NEWS 2 Sana Ana library wins national award OPINION 4 Gay ban dishonors scouts DETOUR 7 DAILY TITAN Reggae-dub to perform at Becker TheT Student Voice of California State University, Fullerton SPORTS 8 Women’s golf finishes fifth Volume 93, Issue 40 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24, 2013 CAMPUS | Law enforcement Campus police re-accreditation Students are urged to take a minimum of once every three years a brief online survey to and that the campus police last re- ensure police excellence newed their accreditation in 2010. University Police Capt. John RAYMOND MENDOZA Brockie said that in the past, ac- Daily Titan creditation has well for campus police, but that the department is As part of Cal State Fullerton always open to working on service University Police’s continuing ac- with the campus community. creditation, the department is asking “There are always some things that students to take a brief online survey, come up and we look at, that’s the meant to provide feedback for both whole reason for doing this survey,” exemplary and poor interactions said Brockie. “To see if there’s an area with campus police. that we’re missing or that we need to The survey provided by campus look at again.” police is part of a national delega- With the recent Boston marathon tion called the Commission on the bombing still fresh, Brockie noted Accreditation for Law Enforce- that campus concerns might gravi- ment Agencies (CALEA), which tate toward possible terrorist attacks. is meant to ensure a certain set of “(Terrorist attacks are) always on standards for excellence for police our minds, even when there isn’t a departments. big instance in different areas of the Debbie Ellis, CSUF accredita- country. We continue to monitor, we tion manager, who is in charge of get information and it’s our responsi- training new officers on CALEA bility to know trends ... it’s just like requirements, said that newly- any other crime—any other poten- hired officers must complete ac- tial hazard to the campus; we need to ROBERT HUSKEY / Daily Titan creditation training within 30 keep our finger on the pulse to know Fullerton Mayor Bruce Whitaker answers questions from residents during the “Talk Around Town” in the Fullerton Museum on Tuesday. days of being hired as well as con- what’s going on.” tinuing training. University Police was first accred- “The accreditation standards re- ited in 2001 and Ellis stated that once quire we do a whole bunch of (train- again, the department will be up for Concerns over homeless persist ing) on a regular basis to ensure that accreditation again in November. our officers don’t do any bias police “The survey is to ascertain if there Fullerton Mayor Whitaker during the “Talk Around Town” absorb all the homeless encamp- Whitaker said the homeless profiling, we review to make sure that are areas that our police department responds to citizens’ issues meeting Tuesday night at the Ful- ments throughout the city and it people are campaigning to get the it’s not happening,” said Ellis. “That can improve in services to the public,” with the planned shelter lerton Museum. will just basically centralize that shelter approved. evidence and property are handled Ellis said. “And to show CALEA that Whitaker expressed his con- situation,” he said. The mayor claimed that the appropriately. Everything our police we are interested in public feedback BEVI EDLUND cerns about the overselling of the Although Whitaker said he does shelter could indirectly encourage officers do is being done in the most and we utilize that public feedback to Daily Titan new homeless shelter on State not believe the shelter is a cure-all, homeless from other cities to come professional way possible.” make changes to our policies.” College. he had recently spoken to home- to Fullerton. Ellis also said that University Po- Fullerton Mayor Bruce Whitak- “In my opinion it’s being put less people at the transportation lice conduct the accreditation survey SEE POLICE, 2 er discussed issues of homelessness out as a panacea, that it’s going to center. SEE MAYOR, 2

DETOUR | Theater CAMPUS | Library Villians and heroes Construction begins on battle in a Shakepeare- Pollak Library Starbucks BEVI EDLUND of years. It’s now our time to provide inspired dark comedy Daily Titan this similar service to our growing campus community,” Lynch said. Construction began Monday on Cal State Fullerton is large enough Rough Magic incorporates be performed on stage, but it’s go- a new campus Starbucks in the Pol- to have more than one store and not special effects in the ing to be rougher than what some- lak Library that could be opening as take away from the sales of the other classic good vs. evil story one might see in a movie, hence soon as fall 2013. location, which opened in Novem- the title. Starbucks will be expanding its ber 2008, according to Lynch. KRISTEN CERVANTES The cast plays out like a comic campus presence due in part to the The project will be funded by Daily Titan book or action movie. success of the first location in Steven Auxiliary Services Corporation, They are a group of unlikely G. Mihaylo Hall, according to the a CSUF organization that man- A twist on Shakespeare’s The heroes, each using their own super director of Campus Dining Services, ages on-campus businesses, since Tempest and comic hero fantasies power to fight against evil. Tony Lynch. it is being constructed with “non- are the inspiration for the Rough Prospero plays the villain as he “Many university campuses across state” dollars. Magic play held at Cal State Ful- will stop at nothing to retrieve the the U.S. have had a coffee compo- lerton’s Young Theatre starting book of magic, even if that means nent within their library for a number SEE COFFEE, 2 Friday. destroying the world. The dark romantic comedy is full Prospero’s son, Caliban, escapes of firsts for the Young Theatre stage. his father’s island in order to de- The play uses different types of feat him and obtain his mother’s projections and other special ef- island back. fects, such as fire, to grab the au- The muscular and noble Cali- dience’s attention. ban is played by Stephen Howell, The play is by Roberto Aguirre- a second year graduate majoring in Sacasa, who has written for Marvel acting. Comics, and television shows Glee “There’s no wishy-washy nature and Big Love. about him, he’s very set and deter- Rough Magic’s dialogue refer- mined,” said Howell. ences many movies, musicals and In order to achieve Caliban’s comic books. physique, Howell tanned and did “It’s like a Harry Potter and X- strength workouts. Men movie on stage,” said Travis Howell added that he enjoys Courtesy of the Theatre Department Donnelly, director of Rough Magic. playing Caliban because he’s the Students push the envelope to portray comic book and action film inspire Donnelly, a CSUF directing “sex symbol” of the play. characrters through super powers in Cal State Fullerton’s play Rough Magic. graduate student, became part of Eventually, Caliban finds him- the play since he directs the main self fighting against his father Melanie has the magical ability Beisner, who has done about 20 stage every semester. alongside Melanie, a New York to free characters from plays, but plays in her life, said she found “(Rough Magic) is definitely the dramaturg who sits in an office all hasn’t used it in a long time. that Rough Magic is the most largest scale (play) I’ve ever done,” day, dissatisfied with life. “In the process she finds herself, unique play she’s ever performed. he said. Melanie is played by Natalie her confidence and accepts her Donnelly added that magic will Beisner, a junior acting major. magic,” said Beisner. SEE MAGIC, 6


POLICE: New officers DTBRIEFS trained to meet law Santa Ana science enforcement standards center wins award The Discovery Science Cen- ter in Santa Ana was awarded CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 this year’s National Medal for “There are always Museum and Library Service. “It’s been needed for many years, The National Medal is the we were in a 40-year-old temporary some things that Nation’s highest honor grant- trailer and it was very hard to do our ed to museums and libraries job professionally without a building for service to the community. come up and we The Institute of Museum and being built appropriately,” Ellis said. Library Services awards these “So we were able to get a new police look at, that’s the medals to only 10 recipients building ... they fronted us money to across the country each year. build the building. So accreditation has whole reason for “This award celebrates and helped us become more professional recognizes the hard work and dedication of our team and because now we have a more profes- doing this survey.” community leaders towards sional building.” delivering a mission that is not Even with the possibility of aiding measured in dollars, but in the campus police by providing potentially JOHN BROCKIE hearts, minds and actions of useful feedback, there are some stu- University Police Captain eager learners,” Joe Adams, the president of the Discov- dents who refuse to take the CALEA ery Science Center, said in a survey because they simply ignore all suggestions ... what I do remember statement. school related email surveys. is the majority of complaints that we In celebration of the mu- Ellis also said that even though the got were parking issues and we aren’t seum making a difference for campus police have received excellent parking, but people confuse us with individuals, families and com- munities, the National Medal marks from past surveys, the majority parking,” Ellis said. “We’ve tried to let will be presented to the Dis- of poor complaints stem from students the community, we serve the campus, covery Science Center in mistaking the campus police with understand that we are not parking we Washington, D.C. on May 8. ROBERT HUSKEY / Daily Titan parking officials. do not oversee parking; we get tickets University Police Capt. John Brockie speaks to students about campus safety during a presentation. “There always are some form of for parking.” Brief by KAITLYN THOMPSON FOR THE RECORD COFFEE: It is Daily Titan policy to correct factual errors printed in the publication. Corrections will be published on the subsequent issue after an error is discovered and will appear on page 2. Errors on the Opinion page will be corrected on that page. Corrections will also be Starbucks France legalizes made to the online version of the article. Please contact Editor-in-Chief David Hood at (805) 712-2811 or gay marriage at [email protected] with issues about this policy or to set to open report any errors. France became the 14th country to nationally legalize fall 2013 gay marriage on Tuesday, ac- cording to USA Today. The Socialist-majority CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 French National Assembly approved the measure with a DAILY TITAN “As with any construction proj- vote of 331-225. ect we do have contingency plans French President Francois Hollande made good on his both in the budget and the project campaign promise to legalize schedule,” said Tinnah Medina, gay marriage amid protests Editorial director of Office of Capital Proj- from both sides of the debate as well as a spike in violent at- Editor-in-Chief David Hood ect Management. tacks on gay couples. Managing Editor Ian Wheeler They are working with the Office French conservatives have News Editor Erinn Grotefend of Capital Project Management to been holding demonstrations News Editor Nereida Moreno construct the new location. in recent months as the bill News Assistant Samuel Mountjoy “Getting the cost of the project has made its way through the News Assistant Bevi Edlund Assembly. Sports Editor Angel Mendoza at a point where it will fit into a Just before the vote, one Sports Editor Justin Enriquez pro forma and not lose money is a protester opposing the bill had Sports Assistant Gaby Martinez challenge,” Lynch said. to be removed from the cham- Sports Assistant Tameem Seraj “Pro forma” is a financial estimate bers for being disruptive. Opinion Editor Ricardo Gonzalez based on previous operations. MIMI HUNG / Daily Titan Police were ready with wa- Opinion Assistant Matt Atkinson ter cannons outside of the Features Editor Yvette Quintero He said this will be a challenge Students hang out at the Starbucks in Mihaylo Hall. Another Starbucks Assembly in case violence Features Assistant Adreana Young because CSUF does not have a lot is expected to open in the Pollak Library as soon as Fall 2013. erupted. Features Assistant Ashley Ruiz of summer activity. The cost of the An American activist group Detour Editor Sima Sarraf project must be spread out over tion is about 5-15 minutes. He said he doesn’t usually go to the called “Freedom to Marry” Detour Assistant Kymberlie Estrada entire calendar year once complet- The Mihaylo location currently other location in Mihaylo because worked with the French on the Detour Assistant Deanna Trombley bill, according to the group’s Multimedia Editor Ashley Isordia ed, and not just the eight months makes about $4,500-5,000 in sales it’s too far if he’s in the library. president, Evan Wolfson. Layout Editor Julie Edgington a year the Starbucks will be serving a day, according to Tyau. Ghalambor also said it was a France is the most populous Layout Editor Blanca Navarro customers. He said people do complain smart idea to put a Starbucks in country to make same-sex Layout Assistant Ann Pham “Seeing how this traffic flows in about the length of the lines. the library because people who are marriage legal. Tim Worden Copy Editor the library as well as through the “There’s only so much we can do,” studying want coffee. Copy Editor Peter Pham Copy Editor Chris Konte library makes this location a great he said. “I’m sure they’ll get a lot of Brief by Copy Assistant Julia Gutierrez venue,” said Lynch. He hopes the library location sales,” he added. CHELSEA BOYD Photo Editor Robert Huskey Being at CSUF for 17 years has will be a little bit bigger, and ser- Once completed, students can Photo Editor Rae Romero allowed Lynch to witness traffic vice a wider majority of the cam- expect the familiar Starbucks look. John Pekcan Photo Editor patterns throughout the campus, pus. Medina said they are also working Photo Assistant Mariah Carrillo Web Editor Ethan Hawkes she said. Moji Ghalambor, 20, a health together with the Starbucks’ de- Webmaster David McLaren Former Starbucks employee science major, said putting a Star- sign team to “support and incor- AP hackers send Senior Staff Writer Raymond Mendoza Chris Tyau estimates that the aver- bucks in the library is a good idea porate the level of standards and age wait time at the Mihaylo loca- because “it would be convenient.” brand character.” fake tweet, cause Adviser Holly Ocasio Rizzo stockmarket dip Main Line (657) 278-5815 Editorial Fax (657) 278-2702 News Line (657) 278-4415 [email protected] MAYOR: A false tweet on the Twit- ter account of the Associated Press sent stocks plummeting Homeless within minutes, according to Advertising the Washington Post. The fake tweet appeared on Director of Advertising Amanda Fessenden shelter may the Twitter account of the AP Asst. Director of Advertising Kimiya Enshaian just after 1 p.m., reporting that Production Manager Tiffany Le ‘create a explosions at the White House Production Designer Hugo Arceo injured President Barack National Sales & Promotions Austin Carver Obama. Classifieds Manager Lizeth Luveano gold rush’ Stocks began plummet- Digital Ads Manager Eric Van Raalte ing once news of the alleged explosions hit social media, Account Executive Jerry Kou CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 sending the Dow Jones in- Sarah Nguyen Account Executive dustrial down more than 100 Account Executive Ana Godinez “I’m afraid we may have cre- points within minutes. The Account Executive Ivan Ng ated a little bit of a gold rush here stock market quickly turned Account Executive Chelsea Norrup where we have homeless who nor- ROBERT HUSKEY / Daily Titan things around once it became Distribution Derek Dobbs mally call other cities their home clear the report was false. Fullerton Mayor Bruce Whitaker talks to Fullerton City Manager Joe Felz According to the Washing- and they are putting some roots during the “Talk Around Town” held at the Fullerton Museum on Tuesday. Adviser Robert Sage ton Post, the quick reaction down in Fullerton,” he said. clearly shows how vulnerable Main Line (657) 278-3373 Editorial Fax (657) 278-2702 There were also concerns over January to do the homeless count, with who is safe and what laws the stock markets have be- Advertising (657) 278-4411 E-mail: [email protected] the temporary closing of the Hunt again, we were there, police offi- they’re enforcing and where they’re come to glitches with technol- Branch Library on Basque Avenue cers were there,” Rands said. “So enforcing them,” Rands said. ogy. due to homelessness and the po- they know that people are living Fullerton City Manager Joe Felz The AP used its website, corporate blog and social me- tential shelter off State College there ... I’ve conversed with them, said the Hunt Library is an ideal dia to announce that its Twit- Boulevard. none of them are violent, none of situation for a homeless environ- ter account was hacked. The Jane Rands, a Fullerton resident, them are dangerous.” ment to blossom. company is working with Twit- The Daily Titan is a student publication, printed every Monday through has worked with the homeless pop- Rands said that other homeless He added that the library has ter to investigate the matter. Thursday. The Daily Titan operates independently of Associated Students, Inc. ulations at the Hunt Library. people were not allowed to sleep had longstanding issues with Jenny Shearer, a spokes- College of Communications, CSUF administration and the CSU. The Daily Titan man for the FBI, told the Post has functioned as a public forum since inception. Unless implied by the adver- Rands said that in December in public places, such as a church. homelessness. the FBI is investigating the tising party or otherwise stated, advertising in the Daily Titan is inserted by com- there were police officers that al- She added that there are selec- “It has a lot to do with the no man’s case. mercial activities or ventures identified in the advertisements themselves and lowed homeless people to stay on tive encampment laws throughout land, which is the railroad runway on not by the university. Such printing is not to be construed as written or implied the steps for certain hours when different areas of Fullerton. the city property,” he said. “It’s a very Brief by sponsorship, endorsement or investigation of such commercial enterprises. The Daily Titan allocates one issue to each student for free. the library was open or closed. “There’s something that’s not poor design, but it’s ideal if you want KAITLYN THOMPSON “Then when we returned in matching up here in the policies to have an encampment.”

VISIT US AT: DAILYTITAN.COM/NEWS FOLLOW US ON TWITTER: @DTNEWSDESK APRIL 24, 2013 PAGE 3 WEDNESDAY NEWS THE DAILY TITAN Asian-American class presents research on sexual health Student research meant to spread awareness of proper sexual health LAUREN DAVIS Daily Titan

Five Cal State Fullerton stu- dents from an Asian-American Studies class presented their year- long research conducted on wom- en’s sexual and reproductive health on Tuesday in University Hall. Tu-Uyen Nguyen, Ph.D., an Asian-American Studies professor at CSUF, hosted the presentation that included student speakers from her class. The research presented focused on four topics which included commu- nity based participatory research, fact sheets on contraception use, social action projects and survey topics. Nguyen Quach, 22, a health science major at CSUF, spoke on social action projects and goals of the yearlong research project. A goal of the social action proj- ect is to propose a class on campus dedicated to women’s reproduc- tive health issues, said Quach. This class would be meant to help spread the awareness of proper through that.” sexual health for women. Do said she hopes students who “We want to engage API college attend learn beneficial informa- “It’s really important for people to take students in innovative advocacy and tion that they can relay back to communications education, and we their friends and family. care of themselves, because it could want to bring out studies from this Nguyen described how the class out to the communities about course—Asian-American and Pacific be our sisters, our mothers, our best health sexual issues,” said Quach. Islander (AAPI) Community Health Tifa Do, 21, a human services Research and Field Studies—is bro- friends that are going through that.” Courtesy of Tu-Uyen Nguyen major, said sex education is not al- ken up in two semesters. LEFT: An Asian-American Studies class visits Capitol Hill in Washington D.C. ways accepted in the Asian-Amer- The fall semester focuses on re- TIFA DO to speak with legislators. ican culture. search methods and community Human Services Major ROBERT HUSKEY / Daily Titan “Coming from an Asian-Ameri- based participatory research that RIGHT: Kent Marume, an Asian-American Studies and psychology major, can heritage, it’s very hard for our sets the foundation for completing presents research on Tuesday. families to talk about (sex educa- health research in Asian Pacific Is- series of questions,” said Nguyen. The Asian-American Studies class tion) openly, and a women’s re- lander (API) communities. “We sent it out to over 14,000 stu- took an advocacy field trip to Wash- productive health is not a topic “Students put together ques- dents on campus and we got over ington D.C. which was funded by a According to the presentation, Nguyen said she hopes students that we bring up lightly,” said Do. tions (for the survey) and we sent 2,000 responses back.” grant from the National Asian Pacific the forum is the only multi-issue become more aware of their per- “It’s really important for people to it out via email to all the female The spring semester focuses on American Women’s Forum. API women’s organization in the sonal sexual health and utilize the take care of themselves, because students on campus—undergrads students taking data from their re- Nguyen said students meet with country. Their mission is to build a campus resources from both the it could be our sisters, our moth- between the ages of 18 and 25— search gathered during the fall and legislators and visited Capitol movement to advance social justice health center and communities ers, our best friends that are going and they were asked to answer a presenting it to an audience. Hill, a first for many students. and human rights for API females. that provide education.

FOLLOW US ON TWITTER: @DTNEWSDESK VISIT US AT: DAILYTITAN.COM/NEWS PAGE 4 APRIL 24, 2013 THE DAILY TITAN OPINION WEDNESDAY In tune with tech, out of tune with life When phones interfere with crucial duties, it’s more than a simple distraction AMANDA ZIVE Daily Titan

While it can be argued that the Internet has been the most influ- ential invention of the technologi- cal age, cellphones have proven to be the most instantly accessible tool. Within moments, a smartphone can route you to the nearest ice cream shop or look up what hap- pens when magnesium is applied to dry ice. Their instant infinite knowledge is both gratifying and addicting. Courtesy of MCT A recent study by Baylor Uni- While the Boy Scouts of America has allowed individual troops to decide if gay versity concluded that the typical members should be allowed, gay leaders are still banned from the organization. young adult sends thousands of text messages a month and checks their phone, on average, 60 times a day. While these numbers alone may Scouts dishonor the not be shocking, the clear signs of addiction should be. This com- pulsion to be constantly updated cause with gay ban with everything can lead to con- flict in instances when electronic MATTHEW PIER shulam, president of the BSA Los devices are prohibited. Daily Titan Angeles Area Council, is part of a On April 18, an Oregon juror group that believes in admitting ignored courtroom procedure of re- The Boy Scouts of America anyone who meets the organiza- maining attentive to the case at all (BSA) have been cooking food tion’s character standards. times to send a text. Shortly after the over campfires since 1910, but “The focus should be on a per- judge suspended the trial in order to Photo illustration by ROBERT HUSKEY / Daily Titan have never been in as much hot son’s conduct, measured against sentence the man to two days in cus- Cellphones have created an environment where people are constantly on their phones, not always for the best. water as it is now over its ban of BSA’s standards of conduct, not tody for contempt of court. gay scouts and leaders. a person’s status as homosexual Although this may seem like a It can be argued that texting The rule was made infamous or heterosexual,” an excerpt from rash judgment and a harsh pen- doesn’t take much attention, but when scout, Ryan Andresen, was their proposal explains. alty, the phone offender was com- the bigger point is that it does re- In reality most of cellphone use is denied his Eagle Scout rank sim- Those opposed to the incor- promising the fair trial guaranteed move some of your attention from ply because he revealed himself poration of gays are under the to the accused in this case. If the what you were initially doing. If social, not academic. to be gay. He has all the require- impression that it would ruin the plaintiff or defendant didn’t get what you are doing needs full atten- ments to earn Scouting’s top rank organization and lose its largest their desired outcome, they could tion, then texting isn’t an option. igan Judge Raymond Voet held him- ready going on at one time in and just needs the approval from supporters like the Roman Catho- easily claim that the jury didn’t If someone is driving, provid- self in contempt in a after his ring- each of those situations. Claiming his troop’s leaders. lic and Mormon churches. listen to all of the evidence and ing care, actively listening or—in tone sounded during a proceeding. to be a good multitasker isn’t an Since the story broke, the BSA One of those voices is Eagle demand a retrial. this case—determining someone’s Although he was not imprisoned excuse to add another element to has been frantically treading wa- Scout John Stemberger, the found- And retrials affect everyone; be- fate as a juror, their full attention like the texting juror, he did ac- already complex situations. ter, trying to remedy this before it er of, a site that ing expensive for taxpayers. Accord- is demanded by the task. knowledge that he broke courtroom Although the juror was punished, got out of hand. Word leaked that supports upholding the ban. ing to WBIR, the NBC affiliate out In agreement with the cellphone procedure and paid a penalty. and possibly made an example of, they would let individual troops “It’s going to destroy Scouting of Knoxville, Tenn., a recent retrial law inside a courtroom, a separate People often don’t take into his short stint and minor charge decide such matters by themselves as we know it,” said Stemberger in cost upwards of $355,000. case involving occurred when Mich- account how many things are al- won’t affect him the rest of his life on a case-by-case basis. an interview with CNN. “The full the way an improper judgment on This quick-fix solution is like participation is not good enough the case could affect the defendant. the government for the gay activists, they want to There are countless reports of pushing the debate of gay mar- promote the gay agenda.” citations for using a mobile device riage onto the states: It is cowardly The full participation Stem- while driving, but shockingly not treatment of a serious subject and berger is referring to are the gay many public reports of citations for shows the inability of top leaders members that are currently in- using a phone during something to make real decisions. volved in Scouting that are not, as like surgery. However, New York he put it, “loud and proud.” Times reported in 2011 that 55 As an Eagle Scout myself and percent of heart surgery monitoring the son of a gay father, I do not technicians admitted to using their Excluding oth- see any agenda pushing within the phones during a bypass. proposal. I see equal opportunity The immediate, constant need to ers based on their for all and a chance to show what feel connected is a lurking potential Scouting is really about. to be persistently preoccupied. sexual orienta- Having joined Cub Scouts According to Psychology Today when I was 6 years old, graduat- the addiction is a constant need to tion discounts all ing to Boy Scouts and earning its feel connected, but the informa- highest honor, the entire experi- tion generally collected on mobile of (what the Boy ence had a huge impact in shaping devices alienates users and gives me. I would have never been able them minimal information. To Scouts stand for). to do so without the love and sup- break away from the dependance port from both of my parents. on mobile mayhem, tips from Scouting teaches tolerance, un- Psychology Today include setting The BSA has now proposed derstanding and the helping of times to use your devices, taking lifting their gay ban on scouts, others. Excluding others based on predetermined breaks from elec- but upholding it for their leaders. their sexual orientation discounts tronic devices, and staying occu- This, again, demonstrates their in- all of this. pied. eptitude as scouts typically transi- The BSA is more than 100 years One could marvel the wonders of tion to leaders when they age out old. In that time, there have been a mobile device; limitless informa- at 18. Within the organization, more than 114 million scouts with tion. In reality most of cellphone younger scouts learn from older just over two million Eagle Scout use is social, not academic. ones. ranks earned. To take a concept from Marshall This unique cycle provides a Less than 2 percent of youths McLuhan, if the medium we receive great environment of constantly within BSA ever finish with the il- the message is more important than learning and teaching. lustrious honor. I am proud to be the message itself, the messages sent The proposal will be voted on a part of a special list that includes via text message should be relatively in May by BSA’s 1,400 member people like astronaut Neil Arm- simple because of how informal the national council, choosing be- strong and acclaimed film director device being used is. tween admitting gay youths or no Steven Spielberg. Not to say you should chuck gays at all. It also saddens me that people your tablet out the window or toss However, there may be some like Stemberger are on that list your cellphone, but moderation logical light at the end of the tun- as well, for seeing their blatant is key if we’re to continue func- nel, for very recently has there prejudice tarnishes everything the tioning as a society alongside our been a new proposal to allow both award stands for. growing technology. gay scouts and leaders. David Me- Storied institutions show their age and incompetence when they refuse to change with the times. Similar organizations do allow gay members and leaders, and they have not imploded like some fear. Groups like the Girl Scouts have a nondiscrimination policy that do not judge on a person’s “race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, national origin, or physical or de- velopmental disability.” It is hard for me to believe that an organization like the BSA with similar values cannot do the same. Unfortunately, if this egregious and outdated rule cannot be cor- rected, I am not sure I want to be an Eagle Scout.

CONTACT US AT: [email protected] FOLLOW US ON TWITTER: @DTOPINION APRIL 24, 2013 PAGE 5 WEDNESDAY OPINION THE DAILY TITAN DEVIL’S ADVOCATE Courtesy of MCT Boston bomber an ‘enemy combatant’ Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 19, was one of two suspects of the Boston Marathon bombing on April 15. He was captured by police April 19 in Watertown, Mass. As a terrorist, he has forfeited his rights American citizens should always have a fair trial


The Boston bombings, referred der to obtain critical intelligence. prison. He was held for three and a Founding father Benjamin from the Obama Administration of War that the statement refer- to by some groups as “America’s Graham’s suggestion was enrag- half years and was subjected to “en- Franklin was once quoted as say- and law enforcement is an overly- ences is followed, then the U.S. second 9/11,” were senseless acts ing to most Democrats and liber- hanced interrogation techniques,” ing, “Those who would trade in emotional response. Particularly, could deny the bombing suspect of terror committed in a horren- als who argued that refusing due which included sleep deprivation, their for their protection one that would set a dangerous basic civilian rights. This, however, dous manner. Twelve years after process would be a serious threat solitary confinement, shackling and deserve neither.” precedent for future cases. would also be something of an ad- the tragedy that struck New York to Constitutional protections af- stress positions and the administra- While Franklin lived in a fright- For all intents and purposes, mittance that our country is a bat- City, Americans had returned to a forded to Americans. tion of certain drugs. ening and dangerous time—a time Tsarnaev is a terrorist. This much tlefield—a war zone—which opens sense of normalcy and a feeling of This reaction makes sense, given When someone commits acts of that could have easily ended with can be safely said. However, he is up all kinds of nasty possibilities. security. that long-standing rights being atrocity by taking up arms against beheaded before the King of Eng- also a U.S. citizen and though he Not least of which being that Until the incident at the Boston stripped away for this one particu- our country and killing Ameri- land—it is a much more compli- obviously has little respect for the crimes suspected of having any Marathon. lar case would be quite dangerous. cans, that person is not entitled to cated age that we now inhabit. It meaning of that title or the coun- kind of “enemy” association could The two brothers responsible, However, this wouldn’t be the first basic rights—regardless of Ameri- might not be as unstable as the days try that granted it to him, we must fall under this umbrella. Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarneav, time it has happened. can citizen status. of revolution, but that’s exactly what not allow ourselves to be in a posi- A slippery slope argument, per- were confronted by police early Fri- Back in May 2010, the Obama The president is also legally able makes situations like the one our na- tion where we would compromise haps, but Graham literally said day morning in a shootout resulting Administration refused Miranda to forfeit the rights of any persons tion currently faces so difficult. its meaning. himself that “America is a battle- in the death of the older brother, rights for terrorism suspects on accused of terrorism given that the Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, one of two Let us take the Oklahoma City field because the terrorists think it Tamerlan. An injured Dzhokhar U.S. soil when it sought a law terrorists are in fact enemy com- alleged Boston Marathon bomb- Bombing as a model. Its perpetra- is.” Putting aside the vague termi- Tsarnaev was captured later in the allowing investigators to inter- batants and not “normal” crimi- ers, was captured by police in Wa- tor, Timothy McVeigh, killed 168 nology of “the terrorists” that Gra- day and authorities have only be- rogate terrorism suspects without nals. tertown, Mass. Friday. Even as the people and injured more than 800 ham uses here, it evinces the kind gun to to speak with him, though informing them of their rights, ac- This is a belief and a practice country breathed a sigh of relief when he blew up a truck in front of thinking we should be attempt- a gunshot wound to the throat is cording to the New York Times. the Obama Administration has and took a few moments of well- of a federal building. McVeigh, ing to avoid; allowing those we making it difficult. A March 2011 article in the embraced in certain cases in the deserved peace following a tragic too, can be called a terrorist, but perceive as our enemies to define Tsarnaev is in fact, an Ameri- Wall Street Journal further details past due to the U.S. being “at war.” few days, some troubling voices he was a terrorist who was given our way of thinking. can citizen (as of last year), who the relatively new practice by the The view Graham shared is broke the silence. the full extent of our rights and If the potential link to radical has been residing on American soil Obama Administration, pointing rooted in the belief that the U.S. Even before Tsarnaev was in due process as a U.S. citizen. Islam is still the sticking point in and under the Constitution and out, “the significantly expand- is fighting a global war and those custody, conservative Sen. Lindsey McVeigh was executed in 2001, Tsarnaev’s case, consider the fol- our court system is legally entitled ing exceptions to the instructions who fight in it against the U.S. are Graham made a plea on Twitter but only after he had his day in court. lowing: both Umar Farouk—the to due process. that have governed the handling “enemy combatants,” according to that the 19-year-old be tried as an But perhaps it’s Tsarnaev’s “underwear bomber” who claimed However, Sen. Lindsey Graham of criminal suspects for more than the New York Times. “enemy combatant.” This would potential ties to radical Mus- ties to such groups—and Sulai- (R-S.C.) is calling for the younger four decades.” In a case such as this, it would allow the U.S. to waive several ci- lim groups that makes his case man Abu Ghaith—son-in-law and Tsarnaev brother to be tried as an Furthermore, it’s also necessary be reasonable to deny due process vilian trial freedoms, such as read- “unique.” Indeed, when Sen. John spokesman of Osama bin Laden— “enemy combatant” through mili- to remember that our government based on the aforementioned be- ing Tsarnaev his Miranda rights McCain joined Graham in a joint were both given civilian trials in tary tribunal and denied due process. actually did what Graham’s tweets lief the U.S. government holds. and appointing him legal counsel. statement following Tsarnaev’s the U.S. He also is suggesting he be refused recommended back in 2002. Tsarnaev should be considered an “If the #Boston suspect has ties capture, the two senators said it The crimes that all the above Miranda rights in order to gather U.S. citizen Jose Padilla was ar- “enemy combatant” solely based to overseas terror organizations he outright. men can be linked to are repre- intelligence and protect the nation rested on charges of terrorism, sus- on the fact that the acts commit- could be treasure trove of informa- “We remain under threat from hensible, but we must never allow from further attacks. pected of plotting a radiological ted by himself and his brother are tion,” read one of the series of tweets. radical Islam and we hope the fear and emotion to dictate our The White House said Monday bomb on U.S. soil. The Bush ad- considered acts of terror by our While Graham has more than Obama Administration will seri- dealings with them. To trade our it will not be detaining Tsarnaev as ministration refused a trial, declared government. enough reason to be upset—even ously consider the enemy combat- rights—even the rights of a terror- an enemy combatant, but that Mi- him an “enemy combatant” and They should be reprimanded as panicked—about the recent events ant option,” read their statement. ist—for a small sense of security is randa rights may be delayed in or- had him transferred to a military such. in Boston, the last thing we need A fair enough point; if the Law not an even trade. Keep international cases out of American courts NICOLE WEAVER ness may have an office here or a cor- tions, the U.S. had jurisdiction over thing that shouldn’t have happened. Daily Titan poration here doesn’t mean the U.S. deciding the case, according to the The decision from our chief justices is obligated to settle disputes or hear New York Times. regarding international law will have It’s become quite a prevailing senti- court cases. Wherever the business/ This is another case that should clearer restrictions on what U.S. courts For more information ment that the U.S. can’t take the prob- business owner originated from, that have been dealt with by Paraguay, should and should not hear. lems of the world and make the Ameri- country should deal with it. The U.S. and it was dealt with as the case was The decision makes total sense. can people responsible for them. can’t be the world’s police. Countries eventually dropped. The U.S. should For example, how appealing to Recently, the U.S. Supreme Court have to solve differences on their own. not have been responsible for award- you is the idea of going around tossed out a closely-watched lawsuit However, the U.S. is still allowing ing $10.4 million to immigrants for a to every bar on Friday night and brought by Nigerians against Royal courts to potentially hear lawsuits case that happened two years prior on breaking up all the fights? There are Dutch Petroleum for allegedly con- against deposed tyrants who choose foreign soil. That money could have already enough problems going on spiring with the Nigerian regime in a to reside in the U.S. One such ex- been allocated elsewhere. at home that the U.S. should not campaign of rape, torture, and mur- ample involved Philippines President In essence, throwing away taxpayer be involved in dictating the laws of der in the oil-rich delta in the early Ferdinand Marcos. Marcos was con- money on an issue like this is some- other countries. 1990s, described in an article by the victed of human rights abuses to the Times. people of his native country. The U.S. The plaintiffs alleged that the -Ni District Court awarded $7.5 million gerian regime worked with Royal to more than 7,500 victims, accord- Dutch Shell (Shell gasoline, head- ing to the New York Times. quartered in the Netherlands with The issue with deposed tyrants is its registered office in the UK) to put still one that may fall into some sort down protesters opposed to oil explo- of gray area. Despite residing in the ration in Nigeria. The plaintiffs said U.S., the country from which the is coming Nigerian military police attacked, tyrant is originally from should ulti- beat, raped and killed villagers and mately deal with the case. did so with the help provided by Another unique case dealt with Royal Dutch Shell. seventeen-year-old Joelito Filártiga This case determined U.S. courts who was kidnapped and tortured to should not be involved in defining in- death by Américo Norberto Peña Ira- ternational law and should be limited la in 1976 in Paraguay. Filártiga’s par- get your ticket today to deciding disputes over issues that ents brought murder charges against take place on American territory, not Peña, but the case went nowhere. at tsu info & services on foreign soil. Two years later, both Filártiga’s But why should the United States mother and Peña separately came may 10 I titan stadium I 7:00pm Supreme Court play a role in this? The to the U.S. and Filártiga’s mother U.S. was not involved in this incident. reported the incident that had hap- However, given that Shell is a multi- pened in Paraguay to the Immigra- national company with it’s businesses tion and Naturalization Service who located throughout the U.S., it was a arrested and deported Peña for over- case opened up to the Supreme Court. staying his visa. The U.S. shouldn’t handle this case. Ultimately, U.S. courts ruled in Incidents happening on foreign favor of the Filártiga’s and awarded

soil should be dealt with by that par- them $10.4 million. Given that tor- A3549 - 4/13 ticular country. Just because a busi- ture was a violation of the law of na-

FOLLOW US ON TWITTER: @DTOPINION VISIT US AT: DAILYTITAN.COM/OPINION PAGE 6 APRIL 24, 2013 THE DAILY TITAN DETOUR WEDNESDAY Sophistication, sass and six-packs strut down the runway Designers debut spring “It’s all about yin and yang, it’s all who launched her first line. flowy daytime pieces and used zip- collection at the Orange about balance,” Rene said. With a degree in apparel design pers to compliment a structured, so- County Fashion Showcase Purple Diva’s set was inspiring and business marketing, Skwark phisticated evening theme. as full-figured women confidently moved to California to try her hand The collection’s showstopper was a KYMBERLIE ESTRADA strutted in sequined, satin and in fashion design. red and black plaid chiffon maxi dress Daily Titan crocheted, form-fitting pieces tai- “I came here knowing fashion is accompanied with a black wide-band lored to perfection. what I’m going to get into ... and I zippered belt. The audience oohed and Formal attire, wine glasses and Their skirts played with lengths didn’t realize things would happen so ahhed as the dress was elegantly, yet friendly conversations filled a trendy and proved the mini skirt isn’t lim- quickly,” said Skwark. powerfully trailed down the runway. rooftop venue as models, hairdress- ited to twig-like figures. Although Skwarka may be a rook- Next designer to showcase their lat- ers, makeup artists and designers The collection displayed black ie compared to OCFS’ more veteran est collection was Abia Blachaje, a fa- hollered backstage. and white evening wear through designers, it certainly did not show miliar face from OCFS fall 2012. Friday, April 20 was night two of color-blocked maxi dresses, dol- in her collection. “Last year I found out last min- the Orange County Fashion Show- man bat-winged sleeves as well as FBF by Checka used low-cut halter ute, so it was rush, rush, rush. I real- case (OCFS), held at the Westin animal print gowns. tops and played with airy fabrics, zip- ly feel like I didn’t do my best,” said South Coast Plaza in Costa Mesa. The collection kicked off with a pers and asymmetry. Blachaje. “This time I have taken my Attendees experienced music, food, statement piece that consisted of a The grey-scaled collection was time. I’m ready to show the world charity and above all, fashion. white cropped halter top, a black high trendy and sexy, yet sophisticated at what I have and what I can offer.” Host, Najee De-Tiege (Power waist booty short and a beautiful net- the same time. Blachaje’s spring 2013 line took Rangers Samurai), introduced the ted floor-length overlay. This quickly “It’s chic and effortless ... It has the audience through a color story; night’s opener with rapper Young set the tone of Purple Diva’s attitude a lot of drapery in it, but it fits re- going through pink, yellow, white, Fatal who loosened up the crowd. and design philosophy. ally well because of the material,” said orange and ending in fun, abstract Purple Diva Designs, a plus-sized “I don’t think fashion just stops at Skwark. “It’s comfortable at the same full-length patterned jumpers. women’s fashion line, was first to hit size 14,” said Rene. “Embrace your time and I think that’s a rare thing to “I get a lot of inspiration from the runway. Angela Rene, designer of curves no matter what size you are.” find in fashion.” vintage clothes and New York Purple Diva, debuted her “Ebony and One of OCFS’ newer designers was FBF by Checka incorporated style,” said Blachaje. “I incorporate Ivory” collection. Francesca Skwark of FBF by Checka, floppy sun hats for lightweight, a lot of colors. I like the colors to work for every woman.” Abia Blachaje was a breath of fresh air. It brought to life vibrant and bold colors with an assortment of rompers, MAGIC: An ‘edgy and contem- bell bottoms and casual tops. The collection made a colorful statement with a knockout multi- porary’ twist on a typical plot colored polka-dot jumper. The piece was a quirky, modern revival CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 director, coordinates behind the base, he added. of ‘70s parachute pants. scenes action such as coordinat- Rough Magic introduces the “I refuse to go by the rules,” said Beisner said that the play is a ing actors’ schedules and man- world of Shakespeare where au- Blachaje. classic good vs. evil story, but it aging lights and sounds. diences can relate to it because Peggy Tanous (The Real House- JOHN PEKCAN / Daily Titan has touching moments as well. Along with fire, designers have it’s more modern, Howell said. wives of Orange County) made a A model wears leggings, a zippered strapless top and a neutral colored Beisner found qualities she incorporated different types of “This play is packed full of en- guest appearance to introduce the shawl desgined by Francesca Skwark from her collection FBF by Checka. shared with her character. projections as a unique way to tell tertainment and I really hope that last musical performance by hip “We’re really similar in a lot the story of Rough Magic. the audiences walk away talking hop artist Shance who debuted metallics, graphic tees and of course hairstyling and even down to the of ways,” she said. “I don’t have “We’re trying to push the en- about it for days,” he added. two songs from his upcoming al- the British flag. show’s attendance, OCFS has con- any magical powers, but she’s velope with what we can do with “Keep your imagination open bum Just Live. Male models showed off their tinued to outdo itself. kind of ... quirky, shy.” projections,” Conchelos said. ... think of what could happen,” Last was Brit Boy Fashions by de- chiseled six-packs combined with “As with any event there are Rough Magic may be a large Rough Magic will draw in a Conchelos said. signer Brian Terry, who showcased his casual slacks or tight lamé briefs and many components involved in production, but it has an cast of younger crowd because it’s more Rough Magic runs from April latest men’s collection titled “F.R.E.D.” an unbuttoned top. pulling together a show of this only 15 actors. edgy and contemporary, Don- 26 to May 12. Brit Boy put on a rather rogue and Brit Boy’s eye for detail was dis- size,” said Deanna Hodges, the The cast is very talented and nelly said. General admission is $11 and revealing show that easily hooked the played with a black liquid lamé founder of OC Fashion Week. focused, Donnelly said. However, the storyline will $10 with a Titan discount on audience’s attention. jacket with a tiled Great Britain flag “We continue to grow and add Anthony Conchelos, the stage still appeal to a large audience advance purchases. “F.R.E.D.” incorporated camou- print as the inside lining. new interesting components to the flage prints, military-inspired jackets, From the collections, to the fashion week events.” APRIL 24, 2013 PAGE 7 WEDNESDAY DETOUR THE DAILY TITAN

MAN ON THE STREET FILM: A post-apocalyptic fail MATTHEW PIER Olsen cannot wait, as the pair to the setting. Daily Titan only have two more weeks of duty However, that same advanced Who’s your favorite comedian? before they can leave Earth and re- technology portrayed is inconsistent Cumm Oblivion unite with the others. in use. Ships that fly and detect life y Sofia a Aljawia tie ing Harper, on the other hand, likes forms in one scene will not do so in mm en d a s Ji Ze K Earth and does not necessarily another. Drones that previously kill Oblivion is oblivious to all want to leave. without mercy hesitate later, helping things that go into creating a good As Harper puts it, “We won the to build a false sense of suspense. science fiction movie. war, why do we have to leave?” The film’s runtime also proves Tom Cruise leads an intimate Harper is also plagued with to be a problem. Not that two cast consisting of Morgan Freeman, dreams and memories that do not hours is long for a movie, but Olga Kurylenko (Quantum of Sol- make sense, especially since his when the actors have no chemis- ace), Melissa Leo (The Fighter) and mind was wiped five years prior try with each other, it makes for a bal English actress Andrea Riseborough. for security reasons. long and slow journey. Balassa x Ca e ia le The film takes place in the 2077 A ship crash lands and Harper Harper creates new relationships M A with Technician #49, Jack Harper goes to investigate, finding other quickly and believes what others say (Cruise), explaining what hap- humans unconscious in individ- as easily as a child. The lack of emo- pened to our planet. ual cryo-sleep pods. And if that tional connection is critical because Earth was invaded in 2017 did not confuse him enough, one the story is as much about Harper by aliens called Scavengers, or of the ship’s crew is the woman personally as it about humanity. “Scavs.” They destroyed the moon, from his dreams, Julia Rusakova Lastly, the musical score is out of resulting in chaotic weather on (Kurylenko). place at times and serves as a dis- Earth. In order to win the war, hu- Harper’s world is flipped when he traction when trying to figure out manity was forced to use nuclear discovers there are human survivors where it has been heard before. ASHLEY LOUP look like a fool,” Aljawad said. hearing D’Elia for the first time weapons and turn the planet into living on the scorched planet, lead The low booming bass is reminis- For the Daily Titan “She does it in a way ... I feel em- she “almost peed her pants.” a radiated wasteland. by Malcolm Beech (Freeman). cent of The Dark Knight Rises, while powers women.” Mia Balassa, 22, a psychology What is left of our race now lives Beech knows Harper is curious the synthesized sections give it a Comedians: The ones respon- Aljawad said that she likes that major, said she watches her favor- on Titan, one of Saturn’s moons. about Earth, for he has been watch- TRON: Legacy feeling. sible for delivering the best jokes Poehler always plays the powerful ite comedian Jim Gaffigan with There are other survivors living on ing him from afar, and sends him on This makes sense as director Jo- and skits that people memorize, female role, such as NBC’s Parks her family. a gigantic, tetrahedral space station a quest to learn the real truth about seph Kosinski made his debut with repeat and use in daily conversa- & Recreation. “He says like the stupid truths orbiting Earth called the Tet. what really happened to humanity. the latter film and had electronic tion for weeks, months and years “She provides an avenue for that you don’t realize,” said Balas- The Tet will leave and rejoin This is a good setup for the rock band M83 do the soundtrack to come. A good laugh: Some- girls not to be afraid to be them- sa. “Then he says it, and I’m like, the rest of humanity once Earth is movie, but it fails in executing on for this one. thing that will never die out. selves,” Aljawad said, also refer- oh my God that’s my life.” drained of all of its resources. Enor- the follow through. The film is more of a disappoint- Will Ferrell, Zach Galifiana- encing Poehler’s YouTube show, Balasso also said that she and mous rigs placed around the world The visual design used to cre- ing mess than usual flops because kis, Jerry Seinfeld, some of the Smart Girls. her family will watch Gaffigan on suck up the remaining salt water and ate Earth into a nuclear wasteland it had the potential to be so much biggest comedian heads that “First time I saw her, I mean I Netflix and it becomes an inside turn it into fusion power. works. Remains from a previous so- more. Starting off with a solid story have kept people laughing and always associated her with Tina joke amongst the family. Harper’s job is to find and repair ciety can be seen in Harper’s travels, base, it becomes drawn out and quoting for years. Fey,” Aljawad added. “But I feel “Everybody will get it, kind of heavily armed, airborne drones that such as a decaying football stadium confusing, while adding lackluster Whether they’re discovered on like she’s coming into her own.” like an inside family joke,” Bal- protect the rigs from Scavs. or the Statue of Liberty’s torch stick- action sequences. television shows, movies or stand- Katie Cummings, 23, a psy- assa said. “Which is maybe why Victoria Olsen (Riseborough) is his ing out of the ground. It then tries to explain everything up, the jokesters are the ones that chology major, said that her fa- I like it.” partner who keeps them in constant Special effects used in creating in the last 20 minutes, leading to an are unforgettable. vorite comedian at the moment is Alex Cabale, 20, a business communication with Sally (Leo), the a futuristic yet post-apocalyptic uninspired and unoriginal ending. Jimmy Sofia, 23, a criminal Chris D’Elia from the NBC series major, said his favorite come- command aboard the Tet who assigns world are done surprisingly well, Unfortunately, and ironically, justice major, said that his favor- Whitney. dian is Comedy Central star missions and provides support. with technology looking natural Oblivion is a forgettable affair. ite comedian of all time is stand- “I just saw him at the com- Gabriel Iglesias. up comedian Kat Williams. edy store a few weeks ago,” said “I feel like his approach to “He’s very funny,” Sofia said. Cummings. “I heard he was like comedy is like a different ap- “And he knows how to get a really funny in a stand-up and I proach,” Cabale said. Music tour crowd moving.” hadn’t seen it yet. I saw him for Cabale said the first time that His favorite elements of Wil- the first time, and it was really, he ever heard Iglesias, was during revives fan liams’ performances is the charac- really funny.” his senior year in high school. ters he portrays or mimics to tell Cummings said that her fa- “Making fun of himself, his his story. vorite aspects about D’Elia’s rou- culture, I’m half Mexican so I appreciation Zeena Aljawad, 22, a psychol- tines are his self deprecating hu- understand the whole culture.” ogy major, said that out of all mor and repeated use of sarcasm Cabale said. SIMA SARRAF comedians today, Amy Poelher is in his routines. Whether we quote them as in- Daily Titan her favorite. “I think it’s funny, a lot of side jokes, watch them on Netflix “Not only is she funny, she’s sarcasm thrown in there,” Cum- or watch them on our favorite No headliner. Sure, it sounds not afraid to be silly, she’s not mings said. “I like sarcasm a lot.” television shows; a laughing ses- pretty cool when you think about afraid to put herself out there and Cummings even said after sion is the cure to good times. it. It requires a sense of community and a crew of musical geniuses col- laborating and performing on stage. The vagueness and understate- Dubbed-out raggae music to echo at Becker ment of “cool” does not come close to describe what fans experienced at DEANNA TROMBLEY the Santa Ana Observatory for the Daily Titan second to last show of this year’s Re- vival Tour. Phat Reggae Dub will bring a For the sixth consecutive year fresh, chill groove straight from Hot Water Music front man, Chuck Huntington to the Cal State Fuller- Ragan, wove together a blanket of ton Becker Amphitheater. unique and talented artists to per- ROBERT HUSKEY / Daily Titan The six-man band had its humble form in the acoustic show. Chuck Ragan, who was vocalist for punk band Hot Water Music, performed beginnings of any high school garage The lineup consisted of Ragan at Santa Ana’s Observatory. He conceptualized the folk driven acoustic tour. band in 2009. along with Dave Hause (The Loved “PRD started while we were in Ones), Tim Mcllrath () may seem extreme, the show’s excite- But regardless, the audience high school, just surf kids playing and singer/ Jenny O. ment was worth it for the two sup- loved her. music after class. However, after we Additional supporting talent porters who came to see Ragan and Alanna Leahy, 25, who thought began playing shows and traveling, since the tour’s conception was Joe Hause collaborate with the others. she purchased tickets for a Rise the word spread and we’ve been just Ginsburg, who was mostly seen on But expectations only grew for Against show back in January, was doing our own thing,” said Brad his standup bass, and Jon Gaunt attendees when collaborations were surprised but extremely ecstatic after Janelli, bassist and vocalist of the who plays fiddle. bounced around and the crowd fi- experiencing the acoustic show for group. “Anyone who listens or buys Most of the talent that came nally began to understand the nature the first time. our music is just icing on the cake.” through the revolving doors of the of the show. “Jenny O. stood out to me,” Lea- Completing the band is Josh Ull- Courtesy of Phat Reggae Dub tour’s lineup are from punk-rock Another typical event for The Re- hy said. “I recognize her music but I rich (guitar and vocals), Daniel Cas- The six-man piece started as a high school garage band, has released their backgrounds. vival Tour is guest appearances, and wasn’t expecting it.” taneda (drums), Brad Janelli (bass first album Be Free in 2011 and aspires to collaborate with raggae greats. But the acoustic and folk driven Monday’s show was no exception. Picking up the pace and the en- and vocals), Justin Quarress (key- sound the tour is known for gives Surprising the audience for a short thusiasm was the rest of the group. board), Eric Roebuck (guitar) and “On the our latest EP, listeners ple think about, but won’t neces- fans a different perspective on set was Johnny2Bags of Social Dis- Fan favorite moments came when Roman Brambila (saxophone). can expect to hear everything from sarily say aloud. It creates a special their favorite songs and their fa- tortion, who was joined on stage by McLlrath performed “” Although the band has clear influ- ska to dubbed-out reggae music. internal relation with the music we vorite artists. the band’s drummer, Dave Hidalgo. off the album, Appeal to Reason and ences from the greats of their genre, Lots of space echo,” said Janelli. play,” said Janelli. As always, the talented group be- Most people would consider the “” off of Siren Song such as Slightly Stoopid and Dirty Still, Phat Reggae Dub is dedi- Some songs touch on deeper gan and ended the show together. surprise set from half of the Or- of the Counter Culture as part of the Heads, PRD has worked to develop cated to having a good time and themes, such as “Wise Up,” which Then as each artist had a short “solo” ange County punk band a pretty group’s farewell set. of a unique and defining sound. creating good music to share with aims to bring awareness to the en- set, the rest of the group would good deal. Another song that got the crowd’s “We’ve listened to pretty much their fans. vironment by challenging listeners meander on and off stage to play The best moments on stage attention and energy, was “Meet You every reggae artists from the main- “Right now the most import as- to help make a difference to preserve drums, blow into a harmonica or didn’t end with surprise guest in the Middle” off of Ragan’s most stream to the underground in other pect of our band is to stay creative mother earth. just to show support. appearances though. One of the recent album, Covering Ground. countries. Of course we listen to and rekindle our love for music. Also “We tried to collaborate with Kimmy Wasinger, 22, came to see highlights was the playful banter Like “Swing Life Away” it was part bands such as Sublime and Dirty to have sold music in over 20 differ- Nyorah on our song ‘Wise Up’ but Ragan and Mcllrath perform. Al- and witty lyric changes by Hause, of the group’s collective set at the Heads, but we try to create songs ent countries, it would be a dream unfortunately it didn’t work out, though it was her first time, she was who teased a girl front and center end of the show, and seemed to leave with a bit darker chord progres- to play internationally,” said Janelli. we’d love to collaborate with any excited for the experience. for checking a text message. the crowd only wanting more. sions and then with the added sax Phat Reggae Dub recently took a underground Jamaican artist com- “I’ve seen videos online, so I Although Hause felt right at One first time attendee who will it comes together,” said Janelli. “We break in order for the band members ing out of Irie Ites Sound Studio,” have an idea of what to expect,” home on stage with his teasing and be back for more is Stefanie Ochoa. all bring something to the table, and to focus on school, so they haven’t said Janelli. Wasinger said. jokes, it seemed that one member “It was a great set. I love the the sound just happens.” been able to tour. The band aspires to one day open She was among those in the audi- of the tour felt slightly uncomfort- acoustic vibe of it,” said Ochoa. “It Phat Reggae Dub has covered However, the band has been for Damien Marley. ence attending the Revival Tour for able onstage. was awesome.” plenty of ground since its forma- working on new songs in their Phat Reggae Dub has a huge fu- the first time. But many long time Although her voice sounded The last stop for the 2013 U.S. tion, performing at venues includ- spare time. ture ahead, and for now, they’ll be supporters were present as well. phenomenal and her lyrics were Revival Tour was the El Rey The- ing Chain Reaction, The Key Club, Much like the natural feel of reg- offering listeners moving beats and Eric Turner, 27, and Sara Lafave, catchy, it appeared as though O. atre in Los Angeles on April 23. House of Blues and the Roxy. gae, lyrics for the music come to the great jams. In the spirit of reggae, 29, made a four-hour road trip to at- didn’t feel quite at home as other If you missed this experience this Their first album, Be Free, was band members instinctively; there is they’ll always be giving a good time. tend the show. tour members. time around, don’t fret because the released early 2010 followed by the no method or complexity. Catch Phat Reggae Dub at the “I haven’t missed one yet,” said She frequently peered to the sides tour will be back next year. Stay release of their single “Back to the “The lyrics are very conscious, Becker Amphitheater today, and Turner. “We came from Vegas ‘cause of the stage during her solo set as tuned for line-up announcements Pad” in the same year. In 2011, the interpret how you will, but we want get some free music at PhatReg- they missed Vegas this year.” if beckoning other members of the and other news at TheRevival- band released a self-titled EP. to just talk about things many peo- Although the drive from Vegas tour to join her.

FOLLOW US ON TWITTER: @DTDETOUR VISIT US AT: DAILYTITAN.COM/DETOUR PAGE 8 APRIL 24, 2013 THE DAILY TITAN SPORTS WEDNESDAY Sports aid Women’s golf finishes Boston fifth in tournament CSUF traveled to San Luis Long Beach State. healing Obispo to participate in Three-time defending champion Big West championhips UC Davis extended its lead at 9-over- par for the despite a second-round ANGEL MENDOZA score of 304, 15 shots worse than its process Daily Titan opening round, to lead Long Beach State by 16 strokes before the final It has been just under a week The Cal State Fullerton women’s day of play Tuesday. and a half since the Boston Mara- golf team finished its stay on the thon bombing, but it has already Central Coast with a fifth-place fin- felt longer. So much has happened ish at the 2013 Big West Conference since then, including the death of Women’s Golf Championships, host- In the final round, one suspect and the capture of the ed by the San Luis Obispo Golf and CSUF finished other for the involvement in the This Just In Country Club. Sophomore Tisha terrorist attacks. Alyn Abrea also shot a final round 77 one shot ahead Though it will never feel as if JUSTIN ENRIQUEZ to finish tied for 10th overall. justice was served for what those After day one, CSUF finished in of hometown fa- two suspects allegedly did, at least fourth place and sophomore Makay- there is some sense of closure and images from the marathon bomb- peared all over my arms and back valry in sports, but for one night, all la Mier shot a 3-over-par 76 to lead vorite Cal Poly the nation can continue it’s heal- ings was shown to honor the first as it was one of the most powerful the feelings of hatred went away as three Titans in the top 20 on Sun- ing process. responders, some of whom were moments I have witnessed in my the Yankees supported their brothers day. The Titans combined to shoot Tuesday, shoot- The Boston Marathon is an present at the game. The end of the many years of sports fandom. The to the north. a 20-over-par 312 to finish one shot over 100-year-old event that video had a written message that moment transcended sports and The gesture even moved the ac- behind third-place UC Irvine and ing a final round brings in athletes and specta- read, “We are Boston. We are strong. it made me realize what a healing tual artist of the song as Neil Dia- six shots ahead of fifth place Cal tors from all around the world. Boston strong.” mechanism a simple sporting event mond tweeted: “Thank you NY Yan- State Northridge. For Mier, it show- 317 to finish at It is the world’s oldest annual Then came the emotional peak can serve as. kees for playing ‘Sweet Caroline’ for cased her third consecutive 76 in an 73-over-par ... marathon and ranks as one of the of the event as regular national an- After the game concluded, the the people of Boston. You scored a opening round and is tied for her best-known road racing events. them singer Rene Rancourt walked first responders that were in atten- homerun in my heart.” third-lowest round as a Titan. This However, a senseless act of vio- on the ice to sing with the Boston dance were invited by the Boston This was not the first time this is behind only the consecutive 74s lence ruined what usually is a joy- Fire Color Guard at his side. Ran- Bruins for a meet-and-greet and type of phenomena has happened in she recorded at the Washington State In the final round, CSUF fin- ous event that brought people of court began to sing the national an- were treated to beers from the team. the sports world, as it was once the Cougar Cup to start the year. ished one shot ahead of hometown all different ages, ethnicities and them with his beautiful and boister- However, this touching ges- Yankees themselves on the receiving Also joining Mier in the top 20 favorite Cal Poly SLO Tuesday, backgrounds together through the ous operatic voice. ture was not an isolated incident end of support after the 9/11 terror- was Abrea, who ended her day with shooting a final round 317 to finish spectacle that is sports. Just a few bars into the song, when it came to an outpouring of ist attacks. a 4-over par 77 to finish in a tie for at 73-over-par in the tournament Sports are a global force when it it was blatantly obvious something support across the Boston sports At the time, the Yankees were 12th , and senior Deidre Crabtree, (949). Three-time defending cham- comes to unity and a shared experi- special was happening. The Boston spectrum. In fact, that same contending for the World Series who finished tied for 16th with a pion UC Davis cruised to its fourth ence for millions of people. So, it crowd was singing the national an- night, the NBA’s Boston Celtics against the Arizona Diamond- 6-over-par 79. Sophomore Seri Lee, consecutive title as they finished at was only natural for a sporting event them loud and proud as the voices were visiting the Toronto Rap- backs and seemingly had the sup- who was in the top 10 after an even- 5-over par for the tournament. The to showcase the fact that the City of of the people echoed through the tors. The two teams gathered at port of the entire nation as they par front nine, was in a tie for 21st at Aggies finished 29 shots ahead of Boston is healing. TD Garden arena. Rancourt made midcourt to observe a moment of went after another championship. 7-over-par and was joined by Neomi second-place Long Beach State. UC Just two days after the bomb- the decision to stop singing less silence. Then, as the Celtics were Thousands in the crowd proudly Hunt in a group of 10 players tied Riverside took third place followed ing, the first big event happened in than halfway through the anthem being introduced, Neil Diamond’s wore FDNY and NYPD shirts and for the spot. UCI who finished fourth. the city as the Boston Bruins took and in doing so, the entire world classic hit “Sweet Caroline” was hats in support for the first re- Day two was more of the same for Abrea ended her final round with the ice to face off against the Buf- was able to hear the voices of the played. The song has been long sponders of that tragedy. the Titans as they hung on to their a 10-over-par 229 to give the sopho- falo Sabres at TD Garden Arena. City of Boston. associated with Boston’s beloved While there may never be fourth place standing after 36 holes more her second top-10 finish at the Before the game was played, a cer- The moment spread through the MLB team, the Red Sox. enough justice served to make up of play. Trailing third place UCI by Big West Championships in two emony was held to honor the vic- media virally as if it were a way for Another heartwarming tribute for these atrocities, there is some just one stroke after day one, the years. The two scores by Abrea in the tims of the marathon bombings. Boston to say, “We are okay and we was the playing of that same song by type of consolation in knowing Anteaters were 13 shots better than last two seasons are tied for the sec- Shortly after the hockey team are healing.” the Red Sox’s bitter rivals the New something as simple as a sporting CSUF in the second round to pull ond-lowest by a CSUF golfer at the took the ice and was given a stand- When I first saw footage of the York Yankees. The two teams are event can bring a city, and possibly ahead of the Titans and close to Big West Championships since the ing ovation, a video that included national anthem, goosebumps ap- considered to have the greatest ri- a nation, together. within nine shots of second-place program was reinstated back in 2009.

CONTACT US AT: [email protected] FOLLOW US ON TWITTER: @DTSPORTSDESK 7 April 24, 2013

FOR RELEASE APRIL 24, 2013 Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle CrosswordEdited by Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis brought to you by To ACROSS view our 1 Singer Bryant 6 Tooted in a online Revolutionary band 11 Jacques, e.g. Classifieds 14 Common java hr. , 15 “__ of Two Cities” visit 16 Be in the red 17 Michael Jackson memorabilia Daily itan 19 Coal container T . 20 Met display 21 Met supporter: com Abbr. 22 Completely drained 24 Cold War concerns 27 Web address ending 28 Line-drawing tool 6200 33 Fruity 36 Aristotelian pair? Career Opportunities 37 Cauliflower __: boxing injury 38 “Exodus” author 39 Heavy curtain Marketing Social Media 41 Head of a family? By Ed Sessa 4/24/13 42 Channel for film 2 Beatles jacket Tuesday’s Puzzle Solved buffs style new franchiseconcept needs social media 43 Jalapeño rating 3 Contract change characteristic approvals: Abbr. 44 Nemo creator 4 Tit for __ marketing expertise great opportunity for Verne 5 Motel Wi-Fi, for 45 Conversational one skill 6 Singer-dancer permanent position and growth with a start 49 Info source, with Lola “the” 7 Jurist Lance up flexible hours please fax resume to 50 Like early life 8 Top choice, forms slangily 54 Shakespearean 9 Type of sch. with 562-694-5882 website is actor Kenneth low grades? 58 SALT subject 10 Iron-fisted rulers 59 Worker who 11 “Don’t sweat it” handles returns, 12 Baby’s boo-boo briefly 13 Convalesce 60 Tune 18 First in a car, 61 Uno ancestor, say and, in a way, 23 Uno e due (c)2013 Tribune Media Services, Inc. 4/24/13 what are hidden 25 Retired fliers in 17-, 28- and 26 Straddle 40 Dirty one in a 52 Most likely will, “I am so clever that sometimes 45-Across 29 Spark plug memorable after “is” 64 Prune measurement Cagney line 53 Surgery beam I don’t understand a single 65 New worker 30 Color 41 Sugar shape 54 Not in need of a 66 Pick of the litter 31 Look open- 43 Terrace cooker barber 67 Sot’s symptoms mouthed 44 Night-night 55 Mob action word of what I am saying.” 68 Readied, as the 32 Valentine’s Day clothes? 56 It may run presses deity 46 DDE, in WWII from cheek to 69 Deep sleep 33 Target of a joke 47 Worn at the cheek 34 St. Louis symbol edges 57 Carol opening DOWN 35 Sci-fi travel 48 Sarcastic remark 62 Zip code start? -Oscar Wilde 1 Engaged in conveniences 51 TV monitoring 63 Day-__: pigment armed conflict 39 Dict. feature device brand

Horoscope brought to you by Aries (March 21-April 19) The more you love, the more you feel loved. Minimize travel, and don’t send your pack- age yet. Shop carefully. It’s a good time to visualize uto- pia. Friends inspire you. Write down the possibilities.

Taurus (April 20-May 20) Confirm facts before jumping Sudoku to conclusions. Keep doing the stuff that works. Cleaning Sudoku brought to you by your working space can increase your productivity. Don’t move furniture to avoid getting the work done, though.

Gemini (May 21-June 20) Don’t make wild promis- es you can’t keep. You’re likely to change your mind later. Call for reinforcements, or consider a new partner- ship that brings a new perspective. Ponder before speaking.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) Your mind is moving faster than usual. Take advantage of an extra dose of imagination to increase your earthly comfort. Prepare for a bumpy road, as well. Postpone travel. If you can’t, add cushions.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) Review all options. Listen to what others want, and check the facts you’ve been presented. Your investigation leads to a treasure. Long-distance communi- cation clarifies. Celebrate your discovery with your team.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) While you can afford an excel- lent communication system, don’t get more than necessary. There are hidden factors, and it may not be the best use of funds. You can solve the puzzle.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) New information illuminates. Watch out for hidden agendas. Check for changes, as a creative project gets delayed. You have what others want. Discover another source of revenue; it may require juggling. Improve your effectiveness.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) You’re good at generating money now. It pays to recycle, so reduce unused stuff. An auc- tion may bring the best price. You win free space and even cash. Take time for luxuriating and mindless wandering. How To Play: Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) Go carefully. You Each row must contain may want to shout at people. If so, take five. Call in a the numbers 1 to 9; each favor. Delay a meeting to spend more time with fam- column must contain the ily. Include visiting a beloved locale. Share your dreams. numbers 1 to 9: and each set of boxes must contain Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) Conversations provide insight. the numbers 1 to 9. Influential people are watching. The action is behind the scenes. There’s a promise of riches. Being well organized is crucial; odds are good you’ll forget something. Share your joy.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) Shop carefully, and discover a treasure. You can’t be two places at the same time; pri- oritize meetings. Friends provide support. You’re gaining respect, but don’t get cocky. Go farther than ever before.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) Intuition gets you through a sticky spot. Call the moment you see that you’ll be late. Financial success snowballs. Ask for more and get it. Pay back a debt. Don’t push yourself so hard! April 22 - April 28, 2013 Visit:

MONDAY 4.22 2:30 - 3:30 pm 2 - 4 pm 11 am - 12 pm 7 - 8:30 pm Pavilion C Quad Pavilion C Hetebrink AB 11 am - 1 pm “Social Listening” Fullerton Arboretum Event “Performing Rights Societies” “Click Here: The Evolution of Pavilion B Speaker: Hailey March, Sponsor: PRactical ADvantage Speaker: James Leach, Vice President, Communications Online Advertising” “Media and Tourism in ” Saatchi & Saatchi SESAC - Los Angeles Speaker: Nate Manchester, Director of Speaker: Dr. Lourdes Cisneros, Dean Host: Professor Doug Swanson Host: Professor Genelle Belmas and User Sciences, Innocean USA of Tourism, University of , Cuba 4 - 4:45 pm Professor Jason Shepard Host: Professor Gail Love Host: Professor Dean Kazoleas Pavilion B 2:30 - 3:45 pm “Big Data” Gabrielino 1 - 2:15 pm 7 - 10 pm Speaker: Audra Priluck, GFK 1 - 2:15 pm “Mass Media Ethics” Pavilion C Pavilion AB Speaker: Dennis Foley, Innovation Alvarado AB “In the New Age of Journalism, “A Masq’d Casino” 5 - 6:15 pm Editor, The Orange County Register “Creating a TV Show for Public the Fundamentals Still Apply” Sponsor: PRSSA Pavilion B Broadcasting” Hosts: Professor Holly Ocasio Rizzo Speakers: George Lewis, NBC Host: Professor Dean Kazoleas and Professor Tom Clanin Speaker: Allan Borgen, Television “Agency Culture” Correspondent (Retired), NBC News Cecilia Alvear, NBC News Producer, Host, “Let’s Dine Out” TV Show 6:30 - 7 pm 2:30 - 3:45 pm NBC News THURSDAY 4.25 Host: Professor Waleed Rashidi Pavilion A Tuffree AB Host: Professor Gail Love 9 am - 6 pm “Alumni Mixer” “The Life and Legacy of Boris 1 - 2:30 pm Pavilion ABC Karloff” 1 - 2:30 pm “American Advertising Theatre 7 - 9 pm Speaker: Sara Karloff, President, Theatre Federation District Fifteen “Crafting Your Best Life” Pavilion A Karloff Enterprises Speaker: Jack Mierop, Motivational “Narrative Design - The National Student Advertising “Creative Competition” Host: Professor Gloria Monti Speaker, Jack Up Your Life Collaborative Process of Visual Competition” Storytelling and Content Sponsor: American Advertising Host: Professor Jack Mierop 10 am - 11:15 am 4 - 5:30 pm Creation” Federation Tuffree AB Theatre Production 2:30 - 3:45 pm Speaker: Nelson Coates, Host: Sandy King “The Life and Legacy of Boris “Writing and Hollywood: Dale Designer of popular films like The Hetebrink AB Karloff” Launer’s Adventures in the Proposal, Flight “Fun in the Trenches” President, 10:15 am - 11:15 am Speaker: Sara Karloff, Host: Professor Shelley Jenkins Speaker: Philip Condit, Owner, PHC Karloff Enterprises Screen Trade” Hetebrink AB Speaker: Dale Launer, Screenwriter Productions “Hands for Africa: An Host: Professor Gloria Monti and Author, Hollywood Screenwriter 2:30 - 3:45 pm Host: Professor Bill White Introduction to the Non-Profit Host: Professor Ari Posner Hetebrink AB 11:30 am - 12:45 pm Sector” 2:30 - 3:45 pm “Hunting for Justice” Speaker: Solomon Gerber, Executive Bradford AB 4 - 5:30 pm Speaker: Victoria Redstall, Journalist Tuffree AB Director, Hands for Africa “Citizen Journalism: News Alvarado AB and Author, Freelance “Communications for the Host: Professor Peter Lee Gathering as an Engineering “Revision Practices in Media Arts Host: Professor Bill White Happiest Place on Earth” Speaker: John Nicoletti, Vice President Problem” & Design” Speaker: Pedro Paramo, Editor, 1 - 2 pm of Communications, The Walt Disney Speakers: riCardo Crespo, 3 - 4 pm Watch Our City Hetebrink AB Company Director, th13teen Ontiveros ABC “News and Sports Reporting” Host: Professor Mel Opotowsky Kathleen Kaiser, Principal, Pencilbox “Getting Your Foot in the Door in Host: Professor Gail Love Studios Speaker: Derek Opina, Sports Joven Orozco, Mayor Jovenville, Journalism” Reporter, KFBB-TV 11:30 am - 12:45 pm Speakers: Elaine Aradillas, Journalist, 5:30 - 6:45 pm Jovenville People Magazine Host: Professor Brent Foster Hetebrink AB Lucy H.G. Solomon, Founder, The Pavilion B Stephanie Miranda De Lucia, News “iReporter: Digital Tools of a League of Imaginary Scientists “The Root of Grassroots Public Producer, KNBC 1 - 2 pm Journalist” Bill Thompson, Creative Director, Outreach” Speaker: Tom Bray, Senior Director, Dennis Foley, Newsroom Internship, Tuffree AB Speaker: Sandra Bernardo, Pencilbox Studios Digital News Operations, The Recruitment & Training Coordinator, “The Challenges and Future of Vice President, Westbound Host: Professor Xtine Burrough Press Enterprise The Orange County Register Spanish-Language Media” Communications Derek Opina, Sports Reporter/Anchor, Sponsor: Latino Journalists of CSUF Host: Professor Robert Quezada Fox21/KHBB Host: Professor Cynthia King 5 - 6:30 pm Host: Professor Holly Ocasio Rizzo Gabrielino Host: Professor Beth Georges 11:30 am - 12:45 pm 6:30 - 10:30 pm “Speech and Debate Showcase” Ontiveros BC 1 - 2:15 pm Richard Nixon Library Sponsor/Host: Professor Erika Thomas 4 - 6 pm “Changing Landscapes of High SGMH 1506 “ETC Annual Industry Mixer: UltraLuxe Cinemas at Anaheim “Keep Calm and Carry On: An School Sports” 7 - 10 pm Garden Walk When in Rome” Speakers: Thom Simmons, Insider’s Survival Guide on Sponsor: Entertainment & Pavilion C Director of Communications, CIF “Cowgirls N’ Angels”: An Starting Smart and Staying Tourism Club “Project Vietnam” Southern Section Evening with Writer/Director Strong in the Entertainment Host: Professor Waleed Rashidi Rob Wigod, Commissioner, CIF Sponsor: Comm 438T Tim Armstrong Sponsor: Documentary Film Industry” Southern Section Host: Professor Jeffrey Brody Speaker: Grant Anderson, President, 7 - 8 pm Host: Professor Henry Puente and Television Shane Brennan Productions 7 - 9:45 pm Hetebrink AB Host: Professor Larry Ward Host: Professor Ed Fink “Travel and Tourism” 11:30 am - 12:45 pm Irvine Campus, Room 213 Speaker: Tessa Kranz, Marketing Tuffree AB “Adventures in TV, Radio, and 4:30 - 5:30 pm Manager, Anaheim/OC Visitor & “The Life and Legacy of Boris Film” Pavilion C 2 - 5 pm Convention Bureau Speaker: Michelle Merker, Writer and Karloff” “A Conversation with The Irvine Campus, Room 220 Host: Professor Jim Collison Producer, PBS So Cal/KOCE-TV/The Speaker: Sara Karloff, President, Orange County Register “PRactical ADvantage Open Karloff Enterprises OC Channel Publisher Aaron Kushner” House” 7 - 8:30 pm Host: Professor Gloria Monti Host: Professor Beth Georges Keynote Speaker: Aaron Kushner, CEO, Sponsor: PRactical ADvantage Alvarado AB Freedom Communications Inc. (The Communications “Working with Disney Media” 1 - 2 pm 7 - 9:45 pm Orange County Register) Speakers: Erin Glover, Manager of Host: Professor Doug Swanson College Park 670 Gabrielino Host: Dean William Briggs Print & Social Media, Disneyland “Radio News in the 21st Century Resort “Daily Titan Open House” 4 - 5 pm Janice Sindoni, Manager of Media Sponsor: Daily Titan - The Field Role” 5:30 - 6:45 pm Langsdorf Hall 322 Speaker: Pete Demetriou, News Radio Relations, Disneyland Resort Host: Professor Holly Ocasio Rizzo Pavilion B Field Reporter, KNX 1070 News Radio “Faith and the Media” Sarah Tully, OC Disney Reporter, The “Hispanic Public Relations Panel Speaker: David Hood, Editor, The Orange County Register 1 - 2 pm Host: Professor Robert Van Riel from HPRA” Daily Titan Principal, Host: Professor Andi Stein Ontiveros BC Speakers: Stephen Chavez, Host: Professor Philippe Perebinossoff 7 - 9:45 pm Chavez Marketing & Communications “Breaking News – The Inside Delia Lopez, Communications 7:15 - 9:30 pm Ontiveros BC Story of TV Journalism” Consultant, HPRA FRIDAY 4.26 Speaker: Leanne M. Suter, Eyewitness “Senior Publicist at The Walt Tuffree AB Jose Xicohtencatl, Senior Account News Reporter, ABC 7 “The Art of Photography” Disney Company” Executive, Edelman 9 - 10:30 am Speaker: John McClintock, Disney Speaker: Michael Roud, Photographer, Host: Professor Brent Foster Publicist, Disneyland Resort Host: Professor Dean Kazoleas Theatre Michael Roud Photography “Lifestyle and Entertainment” Host: Professor Anne La Jeunesse Speaker: Paul Cochrane, Head of Host: Professor David DeVries 1 - 2:15 pm 7 - 8 pm SGMH 1506 Video, Lifestyle and Entertainment, 7 - 10 pm Pavilion C Yahoo! 4.23 “How I Went From a Struggling TUESDAY TSU Underground Pub “Mobile Media” CSUF Student To The Executive Speaker: Lora Friedrichsen, Executive Host: Professor Henry Mendoza AdCon Day “Poetry Slam” Vice President, Global Results VP of a TV Network” Sponsor: SOAR and CICC 10 am - 9 pm Speaker: Tony Allevato, Sports Communications SATURDAY 4.27 Host: Assistant Dean Peggy Bockman Titan Student Union Television Executive, Freelance Host: Professor Jeffrey Brody Host: Professor Ed Fink 7 - 11 pm 10 - 11:15 am WEDNESDAY 4.24 7 - 8:30 pm Pavilion ABC Pavilion B 1 - 2:15 pm NSSHLA’s 4th Annual Casino 10 am - 12 pm Tuffree AB “Personal Branding” Gabrielino “Writing Compelling Narrative Night: “Old Hollywood” Speaker: Christie Cordes, Ad Recruiter Hetebrink AB “The U.S. Hispanic Market: Sponsor/Host: NSSHLA “Networking and Etiquette: Do Feature Stories” Myths and Realities” Speaker: Greg Hardesty, General 1 - 2:15 pm Speaker: Francisco Valle, Vice The Little Things Right!” Assignment Reporter, The Orange Pavilion B President of Marketing, Community Sponsor: Career Center County Register Host: Laura Neal and Professor “Consumer Decision Science” Relations, and Special Projects, Tri-City Host: Professor Vik Jolly Speaker: Emily Mabry, The Medical Center Beth Georges Martin Agency Host: Professor Fred Zandpour