An Easy to Use, Comprehensive Reference for Completing Successful Lean Projects Go-Getter’s Guide to DMAIC

What is the Go-Getter’s Guide to DMAIC?

✦ A print-ready overview of the DMAIC Phases and the steps within each Phase ✦ Challenges common in each Phase and tools & templates to help you overcome them ✦ Best Practices for each Phase to help ensure your projects go smoothly ✦ Tollgate Checklists for each Phase to help ensure you’re on the right track ✦ Required and Optional Deliverables for each Phase

Why should you use the Go-Getter’s Guide to DMAIC?

✦ Quickly review what it takes to complete each DMAIC Phase at a glance ✦ Easily understand which tools & templates to use and when to use them ✦ Streamline projects using tips that make improvement easier and faster

How do I use the Go-Getter’s Guide to DMAIC?

✦ Plan a high-level approach for each DMAIC Phase ✦ Create detailed action plans to address the challenges for each Phase ✦ Employ Best Practices to take advantage of proven approaches ✦ Create a timeline with milestones using Tollgate Checklists ✦ Download Tools & Templates needed for each task Go-Getter’s Guide to DMAIC

Challenges: Introduction Phase ✦ Finding good improvement opportunities ✦ Screening out low potential project ideas ✦ Making sure there is leadership support ✦ Enlisting a Champion/Sponsor for the potential project ✦ Finding potential team members ✦ Increasing organizational awareness of process improvement INTRODUCTION Best Practices: Introduction Phase ✦ Use the 8 Wastes Check Sheet to uncover improvement Steps in opportunities. Introduction Phase ✦ Choose a project that is focused on your day-to-day activities. ✦ Don’t proceed with a project until you have a Champion/Sponsor. ✦ Enlist team members familiar with the process. Overview of Lean Six Sigma Tollgate Checklist: Introduction Phase 1 ❑ Conduct an 8 Wastes Assessment (8 Wastes Check Sheet) ❑ Find at least one process improvement opportunity (Project Selection Guide) ❑ Enlist a Project Champion/Sponsor who will support you The 8 Wastes and the project 2 ❑ Familiarize yourself with the DMAIC Roadmap Deliverables: Introduction Phase Required Supporting

Lean Six 8 Wastes Check Sheet Project Selection Guide Sigma Roles Approved Process Improvement 3 Project Draft Project Champion/Sponsor Team Meeting Agenda

Project Storyboard

Project Green Belt Tollgate Checklist 4 Selection

DMAIC 5 Overview


Challenges: Define Phase

✦ Getting commitment from Champions/Sponsors and team members ✦ Getting agreement on what problem to solve ✦ Not starting with a solution ✦ Involving the right people early enough in the process ✦ Spending the time needed on the Define Phase elements Best Practices: Define Phase DEFINE ✦ Draft the Project Charter with the team to build ownership. Define the problem. ✦ Start the Goal Statement with “increase” or “decrease” and clearly identify the unit. Steps in Define Phase ✦ Translate the into requirements as opposed to solutions. ✦ Publicize the Process Map and invite participants to verify the steps. Create the Project Tollgate Checklist: Define Phase Charter 1 ❑ Complete the elements of the Project Charter (Project Selection Guide, RACI, Project Charter, A3) ❑ Collect the Voice of the Customer and make customer requirements measurable (VOC Translation Matrix, VOC Interpret the Tree Diagram) Voice of the Customer ❑ Conduct a Process (Gemba) Walk of the process being 2 addressed (Process Walk Interview Sheet) ❑ Create a high-level and a detailed map of the current state (SIPOC, Swimlane Process Map, Value Stream Map) ❑ Update Charter and inform Stakeholders (Project Charter, Understand A3, Stakeholder Analysis, Communication Plan, the Current Project Storyboard) 3 State Deliverables: Define Phase Required Supporting

Project Charter A3 Develop Project Communication VOC Translation Matrix Project Selection Guide 4 SIPOC VOC Tree Diagram Process (Gemba) Walk RACI Matrix

Detailed Process Map (Swimlane or Process Walk Planning Checklist Flow Map) Process Walk Interview Sheet

Stakeholder Analysis Value Stream Map

Communication Plan Spaghetti Map

Project Storyboard


Challenges: Measure Phase ✦ Getting support and coordination from others in order to capture data ✦ Planning data collection to minimize work and disruption ✦ Capturing data that addresses your information needs ✦ Becoming overwhelmed with data when only some will be helpful ✦ Translating what you want to know into something observable and unambiguous ✦ Determining measures that can be continuously captured MEASURE in order to manage the future process Quantify the problem. Best Practices: Measure Phase Steps in Measure Phase ✦ Choose just the measures you need—don’t collect the kitchen sink. ✦ Make sure everyone knows what and how to measure— never assume. Select ✦ Stratify early—unit by time of day, unit by processor, unit Measures by area etc. 1 ✦ Let Stakeholders know what and why you’re measuring— communicate often. Tollgate Checklist: Measure Phase Plan for Data ❑ Select baseline measurements (Project Charter, Data Collection Collection Plan, Efficiency & Effectiveness Matrix) 2 ❑ Develop a Data Collection Plan with Operational Definitions and create Check Sheets as needed (Data Collection Plan, Operational Definitions, Check Sheet, COPQ Calculator) ❑ Collect the baseline data (Process Walk Interview Sheet, Collect Spaghetti Map, RACI) Baseline Data ❑ Update Charter and inform Stakeholders (Project Charter, 3 A3, Communication Plan) Deliverables: Measure Phase Required Supporting

Operational Definitions Check Sheets

Data Collection Plan Efficiency & Effectiveness Matrix

Process Baseline of Project Y (Run Spaghetti Map Chart)

Cost of Poor Quality Calculator

Process Walk Interview Sheet

Updated Charter, A3, Stakeholder Analysis and Communication Plan


Challenges: Analyze Phase ✦ Spending the time needed to explore root causes ✦ Getting caught up in analysis paralysis ✦ Jumping to solution without confirming root cause hypothesis ✦ Collecting the right data to confirm or validate hypothesis Best Practices: Analyze Phase ✦ Fill out the Fishbone Diagram with a group—it’s another ANALYZE opportunity for engagement. Identify the cause of the problem. ✦ Use all opportunities to get to root cause—data display, observations, interviews, process maps, Spaghetti Maps, etc. Steps in Analyze Phase ✦ Document the verification of root cause even if it’s just an observation. ✦ Update Stakeholders on all findings—communicate often Conduct Tollgate Checklist: Analyze Phase Process Analysis ❑ Identify potential root causes using Process Analysis, Data 1 Analysis, Fishbone Diagrams, 5 Whys, etc. (Run Charts, Fishbone Diagram, 5 Whys, Value Stream Map, Swimlane Map, Spaghetti Map, Value-Added Flow Analysis) ❑ Develop root cause hypotheses (Fishbone Diagram, Conduct Root Cause Hypothesis Worksheet) Data ❑ Collect data, assess facts and observe the process to prove 2 Analysis or disprove root cause hypotheses (Data Collection Plan, Root Cause Hypothesis Confirmation) ❑ Update your Charter and inform Stakeholders (Project Charter, A3, Stakeholder Analysis, Communication Plan) Brainstorm 3 Root Causes Deliverables: Analyze Phase Required Supporting

Fishbone Diagram Value Stream Map

5 Whys Detailed Map (Swimlane or Flow Map) Develop Root Cause Root Cause Hypothesis Confirmation Value-Added Flow Analysis of cycle 4 Hypothesis time projects Data Collection Plan

Check Sheets

Run Charts (and all other charts/ Validate graphs) Root Cause Hypothesis Updated Charter, A3, Stakeholder 5 Analysis and Communication Plan


Challenges: Improve Phase ✦ Making sure to involve the right people ✦ Increasing workload if there are multiple root causes ✦ Avoiding “pet” solutions that many not address any root cause ✦ Dealing with increased resistance when people realize their area will undergo change Best Practices: Improve Phase IMPROVE ✦ Invite Stakeholders to brainstorm solutions—another opportunity for engagement. Implement and verify the solution. ✦ Steal shamelessly—review common solutions or find who Steps in Improve Phase else has solved the issue. ✦ Conduct a if you have not already—physical, digital or both for easy wins. ✦ Make it easy for people to follow the new process—use visuals and Poka-yokes. Craft 1 Solutions Tollgate Checklist: Improve Phase ❑ Use team brainstorming to generate solutions that address the root causes (Weighted Criteria Matrix) ❑ Select and Develop Solutions (5S, Standard Work, Cross- Training Matrix, Impact Effort Matrix, Solution Selection Filter Matrix) Solutions ❑ Pilot solutions if needed and plan for implementation 2 (FMEA, Pilot Checklist, Stakeholder Analysis, Communication Plan) ❑ Implement solutions to address root causes (Implementation Plan, Cross-Training Matrix) Determine ❑ Verify that solutions improved the Project “Y” (Run Chart, Solution Project Charter, A3) Approaches 3 Deliverables: Improve Phase Required Supporting

Solution Selection Matrix Improved To-Be Map

Conduct Risk Implementation Plan Standard Work Management Run Chart or graph verifying 5S Assessment 4 improvement of Project Y Weighted Criteria Matrix comparing solutions

Cross-Training Matrix

Visual Management Checklist, FMEA showing risk mitigation, Pilot Checklist

Updated Charter, A3, Stakeholder Analysis and Communication Plan


Challenges: Control Phase ✦ Making sure improvements are permanent before team members move on to “fixing” another process ✦ Standardizing the documentation ✦ Continuing the monitoring necessary to ensure adherence to the new process ✦ Maintaining the discipline required to complete the Control Phase CONTROL Best Practices: Control Phase ✦ Make monitoring visible and accessible to those who do Maintain the solution. the work. ✦ Include process participants in monitoring—hand-drawn Steps in Control Phase charts & tables are fine. ✦ Don’t leave key pieces out of the Storyboard—check that it tells the “story.” ✦ Include the Process Owner in the Control Plan well in advance Create of handoff. Monitoring 1 Plans Tollgate Checklist: Control Phase ❑ Create a system and/or process to monitor the results (Monitoring Plan Map, Monitoring & Response Plan) Complete Documentation of the processes and procedures Develop ❑ (New Procedure Audit, Project Storyboard, A3) Response Plans ❑ Create Response Plans in case there is a drop in 2 performance (Monitoring & Response Plan) ❑ Hand over formal ownership to the Process Owner (A3, Control Plan, Monitoring & Response Plan, New Procedure Audit, Innovation Transfer Opportunities, Project Storyboard) Document the Project ❑ Determine the next process improvement focus (Project 3 Closure) Deliverables: Control Phase Required Supporting Pursue Perfection Monitoring & Response Plan A3 4 Control Chart of Project Y Monitoring Plan Map Executive Summary New Procedure Audit

Project Storyboard Innovation Transfer Opportunities

Project Closure

8 Wastes Check Sheet