A publication of Bay & Basin Community Financial Services Limited (ACN 105 756 063) A Committed Community Centric Company


AboutOur Bay..... & Basin

DECEMBER 2018 Vol 15 Issue 11

Shoalhaven Libraries FUN FOR KIDS MARINE RESCUE NSW Sussex Inlet Unit on St Georges Basin Merry Christmas to all and a very happy New Year!

Rainbow Lorikeet – photo by Dannie & Matt Connolly


A Community Magazine proudly produced as a service to the community by Sanctuary Point & Districts Community Bank® Branch www.aboutbayandbasin.org There’s always plenty on across our two great locations! For more info see our website. www.thecountryclub.com.au

Catch the! Courtesy Bus to The Club We run frequent services for the convenience of members & their invited guests Call St Georges Basin Bus on 0413 014 125 Call Vincentia Club to book 02 4441 5111 DECEMBER 2018 © Vol 15 Issue 11 AboutOur Bay & Basin .....

Featuring in this issue .....

3 Charity Golf Day Supporting Shoalhaven Kids in Need

Rainbow Lorikeet – photo by Dannie & Matt Connolly

6 Huskisson 22 Community Noticeboard Community Voice 24 What's On 7 Local History Shoalhaven Local Government 30 Monthly Feature The Kables 14 Marine Rescue NSW Sussex Inlet Unit 36 Shoalhaven Libraries Fun for Kids 19 Family History Australian Population Records 40 Schools Corner SPPS, VHS & StGBPS 21 Depth & Layers Life Through My Lens

1 Your Community Magazine A publication of Bay & Basin Community Financial Services Limited (ACN 105 756 063) A Committed Community Centric Company

Contact Details A Word from the Editor Contributions Please submit Welcome to our DECEMBER your contributions for the edition of the Jan/Feb issue by 28th Nov and the March Issue by 6th Feb 2019 to magazine. The Co-ordinator Wow, can you believe it is nearly Christmas [email protected] time again. Christmas time is a great time PO Box 180 of the year, when we get a chance to catch Sanctuary Point NSW 2540 up with family and friends, some we might Phone: 0478 607 829 not have seen since last Christmas, a time to Advertising Enquiries 0478 607 829 relax and enjoy the beautiful place we live [email protected] in. Where better to be at Christmas, enjoy a Distribution Enquiries 0478 607 829 family BBQ and a swim in the pristine waters [email protected] of the Bay or Basin or maybe a day out on Printing the boat is more your style, whatever you magazine is proudly printed and like doing enjoy the time with those special typeset locally by Sanctuary Point Printing, people in your life and be safe. phone 4443 0014 Be patient with the tourists who come into 10,000 copies carefully distributed by Pinpoint Advertising to homes and business in Wandandian, our area over the next month or so. They are Bewong, , Falls Creek, , St Georges Basin, Sanctuary Point, Old , Erowal Bay, the lifeblood of this area for many of our local Huskisson, Vincentia and Woollamia. We are also supported by many local businesses. businesses. Show them some patience and accepts no responsibility for any article, advertisment, notice or letter published. Any article, advertisement, notice a smile, show them that this is the friendly or letter is published at the risk of the contributor, who accepts liability for any intended publication. All contributors forwarding place to be like I know it is, many of us were articles, advertisements, notices or letters agree to indemnify the publisher and warrant that the material is accurate, not deceptive tourists before we became locals. or misleading, in breach of copyright, defamatory or in breach of any other laws or regulations. reserves the right to edit contributions and there is no guarantee all material submitted can Thank you to all our many supporters and be published. All views expressed in this publication are those of the contributors and are not necessarily those of readers over this past year, remains the only free community magazine delivered to every household in the Bay & Basin. This month’s must reads: • Life – Through My Lens, more tips to take better photos page 21 • Monthly feature – The Kables page 30 • Schools Corner starting page 40 Merry Christmas and happy reading, Editor 2 Your Community Bank® Shoalhaven Kids in Need Shoalhaven Kids in Need is the charity that has been chosen as the charity that will benefit from our Annual Charity Golf Day and Auction. Shoalhaven Kids In Need was established in 1993 by a group of local people primarily to provide assistance to Shoalhaven families of children with cancer or other serious illness. If you would like to know more about this charity their web site can be found at http://shoalhavenkidsinneed.org.au/ What a great local charity that deserves our support. To help support this charity join in with us on Friday 21st December for the Charity Golf and Auction. There are many ways you can be a part of the charity day • Play in the event $160 for a 4 person team • Come to the charity Auction approximately 5pm at The Country Club –St Georges Basin • Donate an item that can be auctioned, anything of value, we will be auctioning gift vouchers, zoo passes, various items etc, normally around 100 items for auction • Be a sponsor $150 to sponsor a hole on the course Be a part of it and help out some needy locals. Wishing everyone a safe and happy Christmas & New Year period Until next year, Keith Robinson – 4443 9825

3 Community Forums Basin Villages Forum basinvillagesforum.asn.au PO Box 37, St Georges Basin 2540

Lively October meeting with many issues raised. • Bherwerre Wetlands artwork panels to be set Councillors Alldrick, White and Levett attended. up on border of wetland site along Larmer • Council’s Property Manager Trevor Cronk Ave, Sanctuary Point. outlined proposed Pilot Study to come to • Councillor White advised that plans being Councillors at General Meeting. made of smaller lots being permitted to hold • Checking on ‘idle’ community land not in duplex buildings. Possibly down to 300sq use that could be sold to raise funds possibly metres. to update other community reserves. Heated • Council seeking funding to ensure better discussion, residents strongly opposed to drainage for Sanctuary Point oval. sales of community land. Reasons given – • Rd slower speed signs to be habitat corridors, breathing space, need for installed for short period. reserves, land is valued and not all blocks • Vincentia Matters community group should be developed. organised meeting to highlight problems • Situations occurring throughout the area with Rd and Island Point Rd with old subdivision approvals now actioned entrances to Princes Highway. Seen as major concern now and in the future with increased – causing habitat destruction, loss of urban population and tourists. Representatives of canopy and general dissatisfaction with State & Federal Governments invited and developments across northern St Georges Shoalhaven Council. Basin areas e.g. Anson St. • McLeans Point Rd boarding house proposal • Residents at the meeting related their still of concern – 2 Strata title buildings distrust of some councillors to work for the (1 for 10, 1 for 12 people). Expected community. amendments not forthcoming. No access to • Anson St also raised re Land & Environment public transport, no employment. Residents Court Hearing of Planning Proposal to lower Briefing requested by Forum. height of building blocks on the 14 plus, 4 We meet 3rd Monday of each month (except storey flats site being held 19th October, Dec and Jan) at Meriton St Community Centre decision would impact on the DA for flats. SGB. 7.30pm. Enquiries 0424 100 051.

4 Bendigo Community Bank® Giving Tree For the past few years now your local Bendigo Bank branch at Sanctuary Point has collected non-perishable food to be distributed to those less fortunate in our community (photo above – 2017 collection). We accept donations of non perishable food items (canned foods, packaged foods etc) on behalf of local charities to be distributed in our local community. All foods collected will be donated prior to Christmas Day so they can be distributed to help brighten their Christmas Day. It doesn’t take much effort to help someone else, so why not help us help them by bringing in a few things for donation, any non perishable food item will help. Drop your food items into us at 1/200 Kerry St, Sanctuary Point.

We are now in the fire danger period. NO FIRES can be lit without a permit issued by the NSW Rural Fire Service. To obtain a permit, call the Shoalhaven Fire Control on 4424 4424, who will provide you with the name and number of the relevant Permit Officer for your area.

5 Community Forums Huskisson Woollamia Community Voice www.hwcv.org.au Contact Chairperson Garry Kelson Tel. 0458 002 874 Issues raised at October 2018 meeting: Events specialist. An Advisory Unit meeting 1. Special agenda item - former Anglican with Police, RMS, Traffic and Elite Energy Church, Hawke St Huskisson. At the well to table-top draft plans and identify concerns attended meeting, Shirley Fitzgerald spoke raised by the stakeholder groups. Elite Energy and moved the following motion: “The still needs to submit final traffic management HWCV calls on the SCC to do everything documents to community representatives. in its power to preserve the Holy Trinity They are aware of the standard process as Church building in its present position and well as the time frames for assessment and endorses the community petition requesting formal comment from Police, Traffic, RFS the SCC to reconsider the heritage listing of and RMS, but HWCV is concerned at the the church and its grounds.” The hard copy lengthy delay in handling these matters. petition in Huskisson/Woollamia has already The Huskisson Chamber of Commerce attracted over 1,200 signatures. A number will be writing to SCC, concerned that of concerned residents are requesting an many local businesses have no option but Interim Heritage Order, to carefully consider to close during the February triathlon, due the future of the special church building to disruption because of crowds and access. and land. It does not object to sensitive There is also some concern that SCC have re-purposing, just asks for a considered withdrawn traffic management support for treatment in relation to concepts of village the New Year fireworks. green and sense of place. It was pointed out 3. Alcohol Free Zone: proposal by SCC for by Penny Davidson that the Shoalhaven an alcohol free zone at Huskisson sports Tourism Master Plan notes the desired oval during the summer carnival months retention of Huskisson as a tourism hub, proposed was noted due to its special character and atmosphere. 4. Owen/ St Roundabout: design stage Residents and visitors alike don’t want a is underway, with SCC funding. ‘mini-Cronulla’, and certainly not another 5. Residents Expectations for Huskisson: unattractive 3-storey apartment block like HWCV working group on Huskisson the newly constructed one opposite the residents’ expectations for the future has bakery in Currambene St. The potential agreed to meet with community planner land owner and developer, Stephen Bartlett, Bruce McKenzie of Vincentia to discuss the indicated that contracts have been exchanged way forward. on the sale of the land. He is willing to re- 6. Dog Tidy Bags: purchase of 3 new dispensers purpose the church building and retain it & 3 cartons of tidy bags was approved on site. His intention would be to seek a Business re-zoning to 3-storey, like the rest 7. Parking in Huskisson: There are not of Huskisson commercial core. His present enough Motorcycle and handicap driver plans are to retain a central open square, parking spots in Owen Street. Chamber of 50% site building coverage, keep some view Commerce are seeking an overall review of corridors and activate the laneways. Some parking arrangements. people expressed shock when he announced 8. SCC Sustainable Futures & Floodplain that some trees would need to be removed if Committees: Mayor Amanda Findley they are assessed as dangerous or in the way. expressed her serious concern at the Graves will be fenced off and protected. disbanding of these two valuable committees, After some lengthy and lively discussion, the one of which supports renewable energy in motion was put: Yes: 21 votes; No: 6 votes the Shoalhaven. She asked people to write to 2. Husky Triathlon concerns – The triathlon Council in support. group met with Shannon Perry-Hall, SCC Next meeting will be 11th February 2019. 6 Local History A bit of Shoalhaven local government history Contributed by Shirley Fitzgerald

Anyone who has ever been to a Shoalhaven City Council meeting knows how heated the business of local government can get. It all seems so unnecessary and so counter-productive to the ordinary onlooker. But get this. In 1858 an act of parliament was passed to enable the formation of local Meanwhile the election was held and a local government and it seems that a lot of people Shoalhaven Municipality was formed. Berry around here wanted part of the action. was having nothing of it, and in Berry vs Graham In 1859 the Shoalhaven held the first local the Supreme Court of NSW upheld his right not government election outside of Sydney and to pay rates. This was also upheld by the Privy James Graham was elected as Mayor of the Council in London, and the upshot of this was Shoalhaven Municipal area. But Alexander the collapse of any effective local government Berry, who owned a lot of land was not amused. for a number of years. He refused to pay any rates and he did not think In the following decades several municipalities ordinary mortals should have any say in how were formed, with the ones effecting the Bay things were run in his fiefdom. area eventually becoming the Clyde Shire That first election provided excitement for Council, 1907 – 1948. Its headquarters were the locals. The pulpit thumping Presbyterian in Tomerong village, where Cyril Blacket, preacher and politician John Dunmore Lang, architect, sometime Mayor of the Shire and who had no time for Berry, decided to come resident of St Georges Basin, designed the down south to help the cause of democracy. Council Chambers. Berry barred him from entering the canal he had Back in 1859, according to J D Lang, Alexander built at the heads of the Shoalhaven River, and Berry was an ‘antediluvian oppressor’ who so Lang had to sail on into Jervis Bay to South wanted to ‘reduce whole generations of Huskisson (Vincentia) and get a horse back Shoalhaven serfs to miserable vassalage and to where he was going to speak in the Numba degradation’. According to Berry his people Presbyterian church. He would not have been (serfs) were better off under his paternal care in a good mood. But it got worse. As it turned than under any form of democratic government out, Alexander Berry legally owned the church in the hands of ‘unprincipled ignorant ruffians’. and he barred Lang from speaking. Lang wrote Some might say things have not moved on letters to the Illawarra Express, Berry sued him much. for libel, and five court cases followed. Lang won some and lost some, and when he had to Photo above: Children welcoming Governor, Harry pay damages to Berry, he held public meetings Rawson in 1907 , the year the Clyde Shire was formed. Courtesy of Tomerong Local History webpage. to raise the money, the 19th C equivalent of crowd funding. 7 Amnesty International Bay & Basin for "Know Your Neighbour Week" Thursday 6th Dec 5.30pm screening

Join us for some middle eastern sweet treats..... film 6pm tickets at Cinema, Maindeck & Boobook Huskisson – $10

The Spinners and Weavers have had a wonderfully busy year. We welcomed some new members to the group, had an excellent exhibition, a lovely weekend at the South Coast Fibre Muster, hosted by our very good friends The Illawarra Feltmakers. We caught up with some old and new friends, and took part in the Sussex Inlet and Sanctuary Point Fairs. We also had a most enjoyable Open Day in our lovely new meeting rooms recently. We enjoy meeting members of the community and demonstrating how we do our crafts, and showing and selling some of our works. The Spinners and Weavers are having a break over the Christmas and New Year holidays. Our next meeting will be in the New Year, Thursday 7th February 2019, 9.30 til 1pm, in the classroom behind the Jervis Bay Baptist Church, cnr. The Wool Rd & St George Av. Vincentia. Enquiries phone Karen 4443 5239.

8 9 WITH A LITTLE HELP FROM MY FRIENDS – Ron’s story I was diagnosed with a stress related and tension illness. Level of 87 present in 200 and PTSD. Level of 90 present which was when I had two very strong melt downs within two months. I am under a medical program with a mental health nurse and counselling. I felt myself going downhill fast and didn’t know which way to turn. My wife and children were very supportive and at times didn’t understand why I wouldn’t go out anywhere. It was at this time I met some members of Jervis Bay Community Activities Group. (Jervis Bay Community & Men’s Shed). These nice people invited me along to their activities group. I went along to the group and I was a bit worried that I wouldn’t fit in. I was proved wrong! It took me a couple of visits to realise that there were people who understood how I was trying to cope with my condition. I have now been with Jervis Bay Community Activities Group now for three and half years. Now I can control my illness. I achieved a lot. I have only experienced one melt down since joining the group. We have had some wonderful outings and I have achieved my goals. I believe if I hadn’t had this friendship and mateship that they have shown to me I would not be here. Thanks to the Australian Men’s Shed Association and Jervis Bay Community & Men’s Shed, for standing by me – Ron.

10 Community Project The Crest last at anchor, 1983. CREST Restoration

Crest restoration with Dave L, Gary, Ian, James, Mike, Neville, Paul, Rob, Stan, Steve & Mary. Portside rubrail With the help of Mike, Paul & Rob, Stan was able to glue and screw the replacement portside rubrail in place. Fashioned from a 4m length of spotted-gum over the last 5 weeks, the rail had bituminous adhesive applied to its underface was then held in position while Stan used brace & bit to fasten screws at predrilled intervals. Looks great!

Portside midship gunnel Gary completed the template for the midship replacement gunnel marked it off on the timber length and made a start on cutting and shaping..... to be continued.

Rear deck beams Now that the replacement anchor plates are in place, Neville was able to make a start on the transverse deck beams which will go either side of the wash box and rudder post. Once he had determined the crossing position, the height was marked, and the rudder post stock and wash box was sawn..... to be continued. Board stealer Paul fashioned a lintel to attach at the fwd tip of the board stealer and later, with assistance, copper nailed and roved the stealer to the ribs across which it runs. Propellor drive shafts and engine position. Dave, Steve and Neville determined the length of intermediate drive shaft. To do this, the intermediate drive shaft was uncoupled from the gear box and the rear drive shaft. Then after the propellor blade was temporarily attached, the rear tail shaft was moved to the blade's balance position and then length of the intermediate drive shaft was determined. The shaft has to be taken offsite to be cut and will be back next week. In the process of finalising alignments and positions, it was found that the engine needed to be moved back 30mm.

Kauri timber Rob and Mike spent time denailing Kauri timber lengths later will be used for decking boards. Kingfisher. Mark, Eddie and Bin bundled up and placed several 6 metre lengths of spotted gum in the pond for soaking for later use on the Kingfisher. * The CREST restoration project receives funding from the Sanctuary Point & Districts Community Bank® Branch of Bendigo Bank Branch under its Community Sponsorship Programme. 11 12 13 Safety of Life at Sea Marine Rescue NSW SUSSEX INLET Unit Saving Lives on the Water

2nd Oct: X22 responded to an overturned 26th Oct: X22 responded to a call for a disabled Catamaran off Sanctuary Point Beach (also known vessel with engine failure inside Jewfish Bay. as Palm Beach) but it was not located. X22 headed The vessel was anchored in very shallow water downwind down the most likely drift line towards requiring a cautious approach to pass the tow Cabbage Tree Point. The hull of the upturned line and it was towed to Nielson Lane boat ramp vessel was sighted and X22 sounded its horn without incident. when close to attract attention of people who Boat Licence Testing. The next sessions of may have been obscured by the hull. Nobody was General Boat Licence and PWC Licence workshops seen in or around the vessel but three persons and testing will be conducted on 22 December in the water were seen 200m away between 2018 and 12 January 2019. Visit the base to make the vessel and the beach at Cabbage Tree Point. your booking and pay a deposit to confirm your A father and his two sons (about 10 and 11 years of age) were plucked from the water and spot. Pick up an Information Sheet (that details transported to Sanctuary Point boat ramp where fees and specific timings for the sessions) and a they were met by Police and Ambulance. Boating Handbook that should be studied before the workshops and tests. The father made a decision to abandon the overturned vessel and to swim to the beach with Seeking Recruits. Want to save lives on the his sons. Ordinarily, leaving a vessel that provides water? Consider volunteering with Marine Rescue flotation to swim ashore is discouraged, however NSW. Learn about the correct use of marine in this case the father made the decision based radios, marine emergency procedures, First Aid on being in the water for two hours, he did not and Advanced Resuscitation, damage control and have knowledge of a rescue response, it was survival at sea, boat handling, coastal navigation getting close to sunset and he did not want to and search and rescue management. be stranded on the water after dark, choosing to Contact the Sussex Inlet unit on 4441 3555 or swim ashore and walk home. visit the base to register your interest. The new 3rd Oct: X22 was directed to relocate the training program commences in the January overturned catamaran and take action to ensure 2019. Elle Dodd, Unit Commander it was not a hazard to navigation in the Basin. 7th Oct: X22 was tasked to respond to reports of flare sightings in the Erowal Bay area. A thorough search was conducted between Sanctuary Point, and Wrights Beach. A rescue helicopter joined the search using its spotlight and Infra Red systems. No distressed vessel or persons in the water were located. 13/14 Oct: Rescue Vessel Crew and Trainees participated in an Illawarra Region Search and Rescue activity at , followed by a practical SAR activity on the water inside Jervis Bay and outside off Beecroft Head. 14 Community Events SANCTUARY POINT COMMUNITY PRIDE

Over 450 people attended the annual Spring In To Sanctuary Point fair on Saturday 27 October at Francis Ryan Reserve. This year we held a commemoration ceremony to recognise the contributions to our community of the late Francis Ryan. Francis Ryan was a major driver of the amalgamations of shire councils that formed Shoalhaven City Council. The Council provided a grant for the commemorative plaque that has been installed on the outside wall of the change rooms. Sanctuary Point Community Pride Inc was delighted that Mr Ryan’s grandchildren, Dr Mark Ryan and Mrs Denise Jones, were able to be present for the dedication. We thank local From left: Mr John Blackmore, Mrs Denise Jones, historian John Blackmore for bringing Francis Mrs Veronica Husted (SPCP), Dr Mark Ryan. Ryan’s endeavours to our attention. The Welcome to Country was conducted by (Jervis Bay Wild voucher); 1658 (Premium Tyre the Sanctuary Point Public School Aboriginal Service voucher); and 1307 (Shop Between performance group Gadhu Gudjaaga (Saltwater The Flags vouchers). Our thanks go to the Children) to the appreciation of the crowd. generous donors without which the raffle could The fair had over 40 community and commercial not happen. The success of the fair shows that stalls. Entertainment from KC Dancers and Sanctuary Point has much to be proud of. musicians contributed to a successful and enjoyable day. The lucky gate draw was very popular with many prizes and Sanctuary Point Community Pride Inc would like to thank all the local businesses for their generosity. At the close of the fair the raffle was drawn. The lucky winners were ticket no. 1308 (wheelbarrow & garden products – Sanctuary Point Garden Centre); 2276 ($100 hardware voucher donated by L J Hooker Sanctuary Point); 2264 ($100 Symone’s Avenue of Beauty voucher); 1658 15 Shoalhaven Justices of the Peace at work for you Did you know each JP is held legally accountable for anything they sign per the It was an almost sell out evening, around 260 current Justice of the Peace Manual. Not all people attended the 2018 Code C Bay & Basin are up to date so ensure it is done right the Code C Fundraiser Night. The evening was a first time. So check with the JP you are using: buzz with Clockwise playing, there was little • Do they have a current registration number; space on the dance floor. • Are they able to sign all documents that are covered in the JP Manual – all JPs must sign We were overwhelmed by the generosity of not only our local community members, buying a variety of documents, they cannot only tickets and donating items, but also the many sign certified copies for example. local Bay and Basin business who supported us • Are they part of The Justices Association from Nowra to Sussex Inlet with items for our of NSW? (who are regularly trained and Auction and raffles. brought up to date). CERTIFICATIONS Are documents that you Special mention to The Country Club St Georges are required to have an ORIGINAL to start with. Basin for allowing us to use the auditorium, and for their generous cash donation; Joyce Mayne A copy is not an original document. Nowra for again providing over $2,500 worth If you copy an original document then it can of products for the auction; Dunn & Williams be certified by a JP. There are a few of exceptions: Electrical our newest contributor we thank you; Australian Citizenship Certificate, is not all the sub committees of the Country Club who accepted if laminated; Original paper totally again have all made donations to Code C Bay in a foreign language, this has to be copied in & Basin; and to Rob Slatery from Woollamia front of a JP or by them; Certified documents Signs and Artwork who in the less than a week, cannot be copied and certified again. built and donated to us our very own Code C With the age of electronics and computers Transport Bus cut out. a number of items such as Diplomas, To Garry Buckley for being our MC and Certifications, and Licences etc. are now being Auctioneer, to Jimmy Dummit for being our sent electronically, so how do we handle this cashier, Sharon Buggy and Aunty Tullula for for you? There are three options: donating their time to sell raffle tickets and 1. Will your employee or organisation accept ribbons and to the club staff for selling our you sending as an attachment to an email? evening tickets; our husbands, thank you for 2. You can fill out a Statutory Declaration with putting up with us over the last 3 months whilst the paperwork as an attachment to verify it organising the event. is an original. Over $23,000 was raised ensuring our Cancer 3. You show the JP the document on Patient transport bus is fully funded, transporting the screen of your device from the our many Bay and Basin cancer patients to their organisation. appointments, and to also provide funds for Please remember your local JP is only too the care of cancer patients in our local area. pleased to help you but cannot give you legal Wendy, Kerri, Christine advice or rewards. We would like to wish all and Verlie hope to our JPs and readers a merry christmas and a have your support with safe and prosperous 2019. future events in 2019. Next issue: Statutory Declarations. “Keeping the bus running is what it’s all Laurie – NSW Justices Association of NSW, about". Shoalhaven Branch – 0438 013 330

16 Bay & Basin Cancer Support Group Annual DEVONSHIRE TEA – Wednesday 5th December at The Country Club – StGB 10am. Tickets $5 for morning tea with huge selection of delicious scones, cakes, tea and coffee. We have our craft trading table with lots of good ideas for Christmas, raffles and an interesting array of trash and treasure. All funds raised on the day will stay within our area.

VINCENTIA RATEPAYERS & RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION (VRRA) Next meeting 6th Dec at Vincentia Community Hall (rear of Coles car park) commencing at 7.30pm e: [email protected] w: www.vrra.org.au

17 18 Family History

Shoalhaven Family History Society Inc. Australian Population Records

Much emphasis is laid upon the UK census These are just a few of the population records records available online at those very famous from our research library, so make a New Year subscription websites, but what of Australian resolution to find those ancestors who have made population records? Very early in the Colony’s you what you are, and find their stories yourself. history, convicts and early settlers such as the Our library volunteers will start you off on the military, were recorded in Musters, which give right track and help you along the way. great detail into those very early settlers and the Our research rooms will be closed for the convicts families. These begin at 1800 and go Christmas break from 4pm on December 17th, through to 1837; they will give you the convict, re-opening at 10am on January 10th 2019. age, ship, year, and where and to whom assigned For more information on the Shoalhaven In 1828, the first population census was taken Family History Inc. take a look at our website in , and this gives a terrific www.shoalhaven.net.au/~sfhs insight into the households and relationships, We wish all our readers a very happy and including servants and estate labourers. peaceful Christmas, and safe travels if you are If your ancestor was a tenant farmer on the going away from home. Berry Estates, the SFHS library at has the records of the estate census returns for 1859, 1866 & 1871. The 1901 census lists the head of the household, with a run down of the other members, giving address, gender, ages, country of birth, status, religion & occupation. After 1900, Electoral Rolls are another way of tracking your ancestor. In our library at Pyree we have the NSW 1930 and 1950 rolls on microfiche, and it is relatively easy to locate your person of interest and the other members in the house, whether family or not.

19 BAY & BASIN COMMUNITY RESOURCES (BBCR) BBCR Home Maintenance Program VOLUNTEERING MAKES A DIFFERENCE ÎÎ Do you enjoy gardening and home maintenance? ÎÎ Do you enjoy working with your hands and being outdoors? ÎÎ Do you have some spare time on yours hands? ÎÎ Would you like to use or gain new skills? ÎÎ Do you want to give back to your community? ÎÎ Are you looking to fulfil mutual obligation requirements? If you answered yes to any of the above then this could be the volunteer role for you!!! Become part of a dynamic team, and help older people in your community by applying to become a volunteer. For further information on volunteering contact the Community Engagement Manager on 4443 9244 or email [email protected]. This service is provided through the Commonwealth Home Support Program funded by the Australian Government.

20 Photography Life - Through My Lens by Corinne Le Gall Check out Life - Through My Lens @ CorinneLeGallPhotography


A means of achieving and in order to evoke a sense of ‘depth’ within your photograph to the viewer, is to have different layers within that photograph. Looking at the example above, from the front to the back - the out-of-focus bush in the front tells the viewer that this is the closest thing to the camera. It then follows through each layer of more bush that is in focus, the waterway, an embarkment, light-green coloured low lying trees, blending into a row of taller, darker trees and yet another of the same, before arriving at the mountain which then finally blends into the sky. The sense of ‘DISTANCE’ will either be an un-conscious or involuntary observation that will be evoked in the viewer studying this photograph, - from the blurred bush to the sky and all inbetween. Also, by having strong elements in the foreground, middle ground and background will convey to the viewer what you, as the photographer actually saw when you depressed the shutter. The more time you spend doing landscape photography, you, as the photographer will end up composing your shots in this way without even thinking about it. You will be at a location something akin to this scene shown in the example and you will ‘see’ and know where to actually place yourself in order to capture and convey in the final photograph, the ‘depth’ that will determine whether the photograph actually shows the viewer the true image as you saw it at that particular time. This scene taken above, would not truly show a lot of depth, had the different layers of bush in the foreground not been included. The separation of each layer of each element if started at the water and all behind (embarkment, trees, mountain, sky), would not have the same visual impact in the final photograph. Next Issue: The Rule of Odds

21 noticeboard

St GEORGES BASIN COMMUNITY CENTRE Shoalhaven Family History Society Inc. 21 Meriton St, St Georges Basin The Old School 888 Greenwell Pt Rd, Do you have approx. 2 hours per month Pyree. Open every Sun 10am – 4pm and 1st to help our community? Would you like & 2nd Thurs each month 10am – 4pm to be involved in the management of www.shoalhaven.net.au/~sfhs LIKE us on

community the Community Centre? We meet at the Community Centre on the 4th Wednesday of each month at 1pm until 2.45pm. Huskisson Woollamia Call Kerrie 0404 064 809 or Marilyn Community Voice 4443 7821. Community Consultative Body (CCB) - SCC PO Box 65, Huskisson 2540 – 4441 5034 Sanctuary Point e: [email protected] w: www.hwcv.org.au Community Pride Generally meetings are bi-monthly on 2nd Mon. No meetings Dec - Jan at Huskisson Held in the Innovations Community Centre, Dent St 7pm 12 Nov. Room, The Country Club – Sanctuary Point. Meeting: Fri Nov 23rd AGM 10.30am – meeting following AGM. Contact Veronica 0427 249 457 or Paul 0417 219 260 or Shoalhaven Transition a worldwide e: sanctuarypointcommunitypride @ grassroots movement, transitioning gmail.com. communities towards a more sustainable future. Meets monthly 4443 7775 Table Tennis for Seniors The StGB Table Tennis Group meets every Jervis Bay Meals On Wheels Wednesday from 2–4pm at the Scout Hall, Volunteers are needed both Tasman Rd, St Georges Basin. A good in the kitchen to help prepare opportunity for gentle exercise and to meals and as deliverers for socialise. All are welcome to join although meals to our elderly clients. the group is currently composed of people If you think you could help please contact mainly over 50. We can provide coaching to Val Earing 4443 3556 or 0422 938 523 beginners! Call Ron 4441 5723. or email [email protected].

Shoalhaven City Toastmasters Club TOMERONG SCHOOL OF ARTS Do you dread speaking in front of others? Need to conduct important meetings? If any of the community would like to get Conquer the fear and gain confidence in a involved with the community hall please supportive environment! Meetings 2nd & come and join us at our meetings held on the 4th Wed 1-2pm at Shoalhaven City Council 2nd Monday of the month at 7.30pm at the Chambers, 36 Bridge Rd, Nowra and hall. Contact Bev 0413 144 443 or go to 4th Wed night 7-9pm at Shoalhaven Ex- www.tomeronghall.com Servicemen's Club, 157 Junction St, Nowra. Visitors always welcomed, free entry. Ph Mac 0401 524 844 or VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Linda 0425 279 380 or email Do you have a particular interest shoalhavencitytoastmastersclub@ and would like to help Basin View gmail.com. Masonic Village? We need your help with activities such as bus trips, craft, exercise and various Lost that valuable jewellery on the beach, entertainment events. Just a few hours of park or garden, let me help you find it at your time occasionally will put a smile on the no charge. Please contact Kevara Detector faces of our residents. Contact Michelle or Services on 4442 1557 or 0458 367 000. Jo on 4443 5034 during office hours.


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ARE YOU BUYING OR SELLING PROPERTY? OUR AWARD WINNING LICENSED CONVEYANCER, BILLIE-MAY EWINGS, HAS OVER 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE AND SOUTH COAST CAN HELP YOU WITH CONVEYANCING ALL ASPECTS OF A DIVISION OF KENNEDY & COOKE LAWYERS CONVEYANCING. Ph: 44 132 132 Shop 2, 26 Paradise Beach Road, Sanctuary Point CAN’T COME TO US? NO PROBLEM, WE INTRODUCTORY OFFER! ARE MOBILE AND CAN FREE Simple Will with your COME TO YOU. FREE conveyancing transaction. community noticeboard Basin Radio Yacht Club Inc. Members meet each Tuesday and Saturday at 10.30am at the wharf on the southern Volunteer Drivers we need you! end of Island Point Rd., StGB. We are looking for volunteers to join our Interested persons are welcome to join us valued team in either Ulladulla or Nowra, and will be introduced to this sociable and to help with transporting frail aged people, interesting sport. For more info contact people with disabilities and people who are Fred 4443 2070 or Kevin 0418 422 763 transport-disadvantaged. Volunteer roles include bus assistants, car drivers and bus drivers. We are particularly in need of drivers with an LR Class or higher Shoalhaven licence, and those with a C licence willing to take clients to Sydney/Wollongong for Beekeepers Assoc Inc. appointments. We supply uniforms, training meet West Street Community and reimbursement for travel expenses Centre, West St, Nowra on the to and from work. We encourage and 3rd Wed (ex. Dec 2nd Wed) support Aboriginal people and people from at 5.30pm for cuppa, meeting starts 6pm Culturally and Linguistically Diverse groups sharp, guest speakers most months. For to apply for this position. Call Karen in more info email shoalhavenbeekeepers@ Ulladulla on 4454 0840 or Peta in Nowra gmail.com or on 4423 6044.

Monday Morning Blues We are looking for Like a laugh? Enjoy great company? Volunteer bus drivers. Come and play Carpet Bowls at Huskisson LR Drivers Licence required. Community Centre 9.30am-1.30pm. One morning or afternoon per Morning tea provided, bring your lunch! month. Call Michelle at Basin More info 0427 275 552 View Masonic Village on 4443 5034

Do you play scrabble? If so why not join the Sanctuary Point TOMERONG MARKET Association of Really Keen Scrabblers 3rd Saturday of every month 8am - 1pm (SPARKS). We meet Thursdays 1-4pm 358 Hawken Road, Tomerong. We promote Top Function Room The Country Club, St local fresh produce and local business. Georges Basin. Contact Margaret on Enquiries for market stall holders contact 4441 5531 or 0437 708 672. [email protected].

Rural Fire Services In an Emergency Call 000 We have 7 Brigades over two groups in our area. Fire Control 4424 4424 Basin View, Crossroads, Huskisson, Basin View Denise Fabreschi 0412 780 899 St Georges Basin, Sussex Inlet, Crossroads Captain 0473 236 579 Tomerong and Wandandian. Huskisson Cpt Joey Revesz 0417 664 671 New members always welcome. St Georges Basin Cpt Michelle Thornley 0427 288 340 Sussex Inlet Adam Harris 0409 326 660 EMERGENCY Tomerong Doug Schutz 4443 4600 CALL 000 Wandandian Dennis Stannard 0458 200 282 23 What’s On...What’s On...What’s On...What’s On...What’s On...What’s On Jervis Bay & Districts Activities Group Fri 9am-1pm Weekly Meetings Men & Women welcome Colin Loudon 0412 347 322 1st St Georges Basin Scout Group Tasman Rd Scout Jervis Bay Hi-Lo Slimmers Community Ctr, 21 Meriton Hall, SGB Tue 5pm Joey Scouts; 6.30pm Cub Scouts Wed St, SGB Wed 2.30-3.30pm Judi Castle 4443 6135 6pm Scouts Mon 6.30pm Venturers Paula 0400 674 525 Jervis Bay Physical Culture Club Classes held Al Anon - Huskisson Thu 10.30am Huskisson Vincentia Primary School & StGB Community Hall Community Centre Dent Street, Huskisson www.jervisbayphysie.com.au e: jervisbayphysie@gmail. com Jaclyn 0422 458 485 or Amie 0405 438 057 Basin Radio Controlled Yacht Group Jetty at Island Pt Rd, SGB Tue & Sat 10.30am Racing starts 11am Fred Jervis Bay Wobbegongs Winter Swimming Club 4443 2070 or Kevin 0418 422 763 Huskisson Beach south end Racing season Sun 8.30am between 1st May & 30th Sept each year Swim & Chinwag Bay & Basin Bombers Junior AFL Club Leisure Centre, Mon-Fri 7.30am to 8am all year long The Club is affiliated Wood Rd, Vincentia Thu 4.30-5.30pm Girls & Boys aged with the Winter Swimming Assoc. of Aust Inc 6-17 Jeff 0420 749 402 or Chris 0403 047 659 John 0412 053 859 or Warren 0412 578 381 www.bombers.net.au Line Dancing Sun 1-4pm SGB Community Hall, Meriton Bay & Basin Bush Potters 48 Edmund St, Sanctuary St, StGB Mon 6-8.30pm Bowling Club Point Mon 9am-2pm Call in and have a look Wed 10am-1pm Bomaderry Community Hall Thurs Bay & Basin Writers Group The Country Club - 6-8pm StGB Community Hall Laurel 4441 6383 Vincentia, 49 Murray St, Vincentia $3 Wed 1-4pm Poets, Mannahouse Youth Fri 7pm St Georges Basin writers and those who want to learn how to write. All Community Centre, 21 Meriton St, StGB Welcome Terry McLafferty 4443 8926 www.mannahouseyouth.org Collingwood Reserve Park Care Group meet in MSCARC Inc. (Mid South Coast Amateur Radio Club Inc.) reserve opposite Basin View Volunteer Rural Fire Brigade Wed from 7.30-9.30pm on air New members always Shed Mon 8.30am Adele 4443 6034 welcome Ken 4403 0599 Dancing Bomaderry RSL Club Wed 7pm permanent Nowra Healing Rooms 12 Tarawara St, Bomaderry dance floor R'n'R, swing, country 2 step, rockabilly Born to Open Wed 10am-12pm, Thu 7-9pm 4422 6883 Boogie 0409 998 868 No appointment necessary & no charge Falls Creek Ladies Craft Fri 9.30-12pm during school www.healingrooms.com.au term in local homes Bring along what you’re working on Nowra Town Band 174 Kinghorne St, Nowra Mon Plenty of help with all sorts of craft All welcome 5.30-6.30pm for Training Band & 7-9pm for senior practice Sandra 4447 8312 Private lessons available in brass and percussion Friendly 500 Card Group Mon 1.15-3.30pm St Hall 4422 0807 or Ross 4443 5745/0488 056 196 Georges Basin Country Club Derek 0421 163 576 Raised Voices Community Choir SATB Tomerong Friendship Club Husky Church Op Shop, 53 Hawke St School of Arts Tue 7.30pm New Members welcome Thu 9.30-11.30am All welcome. Ph Ern 4443 3005 HuskiDrumming Facilitated djembe drumming circle Sanctuary Point Chess Mate Open to all players of all Huskisson Community Centre Sat 10.30am All welcome levels, just turn up and play Tue 4-7pm The Country Club e: [email protected] StGB Ph 0427 838 049 Huskisson Girl Guides During school terms Huskisson Sanctuary Point MyTime A support group for parents Scout/Guide Hall, Kiola St (near Bowling Club) Tue and carers of children 0-16 years with a disability Thu 5-6.30pm Junior Guides 6-9yrs Wed 4.30-6.30pm Guides 9.30-11.30am during school term free group Ph & Senior Guides 10-16 yrs Parents and Friends Support Christine 4443 0520 Group 3rd Wed Liesel Turnbull 4443 6007/0402 837 777 Scrabble Sanct. Pt Assoc. of Really Keen Scrabblers JB Walkers and Talkers Meet Holden St Boat Ramp, (SPARKS) Thu 1-4pm top function room, The Country Vincentia Pram friendly walking group Fri 10.30am Club, StGB Ph Margaret 0437 708 672 or 4441 5531 e: [email protected] Scottish Country Dancing Thu 2pm-3.30pm Jervis Bay Bridge Club Huskisson Community Centre, Senior Citizens Hall, Berry St, Nowra Tue 7.30-9.30pm Dent St, Huskisson Presbyterian Church Hall, Kinghorne St, Nowra Fri 9.30am All Bridge players Beginners welcome Heather 4441 5496 welcome Ph 4441 5122 or 4422 1381

24 What’s On...What’s On...What’s On...What’s On...What’s On...What’s On Seniors Community Dancercise Class Huskisson Community Centre Thu 12.30pm Fortnightly Meetings Shoalhaven Concert Band Junior, Concert and Bay & Basin Camera Club Vincentia Community Hall, rear Stage band Nowra School of Arts Annex, Berry St Nowra Coles carpark 2nd & 4th Tues 7.30-9.30pm Tue 6-9.30pm Richard 0417 462 885 or see Lois 0412 237 851 OR Pam 0401 043 833 Shoalhaven Ex-Servicemans Dance Club 157 Kayak Paddle Group every 2nd Friday morning 6.45am Junction St, Nowra Wed 7.30-10pm Social dancing inc. for a 7am start welcoming all ages and skill levels For modern ballroom, new vogue, sequence, latin, rock n roll visitors welcome Ph Stuart 0413 051 003 locations visit www.jervisbaykayaks.com.au or Jervis Bay Kayak & Paddlesports Shoalhaven Rock N Roll Group SGB Country Club Mon 7pm John 0411 120 042 or Linda 4443 3364 Shoalhaven City Toastmasters Club Shoalhaven City www.shoalhavenrockandroll.org.au Council Chambers, 36 Bridge Rd, Nowra 2nd & 4th Wed Sing Australia Singing Group Baptist Church, 1-2pm Do you dread speaking in front of others? Need to Vincentia Thu 7.30-9.30pm Joan 4443 1008 or conduct important meetings? Then we are for you Visitors Jenny 4441 7713 always welcomed free entry Mac 0401 524 844 or Smith Bay Bushcare Group Basin View Fri for 2-3 Linda 0425 279 380 hours Fran 4443 6324 Shoalhaven Masonic Widows Association Basin St Georges Basin Health & Com Transport Serv View Masonic Village Hall, 130 The Wool Rd 2nd Mon Mon & Wed Local Health Tue, Thu & Fri Nowra Area Health 10am 4441 0436 or 4441 1644 4423 6044 for bookings Mon-Fri 9am-12pm, 1-3pm Wool Road Spinners & Weavers Jervis Bay Baptist St Georges Basin Little Athletics Sports Grounds, Church classroom, behind church, cnr The Wool Rd & St Larmer Ave, Sanctuary Point Registration Ph Tracy 0423 846 194 or Michelle 0412 656 206 George Ave, Vincentia 1st & 3rd Thu 9.30am-1pm Karen 4443 5239 St Georges Basin Senior Citizens Club Mon 9am-12 noon Art (Painting), StGB Comm. Centre, 21 St Georges Basin Senior Citizens Walking Group Meriton St, StGB Ph Margaret 4443 6031 Alternate Fridays 9am onwards, ph Helen 0412 215 855, Tue 9am-2.30pm Bowls-Darts-Euchre, The Country Club Colleen 4441 8281 – St Georges Basin Ph Margaret 4443 6031 St Georges Basin Seniors Computer Club Alternate Fri 9am onwards Walking Group, Ph Helen 0412 215 855, Colleen 4441 8281 The Country Club – St Georges Basin, Paradise Beach Rd, Sanct Pt 1st & 3rd Tues 10am - 12 noon St Georges Basin SES Unit Tasman Rd, St Georges Basin Wed 6.30pm Ph John 0404 291 540 or Warren 0458 433 170 Sussex Inlet/Shoalhaven Square Dance St Peter's Bushwalking Group Every 2nd Sat for easy Wandandian Community Ctr, Princes H’way 7-10pm to medium walks of around 7-10kms All welcome 4443 4436 Ken 4441 5967 Table Tennis Scout Hall, Tasman Rd, SGB Wed 2-4pm Ron 4441 5723 Monthly Meetings Tennis Huskisson Owen St, Huskisson Casual bookings Wendy 4441 7985 Adult Mixed Group Mon PM & Thu AM 1st St Georges Basin Scout Group Meetings 1st Mon Ph June Grippling 4443 3065 or John Hayward 4441 6979 6.30pm Tasman Rd Scout Hall, SGB Paula 0400 674 525 Ladies Tue AM Ph Jan Chappelow 4441 6417 Mixed Amnesty International Huskisson Community Centre Comp Wed night Ph Jenny Durante 4441 5766 Coaching

available Lou Durante 0428 210 893 3rd Wed 5.45pm [email protected] Association of Independent Retirees-AIR Bomaderry Tennis The Country Club, St Georges Basin Social Mon 6-9pm & Thu 9am-1pm Comps Tue or Wed 6-9pm Bowling Club, Meroo Rd, Bomaderry 2nd Tue 10am Ph 4443 0666 thecountryclub.com.au/sport/tennis/ Peter Moate 4448 7788 Vincentia Bush Care Group Tue 9am - 12 noon Basin Baptist Church 165 The Wool Rd, SGB 2nd Mon Ph 0418 460 594 Ladies Craft Group 9.30am Marion Atkins 4443 6088

25 What’s On...What’s On...What’s On...What’s On...What’s On...What’s On

Huskisson Laurel Club of Legacy 2nd Tues 11.30am cont’d Monthly Meetings Lunch at Huskisson RSL Club then meeting All War Basin Business Forum meets at Straight to the Point Widows welcome Eti Asplin 0407 299 962 Cafe 2nd Tues 8-9.30am Huskisson RSL Sub Branch 2nd Thurs 7.30pm Sec Basin Lure and Fly Club StGB Community Hall, Meriton Don Handley 4443 6421 St 3rd Wed 7.30pm www.basinlureandfly.org.au e: [email protected] Huskisson Rural Fire Service 2nd Tue 7pm Joey basinlureandflyanglers Brett 0429 842 309 Revesz 0417 664 671 Basin View Daylight Lodge No.1015 (now Jervis Bay & Basin CWA Huskisson Community Centre, consolidated with Lodge Milton No. 63) Milton Masonic Dent St 3rd Tue 10.30am Every other Tue 10am call in for Centre, 128 Princes Hwy, Milton 2nd Mon 6pm cuppa & chat Visitors welcome Pres. Jann Kalff M/Ship & other enquiries Anthony Eden 4443 6473 4441 8437 or 0427 962 119 or email Basin View Rural Fire Service Fire Station 3rd Fri [email protected] 6.30pm Jan 4443 4660 Jervis Bay & Districts Combined Probus Club Inc. Bay & Basin Boomerang Bags 1st Wed 10am-2pm SGB Country Club, Function Room 4th Thu 10am-12pm Huskisson Community Centre (bring plate for shared lunch) Pres. Ian Parnell 4443 8418; Sec. Sylvia Browne 4441 7969 sewing and non sewing activities to socialise over Jude 4443 7775 Jervis Bay Divers Club Club Husky, 336 Huskisson Rd, Bay & Basin Brew Club 2nd Fri 7pm at alternate Huskisson Last Wed 7pm 4441 6232 locations Matt 0413 172 757 Jervis Bay Lions Club Vincentia Golf Club 2nd Thu 6pm Bay & Basin Cancer Support Group Venue Room, SGB Pres. Frank Gray 0424 000 571; Sec. Marie-Anne Watson Country Club 2nd Thu 10am-12pm Dianne 4443 3275 or 0412 401 917 Lorraine 4441 8093 Jervis Bay Probus Club Inc. Vincentia Golf Club 3rd Bay & Basin Cricket Club Meetings held 2nd Tue 7pm Mon 10am Sec Robyn Presgrave 0415 173 113 St Georges Basin Country Club Ph Chris 0403 113 362 Jervis Bay Triathlon Club Inc. Usually Iluka, Booderee Bay & Basin Multicultural Support Group Community National Park Group Training Day 3rd Sun 8am All Centre, Meriton St, SGB 1st Thu 11am-1pm Zaga Tkulja welcome including juniors Pres. Tony Lim 0411 052 746 4229 2755 or Anu Mehta 4422 5933 [email protected] Bay & Basin War Widows SGB Country Club 4th Mon 10.30am Eti Asplin 0407 299 962 Justice of the Peace Assoc NSW Shoalhaven Branch Bomaderry Bowling Club, Meroo St 1st Mon Bloomers & Buds Social Gardening Group 1pm Visitors most welcome Brenda 0407 065 031 Inc. Community Centre, Dent St, Huskisson Last Wed 9.30am Ph 0407 291 585 Marine Rescue Jervis Bay - VMR 209 Huskisson Clifton Community Food Garden 2nd Wed at 'The Basin, Voyager Park, Currambene St, Huskisson 3rd Mon Hut' in the garden 4.30pm All members welcome Ph 7pm www.marinerescuejervisbay.org.au/ 4441 5433 Julianne 0468 423 963 National Servicemen’s Assoc., Shoalhaven Sub-Branch Country Labor – Jervis Bay/SGB Branch 4th Wed Rotating meetings on 4th Sun Ulladulla Ex-Servos Club 7pm Erowal Bay Progress Hall Deb Shapira Secretary 0930 for 1000hrs start Nowra Ex-Servos Club 0930 for 0409 021 714 or email [email protected] 1000hrs start Sussex Inlet RSL Club 1000 for 1030hrs Crossroads Rural Fire Brigade Fire Station, The Wool start Jim Reid 4421 2886 Rd, Vincentia 1st Mon 6.30pm Cpt. 0473 236 579 Nowra & Districts Totally & Permanently CWA of NSW Jervis Bay Evening Branch Vincentia Incapacitated (TPI) Social Welfare Club Golf Club, Murray St 2nd Tue 6pm dinner, 7pm meeting 3rd Tue 11am Nowra Ex-Servos Club Function Room Pres. Shirley Gatti 4441 7421 or 0410 519 839 Jack 4443 3448/0402 584 041 or Leanne 4443 4038 e: [email protected] Nowra Legacy Group 66 Bridge Rd, Nowra 1st Mon Garden Club of Jervis Bay & District Inc. Community (except January) 10am 4423 1795 or 0409 981 663 Centre, Meriton St, SGB 4th Thurs 2pm Shirley Gatti 4441 7421 or 0410 519 839 e: [email protected] NSW Transport Authorities Retired Employees Assoc Honey Beez Gardeners Group 1st Fri 12.30pm Nowra Bowling Club, cnr Osbourne & Junction St 2nd Thu Vincentia Community Hall (behind Coles carpark) 10am for 10.30am start Pres. Bob 4421 5265 or Sec Aileen Lauren 4443 5946 4421 6660

26 What’s On...What’s On...What’s On...What’s On...What’s On...What’s On Sanctuary Point Mens Shed 17 Clifton St, Sanct Pt St Georges Basin VIEW Club Luncheon SGB Country 1st Thu 10.30am All members welcome Shed is open Club, Function Room 3rd Fri 10.30am for 11.30am start Mon-Fri 9am-3pm Any blokes that want to get out of the Sue 4443 7931 or 0430 375 053 house for a while are invited to drop in for a cuppa and a chat Ph John 0413 837 538 Sussex Inlet Cancer Support Group 2nd Fri 10am Sussex Inlet Neighbourhood Centre Betty Webb Shoalhaven Avicultural Society 2nd Tue 7.30pm 4441 3552 or Robin Lang 4441 0155 PCYC Hall Park Rd Nowra 4423 4475 The Country Club, St Georges Basin Fishing Club The Shoalhaven Beekeepers Ass, Inc. West Street Country Club, StGB 4th Sun 2pm (ex Christmas) Erhard Community Centre, West St, Nowra 3rd Wed (ex. Dec 2nd 4443 8024 Wed) 5.30pm for cuppa, meeting 6pm sharp, Tomerong School of Arts 2nd Mon 1930hrs Tomerong guest speakers most months School of Arts Hall www.tomeronghall.com e: [email protected] or New members welcome Shoalhaven Caravan Club bi monthly 11am Vietnam Veterans Assoc - Jervis Bay Sub Branch Bomaderry Bowling Club followed by lunch Club Jervis Bay 3rd Thu 5.30pm Lesley Hoskins Beryl 0407 069 375 or Kathy 0427 874 201 0422 058 692 e: [email protected] Shoalhaven City Toastmasters Club Shoalhaven Vincentia Red Cross Vincentia Community Hall 4th Wed Ex-Serviceman's Club, 157 Junction St, Nowra 4th Wed (except January) 1pm West end Coles Carpark, Vincentia 7-9pm Do you dread speaking in front of others? Need to Enquiries Margaret Klem 4443 0434 conduct important meetings? Then we are for you Visitors always welcomed free entry Mac 0401 524 844 or Wandandian Progress Association 1st Tue 7.30pm Linda 0425 279 380 Progress Hall Shoalhaven Ex-Servicemans Dance Club 3rd Sat Wildlife Rescue South Coast (formerly Native Animal 7.30-11pm Shoal ExServicemans Club 157 Junction St, Network Assoc – NANA) Nowra Library Meeting Rooms, Nowra social dance incl. modern ballroom, new vogue 10 Berry St, Nowra 2nd Wed 7pm 0418 427 214 and sequence, latin, rock n roll visitors welcome light supper Ph Stuart 0413 051 003 Local Markets Shoalhaven Blood Cancer Support & Information Group 2nd Mon 10am-12 noon Bomaderry Bowling Berry Country Fair 4464 1476 1st Sun (except Feb held Club, Meroo Rd, Bomaderry Support and resources for 2nd Sun), Berry Showground, Alexandra St blood cancer patients and carers Ph 4443 2105 Huskisson Markets 0409 740 704 (BH) 2nd Sun Shoalhaven Orchid Society 3rd Mon (except Jan) 7pm The Sunrise Room, Bomaderry Bowling Club, 154 Huskisson Sports Ground Meroo Rd 0423 211 230 Jervis Bay Maritime Museum Twilight Markets 1st Shoalhaven Philatelic Society 2nd Mon 7pm Nowra Sat 3–7pm Jervis Bay Maritime Museum, Dent St, Bowling Club, Osborne St, Nowra John 4421 4624 Huskisson Shoalhaven Prostate Cancer Support Group 4th Thu Nowra Greyhound Track 4421 2332 4th Sun Albatross 10am-12pm Bomaderry Bowling Club Leigh Bowman Rd, Nowra 0413 131 781 email: [email protected] Milton Village Showground Markets 1st Sat PLUS Shoalhaven Scout Fellowship 3rd Sun David Ravell Long Weekends & Easter Milton Showgrounds, Croobyar Rd, 4441 8659 Milton [email protected] Shoalhaven Parkinsons Support Group Nowra Pyree Village Arts & Craft Markets 4443 7312 4th Sun (Shoal. Shakers) 1st Wed 10am-12pm Masonic Hall, Shoalhaven Potters Workshop, Greenwell Pt Rd, Pyree Moss St, Nowra Betty Coulton 4442 1475 Royal Coastal Patrol Market Ulladulla 4455 3403 2nd Shoalhaven Transition 1st Tue Jude Deane 4443 7775 Sun Ulladulla Harbour & Wharf, Wason St, Ulladulla or [email protected] Sussex Inlet Flea Market 4441 1546 2nd Sat Uniting St Georges Basin Probus Club Inc. (Mixed) SGB Church Hall, Jacobs Dr, Sussex Inlet Country Club, Function Room 3rd Thu 10am-12pm Sec. Tomerong Village Market 0401 070 709 email: Robyn Dalleywater 4408 8084 [email protected] 3rd Sat School of Arts, St Georges Basin RSL Sub Branch SGB Country Club, Hawken Rd, Tomerong www.tomeronghall.com Function Room 3rd Mon 5pm HonSec Laraine 4443 7361 Vincentia Village Produce Market 4441 5522 St Georges Basin Rural Fire Brigade Fire Station, The www.vvpm.org Burton St Courtyard behind Coles Wool Rd, SGB 3rd Mon 7.30pm Cpt Michelle 0427 288 340 1st & 3rd Thu from 2pm

27 What’s On...What’s On...What’s On...What’s On...What’s On...What’s On Weekly Church Services Other Activities Anglican Church - Australian Breastfeeding Association, Sanctuary Point 48 Paradise Beach Rd (next to library) Shoalhaven Group 24 hour Breastfeeding Helpline Sun 8.30am Traditional Service held every Sunday 1800 686 268 for information about local Mum-to-Mum Vincentia Vincentia Primary School, George Caley Place, get togethers www.breastfeeding.asn.au Vincentia Sun 10am Modern Family Service with kids and Bay & Basin Branch of the Liberal Party Meets youth programs Minister Ray Goldman 4441 5755 Quarterly 7pm Venue SGB Country Club Phone to Basin Baptist Church 165 The Wool Rd, SGB Sun arrange attendance 4443 3780 Morning Service & Junior Kids 9.30am Bay & Basin Uniting Church Huskisson OP SHOP at Bay & Basin Uniting Church Meriton St, SGB Sun Huskisson Church Centre 53 Hawke Street, Huskisson 9.30am Family Worship w/Jnr Church Mon-Fri 9am-4pm, Sat 9am-12.30pm 4441 7495 Huskisson Church Ctr Thu 9.30-11.30am Coffee & Chat BBCR Great Mates Shed 18 Sanctuary Pt Rd, Rev Glenys Biddle 4443 0864 Sanctuary Point Mon-Wed-Thurs-Fri 9am-3.30pm C3 Church Jervis Bay 20 Birriga Av, Worrowing Hts (closed Tue) 4443 7681 Sun 9.30am Family Service Every morning except Sun Community Cottage 48 Edmund St, Sanctuary Pt 5.30am Prayer Meeting Office 4441 8738 0409 051 244 or 0412 645 710 Mon Pottery 9am-2pm web: c3churchjervisbay.com.au Tue Art Group 9am - 12.30pm Tue & Thu Body’Soul Catholic Church – Holy Spirit St Georges Ave, Fitness 8-9am Wed Mannerhouse Church Craft Group Vincentia Mass times: Sun 9.30am Mon Thu Fri 8am 3.30pm-5.30pm 5.30pm Tue Wed Vigil Sat 6pm 4441 5571 Shareostomates, Shoalhaven Area Ostomates Eternity Night Church 6.30pm Contemporary Service Support Group Nowra Community Health Centre, Vincentia Public School Hall, George Caley Place, Vincentia 5-7 Lawrence Av, Nowra Mon 2pm Margaret or Tracey web: eternitynightchurch.org Ph Ray 4441 5755 4424 6300 Improving lives through shared experiences Jervis Bay Baptist Church Cnr The Wool Rd & St George Tomerong School of Arts Mon Playgroup (every 2nd Av, Vincentia Sun 9.30am Morning Service wk) 1000hrs-1200hrs Mon Pilates 1800hrs-1900hrs Tue Seventh-day Adventist Church 169 McKay St, Nowra Yoga 0930hrs-1030hrs Tue Raised Voices 1900hrs-2100hrs Sat 9.30am Bible Study, 11am Worship Service Future

planning for possible Bay and Basin Contemporary Service Wed Belly Dance 1800hrs-1900hrs Thu Arts & Crafts Thu Yoga 1800hrs- Pastor Petrovic 0402 716 762 (crafty people) 1000hrs-1200hrs 1900hrs Sat Markets (3rd Sat) 0800hrs-1300hrs Ph Gary The Salvation Army Bay and Basin Mission Watson 0411 561 565 or email [email protected] Sanctuary Pt Community Centre, 34 Paradise Bch Rd Sun Further info available on www.tomeronghall.com 3.30pm All welcome Major Garry Johnson 0478 403 388 Youth & Community Centre 34 Paradise Beach Rd, Monthly Church Services Sanctuary Pt 4443 9244 Operating Hrs Mon-Fri 9-4pm offering a range of social & recreational activities Living Water Lutheran Church ‘Wesley Centre’ Cnr Junction & Berry Sts, Nowra 3rd Sun, Family Service Update Your Listing 2:30pm Stay for a cuppa and a chat Pastor Simon Mackenzie 0419 416 860 E: [email protected] Are Your ...What’s On... Details Incorrect or Web: illalutheran.blogspot.com or illawarralutheran.com.au Out of Date? Call 0478 607 829 and let us know Spiritualist Meeting Scout Hall, 39 Tasman Rd, StGB or email your updated information to “What’s On” 2nd Sun 2pm Ph 4443 0628 at [email protected] 28 What’s On...What’s On...What’s On Local Services...Local Services... Playgroups Justices of the Peace BASIN VIEW Binji and Boori Playgroup free playgroup for Costello, Brian 4443 6831 0418 230 122 indigenous children blue book checks Wed 11.30am 1pm Fleming, Barry 4443 6948 Sanctuary Point Connect Ph Christine 4443 0520 Gray, Frank 4443 5365 Sanctuary Point Sing & Play Tues 9.30-11.30am at Schwarzenbach, Beat 0413 979 572 Sanctuary Point Connect A free supported playgroup with FALLS CREEK music, craft and more Christine 4443 5020 Davis, Elaine D 4447 8309 0438 098 347 www.sanctuarypointconnect.org HUSKISSON Kelson, Garry 0458 002 874 Sanctuary Point Splash Group - Art in the Park Mon Parnell, Keith 4441 5276 9.30-11am Paradise Beach Reserve Renee 4424 7100 or Todd, Kathy 4441 7000 0423 606 559 St. Georges Basin Wed 9.30am Cnr Tasman Rd & Terry Flynn, Ray 4443 0051 St, SGB Melissa Horselman 0424 218 547 or find us on facebook Lord, Simone 4443 8300 SANCTUARY POINT Tomerong Miss Carrie Cooper Mon 10am Hawken St, Askew, Matthew 0422 068 209 Tomerong [email protected] or 0411 838 206 Cassar, Lawrence (Joe) 4443 8805 Trinity Tots Playtime Wed 10am-12 noon Jervis Bay Flynn, Mark 0418 669 688 Anglican Church, Hawke St Huskisson craft, play, music Hawkins, Paul 4443 8800 0417 219 260 and more Louise 4441 5755 Job, Warren 0427 681 312 McMillan, Paul 4442 1525 Murray, Narelle 4443 2746 0417 651 658 Venues for Hire Simpson, Rod 4443 3106 0422 826 037 Swattridge, Ronald Jessi 4443 9829 Bay & Basin Uniting Church Meriton St, StGB Woods, Greg 4443 3208 0409 457 523 4443 2642 ST GEORGES BASIN Community Arts Cottage 48 Edmund St, Sanctuary Askew, Ross 0428 434 657 Point 0409 051 244 or 0412 645 710 Bos, Warren Pieter 0412 578 381 Creighton, Sandra 0411 245 188 Huskisson Community Centre Dent St, Huskisson Davison, Bill 4443 8889 0409 124 600 Ph 0487 469 032 1pm to 4pm - Monday to Friday McCauley, Valerie 4443 6674 Huskisson Scout & Guide Hall Kiola St, Huskisson Thomas, Jeff 0417 772 262 Valda Heggie 4443 8463 or 0408 481 947 VINCENTIA Duff, Peter 4441 8725 Jervis Bay Maritime Museum Classrooms Dent St, Mulligan, Lyn 0412 485 414 Huskisson Sanctuary Point Youth & Community Centre Community Forums 34 Paradise Beach Rd, Sanctuary Point Ph: 4443 9244 Basin Villages Forum 3rd Mon 7.30pm Meriton St St Georges Basin Community Centre 21 Meriton St, Community Centre, SGB Christine 4443 7665 St Georges Basin Ph: 4443 4926 Huskisson & Woollamia Comm. Voice bi monthly 2nd St Georges Basin Scout Hall Tasman Rd Scout Hall, Mon 7pm (Feb-Nov) Huskisson Community Centre, Cnr Tomerong & Dent St, Huskisson www.hwcv.org.au exec@ St Georges Basin Tammie 0472 658 505 hwcv.org.au Tomerong School of Arts 358 Hawken Rd, Tomerong Sanctuary Point Community Pride Innovations Centre at (from $15p.h. for regular bookings; $25p.h. for casual The Country Club, St Georges Basin bookings) Ph Gary Watson 0411 561 565 or email Paul 0417 219 260 or Veronica 0427 249 457 e: [email protected] [email protected] www.tomeronghall.com Tomerong Community Forum 2nd Mon 2030hrs directly Vincentia Community Centre rear of Bilo carpark, after the School of Arts meeting Tomerong School of Arts Hall Wool Rd, Vincentia 4429 3463 New members welcome Wandandian Progress Association Hall D2683 Vincentia Ratepayers & Residents Association Vincentia Community Hall 3rd Thu of every 2nd month (Feb, Princes Hwy, Wandandian www.wandandian.org.au Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct, Dec) 7.30pm www.vrra.org.au Booking Officer Anne Simpson 4443 5410 [email protected]

29 Monthly Feature THE KABLES Contributed by John Blackmore

At the end of 2017, the Monthly VOYAGE FROM AROUND THE WORLD, Feature finished the year describing the by W. Shiells, Volume III, pages 246-257, machinations behind how the First Fleet written and published in 1787, describing Re-Enactment Voyage was organised, their relationship: with Dr Jonathon King at the helm of its “In consequence of the late determination of creation. From May 1787 to January 1788, Government to find some convicts to Botany the First Fleet had travelled from the same Bay with a design of establishing a colony port in the south of England to the same in New South Wales, an order lately came places along the SE coast of modern Australia down to the keeper of Norwich Gaol, to send in the same amount of time, such female convicts as were exactly two centuries before. then in prison to Plymouth, The parallels continued in Both had been to be in readiness to go upon 1987/88 when the same number committed to that expedition. Three unhappy of sailors (approximately 1100) women, who had been a long ‘paid’ for the privilege of re- Norwich Gaol while in the castle under creating history like it had been in England sentence of transportation, made 200 years before. for crimes of were accordingly sent, and Two of the convict passengers were committed to the care of on the First Fleet were Henry petty theft, Mr Simpson, turnkey of the Kable and Susannah Holmes. both had been prison. One of the unfortunate His name was also spelt given a death females was the mother of an Cabell, or Cable, while hers infant about five months old, was sometimes spelt Holme, sentence..... a very fine babe, whom she or Holm. Both had been had suckled from its birth. The committed to Norwich Gaol father of the child was likewise in England for crimes of petty theft, both a felon under a similar sentence, and has had been given a death sentence, and both been in prison more than three years. He had of them had had that sentence commuted to repeatedly expressed a wish to be married to transportation after four years of some fairly this woman, and though seldom permitted primitive living conditions in that prison. to see the child, discovered a remarkable Both travelled on the convict transport ship fondness for it; and that the mother’s only THE FRIENDSHIP to the colony, a 274 comfort was derived from its smiles, as ton Brig, 55 feet long, carried close to 140 evident from her peculiarly tender manner of passengers during the voyage. nursing it”. Henry and Susannah had a different story to So, Henry and Susannah, having met in most of the other thousand and more convicts Norwich Gaol, fallen in love in prison, transported on the First Fleet voyage. This is fathered and given birth to a child whilst the beginning of an extract from DEFOE’S both were interned in that institution, then

30 Monthly Feature undertook the voyage to the other side of the in more recent decades, “Henry Kable and world in a sailing ship, with their son – young Susannah Holmes were the third couple Henry. It is believed that one of the adults of five to be married by Reverend Richard were transferred to another of the convict Johnson at Sydney Cove on 10th February ships during the voyage. All three survived 1788, in Australia’s first wedding ceremony. the voyage. Of the five couples, the Kables were the only Fast forwarding exactly two centuries, this couple to produce a prolific family (apart proclamation was then given out by their from the Bryants, who escaped to England). descendants to “Celebrate the 200th Wedding Thus, it can be claimed they produced the Anniversary of Henry & Susannah Kable first ongoing White Australian Family, which – This Gala Dinner ..... Held in the Regent has grown to over a thousand with the name Ballroom, 199 George Street, Sydney on today, and also has many other descendants Saturday, 13th February 1988, celebrates without the ‘Kable’ name”. 200 years in Australia for the descendants Probably the other significant thing that needs of Henry and Susannah Kable, who arrived to be recorded here about the wedding of The in the First Fleet on 26th January 1788 and Kables is this other quote off the proclamation were married in this country’s first wedding for their 200th wedding anniversary invitation ceremony on 10th February 1788”. to their descendants: In the middle of the euphoria that was “Our first Gala Day was on the 7th February, spreading throughout most of modern 1788, when Phillips’s commission was Australia during the bicentennial year of read – that was a holiday, but its night was 1988, the Kable family were celebrating uproarious, for each man received a pint something most unique. Not only did their of rum and each woman half a pint, stuff forebears, Henry, Susannah and young Henry described by Captain Tench as ‘very ill- survive the numerous months at sea under flavoured and unpalatable’, strong and hot more extremely testing and overcrowded enough by the blaze of huge bonfires to make living conditions, but they went on to become many a Sydney Cove (that is early slang) known as the FIRST WHITE PIONEER forget his London, as he heard the woods and FAMILY OF AUSTRALIA. cavernous rocks echo our first fleet hilarity”. As Zillah E. Thomas nee Kable, a founder On such occasions as these, the celebratory of the Kable Descendants Association, was traditions of modern Australia have been to write in a summary of her descendants forged.

31 Community Garden MUCKING IN CLIFTON COMMUNITY FOOD GARDEN Hours: Tues and Sat 9 to 12; Fri 3 to 6pm – Contributed by Colleen McIntyre

As always, there are mixed blessings that come to always plenty of chores to go around and it is very try us, and no more than in the garden. Yes, we rewarding and good for your health. had spring rain to fill our tanks but unfortunately A big thank you to the Sanctuary Point Primary the rain came at the wrong time for the garlic. It School Library staff who have donated shelving became infested with rust and black aphids with for storage, it has been moved on from a donation the wet humid weather and we have lost most of made to them so it is good to know there is a the crop. recycle chain in the community. Other plants which seem to have benefitted At the request of one of our members, The Clifton from the conditions, the chillies, tamarillo, onions Community Food Garden was glad to be able to and beetroot are all doing exceptionally well. donate pickles, preserves and chutneys to the The onions in bed 2 have grown and matured food hampers as part of the drought relief for the very quickly, much to the delight of Ray who farmers, co-ordinated by The Country Club – StGB. only planted the seedlings out in August. Our Compost Countess is wishing for some old Unfortunately, the spinach and silverbeet got ‘a woollen carpet for Christmas, or any time really. hurry’ along and have bolted to seed. This will be used to cover the bins. If any readers The branches of bananas have been harvested, have any available please contact the garden each producing several hands. They are now members and we will arrange pick up. hanging to ripen and the plants rejuvenated by As summer is upon us, and Christmas too, we wish the removal of the old spikes in favour of the new. all our readers a happy and safe holiday season The stand has been fertilized and watered, we will with lots of fun and laughter and sharing of keep our fingers crossed for more hands in 2019. healthy food and activities with family and friends. We were very grateful to all our supporters who Remember to include those who aren’t as lucky as attended the two Fundraising days in October, you are in your celebrations and always care for both were equally successful and we had produce your community and its assets as best you can. and the pickle, preserves and chutneys selling A special wish to all the hard working members very well. The wonderful cooks have been busy of Clifton Community Food Garden, enjoy, and I’ll replenishing the stock so there will be plenty for see you on the end of the hose at the garden as the Christmas season which will soon be upon us. the weather hots up. And there will be more news One of these delightful ladies was explaining to from the garden in summer of 2019. me it was her childhood dream to be able to grow from seed, harvest and cook to provide healthy meals, so she feels she achieves that in mini form, as a member of this garden. The day to visit the Community Garden is Saturday 15th December, to purchase these delicious treats for gifts or to accompany your festive and holiday meals. As always there will be vegetables and plants available for sale and all interested visitors are most welcome to check out the progress in the garden. There will be members on hand to answer any questions. We would also welcome any new members who wish to join the crew, there are 32 Contribute to

We’d love to hear from you! Please submit your articles by email to [email protected] or by post to PO Box 180, Sanctuary Point NSW 2540 or contact us on 0478 607 829

33 34 St Georges Basin BOOMERANG BAGS Senior Citizens Inc. UPS THE ANTE (aka Basin Seniors) It’s been two years since Boomerang Bags Bay Providing Fun Activities and Social Contact for and Basin held its first sewing workshop. The "Young at Heart" Seniors Sew N Sews have given over 1000 bags annually and saved 100kgs of material going to landfill. Ph Margaret 4443 6031 – 0403 783 290 This community initiative raises awareness of Senior Citizens are people 50 and over plastic pollution in the environment and our bags create a way to start conversations and either retired or semi – retired. work towards shifting society’s throw away Are you looking for something to do? mentality to a more sustainable revolution of Something to get you out of the house reuse – one community, needle and thread at a time! where you’ll meet people and make new We have seen positive change within our friends? Perhaps you are new to the district community with businesses and people opting and looking for company and an interest? to use their own bags. However, Aussies send 85% of textiles to landfill, buy an average of 27 Why not join us for a friendly social day of kilograms of new textiles annually, then discard Indoor Bowls and/or Darts, or perhaps about 23 kilograms into landfill – and two-thirds Euchre is your thing? Please come along of those discards are manmade synthetic/ and spend a morning with us and see if plastic fibres that may never breakdown. Shoalhaven City Council is supporting us in you would like to join us at The Country up-cycling excess material. We are inviting the Club, St Georges Basin from 9.30am each community to attend our workshops and bring Tuesday. If you don’t know how to play their creative ideas about further utilising our Indoor Bowls, don’t worry, we’ll soon teach donated materials. you in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. We usually meet at Huskisson Community Centre the first Wednesday of the month from Alternatively, you may like to consider our 10-2pm, however our first workshop is 13th of excellent Painting Group. They meet each Feb 2019. Enquires: 0416 335 579 Monday at 9am at the St Georges Basin It’s free to attend and please bring a friend, some fun and fab food to share. Donations of Community Centre, Meriton St., StGB. sewing threads and materials are gratefully Also, there is our Bushwalking Group, accepted. You may find a Sew N Sew at the Vincentia Village Produce Market and our they walk alternate Friday’s. All walks are Borrow Box is now outside Vincentia Butchery. easy walks designed for Seniors. Xmas is fast approaching and if you are anything like me, you are not ready for it!!! WORLD DAY OF Well done if you are!!! But of course, by the time it comes around, all will be done and PRAYER we’ll be ready to enjoy Xmas once again. To be held at the Bay & Basin Uniting Church, 7 Meriton Street, St Georges Basin Seniors Xmas Party and Break Up Day is st th at 10 am Friday 1 March 2019. The World the 11 December, and we’ll be returning Day of Prayer is a world wide movement that th on the 15 January next year, all refreshed brings Christians together for an annual day of and ready for another year of happy days worship and prayer. Today people from at least together. Best wishes to everyone for 170 countries join in an annual service which a Merry Xmas and safe holiday season. is prepared by Christians in a different country each year. This year the service has been Interested in joining “Basin Seniors”? I’d prepared by the women of SLOVENIA theme love to hear from you. New or returning is ‘Çome – Everything Is Ready’ Come along members are always welcome. and join us – all welcome.

35 Your Community Shoalhaven Libraries Sanctuary Point Paradise Beach Road Sanctuary Point, Monday – Friday 10.00am – 5.30pm Saturday 9.30am – 12.00pm Phone 4406 2076 Email [email protected] http://www.shoalhavenlibraries.com.au/Our-Libraries/Sanctuary-Point

Christmas holidays are boxes to impress your family and friends just around the corner this Christmas. Suitable for ages 5 and and that means lots of over. fun craft and activities • Elf yourself! Christmas sessions at Sanctuary craft session for kids of th Point Library to keep all ages – Thursday 20 the kids busy over the December, 10.30–1.30am. Join us in making a fun, holidays. personalised Christmas ornament to hang on your Christmas • Summer Reading Club is on again for kids these holidays. Come in from the 1st tree. of December to grab your activity pack • Edible Christmas Trees – Friday and start reading! The theme this year is 21st December, 10.30–11.30am. This ‘Curious Creatures’. Stay tuned for news year we will once again be decorating of awesome, creature themed activities ice cream cones with sweet treats to and craft sessions for kids happening at create delicious edible Christmas trees. Shoalhaven Libraries in January! Suitable for all ages. • STEAM @ the Library. Thursday Bookings are essential for all sessions. Book 13th December, 4–5pm. Investigate online at http://www.shoalhavenlibraries. the science of movement by making a com.au/events robotic hand with straws and cardboard and then create a tape resist skeleton. Just a reminder that the library will be closing Suitable for ages 5 and over. for the Christmas/New Year period at 12pm on Saturday 22nd December, reopening on th • Origami Gift Boxes. Monday 17 Wednesday 2nd January from 10am. We wish December, 4–5pm. Come along and everyone a happy and safe Christmas and learn how to make little origami gift New Year.

36 37 38 39 Schools Corner What’s the latest at

Year 6 Wellbeing Conference our students who have found this two-day conference to be a very rewarding experience Now in it’s second year, our Year 6 Wellbeing and many of them are feeling more confident Conference was once again a great success. to embark on their journey to High School next Students participated in a range of team- year with the knowledge and insights they building activities, fitness challenges and have gained. wellbeing workshops. The 2018 Year 6 Wellbeing conference would The highlight of the conference had to be not have been possible without the hard work our very special guest, Keynote Speaker, and dedication from organising Teacher Miss Humanitarian, Athlete and Motivationalist Marr and the generous donations from Turia Turia Pitt. Pitt; Emily Bingham - Empower; Headspace; At 24, Turia was an ex-model, fitness enthusiast Matt Cooper - St George Illawarra Dragons; and successful mining engineer whose life Kids Helpline; Rebecca - Sound Healing; was turned upside down when she became Akwa Surf Shop; Beyond Blue; U by Kotex; trapped in a grass fire while competing in a Coles Vincentia; Woolworths Vincentia; Good 100km ultramarathon. Price Pharmacy ; Bendigo Bank Sanctuary Point and Supre. She was transported by helicopter out of Tier Gorge in the Kimberley region of Western Australia barely alive, with full thickness burns to 65 percent of her body. Renowned for her pure grit, indomitable spirit and passion for humanitarian work, Turia has gone on to thrive in the ultimate story of triumph over adversity. Turia answered questions submitted by our students and talked candidly about her struggle to survive the horrific injuries suffered in the fire. She spoke of resilience and her passion for reading that helped her through her hospitalisation. Choosing books that inspired her to push on and not give up on herself. Turia generously donated her time and ten copies of her memoir: Unmasked by Turia Pitt and Bryce Corbett, with selected students receiving their very own copy to keep and three copies kindly donated to our school library for students to borrow. We have had lots of positive feedback from

40 Schools Corner VINCENTIA HIGH SCHOOL NEWS is about helping to make the best teachers 2019 Premier’s Teacher in NSW reach their full potential and support Scholarship awarded to their peers. Ms Joura was inspired to become a history Ms Joura teacher from her days as a high school Ms Joura is 1 of 20 highly talented and student and she hopes to return with some dedicated teachers from across NSW to be new ideas and invigorating ways to further recognised for her commitment to quality enrich the educational needs of her students education with a 2019 Premier’s Teacher and colleagues. Scholarship. The Premier’s History Teachers Association History Scholarship will provide a unique opportunity for Ms Joura to undertake an international and Australian study tour to Perth, Denmark and the United Kingdom for 5 weeks next April. During the tour Ms Joura will visit some of the world’s most innovative schools and centres of education. Her focus will be on incorporating maritime archaeology into the history curriculum through the use of shipwreck case studies and hands on activities. Of particular interest is the battle between Sydney (II) and Kormoran during WW2, the Dutch trading ship Batavia and Viking wrecks in Europe. The Premier of NSW Gladys Berejiklian MP congratulated Ms Joura on her success as a recipient of the scholarship. This program

41 Schools Corner What’s been happening at St Georges Basin Public School Spring Fair was such a fantastic success again this year. Thank you to all our SGBPS for your support on this huge fundraising day. The children had a wonderful day enabling the P&C to raise $8,540 for our school. Thank you to the P&C and all of the helpers on the day and to all staff who did an amazing job supporting the P&C.

Kindy Shoalhaven Zoo visiT Our Kindergarten students attended an excursion to Shoalhaven Zoo. This excursion was planned to supplement the work being done in the classroom relating to the science unit, “What’s Alive”. Our Kindy kids described this day as “awesome” and the “best day ever”. A fantastic opportunity for them to be up close with these wonderful animals (photo below).

AFL sporting program Our students are having a great time with our AFL program. 42 Your December Puzzle

Across 1 2 3 4 5

6. Type of goat, cat or rabbit (6) 6 7 7. Shorebird, related to the sandpiper (6) 8. Ophidian (5)

9. Female chickens (4) 8 9 10. Terrestrial gastropod mollusc (5) 11. Mongoose-like viverrine (7) 14. Arctic whale with long spiral tusk (7) 10 11 12 16. Slow-moving arboreal mammal (5) 13 18. Gull-like jaeger (4) 20. Raptors (5) 14 15 16

22. Small arthropod (6) 17 23. Large sauteed shrimp (6) Down 18 19 20 21 1. South American arboreal boa (8) 2. Canines (4) 3. Long-tailed parrot of Central and South 22 23 America (5) 4. Terrestrial burrowing rodent (6) 5. Small slender gull with forked tail (4) © Puzzle Choice 7. Woodland flycatcher (6) NOVEMBER PUZZLE Solution 12. Graceful ruminant (8) E N A M E L A B E A M N D X J E M S 13. Leporid mammal (6) J U J I T S U Q U A C K 15. Sea mammals (6) O U O M U Z E 17. Showy growth of head feathers (5) Y O D E L P R E T E X T 19. Type of penguin, sounds regal (4) G Y S C A G E N C Y S T I T C H 21. Male deer (4) L I S W C A U S T I C L O O N Y O P A O A F O V A P I D W A R L O C K E E E L V L E F R I L L V A N D A L

43 SANTA JOKES Q. What does Santa suffer from if he gets stuck in a chimney? A. Claustrophobia! Q. What kind of motorbike does Santa ride? A. A Holly Davidson! Q. What do you call a dog who works for Santa? A. Santa Paws! Q. What did the sea Say to Santa? A. Nothing! It just waved! Q. What says Oh Oh Oh? A. Santa walking backwards! Name


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