
1 r









The following Lists appear to have been drawn up in accordance with instructions to the Episcopalian Curates of Galloway and to furnish Nominal Rolls of all persons, male or female, over the age of 12 years, resident within their respective parishes—grouped according to their residences, farms and house- " holds, and specially indicating such as were irregular," that is non-conforming. The.author of "The Hereditary Sheriffs of Galloway," Vol. II.,

p. 139, refers to the extreme leniency exercised by the Curates in their reports. A Summary is appended showing the apparent number of persons over 12 years of age, -and the very small number reported " " or as irregular "recusant." (Appendix I.) Statistical allowance has not been made in this Summary for such facts as that the Curate of Port Patrick mentions by name " merely the head of the household, adding and his wife and family and servants," and further, it is by no means certain that Roman Catholics were not specially exempted from this Census. The Lists, with the exception of that of Port Patrick, appear to have been carefully drawn up, and to have been complete so far as and Minnigaff Parish were concerned. Wodrow, "Sufferings of the Church," Vol. II., Book III., pp. 316-317, refers to the Porteous Rolls of earlier date, and quotes

a paper which was sent to the Clergy headed : — "Lists of the Things to be done by the Minister in each Parish, 1683," wherein they are called upon to "Give a full and

complete Roll of all within the Parish." (See Appendix II.) The following Lists, however, apparently conformed to a supplementary order of later date, possibly issued by John Grahame of Claverhouse, who had been appointed Sheriff of " Wigtownshire, and later received Commission of Justiciary and extraordinar Commission." (See Register of the Privy Council, 1683, third series, Vol. VIII., p. 44.) Through the courtesy of Sir Andrew Agnew, Baronet of Lochnaw, I was permitted to make transcripts of these Lists, but as Introduction.

I was engaged on medical duties at the time, my transcription was necessarily very hurriedly done. I offered the transcripts to the Scottish Record Society for publication, subject to my proviso that my work should be checked by competent authority, and I suggested the name of Mr. John MacLeod, to whose revision and corrections this publication owes its value. Delay in the carrying out of these arrangements was occasioned by the outbreak of war, which has also prevented my going into the subject in as much detail as I should have liked. Most grateful thanks are due to Sir Andrew Agnew for the loan of the original Lists for transcription and reproduction by photography, and to Mr. John MacLeod, who, as is his custom where the Society's Publications are concerned, has most kindly given the Society the benefit of his valuable assistance free of charge. For the benefit of those who may desire in any particular instance to refer to the original, it may be stated that a series of photographs of the documents in facsimile has been deposited in the Historical Department, H.M. Register House. WILLIAM SCOT.

15 Claremont Crescent, . Introduction.



Parish. b Introduction.


Wodrow's "Sufferings of the Church," Vol. II., Book III., p. 317. " To prepare Matters for the Circuits, and make the Persecution as extensive as might be, the Clergy are engaged and were most ready to give their utmost Assistance. " I have before me a paper dispersed among them, and Copies sent to every Congregation.

" ; What time it was given the Curates, I cannot say : but tis probable that it was spread in the time of the forming of the Rolls. Whether it was spread the Orders or from the I not but the by Bishops' came Council, know ; Episcopal Ministers were very willing to fulfil it in all its Parts, and were most useful to the Clerks in making up the Rolls. " The title of the paper is : —

" ' LIST OF THINGS to be done by the Minister in each Parish, 1683. "'That the Ministers give in upon Oath a List of their Sessioners, their Clerks and Bellman, of Withdrawers from the Church, and Noncommunicants. "'That to their Knowledge they give Account of all Disorders and Rebellions, and who are guilty of them, Heritors or others. " ' That they give a full and complete Roll of all within the Parish. " 'That they give a particular list of all the Heritors. " 'That all Women who are Delinquents, be given up as well as Men. "'That they give Account of all Persons who have gone out of their Parishes, and the Reasons of this withdrawing. "'That they give up particular Accounts of Fugitives, their Wives or Widows within the Parish, and all Resetters of them, and of Chapmen and Travellers.

" ' That they declare who are the People in their Parishes who can give the best Account of all these Particulars, besides their Sessioners, that such may be brought'6 ' in and examined.'

"This last clause seems plainly to refer to the Examination of the Circuit Clerks, when they came about, accordingly to the Council's Instructions, to receive Information and make up the Rolls. "• Xo Remarks need be made upon these Demands made upon every Curate in Parish are as also their every ; they plain enough, Design." Parish Lists


Wigtownshire and Minnigaff, 1684.

Notk. —Names printed in italics arc deleted in original.

A LIST of the Names wt.in the Parishe of GLASTOUN () 15th October 1684. Arbrick. KlDDISDAILL. Clavmodie. William Donaldsone. David Steuart. Holland McLellan. Florence McAdam. Margrat Muir. Elison McLellan. Janet Donaldson. Geo. Steuart. Jon. McLellan, yor. Jean Donaldson. Janet Shank. Jon. Livingston. Alexr. Hanna. Adam McKonnell. Margrat McLellan. Jeane Shaw. Janet Fie. Janet Livingston. Cristian Sloan. Agnes Livingston. Cottars. Alexr. Steuart. William Hardie. William Bell. Janet Burnie. Janet McNab. Katharin Houston. Rot. Steuart. Will. Hardie, yor. Alexr. McArmick. Janet McMillan. Jean Hardie. Elizabeth Steuart. Jon. Sic. Sarah Hardie. Hardie. Jon. McLockie. Margrat Margrat Robert. Cottars. Jon. Majorie. Patrik McAndlish. Janet Shankler. Andrew Shanke. Janet Whandle. Cristian Coning. Elison Herron. Geo. Shanke. A ROW. Cottars. Shanke. William McAndlish. James William Steuart. Bradfoot. McTutor. Janet Janet Whirter. McLellan. Will. McKechie. Margrat Margrat Janet Hanna. Janet Coning. Will. Hanna. Alexr. McKechie. Challochrlewax. Rot. Hanna. Jon. McKawin. Hanna. . Steuart. Cristian Agnes James Coning. Agnes Bardie. Jon. McKawin, yor. Rot. Steuart. McKawin. Pheisgill. James Agnes Steuart. Steuart. Hanna. - Arsick. Jon. Jon. Agnes Steuart. Elspeth Broun - Nicol Donan. . Tho. Steuart. Grizell Hardie. Katharin Clanach in. Agnes Steuart. Rot. McKie, Jon. Donan. Esther Steuart. Cristian McTutor. Agnes Donan. Elizabeth Forrest. William McKie. Jon. Dicksone. Thomas Bairns. Michael Hanna. Agnes Malroy. Jean Quibesone. Agnes Dicksone. Gilkesone. Agnes Janet Hanna. Janet Crerie. Hanna Cottars. Elspeth

Cottars. William Kinney. , Cottars. Patrik Coition. Janet Steuart. Jean Barthrome. Elspeth Dormant. Jon. McTutor. Jean Clellan. Andrew McAndlish. Agnes Connell. Jon. Malbratnie. Janet Keith. Margrat McKie. [anet Hanna. Jon. Steuart. Margrat Knox. Elspeth Reid^ Margrat Quibesone. Ka. Bradfoot 8 Parish Lists of Wigtownshire and Minnigaff, 1684.

Glaston Cottars. Janet Dunse. Dicksone. Mr. James Baillie. William Parker. Janet Robert McKie. Agnes Thornton. Margrat Parker. Smith. Jean Hanna. Adam Coning. Jean McAndlish. Hellin Margrat McKie. Jon. Millaghen. McKie. Margrat Davidson Janet Elizabeth Hardie. Lagan. Jon. Coning. Ninian Malduff. Aplebie. Katharin Culloch. Hardstons. Agnes Jon. Parker. Jon. Cuninghame. Ninian Malduff, Barbarie Kevan. yor. Agnes Connell. Malduff. Michael Kevan. Agnes Jon. Malhenshe. Margrat Malduff. Adam Dicksone. William Malduff. Janet Guffock. KlRKLAND OF GLASTON. Cairns. J Janet Andrew l erker. William Tutor. William Shank. Grizell Fleming. Cairlie. Catharin McAndlish. Margrat Elspeth Dinnell. Alexr. Shank. Flore Carthnay. Jon. Majorie. Cairletone. Janet Coning. Nicolas Shank. Margrat Carthnay. Jon. McLellan. Patrik Maxuell. Jon. Laurie. Pa. McLellan. Sloan. Margret Culloch. Elspeth Margrat McLellan. Elspeth Bradfoot. Andrew McLellan. Grizell Maxuell. McKulloch. Anthon Steuart. Godfrey Culloch. Hills. Barbarie Kinnell. Janet Clellan. William Coning. Sloan. Margrat Jon. McCeldrah. Margrat McKminne. Margrat William Culloch. David Cluir. Cottars. Andrew Sloan. Janet Clellan. Jon. Coning. Hellin Steuart. Margrat Coning. Jean Culloch. McLellan. Gilbert Gordon. Agnes Maxuell. William Dinnell. Michael Sloan. Janet Margrat Wallace. Thomas Laurie. Cottars. Janet Gimpsie. Marion Malmyne. Cottars. Hendrie Malhensh. Janet Malmyne. Jardine. Alexr. aid in. Euphame J Gilkesone. Issobell McAndlish. Jon. Craichdou. Christian Coning. Christian Hanna. Maxuell. Patrik Christian. Clellan. Janet Janet Grizell - Agnew. Andrew Shilling. Skeglae. Patrik McDuff. Janet Lindsay. Grizell Shilling. Duncan McMillan. Jon. McKie. Agnes McMurran. Patrik McKie. Margrat Maxuell. Cottars. Ruchan. Alexr. Crumb. Georg Coning. Culloch. Rot. Steuart. Craiglemyne. Janet Grizell Maxwell. Janet Coning. Grizell Jon. Coning. Jon. Malroy. Coning. William Janet Kechie. Agnes Knibloch. Coning. Katharin Sloan. Jon. McArmik. Agnes McAndlish. Neilsone. James Malroy Grizell Cullan. Janet McKcrumb. Jon. McArmick, yor. Patrik Quinzean. Jon. Margrat McArmike. Alexr. Quinzean. Janet Mcilroy. Andrew Dunse. Janet Malroy. Gilbert Fullerton. Malhenshe. Margrat Maxuell. Janet Quinzean. Grizell Fullerton Joh. Dunse. Jon. Chrystie. Janet William Dunse. Janet McKinnell. Jon. Malhensh. Janet Broun. Patrik Dicksone. Jean Campbell. Parish Lists of Wigtownshire and Minnigaff, 1684. 9

Carendoun. Janet Culloch. Jon. McLellan. Patrik Crumb. Sarah Thomson. Patrik Maxuell. Crumb. William Clellan. Hellin McKinnell Magrat Broune. Rot. Coltrone. Alexr. Maxuell. Jon. Janet Kinnell. Issobell McKie. Hellin Maxuell. Rot. Broune. Jon. Thomson. Will. Coning. Broune. Grizell Thomsone. Malhensh. Janet Janet Margrat Carsane. Janet Thomson. Janet Fullertone. Jon. Perker. Janet Whirlie. Janet Wallace. Janet Kie. Cottars. Alexr. Mc Kulloch. McKulloch. Alexr. McKelway. Elspeth Alexr. McKinnell. Barvanick. Janet Carssan. Elizabeth Wallace. Alexr. McKelway, yor. Jon. McKinnell. Robert Elspeth McKelway. Coning. Janet Malhensh. Jon. McKinnell. Elspeth Malmyne. Alexr. McKinnell. Cristian Janet McLaughlane. Coning. Margrat McKinnell. Alexr. Crumb. Jon. Bod an. William Steuart Maxuell Mary rat Brad foot. Grizell Coning. Janet Steuart. Andrew Margrat Martin. Campbell. Janet Coning. Hanna. Cottars. Garerie. Janet Alexr. McHallome. William Fie. Blairbuy. McKinnell. Donaldsone. Agnes Janet Jean Crumb. Janet Fie. Alexr. Fullertoun. Jon. McArmick. McLokie. Janet Hendersone. Jon. Janet McArmick. Janet Clugslon. Alexr. Fullerton. Henrie Maxuell. 1 Margrat Fullerton. Margrat Sprot. I William Henderson. Drumodie. Elizabeth Maxuell. Agnes Paterson. Rot. McKulloch. Patrik McKie. Herron. Barmeall. Katharin Guie. Margrat Grizell McKulloch. Arch bald McKie. Alexr. Kulloch. Nicol Culloch. Adam McKie. McKie. Janet Coning. ! Margrat McKornoch. Janet David Maxuell. Andrew McKulloch. William McKie. Agnes Dunbar. Grizell McKulloch. Issobell McKie.

Maxuell. • Archibald McKie. Janet Margrat Kaeg. Issobell Maxuell. Margrat McWilliam. Janet McHarg. Agnes Maxuell. Archibald Gowan. Jon. Maxuell. William Gowan. Margrat Lilburne. Balcraig. William Park. Margrat Maxuell. Alexr. McDowall. William Parke, yor. Alexr. Conchie. Jean Diksone. Agnes Parke. Conchie. Marion Parke. Elspeth Janet McDowall. Conchie. William Fie. Janet Janet Broun. Parke. Jon. Halthorne. Jean Stelloch. Agnes Coition. Andrew McKulloch. Alexr. Halthorne. Janet McKculloch. Jon. McNarrine. Grizell Coltron. Margrat Kechie Katharin Clellan. Jon. Gilkesone. Ravinston. Fie. Margrat Gilkeson. Jon. Halthorne. Rot. Steuart of Ravinston. Janet Gilkeson. Janet Alexr. Fie. Marion Lindsay. Catharin Culloch. Andrew Gentleman. Milton of Muirreith. Rolland Thomson. David Arrot. William McKinnell. Alexr. Thomson. Janet Hardie. Janet Logan. Agnes Fie. H end rie Guffock. William McAndlish. Grizell Thomson Janet McLymond. io Parish Lists of Wigtownshire and Mirinigajf\ 1684.

Grenane. Patrik Guffock. Janet Markie. Mary Guffock. Rot. Bae, yor. Jeane Wallace. James McGuffock. Elspeth Bae. William McLellan. Janet McKulloch. Jean Bae. Margrat McTyre. James Steuart. William Crachan. Agnes Shilling. Elizabeth McMillan. Margaret Bae. Jon. Herrone. Jon. Steuart. Alexr. Malhensh. Janet McTyre. Janet Steuart. Jeane McKie. William Malroy. Robert Bae. Jon. Malhenshe. Janet Clellan.

This is a true list giwen in this 15th Octor. 1684 at Wigton by Mr. Ja. Baillie.

I declair ther is no irregular or disorderly person within the parish of Glassertoun but all of them comes to Church according to my knowledge as witnes thir pnts. subtt. wt. my hand day and place forsd. Mr. Ja. Baillie.

ANE EXACTE ROLL, containing the names of the Parishoners of GLENLUCE.

Jon. Murchie. And. Dougane. Janet McMorland his Janet Thomson, his C'ULFASSEN. vyfe refus : depont. spouse. elder. Alexr. Dougan. Jon. Wallace, Wm. his Gillespie. Marion Steiven, his Janet son, vyfe. Wallace, spouse. Jon. younger. Jon. Smithe. Grissel Mcllweine, his Janet McUthrame, refuse Machermor. vyfe. depont. Andro Broadfitt. Jon. Dalrymple, n. Marion McCome. Jean Wallace, his spouse. Anna Kennedie, his Jon. Smith, younger. Marion Wallace. McDowall. spouse. McKraken. Jon. Marion Calderwood. Jon. his his Janet McBrair, spouse. Mcdoual. Agnas Willson, vyfe. Anthon McCraken. James McDoruall in Issobel his James Catharin McKraken, his McDowal, Machrimor. spouse. vyfe. Marion McGuffocke, his Jon. Torbrane. Jon. McKraken. spouse. Janet Peirie. Alex. McBryde. James McDoual^ h. Marion r.d. Janet Hieron, his vyfe. Achenmalgl. McGuffock, his Alexr. n. Janet . Mcbryde, Mcdowall, Tho. McChlerie. daughter. Marg. Magill, n. Morisone. Jon. Murchie. Janet Ard. McKennan. McChlerie. Janet McChlerie. Wm. Cath. Roddie. Andro McMiken. Marion McCubine, his Pat. McKie. Jon. McKraken. spouse, Bar. Coskri. Isobel McCarlie, his Jon. McCubin. Jon. Torbran. spouse. James Mcgoune. Mary Hannay. Androu Dougan and Marion Templeton. his Alexr. McDowall. his vyfe. vyfe. Margaret McGill. Umpha McKraken. Andro McKennan. Challeckmund. Mary Morison, his Cathrin Roddick, his spouse. Jon. Roddie. . Z vyfe. . .„.. ' Alexr. Hanney. Issob. Morison, his vyfe. Pat McKie. Janet McKernie. Alexr. M'Craken. Barbara: Coskrie, .hi s v y fe.

• Jon. Dougan, Marion McChlerie, his Jon. Torbran. ; Gilb. Dougan, his sone. vvfe. m 3 Mary Hannay, his vyfe./ Parish Lists of Wigtownshire and Minnigaff, 1684. 1 1

F"OORDSOUTH. Andrew Torbran. Knock, his Tho. Morison. Marg. Craick, vyfe. Jon. McCraken. Wm. Adair. Mary Somerwel, his Agnes Killpatrike. his spouse. Janet Craick, vyfe. Patt. McCraken, younger. Wm. Broune. Alexr. McCulliam. Hellen McCraken. Alexr. McCulliam. Jon. McBryd. Wm. McCraken. Janet Gounes. Tho. McCraken. Jon. Mcdowall. KlLLFILLEN. Issob. McGuffock, his Dirnen. Jon. Torbran. vyfe. Marion McGuffock. Charles Stewart. Androw *Jean Ross. Shinenous. Torbran and Pat. McCulziame. Janet Craike. Tho. McKie. Marion Dorment. Rott. Martine. Catharin Peirie. Margt. Dicke. Gilbert McKail. Andro. McCraken. Anabagleish. Helen his McKie, spouse. Mrgt. McCubin. Alexr. Marion McGeorge. Ingles. Jon. Maver and his Wm. Tho. McKie. McClymont. family. *Janet McCraken, his Wm. McLumpha. Robt. Maver. McKraken. spouse. Janet Jean McCubin. elder. Jon. McKail, Jon. McKraken. Marke. Marion McClement. his Jean Lock, vyfe. Jon. McCredie. Umphra McKail. Edvard McCracken. Tho. McKail. Janet McNairne. Tho. Mclllroy. Issobel Jon. McKail, younger. McGeorge. James Wm.son. Wm. McClelan. Janet Kilpatrik. Wm. Bailzie and Agnes McClyment. Agnes Kilpatrik. Eliz. Hathorne. John McChristan. Alexr. Barlee. McChrystine. Ballcarrie. Wm. Guffock. Tho. McCheachie. Marien McCraken, his Wm. Reirie. *Marion McKennat, his vyfe. M^rgt. McMuray, his vyfe. Grissel Androu McGuffock. spouse. Mathisone. Alexr. Robt. Henderson. Jon. McKraken and McCartnike. Bessie McGuffocke. Jon. Mcbryd. Janet McKearly. Jon. Somervell. Tho. McHarge and Jean Nisbet, his vyfe. Jon. McHarge. DlRSKILLPEN. *Rich. Mcdowall. KlRKCHRIST. Barnsallie. Wm.andAndr.McDowall, his sons. Alexr. Hathorne. James Broun. Murchie. Marg. McDowall, his Jean Broune, his sister. Jean daughter. Alexr. Somervel. Alexr. Stewart. Gordon, his Margt. vyfe. Christian Campble. Lairdshipe. Janet Torbran. Alexr. McDowall. Slewher. Jon. Blaine. Janet Jean Waunce, his vyfe. Alexr. McCubine. *Grissel Gordone. Wm. Mclllroy. Janet Mclllvey. Marion Broune. Issobel Blaine. James Blaine. Jean Dellapt. Jon. Campbel. Wm. McMichie. Issobel McCredie. Wm. McCraken, yr., and his Janet M'Kail, his vyfe. James McDowall. vyfe. Hathorne. Alexr. Forsyth. James Jean Campbel, his vyfe. his Janett Craicke, vyfe. Marion Templtone. Jon. Mclllroy. Dargouls. Helen McCulzian. Craigniviek. Jon. McCome and his his Gilbert Adair, and family. family. Adam Peirie and his Gilbert McMurrie. family. Dirvearde- Bessie McKraken, his Patt. McCraken. Edvard Laurie and his vyfe. Margt. Aitkin, his vyfe. family. 12 Parish Lists of Wigtownshire and Mimugaff, 1684.

Mark land. Drakgour. MlLTONISH.

Jon. Nilson. Jon. Paterson in Dran- Alex. Nilson. "*Margt. McBrair, his gour. *Janet Auld in Miltonish. vyfe. *Janet McNoe, his vyfe. Jean Wallace. Mardow. MlCKLEBARLOCART. Jon. McVhomel. Jon. Morlan. Dav. Blaire. Alexr. Baillie and his Pat. McGarve. Alexr. McGarvie. family. Bali.nell. Wm. McCulloch. Helen McWaker. Wm. McNillie. Jon. Wallace, yr. in Ball- Agnes Blair, his vyfe. neel, and his family. Markclach. Alexr. Patersone, thir. Wm. Mamiken. Artfeid. Patt. Maxvell. Janet Hannay. Glitten. Thos. McCulzian. Andr. McCredie. and his Patt. McCulziane Marg. McCredie. *Agnes McClellan in fam. Marg. McCredie, his serv. Glenkitter. Jon. McDowall thir. Alexr. Paterson. McTeir. Graigoch. Janet Janet McKie, his vyfe. Jon. Murchie. W m . Willson. Mc Master. Garss. Hugh *Cath. McWaker, his Patt. Hannay. Galldanoch. vyfe. Patt. McClymont. Patt. Mctaggart. Wallace and his Sara Janet McVVhynie, his Jon. Mctaggart. family. McKerlie. vyff. Margt. Wallace. Janet Jonston. Janet Tho. Mclllroy. Marg. Ferguson. Dalnigape. James Mclllroy. James Hannay. Mclllhaffie. Alexr. Wallace. Jon. Christ. Forsyth. Michael Wallace and his Margt. Mcbryde. Cath. Edgar. family. Glenchalmer. his Will. McKerlie. Ferg. Mclllhaffie, sone. Wm. in Glen- Tho. Gordon. Hannay Tho. McConnel. chalmer. Math. Adair. Helen Aitkin, his vyfe. Jon. McVaker. Glenairn. Killfeader. Drumpaile. Anton Paterson in Glen- McCubin. nairne. Jon. James Mclllroy in Drum- *Marie his his McHaffie, pail. Janet McNillie, vyfe. Anna McCredie. vyfe. Margt. Templetori, his Donald McKerlie. Jon. Mcbryde. vyfe. his Christian Maxvell. Janet Mamiken, vyfe. Jam. Mclllroy, his sone. Paterson thi rand Janet Mcbryde. Hen. Mclllroy. Jon. Arch. Mcbrvdd. his vyfe. Tho. Wood. Wm. Paterson. GARRVELLAN. McCredie. Jean Patersone. Janet Anton Mcbryd. Waunce. Edv. Mclllroy and his Jean Janet Mclllveian. McDowall vyfe. Niven (Doule, Alexr. McCarmike. sic) in Garvellan. McCraken. CO.MMRIS. Mary Margt. McDowall. Dav. McDowall Pat. (Doule, Adair. Craigvirnoch. sic). Christ. Aitken, his vyfe. Jam. Murchie. Tho. Mc.Whinie. Archb. Mcbryd and his Helen McWaker. Anna McClunge. family. Jon. Hanny in Garvellan. Jon. McNillie.^ Jon. Mcbryde. Agnes Paterson, his vyfe. Jon. Paterson, thir. Bessie Mclllveian.

And. Mclllroy. . Catharin Willson. , _ Jon. Patersone. James McDowall. Margt. Park, thir. Margt. McCracken. 7, Parish Lists of Wigtownshire qnd Minnigaff, 16CS4. 13

Drumeen. Langarne. Gilbert McSkellie. Margt. Murchie. Jon. Donaldson in . . . Michael McCraken. Wm. McCombe. Keilie. MachLachlin. *Margt. Euphan Bessie McNoe. Tho. Agnew. Alexr. Metier. Jon. McCkmie. Janet Mclllroy. Anton Mcbryde. Marg. Janet Willsone. Barleurs. Jon. McClanachan. Gilbert McCredie. Janet McCraken. Jon Keilie. Balmurrie. Alexr. Keilie. Cath. McGill, his vyfe. James McClanachane. Jon. McKie. Jean Muire. *Elizab. Keilie. Hugo McBrair. Jon. Mcbryde. Knockivar. Janet Patersone. Marg. Got done. Blair Day. and his vyfe. McCredie and his Marion McCraken. Jon. vyfe. Pat. McCredie. Tho. Wm.sone. Pat. Blaine. Janet McCulziam. Paterson. Janet Gilbert Mclllveyan. Lorimer. Jon. Janet Kennedie. McCredie. M.irgt. Janet Wm.sone. Paterson. Jon. Tho. Mclllveyan. Marion Mcbryde. Jon. Mclllroy. KlLLMAFADDEN. Christian Murchie.

Andr. . . . Alexr McCraken. James McCraken. Jon. Willsone. Gilb. Murchie. Tho. Willsone. Marg. McCredie. Gilbert Willsone. Jon. McCarge. Patt. Willsone. Marion Mannoe. Gilb. Nilsone. DOUGARIE.

Barnshanen. James McCraken. Agnes Willson, his vvfe. Marg. Patersone. Tho. Mclllroy. Alexr. Patersone, Barn- Geo. Mamiken. shanken. Marion Campbell. Wm. McKraken, thir. Jon. Mamiken. Jean Mcbrair & Tho. Dorment. Mich. McCraken. Marion McNillie. Jon. Mclllveian. PULTADUV. Marg. Donel, his vyfe. Marg. Lind. Janet McCredie. Alexr. Patersone. Tho. Mamiken. *Marg. Mamiken, his Gilb. Mamiken. vyfe. Marion McCraken. CASCREUCH.

Glenwhillik. Jon. Mcbryde. Jon. Mcdouall. Janet Mamiken. Wm. *Lamb. Mamiken. Clougston. Wm.sone. Fergus Glenhoule. James Wm.sone. Jon. Mamiken. Martin McClemen Marion Mamiken. Janet Mcbryde. 14 Parish Lists of Wigtownshire and Minnigajj, 1684.

Glengeordie. Marion McLerie. LlTLE-DlTNRAGGIT. Lamb. and his Archb. Dorman. McCredie James Dallrymple. Jam. Mcdoul. vyfe. Agnes Cacart. And. Wm. Mcdouall, thir and McKearly. James Dalrymple, yor. his vyfe. Jam. McCaige Janet Dalrymple and Wm. McBrair and his Murchie. Toars. Jon. vyfe. Agnes McKearlie. Pat. MillVeioch. Wm. Templton. Elizab. Campbel. Widder. Wm. Craike. Jon. Marg. Murchie. Marion McCraike. Jon. Dorment. elder. KlRK-TOUXE. Andr. McQuirk. Jon. Dor: yor. Torbran. *Tho. Peirie. Jon. Jon. Templeton. Bessie Templton. Alexr. Shean. Alexr. Mcbryde. Marg. Peirie. Jon. Craike. Grissel Peirie. Marg. Craike. Hearihemex. Craike. Wm. McCraken. Janet Alexr. Murchie and his Somervel. Mitchell McXall. Marg. vyfe. Hathone. Wm. McLerie and bis Janet Jon. Molroy and his vyfe. Alexr. Hannay. vyfe. and McRedie. Jon. Mulroy. younger, Robt. Agnew. Jon. his McMaster. vyfe. Marg. McDouall. Janet Dav. Dreinan. Martin McCrakan. Genoche. Wm. Dreinan. Wm. Maxvel. Dreinan. Mr. Wm. Cacart. *Jon. Sara Ross, his vyfe. Marie Marie Girven. Kennedie. Graige. McCulloch. Parke. Marg. Janet Kevan. Fergus Mclllveyan. Sr. Ch. Hay. Connell. Jon. Paterson. Janet Wm.sone. Catharin Hay. Jon. Nillson. Agn. and his Jean Scot. Margt. Mclllmun. Jo. Mclllory vyfe. Gilb. Martin. Gilbert Litle. Marg. Cambel. Challache. Agnes Hunter. McCheachie. Allan McClumpha. Jon. Templtone. James Henrie . . . ere . . . Wm. McClumpha. Hugo Templeton. [torn] Wm. and his Tho. McClumpha. Andr. Templton. McQuien Xiven McCredie. Janet Litle. vyfe). 'Auld. Jon. Mean. Marg. Templton. Jon. Alexr. Mortem. Wm. McBrair. Jon. Mclllroy. McKelvie. Colin Campbel and his fean McKie. Hugo Tho. McCraken. vyfe. Gilb. Mclllroy. McClanachen. Marg. McNillie. Anton McKerlie. James Auld. Tho. Hamilton and his Jon. Murchie. James Wm. thir. vyfe. Issob. Litle, his vyfe. Auld, Wm. Murray. Ferg. Mclllvrike. MlCKLE-DUNRAGGITT. Jon. Mirrey. Alexr. McClumpha. Christian Bailie. Gillespie. Wm. McGoune. ^Catharin Brattfoot James McDouall. Alexr. McCome. *Wm. Bradfoot. Janet Ross. Jon. Widder. Patt. Mcbryde. Marg. McDowall. And. Widder. Tho. Baillie. Grissel McDowal. Wm. Templton. Janet Baillie. Wm. Laurie. Bessie Baillie. Wm. McDowall and his Whytcrook. Jon. McMaster. vyfe. Rot. Murray. Issobel Templton. his [Part torn away //ere.] Fergus McLirie. vyfe. Marg. Mcdouel. Janet Lermont. Wm. Templton. Janet Ross. Ferg. McLerie. younger. Jon. Templton. Grissel Mcdoul. Eliz. McLerie. Hugo Mc Water. And. Widder. Wm. McLerie. Agnes Morton. Hug. McMaster. Janet Mcbrair. Jean Mortone. lanet Auld. ParisJi Lists of Wigtownshire and Minnigaff, 1684. 1

These (6) are only the p'sons irregular v'tin the parish of Glenluce.

J. M. INNES, Minister.

Memo By TRANSCRIBER. — Place names in the original List are written parallel to the columns.— Through lack of space, they have here been partially included —therewith and placed as immediately preceding the surname they adjoined or an asterisk has been placed to denote approximately the original position of the Place Name.

Paroch of Inch, Sepr. 1684. Duni:ee. Whitlayes. COLMICK. Andreu McMaster. John Blain. Henrie Ker. Linn. Issobel McWilliam. Agnes Jonet McConnel, sp. Alexr. Linn. James Blain, son. John Parker. Gibson. Jonet Grissel Blain, daugh. Jonet Templetoun. Andrew McDougall. Ochtrie McDowall. High Ochtrii.ure. Jean McWilliam. Jean Parker. John Heslop. Jot. Ker, step daughter. Margt. Wylie. Colgraxge. Andrew McWilliam. DUCHRIE. Jean Stevenson. John Colvin. Pat. Adair. Margt. McWilliam, Bessie Stennouse. Cath. Wilson, John Mean. sp. John Colvin, s. Alexr. McNearie. Marion McKewn. Pat. Colvin, s. Richard McNearie. Thomas Mean. Jot. Colvin, d. Thomas Stevenson. Jonet Milhaffie, sp. Agnes Colvin, d. Will. McNearie. Jean McCrackan. Adair. Barnulto. William George. John Margt, Hook. Jonet Waus. James McKaig. Margt. Mean, sp. Laigh Ochtrilure. James McKaig, s. LOCHAXS. John McKelvie. Margt. McKaig, d. John McKelvie, yor. Thomas Torburn. Issob. McKaig, d. jot. McClanachan. Jonet Kennedie. John McKaig. Andrew McKelvie. Mathew Torburn, s. Margt. McKaig, sp. Stevenson. Alexr. Margt. Hugh Morison, stepson McKaig, servt. Gilbert McWilliam. Alexr. Hanna. Issobel McKaig, blind. Marion McKelvie. Gilbert McElvain. Marion McDowall, sp. Elizabeth Margt. Bigham. Robert Hanna, s. McCaig. Cath. McDugald. Jean Hanna, d. Rosina McCans. Rot. Hanna. Gilbert Atken. LlTLE COLREOCH. Jean McNielie. Jean McReadie. John Agnew. Cathr. Cowan. Bessie Bigham, sp. Margt. Erskin. COLHORN. John Agnew, son. Pat. McWilliam. Thomas McKaig. Heron. John Issobel McElveock. Jean Paterson, sp. Jonet Agnew. Jot. Kee. John McKaig. Agnes McElveock. Mitchell McKaig. Meikle Colreoch. Jot. McElveock. Margt. McElvain. Gilbert Shennen. Gilbert Neilson. David McElvain. James Shennen, his son. Margt. McCans. Jot. McNielie. Margt. Shennen. Eliz. Benton. Rot. McNish. Nivin Parker. Alexr. Neilson. Gilbert McNielie. Margt. Beggs. Issobel Linn. Margt. Blain. John Gracie. James Wylie. Fergus Atkin. Margt. McKewn. Cath. . Jot. Milhaffie, sp. John Shennen. Hugh McCrackan. Eliz. Vaus, widow. Margt. Ewin. Jonet Shennen. John Atkin, son. 1 6 Parish Lists of Wigtownshire and Minnigaff^ 1684.

Glenhappell. Barsollis. Helen Agnew, d. d. Gilbert McCanse. Pat. McM aster. Margt. Adair, James Keffen. Neilson, Margt. McTyre. Jot. sp. Eliz. Atkin. Andrew Gracie. Fergus McGarroch, sp. Keffen. McCanse. McReadie. Jonet Margt. Agnes Andrew McNielie. Bessie McCanse. wid. Atkin, wid. Jonet Grissell McDowal. John Bigham. John McCulloch, servt. James Littell. McCans. Bessie Auld, wid. Jonet Eliz. Keffen. Atkin. Christin McMastcr. wid. Margt. Leitch. Mc Master. John John Simpson. Hugh Marion Marion Met rackan. Bessie Blain. Atkin, sp. Andrew Leitch, s. Gilbert McWilliam. Jot. Leitch, d. Margt. Bailzie. Mark. Neilson. James Hugh McClerie. LOCHEND. Jean McElvain. Janet McKerlie, sp. David Atkin. John McClerie, s. Aird. Helen Cowan, sp. McClerie, d. Agnes John McClanachan, ser. John Stevenson. Margt. Mc Master, wid. Marion McDowall. Rot. McCiMckan. Jot. McDowall. John McWilliam. Christin Waker. John McQuestie, blind. Issobel Auld. Jean McCans, sp. Cuick. MAHARR. James John McWilliam. Jonet Dick. Jonet Neilson. John Bodin. Alexr. Littell. .Marion Dorman, sp. KlLMIRREN. Jonet McCans. Jonet Bodin, d. Christin Walker, wid. Pat. Smith. John Kennedie. Gilbert McCrackan, s. Jonet Simpson. Margt. McNish. John McCrackan. Pat. McCans. Agnes McCulloch. Marion Smith. Jot. McCrackan, d. wid. Alexr. McCans. COLMAN. Jot. McCrackan, Jot. McKaig, wid. Jean Bigham, sp. Anthony Kennedie. Eliz. McNish. Margt. serv. Bigham. Mary Wallace, sp. William Kennedie. s John Rodie, Jonet McNish. Borland. Rot. McKaig. John Milhaffie. KULTS. Will. Atkin. Cath. McCrackan. Eliz. McCrackan. Will. Jot Atkin, wid. Simpson. Atkin, s. McWilliam. John Fergus McMaster, s. Jonet Elizabeth Atkin, d. Thorn. s. Pat. McMaster, s. Simpson, Ochtrie Dinn. David s. George McMaster. Simpson, Margt. Templeton. Eliz. McMaster. John McReadie. Marion Cumming, wid. Alexr. Leitch. Marian McClimie. John McM aster. Jean McMaster, sp. Margt. Ker. Andrew McClanachan. Seuchan. Pat. McElvain. Margt. Ramsay, sp. His familie in the parish Jot. Atkin, sp. of , his Eliz. Atkin, servt. KlLMEXOCH. McCrackan. gardner. James Adair. Alexr. Cowan. Agnes McElvain. John Mary Agnew. Marion McKee. George McMiken. Will. Jot. Campbel. Johnstoun. Jonet Wylie. Cath. McKerlie. wid. Jot. AIcKelvie. Atkin. Hugh McWilliam. Cath. McCrackan, wid. John Atkin, servt. Jot. Thorn. McCrackan, s. Little Gexoch. Drumdoeck. TOUNGS. Andrew Adair. John Mean. Sarah Dunbar, sp. Andrew McWilliam. Margt. McBryd, sp. Andrew Agnew. John McWilliam, s. Jonet McBryd. servt. Rot. Adair, s. Alexr. McKee. Pan'sA Lists of Wigtoivnshire and Minnigajj, 1684. 17

Jot. Vaus. Jot. McKnald. INNERMESSEN. wid. Will. Jot. McKee, Monoch. Fergus Neilson. s. Wilson. John McMaster, Agnes Jean McCalson. Patrick McCrackan, elder. John McCrackan. Helen Lille Toung. Dugan. Jot. Brysson. Pat. William McDowall. McKrackan, yor. John McElmurre. Eliz. Gracie. Margt. McWilliam. Agnes McTyre. James Dinn. McElmurro. James McDowall. Agnes Issobel McKelvie. McCalson. Jean McDowall. Hugh Jonet Dinn. Rot. McElmurro. John Craig. John McReadie. Castle Kenneth i. Penn. Margt. Jot. McBryd. William Campbell. Rot. McNish. Janet Jamison, sp. OCHROl HER. Mary Mean. Helen Gilmuir. James Kennedie John McClunie, elder. Hugh McKelvie. Jot. Bighame. Stevenson, Marion McDowal. Jonet sp. John Guthrick. Tamar M< Clunie, d. Margt. McClanachan. Jot. McDowall, sp. John McReadie, servt. Gilbert McClanachan. William Guthrick, s. Jonet Heron. Margt. McClanachan. And. Guthrick, s. Margt. Beggs. Christin McMiken. John McClunie, yor. McNish. Pake of Kilcaldie. Dinn. John Jean Bessie McDowall. Gunnochen. Rhodie. John John Alexr. Vaus. Agnes McClelen. Dinn, Jonet sp. Agnes Blain. George Wat. Gilbert Logan. Vaus, s. Helen Fulton. Cath. Dinn Hugh John Vaus, s. John Wat. Will. Heslop. Agnes McClunie, serv. Jonet Bigham. Cath. McClunie, wid. Pat. Johnston. John Ramsay. Christin McConchie. McWilliam. Cathrin McCrackan. Jot. Sarah McDowal, wid. Pat. Campbell. McCallum. LlTLE BALZETT. Jot. PORTLUNG. Alexr. Mathie. Andr. McCrackan. Linn. Jean Ross. Margt. Mean, sp. James Cathr. .McClunie. fohn McWilliam. BELCAR. Meikle Balzetts.

John Martin. John McReadie. CRAIGCAl I IK. Love. Agnes Jot. McCrackan, sp. Gilbert Neilson, elder, of Martin. Alexr. s. Margt. McReadie, Craig caffie. Ker. John Agnes McReadie. wid. Margt. Neilson, serv. Mary McKelvie. John Nielson, s. John McHinzie. John Stevenson, s. Corn Mill Jot. McKaigh. Bessie Stevenson, d. Gilbert Neilson. Marion McReadie. Jeal. Removed to a ol her Christin Craick. Jonet Neilson, wid. place. Gilbert McNearin, ser. KlRKLAND OF INCH. Wake Mill. Miln. Anna Pringall. Sand John Beggs. Dinn, Andrew Paterson, s. Jeals Torrence. Margt. sp. blind. Anna Paterson, d. Rot. McCluir, McMurthie. Margt. Paterson, d. Jot. Grissel McKewn, wid. Garthlerie. And. McCluir. John Bryce, son. John Gordon. step Craigcaffie's Land. John Bryce. Margt. Hanna, sp. Margt. Dick, servt. Grissel Gordon, d. Jam. McMaster. Patrick McKnald. John McKaa, elder. Pat. McMaster. Marion Hechan. John McKaa, yor. Gilbert Neilson. Helen McKnald. Jot. McKaa, d. fohn Bigham. 1 8 Parish Lists of Wigtownshire and Minnigaff, 1684.

Dalmanoch. Croch. Broc-Loch. John Guthrick. Ochtrie. Gilbert McCalson. Anna Vaus. Margt. McWilliam, sp. Marg. Milhaftie, sp. Jot. Agnew, serv. John McWilliam. Agnes Milhaffie. Jot. McElvain, sp. AlES. BEOCH. Alexr. McWilliam. Andrew McCarmick. McMaster. Margt. McQuestie, sp. John Gilbert McWilliam. Issobel McNielie, sp. Eliz. Hanna. James Cassen. McKelvie. Jonet Agnew, sp. John McMaster. Jonet Drynene. Hanna. John John Thomas Drynen. Michael Mary McMiken, sp McBryd. Andrew McMaster. John McKaal. High Mark. Jot. Stevenson, sp. John Wylie John elder. John McMaster. Neilson, Margt. McCarmick. John Neilson, yor. Jot. McMaster, sp. Jot. Murcher, sp. John McMaster, s. LEFNOLL. Jam. Neilson, s. Jot. McMaster, d. John McClanachan. Laigh Mark. John McCrackan. Cairn. Jot. McKelvie, wid. Margt. McCrackan. Wm. Mean. Thorn. Waker. Gilbert McTyre. Agnes McKelvie. John Stinson. Jonet McQuestie, sp. Andrew McCarmick. McDowall. Thomas serv. Jot. McTyre, Elizabeth McKelvie. Pat. McClunie. Andr. Donald, serv. Cath. Dinn, sp. Jot. McCalmon. Dalhappoch. Cathr. d. McClunie, Agnes McTyre. James Neilson. Pat. Linn. Will. McTyre. Jot. McKaig. Bessie McClunie. Thomson, sp. Marg. John Neilson, s. Patrick McMaster. John McReadie. Jot. Neilson, d. Agnes McMaster. Jot. McBryd, sp. Alexr. Donald, serv. AUCHINVAIN. Laigh Sever all. Fergus McMaster. John McElvrick. Margt. McReadie, sp. Donalds. James McClanachan. Jot. Alexr. ser. McKelvie. Grissel McKelvie. McClanachan, John Alexr. McClanachan. James Templeton. Jot. Milhaffie, sp. Issobel McCalmon. McClunie. Jean McKelvie, d. Jot. McMiken. Hugh Mean. John Jot. McCrackan. Meikle Laigh. AUCHINVAIN. Jot. Drynen. James McQuestie. John McElvrick. Mary Drynen. Jean Logan, sp. Jot. Donaldson, sp. Jean McQuestie, d. Margt. McElvrick. Park of Drum Jam. McQuestie, serv. Duncan McElvrick. iMUCKLOCH Christin Robison, serv. Wm. McElvrick. Barnet Pat. McReadie. Campbell. Pollurrian. Margt. McGibbon. Jonet McClunie, serv. Jot. McCrackan. John McMiken. John McMiken. Jot McReadie, sp. Jot. McElvrick, sp. High Severall. Alexr. Donaldson. Agnes Neilson, wid. McKelvie. John Neilson, broth. John McMaster. Jot. Jean Donaldson, d. Jot. McMaster, sp. Carn Yerran. serv. John McCrackan, John Mean. Litle Laigh. Mary McClure, sp. Clada- House. Martin McBryd. James McMiken. Mean. Alexr. Agnew. Jot. Forsyth, sp. John Gilbert Mean. Florence Stewart, sp. John McMaster. Cath James McReadie, serv. lot. McMiken, sp. Waker, sp. John McMaster, serv. Adam McGill. Jot. Dryman, ser. ser. Margt. McConnell, serv. Jot. Drynen. John McWilliam, Parish Lists flf Wigtownshire and*Minnigaff, 1684. 19

LlTELL LARG. Inch Bread. Baalnab. Gilbert Will. McCrackan. McQuaker. Alexr. Morton. Helen Kee, sp. Jot. McDowall, sp. Thorn. McCrackan. Gilbert McQuaker, s. Marion McMaster. Margt. Kee, sp. Will. s. McQuaker, Will. Kennedie. James Laurie. Achik. Margt. McNish, sp. Eliz. Cowan, sp. John McDowall. Alexr. s. Thorn. Kennedie, McClung Margt. Paterson, sp. Marion McCulloch. (McClurg?). Anna McDowall. Hugh McKelvie. Cath. Milhaffie, sp. Steven. John Margt. Neilson, sp. fohn McClung, cripple Bessie McDowall. Marion Heron. (McClurg?). Meikle Larg. ACHMAUTLE. High Clenrif. Laird of Larg's familie. Will. McReadie. William Lin of Larg. Agnes Morton, sp. James Auld. Alexr. McReadie, s. Agnes McCulloch, sp. Will. Auld, s. Alexr. Lin, s. James Murchie. Jean Auld, sp. Anna Lin, d. Agnes Margt. Sarah Auld. McClanachan. John Paterson. Alexr. Auld. John McReadie. Margt. McElroy, sp. James Auld, s. Gilbert Paterson. Margt Templeton. Wilson. Marion McReadie. Euphem John McKaal. Auld. Gilbert Paterson. Jot. Margt. McKaal, sp. Will Auld. Alexr. Kniblo. Margt. Ferguson. McMaster. Will. McCaa. Mary Agnes McKewn, sp. John McKewn. Jot. McTaggit. Will. McGill. Laigh Clenrie. Miln of Larg. Marion McGill. • John McHinzie. Will. Auld. Glentirru. Agnes Wallace, sp. Marg. Kee, sp. Eliz. McHinzie. Will. Guthrick. Thorn. Auld, s. James Waker. Jot. McBryd, sp. Cath. Kee, serv. Agues Agnew. John Guthrick, s. Fergus McElvrick. John McWilliam. Grissell Donaldson, wid. Cairn Croft. Margt. Morton, sp. John McDowal. John McDowall. Mary McWilliam. Mary McDowell. Agnes. Jean McWilliam. Will. Morton. Jonet Heron, sp. John Auld. Eliz. McReadie. Grissel McDowal. jot. McWilliam. Jas. Cameron.

There is no irregular person in the paroch of the Inch. Jas. Cameron.

Kirkcolm, the 7th of Octob. 1684.

KURCKEUME. Janet McNillie. Marget Agnew, younger. John McMeikin. Alexr. McNillie. John Agnew. Jannet Agnnew. Ellspeth McDouell. Marget Car. John Witter, ellder. Janet McGilltir. Marrion Car. John Witter, younger. John Kar. Andro Gibsoune. Jannet Cowan. Janet McClinnie. Andro Aginew. Marget McClinnie. Grissell McTire. Thomas Agnew. CLANRIE. Quintine McNillie. Patrick Andro Andro McNillie. Aginew, younger.' Aginew. James McCaige. Thomas Aginew. Marget Agnew. Jannet Agnnew. Janet Cambell. Alexr. McGill. William McClinie. John Agnew. Marion Thomsone. Alexr. McClinie. John Agnew, younger. Andro McGill. Agnes McClinie. Marget Aginew. Marrion Patersone. 20 Parish Lists of Wigtownshire and Minnigajf, 1684.

Patrick McMeikin. John Roddie. John McCredie. Marrion McCalldon. Janet Wallker. Janet Ros. Agnes McCalldon. Gillbert McCredie. Janet McCredie. James McCalldoune. Janet Cambell. James Ros. South Kairn. Kairnbrock. Cambell. KlLLMARNOCH. John John Ros, elder. Grissell Witter. John Kar. John Ros, younger. Alexr. McCredie. Kirstaine Ros. Alexr. Ros. Marrion McConnell. Ros. John Cambell. Andro Quintine McNillie. Roddne Janet Gillmur. John (Roddie?). Janet Stirling. Patirsoune. John Hendirsoune. Janet John Cambell. Grissill McCrakan. Jannet Ros. Janet Cambell. Frissell. John McBryd. James John Stirling. McFadane. Janet Robisoune. James Marget Ros. Willsone. Marget John Ros. Hervin. Janet Blaire. AlRIS. Gillbert Ros. Robert Kar. Tanet Cambell. Stirling. Elisabeth Cambell. John William Kniblock. his daughter. Nivin Kar. Campbell, Marget Cambell. Elin McCrae. Janet Kniblock. Ros. Agnes Jean Kar. Agnes McWhinn. Kar. John Cambell Agnes 1-* Janet McCrae. younger servant. Kairn. Georg Patirsoune. John Cambill, North McMurrie. John Agnew. Jeane Thomas McConnell. McClinnie. Janet McDouell. John Cambell. Ros. Marget James Ros. Marget Cambell. Ros. Roger Agnes Shenan. John Hew Frissell. Frissel. Andro Gillmur. Marget Wilsonne. Blaire. John Andro Gillmur. James Grissell McConnell. Cambel. Janet Frissell. Alexr. McCulloch. Janet Uchtrie McConnell. Gl.ENGYR. Kenidie. Agnes Cambell. Alexr. Reid. Janet John Gibsoune. Patrick McConnell. McCalldome Bessie Edam. Jean Marget Cambell. ? (McCalldonne John McConnell. Patrick Gibsoune. Knockbreck. Marget McConnell. Marrion Murchne. Gillbert Ros. Thomas Kennidie in Patersone. Georg Marget McHafTme. Clou. Janet Patersoune. Andro Cambell and his |nhn Murchine. wife. Borland. Andro Cambell, younger. LlTTILL GLENG^ RE Janet McGae. John Ros, ellder. Grissell Cambell. Alexr. Wallace. John Ros, younger. Adaire. Marrion Wallace. Uchtrie Cambell. Janet Marget McDouell. James Ros. Patrick Wallace, young ( r. Andro Cambell. Marget McClanaquhen. James Robisoune. Marget McCalldon. Gillbert Ros. Alexr. Cambell, servant. John Ros, younger. DOULACH. Robert Sherar. Marget Cochran. Hew Cambell. Isbell McClanaquhen. William Ros. Janet McMeikine. Jean McClanaquhen. William McKie. Janet Cambell. Patrick Nein (Nein ? Marrion McKie. Gordoune. for Niven or Mein. Grissell McKie. John ?,) Marget Reid. Marget Agnew. Elin Frissell. Hew Gillmur. Alexr. McMurrie. Finlay McGill. Andro Blaire. Jean Cambell. ! Marget Mein. * his ; his wife Probably' intended for Janet Campbell, daughter Janet Ros, ; John Cambell, younger. Parish Lists of Wigtownshire and Minnigaff, 1684. 21

Janet Blaire. Ballscallock. John C;ti . McDouall. Marget Stirling. John Donnallsone. Kirstain John McCuilliam. Uchtrie McCrae. Agnes McDouell. Kirstain McGill. Andro Shennan. Janet Donalldsone. Neill. Shennan. John Gillbert Edyr. John Hendrie. Shenan. Elspeth Jonet Edyer. Agnes Andro Ros. Andro Donnalldsone. Andro Car. Kirstain McGae. Marrion meikin. James VVillsone. M(c) Blaire. Rowon. John Janet Edyer. John Jane McConnell. William Gillmure. Elin McBrun. Rouan. John Blaire, younger. Janet Willsone. Janet Kevan. John John Kyll. James Ros. Rosie McDouell. High Arduall. Kevan. James John Edyer. John McTire. Fergus Frisell. Marrion McGill. James Bell. Elin Frissell. Thomas Edyer. Margt. McCaige. Alexr. McDouell. Elin McBrun. Uchtrie McNilli. Hew McDouell. James Ros. Agnes McNilli. McMurrie. Jean Marrion McKevn. Janet McTire. Marget Garnoquhen. John Cambell. Alexr. Gibsone. McDouell. Jean James Shehan. Janet McTire Andro McConnell. Finlay Blaire. Janet McMeikin. Hew Cambell. Elspeth Gillmure. Jean McCaige. Marget Cambell. Elin Blaire. Andro McTire. Cambell. Andro Janet McCalldon. Elin Blaire. High Portncallv. McMurrie. Georg Thomas Blaire. Laigh Arduall. Mein. Jean Marrion McGill. Alexr. Patirsoune. Michell McMeikin. McTire. McTire. John Janet McNilli. Agnes McCraie. Andro Cambell. Agnes Andro McMeikine. Marrion McTire. Ros. Andro Cambell, younger. John Andro McTire. Hew Ros. Janet Ros. Elin Gibsoune. Katrine Andro Blaire. McMeikine. McTire. Elisabeth McCulloch. John Andro Leich. Janet McCharrie. Marrion Leich. Janet McMeikin. John Shenane. Laigportincallv. James Ros. Fvue Shilling Land. James McMeikin. Janet Ros. Elin Agnew. Alexr. Carnaquhen. McMeikin. Car. James KlRKBYRD. Jean Marrion McMeikin. Alexr. McGae. Andro Shennan. McMeikin. Alexr. Cambell. Janet Gillmure. Andro McMeikin. Elspeth Jean Cambell. John Sherar. Elin Ros. James Bailly. Marrion Gillmure. Alexr. McMeikin. Patrick Alexr. Blaire. Marne Agnew. Hew McClanaquhen. Marrion Cambell. Blaire, younger. Alexr. Mortoun. Marget McGae. Marget Ros. Janet Shenan. Blaire. John McGae. Janet Kirstain Mcquistine. Effie Shennan. Gillbert McClanoquhen. Gillbert McDouell. AlJCHLEOCH. McDouell. Janet Janet Cambell. Patrick Donnalldsone. Patrick McGae. LOSSET. Patrick Cambell, younger. Isbel Mccae Care. Patrick Cambell, ellder. Robert Car. James Mein. Janet Cambell. Marrion Cambell. Marget Egilsone. Marget Reid. James Car. Janet Mein. Agnes Cambell. x\lexr. Car. Thomas Mein. John Murchie. Marrion Car. John McGill. Elspeth Adaire. Marget Ros. Marrion McGarroch. 22 Parish Lists of Wigtownshire and Minnigaff, 1684.

Hew Ros. Robin Ros. Jannet McDouell. Marrion Blaire. Janet McMeikine. James Mcredie. James McMeikine. Alexr. Gillmure. Knocknem. Hew McMeikine. Marget Ros. Kirstaine Andro Blaire. James Ros, elide r. Edyer. Kirstaine McDouall. James Ros, younger. David Ros. Alexr. Ros. Eline Ros. Elisabeth Blaire. Ros. Janet Frisell. Katrine Kirstaine McDouell. Kirstaine Ros. Laigh Claughen. Robert McNilli. John Baillie. Kairnbuy. Marget Gray Janet Ros. Andro Ros. John Shennan. Alexr. McDouell. Katrine McMeikeine. Janet McKie. Agnes Grahame. Bell. Marget Ros. Janet James Baillie. Robert Cambell. Steinsoune. AUCHTIFIE. Janet Marget McCredie. Janet Baillie. John Makillrie. Uchtrie Reid. William Baillie. Katrine McNilli. James McCredie. Gillbert Ros. Agnes Blaire. Janet Agnew. KNOCKTIM. Janet Car. Ellspeth Gillmure. David Ros. Alexr. McGoune. Alexr. Ros. Marrion McTire. Marget Reid. James Baillie. James Hendirsone. Agnes Blaire. John Cambell. Janet Doman. Dauid Blaire. Jon McDouell. Cambell. Janet Nillsoune. Elspeth Andro Bittill. Janet Blaire. Knockcoyd. Andro McNilli. Marrion McWhirk. Andro McDouell. Kirstaine McGill. Elspeth McWhirk. Grissell McKie. Alexr. Agnew. Marcbar. Lalsharoch. Janet McCulliam. Georg Cambell. Uchtrie McCrae. Agnes Agnew. Hew Cambell. Barbra McDouell. Elin McDouell. John Cambell. Janet Ros. James Sherrer. MlLLTONE. Alexr. Cambell. Katrine Cambell. Jean McClanaquhen. Nivn McClimie. Gillmure. Janet McNillie. John Kirstaine McClimie. McConchrie. Margret Kevan. Ellun Dauid Miller. Mein. John Sherar and his wife, James a blind woman. Agnes Kyll. Elin McQuistine. Donalld McKnish. Andro McNilli, elder. John Gibsoune. Katrine Gibsoune. Androu McNillie, yor. Ramsay. James Uchtrie McCrae. lanet McKillrie. Patrick Gibsoune. James MNillie, and his Janet Carnaquhen. Elispeth Willsoune. mothr a bedrid wo. Alexr. McCrae. John Gibsoune. Elin McMurrue. Marget McCrae. Elin McKeman. James Cambell. Isbell McCulliam. High Claughen. Kairn Roue. Janet McCulliam. Andro McCredie. Alexr. Agnew. William McMurrie. Marget McCrae. Andro Agnew. Marrion N. Sherer Marget McCredie. Janet McCredie. Andro McGoune. Elspeth Ros. BALLGOUN. James McCredie. Janet Bamocch. Andro McMeikin. Janet McCredie. Hew Cochren. lean Gibsone. John Cambell. Janet McCredie. John McMeikine. Janet Blaire. jean Benoch. John McMeikine. fannet Ross. Marrion McCrae. |anet McMeikine. William McDouell. John Benoch. Marrion Ros. Margret McDouell. John Benoch. Marrion McMeikine. Jannet Mcredie. jannet Agnew. Parish Lists of Wigtownshire and Minnigdff, \ 684. 23

KlRKLAND. Jean McCulloch. Janet Agnew. Andro McMaster. Elisabeth McMastire. Agnas Neillsone. William McMaster. Nivin Kar. Janet Blaire. J. Naismith.

This is the Roll of the parish of above twelve yeirs old according to my knouledge. ]. NAISMITH. Oct. 9, 1684.

I declair that ther are none within this roll dissorderlie as wittness my hand the 1st of Octor. 1684. J. Naismith.

I further declair that all my parishonners are orderlie. J. Naismith.

ROLL containing the names of all the persones above the age of

Twelve Years (so far as I, after narrow Scrutinie made, am informed), liveing within the paroch of KlRKCOWAN. Mr. J AS. CHRYSTIE, Minr. Oct. 8th, 1684. NETHERMONDORK. James Heron. Grisell Matheson. John McCamon. Janet Giffert. Alexr. Keachy. Grisell Stewart. Janet Mahaffie. Jean Guillon. Helen McCaull. Andrew McGeoch. Tho. McRobert. Agnes McCamon. Alary Matheson. Janet McClemin. Robert McMillan. Janet Heron. Robert Keachy. Helen McCamon. Alexr. Matheson, her son. Janet Dalrumple. Janet McCalshon. John McCalshon. Win. Rainy. William McGeoch. Janet McGeoch. Pat. McGuffock. Janet McCamon. Agnes Caig. Gilbert McCamon. Craigdow. Alexr. McCandlish. Mart. McKeuckcan. Alexr. McDoll, elder. Sarah Stewart. James McCamon. Alexr. McDoll, younr. John McCrery. Janet Cannon. Myln of Glougstox. OVERMONDORK. Marion Donaldson. Robert McDoll. Hannah. John Dalrumple. Jean Barbara William Hannah. Mcnily. Elizabeth McChiney. Wm. Hannah. Isobell Donaldson. William Dalrumple. Hew Hannah. Andrew Mahaffie. Barwhill. John Mcnily. McCaniish. Janet Janet McMillan. William McGuffock. James Martin, s. Marion Stewart. Jean Keachy. Barnegort. Donaldson. John Clougston. Jean Hew Matheson. Hew McDol. Marion Hannah. Janet McKeachy. Murdoch. Andrew Clougston. Janet And. Hannah. Elizabeth McDol. John Hannah. William McDoll. Crosherv. Jean Stewart. Janet McTaggart. John Gordon. LOCHCRAIGOCH. Mahaffie. Janet Killaddam. McMillan. Gordon. John Janet Black. McKoskrv. Gordon. John Janet Agnes McDol. Mart. McMillan. Hew Gordon. Agnes . Agnes McMillan. Jean Black. Donald McGeoch. Gasse. Hew Burny. Archbald Heron. Borland. Elizabeth McMillan. Mart. McGeoch. John McKeachy. Alexr. Burny. Mart. Heron. John McKeachy, younr. Elspeth McVernachan. Mart. Heron, her Pat. Clougston. John McDoll. daughter. Elizabeth Burnv. Mart. McKemet. 24 Parish Lists of Wigtownshire and Minnigaff, 1684.

The Barony of .Urle. Gilbert McDoll. Craigmuddy. Janet McCrery. Robert Mcnily. Ring. Gilbert McNarin. Janet Kie. Francis Wm.sone. Janet McGibbon. James McNily. Mart. Martine. FOURPOUND. Katherin McNily. John Williamson. Mart. McNily. Land of Lochmabory. Mart. Forsyth. Mart. McQuaker. Mart. Martine. TlNILAGGIE. KlLLYALLIRK. Thomas McNarin. Carsrigging. Gilbert McLaughlen. David Martine. .Mart. Giffert. Gilbert McKibbon. Gilbert Marion Muir, his mother. McChiney. Marion McWilliam. John Forsyth. John McChiney. And. McLaughlen. Archbald McChiney. Janet Martine. Isobell Blain. Pat. McChiney. Janet Muir. DlRVANNANY. Alexr. Martine. Chirstian McChiney. McKuinn. James Stroyen. Janet Fergusson. Janet Chirstian McMurry. POLBEA. Craig. Alexr. Stroyen. John McKeuckan. John Milroy. Janet Stroyen. Marion Carsin. Janet McChiney. Wm. McDoll. MUNONDOWY. Laigharnamouh. Janet McDoll. George McMurry. Tho. McTaggart. Anaple McCa. DlRLOSKIX. John McTaggart. Janet McMurry. Wilson. katherine McWilliam. John DlRVAGHLY. Mary Milwayen. Burn Mark. McTear. John Wilson, younr. John John Douglas. Janet Wilson. Janet McMurry. Marion Blain. Katherine Wilson. Henry Wallace. Marion HlGHARNAMORD. Wallace. Barrony of Tho. Dirnark. McChiney. Sleudinle. Sarah McLaughlen. John McMurry. Isobell Anaple McChiney. Barrnbrake. McLaughlen. John McChiney. Gilbert McMurry. Rodger McQuaker. Ochtry McWilliam. ALDERICKINA1R. Marion McWilliam. Janet Wilson. Alexander Kie. John McWilliam. Craigary. Janet Mochoule. LlTLEKILLHOCODAILL. James Stroyen. Janet Heron. Mart. Gilbert Forsyth. McChiney. John Stroyen. Agnes Craick. Janet Milroy. Janet McWilliam. Mart. McCraich. Katherine Forsyth. Alderickallabrichan. Andrew McCaddim. William McCa. N ETHERALDERICK . Craick. John Janet McTear. Gilbert McCraken. Janet Forsyth. Gilbert McCa. Janet Stewart. Meiklekillhocodale. Mart. Heron. Robert McCracken. David McKie. HlGHDIRRY. Ins hanks. Jean Martine. Tho. Milweyen. Robert McCraken. Andrew Hannah. Marion McCa. Janet McKuinn. Urle. Helen McClemin. The Pat McBride. Barrony of Patrick Milroy. Lochroule. Janet McQuaker. Janet Meiklevrick. John Milroy. Laigdirry. AlRILIG. Tho. Milroy. John McLure. Alexr. Boyd. James Milroy. Janet McMiken. Marion Dougan. Mart. Milroy. Marion Walker. Tho. Boyd. Gilbert Kennidy. Janey Milroy. Marion Boyd. Helen Mcquaker. Tho. McNily. Mart. Boyd. Parish Lists of Wigtownshire and Minnigaff, 1684. 25

Half Merk. The Barrony of Knockreavie. Craiglaw. William John Milroy. Dalyell. Fullerton. Janet Murchy. Agnes Robert Archbald Milroy. Myln of Barhoish. Dalyell. Gordon. Janet Williamson. Janet Tho. McCairly. John McKeachy. Haillmerk. Janet Laury. Mart. Clanachan. Gilbert Milroy. John Clougston. Mart. McKeachy. Katherin McWilliam. Elspeth Sprot. Robert Din. Cracken. John Forsyth. Janet Chirstian Clanachan. James Wilson. Isobell McKie. Helen Sloen. Mart. McCrery. Janet McWilliam. Alexr. Heron. John Carsin. Janet McDoll. Jean McBride. Barhoish. Janet Cuninghame. John McWilliam. John Clougston. Barlennen. McKermick. Marion Mart. Milroy. William Gordon. Gordon. Agnes James Milroy. Janet McClement. OVERAIRIES. Jean Clougston. Mart. Hew McCrery. Clougston. John Gordon. John Forsyth. Tho. Linton. Meiklevrick. Mart. Burny. Janet Florens Gordon. Helen Fprsyth. BARNEARNY. Mart. Forsyth. KlRKLAXD. David Gordon, laull, son to Craichlaw. DRUMALOCH. Alexander Blain. Mart. Chalmers, his wife. John McKie. Euphan Murray. Gilbert Clanachan. Mart. McKie. Marion Blain. Isobell Clingen. Blain. John McCracken. James Agnes Bryan. Mart. Jean Maxwell. McCairly. John Gordon. Mart. Clougstone. Ballmainoch. Chirstian Milroy. Agnes Waylie. Gordon. Tho. Forsyth. William McKie. Jean Tho. Mc Jean Giffert. Helen Stewart. rery. McCairly. James Wilson. Thomas Gordon. Janet Alexr. McDoll". Mart. McCamon. Mart Huntar. Gilbert McMorland. Janet Wear. Wm. McLurg. Cochron. John Jean Cautart. Ken mure. Mart. Forsyth. James Mcroule, Richard Keachy. The Mains o'f Officer. Agnes Keachy, his wife. Lochroule. Agnes Milroy. Agnes Keachy, his sister. Mart. McRoule. Grisell Matheson. James Gordon, sicke. Alexr. McMillan. Janet Muir. Agnes Forsyth. Janet Douglas. John Dougan. Janet Forsyth. Tho. McCornick. Walter McMillan. Janet McCamon. McMillan. Katherine McNily. Janet Barhaple. Brock. McCornick. John Tho. James Mart. McCulloch. Milroy. Janet McCornick. Janet Matheson. Win. McKermick. Mart. Brock. Cathcart. Jon. Milroy. .Marion Jean Milrety. McWilliam. Janet Douglas. Janet Wilson. Jon. Alexr. McWilliam. MUILE. Pat. McCrery. Elizabeth Richard. James McWilliam. Tho. McCrery. David McWilliam. Janet McWhanle. Fell of The John Paton. Janet McCrery. Lochroule. Mart. Gordon. Alexr. Dougan. John McKie. John McMillan. Marion Heron. Katherine McKie. Mart. Clanachan. William McCaull. William McKie. Andrew Milliken. Janet Dowall. Janet McKie. Mart. Douglas. Grisell McCaull. James McKie. James Milliken. Donald Keachy. Janet Hannah. Janet Kellie. Janet Milroy. 26 Parish Lists of Wigtownshire and Minnigaff, 1684.

Barmore. John Hannah. Markbain. Marion Ausburn. John Mahallum. James Mahaffie. Isobell Culloch. Janet Duncan. Mary Cuninghame. Rot. Duncan. Barbea. MONTKIBBORT. Janet Henderson. Alexr. McKeachy. Alexr. Hannah. Elspeth Mahallum. Janet McClingen. Isobell McNaight. Jon Kennidy. Janet Milroy. Janet Cloug. Janet Kennidy. Katherin McNarin. Drumwhirrv. Janet Blair. Janet Clanachan. John Forsyth. Peter Wilson. Michall Cubbison. Forsyth {sic). McKermick. Agnes William Forsyth. Shaw. Janet Dalyell. Janet Katherine Forsyth. William McKermick. Ballachrea. Barfad. Drummurry. Katherine McWilliam. John McWilliam. Alexr. Carsin. John Busby. Helen Clanachan. Mart. Meikleroy. Marion Forsyth. John McWilliam, younr. Gargary. Barnharrow. Mart. McWilliam.' Wm. Forsyth. Helen McWilliam. John Mahaffie. Katherine Forsyth. McWilliam (sic). Janet McKeachy. Mart. Mahaffie. Janet Forsyth. KlLLIMUCK. Grissell Gowan. James McNaren. Lying wast. Mahaffie. Darnow. Jeremy Drumbowy. Robert Mahaffie. Alexr. McKermick. Alexr. McKie. Agnes Sprot. Isobell McKie. Alexr. Mahaffie. McWilliam. Archbald McKie. Jon Hew McCalshon. Samuell Mahaffie. Grisell Heron. Cornick. BARSKEOCH. Agnes CULVENNAN'S LAND James McKie. Gordon. John Janet McKie. Gordon. Janet Shanaton. Janet Hannah. Tho. Gordon. William Gordon of John Hannah. Bessie McDoll. Culvennan. Mart. Forsyth. Gordon. John Janet Gordon, his wife. Mart. McClement. McKeachy. Jean Jean Gordon. Ardachy. Alexr. Kie. The Fell. Geo. Robert Muir. Douglas. Mart. Shaw. John Douglas. Marion Milvrick. Janet Giffert. Alexr. Douglas. Janet Kie. KlLLDARROCH.- William Mahaffie. James Douglas. Alexr. Gordon. Jean McKeachy. Shanknock. Mart. Mahaffie. Agnes Maharg. Archbald Forsyth. Robert Gordon. Agnes Mahaffie. Agnes Crotchet. Mart. Gordon. John Boddon. Mart. Muir. Drumabrennen. KlLTARZIN. Alexr. Boddon. Tho. McKeachy. John McCaull. Andrew McWilliam, his Janet Forsyth. Mart. McCamon. prentice at the taylour William McCaull. Trade. Barnaight. James McDole of Barn- Craiglaw. Mark of Shanaton. aight. Laird and Lady. Rodger Din. Jean McDoll. William Gordon. Agnes McKie. Alexr. McDoll. Jean Gordon. Alexr. Din. Mart. McDoll. Mart. Shaw. Gilbert Gowan. Mary McDoll. Alexr. Forsyth. Jean McCornick. John Muir.

I have subt. the forsd. List at the Kirk of , Octr. 13th, 1684. Mr. Ja. Chrystie. 777. Parish Lists of Wigtoivnshire and Minnigaff, 1684. 2 7

Margaret Chalmers, spouse to David Gordoun in Barnearny. Agnes Bryan, servant to the sd. David. Robert Mahaffie in Gargary. Thiese are the names of the constant vvithdrauers within the paroch of Kirkcowan. Subt. with my hand at Kirkcowan Octr. 13th, 1684. M. JA. Chrystie, 7y7. KlRKINNER. " Note by W. Scot. —This List was marked in error ," and was therefore sent with Lists to Edinburgh Register House where see " Warrants."

In transcribing this List I have preferred to use throughout Capitals for the Initial letters of names W. S. Dereagill's Land Mary McCulloch. Patrick Coltran's Ellen McCulloch. Land. Dereagill. Isobel McKie.

David McDowall. Robert McClauchlin. Culmalzow. . Agnes Blair. Ellen Muir. Agnes Kincaid. McClauchlin. James McDowall. Janet Margt. Kincaid. Eliz. McDowall. Agnes McClauchlin. Alex. McKinzie. Agnes McDowall. Adam Muir. Will. McKinzie. Mary McDowall. Jennet McClauchlin. Agnes McKinzie. McDowall. Grizzal McDowall. John Jennet McKinzie. David McDowall. Will Neilson. Margt. Heron. Alexr. McDowall. Alexr. Clurg. Alexr. Stewart. Grizzal Gawne. Marian McCarmick. Marian Mullikin. David McDowall. Margt. McKie. John McGuffolk. Gilbert McDowall. Jennet Stewart. Rosina McDowall. Mar. McKie. Jane McCulloch. Eliz. McGuffolk. Agnes Dods. KlRKBROIJNE. John Kilpatrick. Ballaird. Alexr. McDowall. Alexr. McCornock. Davidson, now in Donaldson. James Agnes McGuffolk. Jennet Deragill. Nei-lson. Marian Neilson. Agnes Jennet Dill. Elsbet McWilliam. Geo. McKnight. Jennet Muir. Bessie McKenna. John McDowall. John McClauchlin. Andrew McCornock. John Hannay. Fee. Jennet James McCornock. John McClauchlin. McClauchlin. Tho. Agnes Marian McCornock. Arnot. Ellen McClauchlin. eebles. Alexr. McKinzie. JennetP Blaine. John Jennet McDowall. James Arnot. Muir. McBurnie. 'Margt. Jennet John Gulin. Provest Coi.tran'^ Ellen Wade. Marian Hannay. Land. Guilin. John John Mulliken. Isobel McCroskrie. Jennet Neilson. AlRLIES. Eliz. Guilin. Jennet McClure Will. McKie. Jennet Stewart. John Neilson. Eliz. Lockart. Alexr. Clugton. Agnes Heron. Geo. Pat. Gibson. Kilpatrick. Hugh Cunigham. Will. McScumin. Grizzal McHarg. Hugh Heron. McKie. Wm. Gibson. Jennet Tho. Miller. McKenna. Gibson. Jennet Agnes Jane Conning. Gibson. John Malroy. Margt. Michael McKie. Isobel Hanna. Marion Calzie. Cruives. Christian Browne. KlRRIWACHOP. Samuel Martin. John Hathorne. Pat. McScumin. Jane McCulloch. Margt. McChlerie. Agnes Hannay. Margt. McDowall. Jennet McCredie. Hugh McScumin. 28 Parish Lists of Wigtownshire& and Minnigaff, 1684.

Andrew McScumin. Kildarroch. Grizzal Vaus. Disorderly Dis- Eliz. McScumin. Alexr. McHaffie. Margt. Maxwell. John Han nay. Kath. Mullikin. orderly. Walker. Geo. McCulloch. Jennet Margt. McHaffie. Will. McCulloch. Sarah Glaine. Will. McHaffie. Barnbarroch's Land. Tennet McGuffolk. Jennet Credie. Geo. Telfer. Eliz. McHaffie. Disorderly. John Vaus. Ellen McGuffolk. McCulloch. Tho. Gilchrison. Grizzal Eliz. McCubbin. Jennet Cairnes. Jane Vaus. Pat. McScumin. Grizzal Vaus. Barverinoch. Christian Dun. Will. Ker Will. McChestnie. John McTaggart. Geo. Keavand. Elsbet McScumin. Margt. McChestnie. Alex. Melwayen. McCaunles. Mary Mullikin. Margt. Agnes Ker. Harie Muir. Arch. Heron. Disorderly. Cecilia Ker. Maxwell. Will. McHestnie. Marian Jane Ker. Grizzal Maxwell. Vaus. Isobel Ker. Jennet McKinzie. Tho. Bayly. Ellen Blair, Andrew McCulloch. Jennet McGuffolk. lohn Keavand. Margt. McKinzie. Adam Bayly. Margt. Dods. John McKinzie. Robt. Bayly. John Duns. Jane Little John Keavand John Lyndsey. Barquhinney. Christian Dods. Grizzal Templton. Alex. Muir. Brenock. Andrew Barglasse. Isobel Anderson. John Brenock. Alexr. Muir. Andrew Coltran. Jennet McKie. Agnes Muir. Downie McHaffie. Marian Coltran. Pat. Muir. Mai Agnes Morison. Jane toy.' Drumjargen. Will Hannay. Andrew Templton. Christian McAlexander. Andrew McCubbin. Jennet McHarg. Pat Eliz. Mullikin. Baryerroch. Templton. Jennet Templton. Margt. Lauchlison. Dis- Pat Telfer. Agnes Templton. orderly. Marian Forsyth. Jennet McKenna. James McScumin. Agnes Hathome. Alexr. Neilson. Agnes McConnal. Agnes Frasser. Thos. Kennedy. John Bayly. Margt. Telfer. John McKie. Margt. Gunnion. David McChestnie. Ellen Mcquoyd. John Maxwell. Jane Telfer. Arch. McKie. Marian Kennedy. Clutog. Kath. Edgar. Margt. McDowall. Reid. Alexr. Heron. Hugh Hannay. James Donnand. James Reid. Robt. Kennedy. Eupham McKie. Alexr. Maxwell. James McCroskrie. John Drummond. Will. Hannay. James Hannay. fennet Grizzal McKie. Christian Kale. Marian Sprot. Alex. Hannay. John Hannay. Fourtepenny Land. John Malhaffie. Sleyhubbard. Alexr. Vaus. Jennet Hannay. Margt. Heron. Isobel Will. Sprot. Disorderly Templton. John Muir. Agnes Gaune. John Neilson. Alexr. Muir. Capinoch. Marian Muir. Barquhinnie's Land. Muir. John Telfer. Margt. Alexr. Margt. Hannay. Hannay. Barquhinnie. Marian James Telfer. Sprot. Alexr. Vaus. Alex. Vaus. Dis- Blairmauktn. Grizzal Muir. Margt. Maxwell. Telfer. Agnes McClellan. orderly. John Will Vaus. Alexr. McScumin. Jennet Telfer. Marian McKenna. Alexr. Vaus. Isobel Telfer. Parish Lists of Wigtownshire and Minnigaff, 1684 29

Margt. Murdoch. John Keavand. Little Hills. Agnes McCulloch. Alexr. Keavand. John McCutchin. Alexr. McCulloch. Jane McClairty. Elsbet McCaunles. Wm. McCaunles. Andrew McKinzie. Andrew Reid Co wand. Margt. Jennet McRobbert. Sir David Dunbar's John Keavand. Lands. Ellen Malroy. Lybre< k. Eliz. Keavand. Wm. Murdoch. Baldone. Keavand. Jennet Jennet McCaunles. Sr. David Dunbar. Geo. Heron. Jennet Hurly. Mary Dunbar. Dis- Ellen Dowglasse. Murdoch. Ellen Cairnes. James orderly Agnes Aikin. Alexr. McScumin. John M 'In tosh. Wm. Calzie. Telfer. James Johnston. Jane Agnes Murdoch. Lorimer. McScumin. Jane Jane John Martin. Keavand. John McScumin. John Jennet Reid. Dindle. Pat. McScumin. Margt. Jennet Murdoch. Craw. Alexr. John Hannay. John McClure. Barbara Davidson. Jennet Hannay. Andrew McClure. Gavine McKie. John Telfer. Margt. McQuhandle. Barbara Wallace. Eliz. Telfer. Agnes McClure. Grizzal Telfer. Eliz. McKie. Geo. Reid. McKie. John Telfer. Mary Jennet Frasser. Grizzal McKie. John Hannay. Elsbet Reid. Alexr. Martin. Grizzal Skelly. Margt. Malmein. Will. Hannay. Skellerie. Wm. Martin. Alexr. McQuoyd. McKindle. Geo. Martin. Ellen Muirhead. Wm. Ellen McCaunles. McGill. Geo. McQuoyd. John Walker. Elsbet Uthreid McQuoyd. James Malroy. McKindle. Gavine McGill. Jennet McDowall. Margt. Walker. Alexr. Neilson. Hugh McQuoyd. Agnes Wm. McKindle. Jennet McNeelie. Hugh McDowall. John McScumin. Margt. Neilson. Jennet McDowall. Alexr. McCaunles. James Neilson. Skeat. Grizzal Murdoch. Marian Kennedy. McCaunles. Agnes Kennedy. Will. McKinzie. Jennet Alexr. Aikin. Pat. McScumin. Marian Walker. McCraccan. Alexr. McKinzie. Elsbet McScumin. Jennet McCaunles. Margt. McScumin. Elsbet Walker. Jennet Harrie McCaunles. Alexr. McScumin. M ILL/TON. Walker. John Maine. Jennet Margt. Stewart. Ninian Guilin. Alexr. Malrie. Margt. Telfer. Stp;warton. Simon Calzie. Simon Guilin. Anthony Hathorne. James McCutchin. David Guilin. Agnes McCulloch. Margt. Calzie. James Bell. Anthony Hathorne. Jane Kennedy. Jennet Malhinch. Esther Hathorne. John McChreacher. Will. Kilpatrick. Margt. Hathorne. Margt. Templton. Elsbet Malnay. Gilbert Garroch. Isobel McChreacher. John Calzie. Margt. Gunnion. Tho. Guilin. Simon Calzie. Jennet Malhinch. Rosina Telfer. Agnes Calzie. John McScumin. Alexr. McBruin. Charles Gordon. Jennet McScumin. Isobel Paterson. Simon Calzie. John McCredie. Jennet Edgar. Andrew Barnesse. Jane John McChestnie. J;tmes Dowglasse. Simon Keavand. Jennet Blaine. Jennet McCredie. ' Elsbet McKinzie. John McCutchin. John Dowglasse. Agnes Keavand. Jane Malinin. John McCredie. 30 Parish Lists of Wigtownshire and Minnigajf, 1684.

Ellen McKindle. Jennet McGuffolk. KlRKLAND OF LONG- Jennet Keavand. John McGuffolk. CASTLE. Harie McCredie. James Vaus. Tho. McBurnie. Jennet McScumin. Elsbet Sprot. Marian McCrumb. Geo. Vaus. Hugh McBurnie. Vaus. Bellfairne. Margt. Margt. Greer. Pat McCaunles. Hugh McClellan. Sarah McClure. Margt. McCaunles. John Anderson. Jane McScumin. Knockefrick. Jennet McClene. Neilson. McConnel. James Will. McScumin. John David McCaunles. Kath. Gill. Cunnion. ARNGUILSHIE. John John McScumin. Agnes Cuan. Tho. McScumin. Pat. Anderson. Margt. Hannay. David McScumin. Margt. McCulloch. Hugh McCredie. Charles McScumin. John Anderson. Elsbet McScumin. Jane Anderson. Grange Gordon's Alexr. McScumin. Land. Jennet Reid. CULGARIE. Jennet McQuoyd. Pat. Blain. KlRKLAND OF Margt. McCredie. KlRKINNER. Knockencur. Jennet Blaine. Gordon. McBruin. John John Malroy. John Hamilton. McCredie. Jane Margt. Milroy. Jennet Gordon. Robt. Anderson. Hugh John McKie. Ellen Anderson. James Kairly. Margt. McKindle. Jennet McClelland. Anable McComb. Whir. Jane Pat. McKie. Caumfoord. Alexr. McClellan. Jennet Dindle. Alexr. Dun. Wm. McClellan. Jennet Conning. Agnes Keavand. Gilbert Kelway. Alexr. Dun. McCaunles. Margt. McClellan. McClellan. Blairshinnoch. Margt. John Will. Dun. Ellen Vaus. Will. Hannay. Margt. Maxwell. John Anderson. Jane Hathorn. Gordon. Anderson. Elspet Barbara Grizzal Hannay. Tho. Duns. Murdoch. John Ellen Hannay. Marian Mickleduffe. Reid. Agnes Pat. Guilin. Ellen Cairtnie. Murdoch. Jennet Margt. Hannay. Will. Duns. Alexr. Carsen. Will. Gunnion. Manse of . Will. McCulloch. Jennet Broadfoot. Marian McGuffolk. Mr. Andrew Symson. John Gunnion. Coltran. Jane Inglis. John Andrew Symson. Jennet McGeoch. Borland. David Symson. Pat. Carsen. Esther Wright. ARICHASSON. Margt. Carsen. [ennet Kairly. Michael McChlerie. Pat. McCulloch. Ellen McMurrie. Ellen Malmein. Jennet McGeoch. James Russell. James McChlerie. Alexr. McCulloch. McChlerie. Nicol McBraf.iie. Maxwel's Jennet Sir William Andrew McChlerie. Robt. McCulloch. Lands. Lawrie. John McChlerie. Jennet Margt. McKindle. Pat. Hannay. Knockan. Andrew Fee. Eupham Malnay. Ellen McGuffolk. Jane McCrumb. (ennet Hannay. McGuffolk. Andrew Fee. Alexr. Donaldson. John Anderson. Tho. McGuffolk. Margt. Fee. Jennet Will. Donaldson. Pat. McGuffolk. John Fee. Donaldson. Ninian McGuffolk. Margt. Fullarton. John Parish Lists of Wigtownshire and Minnigaff, 1684.

Jennet Donaldson. William Duns. Agnes McScumin. Agnes Anderson. Jennet Martin. Eliz. Murdoch. John McGunnion. William Martin. Alexr. Cunigham. Ellen Ker. Margt. Logan. John Laurie. Elsbet McKie. Hugh Hannay. Jennet Gunnion. Will. McQuha. Alexr. Conning. Culbea. Margt. ldndle. James McCraccan. Little Arreise. Tho. D indie. Malmein. Laurie. Jennet Margt. Kennedy. Dis- Jennet Pat. McCraccan. Hunter. orderly. Jennet Alexr. McCraccan. Anne Kennedy. Margt. McCraccan. McHallom. McCraccan. John Cairnfiei.h. Gillespick Elsbet Malroy. McClellan. Margt. John McHallom. Keith. Ellen Munnish. Margt. Jane McHallom. John Gordon. Pat. McRobbert. Third Part of the Margt. Sprot. Munnish. Little Arreisf. Jennet Kilpatrick. Hary John McRobbert. John Sprot. Robt. McCruive. Bessie Aikin. Ellen Malroy. Isobel Telfer. John McWilliam. Ellen Sprot. Robert McCruive. Jennet Malroy. Hary Sprot. Arch. Munnish. Mill of the Little Mickle Arreise. Jennet Cunigham. to Arrese, belonging Harie Hathorne. Jennet Munnish. Barnbarroch. Anne Hathorne. Alexr. McCuiccan. Pat. More. John Hathorne. Elsbet Hills. Jennet Duns. Harie Hathorne. Jennet AfcCuiccan.

This above written list contains the whole persons and inhabitants of the parish of Kirkinner above the age of twelve years according to the best of my information and knowledge, as witnes my hand at Wigton, Octob. 15th, 1684. Andrew Symson, Minr. of Kirkinner.

EXAMEN ROLL of the Parish of . Apparently A.D. 1684.

Loggan. Marion McFaddan. Kathrin Rob. Robert Patrick McDouall of John McLurg. Campbell. Jean McFaddan. Marion Agnew. Logan. Isobell his Agnes Campbell. Adair, Lady. Balkellie. Faddan. Patrick his Janet McDouall, Elizabeth McLanochan. son. Patrick Cowan. William McNewan. Isobell McDouall. Adam Blain. Margrat McClymon. Janet Stewart. Andrew Mcllmun. Alexr. McCochren. Anna Blain. A ACHNES (sic). Robert McTalzeouch. Janet Askin. Robert McFaddan. James McDouall. Patrick McMurrey. Patrick McMaster. Isobell Barnet. Janet Kniblo. Jean McDouall. Hugh McDouall. Janet McMurrey. Agnes McClurg. Joh. Chambers. Margrat McMurrey. Janet McFaddan. Janet Kniblo. Uthried McMurrey. Job. Blain. James Chamers. Margrat McMurrey. McMaster. Janet McMecan (k sic). Agnes Chambers. .Margrat John McCleirie (sic). Georg McLurg. John Jamison. Margrat Blain. Christin McLurg. Margrat Jameson. Elias McFaddan. Marion McFaddan. Gilbert Jamison. Jonet McDouall. Joh. McClerie. Janet Chalmers. \2 Parish Lists of Wigtownshire and Minnigaff, 1684.

Patrick Jamison. KlLBRID. Joh. McGa. McColm. Margrat Chalmers. Fergus Cochran. Elspit McGa. Thomas McMurrey. Margret McCutchen. James

i McGa. Androw McMurrey. John Shank. Janet Robert McDouall. Alexr. McMurrey.' Janet McCrea. McCleiri. Janet McMurrey. Margret Corkran. Margrat Alexr. McUhirk. Janet Mein. Joh. Jameson. Helen Mcllmun. Thomas Shank. Margrat McComb. Gilbert McUhirk. Thomas McMurrey. Gilbert Jamieson. Robert Maxwell. Janet Gibson. Georg Jamieson. Gilbert McMaster. Elizabeth Blain. Margret McMurrey. William Cowan. Alexr. Shank. Margret Nilson. Ninian Niblo. Jean Adair. Janet McBrid. Cowan. Chirstin Torburn. John Joh. McMurrey. Kathren Girthrick. Janet Sloan. Margret McKinnie. Mvroch. Joh. Torburn. Joh. Blain. James Mitchall. Georg McMeckan. Agnes Jameson. Janet McCracken. Wdle. Mitchall. Joh. McCarmick. BALGOUN. Agnes Mitchall. Jean Blain. Androw McMaster. Alexr. Boyd. Joh. McFaddan. Helen Blain. Askin. Hugh Paterson. Jonet Rob. McMaster. Margrat McCleiri. Joh. Joh. McGa. Gibson. Finla McTalere. Margrat Margret Marion McDouall. John McKinnie. Jean Gibson. Nivin McTalero. James McKitrick. Jean McClymon. Elizabeth Gordon. Cochran. Jean McNillie. James McKitrick. Shank. John Jean MlLN OF TARBILLY. McGa. Isobell McCarmick. Janet McComb. William McMaster. Hugh Cochran. Margret McConnel. Alexr. Campbell. Janet Jamieson. Margret McKairly. Robert Hunter. Joh. Jameson. Jonet Hugh McCutchen. Chirstin Fultoun. Jean Cochran. Frances Broddie. KlLLINGIN. Killumpha. High Grenan. Robert Gordon. Robert McDuall of Couan. Joh. Jameson. Janet Logan, yor. Murrishon. Helen McClerie. Grisell Sarah Shaw, his Lady. Jonet Shank. Patrick Jameson. Shank. Mcllmun. Jean Eldrick. James Patrik Shank. Banks. Joh. Alexr. Shank. James Sayers. Kathrin Alexander. Janet McCarmick. Margret Roddie. Jean McDouall. Shaw. Georg Jamieson. Elspit Leigh Greanen. Jean McMaster. Jean McFaddan. William Rodie. Alexr. McFaddan. Adam Boyd. Sarah Blain. Kathrin McCarmick. Jean McDouall. Patrick McCarmick. Alexr. Torburn. Jean McDouall. Sloan. Agnes Blain. Jean Sloan. James William Corcran. Androw Torburn. Margret Blain. Chirstin McMaster. Wille. McKie. Will Blain. Jean McMaster. Margret McClerie. Margret Agnew. Joh. McClunpha. Jonet McCarmick. Kii.stay. Jean Colphin. Janet Clunpha. PORTNESSOCK. Thomas Pirie. Joh. McMickan. Patrick Cochan. Margret Austun. Besse Templetoun. Elizabeth McKie. Gilbert McMaster. Patrick McMickin. Patrick McMaster. William Pirrie. Janet McMaster. Janet McGa. Margret Maxuell. Parish Lists 1 -y of. Wigtownshire and Minnigaff, 1684.

Patrick McTalleroch. Clonardmilne. Thomas McGrerie. Barbra Couen. William Chalmers. Kathrin McDouall. Will McTaleroch. Jean Adair. Margret Mein. Alexander Mc Master. John Agnew. William Agnew, her son.. Janet Roddie. Agnes McCutchon. Joh. Agnew. Patrick Mc Murrey. Fatk. Agnew. Margrat Blain. Clonard. Patk. McClelland. Sarah McMurrey. Mcllvechick. John Gordon of Clonard, Janet Jonet McMurrey. elder. James McGa. Roddie. Joh. Gordon. James McMaster. Marion Gibson. Jean John McComb. Kathrin McTaleroch. Corgie. Alexr. Gordon of Clonard, Alexr. McMaster. William Adair of Roddie. yor. Corgie. Janet Grisell McCulloch. Anna McDouall. James McTalerock. Wm. Adair. Helen McGa. Agnes Jardine. McKitrick. Patk. Adair. McTaleroh. James Joh. yicWwe weian. Janet McTaleroch. McDouall. Mary Hugh Patrick Mcllweian. Anabella Morishon. Sarah Adair. McCarmick. Marion Sloan. Booll. Margret Joh. Patrick McKitrick. Alexr. Halthorn. Marion McKie. Janet Elspit Kie. Booll. McHingzie. Margret Joh. Mcllwie. David Torburn. Margrat Agnew. McCarmick. Janet McCulloh. Wallace. James Janet Helen McMaster. Alexr. Mcllwie. Will Torburn. Margry McCarmick. Thomas Wallace. Patrick McCulloch. Garachtrie. Blain. Margrat Janet Keaven. Elizabeth Wallace. Joh. Malmun. Joh. McGuffock. Patrick Wallace. Janet Nilson. Isobell. Alexr. Kennadie. Margrat Davidson. Archibald McClerie. Jean Wallace. Joh. Terbit. James McComb. Will McMurrey. Helen McFellie. Kathrin Shank. Joh. McCarmick. William larbit. Janet McComb. Jean McCarmick. Margrat Tarbit. James McComb. Janet Corcran. Andrew McSkellie. Margret McCarmick. Elizabeth Brid. Margret Gibson. Andrew Agnew. John Brid. Andrew Mc. McLerie (.57V:) Jean McMaster. Margrat Murishon. Uthred McLerie. James Agnew. William Booll. Agnes McBrid. Jean Agnew. Kathrin McTalero. Marion Mcllwie. John Austin. Andrew McLerie. Jonet McLurg. KAIRN. Alexr. Paterson. William Austin. Patrick Nibloch. Paterson. Janet Janet Austin. Janet McHingzie. Paterson. Margret Joh. Austin. Patrick Niblo, yor. Agnes Mcllwie. Pat. McDougall. Margret Cochran. Margret Boyd. Jean Chalmers. Joh. McGa. Marion McGa. Janet McMorland. William McMaster. Jean McCarmick. William McGa. Agnes Sinkler. COROCHTRIE. Helen McGa. James McLeirie. McCarmick. Joh. Boyd. James Janet Adair. Margrat Aid. McMichan. William Boyd. Jean David Joh. McCarmick. Janet McMeikan Alexr. Boyd. William Mcllwie. Janet McCarmick. McCleirie. Janet McCarmick. Drummore. MUGLOCK. Janet xMcGa. Jean Booll. Mr. Alexr. Adair of Thomas McTeir. Alexr. Mcllwie, Drummor. Margrat McSkellie. Janet Murray. Margrat Agnew. McTeir. Janet Jean Mcllwie. Elizabeth Agnew. 34 Parish Lists of Wigtownshire and Minnigaff, 1 684.

Patrick Shank. Carngarrach. Margrat McNillie. Robert Corcran. Robert Wallace. Joh. Morishon. Jean McNewan. Margrat McKitrick. Janet McMurrey. Elizabeth Kenadie. Patrick Wallace. Alexr. Corcran. Will Wallace. Little Aaltoune. Helen Halthorn. Margratt Kniblo. Maxuell. Patrick Davidson. Joh. William Wallace. Maxuell. Mills. Jean Margrat Janet Wallace. Will Alexr. Cullo. McClymon. Margtt. McCullo. Patrick Neilson. Margrat Cochran. Isobell Stewart. Elspit McCullo. Kailennes. Will Murra. Alexr. Kenadie. Helen McCarmick. Altoun. McDouall. Mickle McCarmick. Margret James Kenadie. Alexr. McClymon. McCarmick. Jonet Janet Nilson. Marion Hills. Alexr McCullo. Joh. McTalero. Thomas McTalero. Kathrin Mcllwie. Jean Paterson. Margrat Corcran. Corcran. John Janet Henderson. Alexr. McTalero. William Edzer. Agnes Paterson. Margret McTalero. Bentoun. Janet Margrat Paterson. Will Gibson. Edzr. Margret Margret Jean McCulloch. Anna Agnew. Cardrain. Robert Gibson. Mary Shaw. Grisell McConnell. Georg McComb. McNili. Murra. Joh. Margrat Janet McTalero. KlLDONNAN. Elizabeth Murra. Janet McNili. Gilbert William McMorland. Argo. Jean McNili. Margrat Blain. Janet Halthorn. Alexr. McMorland. Marg Argo. Creichan. Margret Argo. Patrick McMorland. Robert of Helen Argo. Margret McGa. McDouall Patt. Corcran. Patrick McMorland. Creichan. Janet Paterson. Agnes Kenady, his spous. Robert Corcran. CARDRYN. Janet McMorland. Will Corcran. Katrin McTaleroch. Patrick Hannay. Elizabeth McCulloch. Joh. McTalero. Margret McMorland. Alexr. Corcran. Janet McNili. Margret Hannay. Androw McMaster. Joh McConnell and Georg Hannay. Margret McMaster. Margrat McNili, his Margret McGa. Alexr. Mcllgockie. mother. McCarmick. James Murray. William Chalmers. Jean Margret Halthorn. Will McMaster. Janet McDouall. Janet Murray. Jean Murray. Joh. Chalmers. Gilbert McNewan. MULTNOK. Jean Afieck. Janet McNewan. Alexander McMorland John McCrerie. Hugh Kenady. Jean McComb. Davidson. Margrat Gressie. Margrat Joh. Couand. Will Agnes McCrerie. Kenady. Janet Morishon. Andro Muere. Patrick McCracken. Kathrin McNaall. Halthorn. Margret McKie. Janet Mihall Henderson. McCullo. Janet Mure. Margrat Margrat Murray. Patrick Shank. James Murray. Maryport. Janet McCrerie. Jean Murray. Alexr. Shank. Robert Adair of Mary- Ninian Murishon. William Shank. port. Janet Couan. Patrick Strachan, Kathrin Adair. Marion Blain. schoolmr. Janet McCulloch. Cliirstin McCalme. Isobell Johnston. Joh. Hills. James McGa. Joh. Strachan. Jannet Corcran. Alexander McComb. Janet Strachan. Helen Keaven. Margret Murray. Parish Lists of'Wigtownshire and Minnigajf, 1684. 35

Carngarm. Jean Niblo. Joh. Stewart, yonger. Alexr. McGae. Jannet Niblo. Margrat McCulloch. Margrat McBrid. Patrick McCarmick. James McGa. Inshanks. Joh. McCarmick. Alexr. McGa. Elspit McCulloch. McCuloch of Marion Herron (Heron James Joh. McCarmick. Mool. McCarmick. sic). James Janet Hanna. Janet Murray. John McCarmick, eldier. Alexander McCulloch. Bessie Joh. McGa. McMaster. Robert Agnes Kniblo. Young. Joh. McMaster. Murdoch. Margrat McGa. Mary Margrat McCarmick. James McCulloch. Margrat Keith. Alexr. McCarmick. McMaster. Georg Niblo. Janet Janet Edzer. Helen McCulloch. James McCulloch. Will McCuloch. McCulloch. Margrat McComb. Janet Jean McGa. McCarmick. John McGa. Janet McMaster. Jean McGa. Margrat PORTINCORKRIE. John Munnell. Alexr. Niblo. McCraken. Janet Mule. Jean McCulloch. Margrat McMorland. Godfrey McCullo. Joh. McMorland. Will McGa. James McGa. Androvv McComb. Jean McCulloch. Janet Corcran. Margrat Munnell. Joh. McGa. Alexr McGa. Joh. McCulloch. Elizabeth McBrid. ACHNACHT. Agnes McCulloch. Janet McCullo. Elizabeth McCulloch. Will Niblo. Will McCullo. McCarmick Master. Wallace. Sarah McKie. Janet Janet 9 Robert McNili. McCulloch. Job McClymon. Elspit Marrion Din. William Niblo. Jean McHingzie. Niblo. Wallace. Jonet McClymond. Mary Margrat Alexr. Niblo. Patrick McNili. McClymon. Joh. Alexr. McCulloch. McComb. Jean Herron. Janet Helen McCarmick. Davidson. Patrick McNili. James Gilbert Chalmers. Janet Cochron. Janet Gordon. Phebe Davidson. SLOAK. Janet McGa. Margarat Jackson. Will Niblo. Joh. Chalmers. Mary Law. Grisell McDouell. Joh. Stewart. John Shank. Job. Niblo. Effie McCarmick. Margarat McUlloch. Will Niblo. James Stewart. Jean Austin.

That this is a true roll of the parishioners of the parish of Kirkmaidin is asserted by me. George YOUNG, Minr. there.

That there is not any in all this within vvrtin. roll irregular except the Lady Logan, elder, is attested by George YOUNG, Minr.

The LIST of the Parishoners of Leswalt. Septemb. 21st, 1684. Park of Stranrawer. Mar. Carnochin. Sarah McKnaught. Andrew Agnew of Jean McKorscra. Patrick Aid. Sewchan. Margret McKorscra. Jennet McCulloch. Elizabeth McDowall. Alexr. Slowand. Finlay Fergusone. David Malloch. George Smith. Jennet Rodger. Andrew McKinnell. Jennet Kennedy. Pat. Murdoch. Jennet Aitken. Alexr. McFredricke. Jennet McWilliam. Margret Leith. Jennet McKnaught. Alexr. McLumpha. Marion Porter. Wm. Mountgomery. Margret McMaister. James McKorscra. Tho. Kennedy. John McCance. 36 Parish Lists of Wigtownshire and Minnigaff, 1684.

Jennet Walker. Kirsten McKonnell. Marion McWilliam. Thomas McCance. Andrew McFredricke. Patricke McWilliam. Issobell Moore. Agnes Murchi. Litle Marke. Jennet McUowall. Jennet McGill. Gilbert McHunzie, elder. Uthrid McDowall. Bessie McKaige. Easter Craichmoore. Jon McKar. Rob McHunzie. Thomas McHarrie. Margret McQueun. Grizell Rose. Andrew McHunzie. Kathrine Walker. Issobel McKar. James Rodie. Jon. McHarrie. Gilbert Morton. Margret Margret McHarrie. McQueune. Agnes McMaister. Tho. McHarrie. Jean Reid. Andrew McGill. Jon. McKnilie. Large Lidsdaill. Agnes McGill. Jennet Shearer. James McQueune. Hellen Shearer. CHALLOCH. Tho. McQueune. Patricke Campbell. Janet McBryde. Jennet Rodie. Mr. Wm. Cleivelanch John Wither. Jon. McCraken. ane excommunicate Jon. McKonnell. Margret McKnilie. persone. Nail Syres. Agnes Agnew. Jennet Weir. SlDRIDDIHILL. Jean Cleiveland. Wm. Craige. John McKnilie. Jon. Campbell. Margret McLounie. Bessie Agnew. Agnes Agnew. Allan. Andrew Cleiveland. Agnes John McKnilie. Jennet McClement. Florence McKie. Andrew Bowdin. Wester Craichmoore. John McPhadzen. Jennet McQueune. Jennet McMaister. McFredricke. Wm. McGockie. Kirsten Baird. Jonnet McDowall. Pat. McMaister. Jennet Andrew*Agnew. McUowall. Jennet WizMtvster Cance. Jean Euphan McLounie. Alexr. Murchi. Alexr. McKance. Pat. McMaister. Tho. Margret Kyle. McQueune. Jennet McKonnell. Pat. McBryde. Margret Bigholme. Marion McMaister. Alexr. Martine. Margret Kyle. Andrew McKnilie. William McKnaule. Margret Bigholme. Jean McKonnell. Martine. Jennet McQueune. Jon. Margret Agnew. Agnes Martine. Alexr. McKnarrie. Kirke. Meikle Marke. Jennet Jean McWilliam. Andrew Jo. Craige Andrew Campbell. McBryde. Kirsten Wallace. McQueune. Jennet Walker. Jennet Wm. Gordon. Andrew McBryde. Jon. McCraken. Quintyne Shamran. Cowand. Gilb. McHunzie, younger. Jean Jennet McQuistein. Patrick . Jennet McCulloch. Shannan. Tho. Crossen. James Agnes Paterson. Shannan. Rowand. Jennet Alexr. Moffat. Jennet Patricke Craige. Jennet Moffat. Marion Wallace. Tho. ACHNEILL. McCraken. Kyle. Jennet Jennet McBryde. Finlay Blaire. McDowall. Jon. Wm. Kyle. Marion McQuistein. Jon. Campbell. BURGESCROFT. Anna Gordon. Eastfr Glen- David McKance. James McQueune. stocketell. Issobell McHaffie. Issobel McKnilie. John Adaire. Margret McDowall. Elizabeth Whyte. Agnes McTeir. Pat. Campbell. Jean Robison. Gilbert Leich. DlNDINNIE. Margret McWilliam. Jennet Miller. Jon. McWilliam. George Adaire. Marion Leich. Jennet Baylie. Gilbert Agnew. John Bowdin. James McWilliam. Jennet Aitken. fennet Hunter. Gilbert McWilliam. Jennet Agnew. Parish Lists of Wigtownshire a?iii Minnigajf, 1 684. 37

Wester Glen- MlLNETOUNE. Balgrecy. stocketell. Niven Ker. Hew McKar. Margret Parker. Margret Campbell. Jennet McQueune. Alexr. McQueune. Jon. McKairly. Marion Rowand. Agnes McQueune. Margret McMaister. John McKar. Mary McQueune. Jean McQuistein. Andrew McGill. Margret Mc Do wall. Robert Ker. Jennet Carnochin. Patrick McMicken. Elspeth McKie. Finlay McGill. McMicken. Patersone. John Jean ACHNOTTOROCH. Margaret Porter. James McClung. Margret Baird. Andrew Coltard. KlRKLAND. Jennet McKnilie. Agnes McKie. Scot. Alexr. McKie. Jean McDowall. Jon. Barbara Creichton. Jennet McQueune. John Boyde. Robert Agnew. Alexander Kelly. Meikle Larbrecks. Anna Jean McKnilie. Hay. Niven Ker. Marion Cowand. Jean McWilliam. Elspeth McKar. Margret Slowand. Marion McWilliam. Jean Ker. Jennet McWilliam. Patrick McRadie. Barbeth. Alexander Agnew. Alexr. Campbell. Jennet Ramsay. John Murchi. Margret McMurray. Patrick Agnew. Margret Carnochin. Alexr. McWilliam. Gilbert McDowall. Finlay Paterson. Marion Ker. Marion McWilliam. Jon. Patersone. Margret Cuningham. John Agnew. Andrew McMaister. Issobell McDowall. Mr. Wm. Somervel Marion Paterson. Gilbert McKnilie. Minr. Thomas McBryde. John McDowall. : Agnes Agnew. Jennet Murchie. Jennet Rowand. Jean Somervell. James McKar. Litle Larbrecks. Wm. McRae. Margret Murchie. Grizell Agnew. Issobell McKullon. Andrew Cleiveland. Anna Lafreis. DlNDUFFE. Weirsioune. Andrew Cleiveland. Patricke Cleiveland. George McRae. James Campbell. Cleiveland. Rosina McKie. Jennet Ker. James Cleiveland. Margret McRae. Rodger Campbell. Agnes Andrew McMaister. Andrew Shannan. Jennet McHunzie. Issobel Alexr. McWilliam. Hew Lin. McMaister. Hew McRae. Alexr. Wilson. John Litle. i Gibson. Margret McMicken. Agnes Campbell. Jean Andrew Cochran. Jean Wilsone. PORSLOGAN. McCraken. Alexander Boece. Jennet Alexr. Cochran. McQueune. Jennet Agnes Bigholme. McKelvain. Robison. Patricke McKare. Margret John Elizabeth McQueune. Marion McDowall. Mary Bigholme. Robert McFredricke. Agnes McQueune. Adam Rose. Cathrin Cragoch. McQueune. Alexr. McWilliam. Gilbert Bigholme. Hellen McKie. Balwhirrie. Agnes Walker. Maes. Jon. McDowall. John Bigholme. Jennet McRae. Jennet Bigholme. James McQueune. Jon. McDowall. Margret Bigholme. Issobel McKelvayn. Jon. Smith. Thomas Bigholme. John McQueune. Jennet Baylie. Andrew Bigholme. Thomas McKaige. Jon. McDowall. Robert Bigholme. Jennet McQueune. ... Jennet Wither. Jennet Gray. Patricke McKaige.. William McClumpha M.argret Rowand. Jennet Morisone. Margret Morton. Jon. McWilliam. Andrew Walker.

; ! Elspeth Gilmour. Marion Walker. Elizabeth- MeQiieuue . 38 Parish Lists of Wigtownshire and Minnigaff\ 1684.

Knocke. Garcherie. John McKnilie. John McWilliam. John McKie. Margret McQueune. McKnilie. Jennet McQueune. Jennet Campbell. James Jon. McQueune. James McKie. Margret McQueune. McKare. Thomas Young. John McKie. James Marion McKar. Jennet Wilsone. Hellen Chesnut. John McQueune. John McBryde. Margret Vance. Barbara McHunzie. Margret Mcjory. Jennet Andersone. John Young. Lambert Kelly. Issobell Allan. Andrew McMicken. KNOCKNAM. Wilsone. McGiltoune. Jennet Margret John McGill. McHaffie. Margret Kilpatricke. Margret Margret McKnilie. Uthrid McDowall. Jennet Edgar. Glaicke. Kathrin McMaister. Margret McKaldon. Gilbert Herron. Agnes McClellan. Andrew McGill. Stewart. Margret Margret Gray. John McWilliam. Grizell McKie. McQueune. Agnes Jennet Miller. Gilbert Herron. Marion McSkamble. Jennet McWilliam. McHunzie. Mathew Caven. John John Rose. Jennet Coltard. Grizell McDowall. John McWilliam, taylor. Jean Walker. Pat. McGiltoune. Alexr. McGill. Jennet Agnew. Cathrin Rose. Glenhead. Rose. Margret Margret McGill. McDowall. Patricke McKie. John James Andersone. Jennet McGill. John Porter. Pat. McWilliam. McKie. Martin. Margret Margret Margret McGill. Agnes McKie. Michael Porter. Alexander Leich. McKae. John Jennet McKnilie. Jennet Reid. Meikle Galdenoch. McRae. John Patrick Agnew of Galde- Mark. Lochnaw. noch. Jon McKnilie. Brisban. Sr Andrew Agnew of Jean Margret Miller. Lochnaw. John Rose. Jennet McHunzie. Margrat McRadie. Andrew D. Jean Hay. Agnew. James Agnew. Jennet Campbell. Marion Campbell. Agnes McRickart. Grizell Campbell. Lady Mary Montgomery. Patricke McKnilie. Mistris Grizell Agnew. Quintine McKnilie. John Bigholme, elder. Andersone. Jennet Bruce. Jean John Bigholme. Jean Agnew. Robert McKie. Marion Bigholme. ACHNEILL. Gordon. Hew Craufurd. James Patricke McKnilie. Marion Thomas McKie. McQueistine. Bessie McMicken. James Gibson. Jon McMicken. Andrew McKnilie. Agnew. John McKie. Jennet Kathrin McKnilie. Kaachie. Agnes Miller. Alexander Thomsone. Margret Marion McKonnell. Agnew. Margret Kussell. Mary Rose. Rodie. John Thomson. Jean Marion McWilliam. John Grizell McDowall. Margret Thomson. Jennet McMicken. Alexr. McKnilie. Marion Coltard. Litle Galdenoch. Kathrin McKnilie. James Litlejohn. David Rose. John Carson. Miles Realish. Jon Rose. Jennet McKaldon. James Johnstoune. Jennet Bigholme. John Carson.

These are the names of the parishoners of Leswalt taken up on the twintie first day of Sept. 1684, and I declare this is a true list and are regulare. Mr. W. Somervell, Minr. at Leswalt.

Thes to be excepted Mr. William Cleiveland. in Challoch, ane excommuni- Parish Lists of Wigtownshire and Minnigaff, 1684. 39

cate persone, Jean Birsban, spouse to Patrick Agnew of Galdenoch, who is as witness at the paralyticke ; my subscriptione Wigtoune, fyfteen day of Octob. 1684. Mr. W. Somervell.

Minnigaff Parish, 15th October 1684.

The Forist of James Murray in Kir- Marrion McCleave there. Buchan. auchrie. Robt. Doungan there. Minzies John M'Kie in Palgouen. Hilling Gordan, his Margrat there. Elzebeth Dunbar, his spouss. James McCaa there. Gordan in Glen- Keith there. spouss. James Agnes Alexr. McTier there. heid. John McKie in Glenhoise. John Mcjampse there. James McMillan, his Grisell Herroun Grisell McClelland there. spouss. (Jaen over there. William Stewart John McKie there. James, sic). there. in McGeachin there. Michael McTagart in Thomas Gordan Janet Kirkcastle. Buchan. Robt. Murray there. Cathren Gordan, his McCutchen, his Elzebeth Thomson there. Pattrick McCaul there. spouss. spouss. Alexr. M'Goun. McYelvour there. Androu McCaule. McCaule there. Grisell Wilson, his spouss. Margrat Gilbert McCutchen in The Barronrie of Janet McMilland there. Kirrireoch. Risk. James McMillan in Dal- Marron McKie, his Thomas Milroy in Stran- lash. thre. spouss. bee. Agnas Douglass Pattnck McClelland. Marion Cuninghame, his William Mcburney thre. Janet McMillan, his spouss. John Thomson in Lagan. his spouss. Margrat Milroy there. Agnes Steuart, spouse. John McGoun in Kirri- Marion Milroy there. Archibald McMilland moir. Martin Malroyin Auehen- thre. Janet McClamont, his lick. Agnes McClelland thre. spouss. Margrat McMillan, his Hilling McGoun there. spouss. The Barronie of Rott. Gordon. Androu McCluir there. Bardrohwood. Isobell McClamont, his Jaen McKeand there. William McKie in Coruar. spouss. Janet McMulroh there. Marion Craik thre. John McClamont. Patt. Murray there. Agnass Mcjamsie there. John Jamieson. Marjorie Shyland there. John McMullan there. Patt McCluire. Androu Dunbar in Risk. Grisell Davidson there. Janet Thomson. Agnes McDuall, his John Ramsay att Milne. Jaen Murray. spouss. Margrat McKie there. Janet Cairnes. George Mairtin there. William Douncan there. Gilbert McKie in Kirrie- Jaen Stewart there. Janet McKie there. kennan. Margrat McMillan there. Antony McCaa att Place. Jaen McKie, his spouss. Margrat McMillan there. Christan Gordan there. John Gordan in Kilker- John Dunbar there. Agnes, Elzebeth and rock. Beatrix Murray there. Margrat McCaulls Jealls Gordan, his spouss. Pattrick Heroun in Drum- there. Margrat Findly there. lanwhiny. William Doucan there. Alexr. Gordan there. Margrat Cumingham, his Janet Neuall there. John McMillan in Stroan. spouss. James Scot att Breheid. Jaen Heroun, his spouss. Robt. Heroun, his son. Gellian Kieth there. Antony Wilson. Robt. Good there. John Murray there. Isobel McGoune. Agnes McGeachin there. Elysebeth McCroscry Androu Gordan. Margrat McKeand there. there. Cathrain McClurge. Robt. Davidson there. Rott. Douncan there. John McKie in Eskeun- Margrat Cumingham James Murray there. han there. John McKie there. Grisel Milroy, his spous. Alexr. McGeachin there. Isobell McDual there. 40 Parish Lists of Wigtownshire and Minnigaff, 1684.

Agnas McCornok there. Thomas McClurge in The Barronrieofthe John Corbie in Stran- Dunkittrick. Larg and Town of maddie. Janet Alan, his spouse. MlNUGOFF. Jean Camble there. Patt Mairtiri in Mchrie- Janet Corbie there. moire. Alexr. Roxburgh. William Corbe there. Margrat McKie, his Jo Roxburgh. Marion Milfadrick there. spouse. Margrat McNilhe. John Milfadrick there. Marion Bodan there. Janet McCroscre. Janet McCulliam there. Tho. McCulliam there. Agnas McCourie. James Milfadrick there. Marion MeKinney, his Grisell McKeachie. William Thomson there. spouse. Elspeth Huntur. Marie Milfadrick. John McCutchen there. Agnas Carnock. John McChesney there. Hilling Muray there. 1 homas McCleve. Janet Milfadrick there. Richard McChensney James Kennedie. Samuel McMurran there. there. Marie McKie. Hilling McKie there. Janet McCutchen there. James Tarn. Christan McMurran McCutchin there John Mcjillvar. there. John Carnochen there. Elzebeth McClave. John McMurran. James McKie there. Agnas McCleave. Patt Heuchand there. James Findly there. Mr. Wm. McClamont Hilling McKeand there. Wm. McClingan there. Gresell McKie. Janet Heuchan there. Jaen Findley there. William McKelve. Alexr. Heuchan there. Isobell McCornock there. Jaen Harge. Gilbert Grerson in Gre- Agnas McDual, laidy of Patt McClunochen. dock. Machremore.* Jo McKie, baylye. Niccolus McClellan, his John McClurgof (in) Cars- Janet McWhanrall. spouse. . naa.* Tho. McGledrie Jo McKie, younger. Christian McClellan there. Margratt Mccome. there. Agnas McCutchen, his Margratt McKie. Robt. McCroscre there. spouse, Jaen Robert- Grisell Cuningham. Marion McNea there. son.* Jaen McClave. Alexr. McDuall there. Patt McClurge there. Robt. Herroun. Effie McMulIan there. Anna McClurge there. Janet McKie. John McMurran in Ard- Grisell Herroun there. John McClellan. uall. James Coan there. Hillin Goune. Margrat Pringle there. Grisell McKie there. Archibald Steuarl. John McClelland there. Janet Coan there. Grisell Steuart. John McCome there. Janet Kilpattrick. The Barroxrie of McKie iu Park Mac- Hatt McKie. Machremore. John lurge. Isobell Thomson. Ja McMillan in Craigen- Marion McClurge there. Agnas Doncan. cally. John McClellan there. Isobell Martin. Janet Murray, his spouse. Christian McKie there. David Smith. Marrion Murray there. William McKie there. Marion Hannay. Androu McMulIan there. Janet Dunbar there. John Murry. Margrat Findly, his Archibald McCleve in Androu Qure. spouse. Carsemenoch. Janet Smith. William McMillan there. Elspeth Coan, his spouse. GriseT M, laidy Large Agnes Findly there. Margrat McClellan there. (Marion Herroun over Alexr. Muray there. Patt Clingan there. Grisel M). William McGeachin in Coan there. Janet Roxbrugh. Tarnottrie. Alexr. Dunbar in Blacker- John McClurge. Marion Dunbar, his age. Marion Mc Harge. spouse. Janet McCutchen, his Agnas McGill. Androu and John spouse. Androu Craufourd. McGeachins, his sons. Patt Dunbar there. Margret Gordon. James Alan there. William McCrehar there, Margrat McCall. Agnes Alan there. his douchter there, Jsobell McCall. " ^ Androu Kellie there. William "McKie there. Jane Minzies'. Agnas Reed there. Agnes Kingan there. Alexr. Thomson. : Parish Lists of Wigtownshire and Minnigaff, 1684. 41

Hilling Tait. Margrat Hamiltoun. Antony Dunbar in John Bell. John Mairtin. Craignew. Archibald McKie. Elzebeth McClurge. McMullan, his Sarrah Cunningham. Margrat McClurge. spouse. Janet McBratney. Heugh Handerson. Androu Dunbar. John Muir. Janet Thomson. John McMillan there. Janet McWhanall. Ian McClintan. Janet McMillan there. William Thomson. John Bodan. Antony McGeachin in Elzebeth McMillian. Jaen McKie. Tanargie. William McGill. Jaen Roxbruh. Agnas McCulloch, his Isobell Logan. William McKie. spouse. John Watson. Marrion McGill. Androu McMillan in Androu Simson. Patt Sloan. Panterbouy. Janet Ramsay. James Fleucar. Grisell McClamoroch, his Patt Simson. Janet Moubrun. spouse. Elizebeth Simson. Robt. McClellan. Androu McMillan. William Dunbar. Margrat McChesney. John Reed in Brokloh. Isobell McMillan. John McCrobert. Janet Boddan, his spouse. Jo Stordar. Patt. McCulloh. John McHarg in Glen Janet Geallie. Jaen McWhryter. Amor. Janet McKie. Androu McKie. William McCutchen. Alexr. McKie. Janet McClurge. Agnas McHarge. Janet Dunbar. Alexr. McClurge. Robt. Cunningham in Alexr. McKie. Gilbert McKie. Barncahle. Patt. McKeachie. Margrat Cau. Isobell McCroscrie there. Janet Laurie. Alexr. Roxbruh. John Cunyngham there. Janet McClurge. Jaen McDouall. Christan Crakan there. James Steuart. Margrat Glendyning. Marion McKie there. Margrat Broune. Isobell Clingan. Geordge Thomson there. Margrat McHarge. Anthony McCa. Janet McCaken there. Robt. Heroune. Tho. McCaa. Heugh McCullie in Glen Marion Edzer. Janet McHarge. yerraw. Janet Cully. John McDuall. Marion McKeand William McCall. Isobell Robieson. there. Robt. McCall. Archibald Heroun, Alexr. McCullie there. Margrat McCall. baylzie. John McKie in Dru' George McMillan. Janet McClurge. ranaght. Elzebeth McCall. Grisell McDuall. Jaen Cunigham there. Margrat Gordon. Margrat Gaa. Hilling McKie there. Margrat Gordon. Agnas McKie. Patt McCleave there. Marion Milroy. Margrat Hun tar. Marion McClingan there. Margrat Gordon. Elzebeth Mour. James, Stinson in Jaen Miltoy. William McConchie. Torwhniok. Alexr. Watson. Hilling McKie. Isobell Reed there. Androu McMillan. Robt. McCall. Alexr. Boddan in Janet Scot. Jaen McCall. Curuchtrie. Robt. Walkar. James Gordon. Janet Stinson there. Jaen Carsan. Pattrick McMuldroch. Janet Reed there. Anaple Heroun. Janett McMillan. Alexr. McMuldroch there. Hilling McCaa. George McMuldroch. Marion Stinson there Isobell Steuart. Ferguis McYelltar. Robt. McMuldroch there. Eduart Chirrie. Janet Dalrimple. John Kingan there. Agnas McKie. Finly McHarge. Androu Herroun of Kir-

Sarah McHarge. Jonet Elzer. rochtrie. '. Donald McCome. James McHarge. Jaen; Dunbar, his spouse, Jaen McChesney. John Gray. John Heroun there. William Gordon. John Maxuell,_ Frances Steuart there, f Marion Heroune. Janet Gouan. Antony McMullan there.- / Hilling McKie. James Findly in Lagan. Androu Williamson there/. Mr. James Algeo. Janet Shau, his wyfe. John Burney there.: iv/ 42 Parish Lists of Wigtownshire and Minnigaff, 1684.

Marion McCleave there . Isobel McClamot there. Janet Mulmury. Marion McDouall there. John McSkimyn att Janet McClamont there. Androu Herroun in Large. Millne. Patt Mulmuray there. Marie Graham there. John McBryde in Bar- Wm. McKlemuray in John McKie there. gallie. Glengruboh. William Steuart there. Isobell McMillan. Agnas McMillan, his Agnas Douglass there. Jealls Kingan ther. spouse. Hilling Tait there. Alexr. Bryd there. Jaen Douglass there. John Sorbie there. Elspeth McKie there. Janet McKie there. Hilling Steuart there. James Mcgeachin in Bar- Gib Mulmuray there. James Sorbie there. hoise. Margratt McMuran there. Antony McKie there. Isobell McClellan there. Gib McKie in Darnaw. Janet Davidson there. Pattrick McKie in Agnas McNish. Androu McCornock in Ca7>(?vv)nesdalash. John McMillan there. Path. Janet McClamont there. JchnShauin Bargrenan. Elspeth Corbie there. Elzebeth McMullan. The Roll of the Janet McCornock there. Thomas Steuart there. Barronrie of the John McHarge there. Thomson there. Gerlis. Janet Mcdouall there. Alexr. Shaa. Alexr. McKie in Carsdon- Gib McTier in Arroh. Agnas Steuart. can. Janet McClamont, his Janet Coand there. Jaen Douglass there. spouse. Agnas McCullan. John Clougstoun there. Androu McMullan there. Janet Carsan. Janet McKie there. McCullo, his spouse. George Steuart of Barcloy. Ninian Boddan there. McCully, his Elzebeth Blair there. Catrian Wilson. daughter. Charles Steuart there. Patt Herou in Littlepark. John McWhanell in Agnes Steuart there. Jaen Graham there. Gleak (* Malloch). Jaen Steuart there. John Milroy there. Margrat McKie, his wyfe. Janet Milroy there. Androu Gray there. Patt McKie there. Archibal Muray. Jaen Edzer there. Isobell WcWhanlle there. Rott. Muray. James Williamson there. Patt McCwhanelle. Grisel Tait. Janet Keavin there. Marrion Dormont. David Tait. Androu McCornockthere. William McClamont in Christan McMulroh. Hilling McKie there. Drunjoan. Elzebeth Tait. William McCornock Isobell McClamont. Alexr. McKeallie. there. Donald McCome there. Margrat McCreahar. John Scot there. Jaen McConelle. John Milligan. Jaen Murray there. John McCome there. Anaple Mcjorie. Alex. Mcbratney there. Janet McCome. John Milligan. Margratt McCall there. John McTier there. Alexr. McMulroch. William McKie in Craig- Agnes McCully there. Janet Wilson. nien. Agnes McClamont. Jaen Douall. Pattrick Mcdouall there. Anaple McTaggart. Alexr. McKeand in Bor- Janet McHarge there. Janet Gordan there. land. Isobell Gordan. Androu Cuinyngham. Six Land of Mark Thomas Gordan. Jaen Harge. Glencard. Archibald McHarg in McNaight. William Douglass. Tanrvwer. John Dounbar. Janet Wilson. Janet McTaggart there. McGoun there Isobell Dunbar. Patt McKie, Curfaklah. Cristan McDouall there. John McMillan in Mark. Janet McKie, his spouse. James McGoune. Janet Dunbar. Patt McKie there. William McMilliam. McMillan, his son. Gib. Yermond there. Margrat McKie. Agnas Gordon in Glen- Patt Murray in Carn- Walter McMillan. card. dir(n)ry. McMullan. Gilbert McKie there. Grisell McKie. Wm. Milroy there. Hilling Milroy there. Janet Mcquaker there. Marie Milroy. Robert McWhaneall John McClamont there. Patt McClurge. (William over Robert). Agnes McClerney. Grisell Murdoch. Parish Lists of Wigtozvnshire and Minnigaff, 1684. 43

Margrat McHarge. Jo. McHarge. McGeachie. Wm. Cuningham in Jaen Douglasse. Alexr. McHarge. Clauchre. John McHarge. Androu Douglass. Janet Milroy, his spouse. Margrat McGoun. John Douglass in Drin- Jaen Muray. John McKie there. lavvantie. Androu McBryde. Janet Wilkin. John McKie there. John McKie. John McKie. Kcnnydie. Janet Davidson. John Tait in Lagbees. Elzebeth Carsan there. Alexr. McHruter in Margrat McWhurter Alexr. Shau in Drum- Knockbraks. there. muklock. Grisel Wilson. David Tait there. Margratt McCutchen. Grisel McHrurter. Christan Tait there. Heugh Simson there. Wm. McBryde there. Alexr. Thomson in Car- Jaen Steuart there. John McBryde. dorcan. Grisel McMillan there. Marie Steuart in Gerlis. Agnas Chirrie. Patt. McKeachie. John Steuart there. William Carr. Anton Shau in Miniwiek. Agnas Mcjorie. Alexr. Gibson. Archiball McHarge there. Grisell Mcjorie. James McMullan. Agnas McMillan. Androu McMillan in Glen Rott. Muray there. David Shau there. Uailoh. (?) Margrat Whyte, John McWhrurter. Isobell McMillan. Margrat Martison. Janet Carsan. Elzebeth Maxuell. Margratt McHarge. James McHarge there. Barbra McClure. Jo. Dounbar there. Anaple McHarge. John McMillian there. Janet Patterson. Antony Simson there. Jaen McMillan. John Dunbar. Janet McHarge there. James McMillian. Androu McMillan. Antony Douglasse there. Grisel Rig. Marrion Murav. Alexr. McClurg in Holme. James McMillane. Wm. Tait. Margratt Mayealter there. Janet Steuart. John Thomson. Cattrin Forrestar. Androu McKie. Jaen Keith. Alexr. McClellan. Isobell Matieson. Alexr. McTaggart. McGoune. John McCrehar in Glen- John Findly. Alexr. McDouall in shaloh. Cattrin Steuart. Pharochbee. Janet McClellan. John Steuart in Tarregan. Elspeth McKie, his Antony McMillan. Mary McWhan there. spouse. McMillan. Agnes Steuart. Archibald McWhurtar in John McChrehar in Dar- Janet Douglasse. Caldeens. gall. Elzebeth Steuart. Janet Gordan there. Grisel Mcjorie. Rott. Steuart. Antony Steuart. Agnes McChrehar. Hilling Muray. John McWhurtur there. John McHarge there. John Tait. Hilling Goune there. Janet McHarge. Janet McDoual. John McHargein Borgan. Alexr. Rig/nn Garlarge. John McTaggart. Jaen Edzer there. Wm. Donvan there. Elzebeth McClure. Will McHarge there. Patt Muray. Christan Steuart. Margratt McMillan. Isobell McCleave. Janet Muray. Alexr. Thomson in Brig- Janet Millar. Tho. McClave in Doron- toune. Doncan McMillan in gandou. Alexr. Thomson. Lamahan. McSkellie, his spouse. Janet McTier there. John McMillane. Elzebeth McClave. Janet Douglass there. Agnas Red. Androu McClave. Isobel Edzer there. Alexr. Murray in Blair- John Milroy. John Thomson there. buiss. Rott. Sim. John Steuart in Large. William Thomson. Janet Amot. (?) Margrat Steuart. Janet Steuart. James Steuart there. Androu Steuart. Janet McClamont. Jaen Gordan there. Beatrix Graham. John McKeallie. Will Steuart. James Kingan ther. A list of these wh. A list of the names of these tht withdraw from the Church- John McMillan in the barronie of Torress. 44 Parish Lists of Wigtownshire and Minnigaff, 1684.

Grissall Stewart, spouse to Andrew Stewart in Larg. Elizabeth Stewart in Gairlies. M. Junkine, minister.

This list i< subscribed October 6tk, 1684, by me, Mr. George Junckine. This list is subscribed October 15th, 1684, by me, Mr. GEORa JUNCKINE

A JUST LIST of the People of Parochin.

The Lands belong- Jan. Coltran. Win. Kivin. ing to Sr. Wm. Isob. Kail. Jan. McGuffock. Maxwell. Hend. Coltran. Joh. Kivin. Marg. Henderson. Jam. Kivin. Wm. Maxuell. Mari. Coltran. Jan. Carsan. D. Eliz. Hay. Jea. Haull. John McCredy. Isob. Maxuell. Joh. Kavein. Eliz. Kivin. Jo. McMaster. Alexr. McDouell. John McCulloch. Griss. Kie. Marg. Goun. Jam. McCulloch. Jan. McCulloch. Wm. Douell. Jea. Steinstoun. Sar. Shaw. Marg. Ingles. Jam. McCulloch. Marg. Maxuell. Dav. Houll. Margt. Andrson. Jan. Maxuell. McKingan. Jan. McCulloch. Rob. Wallace. Ag. Kivin (Els. Stewart). Alexr. McCulloch. Jan. Douell. John McClingan. John McCulloch. ) an. Mojfal. Jea. Finlyson. Jan. McNickone. Alexr. McCulloch. Marg. Finlyson. Marion McGuffock. Alexr. Broun. Elz. Stewart. Geo. McLinyie. Jan. Maxuell. John McClingan, yor. Jan. McCulloch. Jo. Moffat. Wm. McGuffock. Joh. McLinyie. Jea. Finlyson. Jea. Haustine. Jan. Wain. Mich. McTagart. Alexr. Ingles. Hend. Fullertone. Jan. Muir. Andr. Finlyson. Jonet Steinstone. Mari. Coltran. Jea. Dougan. Marg. Fullertone. Wm. Logan. Elian McGuffock. Lyd. Red. Agnes Carmick. Andr. McGuffock. Marg. Pivy. Katr. Maxuell. Jan. Broun. John McCullyam. Joh. Moffat. Alexr. McKennat. Eliz. Kegg. Andr. McKennat. CORHOLLOCH. Jan. Moffat. Andr. Kivin. Andr. McTetr. Rob. McCulloch. Marg. McCulloch. Janet McKie. Katr. McCulloch. Geor. Dougan. Janet Stewart. Alexr. Old. Eliz. Quie. John Stewart. Kirst. McCulloch. Wm. Steinstoun. Neilson. McKennat. Jan. Templtone. Jan. Jan. Isob. McCulloch. Jan Kairly. Gilb. McKennat. McKennet. Griss Kivin. Marg. Finlyson. Jea. John McKennet. Rob. Neilson. Jan. Credy. Alexr. Finlysone. Eliz. Andr. McGuffock. Hannay. Kivin. Bodan. Stewart. Marg. Joh. Jan. Andr. McKennet. Eli. Douell. Andr. McGuffock. Mari. Wallace. Dav. Bodan. Wm. McGuffock. Jan. Bodan. Jan. Maxuell. Bar re. Ferg. Micklroy. Pat. McLinque. Jan. Herron. Marg. Coltran. Alexr. McGuffock. Jan. Mcflroy. Joh. Hannay. Jan. Kie. Arch. Herron. Jea. Coltran. Pat. Guffock. Marg. George." Hend. Keth. Alexr. Guffock. Jan. Herron. John McBratnie. Jan. Shellan. ' .A John McGuffock. Marg. Hathorn. He ugh Wallace. Parish Lists of Wigtownshire and Minni^aff, 1684. 45

Euph. Martine. Agnes Logan. Alexr. McKennet. Wm. Herron. Bassie Culloch. Jan. Stewart. Jan. Wallace. Andr. McTeir. Joh. Stewart. Pat Guffock. Marg. Clellan. Joh. McKennet. Jan. McKennet. Agn. Galloway. Jan. Cuddie Mari. Guffock. Joh. Cuddie. Wm. Herron, yor. Dirrie. Jan. Melheuch. Marg. Kalie. Wm. McGuffock. Jan. McTeir. Maxuell. Henry Marg. Clugstone. Jan. Credy. Jan. Herron. Wm. Gledry. Wm. Bratney. Marg. Maxuell. Jean Kivin. Jaet. Maxuell. Jean Maxuell. Alexr. Herron. Job. Riddell. Mary Keaan. Clon. Goun. Marg. Joh. Hannay. Joh. McCulloch. Mich. Hannay. Eliz. Stewart. Sar. McCulloch. Eliz. Maxuell. Alexr. Douall. Marg. Hannay. Clantibuis. Ag. McKennet. Pat. McCulloch. Jan. Broome. Wallace. Alexr. Muligane. Agn. John McRedie. Henr. Culloch. Marg. Muligane. Wm. McCammon. Jan. Douall. Wm. Culloch. Alexr. Broun. Culloch. Agn. Fie. Marg. Marg. Galdry. Arch. Kie. Agn. Finlyson. Marg. Lilburne Canleis. Ferg. Clellan. Jan. Eliz. Logan. Maxuell. Gilb. McKennet. Jo. Helen Guffock. Jan. Kivin. BOGHOUS. Alexr. Muligane, yor. Pat. McKennet. Chang. Wm. Ramsay. Pat. Telphour. Jea. McKie. Alexr. Guffock. Marg. Ramsay. Jan. Connein. SKET. Andr. Clellan. Jan. Rhodi. Pat. McCulloch. (Pat Janet Houstine. Arch. Guffock. Haustine. over Joh.) Jan. Agn. Stewart. Cat. (Cat Jan. Ker. Wm. elder and Galloway. Fie, yor. over Wm. Coltran. Andr. Coltran. Jea.) Arch McCulloch. Coltran. Comb. Jan. Marg. Pat. McUlloch. John Gordoun. Connein. (Pat Joh. over Elison Anderson. Rosna Kivin. Jea.) McCulloch. Bassie Gordoun. Bodan. Jea. Andr. Pat. McKie. Isob. Crauford. Jan. McTier. Culloch. Casduchan. Jan. Jan. McGoun. Donald Giffert. Geo. Whirter. Andr. Coltran. Coltran. Marg. Gordoun. Marg. Jan. Douall. Pat. McKennet. Jean Hannay. Jean McLroy. Andr. Coltran. Jan. Telphour. Andr. Reid. Wade. Jam. Eliz. Maxuell. Blain. ALTOCRY. Jan. Pat. McTier. Cath. Andr. McTeir. Galloway. Alexr. Hardstones. Carmiok. Mari. Kivin. Jan. Glentriplock. Marg. Hannay. James Dunbar. Pat. McKennat. Mich. Morison. Isob. Nicolsone. Aynes McKennat. Sar. Kinketh. Jea. Dunbar. Joh. Coltran. Mich. Morison, yor. Wm. Dunbar. Agn. Crafford. Isob. Fie. Eliz. Giahame. Tom. Wallace. Rob. Herron. Marg. Murray. Griss. Huntar. Marg. Kinketh. Ferg. Thomsone. Rob. Wallace. Pat. McKennet. Marg. McGuffock. Pat. Wallace. Marg. Wallace. Agn. Wade. Wm. McClellan. Wm. Kimdell. Rob. Pots. 46 Parish Lists of Wigtoiunshire and Minnigaff, 1684.

Jan. Pots. Tho. Giffart. Jea. Tomsone. Helen McBrike. Marg. Cornoch. Wm. Tomsone. Jam. Young. Gilb. Giffard. Marg. Hendersone. Jiles VVilsone. Marg. Alexr. Jan. Tomsone. Ag. Young. Joh. Broun. Joh. McCulloch. Joh. McGeouch. Jea. Candleis. Marg. Wallace. Jan. Stewart. Marg. Broune. Win. Kinketh. Wm. McGeouch. Pat. Caven. Mary Gill. Jan. McGeouch. Helen Crum. John Kinketh. Alexr. McNarron. James McGoun. Sam. Kinketh. Jan. Stewart. Jan. Herrone. Joh. Kinketh, disor. Andr. McNarron. Arch. McGoun. Jan. Dun, disor. Alexr. McLellan. Helen McGoun. Jan. Hannay, disor. Marg. Dalzell. Griss Culloch. Hew Credie. Chippermore. McKie. John McCulloch. Lands belonging TO McKie. Joh. the Laird OF Jam. Hathorne. Douall. Jan. Mochrum. Marg. Guffock. Culloch. Jan. Jan. Helen Guffock. Christ. Ross. Credie. Jan. Alexr. Guffock. Griss. Dunbar. Mario. Brennochan. Alexr. Guffock, yor. Kat. Dunbar. Marg. Herron. Marg. Rhodi. Mary Dunbar. Joh. McTier. Joh. Shellan. Joh. Clugstone. Jam. McQui. Isob. Kivin. Dun. Jan. Jan. McQuair. Hew Connell. Jan. Maxuell. Pat. Qui. Jan. Connell. Eliz. Douall. Joh. Tomsone. Jan. Douell. Wm. Stewart. Jan. Crafford. Jam. Anderson. Jean Thomsone. Jea. Donaldsone. Wm. Tomsone. Barcarhan% Andr. Fie. Joh. McGuffock. Hew McAlexr. Mario. McKennet. Joh. McLellan, disor. Jan. Culloch. McGuffock. Marg. McGoun. Marg. Joh. Culloch. Jan. Clellan. John McGuffock. Marg. McAlexr. Alexr. Wm. McGuffock. Douall. Joh. McAlexr. McTier. Jea. Andersone. Marg. Joh. Hannay. McCulliam. Joh. Logan. Jan. Jan. Giffard. Arch. Tomsone. Jea. Hendersone. Joh. McGuffock. Isob. Tomsone. Agn. Maxuell. Jan. Guilein. Jam. McMorland. Finlay Carsane. ACHENGAILY. Mario. McKennet. Jean Claughlane. Wm. Broun. Geor. Jea. Carsane. Qui. Leitch. Coltran. Jean Jan. Pat. Cavein. Qui. Crealaugh. Jan. Marg. Cavein. Agn. Qui. Helein McTier. Pat. Herron. Mari. Qui. Jan. McTier. Jan. Frazer. Joh. Qui. Jan. McGuffock. Bar. Wallace. Jam. Qui. Pat. Clelland. Pat. Herron. Jan. Herron. Rob. Galloway. Agn. Herron. Jan. McGuffock. Agn. Ingles. Eliz. Herron. Jan. McKie. Gilb. Frazer. KlLLINTRAE. Pat. Herron. Mario McNarien. Rob. Corsbie. Mario Herron. Alexr. Frazer. Agn. VIcTeir. Pat. McKie. Tom Frazer. Win. McTeir. Elis McGoun. Joh. Frazer. Frazer. Jea. Broun. Joh. McKie. Eliz. Mary Stewart. Agn. McKie. Pat. McCarmick. John McCulloch. Alexr. McGoun. Jan. McDouall. Jan. Blain. Jan. McGoun. Pat. McCarmick. Parish Lists of Wigtoivnshirc and Minnigaff, 1684. 47

Pat. Herron. DRUMSCOG. Wm. McTeir. Agn. Frazer. Geo. Lilburne. Jan. Wallace. Herron. Herron. Jea. Jan. Coltran. Joh. Alexr. iMcCarmick. Wm. McCutchine. Arch. Kivin. Herron. Jan. Tomsone. Jam. Lilburne. Agn. Alexr. McKennet. Agn. Kinketh. Andr. Stewart. Jea. Logan. Bar. Kie. Marg. Makie. Andr. Herron. John Lilburne. Arch. Kivin. Rosina Kie. Marg. Logan. Euph. Milmyne. Herron. Alexr. Culloch. Joh. James Lilburne, yor. Marg. Murray. Hew McKie. John McCulloch. Arch. Herron. Marion Lilburne. Jan. Blain. Jan. Muligane. Marg. McKennet. Fat. McKie. Agnis Cunyghame. Wm. Dun. Eliz. Lilburne. Marg. Cunyghame. Jean Kie. John Guffock. Alexr. Walker. Cunyghame. Jan. Coltran. Marg. Frazer. Marg. Pat. Qui. Wm. McQui. Jan. Telphour. Griss. Hannay. Jean Wallace. John Stewart, disor. Griss. Bodan. Arch. Herrone. Sara Muligane, disor. Marg. Gordone. Tom Mx:Carmick. Agnis Wallace. Ariulland. Agn. Templtone. Ferg. Herron. Win. McCarmick. Marg. Gordone, disor. Marg. McCulloch. Pat. McCarmick. Marg. Hay, disor. John Rhodi. Jan. Connein, disor. Jan. Kie. Garrhrew. Alexr. Kivin. John Baily. Rholland Tomsone. Marg. Gordone. Alexr. McTeir. Marg. McClelland. Janet Morisone. Win. Tomsone. Arch. McTeir. Wm. Shellan. Drumdie. Wm. McTeir. Agn. Fie. Rob. Donglasse. Helen McTeir. Alexr. Credie. Janet Mi Iron. John Morisone. Jan. Shellan. Arch. McTeir. Agnis Tomsone. Wm. Bryde. Arch. Gibsone. Telphour. Mary Drumdie. Susana Wallace. Alexr. Hay. Hew Telphour. Rosina Gordone. Rob. Douglasse. Jan. Wallace. Rob. Herron. Janet Milroy. Marg. Hun tar. Eliz. Makie. Arch. McTeir. John McTeir. Helen Kie. Isobel Cooke. Agn. Tomsone. Pat. Clanachan. Thorn. Kaeg. John Muligane. Marg. Clanachan. Jnet Galloway. Jan. Muligane. Isob. Tomsone. Cath. Credie.

This is a true Roll of the examinable persons within the paroch of Mochrum subscribed by Henry Walker, Minr. ther.

the within Ane exact— account of disorderly people the paroch of Mochrum, viz. :

Margaret Gordon, liferentrix of Ariulland, with her daughter. Margaret Hay and her maidservant Jonet Connen. John Kinkeith in Challcarroch, with his wife Janet Dun and Jaet Hannay her mother.

In Elliwhillet, John Stewart and Sarah Millekin, his wife.

This is asserted and subscribed by Mr. Henry Walker. 4-8 Parish Lists of Wigtownshire and Minnigaff, 1684.

Ane exact list of the disorderly people within the paroch of Mochrum :— Margaret Gordon. John Kinkead. John Stewart. Margaret Hay. Jonet Uun. Sarah Millekin. Janet Connen. Janet Hannah.

Fugitive— John McGuffock with his wife Janet McGouan.

This is asserted and subscribed by me, Mr. Henry Walker, Minr., Octr. 15th, 1684. Henry Walker.

A LIST of the Parishioners' names within the Parish of PENIGHAME. September 29, 1684.

It is that the latter h after to be observed any name signifieth husband ;

s. d. : s.m. s.w. servant w. wife ; son ; daughter serving man ; woman ; wid. widdow ; cot. cotter.

This List given in by me according to my last examine roll. Mr. James Colhoun.

Kirkcala. Tho. Stewart, s. Markland. Tho. s.m. Wm. Mcllroy, h. McKa, Joh. McRutter, h. s.w. Grizal Stewart, w. Jonet McGarraway, Jonet McTier, w. cot. Gilbert Mcllroy, h. Joh. McCredie, h., Joh. McRutter, s. w. Jonet Gordoun, w. Jonet McAlexander, Marg. McRutter, d. Gilbert McCredie, s. Tho. McCreedie, s. Litlecastle. GLASSOCH. h. Jo. McKie, The Mill. Isabell wid. w. McClurg, Agnes McNarin, s. Jon. Pots, h. Joh. Ferguson, MlCKLECASTLE. Cather. Coltraine, w., in- firme. Garwachie. And. Mcquaker, h. h. Jonet Wilson, w. Netherfintilloch. Joh. Martin, Jonet McClellan, wid. Herron, w. Arch. McGarroway, h. Joh. Mcllroy, h. McKermick, w. Christian w. Ochiltree. Marg. Martinson, John McGarroway, s. Bernhard Stewart, h. Jonet McGarroway, d. Marion McKie, w. Tho. McGarroway, h. Glenlukcock. Joh. Stewart, s. Jonet McKie, w. Joh. Stewart, h. Rob. Stewart, h. Jane Dovvglas, w. Marg. McComb, w. Midlefintilloch. And. Slowan, s.m. Joh. Mcllmulleroch, h. s.w. Alexr. McWilliam, h. Margerie Stewart, Marion Stewart, w. Jonet McSkiming, w. Jonet McQuhine, w.. Garchereuch. GLENRIDDER. superannuat. Wm. Crawfort, h. (sic) McDowall, wid., Jonet Hellin Martin, vv. superannuat. Upper fintilloch. Hellin Gordon, wid. Wm. Mcllroy, h. John McWilliam, h. Ja. Stewart, s.m., McKie, Jonet McGarroway, w. Jonet Mcquhannil, w. s.m. Tho. McWilliam, s. Marg. Finlaw, s.w., Gil. BOYOCH. Marg. McWilliam, d. Mcil. Morron, s.m. cot. Arch. Stewart, h., heritor. James McGarroway, h. Gilbert McKie, Margery Dunbar, w. Agnes McKie, w. Janet Dalrimple, w. Parish Lists of Wigtownshire and Miuniga/J, 1684. 49

Glenvernock. Glenrassie. Cullach. Gilbert Wilson, h. Gilbert Dowglass, h. Arch. McKie, wid., laird. Jonet Mcllwian, \v. Marg. Mcllroy, w. Marg. McKie, d. Wm. Wilson, s.m. Pet. Dowglas, s. Joh. Mullikin, s.m And. Finlaw, s.m. Wm. McCornock, h., cot. Jane McKie, s.w. Agnes Dowglass, s.vv. Jonet Wilson, w. David Andrew, h., Wm. Dowglass, h., cot. gardiner. Isabell Kennedie, w. Glenvogie. Elspey Morray, w. Joh. Kevan, h. Marion Coltraine, w. KlRHABLE. Marg. Denham, w. Alex. Martin, s. Peter McComb, h. Pat. McQuannil, h. w. Garroway, w. Marg. Mcllroy, Sketh. Marg. Patrick McComb, s. Joh. Dalzeil, h. Marion McComb, d. Alexr. McKie, h. Marg. McWhin. w. Grizall McComb, d. ! Jonet McQuhannil, Jonet Stewart, wid. s. Alexr. h. Jonet Kelly, s.w. I James McKie, Culloch,

i Arch. h. w. Wm. Mcllroy, h., cot. McKie, Elizabeth Wilson, Elizabeth Mcllrov, w. Isabell McClurg, w. Tho. McRutter, h. Joh. McDowall, h., cot. Culbrattin. w. Kath. Jonet McMillan, Maharg. And. McKie, h. Knockvil. Marg. McKie, w. Challach. Wm. McKeachie, h. Pat. Taite, h. Taite, h. Marg. McKie, w. Marg. McMillan, w. Joh. Eliz. Clugston, w. James Frizall, h. Joh. McKie, h. Richard Clellan, h. Hellin Williamson, w. Eliz. Taite, w. Agnes McQuhannil, w. Joh. Gordoun, h. Walter Hunter, h. Marion McChesnie, w. LlTLE GLENHAPLE. wid. : Janet McCutchion, w. Wm. McCamon, Marg. Mullikin, w. h. wid. I Wm. Morray, Marg. McHarg, Rachel Martison, d. Hellin Taite, w. Alex. s.m. McTaggat, I And. McKennah, h. Knockbreks. McCawell, w. h. Nether Glenhaple. Jonet Tho. McQuhannil, I Marg. McCully, w. wid. Jonet Kennedie, Barskeoch. James McWhannil. Wm. McCree, h. Alexr. McNarin, h. Joh. McKie, h. Marg. Dowglass, w. w. Jonet McNarin, w. Jonet Williamson, Arch. s. The Croohouses of Joh. McCornock h., eld., McKie, Castell Stewart. infirme. Isabell Crawfort, wid., infirme. h. Joh. McCornock, younger, James Dalglish, h. Grizal McKie, w. Eliz. McNarin, w. Barnkirk. James Kennedie, h. Gilbert McNarin, h. McKie, h. Hellin Nivin, w. Joh. Jane McKermick, w. Jonet McGeoch, w. Jo. Taite, h. Joh. Bodin, h. Alexr. McKie. Marg. Kinnian, w. Jonet McNarin, w. Tho. h. Wm. Smith, h. McKie, w. Marg. McBride, w. Mary Pringle, Tho. Currie. Joh. Smith, s. Barnen. Jonet Paterson. Wm. McGill, h., elder, ) Tho. Shillan Castel Stewart the Eliz. w. > Crawfort, (both w. Mains. • Marg. McCaman, superannuat). ) 1 Joh. Shillan, s. Wm. h. Laird. McGill, wid. Stewart, Jonet Isabell wid. ! McGill, Eliz. Gordoun, w., lady. Pat. McWhin, s. Jo. Murdoch, s.m. Wm. McGill, younger, h. w. Barbawhannie. Jo. Murdoch. Marg. Keachie, Walter Knok, s.m. And. Simson, h. Hellin Herron, wid. Isabell Ramsey, s.w. Elspey Cowan, w. Joh. McKie, h. w. Eliz. Skelly, s.w. And. McKie, h. Jane McGowne, Marg. McAlexander, s.w. fane McKie, w. Alexr. McKeachie, h D 50 Parish Lists of Wigtownshire and Minnigaff, 1 684.

Jane Bodin, w. Isabell McNarin. Marion McMullan, w. Joh. McHarg, h. John McCookan, h. Joh. Herron, Mary Taite, w. Christ. McCraken, w. Gilbert Herron, John Garroch, h. Jonet Millikin, wid. (single persons and Sarah McKain, w. brothers Baltersan. tenents). Jane McHarg, s.w. Crosbie. Jo. McKain, h. Christian McKain, wid. w. Wm. McHarg, h. Jonet Dowglas, Michael Kevan, s. Tho. s. Agnes Cuninghame, w. McKain, Marg. McGarroway, wid. Wm. s. Joh. McCawell, h. McKain, POLWHILLY. Pat. h. Eliz. Martison, \v. Clellan, Hellin w. Anth. Egger, h. Wm Taite, h. McKie, Michael Cowan. Marg. Conchy, w. Grizal McGill, w. Pat. h. Wm. Egger, h. Gilbert Egger, h. Hanna, w. Grizall McDowal, vv. Jonet McGill, w. Marg. McGowne, h. Joh. McKaine, h. And. McGill, h. Joh. Castan, Hellin w. Jonet Dowglas, w. Marg. Gordoun, w. Herron, h. Marg. Cowan, s.w. John McClingan, h. Joh. McKie, Agnes McGarg, w. Hellin Stewart, w. Balsallach. wid. Marg. Herron, wid. Jonet McDowall, Alexr. McKaine, wid., el. Tho. h. Jonet Cleave, wid. McClellan, Job. McKaine, oy. Jonet Cowan, wid. Jonet Herron, w., infirme. Tho. McKain, h. Elspey McGill, w. Wm. McClellan, h. Mary McClellan, w. w. Agnes McHarg, Casnestock. Michael McKain, s. Duncan h. McMullan, Michael McKain, s. James McHarg, h. Jonet McClingan, w. Hellin d. Marion McMullan, w. McKain, Joh. McCawell, h. eld. Eliz. McHarg, d. James McKain, h., Mary Currie, w. Christian w. James Herron, h. Cowan, Alex. McConnell, h. Adam McKain, h. Marg. McGarroway, vv. Marg. Martin, w. Isabell s.m. McKinga?i wid. James Stewart, Agnes McDowall, Waker, McKnaight, w. Andrew h. Marg. s.w., Lang, "Walker?" John McKain. wid. Marg. Smith, w. Eliz. d. Gilbert h. McKain, h. Herron, Joh. McDowall, Hellin w. Simon Kevan, h. w. Kevan, Marg. Taite, Jonet Kennedie, w. James Herron, s. McKain, h., Pat. Herron, s. James Kirvisil. Isabell McCornock, s.w. younger. Christian w. Robt. Taite, h. McKain, wid. Marg. Campbell, w. Grainge on Cree. Jonet McKain, Allan cot. Alexr. McKain, s. McGill, h., James Herron, h. w. Jonet Martison, wid. Jonet McLauchlin, Hellin McGarroway, w. Rob. McKie, wid. Marion Kevan, s.w. Jo. Herron, s. Alexr. McGill, h. Alexr. McKain, h. Herron, d. McCawell. Marg. Eliz. Herron, w. Jonet Eliz. Herron, d. Marg. Kelly, wid. Joh. Egger, wid., superan- Cass in the Clary. Wm. Clingan, s. nuate. Rich. h. Isabell infirme. McKain, Egger, Pat. h. Egger, Jane McKain, w. Jane Conchy, w. h. Netherbar. Alexr. McKain, Catherin Craik, wid. Hellin McKain, w. Alexr. McKain, h. Joh. Cowan, s. The Clarie. Marg. Dowglas, w. Hugh Gelly, h. Joh. McKain, s. Joh. Newall, s.m. Jonet Ree, wid. Marg. McKain, d. Jonet Herron, w. Arch. Mcllroy, s. Alexr. McGill, h. Alexr. Castan, h. Eliz. Gordon, d. Marg. Kevan, w. Jonet McKain, w. John Henderson, h. Isabell Egger, s.w. Joh. Herron, h. Grisall McKie, w. Marion Crackan, wid.. Jane McClean, w. Tho. Cunningham, h. infirm. James McKewn, s.m. Marg. McGeoch, w. Wm. McGill, h. Alexr. McHarg, h. Jonet Fie, d. Parish Lists of Wigtownshire and Minnigaff, 1684. 51

Borland of Penig- Robt. McClunchan, s. BARTROSTAN. hame. Hellin Cord, wid. And. McDowall, h. wid. John Connin, h. Jonet Monteeth, d., Marg. McClurg, vv. wid. Hellin Mcllroy, iV. Joh. McSkelly, Alexr. McDowal, s. Hellin Gordoun, w. Mary McSkelly, d. Marion wid. Pat Hanna, s. Donaldson, Thrive. Joh. Hanna, s. Mary Stewart, grandchild. Alexr. CI. Grissal Hanna, d. w. Barwharran. Marg. Clurg, Simon Mcllvernock, h. Jonet Clingan, s.w. Rob. h. Barbara McCioscrie, w. McGeoch, James Mathison, h. Grisal w. Marion Mcllvernock, d. Williamson, Eliz. McKeachie, vv. Jonet Dinnil, wid. Alexr. McGeoch, s. Jonet Mathison, d. Walter Williamson, wid. James McGeoch, s. Tho. McKie, h. Williamson, d. Marion d. fonet McGeoch, Jonet Gordoun, w. Francis h. Alexr. McCrakan, h. Williamson, Alexr. McDowall, h. w. Jonet Skelly, w. Jane Gordon, Jonet Cannon, w. Tho. h. Jonet McCrakan, d. Williamson, Marg. McDowall, d. Pat. McWhannil, h. Jonet Dinnil, w. Marion Simson, w. And. Williamson, s. Barrackan. Alexr. McWhannil, broth. Jonet Williamson, d. Joh. McKie, h. Alexr. Mcjvnaight, h. Grisal Williamson, d. Jonet McClure, w. Grisal Simson, vv. McKie, h. James Lucras Giffort, wid. Arch. McClure, h. Jonet Mcllwian, w. And. McWhinnie, h. Marion McCrakan, vv. Grisal Stewart, wid. Marg. McCulloch, vv. And. McLaughlin, h. Marg. Williamson. Jonet Mcllvernock, \v. The Maines of the Wm. McGeoch, s.m. Barlauchlie. Grainge of Blednock. Cuthbert h. Mcllvernock, And. h. Dunbar, Lidias Reed, h. Jonet Egger, w. Barb. McKie, w. vv. Joh. McGill, h. Marg. Pirrie, Ja. Williamson, h. Alexr. h. w. Moore, Jonet Stewart, w. Agnes Donnan, Dinnil, w. Cord, wid., Marg. Jonet superan- Tho. Williamson, s. nuat. Marg. Moore, d. Jo. Mullikin, h. Marg. Gordoun, w. Catherin McClean, wid., w. jane Wilson, McKie, h. superannuat. Joseph Marion Williamson, maid. vv. John Mullikin. Marg. Eglin, Alexr. Clunnockan, s.m: Barrawer. And. Eglin, s.m. Clauchan of Penig- Tho. McKie, h. Joh. McGeoch, h., el. HAWE. Alexr. McKie, s.m. Mary Mcllrie, w. Christ. sick. James Mullikin, h. Melvin, vv., Joh. McGeoch, h., Jane McCutchion, w. Eliz. McKie, s.w. younger. h. Hellin w. Henry Blaine, s. Jo. McKie, Hanna, Marion w. s.m. Pat. Blaine, s. Hathorne, Wm. McGill, Isabell McHarg, s.w. Jo. Moffite, s.m. Wm. McDowall, h. McKie. Grisal w. James Blaine, s. Mary Stewart, Ninian Guling, h. Ja. Clingan, h. James Gordon, h. Christ. w. vv. Eliz. Nisbite, w. McKie, Jane Heuchan, Marg. Hathorn, s.w. Michael Garroch, h. Alexr. McNeelie, h. Isabell McKa, wid. Jonet Shellan, w. Marg. Mcllwian, w. h. Jane Blanie, d., wid. Jo. McDowall, Cuthbert Stewart, h. Barvennan. Kath. McWilliam, vv. s. Jane Latimer, w. Jo. Hanna, h. Ja. McDowall, Jonet Simson, wid. Hellin McKain, w. Ag. McDowall, d. Rob. h. Joh. Poppill, wid. Alexr. McKie, h. Brian, w. Pat. Sorbie, wid. Jonet McKain, w. Eliz. McCroscrie, Agnes McGill, s.w. Marion McGill, s.w. Arch. Tennet, h. Alexr. McGill, h. KlRKCHRIST. Jane Galloway, w. Marg. Hanna, w. Tho. McKie, wid. Nicolas Tennet, d. Jonet McGill, w, Michael Cowan, s.m. 52 Parish Lists of Wigtownshire and Minnigaff, 1684.

Jonet Gordoun, s.w. John McGeachie, s. Kath. Cubbison, vv. Agnes McGill, s.w. Pat. McNarin, wid. Ag. Muire, wid. Wm, Gordoun, h., cot. Kath. McKnard Eliz. Jonet Dowcan, w. McKnarin, d. Blackquarters. Arch. Linton, s.m. Mc h. KlRRIMORE. Wm. Gordoun, h. Joh. Kelly, Isobell Marion Jonet McGeachie, w. Mc, Tho. Bell, h. McNarin, vv. Marg. McCrakan, w. Michael McClurg, h. John Bell, h. Mickle Elrick. Marion Mcllroy, w. Marg. Gordoun, vv. h. Jo. Donaldson, h. Jo. Mcllroy, w. Kath. Templeton, vv. Jonet Wilson, OVERGLASNICK. Marg. Donaldson, d. Jo. Martinson, h. Cloon. James Gordoun, h., laird- Marg. McCawell, vv. Jonet Dunbar, w., lady. Alexr. Williamson, wid. s. James Dowglas, s.m. Jo. Martison, Francis Williamson, h. Robt. s. Isabell McClellan, s.w. Martinson, Marg. McGimsie, w. s.w. Marg. Chapman, s.w. Agnes McNarin, Marg. McKie, s.w. Geo. h. Ge. Bowey, s.m. McNarin, w. David McKie., s.m. Marg. McTaggate, Tho. h. Overbar. Jonet Wilson, s.w. McGill, cot., w. Jonet McCredie, s.w. Jonet Castan, Rich. McComb, h. Jo. Mcllmorrow, h., cot. Jonet McKain, vv. Marg. Moffite, w. Litle Elrick. Jonet McComb, d. Tho. h. Tho. Preston, h., cot. Mcllhaffie, Tho. Alexander, h. Agnes Tod, w. Isab. Mcllwian, w. Sarah McBride, vv. Gilbert h. James Hanna, h., cot. McKain, h. Tho. Johnson, vv. Jonet McAlexander, w. Ag. Castan, Isabell Mcllroy, vv. Pat. McComb, h. d. Ag. Young, Jane McKaine, vv. Nether Glasnick. Christ. Donaldson, s.w. Joh. Forsith, h. Joh. McGowne, h. My Owne Family. Jonet McKie, vv. Marg. Cubbison, w. Wm. Forsith, s. Jonet Martison, vv. Mr. James Colhoun, h. John McKie, h. Jo. McClellan, s. Nicolas Stewart, w. jonet McGeachie, w. Marg. McClellan, d. Joh. McGilture s.m. Kath. McNarin, d. David Moffite, h. Marg. Caldwell, s.w.

A list of withdrawers from the publick worship of Eliz. Gordon, Ldy Castell Tho. Wilson, somtyme in At the Mill of Stewart, and her wait- Glenvernock. Penighame. maid Wilson. ing Mary Ramsay, Marg. Hellin Gordon. not now dwelling there. Agnes Wilson. Jonet Dunbar, young Ldy In Baltersan. At Culbrattin. Craiglaw, and Isabell McClellan, her servant. Elspey McGill. Wm. McCamon. Marjery Dunbar, Ldy Pat. MeClellan. John Murdoch, somtyme Fintilloch. Marg. Herron, wid. in this parish. This list .subscribed by me, Mr. James Colhoun.

The Parochie of .

John Malvoian, elder. Jean Olifer. Eliz. Cuan. Effie Morisone. Isobel Rosse. Nivin Morison. John Malvoian, younger. Joh. Makewn. Margret Makaig. Elis. McKarmick. Agnes Adair. Catrin Morison. Nivin Morison, smith. Helen Adair. Jennet Leich. Eliz. Malvoian. James Morison. Alex. Campbel. Androw McWilliam. Jennet Muir. Margt. McWater. Parish Lists of Wigtownshire and Minnigaff, 1684. 53

Jennet McConnel. Mil of Portrie. DlNVIN. Donald Greir. Fergus Muir. Alexr. Wither, elder and Muir. Margt. Jennet Makie. younger, his wife and Greir. Jean Jennet Campbel. doughter. Catrin Cuan. Rot. Muir. John Wither, elder and Adair. Jennet Margt. Makewne. younger, and thr wives. John Adair. Hew Davison. William Wither and his Jean Adair. Rosina Davison. wife. Isobel Biggam. John McNilie. William Orsburne. Marie Cuan. Enoch. Macradie. Jennet Eliz. McNilie. John Mahuma, his wife, Alex. Linnocks. son and J oh. Waker. doughter. Mahalfie. Margt. Eliz. McDuall. Thorn. Mahuma. Thorn. Bittle. Isobel Mahuma. Sim. Jean Joh. Adair and his wife. McDuell. Merock. Jam. Joh. MacLumpha and his Jean Barklay. Pat Malvoian and his wife. Catrin McDuell. servant. McDuall. Helen Adair and his son John Craigbuie. Gilbert Waker. and dowghter. Thorn. Hanna. Elizeb. Cosh. Georg Crokshank. Malvoian. Cosh. Agnes McWater. Jennet James Pat William Cosh. Grissel McWater. Hanna. Hanna. John Linnocks. Jennet Eliz. Hanna. Marie Morison. Cragoch. Thorn. Rid. Jennet Malvoian and hir Malvoian and his son and Jennet McDuell. John doughter. wife and servants. William Martin and his Margt. Rid. Pat Malvoian and his wife. John Innes. Helen Richmont. wife and children. Gilbert Maknae and his Malvoian and his wife. Agnes Innes. James Rot. Innes. wife. Hew Sim. Alexr. Wither, his wife Ughtrimaken. Walker. and doughter. Margt. Jennet Adair. Nivin Mahalfie. Rot. Kelvie. Eliz. Malvoian. Pat. McCaig. Jennet Georg. Alexr. McColloch. Mahalfie. Helen McColloch. John Margt. Hanna. Thorn Darroch. James McBrid. Hanna. John McCaig. Jennet Jennet McDuall. Pat. Tennen. Pigmenoch mikle. Thorn. Mahalfie and his McBraten. Jenet John Bailie and his wife wife and Macculoch doughter. Jennet and sone and doughter. James Sluen and his wife. Stewart. Georg Alexr. Adair and his wife. Pat Malvoian and his Tennen. James Eliz. Adair. wife. Morison. Jennet John Cuan and his wife Margt. Boyd. and doughter. Hunter. KlLLANTRINGAN. James John Makarmik. Elis. Carswell. The Laird of Dunskey. Jennet Macarmik. Jam. Hunter, younger. Lady Dunskey. Margt. Hunter. Jennet Blair. Eliz. Cosh. Pigmenoch litle. jean Blair. Alexr. McGal. John Parker, elder and Quantin Kilpatrick ; and younger. his wife and servants. James Cuan. - •'• David Miller. John Kilpatrick and his William Boues. Margt. Rutherford. wife and servants. Jean Cochran. Marion Murdoch. John McBrid. Dunkan ShakshawC , - John McBrid. Jennet Adair. i Margt. Hanna. Margt. McWirter. Rot Shakshavv. Margt. Morison. Margt. Wither. Margt. McMorray. ! Joh. Malvoian and his wife. Jenet McKraken. Eliz. Mahalfie. I 54 Parish Lists of Wigtownshire arid Minriigdff, 1684.

James Malvoian and his Bonne. Knockglasse. wife. Patrik Lith. John Auld and his wife. Thom. Caruthers and his Marion McBrid. John Auld, younger, and wife. his his wife. Lith, doughter. John Rosse and his wife. Patrik Lith, younger, and Anna Grham. his wife. Gilbert Marten and his Cairnpot. Henrie Mahalfie and his wife. wife and children. Alexr Bailie and his Grissel McNilie and hir William Macairlie and his servants. dough ter. wife. Bailie and his wife. John Mahalfie. James and his John Biggam and his James Kilpatrick Craloch. wife. wife Thorn. his Alexr. Adair and his wife. McBrid and wife. James Cuan and his wife Craigencorah. McMaster and his and doughter. Georg wife. Shankshaw and his John Mahuma and his John William McDuall and his wife and servant. wife wife.

CORFIN. TlBBERT. Craigmore

William McMaster and Gilbert McBrid and his (Craigmoore ?). his wife. wife. John McWilliam, elder, Rot. McWilliam and his John McBrid and his and his wife. wife. wife. John McWilliam, younger, Jennet Maccolloch. John Georg and his wife. and his wife.

This is the rol of the parish of Portpatrick above tuelve yeirs of age according to my knowleg and subt. be me Master John Calduell, minister throf this day of Octob. 1684. M. J. Calduell.

I doe also declare tht ther is no irregular person within the parochie. M. J. Calduell.

A LIST of the Examinable Persons within the Parochin of SORBIE.

Palmallat. Will. Dunce. Alexr. Hannay. Alexander Rob. George Halthorn. Grisel Clerty. Alexander Margret Lettam. Agnes Hannay. Clerty. Sara Rob. Jannet Kairly. Isobel Clymond. Alexander Rob. James McBea. Keavens. Isobell Kairly. Jean Clerty. Broadfot. Mc Joh. McScamble. Joh. John Kairly. Elizabeth Margret Hannay. Hannay. Georg. McKairly. James Bratnie. Alexr. Broadfot. Mary Clerty. Bea. Androu Jannet Hannay. John Kairly. Alexr. Donnan. Joh. Forsyth. Jannet Rob. Horner. Goun. Margret Hannay. Margret Androu Hew Hannay. KlHKLAND. BALCROSH. Robert Lettam. Alexr. Broadfot. Agnes Gordone. McScamble. Joh. Agnes Hannay. John Hannay. Cleland. Agnes John Halthorn. Kathren Murray. Adam Scamble. Jannet Candlish. Cults. Balteir. Crugletoun. Georg Bell. Thomas Bea. William Broadfot. Jannet Hannay. Jean McScamble. Margret Broadfot. Hugo Hannay. Joh. Hannay. Alexr. Keachy. Alexr. Hannay. Andrew Hannay. Elizabeth Loggan. Jannet Cleland. Parish Lists of Wigtownshire and Minnigaff, r684. 55

Jannet Hannay. Margret Cleland. Margret Mcllhench. Isobel Duell. . Margret Douglas. Kathrin Kairly. Jannet Crum. Georg Mcllhench. Alexander Milligan. Androw Bouy. Alexr. Bell. Margret Gibson. Jannet Douglas. Effie Mcllmyn. Alexr. Hannay. Effie Keachie. Doncan Goune. Elizabeth Hannay. Mary Hannay. Jannet Galbraith. Ninian Connin. Joh. Paterson. Alexr. Mcllhench. Alexr. Broadfot. Jannet Paterson. Margret Goun. Margret Milroy. Jannet Goun. Isobel Broadfot. CULDIRRIE. John Mcllhench. William Milroy. Margret Dinnel. Marion Cracken. Elizabeth Credie. Jannet Irwin. Alexr. Rob. Isabell Scamble. Orchartoune. Effie Minnuch. Keachy. Jannet Alexr. McClurg. William Minnuch. Kathrin Clurg. Alexr. Minnuch. POULTOUN. Janet Clurg. Alexr. Lettam. James Bea. David Candlish. Margret Goun. Jannet Hannay. Jonet Gunnion. Patrick McKinnell. Thomas Hannay. Alexr. Cracken. Archibald Hannay. George Goune. Agnes McKeand. Hannay. Agnes Hannay. Agnes John McCracken. Patrick Hannay. Joh. Hannay. Will. McCracken. Goune. William George Penkill. Hannay. Grisel Broun. Agnes Stewart. Joh. Minnuch. Thomas Hannay. Janet Hannay. Will. Minnuch. Jannet Shaw. Agnes Hannay. Alexr. Minuch. James Hannay. Michall Clymond. Janet Goun. Janet Hannay. Margret Hannay. John McCracken. Corwar. Cracken. Jannet Wright. Margret Joh. Hannay. Sloane. Jean Cracken. John Margret Hannav. Jannet Hannay. Joh. Dinnel. Goune. Margret Teir. John Hannay. John Jannet Hannay. Douglas. Margret Irwin. Margret Jannet Hannay. John Hannay. William Crum. Joh. McKinnell. Jean Bea. Agnes Karr. Jannet Keaven. Jean Hannay. Alexr. McKinnell. William Hanna. Yetton. Barbra Kinnell. Agnes Bea. John Karr. Connel. James Douglas. Jannet KlLFILLAND. Helen Dill. Jannet Hannay. Joh. Hannay. John McCleland. John Shaw. Joh. Hannay. Margret Cleland. Janet Dill. Jannet Douglas. Patrick McGledrie. Janet Shaw. John Douglas. Jannet Coltran. William Connin. Janet Flimin. Alexr. Wilson. Jannet Duell. Alexander Broun. Jannet Gellie. Janet Cluncha. Margret McKie. James McCracken. Alexander Broun. Kathrin Hannay. Ingelstoune. Margret Skellie. John Hannay. Edam Conin. Elizabeth Linsav. Isobel Clurg. Will. Eggerness. Hannay. Margret Hannay. Alexander McCleland. Margret Hannay. Alexr. Shaw. Jean Chreacher. Effie Whytt. Androw Cleland. CULSCADDANE. Patrick Cleland. Will. Hannay. John Mcllhench. Janet Hannav. Jannet Halthorn. Georg Mcllhench. Will Cleland.' Hendry Broadfot. Alexr. Mcllhench. Margret Clymond. 56 Parish Lists of Wigtownshire and Minnigaff, 1684.

Margret Hannay. Creich. Margrat Connin. Gilbert McMurrey. John McGunnian. Robert Connin. Helen Cracken. Marion Janet McMurrey. Kenna. John McMurrey. Gilbert Gunnian. Georg. Hannay. Margret McMurrey. Alexr. McHingzie. John Irwin. Isobell McMurrey.' Elizabeth Kinnell. Isobell Webster. Goun. John Alexr. McHingzie. Richart Murray. Minuch. Grisel Maxwell. Janet James Hingzie. Florie Minuch Goun. Marion Kinnell. William Cullan. Margret Wright. Alexr. McConnell. Blair. Jannet McMurrey. Jannet McDuell. Crum. John Telfor. [anet Margret Connell. William Reid. Connell. Janet McHingzie. Jean Kathrin Gibson. Effie Hannay. Patrick Cluncha. Janet Reid. KlRKLAND OF SORBIE. Edwart Bell. Janet Gerdon. Hendrie Din. Helen Hewnan. William Cluncha. Barbra Kie. Helen Bell. Janet Clerty. George Din. Alexr. Dods. KlLSTORE. McConchie. Margret Clymond. Jean of Munkhill. John McQuharg. Balseir. Grisell McDuell, Lady Grisell Hannay. Alexr. thr of. Jannet Hannay. Douglas. Agnes Goune. Joh. Christie. Margrat Murray. Elizabeth Christie. Alexr. McMurrey. John Douglas. Jannet Douglas. Janet Carsan. Jannet Whytt. Grisel Keaven. Shaw. James Hannay. Margret Wilson. William Hannay. Alexr. McCleland. Margret Flimin. McGunnion. Elizabeth McCleland. John John Mcllhench. John McDuell. Thomas McClymond. Janet Flimin. Alexr. Hannay. Margrat Broadfot. John Grisel Parker. Margret Mcllroy. Georg McCleland. Linsay. Grisel Gunnion. Jannet Tait. Margrat Patrick Janet McKneach. Tait. Logane. Jean Elizabeth Culloch. Hannay. CLONCH. Georg Gibson. James Dorothie Gordon. Jannet Hannay. Wilson. Janet William McChristie. William Keaven. Milne of Whythils. David Halthorn. Janet Gibson. William Whytt. Janet Dunbar, Androw Christie. Whytt. VVhytthills. jean Janet Aitkin. Mary Christie. Alexander of William Whytt. Agnew Qt. Jannet Hannay. Elizabeth Hannay. hils. Connell. Androw Jean Agnew. Janet Bell. Inch. Isobel Agnew. Jannet Stewart. Alexander McChristie. Elzabeth Agnew. John Hannay. Gordon. Alexander Gibson. Janet Patrick Mcllroy John McChristie. Jean Bell. Alexr. McKeall. William Walls. Hugo Scamble. Barmullin. John Reid. Marion Hannay. Janet Burnie. Agnes Duell. John Mcllhench. Hairy Candlish. Alexr. White. Janet Maxwell. Janet Aitkin. Janet Goune. Alexander Mcllhench. Jean Candlish. Anthon Turner. John McCuy. Margret Candlish. William Murray. Elisabeth Parker. Robert Credy. Margrat Wilson. Janet Douglas. Helin Minnoch. Margrat Maxwell. William Dill. Janet Credy. John McConnell. Helen Kinnell. Archbald Gibson. Agnes Turner. William Clelland. Margrat McCulloch. John McConnin. Arthor Dill. Parish Lists of Wigtownshire and Minnigaff, 1684. 57

Jean Hannay. 58 Parish Lists of Wigtownshire and Minnigaff, 1684.

James Parker. Drummfad Knockincrosh. Janet Navallan. John Erskyne. Agnes Gordown. Parker. John Janet Gibson Archibald Kirkpatrick. John Kelly Andrew McKliry. Tho. McK Water. Eliz. Smith. Marg. McKculloch. Janet McKbryd. Blain. Janet Pat. McKliry. Will Kirkpatrick. John Broadfoot. McKculloch. Anderson. McKwhom. John Janet Janet Agnes Kelly. Michael McKilrae. John Mc. Eupham McKilrae. CULMORE. Christian McKtaldroch. Jean McKnald. John Kenadie.. Arch. McKnald. Alexr. McKrickart. Marg. McKKewan. Wil. Kirkpatrick, yor. Marion Davidson. Alexr. Kirkpatrick. Marg. McKnald. McKrickart. John John Wilson. Jam. Kirkpatrick. Jean McKrickart. Hellen Wilson. Hellen McKilrae. Isobel McKBurnie. Alexr. Kelly. Pat. Lockart. Vchrtrie Neilson. Marg. McKilweclock. Agnes Morison. McKculloch. Jean Alex. Janet Morison. McDowall. Kelly, yor. John Janet Kelly. John McKnald. Alexr. McKmald. Jean McLellan. Isobel Gordoun. Kniblo. Marg. Marg. Edgar. Agnes McKlanachen. Spitle Croft. Alexr. Davidson. John McKBryd. Blair. Jean McKnald. Jean Mein. Alexr. Blain. Marg. McKbryd. Jean Wilson. Clashant. Alexr. McKbryd. Janet McKqueistein. Robert Torburne. John McKbryd, younger. Kath. McKqueistein. Isobel Shank. Janet Wallace. Will. Erskin. Torburne. Alexr. Wilson. John Caldones. Gilbert Torburne. Janet McKMaster. Marg. McKbroome. John Parker. Ochtrie Neilson, yor. Maron McKnald. Garth land. Janet McKculloch. Nivin Parker. The Laird. Pat. Parker. The Lady. Sand Milne. Marion Blain. Tho. Kenady. John Parker. Maron Henderson. Co wand. John Jean Parker. Anna Kenady. Jean Gordown. Jean Wilson. Hellen McKMaster. Will. Cowand. Marg. Robison. Hellen Robison. Jean Gordown. Kath. McDowall. Neilson. MALMAIN. Margt. Benjamin Kelvy. fa. McKMacken- Eliz. McK William. Laigh my. Marg. McKclanochen. John McDowall. Jon. McKMachen. Gilbert Hannah. Marg. McKBryd. McKMacken. Tho. Gordown. Maron M.KWilliam. Jean Tho. Aikin. Morison. Hannah. Christ. John Marg. Chambers. Bitle. Tho. McKnald. John Grisel Gibson. Adair. Agnes AUCHINCLAV. Alexr. McKWilliam. Marcs. McKmaster. Wilson. McKdowall. Eupham Hutcheon. John Agnes Janet McKMillan. Gilbert McKredy. Wilson. Templtown. High My. Janet Marg. John Kenadie. And. McKgadyeard. McKilwrath. Fergs. McKGarroch. Isobel Adair. Janet Morison. Anna Hay. Alexr. Wilson. And. , John McKGarrach. Maron McKMacken. Wil. McKcomb. Ann McKGarrach. John McKCulloch. Isobel Stuart. Fergs McKGarrach. James Kenadie. And. McKWilliam. Pat McKquein. Eliz. Vauss. Marion McKcraken. Parish Lists of Wigtownshire anaI Minnigaff, 1684. 59

John McKants. John Fulton. Marg. McKcracken. Janet McKWilliam. Janet Kelly. Janet McKracken. Pat. Smith. Agnes Fultone. John McKgill. Marion McKWilliam. And. Lymburne. Marion McBrair. John Henderson. John McGill. Hellen McKcairly. OCHORCK. Tho. McKgill. And. Hannah. James McKgill. Hewgh Kilpatrick. Jean McKcomb. McKwhirk. John McKrea. Janet Gordoun. And. Gibson. Marg. KlRDROCHIT. Rob. McKgill. William Kirkpatrick. Grisell McKculIoch. And. McKrie. McKlirie. Marg. Alexr. Mein. Janet Wilson. Isobell Blain. John McKrie. BARMOR. Kath. McKrie. James McKMacken. McKWilliam. George Janet Gordoun. Marg. Fultoune. John McKullan. High Galdenoch. McKWilliam. Jeane Janet McKewan. Pat. McKmaster. Eupham McKnald. Janet McKWilliam. Barnshallg-ch. David Hannah. McKmaster. Janet William Auld. Robert Handcock. Pat. McKmaster. Wilson. Janet Hannah. Bessie McKmaster. Eupham Thomas Auld. Will. Rhodie. Janet Uowglas. And. Cowand. Hellen Jamison. Marg. McKbryd. Auld. John Blain. Pat Jean McKilroy. Marion Blain. Grisel Mein. James Kirkpatrick. Janet Parker. Marg. McKilroy. Milne Arduall. Joseph McKliry. Marg. McKmaster. KlLDONAN. John McKconnell. McKcomb. Quintin Kirkpatrick. Janet Laigh Galdenoch. Marion Kniblo. Janet McKConnell. Eliz. McKConnell. Tho. Leitch. Will. Kirkpatrick. John McKConnell, yor. Janet McKdowall. Marg. Kirkpatrick. Alexr. Eliz. Kirkpatrick. McKComb. Janet McKga. McKConnell. John McKkewan. Daniel Kirkpatrick. Mary Blaine. Marg. McKComb. Janet Kie. Jean Will. McKComb. Pat. McKmacken. Eliz. Blaine. Will. McTeir. Alexr. McKgarrach. Will. Blaine. McKWilliam. Janet Rhodie. Janet McKmaster. John Hewgh McKgarrach. Janet Bitle. Elizabeth McKWilliam. KlRKMABRECK. William Cowand. Frewgh. . John McKculIoch. Arch. Baldnivin. James Agnew. Janet Bailzie. Kachie. Lawrie. Janet John McKculIoch. Jean Will. Lawrie. Gilbert McKredy. Janet McKculIoch. McKihveyan. Hannah. Marg. Kniblo. Janet Janet Robert Gibson. Janet McKdowall. Balgregan. Kath. McKculIoch. Janet Walker. McKculIoch. Fergs. McKilroy. Robert Bovd. Marg. Marion Lymburne. Uthred McDowall. Will. McKculIoch. Gilbert McKilroy. Jean Walker. Marg. Neilson. Will. Neilson. Janet Lawrie. Barbara Wallace. Alexr. Gibson. Janet Kenadie. Alexr. McDowall. McTaldroch. Hewgh Kilpatrick. Marg. Bailzie. Agnes Marg. McKredy. Will. McDowall. Janet Gibson. Geo. McKbryd. Donald McDowall. Pat Gibson. Marg. Parker. Will. McKCracken. John McKquein. 1 Marg. Gordoun. AUCHLEACH. Janet Adair. John McKcracken. Alexr. McKbryd. Marg. McKquein. I James McKcracken. Marg. McKlurg. 6o Parish Lists of Wigtownshire and Minnigaff, 1684.

Tho. McKConnell. Arduall. Marg. Kingean. Eliz. McKClumpha. Sir Godfrey McKculloch Gilbert Blain. Eliz. McKConnell. Isob. McKmurrie. and his Lady (not resi- Alexr. McKConnell. Gilb. dent now). Blain, younger. Adam Livingstoune. Agnes McKculloch. Isob. Blain. Bessy McKihvyan. Alexr. Carsan. James Blain. John McKConnell. John Morison. Eliz. Parker. Marion Wilson. Will McKie. Rot. Kingean, elder. Marg. McKConnell. John Wade. Marg. Kingean. Grisell McKConnell. John McKwhirk. James McDowall. And. McKConnell. Mary Craufurd. Agnes McKculloch. John McKculloch. Isobel Rhodie. Alexr. McKDouall. Marg. Biggam. Sicill Findlason. Jean McDowall. Will. McKculloch. "Hellen McKDowall. Marg. McKnily. Alexr. McKculloch. Agnes McKConnell. Marg. McKDowall. Agnes McKc racken. Robert Torburne. Alexr. Blain. And. elder. Gibson. M orison, Janet Torburne. Janet Grisel Morison. Thomas Bole. Anna Gibson. Morison. Alexr. John Andrew Crunshy. Kingean. And. Malmein. Morison, yor. Jean McDowall. Janet Kath. Morison. And. Davidson. John Crunshy. McKcracken. Stenhowse. Marg. Janet Astoun. Janet elder. fanet McKculloch. John Gibson, McDowall. KlLLEASTEk. Godfrey McKCulloch. Marg. John McKwhinney. John Chambers. OCHORCK. Eliz. Mcdowal!. Eliz. McKindell. Tho. Bailzie. Chambers. Janet McKilrae. RlNGENIE. Hellen McKmorran. Marg. Alexr. McKculloch. Alexr. Cochran. John Lymburn. McKculloch. Mcaldroch. McKmurrie. John Janet Janet Bailzie. And. Cochran. John John Lymburne, yor. Sarah Bailzie. Arch. Cochran. Marg. Kingean. Will. Wallace. Cochran. Janet Kingean. Jean McKculloch. Cochran. James Craig. Agnes Hewgh McKConnell. William And. Davidson. Marg. Wallace, younger. Will. Craig. And. Lymburne. Jean McKihvyan. Alexr. Adair. Kath. Kniblo. Davidson. Marg. Kenadie. Wallace. Gilb. McKvvhirk. Agnes Marg. Alexr. McKculloch. John Mcbryd. Janet Lymburne. Hellen Blaine. Blain. Mcbryd. Marg. Bessy Alexr. Antony Kenadie. Craig. Float. John McKculloch. Agnes McKmurry. McKculloch. Pat. McKculloch.' McKCulloch. Marg. John Smith. Maron McKilrae. Lillias Hendrie. James Agnes McKculloch. Bessy McDowall. Janet Kingean. John Kelly. Jean Kniblo. Carnweil. Marg. McDowall. John Gibson, yor. John Cochran. Marg. McKculloch. Pat. McKredie. Janet Chambers. Rot. Kingean, yor. Christ. McKculloch. Marg. Cochran. Hellen Gordoun. John McKredy. Robert McKculloch. And. Gibson. Jean McKredy. Marion McKcomb. Jean McKskelly. Alexr. McKracken. Janet Walker. Janet McKconnell. Janet McKracken. Maron Cochran. Kath. Gordown. Mary McKracken. Alexr. Kelly. Janet Gordoun. Will. McKracken. Marg. Cotes. Kath. Hannah. Maron McKracken. Tho. Gibson. Gilb. McDowall. Harry Gibson. I sob. McKfaclyean. Janet McKnish. Janet McKmaken. Michael Erskyne. Janet Gibson. John Gibson. Parish Lists of Wigtownshire and Minnigaff, 1684. 61

Pat. Mc KM aster. Kairngarroch Port of S pitta i.j. Jean McKracken. Katli. Murchie. John McKwilliam. Marg. Cochran. George Murdoch. Janet McKilwyan. Marion McKie. Alexr. Murdoch. Alexr. McKwilliam. Janet McKie. Janet Murdoch. James McKwilliam. Robert Murdoch. John McKwilliam, yor. KlRKMADRYN. Hellen Cotes. Agnes Agnew. Kath. McKwilliam. Tho. Murdoch. John Agnew. Ann Nivin McKnish. Marion McHaffie. Kirkpatrick. Tho. McKredie. Marg. Davidson. John Herron. Marg. Gibson. Pat. Murdoch. Marg. Herron. Janet McKredy. Tho. McKnish. AUCHINT1BERT. KlRLACHLEN. Janet Davidsone. Kniblo. And. McKnish. John Petter McKculloch. Agnes Tarbert. Hewgh McKnish. Jean Kirkpatrick. Eliz. Gibson. Rob. Gibson. McKculloch. George McKnish. Jean Gibson. McKculloch. John Stenhowse. Janet Pat. Davidsone. Marg. Ochtrie McKculloch. Kniblo. Bessy Irvine. Janet Marg. McKilwyan. John Adair, John Kniblo, yor. fanet McKculloch. Tho. Smith. fames McKnish. Will Murdoch. Grisell McK Water. I Janet Bailzie. Agnes Kniblo. Tho. Smith, Janet McLellan. yor. John Cotes. Will. Smith.' John McKnish. John Smith. Jean McKlurg. Marg. Bailzie. Marg. Carridders. McKnish. Alexr. McKredy. Martine. James Janet Alexr. McKnish. lean McKlurg. lames Mctaldroch. Alexr. McKredie. Fat. McKnish. Marg. McKculloch . Jean McKculloch. Marg. McKnish. Janet McKredie. Ochtrie McKnish. McKnish. Marg. McKredie. Meol. Janet John Mteir. Marg. Garrach. elder. Janet McKcomb. Eupham Stewart. lames McKnish, John Mteir, younger. Pat. Adair. Janet McKwhinney. Alexr. Mteir. Robert Adair. Margt. McKnish.

This is the true List of the whole parishoners of Stonykirk and not one recusant wt. in the sd parish, qch is consistent wt. my knowledg qch is witnessed, attested and subt. be M. R. Bowis, Minister.

The EXAMINATION ROLL of Stranrawer, 15th Oct. 1684.

James McBrayer. Maron Kniblow. Margret McDowall. Jannet Cowand. John Kniblow. Hew McKelrea. Robert McBrayer. Barbara Glover. Agnes Paterson. Alexander McNyly. Barbara Gordon. Patrick Kennidy. Margret McNyly. Margret Baird. Mary Kennidy. James McNyly. James Daffre. Jean McPhatrick. Alexander McNyly. Katherine Crawford. Patrick McBryde. John Laurie. Margret Daffie. Agnes Cunnighame. Agnes Bannatine. Alexander Ken'nidie. Agnes McBryde. Robert Harvie. Elizabeth Agnew. John Thomson. Agnes McCance. Gilbert Crawfoord. Jannet Hunter. Hew Harvie. Agnes McKelvie. Malcome Wilkie. Agnes Harvie. Margret Crawfoord. Jannet McDovvall. Sarah Harvie. Isobell McAlexander. Helene Morison. Wiliam Kniblow. Elisbeth Gowen. John McBryde. Jean McKey. Andrew Baylzie. Agnes Bighame. 02 Parish Lists of Wigtownshire and Minnigaff, 1684.

Gilbert McBryde. Margret Snell. Margret Kennidie. John McBryde. Robert Stewart. Elizbeth Mein. Mr. James Bell. Jean Stewart. Mary Steivenson. Mary Kennidy. Jannet McCraken. Thomas Litle. Jannet McTeer. Jannet Kennidie. John Bell. Maron Carnochin. Agnes Lin. Provost Patrick Paterson. John Melvill. Jannet Lin. John McLonachin. Agnes McYewin. Bessie Mein. Agnes McKey. James McTaggard. John Vance. Isobell Casse. Jannet McPhatrick. Jannet McHaffie. Jannet Lemon. John McTaggard. Mary McHaffie. James Brown. Margret McTaggard. Gilbert McHaffie. John Row. Alexander McPhatrick. Elisbeth Porter. Sarah Wallace. B. Wiliam Kennidie. Jannet McClure. Margret Torrence. Elisabeth Lamb. Elisbeth Neilson. Alexr. Bruce. Agnes Kennidy. John Neilson. Jean Adair. Jannet Montgomerie. Charles Neilson. Florence Gordon. Jannet Brock. Jean Harvie. Alexander McCraken. Bessie Roger. Jannet McPhaddion. Agnes Paterson. John Baird. Jannet McComb. Anaple McDowall. John McYewin. Margret Hennin. Jannet Thorburne. Jannet Baylzie. Alexr. Murray. James McMaster. Elisbeth Boyd. Effie Boddan. Mary Boddon. Katherine McCombe. Isobell Kinnin. Robert McComb. Grizall Shannan. Gothfrey McTere. Jean Lin. Andrew McMaster and Jean Auld. Margret Campbell. Chapmen, strangers. Wiliam Montgomerie. Isobell McCovie. Maron Kennidy. Alexr. McReddy. Sarah McDowall. Sarah Hathorne. Christan McMecken. John Ross. Evan Taylor. John Agnew. Jannet Knox. Jannet McBryde. Elizbeth Brice. James Davie. Agnes McRuthers. John Thorburne. Andrew Dunbar. CI. Alexander Paterson. Margret Ferguison. Jannet Wilson. Bessie Gathshore. John McDowall. Margret McNeight. Helene Hutchinson. Thomas Harvie. Mris Rosina Agnew. Marie Huthenson and Agnes Harvie. Jean Campbell childrs. Wiliam Colfine. Patrick McCulloch. Jannet McBryde. John Hunter. Jannet McDowall. Jannet McClellan. Jannet McGuffock. Patrick McGowen. Samuell McKey. Baylzie James Hutchen- Agnes Pomphrey. Margret Gordon. son. Alexr. McMechen. Isobell McYewin. Jean Adair. Margret McHaffie. Anna Warrock. Jean Couter. James Agnew. Anna Rollie. Patrick McCance. Robert Baylzie. Elisbeth Kennidie. Katherine Gordon. Thomas Baylzie. Mary Ferguson. Wiliam Thorburne. Elisbeth Stewart. Margret (McCoule). Margret McCraken. Dep. James Kennidie. Jean Thomson. Agnes Bysard. Agnes Moor. Andrew Yewar. Andrew Kennidie. Helene Kennidie. James McDowall. Jean McDowall. Margret Kennidie. Nathaniell Johnston. Patrick Kennidie. Agnes Russell. Jean McKey. Grizall Kennidie. Patrick McDowall. Agnes Johnston. Elisbeth Ross. Alexander Agnew. Major Johnston, parali- Elisbeth Paterson. Jannet McDowall. tick. John Hunter. Mungo Thomson, dra- Mary Johnston. Jean Hunter. goon. Jannet Ferguison. Jannet McBryer. Margret Brown. Marcus McKigg. Jean Cowand. Jannet Scot. Helene Kalandar. John Kennidie. Wiliam Scot. Margret Shaw. Jean Kennidie. Helene Horsburgh. Parish Lists of Wigtownshire and Minnigaff, 1684. 63

John Kennidie. Barbara Reid. James McKraken. Jannet Dowgan. Robert Fulto. Katherine Kie. James Sawyer. Helene McCulliam. John Cook. Agnes Roger. Isobell Fulton. Lilias Calquhoon. Anne Askin. George Wales, Jannet Cook. Marion McDowall. Anne Swell-weell, Patrick Cook. Marion Morison. (strangers from Lochar Jannet Ross. Margret McCoule. bay for whom no Marion Roger. Alexander Thorburne. testificate yet seen). Margret Wither. Marion McLurg. John Mulroy. Thomas McKraken. George Byzard. jannet McTere. Margret McKrae. Jannet McLeroy. Alaron McKlellan. Euphane McMecken. Thomas Rhodie. Margret Marton. Margret McBryde. Helene McCulliam Joan Kerson. Alexr. McDowall. Gilbert McBryde. John McCluney. Jean Kennidie. Ninian McNyly. Margret Leech. Jean McDowall. Baylzie Andrew Harvie Andrew Fulton. Margret McDowall. Florence Thorburne. James McCombe. Hew Baird. Jean Harvie. Katherine McCombe. Margr. McMeken. Andrew McBryde. Helene McCombe. James Ferguison. Archbald Cowan. Hew Harvie. Jean McReddie. Jannet Taite. Jannet McKraken. Thomas Argo. Isobel Harvie. Margret Lin. Agnes McKeddey. David Chalmers. Jannet McCorsquey. Patrick McDowall. Isobell Adair. Christan Dranen. John McDowall. Andrew McKey. John Stevenson. Alexr. McDowall. Alexr. McKey. Mary Beggs.

Oct. 15th, 1684. That this is an exact Roll of the persons above twelve in Stranrawer paroch and that ther is none disordlie amongst them is witnessed by my hand. Mr. George Brown, Minr.

A true LIST of the whole Inhabitants within the Burgh of WHITHORNE above twelve years old, 1684.

h. w. wife s. son sv. servant or also apparently husband ; ; ; servitor, written etc. wd. or d. sn., sr., ; widow widower ; daughter.

Alexr. Hanney, h. Petter Crerie, h. • Andrew McGuffock, h. Janet Black, w. Agnes Craken, w. Margrett Stewart, w. Michael Hanney, s. Jean Crekane, sv. Robert Boyd, h. Christian Black, sv. Issobell Stewart, wd. Jane Martine, w. Janett Wallace, wd. Hugh Mcdowall, h. Grissell Mcdowall, wd. Marion Kinnell, d. Elizabeth Guilline, w. Elizabeth Kinkead, d. William Jerdane, h. William Mcdowall, s. Adam Keith, h. Janet Clellane, w. Janet Mcdowall, d. Kathrine McKie, w. Alexr. Russell, h. "William Brodfote. h. Jane Dicksone, sv. Elizabeth Clertie, w. Jane McCandlish, w. Alexr. McCulland,elder,h. Gilbert Martine, wd. William Bratnie, h. Janet Mcllhoy, w. Robert Browne, h. Jannet McilMyn, w. Janet (sic.) McCullane, Marion Hathorne, w. John McKie, h. yor., h. Alexr. McCandlish, h. Janet Stewart, w. Janet Stewart, w. Helen Clellane, w. William McKie, sv. Anthon Houstoune, h. William s. sv. Elizabeth w. McCandlish, ; James Jerdane, Colhowne, Helen Cairnes, wd. Elizabeth Black, sv. Janet Houstoune, d. j Thomas McllMyn, h. Margret Mcdowall, wd. Jane Creightoune, wd.

Agnes Hanney, w. i Adam Browne, h. Adam McCrerie, h. Agnes McllMyn, d. Janet Andrew, w. Kathrine McCulloch, w. 64 Parish Lists of Wigtownshire and Minnigaff, 1684.

Ninian Hanney, h. Margret Mcllhaunch, wd. John Gilhagie, wd. J Elizabeth Broadfote, w. Alexr. Clugstoune, h., rec. h. J John McConnell, Janet Conning, wd. Janet Clugstoune, w. Agnes Clerk, w. John Hanney, h. John Mcilmin, yor., h. John McCulloch, sv. Marion Agnew, \v. Janet Slowane, w. Marion Herrone, sv. John Hanney, sv. Agnes McCrerie, sv. Georg McKeney, h. Janett Cullane, sv. John McCrume, h. Jane Stewart, vv. Alexr. McKenney, h. Margrett Coning, w. John McCulloch, h. Agnes Mcdowall, w. Margret Carmick, y.w. Janet Martine, w. Kathrine Mcdowall, wd. Elias Mcfydeane, wd. Alexr. and Willa. McCul- Jane Hair, d. Hugh McKenney, h. lochs, s. Patrick McGowane, h. Marrion Clertie, w. John McBurnie, h. Kathrine McDowali, w. James McCandlish, sv. Janet Clerk, w. John McGowane, s. Elizabeth Brodfote, ol.w. Alexr. Herrone, sv. Alexr. McGowane, h. John Brodfote, h. Margrett Burnie, sv. Kathrine Whennell, w. Grissell Hanney, w. John Russell, h. Thomas Garroch, h. William McCarmick, h. Elizabet Mcdowall, w. Grissell Stewart, w. Janet Connell, w. John Kinner, wd. William Stewart, h. Alexr. Brodfote, sv. Janet Garroch, wd. Agnes Garroch, w. John McKewkane, h. Agnes Black, d. John McGowane, sv. Elizabeth Culloch, w. Margret Black, d. Janet Garroch, sv. Patrick McKewkane, sv Robert McKie, h. Hugh Crawfoord, h. Patrick Garroch, h. Agnes McCrerie, w. Grissell Martine, w. Janett Coning, w. Alexr. McCrerie, y. Henry Donaldsone, h. Hugh Haney, h. Agnes Toutter, s. recus. Janet Candlish, w. Thomas Cullane, h. Margret Martine, w. Janet Brodfote, wd. Jannet Connell, w. Janet Donaldsone, d. John Frasser, h. Edward Smith, h. Margret Donaldsone, d. Jannet Herroune, w. Agnes Stewart, w. John McCulloch, h. Margret Brodfote, wd. Patrick Coltrane, sv. Janett Houstoune, w. Simon Kevane, h. Jane Stewart, sv. Bessie Hannay, sv. Jane Wallace, w. James McKie, h. Issobell Houstoune, sv. Barbara Kevane, d. Janet Cochrane, w. John Browne, merd. Alexr. McCrerie, sv. Robert McKie, s. Jane Browne, sv. John Browne, h. Margret McKie, d. Janet Culloch, wd. Agnes Mcilroy, w. Margret Cochrane, wd. Alexr. Donnane, h. Elizabet Browne, d. Robert Smith, h. Katrine Clugstoune, w. Margret Coning, wd. Janet Livingstone, w. William Clugstowne, h. John McCrerie, s. Thomas Row, y. Jane Stewart, w. Elizabeth Murray, ad. William McGowane, h. Alexr. h. Donaldsone, Ritchard Murray, y. Mary Gordone, w. Janet Dunbar, w. John Hanney, wd. Barbara Wallace, wd. h. James Quoid, Janet Hanney, d. Barbara McGowane, y. w. Agnes Reid, John McKelvie, elder, wd Agnes McGowane, y. Jane Lindsay, wd. John McKelvie, yor., s. Janet Jerdane, wd. Jane Guffock, d. Janet Crerie, sv. Janet Donaldsone, d. Patrick McKie, h. John Murdoch, h. John Buy, h. Janet Frasser, w. Jannet Wright, w. Janet Hanney, w. John McKie, h. Adam McilRoy, h. John Herrone, y. Janet Black, w. Janet Mcilduff, w. Alexr. McNab, h. Patrick Black, sv. John McMin, elder, h. Kathrine Candlish, w. John McCammell, h. Janet Clellane, w. Janet Candlish, sv. Janett Connell, w. Archibald McMin, s. John Stewart, h. Patrick McCandlish, h. Alexr. McMin, s. Janet Martine, w. Agnes Toutter, w. Agnes Tait, sv. Agnes Stewart, d. Christian Brodfote, wd. Margret Bae, wd. Elizabeth Stewart, d. Janett Haney, wd. William Candlish, h. Anna Dalrimple, wd. Janet Gjlkisone, d. Margret Allen, w. John Martine, h. James Brodfote, h. James Lindsay, h. Margret Gordoune, w. Janet Burnie, w. Agnes Mcdowall, w. Elizabeth Hannev, ol.w. Parish Lists of Wigtownshire and Minnigaff, 1684. 65

Johne Ogilvie, d. Nicolas Stewart, w. Robert Lettome, hu. Andrew McDowall, h. John McDowall, h. Margret Crerie, w. Janet Houstoune, w. Margret Ramsay, w. Alexr. Lettome, h. Andrew Shank, h. James Bae, h. Janet Dunbar, w. Margret Wallace, w. Maly Hanney, w. Margret Lettome, d. Alexr. Shank, s. Patrick Houstoune, h. John Lettome, h. Janet Shank, d. Agnes Dine, w. Grissell Crerie, w. John McCandlish, h. Robert Browne, h. Thomas Cloakie, h. Jean McCulloch, w. Kathrine Donnane, w. Christian Camond, w. Janet Candlish, sv. Jane Dowall, wd. James Hanney, h. Fergus McDowall, h. John Browne, s. Janet Haney, w. Katherine Vans, w. William McConnell, h. William Hanney, sv. Barbara McDowall, d. Margret Dunce, w. Agnes Hanney, wd. William Hanney, h. Alexr. McDowall, sv. Janet Hanney, ol. w. Here endeth the List of the Inhabitants within the Burgh of Whithorne.

A true LIST of the whole Persons above twelve years of age within the landward of the Parochin of Whitehorne.

PORTYERROCK. Margrett McGuffock, d David Marcus. Andrew Hanney, h. Agnes McGuffock, d. Christian Hanney, wd. Archibald h. d. Janet Scamble, vv. McGuffock, Jane Marcus, w. David sv. Michael Haney, s. Janet McGuffock, Crerie, Margret Haney, d. James McGuffock. John Mcil Myn, wiver, h. Patrick h. Bessie w. Alexr. Kinner, h. Robsone, Reid, Janet Wardlaw, w. Grissell McGuffock, w. William Russell, sv. Andrew h. Mcil Hugh Kinner, s. Cochrane, John Myne, h. Elizabeth John Kinner, s. Browne, w. Janet Haney, w. Kathrine Candlish, sv. Janet Cochrane, d. Janet and Issobell Mcil wd. d. John Livingstone. Janet Donnane, Myns, Andrew s. James Livingstoune. Stinsone, John McKnuckell, h. d. w. Andrew Hanney, elder, h. Margret Stinsone, Janet Jerdane, Janet Carmick, w. Janet Keand, wd. William McKnuckell, s. Jane Hanney, d. Anthon honst Stewart, s. Janet McKnuckell, d. Issobell Hanney. Grissell Parker. Nether Ersick. Rispine Park. Hugh Mcil Roy, h. Robert Carsane, elder, h. John Stewart, h. w. Janet Cullane, Janet Mcil Roy, w. I Kathrine Brodfote, w. Hugh Carsane, s. Janet Brodfote, sv. Stinnocks. Euphane Carsane, d. Patrick McKeachie, h. Andrew Donnane, h. Agnes Carsane, d. Janet Donane, w. Agnes Cullane, w. Adam Mcil Roy, sv. Agnes Guffock, wd. sv. Hugh Donane, s. Robert Carsane, yor., h. Robert Crerie, John McKenneys, elder Janet McGuffock, w. and yor. Agnes Houstoune, sv. Craig. Marion Ker, w. John Carsane, h. John McCaddame, h. Robert Kenney, s. Margrett Skimming, w. Grissell Stewart, w. Margret Kenney, dem. Andrew Bartrime, h. James McCaddame, s. James Livingstoune, h. Jane Mcil Roy, w. Helen Clurg, sv. Margrett Touter, w. John Donnane, y. Alexr. Donnane, h. Mains. John Coltrane, h. Jannet Shank, w. Patrick Coltrane, h. Grissell Cartnay, w. William Donnane, sv. Janet Hanney, w. John McKeachie, h. Janet Murdoch, sv. Christian Keachie. Ersick Mill. Patrick Mcil Myn, h. James Powll, h. James McGuffock, h. Agnes McMaster, w. Janet Wallace, w. Christian Lettome, w. Janet Mcil Myn, d. Thomas Coning, wd. William McGuffock, s. Patrick McClellane, sv. Janet Coning, d. E 66 Parish Lists of Wigtownshire and Minnigaff, 1684.

Dowish Mill. Helen Hanney, w. Outoune Gallows. Carsane. William Kinner, h. Janet Alexr. Brodfote, h. Janet Finlay, w. Georg Hanney. Jannet Dunce, w. William wd. James and Margret Kinneane, Elizabeth Brodfote, d. Donans, sv. William Slowane, sv. Elizabeth Dunce, wd. Andrew Conell, h. Margrett Hanney. Bailliewhire. w. Janet Murray, John Brodfote, s. James Stewart, h. Patrick Murray, h. Jane Galloway, w. Christian Keachie, w. Castell Wig. Andrew McCandlish, sv. John Murray, s. Anthony Herrowne, h. Grissell McCulloch, sv. Georg Carlie, sv. Elizabeth Agnew, w. Agnes Fie, sv. Janet Candlish, sv. Agnes Agnew, d. Anthon Stewart, h. Cornelius Lettome, h. John Mcil Nae, sv. Agnes Houstoune, w. Jonnet Ceachie, dem. Agnes Mcil Myn, sv. John Livingstoune, sv. John Lettome, s. Margret Blaine, sv. Jane Buy. s. Janet Lettome, d. Gilbert Milliken, h. Andrew Cloakie, h. William Dowglas, h. Elizabeth Mitchelsone, w. Janett Connell, w. Janet Shaw, w. William Coning, h. Adam Brodfote, h. John McKeachie, h. Kathrine Martine, w. Issobell Stewart, w. Agnes McDowall, w. Agnes Hanney, wd. Issobell Brodfote, d. Janet Blaine, d. William Martine, s. Elizabeth Quie, wd. William Keachie, sv. Janet McKenney, ol. Agnes Clumphae, d. William Mcil Roy, here. Broad Wig. Robert Lowrie, h. Janet Guineane, sv. Janet Bae, w. Alexr. Hanney. Robert McChrystine, h. James Jorie, h. Janet Mcil Roy, wd. Janet McCaddame, w. Janet Jorie, w. David Clure, sv. Marie d. Janet Keachie, wd. Broughtotjne Skeoch. McChrystine, sv. Broughtowne Wall. Agnes Stewart, William McScamble, h. William Hardstones, Alexr. Slowane, h. Margret Hanney, w. elder and yor. Helen Mcil Myn, w. John McScamble, s. Issobell Crawford, w. Elizabeth Slowane, d. Agnes Connell, sv. James Coning, h. Hugh Mcil Myn, h. Henry Dine, h. John Coning, s. Jane White, w. Issobell McScamble, w. Grissell Shankler, w. Janet Mcil Myn, d. John Hendersone, sv. John McCeachie, h. Elizabeth White, sv. Grissell Hanney, sv. Janet Hanney, w. John Donnane, h. Patrick Dine, h. Christian Ceachie. d. Jane Dill, w. Janet Keand, w. John Blaine, h. John Donnane, yor., s. Helen Guffock, sv. Jane Murray, w. John Coning, h. Patrick McScamble, h. Janet Carlie, sv. Agnes Minnoch, w. Agnes Martine, w. Margret Gibsone, sv. Janet Neilsone, sv. William Hendersone, h. Malcome Kevane, h. John McDill, h. Katrine Coning, w. Elizabeth Hardstones, w. Margrett Coning, w. Janet Hendersone, d. James Kevane, s. Janet and Helen Dills, d. John Tait, h. Robert Kevane, so. Hugh Brodfote, h. Jane Mcdowall, w. Patrick Kevane, h. Margret Mcil Nae, w. Janet Patersone, w. h. Georg Patersone, OUTOUNE CHAPPELL. Elizabeth Crawford, ol. Issobell Broadfote, w. Patrick Blaine, h. Margrett Murray. John McCrerie, h. Janet Bae, w. Jane Dunce, sv. Janet Mcil Roy, w. Janet Shelland, sv. William Tagert. Agnes Bratnie, d. Olbrack. Marion Murdoch. Robert McCrerie, h. William Conells, elder Janet Brodfote, w. Alexr. McDowall, elder, h. and yor. William McKnuckell. Margret Browne, w. Janet Stewart, w. Agnes Clymont, w. Janet Mcdowall, d. Agnes Bardie, sv. Janet Murray, d. Alexr. McDowall, yor, h. Margarett Andrew Car- Alexr. Knuckell, h. Agnes Hanney, w. sane, h. Janet Scamble, w. Margret Jorie. Parish Lists of Wigtownshire and Minnigaff, 1684. 67

Skeoch. Hugh McCrerie, h. John McGuffock, h. William Dunce. Agnes McDowall, w. Margrett Gordoune, \v. Elizabeth wd. Hugh Dunce, h. Crerie, Drumastoune. Archibald h. Jane Houstoune, w. McMillane, Elizabeth w. Janet Coning, wd. Rec William McClellane, wd. Kie, d. (usant). Patrick McClellane, s. Margrett Jerdane, Patrick McConing, elder. Elizabeth McClellane. Elizabeth McMillane, d. Sarah Stewart. Margret Coning. John Slowane, h. h. Patrick Coning, yor. Janet McClellane, w. John McCrerie, Elizabeth Elizabet Coning. Clellane. Chapell Harren. Jane Cachie. Katrin Cachie, wd. Isle. Archibald McCulloch, h. John McCandlish, h. Patrick Houstoune, h Elizabeth Coning, w. Agnes McCwilliame, w- Margret Gordoune, w. Agnes Culloch, sv. McDowall, h. Issobell Houstoune, d. John Janet Black, w. Mr. John Dicksone, sv. Outouneburges. James Neilsone, h. Kathrine Brodfote, sv. h. John McScamble, Janet Cramick. Kathrine Donnane, sv. w. Janet Dicksone, John Hanney, h. John Black, h. d. Agnes McScamble, Issobell Bartrime, w. Janet Little, w. Archibald McScamble. Kathrine Conell, wd. Daniell. Brodfote, h. Alexr. Brodfote. Andrew Cloakie, s. Jeane Buy, w. Alexr. Martines, elder and John Brodfote, s. yor. Drummorell. Janet Brodfote, d. Elizabeth Mcilhaunch, w. Alexr. Murdoch, h. Helen Martine, d. Alexr. McCulloch, h. Agnes White, w. Bessie Clanchie. Anna McCulloch. William Brodfote, h. William McCeachie, sv. Kathrine Crerie, w. Outoun Corwar. Robert Letch, sv. Robert Black, h. Issobell McCulloch, sv. Robert Hanney, h. Janet Cloakie, w. Agnes Kenedie, sv. Janet Dowglas, w. James Robsone, h. John McCrerie, h. John Douglas. Jean Loch, sv. Janet Mcil Roy, w. Agnes Carlie, wd. William Jerdane, h. Kathrine McCrerie, sv. Margret McilRoy, sv. Janet Gordoune, w. Hugh Donaldsone, h. Janet Bae, sv. Janet McCrerie, w. , h. Prestorie. John McConnell, h. Janet Coltrane, \v. William h. Janet Coning, w. Livingstoune, William White, s. Florens w. Janet McMaster, wd. Kinkead, Georg White, s. Margret Donaldsone, wd. Patrick Stewart, h. w. John Garroch, s. COTREOCH. Janet Carmick, wd. Mary Garroch, d. William Houstoune, elder Janet McCrume, d. Janet McCIone, y. Agnes Garroch, and yor. h. McCIone, John Livingstoune, Agnes Stewart, w. Margret y. w. John McCIone, y. Janet Dunce, Georg Houstoune, s. Robert h. Maxuell, Anthony Houstoune, s. Margret Garroch, w. Kathrine Houstoune, d. Cutcloy. John Maxuell, s. Mary Houstoune, d. Georg Martine, h. Janet Maxuell, d. Jane Houstoune, d. Sarah Stewart, w. d. Margret Maxuell, Margrett Houstoune, d. John Martine, s. h. John McCrerie, John Shelland, sv. Elizabeth Martine, d. Elizabeth w. Fullertoune, William Fullertoune, sv. John McWeennell. sv. Nicoll h. Lockert, Alexr. Lettome, h. Janet McCwilliam. Grissell Mcilhaunch. \v. Agnes McMillane, w. John McCuilliame. Andrew s. Lockert, John Lettome, s. Janet Haney. d. Janet Lockert, Janet Lettome, d. Margaret McCuilliame. Robert Cartnay, h. Margret Coning. Balnab. Chrystian Carmick, w. Walter Coning, h. Robert McCrerie, wd. William Carmick, sv. John Culloch, w. Kathrine McCrerie, d. Janet Bardie, sv. John Murray, sv. 68 Parish Lists of Wigtownshire and Minnigaff, 1684.

Adam Clerie, h. John McCandlish, cott. Robert Crerie, h. Helen Stewart, w. Kathrine Houstoune, w. Agnes Hanney, w Janet Clerie. Alexr. Brodfote, h. Margrett Culloch. Ewphan Ceachie, w. Balsmiths. Jannet Guffock, wd. Anthon Stewart, h. Sheddock. John Brodfoot, h. Issobell Murray, w. Andrew McCandlish, h. Agnes McCrerie. William Touter, sv. Agnes McCandlish, w. Elizabeth Black, sv. Robert McNald, wd. BUYOCH. John McCrerie, sv. Michael McNald, s. Alexr. Brodfote. elder John Herrone, h. Janet McNald, d. and yor. Agnes Haney, w. John Robsone, wd. John Brodfote, yor, s. Janet Herrone. Patrick Robsone, s. Margret Brodfote, d. John McCrerie, h. Patrick McGuffock, h. Jannet Brodfoote, d. Issobell Brodfote, w. Janet Jorie, w. John Brodfote, elder. Ninian Hanney, h. Georg Robsone, h. Janet Hanney, w. Janet Crerie, w. Jane McDowall, w. Anthony Stewart, sv. Robert McCrerie, h. John Donane, h. David Crerie, h. Janet Fullertoune, w. Kathrine Slowane, w. Jane McCulloch, w. Helen Crerie, sv. Kathrine Whennell, sv. Johne McCulloch, h. Margret Brodfote, w. DUNNANCE. TONDERGHIE. Margret Hendersone, wd. Patrick Fergusone, h. Nicolas McMillan. John McCandlish, h. Jane Houstoune, w. Agnes Houstoune, w. Katrine Guffock, c.w. Hugh Dunce, sv. Elizabeth Miliken. John McCandlish, yor, sv. Donaldsone, sv. Henderson. Agnes Jerdane, sv. Margaret Alexr. Black, h. Elizabeth Jane Houstoune, sv. Hanney. Janet Clugstoune, w. McClerie. Nicol Burne, wd. John Agnes Black, d. Culloch. Janet and Agnes Mr- Janet Janet Maxuell, sv. Burnies, d. Samuell Black, h. Balcray. John McMillane, h. Jane Quoid, w. Agnes McBurnie, w. Georg McCandlish, h. Robert Burnie, h. Janet McMillane, d. Margrett McNald, w. Margrett Minnoch, w. John McCuilliame, h. Robert Black, h. Alexr. and William Bur- Jannet Livingstoune, w. Janet Carsane, w. nies, s. Georg McCuilliame, sv. John Haney, h. Issobell Burnie, d. Alexr. Houstoune, sv. Agnes Stewart, w. John McClellane, h. Margret Houstoune, sv. Hannay, s. Jane Martine, w.

T This is a true List of the parochiners of the Parochin of W hiteherne given by me, Mr. R. Gray, Minister. — A List of the fugitives and recusants within the Parochin of Whiteherne : Henry Donaldsone, fugitive in Whiteherne. Alexr. Clowgstone, recusant in Whiteherne. Janet Conning, recusant in Skeoch. Mr. R. Gray\ Minister.

A ROLL of the Parochin of Wigtoune. Apparently 1684. Godfrey McCulloch. John Donnan. Elizabeth Gordoun. Jannet Clugstoun. Margaret McConnell. Archibald Clugstone. Alexander McConnell. John Donnan, younger. Heugh Calbreath. Jannet Harvie. Jean Hannay. Agnes Connell. Heugh Maxuell. Issobell Donnan. James McKeand. Jannet Brown. John Kinnier. Elizabeth McGuffog. Margaret Campbell. Jannet Kinnier. John Currie. James McComb. Christian Clurg. Marion Crume. Jean Gordoune. William Clugstone. Helen Turner. Parish Lists of J\~igtozvnshire and Mmnigafj, 1684. 69

William Storehouse. Archibald Ramsay. Alexander Campbell. Elizabeth Campbell. Margaret Pergusone. Issobell Campbell. John Stonhouse. Agnas McConnell. Anna Mclmtoich. William McKeand. Katherin Cowand. Provist Coltrane. Margaret Stewart. John McCrobine. Agnes Ramsay. Maister James Brown. Christian Stewart. Archibald McGuffog. Agnes Kincaid. Baillie Alexander Gor- Margaret Cunnighame. Jannet Dodge. doun. Margaret McBretnie. Michaell Clellan. Elizabeth McDouall. William Moir, commissar. Jannet Hannay. Agnes Gordoun. Agnas Glendinnin. Jannet McWhy. Helen Stewart. Agnas Whyte. Elizabeth Stewart. William Gordoun. Elizabeth McClellan. Elizabeth Murdoch. Elizabeth Stewart. Elspith Glover. John Champion. Florence Gordoun. Elizabeth Stewart, e.\- Margaret McClemont. Elizabeth Galbreath. cumunicat. Bailie Adam Kinnier. Jean Fraser. William Winter. Issobell Faries. Baillie George Stewart. Jannet Cracken. Elizabeth Kinnier. James McCrobine. Alexr. McCrobine. Alexr. Maxuell. Helen Stewart. Jannet McKenney. Mary McKie. Thomas Stewart. Thomas Mcllhensh. Willm. McCrerie. Patrick Stewart. Adam Keith. Jannet Gordoun. Rodger McCoskrie. Jannet Mckie. William McCrerie, Jannet Murdoch. Alexr. Stewart. younger. Peter McCoskrie. Helen McKeand. Anthony Daliell. Margaret McClellan. John Mcil Roy. Jean Auld. Alexander King. Elizabeth Whonnell. Margaret Gordoun. Anna Gordoun. Nickell Cracken. Archibald Herries. Patrick Garroch. Agnas Whyte. Bessie Dun. Margaret McChesney. Helen Keand. Patrick Coltrane. Jannet McScamble. James Hall. Jannet Gray. Alexander Reid. Jannet Auld. Marion Fraser. Margaret McConnell. John Auld. Michaell Shank. Alexander Reid, younger. Jean McCoskrie. Jannet Broadfite. Christian Stewart. James Auld. John Shank. Alexr. Daliell. Elizabeth Auld. Elizabeth Shank. Jannet Sympson. John McCulloch. William McKie of Maid- Margaret Sympson. Margaret Hannay. land. Thomas Heuchan. Mary Dunbare. Jean McCulloch. Marion Cassen. Thomas Maxuell. Elizabeth Cowand. Thomas Heuchan, Elspith Mcil Murran. Alexander McKeand. younger. Barbra Chesney. Alexander Muir. Jannet Cowand. Margaret McKeavend. Marion Herron. Alexr. Connell. Mary McKeavend. Margaret Stewart. Jannet Crawfurd. Alexander Hannay. William McKenney. John McGuffog. Marion Vance. Grissall Cowand. Elspith Giffard. Jannet Hannay. Elspith Waker. Rosie McGuffog. Margaret McKaley. Andrew McGuffog. Margaret McGuffog. Jannet Telfard. Margaret McKeand. Alexander Muire. Andrew Connell. Agnes McGuffog. Jean Clean. Margaret Vance. William McGuffog. Gilbert Cowand. William McConnell. Baillie Mcil Roy. Jannet Stewart. Alexr. McConnell. Margaret D unbare. Provist Clugstone. Andrew McConnell. Margaret Turner. Mary Houstone. John Dunbare, clerk. Patrick Kincaid. William Clugstoun. John Dunbare, younger.

Agnes Kennedie. Elizabeth Houstone. Margaret McCulloch. . . Jannet Fraser. Barbra McDowall. William Dunbare. Alexr. Agnew, shirref Agnas Anderson. John McCandlish. clerk. James Campbell.. Agnes Eggar. Andrew McChlerie. Margaret Daliell. John Cowand. • jo Parish Lists of Wigtownshire and Mi?migaff, 1684.

John McCracken. Will. McKeand. Jannet McCarmick. Margaret McBlanie. Marie Cairnochen. Patrick McCandlish. Agnes Cracken. John McKeand. Jannet McKie. Helen Whonnell. Helen McKeand. jannet Reid. Alexander Whyte. Patrick McKie. Patrick Blaine. Margaret McBae. Jannet Blanie. Margaret Auld. John McCrumb. Jannet McKie. Jean Blaine. Jannet McHallim. Issobell McKie. Patrick Vance. John McKeound. Thomas McCracken. Grissell Slemman Agnes McKeound. James McCracken. John McKelvie. John Cavend. jannet Kinnier. Jannet Coltrane. Jannet Milliken. William Milliken. George Kincaid. William McKeavend. Helen Bleckwood. Jean Gordoune. Thomas McClure. Agnas Hannay. Andrew Hannay. Margaret McClellan. James Weilie. Jannet Inglish. Archibald Hannay. Helen Hill. Robert Hannay. Jannet McClure. James Weilie, younger. Katherin Paterson. Mary McClure. Alexr. Maxuell. John Blanie. Thomas Mertine. Saray Baillie. Grissell Stewart. Elizabeth McClellen. William Maxuell. Elspith Turner. Adam Murren. Elspith Blanie. John Lockart. Jannet McKeand. Lady Killazer. jannet Stonhouse. Patrick Auld. Jean McDowall. Alexr. Lockart. Bailzie Adam McKie. james Oustoun. Simon Keavend. Anna Halthorne. Helen Cowand. Saray McGuffog. Marie McKie. Anthon McClure. Agnes McKeavend. Agnas Keith. Jannet Hutcheon. . John Hannay. James Douglass. jannet Neilsone. Jannet McKil Rie. Margaret Mcil hensh. Alexr. Fraser. John McCracken. Marion Coltrane. Mahe Kaill. jannet Halthorn. Issobell Hay. Archibald Blanie. Heugo Kilpatrick. William Cowand. Agnes Hannay. Elizabeth McCracken. Jannet Cowand. Gilbert Fraser. Issobell Lockart. Jannet Ca mpbclly irregular Baillie McKeand. and fled. Agnas McHarg. Jannet Stewart. Margret McKeound. John McKeand, younger. Christian Rissall. John Robertsoun. Patrick McKeand. Finlay McCracken. Agnes Gordoune. Issobell Hannay. Jannet McCrerie. Thomas Robertsoun. Catherine Moore. John McCulloch. Jannet Kincaid. Alexr. Lockart. Dorratie Stewart. Agnes Simson. Jean Carsen. Mr. Alexr. Jafrey, school- Elizabeth Hutchean. Margret McKeand. master. Patt. Gordoun. John Auld. Mr. William Watson, Agnes Ross. jean Hannay. minr. William Gordoun. Issobell Jollie. Issobell Simson. William Bruice. Baillie Patrick Stewart. Elisabeth Seton. Jannet Bryde. Agnas McCrerie. Elspith Milnay, servant. jannet Bruice. Archibald Whannell.

The foregoing appears to have been the Burgh Roll.

COTLAND. Jeannet Stuart McHaffie. Jannet Rid. William McSkellie. Jon Balmain. Sara Rid. Jannet McKie. Margt. Balmain. James Milliken. Pat Stewart. Jean Balmain. Ard. Fullertown. Jannet McClellen. Jon. Balmain, younger. Katherine Coltran. John Stewart, jo Stwart. Euphan Coltran. jannet Stwart. Issobel McHaffie. Jo. McKairlie. Agnes Stwart. Jo Stwart. Margt. McDoul. Alex. Balmain. jo Fullertown. Alexr. McRobert. Parish Lists of VVigtoivnshire and Minnigaff, 1684. 71

Jannet McDoual. Jan. Donnan. TORHOUSKIE. Walter McDoual. Jo. McClen. Andrew Stwart.. Jo. McRobert. Margt. Douglass. Grissall Stwart. Harie McKairlie. Tho. Hannay. Tho. Stwart. Mi hie. Pat. White. Margt. Margt. Stwart. McKairlie. Jo. Jannet McClen. Margt. Stwart. McKairlie. Jean Stephen McRobert. Alexr. McSkellie. Jon McKnight. McSkellie. MUNKHILL. Jannet Margt. McKnight. Jo. McSkellie. Jo. Lafrize. Gilbert McKnight. Elizabeth Ramsay. Jan. Milliken. Will. KlLVAININE AND THE Templetown. Elspith Mckie. MlLN. Cristian Broome. Andrew Connel. Jo. McKenna. Mark. Barbara Tailfour. Jo. Dunse. Jo. McKenna. TORHOUSE. Jean Kar. Tho. Wade. Dunse. McCulloch of Hugh Connel George Hugh Torhouse. Jan. Dunse. Marie Clunchaw. McCulloch. Jannet Ramsay. Jo. Gilbert Connel. Phie. Rot. Gordown. Jannet Robt. Wallace. Elizabeth Stewart. George McCulloch. Alexr. Murray Jannet McDoual. Marrion McQuachie. George McKnight. Balmeg. Margt. Muirhead. Agnes McScumin. Rodger Gordoun of Bal- Jo. McCluncha. Jo. Hanna. meg. Jannet McConnel. Elspith Cowan. Elizabeth Lin. McCulloch. Clauchrie. Agnas Will. Gordoun. Pat. Wallace. Elspeth Milmine Alexr. Hanna. Elspith Hanna,adulteress. Robert Shaw, adulterer Margt. McCassen. Alexr. McKairlie. and contumacious. Will. Hanna. Jean Davison. Tho. McClellen. Adame Blane. Jean Kairlie. Helen Heron. Hanna. Jean Jo. McDoual. McClellen. McCalshen. Jo. Jannet Christian McKie. Agnas McHarge. Alexr. McClellan. Jan. McDoual. Pat. Cuninghame. Jannet Murray. Alexr. McConnel. Margt. McCrerrie. Connel. Margt. Marie McWhey. Tho. Clurge. Connel. George Jo. McConnel. Jo. Shaw. Grissal Halthorn. Tho. Martine. Margt. McKie. Florence Bruce. Jannet McClellen. Jan. Hannay. James Walker. Euphane Martine. Clairs Kailzie. Margt. Martine. Casgowen. Rot. Connel. Jo. Finlay. Hanna. Alexr. Craick. Marie Margt. McKnight. Jan. McClellen. Pat. McClunchar. James Bell. Connel. Jo. Crawfoord. Jannet Jo. Cowan. McCutcheon. Marrie McCuncha. Grissall McSkellie. Jan. Margt. Stwart. Will. McCluncha. Will. Coltrane. Pat. Kinkeith. Marrie McGill. Issobel McCutcheon. BROADFIELD. Gilbert Wade. Kinkeith. Marie McCamon. Jo. Jo. McKain. Wade. Jannet Lockart. Margt. The Wood. Jannet McKain. Margt. Walker. David Dun. Ferguse Donnan. Tho. McCarmick. Cowan. James Murray. Jan. McKie. Jan. McComb. Jo. Donnan. Jan. McCrumb. Jan. Hellen McKinstrie. Jo. Wade. Grissal Gordoun. Hugh Donnan. Will. McConnel. Grissal Hunter Hanna. Elspeth McKie. Jan. Twedie. Jo. 72 Parish Lists of Wigtownshire and Minnigaff, 1684.

James Wade. Alexr. Calzie. JanMcKain. Tho. McCamon. Michael Calzie. Jan Stwart. Helen McBurnie. Margt. Calzie. Marie Cavine. Tho. McKie, sometime in Jo McKnarrine. AUCHLEAND. Glenturk. Jean McCutheon. Patrick McKie of Auch- Thomas McKie, irregu ar Christian McCutcheon. leand. and fled. Pat. McKnarrine. Ketherine Lauder. Jannet Calzie. Gilbert McKnarrine. Marion McKie. widow. Patrick McKie, younger. Jan Carsen, David McKie. Jo. McRobert. Alexr. Carsen. Elizabeth McKie. Jannet Doual. Christian McNarrine. Will. Caramon. Jo. Calzie, younger. Jan Carsen. Marion Tate. Issobel Hannay. Jo. Cowan. Tho. McKain. Jo. Carsen. Grissal Craick KlRKLAND. Jan. Carsen. Pat. McKain. Alexr. Miliken. Jan. Carsen. William Caven. Will. McKain. Margt. Dumbar. Alexr. McKain. Agnas Milliken. Jannet Carsen. Cavene. Agnas McKie. Jannet Telfour. Jo. Elizabeth McKaine. Jo. Halthorne. James Cowan. Issobell Carnochen Andrew McSkanle. Helen McCain. Margt. Halthorne. Margt. McScummin. Pat. McKaine. Cavene. Jo. McGarva. Will. McScummin. Jan. Alexr. McKane. Elspith McGill. Jan. Caven. McKaine. David McCamon. Jan. McScummin. Jan. Marion Sorbie. Alexr. Balzie. Will McNarraine. Caslae. Agnas McHaffie. The Moss. Margt. McKie, widow. Alexr. Cowan. Alexr. Kie. The Milne. Bessie McKnarrin. James Gordoune. McConnel. Jo. Jo. Cowan. Will. Kinkeith. McConnel. James Margt. McKain. Elizabeth McKie. McKermont. Jan. Marion Cowan. Jo. McClellen. Janet Waker. Christian Cowan. Helen Kaine. Will. Stwart. Alexr. Clurge. Glenturke. Helen Caven. Hellen McClellen. Jo. Calzie. Jan McKelvie. Jan. McClellen. Jannet Cord. Jo. Stwart. Marie McClellan.

T This is the true list of W igton parochine regular and irregular to my knowledge. Wm. Watson, Minr. of Wigton.

These who are fled irregular are Jannet Campbell and Thomas McKie resideing in the paioch are irregular Elisabeth Stuart excommunicate and Robert Shaw adulterer and Elspith Hanna adulteress, both contumacious, as witness myne hand. Wm. Watson, Minr. of Wigton. INDEX OF PERSONS.

— Adair (Adaire) Agnew, &c. — Argo— Agnes, 52, 58 The, 13, 192 Gilbert, 34 Alexr., 33, 53, 54, 60 William, 33 Helen, 34 16 2 Andrew, Aitken (Aikin, Aitkin, Margret, 34 Elspeth, 21, 53 Atken, Atkin)— Thomas, 63 2 Arnot— George, 36 Mr. A., 57 Gilbert, 1 1 Agnes, 29 James, 27 Helen, 52, 53 Alexr., 29 Janet, 43 Isobell, 31, 58, 63 Christ., 12 Thomas, 27 Janet, 20, 33, 53,3 59 David, 16 Arrot, David, 9 62 2 3 Auld Jean, 32, 33, 53, Elizabeth, 16, 31 (Ald)- 61 Jon., 15, 16, 36, 53, Fergus, 15 Alexr., 19 Kathrin, 34 Gilbert, 15 Bessie, 16, 69 Margt., 16 Helen, 12 Issobel, 16 Math., 12 Hugh, 16 James, 14, 19,2 69 61 Pat, 12, 15, 33, James, 57 Janet, 12, 14, 19, 69 16, 61 Robert, 34, James, yr., 57 Jean, 19, 59, 62, 69 Sarah, 33 Janet, 16,^35, 36,562 Jon., 14, 19, 54, 69, 70 2 2 Wm, n, 13, 33 John, 15, i6 Jon., yr., 54 Adam 20 (Edam), Bessie, Margt., 11, 16 Margrat, 33, 70 Arleck, Jean, 34 Marion, .16 Patrick, 35, 70 Agnew —(Aginew, Agn- Tho., 58 Sarah, 19 new) Will., 16 Thomas, 19, 59 Agnes, 19, 22, 36,2 37, Alexander — Win., 14, 19,3 59- 61,66 Kathrin, 32 Austin(Astoun,Austun)— Alexander, 18, 22,'- 60 37, Marg., 46 Janet, 33, 56, 57, 62, 69 Jean, 35 Tho., 52 2 Andrew, 16, 19,2 22, 33, Mr. John, 33 2 Algeo, James, 41 35, 36, 38> 56 Allan- Margret, 32 Anna, 34 William, 33 Agnes, 36, 40 Elizabeth, 33, 36, 56, 61,66 Issobell, 38 Bae (Bea)- James, 40 Gilbert, 36 Agnes, 55 Janet, 40 Grizell, 8, 37, 38 Elspeth, 10 Margret, 64 Helen, 16, 21 James, 55, 65 Anderson— Isobel, 56 Jean, 10, 55 2 James, 33, 38, 59, 62 Agnes, 31, 69 Janet, 66, 67 Janet, 15, 18,2 19,222,2 Barbara, 30 John, 54 2 Elison, 23,36,38 45 Margaret, 10, 64 Ellen, Jean, 33, 38 30 Robert, 10 46 John, 15, 19,2 20, 33,2 James, 38, Robert, yor., 10 37, 57,6i,62 Jane 30, 38, 46 Baillie (Baily, Bailzie, Janet, 30, 38, 58 John, yr., 15, 19 Balzie, Baylie, Bayly, 3 3 Marget, 19, 20, 32, John, 30 Baylzie)— 44 00, 3° Margt., Adam, 28 Marion, 31, 38, 64 Pat., 30 Alexr., 12, 54, 72 Mary, 16 Robert,— 30 Andrew, 61 Patrick, 19, 21, 33, 37, Andrew Bessie, 14

38, 39 David, 49 Christian, "14 „ Robt., 14, 37 Jane, 29 Mr. James, 8, roy 21, Rosina, 62 Janet, 63 22,2 54 74 Parish Lists of Wigtownshire and Minnigaff, 1684.

Baillie, &c — Index of Persons. 75

Boyd— Brown, Sec- Caldwell— s Robert, 59, 63 Marion, 1 1 Mr. John, 54 Thomas, 24 Rot., 9, 63, 65 Marg.,— 52 1 Calzie William, 33 Wm., 1, 46 — Bratney (Bratnie) — Bruce (Bruice) Agnes, 29 Agnes, 66 Alexr., 62 Alexr., 72 James, 54 Florence, 71 Jannet, 72 Wm., 45, 63 Janet, 38, 70 John, 29, 72 Broadfoot (Bradfoot, William, 70 John, yr., 72 Brattfoot, Broadfite, Bryan (Brian)— Margt., 29, 72 Broadfitt, Broadfot, Agnes, 25, 26 Michael, 72 Brod- 8 Broadfote,- Rob., 51 Simon, 29 fote) Bryce (Brice)— Wm., 29 Adam, 66 Elizbeth, 62, Cameron, James, 19 Alexr., 54,- 55, 64, 66, John, 172 Camond, Christian, 65 67,68 Bryde (Brid, Bryd)— Cammon, Will,— 72 Alexr., yr., 68 Alexr., 42 Campbell (Cambel, Andro, 10 Elizabeth, ^3 Cambell. Camble, Christian, 64 Jannet, 70 Campbel, Cam- Daniell, 67 John, 33 pble)— Elspetb, 8, 64,2 66 Wm., 47 Agnes, 21, 31, 37 Henry, 55 Brysson, Jonet, 17 Alexr., 20, 21, 22, 32, Hugh, 66 Burne, Nicol, 68 37, 52, 69 Isobel, 55, 66,* 68 Burney (Burnie,Burny)- Andrew, 9, 20,2 21,2 36 James, 64 Alexr., 23, 68 Andrew, yr., 20, 21 Janet, 7, 30, 64, 65, 66, Elizabeth, 23 Barnet, 18 67, 68, 69 Hew, 23 Christian, 1 1 John, (J4, 58, 64, 66, 67, Issobell, 68 Colin, 14 68 Janet, 7, 56, 64 Elizab., 14, 22, 69 John, yr., 68 John, 41 Georg, 22 Kathrine, 7, 14, 65, 67, Mart., 25, 64 Grissel, 20, 38 Margrat, 9, 54, 56, 64, Robert, 68 Hew, 20, 21, 22 68 2 William, 68 Issobell, 69 Wm., 14, 54,63, 67 Busby, John, 26 James, 22, 37, 69 6 2 Brennochan, Mario, 46 Buy- Janet, 16, 19, 20. 21, 2 Brenock— Jane, 66 38, 53,72 Andrew, 28 Jeane, 67 Jane/, 70 John, 28 John, 64 Jean, 8, 11, 20, 21, 40, Brisban, Jean, 38, 39 Bysard— 62 — 5 a Brock Agnes, 62 Jon, 11, 20, 21, 22, Jannet, 62 George, 63 36 2 John, 25 Jon, yr., 20 Mart., 25 — Katrine, 22 Brodie (Broddie) Caig, Agnes, 23 Marg., 14, 2o,a 21, 2,7, Frances,— 32 Cairlie (Carlie,— Kairlie, 50, 62, 68 Broome Kairly) Marion, 13, 21,2 38 Cristian, 71 Agnes, 67 Pat., 17, 21, 362 Jan., 45 Georg, 66 Pat., yr., 21 Brown (Broun,— Broune, Isobell, 54 Robert, 22, 31 Browne) Janet, 30, 44, 54, 66 Roger, 20, yj Adam, 63 Jean, 71 Uchtrie, 20 2 Alexr., 44. 45, 55 Kathrin, 55 William, 17 Christian, 27 Margrat, 8 Candlish (Candleis, Elspeth, 7, 64, 65 Cairns (Kairns) — Canleis)— Grisel, 55 Ellen, 29, 63 David, 55 James, 1 1, 62, 69 Janet, 8, 28, 39 Hairy, 56 Jannet, 8, 9,2 44, 68 Margret, 57 Janet, 45, 54, 64,2 65, 1 1, 64 66 Jean, 46, Cairtnie, Ellen, 30 . John, 9, 46, 64,2 65 Calbreath, Heugh, 68 Jean, 46, 56 Margrat, 41, 46, 62, 66 Calderwood, Marion, 10 Kathrine, 64, 65 y6 Parish Lists of Wigtownshire and Minnigaff, 1684.

I — Candlish, &c. — Chalmers— Clerie 68 Margret, 56 Janet, 31 Adam, William, 64 Jean, 33 Janet, 68 Cannon, Janet, 23, 51 Joh., 34, 35 Clerk- Carnaquhen (Carnochen, Mart., 25, 26, 32 Agnes, 64 Carnochin)— William, 33, 34 Janet, 64 Chambers — Alexr., 21 (Chamers) Clerty— Issobell, 72 Agnes, 3 1 Alexander, 54 Janet, 22, 37 James, 31 Elizabeth, 63 60 2 Marget, -21,37. Janet, Grisel, 54 60 Marie, 70 John, 31, 57, Janet, 56 Maron, 62 Marg., 58 Jean, 54 Carnock, Agnas, 40 Champion, John, 69 Marrion, 64 Chapman, Marg., 52 Mary, 54 Carruthers (Caruthers, — Chesney, Barbra, 69 Clingen (Clingan) Carridders)— Chesnut, Hellen, 38 Isobell, 25, 41 Marg., 61 Chirrie— Ja.. 51 Thorn., 54 Janet, 51 Carsane Agnes, 43 (Carsin, Carson, Patt., 40 Cassen, Eduart, 41 "Carssan, Wm., 50 Kerson)— Chreacher, Jean, 55 8 Cloakie— Agnes, Christian, Patrik, 65 — Andrew, 66, 67 60, 72 Christie {Chrystie) Alexr., 25, 30, Janet, 67 Andrew, 66 Elizabeth, 56 26 Thomas, 65 Elzebeth, James, 43 Cloug, Janet, 26 Jean, 56 Euphane, 65 Clougston (Claugston, Finlay, 46 Mary, 56 - Clougstone, Clowg- Jon., 8, 56 Hugh, 65 stone, Clugstone, 18 Clanachan— James, Clugton)— 44, Chirstian, 25 Janet. 9, 42, 43, 56, Provist, 69 5 Gilbert, 66,68, 72 25 Alexr., 27, 64, 68 Jaen, 41, 46, 70 Helen, 26 Andrew, 23 ' Joan, 63 Janet, 26 68 3 Archibald, 24, 38,^65, 72 Katharin, 7 John, Eliz., 49 47 Margrat, 9, 30 Mart., 25,2 Hew, 25 Marion, 24 Pat., 47 - Janet, 9, 64, 68 Clanchie, Bessie, 67 Pat., 30 Jean, 25 elder, 65 Claughlane, Jean, 46 Robert, John, 23, 25,2 42, 46 Robert, yor., 65 Clean, Jean, 69 Katrine, 64 Carsvvell, Elis., Cleave, 50 53 Jonet, Mart., 25, 45 Cartnay (Carthnav)— Cleiveland— Pat., 23 8 Flore, Agnes, 37 Wm., 13, 64, 68, 69 - Grissell, 65 Andrew, 36, 37 Clumphae, Agnes, 66 Margrat, 8 James, 37 Cluncha (Clunchaw)— Robert, 67 Jean, 36 Janet, 55 Casse, Isobell, 62 Patrick, 37 Marie, 71 Cassen,—Marion, 69 Wm., 36, 38 Patrick, 56 Castan Clelland (Clellan)- William, 56 Ag., 52 Andr., 45, 55 Clunpha, Janet, 32 Alexr., 50 Catharin, 9 Clure (Cluir, Clur)— 66 Janet, 52 Elizabeth, 67 David, 8, 57,— Joh., 50 Ferg., 45 Clurg (Clurge) Cathcart (Cacart, Cau- Helen, 63 Alexr., 27, 72 tart)— Janet, 8,2 10, 46, 54, 63 Christian, 68 Agnes, 14 64 Grisell, 57 Jean, 25 - Jean, 7 Helen, 65 2 Wm., 14 Margrat, 8, 45, 55 Isobel, 55 Cau, Margrat, 41 Michaell, 69 Janet, 55 Chalmers— Pat., 46, 50 Kathnn, 55 David, 63 Richard, 49 Marg., 51 Gilbert, 35 William, 9, 55, 56 Thomas, 71 Index of Persons.

Clymont (Clymond)— Colvin, (Sec- Cord — Agnes, 66 Pat., 15 Hellin, 51 Isobel, 54 William, 62 Janet, 51, 72 Margret, 55, 56 Comb— Cormack (Carmick, Cor- Cra- Michall, 55 Anaple, 57 mick, Cornick, Cochrane (Cochan, Jean, 57 mick) Cochren, Cochron, Marg., 45 Agnes, 26, 44 Corcran, Corkran)— Conchie— Chrystian, 67 2 Alex., 34,2 60 Alexr. 9 Janet, 45, 65, 67 64 Andrew, yj, 60, 65 Elspeth, 9 Margret, 60 67 Arch., Jane, 50 William, Corsbie, Rob., 46 Fergus, 32 Janet, 9 — Hew, 22, 60 Cosh 32, Coning(Connein, Connin, James, 32 — Elizeb., 532 2 2 Conning) Janet, 33, 34, 35, 37, James, 53 Adam, 8, 55 64,65 William, 53 Alexr., 31 10 Jean, 32, 57,60 Coskri, Bar, Arch., 45 Cotes— Jean, 53 2 Cristian, 7, 8, 9 61 John, 24, 60 2 Hellen, Elizabet, 67 Marget, 20, 32, 33, John, 61 Georg, 8 34,2 60, 61, 64 Marg., 60 Grizell, 8, 9 Maron, 60 Couter, Jean, 62 James, 66 Patrick, 32, 34 Cowan (Coan, Coand, Janet, 7, 8,2 9,2 30, 47,2 Robert, 34 2 Couan, Couand, Cow- 48, 57, 64,265, 67,* 68 — William, 32, 34 and, Cuan) Jon., 8,345, 5j, 662 Agnes, 30, 57 Colquhoun (Calquhoon, Katrine, 66 Calhoun)— Alexr., 16, 57, 72 Margrat, 8, 56, 64,2 66, Mr. - And., 59 James, 48, 52 672 Archbald, 63 Lilias, 63 Ninian, 55 Coltard— Barbra, 33 Patrick, yor., 67 Cath., 15, 53 Andrew, 37 Robert, 9, 56 Christian, 50, 72 Janet, 38 Thomas, 65 Eliz., 19, 40, 49, 52, 69, Marion, 38 Walter, 67 71 Coltran (Coltraine, William, 8,2 9, 55, 66 Gilbert, 69 Coltrane, Coltron, Connell (Conner- Grissall, 69 Coltrone)— 68 Agnes, 7, 8, 66, Helen, 16, 70 Agnes, 9 Alexr., 69 James, 40, 53, 54, 72 Andrew, 28, 45 3 Andrew, 66, 69, 71 Janet, 19, 32,34, 50,61, Cather., 48 George, 71 69, 70, 71 Euphan, 70 Gilbert, 71 Jean, 36, 62 Grizell, 9 Hew, 46, 71 John, 32, 34, 50, 53, 58, Hend., 44 Janet, 14, 46, 55, 64,8 2 69, 71, 72 44, 45, 46, 47, Janet, 66,71 Katherin, 69 55> 67, 70 2 Jean, 56 Margt, 29, 50 Jean, 44 Kathrine, 67 Marie, 53 John, 30, 45, 65 Margret, 56, 71 Marion, 37, 72 Katherine, 70 Rot., 71 Michael, 50, 51 Marg., 44, 45 66 William, elder, William, 32, 58, 59, 70 Marian, 28, 44,2 49, 70 William, yor., 66 , 40 Fatrik, 7, 64, 69 65, Cook (Cuick)— Crackan (Crachan, Cra- Provist, 69 Isobel, 47 kan, Crekane)— Robert, 9 James, 16 Agnes, 63, 70 Wm, 45, 7i Janet, 63 Alexr., 55 Colvin —(Colfine, Col- John, 63 Christan, 41 phin) Patrick, 63 Helen, 56 Agnes, 15 Corbie (Corbe)— Janet, 69 Janet, 15 Elspeth, 42 Jean, 55, 63 Jean, 32 Janet, 40 Marion, 50, 55 John, 15 John, 40 Nickell, 69 John, yr., 15 William, 40 William, 10 78 Parish Lists of Wigtownshire and Minnigaff, 1684.

Craig (Craige)— Crumb, &c. — Cunningham, &c. — Alexr., 60 Andrew, 57 Thomas, 50 James, 60 Helen, 46 Wm., 42, 43 John, 17, 36 Janet, 55, 56, 57 Cunnion, John, 30 Patricke, 36 Jean, 9 Currie— Wm., 36, 60 Magrat, 9, 57 John, 68 Craik (Craick, Craicke, Marion, 68 Mary, 50 Craike)- Patrik, 9 Tho., 49 Agnes, 24 William, 55, 57 — Alexr., 71 Crunshy— DAFFIE Catherin, 50 And., 60 James, 61 Christin, 17 John, 60 Margret, 61 Grissal, 72 Cubbison— Dalglish, James, 49 1 3 Janet, 1, 14 Kath., 52 Dalrymple (Dallrymple,— Jon., 14, 24 Marg., 52 Dalrumple) Marg., 11, 14 Michall, 26 Anna, 64 Marion, 39 Cuddie— James, 14 Wm., 14 James, yr., 14 Jan., 45 Craw, John, 29 Janet, 14, 23, 41,48 Joh., 45 Craufurd (Crafford, Crau- Jon., 10, 23 Cullane (Cullan) fourd, Crawfoord, William, 23 Agnes, 65 Crawford, Crawfort)— Dalyell (Daliell, Dalzeil, Grizell, 8 Agnes, 45 Dalzell)— Janett, 64, 65 Androu, 40 Alexr., 69 Thomas, 64 Eliz., 49, 66. Anthony, 69 William, 56 Gilbert, 61 Janet, 26 Hew, 38, 64 Culloch(Cullo, Kulloch)— John, 49 I sob., 45, 49, 66 Agnes, 67 Marg., 46, 69 Janet, 46, 69 Alexr., 9, 34, 47, 49 Robert, 25 Jo., 71 Bassie, 45, 56, 64 William, 25 Katherine, 61 Griss., 46 Darroch, Thorn, 53 Margret, 61 Henry, 45 Davidson (Davison) — Mary, 60 Isobell, 25 Alexr., 58 Wm., 48 Janet, 8,2 9,41,45,46,2 And., 60 2 Credie-- 64,68 Barbara, 29 8 Alexr., 47 Jean, Grisell, 39 Cath., 47 John, 46, 67 Hew, 53 Elizabeth, 55 Katharin, 8, 9 James, 27, 35 68 Hew, 46 Margrat, 8, 45, Janet, 42, 43, 61 Janet, 28, 44, 45, 46, 56 Nicol, 9 Jean, 71 Robert, 56 William, 8, 45 Margrat, 8, 33, 57, 60, 16 Creichton (Creigh- Cumming, Marion, 61 toune)— Cunningham (Cunigham, Marion, 58 Barbara, 37 Cunighan, Cuning- Patrick, 34, 61 Jane, 63 ham, Cunnighame, Phebe, 35 Crerie— Cunynghame)— Robert, 39 David, 65, 68 Agnis, 47, 50, 61 Rosina, 53 Elizabeth, 67 Alexr., 31, 47 Davie, James, 62 Grissell, 65 Androu, 42 Dellapt, Jean, 1 1 Helen, 68 Grisell, 40 Denham, Marg., 49 Janet, 7, 64, 68 Hugh, 27 Dick, Jonet, 16 Kathrine, 67 Jaen, 41 Dicke, Margt.,— 1 1, 17 Margret, 65 Janet, 25, 31 Dicksone Petter, 63 Jon., 8, 41 Adam, 8 Robert, 65, 68 Margret, 37, 39,* 47- 69 Agnes, 7 Crokshank, Georg, 53 Marion, 39 Janet, 8, 67 Crossen, Tho., 36 Mary, 26, Jean, 9, 63 Crotchet, Agnes, 26 Pat., 71 Jon, 7, 67 Crumb (Crum, Crnme)— Robert, 41 Marg., 13 Alexr., 8, 9 Sarah, 41 Patrik, 8 Index of Persons. 79

Dill— Donnan(Donan, Donane, Dowall, (Doual, Douall, Don- Arthor, 56 Donnand,— Duell) Helen, 55, 66 nane) Agnes, 56 Jane, 66 Agnes, 7, 51 Alexr., 45, 46 Janet, 27, 55, 66 Alexr., 54, 65 Eli., 44, 46 William, 56 Andrew, 65 Isobel, 55 Eupham, 28 Jaen, 42, 65, Dinn (Din, Dine)— Ferguse, 71 Janet, 25, 44, 45,2 46, 72 Agnes, 65 Hugh, 65, 71 Wm., 44 Alexr., 26 — Issobell, 68 Dreinan (Dranen) Cath., 17, 18 James, 66 Cath., 13 Georg, 56 Janet, 65,2 71 Christan, 63 Henry, 56, 66 Jon, 7, 65, 66, 68,2 71, Daw, 14 James, 17 68 2 Jon. yr., 66, Jon, 14 Janet, 17 Kathrine, 65, 67 Wm., 14 Jean, 17 Margret, 66 Dryman, Janet, 18 Margt., 17, 57 Nicol, 7 Drynen— Marion, 35 Thomas, 57 Jonet, 18 Ochtrie, 16 William, 65 Thomas, 18 Patrick, 66 — Donvan, Wm., 43 Dun Robert, 25 2 Dorman (Doman, Dor- Alexr., 30 Rodger, 26 mant, Dorment)— Bessie, 69 Dinnell (Dindle, Archb., 14 Christian, 28 Dinnil)— Elspeth, 7 David, 71 8 Elspeth, Janet, 22 Jan, 46, 47, 48 Helen, 57 Jon, elder, 14 Will., 30, 47 Janet, 30, 51,2 57 Jon, yor., 14 Dunbar, (Dounbar,— Jean, 57 Marion, 11, 16, 42 Dunbare) John, 55 Tho., 13 Agnes, 9 Margt., 29, 31, 51, 5.5 Dougan (Dougane, Alexr., 40 William, 8 Dugan)— Androu, 39,41, 51, 62 Dodge, Janet, 69 Alex., 10, 25 Antony, 41 Dods— Andro w, 10 2 Sr David, 29 Agnes, 27 Geo., 44 Elzebeth, 39

10 Griss. , Alexr., 56 Gilb., 46 Christian, 28 Helen, 17 Isobell, 42 Margt., 28 Janet, 63 Jaen, 41, 45 Donald— Jean, 44 James, 45 Jon, 10, 25 Janet, 40, 41, 52,2 56, Alexr., 18 Marion, 24 64,65 Andrew, 18 2 Robert, 39 John, 39, 42, 43, 69 Donaldson (Donaldsone, Douglas (Douglass)— John, yr., 69 Donnalldsone)— Agnes, 39, 42, 47 Kat., 46 Alexr., 18, 30, 64 Alexr., 26, 56 Margaret, 69, 72 Andro, 21 Androu, 43 Margery, 48, 52 Christ., 52 Antony, 43 Marion, 40 Grissell, 19 Geo., 26 Mary, 29, 46, 69 68 Henry, 64, Gilbert, 49 Patt., 40 Hugh, 67 Hugh, 55 Sarah, 16 Janet, 7, 18, 21, 27, 31, James, 26, 29, 52,55, 70 William, 41, 45, 69 52,642 Jaen, 42,2 43 Duncan (Doncan, Dou- Jean, 7, 18, 23, 46 Janet, 25,2 43,2 50,2 can, Douncan, 2 2 — Jon, 13, 21, 30 55, So, 59, 67 Dowcan) Isobell, 23 John, 24, 26, 29, 43, 55, Agnas, 40 Marg., 52, 64, 67 56,67 Janet, 26, 52 Marion, 23, 51 Mart, 25, 49, 50, 55,2 Rot., 26, 39 21 Patrick, 7i William, 392 — William, 7, 30 Peter, 49 Dunse (Dunce, Duns) ,68 Robert, 47 Andrew, 8 Donel, Marg., 13 William, 42, 49, 66 Elizabeth, 66 8o Parish Lists of Wigtownshire and Minnigaff] 1684.

Dunse, &c.— Fie, &c. — Fullerton (Fullerstone, Hugh, 67, 68, 71 Jon., 9, 30 Fullertoun, Fuller- Jane, 66 Margt, 30 toune, Fullertown)— Janet, 8, 31, 66, 67, 71 William, 9,2 45 Agnes, 25 2 Jon, 8, 28, 71 William, yr., 45 Alexr., 9 Margret, 65 Finlay (Findley, Findly, Ard., 70 Tho., 30 Finlaw) — Elizabeth, 67 8 William,— 8, 30, 31,54,67 And., 49 Gilbert, Dunskey Jaen, 40 Hend., 44 68 Lady, 53 James, 40, 41 Janet, 8, 9,2 Laird of, 53 Janet, 66 Jo., 70 John, 43, 71 Margrat, 9, 30, 44 67 Margrat, 39, 40 William, Edgar Fulton (Fulto, Fultone)— (Edyer, Edyr, Finlyson (Findlason) — — Agnes, 59 Edzer, Edzr, Egger) Agn., 45 Andrew, 63 Agnes, 69 Alexr., 44 Chirstin, 32 Antk., 50 Andr., 44 28 Helen, 17 Cath., 12, Griss., 44 2 Isobell, 63 Gilbert, 21, 50 Jea., 44 2 John, 59 Isobel, 43, 50 Margrat, 44 Robert, 63 Jaen, 42, 43 Sicill, 60 Janet, 21,235, 38, 51 Fleming (Flimin)— Gaa, Margrat, 41 John, 21, 50 Galbraith — Grizell, 8 (Galbreath) Kirstaine, 22 Janet, ^5 Elizabeth, 69 Margret, 34, 58 John, 562 Jannet, 55 Marion, 41 Galdry, Marg., 45 Fleucar, James, 41 Pat., 50 Galloway (Gallua, Gal- Forrest, Elizabeth, 7 Thomas, 21 wa)— Forrestar, Cattrin, 43 William, 34 Agn., 45 21 — Egilsone, Marget, Forsyth Cat., 45 Eglin, And., 51 Agnes, 25 Jane, 51, 66 1 26 Elzer, Janet, 41 Alexr., 1, Janet, 47 Erskine Er- 26 (Askin, Archbald, Margret, 57 — 12 skyne) Christ., Rob., 46, 57 Anne, 63 Gilbert, 24 Sarah, 57 Janet, 31, 32 Helen, 24 William, 57 John, 58 Janet, 18, 24, 25, 262 Garroch— Margt., 15 John, 24,3 26, 52, 54 Agnes, 64, 67 60 26 2 Michael, Katherine, 24, Elizabeth, 57 3 26 Will., 58 Mart., 24, Gilbert, 29 28 2 Ewin, Margt., 15 Marion, Janet, 64 Thomas, 24 John, 50, 67 2 Wm., 26, 52 Marg., 61, 67 Faddan, Janet, 31 Fraser (Frasser, Frisell, Mary, 67 Faries, Issobell, 69 Frissell) — Michael, 51 Ferguson (Fergusone, Agnes, 28, 47 Patrick, 64, 69 Fergusson) — Alex., 46, 70 Thomas, 64 Finlay, 35 Elin, 20, 21 Garroway,—Marg., 49 James, 63 Eliz., 46 Garthland Janet, 24, 62 Fergus, 21 The Laird, 58 John, 48, 57 Gilb., 46, 70 The Lady, 58 Marg., 12, 62, 69 Hew, 20 Gathshore, Bessie, 62 Mary, 62 James, 20, 49 Gawne, Grizzell, 27 Patrick, 68 — Janet, 20, 22, 29, 46, Geallie, Janet, 41, 55 Fie (Fee, Phie) 64, 69 Gelly, Hugh,— 50 Agnes, 9, 45, 47, 66 Jean, 69 George Alexr., 9 John, 46, 64, 70 Jennet, 53 Andrew, 30% 46 Marget, 20, 46 John, 54 Isob., 45 Marion, 69 Marg., 44 Janet, 7, 26, 50, 71 Tom, 46 William, 15 Index of Persons. 81

Gentleman, Andrew, 9 Glaine, Sarah, 27 Gowan, (Goun,— Gowne, Gibson (Gibsone, Gib- Gleary, Win., 45 Gowne) soune)— Glendinnin (Glendyn- Agnes, 56 Agnes, 27 ing)— Androw, 54 Alexr., 21,43, 56 Agnas, 69 Archbald, 9 60 Duncan, Andro, 19, Margrat, 41 55 60 61 Anna, Glover— Elisbeth, Archbald, 56 Florie, 56 Barbara, 61 2 Elin, 21 George, 55 Elspith, 69 Eliz., 61 Gilbert, 26, Good, Robert, 39 Grisel, 58 Grissell, 26 Harry, 60 Gordon (Gerdon, Gor- Hillin, 40, 43 — 2 James, 22, 38, 56 doun, Gordown) Janet, 41, 55, 56, 57 Tanet, 15, 32, 56,2 58, Agnes, 23, 24, 42, 54, Jean, 57 2 59, 60 58, 69, 70 John, 55, 56, 57, Jean, 22, 32, 37, 61 Alexr., 26, 33, 39 Marg., 44, 45, 552 3 John, 20, 22, 60 Baillie Alex., 69 Robert, 57 Kathrin, 56 Androu, 39 William, 9 — Margt, 27, 32, 33. 55, Anna, 36, 69 Gracie (Gressie) 61, 66 Barbara, 61 Andrew, 16 Marion, 33, 57 Cathren, 39, 60, 62 Eliz., 17 Mary,- 47 Charles, 29 John, 15 Patrick, 20, 22, 27, 59 Christian, 39 Margrat, 34 — Robert, 34, 59, 61 David, 25, 26 Graham (Grahame) Thomas, 60 Dorothie, 56 Agnes, 22 Wtii, 27, 34, 59 Elspet, 30, 45, 49, 50, Beatrix, 43 Eliz., 45, Giffert (Giffard, Giffart, 52,68 Giffort),— Florens, 25, 62, 69 Jaen, 42 8 Marie, 42 Donald, 45 Gilbert, Grissel, 11, 17, 71 — Elspith, 69 Gray Androu, 42 Gilb., 46 Hew, 23, 30 39, 48, 51, 52, Janet, 37, 69 Janet, 23, 26, 46 Hilling, 60 41 Jean, 24 John, Isobell, 42, 58 Margret, 38 Lucras, 51 Mr. 68 Mart., 24 James, 25, 38, 39, 41, R., 2 Greir— Tho., 46 5i, 5 > 72 Gilchrison, Tho., 28 Janet, 23, 24, 26,2 35, Donald, 53 Gilhagie, John, 64 42, 43, 48, 51, 52, Jean, 52 67, 30 Gilkesone— 56,2 59, 60, 69 Margt., Jealls, 39 Grerson, Gilbert, 40 Agnes, 7 — Jean, 25, 26,2 33,43,51, Guffock Janet, 9, 64 58,2 68, 70 Agnes, 65 Jon., 8, 9 John, 17, 20, 23, 25,2 Alexr., 44, 45, 46 Margrat, 9 26,2 30,31, 33,39, 45, Alexr., yr., 46 Gill— 49 Arch., 45 Kath., 30 Lady, 26 Helen, 45, 46, 66 Mary, 46 Margt., 11, 13, 25, 26, Hendrie, 9 Gilmuir (Gillmur, Gill- 40, 41,3 45, 47,4 48, Jane, 64 2 mure, Gilmour)— 5°, 5i, 52, 59, 62,64, Janet, 8, 46, 68 Alexr., 22 67,2 69 John, 47 Andro, 20 2 Mary, 64 Katrine, 68 2 Elspeth, 21, 22, 37 Patt., 70 Mari, 45 Helen, 17 Robert, 26, 32, 39, 7 1 Mary, 10 Hew, 20 Rodger, of Balmeg, 71 Patrik, 10, 44, 45 Janet, 20 Rosina, 47 Wm., 11 John, 22 Tho., 12, 25, 26, 39, 42, Guie, Katharin, 9 Marrion, 21 58 Guilin (Guilein, Guling,— William, 21 William, 25, 26,2 36, 41, Guilline, Guillon) 2 Gimpsie, Janet, 8 52, 57,69, 70, 71 David, 29 Girven, Marie, 14 Gounes, Janet, 1 1 Eliz., 27, 63 F 82 Parish Lists of Wigtownshire and Minnigaff, 1684. — Guilin, &c. — Hannay, &c. — Hathorn, &c. Jan., 46 Janet, 7, 9, 12,26,28,29, Alexr., 9, 11, 33, 57 Jean, 23 30, 35. 46, 47, 48, 51, Anne, 31, 70 2 2 2 9 3 2 John, 27 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, Anthony, 29 6 4 Ninian, 29, 51 59,2 64,3 5 , 66, 67, David, 56 Pat., 30 •68, 69,2 71 Eliz., 1 1 Simon, 29 Jean, 8, 15, 45, 55, 57, Esther, 29 Tho., 29 65, 68, 70, 71 George, 54 Gunnion (Guineane)— John, 7, 12, 13, 17, 23, Grissal, 71 2 Janet, 31,55, 66 26,2 27,2 28, 29, 44, Harie, 31 2 7 John, 30 45,46, 5 1, 54, 55, 56, Helen, 34 3 6 1 1 Margt., 28, 29 57,2 58, 4 , 67, 68, James, 2 Wm., 30 70, 71 Jane, 30 Gunnochen, John, 17 Kathrin, 55, 60 Janet, 9, 14, 34,2 46, 55, Guthrie (Guthrick) — Maly, 65 57,7o Andrew, 17 Marg., 13, 17, 28, 30,2 Jon, 9, 27, 31, 54, 72 2 2 2 John, 17, 18, 19 34, 45, 5i, 53, 54, Margt, 29, 34, 44, 51, William, 17, 19 55,4 56, 65, 66,2 69 72 Marion, 23, 27, 40, 56 Marion, 51, 63 Mary, 10, 55,71 Patrick, 57 62 Hair, Jane, 64 Michael, 7, 45, 63, 65 Sarah, — Hall(Haull, Houll)- Nicold, 57 Haustine David, 44 Ninian, 64, 68 Janet, 45 James, 69 Patt., 12, 30, 34, 50, 51, Jea, 44 Jea., 44 53, 55 Hay— Hamilton — Rot., 7, 15, 23, 67, 70 Alexr., 13, 47 Jane, 30 Thorn., 53, 55,2 71 Anna, 37, 58 Margrat, 41 Will., 7, 12, 13, 23,2 Catharin, 14 Tho., 14 28,2 29, 30, 55,4 56, Sr Ch., 14 Handcock, Robert, 59 65,271 Eliz., 44 Hannay(Hanna, Hannah, —-, 68 Issobell, 70 Haney, Hanney, Hardie— Jean, 38 2 Hanny) — Elizabeth, 8 Marg., 47, 48 Agnes, 7, 27, 54,2 55,3 Grizell, 7 Hechan, Marion, 17 Henderson 57,3 63, 65, 66,2 68,2 Janet, 9 (Handerson,— 702 Jean, 7 Hendirsone) Alexr., 7, 10, 13, 14, 15, Margrat, 7 Agnes, 34 26, 28,2 29, 54,2 55, Sarah, 7 Heugh, 41 22 56, 57, 63, 66, 69, 71 William, 7 James, 66 Andr., 13,23,24, 54, 59, William, yor., 7 Janet, 9, 26, 65, 70 Hardstons(Hardstones)— Jea., 46 66 Andr., elder, 65 Agnes, 8 John, 20, 50, 59, Archibald, 55, 57, 70 Alexr., 45, Marg., 44, 46,682 Christian, 8, 65 Elizabeth, 66 Maron, 58 David, 59 William, elder, 66 Mihall, 34 11 Effie, 56 William, yor., 66 Rot, 66 Ellen, 30, 51, 66 Harge, Jaen, 40, 42 William, 9, — Hendrie— Elspeth, 7, 18, 44, 53, Harvie 21 54, 55. 56, 57, 64,2 68, Agnes, 61, 62 Elspeth, 60 71, 72 Baylzie Andrew, 63 Lillias, 62 Georg, 34, 56,2 66 Hew, 61, 63 Hennin, Margret, Her- Gilbert, 58 Isobel, 63 Heron (Heroun, Her- Grizzal, 30, 47, 56, 64, Janet, 68 oune, Herron, Her- 66 Jean, 62, 63 rone, Herroun, — Hendrie, 57 Robert, 61 rowne, Hieron) Hugo, 13 23, 28, 31, Sarah-, 61 Agnes, 27, 46, 47 2 54, 64 Thomas, 62 Alexr., 25, 28, 45, 64 Isobel, 27, 65, 70, 72 Hathorn (Halthorn,— Hat- Anaple, 41 James, 12, 28, 52, 55, horne) Androu, 41, 42, 47 66 56, 65 Agnes, 28 Anthony, Index of Persons. 83

Heron, &c. — Houston, &c. — Jardine (Jardin, Jer- 2 — Archibald, 23, 28, 41, Jane, 67,2 68 dane) 2 44, 47 Janet, 63, 64, 65 Agnes, 33, 68 Elison, 7 Katharin, 7, 67, 68 Alexr., 8 2 Eliz., 46, 50 Margrett, 67, 68 Euphame, 8 Ferg., 47 Mary, 67, 69 James, 63 Geo., 29 Patrick, 65, 67 Janet, 64, 65 Gilbert, 38,2 502 Wm., 13, 67 Margrett, 67 Grisell, 39, 40 Wm., yr., 67 William, 63, 67 Hellin, 49, 50, 71 Hunter (Huntur)— Johnston (Johnstoune, Hugh, 27 Agnes, 14 Jonston)— James, 23, 50 :i Elspeth, 40 Agnes, 62 Janet, 10, 17, 19, 23, 24, Grissal, 45, 71 Isobell, 34 44,2 45, 46, 50,3 64, James, 53 James, 29, 38 68 James, yr., 53 Janet, 12 Jean, 35, 39, 47 Janet, 31, 36, 61 Major, 62 Jon, 10,41,47,2 50,2 57, Jean, 62 Mary, 62 2 61, 64, 68 John, 62 Nathaniell, 62 Margrat, 9, 23,2 28, 46, Mart, 25, 41, 47, 53 Pat., 17 50,2 52, 61 Robert, 32 Tho., 52 Marion, 19, 25, 35, 40, Walter, 49 Will, "16 4^ 46, 64, 69 Hurly, Janet, 29 Jollie,—Issobell, 70 Pattrick, 39, 42, 46,3 Hutchinson (Hutchean, Jorie 47, 50 Hutcheon)— James, 66 Robert, 39, 40, 41, 45, Elizabeth, 70 Janet, 66, 68 47 Eupham, 58 Margret, 66 Wm., 45 Helene, 62 Junkine, Georg, 44 Wm., yr., 4; Baylzie, James, 62 —,48 Janet, 70 KAEG(Kegg)- Herries, Archibald, 69 Mary, 62 Eliz., 44 Heslop— Margrat, 9 John, 15 Inglis (Inglish)- Thomas, 47 Will., 17 Agn., 46 Kalandar, Helene, 62 Heuchan (Heuchand)— Alexr., 44 Keachy (Cachie, Ceachie, Alexr., 40 Jane, 30 Kaachie,— Kachie, Jane, 51 Jannet, Jo Kechie) Janet, 40 Marg., 44 Agnes, 25,2 57 Patrick, 40 Marion, 1 1 Alexr., 23, 54 Thomas, 69 Innes — Christian, 65, 66 Thomas, yor., 69 Agnes, 53 Donald, 25 Hewnan, Helen, 56 J. M, 15 Effie, 55,268 Hill, Helen, 70 John, 53 Janet, 8, 57, 59, 66 Hills— Rob., 53 Jean, 23, 67 Elsbet, 31 Irwine (Irwin)— Katrin, 67 Joh., 34 Bessy, 61 Margrat, 9, 38, 49 Marion, 34 Jannet, 55 Richard, 25 Hingzie— John, 56 Robert, 23 Elizabeth, 57 Margret, 55 William, 66 James, 56 Keavand (Cavein, Caven, Hook, Margt., 15 Jackson, Margarat, 35 Cavend, Cavine, Horner, Margret, 54 Jaffrey, Mr. Alexr., 70 Kavein, Keaan, Horsburgh, Helene, 62 Jamison (Jameson)— Keand, Keaven, Kea- Houston (Houstone, Agnes, 32 vend, Kefifen, Kevan, Houstoune)— Georg, 32 2 Kevane, Kivin)— Agnes, 65, 66, 68 Gilbert, 31, 32 Agnes, 29, 30, 44 Alexander, 68 Hellen, 59 Alexr., 29, 47 Anthon., 63, 67 Janet, 17, 32 Andr., 44 2 Elizabeth, 69 John, 31, 32,2 39 Arch., 47 Georg, 67 Margrat, 31 Barbarie, 8, 64 2 Issobell, 64, 67 Patrick, 32 Eliz., 16, 29, 44 84 Parish Lists of Wigtownshire and Minnigaff, 1684.

Keavand. &c. — Kennedy, &c. — Kilpatrick, &c. — Grisel, 56 Anthony, 16, 60 Margret, 38 Helen, 34, 50, 69, 72 Elizabeth, 34, 62 Quantin, 53 I sob., 46 24 Gilbert, " Will, 29 James, 16, 21, 44, 66 Grizall, 62 Kimdell, Wm., 45 Janet, 14, 16, 29, 30,33, Helene, 62 Kincaid (Kinkead) — 42, 45,2 55, 65, 66, 72 Hugo, 13, 34 Agnes, 27, 69 Jea., 44, 45 Isobell, 49 Elizabeth, 63 John, 21, 28,2 29,344,2 James, 40, 49, 58, 62 Florens, 67 49, 7o Jane, 29, 62, 63 George, 70 Malcome, 66 Janet, 13, 15, 26, 34, Janet, 70 Margret, 22, 44, 46, 50 35, 49< 50, 59, 62 Margt., 27 Mari., 45,2 50, 72 John, 16, 26, 58,2 62, 63 Patrick, 69 2 Mathew, 38 Margt., 31, 62 King, Alexander, 69 Michael, 8, 50 Marie, 14, 61, 62 Kingan (Kingean) — Patrick, 46,2 66 Marion, 13, 28, 29, 62 Agnes, 40 Robert, 66 Patrick, 61, 62 Alexr., 60 Rosna, 45 Robert, 28 James, 43 2 Simon, 29, 50, 64, 70 Thomas, 20, 28, 35, 58 Janet, 60 Wm., 44, 72 William, 16, 19, 34, 62 Jealls, 42 Keith (Kieth, Keth)— ,43 John, 41 2 Adam, 63, 69 Ker (Car, Carr, Kar) — Marg., 60 Agnes, 39, 70 Agnes, 20, 27, 55 Rot., yr., 60 Gellian, 39 Alexr., 21 Rot., elder, 60 Hend., 44 Andro, 21 Kinketh (Kinkeith)— Jaen, 43 Cecilia, 28 Agn., 47 Janet, 7 Ellen, 31 John, 46,2 47, 48, 72 Margt., 31, 35 Henrie, 15 Marg., 45 Kellie(Kail,Kaill,Kailzie, Isobel, 28 Pat., 71 Kale, Kalie)— James, 21 Sam., 46 Agnes, 58 Jane, 28, 37 Sar., 45 Alexr., 13, 37, 58, 60 Janet, 15, 22, 37, 45 Wm., 46, 72 Alexr., yr., 58 Jean, 20, 21, 71 Kinnell— Androu, 40 John, 17, 19, 20, 21, 55 Barbara, 8, 55 Christian, 28 Marget, 19 Elizabeth, 56 Clairs, 71 Marrion, 19, 21, 37, 65 Helen, 56 2 Elizab., 13 Niven, 20, 23, 37 Janet, 9 Isobel, 44 Robert, 20, 21, 37 Marion, 56, 63 Janet, 25, 49, 58, 59 Will., 27, 43 Kinnian (Kinneane, Jon, 13, 58, 60 Kie (Kee)— Kinnin)— Lambert, 38 Alex., 26, 72 Isobell, 62 Malie, 70 Arch., 45 Marg., 49 Margt., 13, 45, 50 Bar., 47, 56 William, 66 — Kaine, Helen, —72 Cath., 19, 63 Kinnier (Kinner) Kelvie (Kelvy) Elspit, 33, 67 Bailie Adam, 69 Benjanin, 58 Griss, 44 Alexr., 65 Rot., 53 — Helen, 19, 47 Elizabeth, 69 Kenna (Kenney) Janet, 9, 15, 26, 44, 47, Hugh, 65 Margret, 65 59 Janet, 68, 70 Marion, 56 Jean, 47, 57 John, 64, 65, 68 Robert, 65 Margt., 192 William, 66 Kennedy (Kenadie, Keni- Rosina, 47 Kinney, William, 7 die, Kenned, Ken- Killazer, Lady, 70 Kirke, Janet, 36 nedie, Kennidie, Kilpatrick (Kilpatrik)— Kirkpatrick— — 2 Kennidy) Agnes, 1 1 Alexr., 58 Agnes, 20, 29, 34, 60, Geo., 27 Ann, 61 62, 67, 69 Hewgh, 59,2 70 Archibald, 58 Alexr., 19, 33, 34, 61 James, 54 Daniel, 59

62 1 Andrew, Janet, 1, 40 Eliz., 59 Anna, 10, 31, 58 John, 27. 53 James, 58, 59 Index of Persons. 85

Kirkpatrick— Leitch, &c. — Linton— Jean, 61 Gilbert, 36 Arch., 52 Marg., 59 Jean, 46 Tho., 25 Quintin, 59 Janet, 16, 52 Little (Litle, Littell)— Will., 58, 592 John, 16 Alexr., 16 Will., yr., 58 Margret, 63 Gilbert, 14

2 1 Kniblo(Knible, Knibloch, Marion, , 36 Issob., 14 Kniblock, Kniblow, Robert, 67 James, 16 Niblo, Nibloch)— Tho., 59 — Janet, 14, 67 Agnes, 8, 20, 35 Leith (Lith) John, 37 Alexr., 19, 35 Margret, 35 Thomas, 62 2 • Georg, 35, 57 Patrick, 54 Littlejohn, James, 38 Janet, 3^ 35, 61 Patrick, yr., 54 Livingstone (Livingston, 60 — Jean, 35, , 54 Livingstoune) John, 35,257, 612 Lemon, Janet, 62 Adam, 60 John, yr., 61 Lermont, Janet, 14 Agnes, 7 Kath., 60 Lettam (Lettome) — James, 65 2 Margratt, 34, 58, 59 Alexr., 55, 65, 67 Janet, 7, 64, 68 Marion, 59, 61 Christian, 65 John, 7, 65, 66, 67 Mary, 35 Cornelius, 66 William, 67

Ninian, 32 Janet, 66, 67 Loch (Lock), Jean, 1 1, 67 Patrick, 33 John, 65, 66, 67 Lockart (Lockert) — 2 Patrick, yr., 33 Margret, 54, 65 Alexr., 70 Sarah, 57 Robert, 54, 65 Andrew, 67 Simon, 57 Lilburne (Lymburne)— Eliz., 27 i William, 20, 35, 61 And., 59, 60 Issobell, 70 Knox(Knok)— Eliz., 47 Janet, 67, 71 Jannet, 62 Geo., 47 John, 70 Margrat, 7 James, 47 Nicoll, 67 Walter, 49 James, yr., 47 Pat., 58 Knuckell, Alexander, 66 Janet, 60 Logan — Kyle (Kyll)- John, 47, 60 Agnes, 45 Agnes, 22 John, yr., 60 Eliz., 45, 54 John, 21 Margrat, 9, 45 Gilbert, 17 - Marg ret, 36" Marion, 47, 59 Isobell, 41 Tho., 36 Lin (Linn)— Janet, 9 Wm., 36 Agnes, 15, 62 Jean, 18, 47 Alexr., 15, 19 Joh., 46 Lafreis, Anna, 37 Anna, 19 Margt., 31, 47 Lafrize, Jo., 71 Elizabeth, 71 Patrick, 56 Lamb, Elizabeth, 62 Hew, 2,7 Wm., 44 Lang, Andrew, 50 Issobel, 15 Lorimer— Larg's, Laird of, family, 19 James, 17 Jane, 29 Latimer, Jane, 51 Janet, 62 Jon., 13 Lauder, Katherine, 72 Jean, 62 Love, Agnes, 17 Laurie (Laury, Lourie, Margret, 63 Lowrie) — Pat., 18 MAHUMA— Edward, 1 1 William, of Larg, 19 Isobel, 53

James, 19 Lind, Margt , 13 John, 53, 54 Janet, 25, 31, 41, 59 Lindsay (Linsay, Thorn., 53 Jean, 59 Lyndsey)— Malloch, David, 35 Jon, 8, 31, 61 James, 64 Malmyne (Malmein, Mal- Robert, 66 Jane, 64 min, Malmun, Mil- Thomas, 8 Janet, 8 mine, Milmyne) — Wm., 14, 57, 59 John, 28 Ellen, 30 Law, Mary, 35 Margrat, 56 Elspeth, 9, 71 Leitch, (Leech, Leich, Marion, 9 Euph., 47 Letch)— Linnocks— Jane, 29 Alexr., 16, 38 Alexr., 53 Janet, 8, 31, 60 Andro, 21 John, 53 Katharin. 57 86 Parish Lists of Wigtownshire and Minnigaff, 1684.

Malmyne, &c. — Martinson, &c— Milfadrick— Margt, 29 Rachel, 49 James, 40 Marion, 8, 57 Robt, 52 Janet, 40 Malnay— Mathie, Alexr., 17 John, 40 Elsbet., 29 Matheson (Matieson)— Marie, 40 Eupham, 30 Alexr., 23 Marion, 40 Malvoian — Grissel, 11, 23, 25 Miller- Eliz., 52, 53 Hew, 23 Agnes, 38 James, 53, 54, Isobell, 43 Dauid, 22, 53 Jennet, 53 2 James, 51 Jannet, 36, 38, 43 John, 52, 532 Janet, 51 Margret, 38 Jon, yr., 52 Mary, 23 Tho., 27 3 Maver— Mil- Pat., 53 Milligan (Millaghen, M ami ken— Jon, 11 liken, Muligane, Robt., 11 Mulliken)— Geo., 13 Maxwell (Maxuell)- Agnas, 72 Gilb., 13 Agnes, 9, 46 Alexr., 45, 55, 72 Janet, 12, 13 Alexr., 9, 69, 70 Alexr., yr., 45 Jon., 13 Christian, 12 Andrew, 25 Lamb., 13 David, 9 Elizabeth, 68 Marg., 13 l Elizabeth, 9, 43, 45 Gilbert, 66 Marion, 13 Grizell, 8,2 28, 56 Hellin, 8 Tho., 13 12 Hellin, 9 James, 25, 51, 70 Wm., 2 Henrie, 9, 45 Janet, 47, 70, 71 Mannoe, Marion, 13 Marcus — Heugh, 68 John, 27, 42,2 47, 49, Issobell, 9, 44, 512 David, 65 8 3 Janet, 8, 9, 44, 45: 46, Kath., 28 Jane, 65 67, 68 Marg., 45, 49 Markie, Janet, 10 Jean, 25, 34, 45 Marian, 27 Martine (Martin, Mer- — John, 9, 34,41, 67 Mary, 28 tine) Katr., 44 Sara, 47,2 48 36, 66 2 Agnes, Margrat, 8, 9, 28,2 30, William, 70 29, Alexr.,24, 36, 49,67 32, 44, 45, 56, 67 Mills, Margrat, 34 Alexr., yr., 67 Marian, 28 Millveioch, Pat., 14 24 David, Patrik, 8, 9, 12 Milnay, Elspith, 70 Elizabeth, 67 Robert, 32, 67 Milrety, Marion, 25 Euphane, 45, 71 Thomas, 69 Milroy (Malrie, Malroy, Georg, 29, 39, 67 William Steuart, 9 Milrie, Molroy, Mul- Gilb., 14, 54, 63 William, 14, 70 roy)— Grissell, 64 Sr William, 44 Agnes, 7, 25 Hellin, 48, 67 Mayealter, Margratt, 43 Alexr., 29 Isobell, 40 Mein (Mean)— Archbald, 24 James, 23 Alexr., 59 Christian, 25 2 2 Janet, 24, 31, 61, 64 Bessie, 62 Ellen, 29 68 Jean, 24, 63, Gilbert, 18 Elsbet, 29, 31 John, 17, 29, 36, 41, 48, Grissel, 59 Gilbert, 24 64, 67 Hugh, 18 Grisel, 39 66 Kathrine, James, 21, 22 Hilling, 42 9, 24,2 38, 50, Margrat, Janet, 32 James, 8, 24, 25 63, 64, 71 Jean, 21, 58 Janet, 8, 25,231,42,43, 2 Patrick, 40 Jon, 14, 15, 16, 18 47 Rott., 1 1 Margt, 17, 20, 33 Jane, 28,41 Samuel, 27 Mary, 17 Jon, 8, 14, 24,3 25, 27, 71 Thomas, 70, Thomas, 15 29, 30, 42, 43, 63 31, 53, 66 Wm., 29, Wm., 18 Jon, yr., 14 Martinson (Martison) — Melheuch, Jan, 45 Margt, 24, 25, 30, 39, Christian, 48 Melven (Melwayen)— 5S,7i Eliz., 50 Alexr., 27 Marie, 42 s Janet, 50, 52 Christ., 51 Marion, 39, 41 Margrat, 43 Melvill, John, 62 Martin, 39 Index of Persons. 87

Milroy, &c. — Morison, &c. — Murchie, &c. — Patrick, 24 Mich, 45 Kath, 61 Tho, 24, 25, 39 Mich, yr, 45 Margt, 13, [4,2 17 William, 10, 42, 55 Ninian, 34 Marrion, 20 Milvrick, Marion, 26 Nivin, 52 2 Murdoch — Minnuch Mon- 1 1 (Minnoch, Tho, Agnes, 29 — 12 och, Munnoch) Morlan, Jon, Alexr, 61, 67 66 Morton Mor- Agnes, (Mortene, Eliz, 31, 69 Alexr., 552 tone, Mortoun)— George, 61 Helin, 56 Agnes, 14, 19 Grizzal, 29, 42 21 Jannet, 55, 56 Alexr, 14, 19, James, 29 Gilbert, John, 55 36 Janet, 23, 29,30, 61, 65, 68 Margrett, Jean, 14 69 2 Will, 17, 55 Margt, 19, 37 — John, 30, 49, 52, 64 Minzies Will, 19 66 Marion, 53," Jane, 40 Moubrun, Janet, 41 Mary, 35 Muir Margrat, 39 (Moore, More, Mour, Patrick, 61 Mitchell- 35, Muere, Mure)— Robert, 61 Agnes, 32 Adam, 27 Tho., 61 James, 32 28, 62 Agnes, 52, Wm., 29, 61 Wille^ 32 Alex, 28,3 51,692 Murray (Mirrey, Moray, Mitchelsone, Elizabeth, 66 Andrew, 34 Morray, Murav, Mochoule, Janet, 24 Catherine, 70 Murra)— Moffat (Moffatt, Mof- Elzebeth, 41 Alexr, 40, 43,62, 71 fite)— Ellen, 27 Archibal, 42 Alexr., 36 Fergus, 53 Beatrix, 39 David, 52 Grizzel, 28 Elizabeth, 34, 49, 64 Janet, 13, 36,44- Harie, 28 Euphan, 25 Jo, 44,2 51 Issobell, 36 Hilling, 43 Marg., 52 Janet, 25, 27, 34, 44, 52 Issobell, 68 Patrick, 36 Jean, 13 James, 34,2 39,- 71 Moir, William, commis- John, 26, 28, 41 Janet, 33, 34, 35, 40, 43, sar, 69 Margrat, 7, 26, 27, 28, 66,2 71 Monteeth, Jonet, 51 5 53 1.1 Jean, 34,2 39, 42, 66 Montgomery (Mount- Marian, 28 43, Kathren, 54 gomery)— Pat, 28, 31 Jon, 14, 39, 40, 66, 67 Jennet, 62 Robert, 26, 53 Margrat, 34,3 45, 46, Lady Mary, 38 Muirhead — 56,66 Wm., 35, 62 Ellen, 29 Marion, 40, 43 M orison (Morishon, Mori- Margt, 71 Patt, 43, 66 sone, Murishon, Mur- Munnell— 39, Richart, 56, 64 rishon)— John, 35 Rot, 14, 39, 42, 43 Agnes, 28, 58 Margrat, 35 Wm, 14, 34, 49, 56 Anabella, 33 Munnish— Murren, Adam, 70 And., 58, 60 Arch., 31 60 And., yr., Ellen, 31 McAdam Catrin, 52, 60 Jennet, 31 (McCaddame, Christ, 58 Mary, 31 M'Caddim)— Efhe, 52 Murchie (Murcher, Mur- Andrew, 24 Grisell, 32, 34, 60 chi, Murchine, Mur- Florence, 7 Helene, 61 chne)— James, 65 66 Hugh, 15 Agnes, 36 Janet, Issob, 10 Alexr, 14, 36 John, 65 James, 52 Christian, 13 McAlexander— Janet, 10, 34, 37, 47, Gilb, 13 Christian, 28 53,58 Jam, 12 Hew, 46 2 Joh, 34, 47, 60 Janet, 18, 24, 37 Isobell, 61 Margrat, 33, 53 Jean, 1 1 Janet, 48, 52 Marion, 63 Jon, 10, 12, 14,2 19, 20, Joh, 46 Mary, 10, 53 21, 37 Marg, 46, 49 88 Parish Lists of Wigtownshire and Minnigaff, 1684.

McBea (McBae)- McBurnie, &c— McCandlish (McAndlish, James, 54 Isobel, 58 M'Canleis, M'Caun- Margaret, 70 Janet, 27, 68 les)— McBlanie, Margaret, 70 John, 64 Agnes, 8, 68 McBrair (McBrayer, Tho., 30 Alexr., 23, 29, 63 McKbrair) William, 39 Andrew, 7, 66, 68 8 Hugo, 13 M c C a i g (M c K a i g, Catharin, James, 61 McKaige, McKaigh, David, 30 Janet, 10, 14, 57, 62 Makaig)— Ellen, 29 Jean, 13, 57 Alexr., 1 5 Elsbet, 29 12 68 Margt., Elizabeth, 15, 36 Georg, 61 Robert, Issob., 152 Harrie, 29 8 Win., 14 Jam., 14, 15, 19 Issobell, (McBraten, McBratney Jam., yr., 15 James, 64 Malbrat- McBretnie, Janet, 16, 17, 18 Jane, 63 — s nie) John, 15,2 53 Janet, 29 8, 67, Alexr., 42 Margt., 15,2 21, 52 John, 65, 68,2 69 68 Janet, 41, 53 Mitchell, 15 John, yor., John, 7, 44 Patrick, 37, 53 Margt., 28, 302 Margaret, 69 Rot., 16 Patrik, 7, 30, 64, 70 Nicol, 30 Thomas, 15, 11 William, 7, 9, 28, 63 McCans McBrike, Helen, 46 McCaken, Janet, 41 (McCance, McKbroome, Marg., 58 McCaldroch, Janet, 60 McCanse, McKance, McBruin, John, 30 McKants)— 212 McCalldon(McCalldoune, McBrun, Elin, McKaldon)— Alexr., 16, 36 McBryd (McBrid, Bessie, 16 Agnes, 20 McBride, McBryde, David, 36 James, 20 M'Kbryd)- Gilbert, 16 Janet, 21, 38 Agnes, 33, 61 Janet, 13, 16, 36 Jean, 20 Alexr., 10, 14, 58, 59 Jean, 16 Marget, 20, 38 Andrew, 36,2 43, 63 John, 35, 59 Marrion, 20 Anton, 12, 13 Margt., 15, 16 McCallum (McHallom, Arch., 12 — Pat., 16, 62 Elizabeth, 35 Mahallum) Rosina, 15 26 Geo., 59 Elspeth, Thomas, 35 31 Gilbert, 54, 62, 63 Jane, M c K a r, 2 McCare) Hellen, 60 John, 25, 31 McKare)— James, 53 McCalme, Chirstin, 34 Elspeth, 37 Janet, 10, 12, 13, 16, 17, McCalmon (McCammon, Hew, 37 18, 19,36,258,622 McCamon)— Isabel, 21, 36 Jean, 24 Agnes, 23 James, 37, 38 Jon, 11, 12, 13, 20, 38, David, 72 John, 36, 37 8 6o 42, 43, 53) 54, 5 , , Gilbert, 23 Marion, 38 61, 62 Helen, 23 Patrick, y] John, 53 Issobel, 18 McCarge, Jon, 13 John, yr., 58 Tames, 23 McCarmick— Margt., 12, 16, 35, 49, Janet, 18, 23, 25 Jannet, 70 2 58, 59, 63 John, 23 , Thomas, 71 Marion, 13, 54 Mart., 26, 49 McCarnochen, John, 40 Martin, 18 Marie, 71 McCassen, Margt., 71 Michael, 18 Thomas, 72 McCall (McCaull, Pat., 14, 36, 61 Wm., 45,49, 52 McCaule, McCawell, Sarah, 52 McCalson (McCalshen, McGal)- Thomas, 37, 54 McCalshon)— Agnes, 39 Wm, 43 Gilbert, 18 Androu, 39 McBurnie (McBurney,— Janet, 23, 71 Elazebeth, 39, 41 McKburnie) Jean, 17 Grisell, 25 2 Agnes, 68 John, 23 Helen, 23 Helen, 72 McCamish, Janot, 23 Isobell, 40 Hugh, 30 McCain mell, John, 64 Jaen, 41 Index of Persons. 89 — McCaull, &c- McClanachan, &c. McKliry,— McLerie, Janet, 49, 50 Jon, 13, 16, 18, 62 McLirie) 2 2 John, 26, 50 Margt., 17, 19, 20 Agnes, 16, 42 Margrat, 39,2 40,41,42, Marne, 21 Alexr., 33 5 2 Patt., 40 Andrew, 30, 33,2 58, 69 . Patrick, 39 McClean (McClen, Mc- Archibald, 33 2 Robert, 41 Clenej— Eliz., 14 14 William, 25, 26, 41 Catherin, 51 Fergus, McCeachie, William, 67 Jane, 50 Fergus, yi\, 14 8 McCeldrah, Margrat, Janet, 30, 71 Helen, 32 21 16 McCharrie, Janet, Jo., 71 Hugh, McChestnie (McChesney, James, 30, 33 McCleave (McClave, McHestnie)— McCleve)— Janet, 10, 30 David, 28 John, 16, 30, 31,2 68 Agnas, 40 41 Joseph, 59 Jaen, Androu, 43 29, 40 Margt., 27, 32,2 59 John, Archibald, 40 28, 41, 69 Marion, 10, 14 Margt., Elzebeth, 40, 43 Marion, 49 Michael, 30 Jaen, 40 Will., 28 Pat., 58 Marion, 39, 42 McChiney— Tho., 10 Patt., 41 Anaple, ,24 Uthred, 33 Thomas, 40, 43 Archibald, 24 Wm., 10, 14 McClellan (McClelan, — Chirstian, 24 McClimie McClelland, McKlel- Elizabeth, 23 Kirstaine, 22 lan, McLellan)— Gilbert, 24 Marian, 16 8, 12, 17, 28, 38, 22 Janet, 24 Agnes, Nivn, 2 John, 24 39 McClingen(McClingan)— Alexr., Pat, 24 30, 43, 46, 55, Janet, 25, 50 Tho., 24 56, 7i John, 44,2 50 8 McChreacher (McChre- Andrew, Marion, 41 Christian, 40, har, McCreahar, 57 Wm., 40 McCrehar— Elison, 7 McClinie (McClinnie, 69, 70 — Agnes, 43 Elizabeth, 56, 67, McLinyie) 56 Isobel, 29 Georg, Agnes, 19 2 Grisell, 39 John, 29, 43 Alexr., 19 Hellen, 72 Margrat, 42 Janet, 19 William, 40 Hugh, 30 John, 20, 24 McChristie (McChristan, Isobell, 42, 52 Marget, 19 McChrystine)— Jennet, 30, 43, 48, 52, William, 19 57, 61, 62, 67, 70, Alexr., 11, 56 McClintan, Jan, 41 71,272 John, 11, 56 McClone— Marie, 66 Jean, 58 Janet, 67 Robert, 66 Jon, 7, 8, 9, 30, 40,3 46, John, 67 68, 72 William, 56 55, 57, 71, Margret, 67 McClairty, Jane, 29 Margrat, 7, 8, 30, 31, McClumpha(McClunpha, McClamoroch, Grisell, 41 40, 47, 52, 69, 70 McKClumpha, Mc- McClanachan (McClana- Marie, 72 Lumpha)— quhan, McCluno- Maron, 63 Alexr., 14, 35 chen, McKlanachen, Niccolus, 40 Allan, 14 67 McLanochan, McLo- Pat., 8, 33, 39, 52, 65, Eliz., 60 Robt. nachin)— 41 John, 32, 53 Agnes, 58 Rolland, 7 Tho., 14 2 Alexr., 18 Susanna, 57 Wm., :i, 14, 37 Andrew, 16 Tho., 50, 71 McCluncha(McClunchan, 10, 11, 30, 45, Elizabeth, 31 William, McClunchar)— Gilbert, 17, 21 50,67 Jo., 71 69 Isbell, 20 McClemont, Margaret, Pat, 71 James, 13, 14, 18 McClerie (McChlerie, Robt., 51 Janet, 15, 16 McCleiri, McCleri, Will., 71 Jean, 20, 22 McClerney,McKlirie, McClung, James, 37 90 Parish Lists of Wigtoivnshire and Mmnigaff, 1684.

McClunie— McComb, &c. — McCormack, &c. — Agnes, 17 Margret, 32,2 35, 40, Janet, 9, 25, 32,2 33,2 34? Bessie, 18 48, 59 35, 42, 51, 53 Cath., 17,2 18 Marion, 10, 49, 60 Jean, 26, 33,2 34, 49 John, 13, 17, 63 Patrick, 49, 52 Jon., 8, 9, 32, 33,2 35,3 John, yor., 17 Peter, 49 49,53 2 Jot, 18 Rich., 52 Jon., yr., 8, 49 Pat., 18 Robert, 62 Kathrin, 32 Tamar, 17 Wm., 13, 58, 59 Margt.,8, 9, 13, 18,33,2 McClure (McCluir, Mc McConchie (McConch- 35 Cluire)— rie) — Margry, 33 2 Agnes, 29 Christin, 17 Marion, 24, 27 And., 17, 29, 39 Ellun, 22 Pat., 32, 35, 46,2 47 Anthon, 70 Jean, 56 Tho., 25, 47 Arch., 51 William, 41 Wm., 25,2 42, 47, 49, 64 Barbra, 43 McConnel (McConnal, McCoskrie (McCorsquey, Elzebeth, 43 McConelle, McKcon- McCroscre, McCros- Janet, 27, 51, 62, 70 nell, McKonnell)— crie, McCroskrie, Jon, 13, 29 Adam, 7 McKorscra, McKos Mary, 18, 70 Agnes, 28, 60, 69 cry, McKoskry)— Patrick, 39 Alexr., 50, 56, 57, 60, Barbara, 51 Rot, 17 68,69, 7i Eliz., 51 Sarah, 30 Andro, 21, 60, 69 Isobel, 27, 41 Thomas, 70 Eliz., 60 James, 28, 35 McClymont (McClamont, Grissell, 20, 34. 60 Janet, 23, 40, 63 McClamot, McCle- James, 72 Jean, 35, 69 men, McClement, Jane, 21, 36, 42 Margret, 35 McClernin, McCly- Janet, 1 5, 36, 53, 59, 60, Peter, 69 mon, McClymond, 7i Robt, 40 McLymond)— John, 20, 30, 34, 36, 56, Rodger, 69 Agnes, 1 1, 42 59, 60,64, 67, 71, 72 McCoule, Margret, 62, 63 Alexr., 34, 35 John, yr., 59 McCoune, Andro, 22 2 Isobell, 39, 42 Kirsten, 36 McCourie, Agnas, 40 2 Janet, 9, 23, 25, 35, 36, Mai-get, 20, 32, 60, 68, McCovie, Isobell, 62 3 39, 42, 43 69 McCracken (McCraccan, Jean, 32 Marrion, 20 McCrackan, McCra- Joh., 35, 39, 42 Mary, 38, 59 kan, McKcracken, Mart., 26, 31 Patrick, 20 McKraken)— Marion', 1 1 Uchtrie, 20 Agnes, 60 Martin, 13 Tho., 12, 20, 60 Alexr., 10, 13, 31, 51, Part., 12 William, 65, 69, 71 57, 60, 62 Thomas, 56 McConnin, John, 56 Andro, 11, 17 Wm., n, 34, 40, 42 McConing, Patrick, elder, Anthon, 10 McCochran, Alexr., 31 67 Archb., 13 McComb (McColm, Mc-— McCormack (McArmick, Bessie, 11, 70 Come, McKComb) McCarmick, McCar- Catharin, 10, 16, 17 Alexr., 14, 34, 59 mike, McCormick, Christ., 50 Anable, 30 McCornick, McCor- Edvard, 1 1 Androw, 35 nock, McCornok, Finlay, 70 Donald, 41, 42 McKermick, McKor- Gilbert, 16, 24 Elspit, 32 nock, Makarmik)— Gillespick, 31 Georg, 34 Agnes, 25, 40 Grissel, 20 Grizall, 49 Alexr., 7, 11, 12, 26, 27, Hellen, 11 Helene, 63 35,47 Hugh, 15 2 2 James, 33,2 63, 68 Andrew, 18, 27, 42 James, 13, 16,31 55, 59, 2 Janet, 13, 33, 35,42, 52, Effie, 35 63, 7o 59,61, 62, 71 Eliz., 52 Janet, 11,2 13, 16, 17, Jean, 34, 59 Helen, 34, 35 18,229,32,35,36, 37, Jon, 11, 33, 40, 42 Isobell, 32, 40, 50 53, 59, 60, 62 Katherine, 62, 63 James, 25, 27,33,2 34,35 Jean, 15, 57,61 Index of Persons. 9i

McC racken, &c. — McCredie, &c— McColloch, &c— 3 John, 10, n,3 16, 17, Jon, 11, 13, 14, 16, 17,2 Andrew, 9 18,2 25, 36,2 552 59, 18, 19,20, 29,2 44,45, Anna, 67 702 48, 60 Arch., 45, 67 Margt., 12, 18, 31, 55, Lamb., 14 Ellen, 27, 35, 53 3 59, 60, 62 Margt., 12,2 13,2 18, Elspeth, 9,21,34,' 35, Marion, 11, 13, 16, 51, 22.2 30, 38, 59, 61 Geo., 28, 61,71 58,60 Marion, 17, 19 Geo., of Forhouse, 71 Martin, 14 Niven, 14 Godfrey, 8, 35, 60, 68 Mary, 12, 60 Pat, 13, 18, 37., 60 Sr Godfrey, 60 Mich., 13 Tho., 48, 61 Grizell, 9, 27, 33, 59, 66 Patt., 11, 17, 3', 34 Will., 19 Heugh, 41 Patt., yor., 11, 17 McCrery (McCrerie, I sob., 44, 67 Rot., 16, 24 McCrerrie)— James, 35,3 442 Tho., 11, 14, 16, 19, 57, Adam, 63 Janet, 9, 10,33,34,35,3 3 63, 7o Agnes, 34, 64,2 68, 70 36, 44, 53, 54, 58, 59, 2 Umpha, 10 Alexr., 642 60.2 61 Win., n, 13, 14, 19, 55, Hugh, 67 Jean, 23, 27,2 34, 35,2 59, 60 Janet, 24, 25, 34, 67, 70 57, 58, 61,65, 68, 69 Win., yr., 11 John, 23, 34, 64, 66, John, 16, 35, 44,2 45, 3 2 McCrae, (McCraie, 67. 68 46.3 47, 58,2 59,2 6o,3 2 McCrea, McCree, Kathrine, 67 64,3 68, 69,70, 71 McKrae, McKrie, Mart, 24, 25, 71 Katr., 44, 59, 63 McRae)— Pat., 25 Kirst., 44, 60 Agnes, 21, 57 Robert, 66, 67, 68 Marg., 14, 25, 30, 33, 2 2 Alexr., 22 Tho., 252 34, 35, 44, 47, 49, And., 59 William, 69 51,56, 58, 59, 60. 61 Elin, 20 William, yor., 69 Marion, 19 2 George, 37 McCruive, Robert, 31 Mary, 27 Hew, 37 McCrumb (McCrume, Ochtrie, 61 Janet, 20, 32, 37 McKcrumb)— Pat, 30, 41, 45,3 60, 62 John, 38,2 592 Jane, 30 Petter, 61 Kath., 59 Janet, 67, 71 Rot., 9, 30, 44, 60 Marget, 22,2 37, 57, 63 Jon., 8, 64, 70 Sar., 45 Marrion, 22 Marian, —30 Wm., 12, 28, 30, 35,2 Uchtrie (Echtrie) 21, McCubine 59, 60, 64 2 1 1 222 Alexr., , 42 28 Wm, 37, 49 Andrew, McCuncha, Marrie, 71 McCraich, Mart., 24 Eliz., 28 McCutchon (McCutchin, Marion, 14 11 McCraike, Jean, McCutchion)— McCredie (McCreedie, Jon., 10, 12 Agnes, 33, 40 McKredy, McRadie, 11 Margt., Christian, 72 Macradie, McReadie, Marion, 10 Gilbert, 39 Mc Ready, Mc- McCullan (McCulland, Hugh, 32 Reddie, McRedie) — McKullon)— Issobel, 71 Agnes, 16, 17 Agnas, 42 2 James, 29 Alexr., 17, 19, 20, 61, Alexr., elder, 63 Jane, 51, 72 62 Issobell, 37 Janet, 40,2 49, 71 Andr., 12 Janet, 63 John, 29,2 40 Anna, 12 John, 59 Margret, 32, 43 Eliz., 19 McCulloch (McColloch, William, 41, 47 Gilbert, 13, 20, 48, 58, McCullie, McCullo, , 39, 40 59 McCulloh, McCullv, Harie, 30 McKculloch, McKul- McCuy. John, 56 McDill,' 66 Hugh, 30 loch, McUlloch)- John, Issobell, 1 1 Agnes, 16, 19, 28, 29, M'Dougall (M'Dugald)- 3 James, 18, 22 35, 41, 42, 6o,4 71 Andrew, 15 Janet, 13, 18, 20, 22,* Alexr., 9, 20, 28, 30, 33, Cath., 15 27,29, 3°, 52, 53,6 1 "- 35,2 41, 44,2 53, 60,- Jean, 57 Jean, 15, 60, 63 64,67 Pat, 33 92 Parish Lists of Wigtownshire and Minnigaff, 1684.

McDowall (McDole, McDowall, &c — McGae, &o-

McDoll, McDouell, Patt., yr., 31 Janet, 20, 32,3 33 , 35, 59 McDoul, McDowal, Robert, 32,2 34 Jean, 35 2 McDual, McDuall, Rich., 1 1 John, 21, 32,33, 352 McKdowall)- Rosie, 21, 27 Kirstain, 21 62 Agnes, 13, 21, 23, 27, Sarah, Marget, 21, 32, 342 39,4o,5o,5i,58,64,2 Walter, 71 Marion, 33 66, 67 Wm., 11, 14,2 17,22,23, Patrick, 21 Alexr., 9, 10, 1 1, 21, 22, 24, 5i, 54, 57, 59, 63 William, 33, 35 23, 25, 26, 27,2 40, 43, M'Duff(Malduff, M'llduff. McGal, Alexr., 53 2 44, 5 1, 59, 60, 63,2 Mickleduffe)- McGarroch (McKgarr- 66 8 65, Agnes, ach) — 66 Alexr., yr., 23, Janet, 64 Alexr., 59 62 8 Anaple, Margrat, Ann, 58 1 1, 22, Marian, 2 Andr., 51, 65 30 Fergus, 16, 58 8 Anna, 19, 33 Ninian, Hewgh, 59 8 Barbra, 22, 65, 69 Ninian, yor., John, 58 3 8 Dav., 12, 27 Patrik, Marrion, 21 Donald, 59 William, 8 McGarroway— 60 McElveock — Elin, 22, Arch., 48 Ellspeth, 17, 19,2 23,26, Agnes, 15 Hellin, 50 27, 35, 53, 60, 64, 69 Issobell, 15 James, 48 Fergus, 65 Jot., 15 Jonet, 48 3 Gilbert, 21, 24, 27, 37, McEwen(McKewn,McK- John, 48 60 Kewan, McKuinn, Marg., 50 2 McYe wi ake Grissel, 14, 16, 19, 27, n, M wn)— Tho., 48 38, 41, 56, 63 Agnes, 19, 62 35, 5°, McGarvie (McGarva, Hew, 21, 23, 29, 31, 33, Grissel, 17 McGarve)— 63 Isobell, 62 Alex., 12 Issobel, 10, 31, 37, 39 James, 50 72 in 10 Jo., James, Machrimor, Janet, 24,2 59 Pat. 12 62 James, if, 12, 14, 17, John, 19, 52, 59, McGeachie— 26, 27, 31, 5i, 53 60, Margt., 15, 53, 58 Jonet, 52 2 62 Marion, 15, 21 John, 52 Janet, 9, 16, 17, 18, 19, McFaddan (McFydeane, , 43 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 27, McKfadyean, Mc- 2 2 McGeachin — 29. 3i, 34, 36, 42, Phaddion, McPhad- 2 43,46 48, 50, 51, 53, zen)— Agnes, 39 2 56, 57, 59, 61, 622 63, Alexr., 32 Alexr., 39 3 66, 71 Elias, 31, 64 Androu, 40 41 Jean, 17, 21, 23, 26, 31, Isobel, 60 Antony, 3 32. 36, 37, 4i, 60,2 James, 20 Janet, 39 62, 63, 66, 68, 70 Janet, 31, 62 John, 40, 42 40 John, 10, 11, 12, 13, Jean, 31, 32 William, 19.3 22, 24, 27,2 36, Joh. 32, 36 McGeoch (McGeouch, 4 2 — 37. 38,41,49, 5o, 53, Marion, 31 McGooch) 56, 58,2 62, 63, 65, 67, Robert, 31 Alexr., 51 7i McKfarren, Janet, 57 Andrew, 23 Kathnn, 33, 53, 58,642 McFellie, Helen, 33 Donald, 23 2 Kirstain, 21, 22 McFredricke— James, 51 Marg., 11, 12, 14, 20, Alexr. 35 Janet, 23, 30,2 46, 49 22, 26, 27, 28, 34, 36, Andrew, 36 Joh., 46, 51 37, 5i, 6o,3 61, 63,2 Jonnet, 36 John, yr., 51 70 Robert, 37 Mart., 23, 50 Marion, 15, 16, 17, 32, McKgadyeard, And., 58 Marion, 51 37, 42, 63 McGae (McGa, Mc- Rob., 51 Mary, 19, 26, 27 Kga)- William, 23, 46, 51 3 Niven, 12 Alexr., 21, 35 McGeorge— 2 Ochtrie, 15, 36, 38, 59 Helen, 33 Alexr., 1 1 2 Patt., 13, 31, 42, 62, 63 James, 32, 33, 34, 35 Issobel, 1 1 Index of Persons. 93

McGibbon— McGuffock, &c— McHarg, &c— Janet, 24 Bessie, 1 1, 27, 68 Finly, 41 Margt., 18 Ellen, 28, 30, 44 Grizzel, 27 McGill (McKgill)- Grissell, 65 Isabell, 51 Agnes, 36,40, 51, 52 Issob., 1 1 James, 41, 43, 50 - Alexr., 19, 38, 50,2 51, James, 10, 6.5 Jane, 50 2 ' 2 57 Jennet, 28, 30, 44, 46. Janet, 9, 28, 41, 42, 43' 4 Allan, 50 62,652 Jon, 4', 42, 43- 5°> 5» Andro, 19, 36, 37, 38, 50 John, 27, 30,2 33, 44, Kath., 49 Cath., 13 46,2 48, 67, 69 Margrat, 41, 43,'- 49 Elspey, 50, 52, 72 Marg., 45, 46, 65, 69 Marion, 40 Finlay, 20, 37 Marion, 10, 1 1, 30 Sarah, 41 Gavine, 29 Ninian, 30 Tho., 1 1 Grizal, 50 Pat., 23, 30, 68 Will., 43, 5o Isabel], 49 Rosie, 69 McHarrie— James, 59 Saray, 70 Jon, 36 Jennet, 36, 38, 49, 50, 51 Tho., 30 Margret, 36 2 John, 21,29, 38, 51, 59 William, 23, 44,2 45, 46, Thomas, 36 2 Kirstain, 21, 22 65, 69 McGunnion— McIlgockie(McGockie)— Marg., 10,382 Alexr., 34 2 Gilbert, 56 Marion, 19, 21,' 41, 51 Wm., 36 Marrie, 71 Grisel, 56 Mcllhench (Mcllhaunch, Rob., 59 John, 31, 562 Malhensh, Mal- Tho., 13, 52, 59 McHaffie (McHaffine, hinch) — Will., 19, 41, 49, 50, 51 Mclllhaffie, Mahaffie, Alexr., 10 55,2 56 Will, yr., 49 Mahalfie, Milhaffie)- Elizabeth, 67 McGilltir 18, 26, 72 (McGilture)- Agnes, 2 Georg, 55 Janet, 19 Alexr., 26, 28 Grizell, 8, 67 Joh., 52 Andrew, 23 8 McGiltoune - Cath., 19 Hendrie, 9,2 29,2 56 Margret, 38 Downie, 28 Janet, Jon, 8, 10, 55,2 56 Pat., 38 Eliz., 28, 53 64, 70 McGimsie, Marg., 52 Ferg., 12 Margret, 55, McGledrie— Gilbert, 62 Thomas, 69 Mcllhoy, Janet, 63 Patrick, 55 Henrie, 54 Tho., 40 Issobell, 36, 70 Mcllmorrow (McEl- McGoune (McGoun, James, 26 muiro, McElmurre, — Mcll- McGowen) Janet, 15, 18, 23, 62 Mcllmorron,— Agnes, 64 Jean, 70 murran) Alexr., 22, 39, 46, 64 Jon, 12, 16,25,28,53,54 Agnes, 17 Barbara, 64 Margt., 18, 20,25, 2 6, 28, Elspith, 69 Elis., 46 38, 53. 62 Gil., 48 Hilling, 39 Marie, 12, 62 John, 17, 52 Isobel, 39 Marion, 61 Mcllmulleroch, Joh., 48 Mcllmun Mc- James, 10, 42 Nivin, 53 (Mcllmyn, — Jane, 49 Robert, 25, 26 Kminne, Mcilmin) 66 Jan., 45, 46, 48 Tho., 52, 53 Agnes, John, 39, 52, 642 Samuell, 26 Alexr., 64 Margrat, 43, 46, 50 William, 26, 28 Andrew, 31 Patrick, 62, 64 McHallim—(McHal- Archibald, 64 Wm., 14, 64 lome) Effie, 55 66 , 42, 43 Alexr., 9 Helen, 32, McGrerie, Thomas, 33 Jannet, 70 Hugh, 66 McGuffock (McGuffocke, McHarg (McGarg, Mc- Issobell, 65 McGuffog, McGuf- Quharg, Maharg)— James, 32 folk)— Agnes, 26,41, 50,2 70,71 Janet, 63, 65,2 66 Agnes, 27, 65, 69 Alexr., 43, 50 John, 64,2652 Alexr., 44 Anaple, 43 Margrat, 8, 14 3 Androu, 11, 44, 63, 69 Archibald, 42, 43 Patrick, 65 Archibald, 65, 69 Eliz., 50 Thomas, 63 94 Parish Lists of IVigtownshire and Minnigaff, 1684.

Mcllnae— M'lllvain, &c — McKawin— John, 66 Patrick, 16, 33 James, 7 Margret, 66 Tho., 13 Jon, 7 Mcllroy (McElroy, Mcll- Mcllvechick, Janet, 33 Jon, yor., 7 lory, Mcllrie, Mcil- Mcllvernock— McKay (McCa, McCaa, roy, McKelrea, Mc- Cuthbert, 5 1 McKa, McKaa)— Kilrae, McKilroy, Jonet, 51 Anaple, 24 McLeroy, McLroy, Marion, 5 1 Antony, 39, 41 Meikleroy, Mickl- Simon, 51 Hilling, 41 roy)— Mclllvrike CMcElvrick, Isabell, 51 Baillie, 69 McKillrie, Meikle- James, 39 Adam, 64, 65 vrick) — Janet, 17 Agnes, 57, 64 Duncan, 18 John, 17 12 And., Ferg., 14, 19 John, yr., 17 Arch., 50 Janet, 18, 22, 24 Thomas, 41, 48 12 Will., Edv., John, 18, 22 19 Elizabeth, 49 Margt., 18 McKeachy (McCeachie, Eupham, 58 Wm., 18 McCheachie, Mc- Ferg., 44, 59 Keachie)— Mcintosh (Mclmtoich)— Florence, 57 Alex., 25, 49 Anna, 69 Gilb., 14, 48, 57, 59 Eliz., 51 John, 29 Grisell, 57 Grisell, 40 Mcjampse, John, 39 Hellin, 51, 58 James, 14 Mcjamsie, Agnass, 39 Hen., 12 Janet, 23, 25 Mcjillvar, John, 40 Hew, 61, 65 Jean, 26 Mcjory (McJorie)— 2 Isabell, 52 John, 23,25, 65, 66 Agnas, 43 James, 12 John, yr., 23 12 Anaple, 42 James, yr., 2 Mart., 25 Grisell, 43 jane, 65 Patt., 41, 43, 65 Jon, 7, 8 Janet, 8, 13, 44, 52, 63, Tho., 11, 26 2 Margret, 38 65, 66, 67 Wm., 49 McKail Jean, 45 (McKaal)— McKeall, Alexr., 56 Gilbert, 1 1 Jon, 11, 13, 14, 48, 57, McKelly (McKeallie)— 1 1 69 Janet, Alexr., 42 Margt., 19, 26, 49,2 56, Jon, 11, 19 John, 43, 52 1 1 59, 60, 67 Jon, yor., McKeavand (McKeand, Marion, 52, 60 Margt., 19 McKeound)— 1 1 2 Mary, 51 Tho., Agnes, 55, 70 11 Michael, 58 Umphra, Alexr., 42, 69 Patrick, 56, 59 McKain— Baillie, 70 Tho., 11, 12, 13 Adam, 50 Hilling, 40, 69, 70 2 4 2 Wm., 1 1, 48, 49, 66 Alexr., 50, 72 Jaen, 39 Mclllvain (McElvain, Christian, 50 2 James, 68 Mclllveyan, Mc- Eliz., 50, 72 Jannet, 70 2 Ilweian, Mcllweine, Gilbert, 52 John, 70 2 Mcllwian, McKel- Hellin, 50, 51, 72 John, yor., 70 2 vain, McKilweyan,— James, 50 Margrat, 39, 69^ 70 McKilwyan) Jamqs, yr., 50 Mary, 69 Agnes, 16 Jane, 50, 52 Patrick, 70 - Bessie, 12, 60 Janet, 50,^ 51, 52, 71, William, 69, 70 3 David, 15 72 McKechnie— Fergus, 14 John, 50,4 71 Alexr., 7 Gilbert, 13, 15 Marg., 50, 72 Will., 7 Grissel, 10 Michael, 50 2 McKeddey, Agnes, 63 2 Isab., 52 Pat., 72 McKelvie (Mclllvey, M Janet, 12, 18, 49, 51, 59 Rich., 50 Ilwie, McKelway)— Jean, 16, 60 Sarah, 50 Agnes, 18, 33, 61 2 2 Jon, 13 Thomas, 50, 72 Alexr., 9, 33 Margret, 15, 37, SU 61 Wm., 50, 72 Alexr., yor., 9 Mary, 33 McKaley, Margaret, 69 Andrew, 15 Index of Persons. 95

McKelvie, &c. — McKerlie, &c— McKie, &c. — Elspeth, g, 18 And., 14, 54 John, 8, 13, 24,25, 28,2 3 5 3 Grissel, 18 Anton, 14 30, 38, 39, 40, 41, Hugo, 14, 17, 19 Cath., 16 42,43,4 46,48,49,4 50, 2 Issobel, 17 Donald, 12 5 I, 52 63, 64 Janet, 11, 16, 18,'- 72 George, 54 Joseph, 51 Jean, 18, 33 Harie, 71 Katherine, 25,63 John, 15, 18,2 33, 64, 70 Hellen, 59 Marg rat, 7, 8, 13,24,27^ 2 John, yor., 1 5, 64 Isobel, 10 34, 38, 39, 40, 42, 47, 3 Kathrin, 34 Janet, 11, 16, 25, 32 49. 52, 55, 64, 71, 72 Marion, 15, 33 Jean, 71 Marion, 16, 20, 33, 39, Mary, 17 John, 37, 54, 57, 70, 71 41, 48, 61, 72 William, 33, 40 Margt, 12, 24 .Mary, 29, 40, 51, 69, 70 McKeman, Elin, 22 Tho., 25 Michael, 27 McKemet, Mark, 24 Will, 12, 54 Patrick, of Auchleand McKenna(McKeney, Mc- 72 — McKermont, Jan., 72 Kennah.McKenney) Patnk, 8, 9, 30, 38, 40, McKernie, Janet, 10 Alexr., 64 42.4 45, 46, 47, 64. 70 McKeuckan And., 49 (McCookan, Patrik, yr., 72 McCuiccan, McKeuck- '-' Bessie, 27 — Rot., 7, 8, 38, 50, 64 Georg, 64 can, McKevvkane) Samuell, 62 Hugh, 64 Alexr., 31 Sarah, 35 Jennet, 27, 28, 66, 69 Janet, 31 Tho., 11,2 38, 49> 51,3 2 3 John, elder, 65, 71 John, 24, 50 7 2 John, yor., 65 Mart., 23 William, 7, 9, 20, 25,2 2 Marion, 28 Patrick, 64 27, 32,39, 4°, 41,42, William, 69 McKie (McKee, McKey, 60, 63 McKennan, Aid., 10 Makie)— William of Mai dland, 69 McKennat (McKennet)— Adam, 9 McKigg, Marcus, 62 Agnes, 45 2 Adam, bailzie, 70 McKilweclock, Marg., 58 2 Alexr., 44, 45, 47 Agnes, 26, 38,2 4 1, 46, McKihvrath, Janet, 58 - Andr., 44 48, 62, 72 McKingan, , 44 2 Gilb., 44, 45 Alexr., 16, 26, 41, 42, McKinnell (McKindell, 2 2 Jan., 44, 45 49, 5 1, 57, 63 McKindle, McQu- 2 John, 44, 45 Androu, 41, 43, 49, 63 handle)— Marg., 44, 47 Antony, 42 Agnes, 9 2 2 Marion, 11, 46 Archibald, 9, 26,28,41, Alexr., 9,2 55 4 Pat., 45 49 3 Andrew, 35 McKenzie (McHingzie, Barb., 51 Eliz., 60 McHun- McHinzie, — Christian, 40, 51, 71 Hellin,9, 30 zie, McKinzie) David, 24, 52, 72 Janet, 8 Agnes, 27 Eliz., 29,31, 32, 37, 42, Jon, 9,2 55 2 2 2 Alexr., 27,2 29, 56 43, 47, 5', 7i, 72 Marg rat, 9, 29,2 30 Andrew, 28, 29, 36 Florence, 36 Patrick, 55 2 Barbara, 38 Gavin, 29 William, 9, 29 Eliz., 19 29 Gilbert, 39, 41, 42,2 48 McKinnie (McKinney) — Gilbert, 36 Grissell, 20, 22, 28, 29, John, 32 Gilbert, yr., 36 40.2 42, 49, 50 Margret, 32 Jane, 28, 35 Helen, 11, 37 40, 41,3 Marion, 40 Jennet, 27,33, 37, 3§, 5 6 42, 50 McKinstrie, Hellen, 71 John, 17, 19, 28,38 Hew, 47 McKitrick— 2 Rob., 36 Issobell,9, 25,26,27,70 James, 32, 33 Will., 27, 29 James, 25, 26, 38, 40, John, 32 McKerlie (McCarlie, Mc- 48, 49, 5i, 64 Margrat, 34 Cairly, McKairlie, Janet, 8,9, 12, 17,22,25, Patrick, 33 McKairly, McK- 26, 27, 28, 39, 40, 41, McKnight (McKnaight cairly, McKearlie,— 42.3 44, 46, 48, 52, 53, McKnaught, Mc- McKearly) 61, 69, 70* 71 Naight,McNeight)— Agnes, 14 Jean, 10, 14, 39, 41, 45, Alexr., 51 2 Alexr., 71 49, 61, 62 Geo., 27 96 Paris/i Lists of Wigtownshire and Minnigaff, 1684.

McKnight, &c— M'Master, &c. — McMillan, &c— 2 George, 71 Alexander, 33 Alexr., 25 3 Gilbert, 71 Andrew, 15, 18, 23, 32, Androu, 40, 41, 42, 2 2 Isobell, 26, 50 34, 37, 62 43 Jennet, 35 Christin, 16, 32 Antony, 41, 43 Jo., 71 Eliz., 16, 23, 35, 59 Archibald, 39, 67 2 Margret, 62, 71 Fergus, 16, 18 Duncan, 8, 43, 50 Sarah, 35 George, 16, 54 Erne, 40 2 ,42 Gilbert, 32 Elizabeth, 10, 23, 41, McKnuckell— Helen, 33 42,67 Janet, 65 Hugh, 12, 14, 16 George, 41 John, 65 Issobel, 37 Grisel, 43 William, 65, 66 Jam., 17, 33, 62 Isobell, 41, 42, 43 — 2 McKwhom Janet, 14, i8,3 32, 3 s, Jean, 43 3 Eliz., 57 36, 58, 59, 67 James, 39,2 40, 43 2 Janet, 58 Jean, 16, 32, 33, 57 Janet, 7, 23, 25, 39,2 McLauchlan (McClauch- Jon, 14, 16, 17, 18," 32, 41,49, 58, 68 lin, McGlauchlin, 35,44 John, 23, 25, 39,2 41, MachLachlin, Mc- Kathrin, 38 42,2 43,3 68 Laughlane, Mc- Marcs, 58 Mart., 23, 39,3 43, 49 2 2 Laughlen) — Margt., 16, 31, 34, 35, Marion, 50 Agnes, 27 37, 59 Nicolas, 68 And., 51 Marion, 19, 36 Robert, 23 Ellen, 27 Mary, 19 Walter, 25, 42 2 Euphan, 13 Pat., 16, 17, 18, 31, 32, William, 40 2 2 Isobell, 24 3 6, 59, 61 41, 42,2 43 Janet, 9, 27,2 50 William, 23, 32, 34, 54 McMily, Katherine, 25 John, 27 2 McMichie, Wm., 11 McMorland — Robert, 27 McMeikin (McKmacken, Alexr., 34 2 Sarah, 24 McKmaken, McMe- Gilbert, 24 McLinque, Pat., 44 can, McMeckan, Janet, 10, 33, 34 McLockie (McLokie), McMeikeine,McMei- Joh., 35 Jon, 7, 9 kine, McMeken, Margret, 34, 35 McLounie— McMichan, McMic- Patrick, 342 Euphan, 36 kan, McMicken, William, 34 Margret, 36 McMickin, McMi- McMulroh (McMul- McLuine, Alexr., 57 ken) — droch) — McLurg (McClung, Mc- Alexr., 21, 62 Alexr., 41, 42 2 Clunge,McClurg,Mc- Andro, 10, 21, 22, 38 Christan, 42 Clurge, McKlurg)— Bessie, 38 George, 41 Agnes, 31 Christin, 17, 62 Janet, 39 Alexr., 43, 55 Euphane, 63 Pattrick, 41 Anna, 12, 40 George, 16, 32 Robert, 41 Cathrain, 39 Hew, 22 McMurran (McKmorran, 2 — Christian, 31 James, 18, 21, 22,158, 59 McMurrin) Elzebeth, 41 Jean, 33, 58 Agnes, 8 3 2 Georg, 31 John, 18, 19, 22, 32, Christan, 40 Isabell, 48, 49 37, 38, 58 Hellen, 60 3 3 2 Janet, 33, 41 Jot., 18, 20, 21. 22, Jeane, 20 2 2 Jean, 60 31, 38, 57, 60 John, 40 John, 19,31,402 Katrine, 21, 22 Margrat, 42 Margrat, 41, 51, 59 Margret, 37, 63 Samuel, 40 2 Marion, 40, 63 Marrion, 21, 22, 58 McMurray(McKlemuray Michael, 52 Mary, 18 McKmurrie, McMur- Mul- Patrick, 40, 42 Michell, 21 rie, McMurry, — Thorn., 19, 40 Patrick, 20, 32, 37, 59 muray, Mulmury) Wm., 25 McMillan (McKmillan, Agnes, 60 McMaster (McKma- McMilland, McMul- Alexr., 20, 32, 56 ster)— lan)— Andrew, 32 Agnes, 18, 36, 65 Agnes, 23, 42, 43, 67 Elin, 22, 30 Index of Persons. 97

McMurray, &c— 98 Parish Lists of Wigtownshire and Minnigaff, 1684.

McQuoyd— McScumin, &c. — McTyre, &c— 2 2 2 Hugh, 29 Pat., 27, 28, 29 Andro, 2 1, 44, 45 Jennet, 30 Tho., 30 Arch., 47 2 Uthreid, 29 Will., 27, 30, 72 Gilbert, 18, 42 McRickart (McKrick- McSkaule, Andrew, 72 Gothfrey, 62 art)— McSkelly (McKskelly, Grissell, 19 Agnes, 38 McSkellie)- Helein, 46, 47 Alexr., 58 Alexr., 71 Janet, 10, 12, 21,2 33, 2 Jean, 58 Andrew, 33 43, 45, 46, 48, 62, 63 John, 58 Gilbert, 13 John, 2i,3 24,42,46,47, McRobert (McCrobert)— Grissall, 71 61 Alexr., 70 Jannet, 71 John, yr., 61 Jennet, 29 Jean, 60 Margt., 16, 46 John, 31,41, 71, 72 John, 51, 71 Marrion, 21, 22

Patrick, 31 Margrat, 33 Pat., 45 . Stephen, 71 Mary, 51 Thomas, 18, 33 2 Tho., 23 — William, 70 Will., 18, 46, 47, 59 McCrobine ,43 McUthrame, Janet, 10 Alexr., 69 McTaggart (McTaggard, McVernachan,Elspeth,24 James, 69 McTaggate, Mc- McWaker (McVaker)- John, 69 Taggit)— Agnes, 53 McRoule (Mcroule)— Alexr., 43, 49 Cath., 12 James, 25 Anaple, 42 Grissel, 53, 61 Mart., 25 James, 62 Helen, 12 2 McRuthers, Agnes, 62 John, 24, 28,43, 62 Hugo, 14 McRutter (McHrurter, Jot., 19, 23, 42 Jon, 12 Mc- 62 McHruter,— Marg., 52, Margt., 52 Whryter) Michael, 39, 44 Tho., 58 Alexr., 43 Patt., 12 McWhanall (McCwhan- Grisel, 43 Sara, 12 elle, Mcquhannil, Mc- Jaen, 41 Tho., 24 Vhomel, McWeen- Joh., 482 McTaleroch (McKtald- nell, McWhaneall, Marg., 48 roch, McTaldroch, McWhanell, Mc- Tho., 49 McTaler, McTalero, Whanle,WcWhanlie, McScamble (Mc- • McTalerock, McTal- McWhannil, Mc- Skamble)— eroh, McTalleroch, Whanrall)- Agnes, 67 McTalzeouch) — Agnes, 49 Archibald, 67 Alexr., 34 Alexr., 51 Issobell, 66 Christian, 58 Isobell, 42 Jannet, 69 Fienla, 32 James, 49 Jean, 54 James, 33, 61 Janet, 25, 40, 41, 48, 49 Joh., 54, 66, 67 Janet, 33, 34 Jon, 12, 42, 67 Marion, 38 Jean, 34 Patt., 42, 49, 51 Patrick, 66 Joh, 33, 34 Tho., 49 William, 66 Kathnn, 33,2 34 William, 42 McScumin (McScimyn, Margrat, 34 McWhey (McWhy)- McSkiming)— Nivin, 32 Jannet, 69 Agnes, 31 Patrick, 33 Marie, 71 Agnes, 71 Robert, 31 McWhinn (McWhin)- Alexr., 28, 29,'- 30 Thomas, 34 Agnes, 20 Andrew, 27 Will., 33 Marg., 49 Charles, 30 McTutor— Pat., 49 David, 30 Cristian, 7 McWhinnie (McK- Eliz., 27, 28, 29, 30 Janet, 7 whinney, McQuhine, Hugh, 27 Jon, 7 McWhynie)— James, 28 McTyre (McTear, Mc- And., 13, 51 Jane, 29, 30 Teir, McTere, McTire, Janet, 12, 48, 61 Janet, 29, 30, 48, 72 Mteir)— John, 60 John, 29,3 30, 42 Agnes, 17, 18,21, 36,46 Tho., 12 Margt, 29, 72 Alexr., 13, 39, 47, 61 Wm., 13 Index of Persons. 99

McWhurter (Mc- ioo Parish Lists of Wigtow?ishire and Minnigaff, 1684.

Quinzean— Robertson, &c. — Row— Alexr., 8 Isobell, 41 John, 62 Janet, 8 James, 67 Thomas, 64 Patrik,— 8 Janet, 20 Rowan (Rouan, Rowand, Quoid Jean, 36, 40 Rowon)— James, 64 John, 37, 68, 70 Janet, 21,36, 37 Jane, 68 Marg., 58 John, 21 Qure, Androu, 40 Patrick, 65, 68 Margret, 37 Thomas, 70 Marion, 37 Rainy, Wm, 23 Roddie (Rhodi, Rhodie, Roxburgh (Roxbruh)— Ramsay— Roddick, Rodie, Alexr., 40, 41 Agnes, 69 Roddne) — Jaen, 41 Archibald, 69 Cath., 10 Janet, 40 Elizabeth, 71 Isobel, 60 Jo., 40 Isabell, 49 James, 36 Russell (Rissall)- Janet, 37, 41, 71 Janet, 33,2 36, 45, 59 Agnes, 62 John, 17, 39 Jean, 38 Alexr., 63 Katrine, 22 Jon, 10, 16, 17, 20,2 33, Christian, 70 Margt., 16, 45, 65 47 John, 64 Mary, 52 Margret, 32, 46 Margret, 38 Wm., 45 Thomas, 63 William, 65 Realish, Miles, 38 Will., 59 Rutherford, Margt., 53 Ree, Janet, 50 Roger (Rodger)— Reid (Red, Reed, Rid)— Agnes, 63 Savers, James, 32, 63 Agnes, 30, 40, 43, 64 Bessie, 62 Scamble— Alexr., 20, 69 Janet, 35 Hugo, 56 Alexr., yr.; 69 Marion, 63 Isabell, 55 Andrew, 29, 45 Rollie, Ann, 62 Janet, 65, 66 Barbara, 63 Rose— Scot — Elspeth, 7, 29, 65 Adam, 37 James, 39 Geo., 29 Cathrin, 38 Janet, 41, 62 2 James, 28 David, 38 Jean, 14 Janet, 29, 30, 38, 41, Grizell, 36 John, 37, 42 4 56, 702 John, 38 Wiliam, 62 Jean, 36 Ross (Ros, Rosse)— Seton, Elizabeth, 70 John, 41, 56 Agnes, 70 Shamran, Quintyne, 36 Lyd., 44, 51 Alexr., 20, 22,'- 57 Shank (Shanke)— 2 Marget, 20, 21, 22, 53 Andro, 20, 21, 22 Alexr., 8, 32, 34, 65 Sara, 70 Christ., 46 Andrew, 7, 65 2 Thorn., 53 David, 22 Elizabeth, 69

Uchtrie, 22 . Elin, 21, 22 Geo., 7 Wm., 56 Elspeth, 22, 62 James, 7 3 Reirie, Wm., 1 1 Gilbert, 20, 22 Isobel, 58 2 Richard, Elizabeth, 25 Hew, 21, 22 Janet, 7, 32, 65 2 Richmont, Helen, 53 Isobel, 52 Jean, 32 3 3 Riddell,— Joh., 45 James, 20, 21, 22, 57 John, 32, 35, 69 Rig James, yr., 22 Michaell, 69 3 2 3 Alexr., 43 Janet, 14, 20, 21, 22, Nicolas, 8 2 Grisel, 43 63 Patrik, 32, 34 Rob- Jean, 1 1, 17 Thomas, 32 4 Alexander, 54,2 55 John, 20, 21, 54, 62 William, 8, 34 20 3 Shankler— Jannet, 54 John, yr , John, 32 Katrine, 22 Grissell, 66 Robert, Margrat, 7 Kirstaine, 20, 22 Janet, 7 2 2 2 Robertson (Robieson, Marget, 20, 21, 22, Shankshaw(Shakshaw)- 8 Robison, Robisoune, 3 Dunkan, 53" . Robsone)— Marrion, 22 John, 54 Christin, 18 Robin, 22 Rot, 53 Georg, 68 Sara, 14 Shaw (Shaa, Shau)— Hellen, 58 William, 20 Alexr., 43, 55 Index of Persons. 101

Shaw, &c. — Simpson, &c. — Sorbie— Anton, 43 Thorn., 16 John, 42 David, 43 Will., 16 Marion, 72 Elspit, 32 Sinclar (Sinkler), Agnes, Pat.,— 51 Janet, 25,41, 55,2 57,66 Sprot Jeane, 7 Skelfy(Skellie)- Agnes, 25 John, 42, 55, 57, 71 Eliz., 49 Ellen, 31 Mart., 26,2 56, 62 Grizzal, 29 Elspeth, 25, 30 Mary, 34 Janet, 51 John, 31 Sarah, 32, 44 Margret, 55 Margrat, 9, 31 Robert, 71, 72 Skimming (Scimmin Marian, 28 Shean, Alexr., 14 John, 57 Mary, 31 Shearer (Sherar, Margrett, 65 Will., 28 Sherer)— Slemman, Grissell, 70 Stenhouse, (Stennouse, Hellen, 36 Slewher, Janet, 11 Stonhouse)— Janet, 36 Sloan (Sloen, Slowan, Bessie, 15 John, 21 Slowand, Slowane, Janet, 60, 70 Marion N., 22 Sluen)— John, 69 Robert, 20 Alexr., 35, 66 William, 69 Shehan, John, 21 Andrew, 8, 48 Steven (Steiven)— Shellan (Shetland, Shillan, Cristian, 7 John, 19 Shilling, Shyland)— Elspeth, 8, 66 Marion, 10 ' Agnes, 10 Helen, 25 Stevenson (Steinsoune,— Andrew, 8 James, 32, 53 Stinson, Stinsone) Grizell, 8 Janet, 32, 64 Andrew, 65 Janet, 44, 47, 51, 66 Jean, 32 Bessie, 17 John, 46, 49, 67 John, 8, 55, 67 Janet, 17, 18, 22, 41, 44 Marjorie, 39 Katharin, 8, 68 Jean, 15, 44 The, 49 Margret, 2,7 John, 16, 17, 18, 63 • Wm., 47 Marion, 33 Margt., 15, 65 Shenan (Shannan, Shen- Michael, 8 Marion, 41 ane, Shennan)— Patt., 41 Mary, 62 Agnes, 20, 21 William, 66 Tho., 15 2 — Andro, 21, 37 Smith (Smithe) Wm., 44 Effie, 21 David, 40 Stewart (Steuart, Gilbert, 15 Edward, 64 Stwart)— Grizall, 62 George, 35 Agnes, 7,3 39, 42,2 43, James, 15, 36 James, 60 45, 55,64,2 66, 67, 68, Janet, 15, 21, 36 Janet, 40 70 2 John, 15, 21, 22 Jean, 8 Alexr., 7, 11,27, 69 Margt., 15 Jon, 10, 37, 49, 61 Androu, 43, 44, 47, 7i Sim— Jon, yr., 10 Anthon, 8, 43, 65, 66, Hew, 53 Marg., 50 682 Jean, 53 Marion, 16 Archibald, 40, 48 Rott, 43 Pat., 16, 59 Bernhard, 4S Simpson (Simson, Symp- Robert, 64 Cattrin, 43 — 1 son, Symson) Tho., 60 Charles, 1, 42 2 Agnes, 70 Tho., yr., 60 Christan, 43, 69 Andrew, 30, 31, 41, 49 Wm., 49, 61 Cuthbert, 51 Antony, 43 Snell, Margret, 62 — David, 7 David, 16, 30 Somervel (Somervell) Dorratie, 70 Elizebeth, 41 Alexr., 1 1 Elizabeth, 7, 43, 44,2 Grisal, 51 Jean, 37 45, 57, 62, 64, 69,3 Heugh, 43 John, 11 7i, 72, Issobell, 70 Marg., 14 Esther, 7 Janet, 16, 51, 69 Mary, 1 1 Eupham, 61 John, 16 Mr. Wm., 37, 38 Florence, 18 Margaret, 69 Sorbie— Frances, 41 Marion, 51 Cath., 15 George, 7, 42, 53 Patt, 41 James, 42 Baillie George, 69 102 Parish Lists of Wigtownshire and Minnigaff, 1684.

Stewart, &c. — Tarn, James, 40 Thomson, &c.— Grisel], 23, 40, 44, 48, Tarbit(Tarbert, Terbit)— Jon, 9, 38,39, 432 46,61 51,264, 65,70, 71 Agnes, 60 Marg., 18, 38 Hellin, 8, 25, 42, 50, 68, Job, 33 Mungo, 62 692 Marg rat, 33 Rolland, 9, 47 Isobell, 34, 41, 58, 63, William, 33 Sarah, 9 66 Taylor, Evan, 62 William, 40, 41,43, 46,2 James, 7, 10, 35,41, 43, Teir, Margret, 55 47 66 Telfer 50, (Tailfour, Telfard,— , 42 Janet, 7, 9, 10, 24, 27,2 Telfour, Telphour) Thorburne(Torbran, Tor- 2 — r 3 > 43,-44, 45, 46, Arch., 47 burne) 49, 5i, 56, 57, 63,2 Barbara, 71 Alexr., 32, 63 2 66, 69, 70,2 72 Eliz., 29 Andrew, n, 32 Jean, 23, 39, 42, 43, 62, Geo., 28 Christin, 32 642 Grizzal, 29 David, 33 2 John, 7, 10, 35,43,344, Hew, 47 Florence, 63 2 3 45, 47, 48, 64, 65, Isobel, 28, 31 Gilbert, 58 7o,s 72 James, 28 Janet, 11, 60, 62 John, yi\, 35 Jane, 28, 29 John, 10,2 11, 14,32,58. Jon, 7 Janet, 28, 45, 47, 69, 72 62 Margt, 29, 38, 43, 48, John, 28,2 29,2 56 Mathew, 15 s 63,69,271 Margt., 28, 29 Robert, 58, 60 Marie, 43,46, 51 Pat, 28, 45 Thomas, 15 Marion, 23, 48 Rosina, 29 Will., 33, 62 Nicolas, 52, 65 Templeton (Templetown, Thornton, Agnes, 8 Patrick, 67, 69, 70 Templton)— Tod, Agnes,— 52 Patrick, -Baillie, 70 Agnes, 28, 47 Torrence Rot., 7,2 8, 9, 43, 48, 62 Alexr., 13 Jeals, 17 2 28 62 Sarah, 23, 67 Andr., 14, Margret, — Thomas, 7, 42, 48, 69, Bessie, 14, 32 Touter (Toutter, Tutor) 2 7i Grizzal, 28 Agnes, 64 William, 7, 39, 42, 43, Hugo, 14 Margrett, 65 46, 49, 64, 72 Issobel, 14, 28 William,— 8, 68 Stirling— jam., 13, 18 Turner 2 Janet, 20 Janet, 15, 28, 44 Agnes, 56 John, 20 John, 13, 143 Anthon, 56 Stordar, Jo, 41 Kath., 52 Elspith, 70 Strachan— Margt., 12, 14, 16, 19, Helen, 68 Janet, 34 29,58 Margaret, 69 John, 34 Marion, 10, 1 1 Twedie, Jan, 71 Stroyen, John, 24 Pat, 28 Swell-weell, Anne, 63 Will., 14,3 71 Vans (Vance, Vaus Tennen— Wance, Waunce Tagert, William, 66 James, 53 Waus)— 4 Tait (Tate)— Pat, 53 Alexr., 17, 28 Agnes, 64 Tennet — Anna, 18 Christan, 43 Arch., 51 Eliz., 15, 58 David, 42, 43 Nicolas, 51 Ellen, 30 Elzebeth, 42, 49 Thomson (Thomsone, Geo., 30 Grisel, 42 Tomsone)— Grizzal, 28 2 Hilling, 41,42, 49 Agnis, 47 Hugh, 17 3 Janet, 56, 63 Alexr., 9, 38, 40, 43 James, 30 Jean, 56 Arch., 46 Jean, 11, 12, 27 66 28 John 43,2 49,2 Elzebeth, 39" Janet, 15, 17, Marg., 50 Ferg., 45 John, 17, 27, 62 Marion, 72 George, 41 Katherine, 65 Mary, 50 Grizell, 92 Margt., 30, 38, 69 Pat., 49 Isobell, 40, 46, 47 Marion, 69 Robt., 50 Janet, 9, 10, 39, 41, 46 Patt, 13, 70 Wm., 43, 50 Jean, 46,2 62 Will., 28 Index of Persons. 103

Wade— Walls, William, 56 Wilson (Willson,— Will- Agnes, 45 Wardlaw, Janet, 65 soune) 62 Ellen, 27 Warrock, Anna, Agnas, 10, 13, 17, 52 - Gilbert, 71 Warvick— Alexr., 37, 55, 5§ James, 45 Gilbert, 13 And., 57 /ames, 72 Robt., 13 Antony, 39 John, 60, 71 Wat, John, 17 Catharin, 12, 15, 42 Margt., 71 Watson — Elispeth, 22, 49 71 Thomas, Alexander, 41 Euphem, 19, 59 Wain, 44 Jan., John, 41 Gilbert, 13, 49 Wales, 63 George, Mr. William, 70, 72 Grisell, 39 2 Walker (Waker, Wall- James, 21, 24 Webster, Isobell, 56 ker)— Janet, 13, 21, 25, 38,2 Whannell (Whandle, Agnes, 29, 37 Whon- 42,2 48, 49, 52,2 59, Andrew, 37 Whennell, 62 nell)- 2 Christin, 16- Jean, 37, 51, 58 Archibald, 70 Elsbet, 29, 69 Jiles, 46 Elizabeth, 69 Gilbert, 53 Jon, 13, 30, 24, 58 2 Helen, 70 Henry, 47,2 48 Marg, 52, 562 7 60 James, 19,29, 71 Janet, Marion, Kathrine, 64, 68 Janet, 20, 27, 29, 36,2 Patt, 13 Whir, Jane, 30 59, 72 Peter, 25 Whirlie, Janet, 9 Tho., 13, 52 Jean, 38, 59 Whirter- John, 53 Wm., 12, 49 Kathrine, 36 Geo., 45 Winter, William, 69 Margrat, 7 Wither Wit Marg., 47, 50, 53, 71 (Widder, Marian, 29, 37 Whyte (White, Whytt)- ter)— 2 2 Robt., 41 Agnes, 67, 69 Alexr., 53 Alexr Thorn., 18 , 56, 70 And., 142 Wallace — Androvv, 56 Grissell, 20 Agnes, 19,45, 47 Effie, 55 Janet, 37 66 Alexr., 12, 20 Elizabeth, 36, Jon, 14,2 19, 36, 53 67 19 Barbara, 29, 46, 59. 64 Georg, Jon, yr., 66 53, 63 Elizabeth, 9, 33 Jane, Margt., Janet, 56 William, 53 Geo., 57 Wood- Henry, 24 John, 67 Heugh,44 Margrat, 43 Jon, 13 Pat., 71 Tho., 12 Janet, 9, 12, 34, 35, 36, 2 William, 56,2 67 45, 47, 58, 63, 65 Wright— Wilkie, Malcome, 61 55, 64 Jean, 10,2 12, 33, 47, 64 Jannet, — 56 John, 10, 12,2 57 Williamson (Wm.son) Margret, (Waylie, Weilie)— John, yr., 10 Agnes, 14 Wylie Margrat, 8, 35, 45, 46, Alexr., 52 Agnes, 25 60, 65 Androu, 41, 51 James, 15, 70 Marion, 10, 20, 24, 36, Fergus, 13 James, yor., 70 44 Francis, 24, 51, 52 Jonet, 16 2 Mary, 16 Grisal, 5i Margt., 15 Michael, 12 Hellin, 49 Patrick, 20, 33, 34, 45, James, 11, 13, 42, 51 Yermond, Gib., 42 71 Janet, 10, 13, 25, 49, Yewar, Andrew, 62 Robert, 34,44, 45, 71 512 Young — Sarah, 62 John, 24 Ag., 46, 52 Susana, 47 Marg., 51 Jam., 46 Thomas, 33, 45 Marion, 51 John, 38 William, 34,2 60 Tho., 13, 512 Robert, 35 William, yr., 60 Walter, 51 Thomas, 38 INDEX OF PLACES.

ACHENGAILY, 46 Balgrecy, 37 Barnearny, 25 10 Achenraalge, Balgregan, 59 Barnegory, 23 Achie, 19 Balkellie,3i Barnen, 49 Achmantle, 19 Ballachrea, 26 Barneosse, 29 Achnacht, 35 Ballaird, 27 Barnharrow, 26 11 Achneill, 36, 38 Ballcarrie, 1 1 Barnsallie, Achnes, 31 Ballgoun, 22, 32 Barnshalloch, 59 Achnottoroch, 37 Ballmainoch, 24 Barnshanen, 13 18 Aies, Ballnell, 12 Barnulto, 15 Aird, 16 Ballscallock, 21 Barquhinnie, 28 28 Airies, 20 Balmeg, 71 „ Little, 28 „ Over, 24 Balmurrie, 13 Barquhinnie's land, „ Little, Thirdpart, 31 Balnab, 19, 67 Barrackan, 51 Balsallach, 50 Barrawer, 51 Mill „ of, 31 Balseir, 56 Barskeoch, 26, 49 Airlies, 27 Balsmiths, 68 Barsollis, 16 Alderickinair, 24 Balteir, 54 Bartrostan, 51 Aldwrick, Nether, 24 Baltersan, 50 Barvanick, 9 Altocry, 45 Balwhirrie, 37 Barvennan, 51 28 Altoun, Meikle, 34 Balzett, Litle, 17 Barverinoch, „ Little, 34 „ Meikle, 17 Barwharran, 5 1 Anabagleish, 1 1 Barr, 44 Barwhill, 23 8 28 Aplebie, „ Over, 52 Baryerroch, Arbrick, 7 „ Nether, 50 Belcar, 17 Ardachy, 26 Barbawhannie, 49 Bellfairne, 30 21 Arduall, High, Barbea, 25 Beoch, 18 „ Laigh, 2 1 Barbeth, 37 Birvaghly, 24 „ Milne, 59 Barcarhan, 46 Blackcraig, 40 „ 40, 60 Barcloy, 42 Blackquarters, 52 Arichasson, 30 Bardrohwood, Barronie Blair, 56, 58 Ariuilland, 47 of, 39 Blairbuiss, 43 Arnamord, Laigh, 24 Barekirk, 49 Blairbuy, 9 „ High, 24 Barfod, 26 Blairmaukin, 28 Arnguilshie, 30 Bargallie, 42 Blairshinnoch, 30 Arow, 7 Barglasse, 28 Blednock, Grainge of, t Arroh, 42 Bargrenan, 42 Boghous, 45 Arsick, 7 Barhaple, 25 Bonne, 54 12 Artfeid, Barhoish, 25, 42 Borgan, 43 Auchinclay, 58 „ Myln of, 25 Borland, 16, 20, 23, 30, Auchenlick, 39 Barkocart, Mickle, 12 Boyoch, 48 61 Auchintibert, Barlauchlie, 51 Breheid, 39 Auchinvain, 18 Barledzew, 57 Brigtoune, 43

1 Auchleach, 59 Bailee, 1 1 Broadfield, 7 Auchleand, 72 Barlennen, 25 Brocloch, 18, 41 21 66 Auchleoch, Barleurs, 13 Broughtoune, Wall, Auchtifie, 22 Barmeall, 9 „ Skeoch, Bailliewhirr, 66 Barmore, 25, 59 Buchan, 39 Forist of, 39 Bakraig, 9 Barmullin, 56 26 Burgescroft, 36 Balcray, 68 Barnaight, Barnbarroch's land, 27 Burnmark, 24 Balcrosh, 54 Buyoch, 68 Baldone, 29 Barncahle, 41 Index of Places. 105

Cairletone, 8 Colman, 16 Dai.happoch, 18 Cairn, 18 Colmick, 15 Dallash, 39 Cairncroft, 19 Colreoch, Little, 15 Dalmanoch, 18

1 12 Cairnesdalash, 42 ,, Meikle, 5 Dalnigape, Cairnfield, 31 Coltran's, Patrick, land, 27 Dargall, 43

1 1 Cairnpot, 54 ,, Provest, land, Dargouls, Caldeens, 43 27 Darnow, 26, 42 Caldones, 58 Commris, 12 Dereagill, 27 Capinoch, 28 Corfin, 54 Dereagill's land, 27 Cardorcan, 43 Corgie, 33 Dindinnie, 36 Cardrain, 34 Corholloch, 44 Dinduffe, 37 Cardryn, 34 Cornmill, 17 Uinvin, 53 Carendoun, 9 Corochtrie, 33, 39, 4' Dirloskin, 24 Carndirnry, 42 Corwar, 39, 55 Dirnark, 24 Carngarm, 35 Gotland, 70 Dirnen, 1 1 Carngarroch, 34 Cotreoch, 67 Dirrie, 45 Carnweill, 60 Cragoch, 37, 53 Dirskillpen, 1 1 Carn Yerran, 18 Craichdou, 8 Dirvearde, 1 1 Carsdonean, 42 Craichmoore, Easter, 36 Dorongrandou, 43

Carsemenoch, 40 ,, Wester, 36 Dougarie, 13 Carsnaa, 40 Craig, 14, 24, 65 Uoulach, 20 Carsrigging, 24 Craigbuie, 53 Dowish Mill, 66 Cascreuch, 13 Craigcaffie, 17 I )rangour, 12 Casduchan, 45 Craigcaffie's land, 17 Drinlawantie, 43 Casgovven, 71 Craigdow, 23 Drumabrennen, 26 Caslae, 72 Craigencally, 40 Drumaloch, 24 Casnestock, 50 Craigencorah, 54 Drumastoune, 67 Castle, Little, 48 Craiglaw, 26 Drumbowy, 26 „ Mickle, 48 „ Barrony of, 25 Drumdie, 47 Castle Kennedie, 17 Craiglemyne, 8 Drumdoeck, 16 Castle Stewart, Croo- Craigmore, 54 Drumeen, 13 houses of, 49 Craignew, 41 Drummfad, 58 28 ,, The Mains, 49 Craignien, 42 Drumjargen, Caumfoord, 30 Craigniviek, 1 1 Drumjoan, 42 Challache, 14, 36, 49 Craigoch, 12 Drumlanwhiny, 39 Challcarroch, 47 Craigvirnoch, 12 Drum more, 33 Challeckmund, 10 Craloch, 46, 54 Drum morel), 67 Challochblewan, 7 Creich, 56 Drummuckloch, 43 Chang, 45 Creichan, 34 „ Park of, 18 Chippermore, 46 Croch, 18 Drummury, 25 Clachchan, 13 Crosbie, 50 Drumodie, 9 Cladahouse, 18 Croshery, 23 Drumpaile, 12 Claire, The, 50 Crugletoun, 54 Drumranaght, 41 Clanrie, 19 Cruives, 27 Drumscog, 47 Clantibuis, 45 Culbea, 31 Drum whirry, 25 Clashant, 58 Culbrattin, 49 Duchrie, 1 5 Clauchrie, 43, 71 Culdirrie, 55 Dueltoune, 57 Claughen, High, 22 Culfassen, 10 Dunbar's, Sir David T a i p h 22 Culgarie, 30 land, 29 Claymodie, 7 Culgroat, 57 Dunbee, 15 Clenrie, High, 19 Culkea, 57 Dunkittrick, 40 „ Laigh, 19 Cullach, 49 Dunnance, 68 Clon, 45 Cuhnalzow, 27 Danraggitt, Little, 14 Clonard, 33 Culmore, 58 „ Mickle, 14 „ Milne, OJ Culnoge, 57 Clouch, 56 Culscaddane, 55 EGGERNESS, 55 Cloon, 52 Cults, 54 Eldrick, 32, 57 Clutog, 28 Culvennan's land, 26 „ Mickle, 52 Colgrange, 15 Curfaklah, 42 „ Little, 52 Colhorn, 1 5 Cutcloy, 67 Elliwhillet, 47 io6 Parish Lists of Wigtownshire and Minniga/f, 1684.

Glenkittei 1 2 12 Enoch, 53 , Killfeader, Ersick, Mill, 65 Glenlarge, 43 Killfillen, 1 1 „ Nether, 65 Glenlukcock, 48 Killhocodaill, Litle, 24 Eskennhan, 39 Glenmailoh, 43 „ Meikle, 24 Glenrassie, 49 Killimuck, 26 Fell, The, 26 Glenridder, 48 Killingin, 32 Fintilloch, Nether, 48 Glenshaloh, 43 Killintrae, 46 „ Midle, 48 Glenstocketell, Easter, 36 Killmafadden, 13 „ Upper, 48 „ Wester, 37 Killmarnoch, 20 Float, 60 Glentirru, 19 Killumpha, 32 Foordsouth, 1 1 Glentriploch, 45 Kilmenoch, 16 Fourtepennyland, 28 Glenturke, 72 Kilmirren, 16 Fourpound, 24 Glenvernock, 49 Kilstay, 32 Freugh, 59 Glenvogie, 49 Kilstore, 56 Fyve shilling land, 21 Glenwhillie, 13 Kiltarzin, 26 Glenyerraw, 41 Kilvainine, 71 GALDENOCH, 12 Glitten, 12 „ Miln, 71 „ Meikle, 38 Glougston, Myln of, 23 Kircrochit, 59 „ Litle, 38 Grange Gordon's land, 30 Kirhable, 49 „ High, 59 Grainge on Cree, 50 Kirkbroijne, 27 „ Laigh, 59 Gredock, 40 Kirkbryd, 21 Garachtrie, 33 Grenane, 10, 13 Kirkcala, 48 Garchereuch, 48 „ High, 32 Kirkcastle, 39 Garcherie, 38 „ Laigh, 32 Kirkchrist, if, 51

Garerie, 9 Kirkcolm(Kurckeume ', 19 Gargary, 25 HARREN Chappell, 67 Kirkinner, Kirkland of, 30 Garrhrew, 47 Hearihemen, 14 „ Manse of, 30 Garrvellan, 1 2 Hervin, 20 Kirkland, 23, 25, 37, 54, 12 8 Garss, Hills, .72 Garthland, 58 „ Little, 29 , 59 Garthlerie, 17 Holme, 43 Kirkmadryn, 61 Garwachie, 48 Kirkmagill, 57 Gasse, 23 Inch, 56 Kirktoune, 14 Genoche, 14 „ Kirkland of, 1 7 Kirlachlen, 61 „ Little, 16 Inchbread, 19 Kirrikennan, 39 Gerlis, 43 Ingelstoune, 55 Kirrimore, 39, 52 Barronrie ,, of, 42 Innermessen, 17 Kirrireoch, 39 Gillespie, 10 Inshanks, 24, 35 Kirriwachop, 27 Gillespie, 14 Isle, 67 Kirvisil, 50 Glaicke. 38, 42 Knock, 11, 38 Glasnick, Over, 52 Kailennes, 34 Knockan, 30 „ Nether, 52 Kairn, 3^ Knockbreck, 20, 43, 49 Glassoch, 48 „ South, 20 Knockcoyd, 22 Glaston (Glasserton), 8 „ North, 20 Knockefrick, 30 „ Kirkland of, 8 Kairnbrock, 20 Knocken Cur, 30 Glenairn, 12 Kairnbuy, 22 Knockglasse, 54 Glenamor, 41 Kairngarroch, 61 Knockincrosh, 58 Glencard, Six merkland Kairnroue, 22 Knockivar, 13 of, 42 Keavens, 54 Knocknem, 22, 38 (ilenchalmer, 12 Kenmure, 25 Knockreavie, 25 Glengeordie, 14 Kiddisdaill, 7 Knocktim, 22 Glengruboh, 42 Kilbilland, 55 Knockvil, 49 Glengyr, 20 Kilbrid, 32 Kults, 16 „ Littill, 20 Kilcaldie, Park of, 17 ( denhappell, 16 Kildonnan, 34, 59 Lagan, 8,39, 41 „ Litle, 49 Kilkerrock, 39 Lagbees, 43 „ Nether, 49 Killaddam, 23 Laigh, Meikle, 18 Glenhead, 38, 39 Killantringan, 53 „ Litle, 18 Glenhoise, 39 Killdarroch, 26, 28 Lairdshipe, 1 1 Glenhoule, 13 Killeaster, 60 Lalsharoch, 22 Index of Places. 107

Lamahan, 43 Mondork, Over, 23 Sandmiln, 17, 58 Langarne, 1 3 Montkibbort, 26 Seuchan, 16 Larbrecks, Meikle, 37 Moss, The, 72 Severall, Laigh, 18 „ Little, 37 Muglock, 33 „ High, 18 Larg, Barronrie of, 40, Muile, 25, 35 Shanaton, 26 42, 43, 44 Munkhill, 71 „ Mark of, 26 „ Litell, 19 Muirreith (Munreith), Shanknock, 26 „ Meikle, 19 Milton of, 9 Sheddock, 68 „ Miln of, 19 Multnok, 34 Shinenous, 1 1 Lefnoll, 18 Munondowy, 24 Sidriddihill, 36 Lidsdaill, Large, 36 My, Laigh, 58 Skeat, 29, 45 Littlepark, 42 „ High, 58 Skeglae, 8 Lochans, 1 5 Myroch, 32 Skellerie, 29 Lochcraigoch, 23 Skeoch, 67 Locbend, 16 Ochiltree, 48 Sleyhubbard, 28 Lochnaw, 38 Ochorck, 59, 60 SI oak, 35 LochrouleAirilig,Barrony Ochrocher, 17 Sorbie, Kirkland of, 56 of, 24 Ochtrilure, High, 15 Spitlecroft, 58 „ Mains, of, 25, „ Laigh, 15 Spittall,Poit of, 61 „ Fell of, 25 Olbrack, 66 Stelloch, 9

Loggan, 31 ^ Orchartoune, 55 Stewarton, 29 Longcastle, Kirkland of, Outoune, Chappell, 66 Stinnocks, 65 30 „ Gallows, 66 Stranbee, 39 Losset, 21 „ Burges, 67 Stranmaddie, 40 Lybreck, 29 „ Corwar, 67 Stranrawer, Park of, 35 St roan, 39 Machremore, 10, 40 PALGOUEN, 39 „ Barronrie of, 40 Palmallat, 54 TANARGIE, 41 Maclurge Park, 40 Panterbouv, 41 Tanrywer, 42 Maes, 37 Parke, 4 1 Tarbilly, Miln of, 32 Maharr, 16 Path, 42 Tarnottrie, 40 Mains, 65 Penighame, Borland of, 5 1 Tarregan, 43

Malmain, 58 ,, Clauchan of, 51 Thrive, 51 Marchar, 22 Penkill, 55 Tibbert, 54 Mardovv, 12 Pharochbee, 43 Tinilaggie, 24 Marke, 11, 16, 38, 42, 71 Phisgill, 7 Toars, 14 „ High, 18 Pigmenoch, Mikle, 53 Tonderghie, 68 „ Laigh, 18 „ Litle, 53 Torhouse, 7 r ,. Litle, 36 Place, 39 Torhouskie, 71

,, Meikle, 36 Polbea, 24 Torress, Barony of, 43 „ Half, 24 Pollurrian, 18 Torvvhniok, 41

., Haill, 24 Polwhilly, 50 Toung, Litle, 17 16 ., Two, 57 Porslogan, yj Toungs, „ Thne, 57 Portincally, High, 21 Markbain, 26 Ughtrimaken, 53 Markclach, 12 Portincorkrie, 35 Ulary, Cass in the, 50 Markland, 12,48 Portlung, 17 Urle, 24 Maryport, 34 Portnessock, 32 „ Barony of, 24 Maxwell's, Sir William, Portrie, Mil of, 53 lands, 30, 44 Portyerrock, 65 Wakkmill, 17 Meol, 6 1 Poultoun, 55 Weiistoune, yj Meroch, 53 Prestorie, 67 W'hytcrook, 1 4 Milne, The, 42, 48, 72 Pultaduy, 13 Whytthills, 56 Milnetoun, 22, 29, yj „ Milne of, 56 Miltonish, 12 Ravinston, 9 Whitlayes, 15 Minugoff, Toun of, 40 Ring, 24 Wig, Castell, 66 66 Miniwiek, 43 Ringenie, 60 ,, Broad, Mochrum, Lands of the Risk, Barronrie of, 39 Wood, The, 71 Laird of. 46 Rispine, Park, 65 Mondork, Nether, 23 Ruchan, 8 Yetton, 55

cs Scottish Record Society, 460 Edinbur^i Scottish Record Society v. 38