NOW ISSUEDl. EVERY THURSDAY % n ’t WLtion J t THE WEATHER • Greeting^ Fitent Wilhelm Press Gets A Laugh cloudy this afternoon and to- Polities Winding Up ®Ik Itillsidc Sime5 Mrs. n | __-:- hiffiflftB With his Blfehatura i VOL. XIV, -N,q,-749^ ’ HIU J „ ’ THUR&BA-Yr-APRflr-g&r-l^- 'MiesaiTg leto f*toHah»-iyriilBiieighlilet;li Witfnmy Oil J,6Kuary. -me&-FI'¥E-GEN-m >iil£respoBsr TWs~&As-iM^|®mlaU6aT io f7-9n-aie back; oj Sra I was typed, "Dank fur tareues Qedenkeri.” Years age. ksr father, who Wte s, Oesnan xsohester o f rare luvenirs, had’ sent » greeting to Bismarck, and that famous ' 4 Nantes Offered For Runner Elected ' uschanceUor had seat h er father a personally written note Approval back la'1890, and this Mrs. Ll?

W omen s Page Personal Society NotesFraternal

1th a full ..length “veil ahd urday;Aprfl"2g ‘anU'^;'"TO "Salemravenue7 enter tamed eyerairSaturday. carried a bouquet df- whfte limea of--the sale will be noted later*. frienhs from Staten Island,-.l ” : _.J4rsl. Leslie Sout Mother-Daughter Ruth Van ‘Sickle Election Held By and llllies of the valley- The. maic] Irma Van Wagenen • Mrs. ahd Mrs. Walter Hornig, of Surnay^ j____r______“ 7 ’ burg, is th e ' gu?s of honor -wore a dress.-of-orchid- Fairbanks street, will ^move to-their Mrs. Jere K, Ross, of Cranford, Ehrhardt, of I2is ; georgette and carried a bouquet of new* home’ W 244'"GflfiR'’B ffeet,, May en®®necl' WedhWsfy'"afc'-a • limch- • Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dinner OF Scouts Weds A.-& Stolces V F W Daughters yelfow roses. i - Bride- On Friday, eon-at-yie^Williajm Pitt In Chatham Crann street, ,andJ After* a reception* a t the home of M r.'and Mrs. ( in honor of Miss Jean 337 TiGheiTor, Kevcie;. of Maple 7 A successful • mother-daughter the bride, Mr. - and- Mrs.-Klapproth- Coe avenue, „exp_e to move, into r> ill lv n bride on Saturday the convention of Miss RiibR ° mullli V r 1 ~"nT' 111V| Offirrr are . elect,ed Thursday ieft for Washington. D. C‘., and on Miss Irma-Mary-Van Wagenen, of .banquet was held yesterday by Girl daughter- of- Baymond‘ Henry Va their'iiew home1 oi idibanks -street everdhgr- o.ndi.:rfoiL„JM£§;;; Herman Vetemns: ;ta Lakew night a t the. V. F. W. hall by tHe rnnr rrtlirh H IM n mli Fill 1315 1114 South Long avenue, became the £t£pks, of California, who is-on a Sooui Tfoefi 33 at the Elizabeth Sickle/ of 1405 Munn avenue, an Daughters of Veterans of Foreign enue. Frinr nr 'WllYH1 ^Vllliiini TT^'gvri, nf The Past Presidents Avenue Presbyterian ■Church. The —Ml ».mnl' TWTrr W illiam pft)lavriL nf visit herb to attend- the wedding. Dnion Crninty the .late Mrs, Van fickle, became Wars, -Hillside Post -1722. • Those 1054 Wooley avenue, Union, Friday ^*nlliiiwiiifr i.fchn lnnrhPnn M iy T trh - Amt dinner was, followed by an exhibit ‘the bride of Arthur. Ernest Stokes, chosen, are: President, Mary Diou; evening, in the Hillside Presbyterian 26 Fairbanks’ street, entertainedTf A&P Celebrates SO Years of Progress

icers p ad coBmutee chairmen wedding of unusual.. Interest is nBxt year Twere dttosen a t Will be held in the Hillside Presby­ nnual taslnste. meeting of the terian ohuroh ■’Saturday ■ evening 1 s Auxiliary of the First Baptist M,eh Miss Ethel happ, daughter-of •b at the close ot an all .Say Mtv and Mrs. John Lapp ar„ om it on yesterday. The 'auxiliary She- avenue, -rand^Robeft ,qbx7 sdh’ the pastorlunii 92 Hillside of Mr. „aftd -Mrs, A rthur ^-Sox, of ue, with M rs..d..Robert Oock- Salem avenue/ will be married by ■ifa of the pashw hhnfchj the pastor; Rev,. George M. Runner. ostess-'*-.. Miss-lAppl-wiS -have-as_niati0a--a{- ficsrs eleoted. following suBInls- gMSWtHisr sister, Mrs. E- HBarl^of lof the annual reports of com­ Unden. Miss Shirley ' Cop, - sister er— — Praalrtent Mrs Dllypr of the groom, and! Miss Ruth Lapp, Ear risen; vice president, Mrs. sam er sister ui me uhub, m trw HRANDSAVINGSI i\ Butler; secretary, Mrs- bridesmaids, Stanley NiokersSn, of lies Hanson; aessoclate feeore- East Orange, will serve as best man, Mrs. Fred Williamson; fcreas- Ushers Will be Hollister Cox, Harry Mrs. Harry W. Doremus; as- Lapp, John O, -Lapp Jr<, and Arthur e treasurer Mrs. Jo h n Sten-- Lapp.. The couple axe planning to on Nationally Known Grocery Products! make their home in Elisapeth. >, devotiohaal leaden Mrs. I t ’s the last week oi our celebration oi 80 years oi Progress—and you’ll find values you additional savings. Come ir today—buy all or. your food needs and enjoy ell;, missionary ohairman,.Mrs. galore to sav’e you money. A&P can offer you these Grand Savings because of the “Grand Savings” on all Nationally Known products including Ann Page Quality smsonrflowe^eOmmittee-Qhatef. Continue Firm As efficient way we operate our business. We deal directly with producers and manu­ Foods, Eight O’Clock, Red Circle and Bokar. Coffees, A&P Breads and Jana jifrs. Charles Robshaw; mem- facturers — saving many in-between profits and unnecessary handlin; charges, we Ip and calling committee chah> Parker Cakes. AH of theae good things are made by A&P—produced under very THsriiiiamrMottt-soeiaheom-’ Compton Agency share these huge savings with you. We operate our stores efficiently, too, bringing careful Supervision, and they offer yot the utmost in value! e chairman, Mrs. N. B. Dennis; tture chairman, Mrs.. George social service chairman, Mrs. The George Compton ■ Agency, of NOW-MANY THOUSANDS 1444 North Broad street, is.’ cocpL-| FIRST PRIZE FRESH KILLED ;e Remo; White dross chiur- xtra Fancy Lone Island Mrs, Walter Bloomer, and pro- tinuing: the business of the late DUCKLINGS 1 7 * chairman, Mrs. See. George Compton, It was announced $500 in Cash Save'ill 1Q \ Pound rmorning was spent in dSJSff yesterday, under- the management CHOICE ( Gross work, .under the dtcecr. of Miss Kathfyn ’ Keller. Miss GRADE ON FINE FRESl .OFFE-. Keller has been corutected witlv Mr, 50 OTHER CASH PRIZES LEGS of LAM B ^.^.i-8./....Ta1nnmer-. Luncheon 2 3 * VfltPbr ng tseotfees rompltEtai on t erved* hy the socitd Committee Comjjtuu'for ' the - past-14-years:— -----In uw Metropolitan Area She states that she-Will render ffierpf ' the chairmanship .of Mrs: C ut from and n between prorit8~-eo thousands erko Is,- The-business -meeting... tank the same careful service as In 7he past. Those wfcrcr'have - insurance m 7— .«■» many other caih prizes PRIM E RIBS of BEEF first 11* 2 5 * formerly pa’d h gHer prices now choose fine; he afternoon. ■ J ’ problems-are urged to ‘consult with H a i S *re8^B O'ctoek Red C'rc c or Bokar Miss Keller, who has S'Wide ex- Broilers & Fryers AMERICA’S Largest Selling Coff**! pd^ence in this- field, A&P tea values Sizes Rotts M fLe5clu,IVL*lyJ' 1859 A&P has CHICKENS Fresh Killed 2 to 3% lbs « a ?B r ' PQ«« d and sold fine tea at 2 5 * jS E n g ia n a NEW, RULER WILL 5Srf?vouTS*v«!rjfnu,,r£'"t**£l • • • "w SHORT SHANrt 8o Clock 2^*29* PRESIDE O VER ELKS FRESH CA L AS PORK SHOULDERS 1 5 * jnouncement - Is made Of the Metropolitan Area’s Favorite I Hillside Lodge 1681, B. p. O. siks, N ECTA R TEA I April 11 at-' aflfeugpjter*’ Jac- A National Favorite ne Anne Wcoicook, to Dr. and will meet tonight a t the clubhouse' SLICED 2 V rlb ' ■James Wilham -WooleoeS, of at 244 Hillside avenue. This will Orange-Pekoe, India-Coylon-Javo BACON SUNNYFIELD—SUGAR CURED p k g s. 2 5 C R e d a >-* O C < xm - in - Cleveland, Yorkshire, be the first full meeting under the guidance of the new exalted ruler, C IR C L E . and. Mrs. Woolcock- Is the WHOLE ,er Miss Margaret’Maude Potts, Elmest V. -Rettino. Rettino will’an- S I 4 C S :2 7 ‘ Shoulder of Lamb b 17c or EITHER hter of Mr. and Mrs.- George nounce some of his plans for an -..Formosa-Oolong or Mixsd CHVCK S M O K E D H A M HALF j H . i b .25c i, JorihSrljrdr 1ST? "Salem J,ylr fiypflnaion of activlti€ Certified . and now of The Hague, Kether- committees which were not , an- 5ilb..| O C %Ib. CHUCK ROAST B?f: . , ib-19« CROSS RIB POT ROAST b 29c nounced by him at the last meeting. pk§ I3C 'S:25c Bokar 2- 39* ? and Mrs, Potts will return to B O N E L E S S C H U C K ib 25c Hague on the S. S. Manhattan, P late or N avel B eef "cORNEP ■b12c h_wiil saU May 3. They came YOUNG PEOPLE WILL AWP BAKER’S BREAD 1 f -to -this countffy last month, RALLY AT MISSION P O R K C H O P S ■’S S ? ib. t 9e Potts, is at. present' in South Evap. Milk F R E S H C O D F I S H S T E A K S ib 12C lica and, Mrs. Potts is staying SOFT TWIST 2 loaves 1I‘ be WinflelcJ, Scott H otels Eliza4 A young people’s rally will be held VEAL CUTLETS . . . TTb. 3 9 c FRESH BUCK SHAD . . M 5C at the lighthouse Gospel'"Mission; 302- Long avenue; Thursday evening. 1 ^ 1 7 * Meat and Fish Prices Effective Thurs., Fri. and Sat. April 27 at 7:30 o’clock. Rev. Lloyd T. Bryant, director..of. .the Associa­ UXILIARY GAME PARTY tion of Christian Youth Movements MING FOY-CHMESE FOOD Fresh Frails and I cgelatdes Heinz Baby Foods s: 2 15* i Ladies Auxiliary of Hurden- of America, will present the motion pr Pbst- ,No. 50, American Le- picture “Youth Marches On.” "The ■ 2 15e held a game party on Tuesday film, consisting .of a full hour of MIXED VEGETABLES .... . 1 2ig In the Ghflimunity' -House, ACi«ual.AO§ffl#§i.ttep^ostly in New CHOW MEIN NOODLES . 2 f Cocomalt. . . . 39V ^avenue, with about one' hiU>] York ,City, depicts" granfiIcafly~TKe 21 tragedy' and humor of the large city BEAN SPROUTS...... 2 vyib / attending* Serving on the = ■ „ ^ S traw berries C o c o n o g ...... 2 tins nittee-were Mrs. F. Berry> Mrs, to -which most of the- youth o£ the SOY SAUCE...... 2 27* country'fiock. . yn Cary', Mrs. Helen Dodd, Mrs. Del M o n t e A p r i c o t s S *d Bleiweis, Mrs. Mae Metzger, At approximately' 8:30' the young 1 15* people will begin a period of sing­ LUSCIOUS., pint Libby H. CWell; Miss Helen ing and fellowship,. Everyone ifib|* Fairy Soap ...... 3 cakei O c Iona A p r i c o t s . . . Nc ■b: and Mrs. Rose Lampe. RIPE box 2 vitedL Feis-Naptha Soap . . . 6 e*k*25c l 1 0 C -N D i s i n i e c t a n t . . . » 19* J cakes^j Q C FALLS FROM CHAIR Kirkman's Borax Soap Double Tip M atches as 10* AND-FRAJSTURES HIP W hite Floating Soap . 3 ake10c Spinadife\ 2 9'-Peascib,C a. m a2 y S ‘ o19* a p . . . . . i t 5 c . Miss Elizabeth . Wolstager,. of. 22 Atlantic Soap Flakes 2 p^ 2 5 c Fruit Cocktail MONTE No * Fairbanks street, is sspected home Asparigu, i String Beans 2 ‘'1 5* 19 goon from St. Elizabeth's .Hospital,' Super Suds i a c k a g i. . ■ , Crosby or Golden Bantam where she is recuperating from a ^ ° '18c j broken hip. . Potatoes 1 0 bs27C I Yellow Bananas b 5c AfirP Brand No. 2 ^ ® On Monday, she fell from a chair KIRKMAN’S - - CORN Grade ‘A’ can. 10 * in the bathroom. Du. Henry d. ychnzelmaim wag summoned. X-Rays 1 9 by Mooring Laboratory' of ‘Hillside Texas Carrots ^ 5* I Oranges 15-25* Baker's Cocoa . . . . . « ‘1i;b 7* jad ^ Newark, determined the extent of her injury, w She was rustled to B o n - A t n i Cake I** 9C Powder 080 10c Iona Cocoa W 8C St. Elizabeth’s Hospital where her M 0 hip was put>In a cast. O a k i t e ...... 2 pk?s19c In Our Dairy Department

W m HAS BIRTHDAY PARTY S. O . S. Cleanser , Pk * i r ■■ Wudme i B.and Pineapple Gems d o le s 3 25* EiafhS Nadier, daughter-of-M r. Butter “ t . , ____—»J C g g S Careru y Selected ' Log C a b in S y r u p . . j 25e 27 Ralston W heat Cereal . n s and Mrs. Henry Nadier, of 1514 glass iar A I 19* & A 2 DO THE Summit atenue,. celebrated her sixth 2 ™-°i occ birthday- yesterday with a. party B & M Baked Beans cans At a# Sweet Butterc* ^ tdI 27c Sharp Cheese 21 7,2*0 %■ Pkg. Guests in^fed werff/plarice Nadier,. a r a SUNNYFIELD w A ice Cereal p u f f s . * . Pkg 5 Barhara Whaloh, Rochelle Elblonk,. C a m p b e l l ’s B e a n s . 4 ^ : 25c Cheddar R BIG JOBS Selma Nadier, ■ Donald and -Bertram MS 77 * 25e Whalon,-Janet and Yvonne-Godbont- Friend's Beans . . . . 2 ^ 27c Quaker Puffed Rice 9* ■ IN HER HOME — aad Jean Loew. Roquefort Muenster ■ WITHi 5AUCE-. 2 ^ 27c 25 . . . pkg 1 GAS FOR COOKING—makes the Fresh Fruits. Vegetables and Dairy Depl» Prices, Thurs** Fri. and Sat, ook’s job easy* New Gas Ranges Green Giant Peas 2 c w '27e Quaker Puffed Wheat .* re 'fa8ter—r-ea8ier to keep clean “"grvB finerresidts-ti^^ever. Vital Statistics THESE -NATIONALLY KNOWN I A |j A* ■ QUEEN p k g . P C 2 GAS FOR WATER HEATING — Lux Flakes ...... & 19c ienty of hot water at the turn a n n page fine foods rr.*pf r . £ . " _r ,r 5 f-the—tap-withan~Automatic OFFER Y O U fas Water Heater. Come in and Tirood, to Mr. and Mrs. Christophei? Daily Dog Food v 6 cans 25 c Waldorf Tissue . . 4 11 1 5 ' th^se gas appliances. Ringwood, of 515 Tillmah street, Rnn1 Merle Stanley Osborn, to MORE FOR YOUR MONEY 3 GAS FOR REFRIGERATION — Mr. ~£®C Mrs. C harl^ •I’te le y Os- Red Heart Dog Food 3 ^ 2 5 ' Scott Paper Towels . . “ 9* a-refrigcrators-are-siferits-No- •bDTnr of 1-533-Bon d--sfereet-r 1 ving parts tQ rattle and wear. -----Marriage licenses CORNED BEEF Tested and Good House- Palmolive Soap . . . ^ 5* Ali_latc8t advantages. Econom- To Eugene -C&rter Peet, 01 iiSsT 2 ff 3 f Approved by beeping Bureau 1 to use.. OraSggr-Sfid Eleanor Gertrude K ru-. sen, of -241 .Dorer avenue. ^Cannoii Dish CIotB Free 4 GAS FOR HOUSE HEATING — To Arthur s. Walters, of 69 Wil- With Each Purchase of Waxed Paper S f 2 27* Nothing to "tend,r with a Gas Bab-O ? cans' Bab-0 . 2 aas19c urr^ceHNcrfxrel tajCrder or liamson avenue, &nd Jean H. Tioh- Pure M i n ------')."T0‘ “ 1 9 e rmrr ^ ^ - e store. No ndise, dust, soot.jijmts enor, Of 1234 North ‘Broad street. smart, compact. To- William- Schneider, .of New­ h o u s e 45* ark, ahd Talia Oreger, of 70 Mertz Condensed Milk 10c Salad Dressing - V ® H 7* ?« 29c r,neaPPle 1 avenue. Deaths Ritx CrackersJfcfefc: ru w jrfrr I Grape BuitJife . 2*^25 -Anna-=D«-'Hen,.-4i8» of 13 IS Liberty m m Mad, wltl, .QSncsilsrow.; pur, an. ragw. pom ho«,-,trl, MClM. (% I DEL M 0NTE TgSt. A t e C ELIZABETHTOWN Hersbey’sCH°v»m*te . 3 ^ 2 5 ’ Cooked Spaghetti .... 4 ^ 25* j ' g a cnes Sliced or Halves A No.ZVzcans / pNSOLlOATEil UAL CO. No. 2% Tomato Juice f a n c y . u r a d e "A ” 5C | Wheatles . . . . . ■ pkg. TO ' Pineapple dDEL e l mMONTE o n t e odr A6fP can 17* zeatful, refreshing < WITH Ige MED. Macaroni, Spaghetti or Noodles ^ 5e Silver Dust TOWEL Sunsweet Prunes SIZE pkg. economy trio * 1 9 * 4 * WOODBURY—Bottle Beans With PORK or VEGETARIAN) Hand Lotion Free with J cakes 20* 5C Tomato Juice S X . each 3 cakes purchased 3 s - 23* Fishmans Fur Storage Presto Cake Flour «*lsl 23* M arm-'flr ■ 15‘ {Fastidia Tissues 3 25* Prices effective* lo April 2bih; unless otherwise noted in the following stores,. for perfect protection l The most modern drumming 176 ELIZABETH AYE. m FIRST- AYE. 191 ELMORA AVE. Comer High, Opp. Harmonia Bank Near W. Grand St.—Free Parking Space and ■ sterilization method! O pp. Sears Roebuck, Cor. Bigelow St - , ELIZABETH I NEWARK - * ELIZABETH Lowest Prevailing Rates!

\ F i 7 h m q n >

M -"'•■'.-a ie Four TRET HILLSIDE TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 20, lg3j BUY, SELL and RENT thru the CLASSIFIED N ew s of Stage and Screen ter Meisel and thfe Jppointin^nt Shirleu Temple In Technicolo • RATES: school authorities spi^the cost ta t •of—Riehard" JT-Harrigan-to-another •Honolulu5 On •r" Ten Cents A Lin6 about 320. arid most stuetents 'raise off ibeJiteera. have-haenerfiated. two the gfeatft portion of the cost by v.acanciesin- the Board of Chosen j, Minimum Charge 25c selling, candy arid joining: fir other Coinl% CUHSlfH Frflflhoiders ^of UnioA County, and Local SeFeen fund-raising projects , durlngl the lside rresbyteriai\ Churcl Church and, the Jews.”. ,, v bhet&=sueGcssors we—expecti-^toL-havVe rAds' Accepted by ’PhonB year.' The loot involved; Including George- M. Rinfnftr, pastor. articles pot Immediately' missed 'by due-eohsider-atiDn-for-tha-Gonstitu- An additional charge1 of five cep ts Bible School and Men’f Bible First Baptist Church Rev. Jr Robert [ency that we represent, and Starring Eleanor Powell, families robbed, is set at over $500. Cockrell, minister. a. m. Men’s |wlU be made for advertisements Grant and Dully stated they had lass. 11 a. m. sermon, "Hie 9:30 .“Whereas, the, failu rete give us [I: Opens at Mayfair fchfti. r.ha^gflri tmrl nm nim t-to- found vt .consiaeretne portiuit vi ttiie toomas‘Of and Tod/xy.” and Women’s-Bihlfi ninjas n.nd Sun­ rceegMltiem’ in1 gtppmritmettt' for th ese less than $1.00. jewelry -in fan old phonogr-anfe-i*. p., in . Intermediate 'Christian day School. , 11, a. m. worship, ser­ vacancies from the ranks of oiir Theatre Saturday mon, “Foolish ’Comparisons.”- 6:45 Telephone WAverly 3‘2466i Hyra’s room at home? as well as a. 'hdeavor. Tuesday eyening Men’s constituents will be ,ari unhappy Club, all men Invited. Wednesday p . m Baptist Training Union ignoring of*Wl:.loyalty and! effective­ .32 calibre police revolver which they p. in. are- still seeking to trace. Bullets night midweek Bible study. (Young People’s' meeting). 8 ness “hf our organization vihdicated were also found there, they said. worship, theme, ‘-'The Witness of in the-last^elecbiohT-ancl-will- result GAS RANGES God.” The mystery of missing football Elizabeth Avenue Presbyterian in discouragement of the rank and equipment was solved, , they added, Church, Rev. Arthur Northwood, file WM* supporters, and with-the discovery of a helmet and Calvary Lutheran C irohj Rev. C. [ “Whereas, we have among us men fmator, 9:30 a m graded school Morga-n-Wagnei^-past _94-45-a«-m, of^utstanding---aMlity ftnd^--unim- shoulder pads a t Hyra's home. Other -aid Men’s Bible Class. 10:45 a. m. •-studded " musical. articles were found ln_a hole In Sunday School. 11 / m... Church peachable* record a s. loyal party sup­ back of Hyra’s home,- It was 3c- worship, sermon, e Pride of porters, be it therefore clared. Essence;”—7 p. m. Christian—End- -PosUyion— Tuesday-a -Pr-mr-lAi-th-- —^Resolved-that-we, -the Rcpubhean eavor. 8 p m. -worship with address cr League devotional 3 cting Lead- !Gguntxj?pminittee of the Township Neither Hyra nor Domino had ig playing a dual i been involved with the police be­ b t Rev, "Bemafd ' Schatkin, l,rTlic er, .Miss RUth'Weinri o f Hillside, assembled in a special I fore, It was stated.- Bass has served meeting held April I7thi give - un ­ qualified endorsement to: Clarence he inimitable .Burns_ a short term In jail, police said. Mrs. William B, Heffner, 1065 Fair-, he- was well qualified to represent tnd Allen offering a fresh sup- lew -place, • the tophr-will »be „ MThe- Hillside on the' county board, but E. Kremer, Harry gChftftbgT R*ank j. LaTbra, Nell C. Hetzel as can­ ply of laughs; the talebt-filled-casl "Changing Child?' . emphasized his stand' that Hillside also Includes* Andy Iona’s-Islanders, Miss Josephine: Savage’s., class could get a 1 place* only by harmony. didates for appointment to one of these two vacancies in. the Board of the famous Hawaiian- orchestra, Rita Saybrook P.T.A. again won--the attendance award. Based on the definite understanding Johnson; Clarence Kolb, Jo Ann ["The handicraft * class of the already circulated, that Kremer in­ Chosen Freeholders of Union tCoun- [tv. and^be it further . Sayers, Ann Morris, | Willie • Fung, Mother-Daughter Club, which meets tends tp be • a candidate for the p i l Clark, Edward Gargan, Eddie Friday afternoons under „the direct nomination* in the September p ri­ “Resolved that w.e herewith urge Elects Officers the State Senator of our County, Anderson, Sig Rumann, Ruth Hus- tion of Mrs. Muriel Craig,- WPA in- mary election whether he pr Any­ iey, Kealoha Holt and Edgar Dear- s true tor, is rehearsing a sketch to one is appointed beforehand,' Sclina- the Speaker of the State Assembly, OUTDOOR FURNITURE l-Pifr nh^lrrpan of the TTnjon, Opunfi^ ing. revealed _ds the associatp be presented at the next’m ^efii^bn bel saldHhErcotdd not be a party to- “ 1 Miss Powell is seen in a S$l*i6S Of Presentation of th s slate and elec­ May f. ( a fight, and if Kremer continued 'Republican Party, the Chairman of lection by motion picture audiences which Bonert kiontgooa tion ’of officers of Saybrook Parent- the Executive-" Gommittee Of the new .dances, the first,- “Hymn- to the the No. 1 star of the screen for Rosalind Russell race acl with plans .to be a candidate, “I Sun,” a tag h ula based o n a trafil-- Teacher Association- for mightr: jU5]r~g5 wel'l~stepipuLuf. the: -Union, County- ' Republican- ..Party, i -fourth nnnsetiu tive - year, Dar- screen in “Fast and Lnnsrl 1040 tferip. took place yesterday; and the Chairman and members of tional ‘ Hawaiian celebration.' She F* Zanuck and -20tii Century-. picture;" He said he ahd high re­ aiso Performs "aT- novels number m roaring-sogueiTWlast-yeOTJ:omedj I Those who'will serve as officers are: gard for Kremer and also a desire th e Board of Chosen Freeholders to j set out to'produce Shiniey’s out- hit, “Fast Company.” The I President, Mrs. Howard J. Bloy; first To Protest Attack do all in their, power that Hillside imitation of Bill Robinson’s remem­ sLanding triumph. The result iis to ture is a .most unusual mysiei for harmonious backing for- oiife] bered stair dance, and a tap dance vice president, Mrs. Henry G. Nul-1 Hillside candidate. may' be given its deserved 'recog­ seen in “The' Little Princess,” comedy., that contains all die., gind ton; second vice president, Miss L. with a skipping rope. On T Jewish Boys. Can’t Turn, Racks nition by 'the. appointment of .pne h f now a t the Elizabeth Regent Thea=_ t.jps of first-Wite-&ntorliainiSefa^^ j Prances Howard', principal of Say­ th e eatfdidaies th a t we havaf'here.^- The story presents lavish .scanesJU. ’fii., ln!,r^chnic&lDiv=-a - produstionr ... "Ecet and Lens®” tawMS 'l brook School*.. recording secretary, ..Krp'mer:' 8 ^ •with; mcloiseff*-1...... Ilavaii, New .Yoik-and^on-bomd ■nich, according to enthusiastic rapid-fire manner from the now I Mrs. Albert N. Gcaccla; corrci>pcnid- ~ Thft^HilMdfcBl^Behriof^the^A-me-r^ y-eady -laid the -groundwork; for a • Vacancies Filled- ship. The song numbers include Hollywood .preview reports, is evi^i motive ^ baffling crimes antnm, ing- secretary,-Mrs. Edward M. ZeTtz campaign! and was -in -no-position “HorioM’U,” sung by_-Gracie..Allen, greater than “Alexander’s Ragtime by. the desire ■ oft many persoas i and treasurer, Mrs. Prank Eleder. lean League for Peace and -Demo­ to turn back "if he should fail to The committee named Mrs. Ada “This Night Will Be My Souvenir” cracy will sponsor a'meeting tomor­ De§Uva> as committeCwoman for the Band,” **In Old Chicago,” "Ken­ gain possession of a rare and valu.fl Business Directory Assisting Mrs. Isobel Sommer on win appointment to the board. He -and ’ "The Leader Doesn’t Lifee- tucky” able .document;..or--at- least- to pre-l seventh district, replacing Mrs.. Irene Music,” w ritten, by- Harry Warren and.; “Jesse James,” all from the nominating committee were row- evening- dm—the Presbyterian said he was sorry "that there had to the 20th- Audios;-- vent Montgomery and his charii.i Mrs. A, S. Sanborn Jr-, Mrs...John be a clash between Schnabel and Kenip, and Mrs. 'Mae, Fischer for the and Gus Kahn. CcunraunRy House, Coe' and Salem second district in_place _qf Mrs- In r esponse to thousands of -re­ jgg screen, wife, Miss Russell, Soil M. Geglowski and Mrs. Harold Mc- himself over the vacancy, declaring McCarthy Et A1 quests “from fifTiwer- the I worldrlho gaining possession. ®f IV ' OIL CROQUU BHde. avenues, in protest against tbe-ifi- he likewise had high ' regard for Katiuyn L. Funk. .An array of talent th a t reads. cident which occurred last -week at The seventh district vacanc y was m b | presents Shirley Temple in a Montgomery is sesn m tiie rota si First Vice president Mrs. William Schnabel and could carry on a cam­ like “Who’s Who in Hollywood” was Technicolor production for tile first Joel Sloane, a young deva-msrj J. m h h presided at tile meeting in the playground of- the George paign on a high plane with Schnabel substantiated by Ross, who as a assembled for Uniyersal’s “You gan’J- th e absence' of Mrs. Bloy, whtist irataingTMijffTjToung Peojile’Fmoetisg) “ romantlg lead, which is plenty 1 -.8400 p. ijv Worship, -thome, ‘'The 'Witiheas ot God.” BUTTER . . .■ 1 lb, roll 2 5 y 2 c Oarradine, Baxlowe Borland, Beryl “BLACKWELL’S ISLAND” Sir Arthur Conan’ Coyle’s. “Xhe Meroer, Morton Lcwry and Raitar Hound of .the BaakervCes,” one of Porb03. _alsq Lynn Bari .in “PARDON MY NERVE” THE HTLLSIDE"TIMES:THURSiDAY, APRIL 207 1939" HILLSIDE TIMES EDITORIAL PACffi

31}p jmMfflp ilmpa LOCK THE STABLE BEFORE fHE HOUSE IS STOLEN Start ]Ne\v'Ternx Of Chosen For Stme Printed and Published every Friday at 1413 North Broad Street, Hillside, New Jersev WP.V AaNy Sidney Suversteih...... Business Manager '•'The third term bf -the WPA Adult Miss. Hilda Marshall; vioe presi­ i r Robert Kaplan ...... Editor Education. Program began Monday dent of tire local chapter of the Na- I Telephone WAverly 3-24(55 with registration now tak-ing place^ tionai Oliristian (pPusade, last week any evening from 7:30 io '9 -p-. M. at was sleeted secretary of' the .State SUBSCRIPTION RATES the Hiirdeiif Looker School, and board of the organization, it was The TIMES will be sent to any part at the United States for the Monday and Wednesday fr6m 1:80 announced' at an executive meeting- olar subscription price of |2.00 a year, single copies 5 cents. Postage to 3:30 at the Oalyin-Coolidge Thursday nlght- Of the . local groS). Canada and foreign countries must be added to these rates. School- .All person® over 17 years Slie/wa® .choeeia on the sixth ballbl; of age are eligible, bourses are as af ter the State* ‘president - voted i to COMMUNICATIONS follows: break a tie. SSie will assume :hpf The TIMES is always pleased to publish letters and other items ;of ^®agl:islfe-a-n( ship-Afor- new duties at once. * terest to readers, and invites such communications. The name apd eigners, espe . The local; chapter will coopejrdte Idress of the writer must be given in every case, not necessarily fdr become citizens, Hui'clcn- with the State in a bus" ride to (ih - ■biication, but as an evidence of good faith. Anonymous i:ommiin!catioU,s jooke -Miss bury-J2ai^ea^ly-4n--^uhe-4vhsn^t$e- ; be published,. Esther. .Braun and Miss Sylvia Hecht. state. president and secretary 'will' Eighth Grade Work/' Hurden- install. officers in a new chapter now VACCINATION- DROPS—WHY? Xiooker School Tuesday --and Wed­ A drive nesday 7:30 to 10 p. m : Miss Braun1 ember sonductei MAKE EXCITING JUNE BRIDE GIFTSI What jia/s 'ic|’ij'sed' thte propping qff jit wafccinatjqn and' Miss Hecht. chapte JBwith 100 Ger Hurder Scht iibor Beautiful Lane Chests; moth proof and dust a^f|T espit;pf.jpstitotipn pijffirpnjtin Tuesday 7 -to 8i80 -.p. m. Miss Hecht: “ A' M r meeting ~ place is "being-, lounty Medical Society’s public health hours was hot Mathematics, Hurden - .Looker sought which will accommodatjbHa proof. A size to fit every-purse! Guaranteed” , School Tuesday 8:80-to-ift p. in. Miss gi’owing mertfbership . and where genuine Red Cedar with WEI,DEI) VENEER ! ade very clear In' the recoinmerlda'tion on the stib- Hecht, permanent* Gospel services* wllEi^e Consumer’s Education/ Hurden- held, It ls hoped U> t bring to $111- exteriors! ct last week M theLBjja£d,.o£ Education-... It 'merely Iiooker ScSool Ttiesda^:8?8o M side some5 off tltd *best Gospel spiai- aught out- that ■vaccitiawbfl- among eh-ildrpn entering P. m» -Robert M. Kitsch. ' pro will ^ Ppycbfllngy, Hin^en-Looker School id at ’■ monthly' mee Hool had beenvmrfr ijn-Malf, jFgoflap i^O'; to'~g0 percent, Tuesday 7:30 t# 8 :3 0 p. in. Mr. jhich is ap'tftifeitunate1 Situation and 'Should be cor- iSirseh.-- • . Easy n p - ~ Photography, - Hujden - Looker School Thursday 7:30-to 9:30 p. in AMATEUR CAMERA Terms. | *ently in fafor of cqmpulsbfiy.wscinatitjn, whichjwe Mr. Kiisch. - _Scvvjng_aiiGLDressmak-m-g/:Hua.’den^- CLUB FORMED HERE so beUeyfi fs. the-only.w^vJOjsody.e-the'-p4tabl&ffh— j- Looker School Tuesday and IM’iirs*- Tjoweverpme ■ board evidently-did ffof g|Tihfb lhe .day. .7. to. 10 p. ni. .and Galvin .Cool­ idge School Wednesday and. Friday Tiie AHiaf6tft PHd£i®rgphy Club, of i mm asons'why-the chdnge fro''ftitfie former method; of 1:30 to 4 p.. m. Miss Marjorie M., Hillside* an oingrowtii of the ■’Vytj’A j iving schfiol medical mspectors-vaccinate shSu-M h^fe Meyer- | Adull Educdtibn Program: was' 04- ganized rccehtiy |§ fe [used such a “drop. At least, it was not made public if officers: President, A^Hafry Van- did. It would,tspejri that before taking any action, It’s A Date IjWking Back: MIDWAY B & L TO pre ELECT OFFICERS fetary, ^tui-lel Mosley; rther inquiry-ihto- the causes should be made. Our omas Wation# ispicibp is.that.a good part of the cause wili be found Ten Tears A*6 23,theLclub Today . Young-Men’s Republican Club en­ The Rhnim'. meeting of the Mid­ the medical fees charged,, or rather misapprehension Hillside ■ Ave. -MohheVBaug'h ter dorses ’ : t^edrge W, Herlich....and way Building and Loan Association to the cost..- meeting. Charles B. Taylor for Township HU be i. ■ J Wednesday eyening Joint meeting of Hurden-LooKer CoiHfiiittee’, making' it unanimous May 3, between 7 and f o'clock, at Formerly the Board of .Health, provided^ the serum P o s t- 6. 60, American Legion, and among clubs aftil^ted .wit^TRejub-' 1314 North Broad street. Election *.d the vaccination was done By the- medical ItTspep^' lioari-iDlub df r of officers and directors will talee ® Tomorrow ' Walter Jlayes, 9, receives fradbure • .place,'in addition to wiw.te.vef othet •s. tinder the new plan, family physicians were to of skruir when struck by car in didl/- buslnuss maynomehefore [he meet- Operetta .by 8th grade of' ififis® 1 in g .-i.r ( onvenient th el work,'.using their own dis.0ration-as to the-amount .AvenuevSchftQU < ■ - ; , J « ing raihl f Be charged. That^ probably w-here the peal difficulty W ednesday I3nbdM * -P5epl351ioah • Olfiy- ffjijms’ Lift. Up H ^ B g S Regular- meeting', .of , Tpwnship' naturalisation., .obmanittee; (to ; phd Trays! ^ ;s, and if suclUis th£ base, merely making vapeination Committee, . High School,' 8 p. m.- aliens seeking to become oibizen4.| mpulsory will not'hfertiOve the underlying eause. It Hurden-Lookei' P.-T. A, meeting. DaniirSauck, of Hillside, assistant Sunday to driyer of hdayy tractor, escapes buld- only tepp to. mjke it hard for some people to Address by Captain GutowsM, of deatii;by leap out of machine just Do You Need A Ldan? SCORES OF STYLES - - Specially Priced.. ive* their children vaccinated.■ *- Irvington, before1.- 'various Polish before. Pennsylvania Railroad1 train oiiibs at Polish-American-clubhouse.' ftfts' fti' Traih is wrecked. ■ Ofi'course- ther% ate alwav^} fehishM^, ebpe- April 28 Five Years Ago j We want- you to .know we are ready to assist, ially where doctors . are concerned^ but there .can’t be Installation of V. F. W. Auxiliary Township committeApicks'pil’^te O . 0 5 UP at-*Barcay LHail;' firm inr pte,oe--oHJbato auditor^-be» - any tushTcss-firra'-or- indfvidual whose prob-"- many as-the-figures-irtdicate. And" even chiselers: in M ay 2? 8 cause of Insufficient service diMng' pffi"©ies'; jlace taeif chfhfren’s welfare above the fqw Woman’s Club of Hillside [ meet-.- past year in. checking, township’s fto* . terns, can-be clearetj tip with a loan. You can |hg ;at Masonic Jlall.. couhtsi* I meet the-('requirements 7witho q |^ jffi.g^l^ J, jiia-fS'-diherenur in-ucrst-,:'- The-re^are-pyrterhiy a •tnfr.p-f .; TiJuth Week niovie benefit at May- First - testimonyr .taken in suit ;of [rsons who felt the,expense-upde? tjieuew plan would fair-Theatre. - - - - Patrolman' ‘Hdrold 'McBride against Conie in and we’ll tell voii thd details,__ May 3 officials , to have appointments |of BRESSMAN FURNITURE GOi too much lor -them-. r Perhaps-mure enlightenment; High iSchool" P.-T: 'A-= lnstallatiOH' four police., sergeaants set aside ion the subjidh ofib'd^ts -JUJU SfdfeiV'Oh flse^tbfre shut|i| of offieersi •, ground that'his record entitled Mm “The Warehouse Store That Saves Yop - More!? f e return1 to: th’d['61d syitbhi’ as well compulsory . .Youth Week movie benefit at •to! appointment over those-picked The HILLSIDE NATIONAL BANK aiJ Mayfair~Theatre. Jacob Kunz enters Democrpjtic ------• ------COMPLETE HOME FURNISHERS Township Committee primary bat­ iccinatiop. FirSYdfall: however,, there should be, a M ay 5 MEIUQBER OF FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM :ore-'thorough-j.&pQ.rt-on the subjeGt. - - Youth. Week', election in High. tle as Hillside’Democratic Club can­ Bchoclr ^ --- didate against 'Jacob; Mchenbush, FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORF. 49-55 FRELINGHUYSEN AVE. Regular Democratic:. Club Choice,;" ' May ;8 •' ' Open Monday Evenings, 7-8 P. M. Joint dance - of r Junior Womans • -.Frank 'W. • Dilkes, • Republican.1 Miiier & Wright sts. : N E V ^ A R K Open Evenings SAFE FOB.DEMOCRACY—WHAT, AGAIN? - ‘ Club and Phi,1 Alpha Sigma. Fra­ aspirant for Township' Commiiitee, ternity at Winfield §?oft &oteL declares his* Independence anq de-- Action jbfyarJQtis local Polish groups to aid their May 1 ; elates improvements ' of the past ative j^ndj agWJst Na'zt aggression brings directly jto , ^oli^h Coiptitution Day observ­ Make arbitrary , tax cut impossible Msjaecthe(Iinmaenaec.ef disruptive" forces' at work in, ance I t Polilh-American 'Club...: 7 Without • eliminating services ■ such; as " - Youth 'Week Day' in Ghurchr street • lighting- and -garbage..cellec- i old< tcbumtnyifii Tihe'OGhb&rnf of these local Polish May. 8 M Youth Week tria^ Calvary Lutheran Church' plans ?ople, and otnew^ofretf‘ Whatsis going op , abroad ^ May 9; Service in.memory of its late former rtajffly .ihdemtaadahlfi. and most Americans feel, ex- ...YouthWe^k ..Board .of.. Education: pastor, Rev. Oscar E. Brandorff and Itiy the same way. The desire to be of- help is 'natural meeting at, H.. S . ' ^ also prepares to start Ttffld" for a May 10 memorial j£o hini. id e&uld hardly bfehthferWise. Youth Week Dayvin Government, ■, Ta!x rate for Hillside for 1934 wM Nevertheless, wherever our sympathies may~be, meeting of Township, Copmiittiee at be $4.59r“dxop“ fTom-“1-933—figure- of- H. S. ^4.7^, - according to ’ announcement ey should mot lead to. the kind of talk that is going May 10 v to Un|Qij CQi^ty.Bpm ^^ -Taxation. i atf h i fSjfcdeS, o f ■ t® k- Yputh,-Week track me^iT May 12 g sid^S|in any outbreak in Europe. The veteran U,;S. . "Sfouthi Weekaomuai-hanquet.. iiu inator_ William E, Borah, of Idaho, member~of The M ay-If- -’—- RTCHAROS & GE1ER pnate Foreign- Relations Committee, has-been-ar-olincf May M 1 ' Patent and. Trade Mark Attorneys. 'ashingtqn fof*a long ^me^rtdohe knows whereof he ■/Regular meeting of ''feolrd' ‘ 6f;i Healtla. . leaks when he ,,Thb'SB 'European powers, what- May 24 ter maylre t^TEWOJf: 'i # ^ S O r political views, Regular TSywiish|ip .Committee irsue/qd^iVAdcitne -same 'coiirs-when-whey- e&meito- * pfci^witk»hnteraalional affairs. They ..gif alike slate treaties',11 methods, WKIglT. fneyiMbly' lea<| to war, j t M f ’ id5then call upon the ‘United 'States, Canada and William A. Stafford Son ftt nations to save- them from- their oWn intolerafle1 St id viciOUg',tlrfdfflods.'W; > 1 PLUMBING, HEATING, OIL BURNERS Bet-all Sdys. the^asiie 'is‘htrt .one'ordemucracy-over SINCE 1912 L itahtarianism.v "if wag the 'deniocracies of Europe-- states;--^lliulrwrdte 'th'e^ j Res, -EUlzabeth ,2-1427 stfdjis wefeIdivided even before the world War 1120 East Grand St. ; Etttabeth, N. J. asedr ::It7y^_s tfi p- A&m-nc'tta c-i^s-pfiEi] rope which wrote Treaty o-hwbfsaiffes,''ri'ot a treaty, but a spoils esty. It was fhe,democracies which for -20 odd yfeats t h is is t e l e p h o n e M a in S t r e e t fmed“io,,tiiake^n:y--'&ha'ri-ge& te-lh o iVggtallteB-.Treaty. pkingJoward- peace.” .. Grassmann & Kreh Every Telephone Line in Town is Here ^ 1 -These -are-een-timents for the American -people to •fgknrrongrv'cgrefn l^ ^ eecteed —Engineers tor Hillside ! the.shbjept'bf Europe. The 'boiling pot ;n Europe Main StreeF waconrrocHng-IInkbohve'Op ■t^nnectloni were made In New Jersey, 1 a-davilis^^w^oTwhioh thla-cppnpy-;ah9d.l4- have np 433 N. Bfoad St., Elizabeth th® -5w|tchboord oqulpmepi and The linos * nearly all requiring changes oh central * 1 art whatsoever. Lfe’t’s stop listening to the blandish* Phone EL 2-3770 .to telephones In homes d*Ad officeL .Office /rraln frarfrds. ■ '.• ^ 1 iQnts of -wily .Epropeon propaganda, and American Whon you movo, take a dlfferenf class 8 * ; ... :atesm@n who1 fall ‘for it', 'We Tearhied.-oua, lesson: .in the-telephone InstrOment is only a srfiall ■ : '1 314-lS'j^, Europe place for us. Let’s keep o*ut of service, or get a new telephone num­ ose8 out of it. ,-If they do finally come to blows, they’ll ber, the necessary; changing of lines Is part of the platrt and equipment thal* enr . ^ I be-sfr eicfipi^ted at the ena7 that we’ll have nothing KEEP THE TEMPERATURE UP done here, Last yeor, nearly 153/000 new ' ^gbles^uTb fqlk .qvickfy,^earfy> cneaplyi . , 1 fear froip. anyplthemr - - And Fuel Bills Down! ^ telephone connections and 139,000 dis- y With-almost onypne anyv/hdre, any time- More heat for your money if you BURN WAGNER'S 30 25 PREMIUM QUALITY PENNSYLVANIA HARD COAL. - . You can talk 18,mile* for 15c; miles for c, any time in HOSPITALIZATION New Jersey (station-to-station rates). Galls of over 50 miles v«S2r HwitelliaWon Policy ia avaUnblo for yli ■ (adfilto) , $4 for children. »6 yearly fort a puyaipianfo benefit*. Wagner Coal Company carry reduced rates after 7. week nights and all of Sunday./ in , Un it e d GO. W. WHITEHOUSE, Resident A*ent 1344 Liberty Ave. Hillside, N. J. phones: WA. 3-2489,. 3-3118; UN. 2-2332 1 F 1 1130 Church Street Hillside, % X, N ! W J f R S E Y'V^'; * 1 C L T E'L E P H O N 15 C Q''M RiA N/Y Page Six THE HILLSIDE TIMES: THURSDAY, APRIL 20, 1939 Who’s Who In Business A Convenient Directory of Men and'Firms Ready to Serve You Efficiently in Their Special Fields. "Save Time. Energy and Money By Get What You Need.

-Atuto ‘^e^iniilu n f C ^onjecti electric 3 ‘ppliancei Optometristi Frigidaires, Westinghouse Refrigerators Schafer Auto Body Co., Inc. BENDLX and EASY WASHERS Salem Sweet Shop Gas - Electric Ranges Sales and Service ' Dr. Fred H. Roever ANTHONY SCHAFER, 1412 Bond St. Magazines - Stationery - Toys - Notions SHOP P'S BEFORE BtTYXNG AND. SAVE! 18-years examining eyes and fitting glasses Metal and Duco Work Candy - Cigars' - Cigarettes to provide complete^ eye comfort. 237 CLINTON AVE., a t ELIZABETH AVE, 162-164 BRUNSWICK ST. Bigelow 3-5648 NEWARK, N. J, Dolly Madison Ice Creaream Hunter & Co., Inc. 1205 SALEM AVE. , EL 3-8990----- u / HILLSIDE, N. “J. STUYVESANT Si foORRIS AVES.___ UN 2-1142 UNION. N. J. ------[______NEWARK, Paint and W aftp a p e r -A$ /seyt la ir in g C o ,'ie tie ri W fja rk e ts' HELDERMAN PAINT & SUPPLY COMPANY APPLE BAUM Maple Fish Market __“We Have The Best Paint Tn The State' H i CHARLES MOTORS FRESH SEA FOODS FRESH WATER FISH Robert Treat Guaranteed Flat tVhite or ' Foundation ____Gloss...Wbite.Jnterior- -and Exterior Faint'.'~— READY MADE AND ORDER MADE GARMENTS — 1454-Maple Avenue - - Free iDehvery -Anywhere^to- tod Stott:---- FORD SPECIALISTS ------r pitt^-Tjy-Bxpert ' Corsettlorres -—- jfflt1- JrtyBBy 396 LYONS AVE., Cor. Wainwright St. WA 8-0782 mm. General Ante Repairing 1009 BERGEN ST. > Phone WAverly 8-8842 -PHONE ELIZABETH 2-6454 1222 NO. BROAD , ST. 75 3PRINCE ST. *=— NEWARK PLa m h n c f a n d 3 4 e a tin t

-A vu to m o US e ■ Iica teid en 3 o o d rkets M. P. Tarnoff Plumbing and Electrical Contractor PURE MAID DAIRY OIL BURNER INSTALLATIONS Join the Maple Road Service Club Union Food Store Motors and Generators Repaired Plumbing-Repairs 250 LONG AVENUE • Phone WAverly 3-8427 HILLSIDE, K Valuable Membership paid Entitles You to Unusual Road Service Home Made Salads and complete line of Cold Cuts Groceries, Delicatessen, Bread, Rolls, Layer Cake, Jones Pies “Where Economy and Quality Meet!’ and Fancy Cakes. — Prompt and Efficient Service Maple Service Station FREE DELIVERY a *V 1675 MAPLE AVE. Cor. WILLIAMSON AVE. 1286 LIBERTY AVENUE HILLSIDE, N. J, 3ruitd and *\Jeqetallei A Call to U N 2-1433 brings quick radio servit* (Oaken. ^Department S*tc Hillside Radio Service North Broad Produce Market ■ 388J4 Long, Avenue Watch For Our Weekend Specials Fruits and Vegetables See Our New Lines of Spring Merchandise ' Always Fresh and the Best Hillside Model Bakery 1416 NORTH BROAD ST.' ' , HILLSIDE, N. J, R e a l C s ta te , 3‘n , iu r a n c e 1570 MAPLE AVE. Cor. Conklin Ave. WA 3-0078*- Shop at SOLOMON’S Free Delivery - Prompt Service WAverly 3-9188 “ONE OF HILLSIDE S GOOD STORES” “There Are Opportunities In Hillside” Bread, Rolls and Pastry — Rolls Baked Fresh 3 Times patty.- Many homes are priced below reproduction cost L2S9.Liber-ty.Ave.---.-^WAT-L3-2228-' • ■—HtHstde- Why pay more tor rent tban thocost of a home of your own. C 3uneral 3e> The Hillside Realty Co. d 3 e er

Cash Meat Market YOUR DRUG WANTS Hugo Rinaldy 3 a STEVE ZATKO, Prop. PRESCRIPTIONS CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED . Paints - Hardware \ Good Meats; Groceries,' Vegetables Danzig Cut Rate Drugs Floor Sanders for Rent WA 3-9693 Hillside # Liberty- Aves. Hillside SCANNELL’S RESTAURANT a id TAVERR HILLSIDE, NTJT 1328 North Broad-St; EL 3-95* Phone WAverly 3-9795, 3-9547 W eanerd a n J 2)u ^ e w e l r u HILLSIDE DRUG CO. UphoLt,e rin p JOSnsi. KTJldAKOWSKi, Registered Phamaacist Gonzer & Bleiberg Joseph Roth Slip Covers SFUECE SET—Made to fit your fur- 1279 Liberty Avenue, Hillside,’Nt-L - Manufacturing Jewelers Since n^^jre» choice of pattern and colors Custom Tailor Our‘''Fa0t6f^Eo Y6u,^pIloy %lll save you considerable money.™’ Suits Made To Order " Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing PHONE WAVERLY 8-9537 Davenport and 2 Chairs Ee“i>h53 BERGEN STREET . '" NPWAI______F0B MWMATB PHONE WAVERT.Y i S «2)/y (jo o d s Liquor Stores Venetian e l l Patronize Our Advertisers OPEN 12 NOON SUNDAYS Anna W. Ehrhardt Vi KEG Ice Cold BEER...... $2.50 TOSS^NO. BROAD ST. EL. 2-8914 ELIZABETH, E l Venetian Blind Mfg. Dry Goods - Hosiery - Yams We also sell quarter and hall kep and have Coolers for Hire Knitting Instructions Free Custom Built Blinds-----$2, $3, y f t my Hosiery wid Merclumdiso Clubs. Easy way to replenish your cedar wood* High Gloss Lacquer stock withouj; a big outlay of cash. COME IN FOR . DETAILS. SZARKO’S LIQUOR STORE -|8 p liiherty Ave. CaU WA 3-0659-foFFree quick delivery - m m vwwrTiit.t r r . Cowart— Spra5;e<] ------Terms-Arranged Mitel “Me Carter Retires public relations. All other execu­ pf sup&yjslofi, end. d&ectloh,,. i, 19.87.-£?h&,to that he had bees tive officers of the corporation and Wakelee Is Successor S M e r ,; MTOWnshlp Committee subsidiary, companies wdre, reap- associated with toe Negara Hudson Oqrp, to Hollywood Hop® As P*. S. President M I. Wakelee, toe new president;’ Pow er . ^Interests .ftg fiv e years. Qialrmaai Robert O. Thompson ana Kealty Transfers property at the toietsecW Wite7T''wraiaff • ^""HmshoriS, has been rtcrpranaeim linsiitciTjrW ’ Sidney siIvfiTfiMn -...... who has bean assistant to President Frewmi5ly;'H eisr^ eO Toe ISTKe Club dom inates southerly. Hne of Bald fl* law sin ce . A p ri]- 17, .1923. , He has utility field as executive assistant the easterly i b b -cffffcitiaf' In compliance with- his request at McCarter, will be assistant to the been a vice president, a member of with Pubilo Service. , -___ ^ Lo an toe March meeting, that he be re-‘ chairman of the board. * the board of directors and of toe Fire Chief; • Albert Chamberlain Isad to fi . William Noll,, widovef, i Mr.- Zachary became associated G eiger,- pro p erty to - the j lieved of. the presidency, the board Reasons for Request executive nofiunlttee of the board of w lth .P u b iic Service in Ja n u a ry 1980. was presented Tuesday .night as a Youth Week Movie ^ ^ ,1pr°?erty BME b b No. - 552" of -directors of Public Service Cor­ toe corporation Mid sub sid iary7bom-, nominee, for president of toe lions (fo rm e rly ^known. as Nos, 46- 48) side of Coe avenue, 483,25 f® 1n Mr. McCarter's statement to He was executive assistant in\the Salem avenue.' poration . of New .» Jersey Tuesday toe board, tolMarch, he gave, among p anics i m .' law : department until Ahfli MSI Club by James F. M cC arth y, chair­ Tickets Given Out ^Chapman street. / elected Thomas N. HtfiBarter chair­ the reasons fo rth e request that he M r. Young has been an executive -whito he was made; assistant Sice man of toe nomlaating committee, saam g.piaxbia M r. and M rs. M ilton -V. m an of -the b o a r d . ^ ; be relieved of the presidency, his of. 'toe, corporatlon'slnce its forma­ p resid en t. .4 at the meeting'at toe' Elks DluK Newark:, & . isadore to KState o f Froney- C. fbst property In to e westerly .Edmund W. Wakelee was elected age and a desire to be free from tion In 1903 and has ieenVlce presi­ The nominating Committee com­ modon f m m , propwEy khowc as N o. 554 president and Percy, S.. Young, toe routine of - toe dally detail of dent, imehaege,of finance, a mem­ prised all past presidents. The eleo* PWtore performances at toe May- Chapman sfraet- ‘ H obert stre e t, 130.39 fee: W BLAZE DAMAGES wood avenue. . 1 -Chairman of the executive -rffmmlt.- management. -He stated at 'th a t ber oKthe board at directors afid of . — y—, — . H H I „ ...... tton wiii be'hsid Mhy % when fur-' fair Theatre on Piles day and Wed- M Wesi End SuSuaig ana Loan tee, .an'qfflce treatedra t to e sugges­ to e oxooutlvo oommtttoe of toa-boMid- ■A.LLT-f.1 A N n D A B 4D B Itoer. nominations tfor offices ^ pesday May 2 and 3, were dis- M ilton M . Unger, specie: tion of Mr. McCarter. time; that tithe corporator. 1 and ■ Ki siaoe 1917. When th e 'corporation permitted. “ to W alter to Hom e-Owners: Loan_Co>£| Its properties are in first class con- iinputea' Monday fiignt . at a short y ^ r’W rropm nmroirirTTo" was formed', .M r. Young , was made Fire Chief Albert Chamberlain meeting o f toe Y o u th Week Oom- property in th e soutoA-iyJ _,clBm..haaBLaJso-electad Thnmmi.iJ, dltlQnfrpm 'top Mwiiiwi- and tom atatoar^-.andPlm,.-- lA lA l'ijn -_w ^ "Others'placed in nomination were:. m Cfomwly 68) .Chapman,street. McCarter, Jr., vice president In A5ldma,tai-Simday-=that nltoutiflgOO- .IM Lyftorpr^ent,-Arthur :T, Lee; mmee A t teie h ig h sohoOl. fto - ■' Mr. and Mrs. Charl« g . t h a v . Grum rhan avenue, 133.11 -If* operating stahdpotaC. The.slmpil- made .treasurer. cha^re of the Southern ' Division fieatlon of toe corporate structure IS damage was done by fire to toe second vice president, Louis J . Hess; ■PBSfir™ m'lisa'TCr ffitffiffiaiase y to -'to BamndHiBiiB 'Mia 'BttWttta Mapleavenue. and Robert A. Zachary was made a almost completed and toeVematoder garage and. oaf of Caamelo 'Oarsl- thhd Vice president, BUsworth j. of badges for junior officials for Mr. and .Mrs. John H. 3kK vlco president. Mr. McCarter, Jr., lot It la all planned.” . . . don&, 1442 F ra n k lin street, Sun­ Sterner; secretary, Walter W. Sm ith; Ybuto Week, May 7 to, 13, as well Sawhf^6perty 1111116 tobtoetof MS7 companies of Publio Service Cor­ or TOBamscm avenue, 440 feat fro * Helen Cfirrlto, single, lots $ 3 has. been' assistant to General Ed­ I Mr.-McOalter, who has been presi­ day evening. Chamberlain said toe: treasurer, W illiam M. Raphael. 45 being applied partjy toward toe .Olmtoii place. ward O. Rose. Mr. Rose remains a poration of New Jersey before its blaze apparently started In toe :cax, cost of toe banquet on Friday eve­ 49, 50 and 61, block 3, b «P dent of Public Service for the thirty* formation tu,.. 1903,— — Mon tamer, Township. Committee­ S?e?be/ to Joseph West Lyons. Farms. •.Vice president with headquarters In six years of iursfEtefice, will re- WHbh had -been driven Into toe man Hugo a Gensel; tail twister, n ing , M ay 12. . Skerb e, J j ., lo ts 85 and 86, -block 3, Newark. - Mr. Zachary has been &s- • Mr. MoCartef, Jr., Jaee been As­ garage a,short, tone before Fire*, maln toe senior .executive officer of sistant vice president in charge of Leslie -R. Tiohmar, Jr., toe fetirlng 1 West Newark, behlg'sub- men easily put out the fire. , president; and directors, MoOarthy, Patronize Our Advertisers dlw lon iff Union County. —ffylfigton - Union Development WE DO PRINT!!

M M d THE HILLSIDE TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 20, 1939 Saturday Home Game Policy Starts With Season Opener

eet to HUlalao Avenue and H. S. BASEBALL 4 BANDS TO FEATURE JEGINNINO, - —- lew Brunswick First To SCHEDULE High School Opens Track DANCE -OF MUSICIANS known as No; 107'’:

April 22—New Brunswislc=-*a1fHlll*- The Independent Musicians’ As­ lash With Maroon Nine .rs, .'Sid^jX3’0r— Season Finishing Second sociation of wfilch 'Antiiony HillsiQie, 4L Oladkor Of 1294 Broadway, is presi- players wiiiTUHipi'Jiju u,1 junior varsity ^ -P c rtlv "Amboy-, '-ftway, 1..... Baur-lip relay—W.Ulslrio 1st, t.,So. aeatrvhiritgaln~feature four~bands ,ach Feels Team Equal of team, which will play several games 28—Cranford at Hillside, 4. Sets M ew ~MarR“Tn Une buskey, Connor, Nielsen, Short). in its annual dance to oe held sat- with .similar nines from other 2-^efferson, away, 4.. Event in Ridgewood Meet 2:51.8. ’ urday evening a t the Sfovak Sokol 038 Unit at Same Stage schools, starting later- in the month. 4—-Westfield, away, 4. One-lap relay—Hillside 3rd (Davi­ Hall, 858 Morris avenue, Newark. The orcliestraS of A1 BDall, Kol H ie starting lineup Saturday 6—-Belleville at Hillside, 2:30. son, Uhtto, Jacobs, Spltal) LEGAL NOTICE loach Weiner, be-', probably will include Ed Slwioki or 9—Harrison, away, "4. Hillside High School officially . SUlecn-lai) relay—Hillside fid Kedvls, Peter Felak and Peter Dudek nine his second season. In charge possibly Dean Steward at backstop, 3 § 11—-Plainfield, away, 4. opened its 1939 outdoor track sea­ (Orsics, Belirike, Braun, TinteT) 16 111 furnish six -hours of continuous OF NOW JHtRBBT Hillside High .SSEoorS baseball' Curtis or Bntlef pitfilng, a id (hel -6'- 13—Linden a t HUteide, 2:30r son by journeying to Ridgewood m in .'28 .B see. merican and international music ~ will start bis US8 team Saiur- pillowing infleid: First base, - Ed 16—Irvington, away, 4, Friday and ’finishing second in a Two-lap relay-2HlllairiaJnd~4^t. (^theHj^&.dance floors. -Over 1,000 , afternoon on the Ooe avenue Budjake; second, MikeDeDominlok; 23—Nutley, away, 4. quadrangular meet. Ridgewood was lal, Nielsen, Jacobs, Connor) 1 min. peiions attended last year’s affair. rpnnri against fiN ew Brunswick shortstop, Mickey Sbnle, and third 27—West Side at Hillside, 2:30. first. The ^lee^ consisted1 mainly of5 18.6 sec. /— -relays, which seem * to have great h of whloh he ancT Hls team know - Alex Oaflendrello. 'The out-i - — 80—G^tral~a:t--Hillsider -at30; . EJghl-lap relay—Hll!side__fid DEMOCRATS TO MEI e inaugiffatir® ft polioy of 11st- fle lh ^ fc probably comprise Johnny] June 2—Cranford, -away,- 4. favor in that section of the state. (Brownell, Dayison, Miller, tfhrin) c'mmrs.1 Saturday .afternoon to me Rah, A1 Issler or Ferraro and either 6—Barringer at Hillside, 4T~- Ridgewood, winning seven of the 6 min. 88 sec; The regular meeting of the Roos ms fie opener is expectetT^ttr Butler or OijrUs. Ourtls Is — -10—Roselle-Park-^ai—Hillside] -eight-events, septed 76 points,jghile. . rdgtAnnfl mflriiev^O. 1. 2 end four veit-Democratic Club will be iield w 'one of the largest baseball likely pitcher, as Butler has shown HH Hillside piled up enough second and l&ps—Hillside 3rd (Jones, Arslcs, Wednesday evening April 26 a tH U iwds'HMde.'has- had. The game signs of a sore arm. Hslar has de­ Behnke, Braun) 0 min. 31.6 sec. o’clock at the V. F. W. Hall. .tart at 2;30. f J veloped into; a good all around] Sprint medley, 2, ’A, 'A, 1 lap— utility man, as. a pitcher, inflelder Rutherford .and Hasbrook Heights, Hillside 2nd (Short, Connor, Nielsen, ■gainer expresses a degree of con- -SHERIFF’S SALE that the 1939 team will and outfielder. Bears’ Leader flnished wifi 12 land 8? penis re­ Sobuskcy) 3 min. 3 6 sec-'. most of the. outstanding opl- The' remainder of the squad In] spectively. 5 of former years. He be- dudes'!- Catcher,..Gfemcdeoa; pitch­ ■. In fie main event, fie 4-lap re- ^ :Beia^r“lilttlng' te a * ers, Lewis,' juarry Rab, "Lew. G o* Is Confident -lay,'-BU:ls i d g uii by'~~28*Tg,dt and m -lact ye»-v-eoniddelS--hls—ba^~ ■beSr-WSBaniii and KOohan: ~ tusk set=wmew=refiW "dI1V hBn®,-Miff' Junior League seconds on .fie fie-fifth mile oaurse. v up to the standard of the last base, Burns; second base, -Petros; Shorn of their rating as a ‘‘Won , years, and feels ttsst defensively Shortstops, Mueller and1’ Mlehel; The only man to ■ rurHipthe in- dor Team” and picked by most ex dlvlduai events fern Hillside, Dick Deadline Set , {earn is shaping up well. “The th ird base, Ness; outfielders, Feins, perts to finish no higher than sec m looks as good . as. last year’s Smith, Hegeler, Winnlokl, Riohkus, Gawllk, who . ran . hi fie one* lap fie Newark Bears launched event, took second, place. Next Monday night’s meeting of li e iamb stage,” he commented' Popola and nePrpspro. their quest for another ■ pennant Weather A Handicap Only 17 I n Squad the Elks Junior Baseball League at with a greater incentive to win-fias. The local team -' labored under 7:30 o'clock will be the deadline'for Stor- - weather ever.- Every regular oxv fie 79.87.. filing7 o f entries in the low, J’our iditions have b e ® against his somewhat of a handicap iy enter­ IMS. team is now in the m ajor leagues ing teams in fie eight relays, re­ teams have already filed, the A. B. in. -’SK» S^u u tan ttaa all o u t* Season Ticket and hot a single member of .fie quiring four men each, from a group O., Cubs, Mohawks and Dodgers., loolboy aggregations: and this opening 4ay lineup la s t year • win- Tentative rosters , of all teams must jor may' u p ® the- pre- [of 17 boys. High jsoorers for Hill­ start fie season fils week. ■ 1 side were- Sob Connor a-r.d Johfi be filed at the same time. cdlatlons. The " batting may not Now Available Manager Johnny 1 Noun has A reorganization meeting of the , sd good , when the players get up Miller'with 11 points each, and Hugh brought his squad along slowly. The Short and Morris Sdhuskey wifi 8 league will bake place on April 28, kinst opposing pitchers reaching; Bears’ recordin ' spring training which will mark the loop’s fifth lit peak .In warmer weather, and A seasonrhaoebaU ticket has been each. The remaining membeK, of games was unimpressive, due impart fie squad all scored points. Hill-- birthday. The National League film, team "eoTE” oraok under f i d issued by the- Students Genera! As­ to fie fact' f ia t - opposing elute sociation of fie High School for sale side entries finished as fl'-trs; “The First Century of Baseball,” iain- of fie stiff. competition In threw th eir best burlers against fie 480-yard shuttle^ hurdles-Hillside will be shown, and leadingjiaseball' e schedule faoed between Saituf- to the public. The ticket, which “Wondera,” to fie late reporting of sells for .$2, will admit, the purchaser dndi (Gawlik, Spltal, Jaoobs)- figures, includjng-^'^f^Rux, form- y and the beginning ,ot-.June. | Buster Mills and injuries .to- -Buddy -T m in -1,6 see. - big leaguer now coaching Seton )WeVer. the hurling staff, conpen- to nine home games, -most ,'of which Blair .'and Claude Corbitt and to fie WULbe played. Saturday afternoons Bail, and' members of the Newark. Bed on Harlow Curds, Jr-, Bd necessity of trying- out recruits at Bears will give short talks. jtier and A1 Issler, has shown Itr and holidays durlngthe coming sea- almost every, position. B ut as help If to be good despite fie obstacle son. Single admission to the . games arrived' from other clubs in fie St. Catherine Loop .the weather, on whlOb basis It will be S5 oentq, ...... Yankee, system and as f ie rookies suld improve w ifi better -weather S to ' ^enir® ; ga*e-w il be played settled1 down, fie Bears ■ -began -1 Results F o r Week Irollers Fishing iring f ie season. - Saturday qg '2:^T or; f i e Coe Ave improve ar.d Neun is now confident S e ra have been only two real nue field withNew Brunswick as the .his team can match fie.b est in. fie Trip Ralher Cool sebalhdays since practice started, conen Oates' will be opened loom ~ Results of la s t ' Thursday .nights U late In March and the .other ISB r -..Tfecs. who watch f i e . gafiies-at matchesin^the Str Catherine League, SURROGATE’S NOTICE jrll 11, when Wpodbrldge nosed outl R upp*t Stadium this season: will rolled, at the Hillside Bowling A dozen members of fie Trollbrs Eslde in a seven liming practice see a different type of Newark team: Academy, brought victory to the Rod and "Sun Club flailed for [counter,1 Other informal games The extra base power: will not be Bears, Yanks and Cards. noiuuiers Sunday -off Point Pleasant ith other schools have been wafk- Only Two Matches there, but in. its place will be -a B ears on- (JlSWn Walter’s "Sea Nympb.” ■ers for Weiner’s Karpon nine, superior defensive outfit with1 im-, Pearson ... 176 159 The bitterly .cold weafier enoounJ [irtis was wild in~fie Woodbridge proved -pitching. -■— fired- -dtacouraged'-the angling en­ une. fhe only fin e he has shown In Tavern League Marius Russo should1 bo a:stand- Doneney, Sizer thusiasm of several members, but K * poKtrBl; btds fils game, was E p f i - fie International circuit this -those who-continued to fish for any arted at hocn, alinijSt three hours season and Niok Sfiinoevlob anSl Higgins , The AOOnGlub defeated Boilers and Reilly lengLli ot Lime made good oatehes- her Hillside had ifegun to practice Red Brandh, handicapped by !n- A totel of over 30 flounders was « a niornmg game. The delay the O’Keefes swept Dry Ice in the 1938, are also expected to KohzelmUn ! demand* only two matches, played tfris week caught: led within ten as a major factor In the result Ififne ^ Iv y Andrews is oounted on] Morton Jay and Nelson Connmi t fils game. K S ’l s a ■ in the Hollywood'Tavern League at a siarfitg berth, as is George I Totals- the. Recreation alleys. . ,«Bllt-banS:s for the largest fish. The- Thirty On, Squad ley, probably fie best, of 'fiel club will hold Us first lMge-flfiirfg Weiner- is carrying a* squa'd of .30. Boilers lyofing Minders. ■party, open to members and. their 4D T. COMPTON, layers, Reserves arid a few younger, 169 18| Prank .Makosky has gone to Kan­ Polchlopek guests, on June 4, : Arrangements -189 161: sas Qity. but in his place ~WHl be Link are-now.being;. OOtnpleteSjor the 'George S^asibuSbi who spent part Mclteowh • visit’ pf fie tfiton CtounW Federation I of the training season wifi fce| Griffin of Sportsmen's Clubs ,10 a meeting Yankees. ePte Slvess. a toiler for Kraney , with fie- TrollerS. The federation the Phillies in 1938, mby duplicate] was originally supposed to meet w ifi Ihis IB-game season fo rJ3altimo?| Tbtftis Ifie iooal-group in. Febrdafy, but, fie 11987 and Mari Beddingfield,. Oii'arlie date had to be postponed. . The Stanceu and Steve Reek have shown] club is ‘preparing to close -its 1939 plenty d f skill. ' Wagner -membership roll Wififc fie next ' The cutfiOld has few superior] Polteastrc few weeks. - S. amcm&'t^filHor'leagueSr llii wIBl W aff' , dant is fie talent f ia t Neup is.ta il Doyle decided just who 'to play. Wally] Who Does Your Printing? Ijuinlch Is set in center and Mike Totals, %xi'r SOFTBALL TEAM FOR Icihal' Buster Mills Cubs CHRISTIAN CRUSADE lapdW ud Mefieny have both proved] Eteinfurt their socking ’ability and Frankie. Kelly" KeUeher'also qualifies as a regular. Grehnet A softball team has been organ­ Outsta&ding weak spot is third H. Reihfurt ized by fie National Christian Crn- bass, where Merrill -May is greatly Jo© Hamey Sde-Wifi Jolm as manager. Games may be arranged by writing JC “Its silence is a boon to the missed. Xn-ibis plaice 3 ® b l J i f i Kahle, a n acquisittoif from -fie Bos­ Totals 842 Haefner at 1287 Bright street. disposition.”---Mrs* O, H» P. Totals ton Bees, or fie veteran Leo Hot- rte, who -is playfig better than $ver Eisenpian IN COLLEGE CHORUS ^"O perates silently and at low tBis_spr.ffiguuKeileher ia also a pea— Deprospo .. SYRACUSE, N. ,Y.r-Miss Louise Whenever you have a Printing job ,to be Zehher MincHih' of 153T Munn avenue; HiU- cost, even after years of service.” Luminlello Libility at third.. . Eisenm an - M r .A B . Shortstop Will be ably handled by Stevens. side, N. J., will sing in fie alto sec­ done — however small' — consider three C. Monsorno Claude -Horbitt a®d Mickey- Witek Springier tion jk fie annual spring concert of Turzay has mo superiors-at second ir. the . Syracuse- ' Hnivemily chorus 7 ^ ‘Our Servel Electrolux has FVMoiisQmo:- league. --B ig Bd—Bevy hop es-fi -rotate- r£ghlirniify avenlng. April 27, , things: Quality; Service and Pti.ce - — arid ipore than paid for• itself.”— make this season his stepping-stone The . concert will—feature- J ohn Take Your M rs/H q, Totals to-Lou Gehrig’s job in 1939- Greek Gurney, bass-baritone of the Metro­ then, these things being equal, consider that CJeoirge,- acquired from Brooklyn politan' Opera • company-, and- Eugene Conley, -Navr :York lyTltr-teno-Vr-e^' ★ “Have installed Servels in. over. fie Week-end* wili supply the punch lacking in f ie bats of Tony soloists. the newspapers- —. Your N ew spl^m aSS^' Printing To a my buildings for ten years. Even Budge-Perry Meet DePhiliips and Billy Holm, both ex- Miss Minphin is a Junior in fie the oldest are in first-rate con- IceBont receirsrs. — I doiiegs of Home Economics, at Syra-. tains a completely equipped Printing D e ­ dition.”—Mr. W. H. In Elizabeth May 6 6831 cuse Unlvarslty. partment manned by seasoned Printers and Newspaper teSDhe 3ron.-es, 3D3jg player -,vho| ever lived.” High praise, this, and -that- jo b ‘--PriairiBg% 'aja--iirtegAl-pa»t^L d ieii ■ particularly coming, from the usually 0 Now Showroom! taciturn Ellsworth Vines. -Yet .file] On Display At Ouf is the accolade whioh Pasadena’s business. •gnVAiMftat.—nthietin—oltiaeii .btet^yed on red-jjsaded_ Donald Budge, who W1LLYS - OVERLAND fobbed liiai’ of his crown' 4 DOOR SEDAN----- fcp,s|nn at - ch ampion- by- virtue^of-his De Luxe Equlp^cd-Delivered flotorjes over fie Pasadena Bomber the nation-wide - tour reoently- Remember that this Newspaper is tecmipleWd. “I have always ecmsia-'l JESSEE MOTORS ered Bill Tllden as fie greatest , ox Take Your niT-ltermiw piavers.’’„,says the m m 72 Prince Street, Elizabeth, N, J. always willing to provide publicity who ruled f ie professional roost for ive successive years,.” “but I ’ve be6r. ELIZABETH 2-2950 'OPEN EVENINGS compiled to revise my opinion—or Printing To a to further an event sponsored by nbnijd l ggy, .fiat Don Budge has -revisfiWWfgr TSSW '"'"....",.... iBiidge jpla® Jked. in one ot A nurse w rites .thal she .your organization, fo r which no NO MOVING PARTS their last in this, country at suffered from fjvejq-uenT Newspaper -in its freezing ■syitemwmtauiJL t.bc E lizabeth Armory on Saturday L pa rl a rh ps. Nothing stop" zaheth 3-9812 charge is made. Reciprocity is fair. ped them until a m end re- • PERMANENT SILENCE worth, Budge is fie player wifiout OQpnnended DR. M IL E S a weakness, ohe plu-gepfeot tennie / .andVwf will - dellv&r ypnr needs I®tVINE. She says' Nerv- —lmrAr Himself possessed of png Of Samuel Lavigna, Ph. G. Mgr. fills Prescriptions at. fie -,'a a m ’’seryices' ‘ V® Same 1188 ine stops headaches ’ before ever seen, Vfies pays high tribute to they g6t a good, start: r tleHSffliaiiig seryices of f ie oafiana Three generaMons have sorrel-top. “They’ve always teld me .found DR. M ILES NERV­ The New Hillside High Pharmacy X had a whale of a service;” con- INE effective fo r •• 1149 L ib erty Ave,, between Orann and Fitzpatrick Sts. tinues 'Vines, ”1 Wouldn't taow m - Nervousness, Sleepless* .' aeif, having never had to h it against ness due to Nervous Ir­ it, but II it ever was half as hard- The Hillside Times to handl& 'as Don’s is, it must have ritability, Nervous In­ been a honey.” Vines claims that digestion. Headache, ttS trt.ed every trick, in Ills m g to. , Travel Sickness. ctatm t.hft furious, onslaught at tne ®et DR. MILES NERV-, M itch e ll 2-1036 Mitchell 2-1392 1443 North Broad Street Hillside, N. J. Red Terror, but to no avail. * TNE-arTdUT1 Tlrug y tore.— tried lbbbing bim for awhile to break LIQUID NERVINE ub-Jits attack, -b u t-to inat Large btl. ^LQft, Small btL 25< deadly accurate; “aijd as EFFERVESCENT TABLETS New York Hardware Co. Phone, Waverly 3-2465 is, lobbing is just Large pkg. 754, Small pkg. 151 Special on Phila. Lawn Mower A Q C ______being sponsored M in., 6 Blade ...... Elizabethtown by S e' -EH^beth Eaks Crippled Kid^- dies Committee and tickets aje on 21-23 Springfield Aye. • Newark, N. J. Consolidated Gas Co. sale at the Elks Club, Westfield ave- ntie, Elizabeth. •Pagfejigll-" THE HILLSfbr TfME&,-TrtURSDAY; APRIL-207 1939

Wblnty'-an^ j^ftY-thTee. hundredths f U |e^ i|i,(,Tactic8 Al'HX-.CAlflpBKLij, TcwnslU]) of Ulllpitl rnenceN r u S ) i n \ Dputh eighty. L EHOmsy, Sol’r. Wblffii' BiflIStaM■ 'J J m f : y - %V|ipN9|S»A'er THE 3RD DAY Qffl Begr®eirl;wty5«nds ' wmi 0 * w Jewish*' l{oys Your Garden Tfti& Weeft i (T K D J & UT— C X -1711 ST'ifo bn XBiecl BY FRJED jD, CH5MAN __Union County Agricultural Agent IF u more one of grower's1 and benefit" from, '^vfalDiri ai^e apt to be. hardy a n d they' wiU 53lEStti.Y. THE 10TH. DA Til rams; Kf|8i^,Sy? recorded. ■ scaring1 the Newark boys out of Hili- annually, or at least once n^d^ssaktog u r Tiling, "if. the"gar- side tliaii- adopting German Nazi three years. This is especially 'true (ien .is in light-isciil, very often the itackcs. -Parents, of the, younger boys Street, Hillside, New Jersey, ' ^ - told Newark'* ^oricfe that' their sons of perennial asters and phlox, chrys­ amateur feiPhaie-better results with werei’/plflyins ^ n n e on-the slide at anthemums, ; coreopsis, gaillardias m^rifilhg-glcrrie^' 'if1 hfe sows - j-he, seed the playground when the. older boys, %hdr d jf a . direcitfy t^liere 1 the plants ’• are ‘to! ' ALEX CAMPBELl stopped a ‘‘cowboys and /Indians" 'hfoom.* v They fan-be transplanted. 'TV. Ar- SOSXLLXNS-, ers which ^bTopilT? (8> eouOiOriy 1 4 On ■ ED JiSSMT—ex-ii ^ over to them. from late June If care;is used, however,, in; order "Are,. you ■ Jewish1?" one asked. until the end of to have the large types bloom" early, When told by one of the younger the season. it is necessary io start them, in the -JtoysTfflaf. they were, he continued: house and1 the best‘ way11 is_ m plant “Weil,'that’s who we’re lookmg for. a single Jj^ d lh gjpot. Thei-make -You"rJews are ln_ the 7 way.; Y q)«l| plamte early, they C ’W iliailD :..J< 4 . .AONTSSS/feop, o u ^ to tet. odti’* -’ have time to es quite rapid growth, and once ^started ifie!jyounger boys told their par­ tablish them- they will -bloom profuselyT until ents-they ■ were ordered to- do the stopped^ by ffbs t-.v 1 CLINTON BATTERY & IGNITION STATION T )ldM ;‘bT"the older youths on the selves so that] The Japanese are able to grow, slide and ■ ware bullied into taking thdy ean make vei^y large morning-glories in pots| oherin s Sale BATTERIES — dENERATORS ofli-their pants and running around, good-growthrand By~ Starting the- seeds iri ’small pots 77 Elizabeth.Avenue ,N^aTk,N. ih#'w ere ordered to run home as, bloom, - -wel and then repotting as fast as the A dead shake was pushed before plants grow, until they fill an eight- JhGINNINQ.t0 / P their faces and an ordinary kitchen Autumn. _Plap|s Which' bloom knife ftps brandished with threats to ten-inch /pot. They keep the fore the first part of June generally runners pinohed off and grow the o f ,;use.. hi’it' to cut crosses on, thoj lots 72. 73iand 1 boys’ cheeks- do better when divided7 in Suihme plants, id bush form. By this, method I or early Fall* Then they become ultivation and by hmiting the TOUR CAR WTLL RUN BETTER established1 before Winter. ■ July and number of blooms perj,plant enor- and; m o r e economically • nr y o u THROWN FROM CAR August are a good Period to divide mous flowers are grown, on individ-1 thA aftld. Ea-v?apcL. a.- ■ Fo SERVICE IT RfeGUtAREY ^ AT ; IN ODD ACCIDENT such plants as irises and pyrethrumsT uai plants. When clumps become too large If you want to surprise y our I and thick, they hinder their own RUDY’S SERVICE STATION ,Hannah' „Janney, 20, of 644 neighbors, why not try these morn­ -7CixQ§L_tri the a. development. This applies par­ ing-glories? They are easy, to grow MlIMiM-AAftslR Wlr, I . UN 2-3157 Salem avenue, Elizabeth, escaped ticularly. to fall-blooming..chrysanv wittMl'serious injury Sunday night provided they are given a well, ses • hereinafter wi$h phe, Wes. thrown from a car in themums, which' should be split up drained fertile soil which fa not. tool an • accident in North avenue into a every Spring into single shoots. In Acid. pile"!#: leaves at the side of the addition to benefiting -plants,—divi­ roajl, At' the Elizabeth General sion of the roots is one of the easiest CENTENARY h o n o r stu d en t HILLSIDE BOWLINU ACADEMY Hospital it was found she suffered means of propagating* nearly all Miss Louise Bowne, a senior at )f property of Thomas jj. SuHj 1386 LIBERTY AVE. / For ReServations Call Un 2-3135 jonly1 a-slightr injury--to- her back. ‘ herbaceous perennials. it Saybrook, Unioh 'Couhty, Ne’ Miss Janney was in an automo- Centenary Junior College, has earn- W 'surveyed' by H6,rrlsi>h; • Va OPEN ALLEYS - - - J SW E J M sra. bilevoperated by William H. Sayen, The first early-blooming gladioli d a place oh the midsemester honor Open Daily — X P. M. may be" planted In- the open pound oil as' recently announced by Presi­ BOWLING AFTERNOON TO 8 P. M. lSc-nxcepi suh.-and Holidays 3r& 25, of Quaker Bridge read) BILLIARDS 30c Hr. — % or more men Hamilton. Square, when it 5?as side- now. Seeds of hardy - annual^— dent Robert J, Trevorrow, Miss SWlped by a car ^driven by Samuel poppiesr larkspurs -and. calendulas,: Bowne is a member h f the Centen­ Steinberg, 43, of 133 Bellvue street, for | instance1-as' “well as ''secds^of ary Players which this week prgsents Elizabeth. Sayen’s car; swerved hardy perennials may be sown in ‘The Medea of Euripides” in the Little Theater of the college before ALAN BRUCE CONLIN'1?poDr! S;^ei'1.ff‘ After • the accident,—throwing Miss the garden outdoors- -now. --it J l Janngy out. Mrs. Ceifa fit^nhPtg,, audieneecK- on Thursday eve­ * 'ees !fi4770 -EDJ&HT—CX=172 Apr 13*4 mueh better to get these—in^-the ning, of par-ento and—invited guests, 38u was^badly shaken up. * ^hejvaif SHEtHEF’SSALE^Itt-Chaticei^rf^tefl hy her pwn JBnf.h ground-now^h&nhto- wait ‘until- the and on -Friday eveningr-of the stu-1 Prices Reduced Cars were ^considerably' dimaged and nd aiir‘become ^warm—probaMy- dent body and faeulty of - the -eollege, BUlIdtrig &--3LiOan .AsoGlAtriOn 01 the rGlt| were towed to Nuse’s Garage. Pa- because the moisture conditions are of TTewarJc,. a Nem Jersey.' eurporij.tipn," Best Quality Coal Npw at Prices Only LEGAL NOTICE ty of Newark, asslfned as complainant, ..and■. Thomas ICirk ‘And trohnan J ^fffliam3 ' Ilierolf1 ’ Investi- re favorable and the seeds have] Katherine S. Kirk,- his; wife, dgTeh'tTants. gareq!, 'mSM other officers on hand a chance to germinate -before May 12, 1927, :by An(311011/ Be-. FI. fa. for sale of Mortgaged' premises. Slightly More Than for Inferior Coal. •toekeep/ tmffic moving. *. ind June, when the surface soil be- By vlhtue ’.of -the -above-slated writ. of comes dry. IT IS ECONOMICAL TO BUY THE BEST fTWENDLY CIRCLE ME] 1TING | Coldframes are valuable in the ^ e 1'Friendly Circle of H p la e ordehr and the# need’ daily care. C

Insurance Help guard against “PINK TOOTH BRUSH” GEORGE COMPTON with Ipana and Massage AGENCY BRIGHT,- fcpaiHlng-1 grille imay.auggest t^Xie^ltbfiilstimu- A llatibni^Lpajia; qnd massage; —: - INSURANOIS v , i o o l s s i / *! If Get mi ^ccfnc^ii'hSl tubebflpaua*' 'brush"l~Gi-ye.y Qpf well ijt. vouMdruqijist’sTfcoday. Each. Do Laundry ■ as1 your teeth (proper) darfel i:-/i|n-rr. I me tm^yoiyhrtuah. yQhr, teeth, Established 191# m assq^a littffei'eytra Ipana intu 1444 North Broad Street rtW gtite. W a vtrly Y i i 9l""^ .,7rrsqe tfpptf.Sfiqrrfjstrat , -Resign:# ftot to- keep teelb Work bright;Mnd iMith J ■^rouble'/, bttblet Mih dfed the health of the W h at’s He T|ums^^^Hu^f^lp^keefHyour- uV SM robbed of work by our tmile attrac^ve rthe Tpana wayl - RlP^ryi ?o£tfoQd8'*'ia»*j^u^ . StewingAbout? ^ne84gk^ci8e--for.ibrttep hegftb.’ll' S l.lrTAIR S - k b ■drres"is,h,r H8nnmiiNiNii! d •Iffgeifi’hljft' so? >■ j — j - "jSgM ■ ■lfifarrcy: •' Vorr-'ctm b«com« an : ' &> m H i »xp«rt in this, fascinating new $§P W jgt industry. ,Th« Air Conditioning W Z t X WellrsiTc sliups at any iiiai'ket she hap- Coursea cfl th« InfaiSationd^~^|f' p P Correspondence Schools are W* pens to be near. He sav^ hef- medaod is ^ prepared by, outstanding aus rim z thorities, taught by a proven stifli H IP method of. IndividuaUted In- W ^ - V n]AS^ ?Ilt wm ^ sah ^ l i t electric equip- itrutttiba, Mail coupon for ^ g y p complete details. jjgpP •menl> -THe w&sfcei ilfesMted & A i 'A h l a matMne asyoucouir , ; He ^efr^se the INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHQoG 1 th&1°^ pterf $39.95. m m m 4^ed an^opwatecl in The iTOlsIcieWiAe^ Befo.fe.OTfe^e'w^l I WX88!lsCRANXON, PENNA. . —by-electricity. Complete-with cabinet it sells tor f 69^95 cash. 1 AIR CONDITIONING ■ HaTCSr, the ^ house. He knows, shd’lt save ] AVIATION LgCfRIGERATION $20; Any appliance1 n sibl^wky.---- ^na^b^ieheeed-errthe-dhridcd. payment plan at a small increase over the cash price.' - "reader througl7 an ad iri 'ffre-j/apW ’HfW-- Free Booklet on request Kefts every. Thursday? , L. MANNING, Representative 10 Bumside Avenue Cranford, New Jersey PVBLICQ&SERVir.F Phone: Cranford 6-1088 IPANA TOOTH PASTE