The Florida Historical Quarterly, Has Been Established at Florida Atlantic University Library, Boca Raton
The J ANUARY 1969 Published by THE FLORIDA HISTORICAL SOCIETY THE FLORIDA HISTORICAL SOCIETY THE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF FLORIDA, 1856 THE FLORIDA HISTORICAL SOCIETY, successor, 1902 THE FLORIDA HISTORICAL SOCIETY, incoporated, 1905 by GEORGE R. FAIRBANKS, FRANCIS P. FLEMING, GEORGE W. WILSON, CHARLES M. COOPER, JAMES P. TALIAFERRO, V. W. SHIELDS, WILLIAM A. BLOUNT, GEORGE P. RANEY. OFFICERS HERBERT J. DOHERTY, JR., president JAMES C. CRAIG, president-elect JOHN E. JOHNS, vice-president PAT DODSON, recording secretary MARGARET L. CHAPMAN, executive secretary DIRECTORS ROBERT H. ACKERMAN MILTON D. JONES LUIS R. ARANA BAYNARD KENDRICK MRS. T. O. BRUCE JAMES W. LIPSCOMB, III JAMES D. BRUTON, JR. N. E. BILL MILLER AUGUST BURGHARD JAMES A. SERVIES MRS. HENRY J. BURKHARDT CHARLTON W. TEBEAU MRS. RALPH F. DAVIS JOHN D. WARE CLARA E. WENDELL WILLIAM M. GOZA, ex officio SAMUEL PROCTOR, ex officio (All correspondence relating to Society business, memberships, and Quarterly subscriptions should be addressed to Miss Margaret Chapman, University of South Florida Library, Tampa, Florida 33620. Articles for publication, books for review, and editorial correspondence should be ad- dressed to the Quarterly, Box 14045, University Station, Gainesville, Florida, 32601.) * * * To explore the field of Florida history, to seek and gather up the ancient chronicles in which its annals are contained, to retain the legendary lore which may yet throw light upon the past, to trace its monuments and remains, to elucidate what has been written to disprove the false and support the true, to do justice to the men who have figured in the olden time, to keep and preserve all that is known in trust for those who are to come after us, to increase and extend the knowledge of our history, and to teach our children that first essential knowledge, the history of our State, are objects well worthy of our best efforts.
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