L~N C.OLN LORE Bulletin tlf th(! Lincoln National Life Foundation -- - -- - - - - -- Dr. Louis A. \Varr(\n, Editor. Puhlishcd each week by The Lincoln National Life Insurance Company, Fort Wayne, Indiana. Number 404 FORT WAYNE, INDIANA January 4, 1937 :~OOth ANNIVERSARY OF THE AMERICAN LINCOLNS Three hundred years ago, on Juno Prnusylt'auia, 17£0-1768 Long Run in the month of ~lay, 1786. 20, 1637, Samuel Linroln, the first Chester County-For five years His widow nnd five children mo\·~ to American ancestor of Abraham Lin­ Mordeeai lh,es in Chester County nt.•srby \Vtt~hington ('ounty shortly coln, arrived in this country. When where two more children arc born. after his death. Samuel discmb.1.rked 4t Boston, ho Berks County-He acquires proper­ V.'ashington Cow1ty-Here Thomaa was eighteen years of age. Be came to ty in Bt-rks in 1'126. Lincoln, younge~t son of the widow, America as a weaver's apprentice in nlarrie~ Nancy Hanks. the family of Frances Lawes, with Hardin County-Three years before whom he migrated from Englancl. DATES SUGGESTED FOR his marriage1 Thomas purchases prop­ Thh; anniver~ary seems to be of suf­ ANNlVERSARY erty on ~hll Creek and probably ficient importllnce to warrant a gen­ PROGRA~IS brin~• his bride here in 1806. eral ob.-.cr\'ance of the event in those Sun., June 20--Boston nnd em'irons. EhzalH~thtown-Soon after the ar­ communities where the Lincoln fam­ Mon., June 21-Monmouth County, rival in Hardin County, the Lincolns ilies lived, through which the direct N.J. take up their residence jn Elizabeth­ ancestry of Abraham Lincoln has Tues., June 22-Berka County, Pa. town, the count)• seat, and here their been traced. Tho Lincoln National Lanc.~aster County, Pa. first child, a daughter, is born. 13 the Life Foundation has mapped out a Wed., June 23-Rockingham County, Call ot 1808 they muvc to La Roe sugge:;ted program ,.. ·hieh would fea­ Va. County. ture the many migrations of the Lin­ Thurs., June 24-Cumberland Gap, Hodgcnvillo-Established in a cabin coins a:! they moved westward. Tenn. thrPe miles south of Hodgenville n~ar The series of pa.gcnnts submitted Fri., June 25--Jefferson County, Ky. the famous Sinking Spring. Their son, wouM b<·gin on Sunday, June 20, with Sat., June 26-Washington County, Abraham Lincoln, is born. Two yea.rs programs at Boston, and other points Ky.; Hardin County, Ky. 1ater they move to a point eight miles on Ma~sachW:ictts Bay associated with Sun., June 27-La Rue County, Ky. north in the same county. the Lincoln~, and conclude on the last )!on., Jane 28-Spencer County, Ind. Atherton ville-Two miles south of day of the month with the final dcm­ Tue~., June 29-Decatur, 111. Atht•rton':; Ferry on the Cumberlnnd onstrntion at Springfield, Illinois. Wed., June 30-New Salem, Jll. Rond, the cabin home of tho Lincolns The pageants might be so nrranl)'cd Springfield, Ill. is established nnd from this point they that tho:w desiring to make n pilgrim· migrate to Indiana. ogc o\•cr tho entire route may stnrt at Fifth Migration-This migration to Boston nnd continue on to the New Lancasrer Coun9>-John, the oldest Indiana oceurred in 1816, the u.me Jers<>y, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Ken­ son ot Mordecai, hving here as early year that Indiana came into the Un­ tucky, Indiana and Illinois home sites as 1748. ion. The family included Mr. and Mrs. of the succeeding Lincoln generations. Berks County- Apparently John Lincoln and their children, Sarah and This would allow those following the returns to Berks County with hls !am­ Abraham. They ll<!ttled at a point fif. trail, to witnC8s day nfter day, the ily about 1754. teen miles back from the Ohio ril·er iD pageantry at each point on the migra­ Third Migration-About the year what iR now Spencer County. tory route. 1768, John Ljnc.oln, hi.s wife and five Indiana, 1816-1830 Jl!auachusctts, 1687-1714 &OM and four dauKhters moved into the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. Lincoln City- Two years after Boston-Samuel Lincoln arrives reaching the Indiana home site the from England. Virginia, J7GS-17S.! mother of Abraham Lincoln dies and Salem-Resides for n short time Rockingham County-John Lin­ the following year his father marries here. coJn's oldest son. Abraham, marries. the widow, SArah Bush Johnston, who Hingham-E$lablloh<'S him<el! at Tn Rockingham County, Thoma-5 Lin­ h3s three orphan r:hildrt.on. Bingham where his first son, Morde-. coln, father of the President, is born. cai, is born. Sixth \lig-rntion-The migration Fourth Migration-The longest of (rom lndinnn to Illinois occurred i.n Huli-Mordecai living here at time all the Lineotn migrations started of marriage. ~(arth, 1830, and thne were thirteen from Vir~inin in 1782 with l{cntucky pe-ople in th• rrroUJ) which made up the Cohas~et-Move.s to Cohasset Fhort­ as the destination. The family con­ LincoJn nnd John~ton families. ly after his marriage. Aieted of Abraham Lincoln, grand­ Scitunte-Living in this town at the father of President Lincoln, his wife, /llinoi8, 1830·1861 time of his second marriage. Bersheba, three sons, Mordecai, Jo. Decatur-From lhis lllinoi• home of l•'in;t mh:ration-It W&Ji from the .~;iah and Thomas., and two daughters, his !ather, Abraham Lincoln seta out, Scituate homc- that the firAt miS!ratiou Mary and Nancy. at twenty-one years of age, to make took place when Mordecai II and hi.s hls fortune in the world. Cumbt1'land Gap, 178t brother Abraham, oldest sons of Mor­ On the long migration from Vir· New SalC'm-After five years, Abra· decai l, Ret out for New Jer5ey. Both ham leaves th~ town to take up his were single young men to whom their ginia to Kentucky, it is very likely that rcsidence in the nearby city of Spring· father had given their portion of hba the family walted at tlte Block House, field. estate. some miles east of Cumberland Gap, Springfield-In thl• eily. Abraham until a sufficiently large number of Lincoln marries Mary Todd, and four Ncv• Jascy, 171.4·1710 immiRrants hnd gnlhered to w:lrrnnt children nrc born to the union, one dy~ Fn·C'hnld- Here, :'t.forde('~li Lincoln thelr safety in traveling into the Ken­ ing in infancy. settleR sometime previou!-l to 1714, and tucky countr)'· Cumberland Gap would ~eventh Migration-Abraham LJn. marries Hannah Salter. f;CCm to be the proper pJnce to recog· nize this phase of the migration. coin, pr~toidtnt cled of the United Reeond Migratl«'n-This mig-ration SUtes, left Springfield for \Va<~hing· was t\ Bhort one. )fordec:ai Lincoln ll, Krntncky, 17S'?·U.'1fi ton on February 11, 1861. His wife and hh• wife and four children move aero:;.s Jefferson County- Abraham Lin­ chilrlrf>n join£'rl him the following day the stott.~ line into Pennsylvania. coln, the pioneer, is ma~s11c~d on at lndiannpoHH. .
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