6.1 How Plugged in Is Africa?

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6.1 How Plugged in Is Africa? 35522 Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized ATTACKING AFRICA’S POVERTY ATTACKING AFRICA’S POVERTY Experience from the Ground EDITORS Louise Fox and Robert Liebenthal THE WORLD BANK Washington, D.C. ©2006 The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank 1818 H Street NW Washington DC 20433 Telephone: 202-473-1000 Internet: www.worldbank.org E-mail: feedback@worldbank.org All rights reserved. 1 2 3 4 5 09 08 07 06 This volume is a product of the staff of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank. The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in this volume do not necessarily reflect the views of the Executive Directors of The World Bank or the governments they represent. The World Bank does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this work. The boundaries, colors, denominations, and other information shown on any map in this work do not imply any judgement on the part of The World Bank concerning the legal status of any territory or the endorsement or acceptance of such boundaries. Rights and Permissions The material in this publication is copyrighted. Copying and/or transmitting portions or all of this work without permission may be a violation of applicable law. The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank encourages dissemination of its work and will normally grant permission to reproduce portions of the work promptly. For permission to photocopy or reprint any part of this work, please send a request with complete information to the Copyright Clearance Center Inc., 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, USA; telephone: 978-750-8400; fax: 978-750-4470; Internet: www.copyright.com. All other queries on rights and licenses, including subsidiary rights, should be addressed to the Office of the Publisher, The World Bank, 1818 H Street NW, Washington, DC 20433, USA; fax: 202-522-2422; e-mail: pubrights@worldbank.org. ISBN-10: 0-8213-6322-0 ISBN-13: 978-0-8213-6322-5 eISBNs: 0-8213-6323-9/978-0-8213-6323-2 DOI: 10.1596/978-0-8213-6322-5 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Attacking Africa’s poverty: experience from the ground / edited by Louise Fox, Robert Liebenthal. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN-13: 978-0-8213-6322-5 ISBN-10: 0-8213-6322-0 Economic assistance—Africa—Case studies. 2. Poverty—Africa—Case studies. 3. Economic development projects—Africa—Case studies. I. Fox, M. Louise. II. Liebenthal, Robert. III. World Bank. HC800.Z9P6318 2005 339.4’6’096—dc22 2005043453 Cover photo: Primary school, Kampala, Uganda (2003); Arne Hoel/The World Bank. Contents FOREWORD xi PREFACE xiii ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS xvii I ATTACKING POVERTY IN AFRICA 1 The Political Economy of Pro-Poor Policies in Africa: Lessons from the Shanghai Conference Case Studies Rwekaza Mukandala, Louise Fox, and Robert Liebenthal 3 2 Sustaining Growth and Achieving Deep Reductions in Poverty: How Uganda Recovered after Conflict Uganda Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development 39 II IMPROVING THE INVESTMENT CLIMATE 3 Ensuring Security and Justice: Routes to Reconciliation in Rwanda Bob Burgoyne and Matthew Maguire 71 4 Fueling Cooperation: A Regional Approach to Reducing Poverty in the Senegal River Basin Undala Alam and Ousmane Dione 95 5 Exporting Out of Africa: The Kenya Horticulture Success Story Phil English, Steve Jaffee, and Julius Okello 11 7 v vi Contents 6 Leapfrogging into the Information Economy: Harnessing Information and Communications Technologies in Botswana, Mauritania, and Tanzania Joseph O. Okpaku, Sr. 149 III DELIVERING SERVICES TO POOR PEOPLE 7 Equity Building Society: Scaling Up Microfinance in Kenya Tamara Cook 177 8 From Donor-sponsored Microfinance Project to Commercial Bank: Increasing the Outreach of the Kenya Rural Enterprise Programme John Nyerere and Sharon Maviala 195 9 Reducing Poverty through Free Primary Education: Learning from the Experiences of Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, and Uganda Roger Avenstrup 227 10 Improving Water and Sanitation Services in Rural Areas: Lessons Learned from Ghana, Lesotho, and South Africa Jon Lane 257 11 Defeating Riverblindness: Thirty Years of Success in Africa Jesse B. Bump, Bruce Benton, Azodoga Sékétéli, Bernhard H. Liese, and Christina Novinskey 285 12 Using Social Investment Funds in Africa: Scaling Up Poverty Reduction in Malawi and Zambia Wim H. Alberts, John T. Milimo, and Colin Wilshaw 319 13 Turning the Tide: How Openness and Leadership Stemmed the Spread of HIV/AIDS in Uganda Narathius Asingwire and Swizen Kyomuhendo 343 NOTES 371 INDEX 379 Contents vii Figures 2.1 Per Capita GDP Growth, 1983–2001 40 2.2 Growth in GDP, Agriculture, Industry, and Services in Uganda, 1991/02–2001/02 51 2.3 Poverty in Uganda by Region, 1992/93–2002/03 55 3.1 Real GDP and GDP Growth in Rwanda, 1982–2002 89 4.1 The Senegal River Basin 101 5.1 Exports of Major Horticultural Products Rise Rapidly in the 1990s 121 5.2 Fresh Vegetable Exports from Kenya, 1991–2002 135 6.1 Teledensity in Botswana, Mauritania, and Tanzania, 1998–2003 157 6.2 Annual Change in Teledensity in Botswana, Mauritania, and Tanzania, 1998–2003 157 7.1 Number of Deposit Accounts, 1994–2004 178 7.2 Distribution of Clients 183 7.3 Distribution of Deposit Size by Number of Depositors and Deposit Balance 184 7.4 Average Loan Size by Borrower Category 185 7.5 Accumulated Profit/Loss, 1993–2003 187 7.6 Rural Outreach, Equity Building Society, 2003 189 8.1 Structure of K-Rep Group of Companies 202 11.1 Phased Strategy for Controlling Riverblindness 290 11.2 Progress of the Onchocerciasis Control Program, Phase I 294 11.3 Scaling Up for Additional Interventions 310 13.1 HIV Prevalence in Uganda, 1994–2003 346 13.2 HIV Prevalence among Women Seeking Prenatal Care in Major Towns 346 13.3 Coordination of Uganda’s National HIV/AIDS Partnerships 357 13.4 Decentralized Coordination of Districts and Urban Centers in Uganda 358 viii Contents Boxes 2.1 Chronology of Reform in Uganda, 1986–2001 41 2.2 Security, a Lingering Concern 43 3.1 A Brief History of Rwanda 72 3.2 Chronology of Events in Rwanda Before and After the 1994 Genocide 74 3.3 Putting Down Arms: Returning to Civilian Life in Rwanda 78 3.4 How the Genocide Affected Rwanda’s Economy and Demographics 88 4.1 Chronology of Cooperation in the Senegal River Basin 97 4.2 A Tale of Two Countries: How Cooperation Has Affected People’s Lives in Senegal and Guinea 100 4.3 Changing People’s Lives by Providing Clean Water 104 4.4 Keeping Fish Cold in Senegal 107 4.5 Resolving Conflicts among Water Users in Diawling National Park 110 5.1 Multinational Company Shows the Way: Del Monte and Canned Pineapples 120 5.2 Agnes Aronya, Packhouse Employee 126 5.3 David Tinega, Packhouse Manager 127 5.4 Jane Mutuli Munyoki, Smallholder Farmer 129 5.5 Tiku Shah, Sunripe Director 131 5.6 Ben Mwangi, Farm Owner, Contract Grower 134 6.1 How Plugged in Is Africa? 151 6.2 Using Mobile Phones to Communicate with Nomads in the Sahara Desert 152 6.3 Selling ICT Products and Services in Botswana, Mauritania, and Tanzania 160 7.1 The Path to Independence: A Client’s Story 186 8.1 Helping the Poor through Credit 198 8.2 How Did K-Rep’s Transformation Affect Poor People in Kenya? 217 Contents ix 10.1 Important New Concepts in Water and Sanitation Development: Community Management, Human Development, Human Rights, and Empowerment 259 10.2 Chronology of the National Rural Water Sector Program in Ghana 261 10.3 Chronology of the National Rural Sanitation Program in Lesotho 264 10.4 A Latrine Builder’s Story 266 10.5 Chronology of the National Water and Sanitation Program in South Africa 267 10.6 Equity of Access and the Free Basic Water Policy in South Africa 268 10.7 How Comprehensive is Rural Water and Sanitation Coverage in Ghana, Lesotho, and South Africa? 270 10.8 Creating Water and Sanitation Programs That Are Well Suited to the National Economic Context 273 10.9 What Do Ghanaians Think about Their Water and Sanitation Services? 275 10.10 Kader Asmal, South Africa’s Water Rights Advocate 278 11.1 Chronology of Riverblindness Control in Sub-Saharan Africa 286 11.2 Thirty Years of Achievement in Fighting Riverblindness 288 11.3 The Human Face of Riverblindness: A Nigerian Woman’s Daily Torment 291 11.4 Robert McNamara’s Vision for Controlling Riverblindness 293 11.5 Using a Veterinary Drug to Control a Human Disease: How Merck & Co. Decided to Donate Mectizan to Fight Riverblindness 300 11.6 How Do Community-directed Treatments Compare with Treatments Provided by Regular Health Services? 302 11.7 Scaling Up Riverblindness Control in Nigeria 305 11.8 Building Capacity Where Health Services Are Weakest 307 11.9 Seven Lessons about Partnership 312 x Contents 12.1 Chronology of Zambia’s Social Investment Funds 322 12.2 Chronology of the Malawi Social Action Fund (MASAF) 322 12.3 Changing People’s Lives in Malawi 329 12.4 Building Bridges, Transforming Lives 331 13.1 Chronology of HIV/AIDS-related Events in Uganda 344 Tables 5.1 Employment in the Horticulture Export Industry, 2003 123 5.2 Income and Poverty Levels for Horticulture and Nonhorticulture Households, 2001 125 6.1 Telecommunications Access in Botswana, Mauritania, and Tanzania, 1998–2003 155 6.2 Information and Communications Technology Statistics for Botswana as of November 30, 2003 169 6.3 Subscriber Base and Teledensity in Botswana as of November 30, 2003 170 6.4 Other Licensed Operators in Botswana as of November 30, 2003 170 6.5 Information
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