Australian Mensa Inc.

Actions Still In Effect

June 2019

Document control

Version Remarks

2012-12 Initial version created from existing documents as a skeleton.

2016-02 Resolutions from past NatCom meetings and mail votes incorporated, when still in effect.

2016-04 Reviewed

2016-10 Initial version approved by NatCom for publishing

2016-12 Policies incorporated within main text. – First Published Version

2017-1 Added position descriptions for NatCom Incorporated Social media policy

2017-4 Removed acceptance of Code of Conduct as condition of renewing/joining

2017-11 Incorporation of Minutes of NatCom meeting in Oct 2017

2018-1 Correction to Job description for Ombudsman

2018-2 Updates reflect changes to SO introduced in Dec 2017, some minor spelling and grammar corrections, Discontinuation of LEAP, book prizes, additional royalty agreements signed..

2018-7 Incorporates Natcom decisions at April 2018 meeting and on-line

2018-12 Incorporates Natcom meeting in Nov 2018 and online decisions

2019-02 Revision of Position descriptions and generalisation from Name to positions in Social Media policy

2019-07 Revised and updated prior to handover to new Chair, in July 2019

Table of Contents Introduction ...... 1 Acronyms ...... 1 References ...... 1 The Organisation ...... 2 Purposes of the association ...... 2 Membership of the organisation...... 2 Officers ...... 3 The Voting officers...... 3 Elected officers ...... 5 Non voting officers ...... 5 Proctors ...... 6 Committees ...... 7 State based committees ...... 7 Finance Committee ...... 7 Richard Johns Research Committee ...... 8 Meetings ...... 9 Elections ...... 10 International meetings ...... 11 LEAP Participants ...... 11 Other international Meetings ...... 12 Strategic Plan ...... 14 Policies ...... 15 Financial matters ...... 17 Audited financials ...... 17 Budget ...... 17 Investments ...... 17 Professional Appointments ...... 17 Expense reimbursement ...... 18 State Budgets ...... 18 Banking ...... 18 Tax Status ...... 19 Awards, Prizes, Grants ...... 20 Volunteer recognition ...... 20 Book prizes ...... 20 Richard Johns Research Grant ...... 21 Bull Bequest Grants ...... 21 Gifted Student Grants ...... 21 Membership, Testing and Fees ...... 23 Membership fees ...... 23 Testing fees ...... 23 Supervised ...... 24 Publications ...... 25 Tableaus ...... 25 Newsletters ...... 25 Name and logo...... 26 Approved usage ...... 26

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Special Interest Groups (SIGS) ...... 27 Local Groups ...... 28 Website/Internet ...... 29 Website ...... 29 Email addresses ...... 29 Social Media Groups ...... 30 Gifted Childrens Forum ...... 30 Member mapping ...... 31 Publicity, advertising, sponsorship ...... 32 Appendices ...... 33 Appendix 1 - Constitution of Australian Mensa Inc ...... 33 Appendix 2 - The Constitution of Mensa...... 44 Appendix 3 - Standing Orders of Mensa Australia ...... 57 INTRODUCTION ...... 62 THE NATIONAL COMMITTEE ...... 62 2.1 NatCom – Areas of responsibility ...... 62 2.2 National Representative ...... 64 2.3 Overall Responsibility: NatCom and AdCom ...... 65 2.4 NatCom Procedure ...... 65 THE ADMINISTRATIVE COMMITTEE ...... 66 3.1 AdCom – Membership ...... 66 3.2 AdCom: Areas of responsibility ...... 66 3.3 AdCom : Procedure ...... 67 FINANCES ...... 67 4.1 Bank Account ...... 67 4.2 Officers' Claims for Expenses ...... 67 4.3 State Funding ...... 68 4.4 The Auditor ...... 68 4.5 Investments ...... 68 GENERAL ...... 68 5.1 Returning Officer ...... 68 5.2 Appointment of Non-Executive Officers ...... 69 5.3 Filling Extraordinary Vacancies ...... 69 5.4 Motion of No Confidence...... 69 5.5 Amendments to Standing Orders...... 71 6. PRIVACY AND SECURITY OF DATA...... 72 6.1 Officers ceasing duty ...... 72 6.2 Other members and volunteers ...... 72 Appendix 4 - Rules of Order at NatCom meetings ...... 73 Appendix 5 - Strategic Plan ...... 77 Mission ...... 79 Vision ...... 79 Objectives and goals ...... 79 Appendix 6 - Working with Children Policy ...... 83 1. Purpose ...... 84 2. Date of effect ...... 84 3. Principle ...... 84

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4. Background ...... 85 5. Roles and Responsibilities ...... 85 6. Document Control ...... 86 Appendix 7 - Duty of Care ...... 89 Appendix 8 – Social Media Policy ...... 91 Purpose ...... 91 Date of effect ...... 91 Principle ...... 91 RISKS and RISK analysis ...... 91 Policy ...... 94 Roles and Responsibilities ...... 96

...... 96 Document Control ...... 97 Appendix 9 - Complaints Procedure ...... 105 Appendix 10 - Risk policy ...... 107 To be developed ...... 107 Appendix 11 – Position Descriptions ...... 108 Chairman ...... 109 Membership Secretary ...... 110 Recruiting Officer ...... 111 Treasurer ...... 112 Immediate Past Chair ...... 114 State Secretary ...... 115 Returning Officer ...... 116 Ombudsman ...... 117 Public Officer ...... 118 Editor ...... 119

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Introduction These ASIEs were originally created based on the Constitution, Standing orders and the minutes of NatCom meetings of Australian Mensa Inc. The creation of such a document was initially proposed in 2004 and repeated motions to this effect were from 2012 and subsequently.

This document should be updated on an ongoing basis. Any motion passed by NatCom or changes to the Constitution or Standing Orders is likely to require an update. Where possible, the reference to the source and year for a particular action is given in the original document and should definitely be included in future updates.This document is the responsibility of the Chairman of Australian Mensa, and should be available to any Member of the organisation.

Any references to one gender in this document are to be read as referring to either gender. References in the singular can refer to more than one person, where appropriate.

Acronyms AMI Australian Mensa Inc. AGM Annual General Meeting CEO Chief Executive Officer AdCom Administrative Committee - Executive officers of Australian Mensa GCC Gifted Children Coordinator IBD International Board of Directors IO International Office of Mensa International MIL Mensa International Limited MWJ Mensa World Journal NatCom National Committee - Board of Australian Mensa SIG Special Interest Group SIGHT Service of Information, Guidance and Hospitality to Travellers

References The following are used to denote the source for an item in this document, followed by the year, where applicable. CO Constitution of AMI SO Standing Orders of AMI IC Constitution of Mensa International NC Decision of NatCom, followed by the year of the decision where known AC Decision of AdCom, followed by the year of the decision where known EP Existing practice, where no specific source can be MIL Decisions made by Mensa International or the IBD which affect Australian Mensa.

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The Organisation Australian Mensa Incorporated (AMI) is a not-for profit organisation, incorporated in South Australia.

It dates its founding to October 1964, when some members of British Mensa appeared on the ABC television show, “People 1964”.

Incorporation occurred in July 1974 under the South Australian Associations Incorporation Act. Its current constitution was first adopted in 1982, and has been modified several times since then. The latest version was updated in September 2014 and is included as Appendix 1

It is a Full National Mensa and part of the federation of National Mensas that form the International Organisation Mensa.

Purposes of the association

CO The purposes of the Association are  to identify and foster for the benefit of humanity  to encourage research in the nature, characteristics, and uses of intelligence  to provide a stimulating intellectual and social environment for its members.

Membership of the organisation

CO Qualification for membership is a score in the top 2%, relative to the general population, on either the Mensa admissions test or a recognised and properly administered IQ test.

CO A member is said to be “in good standing” if they meet the following conditions:  They have accepted an offer of membership  They have paid all dues owed  They are not currently the subject of any sanction imposed by NatCom or the IBD.

IC Mensa members may be members of Australian Mensa if they are Australian Citizens or are currently residing in Australia

IC A person who is or has been a member of another National Mensa or a Direct International Member may transfer their membership to Australian Mensa if they are living in Australia.

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CO All officers must be members in good standing of Australian Mensa

The Voting officers All Officers who have a vote on the committees that manage AMI are elected by members (or a subset of them)

As defined in the constitution the voting officers are as follows: CO The Administrative Committee (AdCom) is the executive committee of Australian Mensa and consists of :

Chairman, who is the CEO and National representative Membership Secretary, who is the deputy chairman Recruiting Officer Treasurer Immediate Past Chair, when appropriate

The term for these positions is from July 1 of odd years for a period of 2 years.

NC-11 The Immediate Past Chair will hold office for 6 months from the end of his period CO-12 as chairman.

SO 17 A Chairman who is removed from office by a vote of no confidence or resigns before serving 12 months as Chair does not assume the Immediate Past Chair The outgoing Chairman may elect not to assume this position and may resign before the 6 month term is completed.

CO The National Committee (NatCom) is the board of management of Australian Mensa and consists of :

The members of AdCom plus the state secretaries for each state and the ACT.

The term of office for State Secretaries is from the July 1 of even years for a period of 2 years.

NC-17 Role of Immediate Past Chair amended in Standing orders to include  Minimum of 12 months as Chair before being eligible to be IPC  Former Chair may opt out of taking up the IPC position and/or may resign from position

NC-17 Standing orders amended to clarify procedures for a member initiated Vote of No Confidence.  Website to be used to collect $10 fee and to count supporters  Tableaus to be used to notify of petition to hold a VONC  A time limit imposed on when the numbers supporting the petition need to

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be achieved.

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Elected officers In addition to the above, the following officers are also elected by the members CO The Returning Officer

Elected position May not be a member of NatCom Term from July 1 of even years for a period of 2 years.

Non voting officers The remaining officers are appointed and have no direct vote in the running of AMI

CO The Ombudsman

May not be a member of NatCom

Appointed by NatCom for a period of 6 years (initial appointment year 1982) Since 2000, this means the terms begin and end in years that are whole multiples of 6.

If an Ombudsman resigns, his successor is appointed for the balance of the current 6 year term.

NC-19 Kate Nacard appointed until June 30th 2024

CO The Editor

Appointed by NatCom. No fixed term.

NC-10 The editor is no longer a member of NatCom CO-12

NC-17 The editor is to be paid an honorarium of $1300 per issue

CO The Public officer

Officer required by Corporations Act Must be a resident of state where Association is incorporated (ie South Australia)

SO Other non voting officers NC-15 National officers are generally appointed for a 2 year period from July 1 of even years. Positions are to be appointed by the NatCom officer to whom they report.

NatCom is to be notified promptly and retains the ability to veto an appointment.

The exceptions are:

SO The Gifted Students Fund is administered by an officer appointed by NatCom

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EP In addition, each state secretary may appoint state officers for various positions at his discretion to aid him in the running of the state affairs.

NC-18 Schools Program Coordinator

The position of Schools Program coordinator is created to manage the School cooperating with Mensa program, including testing of students.

This position reports to the Recruiting Officer.

Teresa Wong appointed to the new position.

The duties of each officer are described in Appendix 11

Proctors Since the majority of members are admitted to Mensa via a supervised test, the position of proctor must be one of integrity and trust, as well as competence. EP A proctor must be a member in good standing

They must assist at one or more tests, being run by an existing proctor, unless this condition is waived by the Testing Liaison Coordinator.

They must submit a police check, a Statutory declaration and a confidentiality agreement when applying for a position as a proctor.

Proctors are approved by AdCom.

A letter of appointment is sent, signed by the Chair and Recruiting officer.

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State based committees These are informal committees EP Ad Hoc State committees can be appointed by the state secretary to aid them in their administration of state affairs.

Their terms usually coincide with the term of the State Secretary.

Some examples of committee members are : Newsletter editor Events organiser IT support State Gifted Childrens Coordinator Youth liaison

Formal committees are established and abolished and their members appointed by NatCom.

SO The Chairman to be an ex-officio member of such committees, where not appointed specifically

Finance Committee

NC-11 A standing committee, known as the Finance Committee, is established.

The Finance Committee is charged with 1. Oversight on Mensa’s investments, including but not limited to the Richard Johns Bequest. 2. Liaison with the investment managers 3. Advising the investment managers of the board’s requirements 4. Advising NatCom on matters relating to the investments.

The committee shall consist of 3 Members, including the Chairman, the Treasurer and one other member.

The Finance shall report to the Board through written reports and through its chairman as necessary.

The initial members of the committee are Kymberley Wilson - Chairman, Anne Armitage - Treasurer and Gerald Vats - Victorian State Secretary.

NC - 12 Yveline Piller replaced Anne Armitage, after assuming the position of Treasurer on 20 Aug 2012

NC – 12 The third member of the Finance Committee is to be chosen on merit rather than

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requiring NatCom membership.

In 2015, Gerald Vats replaced Yveline Piller as Treasurer. However, both have remained members of the finance committee, with Yveline now assigned the “3rd member” position.

NC-17 Gus D’Orofrio replaces Yveline Piller as the 3rd member of the Finance Committee.

Richard Johns Research Committee

NC-12 A standing committee, known as the Richard John Research Grant Committee, is established to administer the Annual Richard Johns Research Grants .

The Committee is charged with 1. Determining the rules and conditions for applications, selection criteria, timetable and procedures required for the evaluation and awarding of the grants. 2. Providing the copy for advertising of Research grants and recommending placement of such copy. 3. Evaluation of applications 4. Making recommendations to NatCom for the award of the grant

The NatCom shall appoint the members of the committee each even-numbered year.

The Committee shall report to NatCom through written reports and through its chairman as necessary.

The initial members of the committee are Julian Choy and Michelle Carey.

The board appoints Julian Choy, Gavan Cushanan and Tony Gambling to the committee for the period beginning July 2014

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CO There shall be an Annual General Meeting each year, usually at the time and location of the annual conference.

Since attendance at such events is limited, no binding motions can be made. However, members are given an opportunity to pass advisory resolutions. CO There shall be one regular (ie face to face) meeting of NatCom each year coincidental with the annual conference.

Members may attend such meetings.

Additional Special NatCom meetings may be called when required but these are likely to be infrequent due to costs involved. EP The bulk of NatCom’s business outside the annual meeting is conducted by email lists and on-line meetings

A separate mailing list is used for emailing motions to NatCom members and for publishing the results. NC-12 Internet voting on NatCom motions be restricted to a 7 day period following discussion and a Motion being moved and emailed to NatCom members. NC-18 The discussion period is to be at most 14 days. NC-05 Minutes of NatCom meetings are to be published on the website. In camera sessions are excluded. SO There shall be one regular (ie face to face) meeting of AdCom each year coincidental with the annual conference and preceding the NatCom meeting.

Additional meetings may be called when required but these are likely to be infrequent due to costs involved.

The bulk of AdCom’s business outside the annual meeting is conducted by email lists and on-line meetings NC-11 Meetings shall be run according to the “Rules of Meetings” document included as an Appendix.

These rules were adapted from the simplified rules of meetings adopted by the IBD in 2011, replacing “Robert’s Rules” which had been used previously. NC-11 When NatCom members are unable to attend a meeting they can inform the Chair of their voting decisions on any agenda items and these votes will count.

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CO Each member in good standing is entitled to a single vote in any election or referendum. CO Elections for positions on NatCom and AdCom and referenda on the Constitution shall be conducted by the Returning Officer CO The chairman calls for nominations for the position of Returning Officer

If the current Returning officer is a candidate, the election of the Returning Officer is conducted by a member appointed by NatCom. This member should not be a member of NatCom. EP Printed ballot papers are distributed as part of the mail out of the Magazine, where practical, to reduce postage costs and to ensure they are received by members.

Ballot papers are to be posted to the Returning Officer at the member’s expense. NC On-line voting is to be used as an optional alternative to paper ballots, but does not remove the need to send paper ballots.

The Survey Monkey site is to be used to conduct such elections using a special account set up solely for this purpose.

The formatting of the printed ballot paper and the on-screen ballot are to be as similar as possible.

The ballots shall be set up as secret ballots, so that individual votes cannot be distinguished.

Each member with an email address in the member database is to receive a personalised invitation to vote.

The returning officer is to check posted paper ballots against the list of on-line votes. If a paper ballot matches an on-line vote, the paper ballot is discarded. NC No candidate in an election is to have access to the Survey Monkey account during the period of the election. NC-08 Candidates for an election may not be present at the counting of the ballot but SO may send a scrutineer to act on their behalf.

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International meetings AMI sends representatives to some international meetings and other events.

International Board of Directors (IBD) meeting CO As a Full National Mensa, AMI is entitled to a seat at the IBD. The chairman is by default the National representative but may delegate another board member to take his place.

The costs of travel and accommodation are met by Mensa International

Asian Mensa Gathering This is the regional event that applies to Australian Mensa. The first of these was held in 2011 and then annually since then.

NC-11 The chairman is to be sent as a delegate to the AMG in KL, Malaysia and NC-12 expenses are to be reimbursed NC-13 NC-14 The chairman was also sent to the AMGs in Bali (2012), Singapore (2013) and NC-15 Osaka (2015).

A motion was put to send both the Chairman and AMG 2017 director to Seoul in 2015 but the event was cancelled due to the risk of MERS.

A budget item was approved to send Chairman and Director to 2016 AMG in Guang Zhou, China

No representative was sent to The Philippines in 2018. NC-13 Australia is to host a combined Asian Gathering and AMC in 2017 NC-14 Venue for 2017 to be Gold Coast

Peter Phillips appointed as Director NC-18 A representative to be sent to 2019 AMG in New Zealand. NC-19 The representative at the AMG in NZ is to be the Chairman

LEAP Participants The Leadership Exchange Ambassador Program is a MIL supported program for future leaders. Members must get approval from their National Board (NatCom) to apply.

MIL provides funds for selected ambassadors but this may not be sufficient to cover all costs and some support may be required from AMI.

This program was discontinued by MIL at the IBD meeting of 2016.

NC-12 Jessica Kelley and Daniel Kilov were approved as candidates. Neither were selected

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NC-13 Jessica Kelley, who was then based in Finland and Geoff Russell were selected.

Addition expenses for Geoff Russell were approved. NC-14 Holly Brooke approved as LEAP candidate. She was successful NC-16 Teresa Wong, Richard Klysz and Alan Thompson were approved as candidates. The first 2 were successful on the proviso that AMI reimburse some travel expenses, specifically the cost of flights to the US AG.

Other international Meetings From time to time other opportunities arise for officer to participate in meetings in other countries. Where this invokes a cost to AMI, each instance must be approved. NC-11 John Barrett (SIGHT officer) to attend SIGHT meeting held in Sofia at same time as IBD. NC-14 Michelle Carey (Vic State Sec and 2014 AMC organiser) approved for costs to attend Danish AG. Costs limited to travel from UK, where she has travelled at her own expense. NC-15 Geoff Russell (Recruiting Officer) approved to attend meeting of publicity officers in Novi Sad at same time as the IBD. However he was unable to travel due to work commitments. NC-15 Representation of Mensa Australia at international events: 1. For every event, gathering or similar, where a member of Mensa Australia is being sent to represent the organisation, NatCom will elect that Representative unless already defined. 2. Any Representative is to be nominated by a member of NatCom, even if nominating herself/himself. A Ballot will be conducted by members of NatCom, including nominating Officer unless self nominated. 3. A list of nominated and elected persons will be stored for the future use and easily accessible by NatCom Officers. 4. Each nomination/election of Representative will be published in TableAus and on the website NC 16 Geoff Russell as Recruiting officer approved to attend the International Volunteer Network meeting on Testing at EMAG in Krakow NC-17 Geoff Russell as chairman and Teresa Wong as Recruiting officer approved to attend the International Volunteer Network meeting on Development at EMAG in Barcelona 18 Teresa Wong attended EMAG in 2018 at her own expense and represented

Australia at the associated IVN meeting.

19 Likewise Tereen Hough attended the IVN meeting held at the IBD at her own

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Strategic Plan

NC-13 A 5 year strategic plan was adopted.

This plan should be reviewed from time to time.

The latest version of the Strategic plan is to be included in this document as an appendix

NC-18 The previous strategic plan was reviewed and updated. The 2018-2023 version has replaced the previous version in the appendix

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Policies NatCom shall develop such policies as are required to ensure the organisation is run to best practice standards.

Such policies should be reviewed from time to time and the latest version of such policies should be included in this document as appendices.

NC-13 Working with Children Policy Since AMI has a significant number of child members, officers and members who are involved with children may require a “Working with Children” card or equivalent subject to legal requirements in their state.

This policy defines which officers need such a card, NC-14 Duty of Care Duty of Care is the legal obligation the organisation and each person associated with it has to take reasonable care to avoid foreseeable harm to another person or their property. NC-14 Social Media policy To inform members of Mensa of the requirements when creating and administering Australian Mensa’s Social Media and Networking presence 07 Complaints Procedure A complaints procedure was drafted by the ombudsman in 2007. Risk policy Under discussion NC-15 Code of conduct NC-17 This general code of conduct is to apply to face to face, online and other interactions between members and between members and the public.

● Members should treat all Mensans with polite and cordial respect, publicly and privately, personally and online. ● Members should exercise integrity in all Mensan dealings, demonstrating personal and financial honesty and fidelity. ● Members should treat non-Mensans with polite and cordial respect if representing Mensa in an official capacity. ● Members suffering any harassment may inform their State Secretary or any member of the National Committee. ● Members should not present any 'on-the-record' opinion as being that of Mensa, since Mensa has no official opinion. ● Members should not harass other members, including electronic and online communication, and desist if cautioned. ● Guests of Members should also comply with this Code of Conduct. NC-14 Policy on Guests at events  Events may be designated as members only, members and family, members and guests etc.  Organisers may limit the number of times a non-member guest may attend events.  Organisers may also exclude specific non members from events NC-18 Police Clearances are required for NatCom members, and contractors who are

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engaged on an ongoing basis or who have access to our membership or financial data.

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Financial matters

Audited financials EP Each year the financial reports for the preceding financial year are to be produced by the treasurer.

These are to be audited and presented to the membership. If available in time the audited reports will be presented at the AGM, otherwise the draft reports will be presented.

The audited reports will be printed in Tableaus once available.

Budget EP Each year a budget for the upcoming financial year is to be produced by the treasurer.

The proposed budget is submitted to NatCom adjusted in line with any decisions made and submitted for approval. EP The approved budget is presented to the AGM NC-15 Any individual unplanned costs (outside the budget) over $800, or if the total exceeds $4800 in a 6 month period, will be reported to the membership in Tableaus and on the website.

Investments NC-15 It is intended to maintain the original financial capital intact, that is, the value of the Richard John bequest (“RJB”) at the time it was received by Australian Mensa Incorporated (“Mensa”) and therefore maintaining purchasing power intact.

If there is a Surplus (excluding unrealised gains/losses) in a particular financial year then a minimal amount equal to 10% of operating expenses be retained. The remainder may then be spent according to the business plan for that year. NC-15 The treasurer calculated that in 2015 the adjusted capital value amounted to $1,791,078. Since the retained earnings at that time were $1,941,675, the surplus amount available is $150,597

Professional Appointments NatCom shall appoint paid professionals to act as accountants, tax agents, auditors or in other capacities as required to competently manage the financial affairs of AMI and to meet its tax and other financial responsibilities.

NC-15 Westpac Private Bank appointed as our Bankers. NC-19 Viridian Appointed as investment managers, from July 2019 NC-13 Sustainable Numbers is appointed as our Auditor NC-18 Walch in Practice is appointed as accountant and Tax agent and BAS agent NC-18 Dominique Lavy appointed as Bookkeeper

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NC-19 Entwistle Public Relations appointed to supply office staff, from March 2019. Sarah Entwistle nominated as the designated worker.

Expense reimbursement EP Officers and authorised members who pay for goods and services on behalf of AMI may submit a claim for reimbursement to the treasurer.

Wherever possible, such expense claims should be accompanied by a receipt or tax invoice.

For periodic expenses, claims should be submitted within 3 months of the expense being incurred and preferably at the end of each quarter.

For event based expenses, claims should be made after the event has finished, however large individual expenses can be claimed immediately. NC-08 The actual airfares for NatCom officers travelling to AMC be reimbursed as long as they are the cheapest, convenient flights.

Officers should not be required to miss work, fly overnight, make a stopover that extends their travel time, depart early in the morning or arrive late at night, in order to get a cheaper ticket nor should they be penalised financially for not doing so.

State Budgets NC-15 Each state secretary be allocated an amount of $5 per member, with a minimum of $500 per state to be used for state events.

State secretaries to claim these funds via an expense claim.

Unused funds are retained by AMI.

Banking EP AMI is to maintain such bank accounts as required for efficient use of the organisation’s funds.

This will include a main account used for day to day transactions and other accounts for money held on trust, investments and so forth.

The signatories to these accounts shall be the chairman, treasurer, Recruiting officer and membership secretary with 2 of these required to sign cheques or approve online transactions. AC-15 Approval is given for corporate credit cards to be issued to staff and officers when needed. These cards are to have a limit applied to them.

Usage of these cards is to be reported to the treasurer.

Note: Cards were never obtained since all expenses required 2 signatures, which is not possible with a credit card. NC-15 Treasurer to investigate setting up of separate legal entity to manage investments, in order to segregate these funds from operating entity

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Note: This was never implimented.

Tax Status

NC-17 Australian Mensa has self assessed as a Community Services Organisation for taxation purposes NC -18 The treasurer is authorised to sign all financial documents and tax returns. NC-18 Our status as a community services organisation, for tax purposes is to be reviewed following receipt of an expert opinion from BDO NC-18 Following advice from BDO, the 2017 self-declaration as a CSO was rescinded. The 2017 tax return was completed on that basis.

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Awards, Prizes, Grants

Volunteer recognition NC-10 An Outstanding contribution award was created. This was awarded each year and the recipient was given a gold pin with the Mensa logo.

Recipients were : 2010 Kate Nacard 2011 Gillie Smith 2012 John Barrett 2013 Jessica Kelley 2014 Janet Chaseling

This award was discontinued in 2015 NC-15 NatCom shall vote on a volunteer of the year award each year. If appropriate, more than 1 award may be made.

When appropriate, an award may be made for services over a long period rather than for a particular year.

These awards should be a plaque, trophy or similar.

Each year the state secretary can also nominate one or more local members to receive a state recognition certificate.

Awards are to be published in Tableaus. NC-17 Volunteer awards 2015 Therese Moodie-Bloom, Yveline Piller and Michelle Carey 2016 Deidree McMaster 2017 Kymberley Wilson, Alan Thompson 2018 Peter Gibson

Book prizes NC-11 A book prize may be awarded to a member who is a tertiary student who fulfils the following criteria.

● The applicant must have been a Member of Mensa Australia for at least 12 months and be a member in good standing. ● The applicant must have participated in Mensa activities in the previous 12 months. ● The applicant must have completed the equivalent of 2 years full time in an undergraduate course in the previous year and be starting 3rd year in the current. ● This course must be their first undergraduate course.

The purpose of this prize was to encourage tertiary students to join and remain in Mensa and to participate in activities.

The current prize value is $100

Applications should be received by April 15th each year

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NC-17 Book prizes to be discontinued.

Richard Johns Research Grant NC-12 This is an annual grant to be awarded to a researcher into areas of interest to Mensa. It is named for Richard Johns, who left a sizeable bequest to AMI in his will.

The grant is for use on one particular research project. It can be used for equipment, consumable materials, to help with subsistence, or to allow the researcher to present the research at an international conference.

The recipient’s research must aim to make new discoveries into the characteristics and uses of intelligence, including .

If no suitable applications are received in a particular year, the award will not be made.

The value of the grant is to be $5000.

The evaluation of applications and recommendation for the award will be made by the Richard Johns Grants committee.

Applications are to be received by the end of February each year. NC-13 2014 grant to be targeted on the Psychology field and the impact of the grant o the recipients to be taken into consideration. NC-13 Motion, to advertise the RJG in the APS Journal.

Bull Bequest Grants EP Alan Wilfred Bull left an amount of money to Mensa in his will, to be used specifically to award grants to gifted children. Applicants must be able to demonstrate that they are 4th generation Australian.

The income from this bequest shall be available each year for such grants.

Applications for this grant must be submitted by September 30th each year.

Preference is given to children from families experiencing financial or other hardship.

The applications are reviewed by the Bull Bequest Coordinator and recommendations are submitted to NatCom for approval.

Gifted Student Grants NC-09 These grants are essentially similar to the Bull Bequest grants without the requirement of the applicant being a 4th generation Australian. In addition these grants can be awarded to adult students where appropriate.

The funds for these grants come from donations by members. In addition, a proportion of the income received from the Richard Johns Bequest investments is available. This is the equivalent net income from an amount of $250,000

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Applications for this grant must be submitted by September 30th each year.

Preference is given to children from families experiencing financial or other hardship.

The applications are reviewed by the Gifted Students Fund Coordinator and recommendations are submitted to NatCom for approval.

It is the usual case that the Gifted Students Fund Coordinator and the Bull Bequest Coordinator are the same person.

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Membership, Testing and Fees

Membership fees NC-15 Standard Fees for membership shall be $88, with a reduced fee of $44 for the following membership categories.

Members under 18 Concession : Full time students, Centrelink card holders eg unemployed Pension : Disability or aged pensioners, Over 75 years

Concession members must provide proof of entitlement each year at renewal. Pension members must provide proof of entitlement once only.

Failure to provide proof of a reduced fee entitlement will result in full fees being applied and membership expiry date adjusted accordingly.

These fees will apply to members joining after Jan 1st 2016 or whose renewal is due after that date. Renewals due before that date will pay the previous fees of $99 and $49-50. Members renewing at the incorrect rates will have their expiry date adjusted by 1 month. NC-15 Additional family membership will be set at $30

This membership class is available to members who share an address with another member (the primary member) who is paying normal fees.

The primary member must be the one with the highest normal membership fee, eg a parent, if both parent and child are members.

The additional family member does not receive a printed copy of the magazine but otherwise has all the rights and privileges of membership. EP Life memberships.

Existing life membership will be honoured but no more will be available. EP Multi year memberships Since the introduction of the online renewal options, only single year memberships are available. Any existing multiple year membership will be honoured but will be renewed upon expiry as single year memberships. NC-11 Members may set up a direct debit so that their membership fees are paid automatically each year. NC-11 Memberships are aligned so that the expiry date is the last day of the month. NC-18 Honorary Life membership to be offered to members, with a minimum of 10 years membership, upon reaching the age of 85 years.

Testing fees EP Fees for an applicant taking the supervised entrance tests shall be $60, with a

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reduced fee of $40 for those who would be entitled to a reduced membership if they become a member. EP Fees for applicants applying for membership via prior evidence shall be $40.

Supervised test For many years the Cattell B and Culture fair tests were used as the Supervised test for Mensa membership. As time passed these became less reliable indicators of top 2% level IQs and a search was made for a more modern replacement.

In 2013, it was agreed to adopt the GAMA test but before this was implemented a newer, cheaper and better test was found and adopted. The name of this test is not publicised to prevent possible problems with security.

In 2017, after research on different times by the NSP and after discussion with the test developer and approval by the ISP, the times for the new test were extended. Applicants who did not qualify on the original times were invited to resit the test for free, after at least 12 months had passed since their original test.

NC-13 Results as a percentile be made available to applicants who took the new test. NC-14 Test applicants may for an additional fee receive a report detailing their results in each section of the test. NC-15 The amount for this was set at $55 and this was made available via the on-line store. NC-18 The minimum age for a candidate to be able to take the supervised test has been lowered to 10 years, in line with the minimum age for the test itself.

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Tableaus CO AMI produces a bi-monthly magazine, called Tableaus, which is posted to members.

The Chairman is the publisher of this magazine. EP The magazine is produced by the editor, who is appointed to this position on an on-going basis, rather than for a fixed term. NC-10 The editor shall receive an honorarium for the production of each issue of the magazine NC-13 Peter Gibson appointed as Editor NC-14 There have been many discussions regarding the transition of Tableaus to an on- line only magazine, but no firm decision or timetable has been set.

The new website has pdf copies of each issue available.

Some members have opted out of receiving paper copies.

Newsletters EP Each state shall create and distribute regular newsletters to members informing them of upcoming events and other information as required.

These newsletters are primarily distributed by email. Printed copies may be posted to members who do not have email.

Other newsletters to the general membership or a specific subset of members may be send from time to time by other officers in order to keep the membership informed.

The Marketing option on the IVT website should be used as the primary means of creating and distributing these newsletters.

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Name and logo AMI is one of 4 countries that hold the rights to the Mensa name and logo within their own country. The other 3 are the UK, the US and The Netherlands. Mensa International holds the rights in all other countries.

AMI must therefore periodically renew the trademark and the next renewal is due in October 2021.

Our trademarks are numbers 352572 which deals with printed materials and similar and 352573 which covers education and entertainment.

There is also trademark 1218566 (international registration 947485) held by Mensa International, which covers clothing and the society itself. This is due for renewal in February 2017.

In 2016 a further trademark application was lodged for class 28, which includes puzzles and games. This trademark, 1777699, was accepted in November 2016 and will be due for renewal in 10 years intervals from that date.

Approved usage NC-07 Therese Moodie-Bloom be permitted to use the Mensa name and/or logo in the publication of her original puzzles, providing she makes an annual donation to Australian Mensa, and that a copy of any published puzzles bearing the Mensa name and/or logo be provided to NatCom. NC-14 Raez, an Australian games manufacturer is licensed to use the words “Mensa endorsed”, as part of a logo, on the cover, in the instructions and in advertising for their game COGZ. Raez will pay a licence fee of $2 per game. NC 16 WOW Stuff! Signed a royalty agreement for the use of the mensa logo on specific puzzles and similar novelty items, sold in Australia. Royalties are set at 6% of net price. MIL 16 An agreement was negotiated and signed by American Mensa on behalf of all the rights owners of the Mensa name and logo with Hasbro games for world wide sales. The games will carry the “Mensa for Kids” name and logo Royalty payments will be divided using a pro data formula based on sales in each country.

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Special Interest Groups (SIGS) Special Interest groups are groups of members who have a common interest. These are standard in most Mensa organisations and these resolutions were passed since SIGs are not defined in the constitution. NC-14 Two or more members having an interest in common may form a Special Interest Group (SIG) for the purpose of pursuing their common interest, subject to approval by NatCom.

Admission to a SIG shall be open to any member of the organization who applies to the SIG.

The structure, administration and operation of a SIG will be determined by the members themselves, except that they must be self-financing and must at all times adhere to the Constitution (and bylaws, if any) of Australian Mensa.

A SIG may not use the name ‘Mensa’, the Mensa logo, or registered ‘M’ symbol in the title of the SIG or the name of its newsletter without the permission of the National Committee.

Australian Mensa will not be responsible for any commitment undertaken by a SIG unless previously authorised in writing by the National Committee. NC-15 Where a SIG uses the Mensa website as a means to collect money, it needs to be clear that the Mensa Treasurer is only collecting money on behalf of the SIG and that Mensa has no responsibility or liability for the SIG

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Local Groups AMI uses States and Territories to define local groups.

This motion is to conform with Mensa standards since local groups are not defined in our constitution. NC-14 The National Committee shall adopt guidelines for the establishment of local groups of members living or working within reasonable proximity to each other, to include the minimum number to form a group, defining its geographic boundaries, appointment of an interim Local Secretary (chief officer of that group), a prescribed form of Local Group Bylaws, arrangements for Local Group elections to select the Local Secretary and other officers as required by the size of the group, and any other matters deemed appropriate for the orderly functioning of local groups within Australian Mensa. EP Local groups are defined geographically to conform to the states of Australia, the Australian Capital Territory and The Northern Territory. (Currently no group exists in NT)

The Chief officer for the group shall be called the State Secretary.

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Website Our website,, was initially hosted by Netlogistics and based on Drupal. This was subsequently replaced Wordpress based site, which was then split into 2 websites, with the members functionality hosted on

In 2012, we started to investigate integrated association managements systems, with the commercial Association On-line system from Internet Vision Technologies (IVT) being one of the options. Such systems would move our membership database on-line and integrate this with payments, mailing and so forth. A self developed system based on CiviCRM was also investigated based on information from Mensa Singapore.

In 2014, the results of these investigations by Johann Bell were presented to NatCom and it was decide to opt for the commercial system from IVT.

The members website was shut down as the new system handled both member and non- member access. The old web site was retained but is now used only for news groups and emails of the form, [email protected].

In 2018, IVT was taken over by Advanced Solutions International (ASI). However, the system we use has continued under the new company name.

NC-12 The Treasurer to set aside $45,000.00 in the 2012-2013 budget to be allocated for an Integrated Association Management System.

A Steering Committee be created for the valuation on Integrated Management Systems. This committee to be comprised of Kymberley Wilson, Therese Moodie- Bloom, Yveline Piller, Martin Schahinger, Jessica Kelley, Julian Choy.

This committee to report to NatCom at the next meeting. NC-13 Johann Bell to investigate the suitability of CiviCRM and compare with commercial system NC-14 The associations management system from IVT to be purchased NC-15 The conference module for the IVT system be purchased NC-15 The on-line store module to be purchased for the IVT system.

Email addresses EP Email addresses of the form [email protected] may be issued to officers and members.

For certain officers, these will be real email account with inboxes on a hosting site.

For other officers and member’s personal emails, these will be forwarding or redirects only, with the emails received delivered to a member’s personal email account.

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Members must be financial and in good standing to retain these addresses NC-13 No age limit is enforced (rescinding NC-04 decision) NC-11 Such email accounts shall be free to members

Social Media Groups EP AMI officers and/or members had created a number of Facebook groups. The main groups were M in Aus for general discussion between all members and state based groups such as M in NSW, M in Vic etc for local discussions.

These groups were formally recognised and some consistency applied to their administration and rules.

An official Linked-in group was created and the Mensa Australia Twitter account was also officially recognised.

A Facebook page visible to the public, Australian Mensa, was created and is administered by the Chairman NC-12 Membership of Social Media Groups to be Mensa members plus other approved non-members (including lapsed members and partner of members) at the discretion of the relevant admin officer. Only information necessary to identify a member is to be requested. Pseudonyms and nom de plumes used in online groups are to be recorded against the member’s entry in the official Mensa database. NC-12 Bullying and discrimination will not be permitted. Any group member who acts inappropriately will be given a warning by the administrators; if their behaviour does not improve they will be removed from the group. NC-12 A position of Social Media Officer was created, reporting to the Recruiting Officer

Michelle Carey was appointed to this position originally and the current officer is Anna Marie Redpath NC-12 The M < 18 group was created. This is a closed group for members under 18 and a few adult administrators, who must have “Working with Children” cards. Initial administrators were Jessie Kelley, Marian Anear (as Memsec), The GCC and Gerald Vats.

Parents are generally not to be members. NC-14 A new general Facebook group M in Aus Soapbox was created. This group is intended for robust discussion on topics and expressing of views that some members may find offensive.

The original M in Aus group is to be retained and children are permitted to become members. Topics and views should be suitable for such members. Post which are deemed unsuitable may be deleted by the administrators with the suggestion that they be resumed on Soapbox.

Gifted Childrens Forum NC-12 An on-line forum be set up by Robyn Bailey (GCC) to allow discussion on Gifted Children by parents, teachers and other interested parties. This forum is open to the public.

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In 2017 this forum was discontinued due to lack of use, following establishment of Parents discussion groups on Facebook.

Member mapping An external service,, is used to display interactive maps showing locations and other information on members.

The social map shows all members with the option to limit location data to the state and to hide name and all other data. A member may elect to show location, to the suburb/town level plus other demographic information.

The professional networking map is completely opt in, and shows business data.

NC-17 A 12 months subscription was approved after a trial period was finished.

NC-18 A further 12 months subscription approved

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Publicity, advertising, sponsorship This area is the responsibility of the Recruiting Officer, who may appoint other officers to help in this area.

NC-11 Mensa to undertake a Recruiting drive targeted at University Students consisting of reduced fees and book prize after 2years membership. Initiative to commence 2012, with booths at commencement week.

Note : Uni recruitment program not continued after 2012. Book prizes continued until 2017, then discontinued. NC-13 Sponsor the ABBC (Australian Brain Bee Competition) for $500.00 and in addition offer to the 2014 Brain Bee Sponsorship free testing for State finalists subject to our ability to test children and 1 years free Mensa Membership for the State winners subject to passing. NC-13 Google Adwords to be used to direct traffic to our website via keywords in a paid advertisement. Malcolm Osborne to administer.

This was revived in 2016, after the original funds were exhausted NC-13 An advertisement to be placed in the journal of the Australian Psychological Society, to remind psychologists about potential benefits of Mensa to their high IQ patients.

This has not been implemented

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Appendix 1 - Constitution of Australian Mensa Inc

The constitution follows on the next page. This is the version approved by members in September 2014 and was accepted by Mensa International as conforming to their requirements.

Formatting in this appendix may vary from the original document, which is available for download from the Australian Mensa website.

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The Constitution of Australian Mensa Incorporated

Adopted April 1982; Amended April 1984; Amended April 1986, Amended September 2012, Amended November 2013 Amended September 2014

1 THE ASSOCIATION (1) The association is to be known as ‘Australian Mensa Incorporated’ The association is to consist of the members and a National Committee subject to this constitution for the time being in force.

2 DEFINITIONS (1) Throughout this constitution, the following terms shall have meanings as specified: (a) The ‘Consulting Psychologist’. The National Committee is to appoint a consultant psychologist who is registered as a psychologist where such registration is required by legislation in any State or Territory of Australia. The Consulting Psychologist is not to be a member of the National Committee. (b) ‘International Mensa’ is an international society composed of national Mensas and certain direct international members. ‘Mensa International Limited’ or ‘MIL’ is the corporate body of International Mensa. ‘The International Board of Directors’ or ‘IBD’ is the governing body of International Mensa. (c) The ‘National Committee’ consists of the Chairman, the Immediate Past Chairman, the Membership Secretary, the Recruiting Officer, the Treasurer, and State Secretaries. The National Committee may be known as Natcom. The incumbent Chairman may choose to be styled ‘Chairman’, ‘Chairperson’ or ‘Chairwoman’. (d) A ‘National Mensa’ is a society recognised by International Mensa as representing the Mensa members of that nation and subscribing to the constitution of International Mensa for the time being in force. (e) The ‘National Representative’ is to mean that member of the National Committee elected by the members of the National Committee to represent the Association within International Mensa. (f) A ‘member in good standing’ shall be a person who has accepted an offer of membership, has paid all dues owed, and is not currently subject to any sanction imposed by the National Committee or the International Board of Directors.

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(g) ‘Office bearer of the Association’ means any member holding honorary office in the Association for the time being as an elected officer: the Chairman, the Immediate Past Chairman, the Membership Secretary, the Returning Officer, the Recruiting Officer, the State Secretaries and the Treasurer. (h) ‘Public Officer’ means the Public Officer of the Association appointed in pursuance of section 9 of the Ordinance, or pursuant to the corresponding section of the corresponding Act or Ordinance of a State or Territory of Australia in which the Association is incorporated or registered. (i) ‘Returning Officer’ means that member elected by the general membership to conduct elections and ballots subject to this constitution and the standing orders for the time being in force. (j) A ‘State’ or ‘Territory’ means a State or Territory of Australia which elects senators to the Commonwealth (Australian) Parliament. (k) ‘State Secretary’ means a member affiliated with that State or Territory and elected by members affiliated with that State or Territory, to conduct the Mensa affairs of that State or Territory subject to the constitution for the time being in force.

3 THE CONSTITUTION (1) The Purposes of the Association (a) The purposes of the Association are to identify and foster human intelligence for the benefit of humanity, to encourage research in the nature, characteristics, and uses of intelligence, and to provide a stimulating intellectual and social environment for its members. (b) Australian Mensa Incorporated provides a forum for intellectual exchange among members. Its activities may include the exchange of ideas by lectures, discussions, journals, Special Interest Groups, and local, regional, national and international gatherings; the investigation of members' opinions and attitudes; and assistance to researchers, inside and outside of Australian Mensa Incorporated, in projects dealing with intelligence and Australian Mensa Incorporated. (2) Policy of the Association (a) The Association has no aim for the advantage of its members which is not also for the advantage of the community. (b) Australian Mensa Incorporated has no opinions; no opinion is to be expressed as the opinion of the Association. (c) The Association is not to have any religious or political affiliations (d) No member may commit the Association to anything, except in the member’s capacity as a member of the National Committee.

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(e) The Association is not a profit-making body. (f) Australian Mensa Incorporated is affiliated with International Mensa, an unincorporated international society, and with its constituent member groups. Australian Mensa Incorporated will contribute to the funding of International Mensa by paying an appropriate portion of its membership income to Mensa International Limited in accordance with policies adopted by Mensa's International Board of Directors (g) Australian Mensa Incorporated has full ownership of the Mensa mark and logo and all statutory and common law rights for the mark and logo, within Australia. (h) This constitution shall be interpreted according to the applicable laws of the States, Territories and Commonwealth of Australia. (3) Membership (a) Any person who has attained a score on an intelligence test within the upper two percent of the general population is to be eligible for membership, provided that the test has been approved by the International Supervisory Psychologist and has been properly administered and supervised. (b) The Consulting Psychologist is to be responsible for intelligence testing conducted by the Association. (c) Each member is to pay the annual subscription each year unless the member is excused from doing so by Natcom. (A ‘financial member’ is one who has paid the annual subscription or has been so excused.) (d) Access to the names and addresses of members is only given to a non-member or to another organisation where work for Australian Mensa Incorporated requires it. (e) The names and addresses of members are to be published in the Mensa Australian Register which is to be available to members only. (f) There shall be no test or discrimination for membership other than that setout in 3(3)(a). (g) A copy of this constitution shall be provided, at a charge not greater than cost, to any member who makes a written application for it. (h) Any member of the Association, being a resident of a particular State or Territory, who resides at a distance not greater than 100 kilometres from the border of another State or Territory, may elect in writing to the chairman to be regarded as affiliated with the second State or Territory, for the purposes of voting for any State office, and for standing for election for any State office, and for the purpose of being counted for the provision of funds to the States by Natcom, and for receiving State newsletters.

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(i) As conditions of membership, members must: i. abide by the Constitution of Australian Mensa Incorporated to the extent permitted by law ii. abide by the resolutions of Australian Mensa Incorporated to the extent permitted by law iii. abide by the constitution or bylaws and the resolutions of International Mensa, to the extent permitted by law iv. pay the dues prescribed by the governing body of Australian Mensa Incorporated. A member's failure to pay dues shall, without the need for further notice, constitute resignation of membership. v. Each member in good standing shall have the same rights and privileges accorded to every other member without qualification or limitation, in accordance with the Constitution (4) Management (a) The management of the Association is to be vested in the National Committee which may establish operating rules. (b) Elected members of Australian Mensa Incorporated Committees shall not be paid by Australian Mensa Incorporated except for reimbursement of reasonable and necessary expenses incurred in Australian Mensa Incorporated business. (c) All officers, elected or appointed, must be members in good standing of Australian Mensa Incorporated. (d) In odd years the Chairman, the Membership Secretary, the Recruiting Officer, and the Treasurer are to be elected by the members of the Association; in even years the State Secretaries are to be elected by the membership of the Association affiliated with their state or Territory; the Immediate Past Chairman is to hold office for six months ex officio. i. The chairman is responsible to Natcom for convening Natcom for coordinating the day-to-day running of the Association. ii. The Membership Secretary is responsible to Natcom for the correct maintenance of membership records and for the collection of membership subscriptions. iii. The Recruiting Officer is responsible to Natcom for publicity and for recruitment of new members. iv. The Treasurer is responsible to Natcom for the maintenance of the Association’s accounts and for submitting accounts for audit. (e) In the event of the absence or incapacity of the Chairman, the Membership Secretary is to act as Chairman. (f) By agreement with any member of Natcom, Natcom may assign any additional responsibilities to that member.

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(g) Natcom is to fix the amount of membership subscriptions from time to time. (h) Natcom is to submit to the Association any motion for change in the constitution which meets one of the acceptance criteria given in 3 (11) (a) i (i) The Chairman is to publish an Australian Mensa Incorporated magazine at least six times annually, in which matters of importance to Australian and International Mensa are to be circularised to members, together with the Mensa Journal. (j) Natcom may appoint an editor of the magazine (k) Commencing in 1982, Natcom is to appoint an Ombudsman to hear disputes among members, or between groups of members, of the Association. (l) The Ombudsman is to be a member of the Association, but may not be a member of Natcom during that period of office as Ombudsman. (m) The Ombudsman is to serve for a period of six years, and is to arbitrate disputes in accordance with the terms of this constitution and of the standing orders. (n) In the event of the resignation of the Ombudsman, for whatever reason, during the six-year period of office, the Natcom is to appoint a successor within a period of three months, to serve the balance of the six year period. (o) Natcom will set up an archive that will contain at least the most relevant documents concerning the management decisions, elections and referenda, financial positions, membership activities and legal documents. It must contain but is not restricted to: i. The Constitution and Standing Orders of Australian Mensa Incorporated. ii. Minutes of Natcom meetings iii. Publications of the magazine iv. Publication of formal election material v. Material concerning referenda vi. Annual membership lists. vii. Contracts viii. Annual Financial Documents (5) Filling Extraordinary Vacancies (a) Extraordinary vacancy on Natcom is to be filled by appointment by Natcom as soon as practicable after the vacancy occurs. If six months or more of the term of the vacated office remain, an election is also to be held. (6) Meetings

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(a) Any member of a National Mensa may attend any business meeting, official activity or function of Australian Mensa Incorporated, but may not vote or hold office unless that member is a member of Australian Mensa Incorporated. Furthermore, members may attend social functions of Australian Mensa Incorporated, but only with compliance to rules determined by host or local group. (b) There shall be at least one mandatory regular National Committee meeting each calendar year. Special National Committee meetings may be called by its Chairman or by at least three of its members on at least 10 days' notice to all its members. National Committee meetings shall be open to any member in good standing. Members who are not members of the National Committee may speak only with permission of the chair. A simple majority of the votes of the full National Committee shall constitute a quorum for regular and special meetings of the National Committee. No action may be authorised or taken unless a majority of the votes of the National Committee members present are affirmative. Meetings may also be held by electronic means at any time. (c) There shall be an Annual General Meeting where members are given an opportunity to pass advisory resolutions. The date and place of such meeting shall be determined by the National Committee and published in the national publication or notified to all members at least three months before its date. (d) The National Committee may call an extraordinary General Meeting by giving all members at least six weeks' notice of the date, place and agenda for the meeting."

(7) Finances (a) An operating statement and a balance sheet of the Association are to be prepared annually and made available to all members. (b) Funds may be invested by Natcom. (c) Australian Mensa Incorporated exists for its members, and may not assign any of its assets or income except in the discharge of debts properly incurred. (8) Common Seal (a) All documents to which the Common Seal is affixed with are to be counter-signed by two members of Natcom and such affixing is to be pursuant only to a resolution of Natcom. (b) The Common Seal is to be held by a person and at a place that Natcom is from time to time to determine. (9) The Returning Officer (a) The Chairman is to call for nominations from members for the position of Returning Officer in even years.

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(b) No member of Natcom is eligible to hold the position of Returning Officer. (c) Where more than one nomination for a position is received by the Chairman, the retiring Returning Officer is to conduct an election. (d) The Returning Officer is to call for nominations from the members for Office-bearers of the Association (other than for the Immediate Past Chairman) and, when necessary, is to conduct an election for the positions. (e) In every case where an election is required, the Returning Officer is to issue appropriate ballot papers to members, clearly stating the date the ballots are due, and the postal address for delivery of votes and instruction for submission of votes. (f) The Returning Officer is to call and conduct any ballot on a vote of no confidence in Natcom or in any member of Natcom. (g) If the Returning Officer is a candidate in an election, the Returning Officer shall be suspended for the period of that election. (h) If there is no Returning Officer, or the Returning Officer is suspended, Natcom may appoint a member (not being a member of Natcom) to conduct an election.

(10) Dispute Resolution (a) Members having a dispute with Australian Mensa Incorporated, or with another member arising out of Australian Mensa Incorporated - related activities, shall exhaust all avenues of settlement and redress within the society before taking the dispute to external authorities, except where a criminal act may have been committed. Deliberate failure to do so may be considered an act inimical to Australian Mensa Incorporated. (b) Disputes that cannot be resolved by negotiation can be presented to the Ombudsman (c) The Ombudsman shall gather facts and evidence relating to any dispute or accusation, hold such hearings as he/she may deem appropriate, and issue findings and conclusions. The Ombudsman shall report to all interested parties and to the National Committee, and may make recommendations for sanctions or other remedy. The Ombudsman shall determine whether or not his findings and conclusions shall be published beyond the interested parties and the Committee. Should the Ombudsman be unable to resolve a conflict, or should there not be an appointed Ombudsman, the National Committee may refer the conflict to the International Ombudsman, or appoint an arbitrator acceptable to all involved parties. (d) Sanctions may be imposed by the National Committee on any member who commits an act inimical to Australian Mensa Incorporated, provided that a fair and impartial hearing has been made available. Such sanctions may include censure, suspension of

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or removal from office for a specified time, suspension of or expulsion from membership.

(11) Amendments to this constitution (a) This constitution may be amended by the following procedure: i. Any proposal for an amendment which is recommended by Natcom, or received by Natcom on a petition of five per cent of the members, is to be submitted to a ballot of the membership ii. The proposed amendment shall be submitted to the Constitutional Review Committee of International Board of Directors of International Mensa for their approval, before being put to the membership for a vote. iii. The Returning Officer is to arrange for the distribution of ballot papers, and for the completed ballot papers to be received and counted. iv. The proposed amendment shall be considered accepted by the members if more than fifty per cent of the completed ballots received are in favor of the proposed amendment. v. If accepted by the membership, the proposed amendment shall be registered in all States of the Commonwealth of Australia in which Australian Mensa is incorporated. When the proposed amendment is so registered, it shall become effective. If the proposed amendment is not accepted by the members or by the International Board of Directors it shall lapse. (b) In any referendum, no recommendations on how to vote are to appear on the ballot paper(s). (c) In any referendum, all sides are to be given the opportunity to state their positions. (d) When any amendments to this constitution are proposed, the proposal shall also include proposed amendments required for it to be brought into compliance with all mandatory requirements adopted by the International Board of Directors for a constitution for a National Mensa, insofar as these do not conflict with the laws of Australia (12) Validity of this Constitution (a) If there is any conflict between this constitution and the constitution of International Mensa, the constitution of International Mensa is to apply. (b) On any matter on which this constitution is silent, the constitution of International Mensa is to apply. (13) Votes of No Confidence (a) Certain officers may be removed from office by a vote of no confidence.

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(b) If the members petition for a vote of no confidence, it must be supported by five per cent of the members who are eligible to vote for it. (c) If the vote is carried by the required majority, the officer shall immediately cease to hold office. In this event, the provisions for filling an extraordinary vacancy shall come into effect. Removal from office by a vote of no confidence shall not disqualify a person from standing for any office. (d) The following nationally elected officers may be the subject of a vote of no confidence: Chairman, Treasurer, Membership Secretary, Recruiting Officer and Returning Officer. Under this clause, the following are the methods by which the vote can take place: i. Three members of Natcom can move a motion of no confidence in writing. In this case, seventy five percent of Natcom must vote in favor of it for the motion to succeed. Or: ii. A petition of members may be made. In this case all members are eligible to vote. A two-thirds majority of members returning a ballot paper must vote in favor for the vote to pass. (e) A State Secretary may be made the subject of a vote of no confidence by a petition of members. In this case only members affiliated with the State or Territory which the State Secretary represents may vote. A two-thirds majority of ballot papers received from members eligible to vote must be in favour for the motion to succeed. (14) DISSOLUTION (a) Australian Mensa Incorporated can be dissolved at a General Meeting called specifically for this purpose and by a two-thirds majority of the voting members present. (b) If dissolution is decided the General Meeting appoints the liquidators. Any surplus assets of the association shall be distributed to an organisation or organisations that have similar objects, and have rules that prohibit the distribution of their assets and income to their members. The association may also determine to distribute surplus assets to nominated charities. Such organisation or organisations shall be identified and determined by a resolution of members at the general meeting. (c) In case of derecognition by the Mensa International Board of Directors, Australian Mensa Incorporated will hold an extraordinary general meeting where members will be informed of the derecognition and a motion for a voluntarily dissolution will be made, as in 3 (14) (a). In the event of such dissolution, the Committee shall have the following powers and duties: i. Payment of any existing obligations from Australian Mensa Incorporated's funds; ii. Transfer of all testing and membership records to Mensa International

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Limited; iii. Reassignment of all legal rights to the Mensa name and logo to Mensa International Limited; and iv. Distribution of the remaining funds and assets as provided in Section 3 (14) (b) above.

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Appendix 2 - The Constitution of Mensa

The constitution of Mensa International was last updated in 2009 and follows on the next page.

Formatting in this appendix may vary from the original document, which is available for download from the Australian Mensa website.

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THE CONSTITUTION OF MENSA [International Constitution of Mensa adopted April 1982. Includes Amendments adopted 1982, 1985, 2005, 2009] 1. THE NATURE OF MENSA A. Mensa is an international federated society composed of national Mensas and Direct International Members. Mensa's purposes are: 1. to identify and foster human intelligence for the benefit of humanity; 2. to encourage research into the nature, characteristics, and uses of intelligence; and 3. to provide a stimulating intellectual and social environment for its members. a. Mensa provides a forum for intellectual exchange among members. Its activities include the exchange of ideas by lectures, discussions, journals, special-interest groups, and local, regional, national, and international gatherings; the investigations of members' opinions and attitudes; and assistance to researchers inside and outside Mensa in projects dealing with intelligence or Mensa.

1. THE POLICY OF MENSA A. Intelligence should be used for the benefit of humanity. Therefore, Mensa shall have no aim which is to the disadvantage of the community. a. Mensa encompasses members representing many points of view. Consequently, Mensa as an organization shall not express an opinion as being that of Mensa, take any political action other than the publication of the results of its investigations, or have any ideological, philosophical, political, or religious affiliations. b. Members or groups of members may express opinions as members of Mensa, provided their opinions or actions are not expressed as being those of Mensa as an organization. c. Mensa is a not-for-profit society.

III. INDIVIDUAL MEMBERSHIP A. ELIGIBILITY Persons who have attained a score within the upper two percent of the general population on an intelligence test that has been approved by the International Supervisory Psychologist and that has been properly administered and supervised shall be eligible for membership. There shall be no other qualification or disqualification for initial membership eligibility. B. PLACE OF MEMBERSHIP 1. Persons eligible for membership shall be offered membership in the national Mensa of the country where they reside or of which they are a citizen or subject, or as Direct International Members if there is no national Mensa where they reside. Members must provide proof of residency or citizenship upon request by Mensa or a national Mensa.

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2. Upon request to and approval by the International Board of Directors, members and persons eligible for membership who do not wish membership assigned by residence or citizenship may be offered membership of another national Mensa or as Direct International Members 3. No member shall at the same time be a Direct International Member and a member of a Full National Mensa nor shall any member at the same time hold membership in more than one Full National Mensa except as provided herein. 4. A Full National Mensa may choose to have a class of membership known as Guest Membership. Guest Members are members of other Full National Mensas or Direct International Members. Guest Members are entitled to all rights and privileges of full national membership except voting and counting toward representation on the Board. Full National Mensas may charge different level of dues for Guest Members than for their own members. C. CONDITIONS OF MEMBERSHIP 1. As conditions of membership, members must: a. abide by the Constitution of Mensa to the extent permitted by law; b. abide by the resolutions of Mensa to the extent permitted by law; c. abide by the constitution or bylaws and the resolutions of any national Mensa of which they are members, to the extent permitted by law; d. pay the dues as set or modified from time to time by their national Mensa Committee, or by the International Board of Directors if they are Direct International Members; and e. permit their names and addresses to be published in Mensa listings of national or Direct International Members, as authorized by a national Mensa Committee or the Board. 2. A member's failure to pay dues as provided in 1.d. shall, without further notice, constitute resignation of membership. Failure to comply with 1a, 1b, 1c or 1e may be considered an act inimical to Mensa.

D. DISPUTES WITHIN MENSA Members having a dispute with Mensa, with any national Mensa or subdivision thereof, or with another member arising out of Mensa-related activities shall exhaust all avenues of settlement and redress within their national Mensa and the International Organization Mensa before taking the dispute to external authorities. Failure to do so may be considered an act

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inimical to Mensa. E. DISCIPLINARY ACTION 1. Sanctions may be imposed by a national Mensa on any of its members who commits an act inimical to Mensa, provided that a fair and impartial hearing has been made available. Such sanctions may include censure, suspension or removal from office for a specified time, suspension of membership for a specified time, or expulsion from membership. 2. In the event that a national Mensa expels a member and the International Board of Directors receives substantial evidence that the member was denied a fair hearing prior to the expulsion, the Board may offer that member direct international membership. 3. Sanctions may be imposed by the International Board of Directors on any Direct International Member who commits an act inimical to Mensa, provided that a fair and impartial hearing has been made available. F. MEMBER IN GOOD STANDING A "member in good standing" shall be a person who has accepted an offer of membership, has paid all dues owed, and is not currently subject to any sanction imposed by a national Mensa or by the International Board of Directors.

IV. INTERNATIONAL BOARD OF DIRECTORS A. COMPOSITION OF THE BOARD There shall be an International Board of Directors (the "Board") composed of the National Representatives of certain national Mensas, as provided in Article V, and the International Elected Officers. B. FUNCTION AND DUTIES 1. The Board shall be responsible for the management and development of Mensa in those areas of the world where there is no recognized national Mensa. 2. The Board shall formulate general Mensa policy; rule on matters on which this Constitution is silent; provide assistance to national Mensas if requested to do so, or if the Board deems it necessary; establish criteria for the recognition of national Mensas; prepare international publications and handbooks; authorize international Mensa gatherings; conduct and encourage research in accordance with Mensa's aims; maintain international offices and records, and manage Mensa's other international affairs. 3. The members of the Board are accountable to the membership for the conduct of Mensa's international affairs. The officers shall issue, at least annually, a report to the membership on the conduct of their respective offices. 4. The Board shall meet at least once a year and shall adopt its own standing orders. C. INTERNATIONAL ELECTED OFFICERS 1. The International Elected

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Officers shall be the International Chairman, the International Director- Administration, the International Director-Development, the International Director-Smaller National Mensas, and the International Treasurer. Any member in good standing shall be eligible to serve as an International Elected Officer provided that the International Director-Smaller National Mensas meets the additional eligibility requirements in Article X. 2. The International Chairman shall act as Chief Officer of Mensa, preside at meetings of the Board, and administer international Mensa affairs in accordance with this Constitution. 3. The International Director- Administration shall have overall responsibility for Mensa's international office; international publications; responses to membership requests and inquiries; procurement of national membership lists; maintenance of international membership lists; distribution of agendas and minutes of Board meetings; and such other duties as may be assigned. The International Director-Administration shall also act as International Secretary. 4. The International Director- Development shall have overall responsibility for direct international membership; membership development in countries which do not yet have recognized national Mensas; membership development assistance to national Mensas upon their request; international public relations; international special-interest groups; and such other duties as may be assigned. 5. The International Treasurer shall act as Chief Financial Officer of Mensa; cause proper financial records to be made and kept; have responsibility for the preparation and submission to the Board of a detailed annual budget; and perform such other duties as may be assigned. 6. The International Director- Smaller National Mensas shall advocate the interests of the smaller national Mensas. 7. The International Elected Officers shall not, while holding such office, hold any other elected international office or serve as Chair of any national Mensa. 8. The Board may further define the duties of the International Elected Officers. 9. The International Elected Officers, plus the Chair of each national Mensa that is entitled to four or more votes, shall comprise the Executive Committee of the Board. The Executive Committee reports to the Board, and is primarily responsible for the conduct of Mensa’s business between meetings of the Board. Actions of the Executive Committee are subject to review by the Board. 10. No International Elected Officer shall serve in the same elected office for more than two consecutive terms. D. MEMBERSHIP AND VOTING

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1. Each International Elected Officer shall have one vote. 2. Each national representative shall have the number of votes provided in Article V. 3. The "full Board vote" shall mean the maximum number of votes which could be cast if all officers and national representatives were present and voting. 4. The quorum requirement for the Board is a majority of the full Board vote as defined in section D3 of this Article. 5. Once the quorum requirement for the Board is satisfied, a majority of those voting shall be required to pass any motion or approve any action unless otherwise specified in the Constitution. 6. National representatives who are unable to be present at a meeting of the Board or of a committee or sub-committee of the Board may appoint another member of the Board, other than an International Elected Officer, or a member of their respective national Mensa, as their proxy. 7. Each member of the Board must be a member in good standing. Failure to maintain such status shall constitute resignation from office. 8. In the event of the death, resignation, or removal of an International Elected Officer, the vacancy shall be filled by the Board. 9. All members of the Board shall be members of the British limited company Mensa International Limited. V. NATIONAL MENSA REPRESENTATION ON THE INTERNATIONAL BOARD OF DIRECTORS A. MEMBERSHIP REQUIRED FOR REPRESENTATION A Full National Mensa shall be entitled to representation on the Board when it has at least 250 members in good standing. B. NUMBER OF VOTES 1. Each Full National Mensa that has 250 to 499 members and has fewer than 75 members per million of population shall have zero votes. Each Full National Mensa that has 250-499 members in good standing and at least 75 members in good standing per million of population shall have one vote. Each Full National Mensa that has 500-999 members shall have one vote. Each Full National Mensa that has 1,000 to 4,999 members shall have two votes. Each Full National Mensa that has 5,000 or more members shall have three votes plus one additional vote for each additional 5,000 members. 2. Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, no national Mensa shall exercise more than 40 percent of the full Board vote. If the result of the calculation of the 40 percent limit includes a fraction, the national Mensa involved shall have

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the next higher whole number of votes if the fraction is one-half or more or the next lower whole number of votes if the fraction is less than one- half. 3. The calculation of the number of votes to which a national Mensa is entitled shall be based upon its most recent payment to the international treasury of its assessed contribution to the international budget. C. DESIGNATION OF NATIONAL REPRESENTATIVES 1. The Chair of each national Mensa that is entitled to representation on the Board shall also serve as a National Representative of that national Mensa. 2. No National Representative may cast more than three votes. Therefore, each national Mensa entitled to cast more than three votes shall designate sufficient additional National Representatives to comply with the foregoing limitation. 3. No paid staff member of a national Mensa may represent any national Mensa on the Board as a National Representative or as the proxy of a National Representative. D. FORFEITURE OF RIGHT TO VOTE A national Mensa shall forfeit its right to vote whenever and for so long as it is more than four months in arrears in paying its assessed contribution to the international budget. VI. MENSA INTERNATIONAL LIMITED The corporate affiliate of Mensa is the company registered in the United Kingdom known as Mensa International Limited, a not-for-profit organization. Mensa International Limited is subject to the associated laws and business provisions as published by Companies House, , UK and the laws of and Wales. VII. NON-VOTING POSITIONS A. OMBUDSMAN 1. There shall be an International Ombudsman to attempt to resolve disputes at the international level between Direct International Members; between Direct International Members and Mensa; between Direct International Members and a national Mensa; between national Mensas; between a Board member and Mensa; between a member of a national Mensa and a member of another national Mensa; between a member of a national Mensa and Mensa (including disputes in respect of international elections), where all other means of settlement have been exhausted; between a member of a national Mensa and a Direct International Member; between a member and a different national Mensa; and within national Mensas where no Ombudsman exists. 2. The International Ombudsman shall be appointed by a two-thirds majority of the full Board vote and shall serve for a term of three years, or until the appointment of a successor. 3. The International Ombudsman shall receive the complete cooperation of all members of Mensa. Failure to cooperate with the Ombudsman may result in sanctions from a national Mensa or from the Board. 4. The International Ombudsman's findings shall be published as

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specified by him or her. B. SUPERVISORY PSYCHOLOGIST 1. The Board shall appoint an International Supervisory Psychologist who shall be responsible for insuring that selection standards are maintained throughout Mensa and who shall act as consultant to international Mensa and the national Mensas with regard to testing. 2. The International Supervisory Psychologist shall serve for a term of three years, or until the appointment of a successor.

C. OTHER NON-VOTING APPOINTEES AND COMMITTEES The Board may establish committees and individual non-voting positions. Both Board members and non-Board members may be appointed to these committees and positions.

VIII. REMOVAL FROM INTERNATIONAL OFFICE A. OFFICERS AND INTERNATIONAL SUPERVISORY PSYCHOLOGIST 1. International Elected Officers and the International Supervisory Psychologist may be removed from office by the Board for malfeasance, misfeasance, or nonfeasance in office. 2. The resolution for removal must be specific, and must be set out in the agenda. Before a vote is taken on such a resolution, the member concerned must be given an opportunity for his or her views to be presented to the Board.

B. INTERNATIONAL OMBUDSMAN 1. The International Ombudsman may be removed from office by the Board for malfeasance, misfeasance, or nonfeasance in office. 2. The procedure for removal shall be the same as for officers, except that concurrence of a two-thirds majority of the full Board vote shall be required. C. NON-VOTING APPOINTEES AND COMMITTEES Non-voting appointees, other than the International Ombudsman and the International Supervisory Psychologist, may be removed from office by the Board at any time.

IX. NATIONAL MENSAS A. FUNCTIONS AND DUTIES OF THE NATIONAL MENSA COMMITTEES 1. The national Mensa Committees shall be responsible for the management and development of their respective national Mensas. 2. The national Mensa Committees shall, in their respective countries, promote the stated purposes of Mensa, recruit and test applicants for membership, supervise their local groups, maintain national offices and records, and be responsible for finance, publications, research, public relations, and all other national Mensa affairs. 3. Without prejudice to its rights and without affecting its duties to its members, a national Mensa Committee may, with the approval of the Board, assign some of its functions to the international administrative office, or may join with one or more other national Mensas to form a

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group for mutual administrative or development assistance. 4. As used herein, the words "national Mensa Committee" shall mean the governing body of a national Mensa, regardless of what the governing body is called or how it is organized under a particular national Mensa's constitution or bylaws. B. FULL NATIONAL MENSA RECOGNITION The Board may recognize a national Mensa as a Full National Mensa in a country where the Direct International Members: 1. have achieved a degree of activity substantial enough to warrant such recognition; 2. have created and adopted a constitution or bylaws by which they shall operate; 3. have submitted the constitution or bylaws to the Board and had such constitution or bylaws approved as meeting the Board's requirements; 4. have agreed to submit any amendments to the constitution or bylaws to the Board for approval before making such amendments effective; and 5. have met any other requirements formally promulgated by the Board. C. PROVISIONAL NATIONAL MENSA RECOGNITION The Board may recognize a national Mensa on a provisional basis as a Provisional National Mensa if most, but not all, requirements for full recognition have been met. The members of a Provisional National Mensa shall remain Direct International Members. D. REVOCATION OF RECOGNITION 1. A national Mensa may be derecognized, or have its status changed, by the Board after a full and fair investigation, if, in the opinion of the Board, the national Mensa has engaged in acts inimical to Mensa, has failed in a major way to perform its duties under this Constitution, or has tolerated irregularities in the testing and admission of new members. 2. A derecognized national Mensa shall cease to have the right to use the word "Mensa" in its own designation and its activities and shall cease to have any rights under this Constitution. 3. Members of a derecognized national Mensa may, at the discretion of the Board, be offered direct international membership. 4. Upon request by the Board, or by a majority of the International Elected Officers, a national Mensa must submit documentation to the Board to show that it meets the requirements of a Full National Mensa or a Provisional National Mensa. Failure to meet the requirements, or failure to provide requested documentation, may lead to a change of the national Mensa’s status. 1. No resolution to derecognize a Full National Mensa or a Provisional National Mensa, or to change the status of a Full National Mensa to that of a Provisional National Mensa, shall be effective unless it receives a two-thirds majority of the full Board vote.


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A. CHAIRMAN, INTERNATIONAL DIRECTORS OF ADMINISTRATION AND DEVELOPMENT, AND TREASURER 1. The named International Elected Officers may serve for a period of two years. They shall be elected by a majority of the votes received during the election period, which shall be April 15 at the latest through May 31 of the odd-numbered years. Their terms of office shall begin July 1 following their election. 2. No later than May 1 of each even-numbered year the Board shall appoint an Election Committee of at least seven members, none of whom shall be a member of the current Board or a candidate for office on the next Board, and shall designate the Committee's Chair. The Election Committee shall be responsible for the conduct of the election; prescribing the format for nominating petitions and the procedure for their submission; preparing ballots and written material in appropriate languages; and selecting professional auditors, accountants, or solicitors, or a similarly independent body, to receive, count, and certify results of the voting. With each ballot there shall be included, at a minimum, the necessary voting instruction; a brief campaign statement by each candidate; and the answers by each candidate to any question which may be propounded to all candidates, or to all candidates for a particular office, by the Board, the maximum length of each of which shall have been determined and published by the Committee. 3. The Board shall determine the election rules no later than the date the Election Committee is appointed. 4. The Committee shall cause to be published, no later than November 1 preceding the election, a notice to the members inviting nominations for the offices of International Chairman, International Director- Administration, International Director -Development, and International Treasurer and specifying that nominations must be received by the Committee no later than February 1, what format they shall follow, and where they must be sent. 5. Candidates shall be members in good standing and shall be nominated as follows: a. Members may nominate a candidate or a slate of candidates for any or all offices by submitting the name or names of such candidates to the Election Committee together with nominating petitions signed by at least 200 members in good standing as of January 1 prior to the election; b. National Mensa Committees may nominate a candidate or a slate of candidates for any or all offices by submitting the name or names of such candidates to the Election Committee. In addition, each candidate must submit written evidence to the Election Committee to accept nominations for a specific position. The petitions and acceptances of nomination shall follow the format prescribed by the Election Committee. 6. Each national Mensa is obliged to publish the invitations to nominate and to send out the ballots in a timely manner. A national Mensa must submit a statement to the Election Committee as to whether a candidate

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is a member in good standing or not. 7. If there is only one valid nomination for an office, the Election Committee shall declare that candidate elected. The names of all valid nominees for contested offices shall be placed on the ballot, provided they are members in good standing at that time. 8. The ballot shall list the candidates for each office in order determined by lot by the Committee. The Committee shall designate on the ballot those candidates who are running jointly. 9. Each candidate or group of candidates on the ballot may designate a representative to observe the counting of the votes at each location where they may be counted.

10. The Election Committee shall notify the Board and all the candidates of the final tabulation of the votes no later than June 15.

B. INTERNATIONAL DIRECTOR-SMALLER NATIONAL MENSAS 1. The term of office shall be a period of two years, from July 1 of an odd-numbered year to June 30 two years later. 2. All National Representatives of all national Mensas that are entitled to four or more votes as of February 1 in the year of election shall comprise the Election Committee Smaller National Mensas (SNM) for this position. Members of the Election Committee SNM for this position are not eligible to nominate candidates for International Director-Smaller National Mensas, nor to vote in the election. 3. Members of the Board other than members of the Election Committee SNM shall nominate candidates no later than February 1. Only members of a national Mensa with three or fewer votes as of February 1 in the year of election are eligible for this position. 4. The Election Committee SNM shall prepare a ballot containing the names of all candidates in random order no later than March 1. Each candidate may submit a biographical statement, a campaign statement, and answers to any questions asked of all candidates by the Board for inclusion on the ballot, the maximum length of each of which shall have been determined and published by the Election Committee SNM. 5. All members of the Board other than members of the Election Committee SNM are eligible to vote. 6. Voting shall occur by May 31.

XI. FINANCE A. AUTHORITY TO LEVY ASSESSMENTS The Board may finance all or any part of the operations of Mensa and Mensa International Limited by levies on the national Mensas, provided: 1. the assessments are no more frequent than annual; 2. the assessments are based upon a budget approved by the Board and substantially in balance as regards revenues and expenses; 3. the assessments, whether a per-member amount or a percentage of dues, are applied uniformly to all national Mensas.

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B. RESTRICTION ON INCREASING ASSESSMENT Notwithstanding the provisions of Paragraph XI.A, the rate of assessment shall not be increased unless the motion for such increase receives the affirmative votes of national representatives of national Mensas whose combined memberships constitute at least 51 percent of the worldwide membership of Mensa. C. LIMITATIONS ON LIABILITY 1. Mensa and Mensa International Limited shall be exclusively liable for their respective obligations. No national Mensa and no Direct International Member shall have any liability to Mensa and Mensa International Limited above the amount of any unpaid assessment or dues, except as modified by contract. 2. The obligations of the national Mensas are exclusively theirs and not those of Mensa or Mensa International Limited or any other national Mensa. D. LIMITATIONS ON PAYMENTS Members of the Board, and of the national Mensa Committees, shall not be paid by Mensa except for reimbursement of reasonable expenses incurred on Mensa business.

XII. MISCELLANEOUS A. GOVERNING LAW This Constitution shall be construed according to the laws of the State of New York, in the United States of America. B. SEVERABILITY OF PROVISIONS A determination that a provision of this Constitution is invalid or unenforceable under the laws of a specific country shall not affect the validity or enforceability of the remaining provisions, nor shall it affect the validity or enforceability of this Constitution in any other countries. C. VOTING REQUIREMENT All elections and referenda conducted by international Mensa or by national Mensas in which all members are eligible to vote shall be by postal ballot or another method that allows participation by all members regardless of their physical location. For these elections and referenda, at no stage of the process shall voting be limited to those persons physically present at a meeting. . D. CONDUCT OF REFERENDA In all elections and referenda conducted by or within Mensa and by or within national Mensas: 1. proponents and opponents shall be given reasonable opportunity to state their positions, and 2. no recommendations on how to vote shall appear on the ballot.

XIII. AMENDMENTS A. This Constitution may be amended only as a result of a ballot among all individual members of Full National Mensas and Direct International Members, provided that, of the members from whom completed ballots are received:

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1. more than one-half vote in favour of the amendment and the amendment is favoured by the voters in at least one-third of the national Mensas, or 2. more than two-thirds vote in favour of the amendment. B. Any proposal for an amendment which is recommended by the Board, or by a national Mensa Committee or a number of national Mensa Committees representing 20 percent of the worldwide membership of Mensa, shall be submitted to a ballot among all members of Mensa. C. The Board shall promptly provide for the distribution, receipt, and counting of the ballots.

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Appendix 3 - Standing Orders of Mensa Australia

The standing orders were updated in December 2017, clarifying the role of the Immediate Past Chairman and the procedure for a member initiated Vote of N Confidence.

This document is available for download on the Mensa Australia Website.

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Australian Mensa Incorporated

Standing Orders

December 2017

Approved : December 2017

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Introduction ...... 1 Acronyms ...... 1 References ...... 1 The Organisation ...... 2 Purposes of the association ...... 2 Membership of the organisation...... 2 Officers ...... 3 The Voting officers...... 3 Elected officers ...... 5 Non voting officers ...... 5 Proctors ...... 6 Committees ...... 7 State based committees ...... 7 Finance Committee ...... 7 Richard Johns Research Committee ...... 8 Meetings ...... 9 Elections ...... 10 International meetings ...... 11 LEAP Participants ...... 11 Other international Meetings ...... 12 Strategic Plan ...... 14 Policies ...... 15 Financial matters ...... 17 Audited financials ...... 17 Budget ...... 17 Investments ...... 17 Professional Appointments ...... 17 Expense reimbursement ...... 18 State Budgets ...... 18 Banking ...... 18 Tax Status ...... 19 Awards, Prizes, Grants ...... 20 Volunteer recognition ...... 20 Book prizes ...... 20 Richard Johns Research Grant ...... 21 Bull Bequest Grants ...... 21 Gifted Student Grants ...... 21 Membership, Testing and Fees ...... 23 Membership fees ...... 23 Testing fees ...... 23 Supervised test ...... 24 Publications ...... 25 Tableaus ...... 25 Newsletters ...... 25 Name and logo...... 26

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Approved usage ...... 26 Special Interest Groups (SIGS) ...... 27 Local Groups ...... 28 Website/Internet ...... 29 Website ...... 29 Email addresses ...... 29 Social Media Groups ...... 30 Gifted Childrens Forum ...... 30 Publicity, advertising, sponsorship ...... 32 Appendices ...... 33 Appendix 1 - Constitution of Australian Mensa Inc ...... 33 Appendix 2 - The Constitution of Mensa...... 44 Appendix 3 - Standing Orders of Mensa Australia ...... 57 INTRODUCTION ...... 62 THE NATIONAL COMMITTEE ...... 62 2.1 NatCom – Areas of responsibility ...... 62 2.2 National Representative ...... 64 2.3 Overall Responsibility: NatCom and AdCom ...... 65 2.4 NatCom Procedure ...... 65 THE ADMINISTRATIVE COMMITTEE ...... 66 3.1 AdCom – Membership ...... 66 3.2 AdCom: Areas of responsibility ...... 66 3.3 AdCom : Procedure ...... 67 FINANCES ...... 67 4.1 Bank Account ...... 67 4.2 Officers' Claims for Expenses ...... 67 4.3 State Funding ...... 68 4.4 The Auditor ...... 68 4.5 Investments ...... 68 GENERAL ...... 68 5.1 Returning Officer ...... 68 5.2 Appointment of Non-Executive Officers ...... 69 5.3 Filling Extraordinary Vacancies ...... 69 5.4 Motion of No Confidence...... 69 5.5 Amendments to Standing Orders...... 71 6. PRIVACY AND SECURITY OF DATA...... 72 6.1 Officers ceasing duty ...... 72 6.2 Other members and volunteers ...... 72 Appendix 4 - Rules of Order at NatCom meetings ...... 73 Appendix 5 - Strategic Plan ...... 77 MISSION ...... 79 VISION ...... Error! Bookmark not defined. OBJECTIVES AND GOALS ...... Error! Bookmark not defined. SWOT Analysis ...... 82 Appendix 6 - Working with Children Policy ...... 83 1. Purpose ...... 84 2. Date of effect ...... 84

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3. Principle ...... 84 4. Background ...... 85 5. Roles and Responsibilities ...... 85 6. Document Control ...... 86 Appendix 7 - Duty of Care ...... 89 Appendix 8 – Social Media Policy ...... 91 Purpose ...... 91 Date of effect ...... 91 Principle ...... 91 RISKS and RISK analysis ...... 91 Policy ...... 94 Roles and Responsibilities ...... 96

...... 96 Document Control ...... 97 Appendix 9 - Complaints Procedure ...... 105 Appendix 10 - Risk policy ...... 107 To be developed ...... 107 Appendix 11 – Position Descriptions ...... 108 Chairman ...... 109 Membership Secretary ...... 110 Recruiting Officer ...... 111 Treasurer ...... 112 Immediate Past Chair ...... 114 State Secretary ...... 115 Returning Officer ...... 116 Ombudsman ...... 117 Editor ...... 118

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1.1 The business of Australian Mensa Incorporated is managed by the National Committee (NatCom) as defined in the Constitution of the Association and in accordance with the laws of Australia. 1.2 Terms used in these Standing Orders are: AdCom the Administrative Committee ASIE Actions Still In Effect Constitution the Constitution of the Association International Constitution the Constitution of International Mensa Mensa Australian Register A current membership list extracted from the Mensa database Mensa Journal the Journal of International Mensa NatCom the National Committee The NatCom list an email list or other communication method used for discussions between all members of NatCom Natrep a National Representative SO a Standing order Statesec a State Secretary TableAus the Australian Mensa newsletter 1.3 Any references to one gender in these Standing orders are to be read as referring to either gender. References in the singular can refer to more than one person, where appropriate. 1.4 All members of NatCom must be financial at the time of their nomination, their election or appointment and remain so during their term of office.


2.1 NatCom – Areas of responsibility 2.1.1 Chairman (a) Chief Executive Officer of the Association (b) Act and vote as a full member of NatCom and of AdCom (c) Act as Chairman of NatCom and AdCom (d) Act as Natrep in accordance with the International Constitution (e) Convene AdCom at least once in each (f) Publish (g) Call for nominations for the position of Returning Officer (h) Appoint the Public Officer (i) Sign off and publish the Audited Financial Reports (j) Publish and update the ASIEs with decisions made at NatCom and AdCom meetings and publish Minutes of NatCom and the AGM (k) Perform such other duties as are required by the International Consitution, the Constitution, these Standing Orders and the laws of

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Australia (l) Publish an annual activity report (m) Is an ex officio member of all committees. 2.1.2 Immediate Past Chairman (a) The role of the Immediate Past Chair is to act as an advisor to AdCom and NatCom and to provide continuity during the transition of the new Chairman. (b) Act and vote as a full member of AdCom and NatCom for a period of six months after his/her term of office as Chairman ends. (c) For the ex-Chairman to assume the role of IPC he must have served a minimum of 12 months as Chairman. (d) This is an ex-officio position. However, the outgoing Chairman may decline to assume the position of IPC or may resign from the position before the end of his term. 2.1.3 Treasurer (a) Act and vote as a full member of NatCom and AdCom and Finance committee (b) Manage the bank accounts and any investment accounts of the Association (c) Pay the component of subscriptions to International Mensa (d) Pay approved expenses incurred by officers of Australian Mensa Incorporated in the performance of the duties of their role (e) Pay approved accounts for goods and services provided to Australian Mensa Incorporated (f) Keep such books of account and records as to reflect properly the financial transactions of the Association (g) Prepare the annual accounts of the Association in sufficient detail to show separately each item of expenditure which exceeds 5% of gross income (h) Prepare an annual budget for the Association for approval by NatCom (i) Allocate annual funds to the States in accordance with the formula set by NatCom (j) Arrange the auditing of the Association's account with the auditors and arrange for approval and signature by NatCom (k) Arrange for the audited accounts to be available to members (l) Monitor proper processing of tax matters and payments, including GST (m) Supervise the collection of operational and investment income. 2.1.4 Recruiting Officer (a) Act and vote as a full member of NatCom and AdCom (b) Be responsible for testing and admission of applicants for membership, according to the instructions of the Consulting Psychologist (c) Propose any change to testing fees, for approval by NatCom (d) Coordinate advertising and publicity, including traditional and social media (e) Publish an annual activity report

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2.1.5 Membership Secretary (a) Act and vote as a full member of NatCom and AdCom (b) Be responsible for the membership records and their computerisation (c) Be responsible for the collection of subscription dues from members and account for these monies (d) Register new members where these have been identified by the Recruiting Officer or elsewhere in Mensa (e) Publish the Mensa Australian Register (f) Distribute Tableaus and the Mensa World Journal (g) Act as Chairman in the event of the Chairman's absence, incapacity, resignation or death (h) Publish an annual activity report. 2.1.6 State Secretaries (a) Act and vote as a full members of NatCom

(b) Promote the interests of members in their own state or territory

(c) Take responsibility for the activities of the Association, including meetings, in their own State or Territory

(d) Take responsibility for regular communication with members of the State or Territory on upcoming events and other information

(e) Publish an annual activity report.

2.2 National Representative 2.2.1 In accordance with the provisions of International Constitution the Chairman (as Chief Executive Officer) is to act as the National Representative on the International Board of Directors (IBD). If the Association requires more than one Natrep, NatCom is to elect the additional Natrep(s) from the members of NatCom. 2.2.2 In accordance with International Constitution, if a Natrep is unable to be present at a meeting of the IBD, or of a committee or subcommittee of the IBD, the Natrep may appoint another member of the Board or a member of NatCom of Australian Mensa as proxy. 2.2.3 Natreps are to report on important overseas developments to NatCom and to the membership. 2.2.4 Natrep(s) may attend meetings of the IBD overseas when the IBD has undertaken to refund expenses. Where there is no undertaking by IBD to refund expenses Natrep(s) may attend overseas meetings of the IBD or committees or subcommittees thereof and incur expenses to be refunded by Australian Mensa only with the consent of NatCom. Nothing shall prevent Natreps from attending meetings of the IBD or a committee or subcommittee at their own expense.

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2.3 Overall Responsibility: NatCom and AdCom 2.3.1 NatCom has the responsibilities and powers given it in the Constitution. It delegates certain of these responsibilities and powers to AdCom and to specific officers. The responsibilities and powers so delegated are those specifically set out in these Standing Orders, or those given by resolution of NatCom. Responsibilities and powers given by resolution can be revoked by resolution. All deliberations of AdCom are to be reported to NatCom. 2.3.2 No one person shall hold more than one office in NatCom except in an acting capacity. Where one person holds more than one office in NatCom that person must choose one position. All positions other than the chosen one if any are to be declared vacant. The person may act in those positions until a replacement is appointed or elected. 2.3.1 Each member of NatCom has a single vote, even when acting in an additional position.

2.4 NatCom Procedure 2.4.1 All substantive motions of NatCom shall be determined by a mail vote unless at a meeting to which all members of NatCom have been invited and at least 75% are present and more than 50% of the total membership of NatCom are in agreement on the motion. Except with the consent of NatCom, a member of NatCom may not have travel expenses reimbursed from national funds for attendance at NatCom meetings. (Motion 228.2.) 2.4.2 The Chairman is to convene NatCom as necessary, by mail, email or other means, but at least once per year. 2.4.3 The Chairman is to record decisions of NatCom meetings in the ASIEs. Minutes of physical meetings are to be published to the general membership. 2.4.4 Motions requiring a vote by NatCom, outside of a face to face meeting, are to be mail ballots. If email voting is used, a separate email list, available only to members of NatCom, is to be used. At least 7 calendar days of discussion are to be allowed before the motion is put to a vote and a further 7 calendar days allowed for votes to be submitted. 2.4.5 The Chairman is to declare the result of the ballot within 7 days after the date when the ballot was due, or when all votes have been cast, stating the number and positions of each member voting for and against each motion, and the number of abstentions. If email voting was used, the results are to be published to the same list as the ballot. 2.4.6 Motions before NatCom are to be carried by a simple majority, except in the case of motions to amend the Standing Orders or in the case of a motion of no confidence, or as otherwise stated in these Standing Orders. 2.4.7 A member of NatCom may delegate part of their duties to another member of the Association, except voting rights on NatCom. The original member of NatCom remains responsible for the performance of all their NatCom duties.

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2.4.8 The terms of members of NatCom whose terms are due to end in that year end on June 30 and their replacements' terms commence on 1 July. 2.4.9 The ASIEs are to be available to all members.


3.1 AdCom – Membership 3.1.1 The AdCom shall consist of these five members, and these five only, each having an equal vote on the Committee: Chairman, Immediate Past Chairman, Treasurer, Membership Secretary and Recruiting Officer. 3.1.2 AdCom members are to be elected by the general membership of the Association in odd years, for a period of two years commencing on July 1, except for the Immediate Past Chairman, who holds office for 6 months after the end of his mandate as Chairman, to provide continuity in the operation of the committee. 3.1.3 No-one may be co-opted to the AdCom, except as provided under SO 5.3. 3.1.4 Should a member of AdCom delegate any part of his duties to another member of Mensa, that member of AdCom remains responsible for the proper performance of his duties. Attendance at AdCom meetings and voting rights may not be delegated.

3.2 AdCom: Areas of responsibility 3.2.1 AdCom is responsible to NatCom for seeing that the following duties are performed by its officers: (a) Testing and selection procedures

(b) Admission of new members

(c) Membership records

(d) Collection and control of testing fees

(e) Collection and control of membership subscriptions

(f) Payment of the component to International Mensa

(g) Distribution of the Mensa Journal

(h) Publication and distribution of Tableaus

(i) Instruction of the Returning Officer

(j) Publication of an Australian Mensa Register

(k) Provision of funds to states.

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3.2.2 Nothing in the foregoing clause (SO 3.2.1) diminishes the individual responsibility of members of AdCom. 3.2.3 The AdCom has no authority to act in any areas other than those listed in SO 3.2.1 or under 2.1, unless approved by NatCom.

3.3 AdCom : Procedure 3.3.1 AdCom is to act as a mail committee. Except with the consent of NatCom, a member of AdCom may not have travel expenses reimbursed for attendance at AdCom meetings. 3.3.2 The Chairman may convene AdCom by mail, email, fax, telephone conference, in person or by other suitable arrangement, having given notice of at least 4 calendar days or until all members have agreed on a date. 3.3.3 The minutes of AdCom meetings are to be recorded and the Chairman is to report to NatCom on such meetings.


4.1 Bank Account 4.1.1 A bank account or accounts designated 'Australian Mensa Incorporated' is/are to be operated on behalf of the Association. 4.1.2 Signatories for any bank account holding funds of Australian Mensa Incorporated be Chairman, Membership Secretary, Treasurer with any two to sign. 4.1.3 All monies paid to the Association shall be paid into the bank accounts named in SO 4.1.1 except in the case of funds collected by a State or Territory in the course of a State or Territory activity. 4.1.4 The following payments are to be made regularly, in this order of priority: (a) tax, GST and other financial obligations under Australian law

(b) administrative expenses (including TableAus)

(c) International Mensa component

(d) distribution costs of the TableAus

(e) other payments authorised by AdCom in accordance with its responsibilities under SO 3.2.1

(f) payments made to the States for State newsletters and other approved administrative expenses.

4.2 Officers' Claims for Expenses

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4.2.1 The Treasurer may pay the claims of officers of Australian Mensa in his discretion, or, alternatively, may submit them to AdCom for approval. 4.2.2 The Treasurer shall submit his claims for expenses to the Chairman. 4.2.3 Claims from officers are to be submitted within two calendar weeks of the end of the quarter in which they are incurred, except where prior arrangements for later presentation were made with the Treasurer.

4.3 State Funding 4.3.1 NatCom is the authority for setting the formula for calculating state funding.

4.4 The Auditor 4.4.1 The accounts of the Association are to be audited each year by an Auditor appointed by NatCom. 4.4.2 The Auditor is to report to NatCom.

4.5 Investments 4.5.1 With the approval of NatCom, the funds of the Association may be invested in an authorised investment. Any such investment is to be in the name of the Association. 4.5.2 The signatures of two members of AdCom are required to realise the investment. 4.5.3 When an investment is realised, the proceeds are to be deposited in a bank account of the Association. 4.5.4 All money donated to Mensa for gifted children is to be accounted for in separate accounts for the eventual purpose of assisting gifted children. 4.5.5 Bequests are to be administered in accordance with rules and guidelines defined by NatCom, taking into account the intentions of the donor.


5.1 Returning Officer 5.1.1 In any poll conducted by the Returning Officer the number of votes polled for each candidate or option on the ballot is to be declared by the Returning Officer in the next available issue of Tableaus. (a) Where the Constitution of Australian Mensa Incorporated requires a vote and there are more than two candidates, votes will be counted by optional preference.

(b) Candidates may nominate a scrutineer to be present at the counting of votes, but may not themselves be present.

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(c) Where electronic voting is used, no candidate may administer or view progress in the electronic voting system for the duration of the voting period.

5.2 Appointment of Non-Executive Officers 5.2.1 All non-executive positions whose terms are not defined in the constitution fall due on July 1 of even years. Positions are to be appointed by the Natcom officer to whom they report. Natcom is to be notified promptly and retains the ability to veto an appointment. 5.2.2 Recommendations for grants under the Bull Bequest are proposed in accordance with NatCom's guidelines and the conditions of the trust deed by an officer appointed by and responsible to NatCom. 5.2.3 Recommendations for grants from The Gifted Student’s Fund are proposed in accordance with NatCom's guidelines by an officer appointed by and responsible to NatCom. 5.2.4 The positions in SO 5.2.2 and 5.2.3 may be combined.

5.3 Filling Extraordinary Vacancies 5.3.1 In the event of the incapacity, resignation, removal by a vote of no confidence, or death of a member of NatCom other than the Chairman, the Chairman is to appoint a successor as soon as practicable after the vacancy occurs; if six months or more of the term of the vacated office remain an election is also to be held. The appointment is subject to ratification by NatCom but will stand until ratification by NatCom is denied. 5.3.2 The term of a member appointed to fill an extraordinary vacancy is not to run beyond the term of office left vacant, as provided in Constitution 3.5.1. 5.3.3 A member appointed to fill an extraordinary vacancy is eligible to stand for election to any position at the next general election. 5.3.4 In the event of the incapacity, resignation, or death of the Chairman, the Membership Secretary is to assume the duties and responsibilities of the Chairman for a period not exceeding six months. 5.3.5. If NatCom fails to ratify the appointment of a temporary officer, the Returning Officer is to arrange a by-election immediately for the vacant office. 5.3.6 A separate election to fill a vacancy will not be required when a scheduled election for the position is to be held within the six month period of appointment of an acting officer.

5.4 Motion of No Confidence.

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5.4.1 The Returning Officer is to call and conduct any ballot on a motion of no confidence in any member(s) of NatCom. 5.4.2 Any three members of NatCom may, by signed requisition, require the Returning Officer to conduct a poll on a motion of no confidence in any member of NatCom, the requisition to set out the substance of the motion of no confidence. 5.4.3 The Returning Officer is then to conduct a poll of NatCom on the motion, and is to publish the results of the poll in TableAus, as well as reporting the results of the poll to each member of NatCom individually. In reporting to the members of NatCom and in reporting in TableAus, the Returning Officer is to detail the following particulars: (a) the number who voted for the motion

(b) the number who voted against the motion

(c) the number of abstentions

(d) the number who did not record a vote. 5.4.4 If three-quarters (as per constitution) or more of the members of NatCom vote in favour of the motion of no confidence, the subject of the motion will cease to hold office immediately, and the Returning Officer will call for nominations for a successor immediately through TableAus and other communication methods ensuring the whole membership is reached. The Chairman may, subject to the approval of NatCom, appoint a successor for no more than six months, while the Returning Officer conducts an election. 5.4.5 If the subject of a successful no confidence motion is the Chairman, then the Chairman is to cease to hold office and the Membership Secretary will hold the office of Chairman, and perform all the duties of Chairman. In the meantime the Returning Officer is to call for nominations and if necessary hold an election for the office of Chairman. The successful candidate (who may be the Chairman who ceased to hold office by virtue of the motion of no confidence) will hold the office of Chairman until the next general election of AdCom. 5.4.6 A Chairman who ceases to hold office as a result of a vote of no confidence is not to hold office as Immediate Past Chairman unless that Chairman is re- elected. 5.4.7 Any group of members of Australian Mensa consisting of at least 5% of members over the age of 18 may, by signed requisition, require the Returning Officer to conduct a poll of the general membership on a motion of no confidence in any member(s) of NatCom provided that each of the signatories pays the sum of ten dollars to the Returning Officer for the expenses of the conduct of the poll. The amount so paid to the Returning Officer will be forwarded to the Treasurer who will bank the sum as part of the funds of Australian Mensa. 5.4.8 In any poll of the members on a no confidence motion, the grounds of the motion are to be published in TableAus, and the member of NatCom who is subject of the motion is to have the opportunity to reply in TableAus.

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5.4.9 A poll on a motion of no confidence conducted amongst the members succeeds if the number of members voting in favour of the motion equals or exceeds two thirds of the total number of members who send completed ballots to the Returning Officer by the stipulated date. 5.4.10 Any member, the subject of a no confidence motion, may stand again for election. 5.4.11 A request for a "Motion of No Confidence by members" may only be instigated by the mover of the motion contacting the Returning Officer in writing or via email and paying the $10 fee stipulated in 5.4.7. The mover needs to collect the required 5% of eligible member's signatures and the $10 fee per signatory, as per 5.4.7, from supporters of the motion before an actual poll on the motion is conducted. To facilitate the collection of such signatures and fees, a page on the Mensa website may be set up, on request, so that members supporting the petition for the motion can pay this fee on line and by doing so be counted as a supporting signature. Alternatively or in addition, one or more copies of a paper document may be submitted to the returning officer along with the required payments. Each signatory must include their membership number on the paper document, so the Returning Officer can confirm they are a member in good standing. The Returning Officer will publish a notice, announcing that a petition for a motion of no confidence has been received, in the next available edition of Tableaus. The name and contact details of the mover will also be published, so that he can inform his supporters on how to access the web page or a paper document. The Returning officer will set a deadline for collection of such signatures, such that, if the petition is successful, a poll can be carried out, as per 5.4.8, in the edition of Tableaus immediately following the edition where the notice was published. If insufficient signatories are received by the deadline, the petition for the motion will lapse. Fees paid to support the petition are not refundable.

5.5 Amendments to Standing Orders. 5.5.1 A member of NatCom may submit in writing to the Chairman a motion to amend these Standing Orders. 5.5.2 The Chairman is to publish the motion to amend Standing Orders to the NatCom list, together with any argument supporting the proposed amendment, whether submitted by the member of NatCom moving the amendment or any other members. 5.5.3 The Chairman is to allow and facilitate fair, orderly and timely discussion by allowing any comment for or against the motion. for or against the motion. 5.5.4 A two-thirds majority of all NatCom members is required for a motion seeking to amend Standing Orders to succeed, as a change of Standing Orders is more

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serious than a routine motion.


6.1 Officers ceasing duty 6.1.1 A member who ceases to be an officer of Mensa Australia must, within 1 month of ceasing to hold that office, delete any electronic copies of membership and financial data obtained in the course of holding that office and securely destroy or return any physical copies of such data.

6.2 Other members and volunteers 6.2.1 A member or non-member volunteer or agent who performs a function on behalf of Mensa Australia must, within 1 month of ceasing to perform that function, delete any electronic copies of membership and financial data obtained in the course of performing that function and securely destroy or return any physical copies of such data. ***************************end of document****************************

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Appendix 4 - Rules of Order at NatCom meetings (Approved at AMC November 2011, adapted from rules passed for IBD, October 2011)

Motions. In order for the committee to act as a body, it has to pass a motion.

There are three types of motions: main motions, secondary motions and procedural motions.

Secondary motions concern the main motion.

Procedural motions do not concern the main motion as such, but rather the deliberation itself, and they may only be moved as part of the decision making process after a main or secondary motion is presented.

Main motions shall have a short descriptive title for easy identification.

No main motion may be voted upon unless its wording has been put in writing and read aloud so that all present understand it.

Whenever a motion is altered, it shall again be put in writing and read aloud to the board, before it can be voted upon.

Any member can request that they be allowed to read the motion as written.

Mover and seconders. All NatCom members shall have the right to present motions for decision by NatCom. The person who brings a motion to NatCom is called a mover. A motion shall have at least one mover. If there is only one mover, other than the Chair, the motion must be seconded by another NatCom member. To second a motion means only to agree that the motion be presented to NatCom to vote on, it does not require supporting the intention of the motion as such.

Managing discussion. When a main motion has been presented, it shall first be discussed and then voted upon once discussion is finished. During discussion, all members who wish may speak, one at a time, offering arguments or comments in relation to the topic at hand, or making procedural motions. A person wishing to speak shall seek the attention of the Chair by raising one hand, and the Chair shall acknowledge this and put the person's name last on the list of speakers. The Chair shall give the word to the person who is next on the list of speakers. The chair is encouraged not to give the word to one and the same person more than twice on any single main or non-main motion.

There are a few exceptions to the order: Procedural motions or if the Chair addresses someone for a direct reply at his discretion. Discussion shall end when there are no more names on the list of speakers, or when a procedural motion to immediately end

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discussion is passed.

Procedural motions. There are six procedural motions, some of which require a vote and a seconder. These may all be given priority in such a way that a member who wishes to make a procedural motion does not have to wait for his turn in the list of speakers. A member who wishes to speak outside of the order on the list of speakers must nonetheless seek permission to speak from the Chair. This can be done either by simply calling out this intention, using the proper words, or by raising two hands, as opposed to one hand. Procedural motions may not be discussed, though some may be voted upon. They may not be interrupted.

Point of order. A board member who wishes the board to interrupt the discussion in order to attend to an urgent matter that does not concern a main motion, will raise a Point of order. The Chair shall handle the matter at hand before resuming the discussion that was interrupted. Depending on the case, points of order may or may not require a vote to be settled. Examples: Complaints, call for a recess, adjournment or clarification of procedure, appeals to a ruling by the Chair etc .

Point of information. A board member who has essential information to share that could facilitate discussion may raise a Point of information. This does not require a vote nor a seconder.

Direct reply. Any member may ask for a Direct Reply to address a specific comment or question from another member, provided that his answer be limited to 30 seconds and that it is used for clarification or information, but not argument. This does not require a vote nor a seconder.

End of discussion (immediate vote). Any board member may, at any time during debate, move that discussion be stopped immediately. If a simple majority supports the motion, discussion shall immediately stop regardless of whether there were people waiting to speak or not. Requires a seconder.

End the list of speakers. Any member may, at any time during debate, move that no more names be added to the list of speakers. The Chair shall immediately put the motion to end the list of speakers to a vote, and if a simple majority supports the motion, no more names will be added and the discussion shall continue until everyone who was waiting to speak has had a chance to speak. Requires a seconder.

Sense motions. A sense motion is a tool for finding out the general opinion of the board. A sense motion can not be used to make a decision by NatCom, and it carries no formal weight.

Sense motions  do not have to be presented in writing, but the wording, as read out aloud before voting, shall be noted in the meeting minutes, along with the result of the voting.  can not be amended, nor can alternate motions be presented. It is simply a

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tool for asking the general stance of NatCom, without having to pass a formal decision.  shall not be discussed, but instead be voted on immediately if seconded by at least one board member and accepted by the Chair.  shall only be voted on through acclamation (i.e. say aye/no) or division of table (i.e. raise of hands), never through ballot.  may not be moved once voting has begun on a main motion.

Secondary motions. Secondary motions concern the main motion itself, as opposed to procedural motions, that concern the execution of the decision making process. Secondary motions must, if moved and seconded, be discussed and voted upon before discussion regarding the original motion may be resumed. No secondary motion may interrupt another secondary motion. Procedural motions may interrupt secondary motions. There are four types of secondary motions:

Amendments. A main motion may be amended either by the mover(s), with the consent of the seconder where applicable, or by NatCom following the passing of a motion to amend. A "friendly amendment" is not a motion but a voluntary change to the wording of a motion made by the mover(s), after a suggestion during discussion by someone who is neither mover nor seconder. Whenever a motion is amended, it shall again be presented in writing to the board, for all to read, before it can be voted upon.

Division. A main motion shall be divided into a series of independent main motions if a motion to divide is passed. The motion to divide must specify how the main motion shall be divided.

Postpone. (Lay on table.) Discussion regarding a main motion shall be suspended if a motion to postpone is passed. The motion to postpone (lay on table) should specify a time or condition for when the motion will be brought before the board again by the Chair.

(Example: "Postpone until tomorrow" or "postpone until after a hearing")

Refer. A motion to refer is moved when the mover(s) want to seek advice regarding the main motion from specific persons. The motion must specify both to whom the motion shall be referred, as well as a condition for when the person(s) whose advice is being sought shall respond to NatCom with their recommendation. A motion to refer will, if passed, automatically postpone the main motion until such a response has been received.

Voting. A simple majority, defined as more votes in favour than against, of the votes cast shall be sufficient to pass any motion that is voted on, except when explicitly stated otherwise in the standing orders. When determining “a majority of those voting”, only votes for and against a motion will be taken into account.

Voting can be done five ways:

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Acclamation. The Chair will ask those in favour to say "Aye", after which those against will be asked to say "No", and if there is a clear and unambiguous majority, the Chair will declare which side has the majority. At this point, any request from a member for a different method of voting shall be respected.

Division of assembly. Each member will raise one hand, so that all votes may be counted.

Roll call. The Chair will go through the list of members, asking each member for his or her vote. A request by a member for a roll call shall be respected without a vote, except when ballot voting is used.

Ballot. Each member will write down his or her vote on a paper ballot, which will then be collected and counted. Voters must mark the ballot with their name.

Secret ballot. When secret ballot is used, the ballot must not contain any information on the name of the voter. Secret ballot may only be used according to rules set in advance by NatCom; NatCom shall not use secret ballots on a case-by-case basis.

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Appendix 5 - Strategic Plan The strategic plan was initially created in 2013 and covers the 5 years to 2018

It was updated in 2018 for the following 5 years to 2023. The 2018 version is included below.

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Australian Mensa Inc.

Strategic Plan


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2. Improve 1st year retention of new members to 85%

Mission a. Find out members needs and address them

Mensa’s purposes are: b. Develop a value proposition

1. To identify and foster human intelligence for the benefit of humanity PROVIDE A BETTER SERVICE TO MEMBERS 2. To encourage research into the nature, characteristics and uses of intelligence 3. Determine what members want and add value 3. To provide a stimulating intellectual and social environment for its members a. Surveys of members and lapsing members Vision b. Increase members benefits, such as group discounts Increase membership 1. Provide a better service to members c. Expand networking opportunities 2. Grow and maintain a positive public image d. Offer more and varied events 3. Develop volunteers and systems to become a sustainable organisation 4. Provide services to the community GROW AND MAINTAIN A POSITIVE PUBLIC IMAGE

Objectives and goals 4. Engage with the public and non members a. INCREASE MEMBERSHIP Promotional material such as the prospectus. 5. Have a professional online image 1. Attain a membership of 4000 by 2023 a. Review our website and social media presence to ensure ease of access a. Increase testing and that the content is informative, accurate and up to date b. Increase advertising 6. Enhance the Mensa brand in Australia c. Increase referrals a. Undertake a targeted marketing campaign to increase awareness of and d. Increase diversity understanding of Mensa as an organisation

e. Chase up lapsed members. Chase up lapsed members with bouncing or 7. Build mutually beneficial relationships with complementary organisations non-existent email addresses by post or phone a. Identify and contact suitable organisations and communities ASIEs of Australian Mensa 79 June 2019

b. Participate in projects that enhance the Mensa brand 11. Use a proactive communications strategy

8. Mensa members and committees adhere to our code of conduct a. Maintain a communication strategy for internal and external, electronic and face-to-face communications. a. Maintain a code of conduct and communicate it to all members 12. Be a robust organisation with strong governance including prudent financial management

DEVELOP VOLUNTEERS AND SYSTEMS TO BECOME A a. Maintain a governance structure SUSTAINABLE ORGANISATION b. Maintain processes and procedures for all administrative tasks 9. Increase the number of volunteers and their proficiency 13. Have a good business ethic a. Continually recruit volunteers from the membership a. Adhere to code of conduct and behaviours and values as defined in the b. Continually train new volunteers for roles such as proctors, proof readers, constitution event hosts, event coordinators and as potential replacements for other b. office bearer positions Effectively manage risk

c. Improve motivation of volunteers by recognising and rewarding volunteers as appropriate throughout the year 14. Adhere to all Australian and International regulatory and legislative d. Develop members’ and volunteers’ understanding of gifted issues using requirements expertise within Australian Mensa and resources from International Mensa a. By utilizing expert advice from the legal officer and other legally qualified volunteers and through document management systems, identify legal e. Help Mensa thrive and volunteers to feel useful by identifying and using and legislative requirements members’ expertise when relevant 15. Adhere to MIL requirements 10. Have excellent human and electronic internal and external communication systems a. Through document management systems and communication with MIL, identify MIL requirements a. Maintain a communication strategy for internal and external, electronic and face-to-face Develop a document management system to record PROVIDE SERVICES TO THE COMMUNITY administrative decisions/actions from board meeting 16. Provide grants to support intelligence b. Maintain a quality electronic integrated management system

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a. Support research through the Richard Johns Grant

b. Foster intelligence through the award of Gifted Students’ grants

17. Provide information and support for Gifted Children

a. Information brochures on issues affecting gifted children

b. Provide support to parents of gifted children via facilitation of discussions between parents of gifted children

c. Provide a supportive environment for gifted children

18. Provide support to community projects that foster intelligence

a. Provide financial and/or in-kind support

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SWOT Analysis

Strengths: Opportunities: 1. Media to improve image 1. Lots of money 2. Mensa brand 2. Positive image/recognition 3. Activating inactive members 3. Inactive members 4. Using social media (member networking) resources 4. Skillsets of our members 5. Evidence base for decision making (membership history) 5. All over Australia

6. Easily pleased

7. International organisation 8. Structure

9. Increase friendship worldwide & Australia

Weakness: Threats:

1. Tall poppy syndrome 1. Complacency, Lack of action 2. Gender imbalance 2. Recession, i.e. reduction in income

3. Poorly known brand 3. A lack of human resources

4. lack of clarity of purpose 4. Lack of communication 5. Geographic constraints 5. Other societies i.e. sceptics

6. History of poor management 6. Hostile or disruptive members

7. Member apathy 7. General fear of new members 8. IT systems 8. Negative connotations of being elitist 9. Poor value proposition 9. Overspend 10. Lack of reasons for joining 10. Drop in numbers 11. Diversity of expectations 11. Drop in activities 12. Lack of communications ASIEs of Australian Mensa 82 June 2019

Appendix 6 - Working with Children Policy

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Mensa Australia Incorporated

Working with Children Checks Policy and Procedures

1. Purpose 2. Date of effect 3. Principle 4. Background 5. Roles and Responsibilities Natcom State Secretaries 6. Document Control

1. Purpose

1.1 To inform members of Mensa of the requirement for undertaking a ‘Working with children’ check.

2. Date of effect

2.1 This policy will take effect from 1 January 2013.

3. Principle

3.1 Mensa is a not for profit society. Its purposes are to:

a. identify and foster human intelligence for the benefit of humanity,

b. encourage research into the nature, characteristics and uses of intelligence, and

c. to provide a stimulating intellectual and social environment for its members.

3.2 This policy details the requirement of specific office holders and members of Mensa who have contact with children as a part of their duties, to hold a valid ‘Working with children’ card (or equivalent) for the state or territory in which they reside.

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4. Background

4.1 There will be times when office holders of Mensa Australia will have interactions with children, whether that be at organised events or during entry testing.

4.2 Mensa has a responsibility to ensure the safety of children and provide surety for parents that their children will be in safe hands.

4.3 Working with children checks are mandatory in most states and territories, and Mensa Australia has determined that the following office holders will require a valid working the children check to be held:

(a) Chairman

(b) Membership Secretary

(c) Recruiting Officer

(d) State Secretaries

(e) National and State Gifted Children’s Coordinators and

(f) Proctors

4.4 Details of the requirements for working with children checks for each state is at Attachment A.

4.5 Scanned copies of cards or other documentation provided to the applicant are to be sent to the Membership Secretary who is to ensure that the Mensa member’s database is updated to include the details.

4.6 Where an officer holder listed in paragraph 4.3 above is already holding the position, they will be required to undertake the check before 30 June 2013. If this has not occurred by that date, the officer will be required to resign from the position they hold.

4.7 Newly appointed officer will be required to undertake the check before they take up their role.

4.8 Mensa Australia will reimburse costs associated with undertaking the check upon receipt of a claim for reimbursement and a receipt.

5. Roles and Responsibilities


5.1 Ensure that Statutory Declaration form completed to nominate for an office bearer position includes reference to working with children checks for relevant positions.

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5.2 Update duty statements for relevant positions to include need for working with children check.

5.3 Advise relevant office holders of this requirement and monitor to ensure all officer have undertaken check.

5.4 Ensure that details regarding check, card details issued by states and expiration dates are recorded on membership database and reminders are sent to office holder before their card expires.

5.5 Update this policy to ensure it remains current

State Secretaries

5.6 Where applications for the working with children check require certification, the State Secretary in the relevant state shall perform the certification, with the exception of their own application. Certification for State Secretaries will be undertaken by either the Recruiting Officer or the Membership Secretary.

5.7 Office holders should contact the Recruiting Officer if there are any questions about the process.

6. Document Control

Version Date Comments Draft 13 January Initial Draft 2013

ASIEs of Australian Mensa 86 June 2019

Attachment A

State Legislation Cost Application Form/Comments

Working with Vulnerable People Card - ACT Nil for Volunteers le_People_Application_For_Registration_-_PDF.pdf rking_with_vulnerable_people

Working with Children check - NSW Nil

The Blue Card System - Qld Nil for Volunteers %28V%29_CCYPCG-MAY12.pdf lunteers/index.html Card is valid for three years

Working with Children Check - Vic Nil for Volunteers Application forms are available from Australia Post children/

Under the Children's Protection Act (Section 8B) people in SA who work in jobs Information about the police clearance and form is available from - $35.50 for SA which require regular contact with children volunteers are required to obtain police clearance hecks.jsp before they commence employment

Application forms are available from authorised Australia Post outlets. Working with Children Check - $10.30 for Search function to find an authorised outlet are on the following web page: WA volunteers wc oups/Managing+Applications+and+Cards.htm

ASIEs of Australian Mensa 87 June 2019

Application forms are available from Police stations can be downloaded Working with Children Clearance Notice - $5.00 for from the following web page: NT volunteers /index.html %20volunteer%20application.pdf

Currently there is no requirement for Tas people working with children to undertake a police check in Tasmania.

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Appendix 7 - Duty of Care Duty of Care is the legal obligation the organisation and each person associated with it has to take reasonable care to avoid foreseeable harm to another person or their property.

This Duty of Care therefore is to take measures, as are reasonable, to protect others from risk when that risk could be reasonably foreseen.

This protection relates not only to known hazards or hazards that can be seen but also from harms that could reasonably arise and against which preventive measures could be taken. The Mensa organisation has a duty of care to its members and their families (where they are invited guests to Mensa functions or groups or guardians of minor Mensa members) to provide an environment that is physically safe, in that it would cause no foreseeable harm to an individual’s physical person and emotionally safe from current or future harm as far as is physically able based on the knowledge of and disclosure to the organisation.

This requirement extends to comply with legal requirements related to the recruiting and managing of all persons in contact with or in control of children, and the correct reporting of any breaches of the law related to behaviour towards children. Duty of Care of children includes taking action if children and young people disclose information about inappropriate behaviours of adults both absolute and implied. Such reports cannot be minimised, ignored or justified. This Duty of Care extends to the reporting of suspicious behaviour towards children. Mensa fulfils its Duty of Care, in part, by taking reasonable steps to ensure that activities are conducted in a reasonable, safe and informed manner, by following legal requirements. Mensa members, Mensa Officers and event holders are obliged to disclose any known prior or current offences of individuals attending, hosting or assisting events and by taking any action deemed necessary by Officers or by the event hosts or where it believes members and their guests need to be aware of possible risk to an individual because of the known actions of another member or guest.

Action deemed necessary can be a variety of actions including, and not restricted to: exclusion from some or all events; informing all event attendees of the prior offences of individuals attending; insisting a member and guests leave an event.

All Mensa officers, event holders and volunteers are responsible to exercise this Duty of Care at all times on behalf of the organisation. All members and guests are responsible to exercise this Duty of Care towards other members and guests and the organisation as a whole. Mensa has an obligation to identify risks that would be reasonably foreseeable. Those carrying out activities on behalf of Mensa and for the benefit of Mensa as an organisation and its members and families must also identify risks and where such risks are identified, take reasonable care to respond to those risks so as not to cause harm to person or property using the skills, knowledge and experience that they possess.

The Duty of Care obligation extends to individuals choosing to join Mensa and/or participate at functions and events organised by Mensa not to cause harm in any form to the person or property

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of another. This duty includes physical harm to person and property, to emotional and social harm through repeated unreciprocated personal communications through both verbal and social media avenues and sexual harassment of any form. Breaching reasonable social barriers that causes harm to another could be deemed to be a breach of the Duty of Care towards another individual and could have ramifications according to law.

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Appendix 8 – Social Media Policy

Social Media, Networking and Online Policy


To inform members of Mensa of the requirements when creating and administering Australian Mensa’s Social Media and Networking presence.

Date of effect

This policy will take effect from [insert date] 2014.


Mensa is a not for profit society. Its purposes are to:

 identify and foster human intelligence for the benefit of humanity,

 encourage research into the nature, characteristics and uses of intelligence, and

 to provide a stimulating intellectual and social environment for its members.

This policy details the requirements of specific roles in Mensa when establishing a presence on social media and social networking channels.

Throughout this document “Social Media” refers to broadcast channels such as Twitter and Facebook Pages. “Social Networking” refers to discussion groups. Normally, Social Media are viewable by anyone, while Social Networking is only viewable by a certain group of people.

For this policy Mensa child members will be deemed to be members in good standing of Australian under the age of 18 years.

RISKS and RISK analysis

The following hazardous scenarios have been identified. The consequences of each hazard

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occurring, are given a rating, either major, serious, minor or insignificant.  Exposure of children to paedophiles, for example by providing a list of child members. Provision of extra data about the children, such as approximate age, location and interests are commonly used by paedophiles to improve their social engineering techniques when approaching children. (Consequences Major)

 Broadcast of material or opinions which are not in Mensa’s best interests. (Consequences Serious)

 Abusive comments, offensive material, spam, bullying, harassment, trolling or discrimination. (Consequences Serious)

 Publishing names and contact details of adult members of Mensa without their consent. (Consequences Serious)

 Ongoing, repeated discussion of an illegal nature or promoting illegal behaviour. (Consequences Minor)

 Increasing the risk of any of the above by a group or account falsely representing itself as restricted to Mensa members or owned by Mensa.

The following table lists a few common characteristics of social media accounts or social networking groups which impact on the likelihood of any of the above hazards occurring. Likelihood is rated from extremely likely, very likely, likely, unlikely to very unlikely.

Characteristic Likelihood of applicable Likelihood of applicable hazard for a media account hazard for a networking group

Appears in a search for Very likely Very likely “Mensa” on Google or in the platform.

Open discussion where Very likely Extremely likely anyone can see all the content

Children and adults in the N/A Very likely to increase risks same group

Unmoderated group with no N/A Very likely recourse to expulsion in the face of complaints

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Closed Facebook group N/A Likely (Mensa in the “About” Section and membership is viewable)

Secret group (cannot be seen N/A Unlikely except by members)

Children in a group N/A Likely

Most other situations N/A Very unlikely

The risk to Mensa posed by a Social Media presence or Networking Group can be estimated by considering the worst hazard and its likelihood, to create an approximate risk level:

Risk Level Table

Extremely Very Likely Likely Unlikely Very Unlikely Likely




Insignificant LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW

ASIEs of Australian Mensa 93 June 2019


 In order to support Australian Mensa’s public profile and to promote Mensa to potential members, an online presence is required. As of 2013, public information about organizations and services is no longer confined to stand alone websites and is now commonly found on social media such as Facebook and Twitter. Mensa must follow the trend in order to provide information and answer questions in the way the public now requires. A good social media presence will support and build a positive public profile of Mensa, reduce the public perception of Mensa as a secret society and advertise the advantages of Mensa membership including conferences, camps and local activities.

 Social Media arrangements are to be in the context of any broader policy for general media communications.

 Social Media communications should be consistent with the aims of Mensa.

 They should not promote the benefit of Mensa members to the detriment of the general community.

 Control of social media accounts, which profess to speak for Australian Mensa, must reside with Mensa. Where it is not possible for Australian Mensa Inc. to own the social media account, it should be owned and administered by an officer of Mensa, or a email address.

 A disclaimer should be posted in the description of each Social Media account or page. It should include: Australian Mensa Inc. has no opinions; any opinion expressed here is the opinion of an individual, not of Australian Mensa Inc.

 In order for a new social media account representing Mensa to be created, it should be approved by the appropriate officer prior to opening the account (see Section 0: Table of Responsible Officers).

 A record of Social Media accounts should be maintained.

 Confidential information, such as personally identifying information about members, or links to such information, shall not be posted on Australian Mensa Social media accounts.

 In order to provide a “stimulating intellectual and social environment”, groups on Facebook and LinkedIn have been established. It is envisaged that other groups and sites may be used in the future.

 Social networking groups provide a number of advantages including enabling new members to meet current members online before taking the difficult step of venturing out to meet Mensans in public. It allows Mensans who are isolated by distance or circumstances to communicate with other Mensans on a daily basis and participate in online discussions, games and make friends online. Separate groups for SIGs and volunteers facilitate easy online conversations and brainstorming.

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 Membership of groups is to be comprised of Mensa members plus other approved non- members (including lapsed members) and partners of members at the discretion of the relevant administrative officer (See Section 5: Responsibilities). For safety reasons, child members should not be admitted to adult groups except with permission from a parent or legal guardian and usually accompanied by a parent or guardian. Parents of child members may be admitted at the discretion of the relevant officer. Only information necessary to identify a member is to be requested. Pseudonyms and nom de plumes used in online groups are to be recorded against the member's entry in the official Mensa database by the officer responsible for the group.

 Administrative Responsibility: the relevant officer or their appointed representative must be an administrator of any officially recognized group.

 A disclaimer should be posted in each discussion group. For adult groups it should include “Any views expressed are not the views of Mensa, but the views of individuals. The events on this page are not official Mensa events unless specifically stated. Some material posted may cause offence. Some material posted may not be suitable for under 18s.”

 A code of conduct should be posted in each discussion group. It should include “Abusive comments are not allowed. Constructive comments are welcome.”

 Approval of new Social Media or Networking entities. Any new entity with the word Mensa or the Mensa logo in a publicly viewable place e.g.: in the title or description, must have approval prior to creation. The relevant approving officer is listed in Section 0.

 Damage control. Despite everyone’s best efforts, sometimes things will go wrong.

 Social Media accounts. In this case the most likely thing to go wrong is broadcast of material or opinions which are not in Mensa’s best interests. Once such a broadcast becomes known, the responsible officer should ensure that the material is either deleted or formally retracted if deletion is not possible or not advisable. If practical, search engine indexing should be updated after the change to erase the blooper as thoroughly as possible. If the issue is on a website, the best way to get Google to re-crawl a website as of October 2013 appears to be its “Submit URL to Index” option in Webmaster tools. (See Site). Alternatively, follow the instructions from Google, for example “Request Removal of a Cached Page”

 Social Networking groups For social networking groups, the most likely things to go wrong are bullying, harassment, discrimination, trolling or people writing abusive comments, offensive material or spam. In the worst cases, some of these issues can be criminal offences and it is important to treat complaints seriously. Following a complaint, the party complained may be either warned or removed. If a flame war is proceeding, the combatants should be removed from the group as soon as possible, as warnings tend to just inflame the situation. After the material which

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caused the issue has been removed (if possible) and a cool down period of 2-7 days, then the responsible officer should decide whether to allow the ejected people back again.

Roles and Responsibilities

Natcom  Provide approval to create any accounts, pages or groups designated high risk on the Risk Level Table (0). This can include temporary accounts or groups. Document the name and administrators’ names of each entity so approved.

 Approve and update this policy to ensure it remains current.

Chairman and/or Recruitment Officer and/or Social Media Officer  Provide approval for any new accounts, groups or pages designated medium risk on the Risk Level Table. Document the name and administrators’ names of each entity so approved.

Responsible officer for a group / account or page or their nominated representative  Decide the composition of any Social Networking group. i.e. whether lapsed members, partners, children or overseas members should be admitted.

 Ensure that group administrators of any Social Networking group are removing any offensive material and warning or removing posters of offensive material as necessary.

 Check the current membership status of members of any group at least once per year and eject people who do not fit the criteria set by the responsible officer in charge of the group.

 Delete the group/account or page if it is no longer necessary and no longer active. Inform the Social Media officer of the deletion.

Editor TableAus  Advertise approved Social Media and Networking entities in TableAus magazine.

Table of Responsible Officers

Risk Level Type (Description) Responsible Officer

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HIGH Permanent Broadcast with external interactions Recruiting Officer or Tableaus and Mensa in the name e.g.: Australian Mensa Editor Twitter Account, Mensa Australia Facebook group.

HIGH Temporary Event related with external State Secretary with interactions and Mensa in the name (e.g.: responsibility for the Event National Conference Event) (Recruiting officer or Tableaus editor?)

HIGH High Risk groups which involve children National GCC, Social Media Officer

HIGH Other high risk groups Social Media officer

MEDIUM Any medium risk group or page A member of Natcom, the Social Media Officer, the Tableaus editor or the SIGs coordinator for SIGs.

MEDIUM Any medium risk group which involves children National or State GCC as applicable.

LOW Any low risk activity A Mensa officer e.g.: The chairperson of a SIG.

Document Control

Version Date Comments Draft 6 October 2013 Initial Draft (MC) 0.1 21 October 2nd Draft (MC) includes risk analysis. 2013 0.2 21 October Correction of spelling and typos (KW) 0.3 27 October Inclusion of Damage Control (MC) 0.4 6 December Inclusion of advantages of Social Media 2013 and Networking (MC)

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Appendix 1. – Currently Approved Social Media Accounts and Pages at 3 February 2019 Risk Account / Page Responsible Officer Administrators Level

HIGH Australian Mensa Recruiting [email protected] on Twitter

HIGH Mensa Australia on Chair Chair Memsec, other natcom Facebook. officers as approved

HIGH TableAus Tableaus editor Editor

Appendix 2. – Currently Approved Social Networking Groups

Facebook Groups Risk Level Responsible Administrators Officer

M in Aus Medium Social Media Chair, Memsec, Recruiting, Social Officer Media Officer

M in Aus Soap Box Medium Social Media Chair, Memsec, Recruiting, Social Officer Media Officer, Malcolm Osborne

M in Vic Medium State State Secretary, Chair, Memsec, Secretary Sight Officer, Michelle Carey, Louise Lambert

M in NSW Medium State State Secretary, Chair, Memsec, Secretary Sight Officer, Geoff Russell, Therese Moodie-Bloom, Dean Taylor

M in ACT Medium State State Secretary, Chair, Memsec Secretary

M in Qld Medium State State Secretary, Chair, Memsec Secretary

M in Tas Medium State State Secretary, Chair, Memsec, Secretary Sight Officer, Deidree McMaster

M in SA Medium State State Secretary, Chair, Memsec, Secretary Sight Officer

M in WA Medium State State Secretary, Chair, Memsec, Secretary Sight Officer, Vanessa Hawthorn

ASIEs of Australian Mensa 98 June 2019

Mensa Parents Australia Medium National GCC Robyn Bailey, Michelle Carey, Facebook group Sarah Henning, Deidree McMaster, Chris Chong, Alan Thompson

Australian Mensa admins Low Memsec Memsec, Mal Osborne discussion group.

M GCCs in Aus Low National GCC Robyn Bailey, Johann Bell, Michelle Carey

M State Secs in Aus Low State Michelle Carey Secretaries

SIG groups High* Recruiting Johann Bell Lego SIG

*Group name contains the word Mensa

LinkedIn Groups Risk Level Responsible Officer Administrators

Mensa Australia High Chairman (? Social Chair, other officers as Media Officer) appointed (group owner is [email protected] )

Facebook Events Risk Level Responsible Administrators Officer

AMC (potentially a new High* State State Secretary, Chair, Memsec, one each year) Secretary AMC Director, other helpers

State events High State State events organisers Secretary

*Restriction to friends of guests reduces risk of trolling and abuse. *Risk to Mensa is restricted by

Web Forum on Risk Responsible Officer Administrators Level

Parents of Gifted Children High National GCC National GCC Group

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Appendix 3. Rules of The M in Aus group M in Aus Group Rules. Please read these before joining the group so you know what to expect.

This is a group for all members of Mensa in Australia who have a Facebook account, so there may be members as young as 13 in this group.

It's a place for discussion, debate, meeting Mensans from other states and posting event photos with permission from everyone in the photo, of course!

Disclaimer The views expressed here are not the views of Mensa Australia, but are the views of the individuals. The events on advertised on this page are not official Mensa events, unless otherwise stated.

Material posted that may cause offence or may not be suitable for under 18s should not be posted in this group but in our Adult discussion group

Code Of Conduct Abusive comments, offensive material, spam, bullying or discrimination are not allowed. Civilized debate is encouraged.

Any post deemed unsuitable for this group may be removed without, with the suggestion to repost it in the M in Aus Soapbox group.

Any group member who acts inappropriately will be given a warning by the administrators; if their behaviour does not improve, they will be removed from the group.

Please… Respect each other There are endless differing opinions. We ask that you respect other people's opinions and be polite when discussing all topics. No matter what you think there's never any reason why a difference of opinion can’t be shared in a respectful and polite way.

Participate! Jump in and start posting. It's fun to 'lurk' and read old threads, especially when you first join our group with a glass of your fave beverage, but you'll have a much more rewarding experience when you participate and build friendships. Civilized discussion is encouraged.

Say thanks The collective experience and wisdom of the people in our community is simply astonishing. If someone helps you out or points you in the right direction, it’s always nice to just say thanks and hand out the warm and fuzzies.

Our team of Administrators generously donate their time and we like to give them the recognition they deserve. The Administrators for this group are available by clicking on the Members link, then selecting admins. Thiese will usually include the current Chairman, Membership Secretary and Social Media officer.

ASIEs of Australian Mensa 100 June 2019 If you have any questions or need help, they are your first port of call.

Think and LOOK before you leap If you read a post that instantly rankles you, take a minute or two to have a think about your next step. Bashing out an emotive post instantly doesn’t always end that well and sometimes we all just need to take a few minutes out before responding.

Don’t…. Abuse others, spam, or post material inciting discrimination or hatred on the grounds of race, religion, gender or sexual orientation. Bullying and trolling are not allowed. Keep to civilized discussion and refrain from repeated lectures on your pet topic (if in doubt, check this flowchart : If you’re wondering how we define bullying, go to the Australian Mensa Social Media Policy Appendix 5, Bullying and Bystanders. (see below)

Breaching these group rules will result a warning by a moderator in the group in the first instance. If a group member breaks the rules again, a moderator may ban them from the group for a maximum of one month. Further action if needed will be decided by Natcom and can involve a ban from the group for up to 5 years.

Breaches of the group rules should be reported to an administrator with full details of the breach (

Further details of the roles of group administrators, how they are appointed and consequences of false complaints to administrators are in the Australian Mensa Social Media Policy.

Joining the Group and Current Membership Current Mensa Australia membership is verified when joining this group. If you are an Australian Mensa member using your real name, you don't need to worry about verifying it. Just request to join, & the group Admins will find you in the membership database.

Australian Members using a pseudonym and Members of Mensa in Other Countries You will need an external verification method. The most reliable method is to send one of the admins a message from the Mensa International Members' Area.

You will need to be logged into the Mensa International website and perform a Member search on the admins names

All current members of Mensa should have access or can register for access here

To join the group, include in your message your Facebook name and a link to your Facebook account. The admin will then ask you to request admission to the group and you will be admitted. Australian members are not currently automatically registered at the Mensa International Members' Area.

Appendix 4 Administrator and moderator roles in large social networking groups such as the M in Aus group (>200 people).

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Breaches of the group rules should be reported to an administrator with full details of the breach. The admins of the M in Aus group are at

Roles In Facebook, the administrators of the groups have two roles: to admit or refuse members and to maintain discussions in the group within the group rules.

Appointment of admins. At least two administrators should have access to the current membership list of Australian Mensa (or the relevant part of it) in order to admit or refuse membership. These administrators should be appointed by the responsible officer.

At least two further admins are needed to primarily cover the moderation role, but there is no reason not to have more – up to about 1 moderator per 75 group members or even more.

Powers of the admins. Any admin on their own may suspend a member of the group for a severe or quickly escalating breach of group rules for a period of up to 48 hours. If the breach is deemed severe enough or the recovery of the group important enough by a majority of the admins who vote within the 48 hour period, the timeout will be extended for up to a week. In less time sensitive cases, following a complaint the admins will discuss the situation and come to a majority decision about whether to warn, suspend or remove a group member. To facilitate this decision, an special admin group is recommended. If the complaint is about one of the admins, then that admin should be removed from the admin group for the duration of the decision making about the complaint.

If someone breaks the rules repeatedly, they may be permanently banned from the group.

To avoid defamation of group members the admins should limit announcement of removal of a group member to the fact that they are no longer in the group. On reinstatement of the group member, the same applies. The admins must explain the nature and severity of the breach of the rules to any group member who has broken group rules. It is unlikely that any rule breaker will agree that they have broken the group rules, but they may be persuaded to refrain from the particular behaviour which resulted in the breach of the rules in future.

Appendix 5. Bullying and Bystander Policy Online bullying is real and pervasive. Mensa has a responsibility to ensure that online bullying is not tolerated in our community and all Mensa members share in that responsibility. We ask that all members familiarise themselves with this Bullying and Bystander Policy and reflect on how they can ensure that our community remains a happy and safe place for all members.

Bullying usually involves more than one person. The bully or bullies themselves and bystanders.

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Bystanders can contribute to the bullying, but can also play a vital role in the cessation of the bullying.

How does a bully behave in the context of online communities? Posting using mocking, taunting, abusive or just plain nasty language aimed at one person or a group of people.∙ Using inflammatory language about someone or their post/s.∙ Making insinuations about someone in a post.∙ Making someone feel excluded, ignored or “ganged up” upon.∙ Sending private messages to a person who has asked them not to send them private messages.∙ Sending abusive private messages to an individual or group of people.

How does a bystander behave in the context of online communities? Negative bystander behaviour that encourages or reinforces the bullying includes: Being an “assistant” who joins in and assists the bully∙ Being a “reinforcer” who does not actively attack the victim but gives positive feedback to the bully, providing an audience by encouraging the bully. Being an “outsider” who stays “out of it”, not taking sides with anyone or becoming involved, but allowing the bullying to continue by their “silent approval” without taking any action i.e. notifying a moderator of the thread.

Positive bystander behaviour that can discourage the bullying includes: Being a “defender” who can comfort the victim, express a shared point of view with them and try to stop the bullying.∙ Reporting the bullying to an appropriate figure i.e. Moderator, Administrator or Natcom member We expect all Mensa members to exhibit positive bystander behaviour in situations when bullying is happening. To help you understand how you can help prevent bullying, here are some scenarios for you to consider.

Scenario 1: A member posts an inflammatory post in an open thread on a sensitive topic for the thread’s author. Some other members have started commenting directly to the inflammatory post and chances are the thread is getting out of hand and the thread’s author is going to be offended by the inflammatory post. What should you do? Do not: Add your opinion. Bullies thrive on attention and the more responses they get the more satisfaction they will get. Do not: Send a private message to the bully, assistants or reinforcers telling them to stop. This will result in you getting drawn into conflict and could result in you being accused of bullying yourself. Do: Post a comment in the thread with words to the effect of “I think this discussion is getting out of hand and everyone should stop posting for a while” OR Alert an admin to a problem that may need attention.

Scenario 2: You receive a nasty PM from another group member. You aren’t sure what to do about it. Do not: Respond to the PM with more nastiness or respond to the substance of the PM. Do not: Get drawn into a long exchange of PMs. Do: Respond to the PM with message to the effect that “I don’t want to respond to this message. Please do not PM me again or I will report this behaviour to the Ombudsman”.

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Do: If you feel that the PM is sufficiently nasty or abusive and you don’t wish to reply or handle it on your own anymore, immediately notify the Ombudsman via private message for further action.

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Appendix 9 - Complaints Procedure The following was written by former Ombudsman, Des Lyons, in 2007 and is in need of a review

1. Definition: Complaint includes pejorative assertions and anything which the victim would resent if untrue.

2 It is hoped that Mensans are willing to stand up and be counted. This means that they will observe the rules of natural justice, and confront the accused.

3. If you are not willing to confront the accused, no complaint should be made.

4. When claiming to speak on behalf of anyone else, the complainant should provide the accused with evidence, in writing, of his authority, so to speak. Failing that, the accused is entitled to disregard the complaint and/or to object to its presentation.

5. Do not claim to have unidentified support. To say that a letter is confidential while using it for a complaint is quite improper. If your correspondent intends you to make a complaint, so be it, but this means that the letter is not confidential. If you are not meant to disclose the letter, then it is confidential and should not be used for a complaint.

6. The complaint should particularized. Observe the legal form required in prosecutions. In a legal prosecution, the offence is particularized, ie, it does not state, eg, “stealing”, but specifies the time and place and what was stolen sufficiently to enable the defendant to know with what he is charged. An officer, for instance, has no duty to reply to a vague charge of being “dictatorial”. The complaint should state what conduct is involved. Note that failure to comply with paras 5 and 6 amounts to a whispering campaign, especially undesirable in Mensa.

7. It must be remembered that in clubs and societies the process may be envisioned may be more akin to a criminal investigation conducted by a French court, in which the details may be filled in as the case proceeds, so all this should be interpreted with commonsense, but always the accused should be treated with fairness, according to the principles of natural justice.

8. Remember that a complainant must have status, ie, he must have a legitimate interest in the matter of complaint. Also, depending on the response of the accused, AdCom should first determine whether the complaint should be heard at all, or whether it is vexatious or frivolous.

9. In this, the author has considered it best not to codify these rules rigidly. In the ordinary way, it is possible to conduct Mensa business without detailed rules, and without rumours (whether unfounded or not) circulating. Recent experience suggests that this state of affairs may not be expected to continue indefinitely without regulation. This is why this code has been suggested. If and when it proves insufficient it will be time to

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frame more formal regulations, and experience in the meantime may dictate measures to be taken.

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Appendix 10 - Risk policy

To be developed

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Appendix 11 – Position Descriptions All Mensa positions are unpaid volunteer positions with the exception of the editor, who receives a nominal honorarium.

Adcom and Natcom are elected Voting positions and the Returning Officer is the only other elected position.

The remaining national volunteer positions are appointed, either by the Adcom member responsible or for some designated positions by Natcom as a whole.

The follow chart designates the reporting structure of AMI. Natcom members are indicated in BOLD

Draft only - Under development

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Chairman Overview  Member of AdCom and NatCom.

Appointment  Elected for a term of 2 years beginning in July of odd number years by entire membership.

Positions  Chief elected officer and CEO  Member and chairman of AdCom and NatCom  National representative on the International Board of Directors for Mensa  Member of Investment Committee, managing Richard Johns Bequest  Usually an ex officio member of most subcommittees.

Responsibilities (some are shared with other officers)  Overall responsibility for the organisation, its brand and reputation and strategic direction  Chairing of Adcom, NatCom and AGM, including agendas and minutes (with Memsec)  Adcom and NatCom online meetings and voting  Volunteers—applications, appointments/recommendations and reporting  Signature for bank accounts and contracts, holds common seal  Official publisher of TableAus. Ensures official notices are timely (with editor and returning officer). Write Chairtalk each issue.  Communication and obligations between Australian Mensa and Mensa International  Supervise office worker (with Memsec)  Create/maintain/publish official documents (with NatCom).  Signs membership and Test result certificates

Additional  May be appointed to international boards or committees  Involvement with and responsibility for social media groups, Mensa website and Mensa emails.

Time required (minimums)  An hour or more most days on emails, website, magazine articles, reports etc.  10 working days and 3 weekends (possibly more) as National Representative at IBD and Asian Mensa Gathering and for AMC  Additional time at busy periods and for special projects.  Participation in Adcom and Natcom discussions and voting on-line

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Membership Secretary Overview  Member of AdCom and NatCom.

Appointment  Elected for a term of 2 years beginning in July of odd number years by entire membership.

General responsibilities  Maintains the membership register (including) —The ‘red book’—a hand written list of new members —‘White cards’—the cards filled in before a test or psych application — The database program  Maintains the Testing Summaries as supplied by the Consulting Psychologist  Supervises the office worker and approves work hours  Responds to membership verification requests for —SIGS, web logins, Mensa emails, Facebook etc. —Transfers to and from Australia —SIGHT requests  Approve member rejoin requests  Set up Mensa email redirections  With Treasurer and Chairman, is a signatory to bank accounts  Check emails and respond to membership requests  Ensure mailing list for TableAus is sent to printers  Co-sign membership certificates with Chairman.  Regularly update the Current Membership List (CML) on Australian Mensa website  Regularly upload the member list to Mensa International website,

Other requirements  Internet connection  Some filing space for documents  Sufficient space for white card boxes (several metres of shelf space).

Time requirements  Several hours per week.

Travel and meetings  Attendance at Australian Mensa Conference usually held October or November. Arrival on Wednesday for Adcom meeting on Thursday, Natcom meeting on Friday and Saturday and AGM on Sunday.  Attendance at additional Adcom or Natcom meetings. These are usually held online.  Participation in Adcom and Natcom discussions and voting on-line

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Recruiting Officer Overview  Member of AdCom and NatCom.

Appointment  Elected for a term of 2 years beginning in July of odd number years by entire membership.

General responsibilities  Recruiting includes responsibility for testing applicants, although the actual testing is done by proctors  Publicity and Marrketing are also under the jurisdiction of the RO  The Gifted Children’s program is the responsibility of the RO.  Co-signs Test result certificates with chairman

Specific responsibilities

Other requirements  Internet connection  Some filing space for documents

Time requirements  10-20 hrs/week+.

Travel and meetings  Attendance at Australian Mensa Conference usually held October or November. Arrival on Wednesday for Adcom meeting on Thursday, Natcom meeting on Friday and Saturday and AGM on Sunday.  May attend appropriate international meetings on Marketing and testing.  Attendance at additional Adcom or Natcom meetings. These are usually held online.  Participation in Adcom and Natcom discussions and voting on-line

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Treasurer Overview  Member of AdCom and NatCom.

Appointment  Elected for a term of 2 years beginning in July of odd number years by entire membership.

General responsibilities  The Treasurer is responsible for the finances of Australian Mensa including o Mundane tasks (bills and claims, MYOB). Works with office worker on these tasks. o Statutory tasks (BAS, tax records and payments, MIL) to o Complex tasks (cashflow, budget, annual statements and audit, overseeing the progress of our investment portfolio). o  Sets good financial governance principles and ensures they are applied in all Mensa activities.  Member of Investment Committee, managing Richard Johns Bequest  Signature to all bank accounts  As a member of the Board (NatCom) and of AdCom, the Treasurer attends meetings and discussions held online or in person, contributes and votes on any issue before the Board and reports to the membership annually.

Other requirements  Internet connection  Some filing space for documents

The following personal attributes are highly desirable:  Active member of Mensa, with regular involvement in activities and having held prior positions within Mensa, preferably on NatCom  Experience with bookkeeping and MYOB software and knowledge of accounting principles  Experience in drafting source material for financial statements and tax returns and reviewing the final documents  Good understanding of investment products, including shares, and cash flow management  Capable of meaningful interaction with banks, investment advisers and auditors  Capable of advising and guiding NatCom in all financial matters, including governance. Two detailed procedure manuals have been created to help new Treasurers settle into the job.

Time requirements  Several hours per week for attending to emails, approving claims  Additional time at end of month for reconciliation of accounts

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 At the busy time of year (July to November) several hours are required most days.

Travel and meetings  Attendance at Australian Mensa Conference usually held October or November. Arrival on Wednesday for Adcom meeting on Thursday, Natcom meeting on Friday and Saturday and AGM on Sunday.  Attendance at additional Adcom or Natcom meetings. These are usually held online.  Participation in Adcom and Natcom discussions and voting on-line

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Immediate Past Chair Overview  Member of AdCom and NatCom.

Appointment  Appointed ex-officio for 6 months following election of a new Chairman unless  Removed as chair by a vote of no confidence  Served less than 12 months as Chair  May opt out by not accepting appointment or resigning before 6 months is completed

General responsibilities  Advising new chairman on roles, procedures and responsibilities

Time requirements  Minimal.

Travel and meetings  Attendance at Australian Mensa Conference usually held October or November. Arrival on Thursday for Adcom meeting on Friday, Natcom meeting on Saturday and AGM on Sunday.  Attendance at additional Adcom or Natcom meetings. These are usually held online.  Participation in Adcom and Natcom discussions and voting on-line

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State Secretary Overview  Member of NatCom.

Appointment  Elected for a term of 2 years beginning in July of even number years by membership in own state only.

General responsibilities  Organising events, managing members in own state  Admin for state Facebook group  Publishing a regular newsletter  Ensuring the state has proctors available to carry out testing.  Find and work with a state Gifted Childrens Coordinator  May appoint a subcommittee or other officers to help with specific duties eg  Newsletter editor  Events organizer  New member welcoming  Specific age group coordinators

Time requirements  2-5 hrs/week+.

Travel and meetings  Attendance at Australian Mensa Conference usually held October or November. Arrival on Thursday for Natcom meeting on Friday and Saturday and AGM on Sunday.  Attendance at additional Natcom meetings. These are usually held online.  Participation in Natcom discussions and voting on-line

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Returning Officer Overview  An elected but Non voting officer (Can not be a member of NatCom)

Appointment  Elected for a term of 2 years beginning in July of even number years by entire membership

General responsibilities  Administers elections of officials, referenda on the constitution and Votes of No confidence  Ensuring calls for nominations for Adcom and Natcom elections are published in TableAus in a timely manner  Checking candidates’ paperwork and membership status  Declaring candidates elected unopposed or running an election as appropriate.  Approval of ballot papers  Setting up on-line voting  Recording results of on-line and postal voting and declaring results of election.  Ensuring elections are run according to the rules

Time requirements  Minimal except during an election period, then several hours per week.

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Ombudsman Overview  Non voting officer (Can not be a member of NatCom)

Appointment  Appointed for 6 years terms in blocks starting from 1982, Current term ends 2018  In the event an ombudsman does not complete a 6 year term, the replacement initially serves out the remainder of that term.

General responsibilities  Acts as a mediator in disputes between members and/or officers , when these can not be otherwise resolved  Gathers information from both parties and other sources.  Consults the relevant documents, such as the Constitution, Standing Orders, Actions Still In Effect and Australian Mensa Policies  Reports findings and conclusions to NatCom and the parties involved.

Other requirements  A legal or mediation background  Familiarity with constitution, Standing orders and ASIEs  Email and internet  Police Clearance

Time requirements  Generally minimal, but if a dispute arises the time that may be required is dependant on the complexity of the issue.

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Public Officer Overview  Non voting officer (Can be a member of NatCom)

Appointment  Appointed by Chairman subject to NatCom acceptance  No term limit.

General responsibilities  This is an official position required for an incorporated body  Must be a resident of South Australia  May (rarely) receive corresponence from SA Government  Will need to inform SA Government of any change to our Constitution

Time requirements  Generally minimal.

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Editor Overview  Non voting officer  Paid an honorarium for each issued of Tableaus published  Can not be a member of NatCom

Appointment  Appointed by Chair with approval of NatCom as and when required  No specific term is enforced

General responsibilities  Produces Tableaus as a bi monthly Glossy Magazine  Arranges printing and distribution  Publishes official notifications  Publishes articles, letters, puzzles etc from Officers, members and others

Other requirements  A familiarity with publishing software and design is expected

Time requirements  Significant as the deadline for each publication approaches.

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