Youth Market Lamb Project Guide
GBJ166 Youth Market Lamb Project Guide CChelseyhelsey SSaevreaevre JJustinustin Luther, Ph.D. GGraduateraduate SStudenttudent Extension SSheepheep SSpecialistpecia DeDepartmentpartment ooff AnAnimalimal Sciences NNorthorth Dakota State University JANUARY 2009 Introduction ou have made the choice to participate in This guide has been developed to help you get the youth market lamb project with nearly started and will serve as a resource throughout Y1,000 other youth from throughout North your project. Becoming familiar with this guide Dakota. Although the project is designed to be a before your project starts will help you remain fun learning experience, it will require a lot of time conscious and aware of the dynamics of the and effort from your entire family. Parents and youth market lamb program. In addition, this project mentors, in particular, must be committed guide may help you realize all of the work and to supporting your project. During the next few responsibility that is involved before making a months, you will have the opportunity to develop commitment to the project. a stronger work ethic, self-discipline, patience, commitment, professionalism and a sense of achievement. Even though your project may be completed by the end of the summer, the skills Contents and additional experiences gained will stay with you for a lifetime. Evolution of the Club Lamb Industry ................. 3 Throughout the spring and summer, a successful market lamb project has many components. You Facilities ................................... 4 will be introduced to most of the basic concepts Equipment ............................... 6 that are necessary in every successful livestock Selection .................................. 9 operation. These include goal setting, selection, recordkeeping, nutritional management, proper Health ...................................
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