Action, the Commis Ilus Cut in Military Man Vietnam Cut of That Scope
A v \ - , ■■ THURSDAY, AUGUST 21, 196J PAGE IWENTY-TWO I, AYGtacre Daily Net Ron 9 . ‘ \ ^ IW U mi Week Haded The Weather Apartment Builders Sued About Town TCC Seeks Regional Effort JiBejSB, t m d e a r, cool tonight. Low frotn Pfc. Donald OKschefskle, .son To Insure Conservation mid 40s to low 50s. Sunny, Over Storm Water System of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ols- 15,459 warmer tomorrow. High near qhefskle, of 51 Flower St., Is Efforts will also be made to 80. An 'Oakland St. property own M i I a C Cbrp, Is construcjtlng The Town Conaervatloli Com | \ MancAofiter— 4 City of ViOage Cham er haa filed .a $150,000 damage 191 apartments on Oakland St. with Headquarters Battery, mission last night outlined a encourage prlv’ate business to suit against the church-spon Battalion, 13th Marine number of proposals for Insur become Involved In conserva yoL. Lxxxvra, n o . 275 and Suburban Development (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES— TWO SECTIONS) . (Citifie d Advertietns oa Pace tO) sored M ISAC Corp. and against Dlv. Communications Platoon ing the conservation of undevel tion. MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, AUGUST 22, 1969 PRICE TEN CENTS Corp. Is constructing 200. Both thet Suburban Development stationed at DaNang, Vietnam. oped Snd seml-developed lands A list was compiled of lands Corp., chaurglng considerable complexes are on the east side In the town. which the commission describ damage to her property from of the street. The comimlsalon Intends to ed as "ripe” for development. an underground storm-wa/ter Papers filed In the Manches M 1 .S S Deborah Ransom, daugh push for local .legislation whlph Among the pieces of land nam system^used hy both, which al- ter town clerk’s office claim ter of Mr.
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