The Ingham County News, Wednesday, February 24, 1965- Page A-2 in Williamston Leslie Briefs It's Marda Gras Time Again the Congregational Church Is and Mrs
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Springport Blnde~y SNOW AND COLD Springport,I Ulch. Heavy snow torlay; co/rlar 'I,~' Thursday; low tonight 5 to 10; high Thursday 10 to 14 .., 'I'• . '. ' . ' ' •.1 • *Winner of 5 mnjor awards in the'l964 Michigan Press as·s:oc'i;atlbn .. newspaper excellence contest Volume No. 106 No. 8 1 3 Sections - 28 Pages Wednesday February 24, 1965 1 10¢ per copy Holt Group Makes Fire Razes Alaiedon Bid for College· Home Damage estimated at approx Members of the Holt for the community college, Imately $6,500 was caused by a Citizens' committee were to con Kiersey, Delhi Charter township fire that swept through the home The Holt delegation Is offerln~r supervlaor; Kenneth Hope, trus fer In Lansing today with mem the tract wlthout cost to the col of Vernon Aleshire at 1431 Phil bers of the board of trustees tee of the Delhi township board; lips road Tuesday shortly after lege, It Is offered by Mr, and Dr. Maurice Pernert, superin of the Ingham County Community Mrs. Dan Holloway of Detroit 10 p,m, college, regarding the use of a as a gift, tendent of Holt schools; Mrs, Aleshire, his wife, Patricia, 60 acre tract of land on E, Holt Margaret Smith, Gower Chapman their 4 chlldren and a guest Members of the Holt delega and Kenneth Olson, president of road In Delhi township as a site tion at today's meeting were. Joe fled to a neighbors and sounded the Holt Kiwanis club. the alarm, The chlldren were Sheri, age 6; Vernon Jr,, age 4; School Study Committee Susie, age 4 and Randy, age 1, Wins $5 The guest was Mary Jane Hag J, Floyd Taylor Is the win german, Organizes for Business ner of last week's mystery farm Ingham county sheriff's offi contest, He correctly identified cers said it Is believed the fire The Ingham Intermediate terests of children, the farm as the Harry Van Kur started in a chimney of a fire school district study committee Development of any reorgan en place on Phillips road, Tay place as the fire was discover met at the Intermediate board of Ization plan must be approved by lor has $5 waiting for him at the ed when smoke rolled out Into the education offices, 147 W, Maple a state reorganization committe£) News office for his efforts, The living room, street Tuesday night and named before It Is submitted to the Van Kurens can have a free pic Mason firemen were called to Mrs, Eleanor Luecke of East electors of the district. torial enlargement of the farm the scene and immediately called Lansing as secretary and Lyle Members of the Ingham com by stopping at the News office, for help from the nearest de Thorburn of Mason as vlce Another nystery farm picture will partment, Holt firemen answered mittee are: Clarence l3ird1 Wil cha.lrrrian, Alton J, Stroud Ia liamston; Byron Caruss, Holt; appear in next week's issue of the call and sent 2 trucks and a chairman of the committee, The Donald Crakes, Leslie; M:rs, Lu the News, tanker to the Mason firemen's 3 officers and these committee cille Diehl, Dansville; Vernon aid, members were named to the ex Ebersole, Lansing; Mrs. Frances ecutive committee: Clarence Farrell, Maple Grove; Michael Bird of Williamston, Donald J, Green, Waverly; George A. Fate of Delhi Dogs Crakes of Leslie, Michael Green Hirshman, Lansing; Starr Kees of Waverly and Starr Keesler of ler, Okemos; Alvin Launsteln, Okemos, Williamston; Mrs, Luecke, Gil Hanging in Bal.ance bert Mouser, Williamston; Hugh The general purpose of the Oesterle, Webberville; David Tl)e fate of dogs -- and even plore the matter of a dog ordin study committee is to design a Pfotenhauer, Lansing; Mrs, Vel cats -- Is hanging In the bal ance and that it should not be school district pattern for the in ma Roghan, Maple Grove; A, J, ance right now In Delhi town too strenuous, ship, termediate district Which W111 Specer, Stockbridge and Thor Supervisor Joe Kiersey said he best sarve the educational in- burn, Trustee William Sweet of the is not In favor of ha vlng the township board told his collea ordinance cover the entire town gues Monday night that he had ship and that farming areas been receiving complaints of dogs shoulc;! be excludec;! from it, gathering in numbers in the busi About that time Richard Dart, 90 Jurors Selected ness section of Holt and causing township treasurer, came up with trouble, an amendment to sweet's motion Sweet said he talked the matter that the ordinance also could in For March Session over with William Bravender, clude cats, county dog warden, and Brav The amendment was put to a Ingham county court officials selected 90 prospective jurors ender told him Delhi could have vote and all voted to include the last week for duty during the March term sc!Jeduled for Mason, a dog ordinance and that It would cats except Miss Lewis, The new term will start Monday, March 8, cost the township "practically Jurors are drawn by lot f ·om lists prepared by township. super- nothing"Sweet suggestedto enforce it,that a pound Then Sweet offered a motion visors and clty clerks, could be built at the sewer dis- that the matter of a dog--and .,I County Clerk c. Ross ·Hilliard, .sheriff Kenneth· Preadmore.- ··vasal plant whel·e dogs pickell up cat--ordinance be explored by the Delhi Justice of the Peace, Ray Totte ·and Justice of the Peace Roy by Delhi police could be incar- township attorney and :;. com- "' Adams of Mason conducted the lottery. cerated for a day when they mittee be named by Supervisor 1. Gale Rowse .................................................... White Oalt would be taken by Bravender Kiersey, The vote on the motion 2. R::trbarn ,Cudworth ...................... :......... Williamstown to the animal shelter in Lansing, was split 3 to 3 untn Kiersey vot- 3. Dtxon Wtlson............................. Ct!.V of East Lansing sweet then moved that an or- ed In favor of It and broke the tie, 4. Velma Fr!sbte ............ City of Lansing, lst Ward dinan be drawn up Voting with Kiersey for the mo 1 5. Rarney Fisher ................ City of Lans!ng, 2nd Ward Mla~e Enid Lew~ township tion were Sweet, Earle Mead and MASON S NEWLY STARTED SWIMMING POOL brought out some horseplay this week. fi. nscar M. Miller ............ City of Lansmg, 3rd Ward id th t Ed t Ch h Dart, Opposing the motion were 1 7. Marjorie Ruckel ............ City of Lansing, <1th Ward clerk, sa a gar • urc , Trustees Kenneth Hope, George Shying away from the water that wasn t there is Lou Shepherd of the Mason faculty. Giving 8. F.tcanm· Bllyea ........................................ Citv of Mason township attorney should first ex- Hood and Miss Lewla, him an "assist" as he attempts a high dive are Vic Borejka and Jogn Birkett. n. Lornine Larkin .................................................. Aurelius ,u;;;,;12. Lucille ~~~r;· Hamilton .: :::: ........................................:: :: ::::: :: ::::. ~''Y .~'... \V~~~t.T:J::Bunker Hfll )~{'~''t~'~'t''~tKm~o@litJ\'~\f? ~~t\?''toontl~i{;~'~'~'~'~'I'~i.,~t~'''i'i'~·~·~·?~'~''i'~'~f~,l~'~'~'~'''?)t~,~~~'~r~;r~,)~t'~'''~g~~\rt'''''J?\JW?i?\??~fto'''f'''i'~'~'''tiit'''f~i.''~{·t~'~'i'~'~' '''''''''~'~'~'~'''~'~'~to~o:o: 1::l. V£>rna Rouse .............................................................. Delhi 14. Viola Swan ............................................................ Ingham l!l. F:lennor Mae Ferrin ........................................ Lansing 16. Trla Bl'n.Jamin .......................................................... Leroy 17. Clare narrow .......................................................... Leslie VFW Post 18. Howard S. Horton ................................................ Lorke 19. Francis Reynnet .............................................. Merirlfan 20. Howard Lynch ................................................ Onondnga 21. Myrtle ................................................ Stocl1hridge Honored 22. F.velvn Kranz .......................................................... Vevay 2::1. Violet G. Lentz ............................................ Whr.attield Mason's JeanR, Anderson Post 24. Dorothv Tabachki ........................................ Whit£! Oak 7309 of the Veterans of Foreign 25. Hf'len Zimmerman ................................ Williamstown Wars gained state-wide recogni 211. William R. Miles ...................... Cltv of East Lansing tion by being the only post in n William Wood ................ C!tv of Lnnsin~. 1st Wnrd '· Michigan to boost Its member ?8. Gcome W. Cavanaugh .... City of Lansing. 2nrl Wd. ... ship by 200 per cent, 29. Harold F:. Anderson .... City of Lansing, 3rd Ward On February 13 Department 30. Harrv E. Nesman ........ City of Lansing, 4th Ward Commander Angus MacLeod and 31. Mauci"e Bergen .................................... City of ·Mason other state officers were on hand :12. Llo~rl F. Monroe ........................ City of Willin~ston to see 14 of the new members 33. Wfmfrccl Cates .................................................. AlaJCdon Malcolm X :l4. Maxine Mason .................................................... Aurelius Initiated, The membership now 35. Hr!nry Barton ............................................ Bunf1cr Hi11 stands at 75. 36. Dorothy Fors ............................................................ Delhi Roy D. Donald Is commander of 37. Verlie Briggs ........................................................ Ingham the Mason post. Malcolm X 38. Mary Small .......................................................... Lansing Late license plate shoppers , • 39. Gl~nn West ............................................................ Leroy those who stlll don't have