Preparations !
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SACRAMENTO DAILY RECORD-UNION. iTOLUME LXH.--STO. 121. SACKAMENTO, FEIDAT MOEIONGr, JAGUAR* 10," 1890. WHOLE NO. IL',os'). MEW TO-DAY. place in the bank the from SO FOR OIR WISTEB SALE. OCR STORES WIIXCIO^E I savings larger part of Frye, the Committee on Commerce, Tiy'-UAV AT 13 O'CLOCK M. CALIFORNIA AND COAST. the excellent salary her husband earned. WASHINGTON CULLINGS. reported a bill /or the erection of a rirft OPEN TO MORROW FOIt BUSI- Advertbemtnit of Meeting Notices, Wants, Lost, IN FOREIGN LANDS. NESS AT 8 order lighthouse at Cape Disappointment, O'CLOCK. fbund, lor Stale, To Let uml similar notices wider LARGEST IN THE WORLD. Washington. The bill was placed on ihe (Ma hend are inttrted for 5 ccntt per line the first calendar. time and 3 cents per line each tubteqvent time. All Virginia City Has the Largest Electric An Electric Plant That Drives the Ma- • Mrs, Stanford Will Give a Dinner in Dangerous notices of this character mil be found under this chlnrry of a Quartz Mill. COCRT-MARTIAL*. Condition of the Young heading. Plant in toe World. ViEQiMA, January 9th.—A test of the Honor of Mr.;. Grant. l!i:it :.i I.'.-I Angeles Dissolved and a Spanish King Alfonzo. Brush electric motor plant, for operating New One Appointed. Tho!e»' Uonaid WociMy will in-ct the Nevada mill ofsixty stamp* and a full Washington, January 'Jih.—The TO-DAY, at 1 p. at, at K. of f. Ball—Kinth. complement of pans, was made Army ANOTHER last Sunday Retiring Beard, which was convened at street entrance. It* SUICIDE AT THE BAY. and accepted. DEATH OF CtfIfCHEBSSMAIKELLET. CMOPATKA'S TOMU This evening Evan Los Angeles, Cat, July 20:h last, has been DISCOVERED. OR HTRAYEO—FROM 3111 IST , A Williams, tne Super- orje Bay Horse, three white lec-t, white spot in intendent of the Milland dissolved and a new appointed as fol- ! LOST please Nevada Mining lows : Colonel Benjamin H. Grierson, PREPARATIONS forehead will return same to Finder Death of a Pioneer of Tuolumne Company, said the plant is the largest in Interesting Discnssion 4>/J J street aud receive reward. jalO-3t the world, and on the Tariff Lieutenant-Co!onr>3 Joseph H. Smith and Warships to Occupy Delaffoa Bay County—The Oroville transmits on copper wires Rony H. Hall, and Mnj>rs Huntington and YODNG NEWFOUNDLAND DOG, Fair the power generated in the dynamo cham- Before the Ways anil Means —The spotted Volkman. The Commanding Officer of Extradition Treaty LOST-A black and white. ALswers the Continues to Draw. ber which is located on the"Sutro tunnel iiduit of Jack. Hcder will piecxe return the level of the Committee. the Department of Arizona will detail a With Great Britain. same to JOE POHEiM, 60u J street, Ohollar incline, 1,030 feet below FOR THE PAST TWO WEEKS A FORCE OF HELP find receive tbe surface, to the motor Recorder. Major Leonard Y. LoriDg. Sur- suitible leward. It* located on the geon, before I&PXCIAL DISPATCHES TO THZ BIOOSD-UKION.) surface, a total distance of 2,300 [BPBCIAL has been ordered the Board have busy feet. DISPATCHES TO TBK KZCORI>-UNIO2?.| (SPECIAL BBMTCRB been re-marking Piles and Piles of The dynamos are operated by Pelton for examination. TO THK BICO*D-umoH.| WASTED—LOST -JWUSB. wheels, driven by a volume of Secretary Proctor has remitted that por- Goods, to enable to place before the public 187 inches tion of the Court-martial sentence in the us EX-GOVERNOR •WOODS. of water flowing down the shaft through JUDGE KFLLEY DEAD. NTAKINf; A Rp:SPECTABLE WOMAN, ten-inch iron pipes. case of First Lieutenant Cn9broan which THE KJID. one of the Largest Stocks of MERCHANDISE, a general One ot the Early Pioneers of Oregon The "Father of the him to be confined the limits WANTED-BYplace to do huuiework and Sixty-three and onetbird cent, House" Qnll tlyPasses required to The Infant Sovereign of Sp.ili, i«i,i cookipg. Apply2331 L street. CrosHeK the Dark Kiver. per of the me ( to be ja9-3t*_ power generated is landed Away. of post, and to forfeit a portion i his Hopeltrwly Portland (Or.). January 9th.—George on the surface. monthly pay. 111. n/ANTED—A GIRL TO DO LIGHT HOrSE- L. The motor plant has been in constant oper- Washington, Jannary !Hh.—Judge Will- Madrid, January i>.h.—The V» work at IJIS Bersntetnth street. ju'J Jt« Woods, who was Governor of Oregon from ation for three iam I).Keliey, of illness of the months under tbe super- Pennsylvania, died at 0:1*0 A Ki.ii!:; Star. infant King bas assumed a niobt alarming .lAPANISE WANTS TO 18GG to IS7G, died in St. Vincent's Hospital, vision of Horace S. Conner, an electrician o'clock this eveniDg. At his bedside were FOR OOR WINTER CLEARANCE SALE I STEADY DO Tufsday night Wamdboxoh, January Mk,—Miss Al- phas?. During the night he had convuf- plain cooking. Address M., Portland, of kidney disease, for Keliey, A the Brush Company. Mrs. his daughter, Mrs. T. O. siods and a high fever. He this jaf-2l* of which he had been suflering for a long I). diicb, Senator Stewart's niece, rectired an is extremely otliee. Horstroan, his sons, William Keliey, weak. The royal pbyskians time. Jr , and B. Keliey, Dr. Btanton overwhelming ovation this afternoon at have little, if Ever offered in Sacramento, THE PRICES TO BOKEOW MONEY Overdue Vessels. A. and his the Natioral Theater in her first any hope of his recovery. At two city Plenty [Ex-GoverLor George was in private secretary, appear- o'clock WANTED-PARTIE3on their and conntrj property. Lemuel Woods Weirick. He was con- this morning it seemed »? he ol money to loan. Address MONEYLOANER, all respects a representative of that class ofmen Seattle (Wash ), January !)th.—Thomas at the last, as ance on the stage. The theater was rilled though was ARE RIGHT! COME AND SEE. It is useless who of Far Sullivan, Assistant scious he had been at inter- to and dead, but he subsequently railud. P. O. BOX 93, Sacramento. n»tf have made the WeH the empire Surveyor, waa drowned vals during the last two days. overflowing, the audience contained she is. A native of Boone county. Missouri, tbis evening meandering a line neariy every wife of tbe Senators, while Senor Sagasta, the l'rime Minister, has to attempt to give you a list. Goods that have WOOD CHOPPERS, FARM whil« for His remains will he buried in Laurel — and born ou tbe %ith of July, 1S&, he went to ihe new city works at Small Lake. Sulli- many of the Senators themselves slipped been summoned to the palace, where he is WANTEDhands, milkers, cooks, waiters, twenty Oregon, when still a Territory, In 181", he being Hill Cemetery, Pennsylvania. awaitiDg the end. skipped observation, women und girls for general housework and at the time 16 years of age. He van was standing on the ice, and it broke away from the executive session in older to Alfonso XIII. is the our and marks are not only began life The immediate causs of Judge KeDey's posthumous son of XII. was cootmg. None but soljer. steady people need without means, relying wholly upon his native through. Two companions were standing death was attend. Alfonso He apply. At EMPLOYMENT OJr'JflOE, .Fourth energy, cultivating his ten away, intestinal catarrh, brouabt on impres- born Ifav 17,1888, and ta therefore three changed, a DISCOUNT OF TEN PER CENT. and hombtead with Ui yards but were unable to oiler by a cold contracted during Miss Aldrich made an excellent and K. ttreeU. Telephone 232. o*n bauds. He married in April, 1552, and any assistance. He was a Christmas sion as Maid Marion and was well yeare, eight months Ami twenty-three days leaves a most lady—as his siDgle man, 2o week. For some years, however, sup- will be allowed. Many lines in CLOTHING widow—a estimable years of age. he had ported. All the boxes were taken and a old. He was proclaimed Kin:; on the day survivor. He commenced the study of the law been n constant surlerer from a cancerous of his birlh, with his as ~TOR SALE—TO LEI—ETC. in 18T>6, being forced to sell his homestead iv Five vessels are overdue at Puget Sound growth distinguished audience was present. HOthel Qoeen and are inside of tbe face, which was re- family Hei^ent. FURNISHING GOODS have been marked order to defray his exiiense", but soon alter his ports. Tbey the schooner Laura Madi- moved about six yenrs ago by a surgical The President's occupied the SALE—TWO FIRST-CLASS MILCH admission, he rose to a distinguished portion at son and barks Blue Jacket, Germania and lower right haDd box, aud Mrs. Hearst an Madrid, January 9th evenine).—The down just All the bar, aud in ISC3 was appointed Judge of operation. The relief thus obtained, bow- ONE-HALF. of our BOOTS and FORCows. Inquire at ITito O ttieet. ja'Jst* Samoeet, from San Francisco, and the bark temporary. upper box, being unable to secure a lower King was «ble to take some broth this Wasco county. This was his tirst political office Sumatra, from ever, was oniy but KENT—ONE ami the entering wedge to his future ptomi- Mexican ports. The services here will take one afternoon, his condition is still danger- SHOES of fine and medium grades have all rpOR HUNDRED ACRE 3 OF funeral place The diplomatic corps were out in force.