The Lincoln Family Magazine April, 1917 Thomas Llncoln of Hingham
The Lincoln Family MAGA'INE APRIL , 1 9 1 7 T HOMAS L l NCOL N OF HI NGHAM , ENGL AND AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS B y M . L . P . ' a 1 T h o m s ( ) Linkon , the miller , born England , - 1 68 will 1 602 3 , died 3 , probated Taunton , 5 March , 1 684 ; came from Hingham , England to Hingham , Mass . , in / 649 1 635 . I n 1 the town of Taunton , Mass . , vo te d h i m ' ' t accommodations to come h e re and set up a gri st mill , which offer he accepted , and in 1 649 Thomas ( 1 ) Linkon and his eldest son , Thomas (2) Linkon , came to Taunton . built and ran the grist mill on Mill River, and this mill ' wa s in charge of the Linkon family for forty - seven ' C s years , when it was deeded to the ro smans , who had i charge of t for more than one hundred years . I n 1 652 the rest of the family came . 1 a m Thomas ( ) Linkon emigrated to America , c c o a n i p e d by five children , three sons , Thomas John Samuel and two daughters , Sarah (2) and Mary His first wife , unknown , probably died before coming to America , as nothing is known of her in this country . 1 0 1 66 He married , second , December , 5 , Elizabeth Street , widow of Francis Street . She was living in 1 706, and was then Widdo w Linkon , as she then joined with her daughter Mary Street in conveying lands , etc .
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