Russian Entomol. J. 23(4): 249–281 © RUSSIAN ENTOMOLOGICAL JOURNAL, 2014 On some new or poorly-known millipedes from Chile and Argentina (Diplopoda) Î íåêîòîðûõ íîâûõ è ïëîõîèçó÷åííûõ äâóïàðíîíîãèõ ìíîãîíîæêàõ èç ×èëè è Àðãåíòèíû (Diplopoda) S.I. Golovatch C.È. Ãîëîâà÷ Institute for Problems of Ecology and Evolution, Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninsky prospekt 33, Moscow 119071 Russia. E-mail:
[email protected] Институт проблем экологии и эволюции РАН, Ленинский проспект, 33, Москва 119071 Россия. KEY WORDS: Diplopoda, taxonomy, new records, new species, Chile, Argentina. КЛЮЧЕВЫЕ СЛОВА: Diplopoda, таксономия, новые находки, новые виды, Чили, Аргентина. ABSTRACT. A fresh collection of Diplopoda from and southern Brazil was reviewed not too long ago Chile and Argentina appears to contain 16 identifiable [Mauriès, 1998], but the latest synopses of Chilean species, mostly richly illustrated, among which four are Diplopoda are old and hopelessly outdated [Silvestri, new: Argentocricus iguazu sp.n. (Rhinocricidae, Spirobo- 1905a; Chamberlin, 1957]. lida) from Argentina, as well as Semnosoma eskovi sp.n., Biogeographically, the region is highly peculiar, long Abatodesmus simplicior sp.n. and Anaulacodesmus bifi- considered as part of the Austral realm. Thus, only one dus sp.n. (all Dalodesmidae, Polydesmida) from Chile. Chilean genus and species of the rather large Southern The following new synonymy is established: Monen- Hemisphere family Iulomorphidae (Spirostreptida) oc- chodesmus inermis Silvestri, 1903 = Monenchodesmus curs in South America, the remaining nearly 80 species inermis nahuelhuapiensis Schubart, 1954 = Monen- being known solely in southern Africa, Australia (toge- chodesmus tiganus Chamberlin, 1957, syn.n. (the valid ther with Tasmania) and New Zealand [Korsós & Read, name the first).