Woollahra Municipal Council Finance, Community & Services Committee 15 October 2018

Item No: Delegated to Committee Subject: YOUTH RECREATION AREA RUSHCUTTERS BAY PARK Author: Tessa Pentony, Team Leader Open Space & Recreational Planning Approvers: Paul Fraser, Manager - Open Space & Trees Tom O'Hanlon, Director - Technical Services File No: 18/147190 Reason for Report: To seek approval to progress with the Youth Recreation Area project at Rushcutters Bay Park


A. That Council endorse the Youth Recreation Area at Rushcutters Bay Park concept plan as exhibited, allowing for amendments arising during the detailed design process. B. That Council undertake a Review of Environmental Factors (REF) under Part 5 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 for review by the Director – Planning & Development. C. That subject to approval of the REF, Council proceed with detailed design, tendering and construction. D. That the detailed design of the Youth Recreation Area consider the following suggestions from the community consultation; - Slight amendment to the design of the basketball practice area to provide safe movement around the goal post. - Review of elements impacting the flow of the area for skate and scooter riders to allow more participation and control of movement. - Ensure Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) compliant access around the new facility. - All necessary signage is included as part of the facility including dog regulation and safety messages. E. That Council’s Team Leader of Tree Management provide input to the detailed design and construction phases to ensure that existing trees are adequately protected. F. Council work with Police and other agencies to promote programs to encourage youth to use the facility and monitor any potential anti-social behaviour.


In 2013, Council commenced investigations into the provision of a recreational facility designed to cater for the 8-14 age group, following correspondence and requests from the local Paddington community. It was acknowledged that this age group is growing and facilities for play are limited.

Council engaged consultants CONVIC (who specialize in youth space solutions) to assist with identifying suitable sites and concept designs within the LGA. It was decided that Rushcutters Bay Park was the most suitable location, particularly given the proximity to the target user group in the Paddington area.

A concept design was developed for the facility in the northern section of Rushcutters Bay Park (adjacent to the existing fitness equipment) and Council undertook an extensive community consultation. On 1 May 2017 the consultation findings were reported to Council and it was resolved;

A. That Council take no further action on the Rushcutters Bay Youth Recreation Facility, including a skate facility or a basketball court.

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B. That Woollahra Council immediately commence discussions with Centennial/Moore Park Trust to facilitate the delivery of the skate facility for the Paddington and the broader district community as identified in the Centennial/Moore Park Masterplan.

On 16 October 2017, the following Notice of Motion was adopted;

THAT Council: 1. Notes its decision of 1 May 2017 regarding Youth Facilities at Rushcutters Bay and progress to date towards providing facilities through collaboration with . 2. Requests staff to prepare a report, based on the needs analysis and survey data contained in the CONVIC report presented to Community & Environment Committee on 10 April 2017, 3. to provide options to council to progress the provision of facilities for Woollahra's young 4. people aged 8-14 years old, with respect to the following: a. Identify multiple further options within Rushcutters Bay Park, including the southwestern portion of the park adjacent to New South Head Road, to locate youth facilities,including for scooters and skaters; b. ensure all identified locations require the removal of no established trees nor the removal of excessive green open space; c. ensure all identified locations have capacity for soft landscaping around the siting of youth facilities; and d. provide options to council to progress a proposal once a suitable location is selected.

In response to this Notice of Motion, a report was presented (Annexure 1) on the 26 February 2018 to the Community and Environment Committee with the following resolution;

A. That a concept plan be prepared for a Youth Recreation Facility at the location identified as Option 3 in this report. B. That the proposal for a Youth Recreation Facility based on the draft concept plan be placed on public exhibition for comment C. A further report on the public exhibition be presented to Council.

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As noted in the report of 26 February 2018, the location identified as Option 3 was selected as it addressed previous major concerns, in particular:

Impact on open space . Requires no removal of established trees; no major canopy pruning is required; an open grassed area with some natural shade is available and there is good capacity for additional landscape treatment . Located in a section of the park that is under-utilised . The site is away from the foreshore with no view loss of the harbor

Anti-social behaviour . Sight lines into and out of the facility from all sides . Passive surveillance is good as the site is close to the main park entry

Increased noise . The sound from continuous heavy traffic along New South Head Road will help to mitigate any noise actual or perceived from the proposed facility . Location is furthest east of the three options and away from Rushcutters creek/canal and the Vibe Hotel

Other benefits . Proximity to the southern access bridge over the canal connecting Rushcutters Bay Park with the City of ’s active recreation spaces of Reg Bartley Oval and the Rushcutters Tennis Centre . Site is at an intersection of internal paths, adjacent to the path leading to the café/children’s playground . Close proximity to regularly serviced public transport makes the location easily accessible.

In response to the Council resolution, Council staff engaged CONVIC to develop a new concept plan at the Option 3 site which was exhibited.

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An extensive public exhibition of the new concept design and location was undertaken, commencing 25 July 2018 and closing on 31 August 2018, for a total of 38 days.

Council’s Your Say webpage was the primary exhibition tool and contained the online survey portal. The page contained an outline of the project, including images, location maps, fly through video, key dates, a FAQ summary and acoustic information. There was also an opportunity for community members to submit additional questions that they felt had not been addressed in the FAQ page.

Community Engagement included the following methods: . Media Release – Wentworth Courier: Mayor’s Column and Council’s weekly notification page; 3 x ¼-page ads; ‘Woollahra News’ full page ad; The Beast August issue; Social Media channels. . Letterbox drop to local residents/owners of Rushcutters Bay Park (Woollahra LGA). . Briefing or notification email to the Darling Point Society, Woollahra History and Heritage Society, Darling Point Edge. . Briefing Political Offices of the Hon. Malcolm Turnbull, the Hon. Gabrielle Upton, and the Hon. Alex Greenwich . Park signage in Rushcutters Bay Park (Woollahra). . Woollahra Council website – Community Engagement site ‘Our Woollahra Your Say’. . Double Bay Library and Customer Service – Digital and noticeboard display. . Notification to local primary schools, pre-schools, WAYS, and relevant Youth groups.

The Your Say portal gave each respondent an opportunity to familiarise themselves with key details of the project prior to providing feedback. Data analysis shows that there was high interaction with the information provided, including; . 642 submissions . 668 views of the fly through video of the concept plan . 708 views of the images provided during the consultation period . 385 submissions were from Rushcutters Bay, Darling Point or Paddington

A full consultation report is attached as Annexure 3 and all comments received are included in Annexure 4.

A number of community members provided feedback directly to Council. These people were encouraged to submit their feedback through the online survey for ease of collation and review.

In addition to the Your Say portal, Council also received three petitions. Two petitions used the change.org platform and the third was a hard copy. Details of these petitions can be found in the consultation report, and can be summarised as follows:

1. Against the Proposal (800 Signatures) – the main points of this submission stated; . Both Rushcutters Bay Park and Yarranabbe Park to be listed as heritage areas. . No new development or reduction of open spaces or encroachment on grassed areas. . No skateboard park or basketball court or 'youth facilities' or concrete constructions or artificial constructions here. . Grass and trees are scientifically proven to be beneficial to all aspects of our health. . We love the parks as they are and they need to be better maintained.

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. We don't want any structures or activities to encourage drug peddlers to return to Rushcutters Bay Park. . In May 2017, there was the greatest volume of protests ever, why reassess this issue? No 'Youth Facilities' here! . Beside the reservoir in Centennial Park, is a planned skateboard site and this is a more suitable location.

2. Against the Proposal (213 on-line Signatures) – the petition stated;

Youth recreational facilities accessible in the are essential, but not a skateboard ramp, ping pong table and half basketball court in this park. It is not the right location. It is not in the character of the park and would reduce amenity for all. Noise pollution, a reduction in open green space and a reduction in trees are of concern as will be the addition of lighting.

Note: This petition appears to be based on the previous consultation as it relates to the plan that included a ping pong table. Some of the content is also incorrect in relation to the loss of trees.

3. For the Proposal (2,351 on-line signatures) – the petition submitted the following;

‘We applaud Woollahra Council for seeking to provide facilities for the 8-12 year old children in the Paddington area through the installation of a youth recreation facility in Rushcutters Bay Park. For too long, school-age kids in the Paddington area have had no age-appropriate playgrounds. Because of this, these kids lose interest in going to the park and instead want to stay at home playing on digital devices.

At the recent Council election, the residents of Paddington made it clear that they wanted more playgrounds in the area and voted in three Councillors who promised to support a youth facility in Rushcutters Bay Park. Please do not fail us now. The opposition to this youth facility has been vocal however please remember that you are there to represent everyone in the electorate, even children. Kids need to get out and play. Please vote in support of the youth recreation facility in Rushcutters Bay Park.’Although these petitions had a large number of signatures, it is noted that they all included many addresses which were not local.

Summary of submissions received:

A full outline of the submissions to the public consultation is provided in the attached Consultation Report (Annexure 3) and an overview is given below. The consultation was aimed at gathering information from the community on the key question of support/opposition to the project. A summary of responses follows;

Are you supportive of the new design and location of the Youth Recreation Area?

Of the 611 who responded to this question, the results were as follows; . 354 (57.9%) supported both the new design and location . 201 (32.9%) did not support either . 32 (5.2%) supported the new design but not the location . 24 (3.9%) supported the location but not the design.

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Figure One: Results of support for concept plan of Youth Recreation Area in new location

It is noted that respondents to the survey were asked to provide a valid email address with failure to do so resulting in submissions being voided. A subsequent review of submissions determined that a number of emails addresses were duplicated (possibly because the address was used by more than one family member) or were incorrect. If the affected responses were deleted from the data set, there would be 571 responses to the above question, with the breakdown as follows; Supportive of both – 343 submissions or 60.1% Not Supportive of either – 177 submissions or 30.9% Supportive of design but not location – 29 submissions or 5.1% Supportive of location but not design – 22 submissions or 3.8%

As it has not been possible to determine the cause of these individual errors, it has been decided to include all responses. For the purpose of this report, the raw figures are therefore used.

Key themes identified in the response to this question are;

. 354 (57.9%) supported both the new design and location Comments from this group indicated key factors that were highlighted as themes and included; the opportunity for youth to engage in physical and social activities; support for putting youth projects forward; and opportunity for kids to skate/scooter in a controlled environment (and not in streets/footpaths).

Some example of comments on these key themes included;

‘Congratulations to Woollahra Council for deciding to build a well-planned youth recreational area in Rushcutters Bay Park.’

‘When i grew up the Woollahra Council area kids had more options to play. In particular older kids (ie over 8), given the times, you could ride your bike anywhere, car parks were deserted on weekends and there was much less traffic. You could also be unattended. Times have changed and facilities need to change too. In the areas i used to frequent (nearly 40 years ago) about the only thing that i have noticed that has changed for the older kids is one basketball court at Lynne Park!’

‘The basketball practice area and the series of skate and scooter components means that young people will enthusiastically use the area through keep-fit and healthy activity.’

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. 201 (32.9%) did not support either design or location Comments from this group raised concerns around the following key themes; this type of facility is not required; loss of green space and amenity in the park; and a sense that they had not been heard from their concerns raised via the previous consultation.

Some example of comments included;

‘This proposal means a loss of green space to more hard paved area. It should not proceed.’

‘The proposed youth recreation area is a terrible idea. The children already have a large footpath throughout the park to ride their bikes, scooters and rollerblades. Furthermore, the percentage of young people (8-14) make up a small part of the occupants of the park. I walk my dog at Rushcutters daily at all times of the day and have observed the demographic of people who use the park. To give over a large section of the park to a small group of people is ridiculous and discriminatory. The park is for everyone. Green space is very important for our community and we don’t have much of it, to fill the park with revolting cement is offensive.’

‘It’s a public space. A park. Leave it as it is.’

. 32 (5.2%) supported the new design but not the location This group generally supported the project but did not agree Rushcutters Bay Park was the right location for it.

Some example of comments included; ‘Rushcutter's Bay park is a small park that is best suited to individual exercise, dog walking, and relaxation. Many people love to have picnics and sit on the grass, and walk from surrounding areas to do so.’

‘The planned Youth Recreation Areas are intrusive and take away from the relaxed feel of the park. They will increase daytime noise to local residents, vehicle traffic, and create problems for people walking, with increased skate and scooter traffic on the paths.’

. 24 (3.9%) supported the location but not the design. This group generally had comments regarding the proposed elements and suggested some improvements that could be made to the design.

Some example of comments included; ‘More basketball facilities. Please make the court at least 1/2 size so a game of 1/2 court pick-up can occur.’

‘Viewing: somewhere for people (including adults watching) to watch skateboarding - eg small slightly elevated stand integrated with screen backing to basketball court.’

Response to Issues Raised:

Similar to the 2016 consultation, the objections to the proposal can be largely grouped into the themes of loss of green space and amenity in the park and increased noise. There was also a sense that objectors had not been heard from their previous concerns raised during the previous consultation. There were also many statements asking why the facility can’t be built in .

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The following comments are made in response to these issues;

• Loss of Green Space – the new footprint is smaller than the previous proposal with the addition of new trees and major landscaping. The colour of the cement will be a coloured concrete sympathetic to the surrounds. The location is a relatively unused section of the park.

• Increased Noise – the sound from continuous heavy traffic along New South Head Road will help to mitigate any noise actual or perceived from the proposed facility. As part of the preparation for community consultation, Council engaged KR Acoustics to conduct an acoustic impact assessment of noise generated by a proposed skate/scooter plaza in Rushcutters Bay Park. The report (Annexure 5) was based on noise measurement of a similar existing park, Fernside in the suburb of Waterloo. The assessment was carried out in compliance with procedures listed in the Protection of the Environment Operations Act (2008) and relevant Australian Standards. The assessment by KR Acoustics showed that the noise from the proposed Youth Recreation Area can be acceptable with respect to the noise limits, provided usage of the park during night time (10pm-7am) is not permitted. As the facility will not be floodlit, there is no expectation of use after 10pm.

• Centennial Parklands – on the 5 June 2017 Council representatives met with Centennial Parklands to discuss prospects for the construction of a skate facility within Centennial Parklands. This meeting provided a commitment that Centennial Parklands would provide Council with an outline of steps that would be required to facilitate the project. Despite numerous requests for this information no information has been provided. Council representatives again wrote to Centennial Parklands on the 4 May 2018 requesting they provide Council some definitive advice on whether the Trust has any concrete plans to construct a skate facility in the short term being 3-5 years. No response has been received.


As the response to the engagement process is generally supportive of the concept, staff recommend progressing with the plans for the Youth Recreation Area at Rushcutters Bay Park with consideration to the following matters;

Design Elements Throughout the submissions a number of suggestions were provided to Council on the design of the facility. The highest mentioned design feature was the basketball practice area, with 22 responses. These mostly focused on increasing opportunities and space. Additional information was also submitted regarding the elements within the skate/scooter plaza and the impact on movement within the space.

There is an opportunity to work with CONVIC to provide amendments and additional elements as mentioned throughout feedback within the detailed design. These include; . Minor rearrangement of the basketball post to provide space for safe movement. . Flow elements and additional places for youth to rest on top of ramps to allow pathways to form and more youth to be involved. . Landscaping that does not impact the surface through soil, woodchips, leaf litter, etc constantly requiring removal.

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All changes proposed in the detailed design will be within the footprint provided of the concept design provided in the community consultation.

Dog Signage Some submissions noted concerns that dogs and children may come into conflict. Rushcutters Bay Park is a regulated off-leash area with dogs allowed off-leash from 3.30pm – 10am. It is proposed to add signage to the area similar to signage around Council’s playgrounds and fitness equipment. The need for additional dog poles (to tie dogs up) to the outskirts of the facility to avoid any potential issues would also be investigated.

People with Disabilities The Woollahra Disability Action Plan (2017) aims to increase accessibility of parks and public spaces to allow use by people of all abilities. The concept design currently allows access for people with a disability and the detail design will ensure Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) compliant access to both the skate/scooter plaza and basketball area.

Tree Protection During the development of the concept design, Council’s Team Leader of Tree Management, Andrew Simpson, inspected the project site, identified all trees and provided information on required Tree Protection Zones (TPZ) for each tree. This informed the shape and size of the concept, which has been specifically tailored to minimize potential impact on trees.

Should the project progress to detailed design stage, Andrew Simpson will work with the consultant in the detailed design phase to provide guidance on tree and soil sensitive construction techniques. Andrew will also oversee the protection of the trees during the construction phase.

Community Involvement Council work with Police and other agencies to address programs to encourage youth to use the facility and monitor any potential for unwanted behaviour. This includes using Crime Prevention through Environmental Design principles. We have spoken to the Eastern Suburbs Police Area Command who have offered their support in becoming involved in community engagement activities targeted at children and the youth at the facility. In addition, staff have met with South Eastern Sydney Local Health District, who are supportive of the project and interested in developing health promotion activities with the site.

Planning Considerations

Under the Woollahra LEP 2014 the site is within a RE 1 Public Recreation zone. Under the LEP recreation facilities (outdoor) are permitted with consent. This is noted in the Plan of Management for Rushcutters Bay Park. However, State Environmental Planning Policy (Infrastructure) 2007 (the SEPP) also applies and, as a State instrument, overrides the provisions of local instruments where there are inconsistencies.Clause 65 of the SEPP deals with development permitted without consent. It states:

(3) Development for any of the following purposes may be carried out by or on behalf of a council without consent on a public reserve under the control of or vested in the council: (a) roads, cycleways, single storey car parks, ticketing facilities and viewing platforms, (b) outdoor recreational facilities, including playing fields, but not including grandstands,

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Since the development can be carried out without consent under the provisions of the infrastructure SEPP its impacts must be considered under the provisions of Part V of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.

Review of Environment Factors (REF)

Having regard to the scale of the proposal and the matters to be considered under clause 228 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000 an Environmental Impact Statement is not required. However, Council, as the determining Authority, is required to undertake a review of environmental factors (REF). This must be undertaken and all relevant environmental impacts of the proposal considered by Council before it decides to proceed with the proposal. Approval (or otherwise) of the REF will rest with Council’s Director Planning and Development.

Identification of Income & Expenditure:

The concept design has an estimated cost of $762,000. There will be some further costing for necessary detailed design. Council has allocated $869,000 to this project in the 2018/2019 Capital Works Budget.

Council has also submitted a grant for $500,000 to NSW Office of Sport, Sports Facility Fund to supplement this budget.

Woollahra 2030

Woollahra 2030, under the Theme of Community Wellbeing, Goal 2: A supported enabled and resilient community, identifies the following as key opportunities and challenges;

Children and Young People Providing adequate services and facilities for children and young people Sport and recreation Meeting increased demand for sport and recreation programs and social activities A place for young people Including young people in the planning of community activities and facilities

Strategy 2.3 under this Theme is Plan for the needs and aspirations of families

The proposed Youth Recreation Area is consistent with this Strategy.


The concept plan presented in public exhibition has been designed to address concerns raised by community members during previous community consultation on a youth recreation facility at Rushcutters Bay Park. The close proximity to regularly serviced public transport makes the location easily accessible. The nominated area of the park is large, flat and has a number of passive and natural surveillance opportunities. There are a number of ancillary facilities including passive lighting, toilets, playing fields, playgrounds and a kiosk. The area earmarked for the youth recreation area is not within the vicinity of residential properties. The submissions received through the exhibition process are generally supportive of both the new location and design. It is therefore recommended that the project proceed with some small amendments, subject to an REF assessment.

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1. Community & Environment Committee Report Rushcutters Bay Park Youth Recreation Facility 26 February 2018

2. Youth Recreation Area Public Exhibition Your Say webpage

3. Youth Recreation Area - Consultation Report September 2018

4. Youth Recreation Area - Public Exhibition Submissions - All Comments

5. Youth Recreation Area - Acoustic Impact Assessment- July 2018

Item No. Page 11 Woollahra Municipal Council Community & Environment Committee 26 February 2018

Item No: D5 Delegated to Committee Subject: RUSHCUTTERS BAY PARK YOUTH RECREATION FACILITY Author: Jan Bond, Planning Project Officer Approvers: Caitlin Moffat, Team Leader Open Space & Rec Planning Tom O'Hanlon, Director - Technical Services File No: 18/8605 Reason for Report: Follow up Notice of Motion


A. That a concept plan be prepared for a Youth Recreation Facility at the location identified as Option 3 in this report.

B. That the proposal for a Youth Recreation Facility based on the draft concept plan be placed on public exhibition for comment.

C. A further report on the public exhibition be presented to Council.


At the Ordinary Council meeting on 16 October 2017 a Notice of Motion regarding a Youth Facility at Rushcutters Bay was adopted. It resolved:

THAT Council:

1. Notes its decision of 1 May 2017 regarding Youth Facilities at Rushcutters Bay and progress to date towards providing facilities through collaboration with Centennial Park. 2. Requests staff to prepare a report, based on the needs analysis and survey data contained in the CONVIC report presented to Community & Environment Committee on 10 April 2017, to provide options to council to progress the provision of facilities for Woollahra's young people aged 8-14 years old, with respect to the following:

a. Identify multiple further options within Rushcutters Bay Park, including the south- western portion of the park adjacent to New South Head Road, to locate youth facilities, including for scooters and skaters; b. ensure all identified locations require the removal of no established trees nor the removal of excessive green open space; c. ensure all identified locations have capacity for soft landscaping around the siting of youth facilities; and d. provide options to council to progress a proposal once a suitable location is selected.

This report takes into consideration a number of options for the location of a possible youth recreation facility. It provides direction for a concept that will be subject to public exhibition and a Review of Environmental Factors. This report does not seek approval to proceed with the project. A decision regarding proceeding with the project will be the subject of a further report, following the public exhibition process.

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To progress the provision of a youth recreation facility for young people aged 8-14 years Council Officers and CONVIC undertook a site visit to the park on 5 December 2017 to identify further options for the location of a youth recreation facility in Rushcutters Bay Park. The Site Location Report (Annexure 1) was prepared by CONVIC based on the needs analysis and survey data previously undertaken by CONVIC.

The online survey captured 1163 responses with the majority of people surveyed outside of the targeted 11-15 year demographic with 748 aged over 36 years and only 64 aged 11-15 years. The summary report showed:

• 73% of the survey respondents live within the Woollahra LGA, with Darling Point, Paddington and Rushcutters Bay as the three main areas of participation; • The online survey found that 53% of respondents felt a youth recreation facility was important; • 62% of the respondents agree that a youth recreation facility is needed within the LGA although many suggested that the proposed location was not appropriate and would be more ideally located towards New South Head Rd; • 60% of the respondents said they would use the facility either as active users, as parents/guardians or as spectators; and • 54% of the respondents (at the consultation/information day) were engaged in active sports, with 27% skaters and 31% basketballers.

Design comments included: • The location was not appropriate and would be more ideally located towards New South Head Road. • Basketball half-court was very popular. • Landscape features, particularly the rain gardens and water sensitive design were popular.

The key issues raised from the proposal included: • noise; • anti-social behaviour; and • loss of trees and green open space.

*It is noted that exhibited proposal did not include removal of trees

The key issues have been taken into consideration when identifying location options within Rushcutters Bay Park.

Site Location Options in Rushcutters Bay Park

In response to the community feedback expressed in the summary report and the subsequent site visit undertaken by Council Officers and CONVIC, three location options were identified in Rushcutters Bay Park as having the potential to accommodate a youth recreation facility, including facilities for scooters and skaters. All of the three location options share the following attributes:

• No removal of mature, established trees; • Capacity for soft landscaping around the site; • Adjacent to the parks internal paths for direct access to site and clear lines of sight for provision of passive surveillance by other park users, park rangers and local police patrol; • Level topography;

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• Open location with some natural shade available nearby from trees; • At distance from central active area, and main sportsfield, café and the fenced toddler playground that provides play equipment for children between the age range of 3 – 7 years; • Within walking distance of different modes of public transport providing access for young people who do not drive; and • Located on the western portion of the park, between 190 - 200 metres away from residents on New Beach Road and New South Head Road.

Option 1

Option 2

Option 3

Option 1 Location: North-western corner of park; accessed by the foreshore path and the parks internal north- south path.

Option 1 is the original location shown in the draft concepts that were previously on public exhibition. The site was adjacent the fitness station and initially assessed to be underutilised space. The site is close to the Reg Bartley Oval (CoS) reached via an access bridge over Rushcutters creek/canal, adjacent to the newly upgraded personal fitness equipment on the Woollahra managed side of the park and close to the continuation of the Rushcutters Bay foreshore path. As part of the initial investigation report undertaken by CONVIC, Rushcutters Bay Park was considered the most suitable location with Option 1 recommended as a design opportunity for an active youth multi-use recreation facility. Passive surveillance is good, as the site is alongside an existing, very popular

Item No. D5 Page 3 Woollahra Municipal Council Community & Environment Committee 26 February 2018 fitness station and a busy pedestrian path intersection linking to the destination point of Rushcutters Bay.

Specific to site

• Requires no removal of established trees; the site has good capacity for additional soft landscape treatment. • Next to existing and recently upgraded fitness stations creating a more integrated and open facility. • Sight lines into and out of the facility from three sides • Furthest location from residences within Rushcutters Bay Park. It is approximately 100m from the closest residences on the side of the canal; • During the Public Exhibition period, community response identified the area as a popular location for casual recreation such as picnics, walking dogs, sun bathing and reading with any proposed infrastructure likely to reduce green space; • Populated by local birdlife such as gulls, ibis, sulphur-crested cockatoos, pigeons and other common birds found in urban open space; • The site is 170 metres from New South Head Road, traffic lights for pedestrian crossing and access to bus and train public transport; it is the furthest option for scooters and skaters to ride; and • Concept design previously developed and paid for.

Option 2 Location: South-western mid-section of park; accessed by the parks internal north-south path.

Option 2 is located south of the harbour foreshore towards the Vibe Hotel Rushcutters and New South Head Road. New South Head Road is subject to heavy traffic conditions most hours of the day. Option 2 is adjacent to the north-south internal park path in a flat open area with ample space to accommodate the youth facility between the north-south path and Rushcutters creek/canal. Passive surveillance is fair as park users tend to move quickly along the path past the site to reach the destination point of the harbour foreshore.

Specific to site • Requires no removal of established trees; existing large, low-hanging branches from nearby trees will require pruning and thereafter regular maintenance; the site has capacity for additional soft landscape treatment, although roots from nearby trees may compete for water and nutrients, which may compromise plant establishment and future vigour; leaf fall on the youth facility may be an issue for skate and scooter wheels. • Closer proximity to traffic noise from New South Head Road than Option 1 may allay concern by members of the community to the perceived noise associated with some elements of the youth facility. • Sight lines into and out of the facility from three sides • Located in a section of the park that is not overly used. • The site is 40 metres from New South Head Road, traffic lights for pedestrian crossing and access to bus and train public transport; it is located close to the north-south path and entry point from New South Head Road; it is a closer option for scooters and skaters to ride. • Would require a budget for redesign in the new location for public exhibition.

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Option 3 Location: South-western corner of park; accessed by the north-south path and east-west path.

Option 3 is located well away from the foreshore area of Rushcutters Bay, the main sportsfield and approximately 30 metres from the soccer field. The site is the furthest east of the three options and away from Rushcutters creek/canal and the Vibe Hotel Rushcutters. The site is immediately bounded by New South Head Road and is below the road level. The southern access bridge over the canal connects Rushcutters Bay Park, Woollahra with the CoS’s active recreation spaces of the Reg Bartley Oval and the Rushcutters Tennis Centre. Passive surveillance is good as the site is close to the main park entry, at an intersection of internal paths, adjacent to the path leading to the café/children’s playground and directly overlooked by a section of New South Head Road, which is above the site on a natural embankment.

Specific to site • Requires no removal of established trees; no canopy pruning is required; an open grassed area with some natural shade is available and there is good capacity for additional landscape treatment. • The sound from continuous heavy traffic along New South Head Road mitigates any noise actual or perceived from a proposed youth recreation facilities. • Sight lines into and out of the facility from all sides; • Passive surveillance from New South Head Rd and the main arterial path through the Park; • Located in a section of the park that is underutilised. • The site is 20 metres from New South Head Road, traffic lights for pedestrian crossing and access to bus and train public transport; it is the closest option for scooters and skaters to ride. • The site is away from the foreshore with any potential views of the harbour foreshore disrupted or blocked by an existing row of mature trees immediately north of the site; and • Would require a budget for redesign in the new location for public exhibition.


The recommended proposed location for a youth recreation facility is Option 3. The site is furthest from the foreshore, closest to the road and in a section of the park that is not well-used. The area is marginally less than either Option 1 or 2 with any proposed redesign needing to be scaled accordingly.

It is proposed to develop a concept in a similar style to the previously exhibited scheme but with modifications to reflect the new location.

Based on current Sydney market rates the proposed youth recreation facility at Option 3 is estimated to cost $1,100,000 for the redesign, detailed drawings and construction.

Council, initially allocated $700,000 to this project in the 2016/2017 Capital Works budget, with $350,000 drawn from the Open Space and Community Facilities Reserve and $350,000 from the Section 94A Reserve. At that time, there was also an expectation of additional funds from other sources. After costs for preceding draft concepts, reports and public exhibition, $638,000 remains in the budget. If this proposal to proceed to exhibit a new concept is endorsed, staff will re-commence discussions regarding other sources of funding and will give consideration to inclusion of additional funds in the draft 2018/19 capital works budget.

Item No. D5 Page 5 Woollahra Municipal Council Community & Environment Committee 26 February 2018


In reviewing all options for the location of a youth recreation facility, which includes facilities for scooters and skaters, within Rushcutters Bay Park it is recommended that Council proceed with a concept design for the location titled Option 3.

It is recommended that Council staff proceed with a draft concept designs for public exhibition and a Review of Environmental Factors based on the location titled Option 3.


1. Rushcutters Bay Youth & Skate Facility - Site Location Analysis - Convic - FINAL

Item No. D5 Page 6 Public Exhibition: Your Say website

Consultation Report for Youth Recreation Area Rushcutters Bay Park, July-August 2018

Table of Contents 1. Introduction ...... 2 1.1 Background ...... 2 1.2 Process ...... 2 1.3 Community Engagement Feedback ...... 3 2. Detailed Feedback ...... 4 2.1 Your Say Survey Results ...... 4 2.1.1 Demographic outline of respondents ...... 4 2.1.2 Support for the new design and location of the Youth Recreation Area ...... 5 2.1.3 The Skate and Scooter Plaza ...... 7 2.1.4 The Basketball Practice Area ...... 8 2.1.5 Seating, tress and landscaping ...... 9 2.1.6 Bike Racks ...... 10 2.2 Petitions ...... 11 2.3 Submissions for additional questions ...... 13 3. Engagement Review ...... 15 3.1 Engagement of your say page ...... 15 3.2 Traffic source overview ...... 15


1. Introduction:

The report covers the consultation process and results for the proposed Youth Recreation Area at Rushcutters Bay Park 2018. The focus of the consultation was to build an understanding of the support for the project and gain feedback on design features.

1.1 Background

In early 2017, a Council proposal for a Youth Recreation Facility in Rushcutters Bay Park was not supported by the community. The key issues raised from previous consultation were location, noise, anti-social behaviour and loss of open space by the harbour. The current proposal was considered following the adoption of a Notice of Motion at the Ordinary Council meeting on 16 October 2017. It resolved:

THAT Council:

1. Notes its decision of 1 May 2017 regarding Youth Facilities at Rushcutters Bay and progress to date towards providing facilities through collaboration with Centennial Park.

2. Requests staff to prepare a report, based on the needs analysis and survey data contained in the CONVIC report presented to Community & Environment Committee on 10 April 2017, to provide options to council to progress the provision of facilities for Woollahra's young people aged 8-14 years old, with respect to the following:

a. Identify multiple further options within Rushcutters Bay Park, including the south- western portion of the park adjacent to New South Head Road, to locate youth facilities, including for scooters and skaters; b. ensure all identified locations require the removal of no established trees nor the removal of excessive green open space; c. ensure all identified locations have capacity for soft landscaping around the siting of youth facilities; and d. provide options to council to progress a proposal once a suitable location is selected.

In response to this Notice of Motion a report was presented on the 26 February 2018 to the Community and Environment Committee with the following resolution;

A. That a concept plan be prepared for a Youth Recreation Facility at the location identified as Option 3 in this report. B. That the proposal for a Youth Recreation Facility based on the draft concept plan be placed on public exhibition for comment C. A further report on the public exhibition be presented to Council.

This report provides detail of the public exhibition.


1.2 Process

Consultation was focused on Council’s Your Say community engagement website, which invited public contributions from 25 July to 31 August 2018. This was aimed to;

- Bring stakeholders on the journey - Guide effective communication - Draw on community knowledge to inform decisions on design

The Your Say website content included;

- Outline of the project - Images of the concept design - A fly-through video of the design - Map indicating proposed new location - Key dates of the project, including how the project came about and details of key previous Council recommendations. - A Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) page - A survey to provide submission to Council on the proposed Youth Recreation Area - Ability to submit additional questions for the FAQ’s - Acoustic Impact Report and Summary document of the report.

Once the Your Say website was live, it was promoted through a number of avenues including; - Mayoral column in the Wentworth Courier - Editorial and advertising in the Wentworth Courier (4) and The Beast (1) - Briefings for the Federal Member for Vaucluse, the Hon. Malcolm Turnbull, State Member for Vaucluse, the Hon. Gabrielle Upton and State Member for Sydney, the Hon. Alex Greenwich - Woollahra History and Heritage Society - Social media (Council & CONVIC) - Council Community Services Youth Forum - Letters sent to 400 property owners - Letterbox drop to 1,000 local residents - Posters in parks – Rushcutters Bay Park, Steyne Park (adjacent to wharf) and Lyne Park (tennis court entry & childrens playground). - Library (Double Bay: Digital display internal/external & Paddington) and Customer Service Digital display - Email to local primary schools in the Woollahra LGA - Woollahra Youth Organisations

1.3. Community Engagement Feedback

The consultation period generated a significant response and feedback received as follows; - 642 submissions on the Your Say website - 7 submissions for additional questions in the FAQ’s through Your Say webpage - Approximately 40 emails to Council. These community members were advised that submissions for the public exhibition would be through the Your Say website and they were provided with a direct link to the page. Approximately one third these emails came through the Office of Local Member Hon. Gabrielle Upton MP. - Three petitions; one in support of the proposal (2351 signatories) and two against (800 and 213 signatories).


2. Detailed Feedback

2.1 Your Say Survey Results: Engagement was high for the project, with close to 2,300 visits to the website over the consultation period, and 642 responses to the online survey.

2.1.1 Demographic outline of respondents Where do you live?

Age of respondents

Gender of respondents


2.1.2 Support of the new design and location of the Youth Recreation Area

When asked, ‘Are you supportive if the new design and location of the Youth Recreation Area’, a clear majority were supportive of the proposal; . 57.9% supported both the new location and design; . 32.9% indicated they do not support either the new location or design; . 5.2% support the design but not location; and . 3.9% support the location but not design.

From the review of this data the following is noted; . 18 responses were received by the 5-14yr old group (target audience for the use of the project) . 45 responses were received by 20 years old or younger

Woollahra Residents When analysing the data specific to Woollahra Suburb Residents, the following is noted; . 49.8% (223) supportive of both new design and location; . 40.8% (183) not supportive of either; . 5.8% (26) supportive of design but not location; and . 3.6% (16) supportive of location but not design. . 114 of the not supportive were 51 years and older (this age group represented 61.3% of submissions from Woollahra residents). . Of the 5-20 year olds, 75% were supportive of both the design and location, and an additional 14.3% supportive of location (with suggestions for design). . The 5-50yr olds, Woollahra LGA residents (which we believe will most likely be of benefit for as either a participant or a parent/guardian), were 64.5% supportive of both location and design.

Example comments from those supporting the proposal;

‘This area is bursting with young families that would use this facility daily. Please build it.’ Male, 41-50yrs, Rushcutters Bay

‘My family has been waiting for this ever since my son outgrew the toddler playground behind the kiosk in the park (4 years ago ca). It's really great to see it come to fruition (hopefully). We are totally behind the concept and design and hope the community will agree so this can


happen. There are not many play spaces in the local area, and an increasing number of families. Thanks to Woollahra Council for leading this!’ Female, 41-50yrs, Paddington

‘This is a terrific initiative. In an age where kids live in increasingly densely populated cities and can be easily tempted to stay inside staring at screens, this council and residents initiative should be applauded and supported.’ Male, 40-50yrs, Darling Point

Example comments from those not supporting the proposal;

‘I thought this was over and out, and the fact this was voted against therefore I do not know why this has been raised.’ Female 31-40 Rushcutters Bay

‘I'm really disappointed that there are plans to develop a beautiful, open, green and peaceful place with a youth recreation area. The noise of skateboards will carry across the park, people will likely congregate there at night and create mess and noise, and it will forever change the nature of the area and Rushcutters Bay. Not everything and everywhere needs to be designed with families and youth in mind. There must surely be other areas where this could be achieved. What about the water frontage near Darling point where there's nothing there and people don't use as frequently as Rushcutters to relax. The constant need to develop and destroy and condense will ruin what was once a characterful and unique suburb’. Male, 31-40yrs, Rushcutters Bay,

Example comments from those supportive of design, but not of the location;

‘Rushcutter's Bay park is a small park that is best suited to individual exercise, dog walking, and relaxation. Many people love to have picnics and sit on the grass, and walk from surrounding areas to do so. The planned Youth Recreation Areas are intrusive and take away from the relaxed feel of the park. They will increase daytime noise to local residents, vehicle traffic, and create problems for people walking, with increased skate and scooter traffic on the paths. The potential for increased noise at night is also an issue.’ Female, Eastern Suburbs, 41-50yrs old

‘NO skaters in the park. Anti-social behaviour and bad language of youngsters Litter and noise Where is the environmental impact assessment on the natural environment and the humans who have to put up with the bang bang bang bang bang in what is now a relaxing environment for all: residents, families, youth, dogs, the elderly, NOT teenagers.’ Gender not specified, Edgecliff, 41-50 yrs old

Example of comments from those supportive of location, but not of the design;

‘This is a great idea but given that basketball is the number one participation sport now in Australia one half court is not enough given the amount of kids and adults that will use it. Evidence this at Rose Bay where the one court with two hoops is always busy especially weekends and after school. Also think lights on the court should be provided - again great example at Rose Bay courts- where residents are about the same distance away and are not disturbed- can go off at 9pm on automatic switch. Please consider adding an additional hoop as the real young kids will be pushed off by teens and adults if trying to use.’ Male, 41-50yrs, Woollahra Suburb


2.1.3 The Skate and Scooter Plaza

When asked what they thought about the Skate and Scooter Plaza, close to 60% of the responses indicated that they thought the Skate and Scooter plaza was either a Great (52.6%) or Good (7.1%) idea.

‘It is a fantastic plan and well thought out. My 10 year old son is currently having to navigate Bondi skate park or the area outside our house to practise his scootering-both dangerous options. He wants to practise little tricks which would be preferable at a designated area. I would adore taking him to this proposed addition and be able to comfortably observe him. I would always supervise him.’ Female, 41-50, Woollahra Suburb

When reviewing results from those 20 years old or younger, approx. 90% thought this was a Great (84.4%) or Good (6.7%) idea.

‘We really really really really like the skate park! The best part is the scooter area. I like that the most!’ Female, 5-14yrs, Eastern Suburbs


2.1.4 The Basketball practice area

When asked what they thought about the Basketball practice area 49.5% of submissions replied that it was a Great idea, and a further 11.3% a Good idea. In addition, there were 22 comments within the responses asking for additional basketball area and space.

‘Great local addition. Our kids need to learn to play ball games and skate and be kids. Very difficult living in terrace houses to give them the right balance.’ Male 41-50, Paddington

When reviewing those 20 years old and younger, 80% thought this was a (Great 64.4%) or Good (15.6%) idea.

‘i love this idea because i play basketball and this would give me a chance to practice everyday. how else am i going to get to the Olympics!’ Female 5-14yrs, Rushcutters Bay

‘A little worried about how the basketball hoop is placed directly against the centre of the skate area, but not enough to change the entire plan.’ Male, 15-20yrs, Paddington

‘A full basketball court would have been better!’ Female, 41-50yrs, Darling Point


2.1.5 Seating, trees and landscaping

A majority (73.3%) of the submissions were very positive regarding the proposed seating, shade and landscaping additions, with 56.8% recording a Great idea and further 16.5% a Good idea.

Feedback was given through comments requesting additional shade and concerns around the removal of trees.

‘Shaded seating for eating’ Female, 41-50yrs, Eastern Suburbs Sydney.

‘My main concern is that no trees get cut down for this project. No. I'm also concerned that it has the potential to become a noisy, ugly, dirty and graffitied place which is used mainly by older kids. It would require regular monitoring and, it seems, a lot of money. Can't they just do skating and scootering on the paths around the park? And there is the loss of open space and nature to consider. I do like the idea of planting new trees and the bike-racks, though.’ Female, 5-14yrs, Rushcutters Bay


2.1.6 Bike Racks

Most people were in favour of the Bike racks (65.3%), with 46.7% suggesting a Great idea, and a further 18.6% a Good idea.

‘the bike racks an excellent idea as many young people may access the park by bicycle. With that in mind, consideration should be given to safe bicycle access into the park from surrounding streets.’ Female, 51+yrs, Woollahra Suburb

‘Having these areas together - basketball courts, recreational space, bike racks, shade and seating - is a create way to foster bonds between the Rushcutters Bay community and the many individuals who would travel from outside the area to use this facility. Building this space is an investment in community.’ Male, 21-30yrs, Sydney

Those not supportive of bike racks appeared to have concerns with bike riding in the park

‘The park already is burdened with the bikes, skateboards, scooters, prams, etc all trying to share the footpaths. There are huge swathes of ageing people in the Council...and no one is suggesting we build them something.’ Female, 51+yrs, Edgeclifff

‘There are inconsiderate people riding push bikes on foot paths not watching where they are going, as I have been on several occasions almost been hit by both kids and adults, and if you tell them off they abuse you.’ Female, 31-40yrs, Rushcutters Bay


2.2 Petitions

Three Petitions were submitted during the public exhibition. Two used the change.org platform - 2351 for ‘Yes’ and 213 for ‘No’, while a paper ‘No’ petition contained 800 signatures. An outline of these petitions is provided, including an image of the webpages where relevant. The information provided along with the petitions is uncontrolled, and for this reason, it is provided in this report as an indication of interest in the project.

Figure one: Screen shot of Vote YES Youth Recreation Facility at Rushcutters Bay Park change.org petition


Figure two: Screen shot of Vote No Youth Recreation Facility at Rushcutters Bay Park change.org petition

A third (paper) petition was submitted to Council by Darling Point Society member Rowena Hamilton with 800 signatures. The submission was in support of the following statements:

. Both Rushcutters Bay Park and Yarranabbe Park to be listed as heritage areas. . No new development or reduction of open spaces or encroachment on grassed areas. . No skateboard park or basketball court or 'youth facilities' or concrete constructions or artificial constructions here. . Grass and trees are scientifically proven to be beneficial to all aspects of our health. . We love the parks as they are and they need to be better maintained. . We don't want any structures or activities to encourage drug peddlers to return to Rushcutters Bay Park. . In May 2017, there was the greatest volume of protests ever, why reassess this issue? No 'Youth Facilities' here! . Beside the reservoir in Centennial Park, is a planned skateboard site and this is a more suitable location.


2.3 Submissions for additional questions

As part of the Your Say platform, community members had the opportunity to provide additional questions to be included in the FAQ page. The following is an outline of the submissions received through this process.

What question should be added to the Frequently Response provided Asked Questions?

How much is maintenance of the facility planned to Response included in FAQ; cost each year, given leaves and other debris will blow on to the facilities? How will the youth recreation area be maintained and how much will that cost?

Maintenance of the youth recreation area would be covered under general maintenance of the park. As play equipment it would be scheduled for weekly ‘Duty of Care’ inspection, already undertaken for the toddler playground and fitness station in the park.

Do you think this facility would have a positive or No response required – these questions are the subject negative effect on the existing park usage? of the community consultation

Do you think a facility like this would enhance the inclusiveness of a space like Rushcutters Bay Park?

Are you maintaining the small area for younger children Response included in FAQ / toddlers - children’s slide and swings etc ? Is the area suitable for younger children, what play areas are available for toddlers?

There are a number of playgrounds across Woollahra Council that cater for younger children and toddlers.

At Rushcutters Bay Park there is an existing playground approx. 150m away from the proposed Youth Recreation Area. This fenced playground, adjacent to the kiosk, will continue to be available as a place for younger children to play.

Why is Woollahra Council committed to screwing up R - No response required – these questions are the subject Bay Park for everyone? of the community consultation

If "Young people are 12% of the community", what about the remaining 88%?

Woollahra Council says "we are particularly keen to hear what young people think..." Shouldn't they be keen to hear from everyone about PUBLIC PARK usage?

How will this proposal be kept secure from noise Response included in FAQ disturbance and vandalism after hours? How will the youth recreation area be kept secure from noise disturbance and vandalism after hours?

The local police command operate a scheduled after hour patrol security check on bicycle through Rushcutters Bay Park providing a police presence and monitoring for late night disturbance. In the case of a


What question should be added to the Frequently Response provided Asked Questions?

person witnessing vandalism in public open space the witness must report the incident to the Police.

Why didn't you consider Cooper Park or Trumper Park. Response included in FAQ

Were other parks considered?

Yes. A Site Investigation Report considered the three public parks of Cooper, Rushcutters Bay and Trumper as being closest to the Paddington area, where the need was initially put forward by concerned parents. Rushcutters Bay Park was assessed by the report as the most suitable location as a recreation area given its already active involvement with formal sport recreation for young people, existing facilities, nearby kiosk, toddler playground and proximity to New South Head Road and public transport. The parks size and level gradient, its clear sight-lines, opportunities for passive surveillance by its many visitors and a regular police patrol (often on bike) identified additional decision making criteria for Rushcutters Bay Park.

1 How will construction vehicles access the site and Direct feedback provided to the respondent. Response how long is the construction period? not included in FAQ. 2. Where is the drop-off and pick-up site for parents? Dropping-off an unsupervised 8 year old more than 300 metres from the facility does not seem like a good idea. 3. Does the council envisage providing supervision during daylight hours. In view of the difficulty of parking anywhere near the site few parents will be able to personally attend. 4. What is the anticipated cost, given that the greater number of likely users will come from non-residents of Woollahra?


3. Engagement review

The Your Say platform was used to deliver the engagement process for the Youth Recreation Area public submission. Through this process, Council was able to review additional behaviour of visitors to the webpage to gain a greater understanding of engagement and awareness. Overall, there was a high level of engagement in features of the webpage. The traffic source review informs Council of how people came to the Your Say page, and can be used to gauge success of communication of the project.

3.1 Your Say website engagament

Over the term of the public exhibition there were 2,210 visits to the site, with 1,777 participants visiting at least one additional page. Engagement with features on page:

- Images of the concept design – 708 views total across all images - A fly-through video of the design – 668 views - Key dates of the project, including how it came about and details of key previous Council recommendations – 40 views (outline provided on front page) - A Frequently Asked Questions page - 254 views - A Survey to provide submissions to Council on the proposed Youth Recreation Area – 871 views - A survey to suggest additional questions for the FAQs – 67 views - Acoustic Impact Report and Summary document of the acoustic impact report – 6 views each

3.2 Traffic source overview

Referrer URL Visits Direct 956 m.facebook.com 485 www.woollahra.com.au 365 www.facebook.com 107 www.change.org 106 www.google.com 66 www.slamskatingboarding.com 43 Android-app 28 www.google.com 27 I.facebook.com 25 Imfacebook.com 15 Slamskateboarding.com 8 Outlook.live.com 8 www.bing.com 6 I.instagram.com 5 www.ecosia.org 3


Comment Data for Submissions to Youth Recreation Area Your Say website (only submissions with comments included) Support for location and design Further comments on proposed suggestions in Youth Recreation Area General comments

Yes, supportive of both More shade required. Great addition to the area. Great design, well done, a netball hoop/ area I think should be added too ‐ well done, fantastic initiative for Yes, supportive of both our youth by council! This area is bursting with young families that would use this facility daily. Yes, supportive of both Please build this facility there are so many young families that will use this daily. Please build it. I really think questions need to be asked about the 'Flow' within the Concept Design Plan. I can see significant design flaws, such as the long quarter pipe on the side flowing nowhere except for into a garden! Flow is Supportive of location, obviously a crucial design element for a skatepark to ensure it's 'usability', maximising riding experience and A bowl or at least a mini bowl would definitely be a welcome addition to this park but not new design the park can safely accomodate more simultaneous users. To be honest, the layout also has a bit of a dated feel and is not necessarily suitable for a wide range of riding styles.

My family has been waiting for this ever since my son outgrew the toddler playground behind the kiosk in the park (4 years ago ca). It's really great to see it come to fruition (hopefully). We are totally behind the Yes, supportive of both concept and design and hope the community will agree so this can happen. There are not many play spaces in the local area, and an increasing number of families. Thanks to Woollahra Council for leading this!

Long overdue, pease try and see through this long overdue idea. Tired of driving kids all over Sydney to other councils fantastic skate parks, the one in Bondi is too dangerous Yes, supportive of both for beginner and intermediate so please don't get fobbed off on the haters who say we should use that one. Good idea for water bubblers A simple thing long overdue.

A skate space in Rushcutters Bay would relieve pressure from the few skateparks in the Sydney area as well as create a sorely needed space for the youth of the area to engage in recreational sport, collaborate and Having these areas together ‐ basketball courts, recreational space, bike racks, shade and seating ‐ is a socialise. While dissenters of the concept will raise issues such as the "unsavoury" nature of the youth this may Yes, supportive of both create way to foster bonds between the Rushcutters Bay community and the many individuals who would attract or the noise level of the park, these are issues that even the most cursory research would dispel. travel from outside the area to use this facility. Building this space is an investment in community. Skateparks and recreational areas create safe spaces that allow youth to prosper and Rushcutters Bay is an area that is lacking in this respect currently. This is a terrific initiative. In an age where kids live in increasingly densely populated cities and can be easily Yes, supportive of both tempted to stay inside staring at screens, this council and residents initiative should be applauded and supported. This design really skews incredibly male. While girls do of course skate and play basketball these are things that are more typically the domain of young boys. If this is really about youth it would be great to include an area of I think a design which appeals to girls as well as boys would have an important impact on the way in which Supportive of location, e.g. gymnastics bars and beams and maybe a little track that could be used for roller‐skating. Its a great idea the facility is used and respected and an important impact on the way in which th erest of the community but not new design to have facilities for youth, but it is really important that it attracts girls and that girls also feel safe using these perceive it. facilities.

Yes, supportive of both Opportunity for a personal touch to the plans eg community can design/decorate a brick or similar? The skate park design looks good and seems advanced enough for seasoned skaters with a variety of areas for younger kids or less experienced.

The garden areas and greenery within the skate park and surrounding areas should be minimised. In my 10+ The first location would be better as it is further away from hazards such as the large trees and other years of skating and using skate parks all around the place, it is the always the greenery mixed in with the grassed areas & greenery. This area also looks to encompass more space which is vital for the safety of the actual plaza which creates a huge hazard. In high winds or bad weather the garden area will get blown around park when it is crowded. The seating and areas for spectators / parents etc should not be integrated into the Yes, supportive of both the skate park. Bark chips, stones and any garden related material will stop a skateboard or scooter in their actual plaza. Many skate parks that have options like this just promote parents & spectators to sit in areas tracks and it just causes accidents. It may look nice but it is a massive hazard for skaters and most users of that are not seats and they are a hazard and risk getting hurt themselves. Make sure to have the seating these facilities. I would advise to remove it or make the plants fake. areas at a reasonable distance from any part of the plaza.

Basketball park is a good idea but would probably be used more if it was an actual court with two hoops and not just one.

Our young family and friends use Rushcutters Bay Park on a daily basis for RESTING and RELAXATION. Living in a terrace house with little to no backyard (like most of the residents in Paddington, Rushcutters Bay and No, not supportive of The newly proposed location is even worse than the initial one ‐ RIGHT AT THE ENTRANCE TO OUR BEAUTIFUL Darlinghurst) we rely on the PEACE and TRANQUILITY of Rushcutters Bay Park to escape from the confines either PARK AND GREEN SPACE? Just AWFUL. of our home and our very busy city lives. We are vehemently opposed to the concept of a noisy skateboarding and basketball facility in the proposed Rushcutters Bay Park area. The ONLY location I would consider supporting such a facility would be at Yarranabee Park.

I do not understand where the scooter areas for 8 year old and similar are. The design appears geared to a Please be aware that, whilst this is a good idea it will invariably attract a seedy crowd at night. You are Supportive of location, skate park only (on that side) and would be entirely intimidating to anyone not being a skater. Where is the kidding yourselves and in denial if you do not think so. I hope not but too many precedents have been set to but not new design scooter track? What am I not interpreting properly? ignore this possibility.

Yes, supportive of both A full basketball court would have been better!

Yes, supportive of both Shaded seating for eating

This is a great idea but given that basketball is the number one participation sport now in Australia one half court is not enough given the amount of kids and adults that will use it. Evidence this at Rose Bay where the Great to give something to this age group‐ playground is there for 2‐7 year olds, soccer and green for adults Supportive of location, one court with two hoops is always busy especially weekends and after school. Also think lights on the court and kids personal training classes. The Youth need something to get them active and off the screens and in but not new design should be provided ‐ again great example at Rose Bay courts‐ where residents are about the same distance a nice safe environment away and are not disturbed‐ can go off at 9pm on automatic switch. please consider adding an additional hoop as the real young kids will be pushed off by teens and adults if trying to use.

See comments raised here. Tiny demographic in this location is serviced. Statistics show dedicated skateboarders are almost 90% male so anti‐female construction (basketball less so but still male dominant). No, not supportive of No netball facilities. Why not an open air trampoline park? either https://www.change.org/p/peter‐cavanagh‐woollahra‐nsw‐gov‐au‐vote‐no‐to‐the‐proposed‐1‐1‐million‐ skatepark‐in‐century‐old‐rushcutters‐bay‐park The skateboarding scooter plaza would be a great addition to outdoor facilities around the inner Sydney suburbs.Our family often attends the skateboard facility at Bondi. The facility is for intermediate to advanced skaters. Many skaters are not experienced enough to use this facility competently, which can cause injuries. Yes, supportive of both The opening of a facility at Rushcutters Bay would allow skating and scooter riders to develop their skills at a Please see above comments. facility commensurate with their skill level. There is a huge obesity problem in Australia, particularly among young people; facilities such as the one proposed at Rushcutters Bay would provide local youth with the opportunity to be engaged in physical activity and socialise with their friends and peers.

Please speak to some skateboarders and scooter riders about the design of the skatepark.

A common thread amongst skateparks built/designed post 2010 is too much emphasis being placed on the look of the park, and not on functionality. For example, Next to the bank to bank gap, there is a long row of small plants which i'm presuming would sit in soil. As seen at the new Sydenham skatepark with the Supportive of location, woodchip issue, the soil will spread out and cause people to deck themselves by slipping over or getting but not new design chalked. Not only is it dangerous, it is a waste of space. You could put a ledge there which would be a really nice flowy obstacle. Furthermore, the ramps which have nowhere to stand on the top NEED SOMEWHERE TO STAND ON THE TOP. There is no use having them there if you can't stand at the top. It will decrease traffic through the skatepark.

Many thanks and i'm stoked that the council is going ahead with this.

Yes, supportive of both Could have more hoops and seating/viewing areas

Yes, supportive of both The best possible skatepark

This is looking great and much more aligned with the park. As a parent of two young children living in This will be an exciting and welcome addition to Rushcutters Park, in a good location that won’t disturb local Paddington we will frequently drive to the skate park at Kurnell so the kids can ride their scooters m. It’s keeps residents or park users. As a parent of kids who love to spend hours scootering we have to drive to Kurnell Yes, supportive of both them entertained for hours. Having access to a non‐threatening, open, safe and close space like this would be to the skate park there. Having something close by and not overly designed will be a great addition to the wonderful and valued greatly by the community. area.

Yes, supportive of both skatepark looks great just please dont make the obstacles to close together like at other new parks. thank you for providing more rails.

Yes, supportive of both I feel the concept design could include more elements, a proper ramp or bowls in particular. Please provide this long awaited piece of crucial infrastructure for the young people living in the area.

Yes, supportive of both Much needed in the area.

Thrilled to be able to see this development for young children and support this completely.So many families Yes, supportive of both As above would benefit from this and the community. We love it!

Yes, supportive of both Add table tennis tables Yes, supportive of both Consider all local skatepark builders. There is 2 in bondi.

Yes, supportive of both Is there enough seating around the scooter/skate park?

Yes, supportive of both Fantastic thing for the area. No, not supportive of We need to add more peace‐making features ‐ not added concrete, 2‐story building, and arenas that invite Leave the noisy, hectic, concrete skateboarding arenas to , and leave our beautiful, peaceful either more noise. Rushcutters Bay alone. I believe this plan promotes healthy activities for youth and encourage connectedness between adult and youth social spaces. It's an excellent idea and I hope it goes ahead.

I strongly support the proposed skate park. It is a shame that the council has been forced to downgrade the I am very disappointed in the reaction of residents opposing the skate park at Rushcutters Bay. Parks are for Yes, supportive of both size and remove the floodlighting. I would suggest in future reconsidering the addition of floodlighting as this everyone to use and teenagers in particular often lack places where they are welcomed. would extend the time that people are able to use the facility, particularly in winter.

Yes, supportive of both We desperately need this for our local children. The original plan is the preferred option but this will be great.

I think a Youth Recreation Area is a wonderful idea and that the proposed facilities would be very well utilised Yes, supportive of both by the local children and adults alike. Desperately needed. I have 3 active sons who would LOVE this facility. Youngest 7 to oldest 14. Basketball Again this will fill a real need for young kids ‐ too big for the playground but not old enough to go all the way Yes, supportive of both hoops in particular. to Bondi

Yes, supportive of both This would be a huge win for Youth & family in the area :) The first area selected (by the foreshore, away from New South Head Road) was much safer for children and Supportive of new I think the additions are a wonderful idea. would not have interrupted views or impeded the enjoyment of the park for anyone else. I prefer the first design, but not location area selected. Yes, supportive of both Build the skate park for all the kids (and grown up kids)! There needs to be further thought into smaller (even more beginner‐friendly) skate obstacles. Given that that is only skating facility in the area, it will attract a range of skaters beyond the scope of the 8‐14 year old age range you intend. A park of this size will become cluttered very quickly once you consider that there'll be some experienced skaters who ride fast around established "lines", mixing with smaller, younger kids on scooters who don't yet know about skatepark etiquette or how to look out for others. It's always an accident waiting to happen (source: every skatepark since scooters). There needs to be a place that the smaller, more vulnerable‐ to‐injury, riders can go and still have fun when the major features of the skatepark are being heavily sessioned by advanced riders (and that won't be all the time). This means that all users can have fun. If the park becomes Yes, supportive of both renowned for being a place where advanced riders can't ride the obstacles due to overcrowding, those riders If you want to build a playground, build one. Don't build a skatepark expecting it to be like a playground. will just go and ride public spaces nearby resulting in plenty of damage to property especially to cement, brick or wooden planters etc. By ensuring advanced riders stay for longer at the park, you also allow for a community to develop. Having been a part of many skatepark communities over the years, I've observed many great things happening where teens and young adults become positive mentors to younger people, encouraging them to be stewards of the park. The skatepark in my hometown is still going strong with regular users and they all talk of the generation before them who got them involved in the community. If these older riders don't bother coming to the park, it'll be a playground where parents bring their kids to play, and nothing more.

This is something the community really needs ‐ children need a space to play and learn new skills and this park Yes, supportive of both Its a park ‐ it is exactly what should be in a park. would promote this Yes, supportive of both Well done!

There are no other free recreation facilities in the LGA catering specifically for young people aged 8‐14, especially for skateboarders. The skate board facility at Bondi Beach is largely inaccessible to young people in A long overdue addition to recreational facilities in Woollahra LGA, for a very underserviced section of the Yes, supportive of both Woollahra due to poor public transport links. The addition of a basketball court is very welcome, and the bike community. racks an excellent idea as many young people may access the park by bicycle. With that in mind, consideration should be given to safe bicycle access into the park from surrounding streets. A fantastic plan, we desperately need a youth oriented space in the local area

Yes, supportive of both This would be a great place for the kids to get out and about, instead of sitting inside playing games.

Yes, supportive of both

Yes, supportive of both We really really really really like the skate park! The best part is the scooter area. I like that the most!

My kids and I use the area regularly as well as other open areas for skating, riding bikes, playing ball and just The skate park and basketball area need to be bigger to accommodate growing population of kids. Great Yes, supportive of both hanging out. Other skateparks are at or over capacity please consider expanding design and thank you so initiative regardless, well done! much! Skate park is an awesome idea! I'm really disappointed that there are plans to develop a beautiful, open, green and peaceful place with a youth recreation area. The noise of skateboards will carry across the park, people will likely congregate there at night and create mess and noise, and it will forever change the nature of the area and Rushcutters Bay. No, not supportive of Not everything and everywhere needs to be designed with families and youth in mind. There must surely be either other areas where this could be achieved. What about the water frontage near Darling point where there's nothing there and people don't use as frequently as Rushcutters to relax. The constant need to develop and destroy and condense will ruin what was once a characterful and unique suburb.

Would like to see the basketball area have a full court and extra hoops to side so that a game could be played A fabulous idea , well conceived and really hope that it goes ahead. The new proposal is in a better spot than Yes, supportive of both and more than 1 group can practice at a time (1 hoop seems limited , have 2 as a minimum please !!) the old one.

Given the space, having two basketball 1/3 courts would be better than the current proposal Yes, supportive of both Get it built now Not clear how big the bike racks are, but really just need temporary locking bars for kids riding to/from the park For the last fourteen years I have lived less than one hundred metres from Rushcutters Bay Park (RBP). Not that long ago, this proposed youth recreation facility in RBP was defeated at Council due to the overwhelming response from local residents and park users. Therefore, like many local residents, I am surprised and curious why this decision has now been overturned with the facility now being reconsidered.

I love this green space and use it daily but, before I am criticised for ignoring the recreational needs of our youth, I wish to point out that I am well aware of their situation, as I have children of my own, including a son who skateboards and plays basketball.

Therefore as a local resident I wish to make a number of points in relation to this new proposal for a youth recreation facility in RBP.

Rushcutter’s Bay Park is heavily used green space, with the majority of this space being ‘programmed’ meaning it has a dedicated function e.g. cafe, children’s playground, sporting fields, exercise station. The flip side of this is, there is therefore only a sliver of space left which is ‘unprogrammed’, where people can do as I do not believe construction of a youth facility of this size is warranted in RBP. they please; to picnic or just chill. There are numerous other parks in Woollahra municipality where a facilty No, not supportive of Please see a more detailed response in the general comments section below. such as this, is a better fit in terms of demographics and available space such as Lyne Park at Rose Bay. And either there are plenty of superb skateparks nearby in Surry Hills or Bondi Beach, which is where my son and his mates skate.

I would also like to point out, from my daily observations of over more than a decade; that the small available pockets of ‘unprogrammed’ space in RBP are already hotly contested by park users, with members of the CYCA using it to repair sails, fitness boot camps etc. To reduce the unprogrammed space further, by constructing a facility of this size, makes no sense at all.

Curiously, the councillors who have resurrected the proposal to construct the youth facility in RBP are not from the Double Bay ward, where the park would be located. And also please note that the councillors who have resurrected this do not want it in their wards! It is very clear that Woollahra Council is seeking to position the facility ‘out of sight’, at the very furthest, western boundary of the municipality.

And Darling Point residents are already well catered for in terms of available outdoor activities, with an abundance of tennis courts provided by the City of Sydney just metres away. Therefore Woollahra Council’s

Yes, supportive of both Love to have more options for kids to use

The Rushcutters Bay Youth Recreation Area is such an important addition to the facilities in the local The new skate and scooter plaza design looks fantastic, it is much more refined and contemporary than the community. As more facilities like these are being constructed in the greater Sydney Area (just look at the previous design. As a skatepark user for over 10 years, I strongly support this design as it includes appropriate Yes, supportive of both success of the new Sydenham Skate Facility, as well recent similar projects in Cromer, Croydon, and more) it features for all skill levels. I would highly recommend the inclusion of at least one water fountain, as hydration is important that the Eastern Suburbs do not fall behind! Please I urge the Woollahra Council to prioritise is very important when using skate facilities, as well as bins close to the skatepark to make sure it stays clean. this facility! Thank you so much for putting a Youth Recreation Area on your agenda. It is an exciting proposal that shows There's a false perception that children on skateboards or with basketballs are unwelcome youths. Yet, the Council is thinking of all it's residents. We've lived in the area since our now 11 year old son was born. So these same kids are singing in chorus, doing ballroom dancing, piano classes, lots of homework, charity work Yes, supportive of both much of what makes the area so great are the parks and outside spaces. But now our son grew out of the and so much more. These are great kids who need places they can feel welcome and understood. Thank you playgrounds it's harder to get him outside to enjoy them. Basketball courts close to home would get him to the Council for its progressive and exciting initiative. outside, exercising somewhere safe and close to home.

The skate park has been poorly designed in terms of flow. Young riders should be encouraged to follow the Supportive of location, same / similar direction, for safety and so more kids can be using the facility at one time. A big wide 'snake As it stands the quarter pipe is super dangerous and you'll fly out into the rail if you hit it... but not new design run' / oval design would enable features to be placed so kids can generate speed, do tricks or roll on past on their way. Roller skaters would love this kind of track / park too. Hi my name is ***, I ride for a scooter company, we ride parks everyday and there are at least 20 riders. We Yes, supportive of both love riding all parks in Sydney and another one would be great for the Sydney scene of scootering. We would love another park in the books❤❤❤ No, not supportive of I am totally against it as I want to relax in the park. I do not support this idea. It will increase the level of noise significantly in the park. either There is no reason to provide noisy skateboard facilities for the poor underprivileged kids of Elizabeth Bay and No, not supportive of Darling Point! The park should be left in its current state where people of all ages can enjoy the open grassed either areas. Yes, supportive of both looks great please build! its a great idea that the community needs. kids need somewhere to skate!

Yes, supportive of both I'm really excited that this might be happening! My kids are 8 and 11 and we have no plans to leave the area.

Yes, supportive of both Basketball courts are a good idea but as long as they’re separated from the skatepark

Yes, supportive of both It is really good to see a space dedicated to the youth being active and engaged Ping Pong Tables Yes, supportive of both Giant Chess Board like in Hyde Park Please Lighting is always preferred to utilise the space after daylight hours, which is the most likely time to use this Yes, supportive of both for anyone who has to work during the day. A similar proposal was resoundly rejected by residents. The park provides ample recreation areas. A youth park Unsuitable, inappropriate and a waste of money is better located in an area such as Bondi which already attracts youth.

Yes, supportive of both The quarter pipes need platforms for skaters to land on

Yes, supportive of both Fantastic and much needed.

Yes, supportive of both Fantastic idea, my kids can’t wait!!!

Fantastic idea to encourage the kids and their families to get outside and enjoy the outdoors. Anything the Yes, supportive of both council does to promote physical activity and generate more opportunities for community in the Use this park very often for rugby, running and walking my dog. neighbourhood is totally welcome. An excellent idea for children and young teenagers. Excellent idea, should be supported. We would use it all the time with our 3 children aged 5‐12 Parkland is to share. Yes, supportive of both I think this process has been well managed. It's a good addition to the park and I support it. This facility would be fantastic for young people, families and all outdoor and action sports enthusiasts. The initial design looks fantastic. Please ensure there is consultation with skateboards prior to signing off on Taking up only a small footprint, this facility would have no effect on existing park usage. The way it is Yes, supportive of both final design. designed would be a harmonious addition to Rushcutters Bay Park and a positive facility for the entire community to enjoy. Yes, supportive of both It’s a perfect area to have a communal phisical acitvity plaza

Yes, supportive of both Looks great, very excited Please make it happen!

Thank you for reconsidering the proposal to install facilities for young people living in our area. It is long Yes, supportive of both The basketball area could be larger ‐ it looks rather small. overdue and reflects the fact that more and more families are choosing to raise children in the inner city and surrounds. Local governments have an obligation to support this growing demographic in the community. Leave the greenspace area in the park intact and don't subtract any space by any more erections. Youth? No, not supportive of OK! But I'd guess there are more adults in the group between 40‐60+ than in the "youth" group. Imagine the Don't despoil the park with yet another erection. It's not a huge area. either reaction if the proposal was for a mini‐lawn bowls development for the 60+ group which is probably larger than the "youth" group. I really hope this scheme goes ahead. It will add to the parks amenities greatly.

We really need more age appropriate facilities for kids 8‐14yrs old in the area where there are very limited We wholeheartedly support, welcome and encourage this much needed facility for the ever growing options. We have an obesity epidemic in our communities and are in desperate need of facilities which population of kids and young people in our community. We want spaces where our kids can feel a positive promote and sustain outdoor recreational and physical activities. sense of community and belonging which is age appropriate.

Yes, supportive of both I would love a skatepark in the east, Waterloo and sydenham are both too far away. I would also like to see a bubbler installed

Yes, supportive of both Some picnic tables would be great

Yes, supportive of both Bike racks are an excellent idea

Yes, supportive of both Great for young people to be going outside to exercise, make friends and develop skills.

Yes, supportive of both I think it is perfect for the area. I was hoping it would be closer to the harbour.

No, not supportive of If this amenity is so badly needed it would be better suited in an area central to the youth of Woollahra and either not the extreme end of the suburb. Yes, supportive of both Needs lights Hello ‐ I live in Darlinghurst and walk the park regularly. The area has increased number of young people and I'm ALL for this facility. The anti‐skate‐park people were those without any contact with children/young Yes, supportive of both I'm sure I will get a shock at how large it really is ?! but I do want it to happen. people and felt really annoyed that they had so much influence over your earlier decision. please do something for local kids. The increase in children under the age of 16 in this area has grown enormously in the 20 years we've lived It is essential this type of facility is included in a general recreation area so that they are part of the here. These kids desperately need somewhere congenial and safe to hang out and meet their own friends. This Yes, supportive of both community, rather than locating them in less populated areas where they will be more likely to attract less is especially true where you have families with several kids of different ages, so young ones have the desirable users. playground with parents in attendance while slightly older ones have safety and freedom close by.

There are more people living in the area with children. These kids need somewhere to go and have fun. If they Yes, supportive of both living with their parents in apartment buildings I need to have access within walking distance sometimes for fun activities. When we baby boomers were growing up there was always a park nearby with play Equipment.

Please choose materials like wood to soften the look of the facilities Desperately need shade when down there in Summer. Security cameras would also be good.

I continue to be opposed to putting 'built' areas into what should be open green space. Yes, there are kids in the area, but surely open space offers much more opportunity for inventive play and recreation, than built space that will not suit all children in any event. The built area will suck up resources in cleaning and No, not supportive of I remain strongly against putting further 'built' activity into green space. What we need is open space that maintenance, and the idea that the skate park won't encourage the skaters to take over the rest of the part is either can be used by all people for all activities...Built activities inevitably alienates the space for the use by all. simply naive. The park already is burdened with the bikes, skateboards, scooters, prams, etc all trying to share the footpaths. There are huge swathes of ageing people in the Council...and no one is suggesting we build them something.

'‐ it took 20 years to clean up Rushcutters Bay park to make it an ideal family friendly environment and the '‐ the 8‐14 yr olds to which the skate park is supposedly catering will give way to older more aggressive youths above will not add value No, not supportive of as indicated by the aggressive way these older youths used Darling Point Road and our driveways to show their ‐ as in other skate park areas (Bondi & Summerhill) there will be issues with younger youths being either recent displeasure approached offering drugs ‐ the noise level will affect the coffee shop where one meets friends or sit tranquilly in the sun having coffee

The skate and scooter plaza design needs modification, given the target age range of 8‐14 year olds. The Supportive of location, A skate and scooter plaza is well overdue for the area. It is imperative that council continues to work hard to obstacles need to be simplified ‐ think more low ledges/curbs to learn grinds on, very small quarterpipes to but not new design make this idea a reality. Thanks for all efforts thus far! learn transition tricks on, low manual pads, low flatbar rails, very low hubbas (down‐ledges).

No, not supportive of The park is already over used. Bikes, scooters & things with wheels do not suit the area. There are old people, The water points & garbage bin locations need to be improved either toddlers & dogs. The bikes & scooters are very disruptive & dangerous in the park

Yes, supportive of both Children 8‐14 are not well catered for in parks and these are excellent ideas.

Yes, supportive of both Overdue ‐ wall done! The park is for everyone to share, these facilities gives the teens a legitimate opportunity to be a part of the It’s wonderful to create facilities for a group of residents who are mostly ignored parks social ecosystem "Demographics" ‐ quoted 12% youth does not give the full picture. There are >400 kids in Paddo and >50 in "Value for Money" ‐ only a small portion of youth skate out of many types of activities. Spending millions of Potts Point 10‐14 according to the Census. How many actually skate, very few! Where is the research to dollars of ratepayers money to support a small minority of people and activity does not represent value for No, not supportive of support the proposal? money either "Poor Location" ‐ a huge investment being proposed on the border of Woollahrah? It is in‐accessable to "White Elephant" ‐ young people are very conscious of what others think and being cool. 10‐14 year olds will most local residents who are paying for it via rates, and the users will primarily be City of Sydney residents not embrace an "uncool" beginners skate facility, and it is at risk of becoming an under‐utilised white elephant! from Darlinghurst, Elizabeth Bay, Rushcutters Bay, Potts Point etc who are not funding the project

Yes, supportive of both Skate park is a great idea and play for children to socialise and learn new skills Both the new and old ovation would work well A half basketball court would be better than the small proposed one (but otherwise great idea!) Yes, supportive of both This is has been a long time coming ‐ thanks! And a half‐pipe for the skaters.

Further to my previous submission, I also object to this proposal on the grounds that it is highly discriminatory. Firstly, we know from ABS data that significantly more males than females skateboard. Therefore this proposal discriminates against females. We also know from ABS data that more males than females play basketball, therefore this proposal is discriminatory against girls. Finally, you state that 12% of Woollahra residents are No, not supportive of children, however, we know from ABS data that only a small proportion of these actually skateboard, therefore either you are alienating the area for all children not interested in skateboarding. I could suggest you put up netball courts instead, because at least that would cater for a much higher percentage of children (we know from ABS data that participation in netball is much higher than skateboarding), but that would be equally discriminatory against boys. So, the only solution is to leave the area as open space which enables children of all interests to use the space ‐ not to mention everyone over 18 as well.

No, not supportive of Prefer green space ‐ the proposed facility should be elsewhere Centennial Park more appropriate for ‘youth recreation facility’. either Our children need facilities like this to offer them healthy outdoor alternatives particularly this target age Yes, supportive of both range. Well done. Whilst personally I would prefer not to have the recreation facility in such a beautiful open park area Yes, supportive of both understand the need to cater for everyone. People with dogs will find this an issue. Dogs off lead will cause issues run into area, scare kids, accidents. No, not supportive of This has already been rejected and NJ it endorsed by Malcolm Turnbull when will council see this is not the See above either right area for a skate Park!

You only need to look at Mona Vale as a case study to see how popular the skatepark is with the youth in the area. It is constantly packed with kids, and young adults alike enjoying being active outside. I understand the reluctance to include floodlights as there is a thought it could lead to anti‐social behavior. I The initial concept design is slightly uninspiring, Convic are capable of excellent skatepark designs, I would ask disagree with that idea, and taking away the floodlights would render the skatepark useless for much of them to rethink their plans. If they require more floor area please consider it. They are experts and are able to winters evenings, prime skateboarding time. It would be a far better solution to include the floodlighting but Yes, supportive of both make excellent, roomy designs with separate 'lines', which is actually safer for the users as it will be less put them on a timer. Obviously cost comes into consideration, but I would argue it is worth it. congested. Please do not concede to the NIMBY attitude of the Eastern Suburbs.

Kind Regards, Angus

Rushcutters Bay Park is not a suitable location for a skatepark. There are already many sporting options This proposal will spoil the park and is serving only a minority of people. It is not in the public interest and a available in the Park for youth ‐ bike riding, sailing, tennis, football, jogging, hockey, yoga etc. Skateparks are No, not supportive of waste of public money. This is a family/dog friendly park view prime park and harbour views and should noisy and attract negative characters. There is not the demand for these sports ‐basketball and skating.The either remain as such. An better location would be under the trainline, East Subs Railway, near Weigall as it's new location will block harbour views from the street and public arena. Skaters should use the existing facility already noisy and would not obstruct views. in Bondi. Teenagers need a safe public space to go to during the day and night with their friends. This is a great Yes, supportive of both alternative to the Cross where there is nowhere for them to go anyway Yes, supportive of both Please give the area a much needed FUN PLACE!!! This is a brilliant proposal which makes the area more inclusive for all age groups and the changing Yes, supportive of both demographic of the area. We have been waiting soooo long for this! Housing affordability in this areas means many young families Yes, supportive of both cramped into small apartments. We all use the park all weekend. Would be life changing for the kids to have a Go for it! space to utilise that better caters to their needs!

Yes, supportive of both Families in local areas would love council to proceed with this project

Yes, supportive of both Please do it for the families! Do it for the kids! No, not supportive of The scale of this design is excessive either This would be a wonderful addition to the local community. There is such a shortage of places for teenagers and pre‐teens to go that don't cost money ‐ this would be fun and free. Better than the present situation Yes, supportive of both where roads and lanes are used as skateways. Outdoor activities are also a balance to phones and computers! The design looks fine and it's pretty out of the way in such a big space. No, not supportive of I prefer there to remain as much green space as possible. either Thanks for considering this for Rushcutters Bay Park. There aren't alot of facilities for 12 year olds and these Yes, supportive of both None look pretty cool. This facility is long overdue, it would be a perfect place for local kids to hang out and socialise. It will keep them Yes, supportive of both off the streets and out of trouble. Love the idea. Please, please, please make this happen. It will give families a safe place to skate, scoot, Yes, supportive of both rollerskate and play basketball.

No, not supportive of Skateboarders travelling to and from the park disturb the peace as the wheels traverse footpaths, stairs kerbs The skateboard facility should be located very close to the homes of Woollahra Councillors ? HAHA Fat either etc Chance!

Yes, supportive of both The park should be a place for community and fun and creating these additions would greatly contribute No, not supportive of its a recreational area for all groups and ages already. This is over development on an inappropriate site. either Supportive of new This area is at the very edge of the council area. A more central location would be the harbour front at Rose design, but not location Bay.

Yes, supportive of both I'm not sure about no floodlighting ... can get quite dark early in the winter. So glad it's going ahead. I've seen a lot of grumpy old comments about this. I'm opposed to any skate board area. Its extremely noisy. There is a perfectly good space that already exists that the RTA own on William Street. That would be perfect, it already is a noisy fenced off slab of concrete thats doing nothing. It could house both a basket ball court and skateboard ramp. There is little housing No, not supportive of What young people have been consulted about this and how many and where from? there, its already noisy and is close by. It's just sitting there! This could be a great opportunity to utilise a either waste ground. Or how about closer to Edgecliff Shopping Centre, in the car park or by the bus station? And all the talk about it not being used at night? If built people will use these facilities all hours, they will just light the area up with phones ect. There is a lot of noise with skate board areas.

Please provide proper detail as to scale and location. Advocates have had since November 2017 to raise their petition, opponents have tried to petition starting at a later date but have not yet had facts about No, not supportive of environmental impact to present. This and the aggressive nature of the proponents, who do not care about Preserve our beautiful green spaces for everyone to use, including kids. Kids never skate in this park as it is. either the park, is creating community division. Email me for links to online fora demonstrating this. I will also email you photos of paths on the park empty of skaters showing you that this is not needed. It's the skate industry who has lobbied you.

There is nowhere for relaxation in the area except Rushcutters Bay Park. Traffic and noise everywhere, ads Am against the never‐ending banging and thumping noise of skate boarding... You havent bothered with the blaring on station platforms, people shouting into mobile phones in the streets, cafes, in their cars, in shops Supportive of new environmental impact research outcome. Why not Centennial Park which is huge by comparison with and shopping centres, i. e. Coles, Woolworths, and also bang bang bang bang skate boarders on the design, but not location Rushcutters and doesn't have HOMES close to the centre. Put the skateboard area outside YOUR frontdoor pathways in the area on Sundays is a sample of whats coming. Now the kids 12,13,14, 15 etc can speed on Alex and Clover. the pavements day or night, no adult supervision.

No, not supportive of It’s in the wrong location. Green space taken to satisfy a tiny group of mostly male teen skaters? Very wrong either for the area and demographics which will not change any time soon as it is mostly apartments.

Yes, supportive of both Can there be a rocky path for offroad bikes?

The skate and scooter plaza is a fantastic idea. As anyone who has kids going to Bondi or any of the city skateparks knows they are absolutely packed and more facilities need to be built. Bondi Skatepark does not cater for younger skaters it's too difficult and it's also too far for younger kids in the Rushcutters Bay area to Yes, supportive of both travel to safely. I have 2 daughters who skate and the positive effect is has had on them is amazing. My oldest was never that interested in sports but now goes out to do a activity that is healthy and builds her confidence. Skateboarding is now an Olympic sport and yet facilities are constantly being knocked back, please don't let this be one of them.

Every inch of the park is already well used by the general public. Carving out an area to concrete over for a This proposal has already been voted down once in a supposedly fair and democratic way, (even overcoming small age group simply excludes all other users. In order for me to support this proposal you would have to No, not supportive of the fact that the last survey was designed to be biased in favour of the proposal). Even the Prime Minister literally find more park and green space by demolishing the car wash (for example). The green grass is so either was against it! How can you now call it a 'planned proposal'? By who? Clearly the minority have some sway valuable and a rarity in this growing city ‐ how can you go ahead and concrete over it and in so doing ignore over council? the rights of all other users?

No, not supportive of If you're determined to create a youth rec area, encourage youth sailing and other water sports through the Not needed in this quiet, tranquil Harbourside park. either existing buildings attached to Ransa and get the kids out on the water.

No, not supportive of You are demolishing greenery in a city where the core temperatures are rising. You are environmental vandals This is environmental vandalism. If you must go ahead find somewhere that is already barren and concrete. either for pursuing this in the face of massive public protest. There is so much concrete in our city ‐ why pour more?! I think this is absolutely necessary and a wonderful great idea! [I also thought the original location was better, FYI, but I'm not a whiny old granny] :) In any case the young boys do really require somewhere to be active. Yes, supportive of both EXCELLENT We've lived in Paddo for twelve years and our kids are getting older and need playspace! Kudos to the boys who did this! Rushcutter's Bay park is a small park that is best suited to individual exercise, dog walking, and relaxation. Many people love to have picnics and sit on the grass, and walk from surrounding areas to do so. Supportive of new The planned Youth Recreation Areas are intrusive and take away from the relaxed feel of the park. They will Any structure that decreases grass area in this small park should be discouraged. design, but not location increase daytime noise to local residents, vehicle traffic, and create problems for people walking, with increased skate and scooter traffic on the paths. The potential for increased noise at night is also an issue.

Let's make this happen for those that don't have such loud voices in council planning matters. I would have Keep it cosy and tight. Those ramps look too spread out. But I'm sure you have skate park designers involved to loved something like this in my neighbourhood growing up but every time it was tabled (regularly) it would Yes, supportive of both help with these details? be shut down by the same antiquated, prejudiced arguments that exist against this proposal. Urban life demographics are changing and this would be a positive step to address that change. I think this proposal balances the need for passive recreation space with dedicated play space for younger Yes, supportive of both people NO skaters in the park. Anti‐social behaviour and bad language of youngsters Litter and noise Supportive of new Why not locate a skaters area in Centennial Park, it is huge by comparison to Rushcutters Bay Park. Where is the environmental impact assess,ent on the natural environment and the humans who have to put design, but not location But only after an environmental impact study. up with the bang bang bang bang bang in what is now a relaxing environment for all: residents, families, youth, dogs, the elderly, NOT teenagers.

I have three young children and they will love this in the next few years once they become too old for the Yes, supportive of both playground. It is an excellent use of community space to provide outdoor options for older children to be active. Excellent work to create a space for young people. It appears to me it is the aging baby boomers who have Yes, supportive of both New location is much better the biggest problem with having young people ‘hang around their’ park. By moving to the back near the road you have removed a big reason for their objections ‐ we’ll done! No, not supportive of Skate Parks attract undesirable attention and create loud noises which disturb the tranquility of the park. either Very modest and entirely appropriate. Don't let a small minority ruin this for the whole community. Small scale scooter parks for 10‐‐14 year olds are very well patronised by families and a natural part of community facilities. I have never experienced loud Yes, supportive of both Don't let a small minority ruin this for the whole community. Small scale scooter parks for 10‐‐14 year olds are noise and the design will make it less likely it will attract teens who may cause antisocial activities. Not very well patronised by families and usually not by teens who may cause antisocial activities. Not floodlighting floodlighting at night will help this. As will installation of security cameras to deter graffiti. at night will help this. As will installation of security cameras to deter graffiti.

The area is beautiful and loved by most who enjoy their peace and quiet and walks The children’s playground is a favourite to most of us and the bike path for them Skate ramps are too noisy and can be dangerous to others No, not supportive of We are lucky enough to live in an area with enough recreational activities My nephew trys to use the basket ball courts at Lyon Park Rose Bay and there are frequently older above 16 either All this will cause is MORE noise and rubbish, older people using things like the courts, how will you police years of age or actual men playing on them so the kids don’t even get to use it. that! Why doesn’t council spend more money on better ways to improve things like rubbish removal, pollution, our harbour beachside and less meter parking!! Yes, supportive of both It’s wonderful! Very glad to have more facilities for kids ‐ the playground only caters for kids up to 4ish so it is much needed. I am all for the addition of elements to our park, but a skate park will be disruptive to the beautiful park Supportive of new environment. You can look at nearby skating areas such as Taylor square or the at Hyde park design, but not location to see the noise and nuisance that skaters cause. I enjoy skateboarding and cycling, but this is not the park for it. It's a little unfair for the voice‐less 8‐14yo group to have no facilities where the other age groups are so well Yes, supportive of both There's precious little for this age group in this area. Please persist with this project. served in our community. No, not supportive of DON'T DO IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! either please do not ruin our beautiful park with hideous manmade structures We need more good quality/ fun recreational activities in the area, including wide open spaces to run and Yes, supportive of both This is a great resource for the kids of the city kick a ball around (sorry the current playground in Rushcutters is boring) Great idea to build facilities for young people. I’m sick of the vocal minority of older Park users opposing Yes, supportive of both I think it should include an entire basketball court stuff like this.

I am located in Elizabeth Bay and in close proximity to the proposed skate park. When the new Fitzroy Gardens playground was created in Potts Point, it created a fantastic community hub. This playground was originally vehemently opposed and now both young and old could not imagine the area without it. It has brought life to an otherwise unused section of the gardens and is a beautiful meeting point for friends and family. Yes, supportive of both The youth of the area deserve recreational facilities and to be honest without them are more likely to create issues within the community. They need a place to go, hang out, exercise and be with their friends. Children of the age group 8‐14 can not just go to other areas like Bondi or Redfern to enjoy such facilities. Once they grow out of playgrounds (as my son (7) is about to where do they go? what do they do?

Excellent plan ‐ wish it had been implemented years ago when our children were young enough to take As above. advantage of it. But better late than never. Don’t be influenced by the nay‐sayers. Put children first. Thank you.

Yes, supportive of both Get it done asap It's very disappointing that Woollahra Council is ignoring the feedback of the majority of the local community and Park users, i.e. that this is the wrong location for this Youth Facility. Many different types of people from all age groups currently use this beautiful Park. The majority of people in Rushcutters Bay, Elizabeth Bay and Darling Point live in units and visit these beautiful Parklands often ‐ it's not just the kids in the neighbourhood who don't have a backyard. Woollahra Council is also choosing to ignore the many objections to kids riding their skateboards and scooters along the residential streets and Park's pathways to get to the proposed Youth Centre. With respect, moving the Facility a few metres to a new location is not It's unclear why we need this Facility in Rushcutters Bay Park when there are already sufficient facilities within going to "nullify" this noise at all. If the kids aren't riding their skateboards along the streets, then their the Park for children of all ages, which don't ruin the peace and tranquillity of the Park for all other users. No, not supportive of parents will be driving them to the proposed Facility causing more problems with New South Head Road's Children in the 8‐14 year old demographic play in Rushcutters Bay Park every day using the existing facilities. either gridlocked traffic and the already inadequate parking in the area. It's very irresponsible for Woollahra Who are these special group of children who aren't able to share the Park's existing facilities with all the other Council to be considering going ahead with this project, and disingenuous for Council to suggest moving the 8 to 14 year olds currently playing there? facility a few metres away to a new location is going to resolve the many objections from the public. It would be great if all the public money being spent on the re‐design of the Facility and Public Notifications required, could instead be spent on finding a more appropriate location. For goodness sake, most of the kids in the eastern suburbs attend private schools or very good public schools and have more facilities available to them every day, than the majority of residents and locals who rely on Rushcutters Bay Park's beauty and ambience. This long winded construction proposal is just a waste of the public's money which could result in this beautiful Park being ruined for the whole community.

Just build it. The more skate parks the happier communities are. Its a healthy, outdoor physical activity. I'm Great, do it. Also please build the glebe/Federal park skatepark that we have been waiting for. It was meant Yes, supportive of both 36yrs old and my kids & myself will love this kind of places when they are old enough. to be completed this year. Still nothing :/ I am delighted that the council is creating this lovely area for our Older children. Till now there has not been anything suitable for Yes, supportive of both Them in this wonderful park. Now there is something for every age group. Especially important to encourage excercise and fresh air. Congratulations to Woollahra Council for deciding to build a well‐planned youth recreational area in Rushcutters Bay Park. The location considers all the necessary parameters of retained views of the harbour, the ideal use of the embankment, so that the area blends in wit the topography, and addresses youths’ enthusiastic sounds, while creating a natural arena. The basketball practice area and the series of skate and scooter components means that young people will enthusiastically use the area through keep‐fit and healthy activity. There are two playgrounds serving the younger children in the park, and now the eight to 14 year olds are being recognised as worthy. Landscaping, tree plantings and garden beds will enhance everyone’s amenity.Water bubblers and shade My wife has had her letter of support published in the Wentworth Courier, citing the facilities provided for Yes, supportive of both shelter will add to the health benefits of this outdoor area. sections our community but not the 8‐14 age children.This proposal will correct this lack. No floodlighting and the retention of trees only increases benefits for all park users.

An unqualified successfully‐planned area which will be utilised by successive young generations can be seen as a demonstration of Council’s thoughtful approach to serving all of the community.

My offspring are now adults who were raised in this municipality over the past 38 years: it will be wonderful to see this project come to fruition. My grandchildren will benefit enormously.

No, not supportive of Why doesn't the council spend the $ keeping the area clean with nice gardens not on insurance claims for No thx either broken hand knees wrists!! Stupid idea and it will attract giraffe!

This proposal means a loss of green space to more hard paved area. It should not proceed. Attracting children to the park would be OK if they stayed in the allocated area. However, they will not stay in No, not supportive of the allocated area and will use the existing paths in the area for their activities that will create conflict, either collisions and potentially injuries. Locating this facility in an area that is heavily used by parents with prams and disabled people should be avoided.

I think everyone wil enjoy this. Yes, supportive of both I think this park would be great for the community. Great safe place for my kids and nephews. Long overdue Yes, supportive of both About time ! You need to cater to the youth of today

We are a family with 2 children aged 6 & 9. My children would benefit immensely from a play area like this We think this proposal is now in the right location. We especially love the basket ball court, bubbler & bike as they have out grown the neighbourhood playgrounds. I am always encouraging them to get outside & be Yes, supportive of both storage. All of this is very much needed in the park. active rather than sit in front of screens but if they have nothing to stimulate & excite them it can be a battle. This will be a great addition to the park.

This will be a faciltiy utilised by the youth of not only today, but for the years to come. With skateboarding It just needs to be done. It’s as simple as that. If the youth have nothing what will they do? Get jobs and Yes, supportive of both alone being included in the coming Olympic Games, we as a community need to compensate for the inevitable start working to buy a house they cannot afford? Yeah right. growth and interest in the skateboarding culture. I think that this is getting close to ready for implementation, but there is perhaps a little room for A little worried about how the basketball hoop is placed directly against the centre of the skate area, but not improvement with regards to the way the borders of the skate area interact with surroundings (i.e. Yes, supportive of both enough to change the entire plan. footpaths, the basketball hoop etc.). Otherwise, all facilities included in the design are great, and impacts are minimised by the landscaping and lack of floodlights.

No, not supportive of Why is Council ignoring residents views and still persisting with and continuing to waste our rates with this See above. Please use our rates on more sensible schemes to improve our parklands rather than add more either very unpopular plan to destroy a small parkload that already is heavily used? concrete and hard surfaces. Grandchildren living in Potts Point would take regular advantage of these facilities . they are necessary to Yes, supportive of both Eessential in an area where alot of the young people live in apartments. proveide safe recreation for young people Here we go again. Why can't you leave the park as it is. Every year or so it seems, The Council has a go at screwing up what is No, not supportive of Please leave Rushcutters Bay park alone. already a great park. Your target of 12% play sport and enjoy the amenity of the park already. And what about either the remaining 88%. What about their needs? Just leave it alone. AND, one month for public comment is not enough. This park is one of the few peaceful and relatively unspoilt parks in the area. A youth recreation area will add to No, not supportive of the noise in the park, and in my experience raises safety and crime issues, particularly at non‐peak times. The either park does not need another structure or space constructed or delineated in it ‐ there are already too few open and un‐built on parks in the area. No, not supportive of I am concerned that the recreation area will add noise, and crime, to what is a lovely, open space in the inner either east. No, not supportive of Still too big and inappropriate for the area will be used by persons older than 14 yo either It's important to understand that this is not a facility that becomes a hub for derogative behaviour, but instead cultivates a growing scene of creative expression and positive investment into the community for physical Supportive of new activity and progression of understanding linking older and younger generations together. Skateboarding and design, but not location its sub‐culture stands for the equity of everyone that is a part of it. When leadership takes the time to listen to the values of its community and cooperate for the good of everyone, thats when the investment reaps its return for all parties.

its large, ugly, hard edged ‐ green coloured concrete does not fool anybody ‐ is not located centrally to the No, not supportive of Woollahra Municipality but rather is on the very edge and would attract a predominantly Kings Cross element. either Grass and trees are very rare so close to the city. Please simply LEAVE RUSHCUTTERS BAY PARK ALONE Ensure that the skate park is built by a proper and legitimate company that specialises in concrete skate parks. If the skate park were to vary in design and layout, it would be an attraction for not only those within the Convic etc.... Yes, supportive of both local area, but the greater nsw as a whole and may bring more people, money and business into the area as this ensures that the facility will be regularly used and that the council receives the most value for for money well as giving people a positive environment to gather in on their investment. Rushcutters Bay Park is one of the World's great natural parks enjoyed by locals and visitors of all ages, both human and canine. The proposed Youth Recreation Area will ruin it. The suggestion there is nothing for children 8 ‐ 14 to do in the vicinity is ridiculous. The park and its environs currently offer facilities for the No, not supportive of following activities and sports ‐ Rugby, football, AFL, athletics, tennis, table tennis, cycling, sailing, canoeing, None of it should be built. either frisbee, dog walking, drone flying, to name a few. A plethora of activities for teenagers. I cannot think of a park anywhere else in the world with natural facilities for so many Olympic sports. Rushcutters Bay Park does need this noisy eyesore. The residents do not want it. If indeed this facility is needed surely there are more suitable locations.

Yes, supportive of both The basketball court area could be bigger and accommodate more hoops. It's a very popular sport. Great initiative!

its about time there were recreation facilities of this type in rushcutters park! great concept, really hope it its about time there were recreation facilities of this type in rushcutters park! great concept, really hope it Yes, supportive of both happens happens. I am at the park twice a week and totally support it.

I object to using any part of the park for any purpose other than how it is now configured. I do not believe No, not supportive of I object to using any part of the park for any purpose other than how it is now configured. that we need any active activities in a beautiful park that for most of the time is peaceful and welcoming. either There is no guarantee as to who will use the proposed facilities and how. This entire structure should be constructed in another part of Sydney... it’s a disgrace even to consider as above Rushcutters Bat Park. Shame on Woollahra Council! This is a disgrace and should not be allowed to proceed! it’s simply appalling! I grew up in New Beach Rd. My local skate parks are magnets for seediness and bad elements. No, not supportive of Basketball court.....sure. Skate park.....no. either

I think most people objecting to this development would feel as I do about skating I work opposite a skate park and it has brought a lot of undesirable types to the area. The children run out Parking in the streets around the park is currently very difficult and so I am opposed to anything that would put from the skate park onto the neighbouring golf course and harass the players, often times stealing the balls No, not supportive of more pressure on parking. It is virtually impossible to park in New Beach Rd in daylight hours all weekend as it and running away. They are impossible to talk to and there is no parental supervision. The Police have been either is. called multiple times but cannot do anything as the children just disperse. I would be very upset to see the same thing happen in Rushcutters Bay Park.

I would dearly like to see this happen. With three children aged 7, 9 and 12 this facility would be an invaluable addition to Rushcutters Bay. We currently drive to Alexandria, or Bondi, or Maroubra to take the kids skating. I would prefer to see the area sited further away from New South Head Rd due to the noise, congestion and Yes, supportive of both Having a facility within walking distance is highly desirable. Support for this project amongst the Glenmore Rd pollution the road generates. Public School parent cohort is very high and viewed by all as a welcome addition to the area.

Yes, supportive of both We really need an indoor facility in the area to play basketball

The Eastern Suburbs area is crying out for a dedicated indoor facility catering to all sports. This may be Yes, supportive of both This a clearly needed facility in the area something the council could focus on next. Yes, supportive of both It would be great to add more than just a half court of basketball, i think 2 new full courts would be ideal.

Supportive of location, Wrong location, destroys tranquillity of park, insensitive to other users. but not new design

Supportive of location, Need for more indoor facilities needed in the area Need for more indoor facilities needed in the area but not new design

Yes, supportive of both We desperately need an indoor basketball complex so kids don’t have to travel to play in good comps.

Supportive of new Need an indoor basketball facility in the eastern suburbs design, but not location

Yes, supportive of both We also desperately need more indoor basketball courts in the eastern suburbs.

Supportive of location, Indoor basketball facilities that is all. Indoor basketball facilities that is all. but not new design

Yes I hope this will go ahead. It is a great idea because all the kids from around rose bay and the eastern Yes, supportive of both My boy loves his scooter and this park looks good for him. (The mother) suburbs will love it, because their moms will drive them, or if they are old enough they can catch the bus.

Whilst this idea is amazing, there are still no indoor basketball courts open to the public in the entire council Yes, supportive of both area. This should be a priority.

I so hope this finally gets through!!!

I strongly support the inclusion of a full basketball court, or two half courts. This would allow groups of people Just do it. Don’t let the old rich NIMBYs overtly influence you. to play scrimmage or train, while still providing space for those who just want to shoot independently. I have lived in Paddington for years and rushcutters before that. I strongly support active recreation in the park and believe the proposal will be such a positive experience for some many families like ours.

Supportive of location, Deep skate bowl like bondi or bay beach but not new design

Great idea and the need for a skate facility has been strong for many years. I would have loved this as a child / Yes, supportive of both student, and know that my younger cousins who live in the area will use it often! Supportive of location, More basketball facilities. Please make the court at least 1/2 size so a game of 1/2 court pick‐up can occur. More facilities like this for kids is a great initiative. Please get this through. but not new design

I think there area is a breeding ground for young talent on skateboards,scooters and bmx, The bigger the area Yes, supportive of both the better i say.

Currently Rushcutters Park serves only adults or young children but there is a lack of any free, public facilities Currently Rushcutters Park serves only adults or young children but there is a lack of any free, public facilities for older children and young teens. this leaves them disenfranchised. This community has now evolved into a for older children and young teens. this leaves them disenfranchised. This community has now evolved into Yes, supportive of both high density family community with growing family needs and it would be fantastic if our community facilities a high density family community with growing family needs and it would be fantastic if our community could support that. We are parents of a 6 year old girl, all of us in nearby Potts Point. She would already facilities could support that. We are parents of a 6 year old girl, all of us in nearby Potts Point. She would appreciate a skatepark and basket ball court of the plans under discussion here. already appreciate a skatepark and basket ball court of the plans under discussion here.

Supportive of new It needs to be far enough away from the road so that when a basketball rebounds, it doesn’t go on the road. design, but not location I don’t want the kids playing near the road, as they often lose safety awareness skills when playing in groups

Basketball is one of the most popular sports in the country (by participation). Think these facilities could be Yes, supportive of both Great initiative ! expanded as i expect significant demand for them. Best thing Woollahra Council has ever proposed. I absolutely love it. Rushcutters Bay park is large and this is a Yes, supportive of both very under‐utilised section of the park. Well done!!! I'd love to bring my kids here rather than drive to other skate parks around Sydney. Love it. We have no where to play as our back garden is too small. I want to be able to walk somewhere with my Yes, supportive of both friends and have fun. Great local addition. Our kids need to learn to play ball games and skate and be kids. Very difficult living in Yes, supportive of both terrace houses to give them the right balance. Yes, supportive of both Cool place to skate and play I fully support the initiative to create this Youth Recreation space in Rushcutters Bay Park. The number of The revised plans to move the facility away from the foreshore are really sensible and will enhance the use of Yes, supportive of both young people living in the vicinity is growing rapidly and there is a genuine need for more youth facilities. the part of the park adjacent to New South Head Road. Thank you Woollahra Council! Please go ahead with this. There is nothing for this age group in the area and the location and this design are Yes, supportive of both This is an amazing and truly needed addition to the area! perfect! Yes, supportive of both There are far too few facilities for young people in our area. This helps redress the balance

The park is heavily utilised with insufficeint open space Rushcutters Bay park is a wonderful open space to walk. It already has two sports ovals heavily used. The There are several and sufficient amenities already Yacht club already intrudes on public space. Woollahra Council should take a lead out if the City of Sydney Councils book. Just walk over the bridge and No, not supportive of The Woollahra Council side does NOT need development it needs Care and maintenance simple things like note the better maintained area iprecycling bins. You dont need to try to compete or duplicate either bins and bags see below and tender loving care. Who is pushing for this development? Who is the builder who wants the cut? There has been no petition by on City of Sydney side grass is cared for, bins have recycling and dog poo bags more often refilled then the residents and the coccept is a disgrace. It does not serve the demographics of the area. Shame on you at Woollahra side Woollahra Council

This will give kids a much needed space for recreation, other than the busy footpaths of the surrounding areas. Well overdue, and much needed

Yes, supportive of both live in Potts Point, definitely needed for the kids and locl community I don't have kids and I'm unlikely to use these facilities myself, but I support their construction due to the I am concerned about potential noise impact and antisocial behaviour in this area; I trust that the council wil Yes, supportive of both amenity they bring to the local community in general. I live in Elizabeth Bay and visit Rushcutter's Bay park keep local residents (including in the surrounding areas in the Sydney City Council LGA) apprised of their quite frequently. measures to mitigate these if they arise. Yes, supportive of both I think the new location is a much bettter option than the original plan

My grandchildrn visit with their families and we always use Rushcutters Bay Park however we need activities More and more people live in apartments in the area surrounding this park. Older children need activities Yes, supportive of both for older kids. and we all know the value of exercise

Yes, supportive of both Love it!!!!! Please! This would be so good!

I think it’s great to think of kids in planning uses of public space. I have a child younger than the target group Yes, supportive of both but love the idea of him and all other local kids being able to utilise a resource like this one day.

There are so many children's playgrounds in the surrounding area. Those children grow into teenagers and Yes, supportive of both they need somewhere to hang out and play in the outdoors. Inner city suburbs aren't just for adults and dogs anymore. There should be facilities for all age groups to enjoy.

Rushcutters Bay Park is an off leash dog park in dedicated areas, also I have seen push bikers and skate borders running into dogs. There are inconsiderate people riding push bikes on foot paths not watching where they are going, as I have been on several occasions almost been hit by both kids and adults, and if you tell them off they abuse you. No, not supportive of I thought this was over and out, and the fact this was voted against therefore I do not know why this has been What sort of kids are these? either raised. I can go on and on.

I do not agree to the above.

Thank you. Happy to discuss via email.

I think its time for some more exercise options for youth in the area. the way this is designed preserves the Yes, supportive of both waterfront and oval areas and should not really disturb anyone. It's sad that's it's located in the noisiest, worst part of the park. It would have been much better in the Yes, supportive of both I'd prefer a bigger skatepark that would allow kids to really grow and challenge themselves. previously suggested location. Supportive of new hmm how much money gonna cost? design, but not location Loss of green space: The Proposed Facility will significantly reduce the amount of green space available at a time when the population in the area is increasing with continual new residential developments. It will also have a significant detrimental effect on the aesthetics of the park. Conflict with park users: The park is heavily used by parents with babies and small children, not a good mix This is a direct quote from the police (December 26, 2017). with skateboard and basketball activities. “Unfortunately the Skate Board Park is a regular hot bed of trouble and creates a flashpoint between No, not supportive of Noise implications: There will be significant noise produced by the Proposed Facility from skateboard wheels, organised young thugs and various other groups who gather at the Park. Public safety is the highest priority either skateboards landing from jumping activities and the basketball area. This noise is likely to impact the quiet for Police and we will not tolerate the anti‐social behaviour and violence we constantly see in this area,” enjoyment of the Park by other users. Police said. Surely this is a self explanatory and irrefutable point that the council cannot ignore. Potential for late night anti‐social behaviour and security: Skate parks often attract anti‐social behaviour and result in graffiti to the surrounding areas. They are invariably difficult to monitor from a security and safety perspective. There is no mention of security such as park rangers, which would be required 24 hours a day.

It is virtually guaranteed that this skate board park and basketball area will bring anti social and quite likely criminal behaviour (such as drug dealing) to this area. I could not feel more strongly about this matter and No, not supportive of This motion must be defeated for the sake of the many, not for the few. should it be passed, the Council will be held to account by the electorate. We have had this matter put before either The vast majority of your local electorate is against this submission. the court of public opinion just 12 months ago and it was soundly defeated. It is a disgrace that we are now back in this position, surely council has more pressing matters to consider.

There needs to be adequate lighting, especially for use in winter evenings when it gets dark around 5.30pm Also, is it possible to add shade/sails to cover parts of it to make it useful during the day in warmer months? If Have you thought about adding public bathrooms? so, please do proper calculations of the area to cover (not like the shade over Kx playground which is a joke) Terrible idea. Let me reiterate: This is a terrible idea. The park offers a rare Sydney location with open, unobstructed and undeveloped green This is a terrible idea. The park offers a rare Sydney location with open, unobstructed and undeveloped space. Grass is not a 'nothing' space. The openness makes this park unique in Sydney. Do not develop it more. green space. Grass is not a 'nothing' space. The openness makes this park one of few of it's type in Sydney. Do not lay concrete over anything. Do not develop it more. Do not lay concrete over anything. Inner city Sydney is already shrinking due to development. Please save the community from more concrete. Inner city Sydney is already shrinking due to development. Please save the community from more concrete. The park is the reason my fiancee and I moved to Rushcutters Bay and this is incredibly upsetting. Green = The park is the single reason my fiancee and I moved to Rushcutters Bay several years ago and this is good. Concrete = bad. incredibly upsetting. Green = good. Concrete = bad. No, not supportive of Teenagers have far more imagination than you give them credit for. The open space allows for limitless Teenagers have far more imagination than you give them credit for. The existing open space allows for either recreational activity as is. If they're not already down there kicking the footy, riding a bike, throwing a frisbee, limitless recreational activity as is. If they're not already down there kicking the footy, riding a bike, throwing playing cricket, or touch, or a thousand other sports/recreation activities/hobbies already, I SERIOUSLY doubt a frisbee, playing cricket, touch, or a thousand other sports/recreation activities/hobbies already, I they will all of a sudden take up skateboarding. Just ridiculous. Do some research on who DOES skateboard in SERIOUSLY doubt they will all of a sudden take up skateboarding. Just ridiculous. Do some research on who this area. There is a group of 5‐10 young men (aged 20‐30) who have haunted Surry Hills and Darlinghurst for DOES skateboard in this area. There is a group of 5‐10 young men (aged 20‐30) who have haunted Surry the past few years drinking beer, smoking weed, and skateboarding all weekend. That is exactly who will be Hills and Darlinghurst for the past few years drinking beer, smoking weed, and skateboarding all weekend using this 'recreational' park. Ask the Surry Hills police HQ about them. into the evening. That is exactly who will be using this 'recreational' park. Ask the Surry Hills police HQ about them. I have not spoken to a single person in the area who thinks this is a good idea. Not a single one. Please save our green space. Once it's gone it's gone forever. Please don't make this your legacy. I have not spoken to a single person in the area who thinks this is a good idea. Not a single one. Please save our green space. Once it's gone it's gone forever. Please don't make this your legacy.

No, not supportive of There’s no need. Leave our lark alone. There are not enough children in the area. If anything goes in it should Stupid idea guys let it go. Just because some rich family of Woollahra has no room in their yard for this either accomodate the needs of the residents ‐ who are not skateboarders!!!! doesn’t mean it should happen. if they want it it should happen over your side ‐ put it in trumper Park!

Please take `into account the broader areas interest in this public space >Opposition from local residence We need facilities for young people to occupy themselves, these ytpes of facilites are all over in Sydney , the Yes, supportive of both close to the space has the intent of quarantining the area for close living residents at the exclusion of onky one in the eastern suburbs is in Bondi. residents further away.

When i grew up he Woollahra Council area kids had more options to play. In particular older kids (ie over 8), given the times, you could ride your bike anywhere, car parks were deserted on weekends and there was Yes, supportive of both Facilities for older children are non existent in the area and we badly need something like this. much less traffic. You could also be unattended. Times have changed and facilities need to change too. In the areas i used to frequent (nearly 40 years ago) about the only thing that i have noticed that has changed for the older kids is one basketball court at Lynne Park! The basket ball court and skate facilities are the best, as these safe outdoor activities this is just what children of this age group are interested in and they are just the sort of activities to keep them stimulated and healthy.

I like the idea that no trees will be removed and that there will not be flood lighting, this will make the whole This is a great initiative by Woollahra Council as there are not enough outdoor recreational areas for local Yes, supportive of both recreation area sympathetic to the surroundings. children of the 8 to 14 age range.

Well done Woollahra for thinking about how to make it easy for children to be active, healthy and stimulated in our shared public spaces, for too long this age group has been overlooked.

I support this whole heartedly.

As skateboarding is an increasingly popular sport it is essential there be facilities available. As the Youth Recreation Area is to be located near New South Head Road the impact on passive park users Yes, supportive of both should be minimal. More trees to be planted than removed. It is important that there be active recreational facilities for teenagers. Providing a netball hoop as well as a basketball hoop will cater for more children. Girls are less represented in Youth are facilities are underrepresented in our LGA. If we are to encourage kids to get off screens we need Yes, supportive of both both skating and basketball but high numbers play netball. to provide them with an alternative. The older generation need to consider this when they oppose this Dogs should not be allowed near the facility at any time facility. The council will need to think about managing bike racks as they will be used by commuters parking and then Yes, supportive of both heading into the city. Appreciate floodlighting problematic but given targeted age range it is a shame lighting could not be explored Yes, supportive of both to allow access in winter months when it gets dark earlier Swings and general playground would be good to add for the younger kids, so the whole family can stay Yes, supportive of both together.

Yes, supportive of both This is a great idea and a much needed community feature.

Yes, supportive of both It will be a great addition to the area

Thank you for building a safe place for my friends and I to play. I can’t ride my scooter anywhere near home at Yes, supportive of both the moment but now I will be able to scoot in a proper place every weekend.

Big component in tackling obesity & weight related conditions... ACCESSIBLE open space for recreation. I think the plan is great and allows for intergenerational use. Enriches our often forgotten social 'capital'. More of these & not pouring millions into unnecessary rebuild of stadium. Yes, supportive of both Well done, WMC. Young people are safer & healthier in visible open space away from commercial malls which also tend to Also note article about teens & drugs. attract drug dealers less likely to hang around more conspicuously at a park. http://www.abc.net.au/triplej/programs/hack/iceland‐teen‐substance‐abuse/8208214

I have a 7 y.o son who asks me several times a week to take him to Bondi skate bowl. We live in Rushcutters Bay without a car. That’s a long trip. I work full time so try to take him on Sundays. If this goes ahead he and Our community spaces belong to everyone, and should serve all ages. Whether you want to be pushed in a Yes, supportive of both his friends will have somewhere close to home and safe to spend time, exercising outdoors instead of playing swing, skate in a bowl, kick a ball, sail, read a book and have a coffee‐ community spaces should offer video games. Many families live in small spaces in our beautiful area. something to everyone. The demographic has changed, and our kids need somewhere to be kids! Do not do this There needs to be more green space and quiet areas in a built up environment. The green space needs to be preserved, not built over. No more man made areas, no more concrete. No, not supportive of Quiet use of the green space. Have a shared green space or garden area or food crops either Will not be used by the age group targeted Quiet area to walk or contemplate. creates more concrete and waste have a garden experience people need a smaller footprint not a larger one This is a very important facility. In Rushcutters Bay Park we have some great family open space with a play area for young children and an exercise area for adults. The inclusion of a space for older children would make it a significant family facility, encouraging healthy pursuits. It's proposed location is discrete allowing a Yes, supportive of both sense of a special location for the young people and a reasonable separation from other family activities. Bring it on.

The concept of a skate park in Rushcutters Bay that continues to be raised by Woollahra Council is totally The new proposed location remains inappropriate. Visitors to the park at that entrance will be greeted by a inappropriate in this location.That anyone believes the skate/basketball park will be used by 8‐14 year olds very noisy built‐up facility that is in complete opposition to the nature of the park. It is a quiet, relaxed space No, not supportive of exclusively is incredulous. It would be used (taken over) by a much older cohort. Counsellors proposing this catering to a very wide range of ages. It already provides recreation for all ages without one facility either should be made to visit Taylors Square in Darlinghurst to see and hear the noise and mayhem, and lack of compromising all others. This latest approach by this Council (albeit dressed up to try and appease locals) safety for anyone nearby that skateboarding causes. will be greeted by an appropriately loud and sustained response from residents. That is in no one's interest.

This is a most inappropriate use of recreational area

I think this could not be more inappropriate on alll levels. There are already activities in the park. No, not supportive of Parking is already a problem. either It’s aesthetically ugly. It is not appropriate to the surrounding area.

The skateboard area in Bondi is too advanced and quite intimidating for children of 8‐14years. The proposed I think the proposed plans are brilliantly thought out and commend Jasper on his dedication to this project. design is aesthetically pleasing and will entice our kids off screens. Please remember that a community Children grow out of playground areas very quickly and the proposed area will provide a much needed facility needs to factor in all age groups to function for this age bracket. harmoniously. Let’s share our beautiful spaces with the next generation equally.

You ask loaded questions for those who think the development is inappropriate. It is not a question of not liking it. The park is too small, the parking too limited and it is too crowded already to accommodate it. Try negotiating for a revamp of the next door tennis courts. That is seek to convert existing facilities into new ones, Rather than revamping, reducing size etc,just drop this egregious grab of green space .. As well don't ignore but do not take current and precious greenspace. I recommend the Council negotiate with private schools for parents who would do drop and pick ups at this proposed facility. Just look at the car queues outside opening up to the community on weekends / afternoons to share their extravagant taxpayer funded sports No, not supportive of schools . It would be a useful benefit to the community for the Council to lobby schools not to facilitate any facilities. Lobby for such uses to be a condition of their Commonwealth funding. As well ignore the yes vote either pick ups etc apart from for the disabled and cello and double bass players and to work with the state your questionnaire is designed to elicit . Not only for its clear bias but because of the obvious large scale government to ban/ severly limit the practice. campaigns that school communities can muster through parents' associations etc. My response is that of an individual rate payer who walks to the park ‐ 10 /15 mins and who would never dream of driving because of congestion and limited parking . Take a deep breathe and tell the truth‐ Sorry kids, the park is full up, turn to yours schools if you really want such a facility. Good visibility lines so i can see my kids from a distance without hovering over them

This project is long overdue. Thank you to Council for moving forward in a smart, informed and transparent Yes, supportive of both manner. 1. The number of children who may use the facility will not justufy the costs or the destruction of a beautifull area visible from New South Head Road. It will not be hidden by the embankment, only motorists will have a interupted view. The walkers, the joggers, the tourists and the locals will see it all day every day. 2. CCTV cameras will not stop the Graffiti, the Vandalism, Attacks, Assaults that are synonymous with these types of facilities. Parents should be greatly concerned. Other similar facilities fell into dis‐use because of the above noted behaviour. No, not supportive of The original and the additions are unacceptable and unwanted by a larger majority 3. How can Council limit the facilities use to under 14 year old's. A full time facility manager would be too either costly. 4. Why spoil a well patronised, beautiful and greatly appreciated haven with a monstrosity of unwanted origin, of minor use to the community. 5. The use of bicycles on the walkways through the park is causing friction between pedestrians and cyclists, which the proposed facility will also cause.

No, not supportive of What genius decided to put more concrete in this wonderful green space? No either Woollahra Council need to reset what is important in this ever increasing urban landscape.

I'm 60+, I love the park and use it several times / week for dog walking and exercise, I have no children / grandchildren in that age group... and from that perspective I only want to say that I encourage the Yes, supportive of both dedication of this amount of park to young people if research has shown that it will be used and enjoyed. It is too easy for we old people to deprive local young people. The only thing that I would add is the hope that it will revert to green space if the experiment proves not to be popular. The park is very valuable open space.

I have young children and I do not believe 8‐14 year olds will play there as it will be overrun with older teens No, not supportive of who will intimidate our little ones. I saw it happen in Perth where I grew up at the Melville skate park. Then either lots of nighttime drinking and bad behaviour too.

Residents surrounding the park express concerns about “feral issues” (I’m quoting R E Hall in the Wentworth I think this is a carefully considered proposal. I have lived in Paddington for ten years and my kids are now 17 Courier 08.08.2018). I would like to hear more about the experience of residents who live in other parts of Yes, supportive of both and 19. I wish this facility had existed when we first arrived. Sydney where these facilities have been introduced rather than just read outraged letters from members of the public who are speculating about potential problems. I dont have any grandkids, yet, but strongly believe in providing outdoor exercise areas for youth. The only way Yes, supportive of both for them to feel included and avoid other troubling behaviours! We all can use the park which we do on a regular basis. Share it around there already is an excellent potential skate park site on the corner of William street, & Bourke Street, kings No, not supportive of cross. it is tiered, and fenced off. easy to get to with public transport. i am very pro skaters, but not at the there is not enough open green space in sydney already. either expense of parkland. Yes, supportive of both the soon the better Yes, supportive of both I strongly support the addition of youth recreation facilities in my local park.

I walk to Rushcutters Park at least twice a week and as my grandson grows, it will be so great to have an area that kids can play and exercise. There are lots of kids in the area and young families living in apartments Yes, supportive of both Overall, the new plan looks good to me. Good planting will be much appreciated in summer. around where I live in Potts Point. These active kids will really benefit from this. Especially living in an apartment with limited garden area. More and more families are moving into the area. Darlinghurst Primary School is full of them!

No, not supportive of Why build ANYTHING on precious open space park land. There is so little of it. Go buy a block of other land Do it elsewhere. either somewhere and build a youth skate park. It’s just crazy to loose any open grassed park space. No, not supportive of It’s a public space. A park. Leave it as it is. either It would be a shame if the council decided that children's health and wellbeing must take a back seat to the Yes, supportive of both selfish wishes and outdated fears of a few old men who don't want to share their park. Grow up, Mr R.E. Hall.

Yes, supportive of both This is desperately needed for youth and families in the area.

We are responsible for the well‐being of our young. Providing outside facilities for them is one way of showing Yes, supportive of both that we care about them. Extensive research has shown that being in the fresh air and undertaking any I salute the initiative of the young who have shown real leadership. physical activities is positive for their development.

Yes, supportive of both I am in full support of this as it would be a fantastic addition to the community. I have a Mr 9 and a Miss 6. I truly think more outdoor areas would benefit them greatly.

Yes, supportive of both Kids need great places to play

Yes, supportive of both More shading and seating would be an improvement.

Excellent to have an option of a great healthy play area for local older kids. The current kiosk playground is Yes, supportive of both only interesting for those under 5‐6.

This is a great initiative. I support it for these reasons: We need more outdoor recreational activity parks for children 8 to 14 No trees have been removed ‐ More tress will be added No flood lights disturbing residents Yes, supportive of both It is up near New South Head Road so the noise impact on other park users will be minimal There are no playgrounds designed for children over 6 years of age in the local area, so this will encourage those children to get off their devices and outside to the park. This is a safe and healthy way for children to be active and participating in activities they actually enjoy Skateboarding is now an Olympic sport and they have to learn somewhere if they want to go to the Olympics I absolutely support this proposal. Woollahra desperately needs quality recreational space for children over about eight. It is vital that we provide resources that will encourage children to enjoy physical fun and challenge.

The proposed location is excellent, away from close residential buildings and at the end of the Park that borders a busy road and a hotel. It does not include floodlighting or intrude into the main body of the Park.

There will be no tree removals and the proposal includes additional landscaping as well as valuable Yes, supportive of both community amenity in the form of seating, shade and bike racks.

It is time that the children in the 8 ‐ 16yr age group had a resource in the community which is sadly lacking to date in Woollahra. It could become a wonderful hub of physical activity and social interaction replacing not only time spent gazing at a screen but also the possibility of creating fun in the general public domain which causes concern to many in our community.

I sincerely hope that the many benefits of this proposal will far outweigh the potential fears that some Woollahra residents may express.

I agree wholeheartedly, despite the fact that when the original idea was mooted I was very unsure of the concept, as the age group for which it is targeted and designed is sorely lacking in appropriate, outside venues in which to enjoy pleasing pursuits, fresh air, time and activities with friends, and contact with nature in the form of the pleasing environment of Rishcutters Bay. I was initially alarmed at what seemed like Yes, supportive of both I think the alterations and additions are thoughtful, practical and an enhancement of the original. further inroads into the parkland but I am assured that there is plenty of grass for sporting activities and picnics, ample pathways for walkers and joggers, safe grassy areas for young families along with playgrounds, and a retained peaceful ambience for all seeking such. The Parklands become much more representative of needs across age groups by including pre‐ and young teens. Well done Council!

This area of Woollahra desperately needs this range of active recreational facilities Bicycle parking for at least 10 bikes needs to be provided along side and as part of this facility. The bike It is well located relative to walking and cycling access. Obesity is a major issue for many of our youth. Lack of Yes, supportive of both racks need to be the large inverted 'u' rails to suit the full range of bikes used by the community. Narrow, facilities will worsen this blight on good health. fancy rakes often don't work.

Yes, supportive of both It's a vital need for the areas growing yournger population. Go to on any Saturday or Sunday and you will see the AGES of boys and girls who are loving the '+ Why build a half finished 'practice' court? bike tracks. Build a FULL SIZE basketball court. Local schools can compete here. http://www.sydneycycleways.net/projects/sydney‐park‐bike‐track/ A FULL SIZE basketball court needs to be built near the existing tennis courts / Reg Bartley Oval. Every time that I'm exercising at Rushcutters Bay Park and I want to sue the fitness station, I have to wait my No, not supportive of + Skate parks encourage after dark wanton youth behaviour including drug and alcohol abuse. turn. It isd overcrowded with users! either A scooter and bike track for children 2 to 10 yo is what is needed in the Rushcutters Bay area. Extended this existing fitness station with mechanical gym equipment such as what is installed at the Teenagers are able to catch the bus and train to go on their way to Bondi Beach skate park or any other skate Macquarie Lighthouse. Incidentally, every time I have used this fitness station, it is under utilised. But what parks. the heck, it looks good, eh!? Children aged 2 to 10 years old need adult supervision, so build a few seats with shade, please.

Yes, supportive of both

The skate park will introduce a noisy and antisocial aspect to the park which is currently a peaceful retreat No, not supportive of from hectic daily life. I do not believe that the age demographic will be adhered to and an undesirable It is totally unsympathetic to the peaceful and green nature of the park either element will inhabit it. Parking is at a premium in the area and will not support parents bringing their children to the facility. Just a waste of money!

No, not supportive of The proposed facility is out of the character of Rushcutters Bay Park. The park a relaxing and peaceful area either rather than an active place for teenagers to have fun. This project would be better suited elsewhere.

what a fabulous initiative for the community. It is really about to create an extraordinary place for this park that will cater for all ages... Yes, supportive of both Great little design in a location that only has nothing at the moment It is really sad to read how negative everyone is about this thinking it will attract the wrong crowd. I have seen so many old people having a negative view on anything that can bring youth together. I really encourage this initiative as a father of two young kids living on boundary street There's a gaping hole in local amenities for this specific age group and I'm pleased to see it may be catered Yes, supportive of both to.

It is our obligation to provide younger generations with space for activities, especially sport activities. There Yes, supportive of both should be more open, public and free spaces like that.

Yes, supportive of both Good idea I like the idea that this community is moving forward, not backwards for youth facility’s I support the concept as a whole but have reservations about the height and sight of what is presumably the Yes, supportive of both shade area. The brown slatted structure which is very obvious and would be better seamlessly blending in perhaps under the embankment. I very much support this proposal, we need more recreational spaces for this age group. It is important to also Yes, supportive of both connect this space with safe and easy walking and cycling paths, to facilitate young people independently and safely travelling to the location. Thank you Woollahra Council. Just come back from a beautiful morning in the park full of kids, dogs and families playing sport and picnicing. There would have been at least two hundred people enjoying this lovely location. Why on earth would anyone This area for parking is already congested. Build this near other similar facilities so that the kids can have a No, not supportive of want to spoil this green area with ugly noisy concrete surfaces of skate ramps. Ugly design amid beautiful designated area with lots to do. either green grass and shading trees. Find somewhere else that doesn't conflict with the ambience of this beautiful Kiosk in park is already packed on weekends. setting. This area is mainly high density living. We need our green space uninterrupted by thwacking, clattering noises of skate boards. You're dreaming if you think it will only be used by 8‐14 year olds!

1. access: links to existing footpaths in the park, along N S Head road etc ‐ how does this work? Design needs to integrate with parkland setting not just be a blob in the grass! 2. planting: silly strips between paved areas and semi‐screening outside the paved area. Make the whole Design should avoid the need to fence off the facility. To establish a few trees some iindividual protection thing smaller and eliminate ground covers where they will just get trampled. Focus on a few beautiful native may be needed. If this becomes a competition arena for skateboarding, provision for temporary viewing Supportive of location, trees which will offer through views for better surveillance whilst providing good amenity, shade and stands can be made. but not new design biodiversity improvement. Could the basketball wall be used for tennis practice too? 3. Viewing: somewhere for people (including adults watching) to watch skateboarding ‐ eg small slightly Pollution from vehicles on New South Head Road makes the location a bit problematic for young people ‐ elevated stand integrated with screen backing to basketball court. foliage can help to catch particulate matter ‐ difficult to balance this with the objections of residents. 4. location: good to have noisy skateboarding in semi‐public place where street lighting can help to illuminate and offer surveillance. Supportive of new The facility should be located adjoining the cafe and play area. Perhaps along that building’s south wall, I would support the skate park in the location I have proposed above but not on open parkland as proposed. design, but not location continuing to Beach Road alongside the play area.

I fully support the proposals even though I would not use them (I'm not young) and I don't have any family members living nearby who would. However, I believe strongly that young people should be provided with Yes, supportive of both See above. facilities such as these and I can see no valid reason not to provide them here. While I will not be using the facilities themselves I do use the park for walking and relaxing.

The Addition of this Facility will be the perfect was to accomodate the clearly growing community off youth at Yes, supportive of both rushcuters Park. It looks good and provides a much needed basketball court for the area! Make sure to put a garbage bin near it to reduce litter produced.

The park needs something like this. There are a lot of families with young kids who are now getting to the age where they would you use this area. We have lived in the area for 12 years. Our son loves riding his scooter at Do it!!! other skate parks so it would be great to be able walk to one. This project is for a small percentage of the community and will deny the area for use by residents and guests of a far wider demographic. To favour one group (children 8‐14) against the wider group of users is at odds with the overarching purpose of providing open green space for ALL. Basketball and skate areas should be co‐ located in an activity cluster not adjacent to other park space which is often used for quiet contemplation, yoga, tai‐chi, reading. The rest of the park is already designated to cafe, kids playground, sport fields and No, not supportive of exercise area. This is one of the last open unorganised spaces left in the park. Why is there a need to allocate either every blade of grass to an organised and dedicated use. Parks are to provide people with space to throw open their arms and feel some space in an inner city environment. This project will take this away for ever and for whom, a small section of the community. Further the cost to build and then maintain,clean, patrol for security and the ultimate marketing of the space when the excitement has waned is an unnecessary expense by the Council. Save our money, save our park.

Our youth are members of this community. Are children don’t need to be discriminated against by not providing suitable age appropriate facilities. We must provide thieae facilities to keep our youth proactive within our community Our youth are members of this community. Are children don’t need to be discriminated against by not providing suitable age appropriate facilities. We must provide thieae facilities to keep our youth proactive within our community No, not supportive of Make noises especially skate and scooter!!! We need more green at the moment Rushcutters Bay starting very Hope not happening either dry I’m going to park every day with my dog! Sounds like not much space for dogs!! A skate park is disruptive and icky suitable for kids. Find something else. Something the adults (who are most of our community) and the kids (very few) can do. We need other things more than this. Like a homeless No, not supportive of shelter, a nursery. Stupid idea either The parents of woollarah can have their kids play in their house. Or take this to a bigger park like the one on Oxford streer It is important that Rushcutters Bay Park cater to all age groups and demographics ‐ currently the park is My children have lived in this area since they were born ‐ they are now 11 years old (twins) and although the great for parents of small children, dog owners and the hundreds of groups who do boot camps and park currently caters very well to young children and dog owners there is nothing much for children of their personal training in the park. I really believe that our children in the 10‐16 age group deserve to be catered age. Because of their long history with the park, they have a deep love and respect for Rushcutters Bay Park Yes, supportive of both for as well. I don't think this development will attract children from out of area if that is a concern ‐ the and these are the types of children you will attract with this facility ‐ local children whose parents will also be skate park is not of a design which would attract people other than locals so the new development will serve nearby who have grown up playing in Rushcutters Bay Park and who will continue to be able to do so thanks to to strengthen the sense of community in the area and bring together the different generations of children this development. who currently live here. Residents and visitors to Rushcutters Bay Park are outraged that our petition to keep the history and peace of the park voted in 2017 to retain is now being revisited by Council against the many visitors and ratepayers. Why not put it into the heart of 2,000 Rushcutters Park users signed a petition against it, passed by your full Council in 2017, asking that our Double Bay or Rose Bay or on your Council premises ‐ Centennial Park was Park be left as the green historic peaceful park we all love. considered the best, largest space for such a facility, better suited than Rushcutters It was passed fully by all but one Woollahra Councillor, Marano. Now you are Bay smaller Park. The ugly teak stained basketball court in front of the view of the water from New betraying locals again. They do not want it spoilt as their green space with 20,000 locals living in apartments South Head Rd is hideous modern architecture. Why not use local school courts but then we know Risk and close at hand including those in East Sydney, Potts Point, and Edgecliff. It is perfect as it is. Also a Tourist Management obligations keeps them locked up. 8‐14 year olds are not the only ones, the Kings Cross and attraction for CYC visitors. Outer Sydney young No, not supportive of adults will move in, having disrupted and broken steps at St Marys Cathedral and either Noise issues too concern many and the destruction of current uses, for 8‐14 year olds, when there is a feral to their cost. element of skateboarders, injury worries, noise and damage coupled with Griffiti issues wherever It is unfair and unrealistic to your ratepayers, but then you are placing it on the skateboarders gather. Kings Cross border of Sydney Council, where residents have fought too, to keep the area East Sydney has suffered building damage,as has St Mary Cathedral. Ambulances called out often with bone green and free. There is a new one at St Peters and one at Bondi, why not travel and head damage ‐ it is unrealistic to spoil our park for a there on a school pass. You will destroy this park forever, and many local's 12 year old's needs. 20,000 living locally and it is their garden too!!! tranquility for family picnics, walking dogs, watching local matches and coffee mornings. This was decided in full last year by your Council. Now that full vote is being betrayed again to residential cost by a handful of indulged children and their parents who fail to understand the long term impact on local residents who love its peace as their outdoor garden Why should their needs be ignored

Here we go again, is it to be that the council will just keep on proposing a scheme to add a teenage hang out area to Rushcutters Bay until it wears down anti respondents such as myself? This has been put to the community previously and rejected, so please heed the voice of those of us who take the time and trouble to respond. I strongly oppose adding this hang out area to what is an area currently used by the entire No, not supportive of Yes I have, do not do it. community across all demographics for a variety of activities. Parking and traffic remain issues in our area as either well as reduced bus services so adding anything which may stress these elements is flawed, not to mention the "risk" of attracting an undesirable element of society with undesirable activities. So why pursue this "risk"? If it is needed (more desired) as it alleged there are many alternative locations to choose from. Please do not create a teenage hang out area within Rushcutters Bay Park.

I am completely against any skate park or basketball courts being put in to this park, or any type of such At worst if this development ever went ahead it should be placed in the corner by New Beach Road. Why development. One of the main reasons that I choose to live in Rushcutters Bay is this beautiful and tranquil No, not supportive of would you ever choose the main entrance of the park, subjecting everyone to have to look at it every time we green space which is much loved in its current state and I am horrified at the thought of any of the space either enter and exit the park being used for a noisy skate park. Having seen a few of these parks in other cities I am very familiar with the unwanted types of characters that it attracts. It may be intended for 8‐14 yr olds, but that will never happen.

This corner of the park is not heavily used and close to a cafe, where parents can rest, while their children can Yes, supportive of both play No, not supportive of Rushcutters Park is a great open space. These installations would spoil that space, lots of noise for local Rushcutters Park is a great open space. These installations would spoil that space, lots of noise for local either residents and even less parking space. residents and even less parking space. No, not supportive of We dont need no facilities in Rushcutters Bay pack. Move it to Trumper Park No either

Rushcutters Bay Park is precisous green space that should be preserved as an open area for all residents. It is essential for sports, walkers and joggers, and off leash dog walking in particular. Construction of this scale No, not supportive of unreasonably encroaches on the park, wherever it is proposed to be located. It sets an extremely dangerous either precedent. If this sort of facility is thought desireable, it should be located at a much larger location such as Centennial Park.

Overall a great idea to have a facility to cater for kids ball sports, table tennis and other activities. But I seriously question the skate board part of it. I doubt the demand for skateboarding is sufficient to justify the noise intrusion and the area allocated to this one activity. We live in Woollahra and have children from 7 to 14, and they have loads fo frineds of all ages who are very sporting/active. But I can barely think of one their friends who does any skateboarding. Lots and lots do basketball, so that is great. I also like the table tennis Supportive of location, idea. Even just having a part of the park the kids can gravitate towards, and get involved in an impromptu I generally fully support it. But not the skate boarding part of ti. but not new design game of basketball/table tennis is a fabulous idea. However I really doubt the skate boarding is justified. I believe it will in fact detract from the enjoyment of those who would otherwise go there to play basketball: skateboarding is a noisy activity! I also do nto believe the argumant that it will only atrract "beginner skateboarders". Why would that be so? It will attract not just the target market of young teens which the Woollahra website suggets but it will undoubtably attract youths in their older teens and 20s who will gather there to the deterrence of the younger kids it is designed to attract.

We are totally opposed to the location of this facility in Rushcutters Bay park. It would impact hugely on We cannot understand why another location in the area is not being sought. We have seen that others have Supportive of new current uses and beauty of the park. Its not a big area and it is well used for all sorts of activities including suggested Centennial park and we support this. Again location would be a significant issue as it is a design, but not location sporting activities by young people as well as family picnics, older people walking in the park, friends meeting wonderful place for all members of the community but there are areas in Centennial Park that are not each other, people sunbaking and so on. The peace of the park is one of its great strengths as is its beauty. working very well ‐ eg the north east corner .

Floodlighting may draw the ire of local prudes, but it could be good to keep the degenerates away from it at Yes, supportive of both Get the kids off their iPads and outdoors! nighttime. Security measures would be needed, it could quickly turn into a junkie / houso magnet and the naysayers would then be proven right. No, not supportive of I think that council is wrong in supporting this idea as its a bad fit for tge community! Will cause more problems then its worth ! Plenty of activities for children in park no necessary! either

Yes, supportive of both I think it needs more shaded seating. Perhaps some on the other side

I live in Potts Point . I have no garden area and I visit Rushcutters Bay every day and I just love the tranquility Elizabeth Bay which is close by is the most densely populated area in Sydney and most of the people who No, not supportive of there. This recreational development for Jason and a few friends would be more appropriate in Centennial live there are not teenagers . My block of 44 units has no teenagers or young people and we all value the either Park. green open space in Rushcutters Bay...... please do not destroy this. This facility adds to the quality of life for children We look after grandchildren and the area does not have a lot for children recreation areas compared to The press is full of articles calling for more active lifestyles for children

I note in Wentworthn Courier (8th August) a person from Darlinghurst R.E.Hall oposing this youth recreation Just get on with it Yes, supportive of both area.That is discremination of the worst order. This person goes as far to label youth as being anti social ‐ Kids need play areas that are safe how terrible to say that. We live in Double Bay part of Woollahra not Darlinghurst a part of Sydney city.

Please proceed asap to staring work so our grandchildren, our future citizems, can enjoy the area as well as a few who feel they have an entitlement over public land.

A concrete structure in a green space is environmentally unsound due to lack of natural water run off, precluding a potential future planting area and it would be a heat sink. Wherever it is located in the park, continual, intermittent, banging noise will resonate and amplify in the open space and other users will avoid No, not supportive of walking near the structure and be deprived of the relative peacefulness and low level noise one associates either with a park. Rushcutters Bay Park is already maximised with activity areas and kiosks and all green open space should be vigilantly conserved, not consumed by built structures and for such an exclusive and limited use. The green spaces should be retained and available for all and remain flexible in its use.

I have a young family that you a planning on catering for, so feel well placed to comment. I think the location is a disaster. Rushcutters Park is a perfect space already to enjoy green space, particularly given most of us live No, not supportive of on top of eachother in the area and have forgone a back yard. Come down on a weekend ‐ the park does not This would be a disaster for the local community. Much better locations exist already. either need anything more, it has it all. The lst thing it needs is less 'space'. Forget the noise etc that other people will object to, it is just not needed. Put it in Styne park or Cooper Park in Double bay if you are hell bent on the provision of this kind of facility.

Yes, supportive of both A bigger skate bowl please. We need our own space not with the young babies and all the dogs.

If Woollahra Ciuncil want this for their residents put it smack on the middle of Woollahra so it’s accessable to The park needs to be kept as a quiet sanctuary for all those who live in the neighbouring apartment blocks No, not supportive of all their residents . Not right on the edge as far away as they could possible site it. Rushcutters is already at who have no balcony or garden space. Add some picnic tables and some shade if you want to do something either max capacity usage and we certainly don’t need to add skateboarders into the mix . How are these kids going for the residents. to get there ? Ride along the very busy park paths bowling over dogs and toddlers and making a racket.

No, not supportive of The residents of the area already stated/voted they were not in favour of having a skate park in rushcutters either day.

No, not supportive of I don't believe this park is suitable for such an area. It is well utilised by families enjoying open space, and either relaxed atmosphere of the park. I feel such an area will have a big affect on the noise levels in the local area. I have a son who is in the age group identified as needing this proposed facility. Both my son and I are opposed to it. Primarily on the grounds that we need to retain all open green space for all ages. There would All green space needs to be retained as green space. Many other age groups could equally voice for their No, not supportive of be many other age groups in our community who would also benefit from further facilities (e.g. senior citizens needs ‐ we need to maintain open green space for ALL groups. either who may benefit from a bowling green or road into the park so they can get pushed around in wheelchairs).. We need to retain open green space as open green space for ALL age groups to enjoy. If we pander to this group ‐ what will stop the next group from voicing their desire for their needs to be accommodated.

No, not supportive of There are a very small number of children 8‐14 yrs who would use a skate park or basketball court who live in either this area so it is not warranted The expense is not justified We need more outdoor recreational activity parks for children 8 to 14. There are no playgrounds designed for children over 6 years of age in the local area, so this will encourage Yes, supportive of both those children to get off their devices and go outside. This is a safe and healthy way for children to be active and to participate in activities they may enjoy

This historic parkland already boasts a childrens play area, two cafes, tennis courts, opportunities for cricket, If a new Youth Recreation Area is needed then perhaps the conversion of a local playground such as rugby and football as well as an outdoor gym and access to sailing. But why is its main use: as the green heart No, not supportive of Waratah Street Reserve Playground. Alternatively the Dangar Oval, Lyne Park and Woollahra Golf Club area of Rushcutters Bay, providing a tranquil space to relax being overlooked? It seems that the addition of more either seem to be short on nasty council architected concrete structures so why not put the Youth Recreation Area brutal concrete and unsympathetic structures will not improve the enjoyment of the majority of people who there? use the park No, not supportive of I have sent in an email submission I have sent in an email submission either

Rushcutters park is one of the only large open areas in the district that is open to public‐‐(Grammar sports field across street is closed off). Concreting of Rushcutter park open area‐‐even for recreational use has to resisted. Rushcutters park is terrific spot, dogs, old and young people use it ‐‐as well as school sport and private sport I don't disagree with this benefits of new basketball and skateboard areas‐‐but each of these could be indoors Supportive of new groups. It is well used, clean and well maintained. With increase in higher density buildings (more units on (for basketball particularly) and for skateboard to be located in area that isnt' public parkland. Skateboarding design, but not location New South Head road and Boundary St etc) the number of people who will appreciate and use rushcutters in itself is hard to reconcile with a park that is dog friendly/off lead at times, and filled with (older) people with its current open space will increase‐‐‐ mobility issues. It can't reasonalbly be expected that skateboarders won't skateboard to/from designated space‐‐and isn't really fair to ask them to skateboard slowly/quietly on way to and from.

If it is a skate park, then why not build one where there is already plenty of concrete at the corner of Palmer I go to Rushcutters Bay every day. It is a beautiful place and I feel the council is imposing their view that this No, not supportive of Street and William Street. Children can walk or take a bus or train and there is already plenty of noise there. It skate park is needed there. There are plenty of other places like down near the Yachting Club that you could either is a huge space not being used. put a basketball court and skate park. Also, Centennial park would be a great location. Both Bondi Beach and Maroubra skateboard areas have NO houses nearby; both New Beach Road Darling Totally the wrong location. Love kids. Look for alternative locations. Point and Waratah St have many, many hundreds of residents who will be affected. Love kids, but this is the No, not supportive of Parking is already a problem on the New Beach Road side and also the Waratah, Clement St, etc side. For WRONG location. Worried about Friday and Saturday nights 8pm to 11.30pm, no supervision, the under 18 either their mental health, people living in small apartments need to be able to walk in a tranquil, park setting and year olds with alcohol, etc. Several years ago, Rushcutters Bay Park was the drug capital of Sydney and we breath in oxygen from grass and trees. Why destroy a beautiful small park. dont want anything to attract that scene again. Love kids, wrong location. Firstly it's obvious to one and all that the obvious location for such a facility is Centennial park which is vast enough to accommodate a skate facility without being imposing on every one and still easily accessible to Rushcutter's kids.

Secondly,l WHY at the western corner of the park which is right at the main entrance that people use and is busy . Why not at the much more secluded rarely used eastern corner of the park where it will be less Again the very important vexing consideration of the skate facility becoming a magnet for skate boarders No, not supportive of obstrusive to people coming to stroll relax and picnic in the park from all around the city due to the very convenient close proximity of the Kings Cross Train Station. either . The Woollahra counsellors who are supporting this proposal will find that they are surely going to lose the Thirdly and VERY IMPORTANT, being only a zip away on a skate board from the Kings Cross Train Station the support of the majority of residents in their ward. park will become a Magnet for skateboard riders and the like from all over the city. For a while teens were conglomerating in the the city center such as the esplanade in front of St. Marys Church, Martin Place and the like and creating damage and noise and being a nuisance.. So the facility will not be catering only to local kids but teenagers from all around the city. It really beggars belief why Woollahra will not accept to have this facility in Centennial Park.

Firstly it's obvious to one and all that the obvious location for such a facility is Centennial park which is vast enough to accommodate a skate facility without being imposing on every one and still easily accessible to Rushcutter's kids.

Secondly,l WHY at the western corner of the park which is right at the main entrance that people use and is busy . Why not at the much more secluded rarely used eastern corner of the park where it will be less Again the very important vexing consideration of the skate facility becoming a magnet for skate boarders No, not supportive of obstrusive to people coming to stroll relax and picnic in the park from all around the city due to the very convenient close proximity of the Kings Cross Train Station. either . The Woollahra counsellors who are supporting this proposal will find that they are surely going to lose the Thirdly and VERY IMPORTANT, being only a zip away on a skate board from the Kings Cross Train Station the support of the majority of residents in their ward. park will become a Magnet for skateboard riders and the like from all over the city. For a while teens were conglomerating in the the city center such as the esplanade in front of St. Marys Church, Martin Place and the like and creating damage and noise and being a nuisance.. So the facility will not be catering only to local kids but teenagers from all around the city. It really beggars belief why Woollahra will not accept to have this facility in Centennial Park.

I do not like the whole concept I do not like the whole concept

This park is ideal for passive, non intrusive recreation and leisure. It has playing fields that do not disturb the This park is ideal for passive, non intrusive recreation and leisure. It has playing fields that do not disturb the No, not supportive of tranquility of the park environment and it has pleasant walks and views. the recreation area described would tranquility of the park environment and it has pleasant walks and views. the recreation area described either be both visually and particularly audibly intrusive; skateboards and basketball courts, by their nature deliver would be both visually and particularly audibly intrusive; skateboards and basketball courts, by their nature sharp and erratic intrusive noise levels that are both disturbing and unpleasant. Bikes are already a hazard to deliver sharp and erratic intrusive noise levels that are both disturbing and unpleasant. Bikes are already a families with children and to the elderly and we don't need to encourage more. hazard to families with children and to the elderly and we don't need to encourage more. Forget about this ridiculous waste of money. Who is promoting the idea? One sees some conflict of interest A waste of ratepayers' money. What is wrong with a passive park. The money would be better spent of No, not supportive of here . The Council needs to be honest as to why it is putting so much effort into this waste of taxpayers' landscaping. The whole concept disgusts me. As a ratepayer I can not understand why Council seems so either money and turning what is a peaceful park into an entertainment quarter . Look at whom is likely to use the determined to ignore the interests of most residents. The Council should be sacked. park ‐ most skateboarders are older youths ((tattooed and semi criminal).

I am thrilled that you are providing this space for this part of the population. Very much needed in our area! Yes, supportive of both It looks great. At the moment we travel to five dock and Redfern to search out spaces like this.

If this facility is aimed at 8‐14 year olds how will they get there with their scooters and skateboards. No, not supportive of Presumably their parents will have to drive them. So where do they park? New Beach Road is chocka‐blok with either parked cars from 7am until dark? Also, how many Woollahra municipality residents live within 500 metres of the proposed facility. I would say less than 200. No, not supportive of either I am a cyclist who has 2 great nephews and a great niece who live extremely close. I would be taking them with Yes, supportive of both I think it is good that you are thinking of young people and have had another go at this design my sister to this facility

One of the main drawcards of Darling Point has always been Rushcutters Bay where anyone can go to enjoy No, not supportive of Completely wrong for this area. open, green space & relative quiet, so close to the cbd. The thought of skateboarding etc is horrifying & I either would be forced to sell up & move. I would not go near the park again.

No, not supportive of either

I love the idea of kids being able to enjoy playing with their friends in a safe environment with such great facilities. Our area is changing ‐ no longer the 'nursing home' profile but lots of babies, toddler and kids ‐ with Yes, supportive of both love that you're keeping the trees and that there are shaded areas and a water bubbler! the kids needing somewhere to play. After all kids just want to have fun and need exercise ‐ go Woollahra Council!

Yes, supportive of both This is such a fabulous idea. Please please do this for our kids!

Yes, supportive of both What about adding a cycling and scooting path like the one I Centennial Park?

I think the design and sport activities chosen are male dominant and don't fit the need of the families in the Supportive of location, area. I agree sporting and recreational activities should be promoted, but please choose something for both but not new design genders. Studies and statistics will show you basketball and skate parks are dominated but male and older age groups. I so hope this is able to go ahead and doesn't get crippled by the older demographic. There is a huge deficit Yes, supportive of both of council recreational options for young people in our area (we are in Double Bay) and I am so happy you have addressed this and come up with this fantastic proposal. I so hope this is able to go ahead and doesn't get crippled by the older demographic. There is a huge deficit Yes, supportive of both of council recreational options for young people in our area (we are in Double Bay) and I am so happy you have addressed this and come up with this fantastic proposal. Until about a decade ago, Rushcutters Bay Park was unsafe after sunset. Used syringes were a common site The park as is, is a beautiful, natural, calm area. The thousands of people who use it as is, appreciate it as it is. No, not supportive of in the mornings. Adding the proposed concrete areas, bringing in skate board culture with its dangers & larrikin element, will either One can now walk along the promenade unworried by groups of alcohol‐fuelled young men, lured by the deter thousands of people from using it. competitive excitement a Skate Park will offer them.

Yes, supportive of both make it happen sooner rather than later. This is brilliant and wish more areas would adopt the same ideas.

Yes, supportive of both Having a young family it is important to me that there are spaces available for them to play outdoors.

With reference to the NSW government's recent "Every One Can Play" guidelines for inclusive playspaces: It is commendable that the proposed facility supports inclusion and satisfies the 3 criteria: Can I get there ‐ the location is easy to access for all users including those using mobilty aids by its proximity to public transport and the level or moderate gradient to road and park footpaths;

Can I stay there ‐ public toilet facilities are available within the vicinity. Some seating is provided for youth Yes, supportive of both The new location and design appears to be more inclusive and accessible however park furniture that supports the needs of other age demographics would be beneficial including for example, seating with back supports located in full sun and sheltered areas. The extent of shade and shelter is not clear from the plans or if drinking water outlets would be provided.

Can I Play ‐ the proposed facility provides opportunity for multipurpose use and supports access for people using wheelchairs and other mobilty aids. Wi‐fi hotspot would further enhance recreational opportunity for all including those not directly involved with the acve recreaonal acviy (eg guardians and carers.

This council has a very short memory. It took years to make this park safe from unsocialable behaviour e.g drug I live in Potts Point and enjoy coming to the park every day for a walk. This new proposed Youth No, not supportive of addicts and this facility after dark will encourage all bad elements to return to the park again. Please reconsider Recreational Area will be an eye sore and very noisey. Do not put this facility in this small park area. I value either and put the skate park in Centennial Park. this precious piece of green space so near to the city. I truly hope this goes ahead. If we give kids strong spaces to meet up and play and be physical and let off Yes, supportive of both I love the progressive move to put something like this in for kids and create a community meet up point. steam, it's less time indoors, being inactive, sedentary and on screens. Wonderful for mental health, physical health and community spirit. the problem is parking is already so difficult in the area, and being surounded by a hill to the east most younger parents often have children of different ages to supervise will it incorporate an area for younger children. Yes, supportive of both children need to be driven. also what about an adult training park close buy to parents can exercise while they watch their kids. it will add more congestion, what are you doing to assist with car parking? Working with children and growing up in Sydney a there is a GREAT need for Basketball courts. The lack of courts is a major reason the sport has not flourished more. My children and I currently go to Lyne Park in Rosebay and often there are too many children for the one basketball court there. Kids are forced to wait or go home which is not fair. I strongly recommend at least a FULL court with TWO hoops running parallel with the skate park and having landscaping and retaining wall / seat at either end to stop the ball. Also the basketball hoop system at Lyne Park is a ridiculous design made up of moving parts and not only drops in height but is Supportive of location, potentially FATAL as it has twice now FALLEN completely to the ground. A main aspect and highlight of the but not new design sport is Slam Dunking, whereby players hang off the ring. This is INEVITABLE and thus a SOLID FIXED POST system by Australian manufacturer TRUELINE or similar that can take the weight of men 100 kilo or more is critical. These are dotted around Sydney from Bondi to , Parramatta and beyond. It is a great sport that doesn't demand great space which is ideal ideal in Sydney, and just the one hoop is not nearly enough for the number of children in Darling Point and Rushcutters alone. We need a proper full basketball court with 2 hoops able to take the weight of adult players and withstand environmental conditions of the location.

Thank you Woollahra council! This is a terrific initiative for the many families in the area with young children Yes, supportive of both :) The playground next to the ku preschool needs a shade sail urgently!! The playground next to the ku preschool needs a shade sail urgently!! Supportive of new Also would be good to have a cliff walk from Royal Botanic Gardens to Vaucluse one day, similar to Bondi to Also would be good to have a cliff walk from Royal Botanic Gardens to Vaucluse one day, similar to Bondi to design, but not location Coogee cliff walk Coogee cliff walk Yes, supportive of both Amazing design. Very cool. Do it. Kids need this. And the whole community.

Yes, supportive of both Kids need this space! Great for bringing families and the community together. Great idea. Well overdue.

Yes, supportive of both We need something like this for the youth in the area. There really is nothing. Please go ahead with this!

Yes, supportive of both Permanent table tennis tables as suggested in the last version would also be fantastic for families.

I thought that this insane scheme had been knocked on the head by democratic vote. Yet now we see it rise No, not supportive of again like a Frankenstein's Monster. The traffic, noise and violence that this proposal would generate are Forget about it and save money and face. either incredible, unsocial and a blight on the whole Eastern Surburbs. There is no need for this facility. The park is at present a social boon for recreation and sport and this insane idea would kill all that. Fantastic‐ we need more facilities in the neighbourhood for older kids or families may have to move. There are Yes, supportive of both good options for totals but nothing for kids over 6 Bondi scate tamp is a well known place to buy drugs. No, not supportive of Put the bike area at Centennial Park , Watson’s Bay or Rose Bay.Residents can access there also . Leave the either park unspoilt.

Yes, supportive of both The children are the future. They need somewhere to grow and socialise that is not shopping mall!! Working with children and growing up in Sydney a there is a great need for Basketball courts. The lack of courts is a major reason the sport has not flourished more. My children and I currently go to Lyne Park in Rosebay and often there are too many children for the one basketball court there. Kids are forced to wait or go home which is not fair. I strongly recommend at least a full court with two rings running parallel with the skate park and having landscaping and retaining wall / seat at either end to stop the ball. Also the basketball hoop system at Lyne Park is a ridiculous design made up of moving parts and not only drops in height but is potentially dangerous as it has twice now fallen completely to the ground. A main aspect and highlight of Yes, supportive of both I think having more basketball rings available would be much better, one ring in my opinion is not enough. the sport is Slam Dunking, whereby players hang off the ring. This is inevitable and thus a solid fixed post system by Australian manufacturer Truline or similar that can take adult weight is critical. These are dotted around Sydney from Bondi to Inner West, Parramatta and beyond. It is a great sport that doesn't demand great space which is ideal ideal in Sydney, and just the one ring is not nearly enough for the number of children in Darling Point and Rushcutters alone. We need a proper full basketball court with 2 hoops able to take the weight of adult players and withstand environmental conditions of the location.

it takes away valuable land that is currently used by many people for the use of a minority. Once gone, it wil No, not supportive of be lost. There is insufficient space as is and the park is very crowded and you are proposing to reduce the area, I don't want precious parkland to be reduced on a facility that will only serve a very small minority. either Strongly object. I visited the park on Saturday and it was full of people playing various sport activities. I don’t feel there is No, not supportive of enough space in this park to facilitate these additional sporting/pastime activities. Where do the people go It is already filled with oval, tennis courts football fields etc the extra recreation area is just too much and either who want a passive park to walk their dog or just sit in peace away from the hectic and noisy Paddington leave little room for passive use environment. Perhaps Centennial Park is a better option where there is already a kids bike area. The Rushcutters Bay proposed skate park is not suitable for this small already fully used and congested park. No, not supportive of This will encourage the use of the already congested narrow concrete pathways to get to the skate park on Please put the skate park in Centennial Park where there is plenty of room and accessible to more kids either their skate boards. They could knock down small children and adults...... this is an accident waiting to happen. throughout the eastern suburbs.

The proposed additions impact a majority of people of all age groups who currently enjoy the open green natural space the park provides. This area provides respite to people living in the neighbouring areas that are This park already provides many activities for dog owners, sporting teams, personal trainers and existing the 2nd most densely occupied areas in NSW. The proposal will impact the natural environment, wildlife, playground . The diagram of the proposed area is deliberately deceptive. As previously agreed Centenial existing grass, peace and quiet enjoyed by all who visit and use the park regularly. The area cannot be Park would be a better choice due to security and car access for younger children and their supervising No, not supportive of supervised or secured after hours and will attract older skateboarders after hours, will increase skateboarding parents. There is currently very limited parking near Rushcutters Bay Park and no after hours security. I either down footpaths directly from Kings Cross station along a busy footpath thoroufare. The area will attract ugly personally collected over 200 signatures added to the approx. 2000 signatures against this proposal last graffiti, after hours drinking and general vandalism. The noise created by the skateboards is aggravating to year. Why are the interests of a spoilt minority allowed to create a potential overdevelopment and strain on those in close proximity ie residents and those enjoying the remainder of the park. The historic trees adjoining this beautiful historic park? this proposal will be endangered due to the unnatural surface required and its impact on current drainage.

The concept as a whole has great merit but not in that situation. There is NO PARKING for the parents of Supportive of new the 8‐14 year olds to whom this is targeted!!!! Parking and traffic in that precinct is already HORRENDOUS. design, but not location Please don't make it worse. No, not supportive of A better location would be within Centennial Park. A better location would be within Centennial Park either

It seems to me that a lot of the resistance to this proposal is coming from "over the border" in the Sydney Council area. (Not to mention faraway Point Piper!) Yes, supportive of both I walk in the park regularly and support the allocation of this corner for local teenagers to enjoy. I would like to tell Sydney Council to fix their own Cutler Footway (the old tram bridge) if they have so much organisational energy to burn.

Yes, supportive of both Basketball as well as netball courts are greatly in need in Woollahra area

Why are we going through this again, we have already said NO. This facility has nothing to do with Woollahra It will attract people from out of the area, causing more problems for parking. I use the park everyday to No, not supportive of but rather services Sydney residents, why should we b paying for it, get Clover to put one in her area. I believe walk my dog and you as a council cannot be bothered to o supply waste bags. The dogs in the park either this is being actively pushed by a counciller who lives in Potts Point, how is this a benefit to Woollahra absolutely hate the skateboards and there has been many altercations . This facility will make enjoying a coffee in the excellent cafe a noise nightmare.

My concern is that the type of facilities chosen are more likely to be used by boys than girls. As the parent of two girls aged 11 and 14 I am tired of outdoor spaces that don’t encourage girls to do crucial physical activity Supportive of location, during puberty when they need to build bone density to prevent osteoporosis in later life. Why not a netball but not new design ring rather than (or as well as) a basketball ring. And some soft fall surface with bars etc that can be used for cartwheels and gymnastics.

I live in Bellevue Hill and I cannot stress how much an area like this is needed. As a father of a 12‐year‐old boy who skateboards (and 3 girls). I strongly feel it is about time that there is a closer and safer option than the Bondi Skatepark which is a steep and advanced skatepark. We do use this but it is a very condensed park and does not lend itself to many. The closest park that we do have to go is Fernside skatepark in Zetland, this can be a 45min drive from Bondi in busy driving times. Yes, supportive of both Although basketball courts are also an important and great idea, there are many of these in the area, for example at Waverley Oval. Therefore I would like stress the importance of the skatepark/Scooter area and that I hope it is a generous one. If one goes to any regional areas you will see how many hours of entertainment and social activity a small park like this gives to the local community etc. I understand that skateboarding can have a bad reputation and concern of the local inhabitants, but I don't think this does not have to be the case. Thank you.

I have travelled all over the country with my son who was a keen skateboarder. This facility looks great and Yes, supportive of both should barely be visible. My experience of skaters is that they are respectful and courteous of each other. And often applaud each others tricks. Finally somewhere for this age group to go and be active. The proposed youth recreation area is a terrible idea. The children already have a large footpath throughout the park to ride their bikes, scooters and rollerblades. Furthermore, the percentage of young people (8‐14) Supportive of location, make up a small part of the occupants of the park. I walk my dog at Rushcutters daily at all times of the day A scate Park?!!! THIS ISN’T THE 80’s! Kids don’t scate board any more. Why don’t you actually ask children but not new design and have observed the demographic of people who use the park. To give over a large section of the park to a what they want as apposed to you old people trying to guess. small group of people is ridiculous and discriminatory. The park is for everyone. Green space is very important for our community and we don’t have much of it, to fill the park with revolting cement is offensive.

Yes, supportive of both A wonderful plan to have a more specific area for kids. Well done!

Supportive of new Many more suitable sites have not been considered which raises the question why the fixation with All the add one increase the size which is unnecessary and costly design, but not location Rushcutters bay. Preserve the green space , peace and natural environs our current park provides . The area is huge and takes No, not supportive of up an area enjoyed by birds, dogs, families, school children and soccer groups alike. This should not be either approved No, not supportive of This is an area for family sports, dog walking and exercise. The proposed activities do not fit in. There are Not appropriate either plenty of urban spaces where they do ‐ but this park is not one of them.

Yes, supportive of both There needs to be more basketball hoops.

It would be good to have facilities that are inclusive. Basketball practice areas, bike racks, improved shade and seating. On leash only for dogs. The Park is shared by a lot of ages, so please keep the park amenities and usage open to all ages. Please make it possible to have a picnic or a walk without having dogs loose or not Maybe have youth days at the park or regular events for youth. Not all youth use skateboards. enough quiet spaces with seating. Maybe even a closer bus stop with more regular busses and some community days or a market in the park. '‐ to use green space with actual grass for a concrete amenity is a waste of the little bit of grass area left in the area. We need as much grass and greenery as possible. No, not supportive of '‐ find some disused concrete area that can be converted to a state park and make it interesting for young ‐ skate park for 8‐14 year old kids needs parking for the mother’s car and there is absolutely no parking either children and also experienced skaters. available around this area. ‐

No, not supportive of Skate park = graffiti, kids smoking, litter. Ugly down and out and attracting ferrals. Plenty of basketball courts How about we just have a park ? A place to sit in the sun, under the tree, on the grass without a man made either at local schools. Take it to Centennial Oark there is not enough room and there is no parking. feature. Parks are for nature not concrete. The existing playground is enough.

I am 68years old, an ex‐basketball player and even at my age, I still skateboard and ride my Segway and Yes, supportive of both I a number of water bubblers will assist the hydration of particularly the skaters and basketballers. motorised skateboard. I fully support the project and I trust that Woollahra Council will consider permitting motorised skateboards and Segways to be used in the parks and paths around the Council district. Too many local residents are complaining about the facility, Sydney City Council has facilities on the other side Yes, supportive of both of the canal near the grandstand, Woollahra Council's proposal enhances the existing facilities, I'm certain they The Woollahra Council side of the park is a little tired & requiring attention. will not be abused. Supportive of new Move location to Queens Park. Move location to Queens Park. design, but not location This issue has been voted on already, ie it was voted that there be no to such development at rushcutters bay park. I think resources could be better directed to other council matters rather than revisiting a matter No, not supportive of because council members did not get the answer from the community that they wanted. A waste of either ratepayers' money! The park itself is a youth + recreation area. why reduce the natural environment..

love the idea good to see dynamic access of shared space for different age groups ‐ would be great to see Yes, supportive of both Parking is a bit tricky down there... what about cooper park ? or further along near small children playground. more implementation of this sort of infrastructure across the borough.

The plan is not suited to the Rushcutters Bay Park which has unique qualities for the locals and visitors including tourists, of a peaceful parkland with ease of walking, running and access for all age groups. The plan is clearly unpopular with most locals as evidenced by the feedback to date. Why continue to invest funds in pursuing a plan the majority are opposed to? No, not supportive of We do not wish to be avoiding skateboarders during our daily walk in the park, moving to and from the area, either and the associated noise & rubbish, as reflected in places such as Martin Place. Furthermore, the park's standard of cleaning is very poor in maintaining the current facilities and as for adding more facilities for maintenance, this would stretch the Council resources and capabilities way beyond what their limits.

It appears now, not only skate boarding is planned but Basket ball practice area etc. The area is said to be for 8 We have already protested against this in 2017, and now Japer and his happy father want to put it forward ‐ 14 year olds. How can you police that. What about the noise and anti social behaviour around the apartments again. No, this park is our garden for all those like us who live in where people live in that western end of the park. This skate park and basket ball area should be at Centennial high rise buildings surrounding this beautiful, historic park. Park, away from ourvery small but much used Rushcutters Bay Park

It is inappropriate to build a noisy skate park within a relatively small & beautiful foreshore park. The idea significantly impacts upon & ruins the facility of a special and historic park. While the recent planned relocation of the skate park is better than the original park it is still unacceptable. It will negate the joy, peace and quiet of walking through the Park, which I do daily. A natural walk is "southwards" away from the No, not supportive of The more added, the worse incremental destruction of the park's facility. Noisy, rowdy skating is incompatible water(towards New South Head Road and then turning "westwards" across the little bridge towards the N/E either with a public park, the noise will inevitably impacts surrounding parkland. edge of the Vibe Hotel, turning "immediately northwards" to walk around the Cricket oval. There are many other spaces within the council area upon which a skate park can more appropriately be built,including Trumper or Cooper Parks or on the land between the Maccabi Tennis courts and the T4 railway lines.

This has been discussed in the past with a definite NO to any of this proposal No, not supportive of Nothing has changed where we wish to retain this beautiful park as it is. For the It is time for this proposal to be declined and the Council move on to more pressing either sake of a small minority, who can look to Centennial Park, this proposal should matters. be dismissed immediately. Where are the parents going to park in an already congested area being even more difficult with new clearway This would be used by not only kids but an older cohort that no doubt could have dubious activities This is a great public area that is already utilised to its full capacity. Why conjgest it further and add unwanted noise of skateboards and the monotonous bounce of the basketball. No, not supportive of Do it all somewhere else Why not make a billy cart track from Edgecliff into Double Bay, it has the same appeal, either The demographic of the area indicates a low percentage of the targeted group and I would guarantee that the percentage of skateboarders and basketball players among them is equally as small. This is a very bad idea. The other unfortunate thing is that I can’t vote in this Council as my Council is 50 metres away. Is this fair. It is unaustralian.

No, not supportive of Will disrupt the peace and nature of the space. Will disrupt the peace and nature of the space. either No, not supportive of I think that it’ll ruin the peace and quiet of the neighbourhood I think that it’ll ruin the peace and quiet of the neighbourhood either

No, not supportive of Skate parks attract older young men and the environment is not always peaceful. Not suitable for Rushcutters either Bay park which is used by so many people.

This small jewel of a park has always been a peaceful place in which to walk and recharge ones spirit. Having No, not supportive of a busy, rowdy skate park and "youth facility" will irreversibly damage the beauty and peacefullness of our either park. Surely a larger complex like Centennial park could better absorb such traffic? The area is already well utilised as a sporting facility for soccer, rugby and hundreds of dog owners. The This park is highly utilised by locals as a green space. It enjoys a robust bird life. Such a structure would scar No, not supportive of proposed recreation area is huge in size and would severely reduce the park facility for current users. Other the current landscape. In such a highly populated area we need more green spaces not a concrete slab as is either concerns include the amount of rubbish the proposed structure will generate detracting from the beauty of the proposed. park. I am a resident of Rushcutters Bay. Mid 30s, professional airline pilot. I am a resident of Rushcutters Bay. Mid 30s, professional airline pilot.

Yes, supportive of both I fully support the additions, in particular the skate facility. Not only will it be used to older skaters such as I fully support the additions, in particular the skate facility. Not only will it be used to older skaters such as myself, but such things are crucial to the health and fitness of younger people. The traditional soccer field, etc myself, but such things are crucial to the health and fitness of younger people. The traditional soccer field, has less appeal than a skatepark to modern youth. I feel this will e a great addition to our park. etc has less appeal than a skatepark to modern youth. I feel this will e a great addition to our park. 1) The Council staff cannot keep the present park clean and well maintained let alone a new facility. The Park, grass, facilities, paths are actually in generally poor condition now and any budget should be used to make the current Park both better and in the right condition. The City of Sydney park across the canal is an example of what the Park should both look like and how it should be maintained. 2) Martin Place in the city is an example of what happens with skate boarders, the area is avoided, it is noisy, litter infested and at times threatening to the public. 3) Skate boarders will use the roads and footpaths to come and depart and be dangerous to both themselves, residents and park users of all ages. 4) The park is a peaceful haven for all residents and provides an essential green belt for the area, even more so now that the apartments are developed across New South Head Road. Both skate boarding and It is inconceivable that this concept for Rushcutters Bay Park has been brought back again. The community No, not supportive of basketball courts are the exact opposite to a peaceful haven and green belt. totally opposed the former proposal and council agreed. Nothing has changed since and the community is either 5) From the published opposition and considerable consultation with fellow residents and long term once again speaking out that it does not want any form of a youth recreational area in the park. peaceful users of the park no residents of the area using the park want this facility, this was made very clear the first time it is brought up. 6) As mentioned above, we need a better long term maintenance programme for the Park, not a facility totally at odds with the current Park. 7) For youth wishing to engage in skate boarding, basketball, scootering, do what everyone does, use public transport to where ever the facility is. Thank you for the opportunity to make this submission on the facility. My wife and I use the Park every day and are very familiar with the current state of the park and layout. We would be pleased to meet with Council staff to discuss the current maintenance issues and how they might be overcome both short and long term.

No, not supportive of The area must be locked down between 10pm and 8am at least. either Skate park has long been needed in Woollahra. Rushcutters Bay is a suitable location. What was wrong with Yes, supportive of both Our family of seven supports a skate park in Rushcutters Bay and we hope it is finally successful. the first design along the canal which included ping pong tables? The new design looks good.

We are losing so much of our very limited green space all over Sydney, that I object to this treasured parkland I live close by, and walk there for my exercise and sanity regularly, as do so many others. Already there are Supportive of new being paved over for this purpose. Councils and governments in NSW seem to think that any green space must team sports played in that area ‐‐ without paving, so when not being used for that purpose, we can all have design, but not location have a building or facility on it to give it any value, but its value is its uncluttered green‐ness. For walking, our picnics and recreation there without concrete and exclusion. Please don't do this to this much loved sitting in and on alone or with friends. Its a much utilised park now, and does not need this intrusion. space.

The idea of a Youth Recreation Area is good, but not in Rushcutters Bay Park. It is too close to Kings Cross, will attract youths well over the age of 14 and could become a general nuisance. Are the rangers going to be on standby to ensure that no‐one over the age of 14 will be using the facility? Will residents have to keep calling the police because it's evident that drugs are being sold and used? (We've seen it all.) The crash of Supportive of new skateboards on concrete, the thudding of a basketball being bounced around, will affect many residents and design, but not location visitors. People come to Rushcutters Bay Park for peace and quiet, an area where they can relax. The park is situated in a hollow and any noise will travel up and out. The park is becoming too full of "activities" and as result its character is being destroyed. The proposed Youth Recreation Area is overload. Why not site it in Centennial Park where there is plenty of space. Rushcutters Bay Park is an unsuitable location for a facility for Woollahra ratepayers. There is literally no parking at all and no immediate drop‐off zone closer than New Beach Rd, Waratah St and Neild St/ McLachlan Avenue as New South Head Road is a 24/7 Clearway. Construction vehicles will have to traverse the Park across the playing fields from New Beach Rd. It is very nice of the Rate‐payers of Supportive of new Woollahra to want to provide a facility for the general public as it is certainly not located conveniently for design, but not location the children of Woollahra. A much more suitable site would be Lyne Park with all the transportation and parking facilities it offers as well as its central location. I am now a park‐front resident of Rushcutters Bay but was born and educated in Woollahra and have resided variously in Bellevue Hill, Point Piper, Vaucluse and Woollahra for most of my life.

This project is not suitable for Rushcutters Bay Park. There's a skate park at Bondi. Older people travel for hours by train to come to the city to attend various activities that I go to which are not available in their area. Supportive of new Surely these young people should be able to travel the short distance to Bondi. If the Youth Recreation Area design, but not location goes ahead it should be sited somewhere like Centennial Park. Rushcutters Bay Park residents have made it quite clear that they do not want this facility in Rushcutters Bay Park.

I cannot believe this idea is being brought forward again. It was discussed and comprehensively dismissed a couple of years ago. Rushcutters Bay park is constantly and extensively used by the residents of Darling Point, Rushcutters Bay and surrounds. In this noisy, busy city, the park is a sorely needed oasis of peace and quiet. What is NOT needed is a thrumming, noisy centre of adolescent hormones, screaming and yelling by the youth of other centres. There is already a wonderful space for these activities at Bondi Beach and Centennial Park just up the road is a much more suitable area. How does the person proposing this destructive, unwanted No, not supportive of centre for noise and violent activity propose that these children will reach Rushcutters Bay park, where parking either is already at a premium, without destroying this precious green space for an unwanted and unnecessary car park? For goodness sake, stop wasting council time and energy on unwanted and already made decisions and concentrate on making the area better, not degrading our beautiful, precious green, quiet, peaceful spaces.With advance thanks for your help

This would be a really welcome and awesome addition to the neighbourhood for our 9 and 12 year old Yes, supportive of both children. We would welcome it wholeheartedly as would they. Centennial park would be a much more suitable location for such a facility because Centennial Park is: 1. more centrally located in the Eastern Suburbs, 2. in a larger catchment area for the target market; 3. already has facilities for families. The Youth Facility would appeal to families who’s children range in age Supportive of new from pre‐school through to teenage years design, but not location 4. would become a ‘one stop shop’ for outdoor entertainment for the entire family whatever the age thus encouraging family cohesiveness; 5. large enough to support multiple activities; 6. under the control of the Parkland’s Trust with a large staff and Rangers to provide support and supervision. 7. Close to The Entertainment Quarter, another family oriented activity centre.

Is there a reason why there is no lighting? It gets dark before 5pm in winter so lighting would be useful to keep I would like to see this skate ramp proceed, young people need more facilities in the area and this is a Yes, supportive of both kids safe healthy and fun way for them to socialise. I have two boys who will use this ramp for many years to come. it's important for young people to have a place to socialise and exercise. completely support this development Yes, supportive of both proposal There are precious few green spaces available and already with multiple uses. I believe we must preserve what No, not supportive of we have. Also a skate area would disturb the enjoyment of others in the space. I do support basketball facilities either (in an alternative place) however believe a full court is more useful for people to play instead of part court.

As a resident of an apartment in Darling Point, me and my family, husband and two girls 18 and 16 years old, we used the park consistently and as it is today there is always lost of people exercising, playing games, This a very specific type of recreation area that should'nt be built in such a hight rise zone of the city, people birthday parties etc, so on weekends is always lots of people, with the new facilities it will be even more living in apartments around Rushcutters Bay should have the option of going to a quiet park and there is not No, not supportive of crowded and specially more noisy with all the skate boards. Also to take into account is that skate boarding is a park like that around this area apart from Rushcutters Bay. Parks are quite zones for people to enjoy either mainly a male type of exercise so the Woollahara council is ignoring the need of lots and lots of girls that don't nature,sun, it we start using all the parks for this type of activities, they loose the purpose of green zones skate. Public parks should be used wisely by council to meet the necessities of the whole community and not and become cement gounds. only of a percentage of this comunitiy.

Yes, supportive of both

Skate parks, when done well, are important social hubs. Healthy relationships and interactions are formed at Yes, supportive of both these places. When youth are given a sense of place and pride i this, they rise up and take ownership.

Thanks for the opportunity to comment.

I am very supportive of the skate area, and believe it will be well used by children in the area, including my own daughter and her friends. Yes, supportive of both Opposition to the facility is unreasonable, and unfair, typified by the mean spirited suggestion that kids should 'go to Bondi'. There are lots of young people in the area who want this built, and will use it.

The facility is in the right place, and has no real impact on parkland. I look forward to seeing it built. The park is already fully used, sometimes almost over‐used ‐ it is dense with people & dogs particularly in summer ‐ eg on weekend afternoons & early evening when it is as packed "as Pitt St". This park is the only No, not supportive of decent sized green space for flat‐dwelling residents from all surrounding high density areas to walk in or just either take in the scene ‐ many living out of the Woollahra local govt area. I think the concept is appalling. Just leave the park alone.

Yes, supportive of both Make sure lots of trees and shaded area. Include options for younger children.

Supportive of location, Why does every open space have to involve sports etc. it’s bad enough that I can’t even lie on the grass Move it to trumper park. Better catchment area but not new design because a million dogs have either shit or pissed on it

I visit a friend who resides in the local government area. One of the beautiful things about the current green space is the relaxed and quiet environment it provides for residents, their friends and family. I live in another area that has a skateboard ramp and area in a nearby park, and it is often frequented by uncontrolled older No, not supportive of Hopefully the sentiments of your local residents who oppose this will prevail and this will not go ahead. children who have no respect for the families utilising the public space and blatant disregard for the publics either Detrimental to an existing well maintained, highly patronised people friendly, peaceful and enjoyable space. right to a safe, family friendly green space. Eastern suburbs or not, this will attract the same problem.

Please leave a beautiful spot in Rose Bay as it is to be enjoyed by your rate payers and their friends and family.

I am writing as GM of Vibe Hotel Rushcutters Bay. We feel the location of the park will have a negative impact on the hotel both visually and from a noise aspect. We have an open terrace that looks directly at the skate park and in close ear shot of the skate park, Move the location close to the children play ground and not in the middle of the green space. from all rooms on that side of the building including the pool level will look at the skate park. No, not supportive of Move the skate park to Centennial Park. Our inside restaurant has windows that open in the summer that will be impacted from noise from the park either and visually when dining and looking out. We all love the open greenness of the park and the large open spaces. It is shame to be removing green space and replacing this with concrete. I do not support plans for the Skate Park and feel it could be smaller and set in a different location.

The decision to develop a youth recreation area (skate park) was based on community research and No, not supportive of consultation. I have not seen that results of that so am reluctant to support something without the evidence of I have observed older skateboard riders (20 to 30 year olds) skating down new south head road. While it is a either the need. My concern about it being near the station is that it will become the skate park for many in the skate park for children’, older riders might “hang around” there. Sydney metro area and not just for the children of Woollahra.

I use the park daily. Currently the bikes, scooters & skateboards are a menace to the people who use the park. No, not supportive of Adding another use for the park is irresponsible for the ongoing people living in the neighbourhood.The They are dangerous, inconsiderate and are of the wrong speed for the size of the park. The park already has either skate park needs to be in a different demographic location too many uses, please leave some space for people to walk & relax safely

As I said previously a park is defined as "open space" and therefore erecting more buildings in the park is a no, no. For many years now the White City site is under used. The Council has objected to several proposals put No, not supportive of Parking is already so restricted to one hour in the streets surrounding the park and that I believe visitors will forward stating that the plans put forward were not suitable ‐ too much building on the land in one case. Why either not be able to park and readily enjoy any more facilities. not buy the White City site and develop a complete recreation area on the site, swimming pool, skateboard, basketball if you wish. This is a much more suitable space Another ridiculous attempt to impose this completely unsuitable, out of character, abomination of a proposal. The limited and badly located signage are an obvious attempt to limit feedback and hide the proposal from Obviously new spin on on an abysmal concept in an effort to get this proposal over the line. How much has No, not supportive of locals. Imagine the noise and graffiti that will now be at the entrance to what is currently a beautiful been spent on public relations advice to rebadge and reposition this appalling idea. I’m seriously considering either community resource. Go and look at Taylor Square if you think this facility will be limited to 14 year olds during a freedom of information request to bring this information to light. daylight hours. Shame on the council. Time to change the councillors who support such nonsense. This proposal should be shelved permanently.

The park is lovely as it is. What is wrong with grass? There is so little green space. Why is it necessary to create a specific use and designated 'recreation area'. A green park is a mixed use facility for all ages. This would reduce the uses of the space and change the pace of this peaceful park that already hosts endless sporting No, not supportive of events on weekends. I think it would be terrible to have a specifically landscaped basketball and skate area. It either is just a waste of council money and would ruin the park. I live opposite the park for the past 10 years and I love the way it is now and so does the whole community. We dont need a consultant to charge hundreds of thousands of dollars to change it. Why not redesign an old carpark and make something useful rather than the other way around. No, not supportive of I use the park every day and I like it how it is. either

It is madness to think of concreting/tarmacing even a small proportion of such a loved and used grassland park. This must be one of the most‐used community parks in the city. It is unique for a city‐edge park, like a huge back yard for the whole area, grassed and unspoilt but with all the facilities everyone needs (cafes, tennis courts, playgrounds, walking paths). Anyone visiting here at any time of day, early morning or evening, would Why do some people feel it necessary to 'fence' areas off for designated uses, to organise people and direct No, not supportive of be aware that the park is full, in every corner, with neighbourhood people, children of every age and families, their free natural enjoyments of what is a much‐loved and fully utilised green grass, harbourside park area? either running, playing ball, riding bikes, playing in organised football games, running with dogs, walking. I walk The activities you want to corral within this built development are already taking place around the park, by through this park several times a week and spend hours there at other times with my 5‐year‐old grandson. anyone who wants to do so. This plan adds nothing but concrete and paving. NOTHING needs to be changed. All my grandson's little kindergarten friends play there, as do the neighbourhood children and children from nearby schools (including Sydney Grammar). A heat and noise‐ reflecting tarmacked area would trash a whole corner of the park for no gain. Please leave it alone.

No, not supportive of Centennial park is bigger, why not do it there. either

I am strongly opposed to the entire development. The ambience of Rushcutters Bay Park and the suburb itself will be significantly adversely affected by this development. The park is not big enough to absorb a development such as this without ruining the peaceful amenity of the park. Moreover, it is completely unsuitable for the majority of the population of the area, and will in fact put the target demographic of 8‐14 No, not supportive of year olds at risk by attracting drug users and sellers to what is currently a safe and beautiful park. Centennial either Park is a much more appropriate place for such a development. It is big enough to be able to house this without having negative affects on the entire park, and the drug problem would be reduced if not completely avoided by having it sufficiently far away from crime hot spots such as Kings Cross and the fact that Centennial Park is closed at sunset. The community has already spoken out about this issue‐we do not want this development, and it was rightly rescinded previously. The same must be done again. The community has already spoken about this development and rejected it. It's very clear it is not wanted. This development is totally out of place in Rushcutters and will ruin the amenity. Also, what percentage of the local The ambiance of the adjacent coffee shop will be ruined and people will be reluctant to sit there. Leave the No, not supportive of community is actually going to use it?? 8‐14 year olds, of which there are relatively few, and then of those nice grassy park alone and find another location. Some have suggested Centennial Park, which I would have either relatively few kids, how many of them actually skate?! This is a total misallocation of funds, which could be to agree, has much more space to accommodate this type of development. better used elsewhere. No, no, no, just no to this silly idea that appears to be pushed for some sort of political agenda rather than the good of the community.

I walk in Rushcutters Bay Park most days, and have no problems with the proposed recreation area. Parks are supposed to be for everyone, which includes the young. There are far too may NIMBYs in the east; give Yes, supportive of both the youngsters somewhere of their own. The reason I am unsure if I would use it is because my grandchildren all live on the north side, but I'm sure when they visit they'll be interested in it. I'm too old for those activities! This is a really cool addition to the area and the Sydney skatepark pool. I do have concerns about some of Supportive of location, the obsticle placements/size and some of the landscaping within the park. Please return an email and I will but not new design go further in depth. 1. The skateboard park should not be placed at all in Rushcutters Bay no matter what size it is taking up our GREEN space. We need more picnic areas there is currently not enough. Q 1. How was the area of space calculated to get just 2% or 1200sqm of usage for the skateboard park? if 2. There is no mention of security around the area, these types of facilities attract anti‐social behavior late at the calculations were based on using the surrounding area from the water's edge, Old South Head Road and night until the early hours of the morning. around to the cafe/playground that gives about 5000sqm which would make the skateboard park oversized. No, not supportive of 3. Who will supervise the skateboard park being used only by 8‐14 year olds Q 2. Who will supervise the use of the Skateboard park being used ONLY for ages 8‐14 either 4. There is no mention of the hight of the skateboard dip/ramp 5. Skateboard wheels make a significant amount of noise which will impact local residents and enjoyment of Q 3. Has Council considered putting the Skateboard Park in Centennial Park OR Coopers Park Bellevue Hill? the Park by other users.

I think these additions would be a devastating addition to the park. It would destroy the peace and bring crime Rushcutters Bay is a classy area full of beautiful heritage listed buildings. A skate park is not in keeping with into the area. There are already adult skaters up in Kings Cross, and they would come down and use the area, No, not supportive of the feel of the area‐it just does not belong there. Despite the new location, it would make the park noisy and which would make it dangerous and difficult for younger children to use it. Therefore this development would either therefore disrupt the many people who come to the park to relax and escape the hustle and bustle of the not achieve what it sets out to. There are many middle aged and elderly people who live in the area, and city. Please do not go ahead with this development. having skaters whiz by on skateboards is a hazard to their health.

It is ludicrous to destroy such a beautiful, picturesque and peaceful haven for such a small proportion of the Rushcutters Bay Park is a beautiful green space. This development is just adding more concrete to a city that is demographic‐12% And that's in the Woollahra Council area. The population of Rushcutters Bay itself, with No, not supportive of becoming more and more like a concrete jungle. We need to preserve our natural parks, not dig up grass and much of it as part of the City of Sydney, surely has a much smaller population of children of this age. either pave it with concrete. Although Woollahra Council municipality may feel such a space is required, Rushcutters Bay Park is the wrong choice of location.

Sorry i accidentally sent my thought before.without finish it.I don't agree with taking away green areas for the enjoyment of very few .They will go home for dinner giving the chance to use the facilities to undesirables As the council already knows .many new apartments are popping up around the park Those new residents No, not supportive of older crowd.It does happens. The next day those few kids won't be able to use the place because it will be will enjoy the green spaces as we do now. We don't need to add more noise pollution to traffic and trains. either filled with empty broken bottles discarded seringes and other nasty things We don't want to spoil our park The ramps are extremely noise it won't be contained to the area proposed only .that idea sounds very I'm one of those residents that collects plastic and other rubbish left behind because I like to keep the place naive to me clean for all . I'm worry about safety .now I see ppl walking and enjoying the park after dark It won't be safe when the No, not supportive of I read that the council call the proposed area " unused " green spaces don't have to built to be useful .green older skaters takes over after the few local kids leaves. I'm sure that the local police station will be busy either spaces keep us alive and healthy .to me that alone is more than useful. answering many complains from the neighbors most nights Even if the council close the place at night it wont be a deterrent for anti‐social we certainly dont need

I want the council knows that noises from the traffic and train travels freely and loud all the way across Gramma sports oval .all the time day or night Can not imagine to add ramps noises on top of it No, not supportive of 60 meters away .I read is the closet building? It doesn't work like that .noises travels if the condition is Thank you People Need green spaces and feel safe at night either favorable. I do know I feel it every day I can even listen the yatch mast clucking when is a bit windy and I live on the other side of the school .not only 60 metres away Please consider

I would like the basketball area to somehow incorporate a netball practice area. It is my understanding from Yes, supportive of both Australian Sports Commission studies that netball generally has higher participation rates than basketball. Both sports should be incorporated. The park should be left as it is. We need more open space in this area as many people live here and need the No, not supportive of peace and calm offered by trees and parkland. We do not need built play areas....why can't youth use the Put is somewhere else please. either open space? The are is for residents who pay their council rates and many enjoy the park as it is currently.

Yes, supportive of both Young people need some facilities around here.

this is a terrible idea. the reason a lot of people reside in this area is because of its peace and quiet and access to open spaces. skate parks and basketball courts are never peaceful and quiet. there will always be No, not supportive of an undesirable element that make their way to a skatepark and damage facilities and bully the younger either children. the park is used by many people who enjoy using the grass areas and playing quietly‐ please retain this green space It would be really cool to have a Street plaza skatepark near where I live because skateboarders like me are Yes, supportive of both good people and want to have a lot of fun.Also I could go there every arvo and learn new tricks.Definetly make Fantastic it happen Users from outside the area will flood in and bully local kids out anyway so why should woollahra residents pay No, not supportive of for this? It will attract teenagers from all over Sydney who will bash their skateboards around on buses and no either doubt illicit activity will be featured further down the track.

There is desperate need of recreational areas for this age group and I disagree with all the negative coverage it has received. We use Lyne park basketball court on a weekly basis and there are no problems. In fact it has often been used as a base for communities to get together. Kids entertained while families mingle. Inter age basketball is a great thing for keeping everyone fit! The scooter and skate park do not necessarily attract the Yes, supportive of both wrong crowd nor that kids will cause problems If you look at skate park along Venice beach in LA, Southbank in London and the more local Bondi skate park ‐ these attract families to participate as well as watch the talented. There is sufficient room to accommodate all age groups in this area and it is currently under used. This new recreational area will prevent families getting in their cars to travel to bondi and centennial park...our nearest options! Environmentally this is a disaster for the community. It is a small area and this is not the right location for a No, not supportive of skateboard park. I believe Centennial Park is a bigger space and better located for something of this nature. We live locally, this affects us directly and I would be devastated if this went ahead. either One of the main reasons for my concern is access to Kings Cross and drug pedalling for youth in the area. There will be no supervision, it will be noisy and spoil the whole ambience of a small park.

I think it will take away from the beauty of the park. It will make parking much worse, which is already a No, not supportive of I am completely against this. problem. I also am concerned about the noise, it is a very peaceful park and this will disturb it. Any politician either that supports this, I would never vote for them again. No, not supportive of creating a youth recreation area is destroying the green and quietness of the park. Please do NOT do this either I don’t understand why this was opened again. During the former mayor’s time, Toni Zelter, this was disapproved because residents DO NOT like it. So why are you bringing this up again? The Skateboarding should NEVER be built for the following reasons: •It will adversely impact the quiet enjoyment and quietness of the park. •It will really destroy and dist urb the ambience of the area No, not supportive of •You are only addressing a small demographics of Woollahra’s po pulaon at the expense of the majority either •Studies have indicated that green spaces reduce stress and pos ively impacts on mental wellbeing, so Rushcutters Bay, which currently acts as a place for locals to go to wind down after work, may not be there for long •This is going against the environment, nature and increasing c arbon footprint

Who is it on the local council that is pushing the skate park proposal so hard? This had already been turned down. Why are we wasting time, money and resources on a proposal that was so vehemently opposed once Totally inappropriate for the area. This is an area where people come to peacefully relax, have picnics and No, not supportive of already. Please spend your energies and the tax payers money on removing the rubbish out of the bay walk their dogs. The demographics of the area show a significant increase in mothers with young babies. The either (bikes and shopping trolleys thrown into the water), cleaning up the drainage system that can make the area last thing needed is a noisy influx of 8‐14 year olds on skateboards that will drive the local dog community nuts! at times smell like a sewerage works, and finally improving the quality of the grass (by sowing new grass and not simply dumping trailer loads of sand onto the area)

The idea for a youth area is good but this park is not the right spot. The park is a green area and we do not have enough of these. Centennial Park is a better option. The facility will attract the wrong type of person No, not supportive of and bring drugs and undesirables into the area. Also it will attract graffiti such as on the train overhead by either the car wash. Also the skateboarders be all over the park walkways where elderly, mothers with children, people with dogs and joggers are public walk.

I am against ANY development of the Rushcutters Bay park precinct and Yarrannabee Park also. We are daily users of the park and find it PEACEFUL environment to be in. Young children already can use their scooters there without causing any infringement. Skate board arenas are particularly noisy institutions. No, not supportive of Moore Park and Centennial Park are slowly being taken over by development as well either Just leave our existing parklands ALONE!! All those activities could be accommodated for internally in an existing development area It is not necessary to put them in a peaceful park Please don't spoil our peace!! The concern that I have as both a parent who bought up 2 boys in Paddington and a dog owner on and off during our 40 odd years living in Paddington, is that skateboards and dogs do not mix. Rushcutters is the only decent sized park in this area where dogs can walk and play off lead. A fact is that some dogs do not cope with Further to the above, council could ban dogs off lead, but suggest that would be political suicide taking into loud, high pitched noises that skateboards make. I can see a tragedy unfolding. Some child will be bitten and a account the number of residents (young and old) who enjoy the park with their dogs and the physical and dog will be destroyed. Of the dogs I have owned, some were threatened by such noise and some did not feel Supportive of new mental health benefits that experience brings. Think the basketball practice fits in with the tennis on the threatened at all. Council will expose itself to litigation by the parents whose child is bitten in the park for design, but not location other side and the facilities to play football, rugby, cricket, athletics etc which already exist in the park. In allowing dogs to roam and Council will have to deal with a large irate dog owning community who will see a reality there is plenty the park offers for this age group without exposing the Council and the community to loved companion restricted or euthanized due to an unfortunate and unavoidable interaction. Although kids a tragic set of events. can skateboard around the park now, it is rare to see one. Hence I do question the need in the first instance. Council will need to ensure a high level of parental supervision (which can be sadly lacking) to avoid this scenario.

I do acknowledge that there is a younger demographic in the area‐more so due to high density living in Neild Ave area. Supportive of new Centennial Park would be best‐but that is some distance to travel. design, but not location I am also concerned about policing of wearing a helmut‐I think that Council can't deliver on that‐and head injuries will occur I can't tell from the plan but the location should ensure that it is not an eye sore or in the most direct line of If the project proceeds ‐ it's important to protect the peace and natural escape that the park provides. As sight as you approach or enter the park. The free movement of pedestrians / traffic flow around the area Yes, supportive of both much as possible the area should use natural materials and foliage. The shade area should be open on all must be considered. I know there are more children in the area, but there are also lots of older residents sides to prevent undesirable behaviour, graffi etc. who need to be able to feel that they too can walk on the pathways without fear of being balled over by others.

Overall very pleased because the upgrade of the facilities near the cafe, done some years ago, were Even though my daughter loves skating I would prefer for the skating area to be reduced and the addition of a Yes, supportive of both disappointing (for us) as they really only suited very young children. second basketball hoop in its place. We live across the road and used to use the park daily. Less so now as our daughter has started high school. No, not supportive of Just leave our parks alone ‐ the open space is all that is required for young and old. I do not want the Recreation Centre in Rushcutters Bay Park either No, not supportive of LEAVE OUR PARKS ALONE, IT IS NOT NECESSARY, YOU WILL CREATE PROBLEMS WITH UNSAVOURY TYPES Do not interfere with Rushcutters Bay Park, leave our parks alone ... either HANGING AROUND, ITS A RIDICULOUS THING TO BUILD.

It is a real shame to convert any existing green space into hard concrete surfaces. There is not enough green space left in the park and it has been relentlessly built upon by council, with concrete paths, cafe, walkways, play areas, gym areas, boating ramps and other slabs littering the green. There are no well maintained I would support properly maintained gardens and landscaping but no concrete or hard surfaces. Most No, not supportive of gardens in Rushcutters Bay park. How about planting some shrubs and flowers and trees to encourage birds residents want green areas to escape the noise, heat, and stress on high density inner city living. Please do not either instead of adding more concrete. There is no need for additional facilities for 8‐14 year olds as they already add to the noise, heat and desecration of our environment by building more hard structures in the park. have numerous recreational resources in this municipality, more than in almost any other council area (including cricket ovals, football fields, cricket nets, beaches, sailing, kayaking, swimming, cinemas, walking tracks and cycling paths ‐ I can provide a detailed list if requested). As a long term (58 years) resident of two suburbs adjacent to Rushcutters Bay Park, I strongly object to Council’s revised proposal for a skate/youth recreation area in Rushcutters Bay Park. Over many years I have watched this beautiful park and the surrounding precinct reach saturation point. The active usage of Rushcutters Bay Park now overrides Council’s stated preference for a balance with passive usage in Woollahra’s public recreational areas. This recreation area would be better located in a public space where there is less active usage and more local need. The Australian Bureau of Statistics indicates that suburbs bordering Rushcutters Bay Park have a low demographic of children in Council’s targeted group of 8‐14 year olds. Therefore, the construction of this facility would remove a significant parcel of open/green space from the Park for the use of a minority. No, not supportive of Outrageous that green space is being "concreted" in this day and age. Surely government authorities have learnt from their mistakes of the past! Any proposal to remove green either space in a park of such natural beauty and tranquility, so close to a major city, is simply archaic urban design. It is well known that green space impacts positively on the human psyche. As there were 278 objections in contrast to 82 supporting documents received during the previous consultation period it is clear that the majority ruled. This argument is further supported by previous Councillors who reviewed the proposal and voted against the facility 10‐1. My understanding is that Woollahra Council has clear objectives of preserving the ambience of parks by reducing the impact of use of these parks on local residents and by keeping the parks well maintained and visually attractive as a green expanse of open space bounded by trees. This revised proposal for a youth recreation area flies in the face of that aim. Of addional concern is the unknown ongoing cost of maintenance should this area be built.

Yes, supportive of both They will be a great addition to Rushcuttters Bay Park

WHITE ELEPHANT. The idea of removing access to a portion of the park for a tiny minority is elitist. Who would No, not supportive of be using this facility from 8:30am to 3pm five days per week, 40 weeks per year? In effect this portion of the Please give it up. This is a ludicrous idea! either park would be unusable by 100% of the population during school hours.

WHITE ELEPHANT. The idea of removing access to a portion of the park for a tiny minority is elitist. Who would No, not supportive of be using this facility from 8:30am to 3pm five days per week, 40 weeks per year? In effect this portion of the Please give it up. This is a ludicrous idea! either park would be unusable by 100% of the population during school hours.

The idea of removing access to a portion of the park for a tiny minority is elitist. Who would be using this No, not supportive of facility from 8:30am to 3pm five days per week, 40 weeks per year? In effect this portion of the park would be No to removal of green space! either unusable by 100% of the population during school hours seeing it is designed for 8‐14 year olds. I think it is very dangerous because a lot of young children are there, and this skate park will attract adult No, not supportive of It will be very noisy, and it is an aggressive sport. This does not belong in the tranquil park that is Rushcutters skaters. I am concerned that they will take over the park, meaning all the other park users will be put out by either Bay Park. this and not be able to enjoy the park. It is a fantastic plan and well thought out. My 10 year old son is currently having to navigate Bondi skate park or the area outside our house to practise his scootering‐both dangerous options. He wants to practise Yes, supportive of both Well thought out plan. little tricks which would be preferable at a designated area. I would adore taking him to this proposed addition and be able to comfortably observe him. I would always supervise him.

Yes, supportive of both

I am against adding more concrete to the park. Part of the parks charm is the scenery and nature within such an urbanized environment. It is a waste of council money to add more eye‐sore to the area and money would be better spent either removing the rubbish that accumulates in rushcutters or developing community gardens Why does this issue keep coming up? I use the park daily and when I talk to other daily users it is clear how No, not supportive of ‐ something that could entertain children as they learn about gardening. Why build a concrete mess that is unpopular this idea of developing a skate park is. There are lots of other things money could be put towards either close to a busy road, will attract rubbish, will attract homeless individuals(as other nearby areas have), and will to make a nicer environment, beginning with removing the rubbish in a tree next to the CYCA where reduce the area for sport, dog walking and general use of the park. There is a skate park in Annandale and to someone has left a balloon in the tree and it has been there for almost 6 months now. my knowledge it is rarely used simply because it is for people who own skateboards/basketballs ‐ so not many and therefore it is very selective.

centennial park is the ideal place for this , the road is always so congested and at its worst on week ends No, not supportive of while most residents oppose the project, I and other Rushcutters bay residents are amazed at your persistence particularly summer week ends , the noise is already on the upper limit of abnormal either ! you obviously do not live in the area how on earth are you going to police the use of it ????????? how are you going to make sure only young kids are going to use it ???????? where is everybody going to park????????

This is in entirely the wrong place. I do NOT support filling public parks with concrete. Rushcutters Bay Park is Supportive of new a park. It is supposed to have grass, trees and gardens and be green space relieving the concrete jungle. Leave See above. design, but not location it alone! Hi, Hi, No, not supportive of Please do not build a skate or bicycle park at Rushcutters Bay. Do not build anything. either Please do not build any skate or bicycle facilities in Woollhara council. Please do not build a skate or bicycle park at Rushcutters Bay. Please do not build any skate or bicycle facilities in Woollhara council No, not supportive of Scale is too big for the allocated area we need more green grass either The resurrection of this proposal, however modified, is disappointing.

The suggestion that the proposal is for 8‐14 year olds (much less that it somehow will be an expenditure for both boys and girls equally [see marketing photo above]) is disingenuous. Will the age group be enforced? How? Will access to the facility be restricted at night? If not, why not?

If the proposed facility is exclusively for 8‐14 year olds, who are school age and, during term time, likely involved in school sport, that will see the facility used on a part time basis: at a maximum, in other words, after school on weekdays, Saturday afternoons and Sundays and during school holidays, all while If, in fact, substantive demand for any such proposed facility exists amongst 8‐14 year olds, both girls and boys permanently altering the physical amenity of the Park. equally and policed to be limited for this exact age bracket alone, it should be located under the train line at No, not supportive of the corner of Neild Avenue and New South Head Road. That site offers superior ingress‐egress, better parking, The (1) minimal size of the alleged user pool relative to outlay, (2) permanent negative alteration of amenity either no landscape disruption whatsoever, the same Council‐touted water views and no noise concerns. Why aren't and (3) recurrent upkeep expenditure on materials innately prone to rapid deterioration necessitates Council rates being used to promote this far more appropriate site? rejection of the proposal for this site. The site under the train lines at the corner of Neild Avenue and New South Head Road or, as many others will have suggested, Centennial Park, are preferred locations.

I'd like to know who, exactly, is behind this resurrection, and why.

I'd also like to know who authorised the expenditure of ratepayers' funds on this unfortunate type of push‐ poll survey, with its unenforceable (and thereby knowingly and highly misleading) age and gender suggestions, and why.

Cui bono?

I am extremely angry that the new Council is considering a skateboard facility. Rushcutters Bay Park is constantly and extensively used by the residents of Darling Point, Rushcutters Bay, Edgecliff and surrounds. It is an area where people walk, talk, read and exercise their dogs in large numbers. It is a much used living park.

The suburbs surrounding the park are areas of high population density with virtually the entire population living in units and their quality of life is greatly enhanced by this beautiful park.

No, not supportive of A skateboard facility is likely to change the complexion of the park. This boisterous activity unlike tennis, either cricket, football or basketball is incompatible with the current peaceful and quiet usage of the park.

The last thing that is needed is a skateboard facility. Centennial Park or Queens Park have large areas which could accommodated a skateboard facility without causing the disruption which would be visited on this relatively small park.

I object in the strongest possible terms to the degrading of our beautiful, precious, green, quiet, peaceful space by creating a noisy activity which is likely to attract people via Edgecliff Railway Station from far and wide. This park is relaxation space for residents. It is essential that it remain free of hard surfaces and noisy activity. If No, not supportive of skate parks are required put them in a place with no intrusion. You need only visit this park during the day to Please leave the park alone! either see how important is the peaceful enjoyment. How many times are you people going to push this idea???? I'm not sure how you make this exclusively for children 8‐14 and not an assembly area for older youths Yes, supportive of both I think trees to screen the area are essential. The more the better therefore making it intimidating for families The lovely Rushcutters Bay park already caters for a whole range of people both young and old. What a No, not supportive of horrendous idea to chop it up with a disgusting skate park. Totally out of place. Place it somewhere else not in either a park.

Rushcutters Bay Park is widely used by people of all ages and demographics engaging in an array of leisure 'In your own "Plan of Management" for the Rushcutters Bay Park, the key objectives include: activities, many enjoy it on a daily basis. In a council area that is lacking in open space (especially such a large ‐ "minimise built structures" area), it seems outrageous that the established community who enjoy the park should have their space ‐ "minimise the impact of the use of the Parks on local residents" DESTROYED by concrete to accommodate the needs of less than 6% of the population of the local area. In ‐ "preserve the ambience of the Parks" addition, the proposed 'seating, shade, trees and landscaping', one must ask ‐ have you been to the park No, not supportive of All of your supposed key objectives are in DIRECT OPPOSITION to the outcomes of this proposal. This is lately??? Have you seen the abundance of trees (presumably ones that you'd like to tear down for your skate either nothing short of an absolute disgrace. That this issue continues to be debated over the course of years park)? Have you sat in their shade? Have you seen the seats scattered throughout the park (often located demonstrates nothing other than the council's lack of understanding about what the constituency wants. It under said trees)? Have you? Because if you had, you'd realise that the people who use the park and enjoy is nothing short of an outrage that you want to destroy a perfectly green, well enjoyed, and to a degree these features EVERY DAY, those who run, who walk their dogs, who have a training session or just a little walk iconic park for 2,782 people aged 10 ‐ 14. It's also disgusting and an insult to the tax payers among us that by the water, don't want to watch it be destroyed while the council takes years to build something that is any money at all should be spent on such a minority group, and not the wider community at large. unwanted.

I think that creating a concrete area in Rushcutters bay park will be severely detrimental to the pleasant atmosphere currently found there. The park's charm comes from the wide open green spaces that are No, not supportive of enjoyable for all people whether they want to engage in sports such as soccer or jogging, or walk their dogs or either just sit and read a book under a tree. I think there are more appropriate places to build a skate park in the council area (eg Steyne park) where the addition of a new concrete area would be less intrusive.

I do not feel that this park ‐ which is an adult recreation area ‐ runners, walkers, dog walkers‐ with a coffee No, not supportive of shop and infant play area needs any more areas for children. Adults from the surrounding high rise buildings either use this park as a haven for peace and quiet in a noisy city. Leave it as it is please.

The vast majority of residents in the areas around Rushcutters Bay value the park for its shade, peace, quiet This issue was we'll and truly put to bed . Why is it being resurrected now, when none of the actual users and refreshing greenery. We have already made this abundantly clear on previous occasions when this issue have the slightest interest or wish for this new out of place idea? No, not supportive of was raised. It is in constant use for a wide variety of quiet, peaceful activities. We adamantly do not want either noisy youngsters disturbing our pleasant peaceful recreation in this beautiful very special area. It is a small, quiet gem in a very busy, over populated surrounding area.

No, not supportive of The demographic of the local area does not in any way fit with the idea of using Rushcutters Bay Park space for See above. either a skate park. It is a complete waste of ratepayers' resources. I am going to repeat my above comments here, to ensure they are read. I do not support the Youth Recreation Area. Placing more concrete in Rushcutters Bay Park is a completely bad idea. We are living in a city that is constantly expanding and developing, at the expense of public parks and I do not support the Youth Recreation Area. Placing more concrete in Rushcutters Bay Park is a completely green space. Once a park has been concreted over, we will never get that green space back again. Rushcutters bad idea. We are living in a city that is constantly expanding and developing, at the expense of public parks Bay Park is so unique in this area, with beautiful grassy expanses so close to the water. The thought of losing a and green space. Once a park has been concreted over, we will never get that green space back again. patch of nature to a concrete basketball court/skate park is just so so sad. Rushcutters Bay Park is so unique in this area, with beautiful grassy expanses so close to the water. The thought of losing a patch of nature to a concrete basketball court/skate park is just so so sad. In your fact sheet, you state "Young people aged 5‐17 make up more than 12% of the population in the Woollahra LGA." You do realise that means that 88% of the Woollahra LGA is NOT 5‐17 years old? You are In your fact sheet, you state "Young people aged 5‐17 make up more than 12% of the population in the planning on building a development in the park that caters to a tiny subset of the population in this area. Also, Woollahra LGA." You do realise that means that 88% of the Woollahra LGA is NOT 5‐17 years old? You are to say there is a lack of activities is a complete lie. The park is already available for a plethora of activities, like planning on building a development in the park that caters to a tiny subset of the population in this area. playing sports, soccer, football, touch, jogging, riding bikes & scooters. There are tennis courts right nearby. Also, to say there is a lack of activities is a complete lie. The park is already available for a plethora of No, not supportive of There is a cricket pitch. There are football goal posts. None of which require more concrete in the park. If 5‐17 activities, like playing sports, soccer, football, touch, jogging, riding bikes & scooters. There are tennis courts either year olds are not already using the park to it's full extent doing these activities, will they really suddenly take right nearby. There is a cricket pitch. There are football goal posts. None of which require more concrete in up basketball or skateboarding? the park. If 5‐17 year olds are not already using the park to it's full extent doing these activities, will they really suddenly take up basketball or skateboarding? As a local, I do not think the development of a Youth Recreation Area is relevant in Rushcutters Bay Park. It does not suit the demographic of the area or the people who use the park (as 88% of locals are NOT 5‐17 years As a local, I do not think the development of a Youth Recreation Area is relevant in Rushcutters Bay Park. It old). Also, skate parks are noisy and unpleasant. You say in your fact sheet that the one at Bondi is so does not suit the demographic of the area or the people who use the park (as 88% of locals are NOT 5‐17 overcrowded it is unsuitable for small children. Why would we want another super crowded skate park in our years old). Also, skate parks are noisy and unpleasant. You say in your fact sheet that the one at Bondi is so local park? overcrowded it is unsuitable for small children. Why would we want another super crowded skate park in our local park? I fully do not support this development proposal, and think it will be a attack on the last remaining remnants of nature in the inner suburbs of Sydney if it goes ahead. I fully do not support this development proposal, and think it will be a attack on the last remaining remnants of nature in the inner suburbs of Sydney if it goes ahead.

We need more general purpose green areas with actual living plants and trees for everyone to enjoy so that There is not enough green space in the inner city. Rushcutters Bay park is the only usable green space in the No, not supportive of we can feel healthy and decompress after a hard days work. We do not need more man made structures. area. We can't loose any more. The park is full of people, families and pets utilising the green space most of either Please don't take away the only bit of nature we have around this most densely populated area in all of the time. Australia. There's no where else for us to go that's in walking distance. No, not supportive of do not agree with any aspects of the development should not be approved either it should not be built

Feel a skate ramp is better suited over by a beach suburb like they have at Bondi and Maroubra. Even though the skate park would be for young kids/ teenagers to use during daylight hours can see an older crowd coming to the park and using it at night ‐ parties, making loud skating noise plus potential graffiti No, not supportive of throughout the park. either A basketball practice area with shaded seating could work in the previous location near the gym equipment Suggest another location for skate ramp more suitable would be inside Centennial Parklands or Coogee Beach area (near the reserve). Absolutely object to a skate ramp being built on the foreshore of our beautiful harbour side park. It is hard to believe that after all the negative feedback and petitions (one with over 2000 signatures) protesting this proposal, that it looms before us again ‐ slightly reconfigured, but nevertheless threatening this small green oasis in this area This park offers tennis courts, playing fields, a cricket pitch and practice area, stations for work outs, and paths for roller‐blading, in addition to a relaxing calm green space for the locals to enjoy. So there are kids that don't want to take advantage of any of these facilities? So this park doesn't offer a skateboard ramp or a basketball court ‐ get on a bus and travel 15 minutes to a place that does. Why take so much for so few? A skateboard ramp will be used occasionally by a small group of children only during out of No, not supportive of school hours, and for a few years. The green areas that would be taken for this facility will be used by all age All as above. Absolutely opposed to taking any of the green space in this well utilised, very small park. either groups for all kinds of activities at all hours for years and years to come. A green space should not be considered as a potential development area, but rather as a calm respite area to ease the eyes, and to utilise for relaxation, not just by a few , but by dog walkers, mothers with children, students relaxing, friends and families picnicking etc. They shouldn't have to be assailed by the noise that emanates from skateboard areas ‐ crashing and sound systems, as well as the visual pollution of these concreted areas, to say nothing of the undesirable elements that unsupervised skateboard areas attract .Please look for another area that is not a small harbourside park providing a green oasis for the many apartment dwellers in this area.

As a long term resident of Rushcutters Bay, Paddington and Edgecliff, and with a 10 year old son, I think it is a wonderful idea! It is good clean fun for kids and we need this in the area. We have explored so many skate Yes, supportive of both parks in Sydney (Waterloo, Bondi, Maroubra, indoor at Artarmon) ‐ the closest is Bondi and is not suitable for younger and beginner children. It's set up for pro and adult. To have a safe and suitable one for tweens/young teens in the area is much needed.

The lack of floodlighting on the facilities makes the skatepark unusable when gets dark (~5pm in winter!), meaning that kids and people who work a 9‐to‐5 jobs can't enjoy it on weekdays in winter.

In my opinion, floodlighting is essential. If there is a noise issue, though the park seems quite isolated from Please avoid filling the non‐skateable areas with bark (e.g. Sydneyham skate park) because the wind often Yes, supportive of both residential areas, then I'd suggest council enforce a rule to turn off the lights at 9pm sharp. spread the bark all over the skatepark which becomes a hazard for skaters. Also please add a long manual pad to the skatepark. Kids and grown up love them for learning and it's a great warm up facility. This is unnecessary and will be a catalyst for social problems and additional council expense. As a consideration for this project I ask that those in favour be encouraged to go to Taylor Square where skating is popular. At times the use of this area is harmless, but many other times it attracts social problems. Whilst supporters of the skate park believe it will be good for 15 year olds, they have not considered that it will attract adults of various backgrounds which may give rise to additional social problems that will ultimately No, not supportive of lead to security concerns, community conflict and expense to manage. That aside, the park does not require The additions are not required ‐ see below either a further depletion of grassed area. The park already has organised areas dedicated to playing fields, children play areas, exercise stations and cafe, there is very little area left to just sit, lie, enjoy and use the area for picnics or simple leisure. The allocation of funds and precious area to a minority group is an unbalanced approach to municipal money. Further the additional expense in maintenance and security will be an additional burden to rate payers. This has been proposed before and the supporters should respect the decision made previously to avoid uneccessary Council and community effort and spend.

Yes, supportive of both Well thought out proposal. Very much needed

With regards to the proposed faculty, I definitely vote yes as it will give young people additional recreationa Yes, supportive of both facility. We love the proposed location. There is insufficient youth facilities in this particular area, only things for young kids and adults.

Yes, supportive of both Engaging youth in a non computer environment is essential

Rushcutters Bay Park is green space area used for various activities by a range of ages and genders. No one party gets a designated section for themselves aside from the children's playground. Green space is limited and paving over it to satisfy a small minority with plenty of other options to go to for structured activities is incongruent with the concept of public green areas. Please refer to the Hakoah development at the Tennis facilities nearby on Glenmore Road. There are adequate options there for youth recreation and activities in that project. As well Bondi and Waterloo & other locations No means NO. In the context of approaches to domestic violence this could not be more appropriate to No, not supportive of have skateboard facilities. There are many locations with basketball hoops around as well as school courts. highlight consistent bullying, badgering, harrassing to get the way for a few is wrong and children should be either Most people with children in the Eastern Suburbs are there for education and access to good schools. aware of it. This type of proposal will no doubt make Rushcutters subject to more anti social behaviour and Skateboarding is not a priority. risks to existing users. Too late when an incident takes place for hindsight. Unless there is a security guard 24/7 monitoring ages 8‐14 and what takes place there, no one can say how or who would use this type of area. From experience it will not be solely that demographic no matter what spin is put on it to try to force it through against the broader community's wishes.

I have been a resident of Rushcutters Bay for 12 years. I often visit the pleasant tranquil park. The current No, not supportive of proposal is deeply flawed. How is the 14 year old age limit going to be enforced? Have an expensive Council I very strongly object to the proposal. either Ranger there from sun up to sun down, insisting the users provide documentary proof of age and ensure there is no unacceptable noise? No, not supportive of Too noisy. Impossible to enforce the age limit of 14 years old Too noisy. Will negatively impact on the tranquility and peaceful place. either No, not supportive of To noisy. Impossible to ensure 14 year old limit. Proposal will ruin the tranquility of the wonderful park either Supportive of new Has adequate parking along the already congested New Beach Road be provided to cater for increased visitors Will it start after 9am and will it close down after 6pm design, but not location

I completely understand some facilities for early teenagers would be good for the area. However, after recently witnessing a 10yo‐12yo skate‐boarding down the main path, I'm very much against skate‐boarding facilities. This boy went straight down path, pass the cafe and oblivious to older people who were nearby, and scared to move in case they were knocked over.

Elderly people and retirees should be encouraged to be outdoors and Rushcutters Bay Park is obviously well patronised by this section of the community. If they're concerned about injuries and no longer being in a safe Supportive of location, environment, they will avoid using the Park completely. but not new design If the plans were approved, there is no way to ensure boarders only use the appropriate section and are age‐ appropriate. Furthermore, the noise generated by skate‐boards is offensive to everyone (not boarding), and distressing to most dogs.

A basketball court and rings have much less impact on people and dogs enjoying the Park, so I'm more supportive of this proposal. But the skate‐boarders should be somewhere else entirely, such as Centennial Park.

I don't like either location ‐ If the location was closer to the cafe in the park and behind the kids playground I don't like either location ‐ If the location was closer to the cafe in the park and behind the kids playground No, not supportive of that would work BUT NOT EITHER OF PROPOSED LOCATIONS close to the Vibe Hotel and xxxxx xxx where I live that would work BUT NOT EITHER OF PROPOSED LOCATIONS close to the Vibe Hotel and xxxxx xxx where I either it will destroy the park outlook and noise. live it will destroy the park outlook and noise.

To ‘steal’ the open spaces from walkers of ALL ages and types, very young to very old, and parents with The area has been for all ages for many many years. To use the area for one age group in particular would strollers, and owners with dogs, is reprehensible. deny many more of continuing use and the pleasure of a mainly peaceful area.

Yes, supportive of both this would be really good!

Yes, supportive of both

I find it ridiculous, suspicious and dumbfounding that a plan could be voted down democratically last time No, not supportive of It's been rejected once for a reason. The city doesn't; need more concrete, it needs more parks. only to get a second life via politicians who did not put this on their platform. If it is allowed to happen you either will have lost my vote. The skateboard park would detract from the rest of the park which provides a relaxing place for people of all ages including young children. The main issue is the noise associated with skateboards which is very No, not supportive of It is highly likely that the main users will be older teenagers and young adults so it is misleading to state that unpleasant as can be evidenced by spending time in Martin Place or other skateboarding sites. Traffic noise either this is aimed at children aged 8‐14 years. from New South Road will not appreciably affect the noise from skateboards using the area particularly when landing jumps. Also the location of the planned facility will affect users of the adjacent soccer field.

My main concern is that no trees get cut down for this project. No. I'm also concerned that it has the potential to become a noisy, ugly, dirty and graffitied place which is used mainly by older kids. It would require regular No, not supportive of monitoring and, it seems, a lot of money. Can't they just do skating and scootering on the paths around the No. either park? And there is the loss of open space and nature to consider. I do like the idea of planting new trees and the bike‐racks, though.

Overall I think the Youth recreation area is a good idea, however it is difficult to tell from the plans whether the proposed site will encroach on the Soccer field in that part of the park along NSH Rd. If it does, I don't approve of the new location. It does look very large and it would be a shame for it to take over the park. The previous location was a really bad idea, as a lot of people that just want to relax in the park away from sports games etc. use that area. I would like to know more about how much space the new proposed area takes up and whether the soccer field will not be affected before I commit either way. The best area in my opinion is near the playground on New Beach Road. The main thing is that no trees are removed. :)

Yes, supportive of both Both locations are good, but I see how the new location is placed in a less used and less intrusive location.

1.The facility represents a loss of green space at a me when w e should be increasing green space 2.It will be located on the western edge of Woollahra – how man y of the 12% of Woollahra youth live within a distance to realistically access the facility? It should be more centrally located in the Woollahra area to be more accessible 3.Access to public transport is a furphy – most users are likel y to come by car with their parents pung further strain on parking. The bus stop adjacent to the facility will only be used by people from west of the No, not supportive of None facility, ie, outside Woollahra either 4.Concern over maintenance – the park has been poorly maintained over a long period; no expectaon this would improve 5.Toilet facilies in the park a re already inadequate – this will worsen the situaon 6.Concerns over an‐social behaviour. No menon is made of how this will be monitored. In 10 years of using the park on a daily basis I’ve never seen a security patrol General comment: Though I feel I am wasting my time with this new council... Lets call it what it is .. Skate park.... the rest is just a disguise as we know who it is that is trying to buy and push this through. With no concept drawings offered I can only go on what other Skate parks look like so... it is obvious that No is not being taken for an answer. This New Council is Insisting on pushing this through The proposed additions are not required and will take away from the pleasant and natural aesthetics of the regardless of last years vote by this community. With total disregard and offence to the local ratepayers in park. The environment will simply never be the same again and for the worse. A waste of ratepayers funds. this area I might add. This raises tremendous suspicion the message has been loud and simple from all I speak to in this area.. No No mention of : one wants it here just the same as last year. Why does council think people would change their mind in 12 What is the cost of on going maintenance to ratepayers? months. Who are the contractors that would be appointed to do the work and at what cost. What if the council gets sued for an injured child? Lets have a look at the reasons chosen by Council to vote in favour to do this, other then possible personal What is the cost of cleaning up graffiti? agendas What guarantee is there that walkways and other areas won't be overrun by skateboarders harassing the park? Where is the graphical concept drawing showing all the items, mentioned, in place and what are they going to Who is it for? look like. A handful of children and probably less than 14 in total . Obviously with very influential parents. and may or No, not supportive of may not be the same children who harassed someone, I know, at his workplace because they knew he was either Council makes it sound like these skaters will be restricted to a 2% area of the park. I think you are sadly against it. This is the crowd you want to attract to this area? underestimating these children. I hear...other young ones have already complained it is not big enough. A simple and rather uninformative letter stating a public exhibition but not saying where it can be viewed.. So start with this and Council will have a bigger problem down the line. Relying on the ratepayer to be totally PC literate and then work out whether... that is an email address or Council is being taken for a ride by children. website.. No contact name signed off on the letter. The ratepayer has not really been given a real opportunity to be heard. It looks like it was intentionally Others I know have spoken to other councils that installed a skate park and all regretted it afterwards. I dare deigned to be ignored and put aside.so Council has clear run and reason to pass and resolve to add this atrocity say this council will also regret it if they go ahead with it. There is no adult I know in this area that is for it to Rushcutters Bay Park like a cancer. whether they write in or not. It has been the most discussed and upsetting topic in this community for over a month.

PLACES: There are other places as Council put forward.. Cooper, Trumper or Centennial park. Put it there.

Location:. As far away from Rushcutters Bay park as possible please. This is not the area for it. I submitted this before but I never received confirmation from the Council that my feedback was registered.....

I completely understand some facilities for early teenagers would be good for the area. However, after recently witnessing a 10yo‐12yo skate‐boarding down the main path, I'm very much against skate‐boarding facilities. This boy went straight down path, pass the cafe and oblivious to older people who were nearby, and scared to move in case they were knocked over.

Elderly people and retirees should be encouraged to be outdoors and Rushcutters Bay Park is obviously well Supportive of location, patronised by this section of the community. If they're concerned about injuries and no longer being in a safe but not new design environment, they will avoid using the Park completely.

If the plans were approved, there is no way to ensure boarders only use the appropriate section and are age‐ appropriate. Furthermore, the noise generated by skate‐boards is offensive to everyone (not boarding), and distressing to most dogs.

A basketball court and rings have much less impact on people and dogs enjoying the Park, so I'm more supportive of this proposal. But the skate‐boarders should be entirely somewhere else, such as Centennial Park.

No, not supportive of Should be kept as green space as it is currently Potential problems with people and parking. Parking in surrounding areas all ready very difficult. either No, not supportive of The park is a wonderful green space and should not be changed or reduced. These facilities may attract potentially undesirable people e.g drug dealers either

I am not against the provision of the skate and scooter plaza and the attendant facilities for the enjoyment of the children and teenagers in the Municipality. However, I have great reservations in relation to the proposed location of the facilities in Rushcutters Bay Park. The Park is is THE defining green gateway to the Eastern Suburbs with prominent water views that are splendidly revealed as one exists from the Tunnel and descends into Rushcutters Bay . The skate plaza will be an intrusive eyesore in the foreground, and compromise not only No, not supportive of the key vistas but also the aesthetic and heritage integrity of the Park. Screening of the proposed facility with either landscaping woulud defeat the purpose as it would also compromise the view corridors and overall setting of the Park. I believe that such a facility could be more appropriately located at the nearby Lough Playing Fields or in Centennial Park which has more room and safer public transport and parking access. I applaud Council for planning for community needs, but sincerely hope that Council will re consider the location of the skate plaza and ball court and build it in a less prominent world class location .

I am not against skate parks, per se, but I am concerned at the proposed new location as it's very close to New Supportive of new South Head Road. My preference is for the skate park to be located not near dense residential areas and think design, but not location that a site in Centennial Park would be better I think you are putting this in the wrong Park. Rushcutters Bay Park is used extensively by all ages and it is Supportive of new particularly good to see families playing together. I do not think we need any more concrete or ashfelt in the There are other areas which would be more suitable for this skate and bike park. How about by Woollahra design, but not location park. Please leave it as natural as possible. There is a path all round where many children learn to ride bikes Sailing Club or Centennial Park near the playground at the main entrance? and start out on skate boards

I have lived in Rushcutters Bay for 4 years and have 3 children under 10. The thought of such a facility becoming available to my young family gives me the confidence that living in an apartment with soon to be Yes, supportive of both It all looks fantastic. Can't wait to see it come to fruition. teenagers will be possible. Although daunting for some, the concept of a space for youths to hang out is far better one then that of bored youths cruising around looking for something to do!!! Please make it happen!!! No, not supportive of There is not enough green space in the area. This would detract from existing green space. either i love this idea because i play basketball and this would give me a chance to practice everyday. how else am i Yes, supportive of both i love this idea 😀 because my family are really active 🚲 😋 going to get to the Olympics! This is an important area of green space for informal recreation and should not be alienated with special use No, not supportive of structures. Skate board activities can be located under infrastructure such as the Eastern Suburbs viaduct either Given the issues of Sydney's urban heat island and the ongoing densification of the area, all green space should be protected K R Acoustics

ACOUSTIC IMPACT ASSESSMENT Proposed Youth Recreation Area at Rushcutters Bay Park New south Head Rd, Darling Point

Prepared for: Woollahra Council 536 New South Head Road, Double Bay NSW 2028

Prepared by:

Karel Ruber Noise & Vibration Engineering Consultant B.Sc, M.Eng.Sc-Mechanical Noise & Vibration MAAS, APESMA

File reference: 2018_07_#01 Date: 07/07/18

KR Acoustics 14 Holt St, North Ryde, NSW 2113 Ph.: 02-88194373 Mob.: 04-03038834 email: [email protected]


1. INTRODUCTION ...... 2 2. DESCRIPTION OF SITE, NOISE SOURCES AND MEASUREMENT LOCATIONS ...... 3 2.1. Rushcutters Bay Park, Darling Point...... 3 2.2. Fernside Park, Waterloo ...... 6 3. MEASUREMENTS...... 8 4. NOISE CRITERIA ...... 9 4.1. Intrusive Noise ...... 9 4.2. Amenity Criteria ...... 9 5. RESULTS ...... 12 5.1. Measurements at Fernside Park –noon time ...... 12 5.2. Measurements at Fernside Park –evening ...... 13 5.3. Measurements at Rushcutters Bay Park -afternoon ...... 14 5.4. Summary of Results and Discussion ...... Error! Bookmark not defined. 5.5. Noise attenuation with distance...... 15 6. CONCLUSIONS ...... 18 7. REFERENCES ...... 18

This report has been prepared by KR- Acoustic Consultancy with all reasonable skill, care and diligence, and taking account of the timescale and resources allocated to it by agreement with the Client. Information reported herein is based on the interpretation of data collected which has been accepted in good faith as being accurate and valid. This report is for the exclusive use of Woollahra Council. No warranties or guarantees are expressed or should be inferred by any third parties. This report may not be relied upon by other parties without written consent from KR- Acoustic. KR-Acoustic disclaims any responsibility to the Client and others in respect of any matters outside the agreed scope of the work.

------KR Acoustics 14 Holt St, North Ryde, NSW 2113 Ph.: 02-88194373 Mob: 04-03038834 email: [email protected]


KR Acoustics Consulting has been commissioned by Woollahra Council to conduct an acoustic impact assessment of the noise generated by a proposed Youth Recreation Area which will include a Skateboard Park, to be located at the South West corner of the Rushcutters Bay Park. Throughout this document the names Youth Recreation Area and Skateboard Park are used interchangeably.

The report will address the view that ‘the sound from continuous heavy traffic along New South Head Road mitigates any noise actual or perceived from the proposed youth recreation facility.’

This report is based on noise measurement of a similar existing skateboard park- Fernside Skatepark in Waterloo.

Impulsive sound is defined as a single pressure peak or a single burst of multiple pressure peaks for durations usually less than one second. Impulsive sound can be generated as the result of impact of one moving object with another. Impact noise, which is very common in skateparks, is caused by the collision of skate wheels with concrete (or metal or wood) ramp surfaces.

According to the Council Noise Guide [1] in most situations the LAeq is the most appropriate noise descriptor to use when measuring noise impact on hearing. The A subscript denotes that A-weighting frequency filtering was applied to the measured Sound Pressure Levels (SPL) to simulate human hearing. The LAeq is the equivalent continuous level of noise under investigation (average). Another commonly used noise descriptor is LA90 which is the level of noise exceeded 90% of the measurement time (percentile). LA90 is much less sensitive to short time loud noise events, occurring occasionally during the measurement period, than LAeq and some other metrics. The LA90 metric is commonly used for estimating the background noise.

Impulsive noise used to be measured using the Impulse time weighting which is characterised by a short rise time (35ms) and a long decay time (1.5s). All time weighting (I = Impulse, F=Fast, S=Slow) were designed for analogue Sound Level Meters (SLMs) to allow more accurate readings of the noise by the indicator needle, which can fluctuate greatly and rapidly, when the measured noise is not constant.

Current integrating SLM record the data digitally and do not actually need the time weighting for the human operator real time sound level reading however time weighting are sometime used for backward compatibility with past measurements and noise limits.

Impulsive noise is penalised with up to 5dB which is added to the measured LAeq [1].

Noise impact (not Impact noise) is assessed against two criteria: Intrusiveness and Amenity. Intrusiveness is a relative criteria based on the existing background noise while the Amenity criteria is based on absolute limit for the specific area. The combined noise limits are the minimum (stricter) noise limits of the two criteria. More details about the two criteria are given in the Section 4.

------KR Acoustics 14 Holt St, North Ryde, NSW 2113 Ph.: 02-88194373 Mob: 04-03038834 email: [email protected]


This assessment was carried out in compliance with procedures listed in the Protection of the Environment Operations Act (POEO Act 2008) [2] the POEO (Noise Control) Regulation, 2008 and relevant Australian Standards.


2.1. Rushcutters Bay Park, Darling Point

Rushcutters Bay Park is located in Darling Point Suburb bounded by Bayswater Road/New South Head Road to the south, New Beach Road to the east and Rushcutters Creek to the west-see Figure 1.

New South Head Road is a high volume main road with traffic around 40k vehicles per day (95% cars)-see Figure 2.

2 1 Proposed Youth Recreation Area 1

Figure 1: Rushcutters Bay Park and surroundings. Orange Circles mark the measurement locations

------KR Acoustics 14 Holt St, North Ryde, NSW 2113 Ph.: 02-88194373 Mob: 04-03038834 email: [email protected]


Figure 2: Traffic statistics for New South Head Road near the proposed youth recreation area in Rushcutters Bay Park Measurement Position 1 was located 4 meters from the road and measurement Position 2 was located 30 m away from the road as shown in Figure 3. The Orange Oval marks the location of the proposed Youth Recreation Area and the Orange Square the nearest property potentially affected by the youth recreation area noise.




Proposed Youth Recreation Area 1

Figure 3: Rushcutters Bay Park- proposed Youth Recreation Area, sound measurement locations and the nearest premises potentially affected by noise.( Photography courtesy of Google) The distance from the proposed park boundaries (assumed location) are 60m to Point 1H and also 60m to Point 2H at Vibe Hotel boundary. Point 1H distance to New South Head Road is 33m and Point 2H is 50m from the road.

------KR Acoustics 14 Holt St, North Ryde, NSW 2113 Ph.: 02-88194373 Mob: 04-03038834 email: [email protected]


Figure 4: Vibe Hotel Rushcutters Bay –East side, facing the proposed Youth Recreation Area

Rooms on the East side of the Vibe Hotel do not have balconies. There is a swimming pool on the roof of the hotel.

Figure 5: Measurement Position 1 in Rushcutters Bay Park, near New South Head Road

------KR Acoustics 14 Holt St, North Ryde, NSW 2113 Ph.: 02-88194373 Mob: 04-03038834 email: [email protected]


Figure 6: Measurement Point 2 in Rushcutters Bay Park, 30 m away from New South Head Road

2.2. Fernside Park, Waterloo

Fernside Skate Park which is located in Waterloo suburb contains smooth surface skating areas surrounded with buttery blocks, ledges and rails. It also includes blocks, ledges, banked ledges, manual pads, stairs, rails, flat bar, fly-out, corner bank, steep wall, a mini ramp and a half pipe.

2 3



Figure 7: Fernside youth recreation area, Waterloo. Sound measurement locations numbered inside Orange Circles. Measurement Position2 is located near the Half Pipe( Photography courtesy of Google). ------KR Acoustics 14 Holt St, North Ryde, NSW 2113 Ph.: 02-88194373 Mob: 04-03038834 email: [email protected]


Google statistics Figure 8 shows that around noon there are moderate number of park users and skaters while in the evening between 6PM and 10 PM the number is much greater. It is unknown if the statistics refer to total visitors or only skater. From personal observations during the measurements most of the visitors are skaters however skaters take turns in using the grounds therefore there are usually no more than 6-7 active skaters on the main grounds and only one at the time in the Half Pipe.

Figure 8: Google statistics for Fernside Skateboard Park The information above was found at: https://www.google.com.au/maps/place/Fernside+Skatepark/@- 33.9010257,151.2079274,17.75z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0xf7d2c3c231b1f251!8m2!3 d-33.902211!4d151.205273

------KR Acoustics 14 Holt St, North Ryde, NSW 2113 Ph.: 02-88194373 Mob: 04-03038834 email: [email protected]


Figure 9: Fernside Skateboard Park Position 1

Figure 10: Fernside Skateboard Park Position 2


Measurements were taken on 5/07/18 at two sites in 2-4 locations on each site, as described above, with a Type 1 Integrating Sound Level Meters (SLM) SVAN 979 s/n 21014 which was within annual calibration period.

------KR Acoustics 14 Holt St, North Ryde, NSW 2113 Ph.: 02-88194373 Mob: 04-03038834 email: [email protected]

8 The length of the measurement varied between 15 minutes and shorter periods. The 15 minutes sections were in some cases divided in shorter section for analysis of specific events or noise conditions changes. The height of the microphone above the ground was 1.2m-1.5m.

Measurements at Fernside Park were taken at noon and again in the evening when the number of skaters is the greatest. Measurements at Rushcutters Bay Park were made in the afternoon.

In parallel to the measurements, the SPL was also logged and stored every second at Fernside at noon measurements and at Rushcutters Bay in the afternoon. In the evening the measurements at Fernside were logged at a rate of every 10ms which provided better insight into the short impulse noise of skateboard impacts. The SLM also recorded the sound simultaneously with the measurement and the logging for identification of events and extraneous noise during the post analysis process.

The SLM calibration was verified before and after measurements using Type 1 Calibrator SV30A s/n 17442.

All noise methodologies and equipment used complied with Australian Standards:

● 61672.1-2004 “Electroacoustics—Sound level meters; Part 1: Specifications” ● AS1055.1 “Acoustics – Description and Measurement of Environmental Noise”


The EPA Noise Policy for Industry ,2017 [3] sets two separate noise criteria to meet environmental noise objectives: one to account for Intrusive noise and the other to protect the Amenity of particular land uses.

4.1. Intrusive Noise

Noise is identified as ‘intrusive’ if it is noticeably louder than the background noise and considered likely to disturb or interfere with those who can hear it.

According to the Council Noise Guide [1] The sound pressure level created by the operation of machinery such as air conditioning and refrigeration plants, measured at any point at the boundary of the premises, is considered to be intrusive if it exceeds 5 dBA above background noise. Local Councils can define their own noise limits - Woollahra council requires that the noise limit during night time (10PM -7 AM) should not exceed background noise.

4.2. Amenity Criteria

To limit continuing increases in noise levels, The EPA Noise Policy for Industry [3] recommends that the maximum ambient noise level within an area from industrial noise sources should not normally exceed the acceptable noise levels specified in

------KR Acoustics 14 Holt St, North Ryde, NSW 2113 Ph.: 02-88194373 Mob: 04-03038834 email: [email protected]

9 Table 1. Those limits are also often used by Local Councils as noise limits not only for Industrial noise sources.

Table 1- Amenity noise levels specified in the EPA Noise Policy for Industry. Most relevant items are marked in bold and blue font.

Noise amenity Receiver Time of day LAeq, dB(A) area (see Table 2.3 to determine which residential receiver Recommended amenity noise category applies) level Residential Rural Day 50 Evening 45 Night 40 Suburban Day 55

Evening 45 Night 40 Urban Day 60

Evening 50

Night 45

Hotels, motels, 5 dB(A) above the caretakers’ quarters, recommended amenity noise holiday See column 4 See column 4 level for a residence for the accommodation, relevant noise amenity area permanent resident and time of day caravan parks School classroom – Noisiest 1-hour All 35 (see notes for table) internal period when in use Hospital ward All Noisiest 1-hour 35 internal All Noisiest 1-hour 50 external Place of worship – All When in use 40 internal Area specifically reserved for passive All When in use 50 recreation (e.g. national park) Active recreation area (e.g. school All When in use 55 playground, golf course) Commercial All When in use 65 premises Industrial premises All When in use 70 Industrial interface (applicable only to Add 5 dB(A) to recommended All All residential noise noise amenity area amenity areas)

Assuming the Youth Recreation Area will not be operating during night time the resulting limits are between 65dB during the day and 55dB during evening.

------KR Acoustics 14 Holt St, North Ryde, NSW 2113 Ph.: 02-88194373 Mob: 04-03038834 email: [email protected]

10 4.2.1. High Traffic Noise

From [3] Section 2.4.1: When the level of transport noise, road traffic noise in particular, may be high enough to make noise from an industrial source effectively inaudible, even though the LAeq noise level from that industrial noise source may exceed the project amenity noise level. In such cases the project amenity noise level may be derived from the LAeq, period (traffic) minus 15 dB(A).

High traffic project amenity noise level for industrial developments = LAeq,period(traffic) minus 15 dB(A)

The NSW Road Noise Policy [4] specifies limits between 55dB and 60dB for new roads or redevelopment/increased traffic of existing roads respectively-see image below.

Figure 11: Extract from NSW Road Noise Policy

In conclusion the Amenity criteria depends on many factors like the time of the day, the classification of the area and the classification of the Youth Recreation Area development, among other things. In light of the above setting the amenity noise level limit was set to LAeq=60dBA

------KR Acoustics 14 Holt St, North Ryde, NSW 2113 Ph.: 02-88194373 Mob: 04-03038834 email: [email protected]


The following graphs were created with the Svan PC++ software provided by the manufacturer of the SVAN SLMs used for the measurements. The software allows selection and analysis of contiguous and non-contiguous blocks of data including calculations of sound level indicators such as LAeq for the selected data, zooming to shorter time spans and simultaneous sound playback among other capabilities.

5.1. Measurements at Fernside Park –noon time

Measurements made with 1 sec logging rate are shown below. The graphs show the levels of LApeak, LAFmax and LAeq displaying large variations in amplitude and time, as expected from skateboard noise.

Point 1 Point 2 Point 3 measurements measurements measurements

Figure 12: Grey area-measurements at Point 3, 30 m from the grounds

At Point 1 LAeq =72.4dBA, at Point 2 LAeq=67.4dBA and at Point 3 LAeq=61.7dBA Most of the high peaks are cause by skateboard impact with concrete surfaces. The others are extraneous noises. Listening to sound playback for Point 3 with the cursor simultaneously tracing the graphs, extraneous noises (airplanes, loud vehicle noise, operator coughing, etc.) were identified and excluded from the calculation. The Results in Figure 13 show the included time ranges in grey. The LAeq level has been reduced to 57.4dBA.

Figure 13: Fernside Skateboard Park Point 3 noon time measurements excluding extraneous noises

------KR Acoustics 14 Holt St, North Ryde, NSW 2113 Ph.: 02-88194373 Mob: 04-03038834 email: [email protected]

12 5.2. Measurements at Fernside Park –evening

Figure 14: Grey area- measurements at Point 3 evening measurements (30 m from the grounds)

At Point 4 LAeq =70.5dBA on average and at Point 3 LAeq=60.9dBA Excluding extraneous noise the LAeq at Point is reduced to 59.7dBA

Figure 15: Fernside Skateboard Park Point 3 evening measurements excluding extraneous noises When the logging was performed with 10ms time resolution the during a skate impact noise the maximum instantaneous values of LAFmax are lower than the maximum instantaneous values of LAeq because of the time weighting of Fast setting. However integrating over a total period of 6.040s which included approximately 22 impacts, the maximum LAFmax is 66.1dBA while the LAeq is 60.6dBA-see Figure 16.

------KR Acoustics 14 Holt St, North Ryde, NSW 2113 Ph.: 02-88194373 Mob: 04-03038834 email: [email protected]


Figure 16: Sound level analysis for approximately 22 impacts in 4 groups of impact events

If the quiet times between impacts are included the LAeq is reduced in this case by 1.6dB to a value of 59.0dBA - Figure 17

Figure 17: Sound level analysis for approximately 22 impacts including periods of quiet between groups of impacts

Figures 16 and 17 above demonstrate how the LAeq and other sound indicators can vary depending on the noise characteristics such as the rate of impacts, the amplitude of the noise (varies with the distance and skater characteristics) and the length of quiet time included in the analysis.

5.3. Measurements at Rushcutters Bay Park -afternoon

Measurements were made at Position 1 and 2 Figure 3 Traffic during that time was intermittent with dense traffic separated by gaps in the traffic when no cars passed the measurement point.

------KR Acoustics 14 Holt St, North Ryde, NSW 2113 Ph.: 02-88194373 Mob: 04-03038834 email: [email protected]


Figure 18: LApeak, LAFmax and LAeq typical of Traffic Noise at Rushcutters Bay Park Position 1

Figure 19: LApeak, LAFmax and LAeq typical of Traffic Noise at Rushcutters Bay Park Position 2 During the gaps in the traffic the noise was dominated by the traffic further away at the other side of New South Head Road. At positions 2, 30m away from the road LAeq= 61.0 dBA and the background noise LA90= 55.4dBA.

5.3.1. Noise attenuation with distance

Rushcutters Bay Park position 2 is about 30 m from the road and the same distance from the nearest building of the hotel and also 30 m distance to the proposed Youth Recreation Area boundary. From [2] EPA, Noise Guide for Local Government:

The following relationship can be used to quantify distance attenuation:

SPLx = SPLy – 20 log(dx/dy) for a point source (e.g. skaters) SPLx = SPLy – 10 log(dx/dy) for a line source (e.g. heavy traffic along a road) where: SPLx = SPL at distance x from the source in metres (predicted) SPLy = SPL at distance y from the source in metres (measured) dx = distance in metres to location x from the source dy = distance in metres to location y from the source

------KR Acoustics 14 Holt St, North Ryde, NSW 2113 Ph.: 02-88194373 Mob: 04-03038834 email: [email protected]

15 Assuming that Youth Recreation Area is a point source, at a distance of about 60m from the closest point of the hotel, the skateboard noise is expected to be attenuated by 6dB compared to the noise measured 30m from Fernside Skateboard Park. The background noise at the Point 2H boundary of the hotel which is approximately 50m from New South Head Road is expected to be 2.2dB lower than at measurement Point 2 at Rushcutters Bay Park while at Point 1H which is 33m away from the road the level is only 0.4dB lower.

5.3.2. Summary of measurement results and calculations

Table 2: Summary of measurement results and calculations

(Min) Meas. Saved Number of L L Site Position # Measuring Aeq 90 -Date & time Skaters [dB] [dB] Distance [m] Fernside 1 12:36:59 PM 1 4-5 72.2 57.3 Fernside 2 12:51:59 PM 2 1 67.4 56.8 Fernside 3 1:06:59 PM 30 2-4 57.4 53.4 Rushcutters 1 1:57:45 PM 4 70.5 62.3 Rushcutters 1 2:14:52 PM 4 70.2 63.0 Rushcutters 1 2:16:57 PM 4 70.8 66.0 Rushcutters 2 2:33:30 PM 30 61.0 55.4 Fernside 4 7:04:17 PM 1 4-7 73.3 60.7 Fernside 3 7:19:17 PM 30 4-8 59.7 54.3 Estimated Skateboard Noise at Points 1H & 2H @60m from the grounds 52.6 Estimated Skateboard Noise at Points 1H & 2H + 5 dB Impulsive noise 57.6 penalty Estimated Traffic/Background Noise at Point 1H Hotel Boundary (@ 60m 60.6 55.0 from the grounds and @ 33m from the road) Estimated Traffic/Background Noise at Point 2H Hotel Boundary (@ 60m 58.8 53.2 from the grounds and @ 50m from the road)

At this point it is worthwhile mentioning that while instrumentation accuracy is within 1dB, the variability of the Traffic and Skateboard noise can be in order of plus minus several dB. Considering the above and also according to The EPA Noise Policy for Industry [3], Noise Levels should be rounded to the nearest integer.

The LAeq of the predicted noise at Point 1H from traffic and Skateboard Park is the same, namely 60.6dBA which is rounded to 61dBA. This means the combined noise effect will be equivalent to LAeq= 62dBA. At location 2H the equivalent noise will be 61dBA.

------KR Acoustics 14 Holt St, North Ryde, NSW 2113 Ph.: 02-88194373 Mob: 04-03038834 email: [email protected]

16 Table 3: Summary of Intrusive, Amenity and the combined project criteria vs the estimated noise levels for day time and evening

(Project) Estimated Skateboard Intrusiveness Noise Amenity-Urban Boundary Resultant Noise (including Limits: L +5 Noise Level Limits Location A90 Noise Limits Impulsive noise dBA LAeq dB(A) LAeq dB(A) penalty) Point 1H 60 60 60 58 Point 2H 58 60 58 58

The estimated Skateboard Noise at Point 1H is 2dB below the limit while at Point 2H is just at the limit-for day time and evening.

Night time measurements were not performed near the Vibe Hotel Rushcutters Bay Park but from measurement performed in similar locations and available literature the night time background noise will be lower than 45dBA. Both Intrusive and Amenity limits will be infringed if the Youth Recreation Area will be operating during night time.

5.3.3. Discussion

The Noise Intrusiveness Criteria is related to the question Woollahra council asked: “Does the sound from continuous heavy traffic along New South Head Road mitigate any noise actual or perceived from the proposed youth recreation facility?”

The answer is positive in terms of compliance with the Noise Intrusiveness Criteria (and project noise criteria) – the noise from the current proposed location of the Youth Recreation Area does not exceed the limits.

However the Traffic noise is producing Intermittent noise which will only mask the Impulsive noise from the Youth Recreation Area some of the time. Given that both the traffic noise and youth recreation area noise are changing from one moment to the other, when Impact noise occurs, it will be often audible near the boundary of the hotel. This will be true even if the average Youth Recreation Area noise will be reduced by a couple of dB.

Differences in the Youth Recreation Area construction and number of people using the park may also introduce some changes from predicted levels to the actual levels that may be measured in the future.

------KR Acoustics 14 Holt St, North Ryde, NSW 2113 Ph.: 02-88194373 Mob: 04-03038834 email: [email protected]



A detailed noise and vibration assessment of the predicted noise for a proposed Youth Recreation Area in Rushcutters Bay Park has been carried out.

The assessment shows that the Youth Recreation Area noise can be acceptable with respect to the noise limits provided usage of the park after 10PM and before 7AM is not permitted. This criterion however does not guarantee inaudibility of the skateboard impact noise during the time of low to moderate traffic noise (or other low level background noise).

7. REFERENCES [1] EPA, Noise Guide for Local Government, (2013) 192. http://www.epa.nsw.gov.au/resources/noise/20130127NGLG.pdf. [2] New South Wales Government, Protection of the Environment Operations (Noise Control) Regulation 2008, 2008 (2008) 1–111. http://www.legislation.nsw.gov.au/viewtop/inforce/subordleg+40+2008+cd+0+ N/?dq=Regulations under Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 No 156. [3] EPA, Noise Policy for Industry, (2017). [4] NSW Department of Climate Change, NSW Road Noise Policy, Assessment. (2011).

------KR Acoustics 14 Holt St, North Ryde, NSW 2113 Ph.: 02-88194373 Mob: 04-03038834 email: [email protected]

18 8. Appendix A- Detailed location and features of the proposed Youth Recreation Area

The new information about the size, location and facilities of the Youth Recreation Area which was provided towards the completion of this report shows the approximately rectangular shape of the grounds being roughly 45deg rotated to the south boundary of the Rushcutters Bay Park (New South Head Road).

The distances assumed in the calculation are very close to the proposed Youth Recreation Area location – the “Kinked Ledge” feature at the closest boundary of the park corresponds to the 60m distance point from the two points (1H and 2H) on the closest boundary of the Hotel.




Figure 20: Youth Recreation Area location in Rushcutters Bay Park

------KR Acoustics 14 Holt St, North Ryde, NSW 2113 Ph.: 02-88194373 Mob: 04-03038834 email: [email protected]


Figure 21: Details of the proposed Youth Recreation Area

------KR Acoustics 14 Holt St, North Ryde, NSW 2113 Ph.: 02-88194373 Mob: 04-03038834 email: [email protected]