Inu- 7 the Worldbank Policy Planningand Researchstaff
INU- 7 THE WORLDBANK POLICY PLANNINGAND RESEARCHSTAFF Infrastructure and Urban Development Department Public Disclosure Authorized ReportINU 7 Operating and Maintenance Features Public Disclosure Authorized of Container Handling Systems Public Disclosure Authorized Brian J. Thomas 9 D. Keith Roach -^ December 1987 < Technical Paper Public Disclosure Authorized This is a document publishedinformally by the World Bank The views and interpretationsherein are those of the author and shouldnot be attributedto the World Bank,to its affiliatedorganizations, or to any individualacting on their behalf. The World Bank Operating and Maintenance Features of Container Handling Systems Technical Paper December 1987 Copyright 1987 The World Bank 1818 H Street, NW, Washington,DC 20433 All Rights Reserved First PrintingDecember 1987 This manual and video cassette is published informally by the World Bank. In order that the informationcontained therein can be presented with the least possibledelay, the typescript has not been prepared in accordance with the proceduresappropriate to formal printed texts, and the World Bank accepts no responsibilityfor errors. The World Bank does not accept responsibility for the views expressedtherein, which are those of the authors and should not be attributed to the World Bank or to its affiliated organisations. The findings,-inerpretations,and conclusionsare the results of research supported by the Bank; they do not necessarilyrepresent official policy of the Bank. The designationsemployed, the presentationof material used in this manual and video cassette are solely for the convenienceof th- reader/viewerand do not imply the expressionof any opinion whatsoeveron the part of the World Bank or its affiliates. The principal authors are Brian J. Thomas, Senior Lecturer, Departmentof Maritime Studies,University of Wales Institute of Science and Technology,Cardiff, UK and Dr.
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