Kentucky Geological Survey entucky Geology UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY K Earth ResourcesOur Common Wealth Winter 2004 Volume 5, Number 1 Kentucky Geological Potential in the Rough Creek Graben Survey 228 Mining & Mineral New natural gas research planned Resources Bldg. he Kentucky Geological Survey is planning a new research consortium to study the deep natural University of Kentucky Tgas potential of the Rough Creek Graben in western Kentucky. The project will focus on the Lexington, KY Cambrian (Rome/Eau Claire) and possibly Precambrian rocks in the graben and surrounding areas in 40506-0107 Kentucky and southern Illinois. This research is dependent on funding from the U.S. Department of 859.257.5500 Energy and joint industry participation. The project would be structured similarly to the recently fax 859.257.1147 completed Rome Trough Consortium project in eastern Kentucky, Ohio, and West Virginia. Final products will include: James Cobb, State ♦ Structural and stratigraphic well- Geologist and log cross sections votion2wp2for2ough2greek2qren2tudy Director ♦ Digitized well logs tudy2ere John Kiefer, Assistant ough2greek2qren State Geologist ♦ Interpretation of available seismic @onnets2with2eelfoot2ift2to2southwestA Carol Ruthven, Editor, data Kentucky Geology ♦ Structure and isopach maps of potential reservoir intervals and Our mission is to basement increase knowledge and ♦ Core descriptions understanding of the mineral, energy, and ♦ Exploration models and final water resources, report geologic hazards, and Companies interested in partici- H PS wiles geology of Kentucky for pating in this project are encouraged to the benefit of the contact Dave Harris at 859.257.5500 Commonwealth and ext. 173 (e-mail
[email protected]) or Jim Drahovzal at 859.257.5500 ext.