



Section 1. The Plumb ing Code of the City of Chesterfield is hereby repealed in its entirety and enacting 1n lieu thereof a new Plumbing Code.

Section 2. The Plumb ing Code of the City of Chesterfield may be enforced pursuant to the terms of a contractual agreement entered into between the City of Chesterfield and St. Louis Coun ty. The Plumbing Code shall read as follows:

1103.010 SHORT TITLE. - This Chapter shall be known and may be cited as "THE PLUMBING CODE".

1103.015 NATIONAL STANDARD PLUMBING CODE ADOPTED. Certain documents , three copies of wh ich are filed in the Office of the Director of Public Works and the Administrative Director of the Coun ty council, said copies being marked and designated as the "National Standard Plumbing Code - 1987" with appendices A, B, C, D and E and Basic Principals No. 1 through No. 22 as approved and published by the Na tional Association of Plumbing - He ating Cooling Contractors (NAPHCC ), in accordance with their bylaws , are hereby referred to , adopted , and made a part hereof, as if ful ly set out in this Chapter , with the additions , deletions , insertions and changes prescribed by the following sections herein; provided that should any conflict of interpretations or requirements occur between the provisions of the afo rementioned documents and the St. Louis County Ordinances , then said St.Louis Coun ty Ordinances shall apply and prevail.

1103.020 DECLARATION OF PUBLIC NECESSITY. - In accordance with Chapter 341, R.S.Mo. , 1978, it is hereby found and determined that adoption of a nationally recognized standard plumb ing code is necessary for the promotion of the public health and safety of the City of Chesterfield.

This Code shall be construed , interpreted and enfo rced so as to secure its expressed intent wh ich is to ensure public health , safety and welfare by appropriate regulation of plumbing and sewer installations and ma intenance.

1103.030 SCOPE. - The provis ions of this Code shall apply to all matters affecting or relating to plumbing and sewe r systems wi thin the un incorpo rated area of St. Louis County, Mis souri. Licensing provisions shall apply thr oughout incorporated and unincorporated areas of the City of Chesterfield , Missouri.

An y plumb ing or sewe r requirement essen tial for the safety of a plumbing system wh ich is not specifically cove red by this Code shall be determined by the Code Officia l. . ---:--


1103. 040 1. CODE OFFICIAL AUTHORITY. - The Code Official is vested wi th the executive and aam1n1 stratlVe authority to see that all laws , ordinances and codes regulating plumbing and se•Her systems ar� observed and enforced .

··- - 2. � · _ _., __ __... _ ..._...... -..:...... ___ _ The Code Official may promulgate reasonable regulations for the purpose of �: ..�·:-. 7-�·� ... ; r , . effective administrat ion and enforcenent of this Code.

3. This Code shall apply to all new construction , repairs, modifi cations anti maintenance of plumbing and drainlaying systems.

1103.050 POWERS AND DUTIES OF CODE OFFICIAL. - 1. It shal l be the duty of the Code Off1c1al to cause 1nspect1ons to be made of al l plumbing and se1�er r� ::���- � �� install ations for wh ich permits have been issued, in a manner and to the extent :A:.�::-� - ··- � :G.:_;.f� ,_ - necessary to carry out the provisions of this Code regulating such . .. ·.� �:.:�_1;'. . -o. instal l ations in all buildings and premises, public and private , in the course ·- of erection, alteration , reconstruction or repair and cause the inspection of existing instal lations as often as may be necessary to insure health, safety and general wel fare of the public . He shall see that all war!< is done in .. - �-- �; ". accordance with the prov isions of th is Code and that the work is done by persons du ly authorized to do such work. He shall have the power to recommend sus�ension or revocat ion of licenses issued pursuant to th is Code.

""--� ." � "l 2. The Code Official and his authorized representat ives shal l carry proper . <:� credentials of their office upon ex hibition of wh ich they shall have the right of entry during usual business hours to inspect any and all buildings and premises in the performance of their duties.

3. No person shall hinder, obstruct, resist or otherwise interfere wi th th� Code Official or his duly authorized representative wh-ile they ar� exercising the above-designated right of entry.


· · .:. � :- ;;';-..:.r-; . !" � her'!!by created and estab lished , within the Department or Pub lic Works, an "Office of Plumbing and Sewer Inspection", wh ich office has jurisdiction co -extensive with the provisions of this Code and which is charged 'Iiith the . '!�J�;��-�- -��Fift!S[-�. enforcement of the prov isions of th is Code, except as otherwise provided herein or in the Charter of St. Louis County, Mi ssouri . Th e Office of PI umbing and Sewer Inspection shal l be under the superv ision of an officer who shal l be known as the "Supervisor of Plumbing and Sewer Inspection" . The qual ifications of the Supervisor of Plumbing and Sewer Inspection shal l be those specified in the current Civil Serv ice regu lations of St. Louis County, Mi ssouri .


AND DUTIES. - 1. the Co unty C:.Xecut1ve shall appo1nt a Boar;:� or �xam1ners or ?lumbers and Drainlayers, in accordance with the pr'Jvisions of Artic le IV, Section 4.330 of the Charter for St. Louis County, Missouri compr ised of IJne licensed i"'aster Plumber, one licensed i"'aster Or�inlayer (who shall r.ot be ·1 1 icen sed 1 umber) , one 1 i censed Journeyman P 1 umber , and a Regis cered Eng ineer who has actually engaged in the design of plumbing or sanitary systems. In addition, the Code Official shall serve as a member of the 3oard . ... Tn e tenns of the first appo inted members of the 3oart1, except the Code Official , shal l be one (1) m��ber for one (1) year ; one (1) member for t�o (Z) years; and two (2) members for three (3) ye ars, after which al l successive terms shall be for three (3) years or until such time as their successors shal l have been qualified and appointed .

2. The Mast�r Plumber shal l act as Chai rman of the Board. The Code Offici-l; . !:! shal l act as Secretary and shall keep full and complete minutes of the aces and

. proceedings of said 3oard, and shall provide al l appl i ·ca nts for a license unde� - -·-· ·- - th is Code •,o�ith proper application fortns . - •· . -··-- _,:-:�: .. 3. The Board shal l. meet at least quarterly and as often thereafter as shai 1 :;e necessary for the performance of its duties, and except for the Code Official , shal l receive compensation as provided in Chapter 201, SLCRO 1974, as amended . 3

4. The Board shal l, pursuant to the regulations and standards herein set forth , . ·"-. �-.:-.-, •. ..;;··· determine the qualifi cations of and provide for the examining ,:,-,·--�'2""'"··-'··· : and licensing of applicants who meet the qual ifications and successfully pass the examination required under this �ode.

·· - - ··.. �-. _. _ _ __. 1103. 080 COMMIITEE OF PLUMBING CODE REVIEW - ESTABLISHMENT, POWERS AND DUTIES . 1. Tn ere is nereoy estao 11snea a Commlttee or Plumo1ng Cod e �ev1ew, wn 1ch shall consist of seven (7) members appointed by the County Executive, for a term of three (3) years or until such time as their successor shall be qual ified and appointed . The Committee shall be composed of the fo llowing: a Licensed Master Plumber , a Licensed Journeyman Plumber, a Licensed Mas�er Drainlayer, a Registered Engineer engaged in the design of plumbing and sanitary-systems, a Registered Engineer engaged in the design of sewer systems , a Registered Architect or Architectural Engineer and the Code Official .

2. The Committee shall meet at least quarterly. It shall be the duty of the Committee to cons ider al l proposed changes in this Code relative to the use, adoption or incorporation of any plumbing material , methods of construc:ion, or instal lation of plumbing and to review al l petitions submitted to the 8ui lding Commission for adoption or incorporation into this Code or any proposed changes by addition, deletion, revision or repeal and reenactment of this Code.

3. The Building Commi ssion shal l forward all said petitions to the Committee . Upon receipt of �arne, the Committee shall rev iew said petition and al l supporting data and make a recommer.�:..:ion regarding same within sixty (60) days. The Building Commission may extend this time period upon request from the Committee or the Bui lding Commission may assume ful l authority and act upon its O\IKI mot ion.

1103. 085 RELIEF FROM PERSONAL LIABILITY . - Th e Code Official , officer or employee cnarged with the enforcement of thi s Code, whi le ac�ing wi thin the scope of his emp1 oyment, shal l not thereby render h imse 1 f persona 1"1 y 1 i ab 1 e and he is hereby rel ieved of all personal liability for any damage t�at may accrue to person s or property as a result of any act required or permitted in the discharge _of his official duties. Any suit instituted against any officer or

. ·:.-- �- .... : employee arising out of an- act performed by him in the lawful di scharge of his ��� :: :_- ,�J;""'f-:.. duties and under the provi�ions of thi s Code shall be defended by the legal :�'.: -:·:£.,.:""' representat ive of St. Louis County, Missouri until the final termination of the proceedings . The Code Official or any of his subordinates shal l not be liable for co sts in any action, suit or proceeding that may be instituted pursuant to the provisions of this Code; and any offi cer or employee acting in good faith and without malice shall be free from liabil ity for acts performed under any of its provisions or by reason of any act or omission in the performance of official duties in connection therewi th.

1103. 090 LICENSE: REQUIRED. - 1. No person sha 11 engage in or perform tne work of instal ling, altering or repairing plumbing unless licensed as a Master ?lumber or a Journeyman Plumber under this Code or unless he shall be regi stered as a Plumber Apprentice under this Code and working under the direction of a 1 i censed Master P 1 umber, except as other-.'lise prov ided in this Code. No person shall hold himself out as being av ailable to perform any such work if} any advertising med ium or publication unl ess he shall be licensed as .aforesaid. No partnership, corporation or other legal entity, or person conducting business under a fictitious name shall hold out such entity as being avai lable to perform any such work in any advertising medium or publication un less a principal of such entity shal l be licensed as aforesaid.

- '· � : 2. llo person shall enaaae" in or perform the work of installina" the sani tary or storm bui ]ding sewer , starting _five (5) feet beyond the building foundat ion wal l (end of building drain) or any work concerning the installation of sani tary or storm, trunk , main and 1 at era 1 sewers , in pub 1 i c prooer':y, recorded easements or private property unless said �erson is a Master i Drainlaver or under the direct suoervision of a Master Qrainlaver dulv licensed _....,.__.....,··;..,; !...... ;�::.:;:--r ,... .; . pursuant to ttlis Code' except as other·.'li se pi-ov i ded in tn is Code. llo person shal l- Mo ld himself qut as being avai lable to perform any such work in any adverti sing medium or p ubl ication unless he shal l be licensed as aforesaid. No . • ' t �


partnership, corporation or other legal entity; or person conducting business under a fictitious name shall hold out such entity as being available to perform any such work in any advertising medium or publication un less a .. . -�-' -/ � principal of such entity shall be licensed as aforesaid •


�:- �-- . - ..·. -· · - -. -· ------� a. the maintenance, extension or repair of process drains, process .:.... ·---- - .. ..:. drain facil ities, process drainage systems, or piping drains, drainage

- .... ,� . syste.'IIS or facilities from mechan ical manufacturing, industrial processing, refrigeration, heating, air conditioning, sprinkler or sprinkling systems, or parts, material s, devices or appurtenances in connection therewi th or for the utilization or operat ion thereof, provided however, the final connection of any such process drain, process drain faci lities, process drainage systems, piping drain, ·drainage syste.'ll or facilities for mechan ical manufacturing or industri al proces� line wh ich shall be connected to a drainage line containing fecal matter or any other form of human waste shall be done by a

·-� �-::..· licensed person as stated herein; · �L- �;.:{���:.:��:�:�.:-"��:..-::::;:.;_�1 b. the performance of minor repairs . ' 1103.095 ADVERTISING. - No person licensed under any prov1s1on of this Code shall place or authorize the placement of an advert isement or message offering his services in any advertising medium unless the advertisement or message clearly states the County 1 icense number of the person . In the event such adverti sement or message sha11 be for a partnership, corporation , or other legal entity, or under a fictitious name, such advertisement or message shal l . - ··.-.;- • -·-�""''! . contain the name of a licensed principal of such entity and the County license "' -� · �- ---· �. number of such person. . 1103.097 r�tt�::. ,o;, ____ -.;_.: PLUMBERS APPRENTICESHIP. A person desiring to learn the plumbing trade may reg 1 ster as an apprent1ce under the fo llowing conditi on�:

- _· ,_ �!:�,-. ... 1 . An applicant for Plumbers Apprentice Registration shal l: �.�;J� ...... �� --- a. be associated with a 1 icensed Master Plumber and be currently ;.� rece1v1ng on-job-training under the personal direction and �.:--: - �-� supervi sion of a St . Louis County, Missouri licensed Master · or $.If�:��-.. :_ ::.-�·i�-/:. -::.·:--- . �---�:. Journeyman Plumber .

. . -� ..,_ ..,..., b. · register with the Board . Said registration shall include the app 1 i cant's name, address, zip code, age and te 1 ephone number; the applicant shal l also include on the application the name of the 1 icensed master plumber under wh ich the appl icant wi 11 be receivina training and instructions; furnish a letter from said Licensed Master Plumber; and submit a 1" X 1 1/2" fu ll face photograph of the applicant .

c. pay a one time registration fee of ten (S10.00) doll ars .

2. Plumbers Apprentices shal l, during the first month of each ye ar ...after registration , report training and employment status to the Soard . Such report shall be on a form prov ided by the Board, shall 1 ist for the past year, empl oyers, length of time worked and shal l be countersigned by the e.'llploye�(s) . Fa i1 ure to reoort this reoui red information to the P 1 umber and Ora in1 ave� :.xamn�e�s ooar.J 'Nlll cause ;:ne re'JlStra;:lon ;:o Je can ce11ea.

3. Any Master ?lumbe� emp loying an apprentice shall advise the Board in writ ing i rrrnediately upon the corr.mencement or terminat ion of the aparentic e ' s e mp l oyment.

4. The number of plumbe� apprentices e.rnployed oy a Master Pl umaer ac - ...... -----·---�---- -·'""'! anv oiven time shal l not exceed the total number of 1 i cens ed Jour:1eyman Pl�mbers employed at th at time .

An y St. o i 1 i Cens ed who does ::J. L u i s County �is sour :�aste!'" PI umber not emal oy an y j ourn eyman plumoer and aaerates a on e (1) man shop , may emoloy only one (1) appreni:ice at an y given cime . .� ' . 5

1103.100 LICENSE APPLICATION ANO RENEWAL. - 1. In order tp obtain any license required 1n Sect1on Ilo3.o9o a person must comply wi th the fo llowing :

.... a. An applicant shal l provide all the information required on the

...... -�.,. >. application form prov ided by the Code Offici al and furnish a one by one and one-half inch ( 1" x 1-1/2") ful l face photograph for lamination .

b. An appli cant shal l meet all the practical ex pe�ience and training qual i fications requi red in Section 1103 .120 .

c. An applicant shall successfully complete the examination required under Sect1on 1103 .130 .

d. An applicant shall pay the appropriate examination and license fee( s) as required fn Section 1103 .110 .

e. An appl icant shall file the surety bond required under Section 1103 .115.

f, An applicant shal l not have had any license or certifi cate previously issued pursuant to th is-Code either suspended or revoked within the 6 month period immediately preceding the date of his appl ication .

2 •.A person applying for renewal of a license may fi le his application up to ninety ( 90) days but not less than thirty (30) days before the license expires . A person applying for a renewa l of a license, prior to its expiration, shal l fi le only a new application fonn and pay the fee requ ired under th is Code.

3. A person who fai ls to apply for a renewal of his license prior· to its expiration, shal l, in addition to complying 'Nith the requirements of th is sub-section , submit to re-examination under the same terms and conditions imposed upon new applicants.

4. Upon receipt of an application for a license , the Board of Examiners shall conduct an investigation to verify that the information on the appl ication is true and accurate and that. all requirements and qualifications are met .

5. The Board shal l, 'ltithin sixty (60) days of the date of appl ication for a license, notify the applicant in writing of the approval or denial of said application. If the application is approved , the applicant becc�es el igible to take the requi red examination pursuant to this Code. If the Board denies the appli cation the Board shall include in the notice the reason for the deni al . The decision of the Board may be reviewed in the same manner as decisions of the Code Official .

1103.105 DURATION OF LICENSES . - Licenses issued pursuant to th is Code shall expire on the last day of 1989 and every third year thereafter. The duration of each license shall be the full three year period or any re!llaining portion thereof at the date of issuance.

1103. 110 APPLICATION AND LICENSE FES. - 1. The application T"'"' for a i�aster Plumber's examinat1on, a Master Drainlayer's examination or a Journeyman ..P lumber's examination is Twenty-F ive Do llars. _ -·-·:..· 7" 2. The fee for issuance or renewa 1 of a Master Pl umbe�· s 1 i cense or a •"laster Drainlayer's lice!lse shall be One Hundred Do llars (5100 .00 ) prorated on an annual basis.

3. The f:e f�r issuance or r�ne·:�al of a Jouri1eyman �lu.11be�·s lic:nsc s�all be Tni rty Do llars (530 .00 ) prorated on an annual basis.

REQUIRED. 1.103 .115 SONO - No Plu:nbing or Dra inlaying permits shall :>e issued "'-:-- ... ----"'t;'- ..,..,..:.�;...;.....:...-..;.,;. ..:... - -.... �_�:...;��:.::-·-··-. ·; un til sue!'! appiican t snail have on file in the Office of Pl umbing an Sewer . _-;:.":'"' d Ins;lect ion an aporoved surety bond in the am ount of Ten inousand Doll :r; (SlO ,OOO .OO). Tne bo nds required herein shai 1 be aoproved by the County C{J unselor and shall be given for th e fai thful obs ervance of al l ordin ances , l aws ru les and re:ulations adooted for public health and pertaininc , the saf�tv to plumb i ng or drain l aying and sha l l i ndemnify St. Louis Coun1:y, i"�issouri, o r any other governmental agency, or any person, firm, or corpora1:ion for an y \

6 \- damage or injury sustained through the negligence or malfeasance of such --'-· applicant, their serv ants, agents or employees in performing work or for any damages or injury sustained due to such applicant's fai lure to perform work in a careful and workmanlike manner fn conformity with this Code or for the use of

. ; St. Louis County, Missouri due to non-payment of fees thi rty (30) days from due �- ...... -..:...... date, or for the use of any person, firm or corporation wi th whom said applicant contracts to do work to indemnify any such person , firm or corporation for damages sustained due to fai l ure of appl icant to do ·o<�ork so contracted .

1103 .120 QUALIFICATIONS FOR EXAMINATION . - l. An applicant for a Master Plumber' s license shall have the fo l lowi ng qual ifications:

a. At least five (5) years experi ence as a Journeyman Plumber licensed under this Code or under laws and regulations requiring simi lar qual ifications or, in lieu thereof, possess such experience or train ing as is the equivalent thereto.

Equivalent training and experience shal l mean that :

1) The appl icant shall be a registered professional civil or mechanical engineer, registered with the Missouri Board For Architects, Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, and have four (4) years of experience in the design , planning and instal lation of plumbing, drainage, vent piping facilities, potable water supply and distribution piping and potab le water cross connection contro l which must be obtained under the direction of a master plumber 1 icensed under this Code or under laws and regulations requiring similar qual ifications.


2) The applicant shal l have satisfactorily completed a five (5) year course in practical plumbing, drainage, vent piping facilities , _Po tab 1 e water supp1 y and di stri but ion piping and potab 1 e water eros s ·connection contra1 at a recogni zed trade or techn i ca 1 schoo 1 , and · fo ur (4) years experience in the design, planning and instal lation of ·plumbing, drainage , and vent piping faci lities, potab le water supply and distribution piping and potable water cross connection contro l, wh ich must be obtained under the direction of a master plumber licensed under this Code or under laws and regul ations requiring similar qualifications .


3) The appl icant shal l be a Master Plumber who has qualified for a 1 icense under examination, rules and regulations , simi 1 ar to the St. Louis County, Mi ssouri , Pl umbi ng and Orainlayers Examiners Board 's Examination Rules and Regulations; has been working under rules ana regulations equal to or exceeding the rules .and regulations of the 1987 Ed ition of the National Standard Plumbing Code; has been examined and qual ified for a St. Louis County Journeyman Plumber license; and has worked under the direction of a licensed St . Louis County, Mi ssouri , Master Plumber for at least two (2) years .

b. He shal l possess the abi lity to direct other per�ons in the performance of olumbina 'NOrk and shal l be skilled in desicn· ir.a ar.c:! instal ling plumoing fix-tures and fac i 1 ities, and shal l .ha•:e a t:-tor:ugh knowledge of the art of plumbing necessary for the protection 'Jf the publ ic healt� .

2. An aool icant for a Journe�I!Tian Plumber license shal l have at ieast five (3) years of experi ence as an Apprentice Pl umber under the personal dir ec:ion and

suoer·n s 1 on of a . Master or .;ourneyman P 1 umber 1 i censed unce!"' the r·J 1 es anc tia ns of this Code , or under laws and reoul ations requirina similar ,.eo:Jui - quali ications, or, · in lieu thereof , the aopiicant shall possess such ex�e!"' enc e or training as is 'he equivalent thereto. . ' ..


Equivalent training and experience shal l mean either:

. �- ·. a. A degree in civil or mechanical engineering from an accred ited col lege . �:· �: --�...... or university,�nd three (3) years of experi ence in the design , planning

_.. ,� and instal l ation of plumbing, drainage, vent piping facil ities, potable water supply and distribution piping and potable water cross connection control under the direction of a Master or Journeyman Plumber 1 icensed under the ru les and regulations of this Code, or under laws and regulations requiring similar qualifications.

Or : --- - � ... . . · ,_ . . b. · . ·The satisfactory completion of a three year course in practical -�-�.;:+-;�·- ··I} ._::;. �-��:�- � (3) . · .-�� ··-=:.:. . plumbing, drainage , vent piping facilities, potab le water supply and ���-{:.� ··:.: ,.::� --· --· .- distribution piping, and potab le water cross connection control at a : .,; --�-·: �7·�-,J;- ';� recogni zed trade or technical school and four (4} years experience as an ·, � -_ . -· ..... ·. - - . , ..··-:-· .:.�- � Apprentice Plumber under the personal direction of a Master or Journeyman . . Plumber licensed under the rules and regulations of th is Code, or under rul es and regulations requiring similar qualifications .

3. An appli cant for a Master Orainlayer's license shall have the following -'-'-�- qualifications:

a. Five (5) years experience in drainlaying under the personal direction of a Master Orainlayer licensed under the rules and regulations of this Code, or under laws and regulations requiring simi lar qualifications. In lieu thereof the appli cant shal l have a degree in civil or mechanical engineering from an accredited col lege or un i vers ity, and three (3) years ex perience in design, installation and planning of private and public sanitary storm sewers and sewerage systa�s.

b. The applicant shall possess the abi lity to dir.ect other p"ersons in the installation of sani tary and storm sewers,-and sewerage sy�tems, private

- and public and shall have a thorough knowledge of the art of drainlaying --�- - - . -_ .. :--) necessary for the protection of the public health. ,.;:;�:--·- -,- �---J 1103 .130 EXAMINATION AND RE-EXAMINATION . - 1. Al l persons desiring to engage in the business OT a i-laster ?lumoer , a 1"1aster Orainlayer or a Journeyman Plumber must successfully pass an examination in order to qualify as same .

2. Said person shall fi le an application with the Secretary of the Board on the form provided by the Board and shal l specify thereon wh ich of the examinations he desires to take.

3. The Board shall, within sixty (60) days thereafter, exami ne al l appli cants who have met the qualifications required'under Section 1103.120.

a. The Board shall notify each appli cant of the time and place of each examination .

b. On the date set by the Board for an ex��ination, al l aoplicants for each examination shal l be given a like examination by the Board . ..

. -.· ._, .. -� 4. rne examination for a i·1aster Pl umoer' s 1 icense shal l be an oral and wri t:en ex amination evaluating the applicant's ab i lity, experience and skill in the field of practical plumbing. A cumulative percentage score of not less than 75� is required for passage of the examination.

5. The examinat ion for a Journeyman ?lumber shal l be an oral and wr i tten examinat ion and manual demonstration of the aoplicant's abi lity, ex perience and ski ll in the instal lation, alteration , repair, dismantling and maintaining ! •.-:· � :.;; :·· plumbi ng and drainage systems or parts thereof . A c�mulative percentage score . . • � .. 0_.,.-·. . � ....-·- ...�.: "..1� .:.:.._ 75% - .-·�· .· .- --...;...... -.o. • of not less than is required for passage of the examination . ....-;:..;·-...... ----- . .: -·�-;1-::.:...�::".:..;....:.:� '; ..


6. The examination for a Master Orainlayer shall be an oral and written examination evaluating the applicant's abi lity, experience and ski ll in the . .:.;·.- instal lation of sani tary and storm bui lding sewers, lateral sewers, main sewers, trunk sewers and individual sanitary sewerage treatment facil ities beyond a point five (5) feet outside of the building. A cumulative percentage -· . score of not less than 75� fs required for passage of the examination . _, _ -···r:·. 7. An applicant fai ltng to pass an examination for a license may submit a new appli cation for examination ninety (90 ) days after the date of the original examination . An appli cant failing to pass the second examination for a license after the ninety (90 ) day period, cannot submit a third application for examination for one (1) year after the date of fai l ing the second examination .

1103.140 LICENSE NOT ASSIGNABLE. - 1. No license or regi stration certificate issued under this Code shall be assigned or transferred .

2. USE OF LICENSEE'S NAME BY ANOTHER. - No person hav ing obtai ned a Master Plumoer or Ora1nlayer license snail allow his name or license to be used by another person either for the purpose of obtaining plumbing or drainlaying permits, doi ng business as a plumber or drainl ayer or performing work as a p 1 umber or drain1 ayer . Every person 1 i censed sha 11 notify the Office of Plumbing and Sewer Inspection of the address of their place of business, their current telephone number and the name under wh ich such business is carried on, and sha11 give irrmed i ate notice to the Office of any changes in any of the above. ·

NOTE: A licensee may authorize a person to sign his name on appli cations for permits provided said person is under the licensee's direct personal supervision and said authorization is in wr iting and on file with the Office of Plumbing and Sewer Inspection. . 3. ILLEGAL USE OF NAMES - COMPANIES, FIR�S OR CORPORATIONS . - Any comoany, firm or corporat1on 1n tne bus1ness or 1nstal 1 1ng p1umo1ng or dra;nlaying shall employ a licensed and bonded Master Plumber and/or Master Orainlayer who snail be regi stered wi th the State of Missouri , Office of the Secretary of State , Corporati�n Division, Jefferson City, Missouri , as an official of said company, firm or corporation and shall be in charge of all plumbing and/or drainlaying work performed . Any change in the management of a company, firm or corporation with regard to empl oyment or participation of the requi red Licensed Master Plumber or Master Orainlayer must be reported to the Examining Board prior to exercising the privileges of the license on behalf of that company, firm or corporation.

1103.145 LICENSE LIMITATIONS . - 1. Any Master Plumber and/or Or ainlayer licensed unaer tn1s �oae shall be limited to obtaining plumbing and/or drainlaying permits, for a single company, firm or corporation at any given date or time and the licensee shall be regi stered as an officer of said company, firm or corporat ion at least thirty (30) days prior to exercising the privileges of the license on behalf of said company, fi rm or corporation .

2. Any Master Plumber and/or Orainlayer licensed under this Code shall be limited to obtaining pl umb ing and/or drainlaying permi ts , for a single individual doing business as a so le proprietor or for one partnershio at any given date or time . Such partnerships ·shall be regi stered with the State of Missouri , Office of Sec�etary of State, Jefferson City, Missouri and the St . Louis County Office of Plumbing and Sewer Inspection, at least thirty (30) days prior to the issuance of any permit or. behalf of said partnership.

�-1· 1!.03.150 SUS?::NSION OR REVOCATION OF LIC'ENS: OR CERTiriCATION. - 1. 3oar: E The of x aminers sna1 1 nave tne power to suspeno or revo�e a license or certi fication issued pursuant to this Code for cause. Although su::h actions may be based upon causes other than those enumerated , the fa llo'Hing are de�l ared to be adequate causes for suspension or revocation:

.a . Said 1 i cense or certification was . ab<: ained · by fraud or misrepresentation.

b. Failure a� ref usal to comply with the provisions of this Code . . •' -� ·.


c. The Master Plumber employed unlicensed or unregi stered personnel to perform plumbjng work for wh ich a license or reg istration is requi red . -��-�--·-·-.--- d. The Master !Plumber permitted Apprentices to work wi thout the direct l persona1 and inmed i ate supervision of a Lf censed Master or Jo urne}111an Plumber as requi red by the terms and provisions of this Code • ·1 • " _J'. :� : e. Procurement of permits for individuals who are not in the holders employ or under his direct personal supervision.

f. Violation of any of the provisions of this Code .

g. Fai l ure to protect the health, safety and welfare of the public by violating the expressed intent of this Code through irresponsibility, neglect or wrongful intent.

2. No license or certification shall be suspended or revoked until the ho lder has been afforded an opportun ity for a hearing before the Soard after notice of at least ten (10 ) days .

3. Notice shall be served either personally or by certified mai l, return receipt requested, to the hol der's address of record and shall state the date and place of hearing and set forth the charges against the holder.

4. A hol der shall have the opportunity to present evidence and/or wi tnesses before the Soard in person or by counse 1 • A record of the hearing sha 11 be made. The Soard shall issue a decision in writing denying or compelling suspension or revocation within ten (10) days of the conclusion of the hearing .

5. Tn e durat ion of suspension of any license or certifi cate suspended pursuant to this section shall be as fol lows:

a. First Offense shal l result in a susoension period of HOt less than ninety ( 90 ) days and shall continue unti l reinstated by or::ier of the Board pursuant to paragraph 6 of this section.

b. Second Offense shall result in a suspension period of not less than one hundred and eighty ( 180 ) days and shal l continue until reinstatea by order of the Soard pursuant to paragraoh 6 of this section. c. Subsequent Offenses shall result in revocat ion of the license or certificate.

NOTE : If the Board determines the violation charaed aoainst a licer.see 1s or sucn a maJor or aooravateo nature tnat tne1r 11cense snou 1a oe revoKeo, notn1no 1n tn1 s sucsect1on snail l1m1 t tne ooara1s autnonty to revoKe 11censes reoara less or wnetner tne 11censee has any or1or ofrenses or susoens1ons .

6. A suspended license or certificate may be reinstated by order of the Board upon written request of the ho lder. Said request must be submitted to the Coae -c Official not more than 30 days prior to or 180 days after the expiration of the suspension period .

7. A revoked 1 i cense or certIficate may be reinstated by order of the Soar: only upon aoolica':ion and examination in the same manner as pr:J•Jided for new aoplic.:nt;, - VARIANC:: OF S?:CIFIC CODE REOUIRE1�E NTS. 1103 .160 - 1. 'llhen there are practical d1fficultles lnvotveo 1n carry1ng out pr:Jvlslons of thi s Code or of an aporoved Official .. rule, the Cooe may orant vari ances of such �revisions provided that .- · t:he spirt: and intent of the Code shall be observed and publ ic we lfare anc saf!:y is assured .

z. The apclication for mo difi cation and the final decision of t:he Code Official shall be in writing ana shall be offi cially recorded ·;;ith the appl i cation for the permit i n the permanent recoras of the department. 10

1103.165 APPEALS. - 1. Any person aggrieved by any decision , ru ling or order of the Code drr1 c1al or the Board of Examiners may appeal to the Board of Appeal s pursuan t to the procedures set out 1n Section 1101 .100 . 124 and fo llowing, 197 � - SLCRO, 4, as amem:led-. - . . . 1103 .170 INSPECTION AND PERMIT FEES. - 1. At the option of the permittee the plumbing or sewer permit fee may be calculated by either the c:Jst of 1100, 1974, �� .-..�.·�·---- construction method as outl ined in Chapter SLCRO as amended , or by use of the fo l lowi ng schedule of un it prices except that Integrated Permi ts shall be priced as provided in Chapter 1100, SLCRO 1974, as amended .

Al l permits except domestic water heater replacements shall be subject to a ten dol lar (.S10 .00) permit processing fee. The min imum total permit fee shall be . .;·. � .. thi rty dol lars (S30.00) where no plan review is required, and fifty dollars (SSO.OO ) where plan revi e•" is required . GENERAL INSPECTION FEES FOR EACH INSPECTION PERFORI·1EO

..•.••.••••••••••..•. •••... $20.00 Building Water Connection � Bui lding Water Pipe ••••..••••....•••.•.••..••..•••..• 20 .00

••••. 20.00 Building Water Connections to We l l, Cistern , etc " Main, Trunk, and Lateral Sani tary Sewer••••.•••• . ••.. 20 .00 .Main, Trunk, and Lateral Stann Sewer ...... 20.00 Sanitary Building Sewer••••••••••••• •..•.•.•.••.••.•. 20 .00 Storm Building Sewer •••.•••••.••••••..••••••••••.••• 20.00 Ground Rough-In •.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••.•• 20 .00 Stack Rough-In ••••••••••••••••••••••••..••••••••.••• 20.00 Final (Finish) ••••••••••••••••••••.••••••••••• ••.•.•• 20 .00 Septic Tank •••••••••••••••••••••••••••. .•••••..•.•.• 20.00 Septic Tank Cleaning •••••••••••••••••••..••.•••••... 20.00 Absorpt ion Trench ••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•..•.•.• 20.00 Fi lter Bed •.•••..••••••••••••••••••...•••••••.•••.•• io.oo Foundation Drain Terminus or Connection- .••••••••.••• �0 .00 Sprinkler System ConnP,ction ••.•••••••••••••.•••.••.• 20 .00 AJl domestic water heater replacements (total fee) .•• 10.00

The building sewer from the building to the septic tank shall be inspected before any part of the sewer pipe is covered . All fiitar trenches, absorption trenches and fi 1 ter beds sha 11 be inspected as the work progresses and in accordance wi th tne schedule outli ned below: SOIL ABSORPTION TRENCHES .

1. Check 1 ayout •••. .••••.•••.••••••••••••...••..•• S20 .00 2. Septic Tank ·· ··-· · ···· ····· i ··· ··· ········ ···· ·· 20 .00 3. Comp letion of trench excavation .•...•.•...••... 20.00 4. Completion of drain tile instal lation .•••..•...... 20.00


1. Check 1 ayout •...•.....•....•....•....••...... $20 .00

2. ....•...... 20 �,... Septic Tank .oo 3. Comp letion of Trench exc avation ...... •.. 20.00 4. Completion at underdrain (bottom) ti le installation .•...... •..•...... •.... 20.00

-�!L ��� 3EDS ( Ooen \

1. Chec!< 1 ayout ...... 520.00 Seotic Tank ...... 20 .00 3. Cc�p le�ion of fi lter bed excavation .....•...... 20.00 4. Compl etion of distri bution (bottom) til e installation ...... 20 .00 5. Completion of distri bution (top) pipe installdtion 20 .0 0 ... . ·.· . .


. FILTER BEDS (Covered) - � ...... ;.-.. _ �-� - ·-··--' ._- -:--�-:'!f:�· ... - · . ___:.:. - �-=----�-- -_ 1. Check 1 ayout •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• S20.00 2. Septic .:rank • r •••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••• 20 .00 3. Comp letion of fil ter bed excavation •••.•••.••• 20.00 4. Completion of distribution (bottom) tile installation •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 20.00 --:------·------5. Completion of distribution (top) pipe installation 20 .00

Connection of any pl umb ing or drainage system to any public or private sewer .••••••••••••••••••.••••••••..• 20 .00


Inspection of pipes for sewer mains, In addition to aeneral trunks, laterals and appurtenances inspection fee of S20 .00, per lineal foot S0 .15 per foot wi th a minimum charge of $15.00

Inspection of manholes, lampholes In addition to general or catch basin inspection fee of S20.00, S3.00 per manhole, lamp­ hole, or catch basin with a minimum charge of S15.00 .

Plumbing Fixtures ••••••••••••••.••• •••••••••••••••• S4 .00 Openings for futur.e fixtur�s ••••••• ••••••••.•••.••• 4.00 Adv isory or investi gative inspections ••••.••.•••••• 20.00 Any additional inspections or re-inspections of any work listed on the above schedule ••••••••••••• 20 .00

2. The estimated amount to cover general inspection fees set forth in the above schedule shall be paid when a permit is issued . Extra or additional inspection fees shal l be paid upon completion of the work. In case the estimated amount is insufficient, the balance due shall be paid upon completion of the work.

3. The above fees for inspections may be utilized unless the prov isions relating to the integrated building permit desi gnated in Chapter 1101, SLCRO 1974, as amended , are applicable.

4. No tests or inspections shall be reQui red where a plumbing systa� .or part thereof is set up for exhibition purposes and is not used for toilet purposes and is not directly connected to a water supply or sewerage systa�.

1103.130 PERMITS REQUIRED. - 1. Except as otherwi se spec�fically provided in -- . -·-- this Code, a penn1t must be obtained prior to any person performing the fa 11owi ng work:

-- - ,-:- a. Any plumbing or drainlaying , except minor reoairs , as defined in this Code, in, upon, or about any building or premise, whether private or pub 1 ic and whether any such work has been ordered by the Code Offici a 1 , or any other authorized official;

b. Any conne�tion to any sewer .

2. Per.nits shal l be issued only to Master Plumbers and Master Drainlayers ana all work shall be done by the person to whom the per:nit has been iss:.Jed or under his personal direction and supervision. - ---- . ------·-· ___ .,.....,._...... ,.__.. ..-..------3. Any permit issuea snali expire as fo llows:

a. S i x (6) months after issuance if work has not co�menced; b. Six (6) months after any work has been suspended or abandoned; unless otherwi se provided herein. 12

c. Two (2) years from the date of issuance ff the permit has not otherwi se expi red .

1103. 190 PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. 1. Plumbing and sewer plans and specifications snail be sucmlttea to support the appl ication for permit and sha 11 be approved prior to the issuance of any permit for the insta 11at i en , alteration of, or addition to the plumbing , sewerage or drainage piping sys�=ns of any building, structure or pr��ises except as herein specifical ly provided.

·-· The plans and specifications shal l show in sufficient detail the layo ut and spacing of fixtures; the size, material and locat ion of all building se•,yers and drains, .storm sewer and drains, and the soi l, waste, vent and water suppiy . ;,-· ·:'::"� -·:':.::_:; 1 piping.

2. Four copies of legible plans drawn to a scale of not less than one-eignth (1/8) inch to the foot of each floor and of a typical floor shali be fi led. lne plans shal l show the complete plumbing syst��. al l plumbing fixtures and all water supply piping, together with buil ding sections showing vertical and diagrammatic elevations of the so i l, waste, vent and water supply lines with traps and valves, and the location and size of the public sewer or other disposal systa�. · 3 •.When the instal lation of a water distr.ibution system or the repl acement or alteration of a water supply system is contemplated , the plumbing pl ans shall show the location and sizes of al l the water lines and branches involved , the fixtures or other devices to be supplied, and the minimum water pressure in the main into which the connection wi ll be made.

4. The same set of plumbing or water supply plans and specifications may be used for two ( 2) or more buildings or structures when the tui 1 dings are of identical design and are located on adjoining lots under the same ownership, provided the applications for permi ssion to construct or al�er are fi led simultaneously.

5. Al l p1-.imb ing instal l ations shal l be instal led in accordance with the plans as approved and any changes made during construction which are not in conformity to the approved plans shall be resubm itted for approval on amended plans. The approval of a plan shall not be construed so as to rel ieve the contractor of compl yi ng wi th al l the prov isions of th is Code.

6. Plans for new plumbing systems or alterations to ex isting plumbing syste:1s shal l be accompanied by a diagram snowi ng the relative elevat ion of the lowest fixture .and the top of the public sewer referred to the establi shed datum of Metropolitan St . lou is Sewer Di strict or otner appropriate sewer district when such pub 1 ic sewer 1 s av ai 1 ab1 e. The plans sha 11 show the size, number and location of all new sewer connections .

7. The fil ing of pl ans and specifi cations shal l not be requi red for min-:r r�pairs as defined in this Code or for the ins�al l ation or alteration -:f plumbing and drainage systems in bui ldings or structures herein soecificai:y exempted ; or open sheds for storage purposes , isol ated priv ate garages withe·�� �:··. ·.· sanitary fixtures, temporary sanitary instal lations for exhibition purposes �·1hen not designed for sanitary use and not directly connected to a sewerase system . Requira'!lent for plans may be wa ived by the Code Official for ar.y pl umbing instal l ation •,o�ith ten (10) fixtures or less and/or when the work is of a minor nature .

?1umbina and se·.•er plans and specific ations for a single famiiy awellir:g sha:l be submitted where requ ired by the Code Official. · 3. Al l plans, specifications and/or applications fo� permits for any prooasec wa:"'k snal l be deemed to have been abandoned six months afte:"' the date of fi ling , un less such apc�ic at ion has been diligentl y pursued or a per:nit sna::

have been issued. However, the Code Off icial may grant one or more ex ten sic r.s of time for additiona l :Jeriod s na t .:xceeding ninety (�0) da ys each if there : s O re asonable ouse. The Co:le fficial shall no�ify those d e l in cu ent aoplica:-1:: in ·,o�riting and give t!1e:!l founeen (l


-·-·� · ·�- . 1103.200 REFUNDS. - I� the case of abandonment or discontinuance of a building project, appl1cation may be made for a refund of the permit cost and the Code Official may refund �P to fifty percent (SO%) of the permit cost; except that all penalties that may have been imposed on the permit hol der under the requirements of the Code shall first be collected . Refunds must be requested in writing within five (5) months of the date of permit issuance in order to be considered and refund ·made.

1103 . 210 FIRE SUPPRESSION SPRINKLER SYSTEMS . 1. Registration and Renewal of Registrat1on.

a. · No person , except a 1 i censed Master P 1 umber, sha 11 connect a fire suppression sprinkler system to a water main unless such person has been registered as a Fire Suppression Sprinkler System Instal ler (FSSSI) by the ---.. Board of Ex aminers. . .. - """· ·.- · · _ :: --·!;. -� : ·. ,._ b. REQUIREMENTS FOR REGISTRATION. - Prior to the issuance of an FSSSI cert1r1cate an appl1cant shall:

1. Provide all inform-ation requi red on the application form provided by the Code Official .

2. Satisfy the Code Official that he is qualified to perform such work in an oral interview.

3. Furnish a four year surety bond in the amount of ten thousand dollars ( S10,000.00).

4. Pay a registration fee of fifty dol lars ($50.00).

5. An appli cant shall not have had any license or certificate previously issued pursuant to this Code either suspenli-2d or revoked within the 6 month period immediately preceding the date of his �ppl ication .

c. Al l FSSSI certificates shal l expire on the last day of the calendar year in wh ich the certificate is issued4

d. A person applying for a renewal of a FSSS! certificate shall fi le his appli cation not less than ten (10) days before said certificate expires, and :

1. Furnish a four ye ar surety bond in the amount of ten thousand dollars (SlO,OOO.OO).

2. Pay a renewal fee of fifty do llars (SSO.OO).

e. Each certified FSSSI shall inrnediately notify the Office in writing, of any change fn the n��e or address of his place of business.

f. Install ation of all fire suppression sprinkler systems must conform to the applicab le requira� ents of this Code • ...... 2. PERMIT REQUIRED.

a. A Plumb ing Permit must be obtai ned prior to any connec-:ion of a :-1:-e suppression spri nkler system to a potable water main, in addition to t.:Je ��echanical permit required for instal l atjon of such system.

·b. · Permi ts authorizing the connection of a fire suopression SiJrinkler svstem to a potable •,o�ater main shal l be is:wed only to a licensed ,·�aster Pi umber or a FSSSI certificate ho lder. 14

11 . ' 03.215 O E OWNER PERMIT H M S . - 1. · A permit - ----· �- ·:..--.,:._ - or may be issued for an addition to repair, moa n1cat1on or reconstructio n of an existing plumbing or dr aina system on the premises of a deta ge ched single-family dwel ling , in accessory structures-, to the owner cluding res or to a member of his immediate fami ·-t iding with him, provided : ly · ' .- - ,'"-".·�- · - . a. The dwelling shall be designed and used so lely for living purposes, b. rn e dwelling shal l be occupied by, or vacant and intended for immediate occupancy by, the owner and his fami ly, and by no other persons , and c. The permittee shall pe rsonally perform all requi red wo rk. 2. Prior to the issuance of a permit under this sectio require an af n , the Code Official may fidavit or other reasonable proof tha compl ies with t the request for a pennit the foregoing ·provisions and that the kno wl edge and appli cant has the necessary abi lity to perform the pr oposed work. 3. The permit may be revoked by the Code Official if under the permit he determines that work is not being proper ly performed or not comply or that the application did no longer complies wi th this sectio Code Official n. Upon such revocation, the may re quire the property owner to proceed a licensed person immediately to procure to correct or complete the work. 4. Th is section does not authorize a wa iver or modification of any provision of this Code re lating to: the materials, dr design or instal l ation of plumbing ainage, or sewers ; the prepa rat ion and , permits approval of plans; or fees for , inspection and reinspections . 1103 . 220 WATER HEATER REPLACEMENT. - Reai 1. stration and Renewa l of Reai stration.

a. No person , except a licensed Maste r Plumber, shall engage in the work of wat�r heater rep l acement unless such person shall have been registered as a �ater Heater Repl acement Contractor (WHRC) by the Soard of Examiners . b. Requirements for Registra tion . - Prior to the issuance of a WHRC certificate an applicant snail: l. Provide al l in formation requi red on the appli cation form by the Code Official . provided 2. Sati sfy the Code Official that he is qual ified to perform such in an oral interview. work 3. Furnish a four year surety bond in the amount ten dollars (SlO,OOO.OO) . of thousand

4. Pay a registration fee of fifty do llars (S50.00) .

- · �- j j 5 . An ap .;--. � plicant shall not have had any license or cart i f i c ate previous 1 y is sued pursuant to th is code either suspended or revoked wi th in the 6 mo nth period immedia i c tely preceding the date of appl at i on . his

c. Al l W HRC Cer"ifica�as sh all expira en the lest day of tha calendar in wh ich certific y� ar -· tne ate is issued .

d. A person applying for re a n ewal of a \�HRC -:er"ifi cata shal l fi le apolication not less !1is than tan (10) days before the regis ra i certificate exp ires , ana : t t on

1 . F•Jrn ish ·a f r ou ye ar surety :Jor.d in t!1e amount �nc dollars (SlO�OOO .OO) of tan usand

ay a fae of 2. P renewa l fifty do llars (350.00) . . '• •. . . 15

e. Each WHRC shal l immediately notify the Office in wri ting of any change in the name or address of his place of business.

f. All water, heater replacement installations must conform to the appl icable requirements of this Code.

2. Permit Requi red .

a. A permit is required to be obtained prior to engaging in the work of � water heater repl acement .

b. Permits authorizing water heater replaca�ent shall on ly be issued to a llcensed Master Pl umber or a Regi stered Water Heater Rep 1 acement Contractor .

1103. 230 DEFECTIVE PLUMBING AND DRA INLAYING . - 1. The plumb i ng or drainl aying system of any bui loing wh icn tne Coae Official has reason to believe has become defective, shall be subject to inspection under this Code .

·2 . If the Code Official, upon the inspection of the plumb ing and drainage system of any bui lding finds that either or both of said systems are in such condition as to permit the emission or discharge of sewer gas in such bui ldings or to cause the cel lar or basement of such bui lding to be wet or damp by reason of. leakage of water or other liquid from the plumbing or drainage system of any bui lding or premises, the Code Official shall prompt ly notify the owner , agent, or lessee of the building in accordance with Section 1103 .240.1 to ra�ove or repair said plumbing or drainage system immediately.

3. In the event the necessary repairs have not been made and/or in the opinion of the Code Offi cial, a danger to public health ex ists by reason of the occupation of said bui l ding or premi ses, the Code Offi�ia) is hereby authori zed and empowered to order and require the occupants to vacate the same forthwi th . He shall cause to be posted at each . entrance to sue� bui lding or premises a notice reading as fol lows:


No person sha 11 enter such bui 1 ding or structure except for the purpose of mak ing the requi red repairs.

1103.235 PERMITS FROM OTHER AUTHORITIES - REQUIRED. - No person , firm, association or corporation sha ll excavat� , encroacn on , cause to be excavated , or cause the encroachment of the right-of-way of any street, avenue, boulevard , road , al ley, public easement or highway in order to 1 ay, locate, maintain or remove any mains, pipes , sewers or drains wi thout fi rst having obtained the approval of the appropriate authority having juri sdiction of the right-of-way.


1. Notice of Violations : When the Code Official determines that a violation _. of tn1s Cooe ex is-cs, he shal l immediately notify the v iolator . 1ne ·· notification shall be in wr i ting and shall be del i vered to the v i ola tor or his legally authorized representative or mai led to his last known aodress lf ia cert ified mai l, return receipt requested . Any person having been notif i ed tn at -· a violation ex ists by means other than a stoo work order and who fails to ab at e t!'le v iol at i o n wi thin ten days after notification shal l be sub j ect to tne l · ... penalties enumerated in ?ar agraph 2 be low . 2. V i o l at i on . Penalties: Any person , firm or corporation 1�ho shal l violate any prov 1 s 1 on or tn1 s Ordinance , or who shall fai l to comply wi th any of the requirements th ereof, or who shal l perform an y wo rk on a pl•�mb ing or drainlayi ng system in v iolation of an approved pl an or directive of the Code Off i c.i al , or of a permit or ce r�if i c ate i ssued under ·the provisions of th is Code, or shal l start" any 'No r!< re

owner or tenant of a building or premises or any other person who corrmits, takes part or assists in. any violation of this Code or who maintains any bui lding or premises in which such violation shal l ex ist, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not more than One Thousand Do llars (Sl,OOO .OO) or by imprisonment not exceed ing ninety {90) days, or both such fine and imprisonment . Each day that a violation continues shall be deemed a

-· .:---� separate offense.

3. No Permi t Penalty: In addition to the penalties set out in paragraph 2 above, wnere any worK for wh ich a permit is requi red by this Code is started, or proceeded with prior to obtaining the necessary permit, a penalty of the greater of SSOO.OQ or one percent (1%) of the cost of the work requiring a permi t s.hall be paid prior to the issuance of the permit. However , the Code Offi cial , for good cause shown may waive or reduce said penal ty. Al l waivers or reduction in the No Permit Penalties shal l be in wri ting, signed by the Code Official , setting forth the reason for such waiver or reduction and shall be permanently attached to the permit.

1103. 250 STOP WORK ORDER. - 1. Upon notice from the Code Official that work on any build1ng, structure , or premises is proceeding contrary to the provisions . , of this Code or in an unsafe manner, such work shall irrmediately be stopped . The Code Official shall issue a Stop-Work Order in writing to the owner of the property invol ved or to the owner's agent, or to the person doing the work. The Stop-Work Order shal l state the conditions under wh ich the work may resume . 1103.255 SUBDIVISION STOP WORK ORDER. - 1. Where the Code Offici al finds that any storm water ora1nage or suo-so1l drainage has been connected to a sanitary sewer wi thin a subdivision, or that construction is being performed in such a manner that in the judgement of the Code Offici al, the intent is to connect storm water or sub-soil drainage to a sani tary sewer, the Code Officiai may, by wr itten notice to the owner or developer of the property or th.": �older of the bui lding permits for such property, at the address refl ected in the St. Louis . � -· -· ;.· ... County records, specifically list the violation( s) found and requ;re the person to whom such notice is sent to show cause before the Bui lding Commission why a :'·E��?}��-�j:;·;��!-� �:��� ( - --��-- ·-� Subdivision Stop Work Order should not be issued . A Subdivision Stop Work Order , if· issued , sha 11 require such owner, deve 1 oper, ho 1 der of bu i1din g pennits and any ·contractor or sub-contractor to cease and desist a 11 work on all buildings, structures and premises, wi thin said subdivision until such violations have been corrected .

2. Any person so notified shal l, within 10 days after such notice or such longer period as shall be permitted by the Code Official , appear before the Commission and ei ther:

a. Produce ev idence satisfactory to the Commission that the violation( s) have been or are di ligentiy being corrected; or

. - b. Show cause why the Subdivision Stop Work Order should r.ot be issued .

. In shall to . 3. the event such person fai l satisfy �he Corrmission that the � . ., . v iolation( s) has been or is diligently being correct ed or to show cause why t�e . ' Subdivision Stop Work Order should not be issued , a Subdivision Stop �a rk Orde r shall be issued in wr i tina by the Corrrn ission and served upon sych per son anc ··· pos t ed at the site of the ;ark. Such order shal l state the violation( s) and the specific conditions under which work term i nat ed by the Order may be resumed .

k in 1103.250 UNLA'..JFUL CONTT NUANC::: OF \�ORK . - No person shal l contin!Je any ��ar or about the ou1 101ng, s -.. ructur e or pr;.'!lise after the issuance 'Jf any S::.oo-wor'< Order exc ept such work that is directed to be performed to abate a vioiation or unsafe co nd ition . 1103. 300 A:�ENDMENTS TO THE NATIONAL STANDARD PLU��9 I NG CODE . ·--- -.- -·------1103 . ;01 AMEND�1E�ITS TO CHAPTEK l OF THE NATIONAL STANDARD PL1J1·19 UIG COO� 1 - DEFINITIONS. Cnaater I or tne lY81 Nat on a 1 ::,._anaar.a ?1umo1na �cce lS amencea by tne ro1 1owi- ng provisions . Each sec: ion, subsec<:ion or c l ause of tne Coce that numeri cal ly corres;Jonds !O one of the fo l l owi ng numoered prov isions is 17

hereby deleted where so noted, or amended to read as set forth below. Each

.· provision set out below without a corresponding section , subsection or clause ..'\ number in the Code is hereby enacted and added thereto. 1.2 DEFINITIONS OF TERMS. - The fo llowing words and definitions thereof are hereby aoaeo or amendea to read as set out below: .- ., Administrative Authority: Wherever the ter:n "Administrative Authority" is used it shall be deemed to mean "Code Official" as hereinafter defined.

�: The Board of Examiners of Plumbers and Drainlayers . Board -of Apoeals: The five member panel created in Chapter 1104 SLCRO 1974,

.�... , as amenaeo , wn 1ch has authority to hear and decide appeals from decisions of the Code Official . ·:.:.,;·;� .- -":'"_".· :�·· Board of Reai stration : The Missouri Board For Architects, Professional tng 1 neers ana Lana �urveyors . ·;· . Bui ldina: Any structure used or intended for supporting or sheltering any ,, . . '�#f{�-�;:,i use or occupancy. For application of this Code, each portion of a structure completely separated from other portions by fire wa l ls shall be consi dered as a separate building.

. � ·;i:�i.; Buildina Commission : The five member panel created in Chapter 1101 SLCRO 1974, as amended, which has authority to issue, suspend or revoke 1 icenses issued pursuant to this Code • . :.-..::-..:�;:.. ...;;.._ Code Official: The Director of ?ubl ic Works of St. Louis County, Mi ssouri or ms au1y authorized representative who is vested wi th executive and administrative authority to enforce all laws , ordi nance� and codes regulating construction, alteration , addition , repairs, removal , demolition, use, location , occupancy and mai ntenance of all bui ldings auJ structures, . , electrical , plumbing, drainlaying and� mechan ical systems pursuant to �,r: ...;;� .�;t�!/J�i1 Chapter� 1101, 1102 , 1103 and 1108 SLCRO , 1974 as amended. Said Director shall be appo i nted and qualified pursuant to St. Louis Co unty Charter.

Committee: The Committee of Plumbing Code Review as created herein.

-�,?i��1:tii•-,.'-- � Enai neer: A competent engi neer regi stered with the Board of Registration and ·- ���:;i� author1 zed to practice engineering in Mi ssouri . Health Deoartment: The St . Louis County Department of Commun ity Health and Meo1ca1 �.are .

Hiohwavs and Traffic: The St . Louis County Department of Highways and 1rar11c.

part s Mi nor Reoairs : Repairs wh ich involve only the workina- of a faucet or valve, clearance of stoppages, or repairing or rep lacement of defect ive faucets or valves. -- - .-:·::.:..·---_.. -- · · · ' ,;.._ ·;: y :·..- :·. - . Office: The Offi ce of Plumb ing and Sewer Inspection .

. . ._ . ; Plumbina Official : \.lherever the term "Plumbing Offi cial" is used i;: shal l be deemea to mean "Code Offi cial" as hereinabove defined.

Sewer District: The Metropolitan St. Lou is Sewer Oistric: (�SJ) or orivate \. se·... er company having jurisdiction in the location wn ere wa r:< is to be performed .

R Ground o u ch-i n : Al l underground piping wh ich shal l incl ude was:e , ven: ana • �- ._- '" - -·- -r·.-.�- wat OlS��•oution . � ' . · l er piping. ··�-- · •.•�- ·-"'""-:·-1 ...... · ,... ,_._,-,.::..::::·;.,.:;:'j:o-;.,�,...... ;..:;;:._.....,.;.,.....: :Stack Rouch- in: A] l waste , vent and distribution water supoly lines above · grouna . ..


1103.302 AMENDMENTS TO CHAPTER 2 OF THE NATIONAL STANDARD PLUMBING CODE - GENERAL REGULAilONS .- Chapter 2 or the 1987 Nat1onal Standaro P1umo1ng Cooe 1 s amenoed by the rol lowing provisions. Each section, subsection or clause of the Code that numerical iy corresponds to one of the fo llowi ng numbered provisions 1 1 Each - . . -- -- - is hereby de eted where so noted, or amended to read as set forth be o•.ot. . . �- . provision set out below without a corresponding section , subsection or clause number in the Code is hereby enacted and added thereto. · ·--- -o----- 2.3.5 VERTICAL TO HORIZONTAL . - Vertical drainage lines connecting wi t� horizontal ora1 nage 11nes shal 1 enter through wye branches, comb ination wye and one-eighth bend branches, short radius sweeps or other approved fittings of equivalent sweep. '"' · :-',: ... 2.10.3 STORMWATER AND SUB-SOIL DRAINS.- No person shall connect a storm•.otater or subso1i ctra1nage system to , or use such system to deposit water into a sani tary sewerage systa�.

2.16 FREEZING OR OVERHEATING . - The plumbing system shall be protected from freez1ng or overheatlng. 1he fol lowing conditions shal l be met :

a. Water service piping shal l be instal led below recorded frost lines. Min imum earth cover shal l be 42 inches.

·b. Minimum eani1 cover for buildino sewers shal l be 30 inches .

c. In systems which are used seasonally, water piping shal l be instal led to be drained as permitted in Section 3.12.1.

. --� -- · d. Piping shall be instal led so that the contents wi ll not be heated due to �_:·_· ·?· . -·· . -. ·- -<:�:-;_ • �:��:<.< � close proximity to any heat source or from direct sol ar radiation _ r\:. �-:·: � . ���T�-5:_·:�-�i 1103 .303 AMENDMENTS TO CHAPTER OF THE NATIONAL STANDARD PLUMBING CODE - . -- 3 • . - . .._, ·; �-··-...... :.-..__....-..-. ·:r---�·c =- ··· . - . MATERIALS. ·, - Chapter 3 or the 1987 Nat1onal Stanoaro Plumo1ng Cvae is amenoeo · - ,. :-_-: _.;. . .:�,.:� -. by the fo llowing pro'!isions. Each section , subsection or clause of the Code that numer.ical l y corresponds to one of the fa llowi no numbered provisions is hereby de·i eted where so noted, or amended to read as set forth be 1 ow. Each provision. set out below without a corresponding section, subsection or clause number in the Code is hereby enacterl and added thereto .


a. Hot water storage tanks shal l meet construction requirements of AS�E. AGA or UL as appropriate. (see standards - Table 3.1.3)

b. Storage tanks less in vo lume than those requi rements specified by ASME shal l be of durable materials arid constructed to wi thstand 125 p.s.i. with a safety factor of 2 . . _ . . ,_ __ _ ., "- . - �·- c. Hot water storage tanks greater than two hund red ( 200 ) gal lons and wi th two a heat input in ex ces s of hundred thousand B.T.U. per hour shal l be constructed in accordance with ASME for one h undred twenty-five (125 ) p.s.i. pressure and stamped .

3.6.1 ABOVE GROUND PIP ING - SAN ITARY AND INDIRECT DRAI NAGE . - So il and was te l ll piping aoove grouna in bu1 a1nas sha be o r brass p1pe, copper pipe, ccooe;. tube (OWV we ight or heavier) , cast iron so il pipe, galvanized steel pipe, lead p ice, ASS (DWV Sc�edule !Q ) cr ?VC (QWV Sc �edul! 40 ) plas�ic pi�e.

3.5.2 UNDE�GROUNO BU I LD I NG SANITARY DRAINS .. - Al l unce;around bui ldina drains shal l be cast 1ron so1 l p1pe, naro �empe; coooer- tube (OWV we ignc or he :�v ie;) , AaS (�WV Sc�edul e 40 ) or PVC (QWV Schedule 40 } plastic oioe, or ex :r a streng:h vi:;ified clay pipe wi th compression joints or coupl ings, provided that extr-a ... .. -�, ..,_ . ------... �-- - -.-.- ,.._ installed ·.o� ith ... __ .. st!"'�ngth vitrified cl ay pipe shal l be a minimum e:�r:h cove'" of �2" . �here ferrous tnreaded joints are used underground , they sh a l l be coal-tar coated or equivalent 'approved protect ion app lied wh en installed. •'



�· . ·.- ._: . ··: � ,0.:... .. _ ...... a. Water service pipe to point of entrance to the building shal l be made of brass pipe, copper tube {DWV weight or heavier) , copper pipe, cast iron '<; water p ipe, galvanized steel pipe, or approved plastic pipe (minimum pressure rating 160 psi -73F) . Copper tube when used underground shall not " ". ••4 . be less than type L Al l threaded ferrous pipe and fi;tings shall be ; "· ""!." �- _::: :: � galvanized or cement lined and when used underground in corrosive so il or filled ground shall be coal-tar enamel coated and threaded joints shall be coated and wr apped when instal led. (See Section 3.8.4) .

- .· -. _; EXCEPTION: When plastic pipe is being instal led in construction of the water serv ice pipe, the plastic pipe shall terminate ten (10) feet outside the build ing foundation wal l. The metallic pipe stated in parag�ach 3.8.1. (a) shall be installed from ten (10) feet outside the foundation to and wi thin the building .


a. Al l materi als used for water p1p1ng shall be suitable for use wi th the maximum temperature, pressure and velocity that may be encountered in the instal lation, including temporary increases and surges.

b. When the standards for the pipino material used for hot and co ld water 'distribution limit the working pressure or temperature to values lower than usually encountered, the rel ief valve shal l be set no higher than the limits of the standard .

c. Al l piping systems, cluin ding water distribution drain, waste and/or vent systems, in a non-combustible plenum shal l be of non-combustible material and where insulated the insulation shall have a . fl :me spread rating of 25 or less and smoke development rating of SO or less.

d. Piping systems including water di stribution, drain, waste and vent systems in a combustible plenum may be of combustible materials. (Reference - Buiiding Code Section 929.3).

3.9.1 STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEMS - INTER IOR CONDUCTORS . - Interior conductors instal lea aoove grouna 1n ou1 la1ngs sna11 oe or crass pipe, copper pipe, copper tube {DWV weight or heavier) , cast iron soil pipe, galvanized steel pipe, lead · pipe, ASS {DWV Schedule 40) or PVC {DWV Schedule 40) plastic pipe.

3.9.3 UNDERGROUND BUILDING STORM DRAINS. - Al l underground building stor::1 drains snail be cast 1ran so1l p1pe, nard temper capper tube (0\�V we ight or heavier) , ASS {DWV Schedul e 40) or PVC {DWV Schedule 40 ) plastic pipe, or extra strength vitrified clay pipe wi th compression joints or coupl ings (prov ided that extra strength vitrified clay pipe shall be installed with a minimum earth cover of 12"), or class II or heavier rei nforced concrete pipe. Where ferrous threaded joints are used underground they shal l be .coal-tar coated or equivalent approved protection applied when instal led .

3.9.4 BUILDING STORM SEWER . - The bui lding storm sewer shal l be of : cast iran , soi l pipe, concrete , vitrified clay, capper tube (OWV weight or heavier) ,

-: ASS {DWV Schedule 40 ) or PVC {OWV Schedul e 40 ) pl astic sewer pipe (!'S �6 ps i or stiffer plastic pipe) , ASS (DWV Schedule 40 ) or PVC {DWV Schedu le 40) sewer pipe so� 35 or heavier.

..l. BOVE 3.10.1 VEifiiiiG SYSE?4S - G�OUNO . - 'tenting p1p1no above: �ro unc in bui ldinos sna11 oe or c r a s s p1oe, capper pipe, capper tube {DWV ·,o�eioht or heav ier) , cast iran soil pipe,· gal vanized -steel pipe, lead pipe, ASS (D'ri'l Schedule 40 ) or PVC (OWV Schedule 40 ) plastic pipe.

. . � - .� �-.-·-.·------:- .- 3.10.2 UNOE::!GROUNO.- Al l underground vent piping shal l oe cas: iran so il · ...... _------� _:: piae, har:J :;moe!'" c::pcer tube (DWV we ight or heav ier) , ASS (0\·i'v' Sc:1e1ule C.Q ) o r PVC {DWV Schedule · 40) plastic pipe, or ext:-a strength vitrifi ed clay pipe wi t:-1 c.cmpression joints or couplings provi ded that extra strength vit:-ifiea clay

pipe shal l be instal led wi th a m i n imum earth cave!'" of 12" . ';oi'n e!"': fe!"'rous threaded joints 'are used underground , they shall be coal-tar coated or e�uivalent approv ed protection aopl iea when instal led. 1 •• • •


1103.304 AMENDMENTS TO CHAP TER 4 OF THE NATIONAL STANDARD PLUMBING CODE - JOINTS AND CONNtG110NS . - Cnapter 4 or the 1987 Nat1onai Stanoaro Plumo 1ng Coae 1s amenaea by the rOJ towing visions. Each section , subsection o · ;... pro r clause of the Code that numerically corresponds to one of the fol lowing numbered provisions is hereby de 1 eted 'o'lh ere so noted , or amended to read ·as set forth

--- ·--=-- below. Each provision set out below without a corresponding section , sub section or clause number in the Code is hereby enacted and added thereto .

4.3.10 DISSIMILAR METAL JOINTS . - Al l joints of dissimi lar metals shal l be protected by an appropr1ate insulating fitting.

1103.305 AMENDMENTS TO CHAPTER 5 OF THE NATIONAL STANDARD PLUMBING CODE - TRAPS AND CLEAN00 1�. - Cnapter � or tne 1981 Natlonal �canaara �1umo1ng Coae 1s amenaeo oy tne ro llowing provisions. Each section, subsection or clause of the ' ·., - Code that numerical ly corresponds to one of the followi ng numbered provisions

··. "" · is hereby de eted where so noted , or amended to read as set forth be ow. Each ·· ·�·· - 1 1 · .:- ,- -- . �'"-·.... ":::r_-; :. : provision set out below without a corresponding section , subsection or clause number in the Code is hereby enacted and added thereto.

5.1 SEP.!�RATE TRAPS FOR EACH FIXTURE. - Each plumbing fixture shal l be separately trappea by a water seal trap (except as otherwi se permitted in this Code) placed as close as possible to the fixture outlet. The vertical distance from the fixture outlet· to the trap weir shall not exceed twenty-four inches . No f1xture shall be double trapped .


a. Fixtures that have integral traps .

b. A combination pl umb ing fixture may be installed on one trap prov ided the waste outlets are not more than thirty inches apart .

c. One trap may be installed for a set of not more than three single compartment sinks , laundry trays or lavatories immediately adjacent to each other· in the same room, and the trap is centrally located when three such fixtures are instal led.


a. No clothes washer or laundry tub shall be discharged to a trap serving a kitchen sink.

b. In the installation of a double bowl kitchen sink (residential ) wi :h a garba-.Je di sposal , the fixture trap must be installed on the same side of the sink in wh ich the garbage disposal is instal led.


Delete (*) footnote at bottom of table.

5.3.4 BUILDING TRAPS. - Bui lding traps may be installed. Each bui ldi ng �l"ao when i nsta 1 1 eo sna 11 be prov ided wi th a c 1 ean out and re 1 i e•1 i ng vent. Such . ···rel ieving vent shall be on the inlet side of the trap and shall be carri ed above grade and terminated in a screened outl et located outside �he bu i l d i ng . · 5.4.3 CLEANOUTS REQUIRED. - Cleanouts shall be instal led in underground drainage. sys-.:e.'llS ai: eac:1 c:1ange of djre-:tion in excess of 45·J , e:::: e�t not: more than one cleanout shall be requ ired in every 40 feet of run .

5.4.4 CONCE.C..L!:: a PIP ING. - Cl e:nouts en concea led pipina shal l be extende� throuah ana ter:n 1nate fl ush wi th i ni e or f oor . c:1ases may be · t:he f sh d ·..,a ll f left in the wa ll or flocr prov ided t:hey ar� of sufficient size to per.ni: ._ ,.,----.-- ...... --· �: �:·---'•·" <-- ·-''··---- r2moval of the cle:nout �l ug and for �rcper ::1ean ing of t:he sys�a'll• . ·: . . . .


5.4.5 BAS� OF STACKS . -

' .__ .. ---= ... 0"·-· - ,,,.,.______...... :::. :...... a. A cleanout shal l be provided in the vertical waste or soi l stack, at a minimum of thre�feet (3') above the floor. j I EXCSPTION: In J res idential buildinos of slab floor construction or where a r . i stac!< cleanout is not accessible, -the cleanout shall be installed in the - '( _ _, bui lding drain and shal l terminate not more than five feet (5 ') outside the �- - - ..,_ ..-·-- -��,---· ;:�-�������r - _; building wa 11.

b. Rain leaders and conductors connected to a building storm sewer shal l ., : - have a c 1 eanout i nsta 11ed at the base of the outside 1 eader or inside conductor before it connects to the horizon tal drain.

-, : .... - � SUILDING DRAIN AND BUILDING SEWER JUNCTION. . ·· · ,..�.. .:- 5.4.6 - -:�.'-�. ·-:::;... -� � - -;. ·i � ... _:�: �- . , . --: : ·.• --· :- ; a. There may be a cleanout near the junction of the t:uildino drain and 0t; . -��?-' ' i ... _ ' ;- - _ - t _! : � ;� -:.:.�-·:- ---1 bui l ding sewer. Th is cleanout may be either inside or outside he bu ilding :::.-�� :_:- wall prov ided it is brought up to the finish grade or to the lowest floor �- __ . ,'..�- �.;. · . - -. -�-- �-- - .·} �:. . - �----· ·J level . ���kc�������;�h���''c {�t{�·,��:;:;::."; b. A cleanout may be placed in the building sanitary sewer and building storm sewer at the property line and brought to the surface on a 45 degree -_ ; i��� .�.f�- ,��:d·- .angle or may be brought to the surface with a wye and 1/8 bend . 5.4.10 MANHOLES FOR LARG� PIPES. -

a. For exterior underground piping eight inches (8") and over , manholes shall be prov ided and located at every change of size, al ignment, grade or elevation and at intervals of not more than three hundred (300 ) feet except when total length is less than one hundred and fifty (150')- fe_et, cleanouts ·•· ·:.:-: · -::"-:·] may be provided at seventy five (75) foot intervals. b. Manholes shal l conform to standards approved by the Department of Highways and Tr affic and the Metropolitan Sewer District .

1103.306 AMENDMENTS TO CHAPTER 6 OF THE NATIONAL STANDARD PLUMB ING CODE - INTERCEPTORS - Chapter 6 OT the 1587 National Standard Plumoing Cooe is amenaea by the ro IIowi ng provisions. Each section, sub sect ion or clause of the Code that numerical ly corresponds to one of the following numbered provisions is hereby deleted where so noted , or amended to read as set forth below. Each provision set out below without a corresponding section , subsection or clause number in the Code is hereby enacted and added thereto.

6.1.8 DISCHARGE - The waste pipe from oil and sand interceptors shal l discharge into the storm or sani tary sewer as aoproved by the Code Official . , . 1103.307 AMENDr�ENTS TO CHAPTER 7 OF THE NATIONAL STANDARD PLUMB ING CODE

- -- .- . , �:: PLUMB ING _ ��- :_�<��J FIXTURES . - Chapter 7 of the 1987 National Standard ?lumoing Code is -��---�;-_:g _. . , :�-:; .1 amenaed oy the To llo·.... in g provisions . �ach section, subsection or clause of the Code that numerical ly corresponds to one of the fol lowi ng numbered provisions ••:>. .. is hereby de 1 eted whe?"e so noted , or amended to read as set forth be1 ow. �ach _ - 0 :: .. · ) ._.prov ision set out below without a corresponding section, subsection or clause i number in the Code is hereby enacted and added thereto .

7.16.2 SIZ: OF FLOOR DRAIN. - Fl oor drains shal l be of a size to Se!"ve efficien: iy the puroose for wh ich it is intended . Minimum size of t:-.:p shal l ::,e n e . th!"ee (3� two (Z) i c :1 s rloor drains underground shal l not be less then inches in diameter unless indiv idually vented .

7.16.5 FLOOR DRAIN CO:mEC7!0N DOWNSTREAI� FROM SOIL OR W�.S7� S7.!C:< . - T:,e connection or a floor ara1n, tnree (3) or rour (�J 1nc:1es 1n s1ze when

instal led undercrround shall be connected into the hori zontal bui ldinc- orain nc: less than five (5) fee: downst:-eam from the so il or waste stacx .

7� 16 .6 FLOOR DRAINS. �

a. Floor drains shal l be requ ired within fifteer1 feet (E') and in the same room as a '"'a te!" he ate!" . ..


b. Floor drains shal l be required within fifteen feet (15') and in the same room · as an automat ic clothes washer in mul ti-fanily dwellings and/or commercial build-i ngs.

c. Indi rect connection for a floor drain at the automat ic clothes washer above ground may be discharged in the riser pipe (stand pipe) above the . . . . ---�.- � '---·- -·------� trap of the automatic clothes washer drain and the floor drain need not be t:-apped .

d. Above ground fl oar drains three inches ( 3") in diameter or 1 arger sha 11 be vented at the end of the horizontal line to which they are connected . - · . ' - ,._ -� .. . .. 1 · .. e. Underground traps three inches ( 3") in diameter and arger for fl oar � -, - · . .•·- ; �: : -{: · -�-�.� �:� . _: ._ -�:.. _ .. _ --:� �"_:_ :�->- . . • -· �� ':.· drains, hub drains or stand pipe receptors need not be vented �- . t- --� > _--: . ' ';�:;.,.,.=:-· . : - '· �-,_

�'�:· -� :� f. Tr aps two inches (2q) and larger instal led above ground for floor .. .,_ - ;_:� . . -c. �-:.-;' _;_ -.:�:���� ,.�:-- �:��:: _ __::-- ,_ - drains, hub drains, or stand pipe receptors shal l be vented .:,:;1:- - .:_·;;_ ::- ' -...�� ..: ��;.::::��- �s- -� -:-:.. - 7.17 .3 RESIDENTIAL SINK - DISHWASHER. - The discharge from a sink and dishwasher may aiscnarge througn a s1ngle one and one-half inch (1 1/2") trap . The discharge from the dishwasher shal l be one-half inch {1/2") in size and be connected with a wye fitting between the sink outlet and the trao inlet.

7.17.4 RESI DENTIAL SINK. DISHWASHER AND FOOD WASTE GRINDER. -The discharge from a sink, dlShwasner, and rooa waste gr1naer may a1scharge through a sing1e one and one-half inch (1 1/2") trap . The discharge from the dishwasher shall be one-half inch (l/2") looped up and firmly secured to the highest point under the counter , and connected wi th a wye fitting between the discharge of the food waste grinder and the trap inlet, or to the head of the food grinder.

7.25 HANDICAP FIXTURES. - Plumbing fixtures for the hand icapped shal l confor.TI to the requ1rements or ANSI - All7.1 1986 Ed ition·.

1103 .308 . AMENDMENTS TO CHAPTER 8 OF THE NATIONAL STANDARD PLUMB !NG CODE - HANGE:tS A::o SUPPORTS. - Chapter 8 or the l98i Nat1ona 1 Stanaaro Plumo1ng Coce is amenaea by the rol lowing prov isions. Each section, subsection or clause of the Code · that numerical ly corresponds to one of the fo llowing numbered provisions is her�by deleted where so noted , or amended to read as set forth ����l��fl��)� below. Each provision set out below wi thout a corresponding section , --��- -�:-� subsection or clause number 1n the Code is hereby enacted and added thereto . -� -- 5·�- . .. .. �:��: -:-:�. -.·_..;;::.':; � :: 3.1 GENERAL . - .i;:_�-��-:�--�::-;_ . -- --�;:�:--:"- �� -:�1�-:!'--�.,2::·-�:�- a. Hangers and anchors sha 11 be secure 1 y attached to the . bui 1 ding construction at sufficiently close intervals to support the piping and its f��� ,,st,���� '<,"' �fsJ contents. b. Al l fixtures , appl i ances and equi pment shall be connected to suoport the :4i}:;� ··&t ;�,��/!.·¥�����-: we ight of the device and any additional probab le loads that may impact on the device. - i - -:\·,_ c. Fixtures shall be ri gidly supported so that no strain is tran smitted tJ the piping connections .

d. Al l hubless cast iron pipe shal l be _i nstal led and supported in :c:ordance ·�i th the manufac-turer's recommendations.

3.3 HORI ZONT.l.L PI?HIG . Horizontal pipe of the fo llowing material s shal l be

supported acc:ora1ng to manufacturer's recommendations but not less th an th e

distances listed below . - .. _ __.z:: -t - �- _ ., , � ·�- - * �· {:.:���-�- �,.:.�:<;.�·:-.: -�·-. - _, (5') t e l except th at •.ynere te� ..� -- - .. a. Cast iron so il pipe - five foot in rn s �? foot (10') l ength s of cast iron are used. ten foot (lO') intervals ·.. ee� : be :.� suoports are acceptable. Supports shal l pl aced within eiah• teen incrJes - '· (18") of t he joint .

b. Steel threaded pipe three auarters (3/4) inch in dicme:e: or less foot interval s; One inc:-1 diameter and over - 12 foot inter•1ais. . .I 0 . ••:..


c. Copper tube (1 1/4 inch or less) - six foot intervals.

d. Copper tube '( 1 1/2 inch or over )-ten foot intervals.

e. Lead pipe - on continuous metal or wood strips for its entire length .

f. Plastic pipe • See 8.7.

1103.309 A/·lENDMENTS TO CHAPTER 9 OF THE NATIONAL STANDARD PLUMBING CODE - INDIRECT WAStt. PiPING AI-W Sht... lAL WA�tt.. - Cn apter 9 or ;:ne .!.98, Nat 1 on a 1 Stanaara Plumo1ng Coae 1s amenaea by the fo llo•Ning prov isions . Each section, _ subsection or c 1 a use of the Code that numerically corresponds to one of the ·- · ·-: ... . <:;;� ),�.�/..:}�� ·i- . _ · fo llowing numbered provisions is hereby deleted where so noted, or amended to . read as set forth below. Each provision set out below without a corresponding -�.::;.:· - .. . " -· r 1 �·�f?-{�·:�:�t : .:-:,. ·''- ·_. �rl:. ' section, subsection or c a use number in the Code is hereby enacted and added �� .·... - .• ".:.> ·. thereto • -<-�>·.. � :i I;�� :. - � }_ �� :-� -�; � :1 9.4.6 STAND-PIPE RECEPTORS . The stand-pipe receptor for an automatic clothes ,,J������� o; washer shall oe 1nstalled in one of the fo llowing ways : a. The stand-pipe receptor shall be properly trapped and vented except as �- .:-�;.¥·� : provided in Section 7.16.6. The stand-pipe shal l extend no more than • thirty-six inches (36") above the trap ; or

b. The stand-pipe receptor shal l be installed in the strainer plate of a floor drain provided the plate is designed to receive the stand-pipe. The size of the floor drain shall depend on the discharge rate of the automatic clothes washer or the floor area to be drained , whichever is greater. . 1103.310 AMENDMENTS TO CHAPTER 10 OF THE NATIONAL STANDARD ?LUMBING CODE WATER SUPPLY AND OISiiUBUllON. - Chapter 10 or the 1987 Nat1ona 1 :,tanaara Plumo1ng Coae is amended by ;:he fol lowing provisions. Each section , subsection or clause of the Code that numerical ly corresponds to one of the fo llowi ng numbered provisions is hereby del eted where so noted , or amended to read as set forth bel�·w. Each provision set out below wi thout a corresponding section, sub section. or cIause number in the Code is hereby enacted and added thereto .


a. Devices of All Types - Al l backflow prevention devices shall be. accessible. Backf low prevention devices shal l not be instal led in pits or simi lar potentially submerged locations or in fume , chemical or fuel hoods .

�-�r b. Atmospheric Vacuum Breakers -Atmospheric vacuum breakers shal l be t-2.�:..:�-�-- - : · installed wi th the critical level at least six inches above the flood level ..:� _·:��__:_;_-_- -_�--·-�-·::·._; :�___ =_-:_ :. :"_:· , :. �-·:�-·---:--�-;��T._·-. ,�,:_�,--·_�_;_ ·_:_ ·�--:·- ______�- �_-.-_-----�-__ :__· :-· __ _{_-_ ---.:-_:__t.�_�,- _ --_ �; --.�_ _. rim or highest point of discharge of the fixture being served . Such dev ices -� -�- -� �� �� : --. :._ shal l be installed on the discharae side of the last control valve to the . ;�2- -�; - -:..::::_, .:. ..� - fixture and no shut off valve or faucat shal l be instal led downstream of the vacuum breaker . Vacuum breakers on urinals shal l be instal led wi th the critical level six inches above the flood level rim. ·

c. Pressure Type Vacuum Breakers - Pressure type vacuum breakers sha 11 be installed at a height of at least 12 inches above the flood level rim of the fixture, tank , or simi lar device .

d. Double Check Valves and Reduced ?ressure ?ri nciple Valves - Sucn devices shall be instal led at not less th an 12 inches above the floor . 10 .6.1 SEPARATION OF WATER SERV ICE AllD BUILDING SE1AER . - Except as permitted below, the unoergrouna water serv 1 c e pipe ana tne ouuding sewer shall be no� less than ten feet (10') apart horizontally and shal l be separated by und i sturbed or compacted e art h. ·· -�.__-..-

The water serv ice pipe may be pl. �ced in t h e same trench •,o� ith the bui ld ina se•Ne r pr

a. The bot:or.� of the water serv ice p i pe at ai l po ints shai1 be at leas: t�elve i nches (12") above the toe of the se wer l i ne at Its highest po int. ..


� .... b. The water service pipe shall be placed on a sol id shelf excavated at one side of the common trench .

c. The number of joints in the water service pipe shal l be kept to a minimum.

d. The materi als· and joints of sewer and water service pipe shall be installed in such manner and shal l possess the necessary strength and durabi lity to prevent the escape of solids, liquids, and gases therefrom, under all known adverse conditions such as corrosion, strains due to ta�perature changes, settlement, vibrations and superimpo sed loads.

·"��!} --�<:�- ;'::! .;.::·: :f,:.. � 10 .6.4 WATER SERVIC� PIPE THROUGH WALL . • In bui ldings other than single - - � •.r - -� ·; ' -- ·_J�- _. --- .· family dwellings, clearance shall be provided around a water service pipe passing through wal ls to protect it against (a) cha�ical action from direct contact wi th concrete, (b) distortion or rupture of water service pipe from shearing action due to settlement, (c) distortion or ruptu:-e of the water service pipe caused by expansion or contraction. Clearance shal l be not less than one.half ( 1/2 ) inch between the outside of the pipe and the wal l. Sleeves or arches may be used to provide the wall opening. The space between the pipe · __ _._·:_·:.·_ :_-.·:._ ,, .· • . �.:.::-�--:.--. �� '-:-:....- · · �--:�-:::;._-: ""7'7:�"" �--�- . �--:,-�. � and wal l structure shall be careful ly packed or caulked with lead or waterproof -. . _ .. · - � ���i-:�-:;::-��:�.f�;;�:;:·;· -- and vermin and rodent resistant materi al .


a. All water closets and kitchen sinks shall have individual fixture valves installed. Valves shall also be instal led for each bath, shower, powder room or bathroom group . A group of fixtures shal l mean t� or more fixtures adjacent to each other in the same dwel l ing unit, but not necessarily in the same room.

b. In each dwell ing unit, one or two bathrooms back to bac'� or one over the other may be considered a group. However, in each dwe 11 i ng · un it with t� or more bathroom groups not back to back to each other , one or more contrc T valves or individual fixture valves shal l be provided so that each group may be isolated from the other.

-c. ..:. l c. In multi·dwell ing units , one or more contro l valves shall be prov ided so that the water to any plumbing fixtu:-e or group of fixtures in any one dwelling unit may be shut off without stopping flow of water to fixtures in other dwell ing units. These valves shall be accessible inside the dwell ing unit controlled.

d. Where all fixtures are individually valved, valves to control groups wi ll not be required .


����f��::�- ·-· - a. In a bu i 1 ding used or intended to be used for other than dwe 11i ng '- purposes, the water distribution pipe to each fixture or other piece of equipment shall be provided wi th a fixture valve or fixture stop to shut off the water to the fixture or to the room in wh ich it is located .

b. In all buildings, al l sill cocks, and wa l l hydran ts shal l be separately controlled by a valve inside the building.

c. Al l yar::l hydrants , street washers and lawn irrigation systems shal l be seoarately contr.ol led by a valve and �quipped with a il.e:Juced P!"essu:-e Principle Backflow Preventer . EXC�SSIVE PRESSURES 10 .14.6 .•An approved pressure reducing ·Hlve sha l l :::e . -...; -- instal led 1n tne water serv1ce pipe near its entrance to the builcing tc reduce •::oo.�·------·--�-�-- .. ·-. ; - .;,;'.;b .. - -- �__._, �...... ::.-� ... ---->-.i tne water pressure tc 80 ps i or lower except ·�th ere the ·.-� a:e!"' se!"'·, ice pi p e suopl i.es water directly to a water pressure booster syst2n, an el ev a ted water grav i ty tank, or . to · pumps prov ided in conne(;t ion 'N i th a hydrooneumat i c or snal l elev ated water supoly tank system. Pres sure at any fixture be limited to i no more than 80 ps under no-f1o·N ccnditions . Si ll cocks and outside hv• drants

may be left on ful l main pressure at t�e option of the owner ...... \ . . . 25


-- · ::·:-· --� -- -.-. a. A safe pan shal l 'be instal led below such plumbing appli ances, equipment or �� appurtenances as wa�r heaters , hot water storage tanks, etc., wh ich are abov� the ground or basement level and do not have a floor drain av ailable for accidental sp i lls, discharges from rel ief valves or leakage frcm equi pment • . , .. - ' - - b. The safe pan shal l be constructed by the use of four (4) pounds psf sheet lead , twelve {12) ounce psf copper , or seventeen (17) gauge galvanized sheet metal or other acceptab le material .

The side wal ls of the safe pan must be at least three inches (3") high or shall be of sueh shape and capacity as to prevent splashing or fl ooding, and shall be ..

�- • made water-tight . : ...... !. ;._.

..-. 1 c. The safe pan shall be laid on or be supported by a structurally sound base, : . � .. ... and shall have a minimum drain pipe of one and one-quarter inch (1-1/4" ) in diameter, wh ich wi ll terminate and discharge through an air gap or air br�ak into a trapped and vented receptor, hub drain or fl oor drain with funnel grate .

.-:.�;_:,"':..:: 10.16 .9 WATER HEATER GAS SHUT-OFF VALVE. - Every gas outlet shal l have an individual shutorr valve. the shutorr valve shal l be accessible and adjacent :,�;_,':· to the appli ances . 1103 .311 AMENDMENTS TO CHAPTER 11 OF THE NATIONAL STANDARD PLUMBING CODE -

SANITARY DRAINS AND SEWE�S . - Chapter of the National Standard Plumbina · -- -�-< � ll 1987 ::·. Coae lS amenaed by the rollowi ng provisions. Each section, subsection or __ ::-.;:..i,- _�:_" . """�' :-. clause of the Code that numerically corresponds to one of · the fo llowing 7� numbered provisions is hereby deleted where so noted , or amended to read as set �;?-,·: :c forth below. Each prov ision set out below without a corresponding section , ::·]>� subsection or clause number in the Code is hereby enacted and acde9 thereto .  :_: �. . 11 .5.1 SELECTING SIZE OF DRAINAGE PIPING. - Pipe sizes shall b� determined by �-: l . -: .:_ . · · - - 11.5.18 - �> � :.;�: _ :,__.,_� :,.i-_ ��--:,··; · . :� Table 11.5.1A ana on the oaslS of drainage load computed from Tab le ·. -�:-./- ::i._ --�:-:-: _ _ · - . _ - - :.����, : - , :...- -:_::-��S}��:-1 · ... ,> and Section 11 .4.2. - _-_.;;�: _ • 11.4.1 . �·,:.-� -� - ;. J � �.;;�'�-_ -- -> -�- EXCEPTIONS : ;...... ·, .- :·.:-��::�>:.-..:.r-· ��--£--,�-i 1 ) Any portion of the bui lding drain wh ich receives the discharge from a wa�er closet shall be a minimum size of four inches {4") and the four inch {4") pipe size shal l tenninate at the clean-out thi rty-six inches {36") above the finish floor.

' ·� c - 2) f-t inimum size of the bui lding sewer shall be six inches { 6") in diameter and ' ;}'ll!til shall have the minimum of a two (2) percent slope. 11 .5.2 MINIMUM SIZE OF SOIL AND WASTE STACKS. - No soi l or l¥aste stack shall be smaller than the largest horizontal orancn connected thereto.

1 �- - X 4" -- EXCEPTION : A 3" water closet bend shal l not be considered a reduction in pipe s1ze.


a. Any structure in wh ich a build ing drain is installed shal l have at least one stack vent or vent stack sized in accordance wi th section 12.16.6 , not less in diameter, n than three inches {3") or the size of the bui lding dn.i . If the building drain is l e s s than ;::-Jr=e inches (3" ) in diameter the •J ent shall be carried full si ze through the reef.

b. Any v�nt pipe extending through the roof shal l be no t less than ·t"NO inc.'l es in diameter and shal l ex tend frcm i t s terminus at least eightee� inches belc·.� the interior side of the roof deck.

SIZ:. OF UND:::RGROmiD ORAI;�AGE Pi? I::G . portion of 11.5.5 MINIMUM - No the n e draina'ge system 1nstattec u ae rgrouna or oe t o w a oase.'Tl e�t or c l l a :- shal l be less than two inches in di>3Ineter .

EXCEPTION : Ccnde:-Jsate waste disc.'1ar:;e lin es wh ich s:�al l no;: ::Je less th an

l - l/4 inches in di a'Tleter . •.


11.5.6 KITCHEN SINK WASTE PIPING UNDERGRO ..· UND. - a. The max imum length of _two ( 2 }, inch underground kitchen sink shall not exceed fifteen (15} feet waste piping from the point of connection to -· branch drai · a horizontal . · n or buil ding drain . to the poin ·--.. t where the kitchen sin � .. � .... _: .: ext k waste pip . , . . ·-;� ends above the floor • ing -� ... --- . ... .;��/·'� -�. -:-� b. The clea n-out above the fl oor sh all be the _. same size as the under kitchen sink wa ste piping and ground shall be thirty six ( 36") inches ·. -�- ': finished fl above the ; oor level . 11 .9 SEPTIC TANKS . - 11.9.1 SEPTIC TANK BY-PASS . - When a septic tank is to be exi sting p1umo 1ng ana ara1nage by-passed and the system of a building are to be connected public sanitary sewer, the foll to a owing procedure must be fo llowed : a. Inside plumb ing investigation must be made by the Department of Public Wor St. Louis County ks, Office of Plumbing and Sewer determine if al l plumbing Inspection , to fixture traps conform to th is Code. b. All liquid wi thin the ex isting septic tank must be pumped bottom of the septic ta out and the nk must be broken . The septic tank with crushed limestone must be back-fi lled , gravel or clean compacted dirt . 11.10. SPE CIFICATIONS FOR SANITARY SEWERS. - 11.10.1 INSTALLATION WirriiN RIGHTS-OF-WAY . - serve more All sanitary sewers designed to than one property or Oul iOlng, whet to be instal her designated main or lateral , led in a public or private right-of-way use by or easemen-t gedicated for publ ic utilities, shal l be desig regist ned by a Professional Eng ineer ered in the State of Mi ssouri and Regulations shall. comply with t�'�e "Rules and and Engineering Design Requirements Water Drainage for Sanitary Sewerage and Storm Faci lities", and the nstandard Constr Sewers anci "D uction Specifications for rainage Facil ities", issued by the District (M Metropolit an St . Louis Sewer .S.D.} and the St . Louis County Department of Highways & Traffic. 11 .10.2 INSTALLA TIONS OUTSIDE OF RIGHTS-OF-WAY . - Al to serve pr1vate 1 sanitary sewers designed property, OuJia1ngs or structures, constructed on pu blic wh ich wi ll not be rights-of-way or easements dedic uti lities, shal ated for use by public l be des igned by a Professional Engin of Mi ssouri , and sh eer registered in the State all comply wi th the "Rules and Regul Design Requirements aticns and Engineering for Sanitary Sewerage and Storm 1.-late the St . Louis r Dr ain Faci 1 ities" of County Highway Department, the Metropo District and the St . litan St . Louis Sewer Louis County Public �arks Department . 1103 .312 ANENDMENTS TO CHAPTER 12 OF THE NATIONAL STANDARD PLUMB ING CODE VENTS AND VENTING. - Chapter ot the - - 12 1987 Nat1onal Stanaard Code -- - amenoea ?l��o 1ng 1 s ����§:+:� : by the ro llowing provisions. Each sect Code that ion, subsection or clause of the numerical ly corresponds to one cf the is hereby 1 fo l lowing numbered provisions de eted where so noted, or amended to read provision set as set forth be 1 ow. Each out below wi thout a corresoonding sect - humber in the Code ion , subsection or clause is her'!!by enacted and added thereto . 12 .3.1 VENT STACK REQUIRED. -A vent stack or main vent wi shal l b.e installed th a soil or waste staci< wh enev'!!r indiv ver�ts, br idual re lief 'l er�ts, or ot:Jer anc:, v'!! nt5 ara required in a building. 12.4. 1 EXTENSiON ABOVE ROOFS. Extension - of -v er�t p i pes sh al twelv '!! (12) inc:1es aoov'!! -cne roar , e a e l ter::�inata ... , . .­ m s ur d frcm -- - the hignest po int intersects the roo Wher'!! roof wner'!! the ven: --· ---�-:· f. a s i to be used for any pur;Jose othe .. -;.,.;.;_; .:...... �.... � .,.,.-.-� .�_,,_ ... weather r than ...... -,_ . .., protection, � � -. ... � ] the ver�t ex:er�sions sha roof. ll run at leas: i fee!: above t:Je .- • • ' : ; I .. 27

12.5 FROST CLOSURE. - Where frost closure is likely to occur , each vent a it - ___ .-· extension througn r9of shall be at least two (2) inches in diameter . When ;:.- ....:... ..�- ...;.. -:; : ..- �< '.:. is found necessary to increase the size of the vent extension to meet this requirement, the chaRge in diameter shall be made inside the bui lding at least _ .. eighteen inches (18") below the roof • . -·.. · .. . t_ :··: -----:..o- 12 .6.3 HEIGHT ABOVE FIXTURES . - ·._, : a. A connection between a vent pipe and vent stack or stack vent shal l be made at least 6 inches above the flood- level rim of the highest fixture on the same floor level served by the vent . ·., ·- · · . b. Horizontal vent pipes forming branch vents, rel ief vents or loop vents shall be at least 6 inches above the flood-level rim of the highest fixture served on the same floor level .

12 .8.2 VENTING FIXTURE DRAIN. - The vent pipe from a fixture drain except for a water closet ano s1m1 1ar r1xtures shall not connect below the top we ir of the trap • ... � •. .."'-IJ" - ' : l" - 12 .9.1 INDIVIDUAL VENT AS COM��N VENT. - An Individual vent instal led

... . - .· vertically may be used as a common vent tor two (2) fixture traps when both fixture drains connect with a vertical drain at the same level provided the two (2"). inch traps are connected to a fo ur (4n) inch vertical waste or two (2) one and one half (1 1/2") inch fixture traps are connected to a three (3") inch waste pipe.

12.10 WET VENTING. -

-12.10.1 WET VENTING. -Wet venting is prohibited .

EXCEPTION : SINGLE BATHROOM GROUPS - BASEMENT. - A single bathroom group in the basement may be instal led wl tn the ora1n tram an individually vented lavatory serving a wet vent for a bath tub or shower stall and a water closet, prov ided that not more than one fixture unit is drained into a two inch (2") diameter

· -- wet vent.·

...... · ·-·· "":. .... ; .._:. :_5.�:: · 12.10.2 DOUBLE BATH. Del ete �-:�-�- 5"' --':��-�) JJ}iJ 12 .10.3 MULTI-STORY BATHROOM GROUPS. - Delete �' ��-��ff��� :'- 12 .10.4 EXCEPTION . - Delete


12 .11.1 FIXTURE GROUPS. - A single bathroom group of fixtures consistino of a water closet, lavatory, shower or tub and a kitchen sink (with disposal and dishwasher) 1 oca ted back-to-back to the bathroom , or 2-bathrooms back-to-bac!< . each consisting of one water closet, lavatory, shower or tub may be instal led wi thout individual fixture vents in a one-story building or on the highest branch of a stack prov ided each fixture drain connects inde;Jendently to the stack and that the tub and/or shower , and water c 1 oset enter the stack at the same level/and in accordance wi th the requirements in Tab le 12.8.1. ;. 12 .11.3 OVERLOADED SC:WERS . - 1.-lh en fixtures are connected to a street sewer that is surr1c1ent ly overl oaded to cause frequent submersion of the building sewer, or if a se�t i c tank is used , a re 1 i ef vent sha 11 be c::nnec :ed to the bui lding d�ain ahead of any fixt�re connec:ion.

12 .12.1 WHERE REQUIRED . - '\'/h en fixtures other than water closets disc!'larae into a horJZantai branc!'l down stream from a •,o� ater closet, each fixture connect ing downstream shal l be vented . - . . _ . ____ ,._ ...,. .... --...... ,.,-· ...... -:--.. -_:.,; ... 12 .12.3 LOAD UNIT FOR FIXTURES ABOVE: BATHTUBS AND '..JA TE?, C!..05:cTS \o/IIHOUT e REVENTING. - e t e t a

12 . 12 .11 VENT '.-/ASHDOWN . - De l eted CIRCUIT VENTING . - C 12.13.1 ircu i : v�nts are prQhibitea . '•


12 .13.2 · LOOP VENTING. - Loop vents shal l not be instal led until an investigation has oeen conducted and approval obtained from the Code Official .

12 .13.3 VENT CONNECTIONS. - Deleted

12.13.5 SINGLE DWELLING UNIT. - Deleted

12.16.5. SIZE OF CIRCUIT OR LOOP OF VENT. - Deleted .

12.17.1 COMBINATION WASTE-AND-VENT SYSTEM - WHERE PE�MITTED. -A combination waste-and-vent system snail be pennitteo only wnere structural conditions preclude .the installation of a conventional systa� as otherwi se provided in the Code and wi th the approval of the Code Official .

12 .17.2 LIMITS OF USE. -Deleted

1103 .313 AMENDMENTS TO CHAPTErt 13 OF THE NATIONAL STANDARD PLUMBING CODE STORM DRAtNS. - Chapter 13 OT tne 1987 Nat1onal S.:anaaro Plumo 1ng Coae 1s amenaeo by tne fo llowing provisions. Each section, subsection or clause of the Code that numerically corresponds to one of the fo llowi ng numbered provisions �'ilW!S',l is hereby de1 eted where so noted , or amended to read as set forth be1 ow. Each provision set out below without a corresponding section, subsection or clause numb_er in the Code is hereby enacted and added thereto .

13 .1.2 STORM WATER DRAINAGE TO SEWER PROHIBITED. - Storm water shall not be drained into sewers intenaeo for san1 tary sewage only.

13.1.5 SUB-SO IL DRAINS . -

a. Sub-soil Drains. - Sub-soil drains may be provided around �he perimeter of all bul 1a1ngs nav1ng basements , cellars or crawl spaces or floors below grade. Such sub-soil drains may be positioned inside or outside of thea footing, and shall be perforated , or open joint approved drain tile or pipe not less than three inches (3M) in diameter, and be· laid in gravel , slag, crushed rock or other app�,ved porous material with a minimum of four inches (4") sur:-ounding the pipe on all sides, or in an alternative manner with the approval of the Code Offic-ial .

b. Sub-soil Drain Discharae. - Sub-soil drains shall be piped to a stor-::1 drain, or to an approvea water course, or shall discharge in a manner approved by the Code Official but in no case in such a way as to flow across or onto a sidewal k, driveway or street or create a nuisance on adjoining properties, no:­ discharge to grade level closer than ten feet from the property line.

NOTE: Nothing in this regulation shall prevent the discharge of drains serving sub-soil drains, or areaways of a detached building, wh icn do not serve continuous flowi ng springs or ground wa ter, from discharging to a . :: proper ly graded open area, provided the point of discharge is at leas: ...::: j; i ac ab le t:: ·� ten (10) feet from any property line , where it is mpr tic --·- -' .. '. • ..... :,- -:�":::.:z� d isc harg e the drain or drains to a storm drain, or approved wate� course.

- . -�· -.. · '1 i -c. Sumo P i t s . - Where it is not possible to convey the drainage by grav ity, subso1 1 ora1ns shall discharoe to an accessible sump pit prov ided wi th an a , �: ·. approved automatic electric p mp. Sump pit shal l be at least i.n d i meter : u 15 " 18" i n de:;Jth , and provided w.ith a fitted cover. Tn e sumo pump shal l have ar. ade quate caoacity to discharge al l water in t!'le sump as it accumulates t:: ::he

-. · requi red discharge ;Joint, and in no event shal l the caoacity of the s;.;mp b-= les s than 1.5 ga l lons a minute. The discharge pipe from the sum:;J puma s h a l l ::Je the same size as the outl et of the pump .

. �- d. Sub-soil Drains Sub ject to aackflow. - '..ih en discharging into s�orm drai n, . a . ' .. . "·... M ...... _, ..... !--...... -... .-__,._ ...... - c - �.:::::..:..-....---.-.,�-. �;..;,.-.- a suo so 1 1 ora1n SUOJec: 1::0 o ac � 7to snail be prov ided wi �h a b a k at er val�� -- � - w w in the drain line so loca�ed as to be ac cessible for inspection anc ma_i nte·nance. •' �...... 29

13 .1.6 AREAWAY DRAINS . - Al l open sub-surface spac!: adjacent to a bui lding serving as an entrance to the basement or cellar of a bui lding must be prov ided -"; .... _.. _ wi th a drain or drains. Such areaway drains shall be three inches (3") minimum in diameter for areaway, 'not to e.xceed one hundred (100) square feet in area, and shal l be disch�rged as provided for in this regulation pertaining to sub- soil drains not serving continuous flowing springs or ground water. No areaway drain shall discharge into a sub-soil drain. Areaway drains for areas . exceeding one hundred (lOO)· squar!: feet shall be sized according to Tab le -· ·-----� --·- �-- ....�-4 . ..--·­ . 13 .6.2. • ....! ._ - -- • - -• �- - --'"-- 13 .3.1 WHERE REQUIRED. - L!:aders and storm drains when connected to a comb ined sewer shal t oe trappeo.

13 .4.2 - Deleted ,.' :,� --�.f' . _- -.- i -, ..: .- -. -- '' 13.11 SPECIFICATIONS FOR STORM SEWERS. 13 .11.1 INSTALLATION WITHIN RIGHTS-OF-WAY. - Al l storm sewers desianed to serve more tnan one proper-cy, bu1 lo1ng, parking lot or structure , - to be installed in a public right-of-way, or easement dedicated for use by publ ic uti lities, shall be desi gned by a Professional Engineer regi stered in the State of Missouri and shall comply with the "Rules and Regulations and Engineering Design Requirements for Sanitary Sewerage and Storm Water Drainage Facilities", and _ the "Standard Construction Specifications for Sewers and Drainage Facilities" , i!>.oued by Metropoli tan St . Louis Sewer District (M.S.D.), and the St . Louis County Department of Highways and Traffic.

13.11.2 INSTALLATION OUTSIDE OF RIGHTS-OF-WAY . - Al l storm sewers desianed to serve private propert1es, bu1l01ngs, parKlng lots or structures, which wi ll not be constructed on publ ic rights-of-way or easements dedicated for use by publ ic utilities, shall be desi gned by a Professional Engi neer regi ste':'ed. in the State of Mi ssouri , and shall comply with the "Rules and Regulations and Engineering Design Requirements for Sanitary Sewerage and Storm Water Drainag:.: ci Fa lities", and those of the St . Louis County Department of Public Works .

1103.314 ··AMENDMENTS TO CHAPTER 14 OF THE NATIONAL STANDARD PLUMBING CODE - MEDICAL CARt. rAC!L! tY PluMB iNG tOOIP,'>!EN t. - Chapter 14 or toe L98t Nat1ona1 Standard Plumo1ng Code is amended by the fo llowing provisions . Each section , subsection or clause of the Code that numerically corresponds to one of the fol lowing numbered provisions fs hereby del eted where so noted , or amended to read as set forth below. Each provision set out below without a correspondino section, subsection or clause number in the Code is hereby enacted and added thereto.

14 .1 GENERAL . - Fl ushing rim clinic sinks , bedpan washers , or other approved fixtures ana equipment shall be provided for the disposing of bedpan contents and the cleansing and disinfection of bedpans in soiled utility rooms .

14.1.2 Al l plumb ing facilities shall complv wi th the Mi5souri Licensina Law, Regulations and Codes for Ho spitals and hnb u latory Care Facilities and Nursi ng Homes . (See R.S. M.o . Chapter 197) .


a. The wa ter heating equ i pment shal l have sufficient capacity to suocly six and one half (6 1/2) gal lons of water at one hundred ten (110 ) de rees fahrenheit per hour per bed for i :ur s ; four (4) gailons of g (120) f � e water at one hundred and :wen:y degr�e s fahrenneit per hour per bed for ki:chens, and four and one h a l f (4 1/2) gal lons oi wa ter at one hundred and sixty (150) degree s fanrenheit per hour per bed for aundry. i c ware 1-1ash i no 1 The rinse water temperat ure of au':.cm at • equi pment shall be one hundred and eighty (180 ) degrees fahrenhe i t . · - :t .. . ·-· . ______._ -� -- -�- ----�:·- ,.&. · -...-.. - b. Such water heat i n g equipment may be of :ne i nstantaneau s, semi-i nstanta[leous , flash or storage type . . Where di re-:t fir� d water heaters are used, they s h a 11 be of an aoproved high pres sure type . Submerged s<:.e�m neati n g coi l should be of cooper . Al l water h e at i ns equ i pment · shal l be fab:-icate'.:l 01 non-corrosive metal or 1 ined wi-t.'1 non-corrosive material . ..


1103.315 AMENDMENTS TO CHAPTER 15 OF THE NATIONAL STANDARD PLUMBING CODE - TESTS AND MAINTENANCE . -Chapter r� OT the l9 87 Natlonal Stanaara Plumo lng Cooe 1s amenaed by the following provisions. Each section, subsection or clause of the Code that numeri cal ly corresponds to one of the following numbered provisions 1s hereby deleted where so noted , or amended to read as set forth below. Each provis ion set out below wi thout a corresponding section,

-· "O ..:- --·- subsection or clause �umber in the Code is hereby enacted and added thereto . - ·� ------• ••·---·· • oM•'------· 15 .1 EXPOSURE OF WORK . - A 11 new, a 1 tered , extended or rep 1 aced p 1 umbi ng and drainlaying Shal I be left uncovered and unconcealed until it has been tested and approved . Where such work has been covered or concea 1 ed before it is tested a�d approved , it shall be exposed for testing and approval . :: - -.;.. - -� - 15.1.1 PLUMBER IDENTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS . - Tn e licensed pl umber performing the work Sha I\ wrlte h 1 s 11ce nse numoer on the Inspection Record Card before . . .: :� starting work on the job .

- ' 1103.316 CHAPTER 16 OF THE 1987 NATIONAL STANDARD PI_Uf'I.B ING CODE , ENi!TLE!J . Sc.�A!:ic. DISPoSAL �btc.HS Otr:d ..: --�. REGULATIONS GOVERNING 1N01VIDOAL ruR HGMt:.� AND ES 1ABL 1 �rlMENTS WHERE PUBLIC SeWAGe. SYS t eMS ARt:. NO t AVAlLAaLE, 1s nereoy aeleteo 1n 1ts ent1rety and replaced by the ro t low1 ng prov1s1ons wh ich are hereby adopted and enacted in lieu of said Chapter 16 .



16.1.1 Where either a public wa ter supply and/or sewer system, are not available, an individual water supply and/or sani tary sewage disposal system shall be provided, and the water distribution and drainage systems shall be connected thereto . Such individual systems sQall meet the standards for 1nstallation of this Chapter 16 and Chapter 17 .

16.1.2 Al l individual sanitary sewage disposal systems shal l be constructed , added to or altered in accordance with this Chapter 16 .

16.1.3 Where a public sanitary sewerage system is legal ly and economically available to the building to be served, or within two hundred feet (200 ') of the· property 1 i ne , the Code Offici a 1 sha 11 requ ire that sanitary sewage be discharged into that systa�.

16 .1.4 Al l domestic sanitary sewage shall be disposed of by an approved method of col lection, treatment and effl uent discharge.

16 .1.5 Domestic sanitary se1.,age or sanitary sewage effl uent shal l not be . ---.- disposed of in any manner that 'o'li ll cause po llution of the ground surf ace , .- ... - -- -- ground water, bath ing area , lake, pond , watercourse, or tidewater , or create a nuisance nor shall it be discharged into any abandoned or unused we l l, or int� any crevice , sink hol e, or other opening either natural or artificial in a rock formation.

,-.'16.1.6 Where '"'ater under pressure is not av ai lable, al l human body �•astes shall be disposed of by de�ositing them in approved privies, chemical to ile�; .

or such other installations acceptable to the Code Official and lo· cal Healtn Department Official .

15 .1.7 �ater-carried sani tary sewage from bat�rooms, kitchens, laundrv fixtures and other household plumbing shal l pass through a septic tank o� e n it; approved mechanical sani tary sewage t:- atme t plant prior t� discharge in-:.:; the so i l. 1..ihere underground disposal is not feasible, consi deration will be i g v en to special methods of co llect ion and disposal .

16. 1.8 ihe buiiaing contractor , design engineer , owner , plumbi ng c�nt:-act�r are n · and drainlayina- contractor jointly respo sibl e for compliance wi th tll i; ciiacter 16. · ..... ·:- ..... 31

16 .1.9 Abandoned individual sanitary sewage disposal systems shall be . disconnected from the bu i 1 dings, pumped out, the septic tank bottom sha 11 be broken out and the septic tank backfilled with crushed limestone , gravel or clean compacted dirt-.

-: .: .. ) .. 16.1.10 No property shal l be improved in excess of its capacity to properly . � absorb sanitary sewage effl uent in the quantities and by the means provided in this Chapter 16 .

NOTE: Nothing contained in this Chapter 16 shall be construed to prevent the _, Code Official from requiring compl iance with higher requirements than - those contained herein where such higher requirements are essential to ,_. _ maintain a safe and sanitary condition.


16 .2.1 When the Code Official determi nes that there is insufficient lot area , improper soil conditi ons or improper lot grade elevat ions for adequate sanitary sewage disposal for the building or land use proposed , no bui lding permit shall be issued and no individual sanitary sewage disposal shall be permitted . In areas where soi 1 conditions are critical , no building permit shall be issued until engineering data and test reports are submitted and approved by the Code Official .


16 .3.1 The type of system to be instal led shall be determined on the basis of location , soil permeabil ity, ground water elevation and ground elevations.

16 .3.2 The system shall be designed to receive all sani tary se•,o�age, including laundry waste, from the building. Drainage from footings or _roofs shall not enter the system . No storm water run-off shall be permitted to flow or pond over any part of the sani tary sewage disposal sys-tem.

16 .3.3 The individual sani tary sewage system shall consist of a septic tank, or mechar�i ca1 sanitary se•11age treatment p1 ant, discharging into either a sub-surface disposal field, or one or more seepage pits or into a combination of both , i'f found adequate as such and approved by the Code Offi cial .

_16.3.4 No plumbing fixture may be connected to any individual san i tary sewage disposal systen wh ere ground water may col lect above the sanitary sewage disposal system causing a flooded condition, unless the elevation of the fixture trap is of sufficient height above the elevation of the finished grade of the ground in wh ich the disposal field is installed to prevent bac!


16 .4 .1 Wh ere soi 1 condi t i ens are such that the s '1Stems rnenti a ned above cannot be expected to operate satisfactori ly, approval of: an alternate des ign shal l be secured from the Code Official .

16 .4.2 Al l individual mechanical sani tary sewage treatment plants to be instal led to serve an individual single fami ly dwell ing wi thin the St . Lo u i s ·-' County, Mi s souri area must be tested and approved by the National Sanitation Foundation, Ann Arbor , Michigan , and meet all the requirements of the N.S.F. Standard �40 specifications .

mechanical s aa i lS .:L.3 All e w e treatment plants fer individual single far:i 1y must suppl ied w th N.s the equi�ment owellings be i an ..�. acprov :1 e:ilb lem on fol" inspection purposes .

16. d.A .<1. 11 :::mp an i es , manuf �cturo:rs and di stributors must show proof of the

�-,.-- -� av ai lability of repair parts ana also the a•t ai labil ity of a qu a l i f ied Se!'"tice ..• ·� ----��-= --�----.:....::.f "':'"··�::--��·--·j);: �---.:!�?-- -�-�.::...: · ... :� company and personnel for necessary treatment pl ant mainten ance.

16.4.5 Standara s. The design of individual sani tary sewage disposal s_vst2ms mus t c:Jnfor:n t.o t:,e Rules and �egul at icns of th is Section , anc t<1e �u 1-:s anc Reaulations of a Gu ide o r the Desicn of Sma ll Se•t�aae Works of the Oeaart;nent � f - - o:f P•.;b1 i c Hea 1 t:, and '>le 1f a!"!� , Mi ssouri Oeaartment of Natura 1 �esaurces . \ ..


16.4.6 The individual mechanical sanitary sewage treatment plant effl uent quality must conform ·to regulations as stated in the Rules and Regulations of Mi ssouri Oepartment �f Nat�ral Resources.

¥- -M -----·'·-<- ,..,_ � ·--:-- - -. - 16.5 INDIVIDUAL SANITARY SEWAGE DESIGN QUANTITIES...... -: -� 16.5.1 Indiv idual pl�bing systems shall be desi gned to accommodate quantities of sanitary sewage in accordance wi th the fol lowing Tab le 16 .5.1.


Tyoe of Establi shment Mi nimum Gal . per day per person

:; · Schools (toilet and lavatories only) 15 -: ...... · Schools (with above, plus cafeteria) 25 -- i -- ...· -�· - '·-· -··- . Schools (with above, plus cafeteria and showers) 36 Day workers at schools & offices 15 Day Camps 25 Trailer Parks or Tourist Camps (with bui lt in bath) 50 Trailer Parks or To urist Camps {with Central Bathhouse) 35 Work or construction camp 50 Public Picnic Parks {toilet waste only) 5 Public Picnic Parks {Bathhouse showers and flush toilets) 10 Swimming Pools & Beaches 10 Country Clubs 25 Luxury residences & estates 150 Rooming Houses 40 Boarding Houses 50 Hotels (with connect ing baths) sc Hotels (with private baths-2 persons per room) 100 Boarding Schools 100 Factories {gallons per person per shift exclusive of industrial wastes) 25 ::urs i ng Homes 75 General Hospitals 150 Public Institutions (other than hospitals) 100 Restaurants (Toilets and kitchen wastes per un it of serving capacity) 25 . Kitchen wastes from hotels, camps, boarding houses , etc., serving three meals per day 10 Mote's SO Gal . per bed per person Mote13 •11i th bath, to i1et and kitchen wastes 60 Gal . per bed space Drive-In Theaters 5 Ga l. per car space Stores 400 Gal . per toi let room Service Stations 10 Gal . per veh. served Airports 3 Gal . per passenger As Se.'llb1 y Ha 11s 2 Gal . per seH -�· :. : .. ; Bowl ing Al leys 75 Gal . per lane Ch urches ( sma 11) 3 Gal . per sanctuary seat 5 G l. Churches (laroe- with kitchen) a per sanctuary seat Dance Hal ls 2 Gal . per day per person Laundries (coin operated ) 400 Gal . per machine Serv ice Stations 1000 Ga l. (first ba�d sao Gal . ( e:c h additional �ay) Subdivisions or individual homes 75 Gal . Marinas - Fl ush to ilet 36


16.6.1 Where the premi ses are served by a public water main, the minimum lot size in which an indjvidual sanitary sewage disposal system may be installed is 20,000 square feet; . otherwi se, the required lot size on wh ich an individual ... :' sani tary sewage disposal system may be installed is 30 ,000 square feet. ·' . . �.; - ·. ·. 16.6.2 The minimum . distance set forth for the various comoonents of the · individual sanitary sewage disposal syste.'ll shall be in compli nce with Tab le ':"·· :-c� - , ...�_., .. a -£� ---� :�' �-;) : ;;,�: 16.6.2 .

... · ... TABL£ 16 .6.2 MINIMUM DISTANCE FOR LOCATION COMPONENTS OF AN INDIVIDUAL SANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM (in Feet) . '� -:-'i- :·· ,. � . \:_:\:- :-. ��:"' . Single Seep­ Prop­ Suction Septic Disposal age Dry • erty Bui ld­ Well Line Tank Field Pit Well Line ina

81 dg. Sewer other than cast iron 50 50

81 d. Sewer cast iron 10 10

Septic Tank 100 50 10 10 10 25 10

Disposal Field 100 50 ·10 25 20

Seepage Pit 100 50 10 25 20

Dry Wel l 100 50 10 25 20

Shallow 1.!� 11 100 100 100 100

Deep Wel t 100 100 100 100

Suction Line 50 50 50 50

16 .7 INDIVIDUAL SANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM- SITES. - Al l individual sanitary sewage a1sposal syst� s1tes snail conronn to the fo llowing conditions.

16 .7 .1 Indi vidua 1 san 1 tary sewage di sposa1 systems sha 11 be located at �he �-;I£f�Cf""2;��.{:ft�:j'� lowest point on the premises cons istent wi th the general layo ut �opograohy and surroundings including abutting lots. Locations at a higher elevat ion through �:. . . - · !:'�-� '· � � : .• employment of forced systems may be used wi th the ex press wri t�en approval of �-:- ,. -·--;_� the Code Offi cial .

16.7.2 No individual san i tary sewaae disposal facilities shal l be located on · - ·-·any watersheds of a public water supply system.

15.7.3 Individual san i tary sewage disposal systems situated less than 3,000 feet upstream from the pub 1 i c water intake structures shall not tle 1 es s than 200 feet, measured horizontally, frcm the high water level in :ne puol ic •,o�ater suDply reservoir or the banks of tributary st�eams.

15 .7.4 Individual sanitary sewage disposal systems situated beyond 3,000 feet uost:-eam from public wate� supply intake structures shal l be located no less than 100 feet , measured horizontal ly, from the high water level in the oubl ic wate:- su;Jol y reservoir or the banks of the tributary stre::ms.

15..i .5 Prior to approval , the soi 1 must prove sati sfactory by the standar:j per:olation test for underground disocsal , as prov ided in this Ccce . .. .


16 .8 PERCOLATION TESTS . - The following rules and regulations shal l apply to the perrormance or percolation tests.

16 .8.1 For the "Percolation test, four (4) test holes shal l be made in

· ·-···: : .... -,.... - separate test locations spaced uniformly over the proposed site. Thetest holes ,··��· must be in the area where the absorption field is to be constructed and shall be placed fifty feet (50') apart in a rectangular pattern with the six foot (6') test bore to be· located in the center of the rectangular patterned test

...... _j hole location . 16 .8.2 Dio or bore the holes wi th horizontal dimensions of from 4 to 12 inches and �ertical sides to the depth of the bottom of the proposed di stri but ion trench , or at 1 east 36 inches deep . Ho 1 es can be bored wi th a 4- inch diameter post-hole type auger.

16 .8.3 Roughen or scratch the bottom and sides of the holes to provide a· natural surface. Remove al l loose material from the hole. Place two (2) inches of coarse sand or fine gravel in the ho le to prevent bottom scouring.

16.8.4 Fill the ho le with clear water to a maximum depth of twelve inches (12"} over the gravel . By refi lling if necessary, or by supplying a surplus reservoir of water (automatic siphon) keep water in the hole for at least four hours , and preferab ly overnight .

16 .8.5 In sandy soi ls containing little or no clay, the above saturation procedure is not necessary and the test can be made after the water from one fi lling has seeped away.

16 .8.6 Percolation rate measurements should be made on the day followi ng the saturation process, except in sandy soi ls.

16 .8.7 If water remains in the test hole after overnight saturation , adjust the depth to 12 inches over the gravel. From a fixed reference ;oint, measure the drop in water level over a 30-minute period .

16.8.8 if no water remains in the ho le after overnight saturation , add clear water to a depth of about 12 inches over the gravel . From a fixed reference point, me·asure the height of the water surface at approximately 30 minu-::e intervals over a 4-hour period, refi lling the hole to a depth of 12 inches as ·necessary. The drop wh ich occurs during the final 30 minute period is used to calculate the percolation rate.

16 .8.9 In sandy soi ls, or other soils in wh ich the first 12 -inches of wat er seeps away in less than 30 minutes, after the overnight satur���on period, the time interval between measurements can be taken as 10 minutes and the test run over a period of one hour . The drop wh ich occurs in the final 10-minute period is used to calculate the percolation rate.

16.8.10 Percolation test shal l be made by a civil engineer regi stered wi :h the State of Mi ssouri 8oard of Registration.

16.8.11 Perco1ation test site plan. The registered enaineer shall submit a site plan with the percolation test results wh ich must indicate :

a. Te st hole locations and elevations .

-· b. Bench marx location and elevations . NOTE : Bench mark should be spike in t;ee, iron pipe or hub se� �: ra�ain throuah the construction period . c. Basement floor elevation : d. Proposed bui lding location . e. Location of potable water serv ice piping, we ll-or ci stern . �I . Drive1vay and a 11 paved areas . ------.·· -�- · ------·---�- g. Results of tne six (6) foot test bore. h. �hen the per:ola�ion test results are above forty five (45) minutes pe� one (1") inch .fal l, the eng ineer shall make �dditional per:o laticn tes:s at the building site, even if the test s i t e is at a higher eievat;c� wn ich 'IIOuid require a pressure line to lift the treated sanitary se•.-�e.-;:: effl uent to tha: location. .. - ..


i. A complete investigation of al l ex isting potable water wel ls or cisterns located on all adjacent properties to the proposed new bui lding site. The location of all existing potable water we lls or cisterns shal l be indicated and- shown on the site pl an of the proposed building.

NOTE: When the first test does not meet the requira�ents of this Chapter the engineer must make at least a minimum of two (2) preliminary percol ation tests at different locations and fl ao the test ho les for -- ..!.�--·------�- inspection at the time of the field survey. Sa-id test hol es shall not be backfilled until after the field survey has been completed by the Code Official.

16 .8.15 ° SITE PLAN . - The site plan shall include a statement that the engineer, or his representative, has inspected the site to determine the mo st suitable location for the proposed building, treatment un it and disposal field.

Thesit e plan shall include the fo llowing :

a. Contours, minimum 5 foot interval . b. Location of proposed build ing, treatment unit, and disposal field wi th elevations and ties to property line. c. Design of proposed treatment and disposal system . d. Engineer Seal .

16.8.16 CODE OFFICIAL FIELD SURVEY CHECK LIST. - The property owner shal l be present at the COde Or r1c1al's t1e1a 1nspection and sign the Field Survey Check List prior to approval by the Code Official .


15.9.1 In no case shall less than 400 square feet of absorP.tion area be prov ided .

16 .9.2 The m1n1mum required size of the absorption field per bedroom is rel ated to the percolation rate fn minutes per inch of fall and shall be in accordanc;:·wi th Table 15 .9.2. when the percolation rate exceeds 45 minutes per inch of f�l l, an absorption field shall not be used for effluent disposal.


Minutes per inch fal l Square Feet Per Bedroom

2 or 1 es s ••••.•••.•••••••..••••••••.•.•� • • • • • • • • • . • • • . • 85 Between 2 and 3 ••.•••••••• ••.••••.••••••••••••· • • • • • • • • 100 Between 4 and 5 . • . • . • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • . • • . . lOS Between 6 and 10 • • • . • • . . • . . . • . • . . . . . • • . • . . . • . . . • ...... 165 aetween 11 and 15 • • . • • • ...... • . • . . . . • • . . . • . . . • ...... 190 aetween 16 and 30 • • • . • • . . . . • . • • • • • • . • . • . . . • . . • • • ...... 250 aetween 31 and 45 ...... •...... •.•...... •..; • ...... 300 . Over 45 ...... Alternate system to be considered

.-,"· *Except as prov ided in Section 15.10 .

15 .9.3 The thi ckness of the porous soil below the point of tneo percolation test must be determined by means of using a soil auger . The effective absor�t ion area shall be calcul ated on ly wi th in �n is porous soi l. INVESTIGATION. 15.10 SUBSOIL - In conj unction wi th the percolation test, a subso il 1nves�1cat1on snat t al so be made. If rock, hardpan , or otner­ imper::Jeable stratum i s found at a depth less than 4 feet , or if the ground ·,o� ater table is l ess than eet below arade durina any pra l onaed per i od tne 4 f - - , ------·--·•o Code absorption field syste is acoraori ate -"---- '-- Official shall de!ermine wnether an m and if so the si:e of, the absorption fi eld required . 0 "• .. . -



16 .11.1 - The liquid capacity of al l septic tanks shal l conform to Tables :··: 16. 11.2, 16.5.1 and 16.9.2 as determined by the number of bedrooms or apartment units in dwel l ing occupancies and the occupant load or the number of plumbing fixture units as determined from Tab le 11.4.1 whi chever is great2r in other building occupancies.


. Single Family Multiple Dwel ling Other Uses: Dwelling - . �}_ . ,-_�- Maximum Number Septic Number of Number of of Tank '. Bedrooms Bedrooms Fixture Units Capacity ·� - (Gal lons)

1 -3 1 20 1,000 4 2 25 1,200 5 or 6 3 33 1,500 7 or 8 4 45 2,000 5 55 2,250 6 60 2,500 7 70 2,750 8 80 3,000 9 90 3,250 10 100 3,500 Extra bedroom - 150 gallons each -- .,; ·· :., · Extra dwell-ing units over 10 - 250 gallons each Extra fixture units over 100 - 25 aal lons oer fix�ure

*Septic tank sizes in this table include sludge storage capacity and the connection of domestic food waste disposal units without further volume increase.

16 .12 Seotic Tank Construction.

16 .12.1 In a tank of more than one compartment, the in1 et comoart:nent sha 11 have a capacity of not less than two-thirds of the totai tank capacity .

. """"

·,_ 16 .12.2 Plans for all septic tanks shal l be submitted to the Code Official for ��2.{;:> �--:_ . ;..� ·:-.- approval. Such plans shall show al l · dimensions, re1nrorcing st�uctural cal cu lations and such other pertinent data as may be required by the Cooe Official .

16 .12.3 Septic tanks shal l be constructed of sound curable mater-ial s, no: subject to corrosion or decay and shall be water-tight . Each such tank shal l be -: structurally desi gned to withstand al l anticipated earth or other loads anc · shall be instal led level and on a solid bed .

16 .12.4 Concrete Septic Tanks shal l meet the followi ng cri teria:

a. Saffl es must be installed at t�e inlet and ou�l et enos of se�tic tank .

b. The tops shal l have a 24- inch manhole with handles to remove same or be cast in 3 or 4 sections ca�ented in pl ace .

.....�.- -:

-- ·-- -••:-.-_< " .• c. The minimum thi ckness of the ·t�alls shal l be 2 and 3/4" inches . ::.. �� ------.--�-� : j

d; The tops and '. bottoms shail be _4 inc�es thick un less plac:!a under a driveway, ·:�en t�ey shal l be a �inimum of 6 inches .

e. Al l tank wa lls and bottoms shall be rei nfor::!d with "Roac Mesh" . � , , ....ro"!r"\• . ')· 37

. \ f. The tops shal l have 3/3 inch steel reinforcing on 6-inch centers .

g. These tanks must be waterproofed . ... 16.12.5 The top of_ the septic tank shall be brought to within the max imum of fourteen ( 14) inches of the finished grade. Where a greater depth is permitted by the Code Official , the access manhole must be extended to the finished grade and the manhole shall.have a concrete marker at grade. -· ------··-- 16 .12.6 No septic tank shal l serve more than one property unless authorized by the Code Official .

16 .!2.7 .The effl uent from all septic tanks shall be disposed of underground by � . .. . sub-surface absorption or other methods as approved by the Code Official. . 2·� _,: . ·s-_:"-- �-·- ..... 16.12.8 The septic tank top may be approved pre-cast, rei nforced concrete sl ab

. of 2500 pounds per square inch minimum compressive strength, not less than .._ . ....

·- ; . �· 5-inches thick and designed to support an earth load of not less than 400 ;, .· pounds per square foot. Each such cover shall extend not less than 3-inches beyond the sidewalls of the tank.


16.13.1 Absorption trenches shal l be desi gned and constructed on the basis of the" required effective percolation area.

16 .13.2 The filter material shall cover the tile and extend the full width of the trench and shal l be not less than 18-inches deep beneath the bottom of the tile, and 2-inches above the top of the tile. The fi l ter material shal l be washed . Class "8" _grave1 • The fil ter materia 1 sha 11 be covered by untreated bui lding paper or by a 2-inch layer of compacted straw as laying of the th� • drain pipe proceeds.

16 .13.3 Maximum length of lateral absorption lines shall not exceed 75 feet .

� .. - Absorption lines shall be constructed of four (4) inch pipe of open jointed or ...�� �<.� �- .• perforate-!· clay tile or four (4) inch plastic perforated tubing. Al l piping shall be designed for septic tank absorption field construction and shall be

. ·-: ..: approved by the Code Official . When open joint pipe is used each section shal l be spaced not more than 1/4 inch apart, and the upper half of the joint shall be protected by asphalt-treated paper whi le the piping is being installed. ' ·- - . : 16.13.4 Thetrench bottom shall be uni formly graded to slope from a minimum . . ' ·'-o- · -' of 2- i nches to a max imum of 4- inches per feet . · - - · ---.· 100 16.13.5 Disposal field trenches shall have a bottom width of 24 inches ; a depth of 36-42 inches and be spaced not less than 10 feet apart (measured from edge of trenches) . -- :,.- .' EXC:?TION: Trench width may be increased up to 36 inches ff approved by the Code Ofiici al .


15 .14.1 Al l piping from bui lding drain- to individual sewage disposal systems shall be 5-i nches and a 5-inch vent trap shall be installed at the inlet end of the septic tank, or the mechanical sanitary sewage treat�ent pl ant ..


15 .13.1 A individual san itary se•nage sand fi lter in connection with an · treat:ne !l t ana di sposal system may be used only after· special aporov a l by the Code Official .

···--.- .,.... __..... �

15 .15.2 A i e o sand f l t r shal l c n s i s t of a bed of cl· ean , araded· sand on wh ic!"l sept ic tank effl uent is distributed by means of a siphon and pipe, 'N ith the effl u e!l t perco latina tnrouah the bed to a series of underdrains thrcugn wh ich it p ass e s to the po int of di sposal . 16.15.3 The filter size shall be determined on the basis of 1.15 gal lons per square foot per day if cove red and 2.3 ga l lons pe r square foot per day if an open filter is to be used , but under no cond itions shall the size be less than 150 square feet pe r bedr oom served .

16 .15.4 The septic tank effluent shall enter a dosing siphon tank of a size to provide l-inch coverage of the sand filter .

16 .15.5 The siphon shall be of a comme rcial type and shall discharge the eff luent to the sand fi lter intermittently . The siphon shall be omitted if a pump is used to lift septic tank effluent to the sand filter .

16 .15.6 A surge tank shall be used to rece1ve the pump discharge prior to dosing on the sand filter.

16 .15.7 Six (6) inch underdrains shall be installed 1n single und erdrain type sand filter . A 4- inch diameter underdrain may be used where there are two or more underdrains, employed in a filter system. Unglazed farm tile in 1-foot lengths laid with open joints, with the top half of each joint cove red with 4- inch wide strips of tar paper, burlap or copper screen, shall be used for underdrains.

16 .15.8 The underdrain pipes shall be laid at the bottom of fine sand fi l ter, surrounded by washed "B" grave l and free of fines, dust, ashes or clay, with the grave l at leas t 10-inches above the top of the tile.

16 .15.9 The underdrains shall have a slope from 2 inches to 4 inches per 100 feet and shall be placed at 6 foot intervals .

16 .15.10 Above the grave l for the underdrain there shall be placed 3-inches of pea gravel and above the pea grave l there shall be 30- inches of special filter sand , above the fi lter sand there shall be 3-inches of washed class "B" grave l, then the 4- inch top drain tile, wh ich must be covered with 3- inches of washed "B" grave l and then installation mus t be cove red with 6- inches of straw and roofing paper .

16 .15 .11 The chlorine contact tank for disinfection of sandfilter effluent and individual me chan ical sanitary sewage treatment plan ts , shall provide 20 minute detention at average flow and in no case shall the capacity be less than 50 gallons . Ch lorine control should be provided by the use of hypochlorite or chlorine machines commercially available .


16.16.1 All solid and liquid contents of chemical toilets , septic tanks , seepage pits , and watertight pits for septic tank effluent shall be removed and disposed of in accordance with the Ru les and Re gulations of the St. Louis Coun ty Health Departmen t. Section 3. Saving Clause. No thing in this Ordinance or in the Plumbing Code hereby adopted shall be construed to affect any suit or proceeding pending in any Court or any rights acquired or liability incurred, or any cause or causes of action acquired or existing under any act or Ordinance hereby repealed by the City herein; nor shall any just or legal right or remedy of any character be � ost, impaired or affected by this Ordi nance.

Section 4. Validity. If any sections, sub-sections, provis1ons, sentences, clauses or phrases of this Ordinance or of the Standard Plumbing Code of 1987 with Appendices A, B, C, D, or E and Basic Principals Number one (1) through twenty two (22) or of the Amendments thereto are, for any reason he ld to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance of said Code and the City Council of the City of Chesterfield, Missouri, hereby declares that it would have passed the same even though such portion so held to be unconstitutional had not been inc luded therein.

Section 5. Effective Date. Th is Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval. � Passed and approved this �� day of November, 1988.


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