BARBARA HEPWORTH: ART & LIFE 21 May 2021 – 27 FEB 2022


These images may be used for the sole purpose of illustrating articles directly about the exhibition : Art & Life at The Hepworth 21 May 2021 – 27 February 2022. Image(s) may not be cropped, detailed, over-printed, or manipulated in any way without prior written approval from Bowness Estate. These images have a one-time use only and the image provided may not be stored and must be deleted once they have been used for reproduction. The caption and copyright credit must appear exactly as provided below.

Barbara Hepworth, Pierced Hemisphere, 1937 White marble The Hepworth Wakefeld (Wakefeld Permanent Art Collection) © Bowness, Hepworth Estate Photo: Norman Taylor

Barbara Hepworth, Winged Figure, 1961–2 © Bowness, Hepworth Estate Photo: Jonty Wilde Barbara Hepworth, Kneeling Figure, 1932 Rosewood Purchased with aid from the Wakefeld Permanent Art Fund (Friends of Wakefeld Art Galleries and Museums), V&A Purchase Grant Fund and Wakefeld Girls’ High School, 1944 © Bowness, Hepworth Estate Photo: Jerry Hardman-Jones

Barbara Hepworth, Mother and Child, 1934 Pink Ancaster stone Purchased by Wakefeld Corporation in 1951 © Bowness, Hepworth Estate Photo: Jerry Hardman-Jones Barbara Hepworth, Orpheus (Maquette 1), 1956 Brass and strings, mounted on a hardwood base Wakefeld Permanent Art Collection © Bowness, Hepworth Estate Photo: Lewis Ronald

Barbara Hepworth with the Gift plaster of Figure for Land- scape and a bronze cast of Figure (Archaean) November 1964. Photo: Lucien Myers Barbara Hepworth growing up, c.1919. © Bowness, Hepworth Estate

Hepworth carving in the Palais de Danse, 1961. © Bowness, Hepworth Estate Photo: Rosemary Mathews Barbara Hepworth at work on the plaster for Oval Form (Trezion) 1963. © Bowness, Hepworth Estate Photo: Val Wilmer

Barbara Hepworth at work on the plaster for , January 1962, at the Morris Singer foundry. © Bowness, Hepworth Estate Photo: Morgan-Wells Barbara Hepworth, Rock Form (Porthcurno), 1964 Plaster, painted green on the outside and blue/grey on the interior. © Bowness, Hepworth Estate Photo: Jonty Wilde

Barbara Hepworth, Figure (Archaean), 1959 Plaster, coated with shellac. © Bowness, Hepworth Estate Photo: Jonty Wilde Barbara Hepworth, Curved Forms (Pavan), 1956 Impregnated plaster, painted, on an aluminium armature 52 x 80 x 48.5cm Presented by the artist’s daughters, Rachel Kidd and Sarah Bowness, through the Trustees of the Barbara Hepworth Estate and the Art Fund © Bowness, Hepworth Estate Photo: Jerry Hardman-Jones

Barbara Hepworth, Spring, 1966 © Bowness, Hepworth Estate Photo: Jerry Hardman-Jones Barbara Hepworth, Sun Setting from The Aegean Suite, 1971 Lithograph on paper. The Hepworth Wakefeld (Wakefeld Permanent Art Collection), © Bowness, Hepworth Estate

Barbara Hepworth, Genesis III, 1966 © Bowness, Hepworth Estate Photo: Jerry Hardman-Jones Barbara Hepworth, Cone and Sphere, 1973 White marble. Hepworth Estate, on long loan to The Hepworth Wakefeld (Wakefeld Permanent Art Collection) © Bowness, Hepworth Estate

Barbara Hepworth, Totem, 1960 - 62 Wakefeld Permanent Art Collection © Bowness, Hepworth Estate Photo: Jerry Hardman-Jones