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Review of the background and application of triolein-containing semipermeable membrane devices in aquatic environmental study

Yibing Lu Research Center for Eco-Enironmental Sciences

Zijian Wang Research Center for Eco-Enironmental Sciences, [email protected]

James Huckins Columbia Enironmental Research Center, [email protected]

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Lu, Yibing; Wang, Zijian; and Huckins, James, "Review of the background and application of triolein- containing semipermeable membrane devices in aquatic environmental study" (2002). USGS Staff -- Published Research. 552.

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Review Review of the background and application of triolein-containing semipermeable membrane devices in aquatic environmental study

Yibing Lu a, Zijian Wang a,*, James Huckins b

a State Key Laboratory of En6ironmental Aquatic Chemistry, Research Center for Eco-En6ironmental Sciences, Beijing 100085, China b Columbia En6ironmental Research Center, USGS, Columbia, MO, USA Received 5 March 2002; accepted 15 April 2002


This paper briefly reviews research on passive in situ samplers for aquatic environments but focuses on the development and application of the triolein-containing semipermeable membrane device in aquatic . Special attention is paid to the calibration of the devices, quality control issues, and its potential uses in environmental assessments of aquatic contaminants. Also, the suitability of the technique for incorporation with selected bioassays is examined. © 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Review; Triolein-semipermeable membrane device; Calibration; QA/QC; Applications

1. Introduction Nearly all-environmental samples require some type of preparation before analysis. Conventional Chemicals listed by the US EPA as priority solid phase extraction (SPE), such as XAD resin contribute little to broad environmen- sorption, and liquid–liquid extraction are among tal indices such as BOD, COD or TOC. Never the oldest and most frequently used sample the less, these contaminants can pose a major preparation methods. However, use of these threat to ecosystem and human health. For exam- methods for monitoring ultra trace to trace-level ple, many substances that cause cancer belong to (e.g. pg to ng/L) organic contaminants in water, persistent organic contaminants (POPs). In 1999, may be problematic. More specifically, difficulties the China EPA designated 40-organic contami- or limitations associated with the methods are nants from US EPA’s list of 2347 toxic chemicals often encountered when collecting and extracting as priority pollutants for water quality standards. large volumes of water needed for trace contami- nant analysis. These include sampling and han- * Corresponding author. Tel.: +86-10-62849140; fax: +86- 10-6292-3563. dling induced changes in some water quality E-mail address: [email protected] (Z. Wang). parameters, and loss of analytes due to filtration,

0166-445X/02/$ - see front matter © 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII: S0166-445X(02)00056-5 140 Y. Lu et al. / Aquatic Toxicology 60 (2002) 139–153 volatilization and sorption. Also, analysis of ex- Several passive samplers have been proposed cised water reflects residue composition only at based on the diffusion of hydrophobic substances the moment of sampling and may fail to detect from the water to membrane bags filled with episodic contamination events (Huckins et al., lipophilic phases. Some of the early designs in- 1990a, 1993). Therefore, the recent availability of cluded dialysis bags made of regenerated cellulose SPE cartridges has facilitated the analysis of tubing and polyethylene membrane bags filled many environmental samples, but the method is with hexane (Sodergren, 1987, 1990; Johnson, generally more suitable for the analysis of samples 1991; Hasset et al., 1989). At about the same time, with moderate (e.g. mg/L) to trace levels of target Zabik (1988) and Huckins (1988) evaluated contaminants. polypropylene, polyvinyl chlorides, polyacetate, Because of the aforementioned difficulties in and silicone membranes for use in passive sam- analyzing trace-level contaminants, the levels of plers. In other studies (Byrne and Aylott, 1980), POPs in water are often inferred from their equi- vinyl chlorides, polyvinylidene fluoride, polyte- librium concentrations in the tissue of aquatic trafluoro ethylene, acrylic copolymer and nylon organisms. Weaknesses in this approach include membrane bags were used as semipermeable possible metabolism and depuration of accumu- membranes for passive samplers. Also, lated chemicals, prejudices in absorption, site-to- polyethylene membranes were filled with XAD-4 site variations in organism stress, and limited and C18, or common organic solvents such as viability (Prest et al., 1995b), which affect equi- 2,2,4-trimethylpentane, octanol, and hexane for librium concentrations. Estimates of POP concen- environmental sampling (Zabik et al., 1992). trations in water can also be made by measuring Pekol and Cox (1995) described a system in which their concentrations in benthic sediments from micellar Brij35 and Brij58 were used in combina- rivers, lakes or seashores and then using equi- tion with a cellulose ester dialysis membrane. The librium distribution coefficients (i.e. Kocs) to micellar media compared well with organic sol- derive levels of dissolved phase analytes (Gale et vents as receivers for fugacity based membrane al., 1997). This approach is limited by the assump- preconcentrators of hydrophobic compounds. In tion of equilibrium between sediments and the a comparative study (Macrae and Hall, 1998), water column, and the potential effects of organic triolein-containing semipermeable membrane carbon quality differences among sediments that device (triolein-SPMD), Tenax TA, and are not accounted for in current equilibrium parti- polyethylene tube dialysis (PTD) of sediment were tion models. used to estimate the available fraction of poly- Increasingly, the development of effective, eco- cyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in marine nomic and selective passive sampling techniques is sediment slurries. The results of this study sug- becoming a widespread goal of environmental gested that PTD is useful for assessing chemical scientist. In particular there is a need for tech- exposure from to soils or sediments, while tri- niques, which fulfill the demands of monitoring olein-SPMD and Tenax TA are useful for estima- trace or ultra-trace bioavailable organic contami- tion of the fraction of chemicals in sediments that nants in water and at the same time bridge the would likely be biodegradable in reasonable gaps between environmental analytical chemistry length of time. and ecotoxicology approaches. Among various Recently a polar organic chemical integrative passive sampling approaches for organic contami- sampler (POCIS), consisting of a hydrophilic nants, the solid phase micro-extraction (SPME) polyethersulfone membrane containing an admix- fibers and semipermeable membrane devices (SP- ture of a hyper-cross linked polystyrene-divinyl- MDs) appear to show the most promise. SPME benzene SPE resin and S-X3 Biobeads coated with fibers are widely accepted as analytical tools for fine particles of dispersed Ambersorb® 1500, was measuring semi-volatile contaminants (Pawliszyn, designed (Alvarez et al., 2000). The polyethersul- 1997), are very convenient to use, but are gener- fone membrane was selected because of all the ally limited by small sample size/capacity. membranes studied; it exhibited the greatest up- Y. Lu et al. / Aquatic Toxicology 60 (2002) 139–153 141 take of hydrophilic analytes and had the greatest thermal motions of the polymer chains form tran- membrane durability. Using POCIS samplers, lin- sient cavities with maximum diameters of approx- ear uptake of polar analytes (e.g. atrazine) was imately 10 A,(Huckins et al., 1990a). Because the observed through 28 days, and biofouling was cross-sectional diameters of most environmental minimal. contaminant molecules are nearly as large as LDPE Besides SPME fibers, the most popular passive cavities, only dissolved (i.e. readily bioavailable) sampling configuration for aquatic environments is organic contaminants can diffuse into the mem- the triolein-containing SPMD developed by Huck- brane and be concentrated in the membrane and ins (1988) and Huckins et al. (1990a). Fig. 1 triolein. The neutral-triglyceride triolein was se- illustrates the principle of the triolein-SPMD. The lected for use in SPMDs for the following reasons: following sections summarize the theory, practice, (1) it is a significant constituent of fish lipids; (2) and applications of SPMDs as passive in situ Chiou (1985) has shown a good correlation between samplers of aquatic environments. equilibrium triolein–water partition coefficients

(Ktws) and widely available equilibrium octanol– water partition coefficients (Kows); (3) the high 2. Design and basis of triolein-SPMDs molecular weight of triolein (i.e. \800 Da) greatly reduces LDPE membrane permeability even during 2.1. Generic configuration organic solvent dialysis; and (4) triolein is commer- cially available in high purity forms (Huckins et al., All triolein-SPMDs contain a thin film of lipid 1990a, 1993, 1996). sealed within an additive free layflat polyethylene Triolein-SPMDs were designed to mimic the (LDPE) tube. LDPE employed in triolein-SPMDs bioconcentration of organic contaminants in fatty is referred to as nonporous, although random tissues of organisms, using a much more repro- ducible sampling matrix. Among the many poten- tial environmental variables, uptake rates are only affected by temperature, flow velocity-turbulence, and biofouling. SPMDs can be used for in situ monitoring contaminants, estimating respiratory exposure, concentrating trace organic contami- nants for assessing their toxicity, and the LDPE tubing can be used for analytical separations (Huck- ins et al., 1990a,b; Meadows et al., 1993; Strand- berg, 1998; Bergqvist et al., 1998a). Huckins et al. (1990a, 1993, 1996, 1999, 2000) have delineated important considerations in the design, application, performance, and data comparability of SPMDs.

2.2. Models for estimation of ambient concentration

Procedures for the estimation of ambient water concentrations of contaminants from their concen- trations in triolein-SPMDs are different from those Fig. 1. Illustration of the principle of nonporous membrane used in active sampling strategies. In general, size-exclusion phenomenon, which mediates the containment sample size and thus concentration factors are not of triolein-SPMD lipid and allows the diffusive exchange of smaller analyte molecules. Also, a partial illustration of de- predetermined for SPMD exposures, as is common ployment apparatus is shown as well. Courtesy of Carl Crazio in active sampling strategies. There are many and Randal Clark, USGS, Colombia, MO, USA. mathematic models developed to estimate ambient 142 Y. Lu et al. / Aquatic Toxicology 60 (2002) 139–153 analyte concentration based on first-order ex- assumption that the chemicals accumulated by change kinetics and equilibrium partitioning con- triolein-SPMDs are only in the triolein phase. cepts (Booij et al., 1998; Huckins et al., 1993; However, the membrane is a functional constituent Huckins et al., in press). Perhaps, the most simple in the sampling process rather than simply a and common approaches used are the equilibrium container for the triolein (Huckins et al., 1990a; (Eq. (1)), linear uptake kinetics (Eq. (2)), and Petty et al., 1994; Gale, 1998; Booij et al., 1998). exponential accumulation (Eq. (3)) models given by Studies have indicated that the polyethylene mem- Huckins et al. (1993). brane used in triolein-SPMD is a significant reser- voir for hydrophobic residues and has a Ct =Ktw (1) membrane/solute partitioning coefficients only a Cw : little less than the inner triolein reservoir (Kpw C R t 0.1–0.5K , Gale, 1998). For example, a typical t = s (2) tw Cw Vt sampler has a total mass of about 4.5 g, which C contains 0.91 g (1 ml) of triolein and represents a t =K (1−e−kut) (3) polyethylene to triolein ratio of about 4:1 (Huckins C tw w et al., 1996). This finding implies that about 33– Eq. (1) describes the equilibrium partitioning of 71% of the total accumulated chemicals are in a between the triolein and water phases, triolein phase at steady state. where Ct is the concentration of the contaminant If the lipid and membrane are analyzed together in the lipid (does not include membrane contribu- (e.g. organic solvent dialysis of intact SPMDs), a tion), Cw is the water concentration, and Ktw was simple alternative to modeling lipid accumulation defined earlier. Eq. (2) is based on the assumption alone is to substitute VSPMD for Vt and CSPMD for that Ct is linearly related to the sampling time, Ct in Eq. (2) to obtain the empirical sampling rates where Rs is the chemical-specific SPMD (triolein for the whole device (Huckins et al., 1999): alone) sampling rate, expressed as the volume of % CSPMD R st water cleared of chemical per unit time (t), and Vt = (5) Cw VSPMD is the volume of the lipid in the device. The Rs % values for chemicals of interest are independent of where R s is the sampling rate for the whole device analyte concentration and are obtained through (i.e. polyethylene plus triolein), CSPMD is the con- laboratory exposures under controlled conditions. centration in the whole device, and VSPMD is the Eq. (3) is based on the assumption that Ct is volume of the whole sampler. exponentially related to the exposure time, where A three-compartment (3C) differential equation ku is defined as the overall uptake rate constant and model has been developed and used to describe is mathematically identical to the loss rate constant the kinetics of the accumulation processes (Gale,

(ke). Eq. (3) integrates all three phases of SPMD 1998). Based on the 3C model, it was suggested uptake (i.e. linear, curvilinear and equilibrium). that the accumulation of a chemical in a triolein- Because triolein-SPMDs have a large capacity for SPMD may be controlled by either: (1) polymer hydrophobic contaminants, most lipophilic ana- film diffusion for large molecules with low poly- lytes will not achieve equilibrium within sampling mer diffusivity, where steady-state solute concen- periods of B28 d. trations in polyethylene and water are reached

A simple relationship between log Ktw and before they attained in polyethylene and triolein; log Kow can be applied (Chiou, 1985) for the (2) aqueous film diffusion for highly polymer-dif- derivation of Ktw, used in Eq. (1) and Eq. (3). fusive molecules, where the ratio of the solute concentrations in triolein and polyethylene log K =log K +0.105 (4) tw ow reaches steady state before the whole device ap- where Kow was defined earlier and values are proaches steady state with the water; (3) a combi- available for most of the priority contaminants. nation of aqueous and polymer film diffusion Application of Eqs. (1)–(3) is also based on the where solute concentrations in polyethylene and Y. Lu et al. / Aquatic Toxicology 60 (2002) 139–153 143 triolein reach a relatively constant ratio, but not PRC approach should enable investigators to pre- necessarily the final steady-state value (i.e. equi- dict water concentrations with estimation errors of librium concentrations among the three compart- less than twofold (Huckins et al., in press). ments). By modeling potential variations in expo- sure conditions and the triolein-SPMD physical 2.3. Quality control parameters, the overall accumulation by the whole devise is predicted to remain under aqueous film The level of quality control related to triolein- control for high Kow compounds. However, for very SPMD applications varies with project goals and large molecules, accumulation in the triolein may the analytical procedures used. A typical analytical be subject to polymer film control. scheme for analyzing organic contaminants in tri- % In the literature, most of the Rs (or R s) values olein-SPMDs includes sample preparation, extrac- were obtained under controlled laboratory condi- tion, enrichment/purification, fractionation, and tions (Huckins et al., 1993, 1999; Huckins et al., in quantitative or qualitative analysis. For example, press, Rantalainen et al., 2000). When triolein-SP- analysis of PAHs in triolein-SPMDs generally MDs are used in natural environments periphyton includes dialytic recovery of the PAHs from the often attach to the exterior of the membrane and intact device, cleanup the dialysate using size exclu- contribute to the total impedance to chemical sion and adsorption chromatography, then analysis uptake. Ellis et al. (1995) reported extensive bio- by gas chromatography (GC) with photoionization fouling of triolein-SPMD membranes during an or mass spectrometric detection (Lebo et al., 1992, exposure on the upper Mississippi River. Periphy- Orazio et al., 1995). More specifically, triolein-SP- ton growth varies with environmental conditions MDs are dialyzed in hexane to recover the analytes, under which the device was deployed, and it is followed by high performance size exclusion chro- difficult to correct for its influence. Huckins et al. matography and potassium silicate enrichment (1993, 1996, 1997a) and Huckins et al. (1999) and procedures (Petty et al., 2000). The precision of this Huckins et al. (2000) have proposed the use of process, including sampling and analysis, is typi- permeability/performance reference compounds cally better than 20% RSD (Petty et al., 2000). In (PRCs; i.e. selected compounds spiked into SPMD the case of triolein-SPMDs, used to preconcentrate triolein prior to deployment), which provide infor- water samples for bioassays or biomarker tests, mation that can be used to derive in situ triolein- cleanup is typically less rigorous than that de- SPMD sampling rates. Thus, laboratory-sampling scribed above. However, some potential lipid impu- rates (Rss) of triolein-SPMDs can be adjusted to rities may still interfere with the assay. This issue reflect specific field sampling conditions, such as is subsequently discussed in more detail. biofouling, by introducing a coefficient Fi, which is Devita and Crunkilton (1998) applied triolein- defined as one minus the fractional reduction in SPMDs to monitor PAHs in an urban stream. sampling rate due to biofouling (Petty et al., 2000): Relative percent differences (RPDs) were calcu- lated to estimate precision in triolein-SPMD repli- R =R F (6) sc s i cates and RPDs were found within 13.9–56.0% where Rsc is the corrected sampling rate for a (n=14).Variations in replicates encompassed tri- chemical and is obviously a conditional constant olein-SPMD preparation, deployment, exposure, for a specific set of exposure conditions. Currently, retrieval and analysis, and the average percent the PRC approach has been extended to the effects recoveries were 52–82% (n=7). The method de- of temperature and flow velocity-turbulence of the tection limits (MDLs) were assessed by spiking medium sampled (Huckins et al., in press), which each of 10 triolein-SPMDs with 0.200 mg PAHs permits the derivation of an exposure adjustment per g triolein. After a 14-day exposure period, the factor (EAF). The EAF accounts for the effects of MDLs for the PAHs studied corresponded to all three environmental variables (i.e. flow-turbu- detectable water concentrations of 2.1–13 ng l−1. lence, temperature and biofouling) affecting tri- These values were as much as 2000 times lower olein-SPMD sampling rates. Correct use of the than MDLs derived from standard approach of 144 Y. Lu et al. / Aquatic Toxicology 60 (2002) 139–153 solvent extraction of water samples. In general, 3.1. Comparisons to biomonitoring organisms the quality control criteria used for GC-mass spectrometric identification of target chemicals in Triolein-SPMDs have been proposed as a triolein-SPMDs is the same as other sampling mimetic (i.e. to mimic complex biological pro- strategies (Strandberg, 1998). Clearly, when inter- cesses in simple media) supplement or replace- laboratory results are compared, there is a need ment for biomonitoring organisms used in organic for the standardization of triolein-SPMDs to en- contaminant assessments (Herve et al., 1995; Prest sure comparability of results. et al., 1995a). Regardless of the issue of the appropriate application of triolein-SPMDs to biomonitoring programs, these authors found tri- 3. Environmental monitoring and research olein-SPMDs to be very useful tools for assessing applications the presence of bioavailable organic contaminants. Since the beginning of the 1990s, triolein-SP- The capacity of an organism to accumulate MDs have received wide recognition, especially in non-metabolized organic contaminant residues is the United States, as effective tools for environ- mainly controlled by the lipophilicity (i.e. Kow)of mental research and analysis. They have been the compound and the lipid content of the organ- successfully used for monitoring chemicals in ism. Usually, a correlation between bioconcentra- aquatic environments (Huckins et al., 1990a tion factor (BCF) and the device (triolein-SPMD) Huckins et al., 1997b; Petty et al., 1995, 1998; concentration factor (DCF) is assumed, when tri- Ellis et al., 1995; Lebo et al., 1992, 1995; Bennett olein-SPMDs are substituted for organism in ex- et al., 1996; Moring and Rose, 1997; Bergqvist et treme environments. However, Huckins et al. (in al., 1998a; Axelman et al., 1999; Zimmerman et press) has pointed out that organism uptake rate al., 2000), and in air (Ockenden et al., 1998; constants vary widely for the same chemical and Lohmann et al., 2001). Triolein-SPMDs have also unlike triolein-SPMDs their tissues levels may not been used for screening and preliminary identifi- be proportional to environmental concentrations. cation of emission sources in wastewater systems Thus, it is unlikely that correlation between BCFs and groundwater (Stuer-Lauridsen and Kjolholt, and DCFs will always be found (Huckins et al., in 2000; Granmo et al., 2000; Gustavson and press). A good correlation was shown between the

Harkin, 2000), and appear to simulate the biocon- log Kow and log BAF (bioaccumulation factor) in centration of dissolved chemicals by aquatic or- mussels and between the log Kow and log DCF ganisms (Huckins et al., 1996; Prest et al., 1992; (Sabaliunas et al., 1998). These findings are based Wood, 1994; Devita and Crunkilton, 1994; Herve on a continuous-flow laboratory exposure of tri- et al., 1995; Peven et al., 1996; Hofelt and Shea, olein-SPMDs and lake mussels (Anodonta pisci- 1997). The procedure for dialytic recovery of ana- nalis) to four (Sabaliunas et al., 1998). lytes can be used separately to remove lipids and The compositions and ratios of different pesticides other interferences from environmental sample ex- in triolein-SPMDs and in mussels were also simi- tracts (Huckins et al., 1990b; Meadows et al., lar, which indicate that triolein-SPMDs serve as 1993, 1996; Strandberg, 1998; Bergqvist et al., good surrogates for aquatic organisms with re- 1998b). spect to the discriminatory uptake of these hydro- In general, triolein-SPMDs can be used for a phobic chemicals (Sabaliunas et al., 1998). When wide range of organic contaminants. However, goldfish (Crassius auratus) and triolein-SPMD chemicals that are predominantly ionic at envi- were simultaneously exposed to nine relatively ronmental pHs are not accumulated in triolein- hydrophilic chlorophenols in a laboratory con- SPMDs. In addition, chemicals with tinuous flow experiment, steady state concentra- B log Kows 2.0 are too polar or their fugacity from tions were achieved after 12 h in triolein-SPMDs non-polar organic phases is too high to be suffi- and in fish, and the partition coefficients (log Ktw, ciently concentrated in triolein-SPMDs. log BCF, and log Kow) were closely cor- Y. Lu et al. / Aquatic Toxicology 60 (2002) 139–153 145 related each other (Wang et al., 1998). Similar Application of triolein-SPMDs with PRCs to results were obtained for nine weakly hydropho- monitoring programs could improve the inter-lab- bic nitroaromatics (Wang et al., 1999a). oratory comparability of residue concentration In field studies, the relationship between data for many contaminants (Huckins et al., in log DCFs and log BCFs often becomes more press). Because a variety of SPMD designs have difficult to establish, mostly because of problems been employed for environmental assessments related to the measurement of free concentrations without PRCs or appropriate calibration data, the of contaminants in complex mixtures and the comparability of these data will be questionable. much longer times to equilibrium for SPMDs. Even if PRCs are used, shortcomings will exist in \ For chemicals with high Kows, i.e. log Kows 6.0, the extrapolation of triolein-SPMD data to some attainment of equilibrium in standard triolein-SP- organisms, such as the inability to directly predict MDs may require more than a year (Gale, 1998). (models are required for these estimates) contami- However, similar concentrations of chemicals nant transfer up through the food web, i.e. SPMD have been reported in side-by-side field exposures levels do not reflect the potential for biomagnifi- of triolein-SPMDs and biomonitoring organisms cation. Clearly, triolein-SPMDs can be applied to (Prest et al., 1998; Gale et al., 1997). Hofelt and discriminate bioconcentration from bioaccumula- Shea (1997) suggested that the correlation be- tion in field studies. In summary, even though tween SPMDs and monitoring organisms was im- several laboratory and field tests have shown that proved when using a device with a smaller volume triolein-SPMD and test organism tissue concen- of triolein, a thinner LDPE membrane and a trations are remarkably similar across a wide larger membrane surface area (25 mm thick and range of chemical hydrophobicities, it is unrea- 900 cm2 in area). The correlation coefficients (R 2) sonable to expect SPMDs to closely mimic the for triolein-SPMDs and caged mussels (Mytilus accumulation of all organic contaminants by all edulis) ranged from 0.57–0.85 for individual pes- biomonitoring test species (Huckins et al., 2000). ticides (n=16) and from 0.81–0.96 for individual congeners of (PCB, n= 3.2. Use in chemical monitoring 20). However, based on the work of Booij et al. (1998) and Gale (1998), membrane thickness should have little to do with time to equilibrium Since their inception, triolein-SPMDs have been largely intended for passively monitoring chemical of contaminants with log Kows greater than about 5.0. Also, when benthic organisms (i.e. Lum- concentrations in different environmental media. briculus 6ariegates) and triolein-SPMDs were ex- There are several advantages in using SPMDs for posed simultaneously to sediment-bound monitoring priority organic pollutants, which in- chemicals, such as polychlorinated diphenylethers clude the following: (1) the non-mechanical or (PCDEs), BCFs and DCFs were reasonable close passive operation; (2) the ability to sample large (Kukkonen et al., 1998). sample volumes (i.e. volume of water or air ex- The propensity of some organisms to rapidly tracted) and (3) the generally reduced effort re- biotransform certain anthropogenic chemicals, quired for triolein-SPMD deployment and such as PAHs (Buhler and Williams, 1989), analytical cleanup when compared to transplanted through activation of the mixed function oxidases organisms. (MFOs), severely limits any correlation between The following studies are specific examples of concentrations in tissue concentrations and expo- triolein-SPMD use for environmental contami- sure concentrations. Because no biotransforma- nant monitoring. Prior to and after an extensive tion or metabolism of chemicals occurs in Midwest (USA) flood of 1993, triolein-SPMDs triolein-SPMDs (assuming photolysis is pre- were employed to detect the presence of bioavail- vented), they can be used to determine the relative able organochlorine pesticides (OCs), PCBs, and roles of uptake from water (the bioconcentration PAHs in the water of the main stem of the lower process) and by difference, the dietary route (the Missouri River, and its tributaries (Petty et al., BAF reflects both routes of uptake). 1995, 1998). Contaminant residues found at post- 146 Y. Lu et al. / Aquatic Toxicology 60 (2002) 139–153

flood sites were nearly all at higher concentrations environments of interest (Rantalainen et al., than those found in the earlier pre-flood sampling. 1998). In another case, extracts from SPE of Dieldrin was found to range from a low of 110 water samplers, triolein-SPMDs, fish and sedi- ng sample−1 in the Gasconade River to a high of ment were compared for their efficacy as monitors 2000 ng sample−1 at Glasgow, while in the pre- of prior pollutants in the Yanghe River, China. flood sampling, dieldrin ranged from a low of 64 Triolein-SPMD appeared to be the most efficient ng sample−1 at Sioux City to a high of 800 approach (Wang et al., 1999b). The triolein- ng sample−1 at Glasgow (Petty et al., 1998). SPMD approach also has an advantage of being In a study on the temporal distribution patterns useable in extreme environmental and climatic of different contaminants in flood-plume water conditions. For example, it was successfully de- along the Swedish Coast, DDTs, PCBs, and dield- ployed at McMurdo station in Antarctica in both rin showed elevated levels during the first and the water column and sediments (Crockett, 1994). second sampling period (Bergqvist et al., 1998b). Triolein-SPMDs have been shown to concen- Then, a more stable, but lower contaminant level trate several other types of compounds of envi- followed. Surprisingly, chlordanes and hex- ronmental concern, such as organometallics achlorocyclohexanes (HCHs) showed a more (Folsvik et al., 2000) and volatile olefinic and complex pattern with elevated levels at the begin- aromatic hydrocarbons. The latter hydrocarbons ning, followed by a temporary decrease and then include monoterpenes, which are emitted from a second rise in concentrations. Chlorobenzenes bark wounds as part of a tree defense mechanism showed no measurable shift in concentrations and during wood processing (Strandberg, 1998). during the total sampling period (Bergqvist et al., More specifically, triolein-SPMDs can be used to 1998b). concentrate monoterpenes to adequate levels, so Ultra-trace organic contaminants can be de- that the post identification and analysis is easier tected by using triolein-SPMDs. Following dialy- to perform. sis, cleanup, and fractionation, concentrations of Both Prest et al. (1998) have suggested that polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) and triolein-SPMDs are unsuitable for determining polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) as low as rapid or short-term temporal variability, since 30 fg l−1, were detected (Lebo et al., 1995) in aqueous exposures using a composite sample of they are designed to integratively sample (i.e. they four triolein-SPMDs (17 g, includes mass of mem- provide time weighted average [TWA] concentra- brane and triolein). Also, the average TCDD tions) over periods on the order of days or weeks equivalents obtained from residue quantitation by not hours. Also, Gustafson suggested that tri- GC/MS was generally similar to that measured by olein-SPMDs might be unsuitable for monitoring a H4IIE bioassay (Lebo et al., 1995). gas exchange of chemicals across the air–water Rantalainen et al. (1998) compared the levels interface, because flux is dependent upon instanta- and the congener profiles of PCDDs, PCDFs and neous concentration gradients. In such circum- non-o,o%-PCBs sampled by triolein-SPMDs in the stance, Prest et al. (1998) suggested that the water column and in the sediments of the lower simultaneous air and water sampling with SPEs Fraser River (Canada). Triolein-SPMD concen- and triolein-SPMDs is likely to be a powerful tool trations were compared to concentrations in resi- for assessing the net flux of chemicals between dent benthic-feeding fish. SPMD derived these compartments. His argument was based the concentration estimates of the water column were observation that thermodynamic relationships for compared to measured values as determined by an air–water transport are formulated in terms of active Infiltrex® sampler equipped with SPE dissolved and vapor phase concentrations and the columns. The results suggested that triolein-SP- triolein-SPMD membrane inherently provides a MDs are the most suitable for sampling water for level of discrimination against particle bound contaminants such as PCDD/Fs and non-o,o%- chemicals (Prest et al., 1995a,b; Ockenden et al., PCBs, which are present at ultra-trace levels in the 1998, Booij et al., 1998). When triolein-SPMDs Y. Lu et al. / Aquatic Toxicology 60 (2002) 139–153 147 are applied to soil ecosystem, they provide a toring of the fate and concentrations of simple and efficient in situ method for the concen- trace-contaminant mixtures in the environment, tration of pollutants in compost, as well as but also an assessment of the potential hazards lipophilic vapors above the soil surface (Strand- these chemicals pose to aquatic organisms and berg, 1998). human health. Extracts of triolein-SPMDs can be In principle, triolein-SPMDs were designed to examined with standard bioassays (Huckins et al., sequester free concentrations (i.e. dissolved and 1996; Sabaliunas and Sodergren, 1997). Often, vapor phases) of chemicals in waters. However, risk assessment of organic contaminants in the fraction of free concentrations of very hydro- aquatic environments is based on the measure- phobic contaminants in natural waters and air ment of individual compound levels and compari- may be small when compared to the total concen- son of each chemical’s concentration to existing trations. For example, dissolved PCB congener toxicity data. However, all chemicals exert their concentrations in water samples from a contami- effects as components of complex environmental nated spring were assessed with triolein-SPMDs mixtures that are influenced by a number of fac- and total water-borne PCB concentrations were tors. Clearly, it is the effects of the complex determined separately with a conventional solvent mixtures that must be considered in a comprehen- extraction (i.e. liquid/liquid partitioning) ap- sive environmental risk assessment. When triolein- proach (Meadows et al., 1998). Concentrations of SPMDs are used as surrogates for or in dissolved hydrophobic chemicals in water (Cwd) conjunction with biomonitoring organisms, the were related to the TOC content of the water by sequestered contaminants are available for assess- the following equation (Meadows et al., 1998): ment with a wide array of biomarker and bioassay tests. For example, concentrations of the m C = a(tol) (7) dialysates of triolein-SPMDs have been assayed wd m M K w + oc oc with standard bioindicator screening tests, such as where ma(tol) is the total mass of analyte, mw is the Microtox and Mutatox (Huckins et al., 1996), or mass of water, Koc is the compound’s organic the ethoxy resorufin-o-deethylase assay (Niewolny carbon sorption coefficient, and Moc is the mass et al., 1995). Consequently, this triolein-SPMD- of organic carbon in the water. The results of this bioassay linkage provides a potential means of exercise show that the total organic carbon con- determining the relative biological significance of tent of the water is critical in determining the contaminants mixtures accumulated at study sites. amount of high Kow compounds accumulated by There have been numerous trials using triolein- triolein-SPMDs or biota, because of its impact on SPMDs for ecotoxicology applications. Enriched the fractional amount of the dissolved, or readily extracts from triolein-SPMDs exposed to bleach bioavailable residues in water. For example, as- Kraft mill effluents (Huckins et al., 1996) and : suming that Koc Kow, dissolved concentration of surface water contaminated by trace levels of PCBs with log Kow greater than 7.0 are reduced by PCDDs and PCDFs (Huckins et al., 1996; Lebo more than 80% when correcting for 0.5 mg l−1 et al., 1995) were found to induce cytochrome TOC. However, aquatic organisms that ingest P450 activity in fish and rat cell lines. Purified carbon rich particulates or prey organisms with dialysates from triolein-SPMDs, which were ex- very hydrophobic chemicals may accumulate a posed to pesticides in a laboratory continuous- significant fraction of the residues by assimilation flow system or deployed in polluted water in across the gut. Lithuania, were highly toxic to the luminescent bacteria Vibrio fischeri (Sabaliunas and Soder- 3.3. Preconcentration of samples for bioassays gren, 1997). It is noteworthy that these bioassays were performed with only a small portion of There appears to be considerable need for dialysate. However, sample clean-up procedures rapid, easy to use, effective, and low-cost integra- to remove oleic (an impurity is some triolein) may tive methods that allow not only the direct moni- be required prior to toxicity testing for the estima- 148 Y. Lu et al. / Aquatic Toxicology 60 (2002) 139–153 tion of the true toxic potential of accumulated 3.4. O6er6iew of attributes and drawbacks pollutants (Sabaliunas et al., 1999). In freshwater microcosm studies that simulated From the investigations summarized in this a crude oil spill, triolein-SPMDs were used to work, it is clear that triolein-SPMDs have consid- concentrate the oil related pollutants in air, water erable potential as monitors of environmental pol- columns and sediments. By using triolein-SPMDs lutants. However, all sampling or monitoring the time-dependent changes in the acute toxicity methods have strengths and weaknesses and tri- (as assayed by Microtox®) and the genotoxicity olein-SPMDs are no exception. Table 1 compares (as assayed by Mutatox®) were successfully moni- the attributes and drawbacks of triolein-SPMDs tored (Johnson, 1995). The combination of the and two other common environmental monitoring use of triolein-SPMDs for the preconcentration of approaches. certain trace contaminants (e.g. PAHs) and the subsequent assay of enriched dialysates by bioindicator tests appears to be an useful ap- 4. Conclusions proach for screening the relative toxicity of bioavailable organic contaminants (Johnson et al., The most common applications of triolein-SP- 2000). Triolein-SPMDs were deployed in the MDs appear to be the determination of the pres- Athabasca River area to sequester any hydropho- ence, source, and TWA concentrations of bic toxic compounds from different point sources hydrophobic organic contaminants in aquatic en- along the river. The SPMD-extracts were assayed vironments and in the atmosphere. Also, triolein- for MFO induction in a fish cell line (Parrott et SPMDs are often used as surrogates for, or al., 1995). Discharges from three pulp mills were additions to biomonitoring studies to improve found to have pollutants that strongly induced estimates of exposure to waterborne organic con- MFO activity in the cell line, when compared to taminant mixtures, and in some cases, to predict the background river water. tissue concentrations of specific contaminants in Koistinen et al. (1998), used liquid–liquid ex- the tissues of organisms of concern (Petty et al., traction, SPE, and triolein-SPMDs to extract pol- 1998). To reduce the magnitude of the error asso- lutants from the effluents and sludge of primary ciated with a triolein-SPMD derived water con- and secondary clarifiers of activated sludge treat- centration estimate, PRCs must be used to correct ment plants at a Finnish bleached-kraft pulp and for site-specific environmental factors such as paper mill, and then assessed the resulting extracts variations in temperature, membrane biofouling, with two Hepa-1 mouse hepatoma cells bioassays. and the flow-turbulence regime (Booij et al., 1998; SPMDs were found to be particularly useful in Booij and Drooge, 2001 Huckins et al., 1997b, accumulating non-polar inducers of MFO from 1999, 2000; Huckins et al., in press). Standardiza- the pulp mill effluents. Petty et al. (1998) exposed tion of the design of the triolein-SPMDs (e.g. SPMDs to Missouri River water at several sites membrane thickness and triolein to membrane following the great flood of 1993 (Midwest USA). mass ratios) is also needed to improve the com- Enriched extracts of triolein-SPMD laboratory parability of triolein-SPMD data (Huckins et al., processing controls injected into rainbow trout 1999). (Oncorgynchus Myriss) showed no evidence of The use of triolein-SPMDs as a tool for the vitellogenin production (a bioindicator of the assessment of the ecological consequences of presence of estrogenic chemicals), whereas injec- chemical pollution is promising, particularly when tion of extracts from SPMDs exposed at the the effects of long-term exposure to ultra-trace Napoleon site on the river showed enhanced es- hydrophobic contaminants are a primary concern. trogenic activity in the trout. The authors suggest Triolein-SPMDs can be used as a mimetic surro- that these data indicate that long-term exposure gate or as a compliment to biomonitoring organ- of fish and wildlife to this type of contaminant isms (Huckins et al., 2000) for the determination mixture, may result in reproductive perturbations. of bioavailable contaminants in aquatic environ- Y. Lu et al. / Aquatic Toxicology 60 (2002) 139–153 149 1 B SPMDs and SPMEs m) m 0.7 B cation eld is not possible fi fi cult to relate to adverse fi ciency unaffected by water quality, fi Batch extraction / ect only a small window of time ( vapor phases ( fl / Uncertainty about theresidues bioavailability and of dif detected Values re Direct assessment ofsitu analyte sampling recoveries in during the in Direct measurement ofdissolved particulate and Mass and concentration of particulate phase limits Extraction ef Extracts have been used with bioindicator tests nitive test of human fi compounds are often not uptake and biomagni ow K incorporated No survival at some sites and stress (e.g. salinity, Data do notcompounds represent that integrative approach samplingvariance equilibrium, for is data generally scatter greater or than that d),accurately associated unless estimate with intensive water samplinglevels concentrations through has from time not tissue is been demonstrated BAFs Biomonitoring organismsA number of available species are suitable for Accumulated residues clearlygut bioavailable, contents assuming Active are SPE removedBioaccumulation enables low detection limits ofSome some organisms haverates low and xenobiotic relatively metabolism conditions high tolerance toAnalysis exposure of edible tissues is de known volume of water extracted, reproducible known for estimates of bioavailability The real thing,available non-mechanical, for historic some data environments transplanting, detected residuesbioaccumulation often represent Samples both organicsequilibrium and Historic is metals data often (i.e. available achieved ionic for during species), some longer environments exposures Some SPE systems sample polar contaminants not health risk Analytical methods well developed Many contaminants ofcommonly concern used are biomonitoring metabolized organisms by and costly, and results do not account for dietary vapors) / 6.5) and will not bioavailable low \ s ow K bioassay tests non-contaminant related site to site variations in biological effects / bioassay tests / cation (relevant to persistent cation of estimates of ultra-trace levels fi fi of contaminants generallymethods not feasible with other changes in solute or vapor phase concentrations, required to ensure that residues are tissue and veri sample ionic chemical species detected to prevent vaporand phase photodegradation contamination of ofproblematic certain samplers without PRCs shading may be SPE and SPMD analysis, and the ability to undertaken removed from samplebioindicator extracts prior to ammonia levels, etc) can affect uptake, or cause residues, provides TWAenvironmental concentrations media of parameters (e.g. DO,reproducible ammonia, and salinity), compounds, high analytical precision compounds residues over extended time periods, reduces false concentrated by SPMDs or biota historic data for some environments uptake or bioconcentration negatives due to episodic events generally easier than tissues bioindicator biomagni contaminants with log Clearly, combinations of these methods are often complimentary but costs are the limiting factor. In general, passive samplers such as the triolein- (not listed in Table 1) appear to be reasonably cost effective while providing environmentally relevant data. In some cases, oleic acid and sulfur may have to be In the case of aqueous exposures, care must be used Does not respond fast enough to track rapid Removal of gut contents (e.g. bivalve depuration) is Table 1 Summary of the attributes and drawbacks of three widely used methods for assessing exposure to environmental contaminants Can be used in multiple media, mimics respiratory Samples only readily bioavailable (solutes Sampling not affected by most water quality Extremely low detection limits of hydrophobic Large volume systems often have low detection Passive triolein-SPMDs Attributes Non-mechanical, no maintenance required, limited Integrates a wide range of dissolved or vapor phase Provides mimetic extracts amenable to Analytical methods well developed, sample analysisDrawbacks Does not account for dietary route of uptake and Sample analysis easier than tissues Large volume SPE sampling is labor intensive and 150 Y. Lu et al. / Aquatic Toxicology 60 (2002) 139–153 ments. The mimetic nature of triolein-SPMDs, Buhler, D.R., Williams, D.E., 1989. In: Varanasi, U. (Ed.), suggest that bioassays of SPMD extracts will be Metabolism of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in the more representative of feral organism responses Aquatic Environment. CRC press, Inc, Boca Raton, FL, USA, pp. 151–184. than a combination of active sampling tradition- Byrne, B.A., Aylott, R.I., 1980. Concentration for removing ally used followed by bioassay of sample extracts. organic materials from aquatic systems. British Patent, Although more research work is needed to fully No. 1566253. develop the aforementioned applications, consid- Chiou, C.T., 1985. Partition coefficients of organic com- erable progress has been made. pounds in lipid–water systems and correlations with fish bioconcentration factors. Environ. Sci. Technol. 19, 57– 62. Crockett, A.B., 1994. Initial experience in the deployment of Acknowledgements lipid dosimeters in Antarctica. Second International Semipermeable Membrane Devices Workshop, US De- partment of the Interior, Columbia Environmental Re- This work is supported by China Natural Sci- search Center, Columbia, MO. ence Foundation (29977024) and by The Chinese Devita, W.M., Crunkilton, R.L., 1994. Effectiveness of Academy of Sciences (KZCX2-410, RCEES-KIP- semipermeable membrane devices, fathead minnows, and 9901). rusty crayfish to monitor polynuclear aromatic hydrocar- bons in an urban stream. Second international Semiper- meable Membrane Devices Workshop, US Department of the Interior, Columbia Environmental Research Center, References Columbia, MO. Devita, W.M., Crunkilton, R.L., 1998. Quality control asso- ciated with use of semipermeable membrane devices. En- Alvarez, D.A., Huckins, J.N., Petty, J.D., Manahan, S.E., 2000. Progress towards the development of a passive, in viron. Toxicol. 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