Slow Blink Eye Closure in Shelter Cats Is Related to Quicker Adoption

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Slow Blink Eye Closure in Shelter Cats Is Related to Quicker Adoption animals Article Slow Blink Eye Closure in Shelter Cats Is Related to Quicker Adoption Tasmin Humphrey 1,* , Faye Stringer 1, Leanne Proops 2 and Karen McComb 1,* 1 Mammal Communication and Cognition Research Group, School of Psychology, University of Sussex, Brighton BN1 9QH, UK; [email protected] 2 Centre for Comparative and Evolutionary Psychology, Department of Psychology, University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth PO1 2DY, UK; [email protected] * Correspondence: [email protected] (T.H.); [email protected] (K.M.) Received: 27 October 2020; Accepted: 23 November 2020; Published: 30 November 2020 Simple Summary: Slow blinking is a type of interaction between humans and cats that involves a sequence of prolonged eye narrowing movements being given by both parties. This interspecific social behaviour has recently been studied empirically and appears to be a form of positive communication for cats, who are more likely to approach a previously unfamiliar human after such interactions. We investigated whether slow blinking can also affect human preferences for cats in a shelter environment. We measured whether cats’ readiness to respond to a human-initiated slow blink interaction was associated with rates of rehoming in the shelter. We also examined cats’ propensity to slow blink when they were anxious around humans or not. We demonstrated that cats that responded to human slow blinking by using eye closures themselves were rehomed quicker than cats that closed their eyes less. Cats that were initially identified as more nervous around humans also showed a trend towards giving longer total slow blink movements in response to human slow blinking. Our results suggest that the cat slow blink sequence is perceived as positive by humans and may have a dual function in cats, occurring in both affiliative and submissive situations. Abstract: The process of domestication is likely to have led to the development of adaptive interspecific social abilities in animals. Such abilities are particularly interesting in less gregarious animals, such as cats. One notable social behaviour that cats exhibit in relation to humans is the slow blink sequence, which our previous research suggests can function as a form of positive communication between cats and humans. This behaviour involves the production of successive half blinks followed by either a prolonged narrowing of the eye or an eye closure. The present study investigates how cat (n = 18) slow blink sequences might affect human preferences during the adoption of shelter cats. Our study specifically tested (1) whether cats’ propensity to respond to human-initiated slow blinking was associated with their speed of rehoming from a shelter environment, and (2) whether cats’ anxiety around humans was related to their tendency to slow blink. Our experiments demonstrated that cats that showed an increased number of and longer eye closures in response to human slow blinks were rehomed faster, and that nervous cats, who had been identified as needing desensitisation to humans, tended to spend more time producing slow blink sequences in response to human slow blinks than a non-desensitisation group. Collectively, these results suggest that the cat slow blink sequence is perceived as positive by humans and may have a dual function—occurring in both affiliative and submissive contexts. Keywords: human-animal interactions; facial expressions; cats; slow blink Animals 2020, 10, 2256; doi:10.3390/ani10122256 Animals 2020, 10, 2256 2 of 11 Animals 2020, 10, x 2 of 11 1.1. Introduction Introduction HumanHuman attitudes attitudes towards towards animalsanimals cancan be described in terms terms of of two two primary primary dimensions—affect dimensions—affect andand utility utility [ 1[1].]. TheThe domesticationdomestication of of FelisFelis catus catus, the, the cat, cat, is isthought thought to tohave have been been driven driven by their by their use as use asa ameans means of of pest pest control control [2]. [2]. Thus, Thus, utility utility initially initially described described early early human human motivations motivations to to tolerate tolerate a a proximityproximity to to cats. cats. However,However, overover timetime thethe catcat hashas integrated itself itself into into the the family family home, home, becoming becoming nearlynearly as as prevalent prevalent in in UK UK households households asas thethe domestic dog [3]. [3]. Now, Now, cats cats seem seem to to play play an an increasingly increasingly significantsignificant a affectiveffective rolerole inin ourour lives,lives, oftenoften providingproviding a a source source of of emotional emotional support support to to owners owners [4]. [4 ]. ThisThis shift shift from from co-existence co-existence withwith humanshumans toto companioncompanion raises interesting interesting questions questions regarding regarding the the particularparticular social social behaviours behaviours in in cats cats necessary necessary for for the the formation formation and and maintenance maintenance of the of cat–humanthe cat–human bond. bond.Despite previously being solitary animals, cats have become facultatively social during the process of domestication.Despite previously They have being been solitary shown animals, to use humancats have given become cues [facultatively5–7] and adapt social their during own vocalthe communicationprocess of domestication. to gain food They and have care inbeen heterospecific shown to use interactions human given byusing cues [5–7] a solicitation and adapt purr, their where own a highvocal frequency communication element to embeddedgain food and in thecare low in heterospecific frequency purr interactions adds perceived by using urgency, a solicitation apparently purr, throughwhere itsa high similarity frequency to a human element infant embedded cry [8]. Socialin the skillslow frequency are advantageous purr adds to individuals perceived [urgency,9], in part dueapparently to signalling through motivation its similarity to others, to for a example human viainfa facialnt cry expression [8]. Social [10 ].skills Facial are expressions advantageous therefore to serveindividuals specific [9], functions in part indue social to signalling contexts, motivation for example to expressingothers, for example negative via emotions facial expression such as fear [10]. can alertFacial the expressions receiver to antherefore aversive serve situation. specific However, functions the scientificin social studycontexts, of communicationfor example expressing in animals duringnegative positive emotions contexts such as remains fear can relatively alert the scantreceiver [11 to]. an A proposedaversive situation. function However, of positive the expressions scientific instudy humans of communication is to build on in personal animals resources,during positive including contexts social remains relationships relatively [scant12]. This[11]. A constructive proposed functionfunction may of positive extend toexpressions animals as in well, humans since is more to build socially on tolerantpersonal macaques, resources, where including interactions social arerelationships less dictated [12]. by This strict constructive social structures, function have may a wider extend repertoire to animals of aasffi well,liative since facial more displays socially [13 ]. Intolerant addition, macaques, the degree where to which interactions cats display are less affection dictated has by been strict shown social to bestructures, associated have with a owners’wider repertoire of affiliative facial displays [13]. In addition, the degree to which cats display affection has reported levels of attachment [14]. Thus, further investigation into cat–human positive communication been shown to be associated with owners’ reported levels of attachment [14]. Thus, further could shed light on the social function of positive communication, specifically in the context of our investigation into cat–human positive communication could shed light on the social function of relationship with felines. positive communication, specifically in the context of our relationship with felines. One cat-human signal that has recently been documented scientifically is the slow blink sequence. One cat-human signal that has recently been documented scientifically is the slow blink Cat slow blink sequences involve narrowing of the eye aperture, specifically consisting of a series sequence. Cat slow blink sequences involve narrowing of the eye aperture, specifically consisting of of shorter half blinks, followed by either a stable narrowing of the eye or a prolonged eye closure a series of shorter half blinks, followed by either a stable narrowing of the eye or a prolonged eye (see Figure1). Cats appear to respond to similar eye narrowing movements initiated by humans, closure (see Figure 1). Cats appear to respond to similar eye narrowing movements initiated by andhumans, tend to and approach tend to previouslyapproach previously unfamiliar unfamiliar humans after humans such after slow such blink slow interactions blink interactions [15]. The [15]. slow blinkThe hasslow also blink been has noted also been when noted a cat when is seeking a cat reassuranceis seeking reassurance in a tense environment in a tense environment [16]. A survey [16]. intoA felinesurvey behaviour into feline by behaviour the animal by welfare the animal charity, welfare Cats Protection, charity, Cats found Protection, that 69% found of the that 1100 69% cat ownersof the asked1100 indicatedcat owners that
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