MEET OUR FIRST AURORA FELLOW THE Matthew Jones is a UK-trained doctor with international field experience. He first learned about CMMB while reading an AURORA article about Dr. Tom Catena. Inspired by Dr. Tom’s work, Matthew reached out to CMMB to find out about possible volunteer FELLOWSHIP placements. When we asked Matthew how he felt about being the first Aurora Fellow, he said: PROGRAM

“It is an honor that I don’t feel quite worthy of, but I am privileged to have this opportunity. I have been lucky enough to have so many amazing opportunities in life and to have so many people who have believed in me, Dedicated. and invested in me. I really feel in a nice way, it’s payback time. I have a powerful sense that everything has been building towards this experience. Courageous. That I can find myself in possibly one of the most impoverished countries in the world and offering something.” Compassionate.

OUR VISION A world in which every human life is valued, and health and human dignity are shared by all. CMMB is an international NGO providing long-term, community based medical and development aid to communities affected by poverty and unequal access to healthcare. For over a century, we have worked to strengthen communities through healthcare programs and initiatives, “If you really want fulfillment in this life, get the deployment of medicines and medical supplies, and the placement rid of all of your baggage of highly skilled volunteers. and go live a life of full and total service to other people. I think if you do 100 Wall Street, 9th Floor New York, NY, 10005 | [email protected] that, you will find that the rewards are incredible” - Dr. Tom Catena, world renowned humanitarian THE AURORA FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM

In May 2017, the Aurora Prize for Awakening Humanity was awarded to Dr. Tom Catena, an internationally recognized humanitarian, Catholic missionary, and longtime CMMB volunteer.

Catena was honored for his courageous work as the first and only permanent medical doctor serving the people of the war-torn Nuba Mountains. He has been serving there since 2008.

Dr. Tom, as he is known in , designated CMMB as one of three key partners to share in the $1 million prize. With a portion of the prize, CMMB launched the Aurora Fellowship program.

The Aurora Fellowship program is designed to provide specialized opportunities for highly skilled professionals to bring care to the most marginalized and hard to reach communities in the world; places where the service of highly skilled professional volunteers can have a positive impact on the health of women, children, and their communities.

Do you have what it takes to become an Aurora Fellow?

Fellowship Categories: Locations: To qualify you must: Benefits: •  • Medicine Be 21 years or older. The Aurora Fellowship will cover all costs Sudan: Mother of Mercy associated with the volunteer placement • Have a license to practice • Nursing Hospital, Nuba Mountains including: round-trip airfare, housing, insurance, in good standing if applying and a monthly stipend. • Allied Health : for a clinical role. Yambio, Nzara, or Ezo • WASH • Meet all requirements Service Commitment: : Mutomo Minimum of six months service. • Operations/logistics and qualifications. • Three years of professional Important: All Aurora Fellows must be placed experience and prior before December 31, 2018 For a full list of opportunities, benefits, and requirements, and to start volunteer experience your application, visit: