Health Saturday, October 17, 2015
HEALTH SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2015 In Sudan’s Nuba Mountains, lone US doctor cares for thousands CAIRO: In his years as the only qualified aerial bombing from Khartoum’s war- surgeon living in Sudan’s conflict-hit Nuba planes, with staff and patients running to Mountains, American Tom Catena has nearby trenches at the sound of jets. “It’s treated more patients than he can the most terrifying thing I’ve ever heard,” remember-but some cases are etched in Catena said. his memory. Khartoum denies it bombs civilian tar- As medical director, doctor and sur- gets, but in January, the Belgian branch of geon at the Mother of Mercy Catholic Doctors Without Borders (MSF) withdrew Hospital, Catena has treated countless its staff from the Nuba Mountains after it patients with horrific wounds from the said warplanes hit a hospital it operated conflict that has ravaged the rebel-con- the area. trolled area since 2011. “The ones that are crushing blows-and Malaria season, HIV testing they really are crushing-are not just the During the rainy season, which lasts war cases,” Catena told AFP via Skype, his from June until November, roads in the voice weary after a long day’s work. region are rendered impassable, largely Last year, a measles epidemic swept halting fighting. the region and the hospital treated 1,400 The flow of civilians wounded by cases, he said. Some 30 people died. bombings and rebels hurt in fighting “You’d come on a Sunday morning slows, but Catena still has plenty of work. and find a kid who’s dying from measles, “We’re not idle during this time, this is gasping for breath, and the mother is just malaria season,” Catena said.
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