Annual Development Report on China's Trademark Strategy 2013
Annual Development Report on China's Trademark Strategy 2013 TRADEMARK OFFICE/TRADEMARK REVIEW AND ADJUDICATION BOARD OF STATE ADMINISTRATION FOR INDUSTRY AND COMMERCE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA China Industry & Commerce Press Preface Preface 2013 was a crucial year for comprehensively implementing the conclusions of the 18th CPC National Congress and the second & third plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee. Facing the new situation and task of thoroughly reforming and duty transformation, as well as the opportunities and challenges brought by the revised Trademark Law, Trademark staff in AICs at all levels followed the arrangement of SAIC and got new achievements by carrying out trademark strategy and taking innovation on trademark practice, theory and mechanism. ——Trademark examination and review achieved great progress. In 2013, trademark applications increased to 1.8815 million, with a year-on-year growth of 14.15%, reaching a new record in the history and keeping the highest a mount of the world for consecutive 12 years. Under the pressure of trademark examination, Trademark Office and TRAB of SAIC faced the difficuties positively, and made great efforts on soloving problems. Trademark Office and TRAB of SAIC optimized the examination procedure, properly allocated examiners, implemented the mechanism of performance incentive, and carried out the “double-points” management. As a result, the Office examined 1.4246 million trademark applications, 16.09% more than last year. The examination period was maintained within 10 months, and opposition period was shortened to 12 months, which laid a firm foundation for performing the statutory time limit. —— Implementing trademark strategy with a shift to effective use and protection of trademark by law.
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