Annual Report 2016
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1 WELLOW Canada | Embley | The Frenches | Shootash | Wellow Wood Annual Parish Meeting, Wednesday 27th April 2016 7.00pm Wellow Village Hall Wellow Parish Council Annual Report 2016 Contents: 1. Introduction 2. Parish Council Activities: Play Area, Lower Common Road Recreation Ground Responsible Dog ownership on Wellow Common Wellow Common SSSI The New Pavilion Hatches Farm, Sports Ground Senior Resident’s Garden Other Projects Parish Council Finances 3. Representation on External Committees & Bodies 4. Parish Council Members and Officers: Parish Council Members and Responsibilities 2015/16 Parish Council Officers WPC Annual Parish Meeting 27.04.2016 2 Wellow Parish Council Annual Report 2016 1. Introduction This report highlights the main activities of the Parish Council 2015/2016. As you know, last year was a Wellow Parish Council election year. We have had to co-opt six new Members which was not an easy task and was eventually completed in November. As you know this is not a paid position, it is voluntary and all expenses are incurred by the Councillor themselves. The Members are as listed below. 2. Parish Council Activities Play Area, Lower Common Road Recreation Ground The play area is well used, although it continues to be vandalised on a regular basis costing the public purse to repair. The old roundabout was repainted by the Cricket Club Committee prior to the Summer Fayre held by St Margaret’s Church. I would like to thank them for their time and excellent job. Responsible Dog ownership on Wellow Common This issue continues and the Parish Council has been working hard to overcome the problem. Councillors have been putting up ‘clean up after your dog’ signs and we hope that walkers take note of the new yellow signs which state all dogs must be on a lead from March – June as there are ground nesting birds on the common. If you witness someone letting their dog foul without cleaning it up afterwards in a public place, or being irresponsible in allowing their dog to behave dangerously or out of control, you should report this to the Parish Council or the Environmental Health Team at Test Valley Borough Council. Include the name and address of the person in charge of the dog (if known), a description of the dog, plus details of the date, time and place of the offence. Wellow Common SSSI Wellow Parish Council own and are responsible for the management of Wellow Common which is part of the New Forest National Park and a SSSI (Site of Special Scientific Interest). A detailed Management Plan has been agreed with Natural England and the grant we receive from them is £17,808 per year to cover the costs of implementing it. The gorse removal as recommended by Natural England has been undertaken and in addition, the Monkey Jump access track will be renewed and the ditches and cattle grid cleaned out. We also hope to repair the potholes at Plantation Road Car Park. The New Pavilion, Lower Common Road Recreation Ground The planning permission expires at the end of July 2016. We are no further forward with its replacement this year due to lack of funds and a lack of Members in the Cricket Club. If you are interested in joining, please see members of the Committee here tonight. Hatches Farm, Sports Ground The Parish Council has installed an electrically linked hard wired smoke alarm in the changing rooms and a new tap in the pavilion public toilet. Test Valley Borough WPC Annual Parish Meeting 27.04.2016 3 Council continues to provide grass cutting. Wellow Youth Football Club continues to lease and manage the pavilion and football facility and are doing very well! May I remind parishioners that the sports fields at Hatches Farm are owned by the Parish Council and dogs are not permitted on them. Senior Resident’s Garden The Parish Council is in the process of obtaining funds for a Senior Resident’s Garden in the Lower Common Road Recreation Ground. The design has been agreed and we await confirmation of how much financial and practical assistance MacDonalds at Ower are able to give us. Other Projects Remembrance Sunday, 8th November 2015 The inclement weather did not deter the good turnout form the Village. for this event. Parishioners enjoyed refreshments provided by Members of Wellow Parish Council. Thank you to all who helped to make this occasion a special day. Wellow Area Poppy Appeal 2015 Phil Stenner is the current Poppy Appeal Organiser. The total collected to date is £4744.29 with a further £200.00 expected. (The final total for 2014 was £5127.64). Once again, a big thank you to all who supported the appeal, especially those people who made house to house collections and the local businesses that held a collecting box on their counter. Clean for the Queen Litter picking and sign cleaning was undertaken on Saturday 5th March by four parishioners and four councillors. The Council has spent approximately £600 recently clearing litter and fly tipping from the Recreation Ground in Lower Common Road. More volunteers are required on a regular basis to help keep the Parish free of litter and grime. Please contact the Clerk or Cllr John Sampson email: [email protected] for more information or to register your interest in future or regular events. Hedges and foliage on pavements, public footpaths and highways The Parish Council continues to ask that parishioners and landowners be aware of their responsibilities for maintaining their hedges, in particular those that are adjacent to the highway, pavement or a public footpath. They should be cut back to the property boundary, as some overgrowth has severely narrowed the footpaths. It is important for the safety of users that overhanging foliage is cut back. Once again we wish to thank those landowners and parishioners who have carried out their responsibilities in respect of their hedgerows and in doing so, have supported the Parish Council in maintaining the village. Riparian Land Owners Duties The Parish Council also ask that Landowners or residents who own land or property situated next to a main river or ordinary watercourse, legally termed riparian land- owners, to be aware of their responsibilities for maintaining watercourses. WPC Annual Parish Meeting 27.04.2016 4 If your land boundary runs next to a watercourse it is assumed you own the land up to the centre of the water-course, unless someone else owns the land over which the watercourse flows. If you own land with a watercourse running through or underneath it, it is assumed you own the section of the watercourse on your land. If a watercourse is the responsibility of a third party it should be noted in your deeds. You have the right to protect your property from flooding and your land from erosion, however if this work may affect the flow or storage of water, you need to seek consent from Hampshire County Council. Lengthsman HCC are continuing the Lengthsman Scheme of which the Parish Council is a member in partnership with Bramshaw, Netley Marsh and Copythorne Parish Councils. Most recently, the section of pavement at Whinwhistle Road alongside the field towards Carlo’s has been cut back and cleared by the Lengthsman (who did an excellent job), to reclaim the pavement. Bus Shelters The Parish Council has paid £241.50 for a replacement panel in the bus shelter at A36/Whinwhistle Road, which had been vandalised yet again. This time polycarbonate has been used instead of glass for safety and longevity. Communications i) Notice Boards The Parish Council has now replaced all but one of the old notice boards with new plexichoc glazed lockable notice boards. This has alleviated the ongoing issue of private advertisers constantly advertising their businesses and some covering up the statutory notices of the Parish Council. Please send any community notices to the Clerk, who will keep the boards up to date with the assistance of Members of the Council. Please provide notices in A5 landscape format. The position of a new notice board near the school is still awaiting approval. ii) Website & Newsletter We are always looking for news items for our website and newsletters to cover our Parishioners interests. Please let us know what you want on this site and in the newsletters. The newsletter is issued quarterly. If you would like to receive these by email, please email Clerk to the Council, on [email protected] . Grants WPC are able to make small Grants to local organisations. This year the Parish Council has awarded £1,610 in Grants: £500.00 to Wellow Help Group; £300.00 to St Margaret’s Church; £400.00 to New Forest Land Advisory Service £110.00 to Romsey Community Plays Schemes and £300.00 to Wellow Short Mat Bowls Club. Do not be afraid to approach your Council if you need help with something that will benefit the Parish. Neighbourhood Plan As per the presentation this evening, the working party are working hard on your behalf to establish if there is the need for a Neighbourhood Plan in Wellow and the Parish Council has applied to both Test Valley Borough Council and New Forest National Park Authority for the designation of the Neighbourhood Area, being the whole of the Parish. WPC Annual Parish Meeting 27.04.2016 5 Volunteers The Parish Council is always in need of volunteers to support the many varied tasks each year, including litter picking, footpath maintenance and general work around the village. Please let the Clerk know if you are interested. Parish Council Finances 2015/2016 The attached Balance Sheet for 2015/2016 shows that Wellow PC has total Assets, less Current Liabilities, of £200,391.