Opensocial: from Social Networks to Social Ecosystem
2007 Inaugural IEEE International Conference on Digital Ecosystems and Technologies (IEEE DEST 2007) OpenSocial: From Social Networks to Social Ecosystem Juliana Mitchell-WongI, Ryszard Kowalczyk', Albena Rosheloval, Bruce Joy2 and Henry Tsai2 'Centre for Information Technology Research, Swinburne University, Hawthorn, VIC, Australia e-mail: (jmitchellwong, rkowalczyk, aroshelova) 2Everyday Interactive Networks, Hawthorn, VIC, Australia, e-mail: (brucejoy, henrytsai) ties to be managed using the one application. GAIM' and Abstract-Unlike the physical world where social ecosys- Trillian2 are two example applications for instant messaging tems are formed from the integrated and managed relation- communities. These applications however do not address ships between individuals and organisations, the online digital any of the fundamental issues: the independent and isolated world consists of many independent, isolated and incompatible nature of communities, the ignorance to overlapping rela- social networks established by organisations that have over- lapping and manually managed relationships. To bring the tionships in different communities, or the manual manage- online digital world in-line with the physical world, integration ment of relationships. of social networks, identification of overlapping relationships Communities on the other hand have moved towards in social networks, and automation of relationship manage- forming alliances with other communities to enable content ment in social networks are required. OpenSocial is a frame- search and retrieval between them by using common ontol- work that enables social networks to interlink and self- use common organise into a social ecosystem guided by the policies of indi- ogy [1]. The of ontology enables communities viduals and organisations. to interlink, but each of these communities assumes that their policies are agreeable by every community in the alli- Index Terms-social framework, self-organised, self- ance.
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