St Mary’s Parish Church,

Record of Gravestones, Cremations and Monumental Inscriptions. 2


Introduction………………………………………….3 North-West Section………………………………….4 North-East Section…………………………………...9 South-West Section…………………………………20 South Section………………………………………..23 South-East Section………………………………….31 New Section…………………………………………41 Cremations in South-West Section………………..42 Cremations in North-East Section………………...44 Monumental Inscriptions inside the Church……..45

Plans with grave numbers and names……… end.



We first met on 6th April, 2002 to talk about how we should go about recording the gravestones in Denbury Churchyard. The graveyard surrounds the church on 3 sides. To make it easier to record the large area involved we divided the graveyard into several sections: North-west, North-east, South-west, South, South- east, and New. We started on the north side of the church and worked from the Lych gate, towards the east. Each grave or obvious sign of a burial was given a number. We used letters for Cremations. When we began the process of recording, we only included the names and dates, but then we realised other information on the gravestone was also very interesting and useful for family historians. So we decided to record everything that we could read on each grave. We also listed all the Monumental Inscriptions inside the Church, giving them numbers with the prefix letter C. Then there followed a lengthy process of checking and referring to other lists already compiled. To help visitors, to the graveyard, to locate a particular grave, we also produced an overall plan of the graveyard, showing how it was divided into sections. Each section then had a detailed plan with numbers and names shown.

Elizabeth Burdon Jean Duggan

February, 2005

Last updated 20th November, 2010


North - West Section

1. Restored by the inhabitants of Denbury and other friends in token of their affectionate esteem for the RECTOR, THE REV. J. H. REIBEY, 1884 and to his beloved memory on his decease, July 10th,1897 after 40 years ministry amongst them. See also M.I. in Sanctuary.

2. In loving memory of DANIEL, beloved husband of ELIZABETH WRAYFORD, who died June 2nd 1941, aged 70 years, also children of the above FREDA OCTAVIA died 29th July,1922 age 6 months. STANLEY JOHN died 9th Dec. 1924, age 2 months and of ELIZABETH, wife of DANIEL, died April 17th 1949, age 68 years. Also LOUISA MARY WRAYFORD died16th Feb, 1981 aged 74.

3. In loving memory of ANNIE LOUISE COLLINGS, died 11th Feb 1960, aged 76. Also of her beloved husband PERCY, died 23rd March 1938 aged 54 and of their infant grandson KEITH NEVILLE COLLINGS. Also of their son PERCY JAMES (JIM) beloved husband of ELIZABETH died 16th Nov 1967 aged 55 years.

4. Mound with urn

5. Boy Scout. In loving memory of THOMAS PETER BUTLER A.S.M. Denbury St. Mary’s 5

Boys Scout Troop. Called to higher service July 2nd, 1932. Aged 24 years. Eternal rest grant to him O Lord And let perpetual light shine upon him.

6. In loving memory of WILLIAM STEPHEN OADES born 10th June, 1889, died 2nd March 1969. Also of his beloved wife MARGARET ANNIE born 15th October 1886, died 11th March 1979. Loved and remembered always. At rest.

7. In loving memory of WILFRED OADES died 18th June 1948, aged 24 years. At rest. In loving memory of dear WILF In loving memory of Baby LORAINE died 2nd November 1957, aged 6 months.

8. In loving memory of our dear Mum MARGARET SARAH EILEEN HARRIS passed away 3rd April 1972. Aged 56. Loved and remembered always.

9. Pot on mound

10. Outline of small grave

11. In loving memory of THOMAS HARRIS born at Dartington February 6th 1826, died February 15th 1899. Peace Perfect Peace.

12. Outline of grave with two stone tips showing

13. Mound - no stones

14. Large square stone edged grave. In loving memory of ERNEST WILLIAM WEBB, 11th June 1918, 6th July 1998. In loving memory of MARGARET ROWELL WEBB, 21st May 1916, 7th August 2002. (Along edge) DAISY ELLEN the beloved wife of JOSEPH RUSSELL died November 16th 1938 aged 28 years. KATHLEEN the beloved wife of HENRY WEEDEN died April 22nd 1939 aged 28 years. In loving memory of the two sisters.

15. In loving memory of RUSSELL UNDERHAY died February 17th 1946, aged 73 years. Rest in peace.

16. Small grave outlined in stones.

17. Indecipherable 18. Small stone


19. Indecipherable 1820 Aged.....

20. Sacred to the memory of WILLIAM JOHNSON PITTS who died 18th May 1836 aged 6 months. Ere sin could blight or sorrow fade Death came with friendly care. The Spring Bud to heaven conveyed And bade it blossom there. Also of WILLIAM PITTS son of PETER and MARY PITTS who died 15th July 1828, aged 13 years.

21. In loving memory of MARIA wife of GEORGE CHAPPLE who died 21st August 1879 aged 58 years.

22. Stone tip of grave

23. Mound 24. In loving memory of GEORGE WHITE who died August 31st 1918, aged 68 years. Also SUSANNA WHITE who died November 18th 1942, aged 88 years.

25. In loving memory of WILLIAM BADCOCK who died 2nd August 1821, aged 40 years. Also of SUSANNA, his wife, who died 28th December: 1846 aged 66 years. Also MARIA wife of JOSIAH BADCOCK who died 11th October: 1889, aged 74 years. Also of the above named JOSIAH BADCOCK who died 1st June 1904, aged 85 years. Also of his second wife ELIZABETH BADCOCK who died 18th January, 1924, aged 91 years.

26. In loving memory of ELIZABETH BOWDEN WHITE, the dear beloved wife of JOHN WHITE, died November 3rd 1929, aged 86 years. Also of the above JOHN WHITE died January 27th 1941, aged 95 years. Peace perfect peace.

27. In loving memory of WILLIAM TOZER born 5th September 1879, died 19th October 1950. And of his wife LILLIAN TOZER born 25th December 1877, died 6th January 1954. Requiescant in pace.

28. Sacred to the memory of WILLIAM KNAPMAN who departed this life the 15th day of December, 1835 Aged 67 years. Also of MARY, his wife died September 24th 1847, aged 76 years.

29. Sacred to the memory of AGNES wife of HENRY EARL who died August 3rd 1841, aged 35/58 years. If we believe that Jesus died.....

30. Stone surround to grave In loving memory of FRANCIS, the beloved husband of EDITH FARLEIGH who 7 fell asleep November 23rd 1923, aged 56 years. Thy will be done Also EDITH, his wife who died September 17th 1935.

31. In loving memory of ELIZABETH ANN, the beloved wife of JAMES COLRIDGE who fell asleep in Jesus, July 14th 1901. Aged 39 years.

32. In loving memory of ERNEST JAMES FARLEIGH who died March 19th 1898 aged 24 years.

33. In memory of JOHN who died the 3rd of April 1803 aged 44 years. Also SUSAN his wife who died 14th of July, 1834 aged 74 years. This stone is erected as a tribute of respect by their affectionate daughter MRS. JANE COSE of London

34. In affectionate remembrance of WILLIAM FURNEAUX who died July 23rd 1875, aged 67 years. Absent from the body, present with the Lord.

35. Sacred to the memory of ANN the daughter of RICHARD and ANN HARRIS of Modbury who died the 13th day of June, aged 39 years. Severely afflicted yet when most depressed Resigned she endured it as all for the best Praised God for the goodness both present and past And yielded her Spirit in Peace at the last.

36. Sacred to the memory of RICHARD HARRIS who died 14 May 1841, aged 74 years. Also of ANN his wife who died 2nd August 1847, aged 78. Also of JAMES their son died 4th March 1829, aged 18 years. Also of PHILLIS their daughter died 15th December 1829, aged 23 years. Also of WILLIAM their son died 13th January 1834, aged 23 years.

37. Grave outlined with slates

38. In affectionate remembrance of JAMES FARLEIGH who departed this life April 21st 1875, aged 44 years. Also of BESSIE FARLEIGH daughter of the above who died February 5th 1872, aged 13 years Also of JANE FARLEIGH third daughter of the above who fell asleep May 28th 1892, aged 22 years. No more sorrow, no more weeping. And of ELIZA widow of the above JAMES FARLEIGH who died September 5th 1919, aged 87 years. Thy will be done.

39. Grave outlined with slates. 8

40. Large square grave with iron railings JOHN W. ANDREW - rest indecipherable

41. Sacred to the memory of JOANNA the wife of JOHN BRULEY/BRUSEY who departed this life the 15th day of October 1800, aged 80 years .

42. Sacred to the memory of JOANNA BRULEY/BRUSEY daughter of JOHN and JOANNA BRULEY/BRUSEY who departed this life the 6th of April 1803 aged 46.

43. Outline of grave

44. and 45. 2 graves with one gravestone. In loving memory of JANE the wife of WILLIAM COLE of this parish who died May 10th 1878, aged 53 years. Also of WILLIAM COLE who died June 20th 1893, aged 83 years. Also EDWIN second son of the above died at Dawlish, April 21st 1899 aged 32 years. 9

North - East Section

46. Large square outline surrounding raised grave. Here lieth the body of AMELIA DULCIBELLA wife of SAMUEL H. BINGHAM, rector of this parish who entered into rest November 25th, 1899, aged 61 years. Pray for the soul of SAMUEL HENRY BINGHAM who died August 18th, 1916 aged 75 years. Jesu, Mercy. Peace perfect peace

47. In loving memory of SARAH ESTHER ROBINS died March 13th 1930. PHILIP ROBINS died December 23rd 1935, husband of the above. Also MABEL SUSANNAH STOPP died September 7th 1945, daughter. Also ALFRED PARKER STOPP died January 16th, 1938, son -in -law.

48. In loving memory of MARTHA SMALLACOMBE 1850- 1921. Also of her sister HARRIET REDDECLIFFE 1844 - 1930.

49. In memory of FRANCIS HOLMAN who was drowned at Pentewan, March 20th, 1846, aged 45 years. His remains were interred at St. Austell, Cornwall. Also of ANN his wife who departed this life the 8th day of September 1867 Aged 72 years. Also of FRANCIS infant son of FRANCIS and ANN HOLMAN who died at Sandown, Isle of Wight November 27th 1828, Aged 7 months. Also of ELIZABETH ANN infant daughter of JOHN and MARTHA GAYLER and grand-daughter of FRANCIS and ANN HOLMAN who died 22nd May 1866 aged 3 months. Also of WILLIAM HENRY eldest son of WILLIAM and LOUISA JANE WINSER and grandson of the above FRANCIS and ANN HOLMAN who died 10th January 1868 aged 2 years and 6 months. Here.... 10

50. Sacred to the memory of ELIZABETH HOLMAN daughter of FRANCIS and ANN HOLMAN who died 18th November 1859 aged 20 years..... Also of MARTHA HELEN third daughter of WILLIAM and LOUISA JANE WINSER born September 8th, died September 24th 1877.

51.& 52. One gravestone - 2 graves - Sacred to the memory of WILLIAM BINMORE who died 20th April 1838, aged 84 years. Also of JOANNA his beloved wife died 28th February 1859 aged 82 years. And MARY ANN their daughter died March 29th 1823 aged 3 years and 6 months. Their end was peace. Also to the memory of WILLIAM son of WILLIAM and ANN BINMORE and grandson of the above who was drowned off Newfoundland in July 1839, aged 31 years and was interred there.

53. In memory of ANN wife of WILLY BINMORE died May 1831 aged 32. Also of the above WILLIAM BINMORE died April 1838 aged 59.

54. In sacred and loving memory of JANE the second daughter of the late WILLIAM and JANE COLE of this parish, who died at Clifton, Bristol on the 20th day of June 1905. Aged 56 years. And God shall wipe away all tears From their lives and there shall be No more death neither sorrow nor crying neither shall there be any more pain. REV. xx14

55. In loving memory of GEORGE COLE...

56. One gravestone - 2 graves In affectionate remembrance of PETER PROWSE of Denbury, born December 1791 died Febraury 21st 1869. Also ELIZABETH his wife born 29th January,1797 died 26th December 1868. Also JANE LASKEY daughter died 1891 and EDWIN ADAM their son died in Australia. Small stones either side with initials E.P. and P.P.

57. In affectionate remembrance of WILLIAM SHAPLEY WAKEHAM who departed this life May 4th 1875 aged 35 years. In the midst of life we are in death.

58.Sacred to the memory of SALLY the daughter of THOMAS and MARY GOSS who departed this life February 1827 aged 23 years..... Young and gay.... the Lord for me did call

59. In memory of ELIZABETH, wife of JOHN WILLIAMS who died 12th December 1838, aged 30 years. Also of ELIZABETH, second wife of JOHN WILLIAMS died 3rd September 1872, aged 73 years. Also of JOHN WILLIAMS husband of the above who entered into rest November 28th 1890, aged 83 years. For ever with the Lord. 11

60. Grave outlined in stones.

61. Sacred to the memory of RHODA WILLIAMS the beloved wife of THOMAS GOSS WILLIAMS died 1863 aged 37 Also ELIZABETH SARAH WILLIAMS beloved daughter of THOMAS and RHODA WILLIAMS died 1859 aged 3 years.

62. Grave outlined in stones (possibly related to 61)

63. Grave outlined in stones. (possibly related to 61)

64. To consecrate the memory of JEFFERY son of JEFFERY and ANN ELLIOTT who died at Buckridge in this parish November 15th 1832, aged 9 years. Also of an infant child. Also of ANN LETHBRIDGE their daughter who died 14th day of February 1851. Aged 24 years. Also of JEFFERY JOSIAH their son who died the 8th day of June 1861. Aged 23 years.

65. No name

66. Double grave with one headstone In memory of WILLIAM COLE who died 15th June 1836 Aged 71 also of ANNE his wife 6th February 1865 aged 79 also HENRY COLE son of the above WILLIAM ...22nd September 1816 Aged 22.

67. In loving memory of our beloved parents JOHN HENRY HEATH died 26th May 1945 and his beloved wife EMMA HEATH died 3rd Feb 1963 In loving memory of FRED HEATH died 24th Nov 1996, aged 69 years.

68. In treasured memory of NORAH beloved wife of BASIL E. TASMAN died Aug 15th 1945 aged 32 years.

69. In loving memory of FRED ELLIS beloved husband of EMILY died 1st Feb 1956 aged 70. Gone but not forgotten. Also of his beloved wife EMILY died 1st Dec 1958. Aged 71. Reunited.

70. In loving memory of my wife GERTRUDE PHOEBE WEBB GODFREY who fell asleep 10th March 1969, Aged 68.

71. Sacred to the memory of CYRIL JOHN beloved husband of DOROTHY MARGARET TAYLOR died 7th Feb 1974, aged 67. Also DOROTHY MARGARET TAYLOR died 25th Dec,1982, aged 72.

72. In loving memory of WILFRED CYRIL ELLIS died 3rd April,1974 aged 58 yrs.

73. In loving memory of SARAH JANE ELLIS died 16th Nov 1980, aged 86. At rest.


74. In loving memory of FREDERICK KENNETH ELLIS dear husband and father who died on 13th Jan 1990 aged 78 years. Now reunited with his beloved wife IVY.

75. M.I.Z.P.A.H. In loving memory of GERALD WILLIAM HENRY OADES devoted husband of SHEILA born 27th Nov 1917, died 9th April 1990. “My beloved Gerald”

76. ERNEST CYRIL COURTNEY PRICE. Obit 15th June 1990, aged 79 years. Rector of Denbury 1966-1981. Requiescant in pace. CHARLES EDWARD WATSON PRICE. 3.3.1902 - 7.7.1992 ELSIE KATE PRICE. 26.6.1901 - 19.10.1995

77. In loving memory of PERCIVAL FRANK ELLIS died 11th August 1991 aged 77 years.

78. In loving memory of STANLEY WALTER FOSS died 30th Jan. 1992 aged 85 years, and his loving wife DAISY GERTRUDE died 5th Jan 1995, aged 83 years. Now we are together again.

79. Co-founder of Community St. Hilda at Micklepage, Nuthurst, Sussex 1939. Aunt JOAN LYSTER JAMESON born 16 Oct 1908, died 28 April 1999. There’s a wideness in God’s mercy

80. At rest. in loving memory of WALTER HENRY SOPER who passed away Dec 20th 1940. also of his beloved wife EVELINE ELIZABETH who passed away May 29th 1966. Reunited.

81. A.A. LEE Died 8th Dec, 1943, aged 79

82 and 83 Unmarked mounds.

84. In loving memory of EDWIN PAYNE died April 18th, 1944, aged 75 years. Also of his beloved wife GERTRUDE died Jan 25th, 1964 aged 90 years. Also their eldest son EDWIN LAWRENCE died 6th Nov, 1980, aged 78 years.

85. In ever loving memory of our dear one JOHN PERCY TOMS, June 1st 1944 Aged 69 years. Also of his beloved wife ETHEL ELIZABETH, April 2nd, 1960 aged 76 years. Reunited.

86. In loving memory of BERTHA NORA beloved wife of WILLIAM T. ARNOLD, died 28th Nov 1956, aged 77 years.

87. (Large cross) In loving memory of Brigadier CHARLES EDWARD HUDSON VC. CB. DSO. MC CROIX DE GUERRE. ITALIAN MEDAL FOR VALOUR, KNIGHT OF ST. JOHN DL JP of Denbury Manor, born 29th May 1892. Died at St. Mary’s Isles of Scilly, 4th April 1959.

88. Remember FRANK HORATIO LOVELL BA Priest. Rector of Denbury 1946 - 1966. Born 6th Aug, 1896. Died 28th Nov,1970. R.I.P.


89. In loving memory of SYDNEY HAROLD WARDEN died 11th Aug 1974. At Rest.

90. In loving memory of GEORGINA WARDEN died 10th Nov. 1976 aged 84. At Rest.

91. In loving memory of JOHN EDWARD HEATH 1922 - 1980. Also of his beloved wife ZEELIA GWYNNOYN 1924 - 1994.

92. In loving memory of my wife JOYCE SCHENZLE who died 19th July 1992 aged 78 years.

93. In loving memory of MICHAEL LESLIE RODEN who passed away 13th Aug 1994 aged 45 years. Rest in peace.

94. “My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour” JOYCE LINDSEY nee BLAKENEY. Born Sheffield 4th Dec 1916. Died Denbury 17th Sept. 1994.

95. In loving memory of DORIS MAY WOOLCOCK. 1905 - 1998 also her beloved husband DONALD 1908- 1992.

96. Unmarked mound

97. In loving memory of JOHN GRAHAM HYLAND. 1st February 1923 - 9th August 2001.

98. From the staff of Seale Hayne College. In loving memory of EDWARD (TED) VODDEN who died 4th April 1941, aged 39. Also of his son EDWARD who died 28th August 1969, aged 30.

99. Sacred to the memory of FLORENCE EMILY EASTERBROOK died 16th March 1969,aged 94 years.

100. In loving memory of our dear sister LOTTIE CALLAHAN died 13th Jan 1970, aged 76.

101. Beloved cherished memories of WILLIAM JOHN GAYLER (JACK) died 6th July 1970, aged 61. GLADYS CAROLINE GAYLER died 19th June 1981, aged 73 years. Remember and Smile

102. In loving memory of my dear husband JOE MORTIMORE died 22nd April 1972, aged 81 years. Goodnight beloved not farewell. Also BERTHA JANE MAY MORTIMORE died 23rd April 1988, aged 93 years.

103. Small memorial stone. In memory of a dear husband and father WILLIAM GILHOLM died 30th April 1972, aged 87.


104. In ever loving memory of a very dear husband and father RALPH COLLINGS died 17th June 1972, aged 52. Also a much loved wife and mother DORIS SELINA died 12th Dec 1999, aged 81. Together again.

105. In loving memory of FLORENCE POMEROY, born 28th Dec 1888, died 18th Oct. 1972 also WILLIAM THOMAS POMEROY loving husband of the above, born 16th Oct. 1893, died 6th May 1980. Flat stone in ground: Affectionate remembrance of FRANK McCAULEY. 1913 - 1980

106. Pray for ELIZABETH EDWARDES born 6th Dec 1895, died 31st Dec 1972. May she rest in peace.

107. In loving memory of EVA BEATRICE ROWE. Beloved wife of CHARLES. Died 21st Jan 1973, aged 71 years. Rest in peace. Also CHARLES, died 5th Jan 1987, aged 88 years. Together again.

108. In loving memory of my dear husband HAROLD JAGO who died 11th May 1973, aged 77. Also of his dear wife EMILY ELIZABETH who died 20th Oct. 1975, aged 82.

109. In loving memory of FRANCIS CECIL FORD beloved husband of MARY died 26th Feb. 1974, aged 68 years.

110. In loving memory of NATHANIEL MAUNDER who died 2nd Feb 1981, aged 85 years. At rest. Also his beloved wife ELSIE VIOLET who died 20th Nov. 1997, aged 94 years. Reunited.

111. In loving memory of AVIS ANN WINSOR passed away 23rd Jan 1940, aged 72.

112. Sacred to the memory of JOHN HAMLYN EASTERBROOK beloved husband of FLORENCE EASTERBROOK died 8th March 1950, aged 80. At rest.

113. In loving memory of MYRTLE KATHLEEN ANN beloved wife of SYDNEY ELLIS died 11th July 1963, aged 50 years. Gone but not forgotten. Also ALBERT SYDNEY died 6th Jan 1994, aged 81 years.

114. In loving memory of JOHN WHITE died 26th Jan 1965, aged 87 years. Also of his dear brother WILLIAM died 1st June 1967, aged 85 years.

115. In loving memory of WINNIFRED NELLIE MORTIMORE who died 11th Sept. 1965, aged 56. Gone but not forgotten. Also her beloved husband HARRY HARVEY MORTIMORE who died 20th Feb 1992, aged 86. R.I.P. 15

116. In sacred memory of GILBERT ERNEST (late Royal Navy). Beloved husband of ZOE MARY BUTLER. Fell asleep 7th Sept 1969, aged 58 years. In God’s keeping.

117. In loving memory of EDNA MAY beloved wife of ERNEST CHARLES CHUDLEY died 24th Feb 1970, aged 61 years. At rest.

118. In loving memory of WILLIAM WALTERS died 6th June 1973, aged 87. Also his loving wife EMMA died 11th April 1977, aged 92 and also remember ETHEL ANNIE WALTERS daughter of the above died 5th Jan 1992, aged 77.

119. In memory of ERNEST CHARLES CHUDLEY who died 27th July 1976. Aged 68 years, husband of the late EDNA MAY

120. PETER MANN died 21.6.1977 Aged 53 years. dearest husband of DOREEN FAY. And I love you so....

121. In cherished memory of LOUIS BELL R.N. died 2nd August 1977 aged 63 loving husband of IDA. “Till we meet again”

122. In cherished memory of IDA EMILY BELL died 15th April, 1983 aged 77 loving wife of LOUIS. Now we are together.

123. Pray for the soul of RICHARD HENRY EDMONDS priest 1911 - 1995. “Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy, Lord have mercy”

124. In loving memory of JOHN THOMAS LAURENCE, died 13th June 1961 aged 74, also of his beloved wife ELIZABETH died 3rd March 1963 aged 83. Reunited

125. Small stone. PERCY STARKEY died 4th September 1962. At rest.

126. In loving memory of SYDNEY UNDERHAY beloved husband of ALICE. Died 21st Nov.1962 aged 90 years. Also ALICE UNDERHAY, died 16th Oct. 1971 aged 88. At rest.

127. In loving memory of SUSAN ANN SYMONS who passed away 28th April, 1963 aged 72. Rest in peace.

128. In loving memory of ALBERT ARTHUR HARRIS. The beloved husband of FLORENCE LILIAN died tragically 10th August 1963, aged 64 years. Huntsman to the South hunt 1938 - 1960 “ In my father’s house are many mansions. If it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.” Also his beloved wife FLORENCE LILLIAN HARRIS passed away 7th Feb. 1978 aged 76. Reunited our beloved Mum and Dad. God bless - till we meet again. On plaque on grave: MARIE, died 19/08/1992. ALBERT W.T.G. HARRIS died 25/10/1996


129. Treasured memories of a devoted husband MAURICE SHORE SAMPSON died 18th Oct. 1964 aged 68. For ever in our thoughts and his beloved wife ETHEL. Reunited 06/12/1987 aged 82.

130. In loving memory of FREDERICK WILLIAM “SHAVER” BEER died 13th Oct. 1966. Aged 51 years. At rest.

131. Flat grave stone on ground. Remember EMILY LAMBELL died 31st May 1971 aged 63 and LEONARD LAMBELL died 10th Feb 1989 aged 82. R.I.P. 131A CYNTHIA RUTH GILPIN. Died 20th January, 2009

132. In loving memory of my darling husband ROY GILPIN who passed away March 2nd 1979 aged 50 years. Sadly missed by his loving wife RUTH. One of the dearest one of the best, May God grant him eternal rest.

133. Large square grave In loving memory of RICHARD HARVEY - ENDACOTT who passed away Sept. 7th 1941 aged 78 years. At rest. Also of his beloved wife AMELIA who passed away May 9th 1960 aged 88 years. Reunited. and of their sons FRANCIS JOHN, died Nov 28th 1959 aged 56, CHARLES WILLIAM died Nov 7th 1961 aged 63.

134. In loving memory of CHARLES WILLIAM HARVEY- ENDACOTT died 7th Nov 1961. Peace be thine.

135. Small stone. In loving memory of EDWIN HOLMAN BRIMBLECOMBE died 30th Oct 1955. Also of his wife SUSANNAH died 27th July 1965

136. In loving memory of JOHN PALFREY died 10th May 1956 aged 68.

137. In loving memory of MARY ANN HIDER died 29th June 1956 aged 78. Also of her beloved husband WALTER RICHARD died 11th March 1963. Aged 83 Reunited. On a separate stone. To the beloved memory of IVY DORIS HIDER wife of CYRIL and happy mother of ANNE, SUSAN and PETER 1907 - 1980. Also a caring dad CYRIL WALTER (SID) 1906- 1985

138. Open Book. In loving memory of HARRY GEORGE MONK beloved husband of EDITH died 29th Oct 1958, aged 58. R.I.P. Also of his beloved wife EDITH died 26th Dec.1991 aged 85 and REGINALD J BRUSEY died 29th April 1978 aged 82. In God’s keeping.

139. In loving memory of SARAH JANE BEER died 24th April 1959 Aged 84 years. Rest in peace.

140. In loving memory of JOHN HARVEY-ENDACOTT died 28th Nov 1959. Rest in peace. See grave number 133. 17

141. In loving memory of JOHN WALLING beloved husband of ELIZABETH MARY died 23rd April 1960 aged 82. Also his beloved wife ELIZABETH MARY died 26th Jan 1973 aged 91 years. Reunited. Also their beloved daughter EDNA MAY died 28th Aug 1997 aged 75 yrs. Reunited.

142. In loving memory of SYBIL IRENE beloved wife of FREDERICK GEORGE HARRIS died 29th Dec 1960 aged 72.

143. In loving memory of FREDERICK GEORGE HARRIS died 26 Aug 1974 aged 83.

144. In memory of WILLIAM J.V. PINHEY died 8th Jan 1978, aged 78 years R.I.P.“from Sarah”

145. Stone cross In loving memory of STELLA JANE ELLIOTT who died 3rd March 1986 aged 79 years beloved wife of RONALD (ROY). May she rest in peace. Also her beloved husband RONALD (ROY) who died 2nd Oct 1988. Aged 80 years. Reunited.

146. In loving memory of LT.COL.CYRIL M. TOWNSEND of Denbury Manor late the Durham Light Infantry. August 8th 1908 - May 29th 1997 and of LOIS ISABEL TOWNSEND D.ST.J. (nee HENDERSON) March 31st 1907 - Dec 31st 1997 aged 90, beloved wife of the above for 63 years.

147. STEPHENS. In ever loving memory of dear PHIL cherished husband of BARBARA and much loved Dad and Grandad died 21st Nov 1999 Aged 71. Forever loved and remembered

148. In loving memory of JOHN FRENCH BURDON died 5th Jan 2000, aged 84 years. Beloved husband of ELIZABETH.

149. Small urn and gravestone.In loving memory of GEORGE CHARLES TOMPSON of Rugeley, Staffs. died March 2nd 1942, aged 77. 18

150. GEORGE REDSTONE, died 1942, MARY ANNE REDSTONE, died 1954

151. In loving memory of RICHARD HENRY RICH beloved husband of the late BEATRICE COLE, who died Oct. 9th 1947 at Okehampton. Reunited.

152. RICHARD G. BROCK died 1st August 1959, aged 72.

153. In loving memory of ELIZA PALFREY who died 6th June 1953 aged 61 years. At rest.

154. Small flat stone W.E. BRAY 31/07/1954 EVELINA 24/09/1977

155. ANNA MAY died 24th March 1955, aged 81 years. WILLIAM MAY died 21st Jan. 1961, aged 92 years

156. In loving memory of ANNIE, beloved wife of the late ARTHUR LENDON died 10th Sept. 1958. Aged 79. Resting

157. In loving memory of FLORENCE and HARRY PHELPS. In loving memory of STEPHEN WILLIAM ROBERTS 1927-1981. R.I.P.

158. Large square grave In loving memory of GEORGE DYMOND died 9th Sept. 1956, aged 69. At rest. Also of his brother FRED, died 28th Feb, 1957 aged 77 and their sister BEATRICE died 31st March, 1972, aged 88.

159. In loving memory of MINNIE PEARCE who passed away 5th July 1979, aged 89, beloved sister of NELLIE PEARCE devoted friend of LILLIE. At rest.

160. In loving memory of HENRY STRICKET, died 29th June 1983, aged 77.

161. In loving memory of HENRY TIBBITTS died 30/03/1984 aged 89. Also his wife ELIZABETH died 05/01/1995 aged 96. At rest. Reunited.

162. In loving memory of STANLEY CARTER died 12/05/1984 aged 66. Sadly missed. Also of his dear wife LILIAN CARTER died 15.12.2009. Aged 89 Sadly missed. Reunited 163. In loving memory of EMILY G. M. BARTER (GWEN) died 17th March 1982, aged 79. Also ERNEST G. BARTER died 10th August 1985 aged 83. Reunited.

164. In loving memory of WILFRED PALMER died 30th August 1985, aged 77. Until we meet again.

165. In loving memory of a dear husband and father LESLIE H. WHITE died 27th November 1986. Aged 75 years. Forever in our thoughts. Also beloved wife HILDA MARY (nee GILHOLM) 6th December 1920 - 14th March 2002. Reunited - alone no more 19

166. F.E.H. BRIMBLECOMBE 1915- 1986

167. In loving memory of our dear mother AGNES REBECCA LISTER late of Croydon died 1st Oct., 1944, aged 78. At rest

168. In loving memory of BEATRICE COLE RICH died 17th August, 1946 aged 55 years. Gone but not forgotten. See grave number 151. 169. WILLIAM SAMUEL BENNETT of Fairfield Farm, Denbury, died 12th Nov. 1946. Also of LOUISA JANE BENNETT, died 7th Jan 1970, aged 84 years.

170. Small stone.

171. In loving memory of ANNIE MARIA, the beloved wife of JAMES PINHEY died 9th March 1950, aged 78 years. Thy will be done.

172. In loving memory of DOROTHY JANE BRIMBLECOMBE died 5th Sept 1978, aged 80. In loving memory of DENIS ALAN HOUSE, died 19th June 1950, aged 18. On urn: Dear DENNIS 19/06/1950

173. In ever loving memory of JOHN STARK HILL, beloved husband of FLORENCE, who passed away Feb. 7th 1952, aged 61. Peace perfect peace. Also his beloved wife FLORENCE MARY, who passed away Aug 31st 1957, aged 65. Reunited.

174. Small stone. THOMAS PHELPS and his son HENRY.

175. In loving memory of HENRY HEATH who died 8th March 1983 aged 72 years.

176. LILLIE LEE died 3rd May 1995, aged 99 years. 20

South Western Section

177. JANE FLINT Buried with Christ in Baptism. Born Dec 9th, died Dec 10th, 1855

178. Large square with cross In Memoriam Rev. JOHN RICHARD BOGUE MA. died 4th march 1857 and of his children, EDITH ELIZABETH, died 25th Oct 1863, aged 5, FRANCIS REGINALD, died 2nd Dec 1863, aged 8, RICHARD BOGUE RN died at.... 14th July,1867 aged 17. CHARLES BARTER BOGUE Major... died 5th June 1885, aged 41. On the flat : Here lyeth RICHARD Z. MUDGE, Colonel H... of Beechwood, born 6th Sept 1789, died 24th Sept 1854 and ALICE WATSON his wife born 22nd June 1787, died 14th June 1862.

179. In Affectionate Remembrance of JOHN BULLEY who died March 1st 1840, aged 31. Also of ANN his wife who died Dec 12th 1899, aged 88.

180. In loving memory of THOMAS BULLEY son of JOHN and ANN BULLEY who died April 18th 1869, aged 30 years. God is love

181. Small child’s grave - no inscription.

182. In loving memory of ELIZABETH wife of RICHARD PAWLEY who died 13th July 1827, aged 41 years. Also of the above RICHARD PAWLEY, sexton of this parish 50 years, who died 11th August 1869, aged 81 years. Also of MARY their daughter who departed this life January 1888, aged 66. “not my will but thine be done” 21

183. Unmarked mound.

184. Adult coffin shaped grave

185. Table top grave. Sacred to the memory of RICHARD RICH died 27th August 1826, aged 68. Also to the memory of ELIZABETH RICH, his wife who died January 1812, aged 51

186. Adult coffin shaped grave.

187. Sacred to the memory of THOMASIN HAWKINS died July 1847.....JOHN HAWKINS husband of the above, died February 4th 1848, aged 79..... At foot of grave: T.H. 1847 J.H. 1848.

188. In memory of P.L.WILLCOCKS died April 10th 1844, aged 11 months “with the Lord is mercy and plenteous redemption”

189. Large ornamental cross with large base. R.I.P. WILLIAM FROUDE died 4th May 1879, aged 68 and buried at the Cape. “Lord who shall dwell in thy tabernacles Even he that leadeth an uncorrupt life” CATHERINE H.E. FROUDE his wife died 24th July 1878 aged 68. “Her children rose up and called her blessed” ARTHUR H. FROUDE their second son, died 9th April 1868, aged 24 MARY C FROUDE, their youngest daughter who died 30th May, 1864, aged 16. RICHARD HURREL FROUDE, their eldest son, born 23rd April 1842, died 21 May 1932. “I know that my Redeemer liveth” Also of his widow RUTH COLLIS FROUDE, born 18th May 1854, died 14 Aug 1934.

190. Cross In loving memory of WILLIAM E. P. SALTER, only son of WILLIAM and MARY SALTER..... who departed this life 1st April 1858, aged 23 years.

191.Cross against wall. IHS .In affectionate remembrance of WILLIAM SALTER... who died November 25 1873 aged ... and of MARY SALTER his wife died May 1883.

192. To the memory of C.... PLOWDEN. Born and died August 26th 1894.

193. Against the wall - tip of stone H.M.C.P.


Small area to right of porch in between 2 walls of church and bounded by the path.

194. Sacred to the memory of THOMAS WINSER, who departed this life, 22nd Oct 1841, aged 83 years.

195. Sacred to the memory of JOHN PERRYMAN who departed this life 2nd day of March, 1791, aged 61 years.

196. Child’s grave - no name

197. In loving memory of WILLIAM HENRY WINSOR born Sept 20th 1873 died June 26th 1879. Suffer the little children 23

South Section (under the yew tree and up to the east end of the church)

198. Rev’d JAMES HAYDOCK REIBEY, Rector of this Parish, entered into rest July 10th 1897. ANNIE SELINA REIBEY, widow of the Rev J.H. REIBEY, fell asleep March 29th 1914, aged 54. JAMES CLARK REIBEY born Oct 13th, 1848 died Aug 25th 1870. CHARLOTTE BRIDGET REIBEY, died 12th April 1891.

199. Child’s grave 200. Child’s grave

201 Table Grave Here lyeth.... him and all that was dear unto his parents three and twenty years. “Remember all you that are young and pass by, remember all that you must die” Here lyeth ye body of BENJAMIN DRUE senour who was buried the 11th Day of December AD 1696. Here lyeth also REBEKAH his wife who was buried 1/3/1684. Near this place lyeth ye body of RICHARD DRUE, their son who was buried the 1/7/1708. Here lyeth BENJAMIN DRUE, who was buried 4/3/1719, the son of BENJAMIN DRUE and MARY his wife, and also here lyeth body of MARY ye wife of BENJAMIN DRUE of this town who died Dec 16th ..... Also here lyeth the body of BENJAMIN DRUE her husband and last of this family, buried February 20th 1739, aged 73


202. Gravestone resting against 201 In memory of JOHN SEARJEANT who died the 20th day of March 1810 aged... years. Also DINAH the daughter of WILLIAM and MARY SEARJEANT who died 12th day of Feb 1811 aged .. 7 months.

203. Sacred to the memory of WILLIAM SARJEANT who departed this life Sept 16, 1833 aged 62 years. Also of WILLIAM SARJEANT his son who died Dec 16 1833 aged 19 years. Also of ELIZABETH SARJEANT his daughter who died Dec 8th 1810, aged 3 years. Also MARY SARJEANT Oct 11 1841 aged 65 years (wife of the above WILLIAM SARJEANT) “not lost but gone before”

204. In memory of JOHN HALL of this Parish who died 24th Nov 1812 aged 76 years. Also ELIZABETH his wife who died 30th April 1811 aged 76.

205. Large unmarked coffin shaped adult grave. 206. Large unmarked coffin shaped adult grave

207. In affectionate remembrance of MARY ANN daughter of HENRY and MARIA WINSOR who died 22nd Jan 1863 aged 20 years. Also of JOHN, their son who died 2nd Dec 1860 aged 24. Also of HENRY, their son who died 28th Jan 1865 aged 28 years and of ELLEN MARIA their daughter who died 20th Oct 1869 aged 19 years. 208. Sacred to the memory of ELIZA the daughter of HENRY and ELIZABETH WINSER who died July 20th 1828 aged 16 years.

209. Unmarked coffin shaped grave.

210. Sacred to the memory of ELIZABETH SHAPLEY . Relict of the late WILLIAM SHAPLEY of this parish who died on the 1st Aug 1848 aged 62 years. Her end was peace.

211. Sacred to the memory of WILLIAM SHAPLEY who died the 11th day of March 1837 aged 61 years. Also to the memory of EDWARD, son of the above who died the 2/ Nov/ 1840 aged 21 years. His end was peace

212. In memory of WILLIAM SHAPLEY who departed this life 22 July 1816. Aged 75 years.

213. Sacred to the memory of WILLIAM ROSSITER SHAPLEY son of WILLIAM and ELIZABETH SHAPLEY who departed this life 30th December, 1844 aged 39. Also JAMES ROSSITER SHAPLEY their son who departed this life 10th January 1850 aged 31 years. He lived respected and died lamented by all who knew him. Also of SARAH ANN widow of the above who died at Brixham 7th of November 1913 aged 87 years.


214. In memory of SAMUEL ROSSITER SHAPLEY who died 16th September 1856 aged 4 years. WILLIAM SHAPLEY who died 13th July 1860 aged 24 years. JOHN SHAPLEY father of the above who died at , 22nd May 1869 aged 60 years.

215. In memory of JACOB WINFER of this Parish and late Clerk of West Ogwill who was buried the 5th Day of July AD 1782 aged 62. Also HENRY WINSER son of the above who departed this life the 8th day of November 1819. Aged 74 years.

216. To perpetuate the memory of MARY LASKEY who departed this life February 25th 1855 aged 56 years. Erected by her son JOHN as a token of affectionate love and esteem.

217. In memory of WILLIAM PICKARD who died October 20th, 1854 aged 81years. Also of ELIZABETH his wife who died May 5th 1861 aged 88. Their end was peace This stone was erected by their youngest son PETER PICKARD. Stone at foot of grave. W.P. 1854 E.P. 1861

218. Double grave Sacred to the memory of SUSANNA FOX the wife of WILLIAM FOX who departed this life the 20th day of January 1850. Aged 68 years. Also of WILLIAM FOX husband of the above who departed this life the 6th day of August 1857, aged 76 years. Also WILLIAM FOX son of the above born June 10th 1823, died May 12th 1877

219. Part of outline of grave.

220. Inscription very worn - CHARLES TAPPER died September 4th 1700, aged 78 years

221. In memory of GRACE the wife of SAMUEL SNELLING of this parish who departed this life the 5th day of August 1855, aged 69. Also of SAMUEL, husband of the above who departed this life the 28th February 1858 aged 74 Also of GEORGE their son who departed this life the 19th October 1858 aged 38, CHARLES their son 28th February 1872 aged 46. GRACE their daughter 28th September 1874 aged 37.

222. In memory of SUFANNA (SUSANNA) the wife of ANTHONY WINFER (WINSER) who died ye 26th of November 1785 Aged 55

223. Sacred to the memory of ANTHONY WINFER (WINSER) who was clerk of this parish 49 years who departed this life the 16th of July, 1814 Aged 85 years Also of SARAH, wife of WEATHERDON, and grand-daughter of the above who died November 1850 aged 43 years. Also HENRY M WEATHERDON, son of WILLIAM and SARAH WEATHERDON 26

224. In memory of HENRY MATHEWS Clerk of this parish during 30 years who departed this life the 15th of April 1842 Aged 90 years. Also of ELIZABETH his wife who died May 30th 1831 aged 82 years. Verse hidden by leaning stone.

225. Sacred to the memory of SAMUEL WEBBER who was drowned at sea, August 16th 1832 aged 26 years. Unreadable verse Also CHARLOTTE and JOHN WEBBER children of the above who both died May 7th 1831 aged 21 months. Unreadable verse JOHN WEBBER died May 4 1837 Aged 6 years

226. Small stones 227. Small stones

228. Sacred to the memory of ELIZABETH the wife of JOHN BOWDEN MURCH and daughter of MICHAEL and ELIZABETH ROWE who departed this life the 17 day of August, 1838 aged 21 years. Unreadable verse Also of JOHN ROWE MURCH her infant son.

229. Sacred to the memory of MARGARETTA SYMONS who died 24th December 1858 Aged 57. Also of MATTHEW SYMONS of Shute in this parish, husband of the above, who died 6th December 1863, Aged 67

230. Sacred to the memory of THOMAS the son of MATTHEW and MARY SYMONS who departed this life the 7th day of February, 1836 aged 43 years.

231. In memory of MATTHEW the son of MATTHEW and SARAH SYMONS who departed this life the 13th day of August 1797 Aged 37 years. Also MARY wife of the above, died 9th May 1845 aged 78.

232. Sacred to the memory of ELIZABETH SYMONS who died 11th of January 1835 aged 58 years Also of SARAH SYMONS who died 20th February 1857 aged 66 years.

233. In memory of THOMAS FOX who departed this life 2nd January 1871 aged 62. Also of SUSANNAH relict of the above who departed this life February 23rd 1889 Aged 72 years

234. Low Headstone S.A.R.

235. Outline of stone E.R.

236. Cross and large stone In Honoured memory of HENRY WILLIAM ROWE 1857 - 1931 and of his wife BESSIE 1863 - 1938. Rest in peace

237. Small stone


238. In memory of JOHN HARRIS who died... 1868 Aged..... Also WILLIAM his son who died 6th April 18.. aged 10 years Also JAMES WILLIAM his son who died 16th April 1865 aged 20 months.

239. In memory of SARAH the wife of MATTHEW SYMONS who died the 8th of August 1786 Aged 56 My husband and my children dear Weep not for me the sleeping here Prepare for death that we may be In Glory to Eternity Also of MATTHEW SYMONS husband of the above SARAH SYMONS who departed this life the 29th day of December 1814 aged 84 years

240. Sacred to the memory of SARAH the daughter of JAMES and MARTHA PEDERICK who departed this life December 26 1818 aged 6 months Suffer little children to be brought...

241. Sacred to the memory of MARTHA the wife of JAMES PEDERICK who departed this life the 11th day of February 1821 aged 37 years.

242. Sacred to the memory of JAMES PEDERICK who departed this life the 1st day of September 1823 Aged 66 years.

243. Here lyeth the body of JOAN, the wife of HUGH WHITEWAY of this parish, who was buried the 24th of March 1771 in the 75th year of her age. Also of HUGH WHITEWAY her husband who was buried ye 15th February 1782. Aged 81 An honest Man is the noblest work of God.

244. In loving memory of ELIZABETH the beloved wife of HENRY TANTON who passed away August 11th 1926. Aged 65 years. Rest after weariness

245. Small stone. 246. In memory of PHILIP UGLOW who died May 10th 1860, aged 64. Also of ANNE wife of the above who died March 31st, 1876 aged 81. Also of FREDERICK UGLOW son of the above who died March 14th 1894, aged 61. God is love

247. In memory of HARRIET JANE second wife of D.O. PARRY OKEDEN Esq. of the county of Dorset and eldest daughter of the HON. JOHN THOMAS CAPEL died at Bishopsteignton 24th July 1819. Footstone with initials H.J.O.

248. Sacred to the memory of ELIZABETH HILES of Fitzhead in the county of Somerset who died at Denbury 31st of January 1822, aged 25 years. Also in memory of LUCY widow of the late JOHN GORTLEY who died February 15th, 1882 Aged 84 years. Deeply lamented.

249. Sacred to the memory of JOHN GORTLEY who departed this life 17th day of November 1814 Aged 64 years. Also of JOHN GORTLEY son of the above who departed this life April 16th, 1858 Aged 70. 28

250. In loving memory of WILLIAM CLEMENT GORTLEY who died March 4th 1902, Aged 76 years. And of MARTHA his wife who died April 30th, 1904 Aged 82 years. Peace perfect peace. Also of LUCY KNOWLES their daughter who died March 13th, 1941, Aged 79 yrs.

The following 2 graves are at the foot of grave with metal fencing. 250a. Sacred to the memory of ELIZABETH RICH GORTLEY, daughter of JOHN and SARAH GORTLEY who departed this life October 14th, 1819 aged 1 year and 9 months. Happy infant, early blest in sacred and peaceful....

250b. Sacred to the memory of SARAH GORTLEY wife of JOHN GORTLEY of this parish who departed this life 14th April, 1823 aged 30

251. Sacred to the memory of JOHN STOCKMAN born November 5th, 1811, died August 25th 1854. Footstone with initials: J.S. 1854 252. Sacred to the memory of LAURANCE STOCKMAN departed this life 23rd November, 1848 Aged 67 years.

253. Sacred to the memory of SARAH the wife of PETER WINSER who departed this life the 31st day of December, 1823 Aged 66 years. A happy change, my God hath set me free From this vain World and all its misery My husband dear and children whom I love I hope to meet in endless Bliss above. Also in memory of the above PETER WINSER who departed this life the 14th day, June 1828. Aged 76 years. Inscription too faint to read 29

254. HARRY LARK died 14th April, 1971 aged 83 years. At rest

255. Unmarked mound 256. Unmarked mound

257. Large stone edged grave In loving memory of THOMAS SAMUEL HOLWILL who passed away on August 15th, 1927 Aged 73. Peace perfect peace Also of his son, THOMAS SAMUEL HOLWILL who was lost in H.M.S. AMPHION August 6th, 1914 Aged 31 In the midst of life we are in death Also ETHELEND HOLWILL wife and mother of the above who died January 27th, 1929 Aged 73. At rest Also of ERNEST THOMAS GEORGE BROWNING, died June 5th 1977.

258. In memory of RICHARD son of JOHN and MARY STOCKMAN who departed this life the 5th day of March AD 1793 Aged 16 years. Ponder ye my early Fall Ye sprightly Youths, and Readers all You little think that reads this stone How soon my Case may be your own

259. In memory of MARY the daughter of HENRY and ANN STOCKMAN who died January 1st 1842 aged 33 years. Also of ANN their daughter who died February 12th 1843 aged 16 years. 2CON Chapter VI 13.18 Sons and daughters

260. In memory of WILLIAM the son of HENRY and ANN STOCKMAN who died 5th October 1841 aged 27 years 1 JOHN IV verse 13 or 15 Whosoever will confess..... son of God..

261. Sacred to the memory of MARY wife of JOHN STOCKMAN who departed this life on the 21st day of December,1816 Aged 74 years. Also of the above named JOHN STOCKMAN who died on the 4th of July, 1829 aged 93 years. Also ANN STOCKMAN daughter of the above who departed this life on the 25 day of March 1802, aged 27 years. Also WILLIAM STOCKMAN son of the above who departed this life on the 11th day of February, 1807 aged 39 years.

262. Sacred to the memory of HENRY STOCKMAN who died on the 3rd of May 1843, aged 29 years. Therefore be ye also ready.

263. In memory of HENRY STOCKMAN who departed this life 23rd of January, 1847 aged 62 years. Also of ANN his wife who died April 21st 1860 aged 71 years.

264. Sacred to the memory of LAURENCE son of HENRY and ANN STOCKMAN who died on the 4th of February 1840 aged 20years. 1 THESS IV verse 11 or 14. If we believe that Jesus died..... 30

265. One headstone between 2 mounds/graves Sacred to the memory of RICHARD WINSER who died February 1st, 1870 aged 70 years. Also of MARY his wife who died March 5th, 1890 aged 82 years. Awaiting the resurrection

266. Unmarked grave 267. Unmarked grave

268. In memory of HENRY PEARSE who died March 20th 1883 aged 11 months.

269. At foot of 261. In memory of JOHN...... STOCKMAN ARTHUR EDWARD

270. Sacred to the memory of JANE HEXT who died the 1st of June 1818, aged 84 years Also of JOHN KIDDLE who died 2nd January, 1838 aged 80 years. Also of MARY his wife, daughter of the above JANE who died 6th May 1842, aged 74 years.

271. In affectionate remembrance of RICHARD LEE SAUNDERS who departed this life, 10th of March 1878 in the 24th year of his age. Thy will be done

272. Sacred to the memory of CHARLOTTE wife of HENRY MATTHEWS who departed this life November 8th, 1870 aged 36.

273. Sacred to the memory of SARAH DAVIS LEE wife of JOHN LEE who departed this life 4th day of September, 1851 aged 51 years Also RICHARD LEE their son who departed this life the 7th day of June, 1856 aged 11 years. He brought down my strength in my journey and shortened my days Footstone

274. One headstone between 2 graves In memory of EDWARD LEE who died the 10th day of June, 1842 aged 63. Reader! Prepare to meet thy God Also AGNES his wife who died the 14th of June, 1845 aged 64 years.

275. Sacred to the memory of HENRY MATTHEWS son of HENRY and HEROINE MATTHEWS who departed this life 14th June, 1831 aged 2 years and 6 months. Also of HEROINE ELIZABETH their daughter who died 13th February, 1836 aged 3 years. Their happy....

276. Metal Cross ELEANOR HALL died March 24, 1931 aged 77. Jesu mercy 31

South - east Section

277. Outline of grave - no name

278. Ornate cross on top of stone In loving memory of GEORGE ELLIS who died August 23rd 1881 aged 23 years. Also of ELIZABETH ELLIS who died December 10th 1871 aged 20 years. Also of ALFRED CHARLES ELLIS who died July 16th 1877 aged 8 months. Weep not for us...... Also of CHARLOTTE ELLIS sister of the above who died November 10th 1888, aged 27 years. Thy will be done.

279. Outline of grave. Perhaps inscription on 278 refers to 277, 278 and 279.

280. In ever loving memory of ELIZABETH ANN beloved wife of GEORGE EASTERBROOK died March 30 1933 aged 76 Also of her beloved husband GEORGE EASTERBROOK died December 22 1937 aged 79. At rest KNIGHT NA ( mason’s mark)

281. Sacred to the memory of ELIZABETH wife of HENRY MATTHEWS who departed this life 2nd June1831, aged 82

282. Sacred to the memory of WILLIAM WHITEAWAY of Denbury who departed this life April 26th 1866 aged 61. Footstone.

283. CHRISTINE ROSEMARY WILLIAMS fell asleep 23rd March 1949

284. Tomb grave - covered in ivy In memory of CHRISTOPHER HANNAVER of this parish who was buried January 22nd 1781, aged 81 and of JOAN his wife who was buried April 5th 1769 aged 61. Also CHRISTOPHER their son who was buried November 17th 1818, aged 65. 32

285. No markings

286. Large holly tree forcing over headstone. Sacred to the memory of MARY wife of JOHN TAYLOR who died the 27th of September, 1864 aged 65 years. Also ELIZABETH their daughter who died January 4th 1857, aged 33 years. Also JOHN TAYLOR husband of the above who died September 8th 1873, aged 72 years.

287. In memory of WILLIAM HENRY TAYLOR who died 25th January 1875 aged 40 years. Also EMILY SARAH TAYLOR his daughter who died 21st March, 1872 aged 3 years and 8 months.

288. In loving memory of HENRY WAKEHAM - Torquay - who died January 22nd, 1890 aged 78. Also of SUSAN wife of the above who died February 28th , 1890 aged 77. Also HENRY SHAPLEY WAKEHAM son of the above died March 19th 1863, aged 23. Also WILLIAM SHAPLEY WAKEHAM son of the above died Aug 30th,1903 aged 66.

289. In affectionate remembrance of NICHOLAS WAKEHAM who died December 12th 1880, aged 45 years. Also of EMILY SALLY wife of the above who died 18th February, 1888, aged 60 years.

290. Sacred to the beloved memory of HENRY SHAPLEY WAKEHAM, second son of HENRY and SUSAN WAKEHAM of Torquay who died 19th March 1863, aged 23 years and 4 months. See grave number 288

291. Sacred to the beloved memory of EDWARD SHAPLEY WAKEHAM third son of HENRY and SUSAN WAKEHAM of Torquay who died 31st March, 1845 aged 3 years and 6 months.

292. In loving remembrance of NICHOLAS WAKEHAM for 37 years churchwarden of this parish who departed this life March 24th 1873 aged 69 years who lived respected and died lamented by all who knew him. Also of ELIZABETH wife of the above who died March 13th 1879 aged 68 years. Thy will be done

293. One stone between 2 graves Sacred to the memory of NICHOLAS WAKEHAM of this parish who departed this life 20th day of November 1837 aged 71 years. Also of MARY his wife who departed this life the 6th day of September 1859 aged 88 years.

294. Broken grave MARY HARRIS SMITH daughter of GEORGE and MARY died Feb 5 1822 aged 3 years. Short was her life Also of GEORGE SMITH father of the above who departed this life 24th April 1879 aged 76 years. 33

295. Outline of grave - no name

296. Sacred to the memory of JAMES PILLER who departed this life the 6th of July 1837 aged 49. Also of ELIZABETH LAW PILLER who departed this life May 10th 1862 aged 29 (born 1833). Also SUSAN wife of the above JAMES died June 23rd 1872 aged 81.

297. Sacred to the memory of CATHERINE PILLER wife of WILLIAM PILLER who departed this life the 26th day of September 1834 aged 33 years. This life’s short journey soon has passed It’s joys and sorrows now are o’er My soul has reached her home at last That home in heaven to leave no more.

298. Tall stone. In memory of ELIZABETH PAWLEY COOMBES daughter of JOHN and ANN BULLY of this parish who was baptized September 2nd 1831? died March 14th 1892?

299. Sacred to the memory of PETER PILLER son of WILLIAM and CATHERINE PILLER of Bridgetown in the parish of Berry Pomeroy who departed this life the 12th day of August 1824 aged 2 years and 7 months. Also of WILLIAM PILLER their son who departed this life 22nd day of August 1824 aged 11 months. Lo two sweet innocents lie here lamented by their parents dear...

300. Double grave - ivy covered Sacred to the memory of THOMAS VINING of this parish who departed this life 10th May 1805 aged 86 years. Also of MARINA VINING his wife who departed this life 21st February 1793 aged 81 years. Lamented by their daughter ELIZABETH (see C21 inside Church)

301. Ivy covered grave. Sacred to the memory of ELIZABETH VINING daughter of THOMAS and MARINA VINING of this parish...... Here lyeth the Body of THOMAS son of THOMAS and TRYPHEA VINING of this parish who departed this life May 5th 1767. Aged 10 years.

302. Ivy covered grave

303. Here lieth the body of MR JOHN STEPHENS, Gent of this Parish who departed ...... the 23rd day of June 1739 aged 50 years.

304. JESSIE WORTH died December 2nd 1935 “Nannie”

305. In loving memory of ELIZABETH BULLEY wife of RICHARD PAWLEY BULLEY who departed this life November 21st 1897, aged 47 years


306. In loving memory of MARY PERKIN widow of JAMES PERKIN of . Born September 10th, 1810 died July 6th 1898. Father in thy gracious keeping Leave we now our loved one

307. In Memory of THOMAS LOWE PILLER who died February 27th 1873 aged 82 years.

308. In memory of ANN wife of THOMAS LOWE PILLER of this parish who departed this life on the 10th October 1840 aged 48 years. Also of EDWARD HARRIS, her brother who died 14th December, 1840 aged 57 years.

309. Sacred to the memory of THOMAS LOWE PILLER son of THOMAS L. PILLER and ANN his wife, who departed this life on the 9th of February, 1849 aged 22 years. Also of ELIZABETH LOWE PILLER daughter of the above named THOMAS L. PILLER and ELIZABETH his second wife who died 9th July 1849 aged 3 years and 6 months.

310. Moss covered - can’t read yet.

311. In loving memory of WILLIAM EASTERBROOK born 17/5/1839, died 15/2/1926 ANN EASTERBROOK born 27/5/1839, died 18/2/1926 with Christ

312. Mound 313. In loving memory of HANNAH the dearly beloved wife of VICTOR JAMES ASHFORD who died at Denbury April 16th 1884, aged 88 years. Departed to be with Christ which is far better

314. Small grave lined with stones THOMAS JOHN darling baby of JOHN and FLORENCE HILL died November 28th 1928. Jesus called a little child

315. Mound

316. Sacred to the memory of THOMAS the beloved husband of MARY BINMORE who passed peacefully away June 9th 1907 aged 65 years Gone to be with Christ which is far better Also MARY wife of the above who died November 21st 1922 aged 82. At rest

317. In loving memory of ELIZABETH wife of THOMAS GOSS WILLIAMS who entered into rest March 7th 1891 aged 53 years Sleep on beloved sleep and take thy rest Lay down thy head upon thy Saviour’s breast We love thee well, but Jesus loves thee best Until we meet again good night Erected by her son C.H.W. 35

318. In loving memory of THOMAS GOSS WILLIAMS who died at Highwood, Essex March 30th 1893 aged 68 years, was brought here and interred April 6th. Also by his wish, in loving memory of his two dear children NELLIE and ARTHUR who died in infancy For ever with the Lord

319. To the very dear memory of CHARLES HERBERT WILLIAMS (C.H.W.) who departed this life June 13th 1913 To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die

320. Mound

321. In loving memory of JESSIE EASTERBROOK who died 15th April 1911 aged 35 years. At rest

322. In loving memory of WILLIAM EASTERBROOK the beloved husband of LOUISA J. EASTERBROOK who fell asleep January 3rd 1905 aged 40 Until the day break Also of LOUISA JANE wife of the above who died March 22nd 1919 aged 59 years.

323. In loving memory of EMMANUEL GEORGE TOZER died September 4th 1927 aged 68 years. Also of son HENRY GEORGE died May 1st 1910 aged 10 years Also of his wife SARAH JANE TOZER who died September 8th 1939 aged 80.

324. In fond remembrance of MARY the beloved wife of PERCY WATERER of Chislehurst, Kent who died at Denbury October 29th, 1890 aged 42 Her end was peace

325. Large square outline. In loving memory of WILLIAM TAYLOR WINSER who died October 2nd 1902 aged 67 years Peace perfect peace Also of his wife LOUISA JANE WINSER who died January 8th 1917 aged 74 years Also of GEORGE MILLER son-in-law of the above who died September 17th 1908 aged 41 years Also of his wife MARY LOUISA MILLER who died March 3rd, 1944. 73 years. Also of HENRY HOLMAN WINSER died November 25th, 1914 aged 47 years.

326. In loving memory of ALFRED JOHN GARD born February 6th 1870, died September 27th 1915. Peace perfect peace.

327. In loving memory of JAMES COLLINGS the beloved husband of RACHEL COLLINGS who died December 20th 1898, aged 51 years. The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away, Blessed be the name of the Lord.

328. In loving memory of WILLIAM MILTON TOZER who died February 24th 1932 aged 79. Also of SARAH TOZER who died 21st July 1938 aged 76 R.I.P. 36

329. Sacred to the memory of HERBERT SCOTT late of Budleigh Salterton who fell asleep October 21st 1890 aged 70 years. A beloved husband and father resting in hope of a joyful resurrection. Also of SARAH JANE the beloved wife of the above who entered into rest October 10th, 1893 aged 76 years. He giveth his beloved sleep

330. Cross In loving memory of FRANCES EMILY the beloved wife of WILLIAM ANGEL CHAPPLE who entered into rest March 30th 1902, aged 30 years. Also WILLIAM A. CHAPPLE died January 23rd 1924, aged 65.

331. In loving memory of FANNY TAYLOR who entered into rest January 4th 1911 aged 79 years. Thy will be done

332. In loving memory of ROBERT LANG who died 5th August 1904 aged 80. Also of his wife SUSANNA HAMLYN LANG who died 3rd May 1905 aged 77 years.Thy will be done.

333. In loving memory of RUTH the wife of WILLIAM JORDAN who died January 26th 1906 aged 78. Also of the above WILLIAM JORDAN who died April 25th 1912 aged 85. Until the day dawns.

334. In loving memory of JANE wife of JOHN BENNETT who died January 10 1890 aged 73 Also the above named JOHN BENNETT died August 1900 aged 84 years.

335. In loving memory of JOHN MARLEY who died October 23rd 1889 aged 61. Also of ELLEN his daughter (interred at Windsor) who died June 23rd 1889 aged 37. So shall we ever be with the Lord. Also of MARY ANN MARLEY his wife who died January 26th 1904 aged 73.

336. Cross. In loving memory of JOHN ROBERT TULLY who died August 16th 1894 aged 35 years. Gone but not forgotten

337. Unmarked grave - outlined with stones.

338. In loving memory of SARAH JANE ELLIS who died 18th December 1890 aged 21 years. For ever with the Lord Also of WILLIAM ELLIS father of the above who died May 5th, 1900, aged 78 years. And of MARIA the beloved wife of WILLIAM ELLIS who died October 28th 1900 aged 68 years. Peace perfect peace

339. Unmarked grave - outlined with stones. 37

337, 338 and 339 could be the 3 ELLIS graves listed in 338.

340. In loving memory of ELIZABETH ELLIS who died November 17th 1906 aged 26. Gone but not forgotten.

341. Mound 342. Mound

343. Rough mound of granite MARY E. MASON died 4th November 1909 aged 53.

344. Unmarked grave - outlined with stones.

345. In loving memory of GEORGE HERBERT CHAPPLE eldest son of GEORGE and MARIA CHAPPLE who died 24th May 1881. Aged 27 years. After.....together.

346. In affectionate memory of JOHN PITTS of DOWNE FARM in this parish who departed this life December 16th 1888, aged 79 years. For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth. Also of his wife CHARLOTTE PITTS who died February 11th, 1901 aged 80 years. Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest.

347. In loving memory of WILLIAM FORD who died on January 10th 1912 aged 58 Thy will be done.

348. In loving memory of THOMAS ELLIOT FORD died December 24th 1892 aged 63 years. Also of his wife AGNES FORD died October 21st, 1900 aged 68 years. Resting in peace.

349. 24025 BTY. SERJT. MAJOR J. GAYLER Royal Garrison Artillery. 20th April 1919. Age 41. In ever loving remembrance until the day break Inscription on badge Ubique quo faset gloria ducunt.

350. Mound 351. Grave outlined with stones 352. Mound 353. In loving memory of JANE wife of GEORGE MATHEWS...... Also of GEORGE MATHEWS who died May 29th 1885.

354. Grave outlined with stone edges 355. Grave outlined with stone edges.


356. Large square area surrounded by stone edging ROBERT EDWARD MASTER late Madras civil service. Born 15 June 1826, died 12 September 1910 FLORENTIA SALE MASTER widow of the above, died 29 May 1920. ROSEMARY CURTIS daughter of W. S. and E. F. CURTIS born 8 October 1905, died 9 July 1913 ELEANOR FRANCIS CURTIS Born 19 March: 1875, died 25 August: 1941 wife of WALTER S. CURTIS Born 23 January: 1871, died 20 September: 1953.

357. Large Celtic decorated cross ELIZABETH GOODE born June 12th 1832, died April 14th 1912. On reverse: ELIZABETH RUSHTON GOODE born August 28th 1858, died March 21st 1909.

358. In loving memory of MARY SIMS who died May 7th 1895 age 54. Simply to the cross I cling

359. In loving memory of HARRIET the loving daughter of JOHN PAWLEY. 39

360.In loving memory of ANNE ROWE who died March 7th 1894, aged 75 years. And of WILLIAM ROWE husband of the above, who d. March 18 1885 aged 65 yrs Also of SUSAN ANN who died February 7th 1873, aged 22 years. And of ELIZABETH who died July 13th 1876, aged 23 years. Daughters of the above interred near here. In hope of eternal life TOT. 1.2. O may we stand before the lamb When earth and seas are fled And hear the judge pronounce our name with blessings on our head TOM DAWE Great grandchild of the above WILLIAM and ANNE ROWE died January 18th 1905. Interred here. Suffer little children to come unto me.

361. In loving memory of WILLIAM JACKMAN STADDON the beloved husband of JANE STADDON who fell asleep in Jesus, January 30th 1909 aged 66 years. Thy will be done Also of the above JANE STADDON who died October 15th 1920, aged 80 years. For ever with the Lord

362. In loving memory of LUCY GORTLEY daughter of JOHN and LUCY GORTLEY who died at Denbury November 20th 1894 aged 62. In weariness and painfulness Also of JOHN RICH GORTLEY, eldest son of the above JOHN GORTLEY who died January 9th 1885 aged 65 years. Gone but not forgotten. 40

363. Loose stone leaning against stump of tree. In loving memory of HENRY WINSER for 42 years clerk of this parish who died July 8th 1884, aged 79 years. Also of MARIA his wife who died January 19th, 1890 aged 81. Also PETER their son who died May 10th 1891 aged 48

364. In loving memory of SARAH COUNTER who departed this life January 1880 aged 33 Also of WILLIAM COUNTER husband of the above August 10th, 1900 aged 70 years.

365. In loving memory of THOMAS WILLIAM son of GEORGE and. ELLEN CASLEY died May 17th, 1887 aged 32. Resurgam

366. In loving memory of HANNAH ELIZA the beloved wife of JOHN HARVEY PEARSE who died December 13th 1883 aged 34 years. For there shall be no night there. 41

New Section

367. In loving memory of my wife KATHLEEN CHURCHILL died 15th November, 2003 aged 75 years. Rest in peace.

368. In memory of DAISY ALICE WRAYFORD born 17th March 1914 at Higher Wotton Farm, died 17th March 2004. R.I.P.

369. JENNIE (JANET) PUSEY 1911-2006. Widow of VICTOR EDWARD PUSEY. Beloved Wife and Aunt.

370. In loving memory of PETER DONALD HEAD, died 24th January, 2005 aged 68 years. A dear husband and father. Rest in peace. 371. Reserved (Head) 372. CECIL SAINT

373. LILIAN A. SAINT died 18th February, 2006. Aged 95 years.

374/375 “Oh dear” She’d say To the memory of MARY BARTLETT. Died 24th April, 2006 on her 92nd birthday. At rest. Beloved wife of BARTY. Together for 65 years. Also BARTY (CECIL ARTHUR BARTLETT) died 6th February, 2009 in his 90th year. Together again.

376. R.I.P. FRANK PEARSON 1923-2006. 377. Reserved (Pearson) 378.With loving thanks for MINNIE CATHERINE THATCHER. 22nd August 1920 – 5th November, 2006. Aged 86 years. “I die that I may live”

379. In loving memory of my dear husband GEORGE RICHARD CLEAVE who fell asleep 16th April, 2007.Aged 86 years. 380. Reserved (Cleave)

381. PHIL P. AVIS died 18th July, 2007, aged 47 years.

382. In loving memory of GEORGE GOODING. Died 18th February, 2008. Aged 82 years. R.I.P.

383. Remembered with love FRANK STEPHEN BOYES. 1919 – 2008. 42


South - West Section

A. In loving memory of BRENDA VICTORIA BISHOP died 03/03/1994 aged 57 years.

B. Fondest memories of EDNA GERTRUDE TRESHAM who died 16th Dec, 1993 aged 92 years. Also her dear friend OLIVE RAYNOR died 5th march 1976, aged 77 years.

C. LOUIS PEARSE died 4th May 1985 aged 82 years, lovingly remembered, also his wife ELSIE , died 7th Aug 1997 aged 90 years. Rest in peace.

D. In loving memory of ISABEL ANNA BARTLETT. 1889 - 1985.

E. In memory of GEORGE EDGAR THOMAS 1895-1982

F. Small stone - no name

G. In loving memory of JOSEPH WILLIAM JEWETT, 26th Dec 1980, aged 68


I. In loving memory of IVY ELLIS wife of KENNETH, mother of JOHN died 14th Sept 1977, aged 72. Gone but not forgotten.

J. In loving memory of my dear husband FREDERICK THOMAS GOODGAME died 9th March 1973, aged 73 years, also of his beloved wife DORIS GOODGAME, died 30th Sept 1983, aged 81 years. Reunited in Christ.

K. In loving memory of (BILL) SUTTON died 29/10/1991, aged 75 years. GLADYS SUTTON 20th February, 1909 – 29th January 2008, aged 99

L. In loving memory of DORIS MAY ROCKETT 1902- 1991. Rest in peace.

M. In loving memory of WILLIAM WATTS, died 25th May 1967, aged 50 years. Gone but not forgotten. KATHLEEN MARY WATTS died 31st July, 1996, aged 71 years.

N. Ever loving memory of my dearest MARY the wife of GEORGE WATTS died 7th Dec.1961 aged 70 years. Goodbye dear one until we meet. R.I.P.

O. In loving memory of GEORGE WATTS, dearest husband of MARY died 14th April 1971, aged 83. Also their daughter DORIS LEONIE died 16th Feb 1971, aged 49. At rest. 43

P. In loving memory of NORA AGNES WATTS died 16th May, 1996 aged 80. At rest.

Q. In loving memory of JAMES WILLIS, died 7th May 1967, aged 80. At rest. Also, his dear wife EMILY died 30th Oct. 1974, aged 83. Reunited.

R. In loving memory of ARTHUR FRANCIS CONSTANCE, died 23rd Nov, 1982 aged 69.

S. In loving memory of ALFRED GEORGE LARK died 6th July, 1988 aged 84. Also his wife MARGARET EMILY died 30th July 1988 aged 77. Sadly missed

T. MALCOLM CHARLES HOMER 6:11:37 - 24:5:04 Forever in our thoughts.

U. In loving memory of JAMES T. ROCKET died 29th March 1989 aged 67 years. Rest in peace. Also of his wife WINNIE died 1st March 1999, aged 76 years. Reunited.

V. In loving memory of PATRICIA MAY ROCKET, died 1st December 2003. Aged 59 years. Sadly missed by husband GEOFF, mother of DAVID and JOANNA, sister of ANGELA, CAROL and MICHAEL.

W. In loving memory of CYRIL HONEYWILL, died 11th May 1990.

X. With loving thoughts of JERRY DAY 13 Feb 1902 - 28 Jan 1991. Also his dear wife NORA EDITH 30 July 1903 - 31 Dec 1998. Reunited.

Y. In loving memory of LEO EGGLEDEN, 1911-1991. MARGARET EGGLEDEN 1921-1998.

Z. In remembrance DOROTHY WEBB died 22nd May 1991 aged 87 years. Also her beloved husband PERCIVAL JAMES died 8th Dec 1991, aged 91 years.

Z1. In loving memory of MODDERENA THOMASSON died 1st June 1992, aged 88 years.

Z2. In loving memory of WILLIAM RADLEY who died 1st Jan 1993 aged 89 years, beloved husband of FRANCES who died 10th Oct, 1994 aged 85 years. Until the day break.

Z3. In loving memory of GLADYS KATE PULLINGER who fell asleep 23rd June 1992. Also her beloved husband HAROLD BRUCE who died 2nd Feb 1998. Reunited.

Z4. In loving memory of RONALD LESLIE MORRIS 1913 - 1992 44


North - East Section (next to East Street Gate)

Aa. In loving memory of GEOFFREY GEORGE THOMPSON died July 25th 1996 aged 70 years. Loved always. Also his Beloved Wife MARY ELIZABETH THOMPSON died June 19th, 2006. Aged 84 years. Reunited.

Bb. In loving memory of a dear Mum, Gran ANNIE PIKE, 1909 -1999.

Cc. MATTHEW WILLIAM LAKE. Born 8th July 1968, died 25th Dec, 2000. “So don’t ask where I’m going Just listen when I’ve gone And far away you’ll hear Singing softly to the Dawn”

Dd. In loving memory of STANLEY EDGAR MOSS. 15th May 1920 - 22nd Oct. 2001 Sadly missed. Also his devoted wife PEGGY JOAN MOSS. 5th Sept. 1920 - 23rd April, 2002. At rest together.

Ee. In loving memory of PHILIP L. OWEN who died on 25th April 1997, aged 58 years. Forever cherished and remembered.

Ff. In loving memory of IRENE HONEYWILL died 25th Jan 1998, aged 76 years.

Gg. SAM SIMPSON died 10th March 1982 aged 48 years. A man of great strength and courage. Very much loved by his family.

Finished recording the stones outside, October 14th, 2003.

Hh. In Memory of MYRA M. SUTTON. 18.6.1917 – 9.1.2005. Rest in Peace.

Ii. IRENE FLORENCE DOWLER. Nee HUGHES, nee STEPHENS. January1919 – November 2006. Dearest wife of STURDY. Loving mother of ANGELA. Mother- in-law to JOHN. Dear grandmother to all her Grand and Great Grandchildren. ‘Till we all meet again.

Jj Remembered with a smile CLIFFORD WILLIAM LAKE. 20.2.1925 – 27.6.2007 Forever in our thoughts.

Kk. JOHN LEWIS STONE. 1925-2007 Dear brother of MARY and ELIZABETH. R.I.P.

Ll. DERRICK WHITE 1939-2009. Forever in our hearts. 45


Nn. In loving memory of JOAN WHEELER (nee WAREING) who died 13th April, 2006, aged 92. Also in loving memory of her husband FREDERICK GEORGE WHEELER who died on 28th April, 1988, aged 77, whose ashes are scattered near Denbury. R.I.P.


Memorial Inscriptions inside the Church

In Lady Chapel

C1. WILLIAM BAKER of Tormohan in this County died...February 1754 Also ELIZABETH his wife, daughter of WILLIAM ADAMS of this Parish died August 1 1752 aged 26. Also of MR WILLIAM BAKER of Newton Bushell in this County, son of the above WILLIAM and ELIZABETH died May 7. 1802 aged 49 years and was(as were his parents) buried near this place.

C2. REBECCA the widow of MR. WILLIAM BAKER (of Newton Bushell) died 12th day of August in the year of our Lord 1822 aged 70 years.

In Vestry

C3. The arms of JOHN PETTERS Esquire. Customer of Devon in the city of Exon. who died February 13 1573, who gave ye sum of twenty shillings in fee for ever to the parish of Denbury for ye use of ye poor and which money is to be paid out of Cornworthy according to his last will and testament, whose body is buried in St Thomas Church without ye West Gate of Exon.

C4. PIERCE JOSEPH TAYLOR Esquire born 19 September 1754 died 14 August 1832. Hic Requiescit

C5. THOMAS TAYLOR of this Parish born in the Parish of Holy Trinity, Exeter on the 28 December 1727 , died 5 January 1805

C6. JOSEPH TAYLOR Armigeri, qui per plures Annos Navis bellicae Praefectus, id murus suma cum laude impleuit, rebus praeclare gestis apud suos, apud Exteres Triremes Unnis Vivivus aggressae Virtute plane Heroica sustinuit, etc Die XV11 Dec. MDCCXXX11 aetatis suae LXX111

C7. MARY, widow of Captain JOSEPH TAYLOR died July 13 1739 aged 90 years. JOSEPH TAYLOR Esquire, their eldest son died May 6 1746 aged 54. REBECCA TAYLOR the wife of JOSEPH TAYLOR Esq. died October 23 1774 aged 81 and of JOSEPH TAYLOR, Clerk, son of JOSEPH and REBECCA TAYLOR, died November 21, 1772 aged 39. C8. In memory of THOMAS WILLIAM TAYLOR of West Ogwell, Major General in the Army, Companion of the Bath, Colonel of the XV11 Lancers and for 17 years Lieut. Governor of the Royal Military Collegs Sandhurst. Born July X111 MDCCLXXXV, Died Jan. V111 MDCCCL1V But I would not have you to be ignorant brethren..... 1 Thess. 4/13.14

C9. Also of ANN HARVEY widow of the above Born May 111 MDCCLXXX111 Died May XX1X MDCCCLV111 There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God HEB:1V: 9


On Ground - in Sanctuary

C10. To right of altar Dum tumulum cernis cur non mortalia spernis Tali namque Domo clauditur omnis homo Forma Genus mores sapientia res et honores Morte cadunt subira sola manent merita Linque quod est vanum quin reverere deum. Shield and date of 1661

C11. In memoriam JOHANNIS OSBORNE Qui obit Decimo quarto die Februarii Anno Dom. 1665 Vita brevis velut umbra leuis sic annihilarur Sic vadit subitoque cadit dum stare putatur

C12. In memoriam CHRISTOPHERY OSBORNE huius parochiae. Gen: qui obijt quarto die Iunij Anno Domini 1666. Aetatis suae 65 Shield - possibly the same as above.

C13. An epitaph one MRS IOANE OSBORNE ye wife of RICHARD OSBORNE of Denbury Gent. who dyed ye Thirtieth Day of October. Anno Dom. 1668 Our tears have told our loss this stone now tells Her gaine who under quiet in dust dwells To body Rest to soul Rest too and ioy That age or time or death nere annoy. Sleep worthy dust in hope a time shall bee Refreshment shall come forth from God to thee.

On the ground before main altar

C14. Here lieth the Body of MR WILLIAM LANGLEY of Southhamton. Timber Merchant who departed this life the 14th day of June, 1732 Anno domini. Aetatis suae 63. Memento mori C14a Fragment of stone next to pulpit - no name

On the Wall in the Sanctuary

C15. The REV. JOHN RICHARD BOGUE son of the late Capt BOGUE R.H.A., 18 years Curate of this Parish, died March 4, 1857 aged 48 Also RICHARD eldest son of above died April 12 1846 aged 3 years Blessed are the dead FRANCIS REGINALD born Nov. 9 1855, died Dec 2 1863 EDITH ELIZABETH born Nov 20,1857 died Oct 25 1863 Also RICHARD third son of above, Midshipman of HMS Chanticleer died at sea July 17 1867 aged 17, buried at Rio de Janeiro. 48

C16. SOPHIA ELIZABETH BOGUE widow of REV. J. RICHARD BOGUE and daughter of COLONEL MUDGE R.E.born August 21 1820, died May 23 1896. So he giveth his beloved sleep.... In Quietness and in confidence shall be your strength. See also grave no. 178

C17. Near this spot are deposited the remains of MARY ANNE wife of the REV. WALTER KITSON, curate of this Parish, died October 15 1812 aged 35 years. In testimony of the many virtues by which her life was adorned and in remembrance of the uninterrupted happiness of which these virtues were the source. This stone is raised by her grateful and afflicted husband. In the same grave lie the remains of GEORGE WALTER their eldest son who departed this life July 16 1811 aged 4 years.

C18. Sacred to the memory of REV. GEORGE HARVEY GOODWIN B.A. only son of the late GEORGE GOODWIN esq. Barrister-at-Law, born June 8 1802 died November 21 1838. Having been 5 years curate of this Parish. His remains rest within the altar rails. Also of EMILY REBECCA eldest daughter of the REV. GEORGE HARVEY GOODWIN and his wife EMILY, born April 24 1826, died April 8 1829 Also of GEORGE WILLES their second son, born May 5 1830, died March 3 1831. Both their remains are interred in the churchyard of Littleham Nr Exmouth in this County. Also of CATHERINE STUART their fifth daughter born August 12 1834 died January 2 1835. Her remains lie near those of her beloved father.

C19. Sacred to the memory of REV.JAMES HAYDOCK REIBEY dedicated to the glory of God by his sorrowing widow in remembrance of his forty years faithful ministry in this parish. July 1897. R.I.P. Well done good and faithful servant Enter thou into the joy of thy Lord (St Matthew xxx 23) See also graves 1 and 198

North Wall of main body of Church

C20. Sacred to the memory of PETER PILLER died 4 October 1811 aged 45 years. Also ELIZABETH PILLER his wife died 23 May 1818 aged 55 years.Also JOHN PILLER son of the above died 5 November 1818 aged 23 years. As a testimony of filial affection and esteem this monument is erected by their son WILLIAM PILLER


C21. Benefactors of the Parish of St Mary the Virgin, Denbury

1554 JOHN PRIDEAUX Land in trust to feoffees for the support and reparation of the Parish Church 1570 JOHN PETER A Christmas gift for 8 parishioners 1786 JOHN SIMMING A yearly gift for books. 1810 ELIZABETH VINING A Christmas gift for 6 parishioners.Her wishes were voluntarily carried out by SARAH WHIDBORNE her niece and settled in perpetuity by GEORGE FERRIS WHIDBORNE MORTIMER DD her great nephew, priest and headmaster of the CITY of London School. 1869 JOHN ROSSITER SHAPLEY Christmas gift for 4 parishioners. null and void Rest eternal grant to them, O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them.

C22. At back of Church - next to the door to the tower. This tower clock after 6 years silence, has been repaired by LUCY GARDINER in the year of grace 1905, in memory of her dear sister MARY with whom she lived 10 years in Denbury .

In the Tower C23. By door to stairs Here lyeth ye body of RICHARD STEPHENS of Shut in this Parish was buried 30 day of Iune......

C24. Here lieth EDWARD HA......

C25. Here lieth ye Body of MAR.. ye wife of RICHARD HART of this Parish Daughter of WOTTON of Abbotscarswell who died ye 14 Day of October. Anno Domini 1751 aged 42.

C26. Here lyeth ye body of RICHARD STEPHENS of E...... STEPHENS aged 27 years who died ye 31 day of Oct.....Anno Domini And A... STEPHENS...... 1692

C27. Here lieth ye wife of ..... Also here lyeth EDWARD HART cloith...... son of EDWARD and ...... died ye 25 day. Anno Dom C27 could be broken half of C24


South Wall of main body of Church

C28. In Pious memory of Aeldred a priest in Denbury who became Archbishop of York and crowned William the Conqueror.

C29. List of Rectors


1278 William de Hococ 1286 Walter de Bauntone 1314 Walter de Setone 1315 Michael Benet (acolyte) 1329 Adam de Stratton 1342 John de Stratton 1348 Robert Chopyn (poor clerk) 1349 Maurice Pees 1357 John Page 1367 Luke de Gadicote 1409 Richard Gabriell 1410 Thomas Lowden 1414 Richard Gabriell (reinstituted) 1418 John Batyn 1440 William Mede 1466 William Gambon 1467 William Davy 1517 Robert Chalner 1536 Nicholas Mychell 1552 William Hern

Post - Reformation Priests

1558 John Bayley 1571 Philip Mendus 1601 Eustachius Moore, S.T.B. 1605 Walter Moore, B.D. 1642 Richard Serle, M.A. 1645 Richard Bickle (during Cromwell’s Puritan Government, and deprived in 1662) 1663 Jerman Goulston 1689 William Chilcott, M.A. 1711 Richard Cudlipp, B.A. 1746 Edward Darell, L.L.B. 1749 Richard Wynne, M.A. 1751 John Jago, M.A. 1758 John Vickry, M.A. 1765 John Preston, M.A. 1799 Robert Hurrel Froude (Archdeacon of Totnes until his death aged 89) 1859 James Haydock Reibey, B.A. * 1897 Samuel Henry Bingham, B.A. * 51

1900 Hubert Gwillum Stanley Scott, M.A. 1904 William Thomas Pockin Winter, M.A. 1907 Norman Donald McLeod, M.A. 1910 Douglas Hilton Briggs, M.A. 1916 Albert Chadwick, B.A. 1925 John Athur Nash 1935 Kenneth John Spence O’Ferrall, B.A. 1937 Alban Edmond Claxton, M.A. 1942 Robert Ernest Young, B.A. 1946 Frank Horatio Lovell, B.A. * 1966 Ernest Cyril Courtney Price * 1981 Union of the benefices of Denbury and Ogwell 1981 Derek Arthur Atkinson 1984 Geoffrey Frederick Watts 1995 Royston Grandfield Davis 2001 Union of the benefices of Denbury and Ipplepen 2001 Philip William Darby 2003 Ian Charles Eglin B.A.

* Buried in Churchyard

On reverse of plaque Presented by Lt Colonel C.M. Townsend of Denbury Manor. Easter 1975 Renewed September 1984 Updated by his daughter Tessa C. Amies, April 2003 (Original copy in Church Warden’s Files)

This record of all the Gravestones, Cremations and Memorial Inscriptions was completed February, 2005.

Elizabeth Burdon Jean Duggan