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BULLETIN of the BRGDRIYN Inshture of ARTS AND BULLETIN OF THE BRGDRIYN INSHTUrE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES OCTOBER 20, 1934 VOLUME XXXIX NUMBER 4 The BOSTON SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA "Merely to bathe in such an ocean of glorious musical sound is in itself an experience that no music lover is likely to forget."—N. Y. Sun. — FIVE PHILHARMONIC CONCERTS — Friday Evening, November 16 Friday Evening, January 4 Thursday Evening, January 31 SERGE KOUSSEVITZKY Friday Evening, March 1 Conductor Friday Evening, April 5 "The Boston Symphony Orchestra, under Dr. Serge Kousse- vitzky, is the finest orchestra I have ever heard in all my life." 8:15 o'clock —M. Isidor Philipp, Leading Teacher of Piano in France. Never have the Conductor's commanding or persuasive powers, his ranging sympathy with various styles of music, both new and old, been so manifest as in the Boston Symphony Orchestra concerts of. the present moment. The personnel which does his bidding is an assemblage of musicianship such as no period of the past can show. And the Boston Sym¬ phony concerts at present take a significant and vital place in present-day musical life. OPERA HOUSE Academy of Music Reserved Seat Tickets for the Season: $5.00, $6.00, $7.00, $8.00, $10.00, $12.50; Boxes, $8.00, $10.00, $15.00 NO TAX Mail Orders Given Prompt Attention. A seating plan and order blank will be sent on application. THE BULLETIN OF THE BROOKLYN INSTITUTE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES FATHER BERNARD R. HUBBARD "THE LATE "Alaska—The New Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes" Recorded in Amazing Motion Pictures with the Famous CHRISTOPHER Scientist-Adventurer Himself Telling the Story BEAN" A Lively Comedy in Three Acts By Sidney Howard Presented by THE INSTITUTE PLAYERS Under the Direction of Bennett Kilpack "... a funny comedy ". moved briskly and with a hilarious conclu¬ with humor to the end." Father Hubbard with one of his huskies sion." —N. Y. Times. —N. Y. Herald Tribune. Thursday Evening, November 15 8:15 o'clock "Entertainment of a "A deft and happy and broad, unassuming sort Music Hall Academy of Music eminently likeable play, is the goal for which it WEEKLY TICKET admits one with a pungency under frankly aims and the Reserved Seat to Members, 50 cents; Guest Ticket, 50 cents the surface and surprise end which it success¬ around the edges." fully achieves." —N. Y. World-Telegram. —N. Y. Evening Post. "I have seldom heard ". an extraordinary such cheering outside gathering of the past THE BROOKLYN Twickenham or Wemb¬ and a creation, phrase ley as greeted this bril¬ by phrase, of shining liant comedy and this integrity. There is every SAVINGS BANK exhibition of overwhelm¬ indication of a long ingly brilliant acting." run." —Evening News, London. —London Times. CHARTERED 1827 Friday and Saturday Evenings Oldest Savings Bank NOVEMBER 2 and 3 8:15 o'clock on Long Island Music Hall Academy of Music Tickets now on Sale Resources over $110,000,000 Reserved Seat Tickets for Front Rows of Parquet and Balcony for each evening may be obtained by presenting Weekly Ticket No. 1 and 25 or 50 cents, at the Institute Box Office. A Member may obtain without charge a Reserved Seat Ticket for certain sections of Parquet and Balcony, up to CORNER OF CLINTON AND their capacity, for one performance, by presenting Weekly Ticket No. 2 at the Institute Box Office on or after Saturday, PIERREPONT STREETS October 27. Additional seats for Rear Rows of Parquet or In the Borough Hall Distrid Balcony for each performance may be purchased by a Member at 25 cents. Open Mondays until 7 P.M. Reserved Seat Tickets to Non-Members, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 Page Fifty-three THE BULLETIN OF THE BROOKLYN INSTITUTE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Brooklyn Museum Openings RECUMBENT LION—LIMESTONE EGYPTIAN "BOAT OF THE SUN" (Largest sculptor's model known—note that it is executed (Wood and plaster model of typical Nile boat found in tomb) from two blocks.) Wilbour Fund, 1934 Charles Edwin Wilbour Collection On October 15 the Brooklyn Museum opened an the collection owned by the Brooklyn Museum. exhibition of architecture and related arts planned On November 19 the Museum will open its newly or completed during the present administration by the organized Classical Hall. In order to give a clearer various city departments and civic organizations. It is idea of Greek and Roman daily life, the collections intended to give the public a comprehensive picture of have been classified according to the functions for contemporary New York municipal architecture and which they were designed rather than to show their associated arts, such as city planning, housing, land¬ part in a general artistic evolution. scape architecture, architectural sculpture and murals. Accordingly, cases illustrative of child life, house¬ Sections of the exhibition are devoted to the New hold activities, ceremonial customs, warfare and ath¬ York Park Department, Long Island State Park Com¬ letics, to mention only a few, have been arranged by mission, Public Schools, Borough of Queens, Tri- grouping together miscellaneous objects under these Borough Bridge Authority, Port of New York Author¬ institutions. In addition, fifteen photo-murals of an¬ ity, Department of Public Welfare, College Art Asso¬ cient buildings, as well as casts, maps and industrial ciation murals, the Regional Plan, the Housing charts, supplement the view of ancient life which has Authority, the Borough of Richmond Free Port, the been begun on the basis of material already available Brooklyn Museum and Botanic Garden and the New in the Museum's collections. Such organization should York Municipal Art Commission. The galleries of be of especial value to the many classes in ancient the west wing on the fifth floor have been redecorated history which visit the hall, as well as to the general for the occasion. public. One of the outstanding Museum events of the near The opening of the Hall of Mediaeval Art, under future will be the opening in November of the Wilbour process of installation by Curator Marvin C. Ross, Memorial Library Room on the third floor, which has been scheduled for December. January, accord¬ is to house ing to present the Museum's plans, will see books on the opening of Egyptology. It the recon- is adjacent to structed main the Egyptian entrance, Hall Gallery and of Primitive directly above and Prehis¬ the main li¬ toric Art, as brary, of which well as the it is an exten¬ Exhibition of sion and with Fine Prints of which it com¬ the Year and municates by the Biennial a passenger International elevator. To Water Color Mr.WiLBOUR's Exhibi t i o n. private libra¬ Now open are ry have been temporary ex¬ added the hibits, halls of various books sculpture, dec¬ o n Egyptian orative arts, and other and natural classic art in Greek, Roman and Other Objects from the Collection of Mrs. John Morrin history. Page Fifty-four THE BULLETIN OF THE BROOKLYN INSTITUTE OF 'ARTS AND SCIENCES THE BULLETIN OF THE BROOKLYN INSTITUTE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES C O N T E N T S Page Page Frontispiece, "Bird in Space," by Constantin Current Books (Professor William Lyon Brancusi 56 Phelps) 60 Professor Griggs 57 "Adventures in Science" (Ellis L. Manning) 60 Gertrude Stein 57 Current History (Dr. Albert E. Hindmarsh) 61 On Music ("The Enjoyment of Music")... 57 Bruce Bairnsfather 61 Beethoven's Symphonies (Dr. Daniel Greg¬ Events from November 7 to November ory Mason) 58 21 62, 63, 64 S. Miles Bouton 58 The Senior Member 64 Poetry Reading (Dario Shindell, Jean W. A Field Trip (Mrs. R. Edson Doolittle) .... 65 Wadley and Milo Miloradovich) 59 An Alcott Classic (The Clare Tree Major Chemistry Today (Professor Harold C. Company) 64, 66 Urey) 59 American Art (Mrs. Helen Appleton Read) . 66 Industrial Russia (Allan Monkhouse) 59 Programs 68 COPYRIGHTED BY THE BROOKLYN INSTITUTE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES, 1934 VOLUME XXXIX NUMBER 4 OCTOBER 2 0 , 1934 PUBUSHED BY THE BROOKLYN INSTITUTE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES BROOKLYN-NEW YORK CITY BI-WEEKLY, EXCEPT DURING MAY, JUNE, JULY AND AUGUST SINGLE NUMBER, 15 CENTS ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION, $2.00 TO KKUBKRS OF THE INSTITUTE FEEE POSTAGE (IF SENT BY MAIL) THREE CENTS A NUMBER f » "Cushion'those rough spots The Brooklyn Eagle Press The road of Life is full of unexpected financial bumps and jolts. No one can avoid them but a Offers Its Services to savings account is a cushion that softens them Discriminating and guards you against the future. For 84 years we have been in the business of "Safeguarding Buyers of the Savings of Thrifty Brooklynites". Open your account today. PGUNITDINIG SOUTH BROOKLYN A representative will co-operate SAVINGS BANK in the preparation of your copy MAIN OFFICE: ATLANTIC AVENUE & COURT STREET 18th AVENUE OFFICE: 18th AVENUE 8C 65ih STREET 305 Washington Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. !Brool;/ynlor A. Phone: MAin 4-7400 Page Fifty-five THE BULLETIN OF THE BROOKLYN INSTITUTE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Courtesy of the Museum of Modern Art "BIRD IN SPACE" (Bronze) By CoNSTANTIN BrANCUSI The work of Constantin Brancusi, Rumanian sculptor and at one time pupil of Rodin, has caused a storm of controversy both here and abroad. "Bird in Space" was among several pieces denied duty-free admission to the United States in 1926 on the ground that it was not a work of art and teas therefore taxable as a piece of bronze. The customs court decision on this point in favor of Mr. Brancusi was considered a great victory by champions of modern art. The American sculptor, William Zorach, says of this work that the artist has "taken the line of movement of a bird about to soar into space.
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