions ought to have a philosophy of education. As Fitzgibbons notes, educational philosophy usually contains two distinct kinds of beliefs, namely (i) Empirical beliefs (ii) Philosophical beliefs. Indian education system as such it is practiced so far is mainly based on western philosophy. However, in our own country quite a number of enlightened people have given vent to their thoughts with respect to the type of education system that suits India. Among them the prominent thinkers include Swami Vivekananda, Sri Aurobindo, Rabindranath Tagore, Gandhiji, Annie Besent and J. Krishnamurti. Almost all of them had a holistic view of education which suited the Indian condition. So here an attempt has been made to compare the Educational Philosophy of Aurobindo and J.Krishnamurty to present their views, philosophy, and principles of teaching, aims of education and its implications. Key Words: Education, Philosophy of Education, Empirical beliefs, hhe.cugujarat.ac.in 156 HORIZONS OF HOLISTIC EDUCATION, July-September-2020, 7 (3), 166-178 INTRODUCTION Among them the prominent thinkers include Swami Vivekananda, Sri Aurobindo, Education, like all conscious and deliberate Rabindranath Tagore, Gandhiji, Annie action, seeks for a basis of demonstrated Besent and J.