Opuntia Dillenii) Extracts Under Different Technological Conditions
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Food Research International 71 (2015) 91–99 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Food Research International journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/foodres Potential use of new Colombian sources of betalains. Colorimetric study of red prickly pear (Opuntia dillenii) extracts under different technological conditions María Jesús Cejudo-Bastante a,NelsonHurtadob, Francisco J. Heredia a,⁎ a Food Color and Quality Lab., Dept. Nutrition and Food Science, Facultad de Farmacia, Universidad de Sevilla, 41012 Sevilla, Spain b Departamento de Química, Universidad de Nariño, A.A. 1175 Pasto, Colombia article info abstract Article history: A new source of betalains to be used as natural colorant (Opuntia dillenii) has been studied. The stability of Received 4 November 2014 O. dillenii extracts in different pHs and temperatures over time has been scrutinized. Our attention was focused Received in revised form 10 February 2015 on differential tristimulus colorimetry and betalain content related to the color, not previously conducted in con- Accepted 28 February 2015 junction in that raw material. On the basis of the results, cold storage conditions (4 °C) were optimal to maintain Available online 7 March 2015 as possible the initial red color (hab), lightness (L*) and betalain content of the O. dillenii extracts, regardless of pH. fi b Keywords: Highly-acidic extracts (pH 4) manifested a signi cantly (p 0.05) lower colorant intensity (C*ab) and betalain Opuntia dillenii concentration (around 25% and 35%, respectively), with a clearer tendency toward yellowish tonalities (values Δ N Differential tristimulus colorimetry of hab from 45° to 90°) over time. Furthermore, visually perceptible color changes ( E*ab 3) were induced Betalains among very acid (pH 4) and low-acidic (pH 5 and 6) extracts at each temperature. Stability © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction parameter in this kind of cactus, both in the entire fruit or separately in pulp, peel and seeds (Chang, Hsieh, & Yen, 2008; Liu et al., 2009; Yang Opuntia is a shrub from America and brought to Spain in the et al., 2013). These authors affirmed that O. dillenii had high values of nineteenth century, point at which it became widespread to other antioxidant activity, above all seeds and peel. From a healthy point Mediterranean zones, and even to Asiatic countries. It usually grows in of view, Chang et al. (2008) established a relationship between the anti- semi-desert climate, with an optimal low pluviometry for its growth oxidant activity of different parts of O. dillenii and the protective effect (150–200 mm median annual precipitation). This cactus is character- against low-density lipoprotein peroxidation. Also, in fact, this cactus ized by yellow flowers, red fruits and thick, flat and stiff stems. has been commonly used as medicine to avoid inflammation, gonorrhea The genus Opuntia belongs to the family of Cactaceae, with the spe- and ophthalmia, among others diseases (Touil et al., 2010). cies Opuntia-ficus indica being the most widespread, consumed and The market is continuously changing and consumers are becoming investigated. However, there are several other species of Opuntia, more conscious about how the food and its ingredients could positively among which stand out O. dillenii (Ker-Gawl) Haw. influence their health. In that way, the consumption of products with Prickly pears of O. dillenii have a very intense red color and acidic antioxidant and beneficial properties has recently increased. From an taste, with a great number of seeds (Medina, Rodríguez, & Romero, agro-alimentary point of view, the natural colorants are replacing the 2007), and an average length and width around 4.0 and 3.2 cm, respec- traditionally-consumed synthetic colorants for this purpose. As a conse- tively (Touil, Chemkhi, & Zagrouba, 2010). Some studies about O. dillenii quence, new raw materials that could satisfy this target market have from different countries (Tunisia, Spain and Canada) have been reported been found in flowers, fruits and vegetables. Among them, there are on the basis of a general characterization: analysis of acidity, nitrogen or several species with a wide range of colors, which are due to the pres- sugars (Touil et al., 2010), moisture, °Brix, total fiber, protein, fat, ash, ence of different chemical families such as anthocyanins, chlorophylls pH, acidity, ascorbic acid, total phenolics and several minerals (Medina and carotenoids. However, there is a group of colored compounds that et al., 2007), and polysaccharides (Yang, Chen, Zhou, & Zhang, 2013). In was still poorly investigated, the so-called betalains. addition, the analysis of antioxidant activity has been a widely studied Betalains are water-soluble compounds whose basic structure con- sists of a moiety of betalamic acid. Depending on the residue added, betalains are classified as: (i) red/purple betacyanins and (ii) yellow ⁎ Corresponding author. Tel.: +34 954556495; fax: +34 954556110. E-mail addresses: [email protected] (M.J. Cejudo-Bastante), [email protected] betaxanthins, when hydroxycinnamic acid derivatives or sugars, and (N. Hurtado), [email protected] (F.J. Heredia). amines or amino acids residues, respectively, are linked to betalamic http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.foodres.2015.02.011 0963-9969/© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 92 M.J. Cejudo-Bastante et al. / Food Research International 71 (2015) 91–99 acid (Herbach, Stintzing, & Carle, 2006). Betalains are presented in a degradation by light. Afterwards, a centrifugation at 12,000 ×g at restricted number of families of the plant order Caryophyllales and of 10 °C and 5 min was carried out, according to the method proposed the genus Amanita of the Basidiomycetes (Waterman, 2007) and they by (Cejudo-Bastante, Hurtado, Mosquera, & Heredia, 2014). Superna- have been studied in a large series of plants, vegetables and flowers tants were separated and, in order to achieve the complete dissolution (Azeredo, 2009; Kugler, Stintzing, & Carle, 2007; Nemzer et al., 2011; of the lyophilized extract, the procedure was developed once more Pavokovi & Krsnik-Rasol, 2011). Among fruits, cactus pears have been with the extraction solution and finally with 100% methanol. Later, the widely studied (Castellanos-Santiago & Yahia, 2008; Stintzing, Schieber extract obtained was concentrated in vacuum (30 °C) and resuspended & Carle, 2002a, 2002b), taking O. ficus-indica the lead over the other kind until 15 mL with purified water. All experiences were carried out in of Opuntia. However, to the best of our knowledge, very scarce studies triplicate. on betalains about other species of Opuntia, such as O. dillenii,have been reported. 2.4. Colorimetric measurements Furthermore, despite such broad agro-alimentary implications as natural colorant, none of the research studies about colorimetry of A Hewlett-Packard UV–vis HP8452 spectrophotometer (Palo O. dillenii has been found in bibliography either. In that way, the study Alto, CA) was employed to develop color measurements. The whole was performed on O. dillenii, which wildly grows in the arid zone of visible spectrum (380–770 nm) was recorded at constant intervals Nariño, Colombia, and our interest was focused on the color characteri- (Δλ = 2 nm) using 2 mm path length glass cells and distilled water as zation and betalain content. Moreover, not only a color characterization reference. The original software CromaLab© was used for determining of O. dillenii is needed, but even the knowledge of its colorimetric behav- the CIELAB parameters (Heredia, Álvarez, González-Miret, & Ramírez, ior when it acts as colorant of other foodstuffs. Therefore, in order to 2004), following the Commission Internationale de L'Eclairage's recom- establish the best commercial conditions of the natural colorant addi- mendations (CIE, 2004): the CIE 1964 10° Standard Observer and the tion to other agro-alimentary foods, stability assays in different pHs Standard Illuminant D65. Euclidean distance between two points in and temperatures over time have been also carried out, which have the three-dimensional space define by L*, a*,andb* were used for calcu- 2 2 2 1/2 not been previously attempted in that raw material. lating color differences (ΔE*ab): ΔE*ab =[(ΔL*) +(Δa*) +(Δb*) ] . 2. Materials and methods 2.5. Spectrophotometric quantification of betalains In order to reflect as possible with the technological conditions that The UV–vis spectra were recorded from 360–800 nm in order to O. dillenii may be involved when it is used as natural colorant, a monitor- develop a photometric quantification of betalains, according to the ing of stabilization in different circumstances has been carried out. A method proposed by (Svenson, Smallfield, Joyce, Sansom, & Perry, colorimetry study and betalain content of O. dillenii extracts at three 2008). Maximum absorbance of 484 and 535 nm was reported to quantify temperatures (4 °C, 20 °C and 80 °C) and pHs (4, 5 and 6) has been con- betaxanthins and betacyanins, respectively. Betalain content (B) was ducted over time (0 and 5 h, and 1, 2, 6, 8 and 12 days). The temperature developed by the following equation: of 80 °C has been applied only for one day in order to reproduce as possible real conditions. Those terms have been chosen in order to cover a wide range of foods (from vegetables to meat, for example) ½B ðÞμg=g ¼ ½1000ðÞ Abs ðÞD ðÞV ðÞMW =ðÞε ðÞL ðÞW and diverse ways of food processing (refrigeration, room temperature or cooking). where Abs is the value of maximum absorbance at 484 or 535 nm, D is 2.1. Chemical and solvents the dilution factor, V is the final volume (mL) of the extracts, MW and ε are the molecular weight and the molar extinction coefficient of Sodium ascorbate was purchased from Panreac (Barcelona, Spain) betanin(550g/moland60,000L/(molcm)inH2O) and indicaxanthin and methanol of analytical grade from J. T. Baker (Baker, Mallinckrodt, (308 g/mol and 48,000 L/(mol cm) in H2O), the major betacyanin and Mexico). Hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide (J.