East York Election. Have Been Disfranchised

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East York Election. Have Been Disfranchised North America has been undergoing a' PROVINCE OF QUiiBEC. MEXICAN NEWS. Northern Railway of Canada County Court and Quarter Latest from Europe. Tlie rulin: passion.— Little girl (to Shop great political revolution, peaceful it is Sessions- New York, Sept. 9.—The H era ld 's C u b a keeper)— “ Wall ye gie’s ha’pennies for this true, but a revolution, nevertheless—that cable despatch, dated Havana, Sept. 5th, thrippenny, for ma granny’s feared it’s no a jaiCHilONiJ HILIi STATION says Our Vera Cruz dates are lo September Socthamp-tox, Sept. 8, evening.— The g u d e a n e 1” we are now entering upon a new state of From-the Globe of Thursday, sream er Western Metropolis from New York, C'HAXUU OF TIME. 1st, and from the Capitol to August 28th. A student riding, being jeered on the way . put iu this port to-day with maia shaft bro­ May 6. 1867. political existence, and that tho old His Honour Deputy Judge Boyd, P The reported arrival at Vera Cruz of Maxi­ for wearing but one spur, said that if one . 1 milian’s body is contradicted. It is also ken. Going North 7.55 A.M ......................4 .5 6 P .M . party lines must, of necessity, be obliter­ presiding, James Foster, associate. Argenteul—J. J. C. A bbott.. side of his horse went on, it was not likely . 1 contradicted that his body has been muti­ Queenstown, Sept. $■, evening.—The Goins South 9.33 A.M„ , .............. 8 .1 4 P .M . The Grand Jury at the opening of the Beauharnois-—Cayley ................... that the other would stay behind. ated ; that in consequence of the com­ . 1 la te d . s te a m e r P a lm y r a from New York has ar­ Bellechasse M. Casault. .. The Paris papers record axase of suicide, Court, returned the. following bills :— Brome— C. Dunkin ......................... 1 rived. SUBSCltiriii FOR pletely altered circumstances in which Santa Anna’s case is to be proceeded in which a youth of twenty killed himself by1 . 1 Regina vs Wm. Veruliam—Larceny Chambly—M. Benoit................... w ith . L ondon, S e p t. 8.— The report fron Con­ running several dozens of pins into his we will hereafter be placed, as regards Champlain—J. J. Ross .............. 1 The York Herald, $1,00 a year and receiving, true bill. All the generals condemned to death have stantinople that British captives in Abyssinia chest, and died from loss of blood. He left Chateaugnay—L. II. Holton ........... the government of tho Dominion, as Regina vs Wm. Palmer—Larceny and been pardoned. gained their freedom, proves to be without a letter on his table, saying that he was not ISails made up at tho Richmond Compton—J H. Pope ......................... 1 foundation. The Sublime Porte has again well as the various Provinces composing G en . O ’H a r a w as s h o t on tn e 1 StTi, p u r­ worth a pin, and that he had adopted this Mill Post OiHue. receiving, true bi'l. Deux-Nantagnes—I. B. D avust... 1 intimated to the European Powers that it suant to the sentence ofa court maitial. unusual mode of terminating it because lie the confederacy, it becomes us as a free Regina vs Thos. McClutchy—Larceny Dorchester—H. L. Langeyin 1 cannot admit of any intervention in affairs thought it piquant. Until further notice, the mails will be and intelligent people, desirous of con­ and reviving, two true bills. Huntingdon—J, Rose ........................ 1 President Jaurcz has decreed a convoca­ of the Island of Candia, and therefore ab­ *rloaed at this Post Office as follows : Iberville—M. Bechard ........................ 1 tion of Mexicii u People, for the purpose of A Florence letter of the 6 th in th e S i eel a Regina vs. Wm. Hannah— Misdemea­ solutely declines to adopt the project for a MOUSING. solidating British power on this conti­ Jacques Cartier— G. Gaucher. ... 1 electing a President, Congressmen, and Ma­ joint Commission of Enquiry. says: “ The desertiions from the Pontifical nor, true bill. Jolette— Godin ........................................ 1 gistrates of the Supreme Court. p . u , n n f . i t-i 1 army continue. Two Prussian gunners, Northern Mail..............................6 .3 0 A .M . nent, and of laying the foundation — wide uENicy A, bept,. y.— Delegates to the Peace r ,• .1 . • i i Lawrarie—A. Pinsonneault:...............1 ...... ’ ‘..... i_. ,, , 7. | fugitives from that corps, arrived here yes­ S o u th e rn M a il..............................6 .3 0 A .M . Regina vs. John Jacob Fercher—As­ A l*rge supply of munitions of war have Congress ar.; arriving from all parts of and deep—of a glorious and happy na­ L’Assomption—L Arehambeault 1 terday. If sei ious events should breakout Mail for Alm ira, .....................^ sault with intent, true bill. beer. forwarded from Texas to Chichuahua Europe. Garibaldi has arrived in this city. Laval—J. H. Bellerose ...................... 1 in the patrimony of St. Peter, no one “ C a s h e l,............................ I 11.00 A. M. tion, to-do no act that will retard the to repel the Indians and Filibuster*. His reception was most enthusiastic. In a Regina vs. John Collingwood—Mis­ Levis. S. G. Blanche* ... ...... 1 knows to what point the Government “ G o r m le y ,................... \ ou Tuesdays brief speech, he declared his purpose to completion of the great work now in pro­ Lotbiniere, A. G. Joly. ................... 1 T h e Herald's Key West special says:— could count on the lidelity of the native “ Head ford,......................I & Friday*. demeanor, no bill. move on Rome Was unalterable, and that gress; but on the contrary, to lend a Maskinonge, G. Caron ......................... 1 The Yellow Fever is raging at Fort Jeilerson tro o p s .” “ Victoria Square, J MACDONALD VS EMPEY. and the Dry Tortugas, the plan ot action '.hough deferred, would Megantic, George Irvine ................... 1 KVICN1NO MAIL. helping-hand by selecting good, men and soon be carried into eifect. It appears, from experiments- made at An action on a note for goods. The Missisquoi, B. Chamberlin ................ 1 A negro rising in St. Thomas is reported. S o u th e r n ..........................................6 .3 0 P .M . Chatham on August 12th, in the presence true men, who will exercise their best defended pleaded payment. Verdict for Montcalm, Joseph Dufresne 1 They attacked the fort and were repulsed P a r is , Sept. 9.—The speeeh by the of the Cuninian(ler-m-Chief, that the great - N.B. REGISTERED LETTERS will plaintiff, $246 96. Montmagny, J. O. Beaubien .... 1 wiih considerable loss. Grand Duke ot Baden, at the opening of require to he handed in 15 minutes before judgment in assisting our leading states­ object of commanding officers will be to Montmorrenci, J. Cauchon 1 New York, Sept. 0.—-The Cable despatch the Diet, in which he advocated an alliance ihe time of closing. men—who have buried, the party hatchet Robinson, Beaty and Chadwick for with the North German Coi-federation, prevent their men from firing too rapidly Montreal East, G. E. C artier.... 1 announcing that an American vessel had M. TEEFY, Postmaster. plaintiff.. gives rise again to a feeling of uneasiness when they are supplied with Snider rifles. —to finish the structure so hiippily be­ Montreal Centre, T. W orkman.. been interfered with at Crete by the Turks Richmond Hill, May 0. 1867 With the ordinary Enfield rifle, t.ie difficulty ORR VS. CAMPBELL. Montreal West, T. D. M cGee.... 1 in political circles. Fears are entertained gan, that it may hereafter become tbe excites considerable surprise. It is stated has been to train the men to fire quickly Ottawa County, A. Wri_rht 1 that recent complications will he revived, An action brought to recover the sum that other foreign vessels have not been e n o u g h . New Advertisemens. admiration, not only- of our republican Pontiac, Edmund Heath ...................... 1 thus interfered with, and that the aenon ot and that questions may a' iso which will of $151 95 from the defendant as ad­ disturb the tranquility of Europe. neighbors across the way, but of the Quebec County, P. J O. Chativeau 1 American naval oilicers will be sustained by . The ‘Australian Meat Company/, whose- Farms for Sale. .Henry Lemon ministrator of an estate. Verdict for I unsahed boiled beef was commended by the civilized world.—So mote it be 1 Quebec Centre. G.. H. Sirnard... 1 this Government. Southampton, Sept. 9.—The steamer Credit Sale..Mrs. S. Williams plaiutiff. Quebec East, P. G. Hoot ................ I N ew Y ork, from New York 29lh ult., has Society of Arts, aie preserving that article Village Lnt for sale. .Henry L'Jmon J- McBride for plaintiff. Quebec West, T. McGreevey 1 a rriv e d . for the London market at the rate of 1 00,- 'i'rickc-r vs. Crey Richelieu. M cCarthy ................................. 1 THE ANGLO-AFRICAN WAR. 000 lbs. a month, and also making Liebig’s THE QUEEN VS. WM. PALMER.. M arseilles, Sept. 11.— Despatches extract of beef at ihe rate of one ton of Information. .Thomas F. Chapman W EST YORIC—The Protest. Sheiford, L. S. Huntingdon 1 The prisoner was charged with steal­ Sherbrooke. A. T. G alt ..................... 1 PREPARATION FOR TIIE MARCH FROM received here, mention that the cholera extract a month. The company are killing and sending to England an average of fifteen, ing a pair of pants from Wm. Ilill, of Soulanges, Masson ................................ 1 INDIA. is raging fearfully in the Island of St. Hvaeinthe, Kierzkowski..........
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