Defendants' Motion to Dismiss Third Amended Complaint
UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT EASTERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK IBRAHIM TURKMEN; ASIF-UR-REHMAN ) SAFFI; SYED AMJAD ALI JAFFRI, ) YASSER EBRAHIM; HANY IBRAHIM; ) SHAKIR BALOCH; AKHIL SACHDEVA; and ) ASHRAF IBRAHIM, ) on behalf of themselves and all others ) similarly situated, ) ) Plaintiffs, ) v. ) ) JOHN ASHCROFT, Attorney General of the ) Civil Action United States; ROBERT MUELLER, Director ) No. 02 CV 2307 (JG) Federal Bureau of Investigations; JAMES W. ) ZIGLAR, former Commissioner, Immigration and ) (Gleeson, J.) Naturalization Service; DENNIS HASTY, ) former Warden, Metropolitan Detention Center (MDC); ) MICHAEL ZENK, MDC Warden; MDC ) Associate Warden for Custody SHERMAN; ) MDC Captain SALVATORE LOPRESTI; ) MDC Lieutenants STEVEN BARRERE, ) WILLIAM BECK, LINDSEY BLEDSOE, ) JOSEPH CUCITI, HOWARD GUSSAK, ) MARCIAL MUNDO, DANIEL ORTIZ, ) STUART PRAY, and ELIZABETH TORRES, ) and MDC Correctional Officers PHILLIP BARNES, ) SIDNEY CHASE, MICHAEL DEFRANCISCO, ) RICHARD DIAZ, KEVIN LOPEZ, ) MARIO MACHADO, MICHAEL MCCABE, ) RAYMOND MICKENS, JOHN OSTEEN, ) BRIAN RODRIGUEZ, SCOTT ROSEBERY, and ) CHRISTOPHER WITSCHEL, MDC Counselors ) RAYMOND COTTON, CUFFEE, and ) CLEMMET SHACKS; JOHN DOES 1-20, ) Metropolitan Detention Center Corrections Officers; and ) the UNITED STATES, ) Defendants. ) ) MEMORANDUM OF LAW IN SUPPORT OF PARTIAL MOTION TO DISMISS ON BEHALF OF THE UNITED STATES AND MOTION TO DISMISS ON BEHALF OF DEFENDANTS JOHN ASHCROFT, ROBERT MUELLER, JAMES W. ZIGLAR DENNIS HASTY, AND MICHAEL ZENK PAUL J. MCNULTY PETER D. KEISLER United States Attorney for Assistant Attorney General the Eastern District of Virginia JONATHAN F. COHN LARRY LEE GREGG Deputy Assistant Attorney General BRIAN D. MILLER RICHARD W. SPONSELLER DIMPLE GUPTA DENNIS C. BARGHAAN Counsel to Assistant Attorney General Assistant United States Attorneys 2100 Jamieson Avenue PHYLLIS J. PYLES Alexandria, VA 22315 Director, Torts Branch Special Department of Justice Attorneys DAVID J.
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