Report on the Assessment of Cumulative Effects of the "Completion of Units 3 and 4 of NPP Mochovce“On Environment

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Report on the Assessment of Cumulative Effects of the Report on the assessment of cumulative effects of the "Completion of Units 3 and 4 of NPP Mochovce“on environment ENEX trade, s.r.o. - Report on the assessment of cumulative effects of the " Completion of Units 3 and 4 of NPP Mochovce“ on environment ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Contents 1 Basic information on the organization ........................................................................................ 15 2 “Basic data on the activity "COMPLETION OF UNIT 3 and 4 OF npp Mochovce" ....................... 15 3 territory and the time period related to the report .................................................................... 18 3.1 definition of territory – geographic data ............................................................................. 18 3.2 Cities and villages in the area of MO34+20 km ................................................................... 21 3.3 specification of time period for input data and analysis ..................................................... 21 3.4 basic demographic data of the area MO34+20 km ............................................................. 22 3.5 Principles of obtaining input data for the evaluation area MO34 + 20 km ......................... 23 4 basic information on the current state of the environment of mo34+20km in a specific period of time ................................................................................................................................................. 25 4.1 assessment of the current state of environmental quality including health and safety in the surrounding of the completion of units 3 and 4 of and the operation of units 1 and 2 of mochovce ........................................................................................................................................ 25 4.2 Image of the country ........................................................................................................... 27 4.3 STATE OF THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT INCLUNDING THE PROTECTED AREAS ............... 27 4.4 territorial system of ecological stability, protection of soil, water, air, wildlife ................. 30 4.5 population, its activities, health and safety ........................................................................ 47 4.6 HEALTH OF THE POPULATION ............................................................................................. 55 4.7 SAFETY ................................................................................................................................. 62 5 Reviewed cumulative effects of the completion of Units 3 and 4 of NPP Mochovce on the environment between 2011 and 2014 ................................................................................................ 66 5.1 additional opportunities for employment........................................................................... 66 5.2 other/additional environment pollutants (air, water) ........................................................ 72 5.3 additional cases of diseases, problems with alcohol and drugs and crime ........................ 95 5.4 standard of living ............................................................................................................... 103 5.5 LOSS OF THE TERRITORY (I.E. soil fund) ............................................................................ 105 5.6 change or deterioration / degradation of the natural and critical environment (habitat) 106 5.7 regulation of the flow on the down stream, reduction, change and/or fragmentation of the coastal and water environment .............................................................................................. 106 5.8 additional impact on the mortality of wildlife................................................................... 110 5.9 summary of the impact consideration and assessment of the activities in a specific period of time 113 6 map, graph and other visual documentation / annexes ........................................................... 115 7 additional information on the report ........................................................................................ 115 7.1 list of sources ..................................................................................................................... 115 8 Place and date of the report ..................................................................................................... 116 Strana 2 z 116 ENEX trade, s.r.o. - Report on the assessment of cumulative effects of the " Completion of Units 3 and 4 of NPP Mochovce“ on environment ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9 confirmation of the data accuracy ............................................................................................ 116 An integral part of this report is the document: Annexes to the report on the assessment of the cumulative effects of the "Completion of Units 3 and 4 of NPP Mochovce" on the environment. List of figures Fig. no. 1: Approximate location of the "Completion of Units 3 and 4 of NPP Mochovce" within the Nitra region ................................................................................................................................... 19 Fig. no. 2: Territory of MO34+20 km ............................................................................................ 20 Fig. no. 3: Territorial nature and landscape protection ............................................................... 29 Fig. no. 4: Ecological quality of the cadastral areas by structural use, the state in 2007 ........... 31 Fig. no. 5: Territorial system of ecological stability ...................................................................... 32 Fig. no. 6: SR river basin districts and sub-basins ........................................................................ 35 Fig. no. 7: State monitoring network of surface water quality in the Slovak Republic in 2013 ... 36 Fig. no. 8: The state monitoring network of groundwater quality in Slovakia in 2014 ............... 36 Fig. no. 9: Ecological status of the sub-basins in the period 2009-2012 ...................................... 38 Fig. no. 10: Chemical status of the sub-basins in the period 2009-2012 ................................... 39 Fig. no. 11: National Air Quality Monitoring Network (NMSKO) ............................................... 44 Fig. no. 12: Management of air quality ...................................................................................... 44 Fig. no. 13: Structure of the death causes ................................................................................. 58 List of of tables Tab. no. 1: Information about the location of activities ............................................................... 16 Tab. no. 2: Classification of the territory of NPP Mochovce according to the ordinance No. 597/2002 Coll. 18 Tab. no. 3: Classification of the territory of NPP Mochovce by GO No. 499/2008 Coll. ............... 19 Tab. no. 4: Categorization of MO34 + 20 km by environmental quality ....................................... 26 Tab. no. 5: Territorial emissions of CO .......................................................................................... 46 Tab. no. 6: Territorial emissions of NOX ........................................................................................ 46 Tab. no. 7: Territorial emissions of SO2 ......................................................................................... 46 Tab. no. 8: Territorial emissions of particulate matter ................................................................. 46 Tab. no. 9: Information about the cause of death in MO34 + 20 km ............................................ 58 Tab. no. 10: The limit values of chemical indicators of the waste water discharged into the river Hron 81 Tab. no. 11: Balance values of chemical indicators of waste water discharged into the river Hron 82 Tab. no. 12: The value of arable and grassland in the cadastral area of Mochovce according to Act no. 465/2008 Coll. ...................................................................................................................... 105 Tab. no. 13: Protected fish species, species of European and national importance ................ 109 Tab. no. 14: Characteristics of the surface water in the lower section of the river Hron ......... 110 List of graphs Graph 1: Economic redistribution SR in a specific period of time.................................................. 13 Graph 2: Proportional number of the economic redistribution SR in a specific period of time ... 14 Graph 3: The number of inhabitants in individual years in a specific period of time .................... 22 Strana 3 z 116 ENEX trade, s.r.o. - Report on the assessment of cumulative effects of the " Completion of Units 3 and 4 of NPP Mochovce“ on environment ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Graph 4: Proportional number of inhabitants in individual years in a specific period of time ...... 23 Graph 5: The inhabitants of the territory MO34 + 20 km by reference to the Nitra and Banská Bystrica regions in 2011 ...................................................................................................................... 24 Graph 6: Proportion number of inhabitants
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