A USE COMMIEE Council of the County of Maui


September 12, 2013

Council Chamber

CONVENE: :0 ..

PRESENT: Cnlbr brt Crrll, Chr Cnlbr n S. Gzn, Chr (n :0 .. Cnlbr Gld C. (t :40 .. n 0:4 .. t 2:02 p.. n :40 p.. Cnlbr nld G Ch, r. Cnlbr G (t 2:0 p.. n 2:00 p.. Cnlbr M Wht Cnlbr Mhl . trn (n :22 ..

EXCUSED: Cnlbr St Crvll Cnlbr Ell Chrn

STAFF: Crl t, ltv Attrn Clrt ll, Ctt Srtr

Ell Aln, Cnl Ad, Ml Cnl Off (v tlphn nfrn brd n rnndz, Cnl Ad, n Cnl Off (v tlphn nfrn brd n n, Cnl Ad, n Cnl Off (v tlphn nfrn brd

ADMIN.: Ann d, rtr, prtnt f n nd n Cnrn brt lvrn, Chf f lnnn nd vlpnt, prtnt f r nd rtn vd Gd, rtr, prtnt f bl Wr vd lr, rtr, prtnt f Wtr Sppl Wll Spn, rtr, prtnt f lnnn ffr U, pt Crprtn Cnl, prtnt f th Crprtn Cnl

OTHERS: vd n, AC nd Cntrl M nd dtrn Advt Ctt b rr, Srtr, Wp Cnt Atn Glnn Adlph Elzr rtl

Spnr, In Cnl, ES Crprtn A USE COMMIEE MIUES Cnl f th Cnt f M

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Jesse Spencer, President, JES Corporation Alan Spencer, Project Manager, JES Corporation Mark Spencer, Project Manager, JES Corporation Charlie Kulesa, Project Manager, JES Corporation Erik Fredericksen, Archaeological and Cultural Consultant, Xamanek Researches, LLC Mark Matsuda, Civil Engineer, Otomo Engineering, Inc. Phillip Rowell, Traffic Engineer, Phillip Rowell and Associates (8) additional attendees

PRESS: Akaku: Maui Community Television, Inc. Melissa Tanji, The Maui News


CHAIR CARROLL: .. . (gavel). . . Land Use Committee meeting of September 12, 2013 will come to order. First of all, may I please request that anybody has any cell phones or anything else that makes noise, please disconnect it, turn it off. I'm Councilman Robert Carroll, Chair of the Land Use Committee. With us this morning, we have Council Chair Baisa.

COUNCILMEMBER BAISA: Good morning, Chair.

CHAIR CARROLL: Good morning. We have Councilmembers Donald Couch --


CHAIR CARROLL: --Riki Hokama --


CHAIR CARROLL: --and Mike White.


CHAIR CARROLL: Going to be excused today are Elle Cochran and Stacy Crivello. The rest of the Council members will join us later. Department of Corporation Counsel, we have Jeff Ueoka--

MR. UEOKA: Morning, Chair.

CHAIR CARROLL: --Deputy Corporation Counsel, Jo-Ann Ridao, Director of Housing and Human Concerns.

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MS. IAO: Gd rnn.

CAI CAO: Mrnn. Wll Spn ll jn hrtl, nd ll hv prtnt f r nd rtn. vd Gd nll, nd rtr f Wtr Sppl, hv nll. Ctt Stff, Clrt ll Ctt Srtr, nd Crl t, r ltv Attrn. d hv n t n r nd fr ndrtn, U(, AOAE OUSIG OECS (CAE 20, AWAII EISE SAUES (WAIKAU GAES, ASE II W ll n pt pbl ttn. r ndvdl h ll b ttfn n th Chbr, pl n p t th d ltd n th lbb. r th rt t, pl.. .n nt, nd t.. .n nt hl t r f thnl dfflt. h rt t, ll hv th dntf thlv n. n, dntf rlf nd d hv n ttfr?

MS. OO: Gd rnn, Chr. h n n t th n Off nd thr n n tn t ttf.

CAI CAO: hn . Ml, pl dntf rlf nd d hv n ttfr?

MS. ACO: Gd rnn, Chr h Ell Aln n Ml nd thr n n hr tn t ttf.

CAI CAO: hn . n, dntf rlf nd d hv n ttfr?

MS. EAE: Gd rnn, Chr. h n rnndz t th n Off nd thr n n tn t ttf.

CAI CAO: hn . tfr hv thr nt nd n nt t nld f nr, nd nl t n th nd ll b ptd ttn. M. t?

MS. AKAA: Mr Chr, th frt ttfr vd n. ll b flld b b rr.

CAI CAO: And pl dntf rlf t th rphn nd n rnztn rprnt f prtl.


M. EEO: Gd rnn, lh. v n. I pn br f AC nd th Cntrl M l nd dtrn Advr Ctt. A n ndvdl, I pn n fvr f th prjt. I vr h ndrtnd nd pprt th nd fr ffrdbl rn l hn n M Cnt. And I n thn n nt n Mr. Spnr t tht hp pbl nd tr t brn t, n, brn t, brn t n t t fftv . Iv bn n th rvn ffrt.. .nd f h ffrt n th pt nd I n h tn h ld b n ttn tht . vr, I hr t p nt n f th rtd xptn nd

A USE COMMIEE MIUES Council of the County of Maui

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that is that sidewalk along Waiale and Waiko. That intersection is gonna be a major intersection in the future and it's already becoming a major intersection. We always think of Waikapu as a rural community, if you look at the planning, it's gonna become an urban community, and we need to have the urban entitlements in place. You know, you wouldn't think of...there's a lot of ways you can save money. You can save money by not having fire hydrants or you can maybe not do sewer hookups or you can maybe skip drainage improvements. The same thing with sidewalks in major intersections, you wouldn't...that should be...that's a standard, it cannot be taken out. And particularly in the consideration that there's gonna be a commercial outlet at that same.. .at that intersection. So it's gonna be a draw. People are gonna be trying to walk there. We've already designed our communities so that our children and the elderly are designed out of walking in our communities. This is not safe for them and if we start allowing projects to develop major intersections without, without the necessary improvements then we're gonna have, you know, continuation of the problem. We'll end up with a situation like we have in Makawao where we have an urban situation and no proper sidewalk to accommodate. I'd also like to suggest that this project needs to have pedestrian access to the commercial from the project itself, not on the main road, but through, through the backend of the project onto--nice, there's the maps here--there's right, connecting to the commercial. It's easy to do just make access possible so people don't have to go out in the street or drive to get to this commercial which is around the corner. And I'd also like to suggest at a minimum that pedestrian access be allowed to Waiko Road. Right now, I don't see that there. I see a fire lane. I don't know whether that's gonna allow for foot access or not. Mahalo. Oh, yeah, I'm sorry, one other thing In reference to, and this is kind of tangential to this project, but I'd like to remind you that this plan that you folks thought so highly last year talks about a bike lane, a bike path along Waiale Road and I envisioned it from the cane haul roads that beginning at the, at the bridge on Main Street and going all the way to Waiko and beyond. We need to save the right-of-way in that area and right now the County's not making any efforts to do that while the development, development of that properties begin to happen at Kuikahi. We need to save the right-of-way so that we--that they'll realize this plan which what is called for in the Maui Island Plan and in this plan itself. Mahalo.

CHAIR CARROLL: Thank you. Any questions for the testifier? Mr. Couch?

COUNCILMEMBER COUCH: Thank you, Mr. Chair, and thank you, Mr. DeLeon for being here. One of the things that we discussed I believe at the last meeting with Department of Public Works is that ultimately when Waiale gets expanded that they are planning on doing curb, gutters, sidewalks, and bike paths all the way back up past this property and further. And I seem to recall that the Director said that the cost difference between having them put it in versus the County put it in was minimal So if we got assurances from the Department of Public Works that when Waiale goes in, gets extended, they're gonna put in the curb, gutters, sidewalks, and bike paths, would that help out in order to keep the cost down of the affordable homes? Would that be a reasonable compromise? A USE COMMIEE MIUES Cnl f th Cnt f M

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MR. DELEON: No, I think the operative question would be, when? I mean, if it's gonna happen in my lifetime, yeah, I guess so. But that's not the way things work around here as far as bicycle/pedestrian access is concerned.

COUNCILMEMBER COUCH: Right. Okay, and that's one of the questions that we'll check with Mr. Goode.



MR. DELEON: Thank you.

CHAIR CARROLL: Any further questions for the testifier?


CHAIR CARROLL: Seeing none--oh, I'm sorry.


CHAIR CARROLL: Let the record show that the Vice-Chair of Land Use Committee, Mr. Guzman is present. Mr. Guzman?

VICE-CHAIR GUZMAN: Thank you, Chair. I just wanted to follow up on Mr. Couch's comment or question regarding the Public Works Department. It was my understanding that they were in opposition for the exemption for sidewalks and curbs.

CHAIR CARROLL: Mr. Guzman, that would be appropriate questions when we question Public Works --


CHAIR CARROLL: --when we get down to that.

VICE-CHAIR GUZMAN: Okay. Thank you. Thank you.

CHAIR CARROLL: Thank you. Any further questions? If none, thank you.

MR. DELEON: Mahalo.


MS. NAKATA: The next testifier is Jacob Verkerke. He'll be followed by Glenn Adolpho.

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M. EKEKE: Gd rnn, Chr. M n b rr. I hr th rtr, I hr th rtr fr th Wp Cnt Atn. Or prdnt trvln rht n. h Wp Cnt Atn pld t hv th pprtnt t prnt t v n th ppltn bttd fr th ffrdbl hn prjt. h tn hpp t pprt th ppltn vn th dftn tht ll b rtd b th pplnt. h tn nfrd b Mr. Spnr trd tht flln vr pn dn t th nrl brhp tn f th tn lt Mnd, th pplnt ddd t rt dftn t th prpl bfr th Ctt, rltn n th rplnt f th rl pnnt th p t ht ddtnl ffrdbl h. h Wp Cnt Atn vr hpp t tht ES Crprtn lln t n th nt f Wp n dl n th prjt nd t rpt th nt vl, rt, nd tn nh t df th prpd dvlpnt t rt nn ttn fr th nt nd fr prptv br f th ffrdbl h. d n fdb fr th Wp nt, th pplnt h rd t th flln pt f th ppltn: nln f ft bffr brdrn th Wp Ctr, lntn f th W d rd fr rdntl trff, lntn f th rl ntr t th ntrtn f Wl nd W d, nd nln f ht ddtnl ffrdbl h t rpl th rl ntr. h Wp Cnt Atn vr pld nd nrd tht th nlttv pr th th nt h hd h ptv rlt. h nt f Wp rn nrnd bt th pt n trff n nd rnd Wp rlt f nbr f plnnd nd ntptd ntrtn prjt. h nt ttnt f vl vr h n pprt f th npt f plt trt nd ffrt t prvd fr f trff pttrn thrht r nt. hrfr, th Wp Cnt Atn nrnd bt th pblt tht th Ctt ndr th rvn th rrnt tht dl, rb, nd rltd prvnt b prvdd ln Wl d. Unl thr fr tnt th nrtr trt dt fr Cnt bl Wr prjt t prv Wl d n th nnr, th nt tn ld rt tht th prvnt b rrd fr th prjt. It nt nldd n ttn bt I nn ...pnt t tht th nt tn nt n fvr f n prvnt ln W d b f th vrll ndtn f tht trth f W d. It nd r ttntn nd dn ndrtn thn jt ddn dl nd rb. nll, hl th prpd ffrdbl hn prjt ll ntrbt t dr t th trff prbl tht lrd xt n Wl d drn rnn p hr pll, th tn rnz tht th rl ltn nnt b prvdd b th pplnt ln. h Wp Cnt Atn nt t t th pprtnt t rnd th Cnt Adntrtn nd Cnl tht trff lht t th ddl ntrn t th xtn Wp Grdn Sbdvn ll b ndd t prvnt thr nvtbl r dnt th trff n Wl d ntn t pd b nd t nr n vl. hn fr th pprtnt t prvd ttn.

CAI CAO: hn . M. ?

COUCIMEME AISA: hn vr h, Chr, nd thn vr h, Mr. rr, fr bn hr th rnn. It nd f prfl tn tht frt prt f r

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ttn, rndn rvn th rl pnnt nd rpln t th r h. Cn , n hr th h tht bt?

M. EKEKE: I n Iv prhp tln th pplnt thndr hr b tht jt h th pr r t Cnl, bt hppnd t hv r rlr rtrl nrl brhp tn n Mnd. In prv tn th th pplnt hd xprd r nrn bt th rl ntr. W hd xtnv dn n Mnd th Mr. Spnr. prhp nt hv rlzd ht h ld nt t tn, bt t ll rd t vr ll hd vr d xhn f d nd nrn. And bntl t ntd t trd ftrnn b Mr. Spnr, th nt b t thr nnr nd th nt b nd hddld nd ddd tht rpln th rl ntr th r ffrdbl h vbl ptn fr th nd I ndrtnd tht th r hr t rt tht dftn.

COUCIMEME AISA: Wht, ht I trn t t lrftn n I ndrtnd th rndtn, h th rndtn, thr nrn bt trff

M. EKEKE: Oh, h, I rr.

COUCIMEME AISA: fr t n tr? Wht th prbl?

M. EKEKE: Abltl. It th trff f rl ntr rht t ht ll b vr b, vr prtnt ntrtn n th Wl d Extnn blt. W d blv tht n th npt f rt rth t n t hv bn thn rh f bdvn tht pt p, n ppl tll l t bn? In th, n th lntr, t lnr tr vn, n Mr. Athrtn th h Wp ntr tn npt n t b bldn rl prprt, nhbrhdfd rl dvlpnt jt n th thr d f th Wp brd n npln. S blv tht t b thn ln dtn. W n tht Wl Sbdvn b A & n t prvd lrl dtrbtd nhbrhd bn. W hp th ll b nhbrhdfd bn n vr ntr thn thr lr dvlpnt. S ll nd ll blv tht tht th nt ll hv tht hvn t jp n r nd drv vrl l t t t th nd f nvnn hp t prvd.

COUCIMEME AISA: hn fr th xplntn. ht ht bthrn , n, th d f ntn t b bld nhbrhd th nt n t nd f t t t, thn hr ld th xpt ttn n r t ?

M. EKEKE: W thn n th ln tr th nd ll b t, nd t tht prtlr ntrtn th th trff t ll b vr dfflt I thn fr fl rl ntrpr thr nd th pt n trff. W r vr, vr nrnd bt tht.

COUCIMEME AISA: hn vr h. I pprt th xplntn. hn , Chr. A USE COMMIEE MIUES Cnl f th Cnt f M

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CAI CAO: An tn, frthr tn fr th ttfr? Mr. Gzn flld b Mr. trn.

ICECAI GUMA: hn , Chr In r dn I blv n Mnd vnn, dd vr d bt th b pth r l tht ld nnt fr M Athrtn prjt t th ffrdbl hn prjt?

M. EKEKE: t h th Athrtn prjt bt dd tl bt th nn dvlpnt dn Wl d, nd hd hrd bt th nvrtn th Mr. Gd bt th vntl pln fr th Cnt t prvd dl nd b pth. W n n th Wl dvlpnt nd th Athrtn dvlpnt n nrl npt thr lt f ttntn t b nd pdtrn pth t t nntrzd trff frndl. S hp hn t t t th pnt hr th dvlpnt v frrd lttl bt, ll hv n pprtnt t t nt pf t r tht thr ntrnntd ntr f ll f, f pdtrn nd bl rd n th Wp nt.

ICECAI GUMA: hn . hn , Chr.

CAI CAO: hn . Mr. trn?

COUCIMEME ICOIO: hn . And thn , Mr. rr, fr bn hr nd I nt n thI nt n th r hn v r prnttn, bt I thd t n tht h I n t nfrn ll nd d, n ht th ll tht, lttn, I bl t d tht th rnn. I t th tn, nd I thn t vrhln tht th nt ddnt nt th rl prjt. ht vr pprnt. h trff I thn, nd I d t nn t th nt, t nt jt n bdvn, t ltplt f bdvn nd th Cnt tht nn r n th xtnn nd tht b thr, fv, vn r ff. It nt thn tht nn hppn. t Mr. rr, nd I r vr hpp th ht v p th n, th 6 h, ffrdbl h ntd f rl. fl th ll tf th Wp, Wln, nd thr...nd th Wp Grdn, h I, t f th ppl tht r t th tn, d thn th ll th t lt frtbl n ht hppnn?

M. EKEKE: I blv . hr nvr bn n pptn t th ffrdbl hn nd I thn n t n ll ffrdbl hn dvlpnt vr h n ln th th ntnt f th nt.

COUCIMEME ICOIO: And rll th vrhln t tht tn th rl ntt f th.

M. EKEKE: ht rrt. A USE COMMIEE MIUES Cnl f th Cnt f M

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COUCIMEME ICOIO: And tht, tht ht t t f tht tn, nt tht tr? O, thn . hn , Chr I thn I jt ntd th pbl t ndrtnd ht th Wp Cnt Atn ntd.

CAI CAO: An frthr tn fr th ttfr? Sn nn, thn .

M. EKEKE: hn .

CAI CAO: M. t?

MS. AKAA: Mr. Chr, th nxt ttfr Glnn Adlph. n l h nd p t ttf t th t.

M. AOO: Alh nd d rnn, Chr, Mbr f th nd U Ctt. M n Glnn Adlph. An, I rdnt f Wp Grdn, h I, nd I hr ttfn n ndvdl. I, t, t th tn tht nht, Mnd nht. hr lt f tv dn n b nd frth, nd I thn th dvlpr h t pr nd ltn tht nn fr ll. S ttn nn b vr hrt. I vr fr ffrdbl h nd Id l t r ppl t ffrdbl h. t hn th hrn r n n, hd pl ffr hr, hd nr, tht nr nd h f t ttf, htl rr nd thr Cnt rr tht r ll n fvr f th prjt nd trn t v t frrd tht th ld pbl hv h. And I r pprt n th. I n fl hv b d hd f , nd I thn .

CAI CAO: An tn fr th ttfr? Sn nn, thn . n, d hv nn tn t v ttn?

MS. OO: h n Off h n n tn t ttf, Chr.

CAI CAO: hn . Ml, d hv nn tn t v ttn?

MS. ACO: hr n n hr n Ml tn t ttf.

CAI CAO: hn . n, d hv nn tn t v ttn?

MS. EAE: h n Off h n n tn t ttf.

CAI CAO: hn . I thr nn hn t v ttn t th t? l frrd.

MS. AKAA: Mr. Chr, t ppr thr n t th ttn nn tbl. A USE COMMIEE MIUES Cnl f th Cnt f M

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CHAIR CARROLL: Is there anyone wish to give testimony at this time come forward? If not, I'm going to close public testimony. Go to the podium. If you haven't filled out the form, do so afterwards.

MR. BARTOLOME: Good morning, Chair Good morning, everybody.

CHAIR CARROLL: You can lower that microphone just a little bit. Lower.


CHAIR CARROLL: Lower, down.



CHAIR CARROLL: There you go.

MR. BARTOLOME: First of all, I would like to thank everybody for...

COUNCILMEMBER VICTORINO: May we have his name, Mr. Chair? Name, please?

MR. BARTOLOME: My name is Eleazer Bartolome, and I am a Police Officer for the Maui Police Department. I am engaged to my fiancé of over two years and we have two rescue dogs. I also served in the United States Marine Corps as an infantryman where I was deployed Operation Iraq Enduring Freedom for both Iraq and Afghanistan. I have worked in different agencies throughout our nation, ranging from wildland firefighting in Arizona to resource management at the Haleakala Park and our National Park. And like I said, I wanna thank everybody for this initiatives that you have taken in regards to you know, building affordable homes for people of Maui. My testimony is gonna be short. Growing up in Hawaii, I've enjoyed firsthand the beauty and wonders this place offers. It is important that we continue to take care of this place and generations to follow. Having the opportunity to own a home in Maui is a dream come true. And owning a home is the next step for my fiancé and I before we can make additions, you know, children and to our family. And with the cost of living in Maui at staggering rate it is difficult to afford that offers a safe and ideal environment to raise children and I believe Waikapu Gardens is that place. In closing, like I said, I wanna thank everybody and I can promise you as a Police Officer that I will contribute to the fullest to make this neighborhood the place to be. Thank you.


CHAIR CARROLL: Thank you. Any questions for the testifier? Mr. Victorino? A USE COMMIEE MIUES Cnl f th Cnt f M

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COUNCILMEMBER VICTORINO: Thank you. And thank you for being here to testify. How long have you been on the force, on the--

MR. BARTOLOME: Since August of last year, sir.

COUNCILMEMBER VICTORINO: So just a little, about a year, a little over a year?

MR. BARTOLOME: Yes, sir.

COUNCILMEMBER VICTORINO: And what does your fiancé do, just for the--

MR. BARTOLOME: She's a barista. She makes coffee--


MR. BARTOLOME: --at Maui Coffee Roaster.

COUNCILMEMBER VICTORINO: I'm sorry, I didn't know what that meant at that point, so I apologize. You know, I truly apologize.

MR. BARTOLOME: Yes, sir.

COUNCILMEMBER VICTORINO: And so you're looking forward to subdivisions like this where you have affordable housing for which you can hopefully afford to buy and as well as raise your family and all the other amenities that Maui can offer?

MR. BARTOLOME: Yes, sir.

COUNCILMEMBER VICTORINO: Okay, thank you. And that's our hope too that we can help you and others to do the same.

MR. BARTOLOME: Thank you, sir.

COUNCILMEMBER VICTORINO: Thank you very much for being here. Thank you, Chair.

CHAIR CARROLL: Thank you. Any further questions for the testifier? Seeing none, thank you.

MR. BARTOLOME: Thank you, sir.

CHAIR CARROLL: Is there anyone else in the Chamber that wishes to give testimony at this time? Seeing none, if there's no objection we will close public testimony. Public testimony is now closed.

COUNCIL MEMBERS: No objections. A USE COMMIEE MIUES Cnl f th Cnt f M

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CHAIR CARROLL: That was fast.

. . .E O UIC ESIMOE . .

CHAIR CARROLL: Alright. The Committee is in receipt of the following: correspondence dated August 26, 2013, from the Director of Housing and Human Concerns, transmitting the following: an application for development of the proposed Waikapu Gardens, Phase II project on approximately 10.501 acres in Waikapu, Maui, Hawaii, pursuant to Section 201H-38, Hawaii Revised Statutes. The proposed project consists of 48 affordable single-family housing units to be sold as -and-lot packages, with 100 percent of the housing units offered at affordable prices to income-qualified households, and a neighborhood commercial center. And a proposed resolution to approve with modifications or disapprove the proposed project. Correspondence dated August 28, 2013, from Planning Director, transmitting a copy of his correspondence dated August 13, 2013, to Council Chair Gladys C. Baisa, concerning the requested exemption from the Maui Island Plan Protected Area designation of Preservation for the property. Correspondence dated August 30, 2013, from the Department of Corporation Counsel, transmitting revised proposed resolutions, incorporating non-substantive corrections. Document from Vince Bagoyo, Bagoyo Development Consulting Group, received at the Committee meeting of September 4, 2013, containing requested revisions to the list of exemptions and proposed modifications for the project. Members, since the last meeting on September 4th, the Committee has received the following responses: correspondence dated September 9, 2013, from the Director of Public Works concerning the issue of curbs, gutters, and sidewalks; correspondence dated September 10, 2013, from the Director of Housing and Human Concerns, transmitting the cost breakdown of each exemption requested for the project; correspondence dated September 10, 2013, from Douglas Spencer, transmitting a proposed price chart for houses in the project, and the chart for cost exemptions per lot. Members, in light of what has just transpired and the applicant willing to make some changes, I'm going to call him forward at this point. Could the applicant or his representative please come to the podium and identify yourself and comment on what the Waikapu Community Association has brought up?

MR. SPENCER: Thank you, Chair. My name is Doug Spencer. I'm appearing here on behalf of JES Corporation, the applicant in this project. And before I get into that, I just wanna take with the Chair's indulgence a brief moment to wish my dad a happy birthday. It's his 83' birthday today. ...(applause)... And you know, as a family we are blessed each and every year that we get to have another year with him given his health problems he's had through the years, and so we're just glad that he's here with us today. As Mr. Verkerke said, we had a very spirited meeting on Monday night. Mr. Victorino was there. He can attest to that. And people shared their concerns and ideas, and you know, we all get very passionate about what we believe in. And after leaving the meeting, you know, I really tried to sleep on it and listen to the hearts of the people, and you realize sometimes we're always very defensive about our position because we think our position is the best one. But I've learned something, when I sleep on something overnight, and I really try to listen to what people say, you know, I can change my mind and change my passions, and in this particular case we really listened to the hearts of the people of

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th Wp nt. W ltnd t . And I p th nxt rnn thnn n ht, t bt tht d th fr th nt. And h, t tn, t hrt fr , bt ht. In th br p f thn, t nn thn. Eht r ppl t ffrdbl h. Wht rn th tht? ht d thn. W th Wp nt hpp. h vn d , ld jt pl bld r h? Wr n pprt f r h. And v dn tht, nd v rd t d tht nd ld jt , n, th Cnl ndln, n, n tht. And hv prprd prpd n t lt tht th th Chr prn, Id l t p t t th Cnl br. And hl M. t pn tht t, r nl rt n th ht ddtnl h tht th ht ddtnl h ld rt t b pld nt th 2 t 40 prnt n tr nd tht nt b rtrtd n th x pr n hr ln r thn tht tr. W hv bttd t prpd prn hdl fr th rnn 48 h hh ll r t bd b f th prjt pprvd, bt n th ht ddtnl h t, n, hlp ln th tn ht f ln th rl ntr ld th Cnl ndln, n, n tht prtlr . On thr vr nr ttr n hpn r thrh th xptn, n ln thrh th n th xptn lt, It I, hh rt n xptn n rdn th S 22 nd 206, t rdndnt. W dnt nd th Cnl t rnt tht nd jt t pd thn p, n lnt tht. br , hh n xptn fr S 46 dln th rl tt brr, hv rtnd th rv f rl tt brr dnt nd tht xptn n r. S n rv tht t thn plr fr th Cnl.

CAI CAO: hn . Qtn fr th pplnt? Mr. trn, flld b Mr. Gzn

COUCIMEME ICOIO: hn . t , thn , nd th xptn I ll d lttl bt ltr. I thn thr...I dnt n jr rn h nt, bt ll d t. Anh, , frt f ll, , I t th tn nd hrd ht I hrd, nd hn lft I d, thn bt t. Y dd. And I n tll n, Mr. Chr, I vr hnrd t , I n pt pprt bhnd f t n b thv dn rll ht th nt d. It nt ftn tht v hd th hppn, nd n ft, n n t bttl t th nd t t thn hnd, nd dd, nd r fthr dd, nd th pn dd, ht I ndr th nn tht rll n bnft vrn l Mr. Adlph d, nn fr vrn. S I nn thn . Y, th tn prtd, bt l th dnt. n vr t t f hnd. n vr t ht I ll bv. And I nn thn th Wp nt, Wln, nd ll th dffrnt rp tht r thr b t nt...Wp Cnt Atn th Wp Grdn, Wln, th ld Wp r, t nlrt f ll f th tn thn tht rn nd I ld tht Mr. Spnr dd h bt. I thn n hv thn tht n r n. I n, n b hth, bt ll d t, b f n thr Cnl br h nthn l thr nrnd th, bt I thn, v hrd fr th nt nd th r rprnttv, I hlhrtdl pprt t th th ndnt tht r prpn. I rll pprt tht. hn , Mr. Chr A USE COMMIEE MIUES Cnl f th Cnt f M

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CAI CAO: hn , Mr. trn. Mr. Gzn?

ICECAI GUMA: hn , Chr. hn , Mr. Spnr fr bn hr td, nd I l nn nd r ffrt n rn th th nt ll r lntndn fl n tr f ln t fr th nt n th bt ntrt f th nt hl. M nrn dvt jt bt n tr f th Cntrl M dtrn l, l ln. And I nrn hthr ld ndr pln b pth r l n th Wl d jt t ll th ppl thn th bdvn n pprtnt t td th bdvn nd nnt p vntll t th thr tn r ftr rl r I hr M Athrtn prjt ll b, bt I ld l t ndr tht ll. I thn tht ld b ndrfl fr Khlr th Cntrl M hl ll th rdnt thn th bdvn. hn . Wht d thn bt tht I tn ld b?

M. SECE: Wll, vr vd br rdr tht rd pl l , nd I t lf n hnd hn I rd. Gd bn frtnt, I hvnt bn njrd t. I pprt, n, b prnll. Y n, pn, tr t p th h ffrdbl. h pr tht hv vn t n tht lt n ll, ll bl ht th x r thn th Cnt n prn dln. All ld , f r nn hv th frthr rrnt pt n , lld t nr th prprt...th pr vr lhtl t dt fr th xtr t. Y n, dnt hv prbl n prnpl bt dn t t ll. W thn t d thn. It jt hv t bln tht th pn pr ffrdbl pbl, nd tht nd f r ffl ptn n t. And th thr thn t th rrd t Wl d, t nd hrd b dnt nn pt thn n, th Cnt n ltr thr nn frln t, htvr, nd th jt rp t p f r ltr, tht nd t f n nd rr. Y n, td hv t ft th ht th Cnt ln rn pln r fr Wl d.

ICECAI GUMA: O, I I n t th ddtnl nfrtn fr th prtnt f Wr hn th n. hn vr h.

M. SECE: hn .

CAI CAO: An frthr tn fr th pplnt t th t? And f r, h ll b hr drn th ntr dn. Mr. Ch?

COUCIMEME COUC: hn , Mr. Chr hn , Mr. Spn, Spnr fr bn hr. Y n, ln th dn f rtnl b, b nd dl, n tht hv, n, prtt h h ll th rnd n tht rnr, nd lttl t dn th ln thr n t b ptntll nvnn r fr ppl t hp p r th trt, r npln h thn rltv...rltvl ln dtn fr th ltn, n, n p W d, nd I n th rdnt n th r dnt nt n prvnt n W d rtnl. Ar , ld ndr rnd t , btn.. .pbl btn 8 nd fr ppl t t t n ft nd pbl n b

4 A USE COMMIEE MIUES Cnl f th Cnt f M

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out to Waiko Road so they don't have to deal with at least the portion of traffic from Waiale to that point? Only because if we're not gonna do curb, gutter, sidewalks on Waiko Road at least we'd wanna kinda give somebody a little bit of a relatively safety until they get out past the subdivision there?

COUNCILMEMBER VICTORINO: Mr. Chair, point of order?


COUNCILMEMBER VICTORINO: What Mr. Couch is asking is already in the plan. If you look on the top of 9, there's a little pathway out and then there's the pathway for the cemetery, and that was assured by Mr. Spencer when we first met on Monday, and that hasn't changed and it still is shown on the map itself.

COUNCILMEMBER COUCH: And it's going out all the way to?



MR. SPENCER: Yes. I was going to say the same as Mr. Victorino said.


MR. SPENCER: We've already provided for that.

COUNCILMEMBER VICTORINO: I know you did, that's why...so that's why I wanted to make sure that was...

MR. SPENCER: Thank you.

CHAIR CARROLL: All right. Members, when we go through the modifications and the rest, we're gonna have a chance to address specific items also. At this point in time, obviously this is a very major change in the application. We are going to have to make changes, me and the Staff over here, so...and since we're really constrained for time, I'm going to take a rather long recess to redo a lot of the...because everything ties...a lot of things tie into the business center. And so I need to redo with the Staff a lot of this so I can present it to you so we can go through this and get it done. Mr. Hokama?

COUNCILMEMBER HOKAMA: Chairman, I think that's a great directive from you as our Chairman. I am very supportive of your request. I do wanna bring up a issue with me and I just want you to consider it. I know there's a clock ticking and the applicant has a need to have a decision made by this body sooner than later, but you know, talking to planners in and out of government, Chair, what we doing is actually creating in my point of view like a project district. We setting


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new standards of zoning. We're allowing 5,000 square-foot lots. This is all different from the County standards. It interests me that for doing this, and for me it's more of a compliance down the road is that it's difficult to find. Project districts are by ordinance It's in the County Code. It's easy to find. Anybody can look at a project district and know what is the exact standards for the specific project area. I think Council needs to take a hard look and put these not in resolution, but in ordinances so anybody can find the current standards and what is appropriate especially for taxation on what this type of special projects are doing, because while we maintain the existing or the original zoning, community plan and land use classification, what we approve by this is completely different. It's all new standards, new conditions, new parameters. Why shouldn't it be through an ordinance and easily found by anyone that wishes to follow up and especially for us during taxation season and we gotta come up with the real property and understand unless a planner documents it on their files, it's very hard for us to find it, and you know, maybe that may be something when the Planning Director--we ask him to return--might be able to give us some comment, but that's my concern, Chairman, that if we're gonna create new standards for a subdivision like this project, Council process is by ordinance and two readings, and I just needed you to consider that, Chairman. Thank you.



CHAIR CARROLL: Mr. Victorino?

COUNCILMEMBER VICTORINO: You know, there were some specific questions that I think some of the Council members had for the Department of Public Works and as well as the Planning Department. I know you have to go in and make all these changes, but some of those questions may be applicable to some of the changes that we're talking about and I'd like to have clarification. They're both in the gallery now and I'd like to request them their...for. right now to talk with them and ask questions of them now and that way when you get to go and redo, you're clear in what, how you're going to redo your.. .your resolution. That's my request, Mr. Chair.

CHAIR CARROLL: Mr. Victorino and Members, if we are going to pursue along this line and grant this request, we need to consider if we are going to do this request before we start changing or talking about any other part of the application because this request everything hinges on this. If we are going to grant this request then, you know, we can work on the rest. But this request has to come first because that affects every other modification and everything else that we have. I have a proposed motion for this request. Does the Members have any objection to pursuing it that way?


CHAIR CARROLL: Then we can put this motion on the floor and we can discuss it.

COUNCILMEMBER HOKAMA: Chair, Chair, Chair, Chairman, excuse me, Chairman, if I may?

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CAI CAO: Mr. ?

COUCIMEME OKAMA: Y n, I dnt nn dl ht, n, r rll trn t d. I jt brn p nrn tht, n, hn d znn nrll, tht h d t, t rdn nd rdnn. r , I dnt n h h t th rltn rt. Obvl, n, I hv th dn t b rltn, Chrn, nd I dnt n f Mr. U h nt h n v fr Crp. Cnl n hthr r nt ndrtn thn th prtr f th Ctt, nd f t nt, thn n, t t lrd.


M. UEOKA: hn , Mr. Chr. Mr. brn p vr d pnt. I ll th rn h rltn 208 pf b rltn, bt thr nthn tht ld tp th Cnl fr ftr t p th prjt t dn n rdnn jt fr, I fr, l f bttr t r rlztn n


M. UEOKA: h, dftn, rlztn t ht th pf f th r hr t n, n, t ld b lt r vn fr lf f I hv t l t p ltr n, jt l n th Cd. hn , Chr

CAI CAO: Mr. ?

COUCIMEME OKAMA: S Chr, ht I hrd n frrd th th rrnt frt nd fll p th n rdnn prpl f htvr pd b rltn t df t ftr, tht ht r hrn th th Ctt th rnn, Cnlr?

M. UEOKA: Yh, I dnt n prbl th th Cnl flln p th...htvr p td n rdnn fr t ltr t, bt t ll hv lrd pd thh, tht th...

COUCIMEME OKAMA: , n, I, I ndrtnd tht. I dnt hv prbl th tht. t thn ttn t dfd tht n, n, ll n hr t hn nd t, b th rtn prt znn fr ll th thr...thn prd t vr h bttn th bdvn. h n dffrnt tndrd. h nn b vd dffrntl rntn th dffrnt znn pnnt, nd I dnt prfr...nd I, fr n, dnt prfr th rltn rt. I nd t. . ld l t t n bl nd ht l prjt dtrt, nd th ht t , n prjt dtrt. hn , Chrn.


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COUNCILMEMBER COUCH: Thank you, Mr. Chair. And just a procedural request possibly in that, you know, if you get no objection from the Members to go ahead and make your changes before we get any motions done, so we can move to accept the changes as opposed to some sort of motion beforehand If there's no objection, I think everybody likes the idea of the homes there versus the commercial aspect. I haven't heard any negative comments about it and if that's the case, make your changes and then we can have a motion to accept that.

CHAIR CARROLL: If there's no objection then, the Chair was going to call for a recess so Staff can work on...

COUNCILMEMBER HOKAMA: How long Chairman, you need?


COUNCILMEMBER HOKAMA: I mean, give yourself time but let us know.


CHAIR CARROLL: One hour? One hour.


CHAIR CARROLL: --I think that will.. .yeah, I think that's what's gonna take to put this together.

COUNCILMEMBER VICTORINO: Yeah, Chair, and I can...I have no problem with that. Again, again, the Department Heads are here so I hope in an hour they can be back, because there are questions with these changes that we need to address with the Department Heads. So that's why I was.. .we going ask some of the questions now, kinda get it cleared up so then you can move easily, but if you rather do it this way, fine. I have no objections to that, but I do want the Department Heads back here for some questioning 'cause we do have some definitive questions.



CHAIR CARROLL: We can proceed with the, the departments, but if we're gonna do that, we can't do the.. .we're still gonna have to take a recess after that. It doesn't matter.

COUNCILMEMBER VICTORINO: I know, whether you do it before or after.

CHAIR CARROLL: Because we still have to take a recess.

COUNCILMEMBER VICTORINO: Yeah, I understand, Chair. But again, if some of those questions were cleared up maybe before so that when you go and make changes, they'll be what I call,

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reasonable changes already. But if you wanna do it the other way, I have no problem with that, Mr. Chair. We can wait. One hour from now not a problem in my mind.

CHAIR CARROLL: Well, I tell you what, let's call a one minute recess over here. Recess one minute. .(gavel). . .

ECESS: : ..

ECOEE: :4 ..

CHAIR CARROLL: . . .(gavel). . . Land Use Committee meeting is back in session. Members, the Land Use Committee will recess until 10:30 a.m.


CHAIR CARROLL: That will give us time enough. I will feel much more comfortable before you talk to any of the departments that we have what they need to hear.

COUNCILMEMBER VICTORINO: Thank you, Chair, and I appreciate that, and I checked with the Department Heads and they are willing to come back so no problem. Thank you, Chair.

CHAIR CARROLL: This Land Use Committee meeting of September 12, 2013 will stand in recess until 10:30 a.m. Recess. . . . (gavel). . .

ECESS: : ..

ECOEE: 0:4 ..

CHAIR CARROLL: . . . (gavel). . . This Land Use Committee meeting of September 12, 2013 is now back in session. Members, Ms. Nakata is distributing what we had worked on during our recess. Yes, Mr. Couch?

COUNCILMEMBER COUCH: Mr. Chair, can we have a few minutes to go through this and then come back in?

CHAIR CARROLL: Would you like five minutes, ten minutes, what would you like?

COUNCILMEMBER VICTORINO: Ten minutes would be fine, Mr. Chair


CHAIR CARROLL: Ten minutes. We will stand in recess until ten minutes to eleven. Stand in recess. .(gavel). . . A USE COMMIEE MIUES Cnl f th Cnt f M

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RECESS: 10:42 a.m.

RECONVENE: 10:54 a.m.

CAI CAO: . . . (vl. . . nd U Ctt tn f Sptbr 2, 20 n b n n. Mbr, tht n hn bn hndd t t rht n n tht br , nd th th r n t prd. Wr n t trt ff th r. hr nl n rt fr r nd tht fr M. Chrn, h nt hr, bt I hv r bfr . If thr n tn fr r, nd thn ftr tht r n t brn dn Mr. Gd nd nbd l nr. Y hv th.. .vrthn n frnt f thr n prtnnt tn nt t n f th prtnt d, hll rht dn nd t t t. ht n, th flr pn. I thr n tn fr r? If thr r n tn fr r, nd n, I d nt n h M. Chrn ntd r vr hr, f thr r n tn fr r, I n t lt th .


CAI CAO: hn vr h. hn fr n dn. Mr. Gd, ld pl dn? And f n dntf rlf t th rphn?

M. GOOE: Gd rnn, Chr nd Mbr. vd Gd, rtr f prtnt f bl Wr.

CAI CAO: Mbr, th flr n pn. Mr. Ch?

COUCIMEME COUC: hn , Mr. Chr. hn , Mr. Gd, fr bn hr. h tn I hv , n, nt d b th dvlpr n tht f r t rr rb, ttr, dl n Wl rv nd b pth tht th ldnt nn pt thn n tht ld vntll hv t tr t. Wht r r, ht r r pln fr...fr W d b trd Wl fr rb, ttr, dl nd b pth n tht nrl r n tht, n tht rd?

CAI CAO: Mr. Gd?

M. GOOE: Mr. Chr nd Mr. Ch, I thn I dd lttl bt f th t th lt tn, bt n nrl tht n prtnt rrdr t th rn nthr t v, v trff. Atll vntll thrh I Kl nd vr th tr rll nnt Wh t Wp, nd h, v... n, hr v hd th pprtnt t t rhtf, nd n th , t f tht r fr Kh t W 80 ft. Gv lt f pprtnt t, n, t ntrt vntll rd tht h thn fr vrbd. S t ld hv b pth r b ln, pdtrn flt, nd dt trff ln t t th trff dnd hh th Gnrl ln ndtn tht thr nn b lt f rth n th r. S r dt pln r t ntn Wl, n, pt W Sth nd nnt p t npln h. Aftr tht, ld b ln t nld n ftr Sttd

20 A USE COMMIEE MIUES Cnl f th Cnt f M

Sptbr 2, 20

rnprttn Iprvnt ln, th SI t hv thr flt blt. It ld b ddtnl rb, ttr, nd dl, b ln, t tr. Crrntl dnt hv th n th pln, bt vn tht th jr rrdr fr th rn tht t rrntl nl h rll t ln nd hldr n prtn f t, d b ln t d tht, n, n th d tr. I nt rll hrt tr nd I nt v dfntv nt f t, bt t thn ld l t dn.

COUCIMEME COUC: O. , I n r rpn n r Sptbr th lttr b t th Chr tht r rpn bll tl bt f r t rr rb, ttr, dl, t ld b th ht ld b n frnt f rl dntd r. t, n tht r ntpltn nt dn rl, ld hn tht rpn n n r...

M. GOOE: . , thr t prtn rltd t th Cd. On, f t rbnzd, t nlfl, t rr rb, ttr, dl, fr rl nt bldn prt. S ld tll b ln t n th n pln, rb, ttr, nd dl, drn prvnt, ndrrnd tlt rrd n th...fr th prjt.

COUCIMEME COUC: S r tll ppd t th xptn, tht rt, thr rtn xptn fr rb, ttr, dl n Wl rv thr?

M. GOOE: W r.. . pprt th Cd rttn, nd th Cd t rrd. W, I thn I ntnd th bfr, I blv t pl ll f th Cnl, lrht, nd thr bvl trdff hr fr r ffrdbl hn vr pln th th Cd. S dnt trnl bjt t th xptn, bt pprt th Cd.

COUCIMEME COUC: And ltl n tht, Mr. Chr, f I , th lt fllp?

CAI CAO: rd.

COCIMEME COUC: Wld t...rltv t th ttl t n t Kh fr W d, ld tht v th Cnt lt f n f th pt thr...f th pt thr prtn n thr nt vr, nt vr hf th pt thr prtn f rb, ttr, nd dl tht ld th ht r ptntl ftr pln r, ld tht v th Cnt tht h n? I trn t fr t th nt f vn t ll fr th r ffrdblt f th h vr th nt f vn fr th rt f th txpr?

CAI CAO: Mr. Gd?

M. GOOE: I blv r tln bt f hndrd ft f frnt, thr, fr hndrd ft b, nd thn tht hl trth t Kh l r r, tht th th. Whthr r nt t lt f n, td b lt f n t , bt n, n th h f thn, n, t, n, t prtn f th ntr ftr prjt. And I thn ht th pplnt d fr n n tht I dnt... dnt nt t rp t thn tht pt n thr. A USE COMMIEE MIUES Cnl f th Cnt f M

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M. GOOE: And ld, f t rrd nd n xptn nt rntd ld r ll th th t fr t t pt t n tht t nt rppd t n th ftr.

COUCIMEME COUC: And, , thn , Mr. Chr.

CAI CAO: hn . Mbr? Mr. trn?

COUCIMEME ICOIO: hn . And thn , Mr. Gd fr tht lrftn. An, tl b hv nt, nd dd nt rr h I t pt th rb nd ttr, rht?

M. GOOE: Crrt.

COUCIMEME ICOIO: And tht th 4 h tht r thr hh t p lt, nt t thrrtr f l f fr n nd t th thr. And n ld th t d t r thr hndrd ft nd b l dl n nhr, hh rht n I ld b thr nltnt, I d h, nd h d hn h t thr fr d n tht rnr, h thr pdtrn th hl d. And I n tll Iv drvn tht rd nd vr ld d I n pdtrn ln vn thh thr t , t n r f r. I n, t nt l t nrr trp l W d r nthn Y t lt f r t l. S dnt lt f ppl n t. I thn prtl b ppl d nt fll th 20 l n hr pd lt, tht ld prbbl b th frt rn, nd ndl, t nd f , n, ppl jt dnt l t. h l thn thr nhbrhd bt th nt l thr. S dl tht ld t nhr l n npln h hr ppl thn trt t trvr r hr t b dnr nt thn tht ld nr t pt frrd, rht?

CAI CAO: Mr. Gd?

COUCIMEME ICOIO: ht tr tn, bt I...h.

M. GOOE: Yh, tht , tht d tn.

COUCIMEME ICOIO: It tr tn. Sdl nhr, ddnd dl.

M. GOOE: It, t nt, t nt, I dnt nn , t nt prft ltn, n. And n, n, th Cd h ht t h prrl b r ln t, n, hr n t t dn b thr prfr tht, v ll n n th ln rn, n, bt thr r ntn, th n , ld , ltrll lttl bt t n th bn, rht. It ln fr n xtn dl tht, h, lttl bt f dl rll nt n t nr r A USE COMMIEE MIUES Cnl f th Cnt f M

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fl t l hr th nn hv n ndn t tht dl nd thr nn hv t n th drt hldr t nt, t nt th bt nr.

COUCIMEME ICOIO: O. S n, jt tht, n, t nt jt th ttr f n, t ttr f bn nd l t n nd, n, t jt l pt dl rht hr nd thn thr n dl fr nthr l nd hlf tll t dn t Kh, nd , n, I thn tht n f th tht I n ln. If hd dl tht r thr nd r t ntrnnt thn I ld hv hl dffrnt vpnt n tht, bt I thn n ht thr trn t d, th 6 ddtnl h nd th ppl r nt n t b rnnn t n th rd t l fr th dl t fr pnt A t pnt bt 200 ft nd thn , h, n r dl, lt l b. S thn , Mr. Gd fr r lrftn nd thn fr r n n pprh. hn .

CAI CAO: hn . An frthr tn fr Mr. Gd? And h ll b hr thrh th dftn t.


CAI CAO: W n l ll pn h t tht t. I rr, Chr . Yr t fr dn thr ll b rlf.

COUCIMEME AISA: Wll, I n th, I n th th frt nbd p ttntn t , bt n, I hv d t drn th dn, nd f t d, I plz, bt n, I rll nbr, btt ln prn. Wht th n tht r tln bt tht nvlvd hr? Wr n ll, pttn th n ht fft ffrdblt. h r tln bt, r r l?

CAI CAO: Mr. Gd?

M. GOOE: I thn th hv th nbr. I dnt. I ld hzrd , bt d prbbl t bttr nbr fr th dvlpr.

COUCIMEME AISA: Wll, I n tht d n fl lt f th nd f r, n ? Ar tln lln?

M. GOOE: Wll, I n .

COUCIMEME AISA: Ar tln thnd? Wht r tln?

M. GOOE: v hndrd thnd dllr.

COUCIMEME AISA: ht ltt n. A USE COMMIEE MIUES Council of the County of Maui

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MR. GOODE: Potentially more. Potentially more. What we...we've been working on, you know, this potential exemption with Staff, and the project engineer and we found out yesterday that Waiko Road has some challenges, and in order to do curb, gutter, and sidewalk, et cetera may require moving Waiko Road to the south towards Maalaea where there's some large utility poles that would need relocating.


MR. GOODE: That cost would be significant.

COUNCILMEMBER BAISA: --therein lies a lot of money. You know, I think it's important when we discuss the impact on affordability of the homes that we have numbers; otherwise, we're just speculating. You know, if it's a little amount, well, it's a little amount. But if it's a large amount then it's significant and we really need to take the time to check it out. So thank you, Mr. Chair. And I'll ask the applicant when we have a chance to ask him again, thank you.

CHAIR CARROLL: Thank you. Excuse me, any more questions for Mr. Goode at this time? Mr. Guzman followed by Mr. Couch.

VICE-CHAIR GUZMAN: Thank you, Chair Mr. Goode, in regards to the exemption of the curbs, sidewalks, gutters, you mentioned in your statement that at some point it's going, it's gonna have to be done. And so my question to you is, is it going--is it that significant of an impact if we do put in that segment of the sidewalks and gutters and leave the Phase I open? I mean, we've gotta have a starting point some place. You know, for me, I would rather have something there than nothing. And so, is there plans to somehow start or when, when will this happen in terms of that whole Waiale roadway, sidewalk, bike path happen? And it, would it be better to at least start in one section as opposed to starting it on Phase I, starting it in this new section?

MR. GOODE: Well, Mr. Chair--

VICE-CHAIR GUZMAN: And then go downwards, you know.

MR. GOODE: --generally the process would be because it will be eligible for Federal funds is that we would then try to program it in the, our Federal funds allotments and that comes in the Statewide Transportation Improvement Plan, the STIP, and we're nearing the end of the current four or five year STIP, whatever it is and we'll be starting a new one. So we probably look to say, okay, we'd like to slot this project in, you know, five years from now or something like that. And then we'd look at...that's what we might ask for, but what we end up getting say from the State and Federal Highways we may not, we may not get it. There might be other priorities. We're also...the State is undergoing the Long Range Transportation Plan right now for Maui island, and so that's another opportunity to see where does this particular project bubble up compared to all the other needs throughout the island and the County. And so I don't know where all those processes are gonna end up, but we can at least say we're interested in doing this project and whether or not we get that funding or not is remains to be seen. If we got it, we would look and

24 A USE COMMIEE MIUES Cnl f th Cnt f M

Sptbr 2, 20

, , hr ld nt t trt, nd d prbbl nn trt b th thr d nd nnt t t Khln. h dl b n nd tht hl dvlpnt ll b n n I thn th thr nxt pl bldn prt. h hv phd prvnt pln thr, thn ht th dl b Khln, thn ht n dl rht b p t Kh Strt, nd n ft t n th lt r fr Cnl t d lttl dl prjt thr n tht prtn f Wl nr Kh. S tr t nnt fr hr rrntl hv nfrtrtr nd r r t. ht nd ln nr t...


M. GOOE: Srr.

ICECAI GUMA: hn , Chr.

CAI CAO: hn . Wh th nxt n vr hr, Mr. Ch? Mr. Ch?

COUCIMEME COUC: hn , Mr. Chr. And n, I hv t th tn vr t. I n Mr. trn ll nt rll l t bt hv t tht ntrtn, hv ndrd. . n th Stt r th Stt rr r th d rr t t l t th frt ntrl t tht ntrtn rndbt, hv ld t tht?

M. GOOE: Yh, dd. Wr n th rft EA pr fr th Wl Extnn hh nld prvnt t tht ntrtn ll prvnt dn W d trd Khln h. And t vltd. I thn t t ntv. I nt rbr ll th rn h xtl bt t hv t dl th tprph nd xptd bln f th l nd th trff vl.


CAI CAO: An frthr tn t th t fr bl Wr? If nt, thn , Mr. Gd.

M. GOOE: O, thn , Chr.

CAI CAO: Id l t ll dn lnnn n, h x , Wtr. I ddnt p thr frt t, tht h. l dntf rlf t th rphn.

M. AYO: Gd rnn, Chr, Mbr. M n v lr. I th rtr f th prtnt f Wtr Sppl.

CAI CAO: h flr n pn. Mr. ?

COUCIMEME OKAMA: Ill th tn. Wh hld xpt th prjt fr th tr vlblt rrnt?

2 A USE COMMIEE MIUES Cnl f th Cnt f M

Sptbr 2, 20

MR. TAYLOR: The water availability ordinance specifically exempts 100 percent affordable projects. So I don't think the question is to me why should you? I think the question is really to the body, you passed an ordinance that wanted that...wanted exemptions for that. That was already this body's wish which was written into ordinance. It's not a request of ours. So we're just simply saying that according to the ordinance, you've already stated County policy that you wanted this exempted.

COUNCILMEMBER HOKAMA: So you can certify that there's water for this project?

MR. TAYLOR: We're prepared to serve this project if it's approved.

COUNCILMEMBER HOKAMA: Does any other project get impacted negatively by, by this decision?

MR. TAYLOR: Any water system as you add one more user, another more user the chances are greater that drought affects your neighbors. So obviously it's easier for the Department to operate a water system that has set infrastructure if there are fewer customers. As there are more customers, it becomes, you know, more likely that it has negative impacts, but this project does not raise any red flags in either the area or in the system in general that we feel that our operation and system can't handle it.

COUNCILMEMBER HOKAMA: Any impacts on proposed nearby neighborhood future projects, Director, that you can think of?

MR. TAYLOR: As part of the 201H process, it's really a big picture approval. Later during subdivision and plan review, the engineer working for the developer will have to look at the local system, including our system in more detail to put in any engineered improvements necessary to alleviate any such impacts if they are found to exist.

COUNCILMEMBER HOKAMA: You have a sense of how much that could cost potentially, and how that would...for us we just trying to figure out if that will impact the sale price, eventual sale price.

MR. TAYLOR: Forty-eight, and my understanding.. .1 watched a little of the meeting this morning and I.. .it's either 48 units or possibly you've changed it to 56 units. I assume that got approved while I was gone. That's not an enormous number of houses for that area considering what's already there. So our engineering staff who looked at it last week didn't foresee any--just taking a broad look at it, didn't foresee any large engineering challenges with the local distribution system.

COUNCILMEMBER HOKAMA: Okay. You know, Chairman, I know the importance of providing this type of housing and yet from the exemptions that, you know, that's being asked, the discussion of the bike path, curbs, and gutters, I've made an, you know, a reassessment and my concern is the sustainability of the real property tax revenue stream to pay for all these things at

- 26 - A USE COMMIEE MIUES Cnl f th Cnt f M

Sptbr 2, 20

th ltr dt. Y n, th , th h prtnt bt thr nn b nr l, thr nt nn b rll pn nt th rvn tr. And n, t nrn f f h r nn l t brrn n th ftr tht, n, th r f th thn tt t nt nt hn dn xptn r prjt, thn h nn p ltr nd h r nn p fr t? I brn t p n tht t nrn f tht I ...th tnblt f th rl prprt tx n nt th rtt hp tht I ld l t t b n, n ht bn prjtd n dbt nd prjt fr th ftr. S thn , Chrn.

CAI CAO: hn . Mr. trn?

COUCIMEME ICOIO: hn , nd f ll ld trn.. .thr rpn dtd Sptbr t Chr fr Spnr fr th ntptd xptn pr lt. It n th nd p nd t rdn t thr tt t ld b $22,.88. S f r n tht tn, t h th brdn f th vr f tht bn xpt fr 00 prnt ffrdbl hn. And th Cnl n t d hn pt th xptn n pll fr tr nd thr, t nt nt 00 prnt ffrdblt, n, 00 prnt f th prjt ld b ffrdbl hn. S I thn tht thn n fr rlf th dffrn, lt $2,000 pr hhld. S I thn tht thn vr prtnt t t nt ndrtn. A fr rl prprt tx nd nd ll th thr , tht thn t b dd n bdt, nd n, t b rltnt. W t brn t p vr t r n th nd f ttn ntd f hr t hld b brht p, bt tht fn, Mr. Chr, tht th lf . t I l t ht th d fr th nt. It v pl ffr nd fr fhtr nd thr hn t n h t n ffrdbl pr, 20, 00, 0 hh f rt pr t thr nt vn fnd tht. h h n th rt, rdn t rltr, nthn ndr 400,000 t nthd p n vn d nd n r, dn. S.. .nd lt f t t h l, t nt vn r ll ppl, bt lt nt t nt tht drttn thr. I thn thv nrd ll th tn. hv pt n th rn, thv rtd th tr, thv tn t th rl ntt. M ll nn p n tn, I hv n prbl th tht. I thn n nr vrthn Y n, ntl th nt tn nd Mr. Spnr b th th fnl rvn, I nt ld n t b f th rl ntt. , I bhnd f t, n, I nn ph vr hrd t r t th hppn b t fft nt drtl. t f t n nbd l nt, I thn thd b pn th ln I . h hn fr lt f r rn ppl h hv, n, hthr thr rn n th htl ndtr, hthr thr rn rn r ntl rv, htvr t ht b, th hv hn t b h t n ffrdbl rt. I thn tht n...tht vr prtnt n th hl tn. I dnt n, n, f hv r tn, r nn hv t th tn. A fr rb nd ttr nd dl, I trd f dl tht ld nhr. I trd f tht. I t ll vr Wl, dl tht ld t nhr. hr nt plt trt, thr nt plt, thr nt rndbt, thr nthn, th jt nd th nd. And pt ppl n th.. .n hr b Wl l xpl, pll fr I Shl p, thr n dl nd th d r ln n th rd. W nd dl thr. S h

2 A USE COMMIEE MIUES Cnl f th Cnt f M

Sptbr 2, 20

dnt t tht dn? S r nn hr ll th ppl h lv thr ll th r? ht rd hnt hnd. ht prt f Wl h bn th fr th lt 0 r. I drv tht rd. I n tht rd. S n, t pt nr dnd n ffrdbl hn nt ht I l t d. ht jt prnl t. Evrbd h thr n ndvdl, n, , bt I n tll thr xtn rd. I hv r l f rd th n dl fr dvlpd r thn n thr r n th Cnt, nd I hlln nbd t tll n. Iv t r nptd rd nd nptd bdvn ntrn nd xt b th hvnt bn ptd. I trd f t. I jt nn thn t dn, nd I thn th thn tht nd t b dn. S Ill lv ll t thr tn, bt I fl l t th pnt n t, thv nrd vrthn v d th. hv dn vrthn th nt d th t d. I dnt nd nthn l tht nr t th r xpnv fr th h nd th h vr bdl. hn , Chr.

CAI CAO: An frthr tn t th t fr Wtr? Mr. Wht?

COUCIMEME WIE: hn , Chr And th nt nrl b fr th rtr, bt th Exhbt 2 tht hndd t th rnn, d nt rflt th rt fr th xptn rrdn tr t dvlpnt f. It n r ntl lt. I tht ... tht rrt tht th hv thdrn tht rt?

CAI CAO: h lt tht hv vr hr, th n rht ftr th rltn, th n pd t?


CAI CAO: Yh, rht ftr ..., nd ftr fnh th lnnn, r nn dn h ndvdl n.


CAI CAO: Yh, nd thn h ndvdl n r n t p b tn.


CAI CAO: An frthr tn fr Wtr? Mr. Ch?

COUCIMEME COUC: ht ddnt t nr h tn. Ar th, r th nt n t v th tr dvlpnt f n?

M. UEOKA: Mr. Chr, f I ? In frnt f th Chr prpl. nt rndn th vr f th tr t dvlpnt f.

COUCIMEME WIE: O, th th Chr prpl? A USE COMMIEE MIUES Cnl f th Cnt f M

Sptbr 2, 20

M. UEOKA: Crrt.


M. UEOKA: hr ppltn bttd n At 26, th r ll fr th Cnl th prpd dftn.

CAI CAO: And t tht t, hd th bn prtn n thr. S tht n b ttr f dn hn rh tht pnt b th bn prtn ndd...n, ll t t tht.


CAI CAO: An frthr tn fr Wtr? If nt...h, x , Mr. Ch?

COUCIMEME COUC: hn . Mr. lr, n, hvn rd n th thr d f th n hr fr Wp Grdn, h I, I rll ttn n n tn hvn th tr. Ar ntptn thr nd n r ll th thn tht th hd t dl th n h I th ll nh tht t nt n t fft hd, hd n tn tht tht hd nflt th tr. S r, r...d ntpt tht th prtt trhtfrrd?

M. AYO: I dnt nn t bfr th nnrd blprnt f ht thr tll prpn, bt b t nfntl llr, r prlnr l tht thr nt nd t b nrl h fft prvnt t nbl th prjt hh hld t plr fr th dvlpr, bt tht n, thn tht rll n n, nt b r ntl thr vl nnr prpd pln f th tr t prvnt.

COUCIMEME COUC: O. hn , Mr. Chr.

CAI CAO: An frthr tn fr Wtr bfr t nt lnnn? If nt, thn .

M. AYO: hn .

CAI CAO: And f Mr. Wll Spn ld dn? And pl dntf rlf t th rphn.

M. SECE: hn , Mr. Chrn. I Wll Spn. I th rtr f lnnn fr M Cnt.

CAI CAO: h flr n pn. Qtn fr Mr. Spn? I n lt f th ...tn nrd t th rnl tn. S I dnt n, bt brht Mr. Spn dn jt n nbd thht f nthn ftr tht. An...Mr. ? A USE COMMIEE MIUES Council of the County of Maui

Sptbr 2, 20

COUCIMEME OKAMA: Chrn, pl f thn. rtr, n f th thn tht I brht p rlr tht, n, I v th znn n n r n prjt dtrt b r ttn dffrnt tndrd fr h

M. SECE: ht.

COUCIMEME OKAMA: ppltn tht bfr . S vntll I ld prfr th t b prt f n rdnn ndrtn, t b pt nt th Cd fr , rv f ht p th n tndrd fr th n ll r

M. SECE: ht.

COCIMEME OKAMA: tht n thr r ll hv th , n, xt tndrd. S t n nt n tht, bt dftn f th tp f thn? I n th ltr, n, ttd n thr ttt tht ld d th b rltn, bt tht jt tll h h th n bt r pr nt, .

CAI CAO: Mr. Spn?

M. SECE: O. It rt f brdr tn. I n 20 ll fr xptn. I nt r tht tht ln t t rll ll, I nt r h t...I pp t, t ll t t tndrd hh t dffrnt thn n xptn.

COUCIMEME OKAMA: t t , n, dfn t t lr fr , fr r plnnr dn th rd, n, t fnd, th n hr t , f thr nn t ,00 r ft lt thn t ll b n th.. . n, t ll b bl nd ht, t fnd, nbd n n h n th d f th trt I bn rvd th . On th ppt d, Mr. Wht, b h hd ttll dffrnt pr ttll vd dffrntl th th thn.

M. SECE: And I nt, I nt drn th th Cnl br. I jt...tht rt f tn tht lnrd n nd. .. .th pr ll xptn, I nt r t ...I pp, n, t thn th bd prv t t tndrd ll. h.. .b t, b t, t b rltn nd b t.. . n, r nt.. . n, prpd t nt hnn znn, th ndrln znn tll Arltr, th nt pln Arltr, th Stt trt Arltr, nd r nt...b, b pn rltn t ll th ffrdbl hn prjt hh I nt n hldnt, bt r l nt rvn th ndrln . S, I n, nl t pf. Y n

COUCIMEME OKAMA: ht prt f dl, rtr.

M. SECE: h, I... A USE COMMIEE MIUES Cnl f th Cnt f M

Sptbr 2, 20

COUNCILMEMBER HOKAMA: Because we zoning on zoning in a sense which kinda is befuddling to many people, yeah, because again that was the problem that I brought up in the first meeting.

MR. SPENCE: Right.

COUNCILMEMBER HOKAMA: We maintaining the underlying and yet we're creating new zoning standards through legislation.

MR. SPENCE: So I think my suggestion to the Committee, and, and at the first meeting we did talk about perhaps it should be followed up with a resolution to actually zone the property, and I understand the Council member's concerns, you know, the.. .what do you zone it? The regular R-1, R-2, R-3 is R-1 is the smallest of the regular zoning districts that allows down to 6,500 square feet. There is, I suppose, and you would have to ask Corp. Counsel about this, you could do conditional zoning.

COUNCILMEMBER HOKAMA: Project district, planned developments.

MR. SPENCE: You could also do Zero Lot Line --


MR. SPENCE: --District which allows down to 3,000 square feet and no larger than six, but it doesn't, it doesn't require at least my read of it, it doesn't require, you know, that you build on one of the lot lines, but it allows it. So we, I haven't looked at this proposal in those terms.

COLTNCILMEMBER HOKAMA: Well, Director, I mean, it's just something I think we gotta consider down the road, you know--


COUNCILMEMBER HOKAMA: --maybe this is not the vehicle, this is not the project, but it's a dilemma that I think we need to resolve down the road 'cause I can see it to be a problem in implementing or how we're gonna interpret certain things later regarding this type of project?

MR. SPENCE: And well, and what I'm, what I'm trying to think of is what would the Council's alternatives be? Conditional zoning, R-0 or as the Council member had suggested project district. That could be a way, but there's also a whole slew of regulations that go along with project district and including multiple levels of review by Council and Planning Commission and ultimately the Planning Department. And so I'm not sure how that would fit in because--


MR. SPENCE: --if you say this is a project district, in order to establish those different standards, you're still invoking all those other reviews.


Sptbr 2, 20

COUCIMEME OKAMA: , I ndrtnd, bt prjt dtrt n tl npt Cnl rtd

M. SECE: ht.

COUCIMEME OKAMA: t t hn n lnd rt nd prpl, nd tht h...nd I p fr xprn n th frt fr prjt dtrt rdnn. t th nd... n, f I n v n, rtr, jt r thht, n, fr I fnd t ntrtn, n, I bn d t xpt th hl, OE hl pt f nd tht n f bt I ld r f nrn Sttd f rdnt th lt f dtn flt, th lt f thn, th lt f th rrl. Y n, I thnn b n t nt xpt th OE f, b I thn tht fr ll th rdnt h nn v n tht bdvn t thr hldrn ftr dvnt dn th rd. I thr thn I nd t t nt frthr ndrtn tht n b hr th th Ctt th rnn, pl?

M. SECE: I dnt hv n. h nl pf thht I hv, nd th hv bn dd t n rlr t. I n tht n th l ll Cnl


M. SECE: t prvd xptn. t nt lr f th Cnl n xpt rrnt f Stt f hhr, n, f l hhr p, nd I hd nddn , I tht dn lrd tn pl. ht...I dnt n th pt f th hl n th r. I n n hl hv pnd p, I, h, I nt nt n n nd f dtl.

COUCIMEME OKAMA: , n, tht fr f nnt, n, rpnd, tht fn, rtr. I pprt htvr hrd th th rnn. S thn vr h.

M. SECE: hn .

CAI CAO: hn . An r tn fr Mr. Spn? Mr. Ch?

COUCIMEME COUC: hn , Mr. Chr. hn , Mr. Spn, fr bn hr. Y n ln th ln f th tn tht Mr. jt d, h d r prtnt hndl n rt fr prt n h I n t.. .th lr prjt bt h br. h t th lr xptn nd htnt. Whn rt t d n ddtn r ttn bldn prt vr thr thrh , ht d l p n t tht, h t, th, n, t tll znd A


Sptbr 2, 20

COUCIMEME COUC: n b lr lt znd A. d tht r?

M. SECE: W, l t th rltn tht pd b Cnl t xtl, n, ht Cnlbr n bt th ttn p n tndrd. W tht t, n, blt...tht ln t tht rlr r, ld l t ht tht . If t , tndrd r f thr r thn pf nd n tht rltn, ld l nd , f t...f bd nt t nl ln r dd bdr r thn, ln th t th tndrd, t ld b prttd nd ld n ff n bldn prt.

COUCIMEME COUC: S prtt h hv pr n, t jt tht hv t l n dffrnt pl b r rnt pt nln hh b n r n tht t.

M. SECE: Yh, , ld l t t. h ld b pt n KIA.

COUCIMEME COUC: Crrt, bt I n, n, fr th Cnt bt n l p ll th M Cnt Cd, bt nn f r r.

M. SECE: ht.

COUCIMEME COUC: Or n l p th r, thr t hr hddn.

M. SECE: Yh, t lttl bt hrdr t fnd, t nt lbld r fr, n, rdntl prjt


M. SECE: r 20 prjt. t d l t tht r ntll th znn.

COUCIMEME COUC: O, n n thr...I dnt n f ld t thr rt fr xptn. h nn b xpt fr Chptr 2.80, Gnrl ln nd nt pln hll b rntd prt...t prt th prjt t prd tht btnn nt pln ndnt.

M. SECE: ht.

COUCIMEME COUC: I n, tht nd ht d n, bt r th tht?



M. SECE: And tht pl ll t b d b th Cnl. A USE COMMIEE MIUES Cnl f th Cnt f M

Sptbr 2, 20

COUNCILMEMBER COUCH: Okay. And then the other one that's interesting, you know, it says an exemption from Section 2.80B.030, Maui County Code, incorporating by reference Exhibit B to Chapter 2.80B, Maui County Code, the Maui Island Plan, shall be granted to exempt the project from protected area designation of preservation for the property. I think we talked about this last time. Since it isn't a requirement in the Maui Island Plan, it's just, it's in the diagrams in the back saying look there are some preservation areas here. Do you think we need this exemption? Do you see any pitfalls that if we grant this exemption, something else can come up later that might hurt us? That's the only concern I have with these exemptions is that, you know, for this project right here, right now, this seems right but are they overbroad, and that might be more of a question for Mr. Ueoka eventually. But first --

MR. SPENCE: I'll answer it first and then you can have...

COUNCILMEMBER COUCH: --I'm just giving, I'm just giving you a heads-up, Mr. Ueoka, but Mr. Spence as far as those two, are you...do you see any potential things in the future that we might be overlooking at this point?


COUNCILMEMBER COUCH: If we grant those exemptions.

MR. SPENCE: --I think it provides some clarity. So in the, so in the future, somebody goes and looks and goes, well, my house is in this protected area, what's that mean? Well, you can point straight to the resolution and say that it's exempted. So it just, it provides some clarity and you know, and that's part of that process we went through with the Maui Island Plan.


CHAIR CARROLL: Mr. White, did you have a question?


CHAIR CARROLL: Oh. Any more questions for Mr. Spence? Then we're going to get into the meat of it. If not, thank you, Mr. Spence.

MR. SPENCE: Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Thank you, Committee members.

CHAIR CARROLL: Members, you have in the handout, the one that the opening page is a resolution, and if you will turn to Exhibit 1, Waikapu Gardens, Phase II, Affordable Housing Subdivision Modifications, Pursuant to Section 201H-38, Hawaii Revised Statutes. The first one, you have the handout that was given to you the changes in the first one. The individual paper was handed out to you. It's replace modification 1 with the following. It was given to everyone. I'll wait a moment till I know that everybody has that. Everybody have that? A USE COMMIEE MIUES Cnl f th Cnt f M

Sptbr 2, 20


CAI CAO: O, Mbr, r n t thrh th nbn, nd ht I n t d I n t fr tn fr th flr nd thn dn nd thn thr r n, vt t thr p r dn r df. S r n t bn, nd n n, th rpl dftn. I n t fr tn n th flr. h nhbrhd rl ntr nldn 60,000r ft lt fr nhbrhd rl ntr prp hll b dltd fr th ppltn nd t pnn prlnr pln nd pftn nd rpld b ht h t b ffrd fr l t fl rnn 2 t 40 prnt f M dn n t pprprt pr thn th prtnt f n nd n Cnrn dln. h prlnr pln nd pftn hll b rvd hn n th pprxt fr, Exhbt A tthd hrt nd b rfrn nrprtd hrn.



CAI CAO: It bn vd b Mr. Gzn, ndd b Mr. trn. n? Mr. Ch?

COUCIMEME COUC: t fr lrftn fr Crprtn Cnl, dnt rll hv t nd bnd r bll n, Exhbt A v prtt.. . dnt n, dnt hv t nd bnd I nt r hr h ln , tht nd f thn. Ar th tht fr , n, f th dd t t t th lttl p nd tht? I jt dnt n ht th ll rftn.

CAI CAO: Mr.Crprtn Cnl?

M. UEOKA: Y, I th t.

CAI CAO: I rll l hn hv n nr l tht.


CAI CAO: r hrt nd pr.


CAI CAO: hn I n ndrtnd t. An thr frthr dn n t th tn n th flr? rn nn, ll n fvr, pl nf b n, "".


Sptbr 2, 20

CHAIR CARROLL: Opposed? Motion carried, five, excuse me, six ayes.. .seven ayes. I keep, you know, now I know why sometimes nobody sees me down there. . . . (laughter). . .

COUNCILMEMBER BAISA: Mr. Chair, it's really good to sit in different places. You get a different perspective.

COUNCILMEMBER VICTORINO: And the end of the line is the not the perspective you want to be in.

CHAIR CARROLL: Seven ayes, no noes, two excused, Ms. Crivello and Ms. Cochran.

OE: AYES: Chr Crrll, Chr Gzn, nd Cnlbr , Ch, , trn, nd Wht.

OES: n.

ASAI: n.

ASE: n.

EC.: Cnlbr Chrn nd Crvll.



CHAIR CARROLL: Alright. Number 2. The project...I'm asking for a motion from the floor. The project shall be limited to one vehicular access on Waiale Road and one emergency vehicle access on East Waiko Road. Mr. Guzman?



CHAIR CARROLL: It's been moved by Mr. Guzman, seconded by Mr. Victorino. Discussion? Seeing none, all in favor of the motion, signify by saying, "aye".


CHAIR CARROLL: Opposed? Motion carried, seven ayes, no noes.

OE: AYES: Chr Crrll, Chr Gzn, nd Cnlbr , Ch, , trn, nd Wht. A USE COMMIEE MIUES Cnl f th Cnt f M

Sptbr 2, 20

NOES: None.



EXC.: Councilmembers Cochran and Crivello.



CHAIR CARROLL: And Members, most of these things over here we have incorporated the suggestion and changes that we had at the first meeting. So most of this I don't think we're gonna have much of a problem with, but Mr. Couch?

COUNCILMEMBER COUCH: Thank you, Mr. Chair. Especially before we get to the next one, are we going to have any more chance to talk to the developer --


COUNCILMEMBER COUCH: --as these come up?

CHAIR CARROLL: The developer can be called forward with --


CHAIR CARROLL: --the Committee's approval at any time.


CHAIR CARROLL: Number 3. Applicant shall record a restrictive covenant that shall run with the land, setting forth the fact that this project was approved with the understanding that the project will have private sewer lines within its boundaries and that each lot of a shared lateral shall be responsible for 50 percent of the costs of maintenance of the shared lateral. The restrictive covenants shall be subject to the approval of the Department of Environmental Management, and said approval shall not be unreasonably withheld.



CHAIR CARROLL: It's been moved by Mr. Guzman, seconded by Mr. Victorino. Mr. Couch? A USE COMMIEE MIUES Cnl f th Cnt f M

Sptbr 2, 20

COUNCILMEMBER COUCH: Thank you, Mr. Chair. And while I like loose language, I just wanna make sure with Corp. Counsel that said approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. Can we...can either side claim that well, you're either being unreasonable or you're not, and then what happens to us?

CHAIR CARROLL: Corporation Counsel?

MR. UEOKA: It's usually typical standard contract language. It's so both parties will be reasonable in that reasonable person standard. So could be more specific with the restriction, but I didn't think that the modification list was a place where we wanted to lay out all the restrictions and the best entity to work with the developer would be the Department of Environmental Management on this. So just hoping they could work together and I think they can.

COUNCILMEMBER COUCH: Yeah, and Mr. Chair, my hesitation comes from the prior experience with prior departments from Phase I that in some instances we were thinking were unreasonable, but the department said it's reasonable and even among the Administration there was concern. So I just wanna make sure that we can figure out a way to move this on and have somebody not hold that over anybody's head. But if Corp. Counsel is okay with that, I just want it on record that there's some concern about that.

CHAIR CARROLL: Thank you, Mr. Couch. Any further questions to the motion on the floor? Seeing none, all those in favor of the motion, please signify by saying, "aye".


CHAIR CARROLL: Opposed? Motion carries, seven ayes, two excused.

OE: AYES: Chr Crrll, Chr Gzn, nd Cnlbr , Ch, , trn, nd Wht.

OES: n.

ASAI: n.

ASE: n.

EC.: Cnlbr Chrn nd Crvll.



Sptbr 2, 20

CAI CAO: br 4. h nr f th prjt ntrnl rd hll rrv n nt n th rd fr prvt r ln f th rd r ddtd t th Cnt. Aptn f th rd b th Cnt hll nt b dd n ptn f th prvt r t.



CAI CAO: It bn vd b Mr. Gzn, ndd b Mr. trn. n? Sn nn, ll n fvr f th tn, pl nf b n, "".


CAI CAO: Oppd? Mtn rr, vn , t xd.

OE: AYES: Chr Crrll, Chr Gzn, nd Cnlbr l, Ch, , trn, nd Wht.

OES: n.

ASAI: n.

ASE: n.

EC.: Cnlbr Chrn nd Crvll.



CAI CAO: br . th xtnt prttd b l, th prtnt f n nd n Cnrn hll r th th pplnt t ll th pplnt t rprh th nt fr nr hr th nr fl t t th rrnt f th Affrdbl n Arnt. Applnt hll rll th nt t ffrdbl pr th ffrdbl hn rtrtn.



CAI CAO: It bn vd b Mr. Gzn, ndd b Mr. trn. n? Mr. Ch? A USE COMMIEE MIUES Cnl f th Cnt f M

Sptbr 2, 20

COUCIMEME COUC: hn , Mr. Chr. I n n r dnI dnt rbr hh Ctt t pbl M. Crvll Ctt. Wr tln bt bn b, th Cnt bn b nd th prtnt hd nrn. hr r rtrtn nd prrnt d nd ht nt tht h hd nrn th hh h th ldnt...I thn bt 0 h t nd f rld n h I tht th Cnt bn bl t b th b r bn bl t d h th t. S r thr thn tht nd t d, I dnt n f n d t hr, bt I lttl nrnd bt t th xtnt prttd b l. I thr thn nd t fx t tht pnt? I dnt n tht n d t hr, bt nd t nd f hlp t tht dn hr b b hnn f th rdn? I dnt n.


M. UEOKA: hn , Mr. Chr. I blv n M. Crvll Ctt h rn n hn t th pprprt tn f th Cd r thnn bt t t lt. th xtnt prttd b l fr th .. .r nt 00 prnt r tht th tp f n rrnnt ll r th l vr drl tp thn. I p th th pplnt bt t. ht h hv tht ln n thr. If n t t t r nd th prtnt fnd t ptbl, fl t rbl ltn. Wll l b nrprtn f th nt th Affrdbl n Arnt tht ll b rrd f dpt Mdftn . . hn .


CAI CAO: Mr. Ch?

COUCIMEME COUC: ht nd h, tht nd hlp. S r n n n n hr tht f nt dl th t, thn th pplnt n rprh th h nd h t rll th t hld , rrnt ffrdbl hn rtrtn? I dnt n, hh ffrdbl hn rtrtn ld ppl thr?

M. UEOKA: Wd t r pf bt tht n th Affrdbl n Arnt. Wht r


M. UEOKA: nn rht n prbbl th rndr f th ffrdbl hn tr r rtrtn tr. ht ht I ld .

COUCIMEME COUC: ht, bt I n, r tln prn lvl. I t pn nh tht f th pr r r fll tht th rn tht th n ll th ll r nd fll t?

M. UEOKA: In thr Affrdbl n Arnt v...Iv rd n rtr d th, t tpll bn, t th tht , htvr th U dln t th t r. A USE COMMIEE MIUES Council of the County of Maui

Sptbr 2, 20

COUNCILMEMBER COUCH: At the time. Okay, great. Thanks, I just wanted to make sure we're clear on it.

CHAIR CARROLL: And for the Members information, this wording was worked out to try to address the concerns the Members had at the first meeting here. Any further discussion on the motion on the floor? All those in favor, please signify by saying, "aye".


CHAIR CARROLL: Opposed? Motion carried. Seven ayes, two excused.

OE: AYES: Chr Crrn, Chr Gzn, nd Cnlbr l, Ch, , trn, nd Wht.

OES: n.

ASAI: n.

ASE: n.

EC.: Cnlbr Chrn nd Crvll.



CHAIR CARROLL: Number 6. Applicant shall ensure a minimum of a 15-foot buffer, with a vinyl wall, separates the project from the adjacent cemetery. The intention is to have a minimum of 21 feet between the nearest building and the cemetery boundary. Mr. Guzman?



CHAIR CARROLL: It's been moved by Mr. Guzman, seconded by Mr. Victorino. Discussion?



COUNCILMEMBER HOKAMA: Was there any, can you recollect, Chair, I'm kinda drawing a blank on the height of the wall? Did we ever talk about how high the wall would be for this buffer consideration or, you know, I would ask maybe if the applicant's representative or maybe A USE COMMIEE MIUES Cnl f th Cnt f M

Sptbr 2, 20

Mr. Victorino since he attended the community meeting if there was any agreement or understanding of what is the, the wall?

CHAIR CARROLL: We can call the applicant down and ask about it. I'm pretty sure the height is the height of all those walls over there that they put up --


CHAIR CARROLL: --but we can, if there's no objection I'll--


CHAIR CARROLL: --oh, excuse me

COUNCILMEMBER VICTORINO: I have the answer for that question. It's six feet.

CHAIR CARROLL: Oh, six feet.

COUNCILMEMBER VICTORINO: Cannot go over six feet, and it was agreed upon six feet, but I wanna amend your amendment. I need to amend your amendment.


COUNCILMEMBER VICTORINO: 'Cause in this particular area the community had asked and Mr. Spencer had agreed, okay, that Lots 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12, if I'm correct, and you can call him forward, that no two-story buildings would be built on it. In other words, those four lots, five lots can only have one-story building so that it would not inhibit the view plane looking up on the hillside and the cemetery itself. If you can call Mr. Spence [] up to, to...'cause the community had asked for that and I told 'em that at this meeting I would request that as part of the conditions. So that would be my amendment.

CHAIR CARROLL: So if there's no objection, I'll call down...

COUNCILMEMBER COUCH: Is that a motion for an amendment?

CHAIR CARROLL: He has not made the formal motion.

CHAIR CARROLL: Well, I haven't made the formal. I want Mr. Spence [] to come down and I will make the formal motion.


CHAIR CARROLL: No objection? A USE COMMIEE MIUES Cnl f th Cnt f M

Sptbr 2, 20

COUNCIL MEMBERS: No objection.

CHAIR CARROLL: Mr. Spence [sic], could you please come down? Identify yourself at the microphone and you heard the question.

MR. SPENCER: Yeah, Doug Spencer for JES Corporation. Yes, at the meeting if you look at your subdivision map, and we didn't discuss specific lots at the meeting, but it was my understanding that we were talking primarily about Lots 9 and 10, 'cause those are the ones that are contiguous to the cemetery.


MR. SPENCER: I'm sorry, and 12. What I would ask for on 12, if you look at that one, that one is going to be very, very difficult to put a one-story house on it because of the size, but what we can do is, we can give a larger setback off that line just because that's such a narrow lot. It's kinda hard to get that square footage on a house plan on a one-story plan on Lot 12. So we could, you know, give a larger setback on that, Mr. Victorino, if that would be acceptable to you, but still allows to get a two-story house so we can get sufficient square footage on that house.

COUNCILMEMBER VICTORINO: And you don't think 8 and 11 would also inhibit because that's the upper section 'cause that's what we had talked about?

MR. SPENCER: No, I think...if I remember correctly with Mr. Pellegrino, who brought that issue up, he was concerned about people up there in two-story looking over down into the graveyard--

COUNCILMEMBER VICTORINO: Right, and vice versa.

MR. SPENCER: --you know, and vice versa, people in the graveyard looking up.


MR. SPENCER: Once we get down to 8 and 11, you know, we kinda have done away with that issue.

COUNCILMEMBER VICTORINO: That topography would not have an effect. They would not have the same looking into the cemetery and vice versa?

MR. SPENCER: No, 'cause the topography of that land kinda runs downhill toward Waiale Road.

COUNCILMEMBER VICTORINO: Yeah, understood. I just...because I also wanna make it perfectly clear, you know. So my motion then Mr. Chair, would be to amend your motion to add Lots 9 and 10, and also a setback of at least 30 feet, if that would be acceptable?

MR. SPENCER: No, that's way too much -- A USE COMMIEE MIUES Cnl f th Cnt f M

Sptbr 2, 20


M. SECE: nt t h n thr.


M. SECE: Abt 20.

COUCIMEME ICOIO: A tb f 20 ft n tp f th , rht? C lrd hv 2.

M. SECE: Y, rrt n tp f th ft bffr. Crrt.

COUCIMEME ICOIO: O, n tp f th ft bffr.

M. SECE: Crrt.

COUCIMEME ICOIO: S tn ld b tht nd 0 ld b nltr hn nd tht 2 ld hv n ddtnl 20ft tb fr th ll tlf tht t ld nt ntrd nt th tr.

CAI CAO: I tht jt 2 r nd 2?


COUCIMEME ICOIO: n nd 0 nd thn 2 ld b th tb n.

CAI CAO: S h nthn?

COUCIMEME ICOIO: , nd.. .8 nd , dnt...n, h n t ld hv n fft.

CAI CAO: Alrht. I rr, ld rpt tht tn n r t?

COUCIMEME ICOIO: O. ht t nd 0 n nl hv ntr bldn, n tr...nlfl, ntr, rht? And tht . 2, t 2 ld hv n ddtnl 20ft tb fr th ll, fr hr th ll .

M. SECE: Crrt.

COUCIMEME ICOIO: O, hrvr th vnl ll r, n ddtnl 20ft fr tht ll.


44 A USE COMMIEE MIUES Council of the County of Maui

Sptbr 2, 20

CAI CAO: Alrht, thr tn. hv nd?


CAI CAO: Sndd b Mr. Ch. An nt t th tn t nd? Mr. ?

COUCIMEME OKAMA: I jt ntd t b Mr. Spnr f h ld, f h ld b nd nh t hlp ndrtnd t. hn fr n b, Mr. Spnr. S I ndrtnd ht Mr. trn prpn nd I n th r, , th tr n tht hll. n, 0, 2 t t nt rrd f th nrn f th v pln r th nl f th v pln, ptntll thn 8 nd .. .t, lt t th b, nd 0 ld b nl tr, 8 nd ld p t t tr, rht, Mr. trn, ndr r prpl n?

COUCIMEME ICOIO: h ld b lld t t tr.

COUCIMEME OKAMA: S t nd l nd th fr th h n t t nd 0? h t th hll n n d. h n hv ptntll ttr h n th d nd th lttl n th vl, l th lttl h n th vl, I n, , tht ptntll h t ld l l?

M. SECE: Y, r rrt.

COUCIMEME OKAMA: O, nd thr n nrn tht th ppl h b nd 0 ht nt hv rt v pln t ll thr?

M. SECE: I thn th ld hv nrn, bt fr th pr thr pn, th prbbl ll pt tht.

COUCIMEME OKAMA: Wll, t tht ft bffr t tht, h.. .nd tht nn b...f I , pl, Mr. Spnr? I tht nn b ntnd bffr b th nt tn r b r pn?

M. SECE: h OA ll ntn tht bffr ln th th rt f th n r lndpn n h I.

COUCIMEME OKAMA: O, nd tht bffr r rrntl ln t jt pln vl r r t n b lndpd r r rd r r, r jt nt r phlt r fr ?

M. SECE: It nt b hrdpd n th n f nrt r phlt. rbbl rt f , Id thr rvl r r. Ill lv t p t th OA, n, b, n, th tr nd t f ntnn, I n, tht thn th hv t ndr.

- 45 - A USE COMMIEE MIUES Cnl f th Cnt f M

Sptbr 2, 20

COUNCILMEMBER HOKAMA: Okay, but that hasn't been determined yet? That is something you're gonna work out with the HOA?

MR. SPENCER: Yes, sir.

COUNCILMEMBER HOKAMA: Okay. No, I just wanted to be clear of what I was envisioning with the proposed amendment, so thank you very much. Thank you, Chairman.

CHAIR CARROLL: Any further discussion to the motion to amend? Mr. Couch?

COUNCILMEMBER COUCH: Thank you, Mr. Chair. Mister...I guess it's kind of towards, Mr. Victorino. It was mentioned that at the meeting they talked about Lots 8 and 11 as well. Is the Waikapu Community Association okay with just 9 and 10, do you know?

COUNCILMEMBER VICTORINO: Well, at that time we had no map to.. .what they had said was the adjacent lots to the cemetery would be one-story. That was what we had discussed and agreed on. I put 8 and 11 figuring that that would still be you know... (inaudible).. .




COUNCILMEMBER VICTORINO: But as he explained, with the topography it would not be. So I'm willing to remove that, but 9, 10, and 12 was the real concern lots, but at that time, it's been reconfigured so that those numbers weren't the numbers we were looking at.

COUNCILMEMBER COUCH: Gotcha. Okay. Thank you, Chair That's why I just wanted to make sure that they're okay.


CHAIR CARROLL: Any further discussion on a motion to amend the main motion?

MS. NAKATA: Mr. Chair, could Staff just confirm the language of the amendment? It was lots...the following would be added onto the end of Modification 6: Lots 9 and 10 of Exhibit 1-A shall be limited to a one-story dwelling unit. Lot 12 shall have an additional 20-foot setback from the vinyl wall. Is that correct?

COUNCILMEMBER VICTORINO: You're shaking your head, Mr. Ueoka.

COUNCILMEMBER HOKAMA: That's not what you wanted, yeah Mike?

-46- A USE COMMIEE MIUES Cnl f th Cnt f M

Sptbr 2, 20

COUNCILMEMBER VICTORINO: Okay, there was no wall.

MR. UEOKA: Mr. Chair, if I may?


MR. UEOKA: Just the language, an additional 20-foot setback from the vinyl wall.


MR. UEOKA: So it would be 35 feet away from the vinyl wall?

COUNCILMEMBER VICTORINO: No, an additional 20 feet from the vinyl wall.

MR. UEOKA: So would be a total of 20 feet from the vinyl wall.


MR. UEOKA: So not additional?

COUNCILMEMBER COUCH: Yeah, it's between--

MR. UEOKA: Additional five feet, right?


COUNCILMEMBER VICTORINO: Right now there's a six-foot setback, right, from the vinyl wall.

MR. UEOKA: No, no, there's a 15-foot buffer zone.

COUNCILMEMBER VICTORINO: No, the buffer is different. I'm talking from the vinyl wall towards the house.

COUNCILMEMBER HOKAMA: So where's the vinyl wall?

MR. UEOKA: No, my understanding is there's a six-foot setback on every...


MR. UEOKA: No, no, on every house.


Sptbr 2, 20

M. UEOKA: S nthn n b thn x ft.

COUCIMEME COUC: nt f rdr. Crrtn, tht 0 ft fr ttr h.

M. UEOKA: Crrt.

COUCIMEME ICOIO: S thn t ld b n ddtnl 0 ft, t b ttl f 20 ft.

M. UEOKA: I thn, I thn th th rdd rht n, t tn nt nt tht xft tb.


M. UEOKA: Sxft tb


M. UEOKA: fr th h.


M. UEOKA: And n ddtnl ft fr thr ll b.. . th bldn ll b t lt 2 ft , t lt 2 ft.

COUCIMEME ICOIO: r th bndr f th...

M. UEOKA: r th bndr f th tr. On ttr h b t tft tb r rr, 0ft tb, t ld b 2 ft fr th tr bndr ln. S I dnt n hr th...

COUCIMEME ICOIO: , n, n, n, I, Mr. Chr, I thn, I thn thr nfn hr. h tr bndr rht n h ft btn tht nd thr bndr hr th h r ft.

CAI CAO: ht.



COUCIMEME ICOIO: And r ln nfd, Mr. U. hr tb. hr ft nt fr th tr bndr t th bndr f th h thr ft lrd. A USE COMMIEE MIUES Council of the County of Maui

Sptbr 2, 20

M. UEOKA: h prprt ln.



COUCIMEME COUC: Ex , x , Mr. Chr, I n v ln tht ld lr th ll p n nd.

CAI CAO: I tll f nbd nd, Mbr nd thr hv t hv lnh t 2:00 b f prr tnt. S I, h, I.. .r nn hv t r n f nt nl n r th t.

COUCIMEME COUC: O, n r n ln.

COUCIMEME OKAMA: W n r n th ln, Chrn.


CAI CAO: If thr n bjtn thn, hll r ntl :0.

COUCIMEME ICOIO: Wll, I nt b b t :0, tht th prbl, .

CAI CAO: Alrht, n Mr. trn


CAI CAO: t, n Mr. trn nnt b, nd t h dtrt...

COUCIMEME ICOIO: , I dnt nt th prjt fnhd ntl I t vrthn tht nd t b, th ppl f Wp r dpndn n f th ln tht nd t b ntrd. O, I nt hpp t hr tht, bt fn. Ill f I n nl f tht ftrnn tff nd b lttl hl.

CAI CAO: Alrht, n ht

COUCIMEME ICOIO: O, bt I d hlf d nd tht ll I d.

CAI CAO: x , Mr. trn, f n r t th rdn n th n rht n, n t lt fnh th th.

COUCIMEME ICOIO: t thr thr t tht I hv t. A USE COMMIEE MIUES Council of the County of Maui

Sptbr 2, 20

CAI CAO: Wll, f nn r t th rdn n th n bfr lv, n d t.

COUCIMEME ICOIO: ht fn, n. S I jt ntd th rdn t t tht fr th bndr f th prprt, n I nt tln bt th tr, I tln th bndr f prprt rht n, thr thr 6ft r 2ft.. .0ft tb tht rrt? O, hthr t ntr r ttr. S Mr. Spn [sic] n f r.. .b f th nrr lt, h ld l 20 ft tb f tht ll rht f h blt 20ft


COUCIMEME ICOIO: ttrI d 20ftttr bldn.

COUCIMEME COUC: Yh, Mr. Chr, I hv ln t lr tht p n nd.

CAI CAO: Cld ...

COUCIMEME ICOIO: , I dnt nn. I nt t dn th I nt t dn t r tht t rrt.

CAI CAO: If Mr. Ch h th ln

COUCIMEME COUC: And ln ll d tht

CAI CAO: tht ld l...

COUCIMEME COUC: bt f nt t trth th t, tht fn th .


COUCIMEME ICOIO: Wll, tll ht r ln .

CAI CAO: trn t r t tht xt ln, bt...

COUCIMEME COUC: ht t 2 hll hv 20ft tb fr th rr bndr ln, b, dn.

COUCIMEME ICOIO: And tht ht I d.


COUCIMEME ICOIO: And h n I nnt b tln xft n tp f ft.

0 A USE COMMIEE MIUES Cnl f th Cnt f M

Sptbr 2, 20

COUNCILMEMBER WHITE: No, because the word, "additional" was in there.

MR. UEOKA: Yeah, that just had...

COUNCILMEMBER WHITE: The word, if we just take "additional" out, we're fine.

COUNCILMEMBER VICTORINO: Okay. I take the word, "additional" out and just 20-foot from the property line.

CHAIR CARROLL: Alright, would you please restate the motion then because--

COUNCILMEMBER VICTORINO: Do I have to do it all or just that part? Okay, Carla can we get...

CHAIR CARROLL: Carla, could you please...

MS. NAKATA: Mr. Chair, so the additional language would be, Lots 9 and 10 of Exhibit 1-A shall be limited to a one-story dwelling unit. Lot 12 shall have a 20-foot or a minimum 20-foot setback from the cemetery boundary.

COUNCILMEMBER COUCH: No. From the property line.

COUNCILMEMBER WHITE: From the property line.


CHAIR CARROLL: No, not the cemetery boundary.

MS. NAKATA: But there will be multiple property lines.

CHAIR CARROLL: From the property...from the property boundary.

COUNCILMEMBER VICTORINO: Yeah, I'll get that, I get that --

COUNCILMEMBER COUCH: The rear property line.

COUNCILMEMBER VICTORINO: --let me get this is right first before I move onto something else.

COUNCILMEMBER COUCH: We said the rear property line is what we said.

CHAIR CARROLL: The property line. That was all good except it's from the property line not the cemetery.

MS. NAKATA: So Lot 12 shall have a 20-foot setback from the rear property line.


Sptbr 2, 20


CAI CAO: Alrht.

COUCIMEME ICOIO: And thn th fnl thn n th tht th ll tht r th prprt ln ll b x ft n hht.

CAI CAO: Alrht, n dd tht, th ll ll b x ft n hht.


CAI CAO: Alrht, n r dn t th tn t nd? rn nn, ll th n fvr, nf b n, "".


CAI CAO: Oppd? Mtn rrd, x , thr xd.

OE: AYES: Chr Crrll, Chr Gzn, nd Cnlbr Ch, , trn, nd Wht.

OES: n.

ASAI: n.

ASE: n.

EC.: Cnlbr , Chrn, nd Crvll.



CAI CAO: Mbr, hv t r vr hr.

COUCIMEME COUC: W tll tt d th n tn n x.

CAI CAO: hn , Mr. Ch.


CAI CAO: Wr b t th n tn, ndd. rthr dn? Sn nn, ll th n fvr f th n tn, ndd, pl nf b n, "".

2 A USE COMMIEE MIUES Cnl f th Cnt f M

Sptbr 2, 20


CHAIR CARROLL: Opposed? Motion carried, six ayes, three excused.

OE: AYES: Chr Crrll, Chr Gzn, nd Cnlbr Ch, , trn, nd Wht.

OES: n.

ASAI: n.

ASE: n.

EC.: Cnlbr , Chrn, nd Crvll.



CHAIR CARROLL: We have two more over here but we do have people with commitments. Our Chair has already left. We will recess until 1:30. This Land Use Committee stands in recess until 1:30. . . (gavel). . .

ECESS: 2:0 p..

ECOEE: :40 p..

CHAIR CARROLL: . . . (gavel). . . Land Use Committee meeting of September 12, 2013 is back in session. Members, we shall continue with Number 7, where we left off Applicant shall enter into an Affordable Housing Agreement with the Department of Housing and Human Concerns prior to the issuance of any building permit for the project. Mr. Guzman?



CHAIR CARROLL: It's been moved by Mr. Guzman, seconded by Mr. Victorino. Discussion? Seeing none, all in favor of the motion, signify by saying, "aye".


CHAIR CARROLL: Opposed? Motion carried. Six ayes and three excused. A USE COMMIEE MIUES Cnl f th Cnt f M

Sptbr 2, 20

OE: AYES: Chr Crrll, Chr Gzn, nd Cnlbr , Ch, trn, nd Wht.

OES: n.

ASAI: n.

ASE: n.

EC.: Cnlbr Chrn, Crvll, nd .



CAI CAO: br 8. lr t dvlp th prjt n rdn th th rprnttn d n th ppltn, dfd hrn, hll rlt n l f th xptn ntnd n th Mdfd Exptn t.



CAI CAO: It bn vd b Mr. Gzn, ndd b Mr. trn. n? Mr. Ch?

COUCIMEME COUC: hn , Mr. Chr. h tn hr f .. .f fr htvr rn thn hppn, nd th rnt bl t t Cndtn 8, bt thv lrd n thrh th bdvn pr, ht hppn? I th ln ffnt nh t t th lnd rvrt b t th nl lt r n th d bdvn t bdvdd l tht fr th rt f...ntl t t rnldtd?

CAI CAO: Wld Crprtn Cnl l t nt?

M. UEOKA: hn , Chr. It dfflt tn. It rll ld dpnd n ht t f th pr thr t nd th dfflt f ndn thn I thn t pbl t hv t rvrt b, thr ht b t d t r t rv fnl bdvn pprvl.

COUCIMEME COUC: Wld b bl t pt tht n th ln? t , ll pprvl prr t th rvrt b t r...I dnt n, thr rt f ln n pt n thr jt n ? I dbt t nn hppn, bt nvr n.

M. UEOKA: I thn hn t tht pf nt ttr, ht rn nt thr . Y hv t .. .d hv t rll bf p th ln f th. It rthr brd rht n. If

4 A USE COMMIEE MIUES Cnl f th Cnt f M

Sptbr 2, 20

nn t tht pf nt rtn pprvl, n, d hv t t pf nt ht nttt flr t t rtn lvl, n, d th hv t t rrt th brh, ll tht nd f tff I dnt n f nn thr n th dnt, bt...

COUCIMEME COUC: Wll, ht thr dnt ld thr n?

M. UEOKA: Y ld rr th t ntr rt f ndr rnt th b th prtnt f bl Wr. I nt r. I nt rl, I nldbl bt h th n ld r.

COUCIMEME COUC: O, nd Mr. Chr, tht nl nrn, nd n, n t dn th 8, I hv tht I ld l t prp, bt I ld l l t tl t th, th dvlpr n tht. It ht rltd t th. S, pbl thn n tht th ttr ll b t Cnl, nd thn ld rv r n vn Cnl rv ll th bdvn? thr, th rll dnt dffrn. Y n, th r tln bt t, th, th ndtn dnt rll n nthn.

M. UEOKA: Wll, t nt ntntn fr th ndtn t n nthn th I tln bt t, bt I ll , f l r xptn, l r xptn fr th...r nt xptn rlf t f th rrnt f A .0A.


M. UEOKA: S fr thrn, d b xtrl ltd th ht ld d th th lnd.

COUCIMEME COUC: ht, t ld b nnnfrn bdvn thn nd tht r thr th dn nt th nnnfrn , Cd, I frt, thn

CAI CAO: A th Chr h rd th nd hn dd th bfr t d t b ffnt, b t ld b l tn r drvr ln nd nt drv r. It ld rll, rll rppl th prjt.

COUCIMEME COUC: Crrt, Chr, nd I fn th tht nd f t h t t tht , tht fn. t r tn n b lt nd bdvdn t nd t n A lt nt 6 dffrnt ll lt pl th rd. O, f th thrh tht pr nd thn hppn nd n, thr n lnr dn th, d hv hn t t tht n b lt b t, n, nd th bdvn? ht nrn.

CAI CAO: A fr I ndrtnd... I ndrtnd t, t xtl rd, th l f th xptn ntnd n th Mdfd Exptn t r t. All th xptn r t, nd tht f r, ld b... A USE COMMIEE MIUES Cnl f th Cnt f M

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COUNCILMEMBER COUCH: But that doesn't remove the subdivision if I understand what Mr. Ueoka was saying. It doesn't remove all the.. .and you know, maybe, maybe just.. .that's just a concern that I know one of my other Members, colleagues.

CHAIR CARROLL: I do not know of any practical way to address that on the floor at this time. That is.. .well, that would be a policy decision that we would have to make, because that is...I mean, we're talking about, you know, you said, coming back to the Council or...

COUNCILMEMBER COUCH: Right. Okay, for that, you know, I just wanted to have that in the discussion, I don't wanna hold this up for this. So don't worry. I just...that is a concern that I would have and maybe if Corp. Counsel can look into that prior to the regular Council meeting where we...

CHAIR CARROLL: On regular applications we had similar discussions with conditions--


CHAIR CARROLL: --about the same subject. And it was determined at that time that that needed to be brought up separately and made policy of, you know, the land...the Council, the Land Use Committee, and that still needs to be done.


CHAIR CARROLL: It's really difficult to do it on the floor. Mr. White?

COUNCILMEMBER WHITE: Thank you, Chair I understand Mr. Couch's concern, and maybe what we need to add to this is that essentially by the time we find out that something's not done in accordance with the representations, it's likely that the subdivision will be in place, the buildings will be significantly up and constructed and we find something wasn't done. Practically, I think about the only thing that can be done at that point is that the loss of these exemptions would result in a monetary payment to replace the savings or to give up the savings that were extended by the exemptions. And I don't know if that's the effect of this or not, but as an example, by the time the houses are up, the exemption from the Building Code or the Electrical Code or the Plumbing Code, they're all gonna be in place. There's nothing you can do to change the structure of something that's behind the walls. So it may, may be appropriate to reword this in saying that it's not just the loss of exemptions, but it's the repayment of the saving that were generated by the exemptions.

CHAIR CARROLL: I don't know. I'm not sure. You have any...that sounds more difficult than it just, you know, just saying it.

COUNCILMEMBER WHITE: I guess, I guess the question for the Chair then is, what do you foresee as the result of the loss of exemptions? A USE COMMIEE MIUES Council of the County of Maui

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COUNCILMEMBER WHITE: Because if it's all built is.. .the exemptions have already been acted upon. So there's--at the point at which the project is 95 or 99 percent complete and we see that something hasn't been acted upon, the exemptions have been taken advantage of.

CHAIR CARROLL: Corporation Counsel, can you help over here?

MR. UEOKA: Yeah, Mr. Chair, I believe, I guess, you're asking what our remedy would be?


MR. UEOKA: We could probably file suit if we needed to if, you know, this was.. .if there was a failure to act appropriately. So that I guess is ultimately our remedy.

COUNCILMEMBER WHITE: That doesn't sound like a great resolution. I mean, if that's, if that's what we would have to do, then I would almost rather put in a dollar amount instead of loss of exemptions. Anyway, and the only...and Chair, the only reason that I...I think this is appropriate in this case is that, this is a...we need to remember that at least my understanding was that the.. .this is a lot that was part of an earlier subdivision that was part of the sliding scale application, is that correct?

MS. RIDAO: Are you talking about Waikapu Gardens I?

COUNCILMEMBER WHITE: Well, my assumption was that this is a lot that came out of a earlier subdivision --

MS. RIDAO: Oh, yeah.

COUNCILMEMBER WHITE: --that was, that was.. .to which the sliding scale was approved.

MS. RIDAO: Correct, correct, yes.

COUNCILMEMBER WHITE: So my concern is, here we have on ag lands we have limited the amount to which you can subdivide an ag parcel. So this is a parcel that we're now significantly further subdividing 'cause we're taking the 10-acre lot and dividing it into 56. So down the road as we're looking at things like Launiupoko, what's, what's the penalty if somebody in Launiupoko gets approval to subdivide and then bails on conditions? So this is a significant improvement to the value of the, you know, of that particular lot. I support the project totally. But, you know, if there's some way that we can make sure that everything is performed upon, then I think, you know, I'm comfortable with that. But if we can't come up with something that makes sense, I'm comfortable with that too. A USE COMMIEE MIUES Cnl f th Cnt f M

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CAI CAO: I ndrtnd r nrn, Mr. Wht, bt n rdr t pt, n, ntr n thr, n, pntn f th d nt fnh tht, t p th thn tbl nd I...tht nt th t thn t d.

COUCIMEME WIE: Wll, fr xpl th dvlpr prvdd th lt f th vl f h xptn, f r jt t f th dnt fll, f th dnt dvlp th prjt n rdn th th rprnttn d, th pl pnt th Cnt fr th vn tht r nrtd b th xptn. Crp. Cnl hv prbl th tht.

M. UEOKA: Chr, f I ?


M. UEOKA: I thn t r nd r pf nt th tp f thn, th tr ppltn ll b vr hllnn. r ntn, f th bld t th frt 0 nt, ll , thn thn hh prbbl nt hppn, th dnt fll th tr f rnt, th 0 h r lrd nd b prvt hnr, fr th nxt 8 I ld h th p , bt n, d hv t r tht ln t, ll th tp f thn ld hv t b ndrd.

COCIMEME WIE: I nt ln t th pnt n fr th vntl hnr, jt fr th dvlpr.

M. UEOKA: Oh n, I ndrtnd tht. It jt, d hv t r ll f th n t nd I nt r f.. .td b dfflt n t ntn dftn n 20.

COUCIMEME WIE: t fr th rrj v t n Crp. Cnl. ... (laughter)...

COUCIMEME ICOIO: ht xtl th tr, rrj, .

CAI CAO: Alrht, Mr. Ch?

COUCIMEME COUC: hn , Mr. Chr. And t nt h th dvlpr thv prvn thlv. Wht hppn f thn hppn nd th hv t ll th prjt fr htvr rn? hn t bd l n n nd th dd nt t b ht rprntd hr, hr r ? ht , tht bt fr, nd tht h I nn brn th p. h nd nxt ndtn.


CAI CAO: Y, M. ? Yll hv t ll n thr hn nt .

COUCIMEME AISA: I brnn fl th nxt t I hv t t t r d. Y n, th rll ntrtn dn, b I n ndrtnd th d bt b

8 A USE COMMIEE MIUES Council of the County of Maui

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rnrtn hh ld b rll hrd t dtrn b dnt n ht t ld b n r ht t ld b fv, x r fr n, t ht b vr dffrnt. S tht ht b dfflt, bt rl thr hr n r htr hv Mr. U nd I n M. d h bn rnd fr t hl, h nbd vr rnd r nt flflld th nd f tnt, nd ht tndrd nd ht d d hn bd dnt fll ndtn, d t t rt?

CAI CAO: M. d r Crprtn Cnl?

MS. IAO: I nnt rll n prjt tht t trtd nd ddnt t fnhd ndr th 20 r vn n ffrdbl hn prjt. A n, hv 20 prjt tht nvr t trtd, .. .bt I nt rll n prjt tht n th t trtd ddnt t pltd.

COUCIMEME AISA: Wht bt Mr. U? Wht r th vn tht r vlbl f bd dnt fll thrh nd flfll th ndtn tht, n, r pttn n th lnd?

M. UEOKA: I th flt th n. h nd dld ftr ht th Stt nd U Cn pt nt thr. And thr n r, thr n, th Stt nd U Cn lttl dffrnt th tll rnt trt ndr Andnt th th ttnt f th dnt nrll fll th.. .n rdn th thr rprnttn, th l thr Stt nd U trt Clftn. S r thht th lt thn t th ln r Stt nd U trt Clftn fr r prp ln r Mdfd Exptn, r Mdfd Exptn t. ht th ntntn bhnd th, bt , t r, dlv nt t nd tr t l t pplblt, I dnt n h th Stt nd U n r, I r f ndd t d th, I hp dnt hv t vr dl th th, t th t ld ht th vltn nd tr nd fr thn t.

COUCIMEME AISA: t thn ht I trn t pbl rthr thn n ht nn hppn, t ld b nd f ll prdn hr th Cnt ld , l ddnt d r thn n r n t hl n nd hv ll dn bt th nd hv t p r thn h t b dn. t n, I dnt n f n t dllr nt tht hh I r th Mbr Wht ld b th t t , v b th n b vd th nd ddnt rr thrh. t n, hn t.. .hn r t th tt hr ll th h r blt nd ll th nfrtrtr n, nd th ll p nd th l r p nd th ltrl r ntlld nd th tr thr, ht d d? I thn th nl vn hv t t rt nd t n t f bd fr nt flflln th ndtn, bt thn pnlz th hnr b n , r nn t r, r dntn n fr A t htvr, n ht I n? I thn t d lt nd dllr hrt. S I thn th rll th n, Mr. Chr, nd th tt xtl ht t tt nd f nn rft thn l thn I thn tht nthr ndrtn tht thr b nd f ll nn f dnt d th.


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CAI CAO: Mr. trn flld b Mr. Wht.

COUCIMEME ICOIO: Yh, nthr n d th nd v dn t n th pt th n thr bdvn t nr pf bnd pt n t hv ll th xptn, . I n, th h bn dn n th pt nd r r pnn, Mr. U, dnt t nrv. I nt tht rt t rt thn l tht rht ff th tp f th hd. I nt tht rr. O, th ll tht n nd n, n ...(laughter)... tp t. hr l nthr ptn f pttn bnd n hh ntl pltn f ll vn xptn tht bnd ll nt b rld. S tht nthr , bt I dnt n ht th dvlpr ld thn f tht. I n, I dnt nn n frvr n th rt f th d , n, I hpn t t th dn. t ht d thn f tht d, Mr. U?

M. UEOKA: If I , Mr. Chr? M nl ndrtndn bnd hv rrn t td th th. S tht ll I ld th dvlpr ht hv dfflt t brn th t nd pn th h ffrdbl. ht h bn th...bt tht p t fl.

COUCIMEME ICOIO: Wll, b n ll th dvlpr dn nd d.. . n, nd h tht pf tn, bt tht ld b nthr ptn, Mr. Chr, tht n nt lt f hn, nd b ht nd t d M. Crvll dn, l t th hl, th hl nd trt n t hn ln th th d r tln bt. h nt th t nd pl t n jr pn hn, bt I ld l t fnd t fr th dvlpr ht h thht f tht d nd th r prn f r.

CAI CAO: fr I d tht, Mr. Wht?

COUCIMEME WIE: hn , Chr. Y n, I frtbl lvn Mr. trn d hh I thn vld n nd r nrn tht v hrd p t th prtnt nd Crp. Cnl t r nt th hn rnt f, f tht, f tht ft. I dnt thn, I dnt thn hv th xprt r th t t rft thn tht, tht vld, bt t th t I thn f thr thr thn, rprnttn tht lrl nt flflld tht trl thn thr hld b pnlt fr tht, nd b vrthn ll t b dn M. d, b th t thn dntfd, thn I thn t pprprt tht t b fnnl. S bnd r. t I, I frtbl lvn t n th hnd f th prtnt nd th, nd Crp. Cnl t rft thn prt f th hn rnt f tht pprprt.

CAI CAO: If thr n bjtn, Ill ll th pplnt dn.


CAI CAO: Cld th pplnt pl frrd? Idntf rlf t th pd. Mr. trn, d nt t rtt r tn? A USE COMMIEE MIUES Cnl f th Cnt f M

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COUCIMEME ICOO: I thn , hrd tn. Y n, pfll bnd rltn t th vr xptn nd th fnnl pt th xptn ht hv.

M. SECE: Yh, h. Spnr n bhlf f ES Crp. Y, Mr. trn, tht prtlr bnd b ttll pbl t t. ndn pn rnt d t n thn l tht, nd f I n ddr t, n, n brdr l, nd I thn Mr. Wht brn p vld pnt hr th r f n dntrtv fntn b htvr r t, th vld rnt btn th Cnt nd th dvlpr. And l n thr rnt, f n prt vlt t hthr t th Cnt r , thr rd, n, fr tht. r ntn, th tlt ll n Kh, th Stt Cn brht th b, d, n, r rvn, n, r prt t dvlp tht b th r n vltn f thr ndtn. In th prtlr , f l t th xptn r ttn, thrh h tp f th pr, r ttn th xptn b r pln th th nd prt f th fntn, fr ntn, f n nd r nt dn ht rd t d n bl Wr d, bl Wr nt v r prt. If d thn tht lnnn v , lnnn nt v r prt. h nt n ff n r prt, th pln nd f ntl ln th th prjt. And prtl ttr, nd I ndrtnd r nrn 00 prnt, prtl ttr r ttn th pprvl, th r nfrn pln . If t n tp f th pr rnt pln, r Cnt brrt r nn pt tp t th prjt. ht nd th nfrnt, n, n hr. And th ln n hr vr lr t ht n SMA prt fr xpl, f dnt pl th r SMA prt, l r SMA prt. And v hd ttn n th pt hr v rvd lttr fr lnnn, , h r n vltn f Cndtn . 22, nd bttr fx t r r nn ftr . And th hr l n thr ttn n ll rltnhp hh ht r ntrn nt hr, thr r rd fr vltn f tht ll rltnhp. And tht, n, th bt I n nr tht, nd I n Mr. Ch , hv n ntntn f vltn th, bt f thn hppn, I ttll ndrtnd tht, ttll ndrtnd t.

CAI CAO: hn . An frthr tn fr th pplnt? Sn nn, n frthr dn t th tn n th flr?


CAI CAO: Mr. ?

COUCIMEME OKAMA: If I tn pl, nt f Mr. Spnr bt f b Mr. U n hlp t. I hrd Mr. Spnr rpn nd I hrd prt f th rlr dn fr ff, I r f ht th Ctt dn t th pnt n t, I ndrtnd tht nd I hrd Mr. Ch rlr nt I ndrtnd tht t. M tn thh, n, hn t , flr t dvlp prjt n rdn, nd thn th nt , ll, th Cnt n tp n prt. Shld thr b r r flr t pl, d hld th t ht tndrd, th tndrd tht p ndr th dfd xptn tndrd r d hld th t th tndrd f th ndrlnn znn nd lnd

6 A USE COMMIEE MIUES Cnl f th Cnt f M

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lftn? r nt hnn th Arltrl ndrln pnnt. S hh tndrd thn th hld t b th.. .ptntl nr f th vlt th pprvl, h, bd th bldn prt nd t frthr, ht d hld th.. .l n ht tndrd d hld th t, th rvd tndrd tht dptd b r r th ndrlnn tndrd f th rnl znn nd lnd lftn?

CAI CAO: Crprtn Cnl?

M. UEOKA: If I ndrtndn rrtl, f th r t vlt nd bfr r t rv th xptn fr th Mdfd Exptn t, th ld tll b bjt t th tndrd nldd n th rltn. Onl f th r t l thr dfd, n, th dfd xptn thn th ld b hld t th tndrd f th rnl znn, A, I n th .

COUCIMEME OKAMA: And I jt tht b th nd hlf f tht ntn , hll rrt n l f th xptn ntnd n th Mdfd Exptn t, nd tht h I n, d t thn t th ndrlnn b znn tndrd nd ndtn f ht prttd nd nt prttd nd tht pr r pr t t ht n th dfd rltn

M. UEOKA: Aftr...

COUCIMEME OKAMA: b th ht bn nt pld th.

M. UEOKA: Srr.

CAI CAO: Crprtn Cnl?

M. UEOKA: Aftr th...f th r...f thn r t hppn nd th r t l thr xptn ntnd n th lt thn , t ld b th ndrln znn, th A th ld nt hv th xptn fr A nr.

COUCIMEME OKAMA: And tht xtl ht th nd hlf f th ntn, rht, hll.

M. UEOKA: Crrt.

COUCIMEME OKAMA: Shll. O, I jt ntd t b lr, Cnlr. S, thn vr h fr tht lrftn. Chrn, thn vr h.

CAI CAO: hn . An frthr dn t th tn n th flr? Sn nn, ll n fvr, nf b n, "".


Sptbr 2, 20

CHAIR CARROLL: Opposed? Motion carried, seven ayes, two excused.

OE: AYES: Chr Crrll, Chr Gzn, nd Cnlbr , Ch, , trn, nd Wht.

OES: n.

ASAI: n.

ASE: n.

EC.: Cnlbr Chrn nd Crvll.






COUNCILMEMBER COUCH: I'd like to propose another condition on here or modification.

CHAIR CARROLL: That would be a modification.

COUNCILMEMBER COUCH: Yeah, yeah, modification. Sorry.


COUNCILMEMBER COUCH: Mr. Chair, we did in the last.. .any of the 201Hs that I've been involved in, we put a time limit as when to start and when to finish on these. I don't, again, I don't think there's gonna be an issue with these guys, but in case something happens, we don't want this thing out 15, 20 years sitting there. So I want to bring them up and find out when would be a good time, time window to allow them to start and finish and then make that a modification if we could.

CHAIR CARROLL: Any objection to calling up the applicant?

COUNCIL MEMBERS: No objections.

CHAIR CARROLL: Could the applicant please come forward? A USE COMMIEE MIUES Cnl f th Cnt f M

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MR. SPENCER: Thank you. I was conferring with my family members on this. So I would have no problem if we agree to something start within two years, complete within five of when we start construction. It's not going to happen in our case, but unless--Mr. Couch brings it up--if somebody else comes in --


MR. SPENCER: --you know, to give them a reasonable time, but we'd be very comfortable with those time limits.

COUNCILMEMBER COUCH: And I'm fine with that, Mr. Chair, like he says, his dad's probably out there as soon as we say okay, he's gonna be on the backhoe. I realize that.

CHAIR CARROLL: Would you state your motion, please?

COUNCILMEMBER COUCH: So I move to.. .the language is what we did the last time with the Kaiwahine.

MS. NAKATA: Mr. Chair, Staff has the Kaiwahine language. If you want to insert the two-year and five-year timeframes?


MS. NAKATA: Construction of the project shall begin within two years of the adoption of this resolution and be completed within five years. The time extension to the construction initiation date shall be considered by the Council upon timely receipt of a request for time extension at least 90 days prior to the expiration of the initial construction start date.

COUNCILMEMBER COUCH: That's my motion.


CHAIR CARROLL: It's been moved and seconded by Mr. Victorino. Discussion? Mister ...oh, excuse me.

COUNCILMEMBER COUCH: Just, just real quickly, where she says, two years from the, from the passing of this resolution to five years, can we add from the start of construction to give 'em five years to construct? That was my intent. Okay.

COUNCILMEMBER VICTORINO: But that's not what... (inaudible). ..

CHAIR CARROLL: Okay, Mr. White?

COUNCILMEMBER WHITE: The seconder seems to have a concern about that.

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COUNCILMEMBER VICTORINO: Yeah, yeah, 'cause that's not what she just read. So we're changing. I wanna know what that change means because Kaiwahine was totally different. It wasn't two years and then five years to complete, not from start of construction, right?


COUNCILMEMBER VICTORINO: So you're changing the motion from what she read?

COUNCILMEMBER COUCH: Yeah, that's what I mentioned. Wanted to amend it to allow...

COUNCILMEMBER VICTORINO: You didn't say, amend, you said...you know...

COUNCILMEMBER COUCH: You can't just change.. .modify.

COUNCILMEMBER VICTORINO: Do it on the fly, that's what I'm trying to say just so that, you know, we don't have one version being read and another version being...so what you're saying is five years to complete or five years after they start construction?

COUNCILMEMBER COUCH: Five years after they start.

CHAIR CARROLL: And we will be restating the motion before we take a vote.

COUNCILMEMBER VICTORINO: Yeah, it should be yeah, corrected, 'cause I don't think


CHAIR CARROLL: Yeah, we'll be restating the motion before we call for the question.


CHAIR CARROLL: Alright, any other further discussion before I have her read it back? Mr. White?

COUNCILMEMBER WHITE: She can go ahead and read it.


COUNCILMEMBER WHITE: Go ahead and have her read it.

CHAIR CARROLL: Oh, okay. Ms. Nakata, could you please read that?

MS. NAKATA: Construction of the project shall begin within five years of the adoption of this resolution and be completed within five year...excuse me, let me start over. Construction of the project shall begin within two years of the adoption of this resolution and be completed within

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fv r f th trt f ntrtn. A t xtnn t th ntrtn nttn dt hll b ndrd b th Cnl pn tl rpt f rt fr t xtnn t lt 0 d prr t th xprtn f th ntl ntrtn trt dt.

CAI CAO: And thr prdnt fr th b hv d th bfr. An frthr dn t th tn n th flr? Mr. Wht?

COUCIMEME WIE: hn , Chr. I, I nrll n fvr f bn lttl r nr th th tfr. r , t t th z f prjt thrh th prttn nd vrthn l nt l vr . S I ld prfr tht hn th ntl trt dt t thr r fr p f th rltn ppd t t, bt I jt tn frndl ndnt t b lttl, lttl r nr.

COUCIMEME COUC: Wld thr b n bjtn t th Mbr t hnn t t thr r? Mr. Wht n fr frndl ndnt.


COUCIMEME ICOIO: I ld l t, Id l t f th r f th tn ld thdr, thdr t, I ld rthr t hn fr t r ftr fnl prttn h bn pltd. In thr rd, f th prttn pr ht hld p lt f ppl hh ll n h bn hlln, tht th nt b pnlzd f thv dn ll thr prttn nd t ttn n d. Althh Mr. Gd h rd tht dnt hppn nr, bt n, I thn th , th , n, vr prtnt, Mr. Chr. I n th nd l n ff n tnnt, n, f th dnt t thr prt nd thr t n 2 nth th tt rnnn n, fr n xtnn, tht ltt xtr r fr th ppl. S tht thnn If r tln bt prttn, thn n, lt t t ftr th fnl prt h bn pprvd fr th bdvn.

CAI CAO: I thn tht n f th rn n fr lnr t prd t ddr ht r tln bt bt. Mr. Ch?

COUCIMEME COUC: Mr. Chr, I ndrtnd ht Mr. trn n nd I, I prtt h th t xpt fr th ft tht hn , fnl prttn, n, th lt h th fnl prt. Y n, f th bld 4.. . hv t b vr rfl th tht ln. I n th ht Mr. Wht , b thr r r thn nh. I n t l t fr th 40 h tht th blt, I dnt hv prbl th hnn th t r t thr r nd tht hld b...

CAI CAO: h thr r lt lnr.


CAI CAO: Mr. ?

66 A USE COMMIEE MIUES Council of the County of Maui

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COUCIMEME OKAMA: Chrn, Ill lv t t lrnd ll t dd ht ln nt fr th l. M nrn r bt th th r pn, h r nn ddr th prn f th nt? I t.. .hll .. . t.. .hld l pt t prt f th tthnt f dftn t th r, Chrn r...I n, I n tl bt th Affrdbl n Arnt, bt tht nt bfr nd tht nt ht I t t fr pprvl td. And fr , I r Spnr ntt ld l t d t l pbl thv rd t lln pr r pnnt nd th nr th n dlvr t thr bnft. And I thnn, n, r tln bt thr r, bt I r th ld l thr prt n thr nth f th ld t t n v pprvl. S, fr I r nrnd bt tn f ttn th tl h blt nd th pr t nn b ld t th rdnt f th Cnt. ht f r f nrn th th, th prpd ndrtn, Chrn.

CAI CAO: hn , Mr. . rthr dn? Alrht, hv th tn n th flr. nt tht rd n? Evrbd lr n tht?

COUCIMEME ICOIO: t bn ndd t thr r?


CAI CAO: O, ld pl rd tht tn n r t?


CAI CAO: Or r prpn...

COUCIMEME COUC: I th th frndl. If h d fr frndl, I fn th tht f vrbd l , t thr.

CAI CAO: hr, . S tht ptbl, thr r?

COUCIMEME OKAMA: Id rthr vt n th t, Chrn, b I pprt t.


COUCIMEME OKAMA: I nt t nr, thn ltr.

CAI CAO: Alrht, d nt th tn rd n th th thr r nd thr?


CAI CAO: Evrbd ndrtnd th tn? A USE COMMIEE MIUES Council of the County of Maui

Sptbr 2, 20


COUNCILMEMBER HOKAMA: We go with the motion on the floor, Chair.

COUNCILMEMBER COUCH: He wants to go with the motion on the floor. So he objected to the friendly amendment, and there is no amendment being moved, so...

COUNCILMEMBER HOKAMA: So it's two and five.

COUNCILMEMBER COUCH: So it's two and five as...


COUNCILMEMBER COUCH: It's two and five as it stands. The friendly --

COUNCILMEMBER HOKAMA: The current motion...

COUNCILMEMBER COUCH: --yeah, the friendly amendment wasn't agreed upon.

CHAIR CARROLL: Alright, will you withdraw your motion then? Or you're just going to...

COUNCILMEMBER HOKAMA: The amendment is not being proposed, Chairman. So we just go with the motion as Mr. Couch recommended.

CHAIR CARROLL: Alright, so it's remaining at two years, the original motion. Further discussion? Seeing none, all in favor of the motion on the floor, signify by saying, "aye".


CHAIR CARROLL: Opposed? Motion carried, seven ayes, two excused. And that would be No. 9.


CHAIR CARROLL: And it's not on your paper obviously because that's new.

OE: AYES: Chr Crrll, Chr Gzn, nd Cnlbr , Ch, , trn, nd Wht.

OES: n.

ASAI: n.

ASE: n. A USE COMMIEE MIUES Cnl f th Cnt f M

Sptbr 2, 20

EC.: Cnlbr Chrn nd Crvll.



CHAIR CARROLL: Alright, Members, moving along. In your worksheets over here, you have Exhibit 2, Waikapu Gardens, Phase II, Affordable Housing Subdivision, Modified Exemptions Pursuant to Section 201H-38, Hawaii Revised Statutes. Exemption from Title 2, Maui County Code, MCC, Administration and Personnel. A. under A, we have an exemption from Chapter 2.80B, MCC, General Plan and Community Plans, shall be granted to permit the project to proceed without obtaining a community plan amendment. No. 2. An exemption from Section 2.80B.030, MCC, incorporating by reference Exhibit "B" to Chapter 2.80B, MCC, "The Maui Island Plan" shall be granted to exempt the project from the Protected Area designation of Preservation for the property.

VICE-CHAIR GUZMAN: So moved. So moved.


CHAIR CARROLL: It's been moved by Mr. Guzman, seconded by Mr. Victorino. Discussion? Mr. Couch?

COLTNCILMEMBER COUCH: Thank you, Mr. Chair. Just a point of clarification and I just wanted to be double sure, that one, that one...the project is one single lot as, as we speak right now. There's not a portion of a lot or anything else, is that correct?


COUNCILMEMBER COUCH: Okay. That's all. I just wanna make sure.

CHAIR CARROLL: Any further discussion to the motion on the floor? Hearing none, all in favor of the motion, signify by saying, "aye".


CHAIR CARROLL: Opposed? Motion carried, seven ayes, two excused.

OE: AYES: Chr Crrll, Chr Gzn, nd Cnlbr l, Ch, , trn, nd Wht.

OES: n.

ASAI: n.

- 69 - A USE COMMIEE MIUES Cnl f th Cnt f M

Sptbr 2, 20

ASE: n.

EC.: Cnlbr Chrn nd Crvll.



CHAIR CARROLL: B. Exemptions From Title 12, MCC, Streets, Sidewalks, and Public Places. 1. An exemption from Chapter 12.08, MCC, Driveways, shall be granted to exempt the project from driveway permit fees and inspection fees.



CHAIR CARROLL: It's been moved by Mr. Guzman, seconded by Mr. Victorino. Discussion? Hearing none, all in favor of the motion, signify by saying, "aye".


CHAIR CARROLL: Opposed? Motion carried, seven ayes, two excused.

OE: AYES: Chr Crrll, Chr Gzn, nd Cnlbr l, Ch, , trn, nd Wht.

OES: n.

ASAI: n.

ASE: n.

EC.: Cnlbr Chrn nd Crvll.



CHAIR CARROLL: C. Exemptions From Title 14, MCC, Public Services. No. 1. An exemption from Chapter 14.35, MCC, Wastewater Assessment Fees for Facility Expansion for the Wailuku/Kahului Wastewater Treatment System, shall be granted to exempt the project from wastewater assessment fees. No. 2. An exemption from Chapter 14.12, MCC, Water Availability, shall be punted to exempt the project from the County's Water Availability Policy.

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CAI CAO: It bn vd b Mr. Gzn, ndd b Mr. trn. n?


CAI CAO: Mr. ?

COUCIMEME OKAMA: Sn r nn t th C nd 2 tthr, I nn vt n n th...r n . 2. At th pnt n t I thn vr prjt hld nt b xptd fr th Cnt Wtr l, nd I nn vt rdnl t th, t th Ctt lvl rrdn th, nd tht jt , prnl ptn, Chrn. hn .

CAI CAO: Mr. Ch?

COUCIMEME COUC: hn , Mr. Chr. Mr. U, th tr, Chptr 4.2, M Cnt Cd, Wtr Avlblt, I thht 00 prnt ffrdbl lrd xpt?


M. UEOKA: It . W jt ntd t b bltl 00 prnt lr. hn .

CAI CAO: Y, thr lrd th xptn.

COUCIMEME COUC: t r xptn th fr n xptn. S d tht t ll f ddn nt n xptn nr? I dnt n, dbl ntv nd f thn?



CAI CAO: An frthr dn t th tn n th flr? Sn nn, ll n fvr f th tn nf b n, "".


CAI CAO: Oppd?


CAI CAO: Sx , n n, t xd. Mtn p.


Sptbr 2, 20

OE: AYES: Chr Crrll, Chr Gzn, nd Cnlbr , Ch, trn, nd Wht.

OES: Cnlbr .

ASAI: n.

ASE: n.

EC.: Cnlbr Chrn nd Crvll.



CHAIR CARROLL: D. Exemption From Title 16, MCC, Buildings and Construction. Exemptions from MCC Chapters 16.04B, Fire Code, 16.18B, Electrical Code, 16.20B, Plumbing Code, and 16.26B, Building Code, shall be granted to exempt the project from fire, electrical, plumbing, and building permit fees, as well as inspection fees.



CHAIR CARROLL: It's been moved by Mr. Guzman, seconded by Mr. Victorino. Discussion? Mr. Couch?

COUNCILMEMBER COUCH: Thank you, Mr. Chair And Mr. Ueoka, just to make sure we're clear that we're talking about and maybe it's just the wording, we're talking about fire fees, electrical fees, plumbing fees, and building permit fees? We're not talking about all the Fire Code? They're not exempt from the whole Fire Code?

CHAIR CARROLL: No. I can answer that.

COUNCILMEMBER COUCH: Are there fire fees?


MR. UEOKA: Yes, there are certain fees related to fire inspection and that type of thing

COUNCILMEMBER COUCH: Okay, so this is just relating to the fees not the whole Code?


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CHAIR CARROLL: Any further discussion? Seeing none, all in favor of the motion, signify by saying, "aye".


CHAIR CARROLL: Opposed? Motion carries, seven ayes and two excused.

OE: AYES: Chr Crrll, Chr Gzn, nd Cnlbr , Ch, , trn, nd Wht.

OES: n.

ASAI: n.

ASE: n.

EC.: Cnlbr Chrn nd Crvll.



CHAIR CARROLL: E. Exemptions from Title 18, MCC, Subdivisions. No. 1. An exemption from Section 18.20.020, MCC, Sewage Disposal, relating to sewer lateral connections for residences, shall be granted to allow for the use of double laterals instead of single laterals to the single-family homes. Exemptions from Section 18.04.030, MCC, Administration, and Section 18.16.020, MCC, Compliance, shall be granted to exempt the project from obtaining a community plan amendment, a change of zoning, and a change in State land use classification. No. 3. The urban standards relating to curbs, gutters, and sidewalks shall not be imposed on the project as may be required under Sections 18.20.040, 18.20.070, 18.20.080, and 16.26B.3600, MCC, for the portions adjacent to Waiale and East Waiko Roads. The project shall not be exempt from requirements related to drainage, road widening, and undergrounding of overall...overhead utilities. The portions of the project adjacent to Waiale and East Waiko Roads shall be subject to the standards set forth in Exhibit 2-A, attached hereto and by reference incorporated herein.



Sptbr 2, 20

CHAIR CARROLL: It's been moved by Mr. Guzman, seconded by Mr. Victorino. Discussion? Mr. Hokama?

COUNCILMEMBER HOKAMA: Chairman, like the other consideration, I don't support No. 3, so at this level I'm gonna vote no on this motion. Thank you.

CHAIR CARROLL: Any further discussion to the motion on the floor? Mr. Guzman?

VICE-CHAIR GUZMAN: Thank you, Chair. I also have great concern with No. 3, the sidewalks, and the gutters, and curbs. I am in support of 1 and 2, but No. 3, I have a.. .I'm very torn in voting for that, No. 3.

COUNCILMEMBER COUCH: Short recess, Mr. Chair


COUNCILMEMBER COUCH: Short recess. Procedural matter.

CHAIR CARROLL: We will take a two-minute recess. We stand in recess. . . . (gavel). . .

RECESS: 2:27 p.m.

RECONVENE: 2:29 p.m.

CHAIR CARROLL: . . . (gavel). . . This Land Use Committee is now back in session. Mr. Couch?

COUNCILMEMBER COUCH: Mr. Chair, I would request that we separate those three into three separate votes, please?

CHAIR CARROLL: Alright, if there's no objection, we'll separate.. .is it all right to put 1 and 2 separate?



COUNCIL MEMBERS: No objections.

CHAIR CARROLL: --we will consider in E, 1 and 2 in, in the motion. We will not be considering 3. Any objection?

COUNCIL MEMBERS: No objections. A USE COMMIEE MIUES Cnl f th Cnt f M

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CHAIR CARROLL: Alright, any further discussion on 1 and 2? Hearing none, all those in favor of the motion, signify by saying, "aye".


CHAIR CARROLL: Opposed? Motion carried, seven ayes, two excused.

OE: AYES: Chr Crrll, Chr Gzn, nd Cnlbr , Ch, , trn, nd Wht.

OES: n.

ASAI: n.

ASE: n.

EC.: Cnlbr Chrn nd Crvll.



CHAIR CARROLL: I will restate Exemptions from Title 18, MCC, Subdivisions, No. 3. The urban standards relating to curbs, gutters, and sidewalks shall not be imposed on the project as may be required under Sections 18.20.040, 18.20.070, 18.20.080, and 16.26B.3600, MCC for the portions adjacent to Waiale and East Waiko Roads. The project shall not be exempt from requirements relating to drainage, road widening, and underground...undergrounding of overhead utilities. The portions of the project adjacent to Waiale and East Waiko Roads shall be subject to the standards set forth in Exhibit 2-A, hereto, attached hereto and by reference incorporated herein.



CHAIR CARROLL: It's been moved by Mr. Couch, seconded by Mr. Victorino. Discussion? Hearing no discussion, all in favor of the motion, signify by saying, "aye".



VICE-CHAIR GUZMAN: No. A USE COMMIEE MIUES Council of the County of Maui

Sptbr 2, 20


CHAIR CARROLL: That was two noes?


CHAIR CARROLL: Alright. We have five ayes, two noes, two excused. Motion passes.

OE: AYES: Chr Crrll, nd Cnlbr l, Ch, trn, nd Wht.

OES: Chr Gzn nd Cnlbr .

ASAI: n.

ASE: n.

EC.: Cnlbr Chrn nd Crvll.



CHAIR CARROLL: F. Exemption from Title 19, MCC, Zoning. Exemption from Chapter 19.30A, MCC, Agricultural Districts, shall be granted to permit the development and use of the subject parcel for single-family residential purposes. Further, this exemption shall allow the subdivision of the property in the plat configuration shown in Appendix C of the application, as modified by Exhibit 1-A hereto. The following zoning standards shall apply to the proposed residential lots: Minimum size: 5,000 square feet. Height: No building shall exceed two stories or 30 feet in height. Setback: Front yard, minimum 15 feet; garage, minimum 20 feet; one-story homes, minimum 6 feet; two-story homes, side and rear, minimum 10 feet. That is the motion...that is, I'm requesting.



CHAIR CARROLL: Mr. Guzman, and seconded by Mr. Victorino. Discussion? Seeing none, all in favor of the motion, please signify by saying, "aye".


CHAIR CARROLL: Opposed? Motion carried, seven ayes, two excused, no noes. A USE COMMIEE MIUES Council of the County of Maui

Sptbr 2, 20

OE: AYES: Chr Crrll, Chr Gzn, nd Cnlbr , Ch, , trn, nd Wht.

OES: n.

ASAI: n.

ASE: n.

EC.: Cnlbr Chrn nd Crvll.



CHAIR CARROLL: G. Exemptions From Title 20, MCC, Environmental Protection. 1. An exemption from Section 20.08.090, MCC, Grubbing and Grading Permit Fees, shall be granted to exempt the project from grubbing, grading, and permit fees, as well as inspection fees.



CHAIR CARROLL: It's been moved by Mr. Guzman, seconded by Mr. Victorino. Discussion? All those in favor of the motion, please signify by saying, "aye".


CHAIR CARROLL: Opposed? Motion carried, seven ayes, two excused.

OE: AYES: Chr Crrll, Chr Gzn, nd Cnlbr , Ch, , trn, nd Wht.

OES: n.

ASAI: n.

ASE: n.

EC.: Cnlbr Chrn nd Crvll.



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CHAIR CARROLL: H. Exemptions From 30.. .excuse me, Exemptions From 302A Through 1601 Through 302A Through 1612, Hawaii Revised Statutes, HRS. An exemption from Sections 302A-1601 through 302A through 1612, HRS, State Department of Education School Impact Fees, shall be granted to exempt this project from State DOE and school impact fees.



CHAIR CARROLL: It's been moved by Mr. Guzman, seconded by Mr. Victorino. Discussion? Mr. Hokama?

COUNCILMEMBER HOKAMA: Chairman, I won't support this motion. Thank you.

CHAIR CARROLL: Any further discussion? Seeing none, all in favor of the motion, please signify by saying, "aye"




CHAIR CARROLL: We have six ayes, one no, two excused.

OE: AYES: Chr Crrll, Chr Gzn, nd Cnlbr , Ch, trn, nd Wht.

OES: Cnlbr .

ASAI: n.

ASE: n.

EC.: Cnlbr Chrn nd Crvll.



CHAIR CARROLL: I. Exemptions from Chapter 19.68, MCC, and Chapter 205, HRS. An exemption from Chapter 19.68, MCC, and Chapter 205, HRS, shall be granted to exempt the project from obtaining a State Land Use District Boundary Amendment.

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CAI CAO: It bn vd b Mr. Gzn, ndd b Mr. trn. n? Sn nn, ll n fvr f th tn, pl nf b n, "".


CAI CAO: hn .

OE: AYES: Chr Crrll, Chr Gzn, nd Cnlbr , Ch, , trn, nd Wht.

OES: n.

ASAI: n.

ASE: n.

EC.: Cnlbr Chrn nd Crvll.



CAI CAO: Mbr, hv t th nd f tht lt. I thr n frthr dn r tn t b d fr th flr? Sn nn, th Chr ld v h rndtn.


CAI CAO: h Chr ld ntrtn tn t rnd dptn f th rvd prpd rltn dtrbtd t th tn td nttld, AOIG WI MOIICAIOS E WAIKAU GAES ASE II USUA O SECIO 208, AWAII EISE SAUES, nrprtn n ndnt nd nnbtntv rvn nd fln f th thr t prpd rltn.



CAI CAO: It bn vd b Mr. Gzn, ndd b Mr. trn. n? M. , I tht t.

A USE COMMIEE MIUES Council of the County of Maui

Sptbr 2, 20

COUCIMEME AISA: hn vr h, Chr. I trn t b t n rnr, nd n, nl p hn t nr, bt I thn th th nt tht I nn b ntd. I nn tht I n fll pprt f vn th frrd. It vr xtn d fr . Y n, th r tht Mr. trn nd I t th Cnl, th ntr f th ltn ffrdbl hn. Evrbd rll hppd p n ffrdbl hn, nd tht h ntnd n th lt lt vn r tht v bn hr, nd t v rt plr t b bl t v n prjt tht n t hlp ffrdbl hn fr r rn fl. Y n, t vr thn t , n, ftn p bt th n Cnl, bt t nt ftn tht tll hv ppl tht r nn b bnfr r pbl bnfr nd p n pprt nd hr th thr rh fr hn. And th r ppl n r nt tht r vr, vr prtnt t r ft nd r llbn f r nt nd t nd f...rb r hrt t ltn t th , n, I hrdrn pl n, I hrdrn nr, I hv fl, nd I nt t pl t lv b th nt th Arn dr, th nt p f th r, nd th nt t ll t thr n, nd thr lln t r hrd t t t. And t...t rt nt fr t b bl t pprt thn tht ll tht hppn fr bt 6 ppl, 6 fl. And I jt ntd t , pprtn t fr brnn th frrd, pprtn t ll fr ll th dfflt dn tht n ln t th nd f ppltn. It nt pl, nn f nt t v xptn b ll n tht vr t v n xptn, t n n l h t p t p, bt nt tht ht nt ll bt? I hlp , hlp , nd ll bnft n th nd. W hv bttr nt. pl tht dnt hv pl t lv rr lt r hlp, n, t, th fl tht r.. .hv nhr t lv nd thn hv t prvd ll nd f rv n rdr t t r f th. S fr , bn bl t pprv n ffrdbl hn prjt, nd t nt 00 prnt ndrfl, bt th d tht r hlpn ppl t h t ndrfl. S I nt t thn th Spnr fr thr prpl, nd I ll b pprtn th. hn .

CAI CAO: hn , M. . Mr. Ch?

COCIMEME COUC: hn , Mr. Chr I, t, pprt th prjt. Iv rd th th fl bfr n th thr nd, nd th d prtt d jb t ttn ffrdbl hn n. I d hv nrn, hvr, tht I jt nn r tht vrthn n th p...nt n th p nd p, tht thr lrd th vrthn. I nt r, bt I thn thr n th SMA trt, nd t v th n xptn fr n SMA nd EA. I nt r. I thn nn h th rtr Gd.

CAI CAO: Mr. Ch, nl th lnnn Cn ntrl f SMA.

COUCIMEME COUC: I ndrtnd tht, bt f dnt v th th xptn thn thr nn hv t thrh th SMA.

UIEIIE SEAKE: W nnt v xptn. A USE COMMIEE MIUES Cnl f th Cnt f M

Sptbr 2, 20

COUNCILMEMBER COUCH: And the EA. It's 205. We can give 'em the exemptions from 205. Yes, we can. We just did 205 right now.

COUNCILMEMBER VICTORINO: Hurry up, Ueoka, please go tell him

CHAIR CARROLL: I would, I would ask Corporation Counsel and Ms. Ridao on that...on your comments.

MR. UEOKA: Mr Chair, I believe the applicant is comfortable with the exemptions requested.


CHAIR CARROLL: Any further discussion to the motion on the floor? Mr. Victorino?

COUNCILMEMBER VICTORINO: Thank you, and first of all, I wanna thank my colleagues upfront for tolerating my passion with this 100 percent affordable housing. I mean, this is the first time we've had 100 percent. We've had a lot of people talk about it. Kaiwahine is still talked about, but I don't see a piece of dirt moved. Kahoma has been talked about, I don't see a piece of dirt moved. And I'll guarantee you, Jesse is going to be out there tomorrow moving some dirt just because we said this. It may not be applicable, but I know that that's their style, but you know, and this is what the community wanted. This was scrutinized by the community. I was at that passionate meeting that the community said no to commercial, but yes to affordable housing because most of them have benefited from affordable housing. And so they listened, they made the modifications, they came back with a plan, now with eight additional affordable houses versus what they had originally committed to 48 with no commercial entity in there. So that takes care of traffic, takes care of a number of things that, you know, really I think was very beneficial to the community of Waikapu, especially the old community. On the other things about the graveyard and all the other...the easement, the setbacks, the height restrictions, they've agreed to all of this. You know, we've given them exemptions, but we've also given that to other projects who have not started. So I hope that we do not forget that these projects gave us timeframes and some of them are coming up pretty soon. I'd like to see what they gonna...if when and if they come running in to tell us, hey, we need more time or what's going on. So I'm going to ask Ms. Ridao to start looking at some of these and reporting back to us because the two-year for Kaiwahine is coming pretty close. We're not very far, you know, and that's South Maui, that's Mr. Couch's district, but still we approved it and we put that, that caveat in that two- year, that condition. So those modifications, I don't want 'em get lost in the shuffle 'cause we made these guys go through a bunch of hoops. I wanna make sure everybody else has. But I wanna thank the Spencers for tolerating and, and really cooperating more than anything else with the community, with this Council to bring forward what I call affordable housing for, like Ms. Baisa said, the fire, the police, the ones who work at hotels that live in Napili and wish that something up in Napili would happen like this, unfortunately it hasn't, but maybe one day we can have somebody out in Napili do something like this or on West Maui, a true affordable housing project on West Maui which is been long waited. I think the last time was Mahinahina. That's the last one. And I was pretty young when that one went in. So, you know, it's been a

8 A USE COMMIEE MIUES Cnl f th Cnt f M

Sptbr 2, 20

ln t nd I xtd, n, pt ll th ndtn. I, I, n, I rpt ll fr hh th vtd n dffrnt hvr, I thn th n t b th h f trtn ffrdbl hn. I thn th nl thn I h ld d pt rtrtn hr t ld t ffrdbl nd nt ftr 0 r r htvr, b, th n b ld t .. .t fr rt pr, n, tht, tht th nl thn And vn hn I t th Wp Cnt Atn nd tht brht p, lt f ntv p fr ppl l h, h ll th? Wr td. Y n, f d t h th fnnl ntttn fht . If d t lttl, thn , n, txpr n r v ll th xptn, hh txpr n nd thn l t, n. S t n f th d f I dnt nd dnd f I dd, n, t th pnt n t, I thn, n, I n pprt th, nd I hp ll pprt t. I thn th frt tp nd hpfll ll t r ffrdbl hn n n n th nr ftr. pfll, Kll nd ll th thr n tht hv pt b n n t d th ffrdbl hn ll t frtn. Y n, I hpp t prtt n n Snd ll ll hv r frt ffrdbl trtr th tx rdt nd Cnt n, n, nd I ln frrd t tht, bt n, t bn ln frrd fr ln tht I t lt r r hr nd f r pnd nd Id l nt t hv tht hppn n. hn , Mr. Chr.

CAI CAO: Mr. Gzn flld b Mr. .

ICECAI GUMA: hn , Chr. I l ld l t h th ntnt f ll ll bn hnrd t b n th Cnl t p frrd htrl nt n prntn 00 prnt ffrdbl hn b prvt ntt. I thn t thn tht ll prt ntrtd rd tthr. It hd d lltn n tr f ltnn t th ppl nd th nt, nd th nd rlt hlpn rn fl th ffrdbl h, vn thh thr r , dffrnt ntrt n f th Cnl vtd n. I, prtlr, n th dl nd th pdtrn, b, th nd rlt nn nd I vr tfd nd I nd th Spnr fr n frrd nd hvn th rht ptn t t th n nd l frrd t ftr ffrdbl hn. hn .

CAI CAO: hn , Mr. Gzn. Mr. ?

COUCIMEME OKAMA: Chrn, Ill trt ff b n I ll b pn n pprt f r tn, bt I d hv n tn I ld l t b lld t t th rtr f ld ll, Chrn?

CAI CAO: rd.

COUCIMEME OKAMA: hn . Y n, th Mr. trn nt, I jt nn d fllp b I thht Mdftn . tht tht n f th r nn ddr th ntnd ffrdblt f nt n th ftr. S ld t b ndrtndn n th Ctt prt th ftrnn tht Mdftn . ll nt ddr th nrn tht I hr th Mr. trn n ntnn ffrdblt f th lt vn A USE COMMIEE MIUES Cnl f th Cnt f M

Sptbr 2, 20

pn th rl? Y n, I ln t Mdftn . hr th nd ntn d, pplnt hll rll th nt t ffrdbl pr thn ffrdbl hn rtrtn.

CAI CAO: Crprtn Cnl r M. d, hvr h.

M. UEOKA: Yh, Mr. Chr, tht tpll...h, f th ffrdbl hn rtrtn nt t drn th ffrdbl prd thn t t rld t ffrdbl hn...hn pr, bt f t pd th llttd t prd thn t n b ld t rt pr.

COUCIMEME OKAMA: And tht t prd ll b t n th Affrdbl n Arnt?

M. UEOKA: Y, r.

COUCIMEME OKAMA: S tht tll ntbl?


COUCIMEME OKAMA: hn I thn v hrd f th nrn f th Ctt bt ntnn ffrdblt pn vn th rl, nd tht I thn thn tht hld t nt r nt drtv fr th Ctt tht tht fr ntnn ffrdblt n th rl.

M. UEOKA: Yh, I thn ndrtnd. Wll l fr dn n th ftr.

COUCIMEME OKAMA: O, thn . hn vr h. Y n, Chrn, n, pn nt ffrdbl hn pll 00 prnt l pn nt r thr, nd tht lt, I n, tht vrn h n nn. And frt, I l Mr. trn, n, I nnt rll nthr 00 prnt prjt f th ntr. I n, v hd prnt, fr b 0 prnt, bt 00 prnt, n, t rrt nd I pprt th pprtnt fr t dn th ftrnn n t. And hl I pprt t, Chrn, I jt nn tht, n, l thr nd ffrdbl hn, I tll thn thh ll, t prtnt tll nd t thn bt th pl tht t frth tht t ptd. Y n, rd hrd t rt n Arltrl lnd pl nd ldn l f h Arltrl lt r t b bdvdd n th ftr. O, r vn n xptn hr. Undr Chr rd hrd n Gnrl ln nd th ln f Gnrl ln, th Ilnd ln nd hr r td, vn xptn. And I dnt hv prbl th l f xptn t v frth rtn thn, bt I prn t th pnt tht xptn rdn t th tn nd ttn rth fr ndrtn, nd I hp tht, n, hn thr prt f th pln p fr ndrtn tht Cnl ld ntn t rbr tht t pln nd xptn r nn v td tht xptd fr thn tht r rth fr ndrtn, Chrn, nd th pln tht, xtl tht, pln. It nt t n nrt nd I jt nn t lr td tht th ht r dn. Wv vn xptn t pl hv rd hrd n t t p b Cd, rdnn, rltn, bt

8 A USE COMMIEE MIUES Cnl f th Cnt f M

Sptbr 2, 20

found this project worthy enough to consider it and more than likely will be granted. So you know, to me, we just proving the point that even the plan is not set in stone. It can be modified for proper consideration. Thank you, Chairman.

CHAIR CARROLL: Any further discussion to the motion on the floor? Before I call for the vote, I will just say that I'd like to thank all the Members for their participation and all of the things that Mr. Hokama brought and everybody else brought up, and the concerns, myself, and I'm sure, Ms. Ridao will be considering all these when we have another one and we will attempt to address these concerns so.. .because they are necessary. It's difficult, and some of them we might have to address by referring to Committees but we will do everything we can, and I will call for the question.

COUNCILMEMBER HOKAMA: Chairman, one last comment?

CHAIR CARROLL: Yes, Mr. Hokama

COUNCILMEMBER HOKAMA: I would ask for you to consider as our Chairman in the Committee Report to consider placing language that, I would like us to consider putting and codifying the standards particularly from this type of resolution. So there's someplace we can go and know we can look at to find the specific standards and exemptions given to specific projects, because I think it's gonna be helpful to multiple departments and potentially the Council itself as we move forward, at least I think it's a better step forward, Chairman, and I would ask for your consideration in the Committee Report to place language that that is something we might wanna pursue and maybe even refer that subject to the more appropriate Committee. Thank you, Chairman.

CHAIR CARROLL: Thank you. Any further discussion? Mr. Couch?

COUNCILMEMBER COUCH: Sorry, Mr. Chair. You know, along with what Mr. Hokama said as far as this process, I would also like to see if we can get some sort of communication back to our State Legislature, give us a little more time to deal with this. We've had to rush this through. Fortunately this was a really clean project. Didn't have much to change on it. We just had to discuss it a little bit, but when it gets to be one that might be a little more controversial or not as clean, we're up against it already. So, you know, we've said this before at Kaiwahine, we've said this before at the Kahoma, can we send a letter to the State Legislature saying please give us at least 60 days, but we would like 90 days, not this 45-day thing. I know we do it every time, and I think if we keep beating at 'em they might finally back down, but this, fortunately for this one, it was clean, but if it wasn't, we'd be going till late at night and all kinds of stuff and maybe not getting it done to the detriment of maybe getting some good affordable housing. So thank you.

CHAIR CARROLL: We will, we will do everything we can. Any further questions? A USE COMMIEE MIUES Council of the County of Maui

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COUCIMEME ICOIO: t h tn, Mr. Chr, f dnt nd, I jt ntd n lrftn, n, I d Kh n xbrn, xbrnt nnr, bt tt ndrtnd Kh hld p b th nd U, Stt nd U. h nt nd d n, nd ...(inaudible)... hn th hd t thrh th hl rrl nd thn th fnll b nd d n, r rht n rntn th xptn. S n, t, r rt n th Stt nd t th nd U, bt tht nthr tr. t I dnt nn pt Khn nd Kh n th ntn, n, tht rll t dffrnt nl. Khn dd nt thrh th , hlln. S, n, I plz fr tht t I dnt nt th ppl t Kh dvlpnt t fl bd tht, n, I pntn th t t rll nt ll thr flt.

CAI CAO: hn , Mr. trn. All th n fvr f th tn n th flr, pl nf b n, "".


CAI CAO: Oppd? Mtn rrd, vn , t xd, n n.

OE: AYES: Chr Crrll, Chr Gzn, nd Cnlbr , Ch, , trn, nd Wht.

OES: n.

ASAI: n.

ASE: n.

EC.: Cnlbr Chrn nd Crvll.


ACIO: AOIO f rvd rltn t pprv th dftn th prpd prjt nd IIG f th thr t prpd rltn.

CAI CAO: Mbr, hv t th nd f r nd td. hn fr r ptn. It vr dfflt. A Mr. Ch h d nl hv 4 d. h Chr h trd fr vr r t dd r d t tht ln th n, n thr ppl, nd hll ntn t tr t t tht xtr d. Mn, hpfll ll b fl nr thn ltr. An, thn . hn t th pplnt nd ll th h hv prtptd n th tn n th Chbr nd n tlvn. Wth nthn frthr, th nd U Ctt tn f Sptbr 2, 20 tnd djrnd. . . . (gavel). . .

AOU: 2: p..

8 A USE COMMIEE MIUES Council of the County of Maui

Sptbr 2, 20


OE CAO, CAI nd U Ctt l:n:02:t rnrbd b: Crln Crdn A USE COMMIEE MIUES Council of the County of Maui

Sptbr 2, 20

I, Crln Crdn, hrb rtf tht th frn rprnt t th bt

f blt, tr nd rrt trnrpt f th prdn. I frthr rtf tht I nt n n

nrnd th th .

AE th 2 d f Otbr, 20, n M,

Crln Crdn