AN ACT Relating to Road Projects and Declaring an Emergency. 1 Be It

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AN ACT Relating to Road Projects and Declaring an Emergency. 1 Be It 20 RS HB 354/SCS 1 1 AN ACT relating to road projects and declaring an emergency. 2 Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky: 3 Section 1. The projects authorized by the General Assembly in this Act 4 constitute the official 2020-2022 Biennial Highway Construction Plan. 5 Section 2. The General Assembly acknowledges that the project authorizations 6 contained within this Act are based on the Transportation Cabinet's estimates. The 7 Transportation Cabinet shall have the authority to expend funds necessary to complete the 8 projects as authorized in this Act, amended only by variations dictated by bid or 9 unforeseen circumstances. 10 Section 3. The Secretary of the Transportation Cabinet shall produce a single 11 document that contains two separately identified sections, as follows: Section 1 shall 12 detail the enacted fiscal biennium 2020-2022 Biennial Highway Construction Program 13 and Section 2 shall detail the 2020-2022 Highway Preconstruction Program Plan for 14 fiscal year 2022-2023 through fiscal year 2025-2026 as identified by the 2020 General 15 Assembly. This document shall mirror in data type and format the fiscal year 2020-2026 16 Recommended Six-Year Road Plan as submitted to the 2022 General Assembly. The 17 document shall be published and distributed to members of the General Assembly and the 18 public within 60 days of adjournment of the 2020 Regular Session of the General 19 Assembly. 20 Section 4. The Secretary of the Transportation Cabinet shall report by 21 September 30 of each fiscal year to the Interim Joint Committee on Transportation any 22 project included in the enacted Biennial Highway Construction Plan which has been 23 delayed beyond the fiscal year for which the project was authorized. The report shall 24 include: 25 (a) The county name; 26 (b) The Transportation Cabinet project identification number; 27 (c) The route where the project is located; Page 1 of 2 HB035440.100 - 1072 - 80377 - 7919 Senate Committee Substitute 20 RS HB 354/SCS 1 1 (d) The length of the project; 2 (e) A description of the project and the scope of improvement; 3 (f) The type of local, state, or federal funds to be used on the project; 4 (g) The stage of development for the design, right-of-way, utility, and 5 construction phases; 6 (h) The fiscal year in which each phase of the project was scheduled to 7 commence; 8 (i) The estimated cost for each phase of the project; 9 (j) A detailed description of the circumstances leading to the delay; and 10 (k) The same information required in paragraphs (a) to (i) of this subsection for 11 the project or projects advanced with funds initially scheduled for the delayed project. 12 Section 5. This Act in conjunction with 2020 Regular Session HJR 66 shall 13 constitute the Six-Year Road Plan. 14 Section 6. Whereas the funding for these projects is provided by 2020 Regular 15 Session HB 353, which takes effect upon its passage and approval by the Governor or 16 upon otherwise becoming law, an emergency is declared to exist, and this Act takes effect 17 upon its passage and approval by the Governor or upon otherwise becoming law. 18 Section 7. The 2020-2022 Biennial Highway Construction Plan is as follows: Page 2 of 2 HB035440.100 - 1072 - 80377 - 7919 Senate Committee Substitute 2020-2022 BIENNIAL HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION PLAN County Item No. Route Type of Work Description Phase Fund FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 Adair 80003 KY-55 SAFETY(P) KY 55 NEW TURNING LANE AT BETTY'S OK PL COUNTRY COOKING(18CCN) DN SPP 250,000 RW SPP 110,000 UT SPP 56,000 CN SPP 394,000 Project Cost: 0 416,000 394,000 Total for Adair county PL DN 250,000 RW 110,000 UT 56,000 CN 394,000 Total Amounts: 0 416,000 394,000 Allen 8901 CO-0 SAFETY(P) IMPROVE ACCESS ROAD ON EACH END OF PL INDUSTRIAL ACCESS ROAD IN SCOTTSVILLE. DN (16CCN)(18CCN) RW UT CN SPP 320,000 Project Cost: 0 0 320,000 ALLEN 8902 KY-98 GRADE & DRAIN(O) RECONSTRUCT 1.0 MILE EAST OF BRIDGE OVER PL BARREN RIVER LAKE TO CORRECT VERTICAL DN SPP 400,000 AND HORIZONTAL DEFICIENCIES. RW SPP 400,000 UT SPP 300,000 CN Project Cost: 0 400,000 700,000 Total for ALLEN county PL DN 400,000 RW 400,000 UT 300,000 CN 320,000 Total Amounts: 0 400,000 1,020,000 Page 3 of 185 2020-2022 BIENNIAL HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION PLAN County Item No. Route Type of Work Description Phase Fund FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 Anderson 20001 BG-9002 AM-PAVEMENT (PKY)(P) ADDRESS PAVEMENT CONDITION OF MARTHA PL LAYNE COLLINS BLUEGRASS PARKWAY DN PM 250,000 CARDINAL DIRECTION(S) FROM MILEPOINT 58.3 RW TO MILEPOINT 61.84 UT CN PM 2,500,000 Project Cost: 0 0 2,750,000 Anderson 80001 US-62 SPOT IMPROVEMENTS(O) IMPROVE US-62 (VERSAILLES RD.) FROM PL HILLTOP DR. TO WEST END OF BRIDGE OVER DN FED 1,250,000 KENTUCKY RIVER AT TYRONE(18CCN) RW UT CN Project Cost: 0 1,250,000 0 ANDERSON 80103 KY-44 BRIDGE REPLACEMENT(P) REPLACE BRIDGE ON KY 44 OVER CROOKED PL CREEK ON THE ANDERSON/SPENCER CO LINE DN SPP 175,000 RW SPP 5,000 UT SPP 5,000 CN SPP 1,705,000 Project Cost: 0 185,000 1,705,000 Total for ANDERSON county PL DN 1,425,000 250,000 RW 5,000 UT 5,000 CN 4,205,000 Total Amounts: 0 1,435,000 4,455,000 Ballard 115 US-60 MAJOR WIDENING(O) PADUCAH-WICKLIFFE RD: IMPROVE US-60 FROM PL STAFFORD ROAD TO BETHEL CHURCH ROAD DN (INCLUDES KEVIL BYPASS)(TO BE LET WITH RW FED 2,000,000 1-115.10) (06CCR)(12CCR)(14CCR)(18CCR). UT FED 1,200,000 CN SPP 10,700,000 Project Cost: 0 3,200,000 10,700,000 Page 4 of 185 2020-2022 BIENNIAL HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION PLAN County Item No. Route Type of Work Description Phase Fund FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 Ballard 115.0001 US-60 MAJOR WIDENING(O) PADUCAH-WICKLIFFE RD: IMPROVE US-60 FROM PL STAFFORD ROAD TO BETHEL CHURCH ROAD DN (INCLUDES KEVIL BYPASS)(TO BE LET WITH RW FED 3,800,000 1-115.10) (06CCR)(12CCR)(14CCR)(18CCR). UT FED 3,600,000 CN Project Cost: 0 0 7,400,000 Ballard 115.0002 US-60 MAJOR WIDENING(O) PADUCAH-WICKLIFFE RD: IMPROVE US-60 FROM PL STAFFORD ROAD TO BETHEL CHURCH ROAD DN (INCLUDES KEVIL BYPASS)(TO BE LET WITH RW 1-115.10) (06CCR)(12CCR)(14CCR)(18CCR). UT FED 2,400,000 CN Project Cost: 0 0 2,400,000 Ballard 1140 US-51 BRIDGE REPLACEMENT(P) US-51 OHIO RIVER BRIDGE REPLACEMENT PL STUDY. DN BR 2,500,000 RW UT CN Project Cost: 2,500,000 0 0 Ballard 1140.0001 US-51 BRIDGE REPLACEMENT(P) US-51 OHIO RIVER BRIDGE REPLACEMENT PL STUDY. DN BR 10,000,000 RW UT CN Project Cost: 0 10,000,000 0 Ballard 1140.0002 US-51 BRIDGE REPLACEMENT(P) US-51 OHIO RIVER BRIDGE REPLACEMENT PL STUDY. DN BR 3,250,000 RW BR 1,000,000 UT BR 100,000 CN Project Cost: 0 0 4,350,000 Page 5 of 185 2020-2022 BIENNIAL HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION PLAN County Item No. Route Type of Work Description Phase Fund FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 Ballard 20000 US-51 AM-PAVEMENT (PRI)(P) ADDRESS PAVEMENT CONDITION OF AC PL PAVEMENT DN PM 275,000 RW UT CN PM 2,750,000 Project Cost: 0 3,025,000 0 Total for Ballard county PL DN 2,500,000 10,275,000 3,250,000 RW 2,000,000 4,800,000 UT 1,200,000 6,100,000 CN 2,750,000 10,700,000 Total Amounts: 2,500,000 16,225,000 24,850,000 Barren 108.4 CO-0 SPOT IMPROVEMENTS(O) RELOCATE KY 90 TO BYPASS THE COMMUNITY PL OF EIGHTY-EIGHT. DN RW UT CN FED 3,300,000 Project Cost: 0 3,300,000 0 Barren 108.5 KY-90 RECONSTRUCTION(O) PRIORITY SECTION 3: IMPROVE KY-90 EAST OF PL GLASGOW FROM BRIDGE OVER FALLEN TIMBER DN CREEK TO THE METCALFE COUNTY LINE. RW (2002BOPC)(08CCR)(10CCR)(12CCR) UT CN FED 6,000,000 Project Cost: 0 0 6,000,000 BARREN 8819 KY-90 MAJOR WIDENING(O) MAJOR WIDENING FROM SANDERS STREET IN PL CAVE CITY TO US 68 (GLASGOW OUTER LOOP) DN IN GLASGOW. (14CCN) RW SPP 390,000 UT SPP 1,200,000 CN Project Cost: 0 390,000 1,200,000 Page 6 of 185 2020-2022 BIENNIAL HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION PLAN County Item No. Route Type of Work Description Phase Fund FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 Barren 8821 KY-1297 MAJOR WIDENING(O) IMPROVE KY-1297 FROM CR-1366 (DONNELLY PL DRIVE) TO US-31E (ROGER WELLS), AND DN IMPROVE CR-1366 (DONNELLY DRIVE) FROM RW FED 2,250,000 KY-1297 TO US-68 IN GLASGOW. (14CCN) UT FED 2,000,000 (16CCN) CN Project Cost: 0 0 4,250,000 Barren 20004 LN-9008 AM-PAVEMENT (PKY)(P) ADDRESS PAVEMENT CONDITION OF LOUIE B. PL NUNN CUMBERLAND PARKWAY BOTH DN PM 180,000 DIRECTION(S) FROM MILEPOINT 20.1 TO RW MILEPOINT 22.357 UT CN PM 1,800,000 Project Cost: 0 1,980,000 0 Barren 20020 US-68 AM-PAVEMENT (PRI)(P) ADDRESS PAVEMENT CONDITION ON US-68 PL FROM MILEPOINT 0.00 TO MILEPOINT 9.70 DN RW UT CN PM 1,250,000 Project Cost: 0 1,250,000 0 Total for Barren county PL DN 180,000 RW 390,000 2,250,000 UT 3,200,000 CN 6,350,000 6,000,000 Total Amounts: 0 6,920,000 11,450,000 BATH 80101 KY-36 SAFETY(P) IMPROVE SAFETY ON KY 36 FROM THE PL SPP 208,000 INTERSECTION WITH I 64 TO THE INTERSECTION DN OF KY 965 INCLUDING THE CURVES KNOWN AS RW CLEAR CREEK FURNACE AND THOMAS HILL UT CN Project Cost: 0 208,000 0 Page 7 of 185 2020-2022 BIENNIAL HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION PLAN County Item No.
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