District Profile District - - Division - Jhansi (Bundelkhnad) 1. PHYSICAL & ADMINISTRATIVE FEATURES 2. SOIL & CLIMATE Total Geographical Area (Sq.km) 5024 Agro-climatic Zone Central Plateu Region / No. of Sub Divisions 5 No. of Blocks 8 Climate Sub Tropical No. of Villages (Inhabited) 743 Soil Type Red and Black Cotton Soils No. of Panchayats 437 3. LAND UTILISATION [Ha] 4. RAINFALL & GROUND WATER Total Area Reported 501327 Normal 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 Actual Forest Land 34398 Rainfall [in mm] 879 539 580 909 Area Not Available for Cultivation 47349 Variation from Normal -340 -299 30 Permanent Pasture and Grazing Land 695 Availability of Ground Net annual recharge Net annual draft Balance Land under Miscellaneous Tree Crops 1241 Water [Ham] 56603 41046 15557 Cultivable Wasteland 43786 5. DISTRIBUTION OF LAND HOLDING Current Fallow 61332 Holding Area Classification of Holding Other Fallow 9653 Nos. % to Total Ha. % to Total Net Sown Area 305847 <= 1 Ha 134422 54 69622 19 Total or Gross Cropped Area 552542 >1 to <=2 Ha 61084 25 88974 24 Area Cultivated More than Once 91043 >2 Ha 53683 22 209264 57 Cropping Inensity [GCA/NSA] 181 Total 249189 100 367860 100 6. WORKERS PROFILE [in '000] 7. DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE [in '000] Cultivators 208 Category Total Male Female Rural* Urban* Of the above, Small/Marginal Farmers 179 Population 2000.76 1061.31 939.45 989.16 755.77 Agricultural Labourers 50 Scheduled Caste* 489.76 261.40 228.36 316.00 174.00 Workers engaged in Household Industries 25 Scheduled Tribe* 22.42 11.65 10.77 22.42 - Workers engaged in Allied Agro-activities 18 Literate* 958.75 617.49 341.26 - - Other workers 167 BPL* 424.57 226.97 197.60 424.57 - 8. HOUSEHOLDS [in '000] 9. HOUSEHOLD AMENITIES [Nos. in '000 Households] Total Households 290 Having brick/stone/concrete houses 174.95 Having electricity supply NA Rural Households 164 Having source of drinking water 143.89 Having independent toilets 72.72 BPL Households 72 Having access to banking services 57.65 Having radio/tv sets NA

10. VILLAGE-LEVEL INFRASTRUCTURE [Nos] 11. INFRASTRUCTURE RELATING TO HEALTH & SANITATION [Nos] Villages Electrified 743 Anganwadis 1284 Dispensaries 18 Villages having Agriculture Power Supply 743 Primary Health Centres 44 Hospitals 93 Villages having Post Offices 175 Primary Health Sub-Centres 336 Hospital Beds 2047 Villages having Banking Facilities 743 12. INFRASTRUCTURE & SUPPORT SERVICES FOR AGRICULTURE Villages having Primary Schools 605 Fertiliser/Seed/Pesticide Outlets [Nos] 62 Agriculture Pumpsets[Nos] 44206 Villages having Primary Health Centres 44 Total N/P/K Consumption [MT] 54525 Pumpsets Energised [Nos] 12468 Villages having Potable Water Supply 743 Certified Seeds Supplied [MT] 182 Agro Service Centres [Nos] 68 Villages connected with Paved Approach Roads 517 Pesticides Consumed [MT] 14 Soil Testing Centres [Nos] 4 13. IRRIGATION COVERAGE [Ha] Agriculture Tractors [Nos] 12306 Plantation nurseries [Nos] 11 Total Area Available for Irrigation (NIA + Fallow) 286302 Power Tillers [Nos] NA Farmers' Clubs [Nos] 272 Irrigation Potential Created(%) 59 Threshers/Cutters [Nos] 3592 Krishi Vigyan Kendras[Nos] 1 Net Irrigated Area(Total area irrigated at least once) 215317 14. INFRASTRUCTURE FOR STORAGE, TRANSPORT & MARKETING Area irrigated by Canals / Channels 94997 Rural/Urban Mandi/Haat [Nos] 8 Wholesale Market [Nos] 8 Area irrigated by Wells 104983 Length of Pucca Road [Km] 2015 Godown [Nos] 112 Area irrigated by Tanks 14179 Length of Railway Line [Km] 171 Godown Capacity[MT] 58624 Area irrigated by Other Sources 1158 Public Transport Vehicle [Nos] NA Cold Storage [Nos] 2 Irrigation Potential Utilized (Gross Irrigated Area) 218398 Goods Transport Vehicle [Nos] NA Cold Store Capacity[MT] 5880 15. AGRO-PROCESSING UNITS 16. AREA, PRODUCTION & YIELD OF MAJOR CROPS No of Type of Processing Activity Cap.[MT] 2009-10 2010-11 Avg. Yield units Crop [Kg/Ha] Food (Rice/Flour/Dal/Oil/Tea/Coffee) NA NA Area (Ha) Prod. (MT) Area (Ha) Prod. (MT) Sugarcane (Gur/Khandsari/Sugar) - - Urd 64819 3818 47241 2783 589 Fruit (Pulp/Juice/Fruit drink) 10 NA Groundnut 20993 2229 21481 2281 1062 Spices (Masala Powders/Pastes) - - Til 86984 3053 97306 3415 351 Dry-fruit (Cashew/Almond/Raisins) - - Lentil 50693 5475 57969 6261 1080 Cotton (Ginnining/Spinning/Weaving) - - Wheat 128909 36533 142456 40372 2834 Milk (Chilling/Cooling/Processing) 1 20 Gram 42362 5489 57102 7440 1303 Meat (Chicken/Motton/Pork/Dryfish) - - Peas 42125 5982 37066 5263 1420 Animal feed (Cattle/Poultry/Fishmeal) 2 NA Production of Cotton(lint), Jute, Mesta & Sanhemp are in Bales(177.8 kg per bale in India) 17. ANIMAL POPULATION AS PER CENSUS 2007 [in '000] 18. INFRASTRUCTURE FOR DEVELOPMENT OF ALLIED ACTIVITIES Category of animal Total Male Female Veterinary Hospitals/Dispensaries [Nos] 22 Animal Markets [Nos] 4 Cattle - Cross bred 0.60 NA NA Disease Diagnostic Centres [Nos] 3 Milk Collection Centres [Nos] 78 Cattle - Indigenous 275.58 NA NA Artificial Insemination Centers [Nos] 45 Fishermen Societies [Nos] 18 Buffaloes 233.84 NA NA Animal Breeding Farms [Nos] 1 Fish seed farms [Nos] 3 Sheep - Cross bred 0.22 NA NA Animal Husbandry Tng Centres [Nos] 15 Fish Markets [Nos] 2 Sheep - Indigenous 59.83 NA NA Dairy Cooperative Societies [Nos] 306 Poultry hatcheries [Nos] 1 Goat 269.17 NA NA Improved Fodder Farms [Nos] 1 Slaughter houses [Nos] 1 Pig - Cross bred NA NA NA 19. MILK, FISH, EGG PRODUCTION & THEIR PER CAPITA AVAILABILITY Pig - Indigenous 4.65 NA NA Fish Production [MT] 298 Per cap avail. [gm/day] 0.46 Horse/Donkey/Camel 0.23 NA NA Egg Production [Lakh Nos] 135 Per cap avail. [nos/p.a.] 8.00 Poultry - Cross bred 24.59 6.86 17.73 Milk Production ['000 LTR] 136800 Per cap avail. [gm/day] 215.00 Poultry - Indigenous 18.77 12.69 6.08 Meat Production [MT] NA Per cap avail. [gm/day] NA

Item Nos. 1, 6, 7, 9 & 10 - Census 2011(other than Rural,Literacy, SC/ST population which is based on census 2001); Item Nos. 2, 3, 5, 12, 13 & 14 - Dept. of Agr/Dir. of Eco. & Stat.; Item No. 4 - Dept. of Agr./Water Resources; Item No. 8 - BPL Survey 2002; Item No. 15 - District Ind Centre/Dir. of Eco. & Stat.; Item No. 16 - DACNET; Item No. 17 - AH Census 2003; Item Nos. 18 & 19 - Dir. of Animal Hus./Dir. of Eco. & Stat.