' ) ■W . -' . ■ V t -7 ■ X ' A ' ‘ ^ /I'-v THURSDAY, MARCH /28, 1957 PAGE TWENTT-FOUR A - iianrIfyater'IEiiftttttg 1|eralJi i , 868 Wood- only half live beyond their fifth Mias Barbara A. Field, daughter Mra. Edwin D. roster, League to Study bridgb St,, %ea a recentI vintor at JarViiv^ppeals birthday, end only 10 per cent o f Ph. and M ra W . John Field, 811 beyond, their tenth,” Abput To w : Boulder Rd.. has been named to ^je Cterhiont Citrus 'lower, Cler monL FIa. W ith .her were her p w - Foi* $tigpOTt”or Far from being a rare disease. Martin’s ^ ’ w^' * > ,. ■,,.■■, —^ • * ■» the dean’s Hat at Cplby College, Dr. Tappan points ^ out. Cystic Fi X i Watervllle, Maine. She la .a Junior. ent^ Mr. and' Mrs. Wijllam R. tWtonMH a t tht Bucklnrh*™ Oo"’ jdcMphen, 11 Edmund St. They brosis .affects one ’ put of every A meeting ot-the.bujl^t^udy STYLE Junior. , ' ■ . < F lind Qunpaign p ^ U o n a ) <3ni<^ wllk aerv* » are-spendinif 10 day* in Ftorldn. 600'babies born. Medical author n^iiol^'*uj>p«r ton^orrow at 6:S0 ities rate the' dise'ase as the sec committee of the pay era' li.m. for aJl famUiM ^of the con- John-FSABeasar, a ^ o f Dr. .ai^ Robert G. J a ^ ls o f 2,81'W. Cen- ond greatest killer among child League will be he^^at 8 p.m. to grogatton. At 8 p.rt ,; the Rev. Mra.'Edward, U Beaaef,\114 Adtl- ‘ i>r!‘ Joeeph Maiaaro Is In S t ior SJ., chairman of the MalK^es- hood diseases, surpassed only by morrow in the W aW g room of the Baldwin IVrfy, Briniater o f educa-, -fiide Rd„ has won academic' hon Louis, Mo., attending th^e Am w- ter area Cystic Fibrosis.
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